CCTV free porn video

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The London underground, have you ever noticed how many CCTV cameras there are? About three to four in what seems like every ten yards. They’re all watching you, or are they?

Perhaps not just you, not all the time anyway!

And what of the people behind the mask; them, of us and them. Looking from screen to screen, scanning images, as if on automatic control. An AI perhaps, flicking through images looking for particular traits or behaviours or that look in someone’s eye; a definitive type of grin perhaps or a leer.

And once found, the red lights flash, sirens sound and the image brought to the attention of them. Then they take control of the joystick and start following you around; switching camera feeds when you turn a corner. Tracking you through a street or car park until another camera has eyes-on from a different direction; all in the name of security and safety.

There are more cameras around on the streets that are used to film the Matrix in bullet time.

Then there are them that are bored; on the night shift, watching out for nothing in particular except those left-over stragglers from the trains and buses; late-night revellers making their way slowly home. If they have a home, that is.

Sometimes boredom changes people. They look for something to ease the stress of a long night-shift. Something out of the ordinary. Something different. It’s a novelty at first, but sooner than later they get bored with zooming in on the woman with big tits as she ascends the escalators. Even taking screenshots to share on social media has worn a little thin. Something more is needed.


Melanie and Steve are two late-night revellers that are just about to step off the Eastbound circular train at St. James Park station. They have only just met, as a result of extended conversations in on-line forums and chat rooms. To say their private chats were disgusting and perverse would be an understatement.

As the train hurtles towards the station they are standing up at the end of the carriage, by the doors; leaning effortlessly against the end of the carriage. To mere onlookers from down the train, they seem to engage in heavy petting. Lovers taking the light night train home to fuck each other’s brains out on the sofa; that is if they even make the sofa.

Melanie’s eyes close for a split second as she feels the sudden deceleration, a single word, fuck, leaves her lips and they prepare to exit the train. The look on her face is far from calm. Something is obviously upsetting her while the smile on Steve’s face suggests it has nothing to do with him.

The train stops and they exit it, smiling profusely. Melanie immediately looks upwards towards the array of CCTV cameras that pepper the ceiling. Come on, you fuckers, look at us.


Sure enough, Simon is bored. His partner in crime has just finished her shift and he is left alone for a couple of hours before the ‘stupid-o-clock’ shift relieves him. He’s scanning the feeds for suspects. Not the criminal types, the other types.

He spots Melanie and Steve looking up at the cameras and smiling; his arm around her waist, kissing her. He shifts from one feed to another and then another until he finally settles on a camera that watches them from behind.

He notices the man’s hand is hidden from sight and a leer appears on Simon’s face. His thoughts turn to the lucky fucker that has his hand up her short skirt, squeezing her mounds of flesh and even touching her wet slit, if he’s lucky enough.

Other people crowd around them and disperse in a random display of humanity having somewhere important to get to.


Melanie’s cheeks feel good. Steve’s hand caresses them at first but soon start to maul them in the hope that the movement of his squeezing and her walking causes sensations in her pussy that she can’t ignore. Not that she wants to ignore anything that Steve is doing to her.

The CCTV cameras are all around them.

Melanie’s heart is beating faster than a hummingbird’s wings as she scans them, hoping that someone is watching them in return.


They are lost momentarily, but Simon already attaches the feed from the camera looking down the escalator to the main screen. And sure enough, there they are, in plain view with only a couple of people walking up the outside of them.  The man’s hand is definitely up her skirt.

He watches her stare at the CCTV camera and for a moment, he’s scared that she can see him through the lens. Simon watches as she turns towards the man.


Melanie can see the camera at the top of the escalator move slightly as if tracking someone, them – hopefully. She quickly turns to Steve and waits for the one man to walk past them before tearing her top open, grasping his head and thrusting it between her breasts.

Steve laps at her cleavage with glee and without as much as a questioning smile.


Simon stares at the screen. His leer is wiped off his face when he sees the man dip his head into the woman’s tits. His cock jerks and stiffens against his confining trousers. His hand reaches down to give it a quick and necessary squeeze.

In his head, Simon already labelled the woman as a slut as she continues to grasp at the man’s head, pulling him further into her cleavage.

Simon has found his suspects for the evening and very deserving suspects they are too.

As they approach the top of the escalator, he is already priming the cameras in the street outside the station. From what he has already seen, he doesn’t want to lose them quite so soon.


Melanie and Steve fall out onto the street and immediately turn the corner to set off on their way down Petty France. Steve glances towards Costa Coffee, considers going to the loos to purchase some condoms, but decides that Melanie doesn’t seem the type to bother with them. Certainly not by the way she pushed his head into her tits as they rode the escalator or the way she let him finger her pussy while they stood with her bum against the end of the late-night carriage. He still can’t believe how she whispered words of encouragement into his ear, telling him that she needed to come there and then, on the train.

It was unfortunate that the train pulled into the station rather abruptly because he was sure that she was about to explode on his fingers. As it happened, all he was left with was copious amounts of liquid to lick from them as they exited the train.

Still, Steve smiles as his hand makes it onto her buttocks once more as they walk down the street.


Simon catches them exiting the station and walking down Petty France. He follows them as they make a right turn towards Queen Anne’s Gate. Unfortunately, there are no cameras in the vicinity but he hopes that the loss of vision will be momentary.

Simon is fortunate enough to pick them up again by angling one of the cameras down Birdcage Walk. They burst into life on his monitor and he considers himself lucky enough to watch them walk towards the camera.


Melanie decides that there is no way she is going to make it home without a serious climax.  A quick fuck, somewhere in St. James Park, is necessary. A mouthful of Steve’s spunk is the minimum she will allow herself.

Melanie searches for cameras as they exit the walkway onto Birdcage Walk. She notices it immediately. It is a strange angle for a camera to make without any reasoning behind it; but then, she knows the reason.

She starts to walk towards the café at the far end of St. James Park; pulling Steve with her.

“I thought you said you live in that direction,” Steve says, pointing with his finger as they turn the wrong way.

“I do, but I feel horny,” Melanie replies.

The smirk on Steve’s face says it all; vindicated in not bothering with condoms after all.

Melanie’s walk causes her breasts to wobble as she strides confidently towards the camera. On their left are numerous paths into the park and all they need to do is to hop over the small fences that pretend to block their way.

Melanie notices the sign to the park indicating a five-mile per hour speed limit; meant for cyclists, not for the speed with which her knickers are going to fall to the ground or the speed that Steve’s cock is going to penetrate her pussy.

They reach the area close to Cockpit Steps. It brings a smile to Melanie’s face, only because it is a place where she has fucked before, not with Steve though, no, this was with someone else and only three days ago.

Melanie stops short of the park bench at the side of the road.

“Here? Or would you like somewhere more private?”

Steve’s grimace causes Melanie to head off into the park and through the gap in the small black fence. Melanie hoped that the bench would do, but it is a little exposed to everyone. She’d have quite happily fucked Steve right there on the side of the road, reverse missionary, with the occasional taxi driver hooting his horn as they drive past while Steve waits impatiently for the little blue lights and sirens to pick them up and take them somewhere nice and warm for the evening.


Everything is going just great until the suspects decide to head off into the park. Simon’s disappointment is obvious.

He is in his element watching them bound towards him; her breasts shaking like they are turned out jelly on a plate. He slowly squeezes his cock for their whole journey up the street.

He quickly switches the feed to the only camera that is close to the entrance to the park; the only camera that looks into the park, past the trees and up the path.

At least he would get to see her rear end as they disappear into the void and with a little hope he would be able to pick them up on the other side.


Melanie and Steve walk as far as the nearest bench, she doesn’t need to go far for what she has planned and knows there will be a park bench just along the path on the right-hand side. As soon as they reach it, they start kissing. Her hands around his neck, pulling him in closer, their lips crash together and Melanie just about devours him; tongues fighting like swords with each clash whetting her appetite for a quick and dirty fuck.

Steve starts squeezing her buttocks almost immediately while raising the hem of her skirt to get underneath.

With their mouths ravishing each other, Melanie lowers her hands and is expertly playing around at Steve’s waist. Pulling and pushing his body like he is a toy doll; all the while releasing his belt, button and lowering his zip. His trousers, free to fall with the simplest of tugs.


Simon focuses the camera on the main screen before he sits bolt upright. His mouth drops open as he watches them go at it hammer and tongs right there on the pathway close to the first bench. He can’t believe his eyes.

He zooms the camera in a little further to get a better view and adjusts the clarity for the fading light.

His mouth drops open, he can’t believe it when –


Melanie drops to the floor and pulls Steve’s trousers with her. His pants follow and before he knows what’s happening his shaft is covered with the warmest of mouths. Her lips succulently plop over the head of his cock and are well on their way down to his twirling mass of pubic hair. She knows he likes it, he kept telling her in emails how much he likes blowjobs.

Steve groans and lifts his head to the sky; his hands-on automatic, resting on the back of her head.


Simon groans in the confines of his office. He is certainly caught unawares and he quickly unbuttons his trousers and extricates his cock from its confined space. He quickly pushes his underpants to one side and starts stroking his length as he stares intently at the screen. Not wanting to miss anything.

He can see the two of them side-on as she sucks the man’s cock.

He reaches over to the joystick with his free hand to zoom in a little more.

The view rewards him amply and his cock jerks effortlessly as he watches the woman deep throat the cock in front of him. The widescreen display does the act proud.


While her nails dig into his backside, Melanie pulls Steve’s cock down her throat, keeping it there while she swallows hard on it. Then, while releasing her hold on his backside, allows him to pull back while leaning the other way. His cock nearly came free of her mouth, but she has too much experience to allow that to happen.

Melanie loves sucking cock and it’s obvious. There is one thing she is blessed with and that is an open throat that never complains about being filled with hot meat or any form of hot liquid. In her mind, there is only one thing better than sucking and that is being filled.


Even Simon, from his comfy chair, can see that the woman is getting off on the cock in front of her. In fact, he can’t believe how much she is taking down her throat.

He starts pumping his cock in unison to her forward movements; wishing it is his cock that is disappearing down her throat. If he wasn’t cooped up in the room he would have wanted to be there with her, getting what that bloke was getting.

A thought creeps across his mind, I bet she swallows.


Not swallowing; words that are not in Melanie’s vocabulary and while she is disappointed to feel the cock penetrating her throat being removed, she accepts Steve’s explanation that if she were to continue then that would be the end of it.

Melanie smiles, looks up at the camera before standing and motions to the bench with her finger.

Steve sits down on it as Melanie drops her knickers to the floor, hikes her skirt up around her waist and tucks it into her waistband. She wants the spotty kid to see everything.

Melanie mounts Steve. Her knees scrape across the wooden bench as she lifts his cock and points it in the direction of her pussy. She sits down on it, rather firmly and then rocks her body a couple of times. Her outstretched hands grasp the back of the bench as she fucks her partner.


Simon is pumping his cock with his hand while rapidly adjusting the camera feed for the new angle with his other. From the side view, he can see everything; her body lifting off the man’s cock, her body moving forward when she sinks back down on it, and then the sliding motion backwards allowing the cock to retreat almost all the way out before lifting herself upwards again and sinking back down on it.

Simon watches, mesmerised at the way she fucks. Only one thing enters his head: he has never been with anyone in his entire life that fucks a man like the way she is fucking that lucky bastard.


Melanie erupts on Steve’s cock. It doesn’t take long at all; perhaps ten or fifteen thrusts before her climax rips through her.

“Come for me, come for me,” she starts to pant.

She knows her body all too well, with one climax under her belt the second will be hot on its tail and the third right behind that one. The added tension of what she hopes is going on from behind the CCTV is thrilling her to her core.

Steve starts to push his cock in deeper before Melanie sits upright. She rocks hard on his stiff cock, her head tilts backwards and she starts shouting that she is coming again.


It is the only conclusion Simon comes to. She is having an orgasm right in front of him. He just wishes that CCTV cameras will one day be fitted with audio. He would love to hear her cries of passion as she pleasures herself on that man’s cock.

He can just imagine what she is saying and how it feels.

Before he knows it, spunk rises through his shaft and shoots across the room to land on his shirt, just short of his chin. The second spurt joins it while the rest wets his belly and jeans.


Melanie is on her third orgasm when she feels Steve finally squirt inside her rapidly contracting cunt. He can take no more. With each orgasm, her pussy gets tighter and tighter; squeezing him to his inevitable conclusion.

Melanie finally flops down onto his chest and starts kissing him as he fills her from the inside.


Simon swears. He can see from the feed that they have just about ended their tryst, but here he is, a soiled shirt, soiled jeans, a leaking cock and no tissues in sight. He will have to leave the office and make a short walk to the loo opposite, hopefully not dripping and leaving any residue behind to embarrass him later.

It is worth it though. She is worth it and he almost applauds her for her stamina.

He takes one more look at the screen after gathering his cock in his shirt to avoid any mishaps.


Melanie and Steve tidy themselves up and are just about ready to leave the park.  As they walk along the same path, Melanie raises her hand to her mouth, kisses it and blows the kiss to the spotty young lad behind the CCTV camera.

In her mind, she hopes she got him off too.

Steve is none the wiser and even in hindsight, could never have known how Melanie had set him up to satisfy her growing exhibitionistic need.


Simon smiles and blows a kiss back to the sexy and horny woman smiling at him on the CCTV monitor. He watches as her tits wobble for the last time before opening the door and running towards the loo.

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From Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister By Jena Corso Chapter 11 Jeanine held one arm and Mary the other as they led Carla outside and into the car. Carl knew his shoes were high and his skirt was short, but had no idea where they were going. He felt blind with the dark contacts in as they pulled over after driving for over an hour. They helped him out of the car and walked into a building where immediately Carl heard loud music blasting. "So are you ready to really try to...

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My Second ChanceChapter 11 My Big Day

Friday was my big day. I don’t go to High School at all. I take the morning to myself then Gran drives me to the university. One of the things we haven’t discussed with the university is if the thesis presentation would be public or not. They chose public. There are all kinds of media that I am not expecting. The university ends up changing the venue at the last minute to accommodate everybody that shows up. I am glad to see Rachel is there with our lawyer. Gran is given a front-row seat...

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One day i told mom about my friends and there girl friends.How they go to see movie and for date.Mom asked me that i had any gf.i answered no.She then told me that this sunday we will go for the date.Iwas too exited.The sunday has come.that morning we only brushed and took our clothes for taking bath at that spot.We went there at 10a.m.No one was there only two boys was taking bath.We dont take interest and we sat on the rock as our foot was under water.It was hot day so mom was wearing t shirt...

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Being whipped all night

We would drink, smoke, get fucked up, and fuck around. My crew and a couple of hot chicks were all around just smoking and drinking and getting so fuckin high, we couldn't even see each other. A couple of my boys from my crew was fucking around, dancing with a couple of chicks. I had this chick in my arms, her tits were comin out of her shirt as she was fucked out of her mind. She whispered in my ear: "Dave, I wanna suck your cock, now" I was so drunk and fucked up, I just put my...

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MyFamilyPies Chloe Cherry Hannah Hays Jizzwold Family Vacation Part 2

It has been an exciting family vacation so far for Will Pounder and his step daughter Chloe Cherry. Will has already banged Chloe’s cousin Hannah Hays in the bathroom, and now Will’s wife and son have left them stranded at Hannah’s house. Fortunately, Hannah salvages the situation by coaxing Chloe to join her in a threesome with her stepdad. Chloe appreciates Will’s big dick, and soon she and her cousin are on their knees sucking him off. Climbing into her...

2 years ago
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The Groupie 2

The Groupie By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Chapter 2 "I love it," said Tricia. "You are amazing Vicky. You give the best perms." "Of course you love it. It's similar to the perm that I gave you," Vicky laughed. "The curls are just a touch tighter 'cause it's new. Plus you don't have bangs and your layers are longer, so it's not exactly the same." "Wait, these are not going to wash out?" said Jake, pulling at a curl as it gently snapped right back. "It's a fucking...

3 years ago
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Addicted to my Shilpa Aunty

Hi this is John. This is my first story and my first experience too. So if there is any mistake pls forgive me. This story surely gives u a new experience. Let us come to the story. Am John 22 yr. guy and my native is Trichy,Tamilnadu. I’m almost 6 feet tall, not athletic but not fat too. My color is black that attracts many aunties and I’m somewhat handsome too. This story happened 5 yrs. before. At that time I was 17 yrs. old. Finishing my 12th and waiting for my results… And it’s a grand...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Mary Rock Foot Play Princess

Pink salmon colored heels frame her perfectly manicured toes peeking out just beneath a tiny little strap covering her sweet little piggies. She dances before you like a perfect muse in an oasis, stripping off her matching bra and panties, caressing her tiny little perfect tits, her long hair covering those sweet perky nipples. Her round tight ass up in the sky as she slides down her tiny little G-string panties, placing them in between her sexy princess toes. She delicately slides her sexy...

4 years ago
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Call Girl Screws Teacher For Grades

Hi boys! This is Nithya Sen your favourite call girl back with another of my sexcapades. this happened when I was in the final year of BA English. I was a little lagging in one of the subjects Shakespearean literature since I was not so good in old age English. My teacher was Mr Roy. He was a real 45 year old pervert like the ones you hear in the news. He would never miss a chance to touch a girl’s body in a crowd. He always stood by a girls in class. Most teachers and students never went even...

3 years ago
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Kavita Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Now i want to share my first sex experience with my kavita bhabhi to ab mai kahani shuru karta hu mai delhi karehne wala hu aur college mai pad raha hu .baat 2 saal pehle ki hai jab mere 12th ke board exam khatam hue to aur mai bilkul free tha. Mere pados mai ek family rehti hai unse hamare ache relation hai unke 2 bete hai ek ki shaadi ho chuki thi aur ek beta hai. Unki patni hai kavita. Jab mene unhe pehli baar dekha tha mai to tabhi unhe dekhkar pagal ho gaya tha. Aur hamesha use chodne ke...

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Your World

I thought to myself what have I done in my life, it only dawned on me at this moment that this was the first time I had ever looked back at my life, as a young 21 year old fresh out of university, living at home with mum and dad, no job to speak of (which they won't stop mentioning), no girlfriend. I wondered what would have happened if I'd gone out with that girl or gone to a different school or even moved to a different place. But then I realised the world is my oyster, but what did I want to...

2 years ago
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Second Semester Working for a LivingChapter 14

The alarm went off this morning and I jumped out of bed ready to take on the world. I guess that meal last night and the restful sleep did wonders for my body and my attitude. I was cleaned up and dressed before 7 AM, and was enjoying a half of grapefruit along with some oatmeal for breakfast today. Dad and I sat and ate together this morning, before Mom came in and joined us. At 7:20, I was outside waiting on Sam so we could get to work by 8. "Sam, is there a problem if I take Friday off,...

3 years ago
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Safe sex with in family

I am living in Coimbatore for last 36 years. I respect womanhood and I vouch on the fact that a woman needs to enjoy sex more than a man and I have practically realized it whenever I loved a lady in bed. This happens when women don’t get fucked the way they want to be by their husbands. I like ladies with good looks, figure and good sense of humor. These qualities help me to bring out more out of me to offer services to the lady I am sexually playing with. I have always wished to meet a lady...

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The Superiors Genesis

The Superiors - Genesis Two years ago, on an archaeological dig near Mt. Vesuvius: "Dad! Come quick!" "What did you find, Cat?" Catherine Anderson sighed at her father's use of the nickname, and then pointed down into the dig site, saying, "Am I dreaming, or is that a Roman Centurion's armor?" The middle-aged man looked at the gleaming armor that was slowly being uncovered. "My goodness. Not only a centurion but a commander, I'm sure of it," he practically shouted. "Dad...

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The Education Department

The Swarm Cycle Universe ©2007 The Thinking Horndog "School Sucks!" She yelled it at her mother and followed through with "And Dan won't make me go, either! He said so!" With that the 11 year-old turned toward me and stuck out her tongue and then stormed off down the pod tunnel toward her 'family' home. "Mac, she really knows better," apologized her mother. "What Dan told her was that she 'wouldn't have to go to school the way she used to, on Earth'. I guess she just...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Bunny Colby Shay Evans Maid Service

Rocking some stunning lingerie that highlights her pale skin and lush curves, Bunny Colby cleans up around her client’s house. Playing sex games is on this maid’s mind as she bends over to reveal the tops of her thighs. Bunny’s employer, Shay Evans, eventually finds the blonde and takes her time staring at her treat. When Shay finally approaches Bunny, Bunny plays shy. Shay takes Bunny’s duster away, and soon Bunny warms to Shay’s touch. The girls are just getting acquainted with each other’s...

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Caught with my hand inside my panties

*Please take note of the tags, if the descriptors don’t interest you, move on to another story. I wouldn’t want to offend you. Constructive feedback would be appreciated, and please vote* With my eyes tightly shut and my fingers working my aching sex, I imagine you filling me up. Meeting each thrust of my fingers with the rising of my hips, my climax starts to build. A rush of moans escapes my lips, and my entire body starts to tense. “Don’t you fucking dare!” you interrupt. Frozen, I lye...

1 year ago
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The Life of Giving Chapter 9 Beautiful Downfal

As I walked home I realized that Samer just said 8pm but not where. In the entire stressful situation I kinda forgot to ask, so I've sent him a text asking him where does he want to meet.The text, however, wasn't delivered. His phone was offline. Immediately I started panicking about missing this opportunity to meet and/or thinking about if he even wanted to meet or not. Usually I'm a really self-confident person, but Samer makes me feel so insecure about myself, but truth be told, he makes it...

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A quiet afternoon out

This was definitely the place, Lyndsay checked the delicate watch on her left wrist, it was still 2 minutes to go before the designated time. She felt her breath slow. The punishment she longed for would not be brought to bear from the start, she would not be disciplined for a lack of punctuality.She had been sent here to meet a man she had never met. The only instructions she had received were time, location and make sure she was wearing a maxi dress. So here she was sat at a table outside a...

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The truck

It’s quiet in the services, which doesn’t help in keeping me awake!I open the window a little to let in the balmy night air and look at the news channel on the TV. The latte has hit me and I begin to feel a little perkier, maybe another and then I will hit the road again.I return to my seat and notice another night owl entering the seating area. He catches my eye and comes over to me – ‘can I join you? Seems a shame to sit alone like Billy no mates if we can chat instead.’I laughed and say ‘why...

3 years ago
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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 33

Weekends should always start this way; you wake up to a bright and cheery room and a beautiful woman asleep next to you so that you can gaze upon her as she comes out of her sleep. That is the way a good weekend should start. Funny thing that is how my weekend started. YEAH! When I became conscience, I rolled over and Ashlee was dead to the world next to me. My full bladder told me that I had one thing to handle before I had any fun, so I got out of bed took care of that. I think of myself...

2 years ago
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First Mate

It was so unfair; my first long space voyage as First Mate after my promotion and I had to draw Captain Walters as commanding officer. Ethyl Walters, the tough-as-nails commanding officer of the "Venture." had a reputation as being demanding. As the first woman ever to captain a Federation frigate, she had a lot to prove. But she had been proving it for the last fifteen years by making the lives of the men who served with her miserable. To make matters worse, Captain Walters turned out to be...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 216 Corn Silk

It was great to have the whole casa home when we finally got rid of the camera crew and audience. We called the rest of the clan that was available and carved up the second turkey. We made extra potatoes and there were three more pumpkin pies in the prep area. We just had an early Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings and none of the extra prep time. After dinner and dishes, we all had some studying to do, but it had been such an exhausting week that people drifted off to bed pretty...

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Murder by NumbersChapter 6

Mike was at his desk completing paperwork when the phone rang. He briefly considered allowing the call to go to voicemail. Then decided he would only have to deal with it later, so he answered it. “Detective Hammond’s desk”, he answered. “I have some information you may be interested in.” A disguised and toneless voice told him. “What kind of information, what does it pertain too.” he answered evenly, while getting a pen and a notepad ready. “The kind that involves your daughter’s...

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SuzanneChapter 2 A Relationship Develops

I woke up with a splitting headache, note to self never drink Jack Daniels again, and my cock feels like it has been munched in a vise. Every pore on my skin reeked of last night's sex. All and all though, I was satisfied. Now, all that was left for me to do was to get ready for my ten o'clock meeting. I showered, dressed and grabbed a cup of coffee and a crescent in the hotel lobby. The cab ride out to the account was uneventful and I suspected that the meeting would be just as uneventful...

1 year ago
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The Adventures of Rob Ch 07

Chapter Seven: One For The Road Rob had this last Saturday, before he went back to school for the fall semester, free. He went out in the backyard to do a little gardening. So far today things were great! The sky was clear and the sun was shinning and it was very hot. And the best part, he had gotten laid already! And what a fuck it was, he had fucked his mother in the ass! Rob knew that there would be more of that in the future! His thoughts were making him horny again! “I wonder if Mrs....

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My Sexy Russian Neighbor

My wife and I were in our early forties and had been married fifteen years when we had new neighbors move into the seasonal cottage next door. Jerry was a salesman. Tall, intelligent and very opinionated on a variety of subjects. He was in his mid fifties. His wife, Sasha was from Russia, and a few years younger than my wife and I. During the Summers Sasha would spend time at the cottage which had a beach nearby, while Jerry would work, and stay at their other house a couple of hours away. We...

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Plain Jane And the Nerd Superman Grow UpChapter 11

Jane's dance performance capped off a great open house. As much as the tours through the pristine facility were memorable to the crowd, with Jim, Dr. Anderson, Victoria, Harry, and Jane proudly showing off Riemer Studio & Health Clinic, along with the delicious catering via Victoria's connection with a fashion mogul, the dance performance was the crowning moment. The process of peeling away a garment with each piece, bringing the intimacy deeper with less and less dancers, culminating...

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Ryans SummerChapter 2

Ryan had almost dozed off when Mary returned to the table, carrying another glass of iced tea for him and some type of mixed drink for her. She sat down across from him. "Lunch will be out in a minute." She took a quick sip of her drink and said, "So Ryan, are you heading for college this fall?" "Uh... no ma'am." "Mary, please." "Mary... I just turned eighteen but I have another year to go in high school. My mom tells me that I was a preemie baby and had some developmental...

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Slut Killer

It's really amazing. In this world of more than six billion people, we're told that no two sets of fingerprints or DNA are alike. I'm not all that convinced about that. But I do think that if I look hard enough, I will find my double. Oh, maybe he won't comb his hair the same way, but there are just so many types of mouths, noses, chins, eyes, etc. in this world. But one thing I will bet my life on. Every man (and woman... I won't keep repeating that) in this world has his own unique...

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