More Than Just A Word free porn video

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Beth smirked at her friend across the room and quickly sipped from her mid afternoon glass of Chablis in an attempt to stop herself from giggling. Jenna, her friend since school, wasn't fairing quite so well in stifling her own fit of girlish giggles. As her shoulders began to silently shake, Beth knew it was only a matter of time before her friend would let out her customary bizarre high pitched whine, which always preceded the inevitable complete break down into hysterics for both women.

Beth had been here many times before. Like the time, many years ago at a party, where Beth awoke to the feeling of the bed moving in a tell tail rhythmical fashion. As she opened her eyes, she was greeted to the site of Jenna with her legs in the air as she lay next to her, being clumsily fingered by Dave from office supplies. It only took her a couple mocking porno style moans in the darkness to set Jenna off, completely destroying the final faint wisp of erotic atmosphere that was left, simultaneously sending Dave packing to the sound of howls of laughter.

Unfortunately, the feel good factor of raucous laughing didn't really seem to rub off on Andrew either, who looked up from his manly sawing of a piece of 2 by 4 sensing that he might be the focus of the current bout of laughter.

Andrew’s only crime was having been hired as handyman by Beth to build a new bespoke dining table … and being in his early twenties, roguishly good looking, dressed in a tight white t-shirt which clearly emphasized his immaculately toned torso … oh, and being unlucky enough to have both these thirty something ladies in rather buoyant mood after their second glass of white.

The obvious clichés and parallels to a ‘classic’ porn film scenario were not lost on the girls. They watch their man closely as their paper thin pretense of needing to watch the TV in the same room as Andrew, grew thinner and thinner. Every innocent moment of his muscular arms, his manly stance while sawing, his bending over in tight pants, all took on a whole new meaning as the giggling became less controllable.

Andrew became more and more uncomfortable, as he slowly realised quite how much he was under scrutiny. His increasingly self-conscious movements making the situation even more like the staged opening from a dodgy porn film.

Jenna texted Beth again from across the room as they outwardly feigned conversation about something banal

–Maybe you should get him to fix the cable, or take a look at your ‘plumbing’ next?! ;) x

As wine spurted out of Beth’s mouth at remarkable speed, covering the coffee table in front of her and triggering the biggest fit of teenager like hilarity yet, Andrew felt his temper finally find its limit.

Usually a fairly calm and friendly guy, even he was shocked at himself as he turned to face his tormentors and blurted “you know what, you two are a pair of CUNTS, do you know that?!”.

Silence reined for a few horrible seconds, Beth and Jenna’s mouths fell wide open as they stared away from Andrew. Their inability to look at irate workman or themselves, betrayed the fact that they had indeed been rumbled. There was simply no pretending that they had been laughing at something else, but through the fog of afternoon drinking, they had clearly not realized just how obvious it was.

Andrew turned and walked out of the room and out of the house.

“Erm, did he actually … call us …” said Jenna incredulously.

Both girls were clearly jolted by the confrontation and the use of that word. Beth looked at her friend, a conflicting mixture of shock, guilt and disgust paralyzing her response for a moment.

“Where did that come from?” she eventually managed, “he seemed so … so … nice …”.

After five or ten minutes of baffled discussion, they slowly began to regain their composure.

“Well he must be coming back, he’s left all his bloody tools all over the floor!” exclaimed Beth.

Jenna, never one to deal with confrontation in any form, took this realization to help her decide that maybe it would be ‘best’ if she was somewhere else right now.

“You know, it’ll be less awkward if its just one of us” Jenna half sniggered.

Beth was quite used to this reaction from her friend, and didn’t bother to argue her case, with just the thought of ‘yeah, best for you, you mean’, running through her mind as she showed her to the door and her escape route.

Beth sat quietly on the sofa, quickly downing her third large glass of wine as she talked herself through how to handle the situation. As she pored herself an unprecedented fourth glass of the afternoon in the kitchen, she heard the offending workman returning to the scene of the crime in the living room.

Nervously she walked back through and stood at the door, watching him clearing his tools as if to leave.

“Erm …” Beth stammered, a mixture of wine and trepidation clouding her mind and blunting her normally excellent communication skills. “I’m sorry if we offended you, but um, you know, it wasn’t because we were trying to wind you up”.

The workman didn’t pause for a moment “It’s fine, don’t worry about it”, he said broodingly.

After a moment Beth then ventured “You know, you didn’t have to say … you know … that word … its very …”

“What? Cunt you mean?” Andrew replied curtly. The explicit use of the word being used again jolts her almost harder than the first time. “Erm yes …” says Beth, not expecting another rendition.

“It’s not like we were … actually being nasty or anything … so could you please stop, you know … saying … ”.

He immediately halts what he’s doing, cutting her off before she finishes without actually speaking himself. He pauses for a moment and turns to face her. Beth takes a little step back, the tension in the air is palpable as this previously quite young gentleman now suddenly seems a little dangerous.

“Ok” he finally utters, “so if you weren’t being cunts, what were you doing”?

Once against the word makes Beth physically and mentally flinch, a reaction which clearly gives her tormentor some sense of satisfaction and revenge.

“Erm well … you know …” she starts, realizes how incredibly awkward explaining this is going to be. “It was mostly my friend” she blurts out almost in desperation, “she just thought you were … you know … quite …erm … hot”.

Beth flushes a deep crimson colour, almost in disbelief at herself and her clear and obvious embarrassment.

“I see, and that’s why you were laughing like a pair of giddy little 16 year old girls then?” he asks sarcastically.

“Well … not exactly” Say Beth quietly, realizing she’s cornered she steals herself for moment and then reluctantly admits “Jenna thought it was like a scene from an old dirty movie …you know, the sexy workman in a woman’s house … with two frustrated … erm …” Beth tails off before she nervously gives away any more information than she means to.

With her head down looking at her toes, she misses the little smirk that eventually cracks across Andrew’s face.

“So … instead of being cunts … you were thinking with your cunts?” He mocks, beginning to enjoy himself.

“Erm no … it was just … a laugh, you know” says Beth even more meekly.

“At my expense” He adds quickly.

The workman leaves the silence hanging, toying with her as she visibly squirms, her back now pressed up against the hallway wall as he gradually edges closer, through the door of the living room and encroaching on her personal space. Once again Beth tries to steal herself, takes a deep breath and lift her head to look at him, trying to regain some control over the situation.

The moment almost vibrates with tension through Beth’s now trembling body, as she holds his penetrating gaze. A mixture of fear, defiance floods through her. Her mind awash with emotion and alcohol, when suddenly as the fear is flecked with a hint of excitement as she notices his smile.

“Look …” She starts with new defiance.

“Do you think I’m ‘hot’ too?” Andrew interrupt’s, teasing and setting her off balance once again and regaining control “Or was it just your mate?”.

Again he leaves the silence hanging. Beth can only continue to stare unblinking into his eyes, blushing profusely betraying her arousal an uncontrollable rising excitement deep in the pit of her stomach.

“Maybe this is how you saw this porn story playing out? Hmm? And maybe you secretly like me using the word cunt too” he whispers as he steps close to her ear.

Beth closes her eyes and almost audibly gasps. The confidence and sheer physical perfection of this man is over whelming, as is the surprise of what that word is doing to her. Sending shivers through her body, and the unmistakable feeling of tingling and swelling of her clit.

Rational thoughts and her conflicted internal dialogue finally begin to wilt in the face of a deep a****l like desire that begins to over come her whole being. Her eyes remain tightly closed as she breathes deeply again, his body so close she can smell his masculine scent. “Cunt” she says as if testing it in her own mind. A wave of delicious pleasure surges through her body at the liberation of breaking one of her biggest taboo’s.

“Cunt” she whispers almost so quietly that he can’t make it out.

“What did you say you naughty girl?”. He whispers back.

Beth opens her eyes with sudden but still tenuous sense of empowerment and self-assurance, looks him straight in the eye and shyly says “Touch my cunt”.

They both pause for moment as she smiles a devilishly at him. “please touch my cunt you fucker”.

Andrews smile is small but full of intent as his hand drops to the hem of Beth’s skirt, just above her knees. “More insults eh? I can see I’m going to have to teach you a lesson young lady”

Beth feels his coarse fingertips trailing slowly up her thigh, as she feels his penetrating gaze on her even with her eyes now firmly closed and whimpers quietly at this first touch, the cooler air against the skin of her upper thighs making her feel deliciously exposed.

The workman’s fingers reach the edge of her simple white knickers, tracing a slow line where her skin meets the cotton material. Andrew looks down “little white virgins knickers eh?” he queries toying with her. “I think you’d suite sluty crotchless ones better if you ask me” he says quietly in her ear.

Beth’s heart pounds even harder at the use of this new, challenging word. “No” she whispers defiantly. “Don’t say that”.

“What sluty? Slut?” Her breathing grows heavier, betraying her obvious arousal. His fingers slowly travel across the front of her panties, then under, pulling them away from her sensitive skin.

“I think you like it” he challenges, looking down to where his fingers are teasing. “You’ve leaked all over these you naughty girl. Only a slut would have knickers as wet as this”.

Andrew firmly pulls the material up between her lips and against her swollen clit, making her bite down on her bottom lip. “You’re going to do everything and anything I say, do you understand young lady?”.

Beth’s increasing sense of helplessness makes her crave his touch even more, the realization of years of secret fantasies coming true flooding her body with a desire that threatens to take complete control of her reason, paralyzing her attempt to respond.

Andrew pulls up harder as he forces her back against the wall with his powerful body, slapping the bare exposed lips of her pussy, making her cry out. “No, I’m not a slut!”.

He smiles knowingly “well you might not be a slut, but you’re going to be my slut, whether you like it or not”

Slowly Andrew wraps one finger around the top of her bunched up knickers, pulling them away from her skin, then gradually out from between her soaking lips. Inch by inch she feels the material easing out from her aching pussy, slick threads of fluid connect to her panties as they finally come away from her entrance.

“Please touch it” She begs as she feels her underwear falling down her legs to the floor. “Please touch what?” Andrew toys with her. “You know need, touch it, please!”.

Andrew’s finger slowly circles the top of her thigh, well away from the intended area. “Here, maybe? I can’t touch it if I don’t know what it is, now can I”?

Beth knows what she has to say. The anticipation of being made to say it again sending a shivering waves of pleasure from the pit of her stomach, through her groin and swelling her clit even more.

“Please touch my cunt” She says in quiet desperation, pushing her hips forward and moving her ankles apart, her body and mind urging him in unison.

“Good girl” Andrew smirks “as a reward I’ll do one better than that …”

Slowly he sinks to his knees, guiding both her hands to the hem of her skirt to hold, and starts to kiss her thighs softly.

He moans as she feels him kissing and then lick over a patch of wetness left by her knickers. The reassurance he likes her taste only serving to heighten her desperate craving for what is about to come next.

For a moment, his lips are gone, only his fingers remain, teasing ever closer to her smooth shaved lips. Then the small, but unmistakable feeling for his burning wet tongue trails up the centre of her ultra sensitive flushed red lips. Just the tip to begin with, as he repeats the motion, a fraction more of his tongue probing between her lips each time.

She feels his fingers gently pulling her lips slightly apart, making the entrance of his tongue even easier as it momentarily brushes over engorged clit for the first time.

“Yes” she gasps simply. Quietly at first, but more and more confidentially each time his tongue flicks over and around her clit.

“Do you like this?” Says Andrew, questioning the obvious.

“You know I do” Breaths Beth heavily.

“Then tell me you need your sluty cunt licked”.

“Noooo” whines Beth, almost beyond frustration while simultaneously feeling like her pussy has become almost entirely fluid.

“Say it!” he demands firmly, spanking her lips harder than last time causing her to cry out.

“Say it, or you don’t deserve it!” as he spanks her twice more.

This is as much as she can take, suddenly all trace of self control and resistance vaporizing “lick my sluty cunt NOW!” she cries out. Beth’s hands grasp the back of his head, forcing his face into her liquid crotch. His tongue lapping over her clit as she gyrates her hips, his upper lip pressing hard against the mound of her pussy.

His moans grow louder as she feels herself soaking his mouth and chin, pushing his head down and rubbing herself all over his face, demanding that he “tongue fuck my cunt too”.

She can feel his strength as his hot delicious mouth devours her sopping folds, pushing her back, hard against the wall and over to the corner, giving her just enough support to put one leg over his shoulder, opening her entrance and pushing down further onto his tongue.

“Now my sluty dirty clit again” She demands as she feels three of his fingers suddenly ramming inside her eager pussy, filling her and giving her exactly what she needs. “YES! Finger fuck me like a slut you cunt”. She exclaims, knowing the aggression will only make him do it harder to ‘punish’ her. Beth quickly feels herself start to tighten around his slippery fingers, the tingling indescribable feeling of orgasm building and spreading from the tight knot in the pit of her stomach.

The feeling builds and builds, higher than Beth had ever thought possible, her body completely possessed as she grinds her hips back against his face, six month of physical frustration, and a lifetime of average sex poring out of her body in one incredible moment.

Her body shaking as the climax peeks and then very slowly begins to subside. Legs giving ways as she gradually slides down the wall panting hard. His hands on the cheeks of her arse, helping her down to the floor. Gradually, both are at the same eye level again. Andrew’s smile is lighter than before, broader and friendlier again. “Now you have got something to laugh about with that friend of yours” he grins. “But don’t think I’m finished with you yet either …”.

Beth’s expression suddenly transforms from satisfied half blinking stupor, to wide-eyed surprise at the thought of taking any more. Andrew, understanding her concern, nods his head reassuringly. He places his hands on the tops of her knees that are pressed closely together, and moves them wide apart as she sit on the floor. They hold each other gaze for a moment. Andrew then looks down at her swollen pussy again, clearly and overtly admiring it while she watches him.

She can see the out line of his erect cock, straining inside his tight pants. Her pussy still throbbing, this time with a dull ache from her recent orgasm still pulsating through her flesh. Her lips stinging slightly from the roughness of his stubble making it feel more alive and receptive than ever before.

“Are you going to fuck me?” Beth quietly whispers. This time it’s Andrew that doesn’t respond. Transfixed by her beckoning pussy, still soaking and glistening with wetness.

“Are you going to fuck my sluty cunt with your big fat cock, hmm?”.

Andrew slowly raises his head, his smile wiped from his face and simply nods …

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Ghazzi Pathan Bachacha

Its true story around 8 years ago and I met this boy name Gazz at that time he was 18 years, very cute handsome slim very fair white complexion. He is about 5’8 and 115 lbs very sexy looking and very girlish boy. He is Pathan from Peshawer and newly migrated to Canada. His family is rich and business people. Let me introduced myself and I was 25 years of age at the time of this story now my age is 33 years and I was a university student doing my masters degree in sciences. I am 6’2 tall and...

Gay Male
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Keerthana 8211 A Homely Tamil Girl 8211 Part 3

Hi guys! I’m back with the continuation of my story, KEERTHANA – A HOMELY TAMIL GIRL-3. To understand the story, please read the first part, having the same title. I’m working in an IT company and living in chennai city. Any girls, aunts, widow aunts or divorced or secret relationship girls aunts contact me for chat, fun, etc… at: Part-II completes here…. I went to hall and took my lap. i took my pen that was in my packet. I REMOVED THE PEN COVER. I INSERTED IN THE USB DRIVE. YES, THAT IS A...

3 years ago
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Bethanys Sins

Bethany's Sins (Pride and Greed in too great a measure) Bethany knew beyond doubt that she was the best. Today, she had waltzed outof her low-paid job with the DeMoeira Investments Company with a cool halfa billion dollars to her name (or rather, names, for she used several to claimit all), and to really prove how good she was, she even managed to carry tenmillion in notes right past the security men. Not all the hundreds of millionshad come from this one operation, of course: she had pulled...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Thangai Anusha 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, en nanbanin thangaiyai eppadi usar seithu iruvarum mater seithom enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam solugiren. Vaarungal kama ulagathirkul selalam, en nanbanin peyar muthu avan ippozhuthu thaan veli naatil irunthu uuruku vanthu irukiraan, aanal naangal ethirchiyaaga santhithu kondom. Naangal chennaiyil vasithu vanthu irunthom, naan finix maalil aadai eduthu kondu irunthen. Andru en nanbanuku pirantha naal enbathaal call seithu pirantha naal vaazhthukal sollinen, pinbu...

4 years ago
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Nathans Birthday Present

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you are below 18. This story takes place ten years after the events of Project Phoenix. It's not a direct continuation, but readers unfamiliar with Project Phoenix, may want to read it first to get a better grasp of what's going on. Finally, I'd like to thank for the encouraging comments on my first story. Thanks a lot gals & guys :) Nathan's Birthday Present By...

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Nathaniel Janet Stickney [email protected] Nathaniel is 15, a frustrated teenager who is unable to find any solace to his dilemma. He was average in everything. 5' 6" tall, 130 pounds wet, brown hair, green eyes, an average student that did not like sports and did not join any clubs in school. Nondescript and unassuming, he had managed to hide himself from the world, yet stay in plain sight. As his mother, I am worried about him because I could not figure out why he was so shy....

1 year ago
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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 3 Justin finds home

It was Friday morning when the commander informed us the house was ready for inspection. He transported us down to the house and spent a few hours with us making small changes; but it looked great and for the most part was perfect. We walked outside for a bit, it had been a while since we had fresh air. We had about 10 acres of land around the house with a small wooden fence around the 10 acres - this was our border, which we couldn't pass. I was not sure what would happen if we did but I...

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Tashas and Bethanys Bathing Bash

"Hey Bethany, how are you doing?" Tasha asked Bethany over the phone. "I'm doing all right. I am pretty bored right now." Bethany responded. "I had a hard day at work today. I am taking a bath to help me loosen up." Tasha said. Tasha worked at a local pizza joint in Foot City. So did Bethany. They had worked there for a year. They also went to school together. They were pretty close friends. "Hey, would you like to bathe with me?" Tasha asked Bethany. After a brief pause, Bethany's answer came....

2 years ago
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Episode 122 Sam meets Justy

Long before Sam handed over the domination of Suzy to Annie, becoming Her slave, she was patiently waiting to make tea for her son Mikey, idly watching porn when she stumbled across one of the many ‘MILF catches son and girlfriend’ videos.The sound of heavy petting and Suzy’s vibrator, covered the sound of Mikey (17) and Rachael (15) meeting up at his house after school: “Hi Mom - this is my new girlfriend - would you like to watch us fucking?”Rachael actually blushed, which was rather cute -...

3 years ago
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Keerthana 8211 A Homely Tamil Girl 8211 Part 2

Hi guys! I’m back with the continuation of my story, KEERTHANA – A HOMELY TAMIL GIRL-II. To understand the story, please read the first part, having the same title. I’m working in an IT company and living in chennai city. Any girls, aunts, widow aunts contact me for chat, fun, etc… at: Part-I completes here…. “So,… I told her “use my wifi” it will be very speed and reliable. You can download whatever you want. Don’t waste money on data cards. I said this and smiled. She reciprocated with a...

2 years ago
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Akka Thangai Iruvarai Ore Nerathil Oothen

Enaku ore nerungiya thozhi irunthaal aval peyar Sangeetha, naangal iruvarum nerungiya nanbargal. Oru naal avalai parka aval veetirku sendru iruntha pozhuthu avalin uravinargal vanthu irunthaargal. Iruvarum thirumanam aagi irunthathu, pinbu kuzhanthaigalum irunthaargal naan ulle sendrathum ivargal yaar endru paarthen. Naan avargalai paarpathu pol akka thangaigal ennai oru vithamaaga paarthu, thambi nee yar endru ketargal. Appozhuthu naan sangeethavin thozhan endru solli arimugam aanen, avargal...

2 years ago
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Madame Justine

Madame JustineDo not read this when you are under age. This is for adults eyes only. Many people enjoy the adventures of Indiana Jones. Very few of those same people would actually enjoy things like running for their lives in front of a crushing boulder, or gewtting kicked into a snake pit. Sometimes fantasy is just fantasy, no prelude for reality. Take this story as it is: Fantasy. Now read on. SLUTS ‘N SLAVES FAMILY BDSM BROTHEL A painful joy for all?Harry looked at the little business card...

3 years ago
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The Beardsley School for Girls Chapter 2 Justine

the Meeting (Part 2)"Come in," Michael commanded. He looked up as the door opened, pleasantly surprised to see Meredith. "Good morning, Chancellor.""It's Meredith, Michael. No need to be so formal when we aren't in front of the students." She smiled at him.He watched as she walked over to the chair in front of his desk, his eyes gazed down at her legs as she crossed them, her short skirt rode higher on those gorgeous thighs, a quick glimpse between her legs making his cock hard. "So good to see...

2 years ago
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Ethans Revenge Part II

Robert Carter, better known as fat Bob, is the owner of the butcher shop, that Ethan frequently visits. He stands 5'11", weighing 425 lbs., with jet black hair and green eyes. Ethan walked up to the counter, grinning wide, "hey Bob, I'm doing pretty good." Fat Bob chuckled, "looks like it, what's with the shit-eating grin?" Ethan's grin faded a little, "well let's just say I had a good day at work." Robert looked down at the meat he was cutting, "uh huh, looks more like a...

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Justine pays

?Graymangazer2014-03-20                                                                 Justine pays.                                                           By Graymangazer Although this is a non consensual story, it’s not in any way cruel or heavy. It’s based on a simple idea from slave Kandi (you know who you are) and not to be taken too seriously. Please feel free to comment or email to [email protected] walked into the deserted country park, at least she hoped it was...

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The Beardsley School for Girls Chapter 2 Justine

Michael rubbed his hand over her inflamed back, the skin already warm, turned a light pink."Now that you know what to expect, let's try a more intimate part, Justine. How about if I flog your hanging breasts?" His hands reached down to one, grabbed it in his palm, squeezed it harshly before he moved on to her nipple, pulled and yanked until it began to harden, not sure if it was pleasure or pain that brought it about, Michael had not really cared, just wanted to give himself a bigger target to...

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Justine had always known she was strange. She was diminutive, only four feet six tall, but her tits had always looked too nig for her. 36D on such a small frame always made sure she got started at. She had dated. Many times. But never dated the same man more than three nights. If they wanted sex, they could have it, if they didn’t, it didn’t matter to her. She never got anything from it anyway. Her only orgasms had come at her own hands. She even let men arse fuck her, as that was supposed to...

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Chapter 2 Sir Cy explores Justine

It was a leather wrist cuff. He showed her the cuff by reaching around from behind her and handed it to her and asked her to put it on. She took it from him and the small lock he handed to her, as well, and placed the cuff on her wrist and latched it. She then put the lock in the latch, after making sure that the cuff was snug and closed the locking mechanism. He handed her another cuff and lock and motioned for her to put it on and lock that in place as well, which she did willingly. With the...

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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

4 years ago
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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

1 year ago
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Justine Cocktails

The Maid walked to the door of the flat to open the front door. The Maid remembered to curtsey as she slowly opened the door.  Her eyes were still downcast on the floor when she suddenly heard, “Oh my God, is that you Justin?”Suddenly the Maid looked up to see Mother and Nanny standing at the door.  “Oh my God, Sophie has done a wonderful job,” said Mother looking up and down at her sissified son in his French maid uniform. “That is not what I expected.”“Don’t you look precious in your white...

3 years ago
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Episode 118 Justine becomes a sub

Week One, TuesdaySam dresses Justine in a white low-cut crop top, collar, very short leather mini skirt, fishnet stockings and stilettos; obviously no underwear.Down at the local pub, He encourages the regulars in the snug to fondle her butt and make lewd suggestions for her sub training programme.Back home they watch a few BDSM videos together and act out some of the less adventurous scenes.Sam instructs His trainee sub to carefully think about and write down her hard and soft limits, so they...

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Justine The Maid

The next few days were bliss.  Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops.  Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman.  She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees.  Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...

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Identical Opposites Justine

Identical Opposites, Dejevu By: Malissa Madison The phone in the main room of the Penthouse suite of the Hyatt Regency rang three times before Maddie Grey picked up. "Yes, who's calling please?" she asked instead of saying hello. "Maddie? It's David." He waited for recognition. "Oh good morning Director. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" "You've seen the news lately? That terrible business out in Oak Hills?" "Old Case, Yes Michelle has a few theories about that,"...

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Justines introduction to Sir Cy

Justine, upon seeing the One she had come to know, before her and in person, felt shivers up her spine that made her shake inside. Yet, she was under enough control to not show this to Him. Yet. She gave Him one of her patent, but nervous smiles and saw the gleam in his eyes as he gazed at her. This comforted her greatly and when He invited her into His home she knew that this was where she wanted to be. Justine had finally arrived in the US, landing at San Francisco International Airport, very...

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Pathan Ne Maari Crosdresser Ki

Hello I am Tasha as it is my sissy name.I am 18 and fair color with big kinda butts and a kind of breasts when I lie sideways. Will tell the story in Desi language. Ye kahani h meri m school m thi(tha) un dono. Main yhan apni maa aur baba k sath rehta tha and humaray yhan aik pathan kaam kartay thay kafii salon se. Aikdin papa mulk se bahar chalay gayeee job k liye 5 ssaaal k lite. Meri Ammi Koi Bari sexy hain unki Bari ass hai aur boobs b.tight saari phnnay ki shoqeen kafii.khair pathan uncle...

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Ahmadabad Ke Pathan Ki Chudai Ki Raslila 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, meri first story ko pasand kerke mujhe dher sare mails bhehne ke liye aap sab ko thanks a lot. Ahmedabad ki kisi bhi bhabhi ya ladki ko real afghani pathan ka lund test kerna ho to mail me at Now ab story per aata hu. Ye baat he un dino ki jab me apne finance k buissness me bahot buzy tha buissnes acha chal raha tha ek din me apni office me betha tha aur mere ek agent ka call aaya ki bhai aap kaha ho mene kaha me office per hu to usne bataya ek costomer he jo aap se milna cahta...

2 years ago
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Ahmadabad Ke Pathan Ki Chudai Ki Raslila

Ye meri pehli story he aur ye sirf Ahmadabad ki un bhabhiyo aur ladkiyo k liye he jinhe asli pathan ka lund apni bhose me lene ki khwaish ho or jo koi ladki ya bhabhi ye cahti ho wo mujhe mail ker sakti he per Now coming to the story Ye takriban 4 sal pehle ki baat he me ek muslim area me rehta hu city me so waha sare ghar kafi pas pas hote he aur mere pados me ek ladki nayi nayi rehne aayi thi usdin me 12 baje utha tha aur apni maid ko nashta banane k liye bola aur me apni balcany me khada...

3 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 21 Nathaniel

The whole thing had gotten completely out of hand. Nathaniel sighed and tried to object for what had to be the fiftieth time since this plan had been suggested. “It’s simply too dangerous, Leliana. I won’t allow you – or anyone else – to be hurt in my stead. This is my problem—” “And this is how you’re going to solve it, yes? You’re going to get help from others who have more specific experience in this area.” He turned to the King, hoping for some support. “Your Majesty, surely you don’t...

1 year ago
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Chachi Ki Chudae Thande Pani Me

Hello dosto kese ha app .Me mahi hu punjab se hu meri hight 6 feet ha me ak simple ladka hu mera lun ka size 6′ ha 3′ mota ha meri email id ha .. ha ager koi ladki aunty bhabi mujse chudwana chahe to muje mail kare . Ye stori ki gatna jo me apko share karrne ja raha hu mere or chachi ke bich ki ha meri chachi ka name rani ha wo ak simple lady ha wo hw ha or chacha govt. Job karte ha iss lie sara kam chachi karti ha ghar ka khet kaka b ab sida story pe ata hu hu . Ye un dino ki bat ha jab meri...

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Justine Nephew to Niece

For Justin it had all started with a purple pair of knickers, Nanny’s large purple French knickers to be precise.   Justin, eighteen, had been caught spying on Nanny as she got dressed in her lingerie and stockings. Nanny reached under her white half-slip and pulled down her purple French knickers and made Justin put them on.  She then made him rub his stiff cock, through the French knickers, all over her slip and stockings.  It was inevitable that he came all over the silky nylon panties and...

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Dominatrix Justine

Good morning, this is your 9 o'clock morning call. I sit at a desk in front of a large mess of papers. I dial. Typical, I wonder what the change is this time? At last I connect on the phone, -the appointment is 10.45am, not what I thought I had agreed - indeed I would take money on it that 9.45am was what we had discussed. No doubt, once again, my fears, my timidity at the effrontery of even making a call had contributed to my own lack of concentration on such an elementary matter. Oh...

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Ethans Prom Dress

Ethan, like a lot of teenagers was subconscious about his body, although he did have more reasons than most boys as he suffered from a form of gynecomastia, a condition that gave him perfectly formed, feminine breasts. He also secretly wishes to wear skirts and dresses, which would be a perfect combination if he wasn't too embarrassed by both his body and his desire to follow through with this idea. So instead he bandages his chest flat each morning and desperately tries to hide all of...

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EighteenYearOld Ethan Got Caught Watching Porn And Jerking Off At Work By The Boss

I met Ethan when he was working at the check-out at a Speedway gas station and convenience store.  He looked young, but since he was allowed to sell cigarettes, I figured he had to have been eighteen. I was immediately attracted.  Ethan had short brown hair, smooth-shaven, if he even had to shave at all, he was tall and skinny, and had a perfect little butt, which showed so nicely in his cargo pants, which had pockets all over each leg. I made a point to stop at that station frequently, and...

Office Sex
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Ethan8217s huge cock earns him a new nickname

Ethan took the drill downstairs to the garage, feeling a bit dazed. The image of his sister, naked, with the drill jammed between her legs, was burned into his mind. His erection strained against the front of his jeans and hurt like hell. He tried to force the image of Pam out of his mind, but his desire for her was far too strong. He wished she hadn’t told him to go away like that. He desperately wanted to lie on top of her and put his dick inside her, in place of that stupid drill. In...

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Beth and Ethan

Beth and Ethanby pr_squaredBoys competed eagerly for places in the Cady Stanton Riding Program.  Freshmen and sophomores, called bugs, wore drab gray uniforms and worked under the supervision of the Bug Mother and her assistants.  At the end of their sophomore year, the bugs were assessed for size and conditioning by the Program Director, Bug Mother, and the senior jockeys.  Most were rejected.        Each year a eight or ten are found large and strong enough to serve as possible mounts.  They...

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Sex In Thane Godbunder Road

Hello friends, this is Sunil here, age 29, staying in Thane West, Godbunder Road… This is a real thing that happened to me in my life which I intend to share. You can keep in touch with me at To introduce myself, I am working in an MNC, post completion of my MBA from Mumbai University. I got married 3 years back. I enjoy a nice sex life with my wife but always wanted a bit more when it comes to sex. I think if a married person is involved in relationship with someone then its fine, as long as...

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An animalistic growl escaped his lips and his throbbing rod plunged deep into my pussy, almost slamming against my cervix. I cried out as Ethan sank his teeth into my neck, grunting as he thrust harder into my pouting hole. My legs were around his lower back, his muscular form pinning me into position. I barely managed to hold onto his biceps with my petite hands as he pummeled me, harder, faster, and with more urgency than I’d ever known.“Fucking take it, my little slut,” he growled in my...


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