A FOOLED HUSBAND free porn video

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One of my friends says I'm the biggest fool there is, because I let my wife treat me the way she does. I don't agree with him. Just because she's a little strong headed and likes to have her way is no reason to say she's making a fool of me.

My friend says that because Jessica [not her real name], my wife, is heavily involved in improving racial harmony. You see, she's a member of a group, which I've overheard her refer to as the "Cause". She says it's a group that is relatively secret, such that she can't even tell me all about it. And I, in turn, can't even tell my friend as much as I'm telling you readers of my story.

Anyway, she often brings different black men at our home to discuss the organization's business. Of course, I'm excluded from these discussions since I'm not a member. Her visitors often come at night and are in our home well into the wee hours of the morning.

Since she's been so busy with the group, she's asked me to do more of the household chores. In fact, when she invites her club members over, it's me that routinely does all the cleaning up and cooking of snacks or dinner for them.

After, I've washed the dishes and served after dinner drinks or coffee, she'll often ask me to go to bed, so that she and the man, or men, on some occasions, can have privacy while they discuss Club business.

Of course I do as she desires, since it would be impertinent to interfere with her plans.

As a further means of privacy and security, she's also had me move out of the master bedroom to a room in the basement, she'd converted to a bedroom. It also had a small toilet too. This was ideal, since she put a lock on the door that locked from the outside once I enter. Her reason, security for the Cause's work. Not wanting to displease the woman I loved so dearly, I go along with her program and patiently waited until she decides to tell me more, which she promised to do at a later time.

She generally escorts me to my basement bedroom and kisses me goodnight before securing the lock and returning to her guests.

This has been going on over a year. She's so involved in this club that our sex life has also changed dramatically. I've only had normal intercourse with her four times in the last eight months. And each time, she had me give her head until she got off first and then would hurry me up to get off, which didn't take long anyway, since I'm good for about four minutes on a good day. Most of the time now, I have to plead with her just to suck her luscious cunt a few minutes before she's off somewhere on Cause business. She routinely encourages me to jack off when I tell her I need sex. She always reminds me of my wedding vows and of being faithful to her, just in case I think of seeking out another woman.

Jessica called me at work all excited about a dinner party for some special Cause members from out of town. They were in town for the night and she wanted me to rush home and prepare a full steak dinner for her and them. I complained and resisted, but she was so sweetly persuasive, that I gave in.

I spent a good deal of money, which I couldn't afford, on things my wife wanted for the dinner.

When I got home, even though she doesn't work, she wasn't there. However, there was a note and a box. The note from her was that dinner was to be ready at seven sharp and that I was to wear what was in the box when I served dinner.

I opened the box and was shocked to find an old fashioned lacy white pinafore trimmed in fine scalloped pink lace. I was livid. However, I calmed down and prepared dinner, reasoning that there was a mix-up in the box contents.

About six-thirty, I was putting the finishing touches on deserts when her mom dropped by. I explained what was happening.

"Why aren’t you wearing the serving apron I got for you? I picked it out myself." She said tersely. To which I replied that I thought it was a mistake since I had no intentions of wearing it.

My mother-in-law's mood changed quickly as she opened the box and ordered me to put it on. The stern look on her face told me she meant business.

"If you intend to embarrass my daughter by not doing as she asked, I'm going to go out to my car and bring in my persuader. Remember my persuader?"

How could I forget those nine braided leather thongs with knotted tips. Meekly, I put on the pinafore.

My wife arrived later and showed me the low cut short skimpy dress she had bought to wear. I couldn't believe she was going to wear such a revealing item. She assured me she was. To my surprise she also told me something else slightly shocking.

"Honey, our guests are high ranking executives in the Cause. They won't say anything about the organization, in front of you, but we'll be under their inspection tonight to see if we, as a couple, exhibit any racial discrimination tendencies or an attitude of being better than blacks. What I'm saying dear is that I want you to be as subservient as possible, and be unconcerned if they want to be overly friendly to me. In fact, I want you to welcome them, tell them you're their servant for the evening, and tell them you fully support me and that you expect me to be totally at their disposal for the evening."

"Dear you outdid yourself last night. The fellows raved about your cooking." Spoke my wife gleefully as I came in from work. It had been a trying day at work.

I was angry at her because her three out of town guests kept her out all night. She was not home when I left for work this morning. There was a note on my unlocked bedroom door not to worry and that she'd be home when she got home. She had business to discuss with them in their motel rooms.

To make matters worse the three handsome black men, our dinner guests, took all sorts of liberties with my wife and almost totally ignored me, even though they knew I was her husband. Of course, between me wearing that lacy pinafore and her pronouncement that they didn't "have to count me" didn't help matters either. She sat at the head of the table and ordered me around slavishly.

The next day, I confronted her about her brazenness at dinner last night as well as let her know of my suspicions.

"Yes dear, I sleep with them, and I routinely have sex with many black men. I do so to gain their trust and to let them know that I'm serious about improving racial harmony. Secondly, to first let them see what it's like to fuck white pussy. The cause sees interracial sex relations as a key ingredient to improved race relations."

As she went on to explain why she was doing what she was, I could understand her need for secrecy. She seemed to be so happy to have gained the trust of over 250 black men since joining the club about a year ago.

"Now dear, those men go out and tell others about our cause as well help in club activities and fund raisers." I asked whether the original men she sexed brought other men to her and did any of the original studs come back for seconds from her.

"Yes to both questions honey." She replied bubbly. "In addition to some new members periodically wanting seconds, thirds and sometimes fourths, there are nine of my original fellows that just seem to need me every week."

`N-nine ... a-a week? ... Plus n-new members?' I stammered in shock.

"Yes dear. Isn't it something that they think that much of me to want me to help relieve their tensions over and over again, as well as to deepen the trust between the races?"

I then asked her about my tensions and suffering while she was taking care of black strangers.

"Honey, I understand your feelings and how you might perceive you've been slighted. However, I also know you're not the selfish type and that you too care about the greater needs of society."

I quickly questioned my wife how I could perceive her actions as anything other than being mistreated or slighted.

"Now honey, c'mon over here and let’s look at one of the videos that I made of some of my trust building sessions." She responded in a sweet tone as she put her arms around me and led me to the couch.

As she ran the video, she indicated someone might think these were just X rated videotapes because of all the sexual activity, but she assured me there were a lot of trust being built up as well as increasing communications between the races. After about two minutes, I let her know I had to agree with the X-rated assumption.

"Now look dear, the point I wanted to make to you was that black men's tension and sexual needs are significantly greater than yours and therefore, since I had to place a priority on the greatest need, you didn't come first. I don't mean to hurt your feeling, but I hope you understand dear. See how much bigger and swollen those black dicks are compared to yours?"

I was in awe of the many horse size cocks in the video, as I sat quietly listening to my wife's explanation.

"And see dear, how great their loads are? Just imagine if you had that much jism in your balls churning and pent-up looking for release."

My wife went on with her rationale why my needs for her were justifiably subordinate and a lower priority than the different black men she was sexing. Even though I was upset at having to stay at home and beat my meat, while strange black men were enjoying my wife, I had to admit she came up with some strong arguments for her case. I meekly told her I understood.

"Thank you for your confidence honey. I often thought of you locked in your room pulling your little peter while I was out getting laid all the time. But I had to do that sweetie. I couldn't stand to have you cheating on me or interfering with my plans. I didn't have the time to properly explain things to you, and you know how silly and obstinate you can be at times, if things aren't explained to you in the right way."

I hung my head and nodded in agreement. We both knew there were several instances in the past where I'd said stupid or dumb things that she later made me apologize for on my hands and knees. I didn't even want to think of the other times she and her mother demanded I accept a whipping across my bare ass, from them, for my stupidity. Every time I do, I think of the days I ached and couldn't sit down after they finished with punishing me.

"Dear, for every good cause, sacrifices must be made. You having to jerk off was one such sacrifice. You may have some small justification for feeling left out, but in the bigger picture, you should be proud of your part and that it's all for a good cause."

Jessica and I kissed and made up. I forgave her for not involving or telling me about her racial harmony `"Cause" activities'.

"Honey, now that you know everything about the cause, I'd like you to join?"

Puzzled, I asked how I could be of assistance.

What she wanted me of me made me go blank. I couldn't believe my ears.

"Dear, you already love sucking my pussy, I think you'd like it even more after these real men flavoured it. And honey, it would demonstrate that we are united, as woman and husband in the Cause."

Readers, I naturally had to give her proposition some thought. She left a lot of Polaroids and videos out that were taken of her and a multitude of black studs she'd sexed. I couldn't help but get horny from looking at all those big long black dicks disappearing between her legs and leaving her beautiful hairy snatch awash in their spent milky white sticky goo. The more I watched them, the more I discovered I liked seeing her manhandled and fucked by powerful black men.

I also found myself in constant awe of her wet messy gloppy pussy, oozing abundant fuck juices, after each stud pulled his big tool from her well stretched gash. The more I watched, the more my curiosity built up of what it would be like to eat out her fuck goo filled snatch.

When I commented and complimented her on being able to take those big long cocks, she told me "One of the first black dudes asked me if I'd ever had a cock in me over four inches long before, and I had to admit I hadn't until I took his eight incher." She said it in a way that we both laughed at what was said. However, I knew I was no match for the black studs I saw her with. I then asked her about those men that still come to see her on a regular basis.

"Would you like to meet them dear? I think it'd be a great idea. "

`Jessica honey ... I-I don't know if I'm ready just yet ... W-what I'm worried about is whether you'll still n-need or w-want me? ... You know with all the heavy duty sex you're getting from them ... Y-you really have no need for ...'.

"For you? Of course I do darling. You're my husband. I love you ... and I love the way you show me devotion and love, not to mention the great way you suck my pussy. No darling, push those silly thoughts out of your mind. You belong to me and I'm not going to leave you just because I'm sexing a lot of black studs."

Her words made me feel so much better. We embraced and kissed passionately. I don't know why, but at that moment, I couldn't help but think of all those black pricks I remembered her sucking on in the videos.

She also promised me more head time in her pussy too.

However, she did insist on me having a cook out for her regulars, since she intended having them come by the house more often now that I knew of her activities. I cringed at her words, but I meekly gave my support to the woman I loved.

The cookout was a success. Even though I felt intimidated by the nine black men who came. I remember several of them from the videos. My mom-in-law bought me another even more lacy and feminine pinafore for the occasion. It was not only lacy, but flowery. My wife insisted as well that I wear it for the cookout.

All the men squeezed my softer hands so hard. Besides being taller, it was obvious they were much stronger too. In a strange way, they didn't seem to count me that much except when they had me scurrying to get a drink or more of something for them. They all, with my wife's obvious permission, kissed, groped and fondled her lewdly at will. She did the same in return.

I didn't expect it to, and I don't know why, but it was apparent that the cookout was going to turn into an orgy gang bang for my wife. When I tried to stop my wife from taking off the one piece wrap around she wore, a strong black hand picked me up and pulled me out of the way. After that, I saw about four men surround her while I was hauled to another part of the house with a hand around my mouth.

The next thing I knew I was on my knees with a rigid black erection pointed straight at my mouth. It's owner made me look up at him and slapped my face lightly but firmly. He then warned me that if I didn't do as he wanted, he would hit harder, much harder. I did as he told me.

I opened wide to receive his swollen bloated cockhead. I was too terrified to be disgusted at what I was being made to do. After a second or two of having his big cock in my mouth, I settled now as I realized that it wasn't all that bad, especially the feel of my tongue tip in his large pee slit.

After several minutes of having him pushing and pulling his giant dick in and out of my stretched mouth as well as me suckling it from time to time, he warned me of his impending come and warned me to swallow it all. I was terrified and yet strangely aroused at the thought of having to swallow this black man's cum.

He flooded my mouth. I was able to swallow just about all of it except for a trickle from the corner of my mouth. He had me milk him for a while afterward before pulling it from my lips. I was surprised at the creamy rich taste of the man's hot jism.

"I don't think you and I gonna have any trouble getting along. Do you?" The man said as he looked down on me. I was still on my knees, as he pulled up his pants and fastened his belt.

`N-no sir!' I blurted out not knowing what else to say. I was still slightly shaken after having had such a monstrous black cock shoved down my throat.

"That's good, cause you and me gonna talk like this some more. It's good to see you helping your wife out." He said as he walked out of the small bathroom. I stayed there in a dumbfounded state for a while. Finally, I reached out for some tissue to wipe the black man's trail of semen from the corner of my mouth, and later the large drop of his cum that'd splattered on the floor. However, just as I'd finished cleaning up the jism, I looked up to see another black stud coming toward me with another giant stalk of black manhood jutting out at the ready. It was so firm and rigid. He stopped in front of me as I looked up at him bewildered and him down at me as if to say I should know what he wanted of me.

His cock was covered with a slimy film.

"I just got off in your bitch's pussy, but I need some more action. I just heard you suck dick pretty good, so c'mon, gimme some mouth action and clean yo wife's pussy scum off my dick too."

I was more intimidated by the rough roar of the man's voice than I was by anything else he did. However, before I could get the taste of one dick out of my mouth another had been shoved in.

This second time I felt more relaxed with this second big black prick between my lips. I recognized the smell and taste of my wife's cunt on his member. He made me do most of the work, that is, the sucking and lapping, while he held the back of my head and directed me where to use my tongue. He had me lick the base of his very dark penis as well as lap his hairy balls. I was surprised at their silkiness on my tongue as well as their sizes. As I worked around his magnificent genitals with my tongue and lips, I felt a certain respect for all that was before me and a strange desire to pay homage. The strong masculine smell from his genitals combined with pussy funk seemed to pervade my senses most pleasantly, as I worked on him until he too flooded my mouth with another very heated creamy load. I didn't miss a drop this time.

Before the group left, every man ended up fucking my face. I found myself in no position to resist them as they lined up to fill my mouth with their hard meat and hot sticky jism.

When I finally got off my knees and cleaned up somewhat, my wife was waiting on me with another cleaning job - her steamy gloppy sloppy cunt.

"Honey, you really ate me out good. You like my fur pie when it's real creamy huh?"

'I-I don't know dear, I-I just had t-to be near you after what y-your r-regular men forced me to do. I-I wouldn't have ordinarily done that, t-that is, with all their stuff in you, b-but I-I just had to touch you dear.' I replied to my wife as we both lay on the floor. We both reeked of semen.

Her regulars, our guests, had gone, after eating all the food and drinking all the booze. However, as best she and I could remember, they left some 21 loads of cum in and between us two.

"Darling, they thought you cooked their big tube steaks just right. They told me that you really seem to like all the gravy they gave you." She giggled as she spoke. I just blushed. I didn't know what to say. It was awkward for me to talk to my wife about having sucked cocks, many of which had come straight to my lips with fuck slime from her gang banged snatch.

"They shoot a lot of that hot stuff don't they?"

I quickly acknowledged that she was correct and added how powerful their heated jism gushed in my mouth. "You enjoyed the taste of black dick meat and cum didn't you darling?" She asked me as she held my head and looked deep in my eyes. I stammered and stumbled as I tried to evade answering her directly, but she had her answer.

"I understand how you feel honey, but you don't have to be ashamed of admitting to me you like sucking their big black dicks. I love sucking them too. I'll still love you. In fact, I even think more of you now."
'Y-you do?' I said in a tone of surprise.

"Of course. Plus, now you can join me in my crusade and become a club member, now that everything is in the open." She spoke with a sigh of relief and added it was like a weigh off her shoulders now that I knew everything and had met and got along so well with some of her dearest club friends.

'Y-you think y-your regulars are going to w-want me to do t-that f-for ...' I tried to ask before she cut me off.

"Of course honey. I told everyone of them that it was okay to call you if I was tied up and they needed a quickie ... or if they just wanted to see you period. I won't say who, but a couple of the guys want to get with you on a regular basis. I think they get a kick out of having a white husband sucking their dicks, especially since they're sexing me too."

Before going to bed and leaving me to clean up things, she told me sweetly how good it was to have me helping her out with her club regulars and how that would free up more time for new members.

Since the cook out, I've found myself more understanding of my wife and her cause. After all, where else could she get such good sexing as well as aiding such a good social cause. Even though she had good reason not to permit me more prick time in her, she at least kept her promise and finds much more time to let me bury my face in her jism saturated snatch. She only offers herself to me now after she's been used and filled with black men's lusty outpourings. I've resigned myself to this being the best I can expect from her now in the way of sex.

I made some mock objections the first time, since the cook out that is, when she pushed her thoroughly fucked, gamy pussy in my face. However, she knew it was just a face savings gesture and ignored me as she pulled me to her hairy crotch and wrapped her legs around my head. I greedily consumed the cunt full of thick fuck slime she'd brought me from her encounter with a couple of black studs.

I'd never seen a pussy plug before, but that's what she used to keep it in her cunt for me.

I've grown accustomed to the taste of her slimy snatch now and offer no resistance at all anymore. She loves me sucking the men's jism out of her. I really adore the joyous smile she has on her face when I get her off in the process. I think she gets a thrill from asking me if I swallowed all the love juices from her, because she does it all the time. And when I acknowledge that I have, she pats me on the head and tells me how proud she is of me for "eating it all".

However, I must admit I do feel different about her now. I see her in a different light. It's like she's so much more sophisticated than me. I feel awed and even privileged each time I lower my head between her big fleshy white thighs. After all, she's satisfied over 250 big black dicks with her luscious cunt. I feel a great sense of pride in just being her husband. Also when I'm mouthing her, I can't help envisioning many of the video scenes where she's getting fucked and filled with huge loads of hot gooey cum. Instead of being turned off by them, I find it adds to what I'm doing.

True to my wife's predilection, a few days after the cook out, two of her regulars called. They wanted to bring over some videos for me to watch. The idea of their visit was for me and them to get to know each other better.

I didn't want to be alone with them, since my wife wouldn't be home that night. She had a meeting scheduled with three black truck drivers at a motel. She urged me to meet her two regulars, but left it up to me. However she told me to call them back and give them my answer. I was very nervous as I dialled the black man who'd called. I had every intention of telling him that they couldn't come over, however the sound of his heavy masculine voice and his persuasive manner intimidated and dazzled me even over the phone. Before I realized it, I'd not only been tricked into agreeing for them to come over, but was to cook some popcorn also. If it was any consolation, Louis, the man I talked to, seemed to understand my apprehension and put me at ease by promising they wouldn't force themselves on me as they had at the cook out. In fact he was apologetic for his action, but yet implied it seemed the right thing to do.

As I prepared for their arrival, I kept asking myself how could I have caved into him so easily. After pondering the matter a long while, I stopped being so hard on myself. I came to the conclusion that it was probably difficult for someone like myself to tell a strong black man no, especially after having sucked his dick.

LATER THAT NIGHT (Recount of visit by Louis & Theo)
The visit by two of my wife's regular studs had been far more enjoyable than I thought it would.

I was preparing for bed as I thought back over the evening.

They left me the video they brought over. I didn't get to see all of it, since I was busy doing things for them - namely, sucking their raging hard dicks.

The evening started out with them showing the video of my wife in a series of sexual encounters with single, and groups of men.

We all drank as we watched my wife take cock after cock in her mouth, cunt, and ass. The two regulars, Louis and Theo, were laughing and making earthy compliments about her. It was odd, I ordinarily would've been offended if someone had called my wife a "slut", "pig" or "whore", but around those two, I felt a sense of husbandly pride at my wife being so experienced at being fucked by so many different black men with such huge pricks. In fact, both Louis and Theo complimented me for that same thing several times throughout the evening. I blushed as I thanked them.

After about an hour of drinking and watching the video, my cock was hard and throbbing. However, the much larger cocks of my guests were quite visible and very noticeable as obscene big bulges in their pants.

Theo's eyes met mine eyes as I glanced over at his crotch. I quickly returned them to the TV screen. It was then he suddenly stood up and took his trousers off.

The effect of his giant cock being freed and exposed to air seem to cause it to grow even bigger and more taunt, especially the bloated blood gorged cockhead. I was totally flabbergasted, speechless, and paralysed. All at the same time. He walked over in front of me.

"Is this a better view?" He asked me as I gazed at his jutting rigid black truncheon, which was at the level of my face.

I involuntary opened my mouth to say something, I’m not sure what, but that's when he just used his big hand to pull my head to his swollen dick. In a split second, before I realized what'd happened, my mouth was full of smooth heated hard black dick meat. Caught off guard, but yet strangely delighted at my plight, I made no resistance to reject the invader.

"That's it, take it! Yo bitch caused this ... After all, you're her husband." He moaned as he began to work it in a familiar manner in and out of my lips.

As he pulled me from the chair to my knees, with his dick firmly between my lips, I grasped around his waist for support and held onto his tight muscular ass cheeks. Familiar with what was needed in the situation, I accommodated Theo without objection. Besides, the taste and feel of his hard meat was rather nice. As I suckled his big tool, I couldn't fault his logic about it being justified for me doing this for him. As I swallowed his abundant hot ejaculate, I felt an odd sense of achievement for not missing a drop of his hot creamy cum.

After Theo pulled himself from my lips, I took a sip from my drink, really not knowing what to do or what was expected of me. Louis sort of saved me further anxiety by beckoning me over between his legs to his rigid rod that was sticking out so magnificently. Obediently, I crawled over and had my mouth filled and stuffed, once more, with stiff black meat.

The rest of the evening for me, about three hours, was basically spent on my knees with one or the other of the men's ever hard dicks between my lips. At one point, they laid back on opposite ends of the couch in such a way that I could get at both their huge, still hard cocks. I had a cock in each hand and was able to easily administer to both of their monstrous rods in an easy and equitable fashion. While I was busy mouthing them, they were still enjoying the long playing video.

The two left me with six heavy loads of jism in my tummy and thanked me for letting them "soak" their cocks in my mouth. I didn't know what else to say but `You're welcome'.

As I lay in bed, I had to admit, if nothing else, that this whole experience has given me greater insight into why my wife revels in the Cause and sexing black men. I too couldn't help but be awed by their sexual prowess, and their adorable dicks, especially after two bouts of first hand demonstrations.

As I drifted to sleep I pondered not only what I was going to tell my wife, but how I was going to do it. You see, I still felt uneasy and ashamed about admitting I enjoyed sucking big black cocks.

The day was Saturday. For some reason, I woke up early. It was 5 A.M. Moments later, I heard my wife enter the house.

After greeting each other, she quickly undressed and smothered my upturned face with her slimy slick mucky gash. I gave her a good sucking and was so delighted to hear her moans of joy as I extracted gooey fuck juices from her well used musky smelling snatch. She sure tasted good. As she scrubbed my face with her wet slimy cunt, she thoroughly praised her three black lovers for the "good fucking" they gave her. Her words to me however were "Suck you fool! Suck that good fuck up! Make me feel like a woman at last!"

As she settled down from the orgasm my mouth gave her, I was waiting for the right moment to ask her permission to let me put my aching throbbing cock in. I assumed she surely could spare me a few minutes after having given herself to three strange black men all night.

I nervously asked her. Even I realized I sounded pathetic.
"Honey, you look so sweet every time you ask me that. No, you can't put it in just yet. I want you to keep asking though, and when I'm ready, I'll let you do it then." She replied smiling, as she kissed me on my forehead. She then snuggled up to me and spoke softly, as she further explained why she denied me, but not any black man with a hard dick.

After listening to her for a few moments, I was very dejected, but hopeful of some future time of again being able to exercise my normal conjugal rights as her husband. However, I continued to listen to her rationale intently as I held my aching throbbing prick.

"So you see honey, besides them being better at sexing me than you ever did or could, I also feel it's important for the Cause, for you to continue making a sacrifice for a while."

I asked her when she might permit me to put it in and end my "sacrifice".

"In time honey, in time ... But it's important for you to remain faithful, loving and devoted to me. The men really respect you for that, as I do. When I tell them my husband's home masturbating, while I'm out giving it to them, they have nothing but respect for you honey. She concluded.

`Y-you tell them I-I ...'

"Jack off? Of course darling, it not only seems to help them enjoy me more, but it lets them know we value improved race relations and have adjusted our marital priorities accordingly." She replied cutting me off.

To my chagrin, she further went on to let me know she told them how "sweetly" I've picked up all the household chores so that she can devote more time to the Cause.

Her admissions floored me. I didn't think things could get worse until she added she also told the men I sucked her used loaded cunt.

"Dear, don't look so shocked, a great deal of the black men are accustomed to white husbands doing this for their wives. I've found black men are totally understanding and don't look upon it as odd or strange that you'd suck up and eat their spent jism. You're doing the same thing as other normal well adjusted husbands are, whose wives are in the cause of improving interracial sexual relations. And dear, I hope one day we can go and meet black men together, so you can suck their stuff out of me in their presence."

Even though I'd started out with one objective in mind, I couldn't resist the opportunity of asking if black men thought we husbands were gay because of things like sucking out a cunt full, or sucking their dicks.

"Oh definitely not gay darling, even though they see it as normal for you to suck their dicks and the cunts they've fucked. Just think honey, if you were gay, would you like sucking pussy?"

Her simply response was so simple and yet so illuminating. It was like a wave of relief to me. I guess it showed. She quizzed me. In her skilful manipulative way, she got me to talk more about how I felt at being face fucked at the cook out, and to recount my experience of last night with two of her regulars.

"Dear, I think you so much for sharing these things with me. It's so important we keep open channels of communications. To get back to your concern of being considered gay, sure, the darlings are going to occasionally call you a faggot, a fairy, a pansy or something similar. You should not be alarmed or ashamed of being called those things, especially, when they're creaming in your mouth. It adds to the pleasure of their come to say those things. Anyway, honey, they're men, real men, who need blunt catchy terms to express themselves. The problem is that society and the language uses a few words to communicate so many different thoughts and meanings. Hence, your confusion that black men might think you gay."

I really felt so much relieved at her explanation. She assured me that black men knew the difference between an understanding loving husband who's a good cock sucker, than someone who’s gay.

"Darling, they see you as paying homage and respect to them being the better men, than anything else. And as I've told you, I hold you in high esteem for giving them such respect and proving to them, in a most intimate way, you support me, and the cause, by swallowing their hot cum."

She kissed me. As we parted our lips, I thanked her for her praise, love and companionship, especially since I now better knew how inadequate I was in comparison to black studs, as well as how important it was to her that I make the sacrifices she desired of me.

"Thank you dear. I appreciate that. And personally honey, as far as names go, I'd like to think of you as my supportive, sweet, well behaved sissy husband. You see honey, when I say sissy, I don't mean it to be derogatory ... more like you're soft and yielding ... and well ... pussy like. Hmmm! Maybe pussy husband is better."

As I was thinking about what she'd said, I recalled her two regulars calling me a sissy several times doing the evening. I thought of how matter of factly they did so, without emphasis or in a derisive manner. I of course was too cowed to be defensive about it. In accepting being called that, I even began to respond to "sissy" a couple of times when they forgot my name. I sort of found myself growing fond of the way the two men said it in their heavy masculine voices. I wondered how it would sound to hear them say "pussy husband". The more I thought about it the catchier it sounded. Since I'd been a receptacle for the men's cock and cum, I indeed was functioning as a substitute pussy. My wife interrupted my thoughts.

"Enough time for talk sweetie, I need to get some rest, I've got another full day ahead of me. C'mon honey, beat your meat for me. Here suck on this as you play with yourself." She pulled my mouth to her tit. She held my head to her like a baby as I did as she wanted. I always seem to end up doing what she wants of me, however this time I'd never been more contented.

"That's it sweetie, beat your meat for me ... show me how much you love for me ... steady ... keep on stroking it ... you're almost there ... that's it ... suck on that tit ... good baby."

I found her words did add to the pleasure of the hand job I was doing myself. Secretly, I had to admit to myself that jacking off for her wasn't that bad. I hated to admit it, but I was sure her watching me gave her more pleasure than me putting it in.

"Feel better?" She said after I shot off and was settling down from shooting my load.

I shook my head in acknowledgment.

"Good. I like seeing you pull your little peter."

I helped her take a bubble bath and cooked and served her breakfast in bed before tucking her in. As had become standard practice, I kissed her beautiful cunt bush before she excused me from the room.

As I started on my household chores for the day, I pondered what she meant by "We need to find you some pretty clothes more befitting a pussy husband in the cause", before she fell to sleep.

A few days later, my wife came up to me and said matter of factly that she thought I should look and dress more effeminately now that black men come over to our house openly for sex. "After all honey, black men expect pussy husbands to look different .. you know ... arousing."

There was not much I could do about my wife wanting me to dress in drag for the Cause. I knew I loved her too much to not do as she wanted.

She adores black men very much, and I'm also very admiring of them too, especially after all I've been through. She knows I'd do whatever it takes to please them for her. Especially since it's aiding racial harmony and reducing tension every time I part my lips for a stiff black prick or get one shoved up my ass.



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Fooled into Bed with My Sster 4

Fooled into Bed with My S!ster #4"Oooh, oh, mmm... That feels so nice," Anna complimented, holding her friend's head up between her legs. Melissa let out a sexy, muffled moan at the praise.After some time I got her free and they stopped, letting Melissa relax and massage her wrists. Anna and me took up positions on either side of her. We all lay together for a while, warm bodies up against each other."So, is this going to be a regular thing?" I asked."Not if you're thinking of tying me up...

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Fooled into Bed with sister

There was very little traffic on the roads that Sunday morning, which was okay by me. I, my sister and her friend Melissa were on our way into the city proper.They often invited me to their outings, though perhaps the fact that I had a car was partly responsible for that. I really did enjoy their company though. Melissa was a fun, not to mention attractive, girl and my sister and I had always gotten along well."Aren't we there yet?" Melissa called out from the backseat."What are you, a k**?"...

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Husbandry By Saliaven Chronotis Chapter 1: Oak's assignments "I've got the energy ready." "Trying to bind it." "The power is attempting to get free." "Almost there... almost there..." "I'm losing it. It'll explode any second now!" "Got it!" And with that, Ash and Misty worked their first tandem spell, binding nature's energy into a ring. What they were supposed to do with it was more of a mystery. "How am I supposed to know what it does?" Misty shouted for the...

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Animal Husbandry

I am the prototypical teenage genius and mad scientist. I’m sure I’d be described as a sociopath and pedophile by those who want to impose a plain vanilla life of near despair upon everyone but the richest 0.01%. I am not a sadist. I do not want to hurt anyone. I know what I like, and I just want to be left alone to enjoy exceptional girls who develop and mature far ahead of the average. To me, the maximum enjoyment comes from a girl offering herself to me willingly and then giving each other...

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Fooled Into Love by a Beautiful Transexual

A fictional, steamy love story about a Man’s first experience with a Shemale... a real take charge kinda girl!Maria Lopez was an absolutely stunning 23 yr old Puerto Rican Goddess. I remember the first time I laid eyes on her, bent over inside her hatchback Toyota, pulling out a hanging fern plant to carry inside the duplex. My duplex! This stunning little thang was going to be my new neighbor? Holy Crap!! Damn! Look at that ass! She wore tight jeans, knee high suede leather, high heeled boots,...

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Fooled by a black man

It was a late saturday morning and i was half way through the 20 minute walk from my house to my local town centre. I had enjoyed the first peaceful ten minutes of the journey just taking in the pleasant scenery while strolling along. Suddenly from across the other side of the road i heard a man shouting so i turned to look and saw that he was trying to gain my attention. He shouted 'come here mate', slowly i crossed the road to his car window to see what he wanted. Hesitantly I asked 'can i...

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Shea's mom got remarried. Her new man was very handsome and he had a twenty year old son. When Shea's mom was not around the son tried to feel her tits or her pussy. He told her "I will let you see my cock if you let me see your pussy or feel your nice round tits. Now that we are a family we should play nice with each other. Come in my room and get naked with me." Shea laughed but followed him to his room. He locked his door and began to take his clothes off. When he was nude he told Shea "How...

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Fooled by twins

As I finished cooking dinner I anxiously awaited the arrival of my 18 year old girlfriend Kendra ( I'm 39 ). She was built quite well, a very sweet girl and she loves to please me in every way possible. As the clock whirred toward seven my cock actually started getting hard, just in anticipation of seeing her. The pasta was nearly done, chocolate torte in the refrigerator and an assortment of candles burning throughtout the place, the mood was certainly set. I heard the front door open and as I...

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Sissy Sister Husbands

SISSY SISTER HUSBANDS by Throne Tessa had been gradually cutting her husband Max off from sex and, at the same time, feminizing him. Now, after three months, he was desperate for relief and accustomed to wearing panties and other female items all the time. His wife decided it was time to take him to the next level. She knew the perfect person to help her do that. It was her friend Marie. Who could be more perfect? After all, it was Marie who had given Tessa the idea to change...

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Two sexually frustrated wives on a camping trip with their neglectful husbands

Sandi’s beautiful long legs straddled the trunk of a fallen oak tree. “Man, I wish I had brought my vibrator out here with me,” she told her best friend Mandy who sat across from her out in the wilderness of the forest. “Tell me about it,” Mandy said. “I thought this was going to be a romantic, sexy camping trip with our husbands. Instead, the two of them get us out here in the middle of nowhere, then trek out to the lake together with their fishing poles and...

2 years ago
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150 Ways to Humiliate Your Husband

Originally from lov2dancecpl but I really love this150 Ways To Humiliate Your Husband 1. Tease your husband with sex and sexual ideas.2. Comment on how good other men look to you.3. Tell your husband you like big dicks.4. Tell your husband his dick is not big enough nor good enough for you.5. Tell your husband all your lovers are much better at sex than he is.6. Tell your husband he is a wimp.7. Tell your husband he is a fag.8. Laugh, grin, giggle or shake your head in contempt every time you...

3 years ago
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Useless Sissy Husbands

USELESS SISSY HUSBANDS by Throne John squatted in the corner of the kitchen, wearing only a plaid miniskirt and a sleeveless blouse, along with knee socks and saddle shoes. The hair of his brunette wig fell to his bare shoulders and was cut in bangs across his forehead. He cowered there, biting his lips, while his gorgeous wife Lana sat at the breakfast table with her lover Darren. The latter had on only boxer shorts, his fit body well displayed. Her sole attire was a short robe,...

2 years ago
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Ways to Humiliate Your Husband

1. Tease your husband with sex and sexual ideas.2. Comment on how good other men look to you.3. Tell your husband you like big dicks.4. Tell your husband his dick is not big enough for you.5. Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex.6. Tell your husband he is a wimp.7. Tell your husband he is a fag.8. Laugh, grin, giggle or shake your head in contempt every time you see your husbands dick.9. Tell your husband you can't wait to have sex with someone else.10. Tell your husband you're...

2 years ago
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Humiliate your Husband

Humiliating your husband is creating mortification leading to a state of being humbled. Here is a list of how to humiliate your husband: Tease your husband with the idea of, you sl**ping with another man. Comment on how good other men look to you. Tell your husband that you like big endowments. Tell your husband that his endowment is not big enough for you. Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex. Tell your husband he is a wimp. Tell your husband he is a jerk. Laugh, grin, giggle...

2 years ago
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Humiliate your Husband

Humiliating your husband is creating mortification leading to a state of being humbled. Here is a list of how to humiliate your husband:Tease your husband with the idea of, you sleeping with another man.Comment on how good other men look to you.Tell your husband that you like big endowments.Tell your husband that his endowment is not big enough for you.Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex.Tell your husband he is a wimp.Tell your husband he is a jerk.Laugh, grin, giggle or shake...

2 years ago
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Achanak 8211 Part 2 Servant And Husband

Hi friends , first part of this sex story was published in Feb 2013. Thereafter I forgot to write subsequent part . Let’s have recap – I am Alka, having a grown up son Mohit. People say I am beautiful and owner of a very lovely & sexy figure. That fateful day my son dropped me at a mutton shop and moved away. There I got impressed by butcher Raffique’s monster cock and got fucked by him there itself in presence of his youngest daughter Ruby. Thereafter Ruby’s would be husband fucked me in...

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I Find a Real Cock for My Husband

I just turned thirty-five, but I must say I'm a sexy, youthful thirty-five with a hell of a body and a scorching libido. The latter should be no surprise since it's no secret that a woman in her mid-thirties is often at her sexual peak. I certainly am, and was when two years ago I finally divorced my quite unexciting and less than satisfying husband, who was some years older than I was. He was replaced him with a much younger man, ten years younger than myself, in fact. And that man, Rick,...

1 year ago
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Dont judge I F27 fooled around with my brother and my husband

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my black friend uses me and my husband

We had decided to take a trip to Vegas and spend some alone time together.. We started off with dinner, then went to hit the tables.. My husband was on a winning streak. He was up at least $1500. I whispered into his ear have fun I'll be in that cute little shop. ok? Then his luck ran out.. and before I knew it, he had lost the money we had to get back home.I was so mad that i had to just walk away. About 15min. later I went back to where I last saw him but he was not there.Just as I was going...

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Help Husband

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I Helped My Husband

I am married to a wonderful man and we have a great sex life. . I learned early in our marriage that my husband is both kinky and submissive. I loved being dominant in bed and making him do all kinds of kinky adventures. I never realized just how submissive and kinky Michael really was until this month. Over the years of marriage, we loved experimenting with sex. We are both very open- minded and have tried many different kinks. We have evolved sexually to the point where Michael wears women's...

3 years ago
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I Helped My Husband

I am married to a wonderful man and we have a great sex life. . I learned early in our marriage that my husband is both kinky and submissive. I loved being dominant in bed and making him do all kinds of kinky adventures. I never realized just how submissive and kinky Michael really was until this month. Over the years of marriage, we loved experimenting with sex. We are both very open- minded and have tried many different kinks. We have evolved sexually to the point where Michael wears women's...

2 years ago
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The Day I Cheated My Husband

This is a true story. And if I wouldn’t tell this one, or write it at least, I would never know where to put my guilt. It’s not that my husband never knew. He knew that I’m meeting someone, my ex-boyfriend whom I have a daughter with, but we never got married. How did my husband knew, and how did he react to this discovery, is something that I would write later. My husband is quite a busy guy. Being a teacher in a big, government school, his schedule is so tight and he’s always out of...

3 years ago
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The day I cheated my husband

This is a true story. And if I wouldn’t tell this one, or write it at least, I would never know where to put my guilt. It’s not that my husband never knew. He knew that I’m meeting someone, my ex-boyfriend whom I have a daughter with, but we never got married. How did my husband knew, and how did he react to this discovery, is something that I would write later. My husband is quite a busy guy. Being a teacher in a big, government school, his schedule is so tight and he’s always out of town. But...

1 year ago
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Marcy cuckolds and sissifies her husband

Marcy cuckolds and sissifies her husband By Sissie Maid Cuckold "Marcy...why don't you like sex anymore?" "I like sex John, I like it a lot." "Well then why don't we have it any more, I miss it, don't you miss it?" "We don't have it anymore because you're terrible in bed John, you suck. And...no...I don't miss it, at least with you." "But Marcy am I really that bad you said you liked it a lot and yet you don't...

3 years ago
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Guide to Cuckold Your Husband

Guide to Cuckold Your HusbandTurning your husband into a cuckold can be one of the most rewarding things you ever do. A successfully cuckolded husband will be completely submissive. He will satisfy all your sexual cravings, manage all the mundane chores of your life, allow you to sleep with whomever you wish, subject himself to any amount of humiliation you desire, and of course, love you unconditionally.But be warned, cuckolding can also be one of the most challenging things you ever do. The...

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Wife Gets Pussy Fucked In Reverse BDSM By Husband

Hey guys! This is Simraan again. I had been working my big ass off in the last few months. So much so that I didn’t even think about sexual pleasures (fuck!). My brain was hard-wired to complete assignments. I lost touch with emotions and my colleagues started thinking that I had been possessed. But my husband thought I was cheating on him with some guy (guys!) in the office. He would call me at random hours which disturbed my zone. While talking on the phone, he would tell me all the dirty...

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Father in law is my second husband

I am 25 years old, married and I have a son of 5 years old. My husband’s name is Pradeep and he is a businessman. He is involved in export and import business. He has to travel out of the country occasionally. He rarely takes me with him. We live with our laws that are my father in law, mother in law, my husband, my son and me. My mother in law was strict. So I had to live being a good daughter in law . I had to obey her, dress up in traditional way. She had maintained a strict environment in...

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My Husband

MY HUSBAND Me and my husban were getting ready for bed when he noticed I was hotter than usual as my pussy was dripping and my asshole was throbbing and clenching on its own. I told him how hard my boss was at work today from me wearing that slutty low cut dress that I know he just loves. And how hot I get thinking about teasing my boss while at work. My husband loves for me to tell him all the naughty details of me driving my boss up the wall. Oh my husband loves for me to get attention...

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Seducing For Husband

This is a real story. I am married to Mr. Rajesh who is a contractor. We have very active sex life. I am an above average lady with all smart features any man would like to have. I have noticed friends of husband looking at my bust and butt. I liked it but not shown any reaction to it. Rajesh used to take big contract of the corporate and do the construction. So I too attend the parties hosted by the client sometime. One of such party was called and my husband said this is a big client and a...

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I Love My Cheating Husband

My husband cheats on me. And I love it. Now, most women would say, ‘what a horrible thing to do to the woman you love and that I should leave him’. But they don’t really understand. I’m ok with it. I don’t just accept it, I love it! When my husband and I are making love his attention is completely on me. Always attentive to my needs and desires and when we make love he ravishes me, completely. He always makes sure I cum at least three times if not more and eats pussy like it’s his last meal....

3 years ago
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Sex With Boyfriend In Front Of Husband

Hi, I am Palak (not my real name), I’m 27 years old. I have been given a good and attractive features and a well developed and maintained body. My husband Rajesh (inherited name here) and I have been married for about five years. Our marriage was an arranged one and we really love each other very much.  My regular visits to my beautician have made my skin extra fair, smooth and attractive. I had a very fair colour and my statistics are 35-27-36 which I always maintained by daily morning and...

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Cuckold Training my Husband

When my husband first admitted to me that he wanted to watch me have sex with other guys he had no idea of the Pandora's box, or should I say Cassandra's box he was opening!Over the last 5 years I have transformed my husband from a dominant and jealous man into a totally submissive cuckold. He used to get angry whenever another man so much as looked at me and now he is completely trained and willingly submits to watching me getting fucked by other men. This is because he knows it is only when...

1 year ago
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The Dominant Wife and submissive husband

A primary reinforcer is any reward your husband will work to get, and which will increase or maintain a behavior. Of all the rewards that you could offer your husband, sex is far and away the most powerful. Sex, therefore, serves as the core, primary reinforcer. Simply put, under the right circumstances, your husband will do virtually anything to have sex with you. A secondary reinforcer, or a conditioned reinforcer, is any previously neutral stimulus that acquires reinforcing properties...

1 year ago
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I Let My Mother Do My Husband

My name is Naomi and I have a unique story to tell. I've been married for about seven years now and our love life is fantastic. But, I have the urge to see my husband fuck someone else. We have talked about this over and over again. Yet, I don't trust any of our friends, so my fantasy goes unfulfilled. This is where the story goes a little weird; you see my mother and I are like sisters. I confided in her about my fantasy and I was surprised by her response. She told me that she and my father...

3 years ago
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I Let My Mother Do My Husband

My name is Naomi and I have a unique story to tell. I've been married for about seven years now andour love life is fantastic. But, I have the urge to see my husband fuck someone else. We have talkedabout this over and over again. Yet, I don't trust any of our friends, so my fantasy goes unfulfilled.This is where the story goes a little weird; you see my mother and I are like sisters. I confided in herabout my fantasy and I was surprised by her response. She told me that she and my father...

3 years ago
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Maid Tired Of Her Husband

When I saw her for the first time I felt good she was hot but not so fair neither she was very dark she was thin whenever she used to sweep I sat on the bed and watch her. Usually during the holidays I would wake up a little late and when I used to sleep she would sweep the floor I used to see her from the corner of my eye I got a blur image of her every time. Later on I grew more attracted to her when I got to know that she had no children but was married her husband wasn’t able to make her...

1 year ago
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Wife Seeks Help In Training Her Submissive Husband

Wife Seeks Help In Training Her Submissive Husband! CHAPTER ONE. I recently discovered that my husband has been going to some ‘Swinger’ s’ parties/orgies. What he had told me was that he was going away on business trips, and that he couldn’t get out of them! Since these gatherings are normally meant for couples only, (and as he has been attending them as a ‘Single Male,’) he has had to worm his way onto the group’s invitation list by offering to ‘serve’ the guests. The organizers agreed...

1 year ago
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The Time Three of us Cuckolded our husbands

HI! My name is Madelaine and my two friends, Judy and Monica. We went to a bar and were having a drink when we noticed a man sitting alone in a nearby booth. He was sort of handsome and well built, though not one of those ugly body builder types. None of us like all that excess muscle that will someday just become so much blubber. That of course is neither here nor there. The three of us had come to the conclusion that what we needed in our sex lives was something radical! We had swapped around...

2 years ago
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Second Honeymoon without Husband

I’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips, big eyes and long hairs which reached till my bums. I usually wore sari all the time. But...

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Wifes birthday present to husband

My husband and I had been married 16 years, we had no c***dren, we enjoyed our lifestyle and didn’t have time for c***dren. I’m 5’9” medium build, dark hair, large tits and long legs. My husband was 6’3” well built with large hands and a large cock. We had an okay sex life, we were both very busy with our careers and by the time we got to bed we were both too knackered for sex.We both had our fantasies, my husband enjoyed watching porn particularly girl on girl action. Me, while I scolded him...

1 year ago
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Only for my Husband

Danielle combed her long blonde hair as she stood in front of the full length mirror starring at her reflection. Danielle was a trophy wife and had married straight out of college to a man who was twenty years her senior. Pete was a wonderful husband and as a matter of fact he gave Danielle everything she wanted in life. Pete was an heir to his parent’s fortune and now controlled his Father’s business. His wealth...

3 years ago
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Well trained husband

I'm a thirty five year old married woman. My husband and I have been married for s*******n years. I was a virgin when he and I met and he was the only one I had even had sex with. We had a typical boring sex life for many years, he works hard so I don't have to. Two or three times a week he would fuck me hard for five minutes and then fall over on his side of the bed and go to sleep. I would always finish myself off quietly with my fingers. My husband is a talented man and he and I often have...

1 year ago
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My Lovely Husband

My Lovely Husband by Vickie Tern Honestly, how was I supposed to know he was God's gift to women, an incredible hunk, broad shoulders, rock-hard chest muscles, and a cock that feels like a fat electric plug -- when he inserts it and pushes it in deeper, you shriek and glow and then go absolutely radiant! When I first agreed to go back to his place for a drink I thought OK, he's attentive, and plenty eager, and very goodlooking too. I bet he's abrupt in...

3 years ago
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Yes am a Cuckold Husband

My wife and I never talked about it. I'm really not sure how it became a thing with us either. It's possible she saw porn on my computer. I think years ago she saw some printed out stories and read them.She never acted on them, nor talked to me about what was in them, but if she read them, she knew what I was reading and jerking off to.While I don't think that was the sole reason we went down this road, I believe it planted a seed in her mind that percolated over the years. I'm also pretty...

3 years ago
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Awesome Sex In USA With Lady From Flight Journey And Cuckold Husband

Hello Readers, This is Soma, a professional Indian guy who is working in USA as Software Engineer. I am 27 years old, 5.8 and 65 kg decent looking guy.This is entirely true story as I am always busy, I don’t have any free time to write fictional stories. I am contributing to this site first time so forgive me for any grammatical errors. You can send me feedbacks on Without wasting time let’s move on to story. This happened 2 years back. This is how it all started , I was doing my Masters in...

3 years ago
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The Cheating husband

The Cheating Husband By Julia Michelle Chapter 1 Chelsie was sure that her husband was cheating on her. There was no doubt of that anymore and that enraged her. Chelsie raced down the road to catch the cheating dog bastard. Many of her friends had told her that her husband was sleeping with another woman. Many of her friends at his work told him that he goes to meet a woman in the basement office at the same time just about every day, and multiple times a day on others. Her own...

1 year ago
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Indian Wife And The Maids Husband

Simran hesitated just for an instant before pulling her panty down and stepping out of it fully nude. She was still in her dressing room. She had read about the benefits of massage in a number of newspapers and journals but could perhaps never muster the courage to go to a parlour. All sorts of doubts would appear to cloud her mind. How could she strip fully before complete strangers! And if the masseuse turned out to be a man! God! She would certainly die due to sheer embarrassment. And if she...

3 years ago
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Second Honeymoon Without Husband

Myself Jyoti Papani married to Sumit Papani, works as General Manager in a Textile Company, I’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips,...

1 year ago
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Wife turns the table on Husband

Nina is a very attractive long legged blonde. Her body has always exhibited a unique sexiness. Her face is so erotic looking with a shorter hair style. She looks awesome in short dresses, and I have always fantasized about her from the first time I was introduced. Nina looks a lot like the star of Madam Secretary. Her legs are very shapely, her breasts perfect in size, and her upper body is long, slender, and fit.One day Nina came home from her insurance job. She lives in a Milwaukee suburb...

4 years ago
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My Gay Brother Fucks My Husband

When Sally met her husband three years ago, a year before they got married, she discovered his stash of porn DVDs. He blushed and was embarrassed and started to make apologies, but Sally smiled and told him not to worry. She had the same 'secret.' Sally also loved porn and had loads of porn sites bookmarked on her computer. They laughed and realized they shared this common interest. Men often assume women either aren't very interested in porn, or will be made uncomfortable if their guys show...

2 years ago
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Eine weitere Story aus der Feder meines Freundes - dies mal aus der anderen Perspektive des Cuckoldings. Ebenfalls frei erfunden und auf Englisch.---So the thing is that I actually never really cared much for other men. I was happy in the relationship I was in so I never understood the concept of cheating. So I never did. Having a history of checking my husbands browser history, looking for the porn he'd watched however, I stumbled across something called cuckold porn. The strange thing was...

3 years ago
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Spying on my sissy slut husband

Part oneI am married to a very sweet guy. We are both twenty-two years old and have been married for two years.  Our sex life is great; he is very horny and affectionate.  I never have to ask for sex as he is always willing and able.He is a Social worker and I am a nurse.  We met while he was in the hospital where I work.  He was working on a child abuse case.  He isn’t a hunk by any means, in fact, quite the opposite; he is very feminine.  Maybe him being this way attracted me to him as I had...

2 years ago
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A Vulnerable Housewife Chapter Four Home with my Husband

Previously: As you recall from previous chapters, my husband was laid off and I was forced into the work place. I was fortunate to land a job working as Tom's executive secretary. Tom was more than just the President and principal owner of his company. Tom was a dear family friend. I had known Tom since I was a little girl. If I am really honest, I must admit that my getting this job had more to do with my father's friendship with Tom than it did with my somewhat limited secretarial...

3 years ago
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First time dating another for husband

I will write this kinda how it all came about but as the title says i dated another man this the first time at his request and something i had some fantasy about also but nothing nothing nothing could of prepared me for this first time. We had no k**s and both husband i worked and he asked after few years marriage to go to nudist resort for party and experience and hell felt like it not knowing much really other then naked but we went for a week and was a lot different then expected. Men and...

2 years ago
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Chapter 2 Demarcuss Birthday Present I Return Home To My Husband

I awoke Saturday morning, slightly confused. It took me a moment to get my bearings. I opened my eyes trying to figure out where I was, and how I got here. My head was resting on the muscular chest of a large back man. I was in my best friend's bed, naked, with her husband. Okay, I remember. Slowly, it came back to me. I was Demarcus's birthday present last night. My vagina was sore from the abuse it endured at the mercy of this very large and well endowed black man. That's right, at my best...

Wife Lovers
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A Friend Lends Me Her Husband

After the c***dren left home and went to university, my life disintegrated, well at least my marriage did. Without them the sheer loneliness and boredom of a financially secure relationship began to haunt me. It didn't seem worthwhile being with a man who travelled endlessly on business and worked the most horrendous hours in his pursuit of a partnership with one of the world's leading law firms. I became disillusioned and bitter that Richard wanted to work or travel rather than be with me and...

2 years ago
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Pranita And Fantasy Of Her Cuckold Husband

Hello ISS readers, this story is about a woman whom I met online. She was in her mid-30s. She was an ISS reader and she contacted me through email after reading my last story. Her name was Pranita. It started with chatting and later we started sexting during whole nights. One day she told me that her husband had lost interest in her and he had this fantasy to watch her having sex with someone else. I thought it was the right time to make a move. So I casually opened a topic on various sex...

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