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Noise, it again rings in his ear. The babies crying, the Sergeant yelling, the masturbating monkey chirping in excitement. John screaming in the background. It’s now 5:30 am. The radio continues.

‘Good morning Arizona. This is the Morning Sickness with John Holmberg, Brady Bogan, Creepy E, and big Dick Tolido. First off I just wanna talk about something before we begin. And that is the subject of Obama. I’m just reading more and more and more about this guy who keeps popping forward about the uh Gay allegations against Barack Obama and just found another article…’

Beep, beep, beep. Click.

With the alarm off he reluctantly gets up, turning to plant his feet firmly on the floor. Stabilizing himself for the moment he decides to stand. He wants to scream. The constant chatter in his mind is back again. He hates waking up. It’s depressing to sleep in such a silence, so perfect for the short 7 hours, calm, content, but you have to wake up to this.

Gahhhhh! Errrrrrr… Ahhhhhhhhh! The banging feels like his eardrum wants to rupture, but sadly won’t. It’s been like this since he could remember. The never-ending noise, bothering him, distracting him. Slowly wishing he could just end it all. Wake up!

He almost falls when he first stands. He didn’t remember telling his muscles to stand upwards. Creaking floors as he walks. Bones in his body clashing as the movement continues toward the bathroom. He never liked showers. Not that he didn’t like being clean or have good hygiene. Imagine the sound of artillery shooting its massive round. It landing 20 feet away. Just the sound though. Not the power of the force knocking him out cold or ripping his body to shreds. It was always like this. Sounds amplified in the early morning. Not until he starts walking to school did sound go normal, but he would still have the constant chatter in his head. That never leaves. Only during sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Wake up!

It was like thousand rounds going off one after the other. Boom. Bang. Noise. He washes his entire body. He likes being clean. One of the things he can control. One of them at least. Not the chatter though. Never the chatter. Constant. More noise. Brushing his teeth. The small, tiny brushes grinding against his teeth. Scraping away particles, dirty, left over food from the night before. Yes, he brushes his teeth before bed. Gargle, gargle, spit.

Creak, clank, cling. Each stair steps making its usual sounds in the morning. Ugh, he thought. Will this ever go away?. Nope, not a chance, never ever.

His mother was already down stairs in the kitchen making him breakfast. Such a good mother. Always trying to help him. He told his mother at a young age of the chatter in his head. And how sounds were amplified 10 times during the first hour of waking up. Schizo, is what the ‘doctors’ told them. Either borderline or what was it? Didn’t matter, they were wrong. He knew! Knew it wasn’t Schizophrenia. But he could not deny. The medicine did help lower the volume of the chatter in his head.

His mom spoke in a low voice. ‘Take your medicine.’

The plain taste of the pill. Chalky. He needs more water. He sits down. Hands over his ears. Wanting it to go away. Please God. Please. Frantic. Help me!

All in his head. His body didn’t show what was happening though. Just a normal looking boy. At a young age of 18. He just sat there. Looking off into space. What? Huh? What are you saying?

‘I said!’ She immediately realized she was sort of yelling and in a low voice asked. ‘I hope you’re not on drugs again baby.’

‘No Mom.’ Man he wished he were though. It helps keep his brain focusing on the noise. Keeps him calm and relaxed. Relaxing. Relax.

Errrrr…ahhhhhhh! The fucking screaming, piercing his head. He disliked that the most. He heard his own voice screaming in the background of his chatter. Begging to be put down. Pleading. Asking. Please stop. It was like listening to a song he knew. NIN. Eraser. From the CD Further down the Spiral. Listen to that. He thought. If wanting a small idea of what how it sounds in his head.

Pop, suck, gulp. The pill made its way down his throat. Going to his digestive system. Breaking up. Enter his blood stream. Then to his heart when it will be pumped through out his entire body. Hopefully just his head. He wished it would all go there. Where?

The food was good, but he couldn’t enjoy it. He could hear his his fork clang in his mouth when he deposited food from his fork to his mouth. Annoying. Distracting. Hopelessness. All done. Off to school. To school, to school we go.

While he walks, the noise of sounds around him go back to normal. He laughs. Normal. Such a thing has no existence for him. Blah, blah, screaming, noise. Constant never ending noise! He looks at this watch. Twenty-5 more minutes before the medicine begins to help. Toning down the volume in his head. Like a dial. It’s now on 9. Soon it should be at 4. He wants to rip the dial off.

Footsteps at a running pace make more sound than just walking. The heavy weight being distributed though the body. The heaviness mostly going into the legs as it carries a body further and closer to him. The fact that the kid was wearing boots did not help. He could only imagine how that would have sounded like twenty minutes ago.

‘Hey what’s going on?’ It was Joe. Joe shmo. Joe blow. Joe, Joe. Hoe Joe. Leave…Me…Alone. He should be nicer to Joe he thought. One of the few people that actually likes him. Weird huh. The wind was picking up. Faster and faster it went. Blowing the trees leaves back and sway. Forth and sway. Sway.

‘Nothing, same ole, nothing.’ He left it at that. Perhaps if he didn’t ask Joe what was going on with him. He just might leave. Annoy someone else. Go. Fly, fly. Didn’t work.

‘That’s cool. So you ready for our math test today? Did you study? I heard it was hard? What did you hear about the test.?’ Joe asking more and more questions. Keep going Joe. You were on a role. Ask more. How about: What’s your sign? Why do you have constant noise in your head? Are you crazy? Have you ever had sex? What do you think about the movie Happy Feet?

Errrrrrrr…ahhhhhhhhh! More screaming. More and more and more and more and more… wait what was that?

‘Dude wake up.’ Joe is disappointed that he isn’t being listened to. ‘Are you going to go to the party at Jake’s on Friday. Crystal is going to be there.’

Too much at once. Party… Jake’s… attending is the beautiful Crystal. What’s today? 15th August. Not the date.

‘Um,’ HAHA! Yeah right. Go to a party. Hha. What was crazy Joe blow thinking?. ‘I don’t think I can go.’ Joe just looks at him with a face that shows he doesn’t believe him.

‘Fine, I won’t go. What does it matter anyway. Just an excuse for kids to drink, smoke, and fuck. I don’t need a party to do that.’ Drink? Creates more chatter. Smoke? Depends on what I smoke. Fuck? Yes please.

‘Geez, what’s your problem today? I’m just saying, you need to go out more. Cut loose. Have fun. Ya know?’

We are sorry, but the party you are trying to reach has stopped caring about what ever is being spoken. Please leave a message.

They arrive at school. Back entrance. To the back. Doors open. Pencils ready. Paper down. Learn!

First Period. The teacher was the type who just talks. Just words and words. Like he needs more of that. Today class we are going to learn. Learn. We are going to learn about why America is the best country in the world. Why everyone else hates us. We are the biggest super power. Blah, blah. Political propaganda. America is great. They have no rules. Don’t want to become a democracy? Bombs. Invades. Fucks up. Bombs. Leaves. Comes back. Takes oil. Leaves again. Don’t want to trade with America? Take, steal. America wins. Don’t have food because you’re a third world country? We will send massive armies to feed. Here. Pop tarts.

Today in his head will be playing…
Noise! With screaming on vocals. Banging on drums. Screeching on guitar. Thumping on bass. Clicking on the maraca.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiing! Time to transfer classes. He gets up walking out of the room. To his locker. Opens locker. Look. Gets French book. Watch out. Closes locker.

‘Hey loser,’ the big tough football player decides to knock all of what he was carrying on the the floor. The steroid, small balls guy then pushes him into the locker. ‘Get out of my way bitch!’

Fuck off. The dilemma now was: To pick up the mess or not to pick up the mess. That was the question. For his books and stuff was all over the floor, but he couldn’t care less. Pick it up. Just do it, but before he could someone else starts to.

‘You know you shouldn’t let him push you around.’ The pretty girl speaking to him. Crystal. Neighborhood girl for most of his life ’til she moved last year. One of his only friends. Friends since early childhood. They used to bath together. Back when they were four.

‘Yeah right. I rather not get hulk smashed by steroid boy.’ He is just watching her pick up his stuff. Admiring her. He wants her. But no. She said that he was more like a brother than a lover. Too bad he thought. He could treat her better than any of her boyfriends. Especially her current one. The jerk.

Short skirt. Long legs. Full breasts. Toned stomach. Wide hips. Firm ass. And oh so beautiful face. Light on the eyes. Scattered images of him being with her floods his mind. Her heavy breathing. Moaning. Moaning. Images gone. Too much noise. He goes down to help her. Her scent hits him hard.

‘Thanks Crystal.’ He says it softly.

‘Of course, I’ll see you later in class.’ She walks away toward her boyfriend who was heading her way. Stupid jerk. Jerk. Jerk off. The boyfriend gets close to Crystal. Hugs her, feeling up her body. Grabbing her ass. The daddy’s rich boy looks right at him. Wanting him to watch as Jerk Off feels up Crystal. She takes her hand and pulls his off her ass. She looks behind to see him watching. There was a small trace of guilt. Like she felt bad that he had to watch that. Embarrassed and humiliated he turns away leaving the two of them to their ass grabbing. Fucking jerk. Jerk. Jerk off.

The noise has faded. Slightly in his mind. Wanting to full break into a lid noise, but the medicine stops it.

Second Period. The exciting, fast paced life of math. Numbers, numbers on the wall. He sat in the back in this class. This teacher was just a bad one. Rarely did the class do anything except busy work. Five pages of math, then the rest of the class is free time. He studies the problems. Answers once he is confident he has the right answer. With the busy work done. He tries to calm down his head. Sorta of a meditation. He can get it so the noise doesn’t bother him. It doesn’t go away but he is able to not be as bothered by it. Relax. Calm. Sedatives. That’s what he really needs. Try to meditate. Take sedatives. Sedatives wear off. Take more. Resume meditation. Not at school though. Once he gets home.

‘Hey you’re a boy. I have to ask you something.’ The girl in the front of him. Bothering him. Leave me alone please. I’m trying hard to stay relaxed. ‘So I like this guy. And I want him to like me. So would you rather have a girl suck your dick or let you stick it in her ass?’

Thoughts of him being with Crystal floods his mind again. Nice thoughts. Thanks slut.

‘Hey. What would you like from a girl? Blow job or anal?’

Fucking A. This slut wouldn’t leave him alone. Really want to know? Let him fuck your ass then suck him dry. Stupid slut. Whore. Wait. Not a whore. Whores fuck everyone. Sluts fuck everyone but him. He could feel her eyes staring at him. Waiting for an answer. He opens his eyes.

‘Look I could really fucking care less about your shallow, slutty, and artificial ways to attract the opposite sex to your meaningless needs. Do me a favor and leave me alone.’ He closes his eyes. He waits for the: O my God. Your such a … whatever he is at the moment to her. But it didn’t come. Good he thought.

Errrrrrrrrr…Gaaahhhhhhh! Fuck this screaming! Noise, noise, loud constant noise. He raises his hand. He tells the teacher he needs to go to the nurse to take his meds. He gets up looking at the slut girl who just eyes him with a mean look. Don’t eye him. Slut girl is just upset that he is right. He is right because she is a slut. Down the hall and to the left. The descending stairs leading him to the nurse. Make a right. Door on the left. Room 203. He goes to the nurse asking for his pills. More medicine. Every four hours. Hurry please. Move fat ass and get the pills in the locked cabinet. Head is going crazy! Blah, noise, thump. The constant noise of a screeching. With its different tones. Slight pauses. She hands him two pills. Chalk. Pop. Water. Gulp. He lies down on the cot beds. Curtains around each one. Killll meeee! Chatter. 20-five minutes. Until the chatter starts to fade again.

The bell rings again. Time to transfer to the cafeteria. He gets up. The random sounds still bothering him. Why? Why me? For what reason? He gets in line for a chicken wrap. It’s the only thing that he could enjoy. Everyday. Chicken wrap, water, chocolate chip cookie. He finds a table away from other people to try to enjoy his food. He wants to sleep. Only then will he get peace and quiet. Crystal sits down with him.

‘Hey, Sorry about earlier.’ Crystal was apologizing. What? Why? Oh. Right.

‘Yeah, you know he does that on purpose.’

‘Why would he do that?’

Well, let’s see. He knows that we hang out. And it’s obvious to everyone except her that the guy you’re eating lunch with likes her. And Jerk Off knows that. So what does a jerk off to do? Rub it in his face! He could picture Jerk Off laughing at him. Showing off Crystal. Touching her. Kissing her. Where is a gun when you need one? Himself, not Jerk Off. He doesn’t answer. Just continues to eat his food. Maybe silence will get have her realize. She just looks at him. What? Stop. She won’t be able to read him enough to understand what he is thinking. He barely knows himself half the time.

‘Well anyway, how have you been lately?’ She decides to drop it. Good.

‘I’ve been OK I guess.’

The two of them engage in small talk. Two 3rds into lunch she notices her boyfriend, Jerk Off. Standing at some table with a couple girls. It would be innocent enough if Jerk Off weren’t given a piece of paper. He tries to secretly put it in his pocket without anyone to notice. He knew Crystal was watching him.

‘I’ve been thinking he’s cheating on me.’

He stops eating his cookie to look at her. Was that a question or a statement.? Assuming it was a question.

‘Why do you think that?’ He said it in a semi sarcastic way. He looks at Crystal. She is waiting for reassurance that he is not. But he won’t give it to her. She is better off without him. This is his chance.

‘I’ve told you before. I could be a better boyfriend.’ There he said it. He just watches her. Looking for a sign. Just say something. But before she could. Here comes Jerk off to wreck the day!

He sits down. She doesn’t even ask about the note. What does that mean? She kind of ignores him. Jerk off tries to make small talk. Asking how they both were. Upset that Jerk Off will ruin the answer.

‘I’m trying to eat. Thanks for understanding.’ He laughs inside. His head chatters laughter. The noise is becoming faded. Crystal puts in a little bashing at Jerk Off too.

‘Yeah and another thing, you need to stop groping at me. It’s disgusting.’ With that she gets up and leaves. Jerk Off just watches her walk away, confused, distraught. He looks at Jerk Off and just winks at him. A sudden rush of anger overwhelms him. Anger that wasn’t directed to anyone. But just the emotion anger. He never felt anything like that. Jerk Off must have noticed because he also got up and left. Heading towards Crystal. What the fuck w
as that? The rush subsides. Odd. The chatter in his head is trying to break though that invisible wall of medicine that’s stopping it from being louder. The bell rings.

Third period. French. Comment la rime pleurer? Comment puis-chatteur chanter sous le bruit? Gémissements du bruit! Le nerf romains diplômés une égratignure. Pourquoi ne chatteur blesser le récepteur? Comment contrôlera près émotions? Fille pas sur sa faim. Manger merde. Bruit, Bruit, différent.

School… is out… for… the…weekend! He gets out of French. Goes to his locker. The noise is better now. Not so much of it. He puts his books back in the locker. Close. Slam. Now what? The party is tonight? Today is Friday? It was Joe.

‘Hey, so you going to go?’ He wonders if he takes a stapler hits it against his forehead with a note attached that read: NO! Would that be enough to get him to understand. Fuck parties. He had better things to do. Right? Read, watch TV, sleep, porn. All good choices he guesses.

‘Joe, listen carefully…no.’ I do not like party shows. I could not…Would not. I don’t like them in a box. I don’t like them with a fox. I don’t like them in a house. I don’t like them with a mouse. I don’t like them here or there. I don’t like them anywhere. I do not like party shows. I do no like them Joe blow.

He got outside through the back entrance. The sun beaming down on his skin. It was hot. Very hot. Time to go home. To home. Off to home we go. He just kept walking. Getting closer and closer to home. He needs to be home. To calm down. Relax. Breathe. Noise. Constant, bothering, never leaves noise!

Kill me! Kill me! Please! Dammit, he thought. Why can’t it just leave me alone?. He got to his door, opening it quietly. His mother usually takes a nap around this time. Poor mom. Single. Works a lot. Doesn’t have much time to herself. Such a good mother. He tries his best to make things easier for her. He gets on with his usual choirs. Garbage, chatter. Dishes, noise. Dusting, screaming. Yelling. His mom comes down the stairs.

‘Awe Thanks sweetheart. What are you plans for tonight are you going to…’ No! I’m not going to the fucking party. ‘…go out to Sedona?’ Oh. Right. The mall.

‘Um yeah. I think that’s what I will do. Can I take your car?’ That was right he was going to go to Sedona. The drive was nice. He could just stare out into the desert. Driving the windy turns. Listen to soft music. Mozart, or Beethoven. Just him and the car. He likes going to the mall there. It wasn’t too crowded but it was nice. He likes the just watching the waterfall that fell in the middle of the mall. Trancing it was.

‘Of course you can. Have fun. And here.’ She went over to him and opens his hands. She places something in his hand then closes his hand. ‘Don’t look at how much. Just take it and get yourself something nice. For your birthday. Its coming up soon and I don’t know what to get you.’ With that she gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back upstairs. To the car.

Once he got in he opens his hand. There laid 400 hundred dollars. Sweet. He puts the music on. Helps calm down the noise. Relax. Relaxing. Drive.

I-17 for a long time. A much long needed drive. The red desert. Greeting him. Accepting him. This was nice he thought. The chatter was there, but he could deal with it. Relax. Drive.

Honk! Fucker. A stupid guy cuts him off. What was the big rush? The chatter starts up. Focus is lost. Lost again. Son of a… He then honks at the car in front of him who just cut him of. Yeah like that? Too bad someone didn’t rear end you. He honks again. Beep! Honk! The car ahead didn’t like it so much so the guy slams on his brakes.

Five. He notices the red on the brake signals. The tires screeching. Marking the pavement. 4. He cuts the wheel to the left. Onto the left lane. 3. The car ahead is still braking. The guy must be pissed! 2 He gets out of the way of the braking lunatic. Guy in the car still braking. Didn’t the guy see he moved? One. Here comes a truck! A satisfying crunch is heard by his ears. The sound of a Ford Focus being smashed by a four-wheel drive, 2 ton, lifted truck. Haha. Serves you right. Poor truck though. Not his fault. Just a few hours gone from Truck’s day. But he will be a few 1000 dollars richer because of him. The car is pushed hard to the right of the road. Much damage. Might want to call Allstate. Their logo. ‘Are you in good hands?’

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 54

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 54 Arriving back at the Walker house, Kelly and Paula decided to make the most of the few hours that they had the house to themselves. "I'll do us some food in a while," said Kelly. "I do know a few things." "Ok, but what do you want to do first, other than maybe suck on my tongue?" asked Paula, sitting down on the sofa in the living room. "Just do some talking," said Kelly, coming in with two cans of cola she had acquired from the fridge. "So,...

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TV Groupie 1

TV GROUPIE by "C. C." My name is Clinton Crayle, and I'm a very different kind of Private Detective. I specialize in untangling the kinky sex lives of the very rich. My fee is One Thousand Dollars a day, and I'm seldom out of work. My clients know my discretion is absolute, and I guarantee my results. So if you're rich and in a jam, call on me. Margaret Thaylor did... Robyn Thaylor's room looked like the room of any teenage daughter of a wealthy widowed mother. Rock posters on the...

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My Reward

When I came in the door home early from work my wife, Tina ran up to me, threw her arms around my neck and gave me a hot deep kiss. "Oh honey, I'm so glad you made it home before I had to leave, I'm going to miss you so much. Are you sure you can't take the week off and come with me?""I'm sorry honey I can't take the time off. I have some very important meetings that I just can't reschedule. The clients are coming from out of town and I can't change that" silently, I thought, besides if I go...

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The Houseguest Part 4 The Devil made me do it

Pete has no shortage of admirers and Jacosta worries that he will find new, younger lovers more attractive than her and is shocked when she finds out her daughter is also keen to go to Pete’s bed. Pete encourages her to experiment with other lovers. She and Bill have drifted further apart and essentially live separate lives. She allows the Devil to sow more seeds of depravity in her mind and experiments with bondage and group sex. She discovers the naughtier the thoughts and activities,...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 65

THURSDAY AFTERNOON — SEPTEMBER 19 Jeff, Fred and Dave sat in the back yard of Carla's near the picnic tables they had just set up for the party. Although it started out just a bull session among three close friends, it had changed. Fred stared at his friend. "Jeff, I'm really fucked up. Those two women inside want me to be their man — and I want to. But I'm not over Brenda. I don't know if I'll ever be over her. She encourages me about Carla and Jessica. I know that her voice is just...

2 years ago
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It was ironic that you should mention the Grand Tetons, because I also have had a ‘dream’ of the time we would have had…….. We pull up to the Bed & Breakfast that I had made reservations at. It is a quaint little B&B that looks like an old fashioned log cabin as the main lobby, and little log cabins as the individual rooms off of it. It would be in the late afternoon or early evening, as we would check in, take the bags to our cabin, and then need to head back to the main house for supper. ...

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Pakistani Daughter

Ayesha was shopping locally with her mother, getting to know the new area. She hoped not to run into anyone from the new school while wearing traditional Pakistani clothes. Although, while wearing an abbaya and head scarf, there wasn't much chance she would be recognised. The clothing completely covered her, leaving just her face partially bare to the outside world. If she saw anyone she knew, the scarf could be used to cover her face. Not that it mattered much, as she hadn't started in the new...

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ConundrumChapter 7 The beginning of Retribution

Anyone watching from one of the bedroom windows of that house would have been persuaded that this was a beautiful calm evening. The watcher would not have seen the four men, in dark clothing, darkened faces and balaclava's, who slipped through the trees soundlessly. The serenity of the night would have allowed the sentinel to ignore the screams that erupted from the Lounge as Beth was once again beaten, nor the cries of "No ... no ... no. Please ... no" as the Master pushed a lubricated...

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Sangeetas time in Prague Part 4 Two family orgy

They arrived at the family home, feeling the cold even through their long coats. Sangeeta rang the bell, and a minute later the door opened and a woman stood their wearing only an expensive set of white lace lingerie and a pair of high heels. She looked a lot like her daughter, just with bigger boobs. “Hi, I’m Suzie. Come in,” she said, “I’m excited to meet you all.” Getting Ready for an Incest Orgy As they came in, she kissed them on the mouth, then closed the front door. “This is the...

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Ricks RevengeChapter 17

Donna and I talked with Kevin, and he agreed to Susan pretending to be my slut wife for a night out. We also planned to return the pleasure for Kevin to take Donna out another night as his slut wife. Our plan, placed into action, I showed up unexpectedly at their door. “Hi, Rick, what brings you over?” Susan smiled, greeting me at the door with a sensual hug and kiss. “You have twenty minutes to shower and put on your sexiest top and shortest skirt or dress. Tonight, you are my slut wife...

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Daddys Girl0

Joe watched as his daughter sauntered into the kitchen in booty shorts and a sports bra. The shorts barely covered her ass, and the bra was too small for her growing breasts. He watched her as she hopped up onto the counter, leaving her legs spread open. He could see from his seat at the table, that she wasn’t wearing panties. He could also see that she kept herself clean-shaven. He mentally scolded himself for even looking at her. But at the same time, he couldn’t help but notice...

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The Winter Hike with Mother

We decided to go camping up North. It was 7am and my Mom and I were headed out for a 12 mile circular day hike in what we hoped was solitude, the popular game seasons now being over."Hah!" she said, turning to me with a smile. The parking lot was deserted. When we hiked we liked to be completely alone and pretend we were in the wilderness. She'd picked me up from Philadelphia where she worked and we'd driven up west of Harrisburg for a three day weekend of hiking in the wilds of central...

1 year ago
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Master of the Kingdom Seizing Power ArcChapter 6 Gabrielle I

Prioress Gabrielle stalked the halls of River-of-the-Lilies Cathedral like a leopard out for prey. The news from her eyes and ears had been dire- Houses Amrien, Nessane and Oculi, all visited in turn by the king and the savages he called his royal guard. Although her spies confirmed that only Lord Oculi had been arrested and charged, all three have had their personal guards suddenly “volunteer for the Royal Army”. Amrien’s moronic trophy wife, Lady Nessane and her sheltered little brat were...

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A Remarkable Scouse Lady

“What – me and him on the same show?” asked an incredulous Margie, getting a nod from Bernie Mannel, her long time agent. “Wow! That’s cool, he’s fucking gorgeous,” she gasped, pulling her stockings up and straightening the seams. “You’re so crude sometime Margaret,” Bernie chuckled, receiving a hung out tongue from the sixty three year old actress at his persistent use of her given but mostly forgotten name. “But they’re not crude ... oh aren’t you going to wear them?” he nodded at a pair of...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Lady Tells Me About Her Foot Fetish Story

Being as old as I am now, over 65 is all I will divulge to you, I have discovered a fondness for seducing younger men. Now younger means from 20 to 40 years of age, and since my profession still has me traveling most of the time, I am able to indulge my passion as I always come into contact with quite a few males of assorted ages and backgrounds who are just waiting for a talented lady like myself. What it is I find that turns me on, and most of the young male population that I come into...

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Four Roses Part 1

NOTE: This story is completely fictional! This all started when I was eighteen and just finishing my junior year at our local High School and my Sister was just starting Junior High School. We live with my Mother and Father. They were married when my Father was forty-two and my Mother was thirty-two. That’s ten years difference. I came along five years later. Dad was forty-seven and Mom was thirty-seven. POINT: My Father’s first wife died on their honeymoon when he was twenty-three. He was...

1 year ago
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Modern Marriage Impregnation Resort Part 4

THE party My knees were a little wobbly as I was gaining my balance I saw that we were surrounded by a group of sexy people. The lights in the room changed and I noticed that the dance floor was empty and in it center was a well-padded breeding bench with a light shining down upon it. The bench itself was raised just high enough that a man could stand and fucked his woman. I was not ashamed and in my soul I wanted more orgasms. Looking at the people who had surrounded us, I noticed a couple of...

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East side Locos Part 2

Hector told me to spend the night and I did. We laid in bed together. I couldn't sleep because I was so full of adrenaline from the exciting events that just happened. In his sleep he started to cuddle me. I don't know what it was but it felt so good to held in his big muscles. I loved being his little spoon. I woke up early and noticed that Hector was still asleep. Did I mention he was necked? I could see his giant morning wood. I couldn't help myself so I just grabbed it with the tightest...

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Cruising For A Bruising

My family and I had just returned from a Caribbean Cruise. Including our family we had over 20 people in our party. Because I indulge my husbands hosiery fetish, I'm encased in sheer silky pantyhose like 24/7. Considering its August, my legs have no color which prevented me from not wearing pantyhose with any of my outfits. My husband was in his glory for I wore pantyhose daily as I dressed for dinner and our night attractions. Everyone in our group besides my husbands cousin Ken were there as...

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Rewarded For Being a Good Neighbor

The first time I saw my new neighbor Michelle a statuesque blond my jaw dropped. Her long blond hair went to her waist, she was about six feet tall, and had the figure of a Scandinavian goddess. She had to be in her mid or late 30’s, so a 57 year old divorced guy like me had no chance of attracting a women like this. But you can always dream. She was a divorcee who lived about three doors down with her two girls. I always said Hi to her when she was walking her dog and soon Michelle began...

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Letters from Toledo

LETTER FROM OHIODear Shoeblossom:I really enjoyed "Letter from Los Angeles: Ms. Scunthorpe's Rebuttal" and also the story from the Time-Lock computer Mistress in "Letter from Greater Ponsonby ."I also have a paid key holder, Phyllis.I grew up in a strict Evangelical family, here in Ohio, and our parents were very primitive, sexually...Masturbation and copulation were considered shameful.Of the five boys, Llewllyn, Hycel, Gottfried, Henreid, (that's me)  and Tolliver, none came out very normal....

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The Magic of BellsChapter 13

Wendy barely noticed the freaked out crippled girl. A man stood, not five steps away. Tall. Lean. Wiry, almost. His hair was dark, the same black as her lost Gary, cut short. A black mustache stood above lips set in a firm, strong expression. His eyes ... He was obviously the leader of this group. One look showed that. He had the bearing of leadership, strength of mind and will, if not hands and limbs. Yet there was strength there, too. She could see it. Wanted to feel it. Feel those arms...

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Pink Carnation

Bill Gossage was a married man. Thirty years. In which time his wife has gone through menopause. Bill was hoping her desire for sex and the lack of a period would be a blessing. But instead it was a curse. The curse of depleted desire. In other words, she's gone cold. Sexually anyway. So, Bill still loves her and hides his frustration. He reads and writes dirty stories and tries to pleasure himself but it gets old. His imagination has created some great fantasies and he thinks about acting...

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The Photographer

I first met him when I was eighteen-years-old at Kings Cross railway station in London England. I had run away from home and I was not quite sure of where I was going to sleep that night. All of a sudden, out of nowhere came this tall grey-haired man. He looked like he was at least seventy years old. He was a very charming man, the sort that instantly made you at ease when you talked to him. We chatted for what seemed like hours and then he expressed he had an interest in photography. He told...

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Starlight Shimmer

Year 2023 Stood, bent over and slightly rattled, Abigale painfully held onto her breast as spittle dripped from her mouth, she tiredly looked up through the mess of her blonde hair towards the ravishing beast known as Solstice. Her silver and white skin tight costume ripped and battered around her body as a bead of sweat slowly dripped down around her jaw. Straightening up with a wince and deep breath, the heroine Starlight Shimmer; Abigale Greendale, focused her eyes solely on the...

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Deputy PorterChapter 109

Reggie and I spent the afternoon just driving around town. We checked out restaurants for dinner and where exactly the Portland Inn was located. The Inn was a very fancy name for a shabby downtown motel. It was obviously outside the downtown rehab area. It was headed toward oblivion, and should be there in a few year. It was a good thing we got to town when we did, if we wanted to hang out there. "So it's dinner at Elizabeth's Italian restaurant and then on to the Portland Inn's...

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Introduced to Incest

It didn't take long until I was stealing new pairs from my mom and sister for us to play with. I guess I started getting careless with the amount I was taking because one day my mom made a comment about how she was missing some underwear. I knew my face turned bright red, but I tried to play it off like I didn't know what she was talking about. However, it was getting to where I was even have thoughts about having sex with her and my sister, and would lay in my bed and jerk off to them. This...

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TouchMyWife Babi Star Rainy Days Don8217t Stop My Wife From Gettin8217 Wet

It’s hard to keep a young wife like Babi Star satisfied, the good thing is she can do it herself. I’m less than shocked & a little horny when she tells me she found a stud at the beach to take home & fuck. She brings him (GI Joey) back to our pool and has him feasting on her cunt in no time. I spy from a distance as she takes his thick cock into her mouth. Her big tits knock around as this stranger rails my wife’s petite hole. He makes her cum at least once before I...

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cant help falling for hot sexy times with married

When i was younger i never got the pretty girls and never functioned down below well and soon became transgendered. I dont have the pressure to perform any more . I was still attracted to girls but one day saw a huge black man with 2 sexy girls and i began to wonder why so many females had black boyfriends. All of my female relationships ended with the girls going to black men so got intrigued. One day i was out one night in Manchester and was asked by a very tall black man if he would be...

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Meeting Samantha

I'll be home a few minutes late, go ahead and start without me. ;-)" You smile as you read my text, and are not entirely surprised at my supposed "late arrival." But it gives you a chance to set things up just as you had planned...As I take my time getting home, I take some time to reflect. We have a pretty special night ahead of us, one that we worked hard to achieve. It all started when we posted a 30 minute video of me draining your massive milk-filled tits. So few lactation porn videos...

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When I was growing up,in the Midwest I fantasised a lot and often imagined I was a young Indian brave. As my parents both worked on days I Wasn,t in school I could more or less do what I wanted in the house and usually did. I found it a real turn-on to just wear a make shift loin cloth which made it dead easy to jerk off and in those days I could cum quite a few times. Gradually I grew bolder and did some exhibtionism standing in our huge picture window, even venturing out into the back garden....

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Playboy Hyderabad With BiSex Couple

Hi everyone one thank you for iss for posting my experience and thank u for feedback few people told me to add little more spice in my stories but this are my real experience. Any couple or woman like to meet are wanted to have real safe and secure fun message me on Coming to my experience which happened recently two days back. This days I was busy with my office work so I was not online but last friday after work I was so tired went to my flat got freshed and came online and browsing after...

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How a woman turned me gay Part 1

Just to make it clear I consider myself straight (or did). I have never felt a sexual attraction to guys and wasn't something that I'd even consider! Its worth noting as well that this is a 100% truthful and accurate account of what happened to me. Its not a fantasy or any work of fiction, my imagination inst that great (neither is my writing skills) I'm just a guy wanting to share my experience with other people who might want to read it. My introduction to Gay sex Having been married...

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MonkeyChapter 5

After Matt had left we started to pack up the bus in readiness to return home. I switched the radio on to get the latest news; there was a segment about the 'murder victim'. The police had done a DNA test to see if he was on their records, he wasn't, but his DNA had shown up in no less than five rape case samples taken from his victims, he was a wanted man, they thought it was another rape attempt gone wrong. Jeeze they get things right occasionally. This was a great relief to Mum and...

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My Sexy Mommy 8211 Part III

I am Raju and I’m 22 years guy lives with my mother Rekha. My Father had passed away when I was just 9 years. My mom is very beautiful lady. Although she is 42 years in age but she looks like 32 years only. She is 5.2 tall, extra fair complexions and her figure is 42 32 36. She looks dam sexy in sari low at navel and off sleeves blouse with deep cut in neck. We got house of our own at Dehradun with two bed room and one drawing cum dining room. Although our room is separate from mom but now I...

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Planning sex with aunty

Hi friends i am Arun, age 22 now from orissa and this is my first story that happened 4 year back.. To tell u abt me i m 5’9″ tall wheatish complexion. I used to stay at home.but when i completed my H.S.C.E i had to leave my home & had to stay at uncle’s house for higher study.My uncle’s house is in Bhubaneswar. I was joined in B.J.B college i.e near my uncle’s house. My uncle is leaving there with aunty & his only soon who is at that time 7yrs old.My uncle’s name is Soraj. He is a teacher &...

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Ananya Gang Banged In Train By 20 Strangers

Hi ISS readers, this is the story of how I was fucked by at least 20 guys in a train. Never in my life had I imagined that I will enjoy this kind of thing but I guess I was always wrong. My name is Ananya and I am from Bengal. I am 19 years old, 5”4’ tall with an average figure of 33-28-36. I had lost my virginity at the age of 18 with a boy at my school. We were young, immature and our relationship lasted for only 2 months in which we had sex only 3 times. I didn’t really enjoy it at that...

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Thunder Island

Thunder Island is the most beautiful of the coastals. It’s still beautiful, in spite of now being filled with condos, motels, gigantic mansions and tourists ... it’s classy and scenic and just fabulous. You are a lucky motherfucker if you can afford to live there. The foliage is still thick and rich, with red cedar, oaks, loblolly and longleaf pines everywhere. The businessmen that turned the beauty of the island into money were careful, at least, and much of the natural beauty of the place has...

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Definitely not WWF wrestling

I was cooling down from my workout in the basement of our gym, and was about to head for the shower, when the attendant appeared in the doorway and told me that the gym was closed and that i was the last member left. He said there was no rush as he had to clean up the locker room. As i tried to stretch out my hamstrings, he asked if i needed help in maintaining the stretch and i said sure. He came over and put his hands on my shoulders, gently pushing me forward so i could feel the stretch. He...

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