Confessions Of An Exhibitionist. free porn video

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Hello. My name is Melissa and I'm an exhibitionist.

I didn't actually say those words out loud; I just imagined standing up and saying them to the twenty or so people sitting in this community center meeting room. I was also fantasizing about stripping off all of my clothes as I spoke, which probably helps explain why I ended up at an AA meeting in the first place. You see, my addiction has nothing to do with d**gs or alcohol, although it can be as potentially career damaging as battling either of those demons. That's why I came here tonight hoping for some insight into how to stop myself before it was too late. And as I listened to people tell stories about their first beer or first line of cocaine I thought back to how it had all begun for me over seven years ago.

I knew I was hooked from the very first time I stood naked in a place where I wasn't supposed to be naked and felt that strange mixture of dread, excitement, fear, embarrassment, and arousal coursing through my body. I still remember vividly the first time I felt the gentle swaying of my unfettered breasts as I walked across the dew-covered grass with the cool night air caressing my bare skin. Looking back now at those first tentative steps into public exhibitionism they were really quite tame, but that's the way addictions start, don't they? You get a little taste and want more and more.

I obviously understood back then that there were potential consequences involved in my new hobby, but does any eighteen year-old really fully understand the meaning of risk? Even though I knew it would be humiliating if I got caught, that was part of the excitement. Many of life's greatest thrills involve a delicate dance on the ledge between pleasure and pain.

So here I am now, on the threshold of a promising career that might be ruined if my extracurricular activities ever come to light, and I'm still dancing on that ledge and don't know how to stop. I'm torn between my desire to keep going - to keep experiencing that thrill over and over again - and my fear of what might eventually happen if I do.

I'd tried more socially acceptable forms of satisfying my naked in public fantasies by going to nude beaches and nudist resorts, but those had proven to be very unsatisfying. I realized after awhile that it wasn't enough to merely be nude in public; it had to be in a setting where nudity was not allowed or expected. It was the thrill of being seen, being caught, being humiliated, that were fueling my addiction. And as I sat quietly listening to others talk about their struggles to overcome their own addictions, I found my mind drifting and I began reliving those first tentative steps.

It'd all started the summer before my senior year of high school when my Dad decided to remodel my bedroom.


"But Dad, where am I supposed to sleep while you're working on my room?"

"How about your sister's room?"

"No way!" My younger sister was two years younger than me and I knew that if we had to share the same bed for any length of time that we'd try to strangle each other before it was all over.

"Well, there's always the couch then, hon," Dad said.

"For how long?"

"Just for a week or so."

"Yeah, right," I said as I rolled my eyes. My Dad fancied himself a home improvement expert and I have to admit that his projects eventually turned out pretty good. But you could always take his estimate of how long something would take to finish and multiply it by about three or four. Knocking out a wall and adding a walk-in closet didn't sound like a "week or so" project to me so I mentally prepared myself to be without my room for at least a month.

"Alright then," he replied. "If you don't like either of those options I can always set up the tent out in the backyard and you can sleep outside. It'll be like camping out."

"Outside in a tent? Am I supposed to be like a Bedouin or something?" I whined.

"Yeah, it's going to be exactly like that," he replied sarcastically. "It'll be a difficult, nomadic life for you, but if you survive it you'll have proven yourself worthy of the tribe. Listen, Melissa, I'm not going to put you up in a motel so you tell me where you want to sleep."

So that's how I came to find myself sleeping in a small two-man tent in my backyard for nearly a month. With an air mattress, a sleeping bag, a couple of pillows and some music to listen to I wasn't exactly roughing it, and after the first couple of nights I decided it wasn't so bad.

On the third night I woke up in the middle of the night needing to pee. I unzipped the door and, still half asleep, crawled out of the tent wearing only the tank top and panties I'd been sleeping in. I walked to the back door of the house and turned the knob only to find it locked. Shit. Why did they lock the door? Out of habit, I guess.

I looked around and for the first time realized just how exposed I was standing there in my tank top and panties. Our house was on a large plot of land at the edge of a very small town. The backyard was unfenced with a large grassy lawn and a small shed and garden at the rear of it where we grew corn and other vegetables. To my right as I faced the back door was a large untended field that stretched about an acre with our closest neighbor's house on the other side. To my left, past a much smaller field and a narrow road, was the city park. We had no neighbors to speak of (at least not within several hundred yards), but there were always a few RVs and trailers parked just across the street at the park, which served as the town's only tourist campground.

I scurried back behind my tent and peeked out at the trailers and RVs. There was virtually no chance that anyone would be looking this direction at this time of the night, and I doubt that they could've actually seen much even if they were, but the thought of it gave me an unexpected thrill. I still needed to pee so I made my way behind the shed and pulled down my panties. I felt a little naughty with my bare ass hanging out in the breeze and after I'd finished I impulsively pulled them off. I'm so bad, I giggled. I know it sounds pretty lame but I'd never done anything even remotely like this before in my life.

You see, up until I was about sixteen I'd always been small for my age and a bit, um...underdeveloped. To say that I had some body issues would be a huge understatement. I hated my body and it didn't help matters when my younger sister developed a nice set of boobs by the time she was thirteen. I was the object of a lot of teasing at school and, being naturally introverted anyway, I guess I withdrew even further into myself.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, I had what I guess you could call a "growth spurt." Not only did I grow by almost three inches in the course of just a few months but my chest went from almost ironing board flat to a B cup. I know that's nothing spectacular but I was exhilarated, and my breasts fit my lithe body rather nicely. I couldn't stop staring at my changing body in the mirror and, for the first time, I saw a young woman staring back rather than a little girl. Mom called me a late bloomer and I'd hoped that this growth spurt would last for at least one more cup size, but then it seemed to stop as quickly as it started. Still, when I returned to school from summer break I couldn't help but notice that I was getting stares from the guys for the first time in my life even though I was still too shy to wear anything more revealing than a t-shirt and blue jeans.

I guess the reason I'm telling you all of this is to explain that even after having just turned eighteen, I was still a shy, naïve country girl who'd only just begun exploring her sexuality. Maybe my lack of experience helps to explain why what was about to happen was such an electrifying jolt to my system. I'd never experienced anything like this before in my life so I really had nothing to compare it to.

So that's who I was when I found myself holding my bunched up panties in my hand and giggling like an idiot as I peeked around the corner of the shed. My house was pitch dark and none of the bedrooms faced the backyard so there was no danger of my family seeing me without walking out of the back door. Feeling very daring I slowly crept bottomless toward my tent and crawled inside.

It was still only about three a.m. and as I lay there on my sleeping bag I felt the unmistakable feelings of excitement and arousal washing over me. Wow! I'd never felt anything like that before in my life and I knew I had to go back outside and experience it again. I crawled out of the tent leaving my panties behind but still wearing the tank top. I sat just outside my tent for a few minutes, my senses attuned to everything around me as I tried to work up the courage to take the next step. I finally managed to do it and peeled off my tank top and threw it into the tent. Oh my God, I thought, I'm naked outside!

I looked down at my tits and my pussy knowing that I was out where someone might actually see them. What would that be like? Of course there was virtually no chance of that happening, hidden where I was behind my tent in my backyard in the middle of the night. Still, even the remote possibility of it excited me more than I ever could have imagined. I don't know how long I sat out there that night but after I finally crawled back inside and attempted to go to sleep I just knew I had to do this again!

The next night I could barely wait for bedtime and after crawling into my sleeping bag I slept fitfully waiting for the early morning hours before daring to try it again. As I was lying there one thought kept running through my head: I wonder how far I can get from my clothes? Little did I know this would be a challenge I'd keep giving myself for years to come.

When the time finally came I crawled naked out of my tent and sat for a few minutes in the same spot as the night before. I surveyed my surroundings and tried to work up the courage to leave what was already becoming my comfort zone. It took a few minutes of an internal pep talk before I was able to stand up and take a few tentative steps away from my tent. I walked around slowly, stopping every few steps to look around and listen intently for the slightest noise that might reveal an unexpected presence. After awhile I began imagining that I was actually out in the middle of town in broad daylight with dozens of shocked people staring at every inch of my nude body. Just the thought of it sent send an intense wave of arousal through my body!

For the next few nights I repeated the same pattern: I'd get up in the middle of the night and make nude explorations around my backyard, becoming a little bit bolder each time. Before long, though, I realized that I'd have to expand my boundaries if I wanted to test myself and see how far I could get from my clothes. I mean, there's only so far I could go in my backyard, right?

I wandered over to the edge of the large field next to my house and stared across it at our closest neighbor's house. I didn't really know the people living there very well but I imagined them looking out their window at me as I stood naked in the moonlight. In reality it was much too far away for them to see anything even if they actually had been looking but it still gave me a little thrill anyway. I took a few tentative steps into the field but quickly returned back to the lawn. The field was overgrown with weeds, tall grass, and sharp rocks and it wouldn't be a good idea to try to cross it without shoes. I can't explain why but somehow the thought of putting on shoes seemed like cheating to me. On top of that, my parents' and my sister's bedrooms faced this field so there was always a slim chance that one of them might be looking out a window if I tried to cross it.

Since the field wasn't really a good option I turned and looked in the other direction toward the park. Across the street I saw three RVs and two trailers camped in the RV area and I'd have to pass by them to get to the park. Once there, well, who knows who might be in the park? And once I got past the park the entire town laid beyond. If I really wanted to challenge myself I knew that was the direction I needed to go. But I couldn't really go that way could I? It was much too risky and I knew I wasn't ready and might never be ready to do that.

So that's when I found myself peering around the side of the house at our front yard. It was a very large front yard (which made mowing it a pain) and was much more exposed than the backyard. In the middle of it was a large old oak tree and to the right was our unattached garage. It was a cloudless night with a nearly a full moon so it was awfully bright out there. I decided to set a goal...I would make it to the oak tree and back. The tree stood about thirty feet away and I sprinted to it and touched it and then ran back to the relative protection of the side of the house. I looked around for any sign that someone might have just witnessed a naked girl running through her front yard, but I heard and saw nothing. So I went to the tree a second time, this time forcing myself to walk as slowly as I dared. When I reached it I stood in an area shaded from the moonlight and made myself stay there, although my instincts were screaming for me to run back to what I now considered the safety of the backyard. I was almost trembling but somehow I managed to force myself to stay and after a couple of minutes I began calming down.

Ok, Melissa, your next goal is the garage and back, I said to myself. So, after a quick pep talk, I walked over and touched the garage and then scampered back to the tree. I know all of this must sound awfully tame to you but these baby steps allowed me to slowly but surely expand my boundaries. For the next several nights I continued this process until I could walk naked around my front yard without hesitation. By now I had explored virtually every square inch of our property which meant only one thing: my boundaries were going to have to expand past our property line.


The next night I sat naked next to our oak tree and stared at my next goal. Beyond the edge of our front yard was a narrow road that wound past our house and the city park and just beyond the road was a small creek. My plan tonight was to cross the road and dip my toes into the creek. It really wasn't very far away but it still required crossing a psychological barrier. It just seemed naughtier to be naked on public property rather than in my own yard and I'd been excited all day by the prospect of it. There was also more to it than that, though. I sensed that by passing beyond the edge of my property I was opening up a whole world of possibilities – in this town and beyond – where I might get naked if I had the courage. The thought of it was both intoxicating and terrifying and I think that might have been the moment when I realized that my new addiction could easily get out of control if I wasn't careful.

Leaving my property naked didn't just involve crossing psychological barriers, though. There were very real risks involved and those risks increased with each step I took away from my home and my clothes. I may have lived in a sleepy little town (we used to joke that it closed at nine o'clock each night) but there's never any guarantee that there won't be someone out wandering around, even in the middle of the night. I won't say that I knew everyone in town, or that everyone knew me, but the odds were pretty good that if I was caught it would be by someone who recognized me. That's one of the paradoxes of living in a very small town; you are far less anonymous than when surrounded by people in a larger city.

It took me a few minutes to work up my nerve before I finally stood up and walked to the edge of the front lawn. I looked around and then took a long, deep breath before scampering across the road and down the small embankment to the creek below. I found a grassy spot to sit and stuck my toes into the creek.

I don't know if it was the chill of the cold water or the situation I was in but a shudder rippled through my body. The moon above bathed my bare skin in an incandescent light and I felt more vulnerable and exposed than I ever had before. Almost involuntarily my left hand began caressing my right breast as my right hand moved down my stomach and then into the moistness between my legs.

I closed my eyes and imagined that the moon was a single spotlight illuminating my nude body for an appreciative audience. I pictured myself as a star on a stage, baring everything to hundreds of hungry eyes in the darkness. I wanted to shock and awe them; to be seen and desired by them. I wanted to be at the very center of my small corner of the universe for once in my life.

Seconds later I came so hard I had to bite my lip to keep from crying out. And just seconds after that I heard the unmistakable rumble of a large truck in the distance.

I guess my orgasm had temporarily drained my fear and restraint and in the afterglow I felt no need to run or hide. Instead, I stood up and waded across the small creek to the other side and then up the embankment to the guardrail at the top. I crouched behind it and watched the headlights coming toward me in the distance.

Even though my town was very boring, one thing it did feature was a fairly busy highway that ran right through the middle of it. The Canadian border was about ninety miles away and this road served as one of the primary conduits for travelers and trucks heading back and forth between the US-Canadian border in this part of the state. That's why the park next to my house usually had trailers and RV's parking overnight during the summer; it served as a convenient waypoint for travelers. The traffic usually died down to almost nothing at night but the occasional truck would pass through town, even in the early morning hours.

My front yard wasn't easily visible from a speeding vehicle on the highway which is why I hadn't been overly concerned about it while making my nude strolls, but now I found myself hidden behind the guardrail as a large eighteen-wheel semi rumbled toward me. It had slowed down while passing through town but now it started picking up speed as it closed in on my hiding spot. Without even thinking I stood up, stepped over the rail and began waving at the truck! Any doubts about whether I'd been seen or not were answered by a thunderous blast from the truck horn which pierced the still night and jolted me back to reality. What the hell was I doing? I was worried for a minute that the truck might pull over and stop but it kept right on rolling out of town. Even worse I was afraid that the horn might draw the attention of anyone who might be around (or my parents!). Without giving any thought to stealth or caution now I stepped back over the guard rail, ran down the embankment, splashed across the creek, and then sprinted through my yard to the back of the house and the safety of my tent. As I lay breathlessly on my sleeping bag my mind was running a million miles an hour. A stranger had seen me naked!

I knew immediately that I liked it and wanted it to happen again.


My experience flashing the truck driver had allowed me to burst through yet another psychological barrier and the nature of my game began to change after that. It had taken a lot of baby steps to get to that point but then I'd suddenly, and without warning, taken a giant leap. I'd learned a lesson that I'd apply later to other aspects of my life: slow, steady, incremental progress toward a goal will often lead to a sudden breakthrough. Half the battle in life is just showing up and I'd shown up naked each and every night for the past couple of weeks and was now capable of things that I couldn't have imagined before.

I became more brazen and bold in my nude explorations, no longer totally petrified about being seen. Of course there's a big difference between being seen by some anonymous trucker and being caught by a family friend or someone who recognized me. I still wanted to avoid those encounters but, like I said, the eighteen year-old mind doesn't always fully grasp the meaning of risk. I began to take more and more of them with each successive outing.

I spent the next few nights wandering farther and farther away from my clothes. The park road that ran by my house made a left turn about fifty yards or so to the north where it crossed a bridge over the creek and connected to the highway. It also continued north as well, though, becoming a quiet country road that was rarely used other than by the farmers who lived on it. I knew I could probably walk indefinitely on it without much chance of being caught and with plenty of places to hide if a car came by. The road also ran past the large untended field next our house and on the other side of it was a dirt road that led to the house I could see from my backyard. I decided that house would be my goal for the next night.

I started a little earlier than usual and as I began walking down that dark country road I was a jumble of nerves. Tonight I'd be going farther away from home - and any access to clothing - than ever before and with each step my sense of excitement and accomplishment grew. This was so cool! I only wished I could be doing it in the middle of the day.

After reaching the end of the field I spotted the dirt road and made a right turn. Unlike the paved road I'd been on this road was rough and had small rocks on it. My neighbor's house was about a hundred yards away and I stepped gingerly along the road until I reached some bushes on the border of the front lawn. What now? The house was dark with no sign of movement so I decided I was going to walk up and touch the front door. First, though, I turned to look at my house across the field. Just as I figured, it was impossible to see much of anything in my yard from here. I felt a small twinge of disappointment that the people living here couldn't possibly have been spying on my nude escapades.

Just then I saw a light snap on in my house. Oh shit! Somebody's up! Was someone going to the bathroom? Was my mom or dad going to go out to the tent to check up on me? What would I tell them if they did? And what if they saw my clothes lying in a bundle in the tent with no sign of their daughter? Would they call the cops? Of course they'd call the cops!

There was nothing I could do from here so I just watched nervously from afar. After a couple of minutes the light went out and I began to breathe again. It struck me just how stupid and careless I've been and I decided I had to find a place to hide my clothes when I went out at night. Somewhere where I could get to them in an emergency so I could at least come up with a plausible explanation about not being able to sleep and going out for a stroll.

It took me a couple of minutes to calm down before I turned my attention back to my neighbor's house. I'd come this far so I decided to carry on with my plan. I stepped out from the bushes and crept slowly across the lawn toward the front door. I was nearing the house when suddenly the porch light snapped on! I stood there for a minute like a deer caught in headlights, unable to move, expecting the front door to swing open any second! I stood frozen like this until it dawned on me that the light had been turned on by a motion detector. I quickly walked up the porch steps and touched the front door, then turned and hightailed back out to my hiding place in the bushes. After a couple of minutes the porch light snapped back off and I saw no signs from within the house that anyone was awake.

I let out a small laugh and shook my head. Melissa, you've gone batshit crazy, girl. You are so going to get caught one of these nights.

The next night I began taking the extra precaution of hiding my clothes near the garage where I thought I could get to them unseen if I had to. From there I continued my nude walks down the country road, getting progressively farther from home each time. But this road proved to be a little too quiet and after a couple of uneventful nights I began hungering for more adventure. At the end of my strolls I would walk down and sit next to the creek hoping for another truck to roll by, but no such luck. Cars would occasionally pass but I didn't dare show myself to them without knowing if they belonged to locals or not.

By the third night I was getting bored as I sat by the creek and after a few minutes I impulsively made my way up to the guardrail, stepped over it and walked to the middle of the highway. In an instant I felt utterly exposed and vulnerable again and my senses were back on full alert! From here I could look right down the center of my hometown and in the distance the streetlights lit up what passed for the business district. Behind me the highway led out of town for a quarter of a mile or so before curving to the left and out of sight. I'd have little warning if a car or truck came from that direction.

I stood there for several minutes just drinking in the sensations now flowing again through my body. I imagined myself walking right down the middle of the highway into town and even took a few steps in that direction. Then I turned and scampered to the other side of the highway. It was heavily wooded on this side and no place for a naked, barefoot girl to do any exploring but it would serve as a hiding place if I needed it. Having the highway between me and my home added an extra layer of excitement and I desperately wanted to show my nude body to some unsuspecting truck driver. I even walked a little ways north up the highway hoping a truck would come around the corner but there was no one at all on the highway tonight. Damnit! This town is so dead that even a naked girl can't get any attention! I finally gave up after awhile and wandered back to my tent where I brought myself to an orgasm before finally dozing off for the night.

The next day the house was empty, as it usually was during the summer. My parents both worked and my sister, unlike me, was a social butterfly who was always out with friends. Today she was at the lake and I knew I wouldn't see her until at least dinner time. After taking a nap to catch up on some of my lost sleep, I decided to engage in a little "me time." I drew myself a bath using some of my mom's scented bath oils and allowed myself to soak for awhile in the warm water. I almost never did this and now I began to wonder why. It felt so good!

My skin felt so soft and smooth afterwards and as I was toweling off I decided to take a step that I'd been thinking about for a week or so. I figured that if people might see me naked then I wasn't going to keep anything hidden, so I took one of my Mom's razors and sat on the edge of the bathtub and began carefully shaving around my pussy. When it was completely bare I stood before the mirror examining myself from every angle.

My body was lean and taut with breasts that weren't large but hung nicely over my flat stomach. My ass had always been my best feature but now that the rest of my body had developed it looked even better as a complementary part of the whole package. God, I'm becoming such a narcissist, I thought to myself. But I just couldn't help it. I really looked good naked!

I began examining my face next. I'd always looked young for my age and still did (sometimes my younger sister was mistaken for being my older sister), but even my face was beginning to mature now. My acne had cleared up after a summer in the sun and my black hair had gone uncut long enough that it now spilled over my shoulders. I almost gasped as the thought occurred to me: I'm pretty. I'm really pretty!

I know it sounds weird to have taken so long to realize this, but I'd been self conscious about my body and my looks for so long that I had this image in my head that I couldn't shake. Standing here now I finally understood that this image no longer matched reality. And as I stood naked in front of the full length mirror I knew that I really, really wanted someone to see me like this.

I couldn't bear the thought of putting on clothes so I walked naked through the empty house, desperately wishing I could go outside and walk around in broad daylight. And the more I thought about it the more I thought that maybe I could. My backyard was mostly sheltered by trees on the park side and I knew that my neighbors across the field wouldn't be able to see me without a telescope. I walked over and peeked out the window at the park. The RV area was empty except for a family unhitching a trailer from their truck and setting up a large tent alongside it.

I opened up the back door and stuck my head out. There was about a twenty foot stretch of open space where I'd be visible to the campers before the view from the park was blocked by trees. There were four of them - a mother and father and a teenage boy and blonde-haired girl – and they all had their backs to me at the moment as they were busy setting up camp. I quickly stepped through the door and scampered across the lawn until I reached the shed.

Oh my God, I did it! I sat down and brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them with my arms. Whew! I surveyed my surroundings and saw that I was relatively safe here. I wasn't worried about my neighbors to the right, but to the left of my house I could see the park road and the creek just beyond it. If someone happened to be driving or walking along the road and looked in this direction they'd be able to see me. I decided that was an acceptable risk and after a couple of minutes I stood up and pressed my back against the shed and began caressing my breasts and rock hard nipples. Look at me world! Here I am!

I walked slowly back behind the shed and into our garden. How many times had I been back here with my parents planting or picking corn and vegetables? What would they think of their little girl if they saw her now? I continued walking through the rows of corn feeling the warmth of the sun on my bare skin. I looked at the spot behind the shed where I'd first squatted to pee and then removed my panties. Was that really only just three weeks ago? It seemed like ages ago and I felt like a completely different person now. In many ways I was a different person.

I don't know how long I was back there – probably no more than twenty or thirty minutes – but I finally decided not to push my luck too far. I made my way back toward the house and stopped just short of the exposed area I'd have to cross to reach the back door. I thought about going over behind a tree to survey the area first, but then I decided to just go for it. I was going to walk – not run – to my back door and if anyone over there was looking then, well, they'd be in for a treat. I walked slowly, with my arms at my side, across the lawn without glancing over toward the park. When I reached the back door I stopped and just had to take a look. The parents and girl were nowhere to be seen but the teenage boy was staring directly at me!

I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest! I opened the door and was ready to run inside when I stopped myself. Here was the chance to show myself off to a stranger that I'd been waiting for! I slowly backed away from the door and turned toward him. A grin spread across his face and he raised a hand to wave. I saw that the boy was about my age and I smiled and waved back, then did a slow turn to give him a view from every angle. Then I stood facing him again and let my left hand wander up and begin caressing my breasts while my right hand moved slowly down my stomach toward my bare pussy. I don't know how far I would've gone if the mother hadn't emerged from the camper right then. I bolted for the door and was inside before she turned my way.

Minutes later I came as hard as I've ever come in my life.


"So did you do anything fun today, Melissa," my dad asked over the dinner table.

"Well, Dad, I shaved my pussy and ran around naked in the backyard and let a boy look at me." Okay, I didn't actually say that. What I really said was, "Mmm, not much. Kinda just hung out here today. Pretty boring."

"Well you should get outside more. Get some fresh air while the weather's still good." I had trouble suppressing a smile when he said that. Getting fresh air was the least of my worries.

"Okay Dad, I will," I promised. Just as soon as you guys are asleep tonight, I thought to myself.

I looked over and saw my mom eyeing me curiously. "You look different, Melissa," she said. "You're glowing." I just about spit out my green beans when she said that. I was still so amped up after my experience this afternoon that I felt like an electrical current was flowing through my body.

"Um, I just got some sun today," I sputtered.

"Maybe she's getting laid," my sister Sarah volunteered with a smirk. I glared across the table at her.

"That's enough, Sarah," my mom scolded but then I glanced over and saw her eyeing me suspiciously.

"No! I'm not!"

"Better not be," my dad said as he chewed on a mouthful of fried chicken. "You're not allowed to have sex until you're at least thirty. And only after you've been married and divorced a couple of times."

"If she doesn't have sex until she's thirty she probably will be divorced a couple of times before then," Sarah laughed.

My sister Sarah and I were almost polar opposites. She was as extraverted and outspoken as I was shy and quiet. There wasn't much of a filter between her brain and her mouth and just about any thought that entered her head quickly passed unimpeded to her lips. She was also as curvy as I'd been small and petite (at least until my growth spurt) and she didn't mind flaunting it. Even now at the table she was wearing a tank top that was showing more cleavage than I knew my mom was comfortable with. She'd pretty much given up fighting Sarah about it, though.

Dad was pretty laid back and funny and was more than happy to leave the matter of disciplining his daughters to my mom. He didn't pretend to have any insight into the mysterious workings of the teenage female mind and I'm sure he was happily oblivious to any changes going on with his older daughter. But my mom...not so much. I could tell she suspected something was going on.

If my parents had ever contemplated the prospect of one of their daughters getting caught streaking around town in the nude I'm sure they would've guessed that it would be Sarah, not their shy, mousy little Melissa. But I wasn't quite as shy and mousy anymore and I know Mom was coming to that realization. I wondered what they were going to think of me when they found out the truth.

You see, I didn't think of getting caught anymore as a matter of "if" but "when." The only reason it hadn't happened so far was a combination of dumb luck and the fact that this town was so dead at night. I knew the town wouldn't liven up any time soon but my luck could only last so long. It would happen sooner or later, and the only reason it might be later was because my bedroom was almost finished and I'd soon have to move back inside. On top of that the summer was coming to an end, school would be starting up again, and the weather would be turning cold. All of those factors would be impediments to my new obsession but I knew they wouldn't stop me. Not completely anyway. I may need to find new strategies and locales, and I certainly wouldn't be able to keep doing it every night, but I knew I'd find a way. I was too addicted now to stop.

The realization that I was eventually going to get caught was almost liberating. If I only had a few days left before I had to move back inside I was determined to make the most of them. I wasn't planning on doing anything too stupid or crazy, but I was going to push myself as far as I dared and if I got caught, I got caught. Yeah, it would be embarrassing to have the whole town (and my family!) know about my weird little fetish, but considering how many girls in my school had gotten knocked up over the past few years, just how scandalous could it be? That was my rationalization anyway, such as it was.

After dinner, I was helping my mom put the dishes in the dishwasher when she spoke to me. "You know, Melissa, you've changed quite a bit over the past few months and I mean that in a good way. You're really becoming a beautiful young woman."

"Thanks," I said and I'm sure I was blushing. It's not as if this was the first time that my mom had called me pretty, but I guess it was the first time that I actually believed her.

"Listen, Melissa do you, um...have a boyfriend? Or is there anything you want to talk to me about?"

I shook my head. "No. Why? What do you think I've been doing?"

"Oh, nothing. I'm just saying that you're eighteen now and there's nothing wrong with having a boyfriend. God knows your sister has a few of them. So if you did it would be okay."

"I don't have a boyfriend, Mom. And I'm still a virgin if that's what you're thinking." I blushed again as I said that. I wasn't comfortable talking about sex with my mom and the direction this conversation was going was making me squirm uncomfortably.

"Oh no, hon. I'm not accusing you of anything. It's just that, well, like I said, you've really grown up and you're just glowing today." She laughed nervously. "Ah hell, I don't know what I'm trying to say. I just want you to know that if there's anything you want to talk to me about, I'm here for you."

"Thanks, Mom." For a brief moment I was tempted to tell her about my late night nude ramblings but I knew I couldn't do it. It's not that I was afraid that she'd think I was a total pervert or something, it's just that I knew she'd be terrified that her little girl might run into a r****t or murderer out there. I know she sensed that I was keeping a secret from her, but it was a secret that I was determined to keep for as long as I could.

After dinner we all got together in the living room and watched a DVD, but I had a hard time concentrating on it. The later and darker it got the more my anticipation grew and the harder my nipples became. I was very glad I was wearing a loose t-shirt tonight or my mom would've really gotten suspicious.

When it was finally time for bed I said goodnight and walked out the back door. Instead of going to my tent I wandered over to the edge of the lawn and faced the park. Across the street I could see the trailer and tent that belonged to the boy's family and that several more RV's had joined them. There was no sign of him but I could see shadows moving within their lit camper. Beyond the camping area lay the city park and the rest of my little town.

I knew which direction I'd be going tonight.


I looked over at the digital clock in my tent and saw that it was time to go. I crawled out of my sleeping bag and peeled off my t-shirt and panties, but I hesitated for a minute. Something was going to happen tonight, I could just feel it. Maybe I should just skip it and try to get some sleep. Or go in a safer direction. I was more nervous and excited than I'd ever been before and the first two times I reached for the tent door zipper I hesitated and pulled back. Finally on the third try I unzipped it, stuck my head out and looked around, and then stepped naked out into the warm summer night.

Across the street the campers were all dark and there was no sign of activity. I had to go through a small narrow field to reach the park road and I stepped gingerly to avoid rocks as I crossed. The bottom of my feet had become calloused now, though, from nearly a month of barefoot walking and I quickly reached the park road. I stopped just a few feet away from the campground pondering which way to go. I could've walked a little ways down the road to bypass the campers if I wanted but I decided to walk right through the middle of the campground. In for a penny in for a pound, I guess.

I walked between two large RVs and then over to the tent where I knew the boy I'd seen earlier today was sleeping. Inside I could hear the heavy breathing of a sleeper and I stood outside for several minutes secretly hoping he would wake up and look outside. Finally my better judgment took over and I started moving again before someone really did wake up and see me there. I crossed a bridge over the creek and entered the park, then crouched behind a tree to survey it.

The moonlight wasn't as bright as it had been several weeks ago but it was still too bright for a naked girl who didn't necessarily want to be seen tonight. It wasn't a large park: maybe two hundred yards across and about the same distance wide. There wasn't much cover either; just a few trees and some picnic tables and benches. On the far end was some playground equipment for younger k**s. I decided that my goal tonight was to make it at least to the other side and I'd play it by ear after that.

I emerged from behind the tree and began walking, my senses attuned to any sound or sight that would alert me to danger. To my right I heard a car engine and froze as a car passed in the distance on the highway. It was far enough away, though, that they couldn't possibly see me and after it disappeared I began walking again.

I was about half way through the park when I heard a female voice.


I nearly jumped out of my skin! I turned toward home and was ready to bolt when she spoke again.

"Wait a minute! Don't go."

I don't know why, but for some reason I didn't run. Instead I covered my breasts and my pussy and turned in the direction of the voice. About twenty feet away in the shadows I could make out a female figure sitting on a park bench. "Come here. I want to talk to you," she said. I walked slowly toward her, still covering myself, and when I got within a few feet away I finally recognized her. It was the girl I'd seen earlier in the trailer camp; the girl I assumed was the sister of the boy I'd flashed. As I got closer I also detected the unmistakable scent of marijuana wafting in the air and saw a joint burning in her hand.

"Nice night for a stroll, huh?" she laughed. "You must be the girl that my brother saw yesterday." I nodded, unable to speak. "That's so funny because I accused him of making it up." Her eyes roamed over my body. "Can you drop your hands so I can get a good look at you?" I don't know why but I obeyed and stood naked before her. She motioned for me to spin around and I did that, too. "Wow, you are so cute," she said. "My brother's going to be so pissed he wasn't out here tonight." The girl took a long drag from the joint and held it in for a few seconds before expelling the smoke into the air.

"So are you a nudist or something?"

I shook my head and finally found my voice. "I'm sort of a streaker, I guess."

"So you're doing this for kicks? Wow, that's really hot. I wish I had your guts. How old are you anyway?"

"I'm eighteen," I said.

"Really? That's my age. I would've guessed you were younger. Maybe sixteen."

"I look young for my age but I am eighteen."

"Oh, I believe you. God, you're beyond cute, though. You're definitely rocking that tight, nubile body and girl-next-door face. You must drive the boys in this town wild."

"Not really," I said, blushing to hear her talking about me this way.

"Well, they're crazy then. Or gay." She patted the bench next to her motioning for me to sit down. "I won't bite," she said.

My eyes had adjusted to the light now and as I sat down I could see the girl was beautiful. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and she was wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top that showed off a perfect figure. I thought she might be the prettiest girl I'd ever seen, at least in person. She reached her hand out and introduced herself. "My name's Carli," she said and I took her hand.

"I'm Melissa."

"Hello, lovely naked Melissa, I'm pleased to meet you. You're definitely the highlight of my trip so far." She held the marijuana cigarette up and motioned for me to take it. I put it to my lips and inhaled and immediately broke out into a coughing fit. Carli laughed and began rubbing my shoulders. "Take it easy girl. Was that your first time?"

"No," I choked, "but I haven't done it very often."

"Try it again, but take a smaller hit." I did as she said and this time I was able to hold it in for a few seconds before exhaling. Almost immediately I began to relax.

"Good girl," she said and took it back, taking a much larger hit herself. "Thank God for weed. It's the only thing that's helped me survive this family vacation." She handed the joint to me and I took another toke and handed it back.

"Do your parents know you're out smoking pot at night?" I asked.

"They know but they don't know, if you know what I mean. It's kind of a don't ask, don't tell situation. Do your parents know you're out streaking at night?"

"Oh, God no. My mom suspects that something's going on, though. She thinks I'm having sex."

"Are you?"

"No. I don't even have a boyfriend."

Carli turned and looked at me wide-eyed. "Are you a virgin?" I nodded sheepishly. "So you're out strutting your naked virgin body around town? Oh God, that makes this doubly hot," she laughed. I was beginning to feel good now and started giggling. Wow, I'm starting to get high.

We talked for awhile as we continued passing the joint back and forth. Carli's family was from California and they were returning from Canada from a family vacation. She was starting college in a few weeks at UCLA and her parents had wanted to spend a long camping trip together before she left home. I told her about all of my exploits over the few weeks and Carli just kept shaking her head and laughing. "Well, I guess we both have something in common, Melissa. We both have to sneak out of our tent in the middle of the night to feed our addiction."

I guess it was a combination of the pot, being naked in a public place, and Carli's friendly presence but I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt this good. "So how do you like my little town?" I asked her.

"It's a pretty area, but I thought it was really boring until I met you. How many people live here anyway?"

"I don't know. About fifteen hundred I think."

"Wow. My high school is bigger than that. You know I've been sitting here for more than thirty minutes now and I haven't seen a soul other than you. No wonder you can walk around naked without getting caught."

"Well, most of the residential areas are on the other side of town," I said. "But this town definitely is pretty dead at night."

"How far were you planning on going tonight anyway?" she asked.

"At least to the end of the park and back. Maybe a little farther if I still had the courage."

"What's the farthest you'd like to go naked?" she asked with a mischievous grin.

"To my high school and back, I guess." I replied. In the back of my mind that had always been my ultimate goal but I didn't think I'd ever have the courage to do it.

Carli's eyes lit up. "Walking naked around your own high school? That would be amazing! How far is it?"

"About five or six blocks," I said. "But I know a way to get there without passing many houses."

Carli grabbed my hand. "Let's do it! I'll walk point for you to make sure the coast is clear."

"I don't know," I said. "That's really pushing my luck."

"Oh come on, Melissa. You're high, you're naked, and you've got me to watch your back. And your front, too," she giggled. "When are you going to have this chance again?"

I gulped and nodded. "Okay, I guess so." Oh my God, what am I about to do?

Carli reached down and pulled a baggy filled with pot out of a fanny pack she was carrying. "If I'm going to run around town with a naked girl I'd better stash this somewhere," she said. She hid the pot under a nearby bush and walked back to the park bench where I was still sitting. Then she reached into the pack and removed something else that I couldn't make out at first. "Look what I else I found in here," she said as she held a digital camera up to her eye. "Say cheese!" Before I could protest a flash went off.

I looked around nervously. "What are you doing, Carli? Someone might see!"

"There's no one around here," she replied. "Besides look how cute you look." She turned the camera around and showed me the picture. I had this surprised look on my face and my bare breasts were clearly visible.

"Please delete that," I pleaded.

"Don't worry, I won't show it to anyone. Not anyone you know anyway," she laughed. "Well, maybe except for my brother. I want to make sure he sees what he missed tonight. I love to torment him like that. Besides we need to record your adventures tonight."

I opened my mouth to protest but I knew it wouldn't do any good. She had such a forceful, confident personality and I didn't. I wouldn't stand a chance.

We started walking and it only took a couple of minutes to reach the end of the park. Carli walked ahead of me to the park's restroom building and peered around it, then waved for me to join her. "Where to now?" she asked.

Across the street from the park on the left was a bowling alley and next to it on the right was a slab of concrete that doubled as a basketball court and tennis court. "Right through there," I said, pointing at the court.

"Okay, I'll go check it out," she said, but before she moved she eyed the playground equipment to our right. "Oh, look at that. I've just got to get some pictures of you on the monkey bars!"

"No, Carli! Really! I'm going to get caught."

"It'll only take a minute and there's no one around."

One minute turned out to be five minutes and by the time she was done I had my picture taken on the monkey bars, the swings, the slide, and the teeter-totter. Far from helping me, Carli was making it much more likely that I'd be caught! When she was finally finished taking pictures she jogged across the street to the basketball court, looked around, and then waved for me to follow. I scampered across the street under the bright illumination of a street lamp.

Behind the basketball court was the town's little league diamond. It was dark enough here that Carli apparently didn't feel the need to "walk point" anymore, so we walked together to a short cut I knew of just past the centerfield fence. When we reached the fence I was able to bend a broken section of it enough for us to squeeze through. On the other side was a path that ran alongside the creek – the same creek that flowed past my house and through the park. On the other side of the creek was the highway that ran through the middle of town.

The path was protected from view on either side by trees but as we walked along I could occasionally see through the trees to the opposite side of the highway. As we passed by a gas station and the town's largest grocery store it struck me just how deep into town I was getting now. My high was starting to wear off and I felt the first twinges of panic setting in.

"Maybe we should turn back," I said.

"Why? How much farther is it?"

"It's just up in the next block."

"We're almost there then. Why turn back now?"

"Well, we're going to have to cross the highway to get there, and there are houses across the street from it. And, I don't know...I'm just getting so damn far from home now."

"I know!" she said. "Isn't this incredible? My nipples are almost as hard as yours. I guess I'm living vicariously through you. Here, feel for yourself." She took hold of my left hand and held it to her right breast. Then she took me by the hand and began pulling me along the path like a little girl following her mom.

Minutes later we found ourselves directly across the street from the faculty parking lot, and just beyond that was my high school. Carli removed her shoes and we waded across the creek to get into position to make a dash for it. As we hid behind some bushes and Carli put her shoes back on I could tell that even she was getting nervous now. And she was still dressed! My heart felt like it was beating about a hundred miles an hour!

"This'll be easy," she said encouraging me. "It's summer vacation so there won't be anyone around, right? No janitors or security guards or anything?"

"Not as far as I know," I said.

"I don't see anyone nearby," Carli said as she looked both directions. "No cars coming. Let's go for it!" She dragged me out of our hiding spot and we began running hand-in-hand across the highway and through the faculty parking lot until we reached the school. I touched the side of the school and we both collapsed in a heap of breathless laughter. I did it! We did it!

We sat there for a couple of minutes by the side of the school collecting ourselves when Carli had another idea. "Hey let's walk around to the front door. I want to get your picture there."

By now I was starting to feel bulletproof so a couple of minutes later I found myself walking naked up the same steps I'd walked up hundreds of times before. I struck different poses against the door as Carli took pictures, and if I was concerned about the people living in the houses across the street seeing the flashes going off, I don't recall it. And when Carli looked into the window and said, "I wish we could get inside," I responded, "I may know a way."

I'd become overconfident and that almost always leads to a fall. I was about to learn that lesson the hard way.


I led Carli around to the back of the building and down some stairs that led to the basement. According to rumor, the lock on the door leading into the boiler room was broken and could be easily opened. The person who'd told me this rumor was my sister Sarah who'd heard about it from some friends who'd allegedly broken in to steal some tests. I guess I was about to find out if the rumor was true.

When I reached the door I twisted the door knob and could tell that it was loose. I jiggled the knob back and forth as I pushed and pulled on the door but it remained locked. I did this for a minute or so and was about to give up when I felt something give and the door swung open. A smile spread across Carli's face. "You did it, girl. We're in."

This was an old building and the boiler room was kind of disgusting, especially walking through it with bare feet. It was also pitch black down here and we stumbled around for a couple of minutes before we found the stairs that led up to the first floor classrooms. I opened the door and stepped through into a hallway that I'd walked like a million times. "I can't believe it," I whispered to Carli, "I'm walking naked through my school!"

"I know," she said. "This must be so cool for you."

It's almost impossible to describe my feelings at that moment but I can tell you I was incredibly turned on. It was like one of those naked in school dreams but it was real! As I walked along I could almost imagine my schoolmates watching in amazement as I calmly strolled naked down the hallway. "Look," I said. Here's my locker from last year!" I walked over and entered the combination and felt it snap open. I turned to Carli to show her but she was farther down the hallway trying to open classroom doors. The first three were locked but on the fourth try she found one that was unlocked. She pushed the door open and smiled and wiggled her forefinger at me.

"Melissa, dear, you're late for class. Hurry along." I giggled as I watched her disappear into the room and I scampered down the hallway after her.

"This is Mrs. Taylor's room," I said as I entered the classroom. "I had Western Civ here last year." Carli was sitting at Mrs. Taylor's desk and looked up at me.

"You're late, Melissa. Hurry up and take a seat, please," she said in her most officious voice.

"Yes, ma'am," I giggled and I sat down in one of the desks in the front row. I was so wet now I was sure I was leaving a puddle on the wooden seat. Carli grabbed a book from the bookshelf near her desk and pretended to be reading it. Then she looked up and stared at me.

"Melissa, have you come to my class naked again?"

"Yes, ma'am," I said, trying to suppress another giggle.

"What have I told you about that?"

"Not to do it?"

"That's right, and here you've done it again. Come up here please." I walked up and stood before her.

"Melissa, turn around and tell the rest of the class why you've chosen to come to my class naked today."

I turned around and stared at the classroom full of empty desks and could almost imagine them filled with my classmates. "Um, I came here naked today because I really, really like to be naked. I like to have people stare at every inch of my nude body. It makes me really hot."

Carli spoke up behind me. "Melissa, you've been a very bad girl. Come over here, please, so you can receive your punishment." I walked over toward her and I could see that she was as turned on as I was. Her nipples looked like they were going to poke holes in her tank top. "Bend over on my lap, Melissa."

"Yes, ma'am." The first few spanks on my bare butt were light but as they got progressively harder I began squealing and squirming in her lap. I was disappointed when she finally stopped. I stood up and looked at her, rubbing my ass. Carli was breathing as heavily as I was.

"Are you ready to be a good girl now, Melissa?" she said.

"Yes, ma'am," I said as I bowed my head.

"Then I want you to make yourself come for me. Right there on my desk."

"Yes, ma'am." I crawled up on Mrs. Taylor's desk, placed both feet on the top of the desk and spread my legs wide open in front of Carli. I began caressing my breasts as my fingers slid in and out of my pussy. Carli picked up her camera and snapped off several pictures but I was way past the point of caring by now. If someone had told me a few weeks ago that I'd willingly masturbate in front of another girl – and in my high school! – I'd have called them insane. But I was totally, completely, and hopelessly lost in the moment now and I closed my eyes and drifted to a place deep within myself. My moans became louder and louder but they sounded muted like they were coming from a distance. When the wave building inside of me finally crested I tilted my head back and let out a guttural scream.

When I opened up my eyes I saw Carli staring at me through half-closed lids, her left hand kneading her breasts beneath her tank top and her right hand moving furiously beneath her shorts. I dropped my hands to my side and opened my legs wider, giving her an unobstructed view of my nude body. Moments later she reached her own climax.

After it was over was we sat quietly and smiled weakly at each other, our energy spent. "Oh my fucking god," she said finally.

"Yeah," I nodded in agreement. "Oh my fucking god."

That's when we both saw the beam of a flashlight outside the window.


We both dove down onto the floor as the flashlight beam worked its way down the building toward our classroom. When it reached our windows we saw the beam move back and forth along the wall behind us until it stopped on the still open classroom door. "Shit," I whispered. "I left the door open." We were huddled behind the desk where anyone looking into the window wouldn't be able to see us. The beam of light moved around the room for a minute or so and then retreated back the other direction toward the front door of the school. Carli crawled over to the window and carefully stood up and peeked out of it.

"It's a cop," she whispered. "Someone must have seen us!"

"Ohmygod, I am so screwed," I muttered, almost in a trance. All of those rationalizations I'd constructed suddenly collapsed in an instant as the realization of what it would mean if I was caught naked in here hit me like a body blow.

"C'mon Melissa," Carli said. "We have to get the hell out of here!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the classroom. Down the hall we heard the sound of keys trying to open the front door of the building so we turned and ran the opposite way. At the other end of the hallway we saw the flashing lights of a County Sheriff's car through a window pulling into the parking lot outside. "How many cops are there in this town anyway?" Carli asked.

"There's usually a city cop and sometimes a county sheriff on duty."

"Well, they're both here."


C'mon." Carli dragged me toward a nearby stairway and we ran up to the second floor just as the front doors swung open down the hallway.

"Is there a fire escape or something up here?" Carli asked desperately. "There has to be a fire escape up here, right?"

"Yeah, but we're not supposed to use it except for during an emergency. There's an alarm on it."

A laugh escaped from Carli's lips. "I'd call this an emergency, wouldn't you? Where is it?"

"This way," I said and we started running down the hallway as we heard the sound of footsteps coming up the stairway behind us. We reached the white fire escape door and shoved it open, and as we scrambled down the fire escape a loud alarm bell started clanging overhead. If the neighborhood wasn't awake before, it was now.

We ran as fast as we could down various streets and alleys until even I wasn't quite sure where the hell we were. When we couldn't run anymore we found an empty house with a For Sale sign out front and hid ourselves in the backyard. After we caught our breath we started out again, hoping I could find my bearings. When we reached the next block I broke out laughing. I just couldn't help it.

"I know where we are now," I said. "We're like a block from the school. We've been running around in circles."

"How do we get back to the park from here?"

"The highway's just a block that way," I said pointing to the east. "If we can make it to the other side we can get back on the path that runs alongside the creek."

"Well, let's do it then," Carli said.

I was oblivious to my nudity now and walked numbly down the street. I just wanted to get the hell home. When we reached the highway there was no sign of the cops and we sprinted to the other side and finally found ourselves back on the path home. We retraced our steps through the little league field, the basketball court and back through the park. Carli stopped to retrieve her pot on the way and when we finally got near her campsite we paused to say goodbye. In the distance I could see the first faint sign of light on the horizon.

"Hey, that was the most fun I've ever had in my life," Carli said. "I hope I didn't get you into trouble."

"I don't know. If anyone recognized me I'm screwed. But I had fun, too. If I'm grounded for the next year it will have been totally worth it."

"God, you're so cute," she said as she gave me a hug. "I wish I could take you with me." She stepped back and brushed a tear from her eye. "Hey, I'll send you an e-mail with these pictures just like I promised."

"Can I take a picture of you?" I asked.

"Sure," she said. She handed me the camera, then looked around nervously. "I'll even make it a special one." Without warning Carli peeled off her tank top and shorts and stood before me naked. "Here you go," she laughed nervously.

I held up the camera and snapped the picture. My god, she was absolutely gorgeous. She huddled near me to look at the picture. "I don't think I'll let my brother see that one," she laughed.

"But you'll send it to me, right? Along with the others?"

"Oh yeah. Absolutely." Carli gave me another hug and I felt her naked body against mine. Then she leaned over and kissed me and I melted in her arms.

"Have you ever kissed a girl before?" she asked. I shook my head weakly. "Well here's one f

Same as Confessions of an Exhibitionist. Videos

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Confessions of a Cum Slut Pt 610

Hi, if we haven’t met yet, my name is Cindy; I’m a cocksucking, dick-riding, pussy-eating, ass-fucking cum slut. And these are my confessions. My very first orgasm, and the half-dozen that followed, I climaxed while a cock spurted hot cum in my mouth and I fingered myself. The next 20 or 30 times I came, I was squatting in a glory hole, again with a series of cocks in my mouth, leaking precum or shooting a load down my throat while I fingered myself. In college, I lived in a dorm with a...

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Confessions of a Loving Mother

I watched my mother looking through the window.She was in the kitchen washing the dishes on a weekend morning. She's a lawyer. Her schedule is always hectic. Often times she spends long hours in the office meeting with clients or writing legal briefs. If she had a courtroom appearance, she would spend her nights doing research on the computer and preparing for strenuous oral arguments. She has always been a naturally hard worker with a powerful drive to be successful.On the rare occasion that...

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CONFESSIONS Pt 2These are confessions and stories people have sent me and some have their name but others are anonymous. Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION 14BY ANONok, here's my confession. As like all rest of my fellow pervs, I started liking panties at a very young age, at 11 I started jacking off to my sisiters panties and then my moms. How I loved...

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CONFESSIONS PT 3These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION 31I was a spy that worked for peanuts. Literly. I was in first or second grade and shared a bedroom with my brother, Frank, who was in 6th grade. One night I saw him going up and down on his hard thingy while smelling our older sisters Panties and he...

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Confessions 5 Alessandra fools Father Peter

Father Peter of St. Johns Cathedral in Duketown has a fame for tolerance of sexual sinsHis virtual girlfriends from the net flock from everywhere to do their Confessions at himAlessandra is a local girl, attending mass at Sundays sometimes, when I lead the ceremonyAlessandra prefers private talks though, sometimes she gets a bit too friendly with FatherAlessandra plays a great girlish game with her beloved spiritual Father PeterAlessandra has confessed earlier at me, always being very honest,...

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CONFESSIONS PT 4These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION COMPILATION OF SHORT REPLIES I'VE RECIEVED FROM VARIOUS READERSThat's hot use to sniff panty when youg stared with his moms. Cotton brief always nice thick pubes loved suckingon them use to get so hard watchin him sniff his moms then we use to use his...

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Confessions 0 Maria 1

I meet Maria in here the net - she is still a shy virgin - we write a lot She takes her first steps along the long the road of learning to love sexShe hesitates between the Catholic ethics from her recent Convent schoolAnd the nice needs of her hot body as she sinfully plays her pretty pussyShe seeks my advise in all these delicate matters - so we write much more Peter plays her Spriritual Father for her hot Holy ConfessionsAs she no longer trusts the lustful questions of her parish priestshe...

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How my wife became an exhibitionist

How My Wife Became an Exhibitionist This is the story of how my wife became an exhibitionist. My wife was always very conservative when we were around home or people we knew. Though the first 10 years of our marriage, she got more and more daring in the way she dressed when we were away on vacation until this one trip that sent her over the edge of extreme exhibitionism. We had booked a little get away down the shore. In order to save some money, we booked a water front hotel for a Sunday...

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The Voyeur and the Unexpected Exhibitionist

The story begins in Italy, where my wife Danielle and I were on a one week holiday at a small coastal village. We had both been very busy with our work lives, and we'd decided that we needed some time together for some fun. Danielle is around five foot eight inches tall, with a slim but curvy figure that some people would call 'hour-glass'. She has a good round ass, and amazing breasts that look awesome in gym or regular vests, which she knows is a particular liking of mine. Like so many...

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The Driving Exhibitionist

As much as I enjoy the sexual adventure that cross dressing provides me, I think my exhibitionist tendencies take it up a just a bit higher. Contrary to the promises of another meet by Officer Friendly and his wonderfully endowed friend it had been months since they had had their way with me. The lack of attention and the increasing darkness due to the approaching winter had me taking bigger risks on my drive home. Since it was now completely dark when I left work, I didn’t hesitate to strip...

3 years ago
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How my wife became an exhibitionist

How My Wife Became an Exhibitionist This is the story of how my wife became an exhibitionist. My wife was always very conservative when we were around home or people we knew. Though the first 10 years of our marriage, she got more and more daring in the way she dressed when we were away on vacation until this one trip that sent her over the edge of extreme exhibitionism. We had booked a little get away down the shore. In order to save some money, we booked a water front hotel for a Sunday...

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Confessions Part 2

This is the part 2 of a story I am working on with WorkAlone. We will be alternating parts. I really hope you all enjoy this story. WorkAlone will be writing from the priest's point of view, and I will be writing from the girl's point of view. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did writing it!! I walked into Mass thinking about the night before with my boyfriend. I had worn my favorite green dress and left my curly out of control red hair down for the night; just the way he liked it. We had stayed...

Straight Sex
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CONFESSIONS PT 5These are confessions and stories people have sent me.Do you have a confession of something you did, or something you'd like to do?Private Message it to me and I'll post it. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, etc.======CONFESSION COMPILATION OF SHORT REPLIES I'VE RECIEVED FROM VARIOUS READERS---I have never had a woman know about my love of panties. My ex wife would blow me but not swallow even when I showed her it wouldn't kill you. My present wife will not even kiss the tip...

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Confessions of a Cum Slut Pt 16

Chapter 15 — John = = = = = = = = = = Hi. Cindy's been too busy to update her Confessions lately, so she asked me to catch you up. I'm John, by the way—I’m Cindy's agent, among other things. Cindy's an amazing young woman. She's also a horny, cum-swallowing, cocksucker—among her other fine qualities, as I'm sure she'd be the first to tell you. That's how I first met Cindy in fact: I pushed my cock through a hole in the wall of a darkened video booth, and she was a warm, wet...

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Confessions of a Top Model Part Two

You can find Part One at Two: Meeting Wayne’s Cyber Mistress(Please note the people mentioned in this story are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions and is aimed at the over 18’s by continuing reading you confirm you are over 18. No person or organisation has the right to copy this story to any other site)Wayne came into my bedroom again pulled up my...

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Confessions of a Slaver

CONFESSIONS OF A SLAVER: PART 1 CONFESSIONS OF A SLAVER: PART 1 I am a purveyor of female flesh. It=s really the only work I've ever done.? I learned it from the ground up, on my own, and eventually became a major player in the procurement and training of slaves.? Male and female, though I do prefer the thrill of turning a haughty, college educated, snobby female into a quivering mound of obedient, submissive slave meat willing to do anything for an orgasm.? Breaking males is also...

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Confessions of a Sexaholic

Los Angeles, California. February 2009. "People think it's tough to play a bipolar nympho, but I just played myself!" Several years ago, I said that in an award acceptance speech. There are those who still think I was kidding today. It was the truth, however. It wasn't a joke. I really am a bipolar sex maniac. Those who know appreciate it, for the most part. I need to introduce myself, don't I? The name's Isla Fisher. Occupation: actress, comedian, all around spreader of good humor....

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Working Girl Exhibitionist

Weaver Nilles is, in many ways, a typical young adult girl. She has a lovely body, slim yet curvy hourglass figure, shapely legs, C-cup (nearly D-cup) breasts, a bubble butt just the right balance between bounce and firmness, all capped off with her flowing brunette locks, heart shaped face, and piercing green eyes. Overall, a very cute yet alluring girl, just like many of her friends. However, Weaver Nilles isn't quite like her friends in more than one way. To start with, despite being 20...

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The Office Exhibitionist

You have become infatuated with a truly lovely woman named Candy LaRouge at the office. Her lovely face makes every day at the office something to look forward to. You often find yourself admiring her ample breasts and firm, round ass. Unfortunately she is an aloof, proud beauty who obviously thinks no man deserves her. Little did you suspect that she was a latent exhibitionist. True, she obviously enjoyed the constant male attention that she garnered everywhere she went. But secretly she...

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Making an exhibitionist

Making an exhibitionistThis is for thrill seekers, people who are risky, or want-to-be exhibitionist. Who’s up for the challenge?Preparation: You wake up to a nice sunny day you get in the shower clean and shave to your own satisfaction, maybe leave nicely trimmed bush, maybe shave it clean, maybe landing strip, get creative and feel sexy. Apply body lotion and walk around your room naked and get comfortable in your own skin.What to Wear: pick out nice sexy bra, something lite and thin (you...

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The New Exhibitionist

One of the many things I love about my wife is that she is an exhibitionist at heart. That doesn't mean she wanders around the High Street in the nude or that she sheds her clothes off anywhere for every man she meets, although that might be fun. It means that she loves being a bit carefree and daring; stripping off to enjoying the feeling of the warm sun on her naked body and the sensation of doing something very naughty. She is a conservative mother of three with what you might call a super...

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I am an Exhibitionist

Seriously...? Nobody responds to these stories on xhamster. I'm telling you now... Any story I will share here is true! I get no physical satisfaction by sharing fantasies.Any story you see me post is completely true and it gets me off to know you've read it. But nothing is better than receiving your comments, good or bad. So I challenge you... Don't be a lurker... respond to shit you see on here!My GF was friends with 2 strippers who liked to party. One was a tall brunette (we'll say...

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1st Kiss How I Became an Exhibitionist

I love being an Exhibitionist.I love everything about it.Even now, my clit is twitching as I tell you how turned-on I get when I'm naked and being nipples just popped-up...I know that I won't make it through writing this without having to stop to vibrate myself into an orgasm or two...Anyway...I was, of course, not always like this. There was a time when even walking around the house naked, in front of my husband was something I would never do. Sex was for the bedroom, and...

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The exhibitionist

For the sake of this story my name is Ann, i'm a 50 year old happily married woman. I got married when i was 19 years old and have never slept with any other man. This is a story of what started off 8 years old as a accident and ended up being 5 of the best years of my life. For them 5 years i lived out my fantasy as an exhibitionist. Lets started at the beginging. It was the year 2000. I've worked in a Department store for over 18 years and enjoy my job very much, i worked on a department with...

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Confessions of My Reflection

We lay there in his bed with the tangled juxtaposition of discovering a new lover. It is a moment filled with relief because here I am: living, breathing, actually even panting a bit on the other side of an anxiety-filled first encounter. Once again I did not turn into a pumpkin. My new lover is a gentle and caring man. No alien split out of his skin in the throes of orgasm.He treated my juices as a delicacy. I enjoyed his smells and sounds. In some ways, every lover is different and yet, in...

Group Sex
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Confessions 1 Karie as teen

Smart slender sexy lovely looking cute Karie is a blond beauty and a friend of a good friendShe tells me enigmatic erotic bits about her - I am curious - try to tease her with my messagesSuddenly she starts to respond, as I tell her about a confession I just took from a dear friendShe slowly starts to tell me the same sexy dirty details her hot pervy pychiatrist had demandedKarie is as shy, sexy and special in her sexualityKarie is a cute yummy young looking lovely cute blond beauty, barely...

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Confessions of a transvestite hooker or whore

Confessions of a transvestite hooker or whore – you cannot be serious I hear you cry – well I am as I reflect on my life in dresses to date and some of my experiences which I am about to write about here as a memoirs of a life in dresses.So why use the term ‘hooker’ or ‘whore’ – well what I am about to relate from my current stage of life the memories are that upon reflection the meets I am about to relate felt more like me being a provider of sexual services and pleasure to people desperate...

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"Confession time!" I announced as I passed the bottle of wine my girlfriends and I were working on. "I wanna hear all about your deepest, darkest confessions! Make me forget that bastard that cheated on me!" I knocked back my third glass of wine and reached for the bottle after Nikki passed it back to me. All of the women sitting around the fire started to giggle and point fingers to one another, trying to get someone to confess. "Oh, all right, said Shana. "I'll go but you all have to promise...

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Confessions of an English Maid 1937

Confessions of an English MaidbyJessie.London1937 CHAPTER 1During the course of the years in which I have been more or less closelyassociated with other prostitutes I have frequently listened toexplanations as to just what this one or that owed her degradation; theparticular villainy to which she attributed her advent into a life ofshame. The usual story is one of seduction by a lover under theinevitable extenuating circumstance of "before I really knewanything," with the occasional variation,...

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Confessions of Maria 1

Let us start with the most recent confession of Maria to Father Peter:M: I have tried hard to be a good girl in the last 24 hours. I went to church on Sunday morning and prayed on my knees for deliverance from sin. But on Sunday night I found myself trying on my school uniform and looking at the mirror.F: Did you remember how little you sinned when you last wore it?How much you´ve changed, my c***d! Today you were a good girl, Maria!At least you prayed in church today and took a break in...

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Confessions of A Dancehall Ex Wife Part 10

Also I had to some parts,( Not too well, I might add), because some of the story is missing and the sex scenes were very few and just not that explicit. Seeing this is a sex site and all. But it isn't my story. I didn't write it. This first chapter does not contain any sex. Please approach this story with an open mind. Do not use this story and think all persons in Jamaica are like this. If you look on my profile you will see I am Jamaican. Reading this story however has given me an...

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Confessions of a Small Town Girl 5

I was required to spend the night at the hospital the night of my injury. The doctors wanted to monitor me for twenty four hours because of my head injury. They gave me medicine to help me rest and rolled me to my room. While they were getting me ready, my parents went and checked into a hotel. The medicine made me very drowsy, but I can remember a young female nurse helping me undress. I can’t remember a lot about her, only that she was slender and had really big breast, and her nipples were...

Straight Sex
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Confessions of a Man with a smalltiny cockpenis

Intended for the person who believes and knows for a fact he has a small penis. You are not ALONE.......................................................................I’ve been married for more than 2 years now. I consider myself to be really lucky to have a loving and supportive wife. She backs me up on everything whether it may be a crucial decision for my career to as simple as picking the right toaster at Walmart. She is more than what I deserve as I am not the perfect husband, I have my...

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confessions part 5 humiliated

CONFESSIONS PART 5 HUMILIATEDHi ever one, life was going on. In office when ever felt they had their chance, one of them will make me go to the store room. Now a day’s even during morning work hours. I have to go. passing managers table which is just outside next to the door way of the store room. I enter the room a wait for any of the three to come in. I will be waiting in between any of the racks. The one entering the room comes near me unzips his pants and takes his cock out for me to suck....

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confessions part2 my new job

CONFESSIONS Part 2 MY NEW JOB Hi, Continuation of my confession. Like I mentioned before, once I moved from my home town down south, I got a job in auditing firm. My job there was to up load accounts on the computer what others in the office have done manually. I also had to file income tax online for the customers. To do this along with me there are two others, assarudeen & Sheba. Our job was to file every account in the computer what others have finished during that day. The office...

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Confessions 4 Blond beauty hot Helena

Unlike the first three tasty cunning confessions in my series, this is one from my own privacyWith blushes at my cheeks I tell the tasty tale of me and my sexy younger sibling, still so shyWe are back then young teens - hardly know anything about love lust tease or any sexy seductionTelling my true sweet sexy story emerged from an unexpected challenge by a sexy slim fresh friendWonderful woman wonders why I get wet hot and horny by watching tasty teens at the toiletA fresh female fine friend...

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Confessions Crossing the Inlaw Line

There is a lot of risk and reward that I was willing to gamble as I walked into my motherinlaw’s home ready for sex... In the last confession, I admitted chatting with her as a stranger. Now my dick got the better of me and I was at her home with her masturbating on the bed thinking this other older man is coming over to roleplay as me and fuck her. The Fantasy into reality I guess is like a thirst. It’s a craving and a clear want for many people. Chatting with you horny xhampster members I’ve...

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Wife Confessions Exhibitionist

When my husband and I first started dating, he knew right off that I was an exhibitionist. It was something I decided to tell him right off, because my relationship before him had ended because he couldn't handle a girl who wanted the things I did. Surprisingly, my husband was completely cool with it. I still remember the first time we ever had sex. He had it all set up, he had packed up a picnic dinner, and we went to a local park. We set it up by the pond and watched the sunset over the...

Wife Lovers
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My first Exhibitionist

I used to work at a lodge in Ca. and was expected to be there very early mornings to clean and open up. I was young with no transportation so I walked a couple of miles before sun up to get there. One morning as the sun was starting to rise I was about to get there when I saw a man jogging towards me.He was tall,lean,shirtless with a completely smooth chest and legs and a head of dark,dark brown hair. I noticed his very short nylon shorts and thought that I was going to get a nice glimpse of...

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Confessions from Mac the Flasher A Serial Public Masturbator 6

Tenerife 2 My brother Tony and I had spent all day yesterday in various bars and clubs around the town near our hotel. It was a 14 hour drink fest and my big brother had paid for the lot. I think he felt a bit guilty about leaving me on my own the day before to see his Spanish friends. He didn’t need to, as I had a great day at the local nudist beach. (read Confessions from Mac the Flasher – A Serial Public Masturbator (2) ). I had woken with furry mouth that matched the feeling of...

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Confessions from Mac the Flasher A Serial Public Masturbator 4

As I have mentioned in an earlier chapter I’m 32 years old. What I haven’t mentioned anything about is whether or not I have a girl friend or I am married. Well to set the record straight, I am in between girl friends and not currently married. “No really!” I’m sure some of you may have thought or even said out loud. “No shit Sherlock, you do surprise us” But let me set the record straight here and now. I was married, but I’m now divorced. I was married to Carol for 2...

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Confessions of a Taxi Driver Part 1

I welcome all comments both good and bad so please feel free to leave them. Or if you prefer email me direct on [email protected] with your comments or ideas for stories. Confessions of a Taxi Driver (Part 1) I have always been a ‘tit man’ as my ex wife liked to put it. She herself was pretty busty being a slim size 10 and 34D when we married. But then as the years went by she became a size 18 and 44G, a little big in all directions, even for my tastes. But I have always...

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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser

The Confessions of a Sex-Crazy Cross Dresser Book I: The incredible first few weeks Chapter 1: Panties Thief and the Late Night Swim My name is Sandy. My name is Tony. I know it sounds confusing, but when you are a cross dresser life is always confusing. Just the terminology alone to describe you…crossdresser or cross dresser? Transvestite, tranny, she-male and many other names used to describe people like me can make you confused. I prefer to be called a cross dresser and yes you can call me...

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Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl Ties That Bind

Confessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl: Ties that Bind I’m a Lawyer. I’m very busy on most days, so when my roommate Nicole suggests I go on a blind date with her friend, I use work as an excuse. ‘You’re always working, I’m sure whatever it is can wait. Its just one night, Danielle,’ Nicole says in my ear as I’m sitting at my desk on the phone. ‘I don’t have time for a blind date, Nicole,’ I reply ‘Make time, fake a sick day, have a day for Danielle once in your life. You’re gonna lose your...

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Confessions from Mac the Flasher A Serial Public Masturbator 4

Introduction: The Early Years ( Chapter 2 ) Girlfriends 1 It would be a good idea to read the previous chapters as knowing some of the history involved will certainly help in understanding the underlying theme of this and any other future chapters. As I have mentioned in an earlier chapter Im 32 years old. What I havent mentioned anything about is whether or not I have a girl friend or I am married. Well to set the record straight, I am in between girl friends and not currently married. No...

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Confessions Of A Hussy Housewife Chapter 4

I’m up to four confessions now. Having returned and recovered from my trip, I was ready to try out something new. At the time of my next adventure I was teaching middle school. I began taking a close look at a few of the teachers there – I was glad to work with such hot men. Two particularly attractive men were the two boys’ coaches. They were young, fit, handsome black men. One was from Jamaica and the other from some island in the Caribbean. I would often talk to them after teacher meetings,...

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Confessions of a Vietnamese girl part 1 Nha Trang

My name is Thanh, I'm a 24-year-young girl from Long Khanh, Viet Nam. I have long dark hair, quite a pale complexion (for a Southeast Asian woman), 1.56m small and around forty-five kilos. I live with my parents, a dog called Lucky and a couple of cats on the outskirts of a small town near Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). I'm earning my money as a merchandiser for a big company which is making shoes, bags and so on. Religion is also very important to me as I am a Catholic girl.I will tell you my...

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Confessions of a Vietnamese girl part 1 Nha Trang

My name is Thanh, I'm a 24-year-young girl from Long Khanh, Viet Nam. I have long dark hair, quite a pale complexion (for a Southeast Asian woman), 1.56m small and around forty-five kilos. I live with my parents, a dog called Lucky and a couple of cats on the outskirts of a small town near Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon). I'm earning my money as a merchandiser for a big company which is making shoes, bags and so on. Religion is also very important to me as I am a Catholic girl.I will tell you my...

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Confessions to a Nun 2 to a NunJohnmdhWell sister, I hang around the local convent until the senior girls (18+) turn out. They are all gagging for sexual experience; I approach the dirtiest looking one and entice her into a nearby drinking den of iniquity. Then we head into the garden and dive into the nearest bushes. She is desperate to keep her hymen intact, so I start to rub my cock head on her swollen clitoris and chew her erect nipples. She lays belly down on the...

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Confessions of a Top Model

Confessions of a Top Model Part One: Mums New Man(Please note the people mentioned in this story are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions and is aimed at the over 18’s by continuing reading you confirm you are over 18. No person or organisation has the right to copy this story to any other site)I was very young when I ran away from home. The story following is a chronicle of those things that happened to me on the...

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confessions part 4 taken 2

CONFESSIONS PART 4 TAKEN 2Hi, next day at office during morning tea break, usually tea is served to where we are working. We usually take this as a chance to talk with each other. Assar came near me and placed his mobile phone beside me, sheeba had gone to the rest room, and he told me to go through the picture files. I at once knew what was in store. pictures of me right from muthus’s hand holding from behind, to me being nude, my boobs, pussy, ass, I haven’t seen me nude in front of a mirror,...

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