Boss Bear free porn video

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Tony put the beer back on the bar.

"That was a long day eh?" he said shaking his head. I nodded agreement as I sipped my own beer.

Tony was a self made man. At the age of fifty now, he had built up his own paving company over the past ten years into a thriving business and still insisted on being present at any new contract meetings. For the past year I had handled his accounting, payroll and general office management. Tony insisted on bringing me along whenever he went to meet clients on new contracts.

We had spent the day in meetings with the roadworks staff for a mid-size town about a four hour drive from the city where we were based. It had been a long drawn out day wading through bureaucratic red tape and reassuring various administrators that we could bring the project in on time and on budget. This is where Tony and I worked best as a team - he had the firm handshake and years of experience while I could spin out numbers and schedules that satisfied the most exacting clerks.

We'd finally wrapped up about six pm and Tony had decided he didn't want to make the long drive back on the rural roads at that hour. So we booked into the one decent hotel in town. The hotel only had two rooms left, a suite and another with a twin bed. Tony offered me the suite but I passed and he shrugged and booked us in. Then we hit the pub downstairs for supper and drinks. We had some laughs and the beer went down good.

Around eight we headed off to our respective rooms. I stripped down and decided to watch some TV for a while before I hit the sack. About twenty minutes had passed when the phone rang. It was Tony.

"You gotta come up and see this room. For a town way out in the boonies, this is something, got a hot tub and a big TV. I got some beers. Come on up!" Since I wasn't that sleepy yet I agreed, pulled on sweatpants and a tshirt and headed upstairs.

Tony met me at the door in a thick white hotel bathroom. It looked like he was otherwise naked. He handed me another robe and said to get comfortable while he got the beers. 'Ok,' I thought, 'what the hell'. I went into the bathroom, tossed my clothes and put on the robe. When I came out Tony handed me a beer and waved his hand around the room. I whistled. He wasn't k**ding.

It looked like the hotel had invested most of their money in this one room. Big screen TV, hot tub (already bubbling with hot water), a small kitchenette and a king size bed. We settled on the sofa in front of the TV - Tony had some sort of porn movie running. I was cool with that. Tony said it was the only decent choice on the pay-per- view menu. I was a little surprised when the guy fucking the girl suddenly found himself being fucked at the same time by another guy but after a while I found myself fascinated. All the players seemed to be having a great time fucking and being fucked.

"Hey", said Tony after a while, "how about we watch this from the hot tub?"

"I didn't bring a bathing suit", I said with a shrug.

"Me neither," laughed Tony as he stood up and dropped the robe. Tony was about five foot six, stocky solid build with a bit of a belly. He had clean-shaven face but otherwise was covered over the rest of his body by thick black hair. I couldn't help noticing his cock. It was probably about five inches and thick. And hard. It kind of looked like a big thick hairy sausage. Sounds crazy but that was what flashed through my mind. He grinned and climbed into the hot tub. Unlike Tony, I was tall and slim, a good four inches over his height but he had about forty pounds on me.

I realized I was starting to get a good buzz on from the beer as I tossed my robe and climbed in next to him. The steaming hot water felt so good, I put my beer down and leaned my head back, opening my eyes now and then to check out the action on the TV. By now the girl had put on a strapon and was pounding one of the guys in the ass as another guy drove into her cunt.

"Pretty hot huh?" asked Tony. I could only nod as I watched this fuck sandwich in progress. The whole girl-guy-guy thing was giving me a raging hardon and I wished I could just take it in hand and stroke it, but I wasn't sure how Tony would take it.

I know what you're thinking and looking back, I should have realized I didn't need to worry but at the time... well you get the point.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh. Startled I looked at Tony. He had a smile and a quizzical look in his eye.

"Great movie?" he asked again. I looked back at the TV and his big callused hand slid further up my thigh. My cock was standing straight up now in the surging jets of water and Tony's hand soon found its way to it. I felt his thick fingers close around it and begin to stroke it. Man it felt good. His hand around my cock, the hot water gushing around our naked bodies and these three people on TV fucking and sucking every which way.

Then, although my eyes were still glued to the TV and as if it had a mind of its own, my hand reached over for Tony's big cock. I found it and began stroking him. His cock felt marvelous. Thick and strong and soft. Not like my longer, slimmer and almost hairless cock that Tony was managing so expertly.

The TV snapped off and I turned to see Tony put down the remote, never missing a beat as he worked my rod. He smiled, leaned over and pressed his lips against mine. I hadn't done this with a guy for many years. I found myself kissing him back as his tongue pushed between my lips and began exploring my mouth. Our tongues dueled each other as I moaned and he grunted. He kissed me harder and I met his intensity with a hunger of my own.

At last he broke our kiss and told me to sit on the edge of the tub. By now the timer on the hot tub's jets had expired and the whirlpool of water was calming but I barely noticed. As soon as I had lifted myself dripping out of the water and sat on the edge Tony had slipped between my legs and grabbing my cock again guided it into his mouth. It felt better than any blowjob I had received from a woman and maybe even better than a few pussies I'd fucked for that matter. I instinctively put my hand on Tony's head through the shock of thick curly black hair as his hot mouth slid up and down my cock. It was heaven.

Time after time he'd bring me to the edge then back off, nibbling the head of my cock and sucking on my balls to keep me from cumming, he was totally in control. He lifted my legs over his shoulders and proceeded to lash his big tongue between my cock and my ass. A few times I felt the tip of his tongue dart a little way into my hole. I was moaning and quivering the whole time.

Finally he slipped out from under my legs and took me back into his mouth. As I watched my cock slide in and out of his mouth I sensed this time there would be no turning back. I felt his strong hands reach around and grab my asscheeks hard, his fingers digging in as he began to deep-throat me. I'd lost all control at that point and Tony knew it. He stepped up the pace, driving my dick in and out of his mouth eagerly. As he felt my balls tense up and heard me gasp he went deep on me and held my cock right up against the back of his throat as blasts of my seed exploded out of me. Tony swallowed every pulsing load as I called out his name in lust. He eased off at last and stroked the last drops into his mouth.

Then he looked up. "Up for more?" he asked with a grin. I was still shaking but I managed a weak nod.

"Good," he said, "let's get out of here and towel down a bit."

I got out of the tub and quickly dried off. Tony went to his bag and I watched every muscle ripple in his big hairy back. He came back smiling and held out a pair of crotchless black lacey panties.

"How would you feel about wearing these for a bit?" he asked.

I thought about the girl in the movie. "Ok," I said with little hesitation. He smirked.

"Kind of like the idea don't you?" Tony said with a leer to which I nodded with a faint smile of my own.

"I knew it, bought them with you in mind", he replied in a husky voice, "go ahead, snug them on."

I quickly slipped them on while Tony watched approvingly. He went over to the king size bed and lay on his back spread eagle.

"C'mere baby," he said, "suck my cock". You didn't have to ask me twice. I was on the bed between his legs in a flash. I couldn't resist running my fingers through the hair on his belly and chest. His eyes closed when my fingers reached his chest. I got the message. I began playing with his nipples, rubbing, twisting and teasing them. Tony was making small guttural sounds in his throat. I leaned forwarded and closed my lips over one nipple. He arched his back, pressing his chest against my face and his nipple hard in my mouth. I licked and sucked it, gently nibbling it between my teeth now and then.

"Yeah baby, that's it, I like that," murmured Tony in a deep voice, his eyes still closed.

My hand found his fat cock and stroked it slowly while I worked his nipples, switching between one and the other every few seconds. I loved the feel of his chest hair against my face and in my mouth as my tongue slid back and forth across his chest from one nipple to the other.

When I felt I had done all I could for his nipples I moved back down to his cock. I looked at it in my hand, so thick and big. I wanted it. I lowered my mouth to it and took him deep into my mouth on the first stroke. Tony groaned and lifted his hips trying to get even deeper. I fought the sudden gag reflex and made my throat muscles relax, letting his cock sink in until my nose was right up against the lower half of his round belly. His hips sank back onto the bed and I started in sucking his juicy cock. I felt his hands settle on the sides of my head as he began to slowly fuck my face. We went at it like this for several minutes until Tony stopped. I looked up.

"I need to be inside you now," he said breathlessly.

I looked down at his big cock and thought of my long untested ass. "I don't know if I can handle that Tony," I said uncertainly. He nodded.

"Don't worry, I'll go slow, we'll take it easy and I'll quit anytime you say so."

I looked down again at his beautiful wet cock, still shiny with my saliva and felt a flame of lust lick through my body.

"Alright," I said looking into his dark eyes, "I'll try."

Tony slipped off the bed and went to his bag a second time. He came back with several condoms and a bottle of lube.

"Came prepared I see?" I said with a smile.

"Always ready, that's me. Now get on the bed on your hands and knees."

I quickly complied, fighting back the nervousness.

"Don't worry. I'm gonna loosen you up some first. You'll see, you'll love it."

I felt him pull the panties down. I looked back over my shoulder and watched as he squeezed a big dollop of clear lube out of the plastic bottle. He smeared some between my cheeks and started working it into my hole. Gently, slowly, he began working the lube in deeper with one finger. I spread my legs a little wider.

Tony paused. "Ok?" he asked. I answering by spreading my legs a bit wider again. I felt his chubby finger go back to work on my ass. Before long he had me loose enough to admit a second finger. Tony worked the two fingers in for several minutes, stretching and pushing. Occasional glances back told me he was stroking himself with his other hand at the same time. When he had managed to get two fingers all the way in with no protest from me he stopped.

"That should do it," he said, "I think you're ready now." He quickly slipped on a condom.

He pushed a last big dollop of lube into my ass then poured more into his hand and worked his cock in it. I looked straight ahead and focused on relaxing. I felt him slid my panties back up over my ass. The silky material felt great as it moved up my thighs and I wiggled my ass appreciatively. Tony chuckled. I felt him gently spread my asscheeks and then I felt the head of his cock at the entrance to my manhole. For a second I almost panicked it felt so huge back there but Tony had done his work well and as he began to push it seemed to slide easily. That feeling didn't last long.

Soon enough his fat hairy cock was stretching my ass, pushing to gain deeper entry. I dropped my head as the pain got worse. Tony saw it and pulled out slowly. He worked some more lube into me and onto his sheathed cock. He seemed to be waiting. I lifted my head and pushed my ass back toward him. Once again I felt his cock slip into the slit in the panties and push against my hole. I realized I really wanted him in me and I was determined to have him this time.

Tony pushed in steadily, my ass yielding more readily this time. As his cock went deeper I fought against the growing pain, against the feeling that he was going to split me wide open. When I thought I couldn't take it anymore and I was going to have to make him stop at all costs, he was suddenly through and I felt him fill my ass. And I do mean fill. It felt like there was a massive pole up my ass, it still hurt but the pleasurable feeling of being filled was rapidly overtaking the pain. He stayed that way for a few moments, giving my ass time to adjust to his thick rod.

I gradually became aware of the feeling of his hairy chest on my back and his big hairy thighs tight up against mine. I moaned softly. It was like having a bear on my back.

I felt him begin to slowly pull out and I wanted to yell at him not to quit now. But he wasn't quitting, not at all. He went back a couple of inches then pushed in again. He kept up this slow leisurely fuck for several minutes. All the time he was grunting and saying things.

"Yeah baby, what a hot ass..."

"Nice and tight, just the way I like it..."

"Taking it like a good little slut, yeah..."

I soon found that he liked it when I would push back to meet his thrusts now and then. His hands often caressed my asscheeks through the silky material of the panties as he pumped his cock in and out of me. Once in a while he would sink deep into me and stay there and I would feel his stubby fingers searching out my nipples and pinching them lightly. It was marvelous.

My lust soon grew to the point that I wanted his cum and I picked up the pace as I pushed back onto his cock. He got the idea and began fucking me faster, harsh growls and moans coming from him. My own moans were coming hot and heavy as he really got into it, pounding my eager hole. I cried out as I came again. Tony paused and quickly grabbed my cock, catching some of my cum and rubbing it across my nipples. Then he was back at it, more urgent than ever. I was desperate for him to cum.

"Come on Tony, fuck me. Yeah fuck me so good. Cum baby, cum..."

Tony growled and grabbing my hips, began driving his thick cock into me hard and fast. Now he was fucking me like a wild a****l, grunting and slamming into my ass and I was loving every minute of it. We were both moaning and howling and then he came. He drove it right in to the hilt and exploded. I could feel his body cover me as he filled the condom, then he suddenly pulled out, pushed me on my back, ripped off the condom and let his cum shoot across my naked body. I watched with delight as ropes of his seed landed on me and as they landed I was smearing them all over me - on my cock, my stomach, my nipples, my face. Tony shuddered as the last spurts jetted out then he collapsed on top of me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as his lips met mine and we kissed lovingly. He slid his furry body a little up and down on mine mixing his cum with our sweat. Finally he rested on top of me as I caressed his back and kissed him softly. After a few warm, delicious minutes he rolled off and we went to sleep but he was "up" again early and gave me another good morning fucking before we had to shower and checkout.

As we left the room he gave my ass a hard squeeze and said with a lewd grin, "Next time, we try stockings. Or maybe some nice latex?" I couldn't wait.

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My Sisters Teddy Bear

My sister left me her teddy bear when she started college.It really should’ve been our teddy bear. Dad won it for both of us at the Livingston County Fair and Rodeo on one of those rigged balloon popping games, shortly after the accident... Who knows how much money he must have poured into distracting us, but he probably could have purchased the real thing instead of the fuzzy, plush, entirely too comfortable human-size teddy bear. But Ted Danson (our dad picked the name) became part of the...

2 years ago
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Episode 62 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time there were three bears: Mummy Bear, Daddy Bear and Baby Bear. They lived in a cave in the forest and one day out walking they came across a pretty wooden cottage. The front door was open, so they walked in. Daddy Bear was a bit too tall, so he had to bend his head to get through the door; Mummy Bear was a bit too wide, so she had to squeeze her rounded tummy through the doorframe, but little Baby Bear was exactly the right size, so just walked straight in.Daddy Bear was very...

3 years ago
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Boss I Nailed Your Wife 8211 Part 1

“I will be waiting for you, naked” this was the message I received in WhatsApp from her. My excitement grew as I started my bike. I rode through the traffic of Hyderabad imagining only one thing, her beautiful face with nothing on her chubby body waiting to welcome me! I am Maddy, a lonely engineer working in a startup. My sexual drive is very high and my eyes always fall upon women with a lovely booty. This is the re-enactment of a few days in my life where I shared the bed with an Indian MILF...

2 years ago
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Boss Lady 20 The Big Boss

So as we head to the shower I am walkin behind you and grab u and pull u in with ur back to me with a tight grip around the front of ur neck I pull you close and say "now its time to show u who da Big Big Boss is!!!" U moan out "mmmmm daddy dats right show me who da real Big Boss is" so we go into the bathroom and I turn on da shower and we get in. As we get in u grab the bottle of bodywash and clean me up and I return the fav washin ur front sensually teasing you as I carress ya nipples and ur...

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Boss Lady

So you call me on da way home to tell me that we gotta celebrate cause you were just promoted at ur job and your now "Da Boss" I get home before you and make reservations to a nice resturant and await ur arrival. U come home dressed in a sexy azz business suit and say u wanna change before we go to eat but I convince you that wat ur wearing is fine. A sexy Black Skift suit with Black heels with the red bottoms and a nice red and black button down that unbuttoned enough to get a brother excited...

2 years ago
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BOSS KI BIWI KI CHUDAI Hi mera naam Sahil hai. Main ahmedabad ka rehnae wala hun. Meri age 24 yrs hai,. And I M A CHOCOLATY guy. 5.6inc height and average body. Maine Gujarat university se graduation kayak hai. Aur computer hardware & networking bhi kaiya hai Main ab aap ko apni story suna ne jaa raha hun. Karib 2 mahine pehle mien ek advocate ke yahan job karta tha. High court mien advocate hain. Aura satellite mien uska ek office hai. Uska office mien sambhal tat ha. Sirf mien akela hi...

1 year ago
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Goldilocks and the Three Bears

There was once a family of three men, who were known locally as “The Three Bears” who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods where they worked as lumberjacks. There was great big, more than seven foot tall “Daddy Bear”, medium size six foot four “Uncle Bear”, and a shorter, eighteen year old “Junior Bear”. They got their name from the huge quantity of thick black body hair that covered them, complemented by bushy beards, their stocky stature (not to mention rather round bellies in the older two)...

Group Sex
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Boss fucking the wife

When I know I work for your dad and I'm the older than you and all but she will see things that you never ever ever thought about doing her but everything put into a position to learn how to do she looking at me all Dazed and Confused into that you know I'm only 25 right reply. Yeah I do know that you know I'm married to who I also no I did not and you know my dad is a good friend of yours also yeah yeah he's a good business partner one you lost your step dad and your mom your mom getting...

3 years ago
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Boss Ki Biwi Ki Chut Aur Mera Lund

Hello friends me hu raj.Mera age he20 years me dikhne me thoda short hu par fair nd handsome hu.Aur sex ne export hu.Chod chod k bahat maza deta hu jo v mujhse chudwati he.Andhra pradesh aur odisha me khas kar k visakhapatnam me koi aunty aur bhabi ya girl mujhse chudna chahti ho to mere collage me girls and boys mujhe romio bulate the.College k time bahat sari ladkiyan mejh pe marti thi par us time thoda sahas nhi ta isliye me sex kar nhi paya.Jab mera inter kgatm hua tavi me b.Sc distance me...

1 year ago
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Boss Ki Beti Ko Hotel Me Lejakar Choda

Hi friends, mera nam ravi . me gujrat ke badoda saher me rehta hu. aaj me apako ek sachchi kahani batane ja raha hoo jo kariban 6 mahine pehale ki he. Me ek company me job karta hoo aur mere boss mere kam se kafi satisfied the isaliye office me boss ka favourite me hi tha. Ek din boss ne mujhe apne ghar par dinner ke liye bulaya. Me unke ghar gaya. Boss ne mujhe apani family se introduction karvaya. Unki family me sirf 4 log the boss, boss ki bibi, 0r do betiya. Boss ki beti ka nam neha tha jo...

3 years ago
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Boss Ki Biwi Ki Chudai

Hello Readers I’m Abhishek, This Is My Second Story for Readers and I want your Feedback after Reading My Story On . In This Story I Use Mixed Language Hindi and English. Ye Story Meri aur mere boss ki biwi ke sex ki story hai. Padhai Complete Karne ke baad Maine eq Computer center me computer teaching ka kaam karna suru kiya. Wo company Govt. ke kaam kaaj karti thi aur aadivasi area me school student ko computer teaching ka kaam karti thi aur is kaam ka payments Govt ki Taraf se hi aata tha....

4 years ago
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Three bears

Amanda loved Christmas. The piped music in the shopping centre reminded her - it was the most wonderful time of the year. She never needed an excuse to shop and she enjoyed buying things for others even more than buying for herself. It was great to be out of the house too and being productive. Since her two girls had started school and with her husband often working away, she had found herself with far too much time at her disposal. Time she had started to spend on the darker side of the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 11 Big Bear

-- MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2005, WINTER BREAK -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" a girl moaned and I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into somebody's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. But this morning I didn't stop at pulling back. I sat up, reached down, and forced my sleepy eyelids open so I could take a good look at the head of...

3 years ago
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Boss ke Husband ki Seal todi

Hello friends how are you? Anuj here.. asha hai aap sabhi lfe enjoy kar rahe honge. Me aaj apake sath mera ek aur experience share karana chahata hun. Me bata du, mera naam Anuj hai aur age 25 , meri height 5’11 hai aur gym toned body hai, fair and white skin hai. Me bi sexual hun muje ladakiya aur ladake dono pasand hai… Ye 2 mahine pahele ki bat hai, meri lady bose aur usake husband ke sath travel karana pada tha.. bich me meri boss ko urgent Delhi jana pada to vo hamare journey adhura chhod...

3 years ago
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Boss Called Me Good Girl

All the friends and colleagues called me the shorten name of Nelu instead of Nelumini. It became my pet name as well as popular among others. I got my first appointment as a secretary in private sector firm. Lot of happy memories gathered in my life since my first appointment. Meanwhile, I had to give resignation to my first job at age 29 for better prospectus of the future. I was sure my experience and qualifications would help me to find better place. While I was seeking a new job, I applied...

4 years ago
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Boss ki wife ko valsad me choda

Hi, dosto kaise hai mara name rahul hai, maine bahaut sari storie read ki hai and i enjoyed now. Is tarike se mane socha ki kyo na maibhi apni ap biti sunau aur apni stories ap logoke bich rakhu. Main umar 30 years hai meri sadi ho chuki hai ek ladka hai. Abme apni storie batata hu ye storie 6 sal pehlen ki hai mai apne saher valsad (gujarat) me rehta hu aur vahi par ek c a ke firm me kam karta tha apne office sttaf me ek senior tha mere office joint karne ke 4 month ke bad us ne job chho diya...

3 years ago
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Boss Ki Zamin Kharidne Ke Liye Mera Gangbang 8211 Part 1

Hello I am Parul Parikh, I am from Gujarat, Ahmedabad. I am Gujarati, I am 25 years old. Please share your feedbacks at [email protected] or on Facebook parulparikh4uall. Let me describe about myself. I have done MBA and I am from wealthy family. I am 5 feet 5 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36-28-38. I usually wear T-shirts, jeans shorts. Ye incident kuch iss tarah hua. Main ek company mein as sales and HR ka department sambhalti hu. Ek din mere boss Mr Ajit...

4 years ago
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Boss Unknowingly Sucks His Subordinates

My name is Jacob, and my wife, Olivia, and I live in Brentwood, Tennessee, an affluent suburb of Nashville. I’m a senior state official working in the Tennessee State Capitol area, and at the time this story began, I was fifty-two years old and Olivia was fifty.Olivia and I met after college, and we have had a wonderful marriage, raising a son and a daughter who are now out on their own. We had a great sex life too, at least until Olivia became premenopausal and lost interest in sex of any...

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Goldicock and the Three Bears

One morning, the Three Bears left their cabin to go for a walk in the forest. They left the door unlocked for it was in the middle of the forest where no one would ever come around. Except for this day, when Goldicock appeared by the cottage shortly after the Three Bears had left. Goldicock was a boy about 18 years old, who had a tall slender body and golden blond hair that curled at the ends. Goldicock was not a good little boy, because when he came by the cottage, first he looked in through...

4 years ago
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Boss Lady

The job was interesting only the boss was difficult. She required Jim to work late on reports which she took the credit for when sending them to head office. He knew his time would come but when it did he was surprised how bizarre and complete his revenge was. As usual Mary informed him of a meeting with clients at the last minute on a Friday afternoon. She would pick him up at the tube station near the restaurant so all he had to do was go home and change. Luckily he had a change of clothing...

2 years ago
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Boss fuck me

I Saba from Karachi, never expected this would happen in my life my husband and me are married for 4 years with one year kid, I am very beautiful and sexy too my husband always says that I grab his friends attentions and we both are satisfied with our sexual life it was the occasion of my son’s first year birth day so we invited all our friends and my husbands colleagues and after the party everybody were departed except my husband’s boss the maid cleaned everything and she too left but my...

4 years ago
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Boss Lady

The door popped open as the shapely blonde and the handsome stud approached the car. The spaghetti straps of her little black dress were challenged by her full bust, and the hemline showed more of her legs than if she were wearing his white shirt. That shirt was half unbuttoned and his tie draped loosely as she had started undressing him before they left the club. She dove inside and he followed. An older, smaller limousine, the seats formed an “L”, with the forward-facing seat at the back...

1 year ago
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The Preacher ManChapter 12 War with the Bears

Time: November 26, 8235 7:10 AM My wife and I crested the ridge a few minutes before sunrise, and saw a scene of utter mayhem before us. We both paused for a moment trying to understand the carnage. We were on the western ridge of a small ravine about 120 meters wide, running north- south roughly parallel with the lakeshore. At the bottom of the ravine were the remains of what used to be a campsite very similar to our own. It had been successfully attacked by a large pack of bears. From my...

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The Bulgarian Daddy Bear

It was 5pm on a Friday (sometime in August) and I was still deciding between starting work or hooking up with someone. I had Grindr on my screen, chatting with a gent who was only a 100-something meters away and showing some interest. We flirted, exchanged some nudes and a few ass pics later he's very enthused to fuck me. Looking at the time, I say fuck it and headed over to his hotel.He's a big man, 6'0 and around 210lbs. Definitely European of some sort and quite a bear if I do say so myself....

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Kelly Girl 5 AllMyTroublesBear

Copyright 1999, 2002 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 5 - "All-My-Troubles-Bear" By Wanda Cunningham Early in the...

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Boss trap

I decided to start my day by meeting my colleagues. And they were a not only a big disappointment- they were a shock! The first one, Khanna, after barely five minutes of introduction, asked if my wife was very beautiful. I was not prepared for this question and fumbled for a response before uttering “well she is not bad looking….” and to make the conversation lighter once again, added, “but any way beauty lies in the eyes of beholder” Khanna acidly retorted, “ and the boss has those...

2 years ago
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Boss wife

Hi folks, this is sheik again. first of all hope you have had a nice fucking new year. today i am going to tell you my real sex encounter with my boss fact we work in the same company.we are currently woking with six staffs.there are my boss,his wife and four other boss wife’s name is reema and she is about 38 yrs old.she is not so sexy and she never wears revealing clothes.she is fair and medium sized body. I don’t know why but these last few months,i really wanted to fuck...

4 years ago
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Boss Lady

Title: Boss Lady Author: Euryleia Rider Contact: Codes: F/f, D/s, humiliationSynopsis: An innocent is turned into an obedient toy for her boss.Boss LadyChapter One Vivian DeArmoud admired the play of light on the bright red polish of her fingernails as they flew over the keyboard. She was really beginning to enjoy this temporary assignment. The law firm of Morris, Lankford, and Emes LLP had a number of amenities for the hired help, including ergonomically designed...

1 year ago
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Boss takes over my wife

Disclaimer: This story and all characters are fiction. In real life, all non-consensual sex is immoral and i*****l, and not condoned by the author. All characters are over eighteen.Our lawyer told me it was all legal, what they did. My company denied my pre-surgical claim on my son's heart surgery, simply because they said it was too expensive. That was it. The insurance company said that the owner of my private company denied the claim, and Vance, my Human Resources director, confirmed it....

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Three Big Bears

At any rate, I digress. I had just gotten into an all out blow out with my husband and I left without taking the car or any clothes or anything. I didn’t know if I was going to leave him or not, I just wanted to take in some air and clear out the cobwebs in my mind and figure out where I wanted my life to go. Surely, this couldn’t be all there was to life. I was 23 years old, for God’s sake. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but with legs that went all the way to heaven, breasts that were...

3 years ago
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Teddy Bear

Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn they from bad...

3 years ago
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Meeting Your Teddy Bear

You’d intrigued me in so many ways for so many months. You’d think if I’d waited that long, I could have waited just a bit longer until our first date. Perhaps it was knowing you were buzzed. Perhaps it was knowing you’d been out with someone else earlier. Perhaps it was a desire to set the tone for our first dinner. But most likely it was you texting me that you had just crawled into bed with your Hitachi, vibrator, and teddy bear. The teddy bear you grind against to cum harder than anything...


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