'Boyfriends Past' free porn video

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Well, this was going to suck. It was going to be her first Valentine's Day since high school that she didn't have a boyfriend to celebrate with. No romantic dinner. No flowers. No late night love. And no prospects.

She knew that she could pick up some guy at a local bar, but that wasn't how she did things. A one night stand would just make her feel worse. Besides, she'd never done that before. She'd always found a guy that she was attracted to and dated him for a while to see if it felt right. Then, a relationship and sex might follow. Or not. No, a one night stand wouldn't do.

"Hello, earth to Michelle."

She snapped from her trance to see Pete, smiling at her over the counter of the convenience store where she worked.

"Hey, girl, are you alright? You look a little sad." Pete looked concerned.

"Oh, hi Pete. I was just feeling sorry for myself."

"You? Hey, don't get like that. You're one of the most happy people that I know. What could possibly get you feeling sorry for yourself?" Pete reached across the counter and gently touched her arm.

"Well, we've always been honest with each other, so here goes. Tomorrow will be the first Valentine's Day that I'll be spending alone, and it kind of bums me out." She knew that she could trust Pete.

"Ah, I don't wanna get all gushy on you, but I was thinking the same thing today. Especially after what happened last year," said a smiling Pete. "That was one for the record books."

They both smiled as they remembered. A year ago. the two of them had been in a hot and heavy relationship. They'd spent Valentine's Day together in Milwaukee. A nice hotel, a wonderful dinner, and dancing had led to a long night of sweaty, passionate sex. It had probably been the best night they'd spent together.

"See? That's why I feel so bad. This year I'll be sitting home alone, like some old maid," she said.

"Come on, you're twenty-three. You won't be an old maid for at least another year or two," Pete said as he squeezed Michelle's wrist and grinned.

Michelle laughed as she swatted him on the arm. "Listen, buddy boy, I'll look good for many years to come. You'll always look like...you."

"Ouch! I think that hurt." But Pete was smiling and Michelle was smiling back. "OK, here's an idea. We're both a couple of losers at love. How about if I bring a couple of bottles of wine out to your place tomorrow night? We'll sit and commiserate, maybe cry on each other's shoulder. Or, watch a movie about love and feel like shit, then cry."

"How romantic. But you forgot to mention the part where you'll try to get into my pants. Because that ain't gonna happen."

Pete turned serious. "Come on, Michelle. You and I both know that's not gonna happen. We agreed to end it for the right reasons. We had a blast, but we know that we're not right for each other." Pete took Michelle's hands into his. "But let's be friends. Let's get drunk together and keep each other company on a lonely night. Please? We'll help each other through this. And some day we'll laugh at how pathetic we were."

Michelle looked at him skeptically. "Can you really be just my friend for a night?" She softened. "I'd like that a lot, Pete."

"I am your friend, Michelle."

"OK. Let me go home and find my chastity belt, that'll keep you away." She was smiling again. "I'll see you tomorrow night at my house."

Pete leaned across and tenderly kissed her cheek. "Alright, fellow loser. I'll see you around eight."

The bell over the door sounded as another customer entered the store. Pete pulled back. "Find the most depressing love movie that you can, and stock up on the crying tissues." He smiled, turned, and walked out.

Michelle smiled at his back. She felt a lot better now than she had before.

Her work shift ended at six, and Michelle was home by six-fifteen. She spent a little time tidying up, but she always kept the house clean so it didn't take long. Her mom had taught her to keep a clean house.

The town itself wasn't much, either. Population four thousand, a few factories, and not much else. Everyone knew everyone else, it seemed. Michelle knew every boy in town, and to be honest, there weren't many good ones to choose from.

Well, at least she had a 'date' for Valentine's Day. It was time to find a crappy movie and check the tissue supply.

She wasn't sure why, but Michelle found herself spending a lot of time getting ready the next night. While showering, she shaved her legs, then shaved her pussy smooth and bare. She hadn't shaved it in a while, and now remembered why she liked the feel so much. She rubbed her fingers across the smooth skin, then across her inner lips. She was tempted to stroke her clitoris but knew that she wouldn't stop until..... Instead, she turned off the water and dried herself.

She watched herself in the mirror as she finished drying, then stood tall. "There isn't a boy on earth who wouldn't want this body," she thought. She was tall and curvy, five foot eight with dark, wavy hair cut at her shoulders. Her breasts were full and plump, with long, dark nipples pointing slightly upward. Thin but not skinny, her tummy, hips, and butt were softly padded but tight.

Her gaze then went to her nose, which she had always thought was too big. But as she looked, she realized that it fit her face perfectly, framed by her green eyes, wide mouth and full lips. "No," she thought, "I'm a very pretty girl. Any guy would be lucky to have me." She blew an air kiss at the mirror, then went to her closet.

"What the hell, I'm going to make him miss what he can't have." She selected a short black skirt, a dark blue top that she could wear without a bra, and a pair of black heels. Then she found her best black g-string and pulled it on. It felt nice against her bare pussy as she wiggled herself into it.

Thirty minutes later she heard a car in the driveway and went to the front door. As she opened it, she saw two more cars pull in. As the drivers got out, her mouth fell open. She was speechless as the three men walked toward her.

Pete bounded up onto the steps. "Hi, Michelle, I found some other lonely hearts to keep us company, I hope you don't mind." The other two young men came into the light as Michelle continued to stare wordlessly.

Finally, Michelle's brain started working, and she squealed loudly. "Daniel! Jason! What are you.... how did you...?"

Pete cut in. "Well, last night, after we spoke, I went to the bowling alley for a beer and who do you suppose I found? Your other two ex-boyfriends! So we decided to give you a visit from 'boyfriends past'. None of us are seeing anybody and we all wanted to see you."

Daniel stepped forward and pulled a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. Jason stepped up and pushed forward a large box of chocolates.

Pete spoke. "We pitched in. Happy Valentine's Day, Michelle."

Michelle burst into happy tears as she hugged Pete, who gave her a kiss on the cheek, then gently pushed her down the steps. Michelle wrapped her arms around Daniel's neck and pulled him tight.

"Oh, Daniel, where have you been? I've missed you!" She kissed him hard on the cheek, then turned her head and kissed him on the lips, now crying harder.

"And you, Jason," she said as she released Daniel and moved to Jason. "How come I never see you anymore?" Throwing her arms around his neck, she planted a hard kiss on his lips as her tears ran down onto their faces.

Pete spoke softly. "Come on, Michelle, we're all freezing. Aren't you going to invite us in?"

The three boys helped Michelle up the stairs, and they all went into her house. When they got inside and closed the door, Michelle hugged them each again then pulled back.

"Oh God, I can't believe it. The three loves of my life." Michelle wiped her eyes as she got her crying under control. "And now I look like shit because you've ruined my makeup, you assholes! Give me a minute. Make yourselves at home," she said as she fled to her bedroom.

"Well, I guess she's glad to see us!" Pete said. "I'll get the wine and beer from the car."

At took a few minutes, but Michelle finally returned to the living room looking as good as new. Jason and Daniel were on the couch with a beer in hand, and Pete was putting a CD into the stereo. Michelle flopped into her favorite chair and picked up the wine glass that had been set on the table for her.

"Oh. My. God. I can't believe that you guys are all here. A visit from 'boyfriends past.' '"

The conversation began as the four caught up on each other's lives. They had all gone to high school together and had known each other for most of their lives. Another round of drinks brought more old stories and more laughter.

Michelle wanted to dance, so she found a CD of slow songs and put it on. "OK, 'boyfriends past,' I want to re-live my romantic life. At eighteen, I fell for a sweet and intelligent boy who sat next to me in band class. Daniel, may I have this dance?"

Daniel stood as Pete and Jason clapped and cheered. He pulled Michelle into his arms. She held him tightly as they slowly circled in the center of the room. The ex-lovers kissed when the song ended.

Michelle refilled her wine glass and continued standing as Daniel settled onto the couch. "Then Daniel was off to college. But being so far away from each other was too difficult for both of us, so we decided to set each other free." She then cued up another song. "A few months later, I got locked in the church basement with a handsome boy that I had never really liked. I was surprised to find him comforting me about our predicament. When he broke us out of that church, we both fell on the ground, we were laughing so hard." She held out her hand. "Jason, care to dance?"

Now Pete and Daniel were laughing and clapping. "Ha, he broke her out of a church!" Jason and Michelle pulled each other tight. Their tender dance ended with an equally tender kiss.

"But Jason and I were too strong-willed for each other. We both wanted things our way and didn't know how to compromise. Our love was strong, too, but we could both see that we'd eventually drive each other nuts. So, we agreed to set each other free."

"The next summer, my car broke down on the way back from swimming at Meyer's Pond. I was hot and tired, walking back to town, when a horn blast nearly scared me to death. I turned to see a red Mustang slowing down. I smiled until I saw who was at the wheel. It was that jerk, Pete, who'd once pushed me off the diving board at the pool and nearly drowned me."

"Hey, wait..." All four laughed as Pete made a feeble attempt to defend himself.

Michelle cut in. "But he surprised me. Pete was on his best behavior. He took me back to my car and tried to fix it. When he couldn't, he got his dad to bring out the tow truck and tow my car to his shop. Pete fixed it and didn't ask for anything in return. I was so grateful that I asked him to have dinner with me. Pete, would you please dance with me?"

Michelle held out her hand to Pete, who took it and tugged, pulling her tight. Jason and Daniel clapped and cheered as the dancers swayed. The dance ended with a hard, passionate kiss and clapping by everyone. They all freshened their drinks while Pete changed the music.

As they sat back down, Pete questioned Michelle. "Alright, let's play the next round of Michelle's 'boyfriends past.' Michelle, of the three loves of your life, who was the best kisser?"

"Oh, that's easy", she replied nonchalantly. "Daniel."

"What?" asked Pete, "it was that easy to choose?"

"Maybe because Daniel was the first boy I kissed. Or because we spent so much time kissing! Remember, we were in high school and it was first love for both of us. We were kissing constantly. I guess that he just learned how to kiss me the way that I liked to be kissed."

Jason smiled and said "Wait, you told me I was a great kisser!"

"You're great, I loved kissing you. But something that Daniel did really got to me."

It was Pete's turn. "Alright, Daniel, Mr. Best Kisser, I wanna see what you do that she thinks is so good. Show Jason and I how you kiss Michelle."

Michelle stood. "Come on, Daniel, kiss me." She moved to the couch, sat sideways on his lap and leaned in. Daniel smiled at Pete and Jason, then moved in for the kiss.

They started slow and soft, just rubbing their lips together. Then, looking into each other's eyes, they pushed their lips softly together and began softly smooching. Their mouths slowly opened and their tongues lightly danced. The slow build-up ascended into a deep, opened-mouth French kiss. Finally, Michelle pulled away while breathing hard, stood, and went back to her chair.

"Shit, I gotta admit, that was pretty hot," Jason said softly.

"Daniel is the softest kisser that I've ever met," Michelle replied. "And for me, that makes him the best."

They were all silent for a moment as Michelle looked at Daniel, then at the other two boys. She filled her wine glass then excused herself. She needed a minute alone.

Michelle stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. "Be careful," she told herself. She hadn't had sex in months. She knew that if any of them had come here alone, she'd probably have taken him to her bed. If the opportunity came later tonight, she didn't know who she would choose.

When she returned, Pete had another question. "So, was I the best at anything? And what about Jason? Come on, we must have some redeeming qualities."

"You're asking me my deepest and darkest secrets. I don't know if I can answer that."

Jason's voice was smooth and deep as he answered. "Come on, Michelle. Shit, let's be honest. We've all made love to you. You've made love to us. I could tell you what I think you're best at."

"So now the 'boyfriends past' stories are going to be include sexual comparisons?" Michelle asked. "Be careful what you ask for, Jason."

"I'm with Jason," Pete said. "We don't have any secrets, do we Michelle? You and I started out trying to salvage Valentine's Day by getting together to talk. Well, let's talk. After you found Mr. Best Kisser in Daniel, what did you like about Jason? And me?"

Michelle looked at the three as she considered. She really did like them all, and she knew that she could trust each of them. And, she already knew the answer to the questions that they'd asked. She didn't know where this might end up, but was ready for the ride.

"Alright. I've loved you all, and I trust all three of you. What we talk about here tonight stays between the four of us. Deal?"

As one, the three boys each said yes.

"Well, I'm drunk, so here goes. Daniel is by far the best kisser. Jason is by far the best at licking my pussy. Pete is by far the best at wild and crazy fucking."

"But I never got to lick your pussy!" Daniel complained.

"And you didn't want to try wild and crazy fucking!" Jason exclaimed.

"I know, I know. I guess I have to explain my sexual journey to you." Michelle paused and surveyed their faces. "God, I can't believe I'm doing this." She paused again. "Here goes. The sex lives of Michelle's 'boyfriends past.' " She took a big gulp of her wine.

"Daniel was the first boy I had sex with. We took each other's virginity. After that we had good sex, but it was pretty much straight missionary sex with lots of kissing. He begged for me to suck him, and begged for me to let him lick my pussy, but I said no. I thought it was gross."

"Then came Jason. I liked sex by then. He kept asking me if he could lick my pussy, and finally I said yes. The first time he did I came so hard that I saw stars. From then on, he licked me every time that he could. One night, I was so hot that I took his cock in my mouth and gave him a blow job. I found it to be such a thrill, to control his cock and his orgasm, that I became addicted to it."

"The reason that I said Jason is the best at licking me? I trained him. We spent hours of me directing him about what I liked and didn't like. He learned to lick my pussy in ways that drove me absolutely wild."

"Then came Pete. By then, I was crazy for sex! I loved everything that he did to me. We'd suck each other every day. Then, one night, he asked if he could fuck me in the ass. Jason had asked me to try it, but at that time I thought that it, too, was gross. Well, I let Pete try it. We went slow, it took about an hour before he had his cock all the way in my ass. That night, I realized that all of the feelings in my pussy and my ass were sort of hooked together. He pounded my ass until I nearly passed out with pleasure."

The boys looked at Michelle in silence. None of them could speak.

Michelle realized that she had crossed a line. Her pussy tingled as she crossed her legs. Her nipples were pushing out hard against her blouse. She was turned on, and she wanted....something.

Pete broke the silence. He had spotted the special look in Michelle's eyes. "So, Daniel has never had one of your world-class blow jobs. And Jason never got to fuck your wonderfully tight ass. And you haven't had you're favorite pussy licking, from Jason, in a long time."

Michelle's eyes were wild as Pete stared at her. "Let's start with you, Michelle. Would you let me and Daniel see you have an orgasm from your favorite pussy licker, Jason?"

Michelle stared at Pete for a moment, then jumped up and left the room. She immediately returned holding a towel, which she spread across her chair before she sat back down.

"Pete, you're crazy. No one else would even consider saying that." She looked hard at Jason. "God, Jason, I've missed your tongue. I must be out of my mind! Would you show these amateurs how to lick my pussy?"

Without waiting for an answer, Michelle stood, reached under her skirt, and wiggled out of her panties. She tossed them to Pete. Holding the front of her skirt down, she sat and spread her legs over the arms of the chair.

"All of these memories are turning me on. What the hell, you've all already seen it." Michelle slowly pulled the skirt up to her waist, exposing her pussy to the staring boys. "Come on, Jason sweetie, make me cum, would you?"

"Holy shit, Michelle," mumbled Daniel, "you look great shaved."

"You've got one fine pussy, Michelle," whispered Pete.

Jason sank to his knees in front of the couch, then dropped his hands and crawled toward Michelle. She smiled dreamily at him as he approached. Jason rose back to his knees as he got close, then quickly closed and kissed Michelle's hard on the mouth. He pulled away looking into her eyes, then smiled, dropped slowly, and ran his tongue from her left knee toward her pussy. He stopped just short of it, then moved his mouth to her other knee. He ran a series of light kisses up the back of her thigh, but stopped short again. Michelle closed her eyes and sighed.

Pete and Daniel looked at each other and nodded before both moving closer. They both wanted to see this up close.

Jason kissed and nibbled Michelle's thighs over and over, never quite getting to her pussy. Finally, he started planting sucking kisses where her outer labia met her thighs. Michelle moaned and squirmed, and began sliding her hands over her torso and breasts.

"She wants to play with her nipples, guys," Jason said. "Daniel, why don't you open her shirt for her?"

Michelle's eyes were closed as Daniel unbuttoned the top button of her blouse. When he fingered the next button, she opened her eyes and smiled at him. He kept going until the last button was released. As he pulled the sides of the blouse open to reveal her breasts, Jason stuck his tongue deep into her pussy. Michelle squealed as she grabbed a nipple in each hand and pulled. Her eyes moved from Jason's to Daniel's to Pete's. She had never been so excited.

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Frankie stood helplessly before the two women and pivoted on his high heels. He hoped, against hope, that modeling this lingerie for them would bring an end to his part in the evening. He had deftly re-tied the wide white satin ribbon of the sheer white bed jacket he wore and now the bow rested just below his padded-out breasts. The soft folds of the jacket covered the lace bra he was wearing but that same jacket did not even reach to his waist. He was painfully aware that the jacket...

1 year ago
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Wilmington Womans Club Ch 04

Chapter 4 Conrad’s Business Meeting Conrad Gentner double-parked his 1982 burgundy Cadillac in front of the Spanish Grocery, and waited with taillights flashing amid slow traffic that would build in volume within the next ten minutes when the factory down the block let its workers go for the day. He reminded himself to be tactful when Harrigan showed up. Tact was not necessarily Gentner’s long suit and he knew it. He was known to be more flamboyant than anything else, although anyone who...

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Alien The BeginningChapter 14

"And now," Jim said as everyone settled into their seats, "JJ and the girls could lose all the mementos of their lives. There are pictures and keepsakes from JJ's dead husband and the girls' father. There are keepsakes of the girls growing up that will be lost. I don't want to see all that lost. I know these things aren't important compared to our lives but they are still important. We also need a contact in Phoenix. All of us have too many ties here to just walk away. The contact...

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Chris Birthday

Chris walked through the front door of his apartment and grinned slowly at the sight of his girlfriend dressed in a skimpy see-through nightgown, tied at the waist with a ribbon. Smiling seductively, she stood and sashayed across the floor, wrapping one arm around his neck and the other dropping to stroke his hardening cock through his work pants. “Hey, baby. I’ve been waiting for you to come home to give you your birthday present.” Chuckling throatily, she whispered into his ear. “It’s all...

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After an Ozark Date

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please. They were the fourth generation in the three room log cabin deep in the holler. Willa Mae was lookin fer love in all the usual places, usually in a man’s pants, or more likely overalls. She’d been directly introduced...

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The Private Room

Sabrina wasn't sure which throbbing she wanted to quite more – the throbbing between her legs or the throbbing in her head. For two consecutive weeks now she had awakened with a vicious headache, which today had progressed in severity. Yet, despite the pounding in her head, she still got jittery between the legs watching that tall dark delicious man pass her desk. His name was London and his ass looked like it was built from stone. Every time she saw his baldhead she thought of how much she'd...

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The Binding RingsChapter 9

Jason entered the kitchen with a heavy feeling of trepidation - and anticipation - sitting low in his stomach. It was his first time seeing his mother since what had happened between them last night. He didn’t know what he should be feeling about it all - he hadn’t set out to begin anything with his mother, but it had happened anyway. And he had loved it. He knew it had been because of the ring she now wore, but she had been the one to initiate things between them; whatever his desires, he...

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Divided at Division OneChapter 7

"You OK?" He asked after letting her enjoy her moment. "Yes, I'm so happy, I can't remember being more so. Even if we part tomorrow and I never see you again, I know dreams can come true. I only wanted a chance to tell you how I felt and feel you inside me again. I was afraid you might hate me or think I hated you. That's bothered me all these years ... and the thing about the smell, my scent? With you it's taste. This sounds naughty but, I've only tasted two in my life, but you,...

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Cameron Chameleon Chapter One Gollum Gollum

Hi, my name is Cameron, and due to the fact that I had been perving on the teacher’s tits I had been dismissed from the class and was sent to the vice principal’s office. Its then that it all started. Normally getting sent outta class isn’t such a bad thing; however in this case it was English class, which meant I was missing out on the chance to look down Mrs Stevens top every time she bent over the desk. She had these boobs that could only really be described as enormous, they were so...

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PrettyDirty Reena Sky The Clairvoyant Part One

Devout Christian Codey Steel is wrapping up a catch up call with his wife who’s out of town on a church retreat, when an attractive stranger named Reena Sky comes to his door claiming to have seen a vision. She’s a clairvoyant and feels compelled to share this information about his wife Ashley. Intrigued that she knows his wife’s name, Codey agrees to put aside his bible studies and invites the clairvoyant inside to tell him the important news. She claims his wife is not at a...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 1102 Hosea

I held Donna, my stomach rolling. I hadn't felt like this for months. Not since... Fuck! Dad was on the phone and Mom held both Donna and me. I sat at the table and she fell into my lap hugging me fiercely. "That son-of-a-bitch she's been dating beat her up. She's got broken ribs, arm, and nose. Brian, you have to come and help." "What can I do, sweetheart? What can I do?" I already knew what I'd do. I'd go to Evansville and kill the bastard. I'd done it before. I could do it...

3 years ago
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Sweetie.  (A Femdom Fictional Story by Oldman Tang)  Authors note: I am neither old nor Asian (Oldman Tang). I am under 35 and black. This is my first story that I have managed to complete. I started lots of others that died with my interest in the story. While I love the femdom lifestyle and wish at every opportunity to be able to live out some of my fantasies, lots which are it this story, there are some activities that are purely that, fantasies which I most likely wish to stay that way....

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My Friend Ted

My gay relationships started three years ago.Then i was in the 9th grade.I had always participated regularly in the soccer matches.So i had thin but athletic muscular body. i had blue eyes,short curly hair and cheeks with dimples which attraccted many gals. Even i had had some girlfriends,but this wasn't enough.I always felt awkward with them;i needed something more.I felt the need of a boy partner in my life.It seemed like i had found someone i wanted.It was Ted. Ted was boy of...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 321

When the bright lights went dark for the last time the rest of the girls came up on the stage and joined us – for a long off air conversation with the panel. Mr. Kennedy was serious about wanting us to come back - this time they wanted all six of us. It was nearly two when we went through Annapolis. We decided to stop at a second favorite restaurant; the Outback. With football over - with the exception of the Super Bowl - there was plenty of room. We even found a table with enough room for...

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Be careful what u wish for

Being punished for being "out of uniform" a couple of times. Mistress has decided to increase time in uniform and I now has to wear a full uniform always when indoors, I have three different types of uniforms 2 in satin 1 in pvc, 2 with long sleeves and high neck the pvc and one satin, and one satin with low neck and short sleeves, and she would alternate the three during the day. in the beginning the satin felt sexy, so did the nylon covered legs,now I hated the materials,getting...

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Lady in the HouseChapter 9

I lay there stunned, how had I miscalculated my effect on the Warden? The one man who could guarantee a transfer from this shit-hole; fuck!!!! The cravings of male sexual hunger within the confines of the four walls of Chelmsford Prison did not stop just because there were visiting days with the guards bribed to look the other way (or wantonly stare) whilst prisoners wives or girlfriends masturbated and fellated their partners in the visitors room. On completion of these visits the prisoners...

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Mountains of RubberChapter 3 First Morning

Even in Dan's dreams, MzDominica continued to stimulate his sex -- insistently, relentlessly -- commanding him to serve her. He licked Dominica's boots -- up, up, up, to her soft, creamy thighs -- only to have her stop him, just as his tongue was about to touch her skin. He could smell her skin. He could smell her pussy... so close. So warm, and musky. In his sleep, he sucked on the dildo, tasting her juices, smelling her scent, imagining her cumming and squirting around the dildo, through...

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Shadow and LightChapter 19

Behind the Museum, Copper Summit, 14:00 The museum was the most remote and shielded location in the town where the Skins hid. When behind the building, no one could see or hear what was happening nearby. It was there that several of the higher ranking Skins decided to meet, if they tried to gather in the lab beneath the museum then every word would be recorded. “I don’t like this,” one Skin said as he continued to look around corners. “If we get caught...” “We won’t,” another said. “Would...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 34

I lay flat on Tracy's soft reclining body, gently rubbing my nipples in to her yielding shoulders. I wasn't as out of breath as I had expected to be. The swimming and the weight loss were paying off. I was sweating slightly, but I felt I could go on shagging this delicious young woman forever. I was about to introduce the lovely Tracy to the heady delights of anal intercourse. I spoke softly in to her ear, "Trust me Tracy, you are going to love what I've got planned for you." I rolled...

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Bound to Happen

Bound to HappenLisa had always been shy. She had grown up in a house where her father was the dominate force. She along with her sister and mother had all strived to do whatever he wanted. Lisa remembered being instructed by her mother on the importance of taking care of the man of the family. Now she was away for her freshman year of college and frankly she felt disoriented as there was no one telling her what to do and when to do it. Frankly Lisa was miserable!The first month she did nothing...

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The Gangbang Of The Sexy Belly Dancer 8211 Part 4

The next day I woke up a bit late than usual. The previous day’s fucking had taken a toll over me, and this sexy belly dancer was very tired. I was alone in the room. I didn’t realize when Naman woke up and left. I got up with some effort. My groin was still paining a little. It was the first time I had this much of sex in a single day. Also, my ass was no more a virgin and was paining slightly. But it was not yet over. I was here for two more days.  Also, the pleasure I experienced the last...

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Running into Coverage Ch06

The next day at practice everyone noticed the tension that stuck to him like glue, and gave Marcus a wide berth, leaving him alone. He stormed into the locker room wearing the same angry scowl that had kept with him all night. Barely sleeping an hour, his body was high on adrenaline and anger. On the field he was silent except for the occasional nod to the coaches and whatever teammates he noticed, as plays were shouted out. He took the practice field with a relentless mission to occupy his...

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Daddy Shoots Deep

I remember distinctly when things changed between me and my daddy. It didn't happen slowly over time. It came to me in a rush. I didn't realize at first exactly what was happening to me. I guess since I had never experienced sexual feelings before, I couldn't identify them as such right away. I do know that I was confused at first. Very confused. In my head I knew it was wrong – so wrong for me to have such feelings about my father. In my mind I was ashamed and afraid – but, between my legs, it...

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HannahChapter 21 In the midst of Life

I stayed with Mom another week. We locked all the doors, unplugged the phone and talked. And made love, sometimes twice a day. She showed me her tanning spot, the walled-in back yard. It was landscaped to look like a desert, with cacti in strategic spots. There was a small covered patio with a green fiberglass roof just outside the back door, and a little farther out was a concrete pad about ten feet square. We'd oil ourselves up and lie out in the hot sun on the concrete pad — we used...

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Double TimeChapter 65

“Brahman and I are buddies.” —Stephen Beam, Galaxy Riff LIVY WASN’T UP TO RUNNING Sunday morning, so I called Nanette and she said I could come with her. She reminded me to bring water because it would be a long run. I grabbed a bottle and a couple of energy bars and went out to hop in her car when she pulled up at seven. Even Nanette sleeps in on Sunday. “Congratulations on the run yesterday,” she said by way of greeting. “I’m surprised you are placing so high with a seven-minute mile...

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BadDaddyPOV Dakota Skye Jerk Off For Me Daddy

What would you do if your step daughter is on the couch in her lingerie, offering some guidance on feeling good? Dakota Skye takes it on to herself and engages herself in this family taboo role play to show people on how it looks like and how she would do it herself. In her blue lingerie, she starts this thing off by making some conversation that comes in the form of dirty talk which is actually she’s good at doing. Being a blonde petite, it’s only natural that her package comes with more...

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Little Olivia IV

Good or bad, let me know what you think. Just don't be an ass about it. Be well ____________________________ I got up the next morning and went straight to work from my hotel. I figured keeping busy with work was probably the best thing I could do to keep my mind off the situation for a while. The bombshell I had discovered coming home early the day before had left me stunned, to say the least. As much as I tried, I did not get much sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, visions of my...

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Looking After Charlie

It was the phone call that every parent dreads, the one from casualty."Hello, Ms Williams, this is Nurse Ratched from the Royal Infirmary. We have your son Charles with us at the moment." At this point I died a little. "It's not too serious, he's got a broken arm and some cuts and bruises but he's basically fine. Would you like to come and collect him?""Five minutes, give me five minutes," I said as my heart pounded."As I said, Ms Williams, he's basically fine. There's no great rush."There's no...

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mom fucked by uncle

visit on www.papahaxx.com to see more top rated stories like theseWhen I was eighteen I thought that I was finally a grown up as much as any adult; I knew it all. I was smart, I was fully developed physically, as well as sexually( so I thought.) I had a slender body with long legs but my tits were large, “C” cup, I was taller than my mom, in fact I was the tallest girl in my graduation class at 5‘ 8“and 120#’s. My name is Leslee, I know but that’s how it’s spelled on my birth certificate; my...

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Vengeful VirginChapter 8 Getting Up by Going Down

Could anybody tell by looking at her? Eileen waddled home from her minister's office. Her fat, fourteen-year-old body was still aching from being fucked. Fucked for the first time by Reverend Gibson's mammoth member. Could anyone tell by looking at her? Her newly initiated pussy tingled and she could almost feel her minister's hardness still inside. Eileen looked closely at every man she met on the way home. She held her head high, secure in the knowledge that the men she met might not...

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My Sister JeanChapter 3 Our First Sex

Suddenly dropping her raised leg, she pushed one hand into her skirt-covered crotch and seemed to cup herself as she asked, "Just what do you think about, Billy? I mean, what do you think about me when you, uh, do it?" She'd taken the bait! By this time I'd decided to turn up the intensity. Screw this pussy footing around. Let's get going. "Okay, Sis, I'll tell you everything... everything you want to know... I'll tell it all, but first, you've got to tell me something. I'm way...

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Christmas Wedding Part 4 Two Soldiers

It had been a long 10 weeks for Scott Nelson at Ft. Leonard Wood. For the first time in his life he had been alone, with his closest family over 1,000 miles away in Winnisimmet after their own graduations from Advanced Individual Training for their jobs as US Army Horizontal Construction Engineers. He was proud of them for choosing to do a job that was needed but a little jealous that they had less to learn in a shorter amount of time compared with him. He missed his fiance, Stacy...

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The old swimming hole

Betty called me up as she usually does several times a week, but I could tell from her voice this was something a little different. “You know the pond where we’ve gone skinny dipping a few times” she asked. Of course I knew it! It was a silly thing for two 30, almost 40 something moms to do, but it was so much fun…especially when we both had not too perfect, but not too bad bodies. “Yes, of course I do” I replied. Well, I was down there this afternoon, enjoying a little swim, the...

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Unforgettable Sex Experience With My Senior Bhargavi

Hi, this is Rahul from Hyderabad. I joined an engineering college in Karnataka and this event happened during the first year of my engineering. The first few days of engineering were hell for my batch mates and me. We were ragged by seniors at college and the hostel. The men’s hostel was extremely harsh for students from Andhra. It was a difficult time but I kept my head down and studied well. I topped during the first internals and played cricket fairly well. Due to my performance, my seniors...

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I got to meet Peter North Part 2

After what felt like a few seconds I had rolled over to put my arm around Stacey, only to find that she was no longer in bed. I could feel some movement on the bed, so I had thought maybe she moved towards the headboard and was having issues sleeping. I roll over and look, and there they were. Peter North was grabbing my wife’s hips, while her head was buried into a pillow. They must have been at it for some time as Pete was in full swing and really pounding her.“My, my, my,” I uttered, “Looks...

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The Days of jefferson highpt 1 ch 1 Amber

"Okay, I'm going." I grabbed my stuff and moved from my seat to the front of the class. "How long do I have to stay there?" I asked. "As long as I want you to." That could be days I thought. It was the worst seat in the entire class. The seat was uneven and wobbly, the table was worse. It was dreaded by those who got on the teacher's bad side. It was even more dreaded by those who hadn't done any wrong. Like me. After I reluctantly moved myself to the front. She...

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Revenge on the Robber

REVENGE ON THE ROBBER Synopsis One more victim and I could go back to my fence and get enough cash to pay the rent. Just one more easy target and I'd have a roof over my head for another month. Easier than working right? Disclaimer This story contains unwilling body and mind alteration along with humiliation, mind control, smoking and drugs and prostitution. If you don't like any of the above then don't read it. Story I lurked in the dark doorway in one of the many alleys...

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