Milking Time B3 Chapter 5 Barocca Finds A Friend free porn video

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Chapter 5: Barocca's Recruiting - Barocca Finds A Friend

Later that evening in her quarters, Barocca plopped down onto her bed in disgust. It wasn't until now that Barocca realized what a daunting task she had ahead of her, in trying to contact the girl she wanted, and then recruit her. Even though Barocca now had a phone with secure access to the outside world, the type of information she needed wasn't exactly easy to come by.
Barocca hadn't kept that much of a personal phone or address book even before she came to the Island. What little that she had with her now were all hopelessly out of date.
She had thought about calling some of the magazines she had posed for over the years, in the hopes of perhaps reaching an editor or staff person who might remember her. But of the dozens of titles she'd posed for, only a smattering of them even bothered to list themselves in any type of phone directory. And those only listed an 800 number for subscriptions or adver-tising. Certainly not intimate details about the models posing in them, or the staff that worked for them. The couple of times she'd actually spoken with someone, and not a recording, she had no way of convincing them that she was who she said she was. It had been at least several years since her last pictorial. That was a lifetime in the adult magazine business.
Local phone directories that were available through the Internet searches weren't much help either. Barocca had only known the girls she worked with by their performing names, or maybe by just a real first name only. Names like 'Seka' or 'Little Oral Annie' certainly weren't going to be in the directory listings. "I know mine wouldn't be," Barocca thought to herself.
On top of that, Barocca could only assume that Jeanne was still living somewhere in the Los Angeles or Southern California area. That was where she had last known that Jeanne was living. Even if she was still there, that only narrowed things down to finding one person in well over ten million people.

Barocca even tried sorting through the endless mountain of porn on the Internet, hoping that she might find a website or a fan club devoted to who she wanted.
"Shit!" thought Barocca. "It seems like every other girl who ever worked in porn has photos posted of her here. Including half of the girls that are on the Island now. And most of them have some type of fan club or tribute page that somebody's put up."
Frustrated at the lack of progress she'd made that night, Barocca gave in for the night, and went to bed. Thinking and reminiscing about all of her modeling and video work in the past caused Barocca to dream.
Barocca's dreams that night were a disjointed mix of her modeling and video days, and were punctuated by visions of being either m*****ed and/or annoyed by Ebony and Jordan, both of whom had overgrown pricks, even by the Island's standards. As a result, Barocca was cranky and irritable when she awoke the next morning.

The troublesome dreams of Ebony and Jordan did serve a purpose to Barocca. It caused her to recall a series of videos she'd made for a company in Southern California, which were almost all catfight or wrestling style videos. Barocca hadn't particularly enjoyed making them, but they did pay well, and they had been a reliable source of income, without the fear of bouncing checks. Something she couldn't say about every company she'd worked for.
The more Barocca recalled working for that company, the more details she remembered. During dead time between filming sessions, she'd flipped through some of the company fliers and catalogs that were in the company's office. Barocca had seen girls in all stages of their careers that had worked for the company. Veterans like herself; new starlets who were just starting out; and older girls on the downside of their careers, trying to hang on for a just a little longer. Then it hit Barocca: she had seen the girl’s name on one of the older catalogs! She was positive about it. She knew her face and features well enough, that she couldn't be mistaken. And the company had used her most common name in the business, to capitalize on her appeal.

Now if only she could remember the name of that fucking company! Then it hit Barocca. She hadn't bothered to keep any sort of accurate count or history of anybody’s video and magazine appearances. But other people had.
Barocca hopped in front of her computer again, and brought up her Internet browser. She did a search for a site she had seen a link to the other day, but hadn't bothered going to, because she didn't think there would be any point to it. After a few moments of scanning the search results, Barocca found the site she was looking for: The Adult Internet Film Database.
Barocca clicked on the link, and held her breath. After searching for smut on the Internet, Barocca had become leery of the hype and promise. Too many sites and links were broken, or turned out to be nothing like what they were advertised as. A moment later, Barocca breathed a sigh of relief as the graphics for the site began to load.
"Okay. I've got one foot in the door. Now what do I do?" thought Barocca.
Fortunately, the site was user friendly, and easy to use, with a minimum of menu choices and cluttering advertising banners. "It says: type in the name of a performer, and click 'go'. Seems simple enough." Barocca typed in the word 'Jeanne', and clicked her mouse on the icon.
About several seconds passed, as the application did its work. To Barocca's surprise, over a dozen results were displayed. Girls with the same first name, and different last names, as well as girls with variations on the spelling of the first name. Fortunately, they were sorted alphabetically according to the first name, and then by the last name, so it made it fairly easy to scroll down and find the entry she thought she wanted.

Barocca highlighted Jeanne's name, and clicked 'go' again. The hourglass appeared for the next several seconds as it processed. In seconds, the screen was filled with dozens of lines of neatly arranged text that filled the window, and scrolled on past the bottom. They were sorted alphabetically by the film title, a date when available, and sometimes some comments. There was only one problem.
"Page one of five!" Barocca exclaimed to herself as she looked at the bottom of the scroll bar. "Damn! I know Jeanne told me she'd been in the business for a few years when I met her. But I had no fucking idea she'd made this many videos. I'll never sort through all of these!"
Barocca moved over to her bed and sprawled out on her back, and let her thoughts come to her. "All right. I've found a decent source of information here. I've just gotta figure out the right way to use it, is all. There's no way I know enough about Jeanne's career to know which videos are which on this site."
Barocca relaxed and meditated, and thought some more about the puzzle that was presented to her. Suddenly it hit her. "I've got it! I know a hell of a lot more about my own video career, than about somebody else's. If I can manage to find a list of my own titles, I know I can figure out which ones were the wrestling ones."
Barocca went back to the PC, and went back to the main menu of the site. In the model name field, she typed in her own name, and held her breath, and clicked 'go'. To her relief, hers was the only name that displayed in the results field; not over a dozen, as with Jeanne's name.
"I knew there was a reason I chose a unique name for this business," Barocca chuckled to herself. "And they even spelled it right. Now to see if whoever designed this site, and did the research really did their homework on me," thought Barocca. She highlighted her own name, and clicked 'go' again.
The search results were much quicker this time. "Well, that figures," thought Barocca. "I wasn't a wallflower, but I didn't jump at the opportunity to make a video every time somebody called me either."

The display indicated Barocca had made just over sixty videos. "That can't be right. I know it can't more than about two-thirds that amount. I mean I should know; I was there." Then Barocca inspected the actual titles. Although she was no marketing expert, she soon caught on to the concept of some of the titles. "Some of these must be collection or rerun tapes from their titles. And who knows how many times some of my scenes were used multiple times for these things."
Then Barocca settled down, and began slowly reading and digesting the information before her. "Ah, here we go! Some of these have got to be the ones that I made for that company. 'Black Battling Bitches'. 'Catfighting Cunts'. With names like these, it's a wonder that they sold any of them at all. Let's see now. These were made five years ago. That sounds about right. I hadn't come to the Island then." At that point, the information stopped. "Hey! Where's the name of the fucking company that made any of these things?"
To her relief, Barocca realized that she only had to click the scrollbar on the bottom right of the screen, to display the final few fields of information. "Here it is: Napali Video. I knew that name was just on the tip of my tongue! That's what I remember them calling themselves when I worked for them. Now for the next trick: to see if these guys are still in business after this many years."

Barocca then did a search for 'Napali Video' and found a short list of results. Some were for other companies selling their videos. Others were some reviews of various titles. One of the first links was for the actual company website itself. "Now we're getting somewhere," thought Barocca.
As she scanned the various menus, Barocca was intrigued to find out that the company was still in business. They were taking orders for videos that would ship in a month or so, as well as a huge list of recent and older titles for sale. "Great! Now all I've gotta do is get in touch with them."
That proved to be more difficult than Barocca thought. The company took orders via snail mail, but their address was a Post Office box in Los Angeles. They had a phone number, but it was only a recording on an 800 line, where you could order videos with a credit card.
"Shit! So close, and yet still so far," muttered Barocca. Then her eyes happened to notice a link at the bottom of the page. "E-mail us with questions about special orders and custom videos," Barocca read aloud. "That's right! I remember making one video where he wanted me and another girl to act as if we were talking to some guy, while we did it. I've got no idea if the same guy who ran the business is still running it now, but this is a way to get in touch with somebody there. But what am I gonna say to these people?"

Barocca went to lunch, and mulled the problem over in her head. By the time she returned, she had formulated a plan of action. When she was seated at her computer again, Barocca wrote an e-mail to the company.
"Hi! My name's Barocca, and I worked for you as a model, a number of years ago. (She listed several titles, and included details about the actual locations of the video shootings, as well as some of the off camera events that stood out in her mind. Something that only someone who was there when the videos themselves were made could know.) I'm still in the modeling business, although I haven't been quite as active as I once was. (She'd have to come up with some way to explain her absence. That could get sticky, but she'd cross that bridge when she came to it.) I really enjoyed working with you before, and was wondering if you had any opportunities or openings to do so again. If you think you still would be able to use me, please e-mail me back, and leave me a telephone number so I can talk to you about it in more detail. Thanks! Love, Barocca."

The next day, Barocca signed on to her computer at the end of the day, and found an e-mail waiting for her in her in-box. It was actually from someone at Napali Video after all! Barocca clicked on the message, and read the body of the text. It was indeed from the fellow who ran the company. He remembered Barocca from several years ago, and some of the personal details she had supplied, had convinced him to contact her. He was eager to talk about possible future projects with her, and even supplied his telephone number.
"It's about fucking time," thought Barocca. "Finally, someone who believes I'm who I say I am, and is actually willing to talk to me."
Barocca dialed the number, and was soon talking with him across the country in Southern California. Long before she had started in the modeling and video business, Barocca had made herself talk in a very cultured, almost exotic sounding voice, as a matter of habit. It had served her well in her video career, and most people instantly recognized her when she spoke to them, including the fellow at Napali Video now.
Barocca engaged in a lengthy conversation with the fellow. To make a long story short, Barocca was welcome with open arms, to come back to the business whenever she wanted to. However, when she had tried to drop a hint and pry any information out of him on Jeanne and other girls' whereabouts, she found that he didn't know a lot more than most people. As Barocca was getting ready to end the conversation, he did give her one more glimmer of hope.
"It's funny that you should mention Jeanne, Barocca," he said. "That's twice in one week her name's come up. One of the fellows who does my still photography for me said that he'd done a photo shoot with Jeanne just last week. He was surprised that she was still in the business too. He thought she'd packed her bags and left a long time ago."
Barocca's eyes lit up on the other end of the line. It was a good thing he couldn't see how she was squirming on her seat like a nervous schoolgirl.
"Hey, that's great!" said Barocca. "Do you think you could give me his name and number please?" Barocca wrote it down carefully, asking him to repeat it twice. She thanked him, and promised him, he'd be the first one she called whenever she was in town looking for work again.

As she read the name and address in front of her, Barocca recognized the photo-grapher's name. She'd worked with him a number of times. She couldn't hope to remember which layouts she posed in for him, but the name was definitely familiar. Barocca dialed the new number in front of her. After a couple of rings, a man's voice answered. Barocca introduced herself to him, hoping that her voice would trigger a reaction in him as well.
"Barocca? Hell yes, I remember you!" he exclaimed into the phone. In the background, Barocca could hear a woman's voice angrily asking him what the fuck was going on.
"Oh shit," Barocca blushed. "I hope I didn't get you into trouble with your wife."
"Don't give it a second thought," he replied. "I'm changing film during a photo shoot here, and one of the prima donnas here has her nose out of joint. Let me call you back in an hour when I wrap things up here, and we'll talk more."
Good to his word, the phone rang at Barocca's end, a little over an hour later.
"So where've you been keeping yourself, Barocca?" he asked. "I haven't heard from you in years."
Barocca made up a story about thinking she'd found 'Mr. Right' and had settled down for a while. Only now things had changed, and she was thinking seriously about getting back into the business again. And that she was also trying to contact a few old friends. She told him how the fellow at Napali Video had tipped her off about him photographing Jeanne recently.
"Well now. I think that we can work something out here," he replied. "But it's gonna cost you. I know you've been taking care of yourself, if you're thinking about getting back into this business. Give me an exclusive so I can do your first photo shoot on your return to the world."
"Oh I could give you an exclusive, all right," thought Barocca. "Pictures and videos that nobody would believe were real in fact. Me and dozens of other girls." Barocca knew that a limited amount of what they produced on the Island was big boob and girl-girl stuff that could be marketed almost anywhere, without getting into the shemale angle. There were plenty of photo sets and videos that were only sold to private collectors.
"How about this idea?" proposed Barocca. "Not only can I get you some exclusive photos of myself. I can also get my hands on plenty of material of Ebony also. Guaranteed that none of these have been published anywhere before. I'll e-mail you some ZIP files of them, to give you a sample of them. Then you give me a way to get in touch with Jeanne. Once I actually contact Jeanne, and know you're on the level, I'll Fed-Ex out the original prints and negatives to you."
Barocca knew that he could make a lucrative fee just selling the copies of the prints to his own special clients, as well as on the Internet. With the negatives, he'd make a major profit selling them to the magazines. All for enough information that wouldn't even fill up an index card.
"You got a deal girlfriend!" he exclaimed. "You send me some of the samples tonight, and I'll have the nitty gritty on Jeanne back to you before you're in bed tonight."
"Sounds great," replied Barocca. "Look for something in your in-box from me in a little while."

Barocca sent him several ZIP files with over sixty explicit, topless shots of herself and Ebony. Nothing that showed what they were like between the legs nowadays, but still nice stuff.
"If he truly comes through with the info on Jeanne, I may actually send out the other stuff," thought Barocca.
Good to his word, less than half an hour after she had sent the ZIP's, Barocca received an e-mail in response. Filled with anticipation, Barocca opened the document. It was short and to the point. A name, address, and telephone number; even Jeanne's e-mail address.
"If nothing else, he's certainly thorough," thought Jeanne. "This had better be the real thing on Jeanne, or I'm gonna be pissed." Barocca looked at the information before her, and then at the clock. It was only about seven o'clock in the evening in California. Now was as good a time as any to take the final step.
Barocca took a deep breath, and forced herself to remain calm. If this actually turned out to be Jeanne's real telephone number, and Barocca could contact her, the real job had only just begun. She would still have to find a way to convince Jeanne to come to the Island, and hope she would want to become a shemale, like herself and the other girls.
The phone number that the photographer listed had an 818 area code. "That means Jeanne's still living somewhere in LA or one of the suburbs down there," thought Barocca.
One encouraging sign was that two people on the phone had mentioned that Jeanne was still working in the business, as recently as a week ago. That meant that Jeanne had to be taking decent care of herself, to still look good enough to be photographed for magazines.
Barocca hoped that Jeanne hadn't fallen into the tragic cycle of doing the modeling work, and then throwing all her money into booze or d**gs, as a number of other girls had done towards the end of their careers. Barocca would have to do her best job of salesmanship in getting Jeanne to see things her way, and eventually come to the Island.
"Well, there's only one way to find out," Barocca thought to herself, as she punched Jeanne's number into the telephone. After several rings, a woman's voice answered the phone.
"Hi, is this Jeanne?" asked Barocca.
"Yes, this is Jeanne," she replied. "Who's this?"
"Hey, this is a voice from your past," said Barocca. "Does the name 'Barocca' ring any bells to you?" Barocca was counting again on her unique voice striking a chord with Jeanne.
There were a few seconds of awkward silence, and then a light seemed to flash in Jeanne's head at her end of the line. "Oh, yeah! I remember you now. We both worked for a little while for that one company who made all the wrestling and catfight videos. What the heck was their name again?"
"You mean Napali Video," said Barocca. "The guy who runs it put me in touch with the photographer who works for him, and he gave me your number."
"Yeah, that's right," said Jeanne. "We were never in the same films, but we bumped into each other in the office and on the way to locations a few times. I remember you now. How've you been, girl?"
"Well, I stayed in the business myself for a couple more years after that," said Barocca. "Then I kind of dropped out of it. I found other things I wanted to do."
"Well, like you heard, I'm still doing the nasty for the films and magazines myself," said Jeanne. "I guess I've been in it so long now, that it's in my blood," she chuckled.
Barocca breathed a small sigh of relief at her end of the line. If Jeanne was still going strong after this many years in the business, there was a good chance that just might be able to persuade her to see things her way, and convince her to come to the Island.
"So what's up, Barocca?" asked Jeanne. "Is this just a social call, or did you have something else you wanted to talk about?"
"All right, I'll cut to the chase," admitted Barocca. "Please bear with me, if I'm a little long-winded here, but I'll try to make things brief. I remember a series of videos you made back in the 80's called 'Bi and Beyond'."
"Oh yeah, those things," said Jeanne. "You wouldn't believe some of the letters I got, after those came out. I had no idea that that people would actually like those, and want more."

So far, Jeanne didn't sound like she felt fed up or disgusted when talking about those older videos.
"Well, I wasn't one of the ones who wrote you any fan letters," said Barocca. "But a friend of mine showed them to me a few years later. I hope you won't think that this is really weird or kinky Jeanne, but I thought you were incredibly sexy in those."
"Why thanks, Barocca," said Jeanne. "But I mean, everybody knows those were all faked scenes. They glued a dildo to me, and painted it to match my skin. That's all they did."
"That's true," said Barocca. "But you looked like you really got into your scenes, anyway. And that really got me off watching you."
"Yeah, it was kind of nice 'being in charge' in a scene like that for a change," laughed Jeanne. "I had a lot of fun making those. It's too bad they don't have a way so you could do that in real life."

Barocca couldn't believe her ears. Hearing Jeanne admit that she liked her shemale strap-on scenes was too good to be true. She had to proceed very cautiously now, but it was apparent that Jeanne might just be interested in what she had to say next.
"Well, you may think this will sound really odd," said Barocca, "but I think I know a way that you could actually do that in real life."
"Get out of here!" laughed Jeanne. "I'm no scientist, but I know the body just doesn't work that way, girl."
"That's what most people, think," said Barocca. "Like I said, I know a place that could actually make that happen, if you think you want to give it a chance."
"I think you must've been standing too close to those photographer's flash bulbs when they went off," said Jeanne with a laugh. "You'd still have to find a way to convince me that something like this was even possible in the first place."
"Then let me show you some proof, Jeanne," said Barocca. "The one photographer gave me your e-mail address. So you've got a computer, right? Let me send you some ZIP files of photos of girls where I'm at that have gotten the 'treatment'. Take a look at those, and then I'll call you back tomorrow night."
"Okay, Barocca. I'll give you a chance to show me what you've got," said Jeanne. "Send me some of your best stuff, and if I'm convinced, I'll talk more to you tomorrow."

Barocca put together an assortment of photos of girls who were about halfway along in their cock development on the Island. Most of these featured girls whose cocks were anywhere from ten to f******n inches long. She hoped that these would be enough to convince Jeanne to take her seriously.
Barocca avoided sending Jeanne anything on herself, or Ebony, or any of the senior amazons. Better to see if she could convince Jeanne with the more moderate and somewhat realistic material first. If she could sell Jeanne on that, she'd have her just where she wanted her, once she got a good look at herself or Ebony.
The next night at a little past ten o'clock, Barocca dialed Jeanne's phone number in her quarters again. Jeanne promptly answered on the other end.
"Well, what did you think?" asked Barocca anxiously.
"Either one of two things has happened," said Jeanne. "First, either you've become some type of animator or graphic artist with way too much fucking time on her hands. The other thing is that you just might actually be telling the truth."
"I stared at some of those pictures until my eyes hurt," continued Jeanne. "And if they're fakes, they're better than anything I've seen anyone post on the Internet, or printed in the 'TV' magazines. Because you sent me so many of these, part of me is almost ready to believe you. So give with all the dirt girlfriend, and don't spare any of the juicy details."
"All right, Jeanne," said Barocca. "Get comfy, because this is gonna take a while. Here's what really happened to me in the few years since we last bumped into each other at the video company."

Over the course of the next few nights, Barocca told Jeanne all the intricate details of the Island. The only things she left out were the phenomenal sizes that the cocks of the senior amazons could reach, and the milking ritual. She didn't want to lay things on too thick, too soon to Jeanne. Barocca dropped minor hints on how she felt about Jordan, and the way that things were on the Island. By the time she was finished Jeanne knew more about things on the Island than a lot of the just recently arrived girls.
At the end of the third night of marathon phone conversations, Barocca summed up her sales pitch to Jeanne. "So that's how it'll work, Jeanne. You get an all expenses paid trip to the beautiful Bahamas. And if you like what you see, you can join the family, and become one of the girls here. What do you think?"
"Well, even if everything you've told me turns out to be bogus," said Jeanne, "I could still sure use a vacation, and I've never been to the Bahamas before. And if these girls are all that they're cracked up to be, and I can become one of them too, then I may just not want to leave."
"All right! That's the spirit, girl," said Barocca. "Just come here, and check things out, and then make a decision. That's all I ask."
"So how am I gonna get there, anyway?" asked Jeanne. "I'm not exactly rolling in dough right now."
"Just let me take care of that," said Barocca. "In a couple of days I'll send some money to your Paypal account. Then all you’ll have to do is book a flight out of LA Airport. Once I get it all squared away, I'll call you with the final details. Just have your bags packed, and be ready to leave in a few days."

Barocca had a plan formulated on how she thought she could get Jeanne to the Island, without raising too much suspicion. It would mean doing some personal photos, intimate phone calls and private webcam shows for friends and contacts she still had from the outside world, but she was certain she could pull it off. That much activity might eat up a lot of bandwidth and slow things down on the small network that was set up on the Island, but she was past the point of no return by now. And then once Jeanne was actually here, Barocca would take her under her wing, and work her magic on her.
"And then," thought Barocca, "we'll really see some changes around here."

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 12 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 12: Clyda & Jordan Part 6Clyda opened her eyes in shock as she heard Jordan's latest request. "You have got to be fucking k**ding me!" exclaimed Clyda. "You aren't human girl." "Didn't Dee Dee and Tiffany tell you that I was crazy about cock, Clyda?" asked Jordan. "They didn't tell me that you had a bloody terminal case of it, love," retorted Clyda. "Well, I think I've got one last good load in me for you," continued Clyda. "You've got to realize that we're not all rampaging...

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Milking Time B1 Chapter 3 The Milking

Chapter 3: The MilkingBarocca adjusted herself as she sat at the console. She made an adjustment to one of the dials on the console, and entered a few keystrokes."We'll start with something easy, to begin with."A very quiet hum of machinery, much like a vibrator at low speed could be heard coming from the platform where Tiffany was reclining. The sheath slowly began to move up and down on Tiffany's cock."And now, a little pressure."The sheath began to squeeze and contract on the shaft of...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 3 Jordans Instructio

Chapter 3: Jordan's InstructionsThe morning after her sexual marathon with Clyda, Jordan awoke early in her quarters again. Jordan felt absolutely no ill effects from such a workout with Clyda's massive cock yesterday. Jordan lolled about on the bed. She had dreamed vividly about her afternoon with Clyda. Her body still tingled when she remembered the multiple orgasms she had enjoyed from Clyda, and how sweet and delicious her cum had tasted. As Jordan became fully awake, she glanced about...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 12 Ebony Gets TripleTeame

Chapter 12: A Night To Remember - Ebony Gets Triple-Teamed"All right, girls," said Ebony, as she addressed Tiffany, Clyda and Dee. "Here's how it's gonna be tonight. You're right in the fact that I haven't been fucked for longer than I care to remember. And when I was, it usually wasn't with anyone who could fill me or satisfy me. So here's what we're gonna do..." Ebony reached up to the head of the bed, and grabbed several of Tiffany's pillows. She placed these at the end of the bed in a...

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Milking ItChapter 4

As much as Belle would love to spend her first day worshipping Buttercup, she has to begin training. It is standard for the company before anyone can proceed with their jobs, even if it means moving up in the company by a faster means. So after cleaning up a bit and changing into the cute little outfit that is commonplace at Morning Milk, Belle skips happily down to the barn where Josie, the incredible vice president of public relations is already instructing a group of new recruits. Not only...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 9 Ebony Duz Dee Dee

Chapter 9: A Night To Remember - Ebony Duz Dee DeeEbony stood by the side of the bed, and playfully motioned for Dee Dee to come to her.As Dee Dee rose from the chair, she unclasped her skirt in one swift movement, baring and displaying her huge flaccid cock to Ebony. Dee Dee reached behind her back, and easily undid the knot holding her bikini top on. With a deft flick of the wrist, she had it off, and proudly displayed her firm breasts to Ebony. Dee Dee walked over to the bed and knelt...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 8 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 8: Clyda & Jordan Part 2Jordan's eyes wandered to Clyda's crotch. "All right, love," said Clyda. "I guess you've waited long enough. You've hardly taken your eyes off my crotch since you came in here." Jordan nodded her head, her eyes filled with uncontrolled lust as she stared at Clyda. "I'm sorry," said Jordan. "Have I been that obvious?" "That's Ok. Just sit back and just watch the show for a minute," said Clyda. Clyda unzipped the workout pants, and stepped out of them, and...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 2 Ebony Jordan Part

Chapter 2: Ebony & Jordan Part 1Jordan stopped by briefly at her quarters to change into a light green, one-piece workout suit. It covered her from mid thigh, and fitted over her shoulders like a tank top. While not nearly as skimpy and revealing as the bikini, it still emphasized Jordan's figure nicely. Jordan then went to the gym where Ebony held her conditioning class, and took part in the aerobics and other workout exercises with both the new girls to the Island, as well as some of...

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Milking Time B4 Chapter 1 Jeannes Indoctrina

This story involves a group of shemales who live on an island thatexists in our world, but they chose to remain mostly isolated. That's partof the reason I also call them amazons.The shemales in my stories have genitalia that start at JohnHolmes' size, and then get much, much bigger. (This is a work of fantasy afterall.) So if extreme size is not to your liking, I suggest you go elsewhereand pick another story.This story is copyrighted and may not be posted anywhere without myexpress written...

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Milking Sissy

The bondage wasn't necessary. The straps are there really as more of a ritual and now something I took comfort in due to its familiarity. My make up wasn't necessary either. Well, not really. But I no longer face the day without having at least some lipstick on. Thanks to what my Master had tattooed, I usually don't need much more than that. When it's time for my milking however, I like to make sure I'm as pretty as I can be. Especially if my Master decides to make use of me while...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 10 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 10: Clyda & Jordan Part 4As Jordan and Clyda lay on the bed and basked in the warm afterglow following sex, Jordan reached over and pulled Clyda's head close to her and whispered, "Could I have more, please, mistress?" Clyda's eyes widened in astonishment. "They told me that you were a horny little thing, but I had no idea, you'd want it again so soon." "Now that I've felt how good it can be here, I can't seem to get enough of it," replied Jordan. "All right then," said Clyda. "If...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 9 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 9: Clyda & Jordan Part 3For a few moments, Jordan lay on the bed and simply gasped in astonishment at what she'd just done, and the incredible glowing feeling of sexual excitement that was rushing through her. Clyda's cum had tasted more delicious and more satisfying than anything Jordan could recall, and she had loved every second of the blow job she had given Clyda. Clyda lay down next to Jordan, and for a moment, they simply held each other. Clyda had let her cock soften and...

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Milking my exwife Angeliques huge tit

Milking my fat ass wife Angelique’s huge tits...Using a real cow milking machine..... Angelique really tried like hell to please me from the day we met in anyway she could just to show me just how much she thought she loved me and wanted to stay with me, cause I was the best thing that ever happened to her fat ass and she damn well knew it. Hell she would do any damn thing I told her to do, no matter how wild, fucked up or i*****l it was. I explained to her the first time we ever went out,...

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Milking my exwife Angeliques huge tits

My Wife Angelique Marie, My Milk Cow Slut...Well me and Angelique had a dumb ass marriage where she tried to please me in anyway she possibly fuckin could. So I told her one afternoon to follow me into the living room I had a secret video tape I’d made of her without her ever knowing I’d made it and I wanted her to watch it with me. It was one of the many video’s I’d made of her after I’d d**gged her stupid fat ass a few weeks ago then took her over to my best friends dairy barn and hooked her...

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Milking Time B4 Chapter 12 The Main Event Afterm

Chapter 12: The Main Event - AftermathTiffany, Clyda, Dee Dee and Ebony slowly backed away from Jordan in exhaustion. Jordan was literally drenched in sperm from head to toe after the marathon ordeal she had just been put through. Only Barocca seemed to still be anxious and ready to keep on going. "Well, I don't know about the rest of you," said Ebony, "but after almost five hours of non-stop sex from all five of us, I think Jordan's more than passed her final test with us. What do you say,...

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Milking Day

Milking Day had arrived at last, finally after three weeks in my chastity cage my Mistress was going allow me to milk my cock for her entertainment and my pleasure. It was usally only two weeks I have to wait but because I wasn't able to produce enough cock juice from my last milking my Mistress punished me saying I needed more down time in order for the buildup in my balls (I am required to consume all that I produce, my Mistress enjoys watching & humiliating me as I lap up the cum I just...

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Milking my wife Angeliques huge tits like sh

Milking my Wife Angelique’s big tit’s... I put her big tit’s on a real dairy cow milking machine and milked her dumb ass bone dry....... My dumb ass wife Angelique always tried to please me from the very first day we met no matter what it was in everyway she could, to show me how much she “so called” really loved and wanted to stay with me. Hell she’d do anything I tell her stupid ass to do, no matter how damn wild it was. I told her the first day we got together how much I liked wild and...

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Milking my wife Angeliques huge tits with a

Milking my Wife Angelique’s big tit’s... I put her big tit’s on a real dairy cow milking machine and milked her dumb ass bone dry....... My dumb ass wife Angelique always tried to please me from the very first day we met no matter what it was in everyway she could, to show me how much she “so called” really loved and wanted to stay with me. Hell she’d do anything I tell her stupid ass to do, no matter how damn wild it was. I told her the first day we got together how much I liked wild and...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 1 Midnight Meeting

This story involves a group of shemales who live on an island thatexists in our world, but they chose to remain mostly isolated. That's partof the reason I also call them amazons.The shemales in my stories have genitalia that start at JohnHolmes' size, and then get much, much bigger. (This is a work of fantasy afterall.) So if extreme size is not to your liking, I suggest you go elsewhereand pick another story.This story is copyrighted and may not be posted anywhere without myexpress written...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 10 Ebony Duz Clyda

Chapter 11: A Night To Remember - Ebony Duz TiffanyTiffany strode over to Ebony, and reached out her arms to embrace her. Tiffany placed her hands on Ebony's and leaned over so that she was sure to feel her large breasts on either side of her head. Ebony moved the side of her face to nuzzle in closer to Tiffany's right breast. Tiffany smiled to herself and held Ebony's hands tightly as the two girls groped closely together. "You always did love a great set of tits, didn't you, Ebony?" asked...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 3 Ebony Jordan Part

Chapter 3: Ebony & Jordan Part 2"Okay," said Ebony. "See that pile of mats over there? Get on top, and stretch out on your back. I'm gonna feed that little blonde pussy of yours its first dose of real cock that it's ever had on the Island." Jordan moved over to a large pile of floor mats that Ebony indicated, and climbed on top as she instructed. Now Jordan was lying in a horizontal position, but she was elevated several feet off the floor. "That's perfect girl," said Ebony, as she...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 11 Clyda Jordan Part

Chapter 11: Clyda & Jordan Part 5Jordan awoke a few minutes later, to find that she'd been turned back over onto her stomach, and was lying on the pile of pillows again. The first thing Jordan noticed was a probing, almost burning sensation in her ass. "What happened?" muttered Jordan, as she regained consciousness. "And what happened to my rear? It feels funny." "I see you're awake," replied Clyda. "That's good, because I certainly don't intend on letting you sleep through what's going...

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Milking my wife Angeliques tits with a real cow milking machine

Milking my wife Angelique’s tits... Using a real milking machine for dairy cows..... *** Angelique tried her best to please me from the day we met no matter what it was and in any way she could to show me just how much she really loved and wanted to stay with me. Hell she would do anything I told her to do, no matter how crazy or illegal it was! I told her the first time we got together how much I liked extremely wild and freaky sex and she was all for it, hell she couldn’t wait to see how far...

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Milking my wife Angeliques huge tits with a cow milking machine

Milking my Wife Angelique’s big tit’s... I put her big tit’s on a real dairy cow milking machine and milked her dumb ass bone dry....... My dumb ass wife Angelique always tried to please me from the very first day we met no matter what it was in everyway she could, to show me how much she “so called” really loved and wanted to stay with me. Hell she’d do anything I tell her stupid ass to do, no matter how damn wild it was. I told her the first day we got together how much I liked wild and very...

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Milking Factory

Milking Factory. Chapter 1: Brother of President Crimson "Welcome, to my factory Davy, brother" said president Jacob Crimsonof the Louisiana Milking Factory to his brother "As you can see you treatour animals well." Davy seemed uneased seeing naked women with lactation devices attached totheir breasts. "In this factory, are the lights on continuously?" hesaid. "Yes, of course, according to regulations 45588//22 of 2025. We haveto, you see. The cows produce less milk when there's night." "I...

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Milking Machine Alan

Milking Machine AlanAlan had his sweet little tongue buried inside a tight hole... his tongue tip alternately thrusting and spinning in circles. The taste and smell of warm honey flooded his mouth and nose. His hands were sliding loose skin up and down a large shaft, milking it. The staff throbbed so hard it seemed to quiver. Vibrations from the special seat he was straddling sent shock waves all the way to his cute toes. Alan and his dad both panted. They both felt so lucky to be with...

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Milking Mommy

This is another story of F amily perversion and y oung i nsest. If these topics disturb you,do not read them!Mommy and I had been fucking each other,almost every single day,for over a year. And when Mommy's "B aby B ump" started to show,we made the decision to move away. We agreed that living in a small town,putting up with all of the gossip and nosey neighbors just wasn't worth the hassle any more. And neither was Mommy going to work at her shitty job and me dealing with the assholes at my...

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Milking ItChapter 3

Belle wakes up the next day with the warmth of the sun on her face. Her horny roommates have left her to her restful slumber. They are no doubt off right now someplace enjoying the sweet feeling of each other’s asses. If not that then they are luring in some unsuspecting cow into a no-holds barred three way for a repeat of what they had done with Belle just the day before. It is almost noon. As Belle rises to her feet and admires her naked body in the full length mirror at the corner of...

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Milking Matthew

My fascination with the milking device started when I was much younger My fascination with the milking device started when I was much younger.Perhaps it had something to do with the almost sci-fi, devious aura about it. A device, so simple, yet so cruel. One that would strip a man of all of his pride systematically while I watched. A sure-fire way to make him squirm; and even as a young girl I loved the images in my mind of a man struggling helplessly against tight bond.It used to be...

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Mortimer and Myrtle A Love Story

Note: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry.Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...

Love Stories
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Milking Hard nana414

Rahul as c***d grew up with his aunt Smita. She treats Rahul as her own c***d and even Rahul treats her like her mother. Both of them share a very deep understanding for each other. Smita is a woman of 35, whitish complexion and waist long black hairs. As an Indian woman she wears sari and blouse which makes her look sexier than in any other outfits. Her bosoms’ are really huge and her blouse seems to hold her two beautiful breasts with real difficulty.After having her own c***d she is breast...

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Milking Hard

Rahul as child grew up with his aunt Smita. She treats Rahul as her own child and even Rahul treats her like her mother. Both of them share a very deep understanding for each other. Smita is a woman of 35, whitish complexion and waist long black hairs. As an Indian woman she wears sari and blouse which makes her look sexier than in any other outfits. Her bosoms’ are really huge and her blouse seems to hold her two beautiful breasts with real difficulty. After having her own child she is breast...

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Milking Machines by loyalsock

The room was large, at least seventy by one hundred feet, with a series of televisions sets hanging from the ceiling that were broadcasting the days latest soap operas to the one hundred twenty women sitting quietly in overstuffed easy chairs!!! But along with the sound of the dialog come from the sets, a steady whir could be heard eminating from the electric milking machines that were connected to the breasts of each woman there!!! Most of the women were in their early twenties, and after...

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Milking Men

I am an athletic male who is in good physical shape. Like all men I do love handjobs and I don't really care who gives them to me. I'm really into BDSM and visit a dominatrix on a regular basis. We know each other quite well. However, like all professionals in the BDSM scene, she refuses to give me a handjob. I always have to take care of myself in front of her. A few weeks ago, after one of my regular sessions, my dominatrix Anne asked me whether I would be interested in receiving handjobs...

1 year ago
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Milking machines

The room was large, at least seventy by one hundred women sitting quietly in overstuffed easy chairs!!! But along with the sound of the dialog come from the sets, a steady whir could be heard eminating from the electric milking machines that were connected to the breasts of each woman there!!! Most of the women were in their early twenties, and after having given birth to babies of their own and begun begun lactating, the Licky Lacky company hired them to produce milk for their special natural...

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The Liberation Of Father Mortimer

When Father Mortimer checked into the hotel it was eight in the evening.The room was a basic no frills double with a small bathroom. He would never stay in such a hotel if he was attending one of his ecclesiastical conferences but for what he had planned it was just perfect.He got down on his knees and bent his balding aged head over a black gilt leaf Bible he had respectfully placed on the edge of the bed.“Blessed Lord Jesus forgive me for my sins,” he muttered and crossed himself three...

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Milking Time B3 Chapter 10 Ebony Duz Clyda

Chapter 10: A Night To Remember - Ebony Duz ClydaEbony knew that she was ready to find another mate, and fuck someone senseless, and now Clyda was next on the list. Clyda reached out her arms, and eagerly embraced Ebony, as they began to explore each other's bodies. "Hello, Ebony," said Clyda. "I haven't had you in the longest time. After seeing what you just did to Dee Dee, I hope there's enough energy left in your cock for me." "Don't you worry about me, Clyda," replied Ebony. "Me and my...

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Milking My Milf

Chapter 1 I had just pulled on my underpants after taking a shower when Mom’s arms hugged me from behind as she nussled into my neck, “ Happy 20th birthday Dick.” “Hey Mom – what’s this shit!” I exclaimed as her hand fondled my crotch! “Mmmn, Twenty with plenty, an growing nicely,” she giggled, “ give your Mom a birthday kiss darling.” “Hell mom, leave it out!” I said amazed. She’d always been an impeccably prim mother: scorning make-up; content to show a virtuous vision of womanhood. Now...

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Milking Time is here Again

It has been sometime since I have written or posted anything on here. All is going well with myself and my 2 slaves alice and dianna. alice is 24/7 and dianna is here with us for 2 weeks out of every 4 weeks. We have been out and about doing many things and enjoying life and both slaves serve me very well and I am extremely lucky to own two very beautiful and sexy slave girls.About 3 months back having read my post regarding my first slave and her becoming a my Hucow, I decided it was time to...

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Vengeful VirginChapter 20 Joan Finds a Friend

Joan was happy. Perhaps happier than ever before. A new school. And a new schoolyear. But, most important, a new companion. It was four months since she'd accepted the inevitable and separated from Don. And Julie. She still loved him but Don definitely had not come to terms with her promiscuous behaviour, and she didn't blame him. And now she had Laura but she felt a strong resentment towards her sister. Somehow she was going to get even. Joan surveyed Laura's slender, shapely form as...

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Milking Time B2 Chapter 5 Ebony Jordan Part

Chapter 5: Ebony & Jordan Part 4The onslaught from Ebony continued throughout the afternoon. Jordan lost track of how many times her ass, her pussy and her throat had been violated by Ebony. Sometimes Ebony would talk to and tease Jordan as she fucked her steadily and powerfully. Other times, Ebony was a raging b**st with no thought for anything but her own pleasure and release. The only thing that remained constant was the incredible and almost unceasing pounding that Ebony exerted on...

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Sandy and RandyChapter 2 Daytime Funtime

After the close call and excitement, in more ways than one, of that first night together, Sandy decided they better cool it a bit so Mom wouldn’t get suspicious. Mom also went back on day shift, 8am – 8pm, so bedtime was less private, but days were not such a problem. Randy tried to act normal around Mom and of course, around Sandy, but he did have some issues like being quieter and more protective. Mom just thought he was getting older and closer to starting into puberty, especially now...

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milking kimberly

Milking KimberlyBy Esmeralda GreeneGary hooked his thumb vaguely in the direction of the room that he and Kimberly had converted to a nursery. "Kim's feeding the li'l one," he said. "She'll be out in a few minutes." He often referred to his new baby as "the li'l one." In fact her name was Emily, but at six months, I suppose "the li'l one" is as good a tag as any. Then with his other hand he hooked a thumb toward the hallway that lead to his music studio. "Sheila, I wanted to show you the folio...

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Milking Captive Teens Tits

Hi‭! ‬My name is Bob and I'm one of those guys that some people hate.‭ ‬You see I'm so rich I don't have to work anymore.‭ ‬My good buddy Tom also inherited enough money to support a lavish life style for the rest on his life.‭ ‬We met in college and quickly discovered that we liked the same things.‭ ‬Mainly that involved seducing pretty coeds and then sharing them with each other. We pretty much fucked our way through college.‭ ‬We had a couple of scrapes with girls who claimed we had...

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Milking my mother

Part 1Let's start by saying that this isn't one of those stories where the mother has made it rich or is the perfect ten in every aspect. But how do I describe my mother? The woman who birthed me almost twenty years ago and has done her best to provide me with all I could ever need. I couldn't have asked for a more loving parent even if I'd wanted to. If I needed support in any way, she's always been there to pick me up and dust me off and then tell me everything will be ok. That no matter...

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milking the puppies

This night I was home alone, my hubby have an urgent work at the newspaper where he works keeping me alone with Mike our huge male German Shepard dog and his two puppies, Suzy our female dog died three weeks after she gave birth to those puppies and we decided not to give them away, it was a little after midnight when I decided to feed them so I left the TV on and went to the kitchen to prepare their milk dose when I discovered that my husband finished the last milk powder and did not tell me...

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Summertime Chapter One

Summertime: Chapter 1 By Tommie Summertime, and the living was easy. I had just graduated college and I was home for the summer. My parents were on vacation and I had the house to myself. I had settled into a relaxed routine. Up late, lazy breakfast, a little bit of work on the computer to keep my hand in for the programmer's job I was starting in the fall. Then, as often as not, a lazy afternoon reading in the back yard before soccer training in the evening. Soccer had paid my...

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Milking Time B4 Chapter 11 The Main Event Interl

Chapter 11: The Main Event - InterludeIt was twelve thirty on the Sunday afternoon of the Main Event. After having a light lunch, Barocca and Jeanne gathered all that they would need, and headed off to Dee Dee's lab. Barocca gave Jeanne a mild sedative just before they left. "What's this for, Barocca?" "When I stick you in the cloning machine, you've gotta lay as still as possible for two hours. This'll help you relax when the time comes." As they strolled through the corridors, the girls...

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Milking Time B4 Chapter 13 The Shit Hits The Fan

Chapter 13: The Shit Hits The FanThe next morning came too soon for everyone on the Island. No matter what their feelings, or which side they favored, all of the amazons had a sense that something drastic was going to happen today, and that things would not be the same again for them. Tiffany had called an emergency meeting for nine o'clock, for the entire Island to be present, in order to decide Barocca's fate. At a little past eight o'clock, Dee Dee and Ebony walked through the corridors to...

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