Car Wash Kelly free porn video

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"Oh, Mr Dawson..." Kelly's sweet, sing-song voice filled the classroom, along with her equally sweet lilac scent, "I have something for you."

I smiled down at the pretty 18 year old standing in front of me at my desk. Kelly reminded me of spring – her fresh face youthful; her small, perky nipples poking through the thin fabric of her warn cotton cheerleaders sweater.

"Here," she continued, handing me a flyer, "The high school cheerleading squad is having a car wash this afternoon in the student parking lot to raise money for new uniforms." She jumped up and down enthusiastically, "Go Cougars!"

"My car's filthy...count me in." I promised. As I took the paper from Kelly, my finger ran lightly over her small, soft hand, "Anything I can do to support a good cause." I assured her; my head was already swimming with images of tiny, wet t-shirts and short-shorts clinging to perfect 18-year-old bodies.

"Gee, Mr Dawson, I just knew I could count on you!" Kelly gushed.

"Anything you need, Kelly, you can count on me." My eyes followed her firm, little ass as she bounced away. I pulled up the blinds and gazed out the window. It was a bright, sunny day, unseasonably warm for mid-March. I watched Kelly prance across the the school yard with the grace of a gazelle. Suddenly my car wasn't the only thing in need of a cold shower.

My eyes took in the very appealing scene. Dance music blared from a nearby boom-box and a dozen sexy teen-age hips bounced to the beat. My eyes searched out Kelly and took her in from head to toe. From this angle I could see her clearly, and as always, I lied what I saw. As she leaned over a small, red sports car with a big, yellow sponge in her hand, I grunted out loud as I admired the bend of her firm, young body.

Her golden hair fell loose along her back in a care-free, natural style. She stood on barefoot toes as she reached across the hood of the vehicle, flexing her calves and thighs in the process. Subtle, although clearly defined, muscles sculpted her legs. Tiny denim shorts clung tightly to her ass, short enough to quicken the pulse. A white, sleeveless shirt was tied up just above her navel, showing off her rock-hard abs and tiny waist. Kelly wasn't particularly tan this early in the year, and the late-afternoon sun illuminated her pale skin, giving her an almost angelic glow. Her cloths were damp, plastered to her body in wet patches. White soap suds speckled her hands and arms, her legs and toes,even the revealing cut of her neckline. I took a deep breath; the whole scene drove me absolutely wild, and I grabbed my keys and hurried out to the teachers parking lot. Kelly spied my car as I drove up and immediately came towards it. She didn't walk; she never walked. Instead she skipped over with her usual energy and laid a smile on me that made my mouth water.

"Mr Dawson!" She exclaimed, crossing her arms along my car door and leaned in through the open window. The scent of blooming lilac bushes instantly flooded my car, while the silky skin peeking through the deep plunge in her shirt begged to be touched, and I had to adjust my hard-on in my pants.

"I was hoping you'd make it." she cooed sweetly, "And oh-my-god, nice car!" she took a step back and gave my black BMW 330i the once-over.

"Thanks. Hey, want to go for a little spin? I've got the smoothest ride in town." I offered with a wink.

"Sure think, Mr Dawson!" Kelly smiled shyly, returning the wink, "And I hope we do more than just go for a ride, if you know what I mean. But first, let me and the other girls give your car a good wash and make it all clean and shiny, okay?"

"Now there's an offer I can't refuse." I said, smiling.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has illuminated the the fasten your seatbelts sign," Kelly mimicked playfully as she guided my Beemer across the packing lot with exaggerated arm gestures, "As we prepare for landing, please return your tray tables to the upright position and remain in your seat with your seat belts securely fastened."

"Coffee, tea or me?" I thought aloud. Kelly heard me and laughed.

Most of the girls washing cars were scantily clad in tiny t-shirts and super-short Daisy Dukes, and I smiled as they wiggled and giggled around the car. It reminded me of the two-girl lap-dance my friends had gotten me for my 30th birthday: asses and tits flinging in my face, and me having to sit on my hands so I couldn't touch. I watched Kelly in my side-view mirror as she worked up a sudsy sweat on the rear of my car. She definitely stood out from the other girls swarming around my car; they were like Black Widow spiders eager to devour a male after mating. They offered up all kinds of provocative suggestions, things most teen girls like themselves were too young and unsophisticated to know what they really meant.

But Kelly didn't join in the chorus; she simply watched them flirt with me with an amused, all be it shy, smile as she continued washing my car.

"Hey, Kelly," I called out to her, making the others cringe with jealousy, "would you mind coming over here for a second?"

She spun around immediately on her heals, and apparently I had caught her by surprise, as in her haste to rush to my beck and call, her clumsy grasp released a big, wet, soapy sponge that hit me square in the chest with a loud slap.

"Sorry, Mr D!" she sputtered out between muffled laughter.

"Okay, you're mine!" I promised as I leapt out of the car as Kelly playfully began to jump away from me as I snatched up a nearby garden hose and dangled it over her head.

The vicious green snake spayed a relentless torrent of ice-cold water, drenching Kelly from head to toe while I laughed at her string of provocative threats. What was once a solid white, slightly damp blouse quickly became virtually invisible, soaking-wet piece of thin fabric, and Kelly's protruding nipples assured me that the water was indeed cold. My attack was relentless, my aim precise and my body alive as Kelly provoked a desire within me that, left unstated, could very possible have exploded and killed me.

But what a way to go!

Kelly's skin glistened from the moisture covering her as I continued spraying her with the hose. I allowed my eyes to fully appreciate her toned, teen body; no curve went unnoticed as she darted left and right, climbing over the car and pretended to make a run for it, only for the the hose to follow her every step. Finally she gave in and offered me the cutest little out.

"You win, I lose." She admitted.

"Are you ready to take that little spin now?" I asked, opening the passengers side door of my car. Without hesitation, she ducked into the smooth leather seat, her hands moving up and down the inviting interior. Then, without even realising what I was saying, I blurted out, "Are you interested in a little sex-education practice with your favourite high school teacher?"

"Gee, Mr Dawson," Kelly gushed, "am I ever! But I've never done it before. Hope that's okay with you?"

That was all I needed to here.

"Okay, girls, I'm taking Kelly home so she can change into some dry cloths." I told the open-mouthed group of student onlookers as I sped off out of the parking lot and onto a quiet avenue.

Kelly's erect nipples poked through her clinging top, her tiny curves begging to be sucked on, and I had to find somewhere secluded before I got too distracted and lost control of the car.

"Wow, Mr Dawson," She whispered, gripping the car door, "this thin really moves!"

"Yeah," I said as I brought the car to an abrupt stop just off a secluded wooded lane a few miles from the school, "the best things in life usually catch you by surprise and take your breath away."

With that I leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. Heavy breaths raised and lowered her still damp chest, involuntarily pressing into me and drawing away. One of my hands groped hungrily at her tits, while the other reached alongside her seat and reclined it all the way back until it was practically flat. The turned-on 18-year-old sucked in a deep breath.

"Oh, Mr Dawson," she panted, "I've been wanting you to to do this to me ever since I walked into your class for the first time two years ago."

My hands slipped up her thighs, soft and flawless, as she stared at me with wide blue eyes. Tiny beads of sweat bubbled over her forehead as my fingers unbuttoned her shorts and pushed them quickly down her legs. I fondled her white cotton panties, tugging them in directions they'd likely never been pulled before. High pitched noises, somewhere between a moan and giggle, steamed up the car windows. I moved back up to Kelly's chest; I didn't have the patience to deal with so many buttons, but it was worth the effort as I opened her shirt, exposing her pale, ripe tits. The palm of one hand rolled over her erect nipples, turning them rock hard while the fingers of the other gently pried at her inner lips. More squeals, and more steam, were the inevitable result as my thumb pressed against her clit, firm and insistent. I stroked her in quick, circular motions as one by one I slid my fingers into her. First one, then two, three and finally four, my thumb still tending to her clit as I delved into her tight embrace.

I wanted, no, I needed, to prepare her.

I breathed into her neck, smiling to myself as shivers ran all over her body. Tender kisses trailed down her chest, just enough to catch her by surprise as I bit her nipple gently. Her back arched abruptly, thrusting her breast deeper into my mouth. With some reluctance, I moved lower, my hot tongue flicking at her clit. I licked her, tasting her as deeply as I could while my hands slid below her ass and I lifted her pussy to grind against my face. Tiny convulsions shook her as I sucked on her swollen clit, and in a sudden burst, her pussy grew hot, swollen and oh so very wet.

"Are you ready for me?" I asked into her navel as I studied her expression. She nodded, eyes wide, chest having and bighting her lip so hard I was surprised it didn't bleed.

I lifted her left leg over my shoulder and brought her right leg under my arm, glad to have a sports care with so much leg room. Even then, the toes of her left foot pressed against the wind-shield as I lifted her higher. Kelly's sweaty palms pressed up against my chest, her face screamed out in awe of the unknown; her body screamed out in anticipation of things to come. I slid into her as slowly as my 9" would allow, and the deeper I got, the more surprised I was at just how tightly her pussy squeezed me on all sides.

"Oh, God, Kelly." I groaned, "You're so fucking tight!"

I moved slowly, waiting for that one breakthrough moment when I would take her to new heights. The delicious torture lasted so long that my own stamina almost failed, but finally I felt her relax, if only slightly, and my patience wore out as I drove all the way into her.

This will never do! I thought to myself as Kelly's soft panting fogged up the windows. I crushed my cock into her, faster and harder than I had really intended, but the pants quickly turned into squeals.

Yes, much better! I applauded myself, recognising the familiar notes of a young girl's first sex-induced orgasm. I felt myself grow larger, my bulbous cock unable to get enough of Kelly's tight little pussy as I stretched her to new limits. Her arms and legs flailed about in the restricted area of the car as if she had no muscular control and she squealed in delight. I really wasn't sure if it was the most pleasurable experience of her young life, or possible the most usual, but if nothing else, I knew I had rocked her world in a major way, and she would never be the same again.

I slowed my momentum just long enough for Kelly to catch her breath; I waited for her arms to go limp before driving back into her, strong and deep like some out-of-control sex maniac. An all to familiar boiling sensation in my ball-sack alerted me to my own imminent climax, and I quickly weighed up the choices before me; I could pull out and spray my load all over her ripe young tits and flat belly, or bury myself deep inside her and fill her to overflowing. I wasn't worried about getting her pregnant; after all, what girl of her age, a cheerleader none the less, would even consider doing without birth control? My mind made up, I grabbed hold of her waist and pulled her bodily against me, driving myself deep enough to feel the kiss of her cervix against the end of my cock. That was enough to send me over the edge, and I unleashed rope after pearly rope of my seed as deep inside her as was possible.

After I caught my breath, I pulled out and rubbed my still-rock-hard cock along Kelly's inner thighs, and she twitched and squirmed a but, obviously wanting more. One last squirt of cum sprayed out over her, and I rubbed it over her flat stomach and toned thighs like massage oil. Running my hands along her tiny little curves sent a shiver down my spine, and I entered her again, rocking into her to the tune of some unknown heavy beat in my head. I pounded her as she begged for more, and more high-pitched squeals fogged my windows.

"Good girl." I moaned, "That's my Kelly. Move with me, sweetie."

She felt so good it defies description. My cock filled her with the most exquisite series of convulsions, and I was unwilling and unable to prevent myself from coming inside her prefect teen pussy for a second time. I held tight inside her for several minutes, relishing in her heat and unbridled enthusiasm. The corners of her mouth bent slightly in a lazy half-smile, as without a word she battered those big blue eyes at me several times before they closed. I crawled back into the driver's seat and watched her.

Minutes passed, but eventually Kelly opened her tired eyes and smiled over at me. Then a grimace suddenly passed over her face.

"Leg cramp." She quickly explained as, still naked, she stepped out of the car to stretch, "I usually get 'em after too much cheerleading practice."

I also got out of the car and walked around to offer what help I could. Kelly leaned against the car as she stretched out her calf, and her sexy little ass stuck out towards me as she pressed into the car. My cock snapping to attention for a nearly unprecedented third time, I couldn't help but grab hold of those perfect hips. My body seemed to swallow her small frame as I pressed up against her, reaching around to cup her firm, full breasts. My chest pushed her so she bent over the open window of the car door, and I tweaked her nipples rather roughly and saw one of those now familiar shivers run through her young, shapely body. I couldn't help myself as I started to fuck her from behind. Not bothering with slow and steady, I literally pumped her for all I was worth. With one of my hands pressed against the small of her back to keep her at the perfect angle, and the other clutched at her hip, I took her hard and fast, with little patience and a lot of power. After a few minutes we both came, and Kelly collapsed, her head and chest still inside the car.

"That was amazing." I whispered softly as I opened the door and helped her inside. The satisfied smile on her pretty face said it all.

After that our little trips to the woods became a regular after-school activity, and over the next few weeks I pimped I don't know how many loads of cum into her willing, tight little pussy. At weekends she would sneak over to my house under the guise of going to see friends, and we would spend the day either making slow, passionate love in bed, or fucking like rabbits in every other room of my little two-bedroom suburban. Not once did either of us even mention birth control, and I naturally assumed that she had it all under control.

So imagine my surprise when, just after spring break, she turned up on my doorstep in a flood of tears, a suitcase in one hand and a positive pregnancy test in the other. Having missed her period, she had bought the test at a local d**g store, only for her mother to walk in and catch her using it. A massive fight had followed, culminating in her mother throwing her out when the test came back positive. She had tried going to her friends houses, but their parents had turned her away when she sobbingly explained her predicament. Fortunately, as a teacher of some standing in the community, I was able to convince the town sheriff and the counties only over-worked and under-paid social worker that I was just the kind of responsible adult needed to look after one of my pupils, a legal adult herself, when they found themselves going through a crisis. Officially, Kelly moved into my spare room, made up with a few personal items her parents had allowed her home to recover before telling her that as far as they were concerned, she was dead to them. The school was a little more hard work, but I was in good with the principle, and was able to talk her around by pointing out how good it made us look if our teaching staff was willing to go that extra mile to help a student in distress. I didn't tell her that, from my point of view, the main advantage was having a hot piece of ass at my beck and call 24/7.

With a little help, and a lot of hard work on her part, Kelly was able to graduate with her friends, the long gown she wore almost hiding her now very swollen belly. Shortly after that, I was offered a better job at another school across the state. I gave Kelly the choice between staying behind, with a healthy c***d support allowance, or coming with me. She chose the latter, and we moved into our new home a few weeks before our daughter Holly, named after the trees in the woods where she was most likely convinced, was born.

That was two years ago; I'm now vice-principle, and Kelly is about to graduate from the local community collage. Our sex life is still amazing, and there's even talk of us having another k** or two, which is hardly a chore on my part. Kelly is making some not-so-subtle hints that she wants us to get married, and I guess that's one way to ensure constant, ready access to the hottest, tightest and kinkiest pussy I've ever tapped.

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TwentyYear High School Reunion With Kelly

It was early August of 1998. A couple of months prior Kelly and I had received, and RSVP’d to, an invitation to our twentieth high school class reunion. We were both looking forward to the event, but Kelly especially. That night she was the sexiest and most beautiful she had ever been in her life. And everyone noticed.Our class was huge, a byproduct of the baby boom, and graduated over three hundred. The class stoner and chief idiot as a joke ran for class president and, also as a joke, we...

Straight Sex
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Going to Prom With Kelly

It was May of 1976. Kelly and I were going to prom, our first formal dance together.From a sexual standpoint, the seventies were perhaps the greatest time in recent history to be a teenager. The pill existed, AIDS did not, women had burned their bras, the counterculture had loosened the nation’s morals, the drinking age was eighteen, cars were still large enough to fuck in, there was no such thing as a helicopter parent, and cops and parents alike believed that “they’re just being kids” was...

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Going to Prom With Kelly

It was May of 1976. Kelly and I were going to prom, our first formal dance together.From a sexual standpoint, the seventies were perhaps the greatest time in recent history to be a teenager. The pill existed, AIDS did not, women had burned their bras, the counterculture had loosened the nation’s morals, the drinking age was eighteen, cars were still large enough to fuck in, there was no such thing as a helicopter parent, and cops and parents alike believed that “they’re just being kids” was...

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Halloween 95 with Kelly

It was Halloween 1995. A radio station sponsored a big bash at a nice downtown hotel at our nearest ‘big’ city, about an hour away. We decided to book a room for the night.Kelly has always been turned on by the whole ‘sexy vampire’ thing, so she decides that we’re going as vampires. Because I’m so damn tall, she custom makes me a long cape which I wear with tuxedo slacks, shirt, and bow tie.Kelly really went to town making herself a cloak/cape-thing. It was black velvet with a red velvet...

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Halloween 99 With Kelly

It was October of 1999. Kelly had met Lisa through her job. Since our trip together, with Lisa and her husband Bob, to Cancun the previous February, we’d become very close friends. We‘d spent a few weekends and parties together since then and each of them had ended with me cumming in Lisa and Bob unloading in Kelly. Kelly and I were thirty-nine. Lisa was thirty-seven and Bob was forty.We had a local live music club that Kelly and I frequented a few times each year. We had some wild experiences...

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Going To The Club With Kelly

It was a Friday evening in August of 1994. I had to attend a dinner for work with the boss and some vendor representatives and my wife, Kelly was invited. The dinner was at the fanciest restaurant in our town so Kelly decided to dress up.She had bought a dress on clearance a few months prior that she thought would be perfect. It was a black skirt on the bottom with a few silver spangles sewn in here and there. Beneath the dress was a bunch of layers of that netting stuff (tulle?) which caused...

Wife Lovers
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High School Disco Dance With Kelly

It was mid-May of 1978. Kelly and I were just a couple of short weeks away from high school graduation. We were the peak of the Baby Boomers and our small-town school was crammed to overflowing with over fifteen hundred teenagers. For reasons I can’t recall, the prom that year had been moved to early April (maybe it was band availability?) from its normal May slot. Every school has its cliques. At our school, the Barbie Dolls were at the top of the pecking order for all social events.Disco was...

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Birthday Gang Bang with Kelly

It’s the fall of 1999. Kelly will turn forty next summer and I have been racking my brain trying to come up with the perfect gift. I’ve thought through vacations, material goods. Nothing seemed to be the exact right thing.I was making a long drive one day with time to think. A memory popped into my head. Kelly and I have been dating for about a year and screwing like bunnies for about six months. I pulled down my jeans and she saw my flaccid cock. I will never forget the look on her face of...

Group Sex
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The Community Auction With Kelly

It was March of 1995. Kelly and I were both thirty-five. We’d lived in our “new” town for about two and a half years at that time. While we had found a music club in town where we could have some fun, our limited social lives still mostly revolved around work and co-workers. In fact, it was a guy I worked with who invited Kelly and me to a substantial community fundraiser. Apparently, over the years it had turned into the social highlight of the town.Folks would get fancied up and spend the...

Straight Sex
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  Kelly walked seductively out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her gorgeous buxom body. Her strawberry blonde hair was still damp from the shower. She walked slowly over to the mirror allowing the towel to drop freely to the floor and starred to admire her gorgeous figure in the mirror.  At thirty four, she was just as attractive as she was in her early twenties if not more. Some men would consider her body as thick. She didn’t have the least bit of fat on her anywhere. She was just...

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Gene Has His Way With Kelly

It was 1976. Kelly was sixteen and got her first job working in the bakery/deli at the local grocery store. As she was still in high school she worked a variety of shifts after school, evenings, and on weekends. The job supplied a hideous smock as their uniform. Kelly wore her own jeans and T-shirt under the smock. The smocks were also cleaned by the store. There was a small breakroom in the back area where folks could store their jacket, purse, whatever, and that was where they would put on...

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Gary and I Have A Threesome With Kelly

It was February of 1993. Back in 1976, when Kelly was sixteen years old, she was at a party at a friend’s house that turned into an orgy and she was fucked by a half-dozen men that all worked together at the Ford dealership. A couple of them were double her age and one’s name was Gary. Fast-forward sixteen years and we had moved a couple of states away. Needing her Mustang repaired, Kelly went to the local Ford dealer the previous October. Lo and behold, Gary was the service writer.Her car...

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Getting Laid At The Festival With Kelly

It was August of 1977. Kelly and I were going to be seniors when school started back up. But before then our little town had its annual summer festival celebrating our local crop. Kelly and I had made our first trip to Milwaukee’s Summerfest several weeks ago and we knew that nothing in our little town could compare to that experience. Kelly’s sexuality was beginning to boil. She had dressed like a slut at Summerfest and loved the attention and the sex that it had brought her.Even though her...

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Getting Laid At The Festival With Kelly

It was August of 1977. Kelly and I were going to be seniors when school started back up. But before then our little town had its annual summer festival celebrating our local crop. Kelly and I had made our first trip to Milwaukee’s Summerfest several weeks ago and we knew that nothing in our little town could compare to that experience. Kelly’s sexuality was beginning to boil. She had dressed like a slut at Summerfest and loved the attention and the sex that it had brought her.Even though her...

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Fun With Her Gal Pal And Fun With Kelly

It was a Saturday late in the summer of 1991. Kelly had made plans to spend the day with her good friend Becca. Our sexy fun with Becca began in 1988 at our ten-year reunion when she jacked me off at the post-reunion pool party and then fucked me after I drove her drunk ass home. It continued the following summer when I jacked off in front of Kelly’s whole group of friends. Since then Becca and her husband Don had been to our house a few times without much happening other than some flirting and...

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A Guy From Work and I Enjoy Greekfest with Kelly

It was the summer of 1996. Tom was a sales guy who had been calling on me for the past few months and our companies were now doing business together. Tom was born to sales. He was genuinely a nice guy who wasn’t pushy, very professional, always came through on promises. We had gone out for beers after work a couple of times and were becoming good friends.When Tom called and invited Kelly and me to join him and his girlfriend for dinner on Friday, it seemed like a natural and logical thing to...

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Her Teacher Has Sex With Kelly

It was late fall of 1977. Kelly and I were seniors in high school. Kelly had changed so much over the past couple of years it was almost unbelievable. She had grown from being a shy, timid virgin to a strong woman that exuded confidence, and when she wanted, raw sexuality. Kelly had experienced nearly a dozen men and boys by that time, some barely sixteen, some more than twice her age.The summer before her junior year Kelly had run into one of the teachers, Mr. C. She was on a beer run with...

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Cliffs Birthday Party With Kelly

It was Friday, July 4, 1997. Kelly and I had been invited to a surprise fortieth birthday party for a friend of ours. Cliff’s wife Shelly had been planning the party for several weeks and it was quite a shindig. Shelly had a great spread catered in. A co-worker of Cliff’s moonlighted as a bartender and he volunteered to bartend.With a bartender, most of the twenty or so invitees were drinking his delicious (and strong) concoctions instead of slamming cans of beer. The net of it was that...

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Family Camping With Kelly

It was late July of 1977. Kelly and I were seventeen and had one more year of high school to go. My family were campers and my folks were okay with me inviting Kelly for our weekend at a state campground. Kelly and I drove separate from my folks and my sisters. We were camping with a couple of other families. One was my aunt, uncle, and their sons and the other were long-time family friends with their three kids.Rachel was the oldest of the family friend’s family. She was sixteen, a couple of...

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Buying A House With Kelly

It was August of 1992. Kelly and I were moving. I had taken a new job that was a few hours and a couple of states away. It was a big raise which made the move worth the effort. Nonetheless, it was hard to leave “home”.Kelly had her own job situation to deal with so as a result, I moved six months before Kelly was able to join me. It actually worked out okay as it gave us plenty of time to house hunt. Well, not entirely true. I was buried with the new job, so most of the hunting fell on Kelly...

Quickie Sex
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Fucking The Princesses With Kelly

It was August of 1995. Kelly and I were thirty-five. Something that I’ve not shared previously is that Kelly is a big fan of the Mouse House and in particular, their princess animated films. And while she loves the films, Kelly, being Kelly, also enjoyed the idea of putting a sexy twist to things.Kelly has been a seamstress since she was young. She enjoyed making costumes and over the years had made a number of Halloween costumes: Ren-fair and beer wench outfits, even a sexy Dorothy from Oz...

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The Guys At IHOP With Kelly

It was November of 1999. Kelly and I had fallen into an odd tradition. Patrick was our close friend from high school. We’d had four-ways with he and Yvonne countless times over a number of years. Unfortunately, they broke up and Yvonne married a dud. However, Patrick has always been Kelly’s number two.Even after we moved a couple of states away, we would get together a few times each year and Patrick and Kelly would fuck. It had kind of worked out that we would get together the weekend before...

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Strip Gaming gets violent with Kelly

After taking an extremely boring Christian ethics class (required by my college, not by choice) on a late Friday afternoon, I checked my cell to see I had a few messages. It was Kelly and she was celebrating a well deserved A on an Calculus test. The first message read: "Got an A in Calc. Vodka n strip gaming my place" Strip gaming is something Kelly got me into and it usually led to sex. However, we quickly learned that there are certain games you just don't play against the other. Kelly...

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An Acquaintance And I With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1993. Kelly was antsy. Kelly had a couple of wild fuck sessions with a wealthy guy (and his vintage car racing) buddies during that summer. But summer was ending too quickly. All summer long Kelly had been running around in tiny bikinis, short skirts, and dresses. She had an incredible tan, had lost a couple of pounds, was keeping everything down south shaved smooth as glass, and her twat was on fire.Earlier that day we had been to the beach where Kelly got to show...

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An Acquaintance And Me With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1993. Kelly was antsy. Kelly had a couple of wild fuck sessions with a wealthy guy (and his vintage car racing) buddies during that summer. But summer was ending too quickly. All summer long Kelly had been running around in tiny bikinis, short skirts, and dresses. She had an incredible tan, had lost a couple of pounds, was keeping everything down south shaved smooth as glass, and her twat was on fire.Earlier that day we had been to the beach where Kelly got to show...

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Festival Concert With Kelly

It was June of 1991. Not too far from where we lived there was a big annual weekend festival with free concerts. Kelly found out that the headlining act for Saturday night was one of her favorite heavy metal ‘hair’ bands from the 1980s.We arrived early afternoon, enjoyed the beach, ate some festival food, and did some people-watching. Around dinner time we entered the large sandy field which served as the concert venue. We staked out a spot about halfway back, between the stage in front and the...

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A Redneck Wedding With Kelly

It was early August of 1985. Kelly and I were both twenty-five. Kelly had an interesting friend in high school. Terri came from a family that was very straight-laced. Terri was the black sheep of her family, probably because Terri liked to fuck. That was exactly what her first boyfriend had told me. Her boyfriend also told me that the more clothes Terri took off, the better looking she became.It was probably the fact that Kelly also loved to fuck that drew her and Terri together. For the most...

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bert and kelly

To say that Kelly was hot would convey the proper perspective on her being. With long, auburn hair, peachy complexion, blue eyes, nice figure she presented an imposing view to the eye of the occasional beholder. The outstanding quality of her professional work had to be the work of a near genius; yet, she had a flaw. . . a deep, dark secret! Since early childhood, Kelly had carried a deep seated fear of men. The mere touch of a man could bring an upset stomach or nervous tremors! It wasn’t...

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Debbie Did Dallas With Kelly

It was a Saturday night in September of 1980 at the start of Kelly’s junior year of college. I was visiting Kelly and her roommate Tricia at college. Tricia was looking through the entertainment section of the student newspaper and calling out the various deals, activities, etc., that were going on. She got a big case of the giggles when she shared that there was a porn double feature with “Debbie Does Dallas.”The previous spring break was when the dam of sexual tension between Tricia and...

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Octoberfest With Kelly

It was October of 1987. Kelly and I lived in an area with a strong German heritage. There was a German social/sporting club a few small towns away that held a series of Octoberfest dances each year. They ran every other Saturday culminating in a big party on Halloween weekend, which that year was actually on Saturday.The fact that we were all taught the polka, schottische, and waltz in high school gym class tells you all you need to know about the heritage thing. Kelly and I enjoyed dancing and...

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Wild Weekend and Concert with Kelly

It was the spring of 1980. Kelly and I were a couple of years out of high school. Scott, who you met previously, was a senior. He had been dating Gina for the past few months. She was a sixteen-year-old sophomore.Kelly and Gina both worked part-time at a local bakery. They got along well and Kelly had taken Gina under her wing like a little sister. Gina had started the job around the same time she started dating Scott. Scott, true to his word, never said anything about Kelly giving him his...

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Kissing KellybyMister_Shy©Alright, so I'm a horny bastard, what else could I do? I've never considered myself very bright, neither would I say I'm blessed with an abundance of forethought...So, as I get this off my chest, let me go on the record and say, yeah, I know this was a bad idea going in. A spectacularly bad idea. A spectacularly dirty, risky idea. But I'll risk anything to get what I want, and what I wanted, what I couldn't stop myself from wanting, was my dad's new wife. I wanted to...

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