The Awakening Of Chris - Epilogue free porn video

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Paul had spent the night with my Mom in her bed. According to him they were mid coitus when the Taxi company had rung his phone asking where he was.

This meant a very expensive phone call to get a later flight leaving at 0940.

The good thing about this was that I got to take him to the airport and also drop Caley off at her apartment.

She lived in a small 2 bedroom place above a locksmith and a 7 Eleven. I had walked her up to her door and shared a nice kiss with her.

The kiss had been interrupted by her flatmate Jenna who had thrown open the door and screamed at Caley about not being in contact since Sunday morning.

The last I saw of her that day was her being dragged through the doorway with shouts about getting to work on time.

Driving to the airport with Paul was just like the arrival 3 days ago. We talked about everything like we were discussing what sandwiches we liked. We both agreed that it had been a crazy weekend but a good one.

At the airport he told me to use the drop off only parks. We hugged like guys usually do and made plans to Skype or call. Apparently it was my turn to head down to his place next he had said with a smirk on his face.

And then he was gone. The airport doors closed behind him and according to a flight tracking app his flight took off 7 minutes late.

The next year flew by..


My next filming project kicked off shortly after 'the weekend'. It was a big production with a big budget starring big names. My relaxed days had turned into 14 and 15 hour slogs. I was travelling to locations and different studios pretty much 3 or 4 times a week and even had to spend 5 weeks in southern Africa. Post production was even tougher. Re-shoots were ordered.

The big news though was that due to the re-shoots being huge, I was given the control of a whole unit. That meant huge responsibility and a huge pay 5 times what I was originally earning.

Once the film was in the can I took some time off. The production house paid me and I looked in awe as my bank balance shot up. My 270 grand suddenly became 410 grand after 4 months work.

The film was a huge success on its release. I got to go to the premier night and even got interviewed!

My reputation soared after that. In the space of 3 months I was a Unit Producer and had an offer on the table to taking a role in setting up a new production house. It wasn't going to happen for a while - but it was exciting that I was in on the ground floor.

Nearing Christmas I was finally moving out of my pool apartment and into my own place. I was lucky that a few people in the industry had great contacts in the real estate market which meant I get a little preferential treatment. I ended up getting a nice 3 bedroom villa about a 10 minute drive from where my parents used to live.

It came with a nice pool area that looked out over the plains and afforded me some privacy. I was driving a nice car and spending time with good, creative people.

But during all this upheaval and success I still found time for the people who shaped me in that crazy weekend.

I visited Paul just after the film wrapped. I was down with him for 4 nights spending time with some old friends and Paul's family.

His Mother lived up to her promise of entertaining me....many times. In fact I spent almost every night in her bed. The sex with her was outrageous. She let me fuck her whenever I wanted. I lost count after the first few times. Against the fridge, up on the counters, watching TV, in the car, at the dinner table, in their pool, beside their pool. Just us, a threesome with her, me and Paul, a foursome with her, me, Paul and Paul's girlfriend.

The only disappointment was that Paul's Sister had moved out and was living with her boyfriend.

The one amazing thing that happened though was Paul and I finally getting the chance to have sex with each other.

It took us about 5 minutes from when he showed me my room that I'd be staying in (supposed to be staying in) to us being naked in bed together. It felt fantastic to feel him again. I prided myself on my blowjobs now and made sure I gave him my best efforts.

But oddly it didn't feel like I thought it would. I expected Paul and I to have a real connection but it never eventuated. Don't get me wrong, the physical stuff felt great. But it didn't feel different.

I had learnt how to prepare for male on male sex and I made sure that Paul and I tried it all.

But even when Paul was fucking me I didn't feel that spark that I thought would exist between me and him. As his cock thrust into me I remember feeling a little.....disappointed?

I think he felt it too. I guess we were both expecting fireworks.

After we had finished I stood in the shower knowing that we probably would never be together like that least by ourselves. Sure - threesomes and maybe wanking each other if we happened to be horny at the same time. But probably never trying to make love again.

It started that weekend off on a sad note but Paul's Mom certainly made up for it.

She was inventive and had very few boundaries. She welcomed me into the house with a hug that turned into a make out session with Paul watching.

From there it was a blur of sex.

She kept coming up with crazy ideas.....she wanted to speak to my Mom (who she hadn't really spoken to since we moved away). We arranged a Skype call. During the call she told my Mom to get into something sexy. Mom was a little confused but she eventually got into a set of underwear. We ended up putting on a fairly explicit show for her which was enthusiastically received.

Paul's girlfriend Katie was not what I expected. She was pretty, tall and skinny with long blonde hair and freckles. She was friendly but rather outspoken and dare I say......loud?

She had an insatiable appetite for sex. On the morning I met her it was obvious that her and Paul had just had sex. Her hair was all over the place and her cheeks were rosy red.

One night they both took great pride in showing me their sex tape collection. Katie would only let us watch them if we were naked so there was no point in hiding my arousal when I saw her riding Paul on their big screen TV.

That night ended with all three of us fucking our way around their apartment.

Although it was fun I wasn't a fan of Katie as a sex partner. She was a bit to aggressive for my liking and (perhaps I had been spoiled) not great at giving blow jobs.

But Paul seemed besotted with her and it was really nice to see him so happy.

When I returned from my 4 nights I was glad of a few nights of quiet.

The main dark cloud hanging over my year was Caley.

For the couple of weeks after we met we were inseperable. She practically lived at my apartment.

The sex between us was fantastic and the time we weren't naked was fufilling and fun. I introduced her to some of my friends who took to her and welcomed her with open arms.

We talked about my upcoming schedule with work and we worked out a plan to make sure we had time together.

Then I got busy.

Then she got busy.

She rarely stayed at mine. We occasionally managed a cup of coffee together or perhaps even a date night. But the times were fleeting. The most painful thing about all of this is that I knew I was in love with her.

Then the arguments started.

Silly little things that really shouldn't have mattered.

"You didn't text me."

"Why don't you want to go to my friend's birthday party?"

"Why do we always have to stay at your place?"

Things that only mattered because it seemed like the only way of assuring communication between us.

One night after a terse conversation at a cafe I went back to the studio to work on some stuff.

My phone beeped with an incoming text from Caley.

- Can u call me URGENT Cx

I huffed and sighed. Caley was great at texting me first as Directors and Producers HATE phones ringing on set or in the studio.

I had called her and was a bit shocked at how rude my voice sounded when I asked her 'what did she want'.

All I could hear was sobbing.

Caley's Father had been walking home from his office when a drunk driver had lost control of their car and plowed into him. He was killed instantly.

I took some time off and was with her for the funeral and the next few days afterwards. It was the day after the funeral that she let me know that she had been offered a permanent position in a city 6 hours away by plane.

We both knew it was over.

The night before she left we had sex for the last time. I knew that we were saying goodbye, but I also knew that we were making love. It was slow and tender. It was like we were trying our best to remember every detail about each other so that neither of us would forget.

When we said our final goodbye's I stood and waved as the taxi took her to the airport.

I sent her a text - I will miss you and I will always love you xxx

I went to my house and cried. I felt that I had lost my best friend and my first true love.

But life carried on. Work kicked back in and soon my mind was full of tracking shots, personnel logistics and distribution issues.

Just over a year later I would receive an email from Caley. She had had the surgery and was now a fully fledged woman. She had met a guy and was moving in with him. Apparently he was really nice and that if I met him I would really like him.

Bullshit - I hated him. I was gutted.

But through all of this my Mom had been a constant.

The couple of days after Paul had left had been a little strained. Mom wasn't sure what to make of the weekend. She had felt guilty for cheating on my Dad. She had felt guilty for being inappropriate with me.

I spoke with her a couple of times but it usually ended with her excusing herself and crying in her room.

But it all changed when my Dad finally got home.

He arrived home with very little warning. Just a phone call to let us know he was on his way in the limo. He literally stepped through the door and commented on how the place could do with a tidy up and that'd he get a maid in if my Mom was struggling.

We were having dinner one night when he announced that he and Mom would be having an early night.

This was his very clever code for sex.

I had whispered to Mom while he was clearing away the scraps of food if she was OK. She quietly told me to come down to her room in 15 minutes.

My Dad had led my Mom down the hallway and into their room. I had excused myself telling them I was going to my pool house.

5 minutes later I was tiptoeing down the hallway towards the sound of my parents 'love making'.

The doorway had been left ajar. I could see my Dad's bare arse moving methodically up and down. They were fucking in the missionary position. My Mom's legs were pulled up with her feet hanging in the air.

I could hear my Dad's gruff grunts. My Mom was putting on a decent enough show of enjoying herself. But her gaze was often up at the ceiling. She had caught my eye and stared at me as my Dad persevered with his monotonous humping.

I showed her through the gap in the door that I was hard.

Once she had seen this she started to groan....she had looked directly at me and moaned 'Fuck me....I want you to fuck me.'

My Dad, thinking this was directed at him, came in a series of 3 or 4 grunts. He'd collapsed on top of her as she stroked his back and thanked him for such a lovely time.

He had slowly got up and hopped off the bed. He turned a little and I saw his droopy spent cock....and a condom! I couldn't believe it....he was wearing a condom!

He stretched a little and muttered something about having a shower.

My Mom just lay there.

He closed the shower door.

I walked into the room, took off my shorts and fucked her.

The whole time I could hear my Dad humming away. Occasionally he'd even called out to her about things he needed to know or tell her.

When I came she made sure that I came in her mouth.

I walked out and back to my apartment.

A few hours later she knocked on my bedroom door and told me that she had open mouth kissed him. I'm sure he would have been horrified if he had known that moments before, my cock had been launching wave after wave of warm cum into her mouth.

We fucked again and 2 nights later my Dad was away on business again.

For the next few weeks myself, Caley and Mom had enjoyed each other immensely.

Often all 3 of us would sleep in the same bed.

The sex would be outstanding.

This continued until mine and Caley's busy lives caught up with us.

Once the filming began I had little time for all night sex sessions.

With Caley heading over less and less I occasionally had sex with Mom while watching TV or when we had dinner by ourselves.

But soon even that became a rarity.

My Mom and Dad separated while I was away in South Africa.

They both knew that the marriage was over. My Dad had apparently told her that he was seeing someone from the office but it wasn't serious.

Mom was upset, but mainly because her life was going to change dramatically.

Just before I got my own place Dad announced that he had sold our house. My Mom had done well out of the divorce. She had enough to buy herself a nice 2 bedroom place in a new development that sat inside the grounds of a golf course.

Dad moved permanently into the city into a penthouse apartment with his new girlfriend. I went around one night for dinner. The girlfriend was about 25 years old and thick as shit. She looked hot.....really hot. But she was gold digging. I can't imagine why else a sexy 25 year old would be hanging around with my millionaire Dad? I made sure I was very pleasant to her and complimented her every chance I got.

My Dad was being a prick to my Mom. He was keeping tabs on everything she was doing. He was furious that she had done well out of the divorce. He let slip that he thought my Mom was a gold digger and that she was ungrateful for the life he had given her. I hit the roof. I had a massive argument with him and told him I was finished with him....not that I really had any relationship with him anyway.

He told me to leave.

I did.

I returned the following day with the story that I had left my phone behind. My Dad's girlfriend was the only one there.

I fucked her. I fucked her hard.

She was easy as they come. I went in and apologized for my behaviour. I paid her some more compliments and then made an inappropriate pass at her. I made her think that I was wracked with guilt. She thought giving me a hug would help. I kissed her. She recoiled in shock and then gave in.

She had a smokin' body and fucked like dream. She looked a playboy bunny. Big tits, 6 pack and a cunt that just dripped with lust. I fucked her in every hole. I took video of her sucking my cock, video of her bent over the sofa with my cock fucking her in her pussy and arse. I came in her mouth, cunt and arse. I fucked her in his bed, I fucked her in his shower. Even when he called her on the phone I made sure that I was fingering her. She had a silent orgasm as he droned away on the phone. I made sure I made her cum as much as possible - I bet Dad wasn't giving her that thrill.

The next time we all got together (under the banner of reconciliation) I fucked her in the bathroom. She told me not to cum inside her but I did anyway.

I loved the thought of her heading home in my Dad's car full of my cum.....especially if he fancied getting his wrinkly pole up her!

It was a bit of a nasty period in my life...more than anything I felt bad for the way I treat her....she probably didn't deserve it.

So now life is settling down.

My Mom has a boyfriend. He seems like a nice guy. He owns an IT company that specializes in some fibre My Mom pretty much lives with him now and is crazy happy. She runs a party planners company with a friend of hers. They recently hosted a new Production House's opening night. It was very successful.

The sexual part of out life is on hold for the moment. My Mom needed someone to make her feel loved...she has that now. We still talk almost every day - the most I see her of her now is the texts that she sends me of her in bikini's, underwear and naked. We still like a little bit of naughtiness.

My Dad and his girlfriend are still together. I still fuck her when I get the chance. I've actually grown to like her a little bit more. She's a genuinely nice girl just trying to get out in front of life.

Fuck you Dad!

Paul and his Mom are still in touch with me. They are heading up in a few weeks time....and they're bring his Sister who has recently split from her boyfriend. I'm really not sure how this is going to see....I'm kinda seeing someone at the moment, and I haven't broached that part of my life with her yet.

She's a nice girl and we have a lot in common.

I had met her before but she had lost my number and changed phones. I don't mean to brag but she's a little bit famous. Have you seen the movie 'Fly Away'? Well she was the lead actress in that....and she recently starred with Channing Tatum in the wildly successful 'On the Tides'.........oh........she fucks like a wildcat.


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3 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris part 6 end

Introduction: This is the last chapter of the series. Ive had a great time pursuing these two characters over the course of this long series. Comments and suggestions are welcomed as always! It felt strange waking up next to Charles, knowing full well that neither one of us were sleeping next to the person we wanted to most. Sunday, I thought. Chris had mentioned that he was going to have a late night so I didnt want to wake him up immediately just to fuck. Id just have to find some other way....

4 years ago
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Futurevision DreamScape Chris and Sarahs Shared Reality

Futurevision DreamScape: Chris and Sarah's Shared Reality. by BinaryFellow Summary: Chris and Sarah are hired to test a new revolutionary virtual reality technology being developed that will one day change the world. It's all fun and games until Sarah takes things too far, and the technology malfunctions. Author's Note: This is my first story ever. Please leave honest & constructive feedback. Consider this an open universe. Anyone may write stories about other characters that...

2 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 3

Introduction: This is the third chapter of the second series. Im not quite sure yet if there will be 6 chapters to this series or not, but it will most likely be in that ballpark. This is also more of a buildup episode, but hopefully it doesnt dissapoint. Comments and suggestions are welcome as always. Ughh sweetie! This is why mommy told you to pack last night! I screamed frustratingly at my daughter. Now here I was, sifting through her little suitcase at 7 in the morning, trying to find and...

4 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris part 5

Introduction: Sorry for the delay, but the site prevented anyone from logging in and uploading stories. Here is part 5. Again suggestions and comments are always welcome. I always take the time to consider over all suggestions and just because it is not addressed in the immediate proceeding chapter does not mean it will not be introduced in later ones. I woke up the next morning earlier than usual to get an extra yoga session done in the morning. I wanted to look my absolute best by Halloween,...

2 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris part 4

Introduction: This is the fourth chapter of the series. I admit this one got a little too long, but I didnt find a good breaking point, so it is what it is. For those waiting for steamier sex scenes, this chapter finally delivers it. Again, please feel free to leave comments and suggestions, many of them have been very helpful and were added. My eyes awoke to the piercing rays of the sun, fighting its way through the blinds. I quickly glanced at the clock and was relieved to see it was only...

1 year ago
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Resurrection of Crazy Jane Pt 07Epilogue

What follows is the epilogue for the six-part ‘Resurrection of Crazy Jane.’ If this is your first exposure to this story, please consider reading from Part 1. I didn’t go out of my way to let this epilogue or any other part stand on its own. If you have read through to this point, make the decision whether to continue. There is no sex at all in this part. It is simply a dramatic epilogue, telling what happens to our protagonist. I’m a huge fan of stories that end on hanging action (E.g.:...

3 years ago
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Pendants of Aeternitas An Epilogue

Pendants of Aeternitas: An Epilogue by BobH (c) 2012 Note: My thanks to Zapper for allowing me to write this coda to his tale. For anyone reading this who hasn't read his story - and though I don't know why you wouldn't, I'm sure there'll be a few of you who haven't- what you need to know is that Mark Thompson believes he has stopped a body thief from stealing his wife Susan's body. He is wrong. What Mark doesn't know is that the thief not only stole his wife's body but also...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 1

Introduction: This is the second series involving Jen and Chris. It takes place a few months after the conclusion of the first series. As always with my writing, I take some time to give at least some background to minor characters. I feel it adds more authenticity to the story. Again, I welcome comments and suggestions. Also because of all the comments regarding involvement of Jessie, it unfortunately cant happen because of rules of the site. Mom have you seen my sandals? Chris shouted from...

4 years ago
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Discovery 1 Matt and Chris

DiscoveryMy sister April came down the stairs to the lower level of our tri-level home.  She walked across the room, standing at the end of the couch.  I looked up from my video game and said, “What’s up, April?”“Nothing, Matt.  I wanted to let you know I’m headed over to Gwen’s house.  Mom is at Uncle Greg and Aunt Linda’s house and probably won’t be home until tomorrow night.  Uncle Greg is having a party, and you know Mom won’t drive after she’s had a few drinks,” April said.“Have a good...

Gay Male
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 6

Introduction: This is the last chapter of series 2. I apologize again for the major delays, but I was having a lot more troubles writing this chapter as opposed to the other ones. Regardless, here it is. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions For the rest of the evening, even after the movie, my husband was relatively quiet around me. I guess my look from earlier had gotten him nervous, scared him enough to try and avoid any major conversations with me about his phone call. So once...

4 years ago
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YBWL3 Chris vs Alex

YBWL-3 Hello! This is a story about young boys doing things that young boys probably ought to not do to each other. If you have no desire to read such a story, then please leave now. Otherwise, enjoy the very strange contents of my imagination. As you have figured out by now, I have very strange fetishes. The only way I can relieve them is through these stories. Let me know what you think in the comments- my account is periodically deleted for whatever reason and I enjoy hearing from those who...

2 years ago
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You think you know someone Chris and Ellen Their story Chapter 3 of 4

Chris and Ellen had been on the swinging scene for three years. They had been married for twelve. They were the same age, thirty seven years old. They were high school sweethearts and started going out together in grade eleven when they were seventeen. They started screwing each other in grade twelve and there was no question that one day they would get married. They had their little bust ups in their early twenties, when one or the other had been having an affair. There was fault on both...

Group Sex
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 5

Introduction: Heres part 5 of the series. As always, love to read your comments and suggestions! I awoke to the soft lyrics of my phones alarm, my eyes quickly realizing that I was in in my sons room. Because of the few bottles of beer, Charles snoring was louder than usual last night, and by 3:30 I had given up altogether, sneaking into Chris for some shut eye. I had purposefully set the alarm for 7:45, just to make sure I woke up before my husband. I mightve enjoyed cuckolding Charles by...

2 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 4

Introduction: Heres part 4 of the series. There are 2 more chapters for series 3 before it ends. The next series will be a crossover with Lily re-joining them. Chris, honey I whispered, prying his bedroom door open slowly. The lights were off, something that I hadnt expected. It was a little surprising seeing him asleep on a late Friday afternoon. Then again, given how much energy he spent just hours earlier with me, maybe its not! Honey I said a notch louder this time, approaching his bed. ...

3 years ago
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lactating hot wife chapter 1 Chris exposes and shares me with his best friend

Setting the context:First, a little about me. I am twenty three, and married to my high school sweetheart. I am five foot, nine inches tall, with a slender athletic frame. My hair is blond and I frequently wear it in a ponytail, giving me a youthful, innocent look, even when naked. Normally, my breasts are small, but firm and perky with large prominent nipples. However, at the time of these events, my breasts were much larger as they were temporarily engorged with milk for my baby. I also have...

Wife Lovers
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 2 Part 2

Introduction: Heres the second part of the second series. This one was a little shorter than my other chapters as I didnt find a good stopping point so just settled for a slightly shorter chapter. Again, all suggestions and constructive criticism is welcomed. Despite being on vacation, waking up was anything but pleasant. Between the slight hangover from last nights wine and the loud snoring form my husband, even the bright rays of the Florida sun wasnt enough to jolt me out of bed. I spent a...

3 years ago
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CHRIS-CROSSED! By C.C. I have heard about the problems that racially mixed marriages can bring, and I've also heard about the difficulties that sometimes arise from marrying twins who have a close affinity for one another - a sort of psychic bond stronger than the ties of matrimony. But I never dreamed that they would lead to the situation I eventually ended up in! Let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is Norman Drake and I have for most of my life been a man of considerable...

2 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 2

Introduction: This is part 2 of the third series. As with my writing, i sometimes use chapters as a buildup for future ones. This particular chapter serves as one of those. Comments and suggestions are welcome as always. It had been less than a week, less than a week since I actively tried to cuckold my husband and I was already hooked. At nights, when I couldnt fall asleep, I would run through image after image of my sons cock, slamming into me while my husband had his head turned. As a...

3 years ago
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Stemom adventures 8211 Chris story

Chris was growing quickly for his age. His life was full of the typical teenage adventures and problems, a body that was flooded with hormones causing most of them. The alarm had rung some time ago and his stepmom had yelled for him to get moving twice. He stretched and rolled out of bed, the virtually permanent erection of a teenager bouncing and leading the way as he headed for the bathroom to take his shower. He threw his clothes on for school still half-asleep. It had been a long week last...

1 year ago
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Huge 9 Chris Gets a Summer Job

Chris awoke lying on his side. In those first few seconds of uncertain consciousness, he kept his eyes closed and tried to figure out where he was. He was definitely in a bed. But was he at college in his dorm room, or in some girl's bed or was he at home? A warm hand snaked across his hip and found his half-hard penis. The hand traveled the length of his shaft until it found the pronounced ridge that marked its bulbous head. Fingers began to massage that sensitive patch of skin that all men...

3 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 5

I had purposefully set the alarm for 7:45, just to make sure I woke up before my husband. I might’ve enjoyed cuckolding Charles by kissing and touching his son in front of him, but I didn’t quite want him to know Chris and I were doing far more than that. Besides, there was my daughter to worry about too. And as naïve as she is, it’d probably be hard to explain why mommy is leaving her brother’s room in nothing but a tank top and panties. However, getting out of bed was proving quite...

1 year ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris part 2

Introduction: This is the second chapter of the story. Thank you all for the comments and suggestions, I will be sure to consider all of them. So continue to leave them in the comments section. The next morning I woke up just as early as usual, even though it was a Saturday. I guess my body had just naturally adjusted itself to that time to get up. I walked through the silent house and into the kitchen to get some coffee. But as I opened a magazine to read, I heard the sound of footsteps down...

3 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 3

Introduction: Re-starting my series from before Introduction: This a series that I left off almost a full year ago, but am just now able to continue again. For those who do remember and read it before, Im so sorry for stopping so suddenly and I apologize profusely! Because of work, Ive been gone for a year in a country that has much stricter regulations for internet censorship than I knew about. I never intended to stop, but was kind of forced to (didnt want to even chance it with VPN or...

2 years ago
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Huge 7 Chris Goes to College

Chris felt something warm and wet slip over the head of his cock. He smiled even though he was still half asleep. He felt a familiar weight settle on his groin. The tight wetness began to slide around on his cock. His breathing quickened and his eyes opened into the early morning gloom of his bedroom. "Mom," he said as he glanced at the clock on his nightstand, "what are you doing? It's like four in the morning." His mother, Heather, braced her arms on either side of his broad...

3 years ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 4

The lights were off, something that I hadn’t expected. It was a little surprising seeing him asleep on a late Friday afternoon. Then again, given how much energy he spent just hours earlier with me, maybe it’s not! “Honey” I said a notch louder this time, approaching his bed. Knowing we didn’t have the time or the privacy for any fun anyways, I decided not to wake him; Instead opting to pick up his load of dirty laundry and sweater to wash. But as I l did so, I couldn’t help but giggle...

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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris Series 3 Part 1

Introduction: This is the first chapter of the third series involving mother Jen and her son Chris. It picks up right where the second series ended, but now back at home after vacation. I originally intended to wait until finishing the other series before starting this one, but I have decided to run both in parallel. Comments and Suggestions are welcome as always. Mom, is that you? Who else would it be? I giggled, slipping inside his covers. Now get your cock out honey, mommys horny! I had...

4 years ago
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Donna and Chris

Donna was up early as she slipped on a pair of cut off jeans and a gray shirt as she headed out the door. She was gonna go grab her shoes, but thought better of it as it was such a nice day and since she never wore shoes in the summer and she was in a hurry was only heading up the street to get some food. Donna always had no problems getting men, but the problem was she was always getting losers and married men. Donna who was 5'7 and had long gorgeous brown hair, tanned beautiful legs and an...

2 years ago
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ChrisCrossed conclusion

"Chris..." I started, "did you..." I looked at her. There was the usual trace of amusement on her lovely black face, but her eyes were as wide and surprised as my own. "What the bloody...?" She suddenly rolled over and picked up the bell from the nightstand. "Chris!" she called her brother, "get in here!" A very sheepish transvestite-Chris, not quite hiding a guilty grin, slowly opened the door and peeked in. "Yes, darling?" he asked. "Don't 'yes darling' me!" his sister...

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Asian mom Jenny and her son Chris chapter 1 reuploaded

This is the first chapter of a very, very long story that has spanned 3+ series (and counting). I use a very slow and methodical style that builds each chapter on top of each other without diving too quickly into the action. So if you're looking for a quick sex story, this isn't for you. In fact, there's no sex at all in this first chapter but it provides the foundation for the relationship between Jenny and her son Chris. Enjoy. “How is it possible for one little girl to create...

2 years ago
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Geeky Dave Geeky Chris and Supermodel Morgan Chapter 7

By the time Morgan and Chris moved into the new high rise apartment building, I had briefed the Dungeons and Dragons Club to refer to me as "President Dave" instead of "Dave the Dungeon Master" to anyone who asked. I explained I was now dating Morgan, and while D&D players would see the "Dungeon Master" as a huge title, the rest of the world would think I was some kind of S&M freak. The press and papparazzi tsunami began the day after Entertainment Tonight talked about us....

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