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by Patrick

I was just into my 22nd year of life, and my final year of College when I met Henry. It was at a dinner party with some friends, and you could say he swept me off my feet or swept into my life like a tornado or knocked me for a loop, or any of those corny things, because it was absolutely true. I was totally and completely overwhelmed. I'd grown up in a small town and my parents were very strict and conservative, and although there had been one or two males in my life since I came to College and I wasn't totally inexperienced, Henry literally blew me away with his charm, his wit, his good looks and his incredible sensuality.

Much to my amazement we ended up in bed that very first night, and it was sex like I'd never known it before, wild and uninhibited, yet caring and loving. We seemed to compliment each other, in fact we seemed to be made for each other, and we made love all night long and well into the next day. I discovered aspects of myself and my own sexuality that I didn't know existed, it was like I suddenly came alive. Within two weeks we were living together, and within six months we were married.

It was that kind of whirlwind situation, so much so that I only managed to meet his parents once before the wedding and we only visited mine twice. Fortunately Henry's charm won my parent's over straight away, so although they were a little shocked by the suddenness of it, they embraced the situation much more willingly than I thought they would, although, of course, we did omit to tell them we were living together!

Henry was a computer programmer and graphic designer, and quite a high flyer in the company he worked for, so when they expanded their operation and needed someone to set up the new offices down in Mexico, Henry was asked to take on the task. We talked long and hard about how to manage the situation, Henry would only be away for two months, so there wasn't much point in me accompanying him, particularly as he would be working incredible hours and I wouldn't get to see him much. He didn't like the idea of me staying alone in our apartment, so suggested that I spend the two months with my parents or with his.

Well, there was no way I wanted to go back to my small town and have to put up with mom and dad's small town ideas and restrictions, so I agreed to go and spend the time with Henry's parents. They were absolutely delighted when Henry rang them and insisted on coming to pick me up the day he flew out, and driving me all the way to their home - some 5 hours away.

Naturally I was upset at being separated from Henry after only a few months of marriage, so on the day Henry left I was quite emotional when they arrived at the apartment to pick me up. His mother, Mary, immediately wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big hug, holding me for an absolute age as I wept a little on her shoulder, and when she let go and went to make a cup of coffee I was surprised to find his father, Jack, take her place and wrap his arms around me and hold me tight. But it felt so good having strong arms around me and for a moment I actually forgot it wasn't Henry and started to respond, pressing my body against him and squirming, I was even in the process of lifting my face to receive his kiss when I realized who I was with and pulled back very red faced and flustered. Jack didn't seem to notice, or didn't seem to mind, as he smiled at me and took my hands and led me to the kitchen. His smile was amazingly similar to Henry's and my heart actually leapt as he beamed at me.

Well, after a coffee to settle us all down I collected my luggage and Jack put them in the boot of the car and off we drove. It was a delightful drive, the scenery was fantastic and Jack and Mary were incredibly witty companions, and before I knew it I was laughing and joking along with them, my depression lifting, my thoughts of Henry settling into a warm glow, after all I did have part of him right here in the car with me. I glanced occasionally at Jack, seeing the similarities in the way he cocked his head, or the way he phased certain words, or the way he laughed, and I had to admit he was a very handsome man for his age. I mean he wasn't old, having just turned 45, and he was very sophisticated, and I smiled as I thought "That's just how Henry will look at that age, Mmmmm, nice"

Mary was a couple of years younger, but only looked in her early to mid thirty's, she was slim and tall and quite, quite beautiful, and obviously took good care of herself. In fact she told me that she worked out at least three times a week, and was quite proud that she still fitted the clothes she had when her and Jack got married. Jack looked over at her when she said that and grinned "Yup" he said, "And she still looks just as good out of them too!"

"Jack!!" exclaimed Mary, "Now you stop that, what will Anamika think of us"

He looked at me through the driving mirror and grinned, "Well I think she'll think I'm a very lucky man, just as I think Henry's a lucky man too!" he said, and I felt myself flushing with embarrassment - mixed with pleasure. I heard Mary chuckle and saw her glance over her shoulder at me.

"Don't take any notice of him Anamika, he's just a great big flirt" she said, laughingly, then gripped his arm and hugged it, "And I love him for it".

The rest of the journey passed so quickly, as things always seem to do when you're really enjoying yourself, and then we were at their house and unloading my luggage and carrying it inside. It was a beautiful house, quite large with a beautiful garden surrounding an in ground pool, and they allocated me Henry's old room, "Just to make you feel more at home" Mary said with a wink. On our very first visit I'd been surprised when they allowed Henry and I to share the same room, this room, so I knew what she meant with that wink, the room had special horny memories for me, but I still felt the color rush to my face.

That first night we had dinner and sat around chatting and watching a bit of TV, before wandering off to bed quite early, after all it had been a long emotional day. I was surprised to find that I went off to sleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, and slept very late the next day, so late that Jack and Mary had already had their breakfast and were both lounging around by the pool in the sunshine. I stood for a moment in the kitchen looking out at them before announcing my presence, Mary had just climbed from the pool and was squeezing the water from her hair, her arms up high, lifting and showing off to perfection her beautiful ripe breasts, and I felt a slight envy, knowing mine were not as large. Then Jack climbed from the pool, the water streaming from his lean, bronzed body, and I couldn't help but let my eyes run up and down over him, amazed at how similar he was to Henry, even down to the almost indecently brief bathers that showed off his large bulge.

I shook my head, trying to get the image of Henry out of my mind, telling myself that it wasn't him I was looking at, but my tongue still rolled across my lips as I looked at that bulge, and I felt the wetness start to creep between my legs. Then he slipped up behind Mary and slid his hands around to cup and fondle her breasts, and even through the window I heard her soft moan as her body reacted, moving back and rubbing against him. For a long moment I was frozen there, watching them stroke and fondle each other, feeling myself becoming more and more turned on, and I realized I had to get away, had to stop feeling like this, "Oh Henry, where are you" I moaned quietly to myself as my hand slid down and brushed over my sopping wet pussy. Then I shuddered, and that seemed to wake me from my dream and I dashed from the kitchen into the shower and put the cold water on full blast.

When I finally emerged from the bathroom, reasonably composed, they were both in the kitchen, and fussed over me like a long lost c***d, making me sit while they made breakfast - although it was fast approaching lunch time. Fortunately both had put on robes, so I was spared the arousing sight of their almost naked bodies, and got through breakfast without any disasters, but occasionally I'd catch one or the other of them glancing sideways at me, and I wondered if they knew I'd been watching, if I'd made any noise when I rushed out, but their glances were always tinged with a smile, and their conversation was every bit as happy and witty as it had been in the car.

That afternoon Mary decided to take me shopping, show me around and, when we met up with some of her exercise friends, to show me off too. Jack stayed at home and did some odd jobs, then watched a little sport. Most of our shopping was of the window variety, but Mary did insist on buying me a dress that I literally drooled over in one of the fashion shops. As soon as I saw it I knew that Henry would love it, or should I say love me in it. It was deep blue in color, which matched my eyes, it had a low cut front and a hem that barely covered my pussy and seemed to fit my skin like a glove. When I emerged from the change rooms to show Mary, her eyes widened and she let out a piercing whistle that sent me scuttling back in with embarrassment, only to re-emerge laughing a few moments later to parade it in front of her. It felt wicked, that's why I knew Henry would like it, but I was still surprised when Mary came up behind me as I looked at it in the mirror, and whispered, "That is the horniest dress I've ever seen, it suits you perfectly, I'm so glad you didn't wear a bra with it"

I looked down and saw that my nipples were standing out fiercely through the material, and I felt myself flush again, then I giggled "I couldn't get my bra on under it" I whispered back.

"Mmmm, so glad" Mary said, "That will knock all the menfolk dead"

"Oh., but I only want to knock Henry dead" I said, flushing again.

"I know, dear, I know" she said, "But perhaps we'd better try it out on Jack first, he and Henry always had amazingly similar tastes"

A shiver ran through me as I had the sudden vision of parading in front of Jack dressed like this, and I rushed off to the change room before Mary could notice how my nipples had hardened even more with that thought.

We arrived home late, to find that Jack had already prepared dinner, a light salad meal with a few glasses of wine. "Oh, Harry and Jean rang" he said, "But I told then we had a special visitor and wouldn't make it tonight"

"Oh no!" I cried, 'I don't want to interfere with your plans, I'll be fine on my own, honestly"

Mary looked across at Jack and grinned, " We usually see Harry and Jean every Saturday night, so it might be a good thing to have a slight break, after all, absence makes the heart grow fonder doesn't it?"

Jack grinned back, "Oh yes, that's what I thought, a little anticipation might be just the boost they need" he said, and they both laughed.

I looked from one to the other, sensing some undercurrent, but not knowing what it could be.

"Anyway" said Mary, "Anamika has a special surprise for you tonight that I don't think you'd want to miss"

I felt myself go bright scarlet.

Jack grinned even more widely, "I'm intrigued, something to do with your shopping expedition?" he asked.

"Wait and see" said Mary laughing, then looked at me and winked, "I think we should keep him in suspense as long as possible, don't you?"

I could only nod, I knew my face was deeply flushed and I couldn't help it, I gulped my wine and almost ended with a coughing fit, Mary wasn't going to let me get away with it, she really wanted me to parade the dress for Jack, even though she'd virtually acknowledged that it would turn him on, and I knew I couldn't let her down, especially now I knew that they'd given up their usual Saturday get together for me, Worse still, part of me wanted to do it, wanted to parade in that really short, sexy dress with my hard nipples showing through, wanted to see Jack's eyes widen, wanted to see the approval there, the heat there, and as I met Mary's eyes I knew that she knew the thoughts that were flooding through me, and her smile and her nod told me it was ok, she didn't mind. I felt the shiver run through me and tried desperately to concentrate on the food, only half listening as Jack and Mary carried on with their light, flirty banter.

Then the meal was over and we all helped with the dishes before moving to the lounge to relax for a while. TV was quickly dismissed when there was nothing that any of us really liked, then Jack got out a couple of videos of Henry growing up and we laughed at his gawky, awkwardness in his pre teen years, and marveled as he filled out to the man I knew and loved. I was amazed to see how little Jack and Mary themselves had changed, there were a couple of shots of them in bathers over the years and my mind immediately went back to what I'd seen earlier in the day, and I felt myself start to become a little aroused again.

Then the videos were over and Jack put on some rock music and I watched the two of them dance for a while before I was pulled up to join them, finding myself enjoying their musical tastes and their energetic dancing. It was in a rest period between CD's when Jack was trying to find some special music that Mary whispered to me that this was the perfect time for me to pop off to the bedroom and put on the new dress. I started to argue, but there was such a pleading look on her face, and I remembered they'd given up their evening for me, so I quickly left the room and raced down the corridor and into the bedroom. It didn't take me long to change, I mean there was only clothes to be slipped off and one dress to put on, a dress that looked infinitely smaller to me now as I looked at myself in the mirror than it had done in the shop! Fortunately Henry had bought me some really hot, sexy underwear just after we were married, so I slipped a pair of the briefest pants imaginable on underneath, and, of course left off my bra, and I was ready. I took one last look in the mirror and saw that my nipples were already jutting out, and I shivered and nearly cancelled out, but I took a deep breath and walked slowly down the corridor.

When I walked into the lounge room, Jack and Mary were locked in a fierce embrace, their lips locked together in a very passionate kiss, and I started to back out, but Mary must have sensed my presence because she broke away and glanced over at me and smiled brightly. Then she beckoned, and I started forward, "Well, Jack, what do you think?" she said, and Jack turned to look at me.

His eyes didn't just widen, they positively bulged and a loud gasp came from his lips, "My god, I knew your were beautiful, but...but... in that you are absolutely sensational" he said, the admiration rich in his voice. I came to a stop just a few feet away from them feeling incredibly self conscious, yet incredibly proud and incredibly stimulated all at the same time, and Jack walked slowly around me, letting out short low whistles as he went, and I stared at Mary grinning away just a few feet in front of me.

Then Mary lifted her arms and took hold of my hands, "Let's dance" she said, and started to move and gyrate in front of me. Almost in a daze I followed suit. Letting my body writhe and shimmy inside the skin tight dress, following her actions, leaning back when she leaned back and bending forward as she bent forward, all the time conscious that Jack was behind me , watching me. Then she half twirled me around and I was facing Jack, and I could see that he was moving his body to the music too. Music that wasn't too fast or too loud, but wasn't slow either, music that was sensuous, perfect for showing off a beautiful body. When I'd turned our eyes had met instantly and held, but after a few moments I watched his eyes drop slowly down to my breasts, and I found myself arching slightly, thrusting my breasts forward, feeling my nipples swell even more and thrust through the material, and I saw his tongue come out and brush across his lips. Then his eyes went lower, over my stomach and down to where the hem of my dress met my long legs, and I bent my knees slightly allowing them to drift apart, giving him a teasing, titillating view of my brief lace panties, and I heard the sharp intake of breath.

Then with a wicked smile I turned away from him once again, back to face Mary. All the earlier nerves and hesitations were gone now, I was really into the swing of this sensuous dance, so I arched and thrust and dipped for Mary too, seeing her eyes do exactly the same as Jack's, seeing her lips and tongue do exactly the same as Jack's, and a new, unexpected fire ignited within me. Then I felt a touch, a light feather touch, and I knew Jack had brushed his hands across my tight ass cheeks, and a shiver ran through me. I straightened and quickly turned, catching him by surprise, his hands just moving forward to brush against my ass once again, and his face flushed with momentary embarrassment, and his hands hovered in the middle of nowhere. I leaned forward, bending from the waist, giving him a new and more extensive look at my firm breasts, and as I did so I felt hands brushing me once more, brushing over the dress now tight against my ass cheeks, Mary's hands. I gasped with shock, but before I could move, before I could react, Jack's hovering hands lifted upwards and lightly cupped my breasts, brushing his palms over my swollen nipples and causing me to gasp even louder.

Bending forward had lifted the hem of my dress at the back, and Mary's brief caress must have lifted it even more, because when her hands next brushed over me it was the naked skin of my ass cheeks that she touched, slowly trailing along the line of my panties before slipping down to brush my upper thighs, and I moaned. Jack lifted one hand and stroked the back of it over the exposed slopes of my breasts, and fire raced through me. Oh god, this was crazy, my in-laws were touching me, stroking me, turning me on, and I was loving it!

Then Mary's hands were around my waist, lifting me and straightening me up, and Jack was leaning forward and pressing his lips lightly on mine, his tongue sliding sensually into my mouth, and I was responding. Feeling the fire racing through me, feeling the shivers and shudders starting to ripple through my body. Then Mary's hands were on my dress, at the zipper, easing it slowly down all the way to the swell of my ass cheeks, and the material fell away from my body, my high, firm breasts almost bursting out and causing Jack to gasp and gulp. Then Mary pushed the dress to the floor and with a small whimper I lifted my foot and kicked it aside, and stood there in just my brief lace panties. Jack wasn't touching me now, he was standing back running his eyes over my almost naked body, and I wasn't trying to hide anything! With a start, I realized I wanted this, I wanted Jack's eyes on me, I wanted Mary's hands on me, I was more turned on than I'd ever been in my life.

Then Mary turned me around to face her, and sucked in her breath at her first sight of my naked breasts, and I loved the look of adoration and lust that came into her eyes. Then with a soft groan she dropped to her knees in front of me and began slowly to peel down my lace panties. I felt Jack's presence close behind me and his hands slid around to hold me up as Mary lifted my legs to ease the panties off, and I was naked, completely totally naked. His hands lightly cupped and caressed my breasts once more, and sent another shudder racing through me, but I was watching Mary, as she leaned closer and closer until her face was almost brushing my trimmed pussy hair, and I almost leapt out of my skin as she blew softly on my pussy.

God, it was the most erotic sensation I had ever experienced! She wasn't touching me, she was breathing on me, blowing on me, stimulating my pussy and my clit like nothing I'd ever known. I found myself lifting my pussy towards her mouth, almost begging for the feel of her tongue, and each time she moved back, keeping just out of reach, blowing lightly then more powerfully on my twitching, writhing pussy. Jack was staring down over my shoulder watching her, his hands lightly caressing my breasts, rolling the hard nipples between his thumb and finger, and suddenly I realized that I was feeling his skin against my back, somewhere in the last few moments of ecstasy he'd slipped off some of his clothes, in fact, all of his clothes, as I realized when he suddenly pressed forward and I felt his hard cock against my ass cheeks, grinding slowly into me, rubbing up and down the crevice of my shuddering ass.

Then I felt him dip slightly and his cock slid between my legs, bumping lightly against Mary's chin, and she looked up and smiled, "Mmmmm Jack she is so beautiful isn't she, so incredibly sexy, did you like the dress? It turned me on so much when I saw her in it the first time I just knew she had to have it, and I just knew we had to have her", and she cupped her hands around his cock and rubbed it lightly up and down my pussy lips.

"Oh yes, Mary" Jack said, hoarsely, "I loved the dress, it excited me so much, and she is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen next to you, and so, so sexy, do you mind that I want her so much?"

"Oh, Jack, no, I love it, the both of us together, loving this beautiful creature" she said.

For a moment it was as if I wasn't there, as if I didn't exist, this was something between the two of them, and perhaps I should have resented that, but all I could feel were his hands on my breasts, his cock between my legs and her breath on my steaming pussy, and I wanted whatever they were prepared to give. At that moment Mary looked up at me and our eyes locked and held for a moment, then with a half sob I reached down and cupped my hands around her face and guided it to my pussy, "Oh yes, Please" I whispered, "I want you both so much", and I pushed my pussy into her face, screaming wildly as her tongue immediately shafted deep into me, lashing my swollen clit and surging deep between the walls of my pussy. And I bucked and shook as the first orgasm exploded within me.

Jack let go and moved around to sit on the couch directly behind Mary, his hand lightly stroking his rock hard cock, and with almost a mewing sound I leaned over Mary and started to run my tongue up and down his throbbing stem. God it was so beautiful, so hard and firm and hot, and I loved the feel of it and the taste of it as I took it slowly into my mouth, running my tongue around it's head, then sucking it so deep that my lips almost took in his heavy balls, and I heard his half gasp, half scream. Mary's tongue was going wild in my pussy and my juices were pouring down onto her face, and I was shaking and shuddering through another orgasm. Then Mary was away from underneath me and, still on her knees was guiding me towards Jack's throbbing cock, and I was straddling it, and she was taking it in her hand and guiding it to my pussy, rubbing the head teasingly up and down my pussy lips as I begged and whimpered for it to be inside me.

And then he was! Ramming his cock ball deep into my body, and I screamed with pure delight, loving the feel of his thick cock slamming into me, and Mary was there, kissing me, then sucking on my breasts, and my hands were fondling her breasts too, and as she lifted up I clamped my lips over her nipples too, hearing her scream out with joy. And it was like sexual heaven, my father-in-law's cock raging inside me and my mother-in-law's lips ravishing my breast, my lips and every other part of my body she could reach, and I was cumming, god was I cumming! Over and over and over again, my screams ringing around the room, I was being fucked like never before. I thought my whole body was going to explode or implode, or just dissolve into a stream of hot lava all over Jack's thrusting cock.

And then with a gigantic roar, Jack was cumming too, shooting his boiling hot juices into me like a fire hose, filling my pussy to overflowing. And Mary was shifting us around, her lips and tongue eagerly scooping up any of Jack's cum juice that oozed from my pussy, and there was plenty of it, as Jack couldn't seem to stop cumming. Over and over and over again he spurted into me, thrusting his big cock deeper and faster, and roaring the whole time, until finally he slumped back totally exhausted.

I slid from his softening cock and slumped to the floor, and Mary followed me, licking and sucking at Jack's cum oozing from my pussy, and I loved the feel of her tongue, found my body responding anew, But I wanted to taste her too, so I switched around and started to do to her what she'd been doing to me. Never having done it before, I guess I wasn't all that good, but I made up for it with enthusiasm, licking and sucking on her pussy and clit and loving every moment of it, but it was still a surprise when she suddenly screamed and started to buck and heave through an orgasm and her juices came pouring down onto my face. God it tasted soo good! And I lapped it up and lapped it up and slid my tongue in as far as I could go to ream out all her juices, and she shuddered and shook all over again.

When we both collapsed exhausted on the floor, we found a drink thrust into our hands, and looked up to see Jack standing there grinning, his cock already half erect again, and he lifted his glass and grinned "To a night to remember! To a totally family get together" he toasted, then laughed, and we joined him, both in the toast and in the laughter, and by the time the drink was finished, Jack was rock hard once again, so I took hold of his lovely cock and started to guide it towards Mary's pussy, and she grinned at me, and blew me a kiss, and I returned her kiss - in full measure! as the night progressed.

What a wonderful way to get to know your in-laws!!

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Chapter 2: Getting In The Groove I’d been on the farm about two weeks when it started to come naturally to me. All the classroom work was nothing compared to feeling it first-hand, and back, and shoulders, and legs… I was so tired and sore that first week I thought I would die, and I was used to hard work in football and weight training! I’ll never forget my second day there when John showed me how to run the tractor and baler. Then, when he felt I had a handle on it, he had me climb on the...

4 years ago
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Im horny arent you

Introduction: Horny? Im always horny… You know that queasy tingle you get in your stomach whenever youre around someone you like? No? Well, it makes you go crazily nervous and not to mention horny as fuck. Well, thats how I feel anyway. Its a feeling that I cant control. At least I have an excuse for it, though, since Im a teenager and I always seem to be craving something or having random mood swings all the time. Anyway, Ive been having this queasy feeling in my stomach every time Im around...

2 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 56

Since it was after ten when I finished with Lucinda and Gerome, I wasn’t at all surprised to find Marge and Sandy gone. I was disappointed but not surprised. I rode home in the Soul and stopped at one of those cheap gas outlets. I saw something interesting on their shelf by the check out register. It was a box of mini cookies mixed in with the candy bars. The boxing was cute, I had to admit. We could go with an updated brownie bite stuffed with pot. Lucinda in her true army vet way of...

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Cowboy of Bangkok

All sorts of expatriate “characters” gravitated to Bangkok, Thailand, in the seventies and eighties, and none were more colorful than the man known simply as Cowboy. Cowboy was a six-and-a-half-foot black American stud, who was said to have been a pro basketball player of some note who had retreated to Bangkok in the face of possible charges for point shaving and racketeering. In Bangkok, Cowboy had built a small empire of girlie bars in the Phatpong tenderloin district, the most notable one...

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Jane Helps Me Out Part 4 Jane And I At Last

An email announced itself as I was sitting at my desk with Reedie, the mature advertising girl, standing next to me, her supremely feminine pheromones floating from her body into my nostrils, making it hard to concentrate. I opened the mailbox discreetly and saw it was from Jane.“Excuse me, you wonderful woman,” I said with a blend of sincerity and jocularity. “I’ve really got to get on with this.”“Oh, okay,” Reedie said and walked back to her desk.The email said “Saturday, hotel in Sark...

Love Stories
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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 4

"Do it, Kenny," Dannie said, gritting her teeth in anticipation of the coming pain. "Don't worry, sis," Ken said as held the head of his cock tight against his little sister's tight slit, ready to push it into her fuck hole and through her hymen. "I know you're a virgin so I'll try and take it easy so it doesn't hurt too much." "Really," Dannie asked as she watched her brother shove the head of Ken's prick push through her cunt lips. She could feel her fuck hole stretching...

3 years ago
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Fairly CAPableChapter 33 Homecoming

“Papi!” Sophia called, running to the door as Calix entered. She leapt into his arms, her own arms circling his neck as she buried her face into his shoulder. Most of his women had decided to wear one of the thin, see-through shifts the Confederacy recommended. Sophia and Tamara, however, had decided to remain naked. So there was nothing between Calix and Sophia except for his own clothing. Calix’s hand naturally slipped down to cup Sophia’s ass. He didn’t actually intend to molest her, but...

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Kim Possible/Victorious: Shade Shego was tired of her life the whole world domination thing. She had saved up a lot of money and moved out of Drakken's lair and moved to Hollywood. She didn't have any friends or anyone to help her. She hated being alone and when your different it is what happens. Shego decided that this time around it wouldn't be that way.She looked through the local papers and found an 'I hate' group hosted by Jade West. All they do is sit around and talk about what they hate....

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Flaming Hot Anal POV

The flaming hot Joanna Angel has been craving an anal creaming…and that’s exactly what Small Hands is there to do. Joanna kicks things off by gulping down his massive cock, deepthroating his throbbing shaft as she gives him an amazing and sloppy blowjob. Once Small Hands is all warmed up, Joanna squats on his cock, sliding it into her wet pussy. Joanna goes wild riding his rod, getting herself revved up for the main event. She switches holes, stuffing Small Hands’ huge cock...

1 year ago
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An Affair to Remember

I’ll never forget the look on April’s face when she saw me. I was just as shocked as she was, and I tried to appear as if I just happened to be passing by. But I had to know. “Discrete?” I looked in her eyes. It was the password an unknown woman, a prospective liaison, had agreed on with me when we met in this parking lot. April nodded, her face turning red. I chuckled. “This is kind of awkward, isn’t it?” Again she nodded. We were both speechless, both totally unprepared to meet under these...

4 years ago
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In Control of Sandra Ch 1

This is a fictional account of events that (I wish) had happened between my sister in-law and me. * * * * * It all began on one fateful night on the way back home from out of town. As a construction superintendent for a medium size outfit I have to travel quite a bit. I was returning from a job in upstate New York driving down a dark winding road, it was later than I normally try to get home and I was dead tired. While trying not to go off into the woods on either side of the road I decided...

1 year ago
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What we call a treat How I did her Pt 1

Fridays aren't coming quick enough at the moment, we are finding ourselves looking for that sexual fix many nights in between.And like most couples, we do have sex in the week, but not every night, peaks and troths!But we have this thing, where we say we will give each other a Treat.We had only got as far as Tuesday night.The day went by with a few flirty messages, ,it wasn't helping any of us,And after the usualness of a family home food shower bedtime, we soon found ourselves getting into...

3 years ago
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A Reasonable Accommodation

Blair Wilson was an average guy in almost every respect. He was of average height, average looks, and average intelligence, and possessed average athleticism, average personality, average libido, average sex equipment, and average charisma. Like every average person, however, he had some better than average features, and some less than average. For example as some of his good features he was slimmer and had more muscle tone than average including a six pack, was more deliberative and...

2 years ago
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The Tragic Hunter

A quick one shot that was spawned from a dream I had – and couldn’t resist writing down. Maybe, one day, the nameless hunter will spawn a story of her own. I’m pretty new to literotica, having only joined I think yesterday. So this is my first piece! I LOVE constructive criticism. — Deception BTW: I’ll be needing an editor, so if anybody can either recomend one, or is one themself – feel free to contact me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx o—– The Tragic Hunter —–o It was...

1 year ago
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Anthonys Shopping Trip

PrologueAngelica looked through the yellow pages trying to find the number she needed.  As she flipped through the pages she was surprised to find just how many adult ?novelty? shops there were in town, smiling as she was already thinking of ways to make use of that information.  Finally she found the one she was looking for and dialed.        ?Hi, I was hoping to talk to someone there willing to help me out with something I would like to try involving a friend of mine and a shopping trip to...

4 years ago
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Threesome i would never forget

I remember that day like it was yesterday, though it has been exactly five years since that night in the summer of 2008. I was 25 and working at an advertising agency, making my way slowly up the corporate ladder. I enjoyed my job, had a modest but nice one-bedroom apartment in the heart of the city, and had a beautiful girlfriend that I had recently started dating. Five years ago today I got dressed for a night of drinks and debauchery, however, I had no idea how accurate that description...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 66

Dad took off before we arrived. He left it for my mother to inform us he had decided to postpone his efforts to use weddings to help promote business. He had gotten so carried away with the prospects it had escaped his notice that it would be inappropriate to do at his daughter’s wedding. My mother tried hard to sell it, but it was pretty clear she didn’t believe him either. I told her to let him know how much I appreciated his understanding. I doubt she believed me any more than she believed...

1 year ago
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Misstress Kim part 1

Hi all my name paul and i decided to post this story that happened to me and still is now. i am 20 years old living in Dublin Ireland and recently i lost my job as a I T consultant and have found it hard to get a new job i have been designing web sites for people to make ends meet but its not enough to keep my own place in the iner city so iv been left with one option witch is to move back home witch is something i really didnt want to do but ou got to do what you got to do as im not in a...

3 years ago
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Unexpected sex

Hi, I am new writer please back up me at Story is all about fucking my best friends sister who is horny like me. All sexy guys love horny girls I want to marry horny girl near Chennai. I am 21 year young guy engineering. All I expect a Horny girl of any status but really fucky and of great beauty. They can mail me OK.I usually plays football with my friends. Unfortunately I couldn’t see my friend on the ground .I was worrying abut him what had happened to him. And I decided to go to his house...

1 year ago
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Aunty With Her Clients

Hi All This is Lyra, writing something of this sort for the first time. Please bear with me if u find something wrong with my narration. Would be happy to receive your feedback on this on Earlier i used to read such stories on net and used to think ..these are all fake fantasies of people…till i happened to shift to Mumbai and got involved with the so called “elite” or the “upper” or the rich class. Since then I have seen (not literally) quite a few erotic incidences happening in real world…...

2 years ago
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18-year-old Josh's mind was filled with erotic images as he slept, a strange woman knelt naked before him her mouth closed around his cock as her tongue explored the engorged and swollen purple head. He moaned in his dream and stirred in his sleep, it felt so real, he could feel the teeth brushing his cock shaft as the mouth slid up and down it. Mind fuddled with sleep he came awake, the sensations from his dream seeming to follow him. His body was caressed by cool air as he realized his...

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Aunty and her daughter pallavi

Hi this is abhay this happened when i was in the last year of graduation at luck now university. I was over 21 yrs and ripe with energy that i didn’t know where it came from; energy that kept me restless and got me into trouble more than once. There were four members in our household: my uncle, his wife, his daughter, and myself. First i should introduce my uncle he is a business man having a garment shop in hazratganj he use to come late at night by 11pm. My aunty is a house wife aged about...

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The Old Cuck

Der Morgen ist so trist, wie die Tage zuvor. Graue Regenwolken beherrschen wieder den Himmel. Melanie von allen Mel genannt, wacht mit dem Gedanken an Schulferien und Sonne auf. Mit Blick aus dem vorhanglosen Fenster verdüstert sich ihre gerade noch gute Stimmung sofort. Katja wälzt sich geräuschvoll im Bett an der gegenüberliegenden Zimmerwand. Das die beiden sich seit 17 Jahren ein Zimmer teilen müssen, nähert sich nun bald dem Ende. Mel wird in einer Woche aus der Schule entlassen und in...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS01E07 Sarah 32

Series 1, Episode 7: Sarah We’re back in the nation’s capital. This time we’re outside a large hospital. A small group of nurses are grabbing a smoke just off the hospital grounds. One of them – youngish, slim, and looking particularly good in her uniform, turns away from the group and walks over toward the camera. She has a wide toothy smile, red cheeks, pointy nose and a high forehead, all framed with silky brunette hair tied back in a long pony tail. She hasn’t the most beautiful face,...

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How i became my moms daughter after forced t

On a very young age my dad decided to leave my mom and me, so i had no father figure/model growing up as an boy!Now only my mom , sister and i lived in an house with an additional rent more then that my mom could earn!My mom told me to find an job to also earn money and pay rent, so she sort of kicked me on the street not to return without an job or money earned by workingWhere the hell could i get an job beeing only 13 years of age , slender type body and only 1 mtr and 68 centimeter!After...

4 years ago
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Aunt had no idea ch 2

Introduction: I have tried to make this a stand-alone story, but there may still be some outside references. It will definitely make this story better if you read the previous chapter. It was about 2 months before I was able to spend the night with my cousin again. I was very excited after what happened last time. I was especially happy now because I was going to spend Friday and Sat night there. I arrived around 5:00 pm and it was all I could no to hide my boner. I could not wait until later!...

1 year ago
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A Helping Hand Was Needed Part 2

I missed Andrew rather a lot he was my first carer and the man who showed me certain things, which gave me the confidence to self-pleasure, for the first time in my life. Sadly it will be many years before we meet again.His replacement Belinda was more than a little imaginative. I was wary of her at first because she was the first black person I had ever encountered.She was not what was expected from a carer for a blind lady. Some of the things that she did just seemed to be more than a little...

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The OutsiderChapter 17 A Letter from Nebraska

Mike was happy to have Ruthie accompany him on the trip to Davenport, but as they neared the university, Ruthie's mood deteriorated. She had planned to study for several finals over Thanksgiving break, but she had neither the time nor the desire to concentrate on course material. She had been dragged to her mother's church for hours on both Saturday and Sunday, and dealing with her mother's version of the Mega-Mart stampede did not give her much of a chance to deal with her own trauma. Now...

2 years ago
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Kate and LynChapter 5 Diversions

Lyn called after eight; I was thinking she wouldn't call at all, and I was very glad to hear her voice. We talked for a while about school, going so far as to compare answers on our geometry homework. Finally we ran out of immediate topics and there was a silence. "I'm sitting here with a pillow between my legs." Lyn murmured, "Wishing it were you." "My mom's working in the next room, sewing." I said, hoping she would understand how I didn't want to talk very loudly or...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Adira Allure Joanna Angel8217s Dungeon Furniture Emporium 8211 Episode 1

Furniture collector Dante Colle is browsing around the dungeon furniture emporium when proprietor Joanna Angel checks on him. They chat about a particular piece of furniture, but Joanna quickly decides that she doesn’t like Dante’s attitude and scares him off. No sooner has Dante fled than Adira Allure walks into the emporium, looking to find a desk for her dorm room. Joanna notices how hot Adira is and gets an idea, telling her that she can give her a lot more than a desk. In a...

3 years ago
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Perfect night

Perfect nightI take my wife out for dinner and after for drinks at a local bar. She's dressed casual showing off a little cleavage. Little does she know I have plans for her tonight. After a few drinks and shots I meet up with a guy at the bar that I set a meet up with. I give a quick intro to the wife that he's an old but I used to work with ages ago and we chat for a while. Before we leave he insists on doing a shot with us and goes and gets a round before we leave. He gets the shots but adds...

2 years ago
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Behind the bushes

I always thought the teenage girls blowing guys behind the trees and bushes were whores…until I was one of those girls. It was a late summer day close to lunch time and I had spent all week waiting for my boyfriend at the times’ cock. I had been suffering every hour of everyday. Then as soon as I had finished my lunch he told me innocently that he wanted to ride up to the park and walk around and talk…just to get away. Even as mad as I was because he didn’t want to stay here and give me what I...

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Alternative Stimulus

Ronald was a moderately successful sales rep with a six digit income, a house in the country, and a wife and daughter to help fill that house. Not everyone on the planet can have drop dead gorgeous looks, or possess an I.Q. above 150, or make suitors swoon by sheer sexiness. You make do with what you have. Ron was proof that it takes something else to be successful - he had none of the above. His wife Eva had a little bit of shape, but her looks were bland, at best. Their daughter Ruth was...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Clara Trinity Going Through My Stepsis To Get My Car

Clara Trinity is just lounging on the couch in the living room when her stepbrother, Johnny Love, joins her. He tells Clara that his mom says he has to coach her for the upcoming spelling bee or she’ll take away his car. Clara agrees, but she fucks with Johnny by intentionally spelling words wrong. She claims that she only knows how to spell dirty words and then demonstrates. Leaning back and spreading her thighs, Clara tells Johnny that if he fucks her she’ll tell his mom he...

2 years ago
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Hope and BetrayalChapter 13

“How did it go?” said Carlton. “Good and questionable,” said Lea. “With an opening like that, I expect there is going to be quite a story attached to it,” he said. “Kinda,” she said. “He does have a cellmate, like James said. And the cellmate seems to be an okay guy. He didn’t go into detail about him, just said that they were getting along. I could see he felt better about things having somebody inside with him.” “Okay,” he said. “But there a ‘but’ in there somewhere I can hear it in...

3 years ago
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Escort Services Part two

Chapter 2   “Change please, change please.”   The singsong voice pleaded but, without the conviction you might expect from someone, truly desperate. Robert had seen the same guy in his regular spot in Charing Cross Underground for as long as her had been commuting to London . The street beggar never seemed to alter and didn’t look particularly needy. His clothes were of a good standard, hair combed and short and certainly, he wasn’t mal-nourished.   ...

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Gangbanged Hijabi

I woke up in the middle of the night as I heard some noises comingfrom downstairs. Once fully awake I realised that it was not just anynoise rather it was a woman moaning. My heart skipped a beat. Could itbe my pious hijabi bhabhi moaning downstairs. I slowly came out of theroom and sat on the stairs, slowly moving down step by step, noticingthat the door to the living room was open.As I moved down I first saw the telly which was on. There was ahardcore gangbang scene of a girl getting fucked...

2 years ago
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Cousin Again

It had been a few months since I had seen my cousin. I was going to go spend part of a week at his house and I was really looking forward to it. I had some adventures at home with my girlfriend and with another friend, but I was really horny for what may happen with my cousin. My aunt picked me up and when I got to their house I started to put my stuff in the guest bedroom. She told me no, that I was going to be in my cousins room. I felt my y0ung cock twitch when she said that. He had a...

4 years ago
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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 11

Sal's escapades with the five Conte sisters from next door had cooled considerably for the last couple of months. He was OK with that because getting 2 of them pregnant at the same time had created considerable friction with their labor union boss father. He was surprised when the very studious looking Ann Conte came up to him in the hardware store at the bottom of the hill. She always was the kind of stand-offish one of the five sisters and tended to frown at him when he wrestled with all...

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Anitas night in Las Vegas

Anita’s night in Las VegasTo celebrate our wedding anniversary, I invited my sweet Ana to spend a week end at Las Vegas...After checking at the hotel, Ana told me she would have a shower and get ready for going out to dinner.A while later she came out from the bathroom and I was really surprised about how she looked.My sweet Ana was wearing her shortest black skirt, which barely covered her ass cheeks; a very sexy white low cut blouse and a pair of black high heels. Her makeup was perfect. She...

2 years ago
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Sharing Wife With Another Friend

My friend and I started talking about each others wives one day and I brought the topic of swapping up. I wasn’t to sure how he would react but was surprised when he agreed it sounded like a good idea. He wasn’t sure what his wife would think about it, that’s when I told him about our past experience. He was more than game to fuck my wife so we started to make plans. I spoke to my wife about it and she was game as it has been quite awhile since we had done this. We made plans a...

1 year ago
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Italian Business Visitor a primal fantasy

I get a text message in the early afternoon: "Italian executive at the Mayflower, drinks this evening?" Sounds promising, I respond immediately. Sometimes I dislike meeting for drinks, especially when meeting a client for the first time. Often, it means they're not quite at ease with what they're doing. It can become like an interview where they awkwardly and feverishly try to ask the right questions in order to reassure themselves that you're the right kind of rentboy. Not someone dangerous,...

Gay Male
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Park ThisChapter 6

Now I'm afraid to be alone with Lee. It was already bad. Losing the use of Sherry's talents left me to my own devices. Oh, yeah, I could've fallen back to old ways. I know a few women who, if I expressed a renewed interest, would happily make room in bed for me. Trouble was, they were just about exactly like the bimbos Sherry laughed about. I'd have to lie just a little bit, too, because none of them were able to admit that they were in it just for the sex. No, there had to be the...

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Life of a cheater

Another late night spent in the library. Finally peeling his head away from the books, John looks at the time only to see that it’s a little past midnight. Deciding that enoug time has been spent reading, he stands, packs his books and proceeds to head towards his car. *Ring* Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he sees an incoming call from his beloved girlfriend, Sarah. “Hey babe...” John says sheepishly to start the conversation. “Heyyy. How come you didn’t come over tonight?” “I... I kinda...

3 years ago
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And then he kissed me

Introduction: Amandas has a crush on her new boss. And then he kissed me. Have you got any kids? Lizzy asked as she handed me a cup of coffee on my first day at Haddaway and Tschitte Insurance Company. Two girls, I smiled nervously, the youngest has just started school. Lizzy and I talked when she took me on a tour of the offices, introducing me to as many people as possible, I chattered about my husband and daughters and explained that I had finally returned to full-time work for the first...

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