Theatrical.......10 free porn video

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I felt a bit sorry for him, the guy behind was pulling up his pants, he shed the condom and threw it on the bed, then he went out followed by the younger guy, I picked up the still warm rubber and looked at it, the seminal fluid filled the bulb at the end, I stared at it for a few seconds, that could have been inside me, would I have come if I had felt it shooting into me?,
I threw it into the bin after tying it and put on my thong and skirt, I also put on my bra then decided to leave off my blouse, I was getting into this role as a whore but I was even more ready for a fuck, I toyed with the idea of getting my friend in here , he would sort me out” I thought,
I walked back into the lounge, the two I had fucked were sitting on the couch looking rather sheepish, I walked over and got myself a drink Marci was d****d over another guy in the chair whilst Liz was dancing around on her own in the middle of the floor, a hand touched my elbow and I looked around, it was the suit who had negotiated the deal, “are you ok?” he said, “yes of course” I replied, “those two trapped you in the bedroom didn’t they?” he said smiling, “yes but that’s why we are here isn’t it” I said, I winked at him, I was trying my best to appear professional about this, Liz was shedding her clothes in the middle of the floor, doing a strip, Marci got up and lead her guy into the bedroom, the suit was standing beside me and out of my peripheral vision I could see that he was staring at my heaving breasts which I was forcing against my bra on purpose, I had mesmerized him, I looked at my friend and smiled at him, he was still sat in the chair watching the show that Liz was putting on, “down tiger” I thought, “that’s not for you, this is for you, all of it, come and take it, claim your whore and whisk her away to a land of your cock” I thought as I looked at him, trying to will some action,
I looked at Liz and her small tits sprang out as her bra went the way of the rest of her clothing, she was dancing around naked, I looked back at the suit, he was grinning at me, I knew that look, it spoke volumes, I took his hand as I put down my drink, it was time to do the boss, I lead him into another bedroom and pushed the door closed, he turned and I closed up on him, he looked down at my breasts as I wrapped an arm round his neck and hugged him to me, I was intent on some foreplay,
I had taken some cock, now it was my turn, I unfastened my skirt with my free hand as I kissed him lightly on the lips, he looked down at my assets again, apparently fascinated by the twins, I pulled his head down my front and onto my bra, then I reached behind and unfastened my bra with one hand, it sprang out and I shrugged my shoulders, the bra dropped exposing my tits to him, his mouth closed around one nipple as I fed my tits to him, he was suckling at my breasts, for some unknown reason my mind sprang to my son and the way he had suckled on my breasts when a baby,
I wondered how he would react now if I let him do it again, I bet he would fill a condom as well” I smiled to myself at the thought, the guy had brought his hands into play as he groped and sucked on my tits, this was having an effect on me, the thought of my son again had started my lustful feelings again, this time I was going to take one at least, I pushed him back to the bed and he fell back onto it, I pulled off his trousers as I dropped my thong, I knelt over him and straddled him then put on his obligatory condom and sat on his stiff medium sized cock, it felt nice inside me, I rode it then he rolled me over and got between my legs,
I hooked my legs around him as he stroked my thigh with his hand, I laid back trying not to look at him, that way I could let myself drift into my world of fantasy as he took his turn on my cunt, I thought about the theatre and what happened there, he was grunting as he pounded my cunt, I was moving back across the bed with each impact of his hips against me, my head was on the edge of the bed, two more pushes and my head went over the edge of the bed, then I saw the face above me grinning, it was the guy I had sucked off in the bedroom, “now you fucking bitch, you escaped me the last time but you won’t do that to me again” he said,
I smiled up at him as he undid his trousers, he dropped them and put his hand on my forehead, the guy in my cunt was still going and my orgasm was rising up the wave, the guy standing by my head trailed his cock over my face and pushed it along my lips, “open your mouth bitch” he said, I smiled at him, “open your fucking mouth I said” he persisted, then he got hold of my nose, my head was laying backwards over the side of the bed, I had to open my mouth to breath, he pushed his cock into it and let go of my nose,
I was tempted to bite him but thought twice and realised that it might lead to v******e, his cock was being pushed to the back of my throat as he rammed it into my face, I couldn’t move, the weight of the guy inside my cunt was holding me down while the standing guy rammed his cock in my mouth, he was pushing harder so that I was having to breathe through my nose, then I felt it, I almost choked but the angle of my head and neck allowed his cock to slide into my throat, I felt it kick and a flood of slimy fluid hit the back of my throat, I had no choice but to swallow I had eaten cum before, my friends cum but this was not nice, not the cum but the way it was being forced down me, the standing guy groaned, then suddenly his cock came out of my mouth as he was pulled away, he was spun round and then I saw why, my friend had hold of him by the hair and was propelling him towards the wall, his face smashed into it, the guy on top of me pulled out and stood up, my friend let go of his victim who sank to the floor, he turned back to me, “you ok?” he asked,
I sat up, spunk still in my mouth, I spit it out onto the bed, “explain that to the maid if you can” I thought, I got up and dressed as my friend was talking to the suit who was standing there, his shirt open and his trousers on the floor beside him, he looked very guilty, “that’s it, the night is over, no more, you promised me she would be ok and then you do that to her, what are you, an a****l?” my friend said to him, “I’m sorry, honest, we got carried away, she’s a beautiful woman, what do you expect, she’s a whore” the suit said, “she’s also a human being, have you no respect” my friend said, at that moment I felt very emotional, he had defended me, he was looking out for me, did he love me, I wasn’t sure but did her respect me, oh yes!! he most certainly did,
I found out in the years that followed that he could do what he wanted with me and I was happy to comply but let anyone else try to take the piss or hurt me in any way and they suffered at his hands, sometimes violently, sometimes financially but they knew they had crossed him and they lived to regret it, he got me out and into the car, he looked at me, I could see a fire in his eyes that I had never seen before, he was angry, not with me but with the tribe inside, we drove back to the hotel and I spent a long time on the bidet and in the shower soothing my battered body and genitals, we went to bed and I cuddled against him, happy to be there beside him even though the gnawing feeling of my unspent orgasm was still stirring inside me,
I fell asleep before I had the chance to satisfy it and the following morning I woke to find him in the shower, I had missed my chance again, we packed up and I got a taxi home, I went tentatively into the house, ready to cover my torn blouse should there be anyone there, it was Saturday and I knew that my husband and my son had gone to a football match further north, their team was playing away, they would be gone for most of the day, I got undressed and into a dressing gown, then I threw the blouse in the dustbin so as not to have it discovered, my phone chirped, it was a text, from him, “just testing” it said, I sent one back, “alone and message received, I put two kisses on the end, it rang shortly after, I answered it, it was him, I melted as I heard his voice, I sat down in the chair in the lounge spreading my legs slightly so that I could feel the exposure of my vagina uncovered, “what are you doing?” I asked, “just watching some sport and thinking about you” he said, my heart lurched, “I’m missing you already” I said, “what are you wearing?” I chuckled, I knew that some men asked this question when they wanted a girl to talk dirty to them, I thought I would try it in reverse,
I heard him laughing, I quietly kissed the phone, this was fabulous, he had actually made contact, “I have changed into my casual stuff” he said, and you?” he asked, “I’m in my dressing gown, I’m about to take a long deserved soak in the bath to soothe all my bits, they took quite a battering over the last 24 hours” I said, I heard a noise in the hall, “I have to go”! I said and quickly closed the phone, “mum?” came the voice from the hall, “yes” I said as my son appeared in the doorway, “who were you talking to?” he asked, “oh, just your auntie Anna” I lied, I thought you had gone to the match” I said, “oh, I cried off, I had a bit of a headache so dad and uncle Colin went on their own” he said, “oh sweetheart, how are you feeling now?” I said, “a bit better, I just went down to the paper shop to get some chocolate” he said, I smiled at him, “I’m just about to take a bath, why don’t you put the telly on and watch some sport or something, I won’t be long and then I will make you some lunch” I said, he gave me a half smile, one of those pitiful looks they give you when they are feeling a bit sorry for themselves, “here, give your mum a hug” I said moving towards him, he came into my arms and put his round me, I held him against me conscious of the fact that there was just a thin dressing gown between him and me, I felt my nipples harden and broke away, that was definitely forbidden territory no matter how horny I was,
I resolved to fix that in the bath, I went upstairs as he settled on the couch, I lowered myself into the hot steaming bath, I had the candles lit and I relaxed in the soothing waters, I washed myself and just laid there reminiscing about the last night and what had happened, I had been reunited with my lover and all of a sudden all was again right with the world, I was entering into what could only be described as full blown affair with a man that I knew I loved more than I loved my husband, a man that had shown me another side to life, that being a wife and mother was not the end of my existence, my fingers strayed to my pussy and into it, I settled back and started to think about Mary and Anna and how he had taken them all as well as Lisa,
I wondered if Lisa was ok, she seemed out of it when she went home, I would soon know because my daughter was to be a bridesmaid at the wedding so Lisa would be in contact with her fairly soon, my mind strayed to the black waiter and the way he had been shafting Lisa when I went into the lounge, I had managed to lure him away from her, should I have fucked him, he certainly looked good stood there naked behind my niece, his black fingers on her backside as he pounded her cunt, I wondered if she had invited him to the wedding, I raised my knees as my fingers slipped under the hood, there it was, the answer to all my stress, my clit button, I began to massage it, feeling the surge of sensation through my groin as the orgasm built rapidly, suddenly I heard a noise in the passageway behind me, my son had gone into his room, he had a TV in there and his computer with all it’s games, perhaps he had decided to play one of those or perhaps he had opted for one of his dirty books, I smiled to myself, if he had seen his mother last night and the way she behaved he would have blown his load there and then,
I decided to let the wank wait a while, that tingling feeling was nice, it allowed my mind to keep drifting back to the night before which gave me nice thoughts, I got out of the bath and dried myself, then I put my dressing gown back on, I would get dressed after I had made his lunch for him, I came out of the bathroom and listened at his door, his music was on and the door was slightly ajar, I peeped in, his bed is along the wall with the headboard on the same wall as the door so that as he was laid on the bed with his head on the pillow, he could not see me, he had his knees up and a magazine in one hand, I gasped as I saw that he had his cock in his other hand, he was wanking it while looking at the pictures of women naked and showing their genitalia to the camera,
I froze, uncertain what to do, should I burst in again like I did before, I felt my nipples pucker again as I watched the hand working the medium sized prick, he was certainly a big boy for his age, he had not let me bath him for years so I had lost touch with how grown up he was and how he was developing although I noticed a faint sign of a moustache and his voice was breaking although he had also had a few spots of which he was very conscious but this was just puberty and I had tried my best to convince him that they would not be there forever and the phase of his development would pass, his father had already had the talk with him, we thought it best because they grow up so fast and rather than have him experiment and get some girl into trouble we thought we should try to guide him along a safe road, now I was watching him have a wank and it was stirring me, watching his cock flail in his hand, what was he thinking, what was he imagining, I pushed the door open and it squeaked, he dropped the magazine and grabbed his hands over his rampant tool, “I thought we had talked about this” I said as I walked into the room, he was trying to cover his embarrassment, I picked up the magazine and flicked through the pages, “where did you get this from?” I asked, he looked at me and hung his head, “I asked you a question, the very least you can do is answer me, is this how you see women, as subjects of your fantasy, as play things, to abuse yourself with” I said, he looked up at me, his eye filling, “I’m sorry” he said, “I put down the magazine and looked at his hands, “are you having problems?” I said, he dropped his head again, “leave me alone” he said, “not if you are in some kind of difficulty, I know it’s to do with your age, we have all been through it, all of us, your dad and I as well as your sister, she was very hormonal when it happened to her, she wasn’t fit to live with, it will pass sweetheart, I promise it will pass” I said, he tried to turn away from me but I pulled his arm back and sat down on the edge of his bed, as I pulled him back over his hand slipped away from his cock leaving it exposed, he grabbed at it again still trying to hide it, feelings were coursing through me, little voices, “no, no, you mustn’t, this is sacred, no” they said, then the others, “well, you’ve done everything else that was taboo, why not this as well, I took hold of his arm again and slowly pulled it back, his hand slipped away from his cock, “let me see sweetheart, maybe I can help, are you in some kind of pain with it, it’s not going down” I said softly, would you like mummy to relieve this ache for you” I said, my heart was pounding, what was I doing, my brain was screaming at me to stop but my body was telling me to go on, to push the boundaries, experiment, see where it would lead,
I was having the same kind of conversations with myself as I had done in the theatre that night when I was sat next to my friend and allowing him to touch me, “maybe this is what was required now” I thought, I was having as much discomfort as he was, my hand slipped around the warm stem of his cock, he looked at me, I smiled at him as I stroked the stem, “there, that feels better doesn’t it, mummy will make it go away for her little boy” I said quietly, he looked at me and his eyes dropped,
I looked down, the top buttons of my gown were open showing part of my breast, it must have happened as I sat down and pulled him over, I looked up at him, his eyes were glued to my chest, I was still stroking his cock, “is that good, are you looking at mummies tits” I asked, he looked up at me and I smiled at him again, “are you going to come, would you like some stimulation?” I asked, he looked back at my breasts, I put my hand up to my chest and curled my fingers around the edge of my gown pulling it slowly aside, one breast popped out, the distended nipple erect and poking outwards, I looked back at him as I felt his cock stiffen even more in my hand, “there, is that nice, does it look as good as the ones in the magazine?” I asked, he was transfixed his eyes never wavered, I looked down and pulled aside the other part of my gown, both tits now stuck out from my chest,
I had to admit, I didn’t look too bad, they were quite pert even after two c***dren, I felt them tightening as they swelled, “how are we doing, are you ready yet?” I asked, he moved his other hand away and got hold of the sheets, gripping them, not long now?” I thought, then something clicked in my brain and I saw myself sitting on the bed, my son’s cock in my hand and then I saw myself lean forward and close my mouth over the dome of my sons cock, it was as though I was outside myself looking down, his hand reached out and pinched my breast as his cock slipped into my lips, I felt it kick and a spurt as semen shot into my mouth, he groaned as the ejaculation continued, I sucked it into my mouth as I took the whole of his cock in my mouth, his hips were jerking involuntarily at my face as he groped my naked breasts “oh you dirty whore” I was screaming at myself to stop, this cannot be happening, this is so wrong, this is your son, your own flesh and blood, that is his seed you are gulping down” I shouted at myself, but it was too late, the deed was done, the flow of spunk stopped and he laid back exhausted on the bed,
I looked up at him, his eyes were closed, “I’m glad I could be of help” I said as I got a tissue from the box beside his bed and wiped his cock, I pulled my gown together and left the room, just as I passed through the door, he spoke, “mum!” he said, “yes dear” I replied, “can we do that again sometime, it was nice and you are very beautiful” he said, “we’ll see” I replied and closed the door, I had crossed a barrier, a very dangerous barrier, and if I was not very careful I would fall and go headlong down a slippery slope of sexual depravity that could easily destroy my life and my family.

To be continued…..

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A Smmer of Nail Paint and Nighties

A summer of nail paint and nightys I've always liked to dress up as a girl. It's a secret I have been carrying for the last 30 years, and for one magic week in my adolescence, it came true. This is that story. A little background before we begin. I was a slim, good looking, heterosexual teenager living in New Delhi, India. I always had these fantasies of being forced to dress up, but never had the guts to try and experiment. Then one summer, I got a chance to taste the...

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Ever since I was a young girl I’ve been fascinated with cocks, I love the way they look and feel – big ones, small ones, old ones, young ones and oh boy do I love being fucked. Just the thought of a yummy hard cock makes my pussy feel all hot, tingly and juicy. It all started when I was in my early teens, I would lie in bed fantasizing about some imaginary lover touching my body, teasing my nipples with his tongue and finally fucking me with his big cock. (I had not actually seen one in...

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The Branson KidChapter 3

Chad Wilson gave me a complete rundown on how ta make a profit at bounty huntin'. I got a receipt fer the outlaw from the nearest town marshal, an we rode ta the courthouse ta pick up the reward. We picked up a flock of wanted posters, but Chad told me ta forgit about the ones without a picture. The written descriptions were too vague ta be worth payin' any attention ta. We went ta a saloon where Chad had a beer an' I had a coffee while we looked through the posters. He pointed out that...

3 years ago
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I Love Trading My Wifes Soiled Panties And H

Two months ago I placed an ad on Craigslist to trade pictures of my wife, and her sexy little satin panties with other guys in the local area. I was amazed at all the responses I got and quickly became excited to find several local guys who wanted to meet up with for an exchange. What an interesting result…. There was one guy who turned out to be a lawyer, and another guy who is a construction worker. I choose to meet each guy one at a time at the local coffee shop. I showed each guy all of my...

1 year ago
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Doing as a brother will do

You can literally say that Rob and I have known each other our entire lives. Our parents were next door neighbors and we were born three days apart. We grew up as “non-identical twins born by separate parents”. We were brothers in all ways but biological. We would even sometimes finish each other’s sentences. We were inseparable – almost. Rob met Tamara on one of those moments I was not around. This would have a significant impact. It was love at first sight and all I could say was that...

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Adventures of a reluctant wife chapter two

So, I had broken the ice. After many years of being a faithful and loving wife, I had now had two extramarital lovers in 5 months. I had discovered that you can have great sex without love. And I didn't feel at all guilty, because it was just what my hubby wanted.Tony had become a regular lover. I visited his flat at least once a week and always stayed the night with him. The sex with him got better and better, and more adventurous too. Graham was a different story. He was married, and...

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A Fall of Fortune For Me

In the summer of my eighteenth year, my uncle fell off his roof and broke his back. My mother asked me to go stay with them and not only finish the roofing job my uncle had started but to help around the house. Mom apologized for ruining my summer and that she would make it up to me so I didn't tell her that I didn't mind going at all. My Aunt Heather may have been my mother's sister but she wasn't like mom at all. Aunt Heather was old but not as old as my mom and she dressed sexy, looked sexy,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e16 Olivia

“The United Kingdom of Zoo – Series 4, Episode 16: Olivia” by Luke Ozvik Series 4, Episode 16: OLIVIA We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... And then we’re looking at something new... The Royal Courts of Justice in London. An amazing grandiose building, opened way back in 1882 by Queen Victoria herself. It’s an impressive Victorian Gothic grey stone building that screams...

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Introduction Its several years since I lost the writing bug. My Power Broker Series was reasonably successful, but frankly I ran out of ideas. I might revisit the Power Broker universe at some stage, but in the meantime, here is another universe to get your teeth into. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex.If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upset you, do not read any further. Lifestyle Restructuring - Profits...

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Loosing Virginity To Sweta

Hello all ISS readers. This is my first story so, if any mistakes please pardon me. This is a true story which happened few years back when in I was completing my higher secondary at that time I was 19 years old, this incident changed my life forever, the way I looked at the girls. This was the incident which brought a complete turnover in my life. I always felt horny but was not able to do anything because I was little afraid of approaching to girls. Before going to the story let me introduce...

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Incestuous Tales of the Quarantine 8 Dads Incestuous Daughters

Story Eight: Dad's Incestuous Daughters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Daddy!” Linda moaned as she worked her pussy up and down my cock. “Yes, yes, Daddy!” The week since we'd started our incestuous relationship had been wild. I couldn't believe the things we'd done in my office while the rest of the family was busy in other parts of our large house. Quarantine was still on, and here I was savoring my eighteen-year-old daughter's cunt...

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Pesky thing that retrovirus

I glanced up at the clock for what must be the tenth time this minute. Ten minutes to five, time to start clearing up. Looking back at the fume hood I was working at, I began to seal up the container I was working on. My name is Joseph ‘Mac’ Mackay, and I’ve been working for Blue Star Pharmaceuticals for nearly a year now. I’m twenty-two, graduated from a British university last year with a biology degree, but moved over to the US for work. For most people, today was just another ordinary...

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Photographic Memories

Photographic Memories Author's note: This story contains references to sexual abuse. Please read with care. I've had some tough moments in my life, but once they were done, I wasn't prepared for them to make a comeback ... I was enjoying a day off work, and as such was dressed in "mom jeans" and blue top, doing some vacuuming. When I had first started my transition, I felt like I HAD to wear skirts or dresses to be seen as a woman, but now I'm much more relaxed and know it isnt...

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The FavorChapter 34 Christmas Day

I crawled into the playroom on my hands and knees, naked as usual. Michelle had to leave early; she had previously made plans that she now deeply regretted, but nonetheless could not change. After I woke Jeff with a blowjob and was rewarded with a mouthful of cum, he instructed me to come downstairs, clean up my daughter and his weekend slave, and then have them come upstairs for breakfast. As I crawled in, I heard them talking quietly. "Please," Annie said. "I can wait a little bit...

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FilthyPOV Havana Bleu Mean Latina StepMom Gets What is Coming to Her and More From Big Dick StepSon

My Step-Mom has the worse attitude she treats both my Step-Dad and I really bad. I need to have a special talk with her, I am over her telling me what to do thinking she runs the place. I confront her in the bathroom and tell her today I’m gonna get what I want. She threatens to tell my Step-Dad but I am gonna snitch on her, I know she hasn’t been faithful and I have no problem telling my Step-Dad about it. I tell her I want to see her sexy body as I jack it, but I quickly realize I...

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Mousi Ne Diya Maza

Hi dosto mera naam akshay hai. me delhi ka rahne wala hoon. meri umer 22 saal hai aur me ek private company me kaam karta hoon. me apko jo story likh raha hoon wo karib 2 saal pahle ki hai tab me bsc ke first year me tha. hamare ghar me hum teen log hi rahte hai me aur mere papa mummy. mere pitaji ek private company mien kaam karte hai, meri maa housewife thi wo ghar sambhlti thi sab achha chal raha tha ki pitaji ki tabiyat kharab ho gayi unko hospital me admit karna pada. maa bhi unke saath...

4 years ago
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Caught in the rain

I am sopping wet from the rain when you knock on my door. You let me in without a word. You feel a few cool drops splash on you as I pass tantalizingly close, only shooting you a precise, knowing look, for the briefest of seconds. I walk down your hallway, my hips swaying just so, as I unbutton my drenched blouse, without even a glance back. I drop the shirt on the floor and continue walking, my arms crossing, under and up, ripping off the tank top also drenched underneath. I have just had time...

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The Kristal Chronicles Story I Chapter 2

The Kristal Chronicles - Story I: The Birth of a Hot WifeChapter 2 - The Hook UpSitting across from my lovely wife in the restaurant, I told Kristal how good she looked...and she really did: black dress, makeup with smokey eyes (my favorite), and her hair lightly curled. Dinner was great, and I survived Swan Lake (holy shit that was horrible, I wouldn’t do that to my worst enemy). As we headed back to the hotel, I suggested getting a drink at this cool little pub. While I was eager to get back...

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When I went to university back in 1980 it was my first time away from home, and I was just a bit over 18 years of age. Unfortunately for me when I arrived at college I was told that due to an admin error my application for accommodation in the halls of residence on the university site hadn’t been processed and so I wouldn’t be moving into the college accommodation. I was told not to worry, the college had sorted out some temporary accommodation for me in the shape of lodgings in a family house...

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Losing virginity

Me Joe from Mangalore 26 years working in software field .this is the incident happened to me with my best friend n her name is Tina, she also is 26 with nice figures of 36c 30 36, her lips are so inviting , the incident happens after we finished our studies in Mangalore. we both came here to collect the certificates and it was after a long time we are meeting after college days. fortunately or unfortunately that day one some communal riots started there place was under curfew, so its not able...

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Jessicas Capture Part 4 of 10

Story: #18 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 23 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 4 - Is turn about really fair play? As they enter the room Steve pushes Jessica forward "Jessica meet Jessica 3000" he said looking into tear soaked eye's, "I don’t want to meet Jessica 3000!" Jessica yells back at him, picking Jessica...

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Midnight at the oasis A submissive oral adventure

It’s midnight in a dark and silent parking lot, with a single car, mine, parked near the back edge. A second car, yours, enters slowly but purposefully and takes an adjoining position. You turn off your engine, and now there is silence. I open my door. You open your door. Your feet touch the ground, quietly. You glance towards me, but it's dark, nothing to be seen. You stride --not too fast, not too slow-- to the open door. I have placed a blanket there on the ground. You find yourself...

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DarkFyre Chapter Four

Rael still wasn’t sure he was making the right choice. He was torn between feeling he was abandoning his duty and honor, and the certainty that remaining here at the war camp meant it was only a matter of time before another assassination attempt came. He was no coward, to run from death. Yet at the same time, neither was he a fool. The unusual methods taken against him left him certain that he was dealing with no ordinary assassins, and that his chances of surviving another attempt were grim...

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Snowed in

The year was 1996. I was in college and working at the college radio station. This station was a regular broadcast station located on the college campus and it operated 24 hours a day. We played a variety of music and gave campus news and updates, sports, etc. I had a late night slot and was on from 11-2 am. Often I would play prog rock with pieces lasting 20 minutes and get homework done. The girl that followed me was Diane. She would often come in early and shoot the shit and flirt with me....

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MoneyChapter 8

Someone was sitting on the side of the bed staring at me. I felt a lot more rested, so I opened my eyes and saw Sandra sitting on the bed watching me. I asked, "Are you okay? What's up that you're here?" The beauty, who I was so fascinated with, leaned over and kissed me so softly that it made me tingle down to my toes. She did it over and over again, until she finally sat up, and said, "I couldn't understand it when you turned down taking some of the money from the situation. How...

1 year ago
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Plain Jane And The Nerd SupermanChapter 3

By the time he reached home, Jim was hobbling from a nasty case of blue balls. Barely acknowledging his parents, he climbed the steps to his room, shutting the door behind him. Once naked, he gingerly lay back on his large reading pillow and stroked his still half hard dick and gently massaged his swollen balls. The dull pain began to be replaced by a piquant pleasure. With a slow, measured rhythm, he coaxed his battle club to near full erection. His mother knocked on his door. "Just a...

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The Veil of Amethyst Chapter 01

[Synopsis: The Veil of Amethyst is a space opera starring a swashbuckling captain in the Galactic Space Force who has risen to fame for being the best combat pilot of manned ships and remote controlled drones. His craft employ a cutting-edge dual operation mode, with a subpilot (or "sub") who responds to physical cues from the pilot and brings the senses of another human body to respond to events and effect complicated maneuvers in space battle. Facing a challenge by an alien culture obsessed...

Straight Sex
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Ladys Next DanceChapter 20

Paul walked into the control trailer and put his hand on Harry's shoulder. "Ever been in a full combat lockdown before?" "No, but after the first shock, it's not that bad." "Well, having Sasha to keep you company helps some, I'm sure." "Having Harry near makes me feel better," whispered Sasha. "Thanks for letting me help out here." "Sasha, there's no need to thank me," said Paul. "Harry and Steve tell me you're worth your weight in gold. We need to find a way to put you...

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Rookie of the Year Part 1

Rookie of The YearSeventeen year old Ashley Martin and eighteen year old Hideki Ito sat on the bed before the reporters. The both of them stark naked, their bodies on full display. Ashley had her hand wrapped around Hideki’s pudgy cock while he rubbed her clit with his finger. None of the reporters were in a hurry to leave the room. They had just witnessed a live teenage sex show with Hideki taking Ashley’s virginity. There was a lot to talk about, including the cell phone video of the...

First Time
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Daddy, Uncle Pete and my brothers Ronnie and UnkThe water feels so good on my body, just the thing i needed to wake up. I hate to be home alone, no one to fuck. Well I might as well soap my dick up real good and rub one out. I barely got my body soap up when I heard the door open. I listenand right away know its Uncle Pete, he walks hard. Anyone home he yells. I'm uphere I yell back to him. A few seconds later he walks through the door. MMMMM Ronnie you look good all...

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The GovernorChapter 22

The world had changed, the snow had started a couple of days ago, signalling the end of the campaigning season. It was rare that an army would march in the winter. The city would need to maintain its supplies to the army, but this was easier when they were static; easier, that is, balanced against the worsening roads and flooded river. Perhaps it all evened out. The snow continued to fall until the whole city was a blanket of silenced white. Work outside stopped, peopled stayed indoors as...

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Coming Home to Sister Part I

Ever since childhood, my younger sister Sarah and I have been the best of friends. She is three years younger than me, but I have often thought that she was the more mature one. We spent many hours together as kids talking about our impressions and confusions in life, watching Rocky Mountain sunsets, and playing board games during the long winter months. As we grew into teenagers, we realized that we deeply loved each other in every way except for one - because of course, that was strictly...

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The Birthday Present From My Wife

We have a cook at home who is about 37 yrs old and a widow. She can be attractive if she takes care of herself but she prefers to look ordinary. She has a good figure even though a plump one. She does good work and is nice but there are occasions when she acts cranky and funny and my wife gets very upset at those times. He name is Sujatha Once we went on a holiday to some religious places and since Sujatha also was keen, we decided to take her along being sympathetic to her. My birthday was...

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Entry to Cuckoldery

1999, our first year together, Karen and I had got to know each other quite well both personally and sexually. Of course we didn't know everything about each other, as with most couples, it can take a while for the real kinks and the fantasies to come to the surface.At the time I was 24, Karen was 20, and I was nowhere near as sexually experienced as Karen. She'd had way more sexual partners than me and had already experimented with her bisexual side. I had only ever been with 4 women previous...

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by Gail Holmes “You just have to try harder, if your father finds that you’re slipping behind he’ll go ballistic, you know how much he’s paying out at the moment, and if he thinks it’s being wasted!” Kerry looked up from the table, she knew her mother meant well. “It’s the noise mother, I just can’t seem to take it all in, its so distracting, everyone seems to be talking at the same time!” she informed her mother. “Something has to be done, you must listen...

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