Becky and Scott part 1
- 3 years ago
- 38
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Noise, it again rings in his ear. The babies crying, the Sergeant yelling, the masturbating monkey chirping in excitement. John screaming in the background. It’s now 5:30 am. The radio continues.
‘Good morning Arizona. This is the Morning Sickness with John Holmberg, Brady Bogan, Creepy E, and big Dick Tolido. First off I just wanna talk about something before we begin. And that is the subject of Obama. I’m just reading more and more and more about this guy who keeps popping forward about the uh Gay allegations against Barack Obama and just found another article…’
Beep, beep, beep. Click.
With the alarm off he reluctantly gets up, turning to plant his feet firmly on the floor. Stabilizing himself for the moment he decides to stand. He wants to scream. The constant chatter in his mind is back again. He hates waking up. It’s depressing to sleep in such a silence, so perfect for the short 7 hours, calm, content, but you have to wake up to this.
Gahhhhh! Errrrrrr… Ahhhhhhhhh! The banging feels like his eardrum wants to rupture, but sadly won’t. It’s been like this since he could remember. The never-ending noise, bothering him, distracting him. Slowly wishing he could just end it all. Wake up!
He almost falls when he first stands. He didn’t remember telling his muscles to stand upwards. Creaking floors as he walks. Bones in his body clashing as the movement continues toward the bathroom. He never liked showers. Not that he didn’t like being clean or have good hygiene. Imagine the sound of artillery shooting its massive round. It landing 20 feet away. Just the sound though. Not the power of the force knocking him out cold or ripping his body to shreds. It was always like this. Sounds amplified in the early morning. Not until he starts walking to school did sound go normal, but he would still have the constant chatter in his head. That never leaves. Only during sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Wake up!
It was like thousand rounds going off one after the other. Boom. Bang. Noise. He washes his entire body. He likes being clean. One of the things he can control. One of them at least. Not the chatter though. Never the chatter. Constant. More noise. Brushing his teeth. The small, tiny brushes grinding against his teeth. Scraping away particles, dirty, left over food from the night before. Yes, he brushes his teeth before bed. Gargle, gargle, spit.
Creak, clank, cling. Each stair steps making its usual sounds in the morning. Ugh, he thought. Will this ever go away?. Nope, not a chance, never ever.
His mother was already down stairs in the kitchen making him breakfast. Such a good mother. Always trying to help him. He told his mother at a young age of the chatter in his head. And how sounds were amplified 10 times during the first hour of waking up. Schizo, is what the ‘doctors’ told them. Either borderline or what was it? Didn’t matter, they were wrong. He knew! Knew it wasn’t Schizophrenia. But he could not deny. The medicine did help lower the volume of the chatter in his head.
His mom spoke in a low voice. ‘Take your medicine.’
The plain taste of the pill. Chalky. He needs more water. He sits down. Hands over his ears. Wanting it to go away. Please God. Please. Frantic. Help me!
All in his head. His body didn’t show what was happening though. Just a normal looking boy. At a young age of 18. He just sat there. Looking off into space. What? Huh? What are you saying?
‘I said!’ She immediately realized she was sort of yelling and in a low voice asked. ‘I hope you’re not on drugs again baby.’
‘No Mom.’ Man he wished he were though. It helps keep his brain focusing on the noise. Keeps him calm and relaxed. Relaxing. Relax.
Errrrr…ahhhhhhh! The fucking screaming, piercing his head. He disliked that the most. He heard his own voice screaming in the background of his chatter. Begging to be put down. Pleading. Asking. Please stop. It was like listening to a song he knew. NIN. Eraser. From the CD Further down the Spiral. Listen to that. He thought. If wanting a small idea of what how it sounds in his head.
Pop, suck, gulp. The pill made its way down his throat. Going to his digestive system. Breaking up. Enter his blood stream. Then to his heart when it will be pumped through out his entire body. Hopefully just his head. He wished it would all go there. Where?
The food was good, but he couldn’t enjoy it. He could hear his his fork clang in his mouth when he deposited food from his fork to his mouth. Annoying. Distracting. Hopelessness. All done. Off to school. To school, to school we go.
While he walks, the noise of sounds around him go back to normal. He laughs. Normal. Such a thing has no existence for him. Blah, blah, screaming, noise. Constant never ending noise! He looks at this watch. Twenty-5 more minutes before the medicine begins to help. Toning down the volume in his head. Like a dial. It’s now on 9. Soon it should be at 4. He wants to rip the dial off.
Footsteps at a running pace make more sound than just walking. The heavy weight being distributed though the body. The heaviness mostly going into the legs as it carries a body further and closer to him. The fact that the kid was wearing boots did not help. He could only imagine how that would have sounded like twenty minutes ago.
‘Hey what’s going on?’ It was Joe. Joe shmo. Joe blow. Joe, Joe. Hoe Joe. Leave…Me…Alone. He should be nicer to Joe he thought. One of the few people that actually likes him. Weird huh. The wind was picking up. Faster and faster it went. Blowing the trees leaves back and sway. Forth and sway. Sway.
‘Nothing, same ole, nothing.’ He left it at that. Perhaps if he didn’t ask Joe what was going on with him. He just might leave. Annoy someone else. Go. Fly, fly. Didn’t work.
‘That’s cool. So you ready for our math test today? Did you study? I heard it was hard? What did you hear about the test.?’ Joe asking more and more questions. Keep going Joe. You were on a role. Ask more. How about: What’s your sign? Why do you have constant noise in your head? Are you crazy? Have you ever had sex? What do you think about the movie Happy Feet?
Errrrrrrr…ahhhhhhhhh! More screaming. More and more and more and more and more… wait what was that?
‘Dude wake up.’ Joe is disappointed that he isn’t being listened to. ‘Are you going to go to the party at Jake’s on Friday. Crystal is going to be there.’
Too much at once. Party… Jake’s… attending is the beautiful Crystal. What’s today? 15th August. Not the date.
‘Um,’ HAHA! Yeah right. Go to a party. Hha. What was crazy Joe blow thinking?. ‘I don’t think I can go.’ Joe just looks at him with a face that shows he doesn’t believe him.
‘Fine, I won’t go. What does it matter anyway. Just an excuse for kids to drink, smoke, and fuck. I don’t need a party to do that.’ Drink? Creates more chatter. Smoke? Depends on what I smoke. Fuck? Yes please.
‘Geez, what’s your problem today? I’m just saying, you need to go out more. Cut loose. Have fun. Ya know?’
We are sorry, but the party you are trying to reach has stopped caring about what ever is being spoken. Please leave a message.
They arrive at school. Back entrance. To the back. Doors open. Pencils ready. Paper down. Learn!
First Period. The teacher was the type who just talks. Just words and words. Like he needs more of that. Today class we are going to learn. Learn. We are going to learn about why America is the best country in the world. Why everyone else hates us. We are the biggest super power. Blah, blah. Political propaganda. America is great. They have no rules. Don’t want to become a democracy? Bombs. Invades. Fucks up. Bombs. Leaves. Comes back. Takes oil. Leaves again. Don’t want to trade with America? Take, steal. America wins. Don’t have food because you’re a third world country? We will send massive armies to feed. Here. Pop tarts.
Today in his head will be playing…
Noise! With screaming on vocals. Banging on drums. Screeching on guitar. Thumping on bass. Clicking on the maraca.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiing! Time to transfer classes. He gets up walking out of the room. To his locker. Opens locker. Look. Gets French book. Watch out. Closes locker.
‘Hey loser,’ the big tough football player decides to knock all of what he was carrying on the the floor. The steroid, small balls guy then pushes him into the locker. ‘Get out of my way bitch!’
Fuck off. The dilemma now was: To pick up the mess or not to pick up the mess. That was the question. For his books and stuff was all over the floor, but he couldn’t care less. Pick it up. Just do it, but before he could someone else starts to.
‘You know you shouldn’t let him push you around.’ The pretty girl speaking to him. Crystal. Neighborhood girl for most of his life ’til she moved last year. One of his only friends. Friends since early childhood. They used to bath together. Back when they were four.
‘Yeah right. I rather not get hulk smashed by steroid boy.’ He is just watching her pick up his stuff. Admiring her. He wants her. But no. She said that he was more like a brother than a lover. Too bad he thought. He could treat her better than any of her boyfriends. Especially her current one. The jerk.
Short skirt. Long legs. Full breasts. Toned stomach. Wide hips. Firm ass. And oh so beautiful face. Light on the eyes. Scattered images of him being with her floods his mind. Her heavy breathing. Moaning. Moaning. Images gone. Too much noise. He goes down to help her. Her scent hits him hard.
‘Thanks Crystal.’ He says it softly.
‘Of course, I’ll see you later in class.’ She walks away toward her boyfriend who was heading her way. Stupid jerk. Jerk. Jerk off. The boyfriend gets close to Crystal. Hugs her, feeling up her body. Grabbing her ass. The daddy’s rich boy looks right at him. Wanting him to watch as Jerk Off feels up Crystal. She takes her hand and pulls his off her ass. She looks behind to see him watching. There was a small trace of guilt. Like she felt bad that he had to watch that. Embarrassed and humiliated he turns away leaving the two of them to their ass grabbing. Fucking jerk. Jerk. Jerk off.
The noise has faded. Slightly in his mind. Wanting to full break into a lid noise, but the medicine stops it.
Second Period. The exciting, fast paced life of math. Numbers, numbers on the wall. He sat in the back in this class. This teacher was just a bad one. Rarely did the class do anything except busy work. Five pages of math, then the rest of the class is free time. He studies the problems. Answers once he is confident he has the right answer. With the busy work done. He tries to calm down his head. Sorta of a meditation. He can get it so the noise doesn’t bother him. It doesn’t go away but he is able to not be as bothered by it. Relax. Calm. Sedatives. That’s what he really needs. Try to meditate. Take sedatives. Sedatives wear off. Take more. Resume meditation. Not at school though. Once he gets home.
‘Hey you’re a boy. I have to ask you something.’ The girl in the front of him. Bothering him. Leave me alone please. I’m trying hard to stay relaxed. ‘So I like this guy. And I want him to like me. So would you rather have a girl suck your dick or let you stick it in her ass?’
Thoughts of him being with Crystal floods his mind again. Nice thoughts. Thanks slut.
‘Hey. What would you like from a girl? Blow job or anal?’
Fucking A. This slut wouldn’t leave him alone. Really want to know? Let him fuck your ass then suck him dry. Stupid slut. Whore. Wait. Not a whore. Whores fuck everyone. Sluts fuck everyone but him. He could feel her eyes staring at him. Waiting for an answer. He opens his eyes.
‘Look I could really fucking care less about your shallow, slutty, and artificial ways to attract the opposite sex to your meaningless needs. Do me a favor and leave me alone.’ He closes his eyes. He waits for the: O my God. Your such a … whatever he is at the moment to her. But it didn’t come. Good he thought.
Errrrrrrrrr…Gaaahhhhhhh! Fuck this screaming! Noise, noise, loud constant noise. He raises his hand. He tells the teacher he needs to go to the nurse to take his meds. He gets up looking at the slut girl who just eyes him with a mean look. Don’t eye him. Slut girl is just upset that he is right. He is right because she is a slut. Down the hall and to the left. The descending stairs leading him to the nurse. Make a right. Door on the left. Room 203. He goes to the nurse asking for his pills. More medicine. Every four hours. Hurry please. Move fat ass and get the pills in the locked cabinet. Head is going crazy! Blah, noise, thump. The constant noise of a screeching. With its different tones. Slight pauses. She hands him two pills. Chalk. Pop. Water. Gulp. He lies down on the cot beds. Curtains around each one. Killll meeee! Chatter. 20-five minutes. Until the chatter starts to fade again.
The bell rings again. Time to transfer to the cafeteria. He gets up. The random sounds still bothering him. Why? Why me? For what reason? He gets in line for a chicken wrap. It’s the only thing that he could enjoy. Everyday. Chicken wrap, water, chocolate chip cookie. He finds a table away from other people to try to enjoy his food. He wants to sleep. Only then will he get peace and quiet. Crystal sits down with him.
‘Hey, Sorry about earlier.’ Crystal was apologizing. What? Why? Oh. Right.
‘Yeah, you know he does that on purpose.’
‘Why would he do that?’
Well, let’s see. He knows that we hang out. And it’s obvious to everyone except her that the guy you’re eating lunch with likes her. And Jerk Off knows that. So what does a jerk off to do? Rub it in his face! He could picture Jerk Off laughing at him. Showing off Crystal. Touching her. Kissing her. Where is a gun when you need one? Himself, not Jerk Off. He doesn’t answer. Just continues to eat his food. Maybe silence will get have her realize. She just looks at him. What? Stop. She won’t be able to read him enough to understand what he is thinking. He barely knows himself half the time.
‘Well anyway, how have you been lately?’ She decides to drop it. Good.
‘I’ve been OK I guess.’
The two of them engage in small talk. Two 3rds into lunch she notices her boyfriend, Jerk Off. Standing at some table with a couple girls. It would be innocent enough if Jerk Off weren’t given a piece of paper. He tries to secretly put it in his pocket without anyone to notice. He knew Crystal was watching him.
‘I’ve been thinking he’s cheating on me.’
He stops eating his cookie to look at her. Was that a question or a statement.? Assuming it was a question.
‘Why do you think that?’ He said it in a semi sarcastic way. He looks at Crystal. She is waiting for reassurance that he is not. But he won’t give it to her. She is better off without him. This is his chance.
‘I’ve told you before. I could be a better boyfriend.’ There he said it. He just watches her. Looking for a sign. Just say something. But before she could. Here comes Jerk off to wreck the day!
He sits down. She doesn’t even ask about the note. What does that mean? She kind of ignores him. Jerk off tries to make small talk. Asking how they both were. Upset that Jerk Off will ruin the answer.
‘I’m trying to eat. Thanks for understanding.’ He laughs inside. His head chatters laughter. The noise is becoming faded. Crystal puts in a little bashing at Jerk Off too.
‘Yeah and another thing, you need to stop groping at me. It’s disgusting.’ With that she gets up and leaves. Jerk Off just watches her walk away, confused, distraught. He looks at Jerk Off and just winks at him. A sudden rush of anger overwhelms him. Anger that wasn’t directed to anyone. But just the emotion anger. He never felt anything like that. Jerk Off must have noticed because he also got up and left. Heading towards Crystal. What the fuck w
as that? The rush subsides. Odd. The chatter in his head is trying to break though that invisible wall of medicine that’s stopping it from being louder. The bell rings.
Third period. French. Comment la rime pleurer? Comment puis-chatteur chanter sous le bruit? Gémissements du bruit! Le nerf romains diplômés une égratignure. Pourquoi ne chatteur blesser le récepteur? Comment contrôlera près émotions? Fille pas sur sa faim. Manger merde. Bruit, Bruit, différent.
School… is out… for… the…weekend! He gets out of French. Goes to his locker. The noise is better now. Not so much of it. He puts his books back in the locker. Close. Slam. Now what? The party is tonight? Today is Friday? It was Joe.
‘Hey, so you going to go?’ He wonders if he takes a stapler hits it against his forehead with a note attached that read: NO! Would that be enough to get him to understand. Fuck parties. He had better things to do. Right? Read, watch TV, sleep, porn. All good choices he guesses.
‘Joe, listen carefully…no.’ I do not like party shows. I could not…Would not. I don’t like them in a box. I don’t like them with a fox. I don’t like them in a house. I don’t like them with a mouse. I don’t like them here or there. I don’t like them anywhere. I do not like party shows. I do no like them Joe blow.
He got outside through the back entrance. The sun beaming down on his skin. It was hot. Very hot. Time to go home. To home. Off to home we go. He just kept walking. Getting closer and closer to home. He needs to be home. To calm down. Relax. Breathe. Noise. Constant, bothering, never leaves noise!
Kill me! Kill me! Please! Dammit, he thought. Why can’t it just leave me alone?. He got to his door, opening it quietly. His mother usually takes a nap around this time. Poor mom. Single. Works a lot. Doesn’t have much time to herself. Such a good mother. He tries his best to make things easier for her. He gets on with his usual choirs. Garbage, chatter. Dishes, noise. Dusting, screaming. Yelling. His mom comes down the stairs.
‘Awe Thanks sweetheart. What are you plans for tonight are you going to…’ No! I’m not going to the fucking party. ‘…go out to Sedona?’ Oh. Right. The mall.
‘Um yeah. I think that’s what I will do. Can I take your car?’ That was right he was going to go to Sedona. The drive was nice. He could just stare out into the desert. Driving the windy turns. Listen to soft music. Mozart, or Beethoven. Just him and the car. He likes going to the mall there. It wasn’t too crowded but it was nice. He likes the just watching the waterfall that fell in the middle of the mall. Trancing it was.
‘Of course you can. Have fun. And here.’ She went over to him and opens his hands. She places something in his hand then closes his hand. ‘Don’t look at how much. Just take it and get yourself something nice. For your birthday. Its coming up soon and I don’t know what to get you.’ With that she gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back upstairs. To the car.
Once he got in he opens his hand. There laid 400 hundred dollars. Sweet. He puts the music on. Helps calm down the noise. Relax. Relaxing. Drive.
I-17 for a long time. A much long needed drive. The red desert. Greeting him. Accepting him. This was nice he thought. The chatter was there, but he could deal with it. Relax. Drive.
Honk! Fucker. A stupid guy cuts him off. What was the big rush? The chatter starts up. Focus is lost. Lost again. Son of a… He then honks at the car in front of him who just cut him of. Yeah like that? Too bad someone didn’t rear end you. He honks again. Beep! Honk! The car ahead didn’t like it so much so the guy slams on his brakes.
Five. He notices the red on the brake signals. The tires screeching. Marking the pavement. 4. He cuts the wheel to the left. Onto the left lane. 3. The car ahead is still braking. The guy must be pissed! 2 He gets out of the way of the braking lunatic. Guy in the car still braking. Didn’t the guy see he moved? One. Here comes a truck! A satisfying crunch is heard by his ears. The sound of a Ford Focus being smashed by a four-wheel drive, 2 ton, lifted truck. Haha. Serves you right. Poor truck though. Not his fault. Just a few hours gone from Truck’s day. But he will be a few 1000 dollars richer because of him. The car is pushed hard to the right of the road. Much damage. Might want to call Allstate. Their logo. ‘Are you in good hands?’
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I'm Captain Thomas bloody Beckinthwaite, from bloody Yorkshire and I don't give a bugger what you bloody think because I bloody speak as I bloody find. We had a bloody bad trip back from America on Steamship and when we got back to Liverpool I made sure me brass were safe and went to see bloody Agent first thing. I went in his office.It stunk like a Tarts boudoir with furnishings to match. Agent were a slimy bastard with slicked down hair and poncy suit. He sat behind this over polished...
Hi everybody.My name is udita.main ek resular iss reader hoon aur yahan par likhi stories ko bahut enjoy karti hoon.main jo story apko batane jaa rahi hoon woh ek sachi ghatna hai jo mere saath ghatit hui. Ab apka jyaada waqt na barbaad karke main apni story sunati hoon. Main ek bahut hi sundar ladki hoon aur mera figure 36(D)-24-36 hai.main apne college se kar rahi hoon.waise to mere kaafi affair chal chuke hain but kisi bhi ladke ne jisne mujhe pataya aur uske baad mere yauvan ka maza...
Releasing her from the kiss I looked in her eyes and said " Mina, you are one beautiful woman." Not giving her a chance to respond I leaned over and begin to lick and suckle her neck. She loves it when I do this to her and she leaned her head back and to the side as she closed her eyes. " ooohhh" She whispered. She feels all tingly and her pussy is now drenched to the point where she worried a little if she would leave a wet spot on the skirt of her dress. I begin to lick her earlobes...
Dear Diary, Very Early Monday Morning I thought that coming to Popper Camp this summer would be a great idea and if the rest of the week is anything like last night I'll defaintely make this an annual summer treat. If you remember, diary, I saw a little ad on the poppers website about an exclusive summer camp for guys who love poppers. I am so glad I pursued it. The inital interview was rough and I had to prove I was worthy for consideration, (several intense...
Bev rolled out of bed reluctantly. It was early for a Saturday morning. It was going to be an unusually early Saturday morning. Bev's husband had a golf scrambles this morning, and the kids were off to the lake to go boating. She had to go, really bad, so she headed to the bathroom to take care of it. Done she leaned over to kiss her husband awake. He groaned and rolled over, to go back to sleep. She pinched his butt and tickled him awake and got rewarded by being pulled into bed with a...
Colleagues have invited me to this incredible safari lodge in Kenya for Christmas. It sits on top of a hill overlooking the plane below. The cottages have no doors, no windows, while the place has no fence. Maasai, the local tribe keeps guard to protect the place,from wild a****ls. A bit of a kick in itself. I owe my ex-GF a big favor so I pay her to fly in and join me. We pick her up from the airstrip and drive back in the jeep. She's wearing a sleeveless shirt with a nice cleavage and I can...
Cameron arrived at the next store with his chest puffed out a bit, still high from the sex. Liz was the first girl he’d fucked who’d really, truly wanted it, no help from magic at all. Although, now that he thought about it, he did have magic to thank for his awesome bod. But he felt like it had been more than just muscles. He now understood why people always blabbed on about confidence. He’d always thought that just meant he needed to act like an asshole, but it wasn’t that at all. If the...
Saturday was fast approaching, we all had spent the early afternoon getting ready. We (the Deltas) had two wrestlers in the finals, and the Sigs had two, very tough wrestlers in the finals also. We had seven wrestlers that had gotten their pussies shaved bare at the event this last weekend. Seven of them had the names of the winner on their breasts, because they were defeated in under five minutes. Six of them also wore the same name along each side of her butt crack, because they had been...
A little background, as this is my first time to post here. I am an older married white guy and Christopher is a little younger (20 years younger black guy) and we have been having sex together for sometime now. He and his wife Terri are both absolutely stunning to look at. They are both bi and she was able to turn my wife, Sandra, bi. So, the 4 of us have become very close. Christopher wasn’t my first man to have sex with, but has certainly become the one I love fucking the most. I have been...
Baba, ma abong du sele k rekhe mara gelen. Tokhon amar boyosh 18 r amar choto ekta bon, tar boyosh 4 ar mar boyosh 34. Babar olpo boyoshe mara jaoata mene neoa shobar jonnoi khub koster silo. Uni mara jaoar age amader vobissoter sob bondobosto kore giesilen. Basay mar ma abong babar ma amader sathe thaken. Baba mara jaoar besh kisudin por thekey nani mak nie khub duschinta korte laglen. Mar tokhon vora joubon. 5’4” lomba, vorat abong forsha shorir, chehara onekta Madhurir moto. Nanir duschinta...
These two separate tragedies where sad enough in this crazy world without the fact that each one of these two people had brought an offspring into the world with them and these kids had to experience the self doubt and guilt of wondering if they had done anything wrong to bring on this life altering change to their tender development. After the initial shock of the divorce had run its course, she took part of her rather large settlement and hired a contractor to engineer, design and...
"You bastard!" Paula cried when she saw the smirking face of her "boyfriend" holding a stack of paper. "You got me pissed, and you touched me and..." Neil stopped her with a wave of the hand. "We all had a bit to drink," he told her. "But you got more pissed." "If it wasn't for me running into my Dad I'd have been lost," she cried and sniffed. "Anything could've happened to me." Neil grinned at his angry ex and peeled a piece of paper off the top of the pile, passing it...
FinalI met Larry at a company party. His law firm is a client of ours and even after our work was complete he and I kept in touch. He was the one I sought out for advice and now I'm glad I did. After a quick call on his cell, he agreed to see me for lunch. I told him I'd pay if I could pump him for some advice. He said sure then picked a high priced restaurant. To the outside world Larry is a staunch family man. He and Pam have been married for over thirty four years. He has three successful...
Friday Evening, 5:16PM – Things Are Never Quite As Scary When You’ve Got A Best Friend “Bruh.” “Duude, thank fucking god it’s Friday! I’m so ready for tonight!” “Let’s go, Will, we got a lot of sets to get through!” Will racked the bar, sat up on the bench, then swung his feet off the side and stood up. “Nice, let’s get these wagon wheels going,” Vinnie Smith said, grabbing a forty five pound plate off the weight tree and slotting it onto the barbell, replacing the twenty five pound...
It all started one night as me and the wife was lying in bed having kinky sex. We had been married about two years and I had cum in my wife’s mouth maybe twice, she always said she didn’t like the taste of cum. I was begging her to suck my cum down her throat tonight and she was refusing to do it so I made a suggestion that if she would suck the cum out of my cock she could keep it in her mouth and didn’t have to swallow it she could give me a big kiss and feed my cum back into my mouth. Well...
Told in Ron’s Point Of View: I was a few months away from turning nineteen when my parents decided I was old enough to be on my own. They raised me up to that point, showing love in a limited way while enforcing discipline with a firm paddle over my butt. From the time I was old enough to go to school until the day my parents left, I was subject to spankings from any adult or older teen relatives. Now, with my parent divorcing they decided it was time I make my own way in life. I had taken...
Militia Field Hospital Outskirts of Raleigh, North Carolina (last holdout) June 1, 2011 “Triage, triage now!” Anne barked her rather sharp order at me, even as Sam, Aaron, and the rest of us carried out her instructions. Triage ... bad news for all, but especially for the unlucky patients on the wrong end of triage. It was an ever present reality of medical combat duty, the elephant in the room, but it was also a sign that things weren’t going all that well. It was bad enough to have to...
All-natural sexpot Stacy Bloom is pleasantly surprised when her hubby David Perry returns home from a work trip early when she’s least expecting it. The stunning all-natural brunette thought he was far away and that they were sexting from afar but no, he’s soon to bring her fantasies to reality. While fingering her shaved pussy dressed in sexy lacy lingerie Mr. Perry waltzes into the house and the horny couple starts getting after it in the livingroom. Watch this steamy Hands On...
xmoviesforyouI was late for the office that day, noting unusual there, I have never had the reputation of being on time. I grabbed my laptop bag, planted a kiss on my wife’s lips and bid her goodbye. We have enjoyed a great relationship from the first day of our marriage. She is neither one of those who will blindly follow whatever I saw nor like those Indian women who dominate their household. Long story short, we shared such great bond that I rarely had a problem in my marital life. Though recently I have...
In the end, neither one of them remembered what the argument was about. They just knew that is was serious enough to have both of them at opposite ends of their apartment. It was beyond venting now, just casual stares of wonderment and disbelief. However, time is of the essence and of course, and still being in love they continued their routine of dinner, dessert, and dishes. They feigned politeness as she washed and he dried, barely cracking a glance in the others direction....
Love StoriesThe theme of the party was the Wild West and mum loved it, as far as I was concerned, she was the best looking woman there. She and dad danced for what seemed ages, dad in his jeans and brand new cowboy boots, the check shirt and the Stetson hat.I had to admit that he looked good. He was certainly enjoying himself, but the only person I had eyes for was my mother. She looked absolutely brilliant, her fringed skirt was as short as she dared. Short enough to show off her long, suntanned legs and...
IncestClarence had a young girlfriend. He was old enough to be her father. Lee Anna was a new mother and loved the fact that Clarence did not ask who the father was of her baby.Lee Anna had a little sister called Lucy who had just turned thirteen. Her little sister loved to watch as Lee Anna changed the babies diapers. She often reached over and played with the boys small prick. When the baby pooped her little sister would play with it rolling it in her fingers. She once saw Lucy eating it. She did...
IncestWe had been building up to this for many months. She was the gorgeous account manager, I was the admiring customer. She had captivated me from the first moment we met, and countless texts, emails and phone calls later, I knew she was someone very special. Innocent on the outside, something much more intriguing on the inside. After a fabulous dinner, followed by a few drinks in one of those hidden bars that only the locals know in my town, she boldly told me it was high time I delivered one of...
Karen led Lisa onto the bed and lay beside her facing each other. The girls gathered on the bed and began to smooth a hand up and down Lisa’s legs. Dan or the girls rarely brought a woman home strictly for sex but when they did, there seemed to be an unwritten order of seduction. Karen was always first then Wendy followed by Tina. Susan was their last guest, so lovely Bobbie was next. Dan was down the hall telling Diane and Brenda of their overnight guest then letting Brad, Abby and Jake...
When Trevor came in to the Environmental Awareness Center at ten a.m. for his Wednesday volunteer shift a new receptionist was on duty. She looked to be in her mid-twenties with long auburn hair, sparkling green eyes, a rosy blemish-free complexion and a buxom chest. “Hi, I’m Trevor Bridges,” he said extending his hand, “are you a new volunteer here?” Ashley Thomas accepted Trevor’s hand with a firm grip. “I am new, I had orientation on Monday and today’s my first full day, but I’m not a...
Wife LoversHello friends, main hu Raj..aaj main aap ko jo story batane ja raha hu wo mere sath ghati hui ek sachchi ghatna hai.. Agar aap ko meri story pasand aati hai to aap mujhe mala is email id par bata sakte hai. Any girl, aunty, bhabhi who wants to have secret relationship can contact me. So without wasting your time I will tell you my sory. Pune se engineering complete karne k bad main benglore me job kar raha tha. 3-4 months me mera pune aana jana laga rehta tha. Ekbar aise hi holidays me main...
Lynne did not know what to do she kept pacing around her room looking at the huge wet spot on her bed where she had exploded while fantasizing about Becky eating her pussy. Finally she said "fuck it" and picked up the phone, she was not expecting the voice on the other end though. I picked up the phone since becky was masturbating in the shower. " hi Lynne, Becky is in the shower is there something i can help you with?" Lynne's voice cracked as she spoke with me. Apparently she had a crush on...
Upon arriving home we could see no outward changes so we drove into the garage. Pauloa helped me stow all the weapons and we walked into the main cave. WOW!! Where the cave had stopped before, it was now expanded at least another 500 feet back with three corridors about 6’ wide. It also looked like openings off each corridor about 15’ apart. We wandered back that way and what we saw was unreal. Starting at what used to be the back of the cave we saw a doorway on the right side about 5’ down...
Originally written on If you want to join feel free :) You are more than welcome Somewhere on this Planet there was a deep Cave. Once it had been a natural Cave but millions of Dollars and years of Work had made it even bigger. Inside of this Cave there was a building that belonged to the most advanced in this World. It was shielded against most of the advanced Scanners and ancient Runes protected it against Magical Observation. There would only be a handful of Organisations...
The first part of this story actually happened a number of years ago, and then the 2nd part with the plumber is just fiction, altho I did have the plumber come out to replace the garbage disposer and he looked just as described.Over the weekend I had trouble with my garbage disposer that was making a God awful clanging noise every time I used it. So on Monday morning I called a plumber that others in the neighborhood had recommended. Since it wasn’t an emergency they said they could have a...
Again, I was not to directly witness Suzette's depravity. This was because it took place on a Sunday, the only day Jenny and Sally could arrange another picnic, to which both Jane and Suzette could be invited. The guest list made it quite clear to me that they intended much more than simply eating outdoors. It was well thought out, because in addition to snaring poor Suzette, the trap was also set for Nigel. Suzette didn't have to invite Stephan. That was arranged for her. But the other...
"Hi, are you Amy?" I asked as I saw her standing looking a little lost under the clock in Woodhouse centre all blonde hair and blue eyes with too much mascara in her black miniskirt and silver jacket looking, the perfect little Lolita, just more grown up than she looked on Face-book. Josie divorced me when she found out about me grooming a girl over the internet after twenty odd years of marriage, but it has a built in garage which you can get through to from the house and the garage door is...
Chad came home pissed that his girlfriend just broke up with him, until his dad reassured him that there were plenty of other fish in the sea. This proved to be a fact when he caught a glimpse of his hot stepsis Brooke Karter out of the corner of his eye. He decided to proposition her with his car for a week if she would volunteer to help him make a sex tape in order to make his ex girlfriend jealous. She of course agreed and began to suck down stepbros cock before he could even get his phone...
xmoviesforyou"The Scandalous Stewardess"Chapter 3 The day dawned predictably golden on the island of Eleuthera. Lavender fingers of light were reaching up into the sky when RandyFerris cautiously opened the door of the bungalow he had shared with hissister the night before and made his way to the red MG parked down theroad. He had to work today. But he would be back at French Leavetonight . . . in time to get acquainted with Davie Knight! Then,tomorrow . . . tomorrow would be the beginning of a glorious...
There’s no better way to top off a summer’s day at the beach than with an orgy in the jacuzzi, and in Private Gold, Erasmus Orgasmus 2 the sexy teens Selvaggia and Gina Gerson are joined by Gerson Denny and Kevin White for exactly that! These hot blondes get things underway with some sloppy blowjobs and when things are wet a ready they get straight into the action with some hardcore fucking. Both girls enjoy their man before Gina takes it all with some anal and DP, finishing up with a creampie...
xmoviesforyouWe had no contact at all over the next few weeks. I had no idea what had happened, but I got a clue from Aubrey's behaviour three weeks after the concert. He was not the usual loud, overbearing bully of before. His face was ashen, and he had many conferences with Bob Sellick. He didn't seem to be working as much, or if he was it was not with his usual success, as the number of orders he put in fell dramatically. It didn't take too much intelligence to understand that he had indeed been...