No Turning Back For Pooja free porn video

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Welcome to my new world, a world I had only fantasized of previously, fantasies that had left my writhing body covered in sweat, and my pussy dripping my own cum over the bedclothes. Yes, I, pooja, am now a slut, in mind and very much of body. All it took was one moment, where I let myself get into a situation I could not control, and I finally I found what I had really been needing for so many years.

A little more about me first, before I tell you the story.

Firstly the bit I know some of you men love to know, I am your blonde blue eyed girl who has a body that attracts looks. I often imagine my petite 5ft frame being easily dominated by a group of men.

I've always wanted to explore my fantasies, but trying to be a 'normal' girl, they were thoughts that I always had to push deep down, hide from anyone but myself. I knew there were other women out there who lived the life I wanted to, who dared to push sexual boundaries, who got the same thrill of being 'dirty' as I longed for. Finally though, my desires could be suppressed no longer, and I had to act on my craving for hot, dirty, rough, even brutal unprotected sex.

Not a day went by without me thinking about sex, and not just normal 'missionary' sex, oh no. I dreamed of sucking cocks, of tasting and feeling cocks of all sizes. I needed cock, and I needed cum, but most of all I wondered what it would be like to be just used. My entire body ached to be roughly handled, to be taken by a man who would take me completely, no sexual gratification too taboo. I used to cum while forcing my largest vibrator into my greedy pussy, imagining that the stretching was caused a huge cock fucking me using me as an object of pleasure.

Mmm, I'm getting hot again just thinking about it, so I better get on and tell you how I first become a 'fuck toy', god those words just send shivers down my spine.

It all started one Friday night, when I was preparing for a date with a man I had been seeing for several months. We got really well, the sex was fantastic and I had been starting to think that he might be the one I had been waiting for. Looking back I should have realised that it was all too good to be true.

He was really good looking, and his smile was obviously designed to wet the knickers of any conquest he cared to flash it at. At the time I thought I was in for another deserved night of fun, and I dressed to make the most of it. Half the fun of an evening out was the preparation, the long soak in a hot bubble filled bath, soaking my soft skin, taking time to clean and tease my own body. There's something about water running over my body that gets me horny, which some lucky man would hopefully have the benefit of.

Following my long luxurious bath, my routine continues with a shave and moisturize. After ensuring my legs where smooth and silky, and the razor still in my hand, a wicked thought entered my mind. 'What the hell,' I thought to myself, 'let's treat this guy,' and with that I took some shaving foam and massaged it into my already neatly trimmed fine pubes.

I had to stop my fingers continuing their administrations, I was feeling so horny. 'Not a time for shaking hands,' I admonished myself, knowing a cut now would ruin my evening to come. I carefully pulled the blade over my pussy lips, enjoying the feeling as my naked skin was revealed. Once finished I took a little more cold fragrance free moisturizer, and cooled my most intimate skin.

Once ready, I took my bottle of wine into the bedroom, another essential preparation for any night out. Pouring myself a cold glass of white, I spent many moments deciding upon an outfit. I decided to go for it; I needed a good seeing to tonight. Although the sex with my boyfriend was great it somehow didn't remove my hunger.

Even months of getting off in front of my pc, reading internet porn was pushing my sexual need higher and higher, rather than satisfying it. I laughed when I thought what my boyfriend would think of me, if he had spied me sitting naked at my computer, legs spread sluttishly, rubbing a vibrating dildo over my clit while I watched and read about very nasty and dirty gang bangs, imagining myself at the centre of the rough male attention.

My mind was on autopilot as I pulled on my black hold up stockings, my calves and lower thighs enhanced by their sheer clinging material, the enticement of the pale flesh of my upper thighs somehow magnified when contrasted against the black. I pulled on my best 'pulling pants', which I called my skimpy black thong, the satin material hugging me so tight that anyone glimpsing them would almost make out the outer lips of my womanhood, lips begging to be penetrated.

A side fastening wrap-over skirt hid the treats below, and I added a touch of colour, my thinnest and clingiest scarlet top over a black push-up bra, which was designed to show off my breasts to their best, and show through the red top a little, again to tease and turn on my man. I felt and looked hot, the final touch some dark red lipstick, which I applied a little heavier than I would normally, knowing men can think of nothing but me sucking on their hard cocks when they looked at my full red lips. Dropping the lipstick into my best purse I poured myself another celebratory glass of wine, licking my lips naughtily at my own appearance in the mirror.

That's when I caught the sound of my mobile, chiming to tell me a text message had arrived. I was going to ignore it guessing it was one of my girlfriends trying to wind me up about tonight, but then realised it could be my man letting me know he was outside. Flipping over my essential fashion accessory, my heart sank at the short and soulless message; "I am sorry to do it this way pooja. But I have met someone else, and I won't be seeing you again. Sorry."

'Cowardly bastard!' I thought to myself, he didn't even dare call to let me down gently. I sank onto the bed, not only my whole evening ruined, all my effort gone to waste, but my hopes for a lasting relationship in ruins. Blinking tears from my eyes, my gaze returned to my computer sitting in the corner of the room, the computer which had given me extra sexual release of recent months. Not only release I thought to myself, but it had been my naughty friend who had let me dare think about sex I had never experienced before.

"No, no porn for me tonight," I spoke aloud, a determined smile touching my lips. I realized that I looked too good to waste tonight, and I didn't need a man on my arm to go and show myself off. Maybe it was the wine, but I felt confident and sexy, and a little like the slut I always wished I dared to be. Fuck it, I thought. It's time I let myself go and tried to live out the fantasies that were tormenting.

So that's why I found myself an hour later sitting on my own in a bar, already drinking my forth long vodka and lemonade. I'd already flirted with the barman, and sent a couple of no-hopers on their way. The alcohol made my head buzz, the confidence it gave me egging me on to put on a show. I knew several pairs of eyes were on me, getting drunk alone and looking hot.

One party of guys especially, who looked like they were out celebrating a someone's birthday, had made it obviously they liked what they saw whenever their heads turned my way, and I was having fun showing a little more leg to spur on their glances. They looked a lot rougher than the sort of guys I'd ever date myself, but I wasn't thinking straight, I wanted to tease every man in the room, show off what I had, something that bastard who had dumped me would never get now.

Later in the evening the DJ turned up the music, and the lights dimmed, as the dance floor started to fill up. Using up a favour with a friend in the bar staff I left my handbag behind the bar, freeing me up to go and strut my stuff. I love to dance, there's something so sensual about bodies moving in close proximity to the beats of the music. I made sure I was the centre of attention as I moved my body, letting my skirt whirl around my legs, revealing my stocking tops with the more energetic moves.

I freely let different men come and dance close, enjoying feeling the heat of their tight bodies grind against me, letting their hands rub against my bum, sometimes pushing back against them to let them know I was there to be touched. Once any of the guys started to hog too much of my time, I naughtily moved away, catching another's eye with a seductive smile, and pulled the new victim into my trap, running my hands over my body as I danced, the heat and effort bringing a fine sheen of perspiration over my body, glistening on my enhanced cleavage.

Over several hours I reveled in the feelings running through me, enjoying all the hungry male attention, while never taking it further than bodies grinding together close during a dance, getting many men hard as I rubbed my hidden pussy against them. I had lost count of how many crotches I had let my hand 'accidentally' rub against, or how many men had felt my ass or tits in the darkness.

By the time I decided to leave, my pussy was on fire, and I knew I had to get home as quickly as possible to take care of myself. My lack of attention, daydreaming about fucking myself with my biggest dildo, was probably why I didn't even notice I was followed from the club, or when I took a wrong turning looking for a taxi, taking me down a dark and dangerous alleyway. I was very drunk and not really sure of where I was. But I figured I would just see something soon and get my bearings.

I was rudely torn from my daydream as I came to my senses and realized I was half way down a deserted and rough looking pathway. When I turned round to find my way back to the main street I almost bumped into a group of men coming the other way.

It took me a couple of seconds in the semi light and being so drunk to realize it was the group I had been teasing all evening, having danced with and let most of them touch me through my clothes. Trying to appear less nervous than I was, I flashed a smile and tried to find a path around the intoxicated group.

"Where are you going babe?" the 'leader' of the pack asked me, winking at his mates as they all eyed my body.

"I just need to get home, I had enough for one night," I shrugged.

"Oh I think you've not had anything like enough yet!" he laughed, indicating to a couple of his stockier friends to take hold of me. My terror made me stand still, feeling muscular hands gripping my arms, pulling them behind my back, pushing my breasts forward against the flimsy material of my top. "You've been teasing us all night with that sexy body of yours,"he raised a hand to stop my protest and continued, "and it's time we found out if the reality is as good as the flirty performance you've been putting on back there."

'Oh my god,' I thought to myself, shaking with fear, knowing that they weren't going to be satisfied with a dance and a casual feel now, I was going to be gang fucked right there, and there was nothing I could do about it. I knew I should scream out, maybe someone would hear my calls, but there were two things holding me back.

For one thing, looking at these drunken guys, I'd probably get hurt, along with anyone who came to my rescue. The other, I am afraid to say, is that my pussy was suddenly betraying me, I could feel to my shame the wetness growing between my legs. I could hardly admit it to myself back then, but now I can share this with you; I wanted and needed to be fucked, and fucked raw by that group of rowdy men, being forced into it was the only way it was going to happen.

The dark haired leader of the group came closer, so close I could smell the beer on his breath. He had to bend down to look into my eyes, his 6ft frame dwarfing me. "Let's have a better look at this slut," he barked, the audience behind him cheering in appreciation as his hands reached out and tore at my top, the thin material offering no resistance as he pulled it apart, letting more cold air reach my satin encased breasts.

They could all see my nipples harden, either from the cold or my unexpected excitement at being so roughly handled. "Get that bra off!" he ordered, and a slim blond guy came up beside me, grinning as he removed a small knife from his pocket, causing me to strain against the guys holding me, trying to back away in fear.

"Don't worry bitch, I'm not going to hurt you," he laughed, "I'm just rubbish with the fasteners on those things," he said, pulling my bra strap away from my shoulder, only to slice through it. He did the same the other side, letting the bra fall away, revealing my firm tits to the drooling audience.

I defiantly looked their leader in the eye, daring him to take things further, although in my heart, actually wanting him to. "And the rest, guys, lets see her naked."

My knees shook as several of them rushed forwards at this command, one of them at least finding the button and zip to let my skirt fall to the ground. I could almost hear a sigh as their greedy eyes feasted on my stocking clad legs, and homed in on my tiny thong, now obviously drenched with my own excitement. The blade glinted in the light again as it was used to cut away my only skimpy protection, revealing my shaved lips glistening wet in the little light there was.

I knew I was totally at their mercy now, the sight of my body so on show would drive them on to further acts. The cold air hit me now, goose-bumps covering my arms, making my teeth chatter. Still I said nothing, staring ahead with no emotion, now becoming the submissive I had always craved. I think the guy taking the lead was less drunk than his friends, and possibly more experienced, his piecing look going to my soul, seemingly knowing exactly what my inner desires were.

"Pull this slut's legs open guys, I want a closer look at her tasty cunt," my tormentor ordered, knowing the pack would follow him. I quivered at his words, his use of slut and cunt sparking something at my core. I put up some pretence of resistance as hands pulled at my inner thighs, slaps stinging my ass deliciously as punishment for fighting.

I was pushed down a little, bending my knees as my legs spread, making me squat obscenely. My stranger approached, crouching before me, pushing his hand to my shaven twat. I shuddered as his fingers touched my flesh, gently tracing lines around my inner thighs, teasing me, a very light touch rubbing up the groove between my outer lips, opening my vulva as he slid a thick finger inside.

I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip as I trembled, concentrating on the finger slowly sliding inside me, running around my dripping velvet grip, exploring every inch. A second finger joined the first, and suddenly his movements changed, from a gentle movement to a hard, insistent finger fucking. Others crowded in, spellbound, watching his fingers open me up, so obviously coated in my slippery juices, now freely flowing from his rough invasion of my burning pussy.

Pulling his fingers from me, he slid them up my stomach, leaving a wet trail all the way up to my lips. When I didn't move, another guy forced my mouth open, pulling my jaw apart, allowing entry to my mouth. I was forced to lick my own flavour from his fingers, secretly loving the degradation forced upon me. "What's your name?" he asked me as he finished screwing his fingers in and out of my mouth like some cheap whore.

"pooja," I stuttered, now completely in my new master's control.

"No, from now on, it's SLUT," he laughed, joined by his friends around him. "And you are going to be our nasty little fuck toy. You thought you could tease us all night and not pay the consequences slut?" he continued, ignoring me as I shook my head, "Well we're going to teach you a lesson tonight, and you're going to be a good and beg for more."

God how did this man know how to press all my buttons ? His words set fire running through my body, my inner needs for so long held back were being sparked into an uncontrollable burning heat, which raged throughout my body.

"Finger yourself slut, put on a proper show for us," he whispered into my ear, knowing full well I was in his power, helpless to resist, not even wanting to stop now.

Determined to show him how dirty I could be, and being supported by two tormentors in my obscene squatting position, I used one hand to pull myself open, exposing my pink flesh to everyone, while the other finger I wet in my mouth, then used it to circle my sensitive clit. I again closed my eyes, throwing my head back, opening my mouth to breath heavy, panting as I rubbed myself, my excitement building quickly knowing many eyes were watching me share such an intimate act.

I could hear their voices around me, the show I was putting on starting to build their own sexual excitement. "Look at the fucking slut, she wants it!" someone exclaimed, surprised at the turn of events.

"Then give it to her," was the a****l response, uttered by someone wanting to get the action really going.

I heard a zip being tugged at close to my ear, and opened my eyes to be greeted by a short yet thick cock being pushed to my face. "Suck this bitch!" its owner grunted, taking hold of my hair he roughly pulled my mouth onto him. He rammed it home so hard I almost choked, which I think turned the pervert on even more.

Little did he know it was just how I wanted to be used, I loved the feeling of his hard cock plundering my mouth, feeding me with his dripping pre-cum. My tongue worked overtime, lapping at his sensitive underside, while I sucked hard, hollowing my cheeks with the suction. "Fuck she's one nasty cock sucker," he informed his mates, hardly required as most eyes were watching my greedy mouth work on him hungrily.

Unfortunately he obviously didn't have much stamina, even in his drunken condition, my ministrations were too much for him, and before long I could feel his cock twitch, a certain sign he was about to cum. I knew just how to drive him over the edge so he'd never forget it, wanting him to cum so hard he filled my mouth, so the others would all want to give me the cum I craved.

I looked up into his eyes, knowing the eye contact would be the final straw, a look of submission on my face. He grunted hard as he looked down on me, a piece of meat taking his cock no matter how hard he rammed it into my mouth. His orgasm took hold, making him utter filthy obscenities at me as his cock exploded in the back of my mouth, his seed sliding down my throat. I felt deliciously dirty as I pulled my head back, to allow his further spurts to cum over my face, his jerking cock rubbing and spreading the sticky goo over my cheeks and chin.

I didn't have a second to catch my breath, as I felt hands force me down on my hands and knees, the cold hard tarmac making me gasp. I must have looked such a slut, circled by a group of men now rubbing hardening cocks all around me, a face already sticky with cum, my ass high in the air inviting them to use me.

Another stranger approached me from behind, I couldn't even see him as I felt his hands grasp my hips hard from behind, squeezing me roughly, pulling me apart to reveal my dripping pussy and tight brown eye of my ass. Then I felt his hard cock push up against me, the hot hard flesh sliding up and down the crevice between my cheeks. I didn't know where he was going to fuck me.

So I gasped out as I felt the head of his cock start push at my pussy. I shouted out "Condom". The group laughed out load as if I were making a joke. I felt the cock push again and I knew at that point I was going to be bare-backed. He pushed again and this time I felt him slipping in very easily as I was so wet. What shocked me was his length, and I almost squealed as his cock continued to slide inside, deeper and deeper, invading depths never before found by any cock.

I started to push back against him, feeling the head of his cock bang against my cervix, when my hair was grabbed and my head violently pulled back, to have my mouth rudely invaded by another dick. I was in heaven, finally the nasty slut being gang banged in a lonely back alley, taking two cocks at once. The guys around me knew that none of them would leave without being satisfied as they watched me deep throat and gag around their mate.

My pussy was on fire as it was reamed by the longest cock I thought I'd ever find, its dirty owner sliding a wet thumb into my other hole. "Mmmmmm," I groaned around the cock stuffing my face, loving the feeling of this third invasion. The situation and the multiple stimulations had me cumming hard, my pussy clenching around my aggressive invader, wave after wave of contractions squeezing his pole. My whole world was now the smell, taste, feeling of cock, pleasure filling all my senses. I could make out the emboldened guys chanting, 'fuck the slut' ringing in my ears.

Then I felt his cock start to pulse and I knew my pussy was about to get flooded. Then a booming voice from behind me yelled down "Take this you indian slut". It was at that moment that I realised I was being fucked by a black guy. Not that I was in any position to do anything about that. He pushed one last thrust and I felt the rush of his cum pumping deep into my belly.

The other guys cheering him on as he called me names I never thought I would be called. No sooner had he pulled his long black cock free from my pussy than the next took his place. Ramming the next cock home. Balls deep in on stroke I was now becoming a slut. The name calling continued as one after the other they used my pussy as they wished. I lost count of the amount of cocks my invaded pussy took before finally the black guy told me it was time for him to Open my ass.

With that he walked behind me and started to push his rigid pole into my virgin ass. As I screamed out another cock was buried into my mouth and as soon as I was silenced, A hard thrust from the back. His long black cock was forcing it's way into my ass with no mercy. My ass stretched as the invader showed me what my ass was really for. The cheers from the others grew louder as they watched him make my ass fit his huge cock.

Due to my tightness it wasn't long before I felt his cock jabbing hard and then the flood of cum buried deep into my ass. Now they had all used me and I was completely covered in there cum, they called me a few more names and walked off into the night. Leaving me laying in the street naked, my pussy and ass streaming there cum. What a slut I had just become.

Since then I have had 2 more gang bangs but I don't think I will ever better that first night. It was something I thought I would never do but not only did I do it I enjoyed it. Even if I didn't really plan things to happen the way.

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Sex In The Mountain With Pooja

Hey guys, thanks for appreciating my previous . Today, I’m going to tell how I had sex with a girl whom I had known just for say 8-10 hours. I went on to fuck her for 3 hours later that too in the wild. I’m Rohit 23 from Nagpur. I have an 8 inches long hard hairy dick having great girth for some perfect sex and pussy drilling, 5.6 height and athletic body and good looks. The girl of my story is let’s say Pooja (name changed). She is 25 years from Mumbai, 5.2 height and fair and curvy body with...

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My Cute Neighbour Girl Pooja

Hi,this is Aditya Aryan,studying in IIT Bombay.Age-21, 5’7″ tall,very fair and intelligent boy. As I am single now, if any girl interested in sex or short term relationship, ping me at “”.Now coming to the sex story. I am a regular user of ISS. After reading stories, I used to think about sharing my stories. So, I am. I am not very experienced in sex. I only have sex experience with three girls till now. This was my first encounter with my neighbor pooja(changed name), which were also a...

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My Sweet Cousin Sister Pooja

By : Hotmilan Dear Friends, this is Milan from Jodhpur and I hope u enjoyed my previous experience published here at ISS. I got a lot of responses for that one and thank’s a lot for your comments. I even managed to meet one girl who was interested to have relationship with me after reading my story. I will narrate that incident afterwards. Right now I will narrate you an incident that happened to me with my cousin sis, Pooja (name changed). Let me describ myself first. I am 24, tall 6”,...

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True Sucking And Fucking Experience With Pooja

Hi friends.Your own Pyara Prince is ready to share his thrilling and sensual experience of love making with Pooja. As you know I always believe in giving few moments of pleasure to the thirsty girls or ladies and that too very privately. Anytime connect me at I am 5 feet 11 inch guy with average body and fair complexion. You would love to see me. Now i come to share my real experience. this is the experience of around 8 months back when I had my Saturday and Sunday off and also Pooja told me...

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My Sexual Experience With Pooja

My name is Mann I stay in Goa, Mapusa I am a professional from technical background working in a industrial estate as a manager. I am writing a true story which I have experienced in my life while traveling in my car. One fine day in the morning when I was traveling to join my duties suddenly on half way of my journey I saw a women asking for a lift, I stopped and saw she was in a hurry to reach her destination, she requested me if she can join me to the nearest bus stop which I will be passing...

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Massage Helped Injured Aunty Pooja

Hi, guys… My name is Sahil Kumar and I live in Chennai with my mom and dad. I am working at a reputed call center in Chennai. I m 33yrs of age and 5″10 in height. My part time hobby is massage. I know some massage technics by means of which I can make anyone relax. I stay in an apartment where there is this aunty name Pooja who looks damn sexy and mother of 2 kids. She must be around the age 40. I don’t know her stats but she has got an amazing figure to die for and this is my sex story. So...

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Fucked Sticky Pussy Of Pooja

Hello all ISS readers. I am really glad to see that many of you have appreciated my last experience which motivated me further to share one more very awesome experience which will wet all the pussies. Also I would like to be more than happy if any of the cunt get so much wet that want me to be there to make her fluid oozes out of her hole… All of the girls and ladies know how to reach ??? very simple connect me at So get ready to be wet. Let your finger be ready to insert in that sweet hole...

4 years ago
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My Friend With Benefits 8211 Pooja

Hi guys. I am Aryan 24 from Gujarat. This is an incident back from my college last year. This is a real story about how I seduced and fucked my friend Pooja. Coming to the story. I am 5’11” in height with a well-shaped body and neatly trimmed beard. Pooja is around 5’5″ in height with proper round ass and soft boobs with a figure like 28-30-32. She has a very cute smile. All this started when we were in the third year of college. We were in the same group for a few projects. Due to that, we...

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Train M Pooja

Yeh story 2016 ke mahine ki h jab mai apni cousin ki shaadi attend karne k lie kolkata ja raha tha.Pehle kuch apne bare m batadu m surat m ek mnc company m job krta hu….Mai 27 yrs ka hu or mera chotu 6 inch ka h jo ki kisi v ladki ko satisfy krne k lie kafi h or is story ki heroine ka naam h puja(name changed) yeh kafi sunder h or 36 30 38 ka figure h iska….Ab story p aate h. Meri family kolkata m rehte h tho mere papa mujhe cousin ki shaadi m aane ko keh rahe they..Isilye maine shaadi se do...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Cute Classmate Pooja

I am a fan of Indian sex stories website….. Compared to videos, the story is best for imagination. So I decided to share my own sex incident here. Currently, I am working in an mnc in Bangalore. Soo if any girls or aunties interested in having fun, we are just a mail apart… drop me a mail at Let me start with introducing queen of the story pooja. Pooja is 5.3 feet height and her assets are mindblowing. Anyone who sees her will die hard to fuck. This incident happened in 2016 still, I...

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Sexual Awakening Of Pooja

Hey its Vishal …. it is continuation of my previous story trip to Delhi with Pooja …. I will tell little bit about Pooja. She is 25 year old. Her fig is 36-26-36. Her waist is flat and her skin is very very soft and fair. We are in relation for 4 years. We loved lot. And we lost our virginity with each other. We love to do lot of fun together and we always bring new ideas in our love life. We loved each other in cinema hall. Where i made her topless and crushed her boobs and drunk her big...

4 years ago
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Playing In Water With Pretty Pooja

Hi this is Anuraag again. Send your feedbacks at . This time am going to narrate story how I got pleasure with my Cousin. She is one of my Aunts daughter, her name is Pooja. At that time I was 18 and she was 22. It was a rainy season she was staying in home after finishing her studies. I never talked with her much. Her parents found match for her and fixed the engagement. Aunt invited us to engagement and I had to go because my parents are busy in other works. I went there before three days of...

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Sex With Friend8217s Gf Pooja

I am a regular reader of iss and I am submitting my story for the first time. In this I will explain the story happened in my life 2 yrs back. My name is Vinoth, working in Chennai for an mnc. I had a gf and we had been in relationship for 4 yrs and other than sex, everything happened to us. I also had an affair with one of my clg frnd which my gf also doesn’t know. 2 yrs back I got a friend request in fb and whenever I get unknown requests I will msg them as do I know them or do they know me....

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Sex With My Neigbhor Pooja

Hi to all gals /aunty /women this is true story and it was happen with me first time so I need to share this with all my one of the friend suggest me to post my story here so I am here if any gals/aunty/women or lady wanna have fun with me the they are always welcome you can mail on Let’s start this story is true and still now no one know this except my close friend this was happen when I’m in BSC (IT) final year. I was usually busy in my studies and my exam was on my head as you know mumbai...

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Sex starved Pooja

My name’s Pooja. I’ve been married for 6 years now. My husband Ravi is a handsome tall guy with innocent eyes. He was forced to marry me, he confessed later. Ravi was never into women he is a gay and madly in love with a guy named Rohit. After our marriage my in laws made my husband to take me somewhere for our honey moon. He was reluctant to take me anywhere, but he couldn’t say no to his parents because they were strict. Ravi arranged for his friend Rohit to come with us on our honeymoon...

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Sex Starved Pooja

Hello Everybody my name's Deepa and I'm an amateur writer. This is my first erotic story, I hope you all like it. *** The following story is completely fictional My name’s Pooja. I’ve been married for 6 years now. My husband Ravi is an handsome tall guy with innocent eyes. He was forced to marry me, he confessed later. Ravi was never into women he is a gay and madly in love with a guy named Rohit. After our marriage my in laws made my husband to take me somewhere for our honey moon. He was...

4 years ago
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Housewife Aunty Pooku Pooja

Na peru kumar, hyderabad lo untaanu. 29 years. Naaku pelli meedha nammakam ledhu. Naaku ammailatho sex ante antha ishtam undedhi kaadhu. Naakepudu baaga kasi ga unna oka aunty tho sex cheyyalani entha aasa ga undedhi. Aunty aithe experience untundhi, thanaku em kaavalo oka clarity untundhi, moguditho sariponi sukam kaavochu, bore kaavochu, mogudu thanaki nachinatu cheyyakapovadam kaavochu, mari mechanical ga edho thana sukam thanu chooskune mogudu kaavochu, prema ga daggariki theesukokunda,...

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Key To Heaven With Pooja

Hey everyone. I’m writing my first story here so please do send me your feedback to Do encourage me and I’ll come back with sexier and better stories. Now coming back to the story….in my college years when I was about 19. I used to go in a two-wheeler to college everyday. One day I had parked my scooter and was walking to the campus when I saw one of my friends Pooja, she has got really big boobs and a sexy figure by the way. We both had come early to school on that day, and still no one had...

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Sex With Naughty Pooja

This is a true story about an incident that occurred to me a 1 year ago and I am Amith from Bangalore working and after hot encounter with my cousin this happened with my colleague her name is Pooja 29 years. She had one of those bodies that you could just fuck and fuck, without getting bored all the men will know what and I mean and although she was not very good looking. She had a big pair of boobs with a nice round arse to die for which was always well covered at work under her dress and...

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How I met Pooja

Myself Rony. Not to be boasting about, but I am actually a good looking person with a good physique. My height is around 5’11” and my dick is 6.5” long. I am 29 and working in a reputed company in Cochin. I was in a relation with this girl named Anu for around 5 years. In these 5 years, to be honest enough, we never had sex.We saw each other nude, kissed each other, bathed together, made out, but I never penetrated her because I had a feeling that one fine day, I would marry her and fuck her...

3 years ago
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Trip To Delhi With Pooja

Hi it is Vishal again…today i will tell how i made my girlfriend super horny in the bed… Kindly response to my id My gf pooja is 25 year old..she is 5’5″ with super hot figure 36-26-36.. she is as fair as milk. Her boobs are v soft n good in shape with light brown nipples. Her waist flat with deep navel. We planned a trip of Delhi. She never wore hot dresses so delhi trip was going to Be our dream trip. We booked a room in 4 star hotel. Coming to main part of story. We did shopping for her....

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Making Love With My Hot Gf Pooja

Hi friends i m Vishal..M 27 year old living in Mumbai…It is my first story on this site ….My gf name is Pooja…She is 24 year old….First i will tell about her…She is 5 ft 5 inch tall….She has nice body more than that she is v cute looking but hot girl….She has one of d best figure u can imagine….She is v fair with pink juicy lips…Her boobs r soft big n round with perky milky light brown nipple…She has thin n flat waist with deep navel…Her figure is 34-26-34… It was my bday as i decided to...

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My First Act With Pooja

Hi everyone.This is rohitha from palakkad.Hope you all love this real story happened to me. I am 17 and have a very admirable body of 34d-28-34.This happened 2 months ago.I was alone in home since my parents went for marriage in cochin.I am too interested in sex especially lesbianism.I was attracted to pooja,my neighbor of my age with measurement of 36c-28-34.Her boobs are outstanding that no one con take their eyes off from them.Literally i was longing for her.To my surprise she came to my...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 74 The Villefort Family Vault

Two days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...

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Pakathu Veetu Aunty Pooja

Hello friends, en peyar Ramesh, vayathu 22 aagugirathu, naan kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiren. En pakathu veetil iru aunty irunthaargal, avargal ippozhuthu thaan vadagaiku vanthu irunthaargal. Auntyku oru paiyan irukiraan avan ippozhuthu thaan palli padithu varugiraan, aunty ennai oru naal motai maadiyil thuni kayap podum pozhuthu ennai azhaithu en maganuku konjam soli thara mudiyuma endru ketargal? Naan sari aunty naan avanuku soli tharugiren endru soli irunthen, aunty kanavan kalaiyil...

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The Real Stepford Wives Lizzies Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Sophia, along with some of the characters in the other two stories make cameo appearances here. *************************************** I...

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The Real Stepford Wives Vickys Story

The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sophias Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...

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Youthful fun in backyard fort

The summer of 1976 was one I will always remember. The four of us friends were all 12 years old, we had the entire summer to have fun and we had a nicely built fort in a backyard to hang out in. We did the normal summer stuff like riding bikes, playing basketball, hanging out at the park and swimming, but once we got inside the fort we kept returning. The fort was in reality a nicely built shed that Lisa’s father had built to keep some pool equipment, patio furniture (during the winter) and...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sugar Plum Fairy

The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy By VI This story is based on my favourite piece of TG fiction, which was written by the author Sarah Barndt. If you have never read 'The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies' then please do so, as it is an imaginative and well told story. Thanks very much Sarah. ************************ I had been performing ballet since I was eight, and for the last six years had been with one of the American ballet companies. I think the fame...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The Chelmsford Stalker By Michele Nylons The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer...

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The Stepford Children

Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer flesh-toned hose. He thought he could make out a subtle seam...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

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TwinsChapter 8 The Quest for Clifford

Clifford sat up in bed feeling the warm body lying next to him. He looked down at the shape in the near darkness. Janet. Christ, why did it have to be this way? He had loved Tracy, he still did. So why was he in Janet's bed? Why did he have sex with her? Four times? Not one of them was anything like the times he had been with Tracy, and yet... He got out of bed and made his way to the window, padding in his bare feet across the carpet. He slowly pulled open the curtains and looked out at...

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The Real Stepford Wives

The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmeceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I...

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