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Kate - The English Teacher
"Give me your book, there's a good boy"
Her voice was almost a purr. Kate took the writing book from his trembling finger. Looking down she could hardly be bothered to read the words he had written, her mind was already on the course of events to follow. She flipped the page back and fourth, checking what she already knew, that he had only managed to write one and a half pages. Her distractions and been completely successful, keeping him from any semblance of concentrated effort. Kate looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise. "It seems that you have wasted the whole morning Rick. I can see no evidence of any proper effort and you have not even started question three. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Rick dropped his eyes and his face colored up an even deeper red. "I... I.. d' don't know miss. I know them I j' just couldn't do them in time "Rick’s voice trailed off into silence. He bent his head and began to shuffle his feet. Kate spoke sharply to him. "Stand straight and look at me when I am talking to you. Do you mean to tell me that you have no excuse for this work"? Rick quickly raised his head, looking shocked at the sharp rebuke of his English Teacher. It was the first time he had heard her use that tone of voice. "I' I'm sorry miss "Rick could hardly speak. His legs were trembling as he watched her sit back in her chair. Her eyes never left his as she deliberately folded her hands across her lap.

"Look at me and listen carefully Rick. I have great faith in your ability to do good work. This morning you have chosen not to and I don't know why. You yourself have admitted that you have no excuse, is that correct? "Rick was trembling visibly as he began to answer. "I'm sorry miss, I promise I won't do it again" Kate leaned forward and looked deep into his eyes. "I am afraid Rick that your behaviour will have to be corrected. I intend you to become a well-educated young man whether you like it or not. I am very sorry but I am going to have to punish you "Kate leaned back and slowly opened the center draw. She took out the long rattan cane and placed it on the desktop. Inwardly she was delighted by the shocked expression, which appeared on the boy's face as the cane came into his view.

"B. but m' mmiss"
Rick stammered as tears began to form in his eyes. Kate quickly interrupted him.
"I'm sorry young man, but is for your own good. Go over to your desk and undress, quickly now, I don't want to waste the rest of the day" Rick was unable to move; the words shocked him. He could hardly believe this beautiful young woman was going to humiliate him. He began to tremble from head to foot, hardly able to put one foot in front of the other as he stumbled back to his desk. He turned to her, his voice pleading.
"But.. miss" Kate found it difficult to keep the thrill of excitement out of her voice as she spoke sternly to her young charge. "If you delay any more Rick I will double your punishment"
She watched with satisfaction as his trembling fingers started to undo the buttons of his jacket." Come along Rick everything off... quickly now "Kate stood up taking several ribbons of soft leather from the draw and placing them on top of the desk. She closed the draw and moved to side of her desk. She watched intently as the boy undressed. He had taken off his jacket and shirt and laid them on the seat of his chair. He was naked above the waist but seemed reluctant to unbutton his trousers.

"Take your shoes and socks off before your trousers... quickly now, I have warned you"
Kate’s voice was stern. Her words seemed to have the desired effect as Rick bent over and removed his shoes and socks." Come along... drop your trousers “Tears were rolling down his cheeks as Rick undid the buttons of his trousers and pushed them down to his ankles. He stepped out of them and placed them on top of his clothes on the desk. Kate felt an involuntary shiver run through her body as she watched the young boy stand up in just his underpants. “Right young man come and stand in front of me" Kate pulled up the chair and sat on it, slowly removing her left shoe form her foot, and waited for Rick to stand in front of her. He was clutching the waistband of his underpants as if they might fall. His whole body trembled with fear, his face flushed a deep red as he stood before her. “Drop your pants Rick and stand with your legs apart in front of me “ Rick’s humiliation was complete as he stood in front of his beautiful young teacher. He looked up to her face as if to plead with her once more. Kate lifted her left foot and gently stroked and nudged the boy’s pecker, "Be a brave boy Rick I have to do this for your own good". Kate’s toe rose upon the head of his penis, she slided her index toe over the head and flattened the entire length of his penis on his belly with her high arched sole.

Her voice was soft, almost tender as she ran her toe fingers gently down the side of his penis, along the length and up on his pubic section. "Take your hands away and place them by your sides. Stand up straight and look at me" Kate looked down at his genitals as he reluctantly tried to uncover himself. She raised the tip of his penis with her toe thumb examining it.”I want you to look at me Rick" Kate’s voice was now gentle and soothing. saying that and realizing that Rick’s penis was fully tensed as she removed her foot from her penis. Kate got up and walked up to her desk. "I am going to give you six strokes with a cane on your bare bottom and I want you to take it like a man. No nonsense, otherwise I will increase it to twelve. Because you are new to punishment I am going to secure you. So bend over the desk" She opened the drawer and took out the cane and ribbons. Rick shivered. Kate turned him around to face her desk; placing the flat of her palm against his tummy she bent him over until his chest was pressed flat against the top of the desk. Bending on one knee behind him she boldly stoked her fingers up the inside of his thighs, making him spread his legs.

"Please miss." Rick stammered.
"It's no good pleading Rick my mind is made up. Now get those legs apart"
Quickly Kate took the ribbons and tied them around his ankles, fastening the ends of the soft leather to the legs of the desk. She then moved to the other side of her desk and taking his wrists, pulled his arms forward and deftly bound the wrists together. She attached the other end of the soft leather to the handle of the center draw.
Kate heard the boy mumble an affirmative reply as she moved back around the desk to stand behind his naked body. Although she had not bound him tightly she was well aware that he would not be able to move his bottom more than a few inches.. She stood back admiring her handiwork. Rick’s chest was pressed flat against the inlaid leather top with his head turned to one side and his legs spread widely apart. Kate relaxed as she examined the naked boy stretched before her. She noted his firm buttocks as she bent forward to look between his outstretched legs. His penis hung down below his testicles, which she noticed were tightly encased in the scrotum as if he were cold. She moved forward and placed a hand on each buttock gently pulling them apart. She heard the boy gasp as she ran her forefinger down the crease of the buttocks and over the sensitive sphincter. “Right my boy, get that bottom up, come along up on your toes. “She watched as he obediently straightened his legs and pushed his bottom upwards. Kate felt a quiver of excitement run through her body. She was aware that the boy could not raise his bottom any higher, but could not resist the prospect of increasing his embarrassment.

"Come along you can do better than that". Gently she cupped his scrotum and carefully squeezed his testicles, pulling the scrotum backwards towards her. She thrilled once more as he gasped with shock at the intimate way she handled him. Keeping hold of his testicles she delicately encircled his penis with the finger and thumb of her other hand and pushed the foreskin upwards, uncovering the sensitive glans." Come along get it up further, there's a good boy" Rick could do nothing but mumble. She noted that his face, which was turned to the side, was covered in one deep blush. Letting go of him she stood back and once more took up her position. Taking the cane she lowered it so that the tip rested on the center of his buttocks. Rick quaked visibly as the cold rattan touched his flesh. Delicately she stroked the cane up and down over the cheeks of his bottom. She felt the smooth cotton of her blouse rub against her nipples, which were already hard with desire. “Come along Rick keep it up “With these words she abruptly raised the cane and brought it down hard across the very center of his bottom. The effect was electric, his shoulders heaved as he strained to straighten up and his mouthed opened wide in a grimace of anguish."Arrrggghhh.. arggghhh" Rick groaned as the pain of the stroke seared through his body. Through the deluge of pure anguish he heard her voice softly whisper. “That was number one “His shoulders quivered as he felt her tap the under-part of his buttocks. “Get your bottom up, I shall not tell you again" Her voice was now firmer and huskier. “Come along now “Rick strained to push his bottom upwards at the same time trying to clench his buttocks together as if somehow to protect the sensitive flesh. "Don't you dare clench your buttocks" With all the will power he could muster, Rick forced himself to relax his buttocks. No sooner had the flesh relaxed a second stroke bit into his tender flesh. He tried to rear up but could not move his hands. His whole body seemed helplessly pinioned to the desk. He cried out loudly, his throat almost constricted with the effects of the pain.
"Arrggghhh.. arrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh."" That was number two “Kate’s voice was soft, almost a murmer. Without warning Rick heard the swish of the cane as once more it sliced though the air. He could not believe the intensity of the pain as the bony rattan cane bit deep into his flesh."Arrggghhh.. arrggghhhhhh.. arrgggggggghhhhh" Kate squeezed her legs together as she felt a thrill run through her body. She pressed her hand between her legs and breathing deeply waited for the feeling to subside. She watched as Rick thrashed his bottom from side to side. Three bright red weals delineated his quivering buttocks." Get that bottom up Rick "She said firmly as she raised the cane once more. “That was number three and you have three more to come" For the fourth stroke she sliced the cane down across the top of his buttocks. 'Thwack'. She delighted in the satisfying sound of the cane as it bit once more into his soft flesh. She watched delightedly as he threw his head back and screamed."Arrgggggggghhh hhhhhhhhh arrrgggg gggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh"" That was number four “Her words were barely audible as without respite she raised the cane again and brought it down hard. Rick was beside himself with pain as once more, the bony rattan cane bit into his bottom. This time Kate had aimed carefully for the tender under-part of his buttocks. Her aim had been true and she watched his body quiver uncontrollably as he tried to rid himself of the pain
"Arrrgghrgggggghhhhh.... Arrrggggggghhhh oooooohhhhhh" Rick screamed, his flesh felt as if it was on fire. His body was quivering uncontrollably his mouth wide open as he fought for breath." That was number five, you have one more to come. Kate was not sure that she had managed to keep the excitement out of her voice as mercilessly she raised her arm for the sixth and final stroke. She aimed for the center of his bottom and brought the cane down hard, watching as if in slow motion the wicked rattan cane strike his flesh. His flesh seemed to envelop the bamboo as it bit deep into his buttocks. The effect of the last stroke was beyond anything Rick could have imagined. His whole body stiffened for an instance as if had been electrocuted. He tossed his head back and screamed. "Argggghhhh arrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... arrrggggggggggggggghhhhh." Tears streamed down his cheeks as he tried to escape his bindings. His whole body was writhing in agony. "Arrrggggghhhhhh..arrggggggghhhhhh...ooooohhhhhhhh. Please misss.. misss n'nnoo more." He shook uncontrollably as the pain coursed through his body.

"Pleeeeeeese misssss" He was near to fainting as he tried to form his words.
"Pleeeaaase... miss, no more" Kate smiled with satisfaction as she laid down the cane. She leaned over his quivering naked body and gently stroked her hand over his shoulders.
"There my boy, it's all over now. Try and relax... there's a good boy. Softly her fingers trailed over his back and down over his upturned bottom.

"There, there now, it's all over now, just relax" She pulled up the chair near him lifted her leg and deftly rubbed his scrotum with her foot delicately running it over Rick’s penis. She spread her toes and clenched his rim between her toes, pushing the foreskin back over the glans and squeezing the timid flesh between her toe fingers. Pulling the foreskin down again she began to move her foot up and down in a milking motion. She heard Rick gasp as she cleverly manipulated his penis with her foot. She slowly increased the tempo of her ministrations as she felt his penis begin to stiffen. Rick gasped as she tightened her toe grip on his penis and pushed the foreskin back as far as it would go. She punctuated the stroking of his penis by gently squeezing and nudging his testicles in a similar rhythm with her other foot. Rick’s emotions were in turmoil his breathing heavy and labored. He felt totally trapped and humiliated as she cleverly aroused him. She worked diligently, ignoring the moans and groans of the naked boy. Abruptly she let go his testicles and slided her toe up between the crease of his buttocks. Locating the sphincter, she pushed her toe thumb in, teasing the delicate membranes around the opening. With great care she inserted her toe into the orifice, insidiously probing until she felt the sphincter dilate. Without warning she pushed her toe firmly up into his bottom at the same time pushing the foreskin of his penis back with her toe grip, fully exposing the glans. She ignored the boy's gasps as she quickly located Rick’s prostate gland. With her toe rubbing inside him she stoked the prostate with her toe fingers, feeling his penis throb between her toe grip. Rick’s whole body was trembling, his body wracked with emotion as his English Tutor who looked like Kate Winslet of Titanic fame, expertly brought him to new heights of sexual sensation. Feeling his penis throb uncontrollable between her toes, Kate quickly shoved her toe deeper into his bottom, increasing the tempo of her foot strokes she squeezed his penis between her toe a as hard as she could. She smiled with satisfaction as the boy moaned uncontrollably. A jet of semen erupted from the tip of his penis on to the carpet below. Kate moved her foot up and down the shaft of his penis with increased speed,. Rick shook with emotion as she relentlessly milked him of every last drop of semen. He felt drained as her foot slowed and her grip relaxed. Kate extracted her toe from his bottom and rubbed her toe on his scrotum for a while . She squeezed her toes between her toes firmly watching the last drops of milky white semen escape from the tip of his penis.
"There.. there, just you relax, while I fetch the maids to attend to you" chuckled Kate.

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And He Kissed Me

P.S. My girlfriend helped me edit somethings..so kudos to her!! _________________________________________________________________________________ As the middle child of the house, it naturally came down that I was to be everyone’s servant. They all made me run around all day, doing their chores, getting their laundry done, helping them in their work and even as to do their homework for them The start of that day was during the early June time. In the dreary corner of the...

4 years ago
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Gretel and the Spectrums

"You will run again in two years, and you will win.""I'm not even thinking that far ahead yet, Gretel.""Yes, you are, Monty.""Yes, I am," he conceded, aware that he couldn't fool his old friend. "Then how do we start? Let's get you elected as the newest Representative from the great state of California.""Can we finish dinner first, then relaunch my primary campaign?"At the table in the trendy burger bistro, Gretel crossed her fork over her knife or her empty plate. "Finished."Monty shoved the...

Oral Sex
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Humped By Driver Part 3

One day my old friend and college room mate Swati was visiting me.Swati was my age but not married sicne her father was sick and there was noone to take care of her. She was an attractive woman with big breasts and a firm wide ass .Now she opened her heart in front of me and told me her problem. Swati not being married was not without her needs. She was maintaing physical relations with a neaighbour forn the last 2 years or so.This man was a married man who was living alone because of the job...

2 years ago
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SpaceChapter 29

I learned that we would be staying at a lodge instead of roughing it in our tents. There were guides, boats and basically everything we needed. Fishing tackle was a hit or miss thing and we had to get them ourselves. There was a list of what worked best for Spring Steelhead. "Pop you and Paul should make a day of going shopping, sort of a father and son thing." "You're my son too in a way." "I'll just go in and buy what I need and leave. The guys can come with me. You can shop and...

4 years ago
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Two Jamaican black studs for me

My loving hubby and I decided to spend a little vacation at Jamaica.Just a week; but enough to be later called “a great week…”While there I became friendly with a couple of young black guys that worked at the resort. These guys were so hot; every time I looked at them I got wet. After three days of just talking and teasing with them, my loving Victor finally encouraged me to go ahead with my real intentions…Thanking him, I plunged into the game. That evening I saw both guys walking by the...

3 years ago
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Sacred GardenChapter 2 Know Me

What you tryin' to say? You don't want to play, What you want and what you need don't mean that much to me. - TOOL The memories of the first weekend were driven from Brenda's thoughts as the sound of voices and crunching gravel intruded on her reminiscence. Two couples had come off the trail and were now stowing some light gear in a bright red Ford Explorer. She watched them through barely opened eyes and she was pleased to see them leaving. While the family Brenda had observed earlier...

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BackroomCastingCouch Chloe Vanessa Threeway

Are you ready for the circus? Because this week we get intense ladies and gentlemen. We’ve got super cutie Vanessa here, she’s 22, unemployed and wants to get into the adult industry. What she doesn’t know is we’re gonna ambush her a little today. She’s going to be surprised by a repeat customer, who really wants to get that job. Remember 24 year old Chloe? She’s returning to not only surprise Vanessa, but also get fucked in her ass! Vanessa doesn’t know she’s about to be involved...

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Elle McBain Teenage Fashion Model

Elle McBain was a teenage model much in demand in the fashion world of New York City. She was first discovered at the age of sixteen and soon caught the eye of Manny Francisco King of the porn world in Manhattan.Elle began posing for clothing ads in the New York Times. But, was soon high on the list for the better Fashion Houses. Her work kept her so busy, she dropped out of high school. She promised herself and her mom she would make sure to obtain her GED.As she was leaving a photoshoot, she...

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My Pleasures fullfiled by Mom

100% fiction! Hi my name is Calip. This incident happened when i was 18 years old. Before that i must describe my mom. She is very curvaceous, like near to 35-24-34. She has long black hairs, 5'6 tall & very attractive. So this incident happened when i was preparing for mr exams. All the day i used to study hard. My mom always asked me to have lunch & dinner at proper timings & then concentrate on studies. But i used to avoid it. I often study whole nights & my mom knew that. One day after...

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Husband In Training Pegged

When I picked her up from the airport it was a cold November day, but even through her coat I could tell her figure had changed radically. She had done a makeover, her hair short and blond now she looked sexier than ever. All I knew that this was most likely another part of her plan, based on the stories and porn she had found on my computer, to make me suffer like the cuckolds in those stories and films did."You have been so good to me so you deserve a little treat," she said as she slipped...

3 years ago
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boxer shorts swap

Jeff and Mike were friends. They'd known each other forthe last year or so, and had started hanging out together.They had met the year before on the high school swim team, andit was then that Jeff first developed his crush on Mike. It had started in the locker room, while changing intotheir Speedos. Jeff watched Mike strip off his jeans andshirt, and got instantly hard at the sight of this tall,goodlooking boy standing in front of him in his boxer shorts.He had to wait before changing. ...

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The Little Pleated Skirt Chapter 1416

Chapter 14 Mom, Aunty, and I went into the Uniform Store in the Marlow Heights Shopping Center. It was on the second floor. Climbing the stairs was very familiar since we have always come here in the past to buy my uniforms. After we reached the top of the stairs, I went straight over to the boys section. Mom quietly said out loud, "Jamie Clark, where are you going?" I told her, "Over to the boys section to get some pants to try on, Mom." She said, "Right! Jamie come along with...

1 year ago
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In The Kings ArmyChapter 2

"Are we headed into that mountain?" Dev asked Arel a few days later. "Just into the foothills. Loera Calderling lives with her family in a very old castle there. You know they used to man the walls of the pass, to keep the northern barbarians out of the south?" Arel asked. "No. I'm afraid I don't know much history," Dev responded. "Easily solved. About two hundred years ago, a wall was built across the Calder pass. You might note the similarity of names? The pass was named for an...

1 year ago
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RedtailChapter 7 To Be or Not To Be

Of course, I read Shakespeare in Senior English Lit in high school. Who didn’t? I just suddenly found myself identifying with the melancholy prince. A father killed. A usurper on the throne. What’s a prince to do? I was convinced my dad had been murdered and I was ready to lay it at the feet of Joe Teini. The bastard actually came to the funeral on Labor Day and when he went through the receiving line he offered my mom two million in cash for the ranch. At the fucking goddamned funeral! The...

3 years ago
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Rest Area An Adult Story

I was driving my big rig. I had the fuzzy dice on the rear view. I was heading across country again. I had to deliver some new cars in my hauler. I had a few days before I had to get to my next stop. I was making good time. I checked the CB and my cell. I was getting low bars on both. It was close to noon on a Friday. I had big breakfast at a truck stop this morning. I had unbuckled my tight jeans to let out some air. I had some white leather cowboy boots on. A big white cowboy hat on with a...

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Ranger JohnDay in the Life of a Park RangerThe distant sound of the Jeep scrunching the rocks and twigs on the dirtroad woke John Ulrich up."Shit! So early?" he moaned, writhing his beefy ex-pro-linebacker frame inthe too-narrow cot and looking over at the windup clock which must havebeen part of the cabin's furnishing since the 1950s.9:45 already! This was one part of the job John never got used to, theearly mornings. At least it was Tuesday and his official rounds didn'tstart til noon. But...

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NubileFilms Mackenzie Moss Gianna Dior Closer To Her

Gianna Dior has been hanging out with Mackenzie Moss, who is married to her brother in law, Tyler Nixon. Tyler is in much better shape than Gianna’s husband, and to top it off, Gianna finds that she’s attracted to Mackenzie in addition to Tyler. Eventually, Gianna hatches a plan to get everything she wants. When Mackenzie and Gianna decide to change clothes together, Gianna can’t keep her eyes off her crush. She puts on a sheer lacy top to cover her boobs and big areolas, then...

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JapanHDV Kaori Buki Meets an old friend today who dreams about her mouth on his cock

Kaori Buki has grown up into a hot sexy young lady. She is still studying so is still living at home with her parents. She is in charge of some aspects of the home like cleaning the house when her parents are out. She is not the short ugly duckling anymore and is now grown into a lovely young lady. She is at home today doing some light chores on this summer day. Today she is visited by an old childhood friend. He lives next door and they used to do everything together when they were younger....

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The Family SecretsChapter 2

"Is this the house you inherited?" was the first thing Dave asked, seeking confirmation. Veronica rolled her eyes. "Iris told you about that, did she?" Though he didn't get a yes, Dave knew her answer had been affirmative, so he fired off his follow up question. "Who did you inherit it from?" "Well, when I worked as a sex therapist, I helped a very rich old man overcome a sexual problem. It had been a problem for most of his life, and several other therapists had failed before I...

4 years ago
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A House in Disarray16 Past Issues Intrude on the Present

The limo pulled up to the curb to a crowd of people, including plenty of photographers and a full news crew. Amanda put her hand on Em’s arm. “There’s only one more interview, then we’re in the club and out of the public eye. Once there you’ll have to listen to us industry types drone on about our various projects. Think you can manage?” Em patted her hand. “Don’t worry. You’re the one poking the angry bear, which you’ll have to fend off. I’ll be fine, though I’d appreciate it if you didn’t...

2 years ago
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My New Life4

We headed home, and as soon as we got there my daddy went to the basement and got a pail of paint to paint my room a more appropriate color. He said, “Babygirl you’re going to have to sleep in our room with us until your room is ready for you.” News that made me elated, because that meant that I will be getting fucked by my daddy’s big cock and my mommy’s big strap-on whenever I want. So I gladly gathered my clothes, at least all the girly ones I had from before, and found my way to my...

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Trick or Treat

Good! thought Peter, as the clock in the hall struck ten and he filled his glass with one last dram of whiskey. He would retire to bed soon. Peter never had been a fan of Halloween, but since Tina had left the house he had become somewhat reclusive, and the threat of teenagers or kids banging on the door calling trick or treat filled him with dread. He had a bowl of sweets ready, and would quickly send them on their way. In the event it had been very quiet. It was a sleepy village, and...

2 years ago
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Thats So WrongChapter 30

Day 6 (13) –Richard, Fuki, Barbie and Suki Suki led Richard downstairs to a random room on a regular guest floor. She paused at the door. He nearly brushed her aside to barge into the room. His balls were churning with the need to cum. The thought that Fuki waited on the other side for him made him impatient. Suki put a hand to his chest. "Anxious much big boy?" She smirked. "Just a second. Look at me. Focus." She pointed at her eyes, then his. He took a deep breath, turned to her....

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A Dream

I see you across Rick’s crowded backyard. It’s another mid-summer barbeque party at Rick and Vanessa’s with all the friends. Last time we were both at one of these parties it was when Rick and Vanessa were getting engaged and you were with her, and I was jealous. None of that matters now, fate has blessed us today with the perfect opportunity, and we just have to play it cool until then. For a few hours we have to act like friends and be social, mingle with our other friends, drink beer, eat...

First Time
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First Time With My sister

When I was younger, I had a habit of masturbating quite often as most guys do. One day I was in my room with the door locked and I was on my bed with a magazine for inspiration. I was going at it when suddenly, my sister burst in. I rolled over and covered up and yelled at her for doing that. I asked how she got in since the door was locked. She showed me the small flat head screwdriver she had used to open the cheap lock. She had loved to pick on me as she was 4 years older than me and when...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 01

Author’s Note: Yes, here’s a hockey romance. I know it’s been a long (long long long) time since I posted something other than a stand alone. Writing time has been hard to come by this year, unfortunately. I do hope you enjoy this. Votes and feedback always appreciated. Thanks to MugsyB, annanova, and LettersfromTatyana for beta reading and encouragement, as well as my chief beta reader J. Also thanks to Estragon for the copy editing. Hope you enjoy! =============================== ‘I gotta...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Solo Visits to Porn Theaters

We made many trips to the adult theaters in the Denver area where Cheryl spent many hours entertaining the various males there. She would always wear a slutty outfit so the guys knew she was there to suck and fuck as much cock as she wanted.On several occasions I took her to the adult theater during the day, dropping her off and picking her back up an hour or so later. The guys there during the day were a different crowd, not in a bad way, just a different set of men who normally did not visit...

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