B6 Chapter 3 Accusations free porn video

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Chapter 3: Accusations

Jordan and Jeanne had just finished their session in the Milking devices. Because of the extra help that Dee Dee had given Jordan's balls, Jordan was the clear winner in this event. Both Barocca and Jeanne had finished viciously insulting and accusing Dee Dee and Tiffany of cheating of some sort.
At this point, Rhiannon and the Vectran girls entered the auditorium from the side. Rhiannon decided to make a bold entrance, and called out, "Well, well! Is this a private party, or can anyone join in?"
Everyone in the auditorium turned to face the new arrivals.
"Who the hell are you?" exclaimed Tiffany.
"How'd you get on the Island?" shouted Barocca.
"And how did you even manage to get in here?" asked Dee Dee.
"One at a time, ladies. One at a time," replied Rhiannon. She and the other girls walked down the aisle so they were directly in front of Tiffany and the others on the stage. "My name's Rhiannon, Commander of the Delphi 4; and these are members of my crew."
"What in the world is a 'Delphi 4'?" asked Tiffany.
"If you must ask, it's a starship, orbiting your planet," replied Rhiannon. "But that's another story that'll take too long to go into. I'll get right to the point and state why we're here. You've got something of ours that doesn't belong to you."
"If there's a point to this, I don't see it," said Tiffany. "What have we supposedly taken from you?"
"All right, I'll cut to the chase. I'm referring to special medical enhancing and altering software that belongs to the Vectran home world. It's rather blatantly obvious that you've used it on these two girls here," she pointed at Jordan and Jeanne. "And probably on most of the rest of the population here too, to manufacture your own little army of shemales, or whatever they're called on this world."
"Will you please make some sense?" asked Tiffany. "You talk like you're from another planet."
"As a matter of fact, we are from another world, damn it!" exclaimed Rhiannon. "Kristal, Calista, get that equipment of yours out and start scanning this room. I'd guess that most, if not all of you have been given the treatment with our software."

Calista and Kristal got out their equipment, and began taking readings.
"You don't have to worry. They won't hurt anybody," said Rhiannon. "We can pick up residual readings from the software by just scanning them."
Dee Dee came forward and confronted Rhiannon. "You were right about almost all the girls getting 'converted'. But you'll find it was done in ways other than you think."
"Sir. About the readings we're getting..." asked Calista.
"In a minute. I'm busy right now," retorted Rhiannon. "Don't tell me you managed to pull this off by yourself."
"That's exactly what I'm trying to tell you," said Dee Dee.
"Commander, I think you ought to see these readings..." asked Kristal.
"What for? I know what my own eyes are telling me," said Rhiannon. "Do you seriously expect me to believe that you've mastered the genetics, and the dozen other sciences and technologies that it would take to be able to perform these types of operations? Your earth science won't be that advanced for who knows how many years."
"We can lock horns and argue this all we want," replied Dee Dee. "But you won't find your technology has been used on any of the girls here. I've come up with my own process for creating a shemale and making it work. I'm sure it would be fascinating to one of your science or medical officers, but I'd just bore everyone if I tried to explain it right here."
"Next you'll be telling me that you can fly too," muttered Rhiannon. "Calista, get your butt over here and show me the readings you've taken, so I can get my point across here."
"Commander, that's what we were trying to tell you a moment ago," said Calista. "We've scanned over half the women in this room, and we haven't found any traces of our software being used on any of them." She showed Rhiannon the readings on the display screen.
"You have got to be fucking k**ding me..." grumbled Rhiannon. "You mean you've actually managed to do this to all of these girls by yourself?"
"That's what I've been trying to tell you," replied Dee Dee. "It's been a lot of hard work, but I spent a lot of years in college and medical school learning my craft."
Rhiannon glared at Calista and Kristal. "One of you had better come up with a damned good reason for leading us all the way out here. And fast."
Kristal had scanned almost all of the girls in the auditorium. Now she came in front of Ebony. "Sir, I'm getting a slight reading from this woman."

"What are you talking about?" asked Ebony.
"There's only very slight traces coming from her. But at one time, she was exposed to one of our programs that produces growth hormones." Shock registered on Ebony's face for a moment. Then her eyes narrowed to slits as she slowly realized what had happened to her, over the years.
"That might account for why she's so much bigger than everyone else," said Rhiannon.
Ebony held her emotions in check for a moment, before she began to lose control.
"Barocca, you little bastard..." she growled. “I don’t know how you managed to do it, but I know you’re behind this!” Tiffany and Dee Dee quickly placed themselves between Ebony and Barocca.
"Please, Ebony. Don't do anything rash," said Tiffany. "Wait until we sort things out with these other girls, please!"
"We're on an island, Ebony," said Dee Dee. "I promise you that Barocca won't be going anywhere. Then we can deal with her, after we take care of this first."
Ebony glared at Barocca across the room, the hate being almost tangible. "Barocca, as soon as our 'company' is gone, your ass is mine, girl. Don't even think about trying to leave the Island."
Barocca tried to remain her composure under Ebony's gaze. She knew she was in deep trouble now. Dee Dee's eyes lit up as she suddenly made a connection. "This is all beginning to make sense now."
"Well, I wish you'd enlighten the rest of us about it," said Rhiannon.
"Amen to that," added Tiffany.

"Here's what I think has happened," said Dee Dee. "This little troublemaker here," she pointed to Barocca, "somehow managed to get hold of your software in the past. Not only did she tamper with my equipment and use it on Ebony in the past, which made her grow larger. She's also used it to pull a couple of other unauthorized stunts with it recently, which she'll pay dearly for. When we caught up with her, and searched her quarters, we found a number of CD's with all sorts of strange, advanced software on them."
"Now we're getting somewhere," said Rhiannon.
"I've been exploring them, trying to make sense of some of the programs on them. But a lot of them are way beyond anything I've ever seen before."
"Sir, that would account for the random readings we've been picking up from them," said Calista.
"That software gives off an ultra high frequency transmission signal whenever it's used," explained Rhiannon. "Only our technology can receive it. That's part of how we tracked you to this island."
"Tiffany, would you please go to my quarters, and retrieve those CD's?" asked Dee Dee. "There's a few other things Ebony and I want to ask Rhiannon. And I'm sure Barocca wouldn't think of leaving us, just now."
"You got that right," said Ebony. "Here's my master key to get into Dee Dee's quarters."
"We'll have your software back here in a few minutes, and then I think we'll get to the bottom of things," said Dee Dee.
"That's more like it," said Rhiannon. "I'm sorry if I came across too strong just now. But you wouldn't believe what we've gone through to get this technology back, and the story behind it."

Now Ebony strode over to where Rhiannon was. "All right miss 'know-it-all'. You've answered one question about me that's been nagging me for years. Now if you don't mind, I'd like some answers to some others." Ebony stood next to Rhiannon and glared down at her from her taller height.
"How did you manage to find this island? And how did you get past the perimeter doors?"
"The first thing you need to know Ebony," replied Rhiannon, "is that things are not always what they seem." Rhiannon removed her 'belt buckle', and she suddenly appeared to be the same height as Ebony, and looked her directly in the eye. "When I said we were from another world, I meant it. This little bauble is a hologram projector. It allows us to appear the same size as average females. It's also a translator, although we're beginning to pick up your language on our own.
"Now as for finding your Island, that took a little doing. We got a location from the signal from the software. I'll give you credit for somehow getting this island off of the local maps and charts. That threw us off at first. But then after a little thinking, all we had to do was look at an older atlas in a library, and this little home of yours was plainly marked. You might want to look into a better way of hiding yourselves in the future."
"Hmm. That definitely is a project for the back burner..." Dee Dee agreed.
"And as for access to your complex itself," continued Rhiannon, "I'll have to admit that I forced the perimeter door open."
"No fucking way," said Ebony. "That's a tempered steel door out there."
"Ebony, I'm not in a habit of repeating myself," said Rhiannon. "So listen, and listen good. The six of us are aliens. We're from another world where the gravity is denser, and the population has evolved to where we're bigger and stronger, compared to you. When you put us on Earth's lighter gravity, the difference becomes even more pronounced."
Ebony simply glared at Rhiannon.
"I also wouldn't try what I think you're considering, Ebony," Rhiannon added. "Just because you're roughly the same size as myself and the others, doesn't mean that you've got the same mass and strength as us. Your body hasn't grown and developed properly, it's just had some accelerated growth forced upon it."
"Ebony please," said Dee Dee. "There's nothing to be gained by antagonizing them. We'll give them what they want, and then you can settle up with Barocca."
"All right. That'll do for now," said Ebony, as she stepped away.
"Okay, since we're on speaking terms now, we'll dispense with the charades," said Rhiannon. "The rest of you can remove your baubles, and we'll go around in our normal size."

Tiffany returned with the CD's Barocca had made, from Dee Dee's quarters. "Here you go," as she handed them to Rhiannon. "This is everything that we found, when we searched through Barocca's quarters earlier."
"Thank you, Tiffany," said Rhiannon. "I'll have my girls check these out." She handed them to Calista and Kristal, who inserted them in their equipment, and began a diagnostic check on them. "Like I said earlier, I'm sorry if I was a bit nasty when we first met. As long as these are the complete set for the software, I won't press the issue further, since you're returning it to us. I'll let you carry out whatever discipline you choose among your own girls."
"This checks out, Commander," said Kristal. "It's a complete set of version 2.0 of the medical enhancing and altering software that was standard issue, thirty years ago. They've got everything but a manual."
"Let me get this straight," said Dee Dee. "You're saying that this software that Barocca got hold of is practically an antique. But she still did some things with it that I didn't think were possible."
"That's right, Dee Dee," said Rhiannon. "The technology we have nowadays makes this look obsolete. We can morph, alter or enhance just about any body part to any degree that we want in our society nowadays. Our government makes everything legal, just so long as you can afford it. We found it was easier to control things like this if they were regulated and taxed."
"So you mean it would be possible for women in your society to become shemales, or otherwise alter or enhance their bodies?"
"That's very true, Dee Dee. We've got just about any combination that you can think of on our world. As a matter of fact, I'm a shemale myself, and so are quite a few of the women on our ship, the Delphi 4."
As Rhiannon's words hung in the air, the tensions that had been present earlier began to slowly dissolve.
"After we were on the Island, and in the complex, we found a conference room, and from there, we saw part of your little display on a monitor, " said Rhiannon. She turned and gazed with admiration at Jordan and Jeanne, both of who still had a hard-on of considerable size, which were just now reverting to normal. "I've got to admit that the show these two girls put on got most of us hot and bothered as we watched them."
"We couldn't figure out what was going on, but we enjoyed it," said Vantha. "Do you do this sort of thing all the time, or was this a special occasion?"
"Well to make a long story short," said Dee Dee, "there's a 'dispute' on the Island. Jordan, the blonde girl, represents one side, and Jeanne represents the other. We've been holding a sort of contest of different sexual events, to decide the winner."
"Well, far be it for me to interfere in 'family squabbles'," said Rhiannon. "Since you've turned our software over to us nicely, I'll let you work that one out amongst yourselves. But you've got to tell me more about what that odd device you were using on their pricks was, and how it worked."
"All right," said Dee Dee. "Let me have the girls break out some extra chairs, and we'll get more comfortable. It looks as though we've all got a lot to talk about today."

Dee Dee explained the basic concept of the Milking device to Rhiannon, and most of the Vectran women were getting visibly excited as they absorbed the details, and began looking at the other amazons in the auditorium.
From there, Tiffany and Dee Dee began asking Rhiannon and the other Vectran girls more questions about their society, the starship, and of course, all the dirty details about what sex was like in their corner of the universe. Even Ebony began to loosen her stern disposition, and take part in the discussions, as each side got to know the other side better.
Several hours later, the atmosphere between the two sides had changed considerably. After such open and candid conversation, each side felt like they had known the other side for much longer than just one afternoon.
Tiffany pulled Dee Dee back, and whispered in her ear for a moment. Dee Dee grinned and nodded her head in agreement.
"Rhiannon, we'd like to extend an offer to you and your girls," said Tiffany. "We know that you have to return to your own world soon. But we'd like to invite you and your girls to a dinner banquet this evening with us."
"We've found that each side has a lot more in common with the other side than we first thought," said Dee Dee. "We want to show that there's no hard feelings between us, and we thought you might appreciate real cooking, after so many 'fast food' restaurants."
"Well, that's really nice of you Tiffany, and Dee Dee," said Rhiannon. "What do you say, girls? One night of real food, before we have to shove off?" The five other Vectran girls all responded enthusiastically.
"Wait'll the other girls on the ship find out that we had a gourmet meal," said Vantha.
"Thank you very much for the offer, Tiffany," said Rhiannon. "We accept. You know I can't make any promises, but maybe we can work something out where some of us might get to know each other better, when we have leave from the Fleet in the future. With a starship, we can cover the vast distances of space easily."
"I'm sure that's something we'll all look forward to, if you can make it happen," said Tiffany. "Let me go make a phone call to the girls in the cafeteria, and I'll have them set some extra places."

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Chapter One of my personal story

This is my Chapter One of my personal story. This is not a story about c***d m*****ation but rather a story of true familysex. I was never m*****ed but very well loved in a very loving family. Please read it and commit to me on it and pardon the many errors of good grammar. That day started out like many of them had with Mom licking my little slit and I sucking and licking just the head of my Daddy's big cock. I was an only c***d and was home-schooled so I had all the attention I needed from my...

1 year ago
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Chapters of Cheat

#1 ‘Dear Diary, Today it begins. Love.’ _________________________ The entry was as simple as that. 6 shots of Amarula, Bruised bones, Catfights, and a day later, Vienna was almost smearing war paint on her face. Her new air of confidence and new lease to life made it easy for her to lead this madness she had caught. She picked up her phone and dialled a number. The phone rang twice before an unfamiliar voice answered it. ‘I thought you blacklisted me?’, he said ‘It’s time for some sex,...

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Chapters 16 17

< 016 - ? >I felt disgusted with myself for days. For allowing that to happen. For actually enjoying myself, for taking the money and for returning to that grim place. The money ended up in my piggy bank and I never touched it for weeks. True to his word he did not approach me again. After a few weeks I resorted to daring to touch myself again and the relief was enormous.The occasion went out of my head and the weeks and months rolled by happily. When I saw Jenna pull up, early summer...

3 years ago
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Chapters of Cheat

#1 "Dear Diary, Today it begins. Love." _______________________ The entry was as simple as that. 6 shots of Amarula, Bruised bones, Catfights, and a day later, Vienna was almost smearing war paint on her face. Her new air of confidence and new lease to life made it easy for her to lead this madness she had caught.She picked up her phone and dialled a number.The phone rang twice before an unfamiliar voice answered it. "I thought you...

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Chapter 2 Ryan Nate

A direct continuation of the last story. Sorry to disappoint, no sex in this one xD Hey, there cant be sex in everything right? Dont worry though, therell be plenty of it in future chapters. This is a set up chapter for the rest of the story, and since Im a guy who appreciates plot and development over random sex scenes thrown together, this is what ya get. Hope you like it though ——————————————————————————————– [TWO DAYS LATER] I felt weird. The past few days had crept by very slowly as I...

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Chapter IX My First College Sex

Introduction: Continues the Amy series. Ive skipped the years of high school as being not very particularly engrossing. My years between ages 14 and 18 were fairly unremarkable, sexually. Well, unremarkable isnt really the right word, but if youve read prior chapters, you can write that chapter for yourself. Mark and I were solid soulmates. Neither of us had mentioned marriage, but I know that we both understood that after college that was where we were headed. Sex was regular and wonderful,...

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Chapter one That nameless feeling

Chapter one: That nameless feeling"If there is one thing I've learned in the past 25 years, it's that a woman's clit can be a VERY evil and needy thing,... Once it's shown something better, it will relentlessly throb for it. Just know, the monster that lives at the very most bottom level of pandora's box isn't Cthulhu,... No, the monster that lives at that level Is the prettiest pink and flawlessly shaped clit you have ever seen, & as a man you just can not help but WANT to please it,...

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Chapter One The Festival

Notice!This is a fantasy story that contains material that may be offensive to some readers. It is set in medieval era with many horrors and monsters of supernatural origin. Throughout the chapters you can expect sex of many kind including heterosexual and homosexual, transgender, oral, vaginal, anal, **** including **** by monsters, demons and Gods, magic, death, and more. All characters that are portrayed in a sexual nature are at least 18 years of age. You have been warned…Chapter One, the...

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Chapter 21 of Wifes Story

Author’s Note: You may want to go back to the earlier chapters as some characters will be reintroduced or referenced in this new chapter.Jaycee hasn’t seen Mel much the last few weeks after she told him of her STD scare and now the reality of pregnancy being mostly out of the question. Surprisingly, this new reality for Jaycee felt like an immense weight lifted from her shoulders. Mostly because the relief of knowing that she will not have to test the strength of her marriage by making Mike...

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Chapter 02 21 Days and a Wakeup

Chapter #2 21 Days And A Wake Up I could hear each heart beat resonate through my head as I tried my best to control my breathing. With beads of sweat trickling down the sides of my face, I relaxed as much as I could, setting the distance for about a hundred and seventy five yards. Spreading my legs out a bit further, I wiped the sweat from my right eye, leveled my rifle and closed my left. I could barely see the small piece of black as I took in a deep breath, let it half out and took up the...

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Chapter 01 A Good Boy Acting Badly

Chapter #1 A Good Boy Acting Badly ‘Stephen’s just a good boy acting badly,’ is how my grandmother used to phrase it talking to my mom. ‘He doesn’t mean to be bad, he just can’t help it sometimes.’ But that never cut it with my dad though. You see, trouble just seemed to follow me, and always too close for comfort. Like the time we were throwing apples at cars. I threw one and as luck would have it, the guy’s window was down and I hit him square in the side of the head. He lost control and...

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Chapter 1 My Best Friends Wife

"Dad, what the hell was that for?" she asks while following me out of the room. "We have to be over to Kelli and Tim's house in an hour and you're still in your pajamas. If you want to go like that, be my guest, but I know you." I sit down on the couch and turn on SportsCenter. "Ugh, why didn't you wake me sooner? You know I still have to shower and put my makeup on." She storms back upstairs and slams the bathroom door. "Well you have 45 minutes to get both those done," I yell...

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To be honest, this week has been quite lame. Tina and me have not talked, I have not seen Sarah and I spent the week working at the cafe and preparing for coming exams. Remember the grindr boy I talked to at Saint Patrick's party? well, I did not even have time to hook up with him. He is not gorgeous, but looks worth a fuck. He is not super interested into me, at least he does not stalk, which I am thankful to him for. In terms of chaturbate, I finally had a change to broadcast yesterday...

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Chapter 25Andres first training Class

Andre- I look at the 8 girls I will be training some of them are nice looking and I am going to enjoy fucking them as they kneel looking scare and they should be I have to prove myself. Cindy a white girl with blonde hair. Angel a Hispanic short girl. Kim a black girl with big breast. Leann another white girl with black hair. Candace another white girl with brown hair. Regina who looks mixed she has a nice ass. Rebecca who is black and Emily another white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. I...

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Chapter 24 Master Ds New Class Second Attempt

Master D- When I first met Danny when he was selling drugs to take care of his mother who was sick. As it turns out the boy is a straight killer when other dealers got out of line he made them pay so he has blood on his hands. I know he knows how to fuck because I have seen him in action, so he will be a good fit for us. I go over what he will be making a week and although its less than what he was making on the street he is still interested in being trained he knows that the streets get hot...

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Chapter ten War with Christy Near miss with Lisa and Stephanie dream

Well after dating Christy for whole year thing seem to have slack off between the two of us. She was spending more and more of her time helping her parents with raising her little brother. This was starting to effect our relationship or at least I thought so and fact in senior year in high school I opt to go full time at A R Burton How did this war start well it all started when I stupidly wrote Christy a heart full letter basically pouring my feelings out to her which I guess she took the...

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Chapter Eight Youth group cookout

A week later... It only had been only a week since Stephanie and I had made love and during that next week I was riddled with guilt knowing for second time in less that year I had been unfaithful sexually to the woman who I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I didn’t really want to tell Jackie about what happened with Stephanie and I just week before because I had this overwhelming feeling this time around Jackie would decide to break up with me for sure. But like the old saying...

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Chapter fourteen April decides to stay

Who told you all this I over heard some girls that’s all , well It could only be one of thee April Sue or Jan I had sex with them . Alright yes I admit it yes it was them I overheard it is not my fault well will you fuck me too as good this evening why not now? Chapter fourteen Sue moves out April decides to stay at home her mom has moved . I was thinking this evening so the would not walk in on us now I do not care if they do alright . I want you to lick my virgin pussy...

1 year ago
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Chapter Thirteen Sex at camp sue moves out

I rolled off her held her close to me passionately kissing her it was two thirty Sunday morning today they would all leave . I hate to see them go but they have finals and well summers just around the corner and who knows what's next ? Chapter Thirteen Sex at Camp A few week's have passed it’s the middle of may June is just around the corner sue is rounding out nicely I'm think it's a girl . She is Carrying the baby low I am beginning to think April's a little jealous she does...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 From Rape To Consensual

Chapter 1: I watched as 22 year old Laura Sherman exited Yorkdale Mall. She was with her boyfriend Mike. But I didn't pay any attention to him; my eyes fell on Laura. She was a beautiful girl with very pale skin. Her hair was completely blonde and in a ponytail which always bounced around as she walked. Her light blue sweater and jeans made her the center of everyone's attention. Her butt always shook up and down as she walked catching all the men's eyes. She was in everyone's opinion,...

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Chapter 2 Mel gets to work

Chapter two Walking across the parking lot of the truckstop towards the motel, Mel could faintly smell her cunt over the aroma of oil and diesel fumes. Her miniskirt was so short, the night breeze blew across the lips of her freshly shaved cunt, giving her a slight thrill. Opening the lobby door, Mel walked into the lobby. It smelled of years stale cigarette smoke, stale fast food, stale beer, and stale dreams. Even though she had never seen him before, Mel immediately recognized the man...

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Chapter 4 Christys Punishment

I was trying to get some paperwork done, but couldn’t concentrate very well. I kept thinking about what my wife had done to Christy and how that beautiful young thing was going to be coming back at about 3pm. I checked my wife’s office at about 2:30 and she wasn’t there. I walked all the way through to the other side and asked her assistant about it and she said that my wife had run out on some errands and would be back by 3. I went back to my office and told my assistant that she could leave...

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Chapter 3 My wife gives me a surprise

Christy was a little busty, probably only a C cup, but plenty busty for such a young thing. She had strawberry blonde hair, a small waist, and those great womanly hips that were so good to dig your fingers into when you were fucking doggy style. She was probably only 5’3”, but was a little healthy girl at about 130 pounds. Veronica was saying to Christy, “Just check it out. When I was in here last week some guy stuck his dick through the hole and I sucked it off. I think the men’s room is on...

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Chapter 1 The Opportunity and Setup

My wife and I decided to get out of the fast lane of the high tech world. We had an opportunity to take jobs that were offered to us by a friend who knew we were a little burned out. He was on the board of a private school that dealt with children or young adults who were trying to get their lives together. It was for those who had made the tough decision to try to get a high school diploma after run-ins with the law. It was a kind of boarding school for miscreants. Since we both had advanced...

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Chapter VI Another cousin

Introduction: Here is Chapter VI of the Amy series. Friday came and we went to the airport to pick them up. They came down the ramp, and Amy, now thirteen, was ravishing. She had on a silk blouse which fell easily over her pointed breasts, which were now large enough to belong to a woman. Perky is the term. I realized that mine were only slightly behind hers, though. She was wearing yellow shorts which showed off her tight little ass, and caused glances from every male who passed by. She was...

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Chapter One Camping with Chris

Every year, in late May, my family and I go on a camping trip with the Wright family.  My parents had known the Wrights for years.  Their family consisted of Jane, the mother, Ron, the father, and their son Chris.  We only went to see them once or twice a year because they lived in California and we lived in Texas.  I was most excited when my parents told me that Chris would be going on the trip.  He had not gone the past three years and I had not seen him in a long time.  My parents trusted me...

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Chapter VIII More of the Same

Introduction: This continues the Amy series. A comment on a previous chapter complained that the same old stuff was getting boring. Yeah, probably. There are only so many ways to describe these things, and Ive done my best to spice them up, but Amy isnt into bestiality or buttfucking, so if its boring, maybe its time to find another storyline or author. Thanks for reading to all those who may still enjoy her story. School started in early September, and I turned 14 a few days later. My mother...

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Chapter IV Threes no Crowd

Introduction: This is Chapter IV of the Amy story. Read the others first, if you want to know how we got here. The school year went pretty much that way. After tennis and track season, we had more time, and enjoyed ourselves. We had sex every day that we could, and during this time, that was pretty much every day. If we had to miss a day, we were both highly charged at our next session. Neither of us told anyone. I knew he would never brag about it, and I had no reason to tell anyone. However,...

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Chapter VI Another cousin

Introduction: I am reposting this chapter, since there seems to be some problem with the other one. This continues the Amy series. Friday came and we went to the airport to pick them up. They came down the ramp, and Amy, now thirteen, was ravishing. She had on a silk blouse which fell easily over her pointed breasts, which were now large enough to belong to a woman. Perky is the term. I realized that mine were only slightly behind hers, though. She was wearing yellow shorts which showed off her...

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chapter two exposing Cindy Richard returns

Chapter 2: Monday – Richard returns alone. I was home alone on Monday, Jim was at work, when the doorbell rang. I was not expecting anyone. I looked at the clock and it was just past 11 a.m. I opened the door and it was Richard. “Is it OK, if I grab some of the tools we left here Saturday? We were a little distracted when we left” he said with a smirk of sorts. “Sure, go ahead.” I responded. I was wearing a white tee shirt, no bra, and some gym shorts. I felt my pulse quicken and my nipples...

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