A Gangbang Fantasy free porn video

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"Tell me about it." I shrugged.

"How can he just fire you after what you've done for him?" he leaned in. His face was close enough for me to smell him. My core tightened a little bit as I took a whiff.

"Apparently, it was not enough. I guess he just wanted me to give him a blowjob." I shook my head, still unable to believe that he actually asked me to suck his dick.

"That sucks. So what now?" he asked.

"I think I'm going to take a vacation." I sigh, holding my martini and flickered at the tiny umbrella. "Hawaii maybe."

"Romantic choice. Going with your boyfriend then?" he raised his eyebrow at me.


"A friend, perhaps?"

"I just moved here. You're the bestest friend I have in this part of town."

"God. Now that's pathetic." he chuckled.

"Would you rather join me instead?" I blurted out before realizing what I was asking of him. I would have blushed but the 3rd cup of martini had my face red already.

"Unlike you, Janice, I got a job." he leaned back to the chair and smiled. Smug bastard. I flipped him off.

"What is your job? Eric." I rolled his name out with the same emphasis as he did with mine.

"Getting inquisitive now are we." he said, "I work as an agent."

"Double oh Seven, or selling kitchen ware?" I quipped.

"Neither. I deal with commodity."

"What sort of commodity?" I narrow my eyes. Eric leaned in. His eyes turned serious. He looked around as if afraid of being heard by someone else.
"If I tell you, I'll have to kill you." he said and I bellowed.

"Come on. Serious. What do you deal with? I hope is not cocaine." I joked.

"Lame." he rolled his eyes. "I would never deal with that sort of crap. I deal with properties." he said proudly.

"Like selling houses?" I cocked an eye.

"Big houses."

"Really? Who's buying them?"

"Some people."


"Client confidentiality." he clicked his tongue and downed his fourth pint of beer.

"Come on. I've been telling you everything." I protested.

"I can't. It's unprofessional." he laughed. "Anyway, I'm done here. You?"

I looked at my martini glass. It was already empty, except for a few melted ice cubes and a piece of umbrella. "Yeah. Let's go."

When we were outside, the cold wind of November kissed our face. I tugged my trenchcoat tighter around me. The sky was already dark.

"Where do you stay?" he asked.

"5th Lake Bed street" I answered. I had grown quite comfortable with this man even for the fact that we'd just met two hours ago.

"I'll take you. I drive." he offered as he held out his hand. I cast him a smile and grabbed his hand, allowing him to guide me to his car. It hadn't occur to me that this man was actually really handsome. Even from the back I could tell he was a good man. I wondered if he would come up to my flat for a cup of coffee.
It wasn't a long walk. His car was only a few yards away from the bar. He opened the door for me and closed it as I sat comfortably inside. I fastened my seat belt dutifully before he climbed in to the driver's seat.

"Alright. Let's go." he gunned the engine and drove into the main street.

My mouth felt dry when I woke up. My head hurt a lot and instantly made me regretted to down the third serving of martini. To make things worse, my back was killing me as well. I took a deep breath and tried to turn my body to a more comfortable position. It was then I realized something was tugging my ankles and wrists. My eyes flew open instantly.

I was in my bed room lying on my king sized bed. My wrists and ankles were tied to the bedpost. The bed was large enough that I was essentially spreadeagled. I squirmed against the ropes around my limbs.

"Looks like your catch's awake." a man said. He had tousled black hair with a stubbly chin. His abs were well sculpted and I wouldn't doubt that he might be an underwear model.

"Look's like she did." Eric came into view. "Alright boys, time to party."

The man with the black tousled hair beamed at me. I turned around the room and saw six more men. All of them, including Eric and him, were unbuckling their belts.

"Jake. You want to go first?" Eric said to him.

"Go what?" I mumbled. My voice was mushed into an unintelligible moan. Something was keeping my mouth from closing.
"We both can go. I'll take the pussy." Jake smirked.

"I'll take her mouth then." Eric climbed onto the bed and straddled between my chest. His manhood was huge with a couple of vein showing. It wasn't even completely hardened. I swallowed instinctively. I could already smell the musky scent of his cock.

Jake climbed up as well and positioned himself between my legs. I felt the tip of his cock rubbing along my exposed cleft. It was then I realized I was completely naked.

"Woah." Eric held my head down with two hands. "She's a feisty one."

With a tug, he pulled my head up. My gaping mouth took in his entire length. I gagged at the sudden intrusion.

His cock was twitching inside me and it was still growing, expanding its size, stretching my mouth. He kept my head locked in position, preventing me from pulling back. My tongue had no where else to go but to lick the bottom of his shaft.

"Mmm." he growled.

My body shuddered as a sharp pain ruptured between my legs. I groaned at the brutal assault as the second cock forced its way inside me.
"Oh, she has a tight pussy." Jake exclaimed. "You sure she's not a virgin?"

"Does it make a difference?" Eric retorted.

"No." Jake groaned and he began thrusting his hips against mine. The bed squeaked at his undulating weight. My pussy screamed in pain against the merciless intrusion. I didn't see Jake's cock but from the moment he penetrated me, I knew he was big. My pussy was practically stretched to the limit as the tight lips flowered around him.

Eric thrust his hips to my mouth, his cock rubbing against my wet inner cheeks and tongue. He pushed all the way in until his tip was at the back of my throat. I tried biting him several times to ward him off but the metallic frame kept my teeth harmlessly apart.

The two pumped inside me at their own personal pace, both minding their own business, both having their own personal time with a part of me. Something stirred inside my stomach and I couldn't quite put it. I barely knew these men yet the moment they forcefully took me something inside me exploded. It wasn't fear. It was something else. Something virile. Something exotic.

"Ughhhh..." I moaned through Eric's cock when Jake quickened his pace, mercilessly pounding my pussy with unchallenged access. My pussy clenched against his hard cock, greedily milking him for his hot cum.

As soon as Jake shifted gears, Eric did so no longer than a minute later. Sometimes their thrusts coincided and both cocks slammed into me at the same time. The other half of the time their cocks were alternatively hammered into me, sending me into sensory overload. My head was sucked into a swirling whirlpool of ecstasy. I couldn't focus anymore and my body reacted at the most basic form of instinct.

I came! Hard.

My back arched as my pussy exploded into violent release. The tilting of my hips allowed Jake to penetrate me further into my core which turned my inside a foundry of hotness. I squeezed around his cock, forcing him to give in to my pussy's demand. In mere seconds, his cock spurted out a healthy amount of hot cum right into me.

"Ohhh..." Jake sang breathlessly and left my pussy. His warm cum slowly leaked out of my gaping pussy.

"Fuck!" Eric cursed.

Before I could fully appreciate the warmth spreading inside my core, Eric's throbbing cock released its load deep into my throat. I didn't even hesitate and swallowed his salty seeds. My tongue swirled innocently around his tip and cleaned off whatever bit of cum still left.

As Eric was still recovering from his mind-blowing orgasm and his cock shrinking inside my mouth, Jake left the bed. A second later, another man climbed on to the bed and pressing his cock onto my mount. He rubbed his shaft along my wet pussy, teasing me.

When Eric left my mouth, the fresh cock slammed deep into my core. I jerked against the restrain as he massive log stretched me deliciously.

"You're right, man. She's tight." the man between my legs said. Eric moved from the bed and I saw the man fucking me. He had blond hair, swept backwards. His torso was bulking and a snake tattoo on the right side of his chest. I turned my attention to the thing going in and out between my legs. It was huge. I couldn't believe I took that thing without tearing anything.

Then, another man came into view. His cock stood right in front of my eyes. Very hard and throbbing. He wasted no time and as quickly as he got up the bed he plunged his manhood into my gaping mouth. I took his cock deep into the back of my throat and I almost gagged.

A mouth cupped my left nipple and I squealed at the delightful touch of the coarse tongue. My right nipple didn't receive the pleasurable treatment as the left, instead, it was pinched brutally. My mind shattered into million pieces as ecstasy exploded inside me. Torn between the pleasure of my left and pain of my right, and the merciless penetration in my mouth and pussy, I was once again brought to a mind-blowing orgasm.

"The slut came." The man fucking my pussy groaned. "Come more for me, bitch." he growled and I felt his thumb rubbing against my clitoris.
I groaned at the collective assault on all my sensitive parts, especially my clitoris. I felt another torrent of orgasm lurking nearby. It hadn't been a minute passed since my second orgasm and I wanted to cum again. If my mental calculation's right, there were four more left that hadn't fuck me yet. And I had a feeling that they won't stop just there.

Shit! I would died!

After being fucked by everyone in the room repeatedly, I was able to know all their names. The friendly cheer and casual conversations between them gave me not just their name, but a bit of their life. While I wasn't able to hear everything, ps: it was difficult to focus when you have one cock fucking your pussy and another fucking your mouth, I did manage to pick up certain details of their conversations.

Apparently, other than being fit to be models, they were all very rich too. Eric was an agent that deals with high-profile houses. He basically had the entire state's high value estate in his grasp and every dealing landed him a big fat paycheck of several hundred thousands. Jake and Brad acquired wealth from their parents and both were multimillionaires. Joseph, the redhead in the group, was a model for Armani Exchange but owned quite a few share in Bryan and Tyrone's company that made him a multimillionaire too. Felix wasn't particularly chatty among them but he did bet with Aaron to see who could make me cum more. Aaron won and Felix grudgingly handed his Rolex to the smug victor.

Hi, Eric, Jake, Brad, Joseph, Bryan, Tyrone, Felix and Aaron. I had a great time yesterday.

That's what I would have said if they hadn't woke me up with a cock in my mouth! Apparently, they hadn't finish with me yet.

They fed me with milk and cookies for breakfast after the third serving of cum. Brad, the guy with the snake tattoo, was told to get supplies with Joseph. Eric told them that they'd be staying here for quite some time. My stomach still quivered just thinking about the conversation they had.

"A week here?" Brad exclaimed. "Shouldn't we take her 'there'? Someone may be looking for her."

"Don't worry about it. She doesn't have any friends. She recently moved here. Plus, she doesn't have a job now." Eric said. "Don't you, slut." he patted my ass.
I would have said yes to that if Felix wasn't pumping his cock inside my mouth.

"Great. I hate it when you bring the girls 'there'. It's too damn far. Here's much better. It's only ten minute drive from my work. I will be pissed to have to spend 2 hours driving instead of using most of the time fucking this little sweet cunt." Tyrone said, humping his cock behind me. Mind you, I was on all four with shackles on my ankles and wrists.

Girls? How many girls were there before me? Was I just another replacement, like a new bulb swapping out the old? And for some reason, the thought made my blood boil.

"If we are planning to stay here," Jake said, "I need a mattress."

They are sleeping here?!

"Yeah. Jake's right. I don't want to drive back and forth to my home." Bryan added.

"You two can share the bed in the bedroom with Janice. I'm sure she won't mind." Brad suggested.

"The hell I would." Jake snapped. "I don't mind sleeping with her, but I'd be damn if..."

Tyrone's groan interrupted the conversation as he came, pumping his load inside my unprotected pussy. I shuddered at the warmth spewing out from his massive cock.

"Sorry." He apologized. "Don't mind me."

"The bed is filled with jizz, dude. I'd be damn if I were to sleep on it." Jake continued.

Tyrone pulled out his collapsing cock. His large load leaked out and crept along my inner thigh. I could feel the wake of his merciless assault emanating like a burning fire in my pussy. It was definitely sore and swollen to a bright red. And extremely wet. Luckily for me, no one seemed to be interested to take his place and resume having me fucked.

"Come on. We've been swapping cum with our dicks while fucking her." Eric said.

"I can fuck with your cum inside her. But I won't lie on a bed knowing that your cum could be at the back of my head." Jake retorted.

"Point taken." Eric said. "Can you get us a few mattresses while getting the supplies?"

"Oh God!" Felix growled quietly and shuddered. His warm seeds was shot into my mouth.

"Are you fucking kidding me? A week's supplies and mattresses? No way I can carry that."

"I can go with you." Joseph offered. "Need to get her birth control too."

"You don't have to." Aaron said. "She has an IUD. We can fuck her for years and not getting her pregnant."

"How do you know?" Joseph asked. I was curious too. How did he know?

"While fingering her yesterday, I touched a short string. An IUD always has a short string behind it for easy removal." he elaborated. "Don't believe me?" he plunged two fingers inside me and parted my pussy. "See."

I felt the whole world was watching me now. Even Felix removed himself from my mouth and went to the back. My stomach cringed and I was aroused again. I wasn't sure if the plunging of the fingers that got me going or the fact that everyone here was staring into my most intimate part.

"I can't see shit." Brad complained.

The fingers parted further and I jerked.

"The tiny green string?" Brad asked.

"Yup." Aaron affirmed.

After seeing the IUD for themselves, Brad and Joseph went to shop for supplies. Tyrone didn't stay, saying that he needed to go to his office for a couple of hours to settle an internal problem. After his departure, the rest of them except Eric got on with their morning routine. Eric took me to bed. He unshackled my wrists before tying them to the upper bedpost with a rope. He did the same thing to my ankles as well. However, instead of a spreadeagle, my legs were lifted up and my back curved into a C as he tied my ankles to the same posts he tied my wrists to. MY pussy was practically facing the ceiling. Once I was completely bound again, he moved back to appreciate his work.

"I have a client today. But don't worry, Brad and Joseph will be back in an hour or two." He said sardonically, his fingers rubbing along my swollen slit. "In the meantime, these three will keep you company."

Eric pulled out three pink egg vibrators. Each vibrator was attached to a small controller with a long wire. He slid the vibrators into my pussy one by one. When all three were inside, he pressed the vibrators firmly until it was fitted snugly inside me.

"There." he said, satisfied with his work. "It should stay inside."

I didn't doubt that. Gravity's making sure of that.

One by one, he turned the vibrators on. I was surprised when he turned on the final one. It was no where as powerful as I'd imagine. I always thought it would be stronger. And there were three of them pulsating inside me too.

"It's at low setting." he smiled as if telling me he knew what I was thinking. "I don't want you to come too much. Just enough to keep you wet until we are all back."

He walked out the room. "And then you can come all you want." he said and my core instantly clenched sweetly against the mild vibrations.

An hour later, my pussy was overflowing. My juice crept until it pool at my stomach. I had been trying to push those bastards out. They were driving me crazy. Constantly edging me to a point of no release. I tossed my body. I twerked my hips. I even tried to squeeze them out. Every time I did a little, gravity would just pull them back down into my excellently lubricated pussy. Nothing would get them out.

Another hour past and I was at the verge of losing my mind. I had banged my head against the pillow to knock some sense back. My pussy throbbed against the mild pulsation within, desperate for a long sought release. I groaned through my gag.

The door swung open. I turned and saw Brad. He's eyes met mine and something seemed to amuse him as his lips curved to a lopsided grin.
"Want to cum?" he asked.

I didn't respond. Despite my tendency to enjoy being fucked by eight fit men, I wouldn't acknowledge that fact to any of them. I still had my pride.
"She didn't nod. Eric." he talked into the phone. "But I can see that she's crying for an orgasm."

He looked at me and then laughed. "She's soaking wet but nice try. I really can't miss it. Look, Eric. I'll be back in another two hour. Don't worry. She's not going anywhere.Yeah. Joseph got a call from his manager and ran off..." his voice trailed off as he closed the door.

Another two hours! FUCK!

I trashed against the restraint. I was screaming inside. I couldn't stand for another two hour with these inside me. I would die.

Just when all hope was lost, they suddenly stopped. All three of them. Not at the same time, but one by one the vibration gradually died down.

I let out a sigh of relief. The batteries must be dead. My body relaxed instantly. The vibrators were now just three dormant plastic objects. I couldn't have been much happier. I was about to cheer in victory when Brad swung the door open.

"Let me check, hold on." he said to the phone.


He slid a finger into my glistening pussy. "Yup. Battery's dead." he went out of the room again. In a short while, he came back.

"Extra long life." he read from the packaging and smirked at me.

I shook my head. I would have begged if my mouth wasn't gagged. I would have told him to fuck my pussy or my mouth.

Anything but that! I screamed inwardly.

Soccer was never my thing. I never understood the reason for twenty two men to chase over one ball no larger than a watermelon. I never understood the excitement of it. In fact, I would rather watch some documentary about a long lost tribe in Africa than watching soccer.

But today was different. I was watching football. Arsenal was up against Chelsea. Why, you might ask. It's because the eight men surrounding me were watching.

Brad, Eric, and Joseph supported Arsenal. It was obvious judging from their attire. I didn't know which group the rest supported but clearly it was not Chelsea. None of them wore Chelsea jersey.

"Which team will win?" Jake looked at me.

My mouth was no longer gagged but I didn't feel like answering. It's not like it meant anything at all. When he kept looking at me, expectant for an answer, I obliged. "The team wearing red?"

"Arsenal. Good choice." Brad chirped in and took a swig of beer. He was sitting on the floor right in front of me.

Does it really matter? I thought silently. Why would they even want to watch soccer with me? In fact, why would they watched soccer here? There were many places that could offer satellite TV and a 32 inch plasma. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a 70 inch TV in their own home. A most of all, I thought they would come back and fuck me all over again. But they didn't.

Brad came back first and released me. I pulled out the fucking vibrators as soon as my hands were freed. Before my hands could dive back in to finish what the vibrators failed to, Brad grabbed hold of me. He tied my hands behind me without much resistance. In fact, I didn't think I put up any resistance at all. There's no point. One of them was enough to manhandle me easily. Throw in seven more, it was an overkill.

He took me to the bathroom and asked me to clear my bowel. I crapped and pissed and was then taken to the shower. Brad kept me company while I cleaned myself, perhaps he was making sure that I didn't kill myself. I could hardly do that with my hands tied behind me. And I didn't even feel sad or angry. If anything, I kind of felt liberated. Like I was dragged from my frustration of losing my job and put into the care of eight wealthy good looking men. Even though by care I meant constant fucking.

Once cleaned and dried, he gave me a short dress to put on. It was white with lacing at the hem. The hem was just a couple of inches lower than my pussy and my nipples peaked through the thin material. Without any underwear, it practically didn't cover anything at all. But then beggars can't be choosers. I didn't expect they'd want me to put on anything at all in the first place.

Brad also fed me lunch. Properly this time. I wasn't on four with a cock in my pussy like how it was during breakfast. I was seated at my dining table and was served a plate of spaghetti meatball. Once I was done eating, Brad led me to my couch and told me to sit. He also warned me not to touch myself. My hands were never tied again after I put on the dress but even without the warning, I was too full to masturbate. Instead, I took a nap.

When I woke up, I was flanked by Jake and Aaron. In front of me was Brad and beside him was Felix. The single couch was taken by Eric. Joseph dragged the dining chair to the living room and sat on it. Bryan and Tyrone both laid on their own recliner that they brought here. They were really making themselves at home, in my home!

"Want a beer?" Aaron asked me. He was the leanest among the eight. His large geeky glasses and his turtleneck fetish made me thought of someone famous but I couldn't remember who.

"Yeah." I said.

"Here." he passed me an opened bottle of beer. I took a long pull and didn't stop until only a quarter of the content was left.

"Thanks. I needed that." I sighed.

"I bet you did." he smirked. Even with those geeky glasses, he still came out to be quite hot.

"Goal!" The room exploded. I jerked and almost dropped my beer. It would be a bummer to taint my newly bought carpet with beer.

The rest of the match went off rather uneventfully. After Arsenal's goal, the losing side took up defense. After countless of dribbling, passing and kicking the ball, and sometimes the rather nerve-wreaking corner kicks, the match ended with 1-0. The commentator was up and beginning to cast their analysis about the match.

"Arsenal once again securing its place in the league and..."

The TV was offed.

The eight men turned to me and their eyes were virile. The sudden change of atmosphere caused me to cringe inwards. I once saw a doe being surrounded by a pack of wolves in an animal documentary. I always wondered how I would feel in such a position. I knew now.

"We have a present for you." Eric grinned. He then turned to Jake, whom took out a thin velvet box.

Jake took away my empty bottle before placing the box on my hands and asking me to open it. I flipped open the cover, revealing a strip of brown leather collar with a rectangular silver tag hung at the middle. When I read the words on the tag, I clamped my thighs together.

"Property of The Eight." I read silently.

"Here, I'll put it on you." Jake offered.

What the fuck!

Without seeking my approval, he took the collar and wrapped around my neck. The clip clicked. Instead of being offended like I should, I felt a strange comfort knowing that I belonged to them. It's like I had a place to go to.

The second click caught back my attention. I turned around and saw a leash connecting to the back of the collar.

"You are our bitch now." Brad said.

Jake then grabbed a handful of my hair. He didn't pull hard, but merely guided me to his lower region. I saw his erection, trapped under the tight blue jeans he's wearing. He opened his fly efficiently and pulled his cock through the opening. Pre-cum coated the tip of his cock.

I didn't resist but merely opened my mouth to take him in. Without the metal frame keeping my mouth open, I could finally tightly wrap my lips around him, feeling his length completely. I swirled my tongue around his tip and then stroked it as I took it deeper.

Someone grabbed me by the hips and lifted me until both my knees were on the sofa. The hem of my skirt raised above my hips, revealing my pussy to whomever was behind me. The smooth penetration into my pussy made me realized how wet I was. The low growl escaped from his throat as he sheathed his massive cock into my pussy told me that it was Aaron.

Once the two shot their load inside me, I was pulled by the leash towards Eric. He was still sitting on the single sofa but his cock was out of his pants. Unable to think clearly, I obeyed and straddled him. I lowered my hips and my pussy swallowed his massive length. As I rode him, Brad came from behind and began nudging his cock on my asshole. I wanted to protest but before I could, Felix grabbed my face and plunged his cock into my mouth.

Without the ability to verbally deny entry, my hands flew back in an attempt to push Brad away. He grabbed my wrists and held it with one hand, effectively subduing my resistance. His cock continued to dig deeper into my reluctant asshole.

"Damn it. It's too dry." Brad complained.

Suddenly, Eric lifted me up by my waist and removed his cock from my pussy. Brad muttered thank you to him and then thrust his dry cock into my wet cleft. He pounded his meat into me for a few times and then took it back out.

"Noooo...." I protested through the Felix's cock.

With Brad's cock coated with my juice, my reluctant asshole yielded to his massive cock as he sank into me in one hard thrust. I screamed at the painful invasion. I could feel my anus being torn apart.

Regardless of my screams, Brad fucked me. With Eric and Felix fucking my other two holes, the painful claim of my asshole soon faded into the growing pleasures. The constant fucking quickly turned my brain into mush. I couldn't think other than wanting more. I never thought being fucked in the ass could be so enjoyable. Perhaps it wasn't but only served to heighten the pleasure of my assaulted pussy. Soon, everything melted away as my body ruptured into the most powerful orgasm I'd ever had in my life.My body shuddered and then went limped.

But even then, they would not stop. Eric held my body up and Felix held my head. The three would continued to pummel all my orifice until they cummed. Then, the next man would take their place. And the next. And the next. Just like Eric said, it was only nine. Tomorrow's a Sunday. They had just only started.

My eyes flew open and I jolted up from my bed. I was heaving. My t shirt's soaked with perspiration.

I looked to my side and found Eric sleeping soundly. His soft snoring permeated the room.

I could only stare silently. Was that all...just a dream?


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Gangbang for Middle Aged Men

I pulled my oldest beater Volvo into a parking space opposite Cathy’s apartment just at 12:30 pm. I had hoped to be early, say 15 minutes, so I would be first into her apartment, actually had a fantasy of the other guys coming into the apartment as I was eating her pussy and making her squirt. Instead, I figured at least a couple other guys would be there when I arrived. I spied two other middle-aged guys crossing the parking lot, aimed at Cathy’s entranceway. If either of those men were...

1 year ago
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Gangbang Sisters

There are sluts in this world, and then there are sluuuuuuts. I'm talking about sluts that make your average bar whore look like Mr. Rogers with a pussy. These kinds of sluts only come around a few times in a generation, and most die unknown to the world, never getting the flowers their pussy deserves.Whore LegacyI would like to take a moment to recognize all of the sluts whose names have been lost to the sands of time. You did good work while you were on this earth. Were it up to me, the...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Gangbang Girls Diary

It all seemed to happen so nonchalantly... I admit I ran with a rough crowd when I was younger. Since I was an overprotected girl from a wealthy family, I was eager to rebel as soon as my teens hit. There was such an incredible rush from doing illicit acts, I was instantly hooked! It started with trying cigarettes and shoplifting little items, and quickly turned to drinking beer, doing d**gs, and giving blowjobs after class to the bad boys in school my parents had forbidden me to see!By the 9th...

2 years ago
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Gangbang Of Slutty Diya And Priya Bhabhi

Hey Guys, I got a great response from all of you guys. So Without wasting any more time lets continue. For people who don’t know me please read to get a better picture of me and also the story. So Diya was very angry with me because I didn’t give her any attention. Last few days I was busy with Priya Bhabhi. She couldn’t bear it that I gave a lot of importance to Priya. In her mind, she thought that I like Priya more than her. I tried to convince her but it was not working. During Diya’s...

2 years ago
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Gangbang Slut

Gangbang SlutI recall the time I invited some guys back to my flat. One of the guys a friend and I had a threesome with some time ago. He was in town on a night out with two of his friends and it was obvious he had been telling them how my friend and I fucked this guy into oblivion. These guys took me home and gangbanged me like the filthy slut I am. Here’s how it came about. I was on a night out acting my usual flirty slutty self with a bunch of people from where I work.. The crowd I was with...

3 years ago
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It was our first summer without our dad. He passed away of a heart attack last November. We hemmed and hawed for a long time before deciding to continue our annual family camping trip. For over twenty-five years we had spent the first week of August at Lake Wellenchuk as a family. It wasn't our only family ritual, but it was one we had kept up even as our lives got hectic with college, an almost wedding and the rest of it. So it was with a heavy heart, and only the third time since dad's...

1 year ago
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Gangbang Women In Heat A Cameramans Perspective

I remember the first time I saw Tara. I was the cameraman for Gangbang - Women In Heat and she was a relative newcomer to the world of porn. She was only 21 years old but from the moment I saw her I was hooked. She had a beautiful face and long straight blond hair. Her 38DD tits and her firm round ass were an irresistible combo. She was one fuckable babe. I had left my apartment that morning and headed for the studio; I was an average looking 35-year-old man, alone after an early night of...

2 years ago
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Gangbang in a van Chapter 4 Anal creampies for

The final chapter in the ganbang in a van story in the adventures of Diannaromo as she take a gangbang anal pounding and like the filthy big titted filthy mommy fuck whore she really is, she can't get enough of it....Gangbang in a van - Chapter 4: Anal creampies for mommy Diannaromo With those words Dianna found hands all over her, mauling at her, grabbing her hair, big tits, arse, cunt and legs as she is forced over onto her tummy. Dianna is so fucking helpless and could do nothing as her head...

2 years ago
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Gangbang Mommy

GANGBANG MOMMY Summary: A drunk Mother at the lake ends up fucking all three of her sons. NOTE 1: I would like to thank my editors for all their dedication to my stories. Kisses and more to Steve B and Estragon. GANGBANG MOMMY It was our first summer without our dad. He passed away of a heart attack last November. We hemmed and hawed for a long time before deciding to continue our annual family camping trip. For over twenty-five years we had spent the first week of August at Lake Wellenchuk as...

2 years ago
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Gangbang Of Ayesha And Shreya

Hi, this is Kevin, I am back after a yearlong gap. For those who don’t know me, please go through . You won’t be disappointed. For those who are new and don’t know how to read the old stories just click my name ‘kevinstaton’ at the top and you will get access to all my previous encounters. So, in the first and second story, we talked about my girlfriend Diya. The third and fourth was about Priya bhabhi (everyone seemed to love her a lot). The fifth one was the epic gangbang of my girlfriend...

2 years ago
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I just want to share with you guys what I've experienced yesterday. It was another satisfying GANGBANG with a group of guys I met.I did a webcam show in Naughty Pinay room in room around 10 pm i think, and as usual, it was another great performance considering the comments thrown by the wankers watchers in the chatroom. Since there`s a lil problem on my room, I rested for a while, washed up my pussy and lay down.I received a phone call from someone who have seen me live in chatroom that night...

4 years ago
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Gangbang Fantasy Comes True

I have finally lived out one of my greatest fantasies. My name is Kathy and I'm a late 40's housewife and part time swinger. My husband Dave and I have done some swinging and we love the adventurous lifestyle. I've had a fantasy of enjoying and being enjoyed by a group of men. We've considered running an ad on a swingers website for a group to fulfill my fantasy. I do some online chatting from time to time and that is always good to make me nice and horny. I very rarely cam with the guys I...

1 year ago
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Gangbang Getaway

Despite what I have heard, being married has actually meant more sex. Not only more sex but different sex. Kinkier sex. Crazier sex. Just this past Spring my wife Brianne and I had our first group experience involving two male bartenders. It was something that has actually evolved our sex life into trying things like light bondage. We are still learning all the finer points of it but for now we are having fun tying Brianne up and “forcing” her into testing her sexual boundaries. I think what we...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Gangbang bus

She stood to walk to the bathroom at the back of the luxury tour bus but the vehicle lurched as it took a corner, and Maria wobbled on her sparkling silver high heels. She would have toppled if not for the strong hands of Mark who jumped to his feet and grabbed her, one arm encircling her right across her 34E breasts. They stood like that for a moment until the bus straightened and the danger of falling passed. Maria smiled her thanks up at him. "You don't need to go back there to get your...

2 years ago
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Gangbang doggy style

The 12 men sat around her in a circle, watching and waiting, some of them already stroking their cocks in anticipation. The door opened and Maria’s hubby led in a black Labrador cross, with a couple of the guys moving aside to let them pair through. Maria turned her head to watch the approaching dog, which was already showing signs of excitement, clearly having an idea of what was to come. Maria’s shapely big tits hung down superbly in the doggy position, quivering a little with her own...

1 year ago
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Gangbang Women In Heat A Cameramans Perspective

I had left my apartment that morning and headed for the studio; I was an average looking 35-year-old man, alone after an early night of casual sex with two women from yesterday’s movie. I relished having no family to account to on a daily basis since my divorce. My parents were deceased and my younger half brother Greg didn’t approve of my occupation. Greg was an uptight professional on Wall Street and thought that what I did was sleazy. I, on the other hand, thought I had the best...

2 years ago
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GangBang by BBC Sissy Slut

I'm really a pretty normal for the most part. Normal in the sense that I'm not unlike most people. I love music, albeit heavy metal, I love clothes and shopping, although most of my wardrobe is made up entirely of black dresses, band shirts, fishnets and cute thigh highs. I love to read and write, I love hanging out with friends and going out to concerts or the occasional night out drinking. I mean, I'm a transgender girl but I'm cute and passable and I think I blend into a crowd pretty...

3 years ago
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Gangbang bus

“I've got to get out of this bra, it's killing me," Maria declared.She stood to walk to the bathroom at the back of the luxury tour bus but the vehicle lurched as it took a corner, and Maria wobbled on her sparkling silver high heels. She would have toppled if not for the strong hands of Mark who jumped to his feet and grabbed her, one arm encircling her right across her 34E breasts.They stood like that for a moment until the bus straightened and the danger of falling passed. Maria smiled her...

1 year ago
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Gangbang Slut

I recall the time I invited some guys back to my flat. One of the guys a friend and I had a threesome with some time ago. He was in town on a night out with two of his friends and it was obvious he had been telling them how my friend and I fucked this guy into oblivion. These guys took me home and gangbanged me like the filthy slut I am. Here’s how it came about. I was on a night out acting my usual flirty slutty self with a bunch of people from where I work.. The crowd I was with were starting...

2 years ago
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I had been talking to a male friend of mine who I have known since we were in our 20's.He is one of my fuck buddies and knows me from my wild days.After a night of fucking he asked me if I have had any gangbangs lately.I said I hadn't and wasn't sure if my old body could take that anymore.He dropped the subject and I started thinking later how much fun that was having 3 or 4 guys all to myself.After a week of thinking about it I decided to talk to him about getting some guys together and having...

4 years ago
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Gangbang Paradise

Imagine...a dirty underground garage. There is ash dirt everywhere on the ground. Windows are so dirty they had turned a deep brown and hiding sight from either outside or inside the garage.There's one door that also serves as an exit. A couple of tough looking guys are looking like they're keeping guard.There are a few old lamps swinging from the roof.Below them, a dozen men surround me while one huge guy is fucking me while I'm dressed all slutty. I have my favorite long white thigh socks and...

1 year ago
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Gangbang bus

"I've got to get out of this bra, it's killing me." I stood to walk to the bathroom at the back of the luxury tour bus but the vehicle lurched as it took a corner, and I wobbled on my sparkling silver high heels. I would have toppled if not for the strong hands of Mark who jumped to his feet and grabbedme, one arm encircling right across my 34E breasts. We stood like that for a moment until the bus straightened and the danger of falling passed. I smiled my thanks up at him. "You don't need to...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Gangbang party at Ricks part 1

This weekend, Rick my b/f had a poker party, more like a poke her gangbang 6 of his horn dog buds had a female hooker she had a nice 200 cash out there, well she chickend out at the last min. she heard about the cock yes 8′ to 12′ and she diddnt want the money , said to rick no way, and who she was, OMG she was young n hot and we knew her. found out it was later.6pm no one there yet, everyone knows he is BI his buds did to. So he called me and said His party was a bust he needed a sissy slut...

3 years ago
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Gangbang at Ricks part 3

= Gangbang at Ricks part3 There i was knee deep in Big Cock. I don’t know why Guys like fight over a girl or gal the want to pound some Hot Wet, Tight, Hole real bad like a Bull. Wait a minute, I got to thinking, I am a guy in girl xxxy cothing. I got up told them all lets settle down, I was fresh fucked, Don his BBC, I was still Letting Daddy Rick up and my big load in his belly, he shot all over the sheets, He got up told me to clean up his mess, he made. Face down in his big load, Some one...

2 years ago
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Gangbang at Ricks part 2

Gangbang at Ricks part2 Don said were here you sexy slut, helped me out of the car, grabed my butt arm around me like he was showing me off look what i have for the party, opened the front door Rick and 6 of his buddies with just shirts on, a few of them stopped sucking. Everthing got quite for a min. when Damn our Hooker is over dressed, who’s first, I should have tape measured it was close to 90′ of cock all for me? The party just started. Sex music, some guys saying Danm, good head, I know I...

2 years ago
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Gangbang with Strangers

My roommates just left for 3 days and nights, and I had the whole house to myself, leaving me to take full advantage of the situation before me. I hadn't used Craigslist before, but I've browsed around it, and looked like I could find someone to fuck me and use me. I posted on there that I was looking for anyone at all, any body type big or small cock, as long as they were disease free. I just wanted to get down and dirty, and didn't care who it was. I posted some pics of my ass that are on my...

4 years ago
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Gangbang with my new Master

I was in a big room, a basement with couches lining the walls. It was dimly lit except for one light in the centre shining down on me. I can't really see anyone, though I can hear people in the room. A lot of people. When I had arranged the meet-up with the other xHamster user I had been flirting with online for so long, I never expected this. NEVER. He never mentioned anybody else, but just said to meet HIM at this exact place for our first real-life sexual meet-up. i was so stupid to have...

2 years ago
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This time I had a hot adventure with 3 guys, all of them top guys lucky me yay!! I met one of them like a month ago, we had an adventure together; after that time we wanted to experience something hotter so he planned a gangbang for me, we meet at his friend’s apartment who was not there that day. The guy I met a month ago became my friend with benefits (fwb). He invited another guy 19cm cock and with us was the guy who rents a room in the same apartment. (the tenant). Ok so now that I...

3 years ago
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Gangbang at Ricks part 5

Gangbang at Ricks part5 All of us left when we got up, I counted Heads (cock heads lol) still 8 nice size, and Kim n Me us Sissy's woke up first, i told her meet me in the shower, we can have fun cleaning each other for the rest of the day. trying not to wake them all up, but i had a big problem Nicks big soft cock head was still in me all night, it's going to get messy, his and Don's loads in my belly, Kim grab that big butt plug try to pull nick out of me, she knew pulled it did a...

1 year ago
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Gangbang at Ricks part 4

Gangbang at Ricks part 4 I got my C/D Sissy, BB bubblebutt tag teamed at my daddy's place. yes there was 9 big cocks, nothing under 7", Daddy Rick was needed a slut, party with his horny poker pals, was going to pay a hot cutie, it was a close friends daughter, found out later. 200 bucks + tips, Rick called me to help him out ASAP, get Dressed be ready to play the whole weekend. Well here is how fun we had...

4 years ago
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Gangbang at Ricks part 3

= Gangbang at Ricks part3There i was knee deep in Big Cock. I don't know why Guys like fight over a girl or gal the want to pound some Hot Wet, Tight, Hole real bad like a Bull. Wait a minute, I got to thinking, I am a guy in girl xxxy cothing. I got up told them all lets settle down, I was fresh fucked, Don his BBC, I was still Letting Daddy Rick up and my big load in his belly, he shot all over the sheets, He got up told me to clean up his mess, he made. Face down in his big load, Some one...

3 years ago
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Gangbang at Ricks part 2

Gangbang at Ricks part2 Don said were here you sexy slut, helped me out of the car, grabed my butt arm around me like he was showing me off look what i have for the party, opened the front door Rick and 6 of his buddies with just shirts on, a few of them stopped sucking. Everthing got quite for a min. when Damn our Hooker is over dressed, who's first, I should have tape measured it was close to 90" of cock all for me? The party just started. Sex music, some guys saying Danm, good head, I...

2 years ago
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Gangbang party at Ricks part 1

This weekend, Rick my b/f had a poker party, more like a poke her gangbang 6 of his horn dog buds had a female hooker she had a nice 200 cash out there, well she chickend out at the last min. she heard about the cock yes 8" to 12" and she diddnt want the money , said to rick no way, and who she was, OMG she was young n hot and we knew her. found out it was later.6pm no one there yet, everyone knows he is BI his buds did to. So he called me and said His party was a bust he needed a sissy slut...

2 years ago
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Gangbang Maria

Pervert and a group of 4 friends were at the beach, drinking some beers and talking about women. They were all really horny since every story spiced things up even more. They all had a thing in common, they liked to take advantage of girls in parties, either by getting them drunk, d**gged, or just k**nap them and screw them over without their consent.They always got away with it, giving fake names to girls, fucking them at parties really far away from home, these girls either didn't remember...

1 year ago
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You are on a party and drank a bit too much, champagne all evening long which made you quite horny. Next to you there are only 7 guys left.You are on the dance floor, dancing with a handsome guy, he is standing behind you, and with your dancing booty you can feel the boner in his pants. The other guys watch you with greedy eyes.You even enjoy their gaze, it makes your sweet wet pussy tickle. Suddenly, you grab his dick and massage it through his pants. you don´t care that all the other guys can...

4 years ago
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Gangbang Mom with Friends

My name is suneeth and I am a 15 year old guy studying in the final year of school in hyderabad, India. During the summer season it is sweltering hot and sweaty inside the house as we don’t have air conditioning. Hence I go up to the terrace to study under the light next to the stairwell.We live in a 4 storied apartment building and the terrace is shared by 36 other apartments. We have about 24 such apartments in our area. There are lots of young students in college and schools in our area and...

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GangBang Mom

Hi all..This is Vish here again with a new story of mine. This is my second post. This is a real story. I live in Ahmadabad. My father is working in another city as he has been transferred and promoted so he has to live alone as i do study in Ahmadabad and so mom has to live with me to take care of me. I am 18 years old. My mom’s name is Amita. She is very attractive and does have a good figure as well of 38-29-37. She is at the age of 38 but still she has maintained her figure As per my last...

2 years ago
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Gangbang in the Rain

Hi there! My name is JessiKa Harley. Spelled exactly how it looks. This sex story is based on one of my many sexual fantasies. Gangbang in the RainBy JessiKa HarleyI just got done doing a private lap dance at the strip club that I work at. I walked into the dressing room to change back into my normal clothes but it looks like I forgot to bring my clothes. All I had to wear was my trench coat. So I put on my trench coat and clocked out of work. I walked outside of the strip club. Its pouring...

4 years ago
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Gangbang Kiya Gaon Ki Basti Wale Ladko Ne

Hello all. I hope you all are doing great. Well I am back again with new incident. You can read here. But before that let me introduce my self to all who are going to read this incident. I am Gomi Patel, I am 26 from India, Gujarat state, Ahmedabad city. My stats is 36 29 39 and I am very fair in complexion and I have curly hairs. Please read the incident and tell me how was it at To ye incident kuch iss tarah hua. Ye saab Gujarati mein hua tha. Maine use hindi mein likha hai. 31st December...

2 years ago
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Gangbanged during a Burglary

Sorry for my english!Its been a long day so my husband and i decided to go to bed early.As usual dont wear that much a panty and a bra and since its actually kinda warm i didnt wear my slip on dress. We were almost falling asleep when my huband heard sumthing he decided to take a look while i was waiting for him. A couple of minutes passed and all of a sudden there was alot off noise downstairs before it got quiet again. At some point i can hear sumone coming up the stairways. Our bedroom door...

3 years ago
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Gangbanged at Party

Gangbanged at Party This is a story my wife told me when I got home from a trip. About a month ago my husband Dave went off on a business trip and I was sitting around the house all alone. My friend Becky called me up and said that one of her friends was having a party and did I want to go with her. We got there and there were SEVERAL guys and a FEW women and I have to admit I was getting off on the attention I was getting but figured it was all innocent flirting. After a while Becky and...

2 years ago
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Gangbanged at Party

Gangbanged at Party This is a story my wife told me when I got home from a trip. About a month ago my husband Dave went off on a business trip and I was sitting around the house all alone. My friend Becky called me up and said that one of her friends was having a party and did I want to go with her. We got there and there were SEVERAL guys and a FEW women and I have to admit I was getting off on the attention I was getting but figured it was all innocent flirting. After a while Becky and...

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Gangbanging The Bridesmaid

This encounter happened in July 2014, around two years after a spontaneous gangbang in Bristol that began Shelley’s journey to becoming a true slut-wife. Since that gangbang, I’d also shared her with some of my friends, so Shelley was gaining more and more confidence sexually, and although we never really went deliberately looking for sexual experiences with other people, she certainly didn’t shy away from them anymore. So, this story took place at a wedding when Shelley was twenty-seven, and I...

1 year ago
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Gangbanged Hijabi

I woke up in the middle of the night as I heard some noises comingfrom downstairs. Once fully awake I realised that it was not just anynoise rather it was a woman moaning. My heart skipped a beat. Could itbe my pious hijabi bhabhi moaning downstairs. I slowly came out of theroom and sat on the stairs, slowly moving down step by step, noticingthat the door to the living room was open.As I moved down I first saw the telly which was on. There was ahardcore gangbang scene of a girl getting fucked...

4 years ago
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Gangbang at the Cement Bridge

I think back, from time to time, about my years in high school. It was Texas, the 60’s and many of us were beginning our sexual awakening. Fucking your girlfriend wasn’t something that happened on a regular basis, but there were girls that liked to fuck and didn’t mind sharing their bodies. Pat and Marie were two of these girls and were best friends. They may not have been the most beautiful girls in our school, but they weren’t ugly either. I remember back when we were Sophomores in High...

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Gangbanger Bro and Moms Ass

I live with my mom (Kamila), older sister (Luz), and fuckface brother. I'm Dillon by the way. My mom is from Venezuela. She met my dad down there when he was on vacation with his buddies. They both claim it was love at first sight. My sister likes to joke it was more like "ass at first sight" because mom has a serious booty that's hard not to notice. In fact men from the porn industry have approached her on two occasions to see if she would do either magazine modeling or videos. They...

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GANGBANGED,HER CUM REWARD, 7 BIG BLACK COCKS, 1 LITTLE WHITE WHORE… It was right after the New Year. Last years production in the shop was way up and the guys all had big bonus checks burning a hole in their pockets. As the black men talked, trying to decide what to do with all their money, there were many different ideas. Then one of the horniest bastards of the group said, "Lets answer one of those swinger ads." “Let’s get us a little white whore.” A silence fell over the bunch. The guys...

3 years ago
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Gangbanging my wife

Introduction: It was a crisp Saturday night. If we would have gone outside it would have been a tad bit chilly but nothing unbearable. As it was though we decided to keep our adventures indoors this night. We both knew what was going to happen in the end, but neither of us talked about it that night. It wasnt as if we couldnt of, we had in the past, we just choose not to that night. Roughly 9 pm Saturday night I leaned in and gave my wife a kiss before sliding a drink to her. The plan wasnt to...

2 years ago
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Our Fantasy

I’ve had a sexual fantasy ever since Susan and I were married over twenty years ago. I never had the courage to tell her about until a recent shopping trip together. As we were driving they began talking on the radio about couple's sexual fantasies.My wife asked. “What’s your fantasy?”I was shocked and replied, “I’d have to think about that. You tell me yours first.”“Ok, I’ve had this one quite a few times. It’s my favorite.”“You have more than one?”“Of course I do, don’t you?”Before I could...

Group Sex

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