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I started writing because my regular life fell apart. I was already paralyzed, but the wheels came off the train because of a woman and I had to start over. Unfortunately, I grew up with a severe learning disability that went untreated, so not only do I have a lot to learn, there's a limit to how much I can do. I hope you won't hold any of that against me, nor will you excuse poor writing because of it. I welcome and am motivated by your feed back.

About the story, Potential:
Not all of the events actually happened, many of them didn't happen the way they are portrayed, but all of them are based on true, real life events that I know about and or participated in. All of the characters are based on actual people, none of them me, even if some of my personality shows up in them. That just happens.

Comment/vote point out mistakes. In means a lot to me.

by Bistander

Chapter 10: Sweet Almond Massage

When Evan got out of bed, it was too early considering how tired he felt. The hours he'd been in bed weren't restful. He'd either been dreaming about what happened or half awake thinking about it. What made him think Deana hadn't done the same thing?

The thing that happened last night was spontaneous. They were two horny teenagers and they got carried away. Sure there was something special between them, and that complicated things, but he knew it was wrong and it could never happen again. He wasn't sure that was the way Deana saw it, but she was smart enough to know things would get really weird between them if they had sex. There was no way they could live under the same roof after. They'd either want to do it all the time, he would; or one of them would end up dating someone, then the other would be hurt. It wasn't like they could date each other. Plus, it would be almost impossible to hide it for long. If their father found out he'd kill him, and even if they didn't get caught, their mother would sense things were strange between them. Things were already strange.

Deana might have acted impulsively for reasons he didn't comprehend, but he went to her while she was in the shower. What did he think was going to happen?

Downstairs in the bathroom, Evan saw that Deana hadn't even put her clothes in the hamper after her shower. He stared at the gray sweatpants and shirt, no underwear. He picked up the pants. Every part of him that was still sane told him not to. That's what started all your problems in the first place, he thought, then he pressed the crotch of her sweatpants to his nose.

The first mowed lawn of the season, the air after a thunderstorm, hot asphalt on a summer day, and now, forever in his mind, the smell of his sister's climax. He inhaled deeply and pictured the glisten in Deana's eyes and the glow on her face as she came. He had caused his own sister to have an orgasm and now he knew exactly what it smelled like.

An abduction by sex starved aliens was starting to be more believable than everything that was happening to him. He needed to put time between him and what happened before he faced Deana again. At least my boner for mom is on the back burner now.

Jason awoke from a dream. It was the same dream he'd been having for years, in one form or another. He reached for his dick. He wanted to hold it while he tried to go back into fantasy land. That was the only place he'd been able to lose his virginity.

His eyes snapped open and he flung the sheet back. There was a crusty layer covering his cock. A surge of adrenaline wiped his brain of any sleepiness. What he thought had been his reoccurring dream had actually been reality. He wasn't a virgin anymore. He had lost his cherry to his sister.

The scene replayed in his mind. It should have disturbed him, but he was reliving all the sensations that went along with sex, and they felt good. The blow jobs had been awesome; a hundred times better than jerking off, even if a dog was licking his asshole, but the inside of a girl's pussy—Fucking had been better than he imagined, and he had a great imagination.

The physical sense of pleasure had been Earth shattering, but opening his eyes from a sound sleep to see Becky's skinny body perched on the head of his cock, then dropping down and taking him inside her, that was mind altering. Having sex for the first time changed you, but getting fucked by your sister changed everything. His world was different now and it could never go back to the way it had been.

Jason had never been jealous when he heard things about Becky at school, but now he wished he could have been her first, too. He'd never tell her she was his. How was he going to live with Becky and not hurt his mother again? Becky wouldn't make it easy. He put on boxers and a T-shirt, then went to find her.

At Miss Tonya's house, Evan was disappointed that her car wasn't in the driveway. That meant she probably took Jayda to the same special practice his mother had taken Gloria to. He wouldn't get to catch anybody tanning in the nude. Jayda was all show and tell, and tease. Too bad, he thought, she would have been a great distraction. That was exactly what he needed, a huge distraction. Something bigger than sex with Becky. Of course, nothing short of finding Miss Tonya tanning naked on the other side of the gate, ready to fuck his brains out, was going to distract him from what happened with Deana.

The gate's latch clicked when he grabbed the handle, but it didn't unhook and let the gate swing open. He stared at it for a few seconds, then started walking towards the woods at the back of the property. Even though Miss Tonya wasn't home, and she wouldn't be naked in the backyard, he regressed to years earlier. Jason and him used to walk their neighborhood after dark, hoping to peek in someone's window. On earth they never got to see a naked woman, but on planet Fucked Up Shit, there was potential.

He eased through the underbrush until he could see the back of the shed. The act of being sneaky was exhilarating. He sidestepped, trying not to make a sound, like he was actually going to catch Jayda and her mother sunbathing nude. That was stupid, but still exciting, in a childish way. He moved a branch like a spy and peeked through the bush.

At Gloria's practice, Candy sat on the top row of the bleachers waiting for Tonya to show up. She knew airing her dirty laundry was not something she could do, but if she was going to talk to anyone, it would be Tonya. She was the only person who saw her facade. Still, Tonya didn't know the depth of her deception, and Candy didn't intend to tell her about the fight she had with John. Knowing I can is enough, she told herself.

Candy saw a boy poke his friend and point, then the group was whispering and giggling. Tonya's backside was the object of the boy's fascination. Candy smiled and watched the woman climb the bleachers. Tonya's yoga pants were stretched tight over the bulge at her crotch and it reminded Candy of the stupid rhymes the boys would say on the playground. Their cruelty was often directed at her. She hoped she had done a better job helping Gloria cope with elementary school than her mother had for her. Names hurt as much as sticks and stones as far as she was concerned.

Tonya huffed and took a seat next to her. "Did you have to sit all the way up here?"

“Sorry,” she said with a smirk, and pointed. “Those boys loved watching you climb up here. Wow, I wouldn't dare wear those outside.”

“Candy, if I had a body like yours, I'd show it off every chance I got. Those boys would be having wet dreams if they saw you in yoga pants.”

Candy dropped her face and bit her lip. She wasn't allowed to draw attention to herself in public. "Thanks, but—"

“I know, John would kill you if you went out in something that made you look good. I'd still do it,” Tonya said. “We only have so many years before these things start losing their appeal. I'm going to make the most of that time and you should too.”

The sob caught her by surprise. When she realized it had come from her, the tears started flowing, but it wasn't the truth of Tonya's words that set them off. Neither had the memory of the burning pain or the humiliation of having her hair pulled or the degrading act she was forced to perform. Those things were par for the course, and she'd given up crying about them. Why was she crying now?

For years she'd accepted her powerless and helpless state. John didn't love her, he owned her, and there wasn't anything she could do about it. That was reality and she was doing what she needed to do for her daughter, and John's kids. They all needed her and that had always been enough to keep her going. There was no point in hoping for more because hope was the enemy of acceptance, it agitated a peaceful balance like too many clothes on one side of the washing machine.

Damn it, her fantasy world had tainted reality with hope and revived the sedated giant whose appetite for passion and pleasure was insatiable. It couldn't be caged, and it would try to fight or take flight, but that would be a battle she'd never win and where could she run. She'd be used up and undesirable before she got free, and that revelation was what brought her to tears.

Tonya rubbed her back and said, “I knew there was something wrong, that's why I came, I heard it in your voice when you called. Tell me.”

Candy leaned harder on her friend and waited for the hug she desperately needed, then she minimized the fight to an argument and downplayed her unhappiness. “I'm just emotional...it's not anything to be crying about.”

Tonya didn't believe her. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize things were so bad."

She looked at their thighs touching together and placed her hand on Tonya's leg. It was almost like talking to her sister, Sally, except Tonya couldn't know all of her sick secrets. Sally would know everything, and Sally would do things to make her feel better. She could never go there with Tonya. "I don't like to talk about it, but thanks for listening." She looked at two teenagers holding hands on the bottom row of the bleachers. She envied the powerful, youthful love and the passion it would produce.

"What are you going to do?" Tonya asked.

"What can I do, divorce him?" she said. "Evan and Deana are like my own. I could never leave them, and where would I go anyway. I can't...I can't do anything.” She could, but it would cost her everything. “It'll get better, it's just a phase."

"You ever think of getting… ah, having something on the side?"

Candy leaned her head on Tonya's shoulder and shivered. If she hadn't already tried that and been caught, John wouldn't have all the leverage. So many things would be different. Cheating with anybody would have been a disgrace and grounds for John to send her and Gloria packing without a dime, but she did it with someone that he could use to send her away without Gloria. She would never leave Gloria behind as his prisoner. How could she have let herself get so needy? "Got something in mind?"

"Not really, I'm just talking. It's not fair, you deserve better."

"Thanks," she said, wishing Tonya could offer more. "He knows everyone, everything, he'd find out and then what?" Then her hell would get worse or he'd kill her. "It's not that bad. It's just not what I dreamed of, hoped for."

"Candy, you, you're so young and beautiful, and you're wonderful. You deserve to be happy and, um, satisfied."

She squeezed Tonya's leg. "Thank you. I've missed out, but it's what I chose, for Gloria. Things will get better, they have to." Only if she could figure out how to make John's secrets bigger than hers.

After giving Tonya a few seconds to challenge what they both knew to be a lie, Candy said, “Where's Jayda?”

"Said she didn't feel good, but I'm sure she'll recover quickly when Evan gets there. She actually had him spreading lotion on her yesterday.

"She'll be disappointed, Evan likes older women,” Candy said, then hoping to cover her slip she added, “He acts like it's a crime to even look at a girl who's younger than him.”

Tonya didn't miss a thing. “Really, women?” she said. “Maybe I should have him rub lotion on me.”

“Sounds like fun,” she said, hoping her tone didn't convey her desire. “He gives great massages.”

“Hmm, interesting,” Tonya said with a smirk.

What about softball, Evan thought, then thinking became difficult. One of the softball sisters was playing hooky. Jayda was right where he'd left her, flat on her stomach with her feet towards him. There was one difference, though, no blue straps looping her hips. Even if she was wearing a thong, he'd be able to see something wrapped around her waist.

The sun glistened on the orbs of her ass. Jayda really did get naked in her backyard, but she hadn't waited for him to rub the oil on her. He was too far away to see what he'd had to create in his imagination last time, those plump pussy lips trying to squeeze out from under that tiny strip of material. Would she really have trusted him to rub oil on her?

He reminded himself that she was Gloria's friend. In his present state of mind, going anywhere near Jayda would be dangerous, and stupid. He considered his options.

It would be embarrassing now to walk out of the woods and have her think he was hiding in the bushes, spying on her. He should go back to the gate and bang, that would be the most appropriate thing to do. Though, jerking off first would be the next best thing to do. Walking over there with a boner and offering to massage her oiled flesh would be wrong. Do the right thing, his father would say. He hadn't had sex with his sister, so wasn't this the next right thing?

Jayda started moving, rolled on her side, and put her feet on the grass. When she stood up, a whole new possibility arose. She knew you were coming, he thought. She turned completely towards him. He grunted. Big pinkish-brown nipples covered the tops of her mini ski jump tits. They were her mother's tit's waiting to grow up.

He was sure Jayda couldn't see him, but he still held his breath when she started walking towards the woods. Getting caught spying on Gloria's friend would definitely be humiliating. His heart raced and blood thumped in his ears. Getting caught beating off would be worse, but that might be the most right thing he was capable of. He had wanted Deana more than he was willing to admit, and probably more than he knew. All he wanted was some physical relief and a distraction from how he felt about Deana.

Jayda went around the corner of the shed, turned and faced it, then glanced over her shoulder. Her hands were on her hips. They moved around to her back, which arched. A pit opened in his stomach and swallowed his brain. He saw it first, then the sound reached his ears, but even with two of his senses receiving, he struggle to grasp what was happening. Jayda was pissing on her shed. A stream of fluid was shooting from between her legs and splattering on the shingles. He'd seen women piss standing up on the internet, but this wasn't like that, it was the most incredible thing that could have possibly happened.

A conglomerate of psychological factors caused his response, but without a degree in Psychology, Evan wouldn't understand why he needed to reach her before she heard him. His feet pressing into the grass reminded him of how it felt to creep into his mother's room and peek at her pussy. The same fear knotted his stomach. His eyes were glued on Jayda's ass and the splashing piss. Was this something she normally did? He had seriously underestimated the potential girls had for doing the nasty things that aroused him.

Jayda sensed him or heard him. Her head whirled around, but it took a few seconds for the stream to stop. "Oops," she said, and more fluid spurted, then trickled to a stop. "I drank too much. I had to go."

Evan was too stupid with lust to notice how he hadn't frightened her, and he said the first thing that popped into his brain, "You're naked." He immediately wished he had said something more intelligent.

"Really, you noticed," Jayda said, and her cheeks flushed, but she didn't cross her arms over her erect nipples. Instead, she put her hands on her hips. "I told you." Her nipples started growing, which changed the shape of her tits.

He didn't say anything. His eyes lowered to the fat wedge covered with curly brown hair. Pee splatter was dribbling down her inner thighs. Never before had he imagined his little sister naked, not even when he came in her underwear. Thanks Jayda, he thought, now I'm wondering if Gloria has a big bush and nipples that cover the top half of her tits.


"Well, what?" he asked.

"You gonna do a better job now?"

Yesterday he wanted to finger her right under her mother's nose. Since then he'd made his sister orgasm and almost stuffed his cock in her. Straddling Jayda's naked, oiled body, while Miss Tonya was gone, would lead to something Gloria could never hear about. He could blackmail her with the dirt pile? What if Gloria already knows about the nasty things Jayda does? Tell her no, he told himself, then said, "What about your mother?"

"She ain't home," Jayda said with a smug expression that made him want to wrap his hands around her throat for making him feel the things he was feeling. Jayda wasn't Gloria, and Gloria wasn't anything like Jayda, but it still didn't feel okay to consider fucking her.

"What if she comes home?"

"We'll hear her car in plenty of time, but she'll be gone a while."

Evan was about to do something he was sure to regret. “All right—" The sound of a car cut him off. "Shit, that's her!"

"She won't look back here," Jayda said.

She has less sense than me. What did she think they would be doing back there while her mother was home? A car door slammed. Don't panic, he thought. The gate squeaked. "The gate, it was locked."

“She'll go in the house,” Jayda said.

"Evan… Jayda," Miss Tonya's voice called out. He panicked. Jayda didn't have any clothes on or with her. Think, think of a plan, he told himself. They were screwed.

He whispered to Jayda, "Stay calm," and pointed. "Go around that way. I'll go this way." He shoved her towards the other corner of the shed. He thought he could hear the grass crunching, but that could have been the sound of fear.

"I'm back here," he said, moving in the opposite direction of the naked girl. He'd have to keep Miss Tonya facing him while Jayda crossed the yard.

"Evan," Miss Tonya said.

"Yes, ma'am, right here." He stepped out from behind the building.

She approached him and said, "Hi. Is Jayda around?"

He had to think like Deana. She could come up with an answer or excuse for anything. His brain scrambled for words, then a light bulb went on. "No, the gate was locked and your car wasn't here...I, um, figured you were where my mom is, at practice...with Jayda. I came around the back, um, through the woods." He tried to maintain eye contact, but Jayda was streaking across the yard, right behind her mother's back.

"Oh, I'm sorry,” she said. “I could have sworn I left it unlocked for you."

The alien that had taken over Jayda's body stopped at the lawn chair she had been laying on, turned towards him and displayed full frontal nudity, daring her mother to catch her. He might have sighed with relief when Jayda finally picked something up and pulled it over her head. "Ah, I hope you, um, you don't mind that I, you know, came back, came around the fence when you weren't here." He knew he probably wasn't making sense.

"Oh no, that's fine. It's my fault…I think," she said.

"Okay, well I better get busy." Jayda swung the screen door open and pretended she was coming out of the house. He said, “There she is.”

“Hi, Mom,” Jayda said.

Miss Tonya turned her head, then shook it. “She looks fine to me.”

She didn't look fine to him. The dress thing Jayda had put on was designed to wear over a bikini, not a naked girl. “Huh?” he croaked.

“She told me she didn't feel good this morning. Looks like she just didn't want to go to practice," she said. “Can't imagine why.” She grinned at him.

“Got me,” he said, itching to get away from her. “I'll get started.”

“Okay,” she said, then added, “Oh, Evan, you don't have to rub lotion on her.”

She was watching! The blood drained from his face. He was about to get hell for straddling and groping her almost naked daughter.

Miss Tonya gave him the same, I got ya, smile she'd given him on the front porch, and said, “Unless you want to.”

How do I respond to that? His brain put some words together, but he was afraid to try and speak. “Ah, um, okay,” he said. “I better get started.”

"You could always start with that massage you promised me. I worked out really hard at the gym."

Miss Tonya's emphasis on the word hard sent a chill down his back. Hadn't he come here hoping something like this would happen? "Really?" Had he promised to massage her?

"Unless you weren't serious."

"I was… Sure, I can do that, if you want."

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want."

She did it again with the word want. He wasn't on another planet, he was in a porn movie. "All right," he said, trying to sound confident. "You get a chair and—"

"Chair?” she said, shaking her head. “I had a full body workout, I need the same kind of massage. You might have to touch places you wouldn't touch on your mother."

She's just playing with you, play along. "I doubt that could happen."

"Interesting," she said. "Give me a few minutes to get ready."

I fucked Becky right under her mother's nose, he told himself, trying to get back into that Groundhog Day state of mind. "Okay," he said, wondering if get ready meant get naked.

She turned around and started walking. Miss Tonya in yoga pants wasn't like Rebecca in her gymnastics pants. A country song started playing in his head, Honky Tonk Badonkadonk. It was a big ass by high school girl standards, but it was amazing to watch. Each side rose and fell like a hypnotist's swinging watch, then jiggled. He couldn't keep his eyes off it.

Once Miss Tonya and Jayda were both in the house, Evan's heart rate slowed. What was worse, almost getting caught with a naked Jayda or what he might have done to her if they hadn't almost gotten caught? He didn't know, and it didn't matter now because he was waiting to find out whether or not Miss Tonya planned on seducing him. Waiting sucked.

In the house, Miss Tonya said, “Jayda, what did I tell you about that?”

Jayda looked around like she might find the answer floating in the air. “About what, Mom?”

“You know exactly what I'm talking about, so don't play dumb with me,” she said. “I told you to keep your bathing suit on when somebody is here, especially a boy.”

“Mom, I wasn't naked, I had my sundress on. I was setting up my chair when Evan got here. I went inside to put my bathing suit on but you came home. Besides, I'm old enough to go to a nude beach. What's the big deal?”
“You watch yourself,” Miss Tonya said. “You were teasing him yesterday and I told you, people around here don't agree with some of what we do. Just keep your clothes on when somebody is here! Now why don't you go over to Brittany's house so Evan can do what he needs to do without being distracted by your ass.”


“Don't mom me, just get something on under that see through dress and get...for a couple of hours. You had your fun yesterday and I'm sure Evan needs a day to calm down,” Miss Tonya said.


“Go.” Miss Tonya pointed.

When Jason reached the kitchen his mother was sitting at the table. He forgot it was Tuesday, the day the library closed late. She didn't work until noon. He sat at the opposite end of the long table. That was his normal spot. He called it the head of the table, but Becky said it was the ass end. Their mother gave her the evil eye every time she said it, but that didn't stop her.

His mother smiled and said, "Good morning." She sipped her coffee, then went back to clipping coupons.

"Hi," he said, and watched her carefully. Everything was normal in her world. She sipped her coffee again, eyes on him. He tested his mother's ability to read his mind or his facial expressions by thinking about the look on Becky's face when he was suddenly inside her. His groin tighten. I fucked Becky, he said in his head. Nothing, his mother kept on enjoying her coffee, oblivious. He should have felt guilty, but he didn't. He liked how it made him feel sitting there in front of his mother, thinking about how good it felt inside her daughter. The new world that he had woken up in was an exciting place, and he felt like the evil dictator.

For the first time in a long time, Jason found himself staring at his mother's chest. She dressed very conservatively, but it was hard to hide so much breast and those big hard nipples. He pretended Mary was nude and felt like he was getting away with something, again. His dick was filling out the front of his boxers. He pictured Becky sitting in front of him with her legs spread. He had eaten her out right there on the table. He always wanted to get off at the dinner table while staring at Becky's erect nipples? He let his cock hang out of the leg opening of his boxers.

Sex with his sister hadn't made him a better person. He was worse, if that was possible. He'd done the very thing that he had been resisting for three years, and gotten away with it. It was liberating. He eased his hand down between his legs and squeezed his dick. What if she knew he was touching himself? What if she wanted him to?

It was scary to think such thoughts, but he was getting hard. He pressed his dick against his thigh with the palm of his hand, and rubbed up and down. His mother looked right at him, ready to speak, and he was still touching his cock. As long as she doesn't get up she can't see it, he thought, like that made it okay.

His mother said, "I saw Evan's mom at the library."

Jason's heart skipped a beat, but his dick didn't retreat, if anything, it got more erect. "Really, Mom." Why did he have to say mom like that? "What was she doing there?"

"She said she needed to look something up on one of the computers."

"Why?" he asked. "They have computers."

"Got me," she said, and looked at him like she had more to say.

Jason put both hands on the table and tried to hide his concern, but his erection couldn't be concealed. He wanted to ask her if she had mentioned anything about them going to the races, but he didn't want to make his mother suspicious if it hadn't come up. He needed to warn Evan as soon as his boner subsided. That wouldn't be soon if he kept on having fantasies about his mother. Why had he ever stopped seeing her as sexy? She was a very good looking woman.

“I have to go,” she said. “Try and do something productive today, other than video games. You don't want your brain to stop working over the summer break.”

He said, “Okay,” but he had no idea what his mother just said. His mind was scrambling. It would be impossible to get his dick back in his shorts without drawing attention, so he calculated the chance of her looking under the table after she got up. What would she think if she saw my dick?

Fifteen minutes later, Evan was still waiting for Miss Tonya. His hands clutched the arms of the folding chair and released, over and over. The idle time was passing like a long road when you think you might have already missed your turn. He was questioning everything, and the logical part of his brain was building a good case against the creative, fantasizing part. His confidence, if he'd actually had any, was gone.

The swooshing sound of the back door made his heart race. She's ready for me, he thought and got up. The screen door swung open. It was Jayda. That's when he finally realized all his fantasies of having sex with his mother's friend were stupid. Miss Tonya wasn't going to come back naked so he could rub oil all over her, not while Jayda was here.

"Hey," he said, and sat back down. He was starting to feel like a kid in timeout.

"Hey," Jayda said, and kept walking.

She was still wearing that bikini cover, but now she actually had a bikini under it. "Where you going?" he asked.

"I told you I hate tan lines," she said. "I'm going over to Brittany's house.

Jayda's disappointed tone made him wondered what she thought would have happened if her mother hadn't come home. He said, "Have fun." She left without responding. Could Brittany be the girl who was under Jayda's pussy?

After a few more painful minutes in time out, the back door opened again. From behind the screen Miss Tonya said, "I'm ready, come on in."

Evan stood up. Was “in” better or worse? Naked in the backyard would send a clear message that she wanted him to fuck her, but inside things might not be so obvious.

Evan closed the back door behind him and stood in the kitchen, wondering where she was. "In here," a voice called out. She's in her bedroom.

Miss Tonya was in the middle of her king-size bed with her head at the foot end, facing him. Her wet hair was bunched up at the back of her head and her chin was resting on her hands, just like Jayda on the lawn chair. The difference was, Jayda had been wearing a bathing suit, her mother only had a towel across her ass. That's obvious enough, right?

Should he close the door behind him? Evan chose to leave it open because he would never go in his mother's room and close the door. No matter how old he got or obvious Miss Tonya made her intentions; to Evan she was still his mother's friend, Jayda's mother and someone he grew up addressing as, ma'am or Miss Tonya. Being in her bedroom was terrifying. Even if she came right out and told him to mount her, he would probably stand there frozen with a dumb, open mouth expression, just like he had when she gave herself a wet T-shirt.

"The oil is over there,” Miss Tonya said, and nodded her head, “on the nightstand."

"Good, okay, that's good," Evan said. He sighed internally, relieved to get out from in front of her face where her eyes were facing his crotch. He'd gotten a boner looking at his mother in a bathrobe and panties, there was no way he wouldn't be sporting wood looking at that badonkadonk with only a towel covering it. It really wasn't a big enough towel.

Evan walked over to the nightstand and looked at Miss Tonya's feet by her pillows. That was where she laid her head to sleep, and that was her nightstand where she kept her most personal stuff—maybe her vibrator. He was in way over his head, again.

The bottle was labeled, Melrose sweet almond oil. He picked it up and turned towards the bed. His eyes scanned, feet, calves, thighs and that ass. The towel covered less than his mother's robe had. He could easily lean over and peak between her thick thighs. What were the chances that he'd see panties under there? His brain was on the carnival tilt-a-whirl. The devil on his left shoulder said, “Do it, take a peek, she'll never know.” That little fairy on is right shoulder was screaming, “No, don't look at that woman's pussy.” He didn't look, but he did realize he couldn't massage her from where he was. Does she expect me to get on her bed?

"You planning on getting started?" Miss Tonya asked.

"Yes, ma'am, right now," he said, and stepped on the back of his right sneaker.

Once his sneakers were off, he adjusted the front of his jeans so his erection could stand straight up and said, "Here goes." He put his knee on the bed and waited.

After a few seconds without sound, he put the other knee up. Still, Miss Tonya didn't protest. Great, he thought, this is what she expected me to do. With a speck more confidence, he moved closer, then finally turned towards her head. What he saw erased his speck of confidence and made him panic, again.

Over the dresser, facing him, was a huge mirror. He could see himself, which meant she could see him. Shit, that meant she could have been watching me while I looked at her ass or made room for my dick.

Miss Tonya's head was down, her eyes were facing the floor, so he pretended she hadn't looked up and hoped she wouldn't look while he was rubbing oil on her. He could touch her naked flesh and pretend she was someone else, but not if he had to look her in the face.

Evan pivoted on one knee and his other leg crossed her body. Her ass was wider than Gloria or Deana's, and he'd never straddled his mother, so he wasn't prepared. His crotch was too close. He moved carefully, trying not to disturb the towel. He stared at her neck and shoulders and bare back.

"You sure you're not afraid to touch me?" Miss Tonya said, and looked at him in the mirror.

"No, ma'am, I'm just, ah, just getting ready.”

"I hope you're as good as your mom says you are."

Shit, that definitely meant she was expecting a massage. "I don't really know what I'm doing,” he said. “I hope you're not disappointed."

"It looked like you knew what you were doing with Jayda. I don't think she was disappointed."

"That wasn't really a massage. She only asked me to help—To put lotion on her back." He'd give anything for her to stop looking at him. Sweat was beading on his forehead.

"Then I think she got more than she asked for."

Evan's cheeks were burning. He had rubbed oil on this woman's daughter while she watched. "I think she asked for one thing, but really wanted a massage."

"Women are like that.” Miss Tonya smiled and rested her chin on the edge of the mattress.

Thank god she's not looking at me anymore. "Okay, here goes," he said, and squirted a liberal dose of oil on her shoulder blades. The smell of the yellowish-brown oil was exciting, if it was possible for a smell to be exciting. While it streamed down hill and collected in the center of her back, Evan tried to figure out what to do with the bottle.

Miss Tonya rocked her body and moved her arms down to her sides. Her hands were at her hips, maybe ready to hold that towel in place. “I'll hold that,” she said.

Does she have eyes in the back of her head? Of course she does, he thought, she's a mother. He touched the bottle to her hand and it closed.

Finally, he put his hands on her. It was skin, muscle, and bone, the same as all the other bodies he had touched. He watched his hands spread the silky fluid over her warm flesh and thought about the way he'd rubbed his mother's lower back when they were on the bleachers. His purpose that day had become clear after the fact, today was different. He pressed a little harder.

His hands moved up to her shoulders, his fingers wrapped around them and his thumbs sank in and stroked, digging down into the meat at the center of her back. The Melrose massage oil started warming up. He looked in the mirror and saw what looked like the same person he'd been two weeks ago, but nothing was the same as it was two weeks ago. His hands were now on a his mother's best friend, and he was deliberately trying to get her so horny she'd come right out and tell him what to do.

Even seeing it with his own eyes it was hard to believe he was straddling Miss Tonya. He looked down at his groin, it was directly above the groove at the top of her ass. She was as tan there as on her back. They do tan naked, he knew that now, but did they do it together?

Evan told himself they did, then imagined things even he didn't think could ever happen. His confidence rose and his hands swooped back and forth through the curve of her lower back. His fingers slid around to her love handles. They weren't nearly as solid as his mother's had been, but they had the same effect on his dick, it throbbed.

Miss Tonya made a noise and he pulled his hands away from her sides, thinking he'd pushed it too far. “Mmm, you're good. No wonder Candy looked like she...”

Evan replayed the words he'd heard, hoping if he concentrated the rest would come to him. “Candy, Candy, Candy, orgasm.” Couldn't have been that, but hearing Miss Tonya refer to his mother as Candy in the same sentence with a word that might have been orgasm took him further down into Alice's rabbit hole.

He stroked the muscles running down each side of her spine, moving lower on her back. That's the top of her ass, he thought, you're almost at her ass and you're going to have to decide what to do. The smell of the oil, the heat it generated under his hands, the naked woman under his aching balls and the raspy murmurs vibrating through her back all made him desperately horny, but he was still intimidated. He inched up the hill from her lower back, waiting and hoping she'd tell him to keep on going, but the woman only moaned and groaned. His own sister had directed his hands right up under her shorts. Come on, please tell me something.

Evan pictured her ass in the backyard, lifting up and dropping down, rocking side-to-side, like it was waving to him. That's where his hands were about to be. They touched the edge of the towel, then dug into the muscle at the top of her butt. Her glutes tightened. Should he keep going or jump down to her legs?

"I'm guessing Candy doesn't ask you to massage her down there," Miss Tonya said.

“I wish.”

Miss Tonya said, “Really.”

The blood drained from Evan's face. He had spoken out loud—revealed his secret desire for his mother to her best friend. “I, um—”

“Don't worry, Evan, I won't tell her,” Miss Tonya said. “I can't blame you, though. She has an incredible ass.”

Did she just say she likes my mom's ass? Holy crap! No, that's not possible. “Thank you,” he said. “That would be embarrassing...if she knew I said that.”

“It's too bad for her that you can't. She has no idea what's she's missing out on,” Miss Tonya said.

Thanks, Miss Tonya, now I'm thinking about my mother's ass, again. Even worse, he was imagining her naked with Miss Tonya. So much for the back burner.

"Evan,” Miss Tonya said in a tone that sounded too serious.

“Yes, ma'am?”

“Evan, technically...there isn't anything wrong with us doing this, you're old enough, but it's probably better to keep it between us. It wouldn't be good if anybody knew. You know how people are, especially around here. I wouldn't want people accusing me of robbing the cradle.”

"Yes…of course."

"Will you be able to keep this between us? You can't even tell your closest friend. Is that possible?"

"I'll never mention it," he said. "It's Groundhog Day, tomorrow nobody will remember it happened."

"Bill Murray?"

"Yes, yes that's what I meant," he said.

"I like that," she said, and lifted up on her elbows.

He looked at her in the mirror, she was watching him with a huge smile on her face. She had lifted up enough for her tits to hang. Her baby-bottle like nipples grazed the blanket as she turned. He was lightheaded. Miss Tonya flipped over and sat in a reclining position, propped up on her arms. Her shoulders were pulled back, enhancing her big tits. He couldn't take his eyes off her curved up nipples. This was really going to happen and he still couldn't believe it.

"Does this hurt?" she asked.

Before Evan could respond, he saw her hand on the front of his jeans. One of the softball moms had her hand on his boner. His ability to form words was gone, so he just nodded. She rubbed upward, then squeezed him. He wanted to explain about Deana and Rhina and Jayda because he knew he was gonna go off prematurely.

"I think we should do something about this before you massage my ass."

He watched her pulling down his zipper and saw his erection spring from his pants, but it was a dream, it had to be. “Want me to suck it?”

Her tone was exactly what it had been when she said, “Want some sweet tea?” Tomorrow nobody will remember this. "Ah-huh."

Miss Tonya wrapped both hands around his cock. He looked down past her large taunting tits at the curly bush of auburn hair. He needed to think of something that would defer the impending embarrassment.

Her hand slid between his legs and cupped his balls. She squeezed them and tugged on them. A puff of warm air hit his pulsing dick knob, then a hot tongue tip swiped at his slit. “Don't think this will take long,” she said, “but that's fine. I'm sure after you do my butt for awhile you'll be ready again.”

Evan swallowed hard. He needed a place to put his hands. It didn't seem right to grab her head, so he locked his fingers behind his neck and squeezed. An unexpected grunt escaped when her mouth surrounded his dick head. He groaned when she slurped and let him pop from her lips. Before he could take another breath she shoved him back inside and sucked hard.

It was incredible. Her head went up and down and he went in and out of her mouth and down her throat. One hand massaged his balls and the other his ass. She was touching his butt hole. He now knew he had never gotten a good blow job before.

"You got the hardest cock," Miss Tonya said. "I bet you can fuck a girl silly." She sucked him in again.

He assumed it was a rhetorical question, so he didn't try to answer. He really couldn't speak at all, but he needed to tell her he was about to explode.

Miss Tonya didn't need to be told anything. She pulled her mouth off his cock, but her hand continued to stroke his dick. "You like them?" Miss Tonya asked. “I've noticed you check them out a lot.”

“Ah, yes, yes, ma'ma, I do,” he said. “I mean, I do like them. They're nice.” What kind of idiot did he sound like?

"You wanna cum on them?"

What the fuck! This definitely was a porn movie. His brain screamed, hell yeah, but his mouth said, "Yes, ma'am."

She pressed her lips to the head and pumped him with both hands. Her tongue circled his dome, then it was in her mouth. She sucked and drool lubricated his shaft. His balls pulled up tight. His hands moved to his hips. They were thrusting his cock through her fists. He grunted and stiffened. Miss Tonya shoved her hands down to the base and squeezed, then took him out of her mouth. She sat up straight, heaved her chest forward and released her grip.

“Ahhh,” he moaned, and pumped his hips one last time. Miss Tonya jerked when the huge stream of cum blasted her face. It ricocheted off her nose onto her cheeks. She regained control of his cock and aimed it at her chest.

"Dammit, you go off like my garden hose," she said with a grin.

Evan panted while Miss Tonya emptied his balls on her tits. How many times had he imagined titty fucking Candy and cumming on her tits?

Miss Tonya looked up at him and said, “You been holding that in for a awhile,” then she lifted her tit and sucked cum off her nipple.

His mouth watered. The orgasm was incredible, maybe his best ever, but he still wanted to suck her nipples and eat her out and screw her while pretending it was Candy. His mother's friend was as close as he would ever get to sex with Candy.

Without missing a beat, like he hadn't just sprayed her down with cum, she said, "Now that we've taken care of that, you can concentrate on my ass." She picked up a towel and wiped off her chest and face. “I'll get ready.”

She was already naked, what could get ready mean? Miss Tonya didn't walk like somebody's mother, she strolled like a slinky pussy cat over to the bathroom door. He concentrated on her ass. She paused and turned slowly, her hand sliding up the door frame. She looked like a hooker leaning on a light pole. “You should get ready, too,” she said, and slipped into the bathroom. The door closed.

Evan sat there with his limp cock hanging out of his jeans and thought, she must have meant take off my clothes, what else could “...get ready, too,” mean? He wished he felt as confident about getting undressed as he felt behind the wheel of a go-cart. That was the only place he was ever truly in his zone, where his father's critical voice was mute. He stripped, sat down and waited. He had never been more naked and naive. Waiting sucked even more when you weren't sure you should be sitting naked on a woman's bed.

Deana recovered her only thong from its hiding spot and tucked it under everything she had already put in her overnight bag, which was stuffed. She would need more than one night before she faced Evan again. Not because she was embarrassed, ashamed or scared of what they did. She was afraid of how she would act when they talked about their impulsive behavior. Evan needed time to minimize it in his mind before she tried again.

They had gone to the same Southern Baptist church together, and heard the same fire and brimstone messages. She knew about the consequences for doing what they did. For her; it was too late anyway, she'd already done so many bad things. Some of them weren't her choice, but she had started the thing with Rebecca. She had enjoyed it, let it happen again and was bringing her sexy underwear to make sure it happened that night. Sex with another girl was something she liked and would always want to do. Could incest make the fiery pit any hotter? Evan still had something to lose, she didn't.

That morning when she woke up, it only took seconds before she was thinking about the orgasm, Evan's hands on her wet body, his cock pressed against her back and the silky dome plowing between her pussy lips. When his dick caught at the opening of her pussy and almost went up inside her body, something changed. She had known about her normal female desires and passions, and need for love, but getting so close to having sex flipped a switch that created an ache inside her belly, and an itch that only her brother's cock could reach. If she didn't handle it well, Evan would run and keep on running from his feelings, like he had been doing for years. She knew how he felt about her, always had. At first it was weird, then it thrilled her and she'd wanted him to pursue her, but he had so much guilt that he with drew from her. That was when she buried her own feelings deep in her heart. They might have stayed there if it wasn't for that kiss. Why the hell did he have to kiss her?

Evan had good intentions. As weird as his method was, it would have made his point. It should have been gross and they should have laughed about it after. That would have been true if they were normal siblings. He never expected them to kiss again, that had been clear in the bathroom, but it was also obvious how much he liked it. He knew it had started something, but he thought he could prevent it from going any further.

The knock made her gasp, and the blood drained from her face so fast she got dizzy. She wanted to hide in the closet. She wasn't ready to pretend the whole thing was a huge mistake. Her body wouldn't let that happen and she'd end up scaring him even more. Her brain scrambled.


She replayed the sound of her name and the spots in front of her eyes faded. It wasn't Evan. Another knock was followed by, “Deana.”

“Come in,” she said as cheerfully as her shocked mind could sound. “Cindy! OMG, what are you doing here?” She watched her cousin walk into the room and her composure returned. “It's been like forever since you've been here.” It had, and it was weird seeing Cindy in her room. Cindy either didn't like her father or her father didn't like Cindy or both. You could feel it in the room when they were together, which rarely happened.

Cindy smiled and said, “You running away?”

Deana looked at the clothes hanging out of her bag, then back at her cousin. “Nah, just spending a night or two with the girls.”

“Guess you want to be prepared for whatever,” Cindy said.

“Yeah, whatever,” she said, hoping her face wasn't telling. “I like to have clothes at Rebecca's house, and, you know, it's all winter stuff over there. I need to change out the wardrobe. Bathing suits and shorts and stuff for summer.”

Cindy raised a brow, smirked, then said, “You mean the stuff you can't wear around here?”

“Cindy, you know me better than that,” she said. “I never break the rules.”

“I'm not buying that, but you're definitely better than I was at your age.”

She watched Cindy tuck her long, black hair behind her ears and got that weird feeling she always got when she saw herself in her cousin. “You might be surprised,” she said, and wanted her words back before they finished coming out of her mouth.

“Probably not,” Cindy said with a genuine look.

“What brings you here anyway?” she said. “Evan's not home, he's working at—“

“Actually, I came to see you,” Cindy said, and squeezed Deana's arm.

Cindy's touch confused the senses. She was too pretty to be so strong. Deana had never gotten used to her cousin's hugs. A beautiful, slender girl approached, then her powerful muscles tighten and squeeze the air out of you, but before her hardness could form a masculine image, her warmth and compassion soaked in and you couldn't imagine not liking or even loving the person holding you. Other than her father, Deana didn't know anybody that didn't like Cindy, not even the guys who she fought with at the race track. Evan idolized her and used to have a crush on her, and Deana couldn't blame him. If she had known how much she liked girls, she probably would have had a crush on her, too.

“Me, really?” Deana said, her nerves tingling.

“Really, you,” Cindy said, and sat on the end of Deana's bed.

“Why?” she asked.

“Well, when I saw Evan—“

“You saw Evan?” Deana said.

“Yes, it was a couple weeks ago,” Cindy said, then paused and her right eye squinted. “He didn't mention anything to you about it?”

“No, I had no idea,” Deana said. “If I knew he was going to see you, I would have wanted to go.” She sat next to her cousin. She missed the days when their families spent a lot of time together.

After a few seconds, Cindy said, “Never mind that,” and patted Deana's thigh. “I asked Evan how things were, how you were, and even though he didn't say anything was wrong...I had that feeling I get.”

“You and your feeling,” Deana said. She was afraid now. Cindy also had a way of knowing when there was something wrong. She couldn't let Cindy know about her current troubles. “I'm fine. I can't believe you came all the way over here because you had a feeling. You could have called or sent a text.”

“I could have, but I missed you, and I had to come this way anyway, so I thought I'd stop by and see how things are.”

Cindy put her arm around Deana's back. She hated it when Cindy did that warm, send chills through you, touching thing. “Things are great,” she said. “I got all A's and summer is finally here. Things couldn't be better.”


The three years between them wasn't anything now. When they were growing up, Cindy got to be in charge and their parents expected her to listen to her elder. That, and the tone Cindy had just used made her turn. That was the last thing she wanted to do. There it was, the very thing that Evan and Rebecca accused her of, the penetrating stare from her black eyes. She knew what Evan meant when he said, “Stop reading my mind,” and the tears happened before she could look away.

“What's going on?” Cindy asked.

She wiped her eyes. The hug was the warmest, most motherly feeling hug she'd had it years, and it made her want to empty her soul, tell all and be set free from the bondage of her secrets. That could never happen.
“How do you do that?” she said. “How do you always know when something is bothering me?”

“Mostly it's a gift, that's why I'm going into psychology, but with you it's easy,” Cindy said. “We share a part of each other, we're kin. Now let's hear it. You'll feel better if you share it.”

She snuffed. “I don't know how to say it.” Cindy's hand tenderly rubbed her back and more tears sprang from her eyes. “It's hard.”

“There isn't anything you can't tell me...in confidence,” Cindy said. “There also isn't anything that will shock me. We all have things, secrets, skeletons and we're afraid of them because we don't realize others have gone through the same stuff. Just blurt it out and that's that.”

Deana doubted Cindy had gone through the same thing she had been through. Cindy didn't have her father. She was also sure Cindy would be shocked about her feelings for Evan and what happen the night before. There were some secrets that needed to remain secret. “Um.” She felt her heart thumping against her ribs. She had to give Cindy something. “Have you ever kissed a girl?”

Cindy smiled. “Was it just a kiss?”

Suddenly the secondary thing, the lesser of the two evils, her diversionary tactic, took on the weight of its reality. You went to hell for being gay. Her head hung. “Na-oh, no it was more.” She couldn't see or hear Cindy, but she could feel her. The compassionate strength in her arm soaked into Deana's whole body like the sun after you come out of a cold pool. She sobbed. “Am I gay?”

When Cindy didn't say anything she lifted her head and turned. “Why are you—what's funny?”

“Dee, I'm not laughing at you,” Cindy said. “I'm relating and I'm happy...relieved, really. I was worried it might be worse.”

Deana took a few seconds to make sure she understood what her cousin said. “Is there worse? You have, too?”

“Yes, yes I have,” Cindy said, and stroked Deana's hair. “And there are way worse things than that.”

She waited, hoping Cindy would give some examples, but nothing came. “Isn't it bad?”

“A lot of things are bad or supposed to be bad, but being curious is perfectly natural. Things happen at your age. Emotions, feelings, desires...lots of stuff is changing and it's all powerful. Being curious is normal and if you don't explore, how will you know?” Cindy said. “You have to be smart, though, but it's fine to experience things.”

“Smart,” Deana whispered.

“Yes, smart. You shouldn't hurt yourself or anyone else, and don't do something that will affect the rest of your life negatively.”

“You mean like getting pregnant or something like that.”

“Yes,” Cindy said. “You're smart enough to know where to draw the line. Just use your head.”

“What about hell?” she said, and shivered at her question. “I, ah, I enjoyed it. Isn't that bad? What if I plan to do it again?”

“No, you're not going to hell,” Cindy said. “I don't believe you go to hell for acting on feelings or desires or curiosity that you're born with. That wouldn't be fair. Did you hurt anyone?”

“No, no I didn't.”

“It was your friend, Rebecca...wasn't it?” Cindy said.

Deana knew it wasn't a question, Cindy already knew who it was. “Yes, but you can't—“

“In confidence, that means I can't tell. Everything you tell me is between you and me,” Cindy said. “She's cute, by the way.”

Deana felt light and knew she could be weightless if she told everything. Someone who she looked up to and thought of as an adult knew about her and Rebecca. Cindy had just said Rebecca was cute. She tried not to think it, but once a thought is a thought, it can't be undone. She imagined what it would be like to have her strong, beautiful cousin make love to her. The girl's hugs were enough to make her feel warm and loved inside. What on Earth could she do to me in bed?

“Did Rebecca like it, too?”

“Ah, oh, yes, yes she did.”

“You two still best friends forever and love each other?” Cindy asked.

“Yeah, that's what BFFs are all about.”

“Good, that's good,” Cindy said.

“It is?” Deana said.

“Sure, sure it is. You love Rebecca and she loves you and you've been friends forever, who better to be curious with. Beside, Rebecca strikes me as a real firecracker. I bet she's lots of fun to have as a friend.”

“Oh yes, she's a barrel full of fun,” Deana said. “But, what about—"

“I know, I know, I've heard all the same stuff you have,” Cindy said. “Everything doesn't fit into a nice mold and go a certain way; and God isn't waiting to smash you the second you make a mistake or try something that none of the church ladies would admit they did. We are all made different and have different thoughts and different experiences growing up that lead us down different paths. Don't ever let anyone try and stuff you into their mold, and never assume other people don't have the same secrets you have. You'd be shocked if you could see into my mind.”

Even though she had known Cindy her whole life, Deana believed her cousin. She wanted to hear some of those shocking secrets. Could Cindy have wanted her own brother to make love to her? “Thank you, thank you so much for listening to me and saying what you said. You know how my dad is.”

“I do,” Cindy said with a hard edge in her tone. “Candy isn't that way, though. You can trust her...more than you think. I promise.”

Deana wondered if Cindy knew how under her father thumb Candy really was. In the good ole days, Deana wouldn't have thought twice about confiding in Candy, and she still wanted to, but her father would break Candy if he needed to know a secret.

After they stood up, Cindy gave her one of those bone crushing hugs, then held her by the shoulders and said, "Don't you feel better now?"

"I do," Deana said, but she still carried the weight of her two graveyard secrets.

"Don't forget, if you need to talk about anything, I'm here for you. Just because I'm at college doesn't mean you shouldn't call me, you got that?"

"Yes...yeah, I got it," she said.

Cindy's hands tightened on her arms and her eyes widened. "I meant it, you can tell me anything. Don't be afraid."

Cindy's I know what you're thinking look made her feel guilty about doing it to Evan all the time. Maybe she'd stop doing it to him now that she knew how uncomfortable it made her. "I will," she lied wishing she could blurt it out. Even if Cindy was already a psychologist, and not her cousin, she couldn't.

"You want me to give you a lift to Rebecca's?"

"Sure, it's been too long since you've given me a ride anywhere."

Deana didn't know much about cars, nor did she care to know that Cindy's car was a nineteen seventy Camaro Z28, that uncle JC had restored from the ground up. All she knew or cared about was how it made her feel when Cindy's leg straightened and smashed the gas pedal to the floor. The roar, the wiggle, the jerking and the sliding motion of the car all scared her, but if she could make herself relax and let the vibration soak up through the seat, she could almost have an orgasm. That was probably Cindy's intention, but they never talked about it. That would have been embarrassing before today.

Cindy smiled and said, "Okay then, the beast is waiting."

"Beast, that seems like an appropriate name," Deana said, and tried to zipper her overnight bag.

"You got your only thong and your skimpiest bikini in there?" Cindy said.

Dammit, she didn't like anyone knowing her so well. "I don't own either of those," she said.

Cindy squinted her right eye is squished her lips to the left. "Right, probably don't own a vibrator either."

"Vibrator, what's that?"

They laughed and Deana knew she was going to miss Cindy even more than she had already. Damn her father for making things suck. What could he have done to Aunt Julie to make her stop talking to him?

Miss Tonya came out of the bathroom looking exactly the same as she had when she went in, naked and sexy as hell, but now she was carrying what looked like K-Y. He smiled and she smiled back. “Glad to see you got ready,” she said. He sighed with relief.

He watched her tits jiggle as she walked over to the bedroom door and closed it. The lock clicked and Evan realized Jayda could have seen them while her mother gave him head. What were they going to do now that required the door to be closed?

“Let me fix this,” she said, and rearranged the large towel she had been lying on so it was further up the bed. “Don't want to get oil or anything on the bedspread.”

At the end of the bed, Miss Tonya bent at the waist and rested on her outstretched arms. Her tits swung forward and her succulent nipples led the way like headlights on high beam. Again, like a cat, she got on the bed. Her right knee came up, then the left. She paused on all fours. He assumed she was giving him a chance to stare at her ass in the mirror, and he did. The sight of her womanly pussy facing back from between her thighs like a target for his dick to stick into, made his balls stir in their sack. He hoped she didn't really want a massage because fucking her was all he wanted to do now.

Her hands slid up the bed and her top half lowered, making her pussy and asshole a more prominent bull's eye. He watched his tar

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Black CaptainChapter 3

Prudence Harper, disheveled and uncertain on her feet, stumbled her way across the elegant foyer in the harsh grasp of one of Captain Happy's men. There were deep red marks where his strong fingers had gripped her fragile white arm, and Douglas jumped to his feet when he saw her. He had been unable to figure out why the head of this operation had wanted to talk so long to Prudence, but he had never for a moment doubted her safety. Prudence's things had been left with him so he did not think...

2 years ago
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Recombinant DNA

Recombinant DNA by Carol Collins Daniel Sims, Junior, lay on his bed gazing out the window. Spring had come early to the area where he lived. "Funny," he thought to himself, "when I was a kid, I ran through the pastures and rolled in the grass. I played with all the other children, grew up, got married, raised children of my own, worked in medical research for almost forty years. I thought that I would live forever. And now, I am almost at the end." Daniel had...

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Earl Pam Nude beach with mum and pops part

Earl continued to spend most of his holiday time at the nude beach, visiting it with Kathy a few times who made it clear that there wasn't going to be a repeat of last time. His folks figured it was harmless, what lad doesn't want to look at pretty nude women? "and it's not costing us anything" cheerfully exhaulted Stan, "...except we're on our third bottle of sun block this week".He'd tried to have a pally talk about being cool at the beach and not hastling the girls, as he didn't want him...

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Im a movie critic of my wifes fuck mo

My wife fucks outside our marriage. She often videos them for me to enjoy since I'm not always there. One evening she and I had nothing planned so we opened a bottle of champagne and she brought her videos from their hidden place. She went to change out of her work dress and I fixed us a snack tray. I was pleasantly surprised when she came back into the den wearing a short pleated tennis skirt and a cotton tank top sands a bra. Her nipples where hard and shown easily through the thin cotton...

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I like to expose myself for my Boyfriend

by Vanessa Evans All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over the legal age of consent when the events took place. How I discovered that my boyfriend loves it when I expose my body to others; and so do I. Part 01 ===== It all started one night when we were at university party where the booze was flowing freely and one of the spaghetti straps on my strappy V-neck tank got ripped off in a silly drinking game. For the rest of that night I struggled to keep my...

3 years ago
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A Halloween RedemptionChapter 30

Hey, sweeting! What's up? "We've got a situation here..." Rob ran down the phone call from Dawn's roommate, making sure to stress the tone she took. Deidra looked on from where she sat at his table, alarm growing on her face as she began to comprehend the seriousness of what was going on. "I want you here for the meeting. Somewhere nearby so you can intervene in your special way if we need it." For all we know, you could do it. "Yeah, maybe, but for how long? We need to control...

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Fat Bottomed Girls

True story!Bringing it back to the early 2000's I was a young high school teen doing my best to manage studies, friends, girls, and work. I was always athletic, and I loved baseball, basketball and football but in my high school years those all took a backseat with my parents all but demanding I hold a job if I wanted the necessities. (car, gas, cell phone, spending $ etc.) So off to work I went.I don't know what triggered it, my love of bigger women. If I could take a guess at the beginning of...

1 year ago
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The 2nd AmendmentChapter 12

Dammit, I wondered if Worcester was turning into a copy of Mexico City. We just had another kidnapping! The difference from our point of view was that this time the victim was an adult. She was Mrs. Abigale Hanscomb, the wife of Clark Hanscomb, the owner and manager of the largest credit union in the Worcester area. The ransom was $750,000, not as big as some, but big enough to get everybody’s attention. Mrs. Hanscomb was 47 years old, and a surprising beauty for her age. Hanscomb wanted his...

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Fucked by a painter

True story that happened to me (cuteboy261973) about 5 years ago and I wrote up the time:Went to a loo near the M11 yesterday that I know has a glory hole. As I went in there was a fit painter taking a long time to wash his hands (I'd say early to mid 30s, possibly younger). Went in the loo with GH but the cubicle next door was locked but unoccupied. So came out after a while and washed my hands. He was still washing his (bit of a give away) so we exchanged a few glances and he went in the GH...

1 year ago
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Up At The Crack Of Dawn

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. It was one of those funny mornings, when it was still winter, but the sun streamed in through the window and the birds sang as if they were heralding Spring. Dawn sang to herself as she pottered around the kitchen, dressed in nothing but a polka dot apron and some shiny red heels. ‘I’m too sexy for my apron, too sexy for my apron, and I’m making pancakes…’ She sang softly, gathering ingredients,...

2 years ago
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Knickers Off

“I think he’s looking at you, Annie.”“What, him over there?”“Yes, can’t you see? He’s pretending to drink his milk-shake, but he keeps looking across at you.”“I dunno, maybe you’re right. He might just be waiting for his girlfriend or something.”“In that case, he’d better stop staring at your legs. I told you that skirt was too short.”“Bollocks. It’s fine. Anyway, I’ve got clean knickers on.”Janet sniggers.We’re sitting in the Victoria Wharf shopping centre, having a coffee. We’ve spent the...

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Janet in Training 09

sleeping in Erica's bedroom now for months, and fortunately Tiffany had not made an issue of it. But it still felt strange sleeping in Erica's bed, wearing her clothes, and living her life. It had been six months since her death last summer, and the time had gone by quickly. She rose from bed, and decided not to go through the ritual of having Tina bathe and dress her. It was a nice luxury, to be sure. And she often enjoyed it. But not everyday, and she wasn't a...

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The Key Club

We started with just two couples, but it soon grew to five.I'm married to a gorgeous Latino. Veronica has very long black hair, dark eyes, sensuous lips, and the best body I've ever seen. And her sex drive was wearing me out! She would want sex in the morning before I left for work, then again as soon as I came through the door every afternoon. She would be all over me, kissing me, rubbing on me, rubbing my cock, until I took care of her. Then at bedtime, she would want me again! I guess her...

2 years ago
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BDSM At The Office

Some guys might not feel comfortable working in department where your the only man among seven women. But for me, I find it great. In fact, the positive far outweigh the few minor negatives. I get razed a little, and I'm the brunt of a few jokes, but it all makes up for it in the end. I work in a large hospital, in a small data processing department. I have a woman supervisor, a great lady (as far as a supervisor, as a person, and how she looks) named Brenda. There are five other lady other...

2 years ago
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Deciding MomentChapter 29

"I thought a love letter would make her happy. She's been in the living room crying for the last hour." Jeanie glared at her husband when she said to him, "If you say something like that to her, you'll find yourself sleeping out with the dogs for the next two weeks. Understand?" "What? I just meant..." "When was the last time you sent a card ... or better, roses ... to Jeanie?" Theresa asked. "Don't you start on that." "What my dear sister is trying to suggest to you is...

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Dont Bring me Flowers

My partner sent me out to the pub to join my mate and watch the football.She was going to be busy on the phone anyway,talking sex with other guys,she said she might even do a bit of camming for them if she could be arsed.I knew she would though,it was wednesday and her favourite cock would be on there,big Dave was his name.Every wednesday he would b there with his nine inch thick cock and a knob she said looked like ther head of a lump hammer.She would say it was just her job but i knew that...

4 months ago
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Body painted wife

Wife gangbang My name is John and I would like to tell you about my normally shy wife, Maria, and my one and only cuckolding. It happened on vacation to Key West for the notorious Fantasy Fest. It takes place during Halloween and is an adult oriented festival with a parade like Mardi Gras. Being in a large crowd of people all dressed sexy and drinking will lead to some naughty behavior that one normally does not think about. Maria and I are 35 years old. We have a couple of kids that are now in...

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Steve and Kyle Episode 1

CHAPTER 1Kyle Sinclair, the main character – let us call him the hero – of this story, is a Chicagoan; aged eighteen at the start of this story, Kyle is active, young, muscular, sexually superbly equipped; and potentially totally gay. Kyle comes from a working-class family living in the western suburbs of the city and has never paid much attention to learning anything at school.When he was eighteen, he left rather precipitously in mid-term without the customary high-school diploma. However, as...

Gay Male
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Pam Hottie Milf and Her Dad

Steve and his sexy 24-year old blonde daughter, Pam, had been lovers for nearly eleven years. He'd been there on the front row the night Pam's cherry was taken by a horny big-cocked black player from the high school football team. Not only had he been there as a part of the large sex swap group that he and his wife had joined many years earlier, but after the jock had played with Pam and then fucked her in front of a huge group of watchers, Steve had gone over to his just-deflowered daughter...

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The Author Pt 10

Bill woke with Jennifer next to him and stretched as he sat up. It was time to get back to work, he had enjoyed the week away from the difficulties of writing, but it was time to work. He nudged Jennifer who smiled at him as she woke. ‘I kind of miss waking up with Monica. I liked that.’ Jennifer said, as she started moving. ‘Yeah, me too. But in a couple months, she’ll be here with us every morning. In the mean time, we have weekends together.’ Bill said as he headed for the bathroom....

3 years ago
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SHORT PIECES Gay Tales Volume 5

SHORT PIECES (Gay Tales) volume 5THE SISTERIt was Friday night and Sheila was about to watch her favorite program on TV. Adrian walked being her chair, down the hallway.“Going out ?”, yelled Sheila“Yep”, answered Adrian“Don’t come in too late and play safe”, said Sheila“Don’t worry. I won’t stay out”, answered Adrian, who waited a minute for a response, then opened the outside door. Sheila knew where her brother was going and what he was going to do. She was five years older. It worried her but...

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The ContractChapter 3

As we drove home from the doctor's office that day John began to question me. I could tell he was very suspicious of Samantha's sudden and fortuitous arrival. "So... you never mentioned Samantha before. If she was such a friend, why not?" "It was a long time ago John. After college we were so busy with our lives, and by then Samantha was going to college on her own. It never came up, and we kind of went our separate ways. I thought of her often. You had friends in college I never knew...

3 years ago
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Ice and Icing

Words hurt, but a knife wounds with the sharper pain.He had admired the Russian Sami people for creating two hundred words to describe snow and ice. That eloquence used to impress; less so now her lexicon of inadequacy had grown with use and he was on the receiving end of hailstorms of stinging criticism.They hurt. More so when others heard, especially if they asked, “What did you do to provoke her?”Of course, it would have been worse had her throwing arm been more accurate. For her emotional...

Love Stories
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The Genie of the Lamp

The Genie of the Lamp By Janet Harris, copyright 24/9/99 Now I know it sounds very corny, but when I saw the tarnished old Arabic oil-lamp in an antique shop, I just had to buy it in case it was Aladdin's. Don't worry, I told myself how silly I was being. I'm not really a superstitious man at all, quite a cynic of things spiritual on the whole, but perhaps it was my self-denied belief that such magic does exist which caused it to actually happen. I remember that I carefully avoided...

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The Last Race

The Last Race Nearly the entire crew had gathered in the crew lounge to hear who would be the lucky one, the last Starter for the very last Race. As chance would have it, the task fell to Horatio Smalls, who was known by the crew for his love of obscure trivia about the Race, so there was little grumbling but much congratulations. Once he had graciously accepted his crewmates' salutes, he bustled to the Starter's booth to begin the last preparations for the Race. Once those were...

4 years ago
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Dress Rehearsal

Amber Hall sat in the back booth of the small diner, her eyes lost in the black cup of coffee she had been staring at for the last half-hour. The twenty-three year old had a big problem and felt she had to get out of her apartment to think about it. "Well how's my favorite television star doing today?" the tall black waitress asked as she walked back to the short-haired blond with a fresh pot of coffee in her hand. The dark-skinned twenty-one-year-old looked down at the untouched cup of...

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Shadows From the PastChapter 18

Jason had woken up that morning feeling like he had more sleep in one night than he had had the past week. He no longer felt like he had fallen so far behind in the journal that he had no hope of catching up. He dared to think he might close the gap further before he went to bed that night. After all, Elizabeth had developed her defense; all she had to do was test it and refine it. The only question which remained was whether she would reveal the formula of what he assumed was a potion. To...

3 years ago
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Tried to do the right thing

Tiffani was sexy, if a bit over the top to my way of thinking. Then again, I was a virgin with no girlfriend and not much prospect for one. I was nerdy, short, and slender with androgynous features. I was kind of shy and never exactly popular. I had a couple of friends, but they had both already headed off on nice vacations before starting college at big schools a few hundred miles away. At any rate, I was chilling by myself, not that I really had any other options. I was sitting in my...

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If anyone else wishes to archive this story please contact me. All MIXD Up By Morpheus "But Mom" Chris whined, "It's Saturday. I've got things I was gonna do" "No Buts" Lindsey, Chris's mom said, "That garage needs to be cleaned out, and since Stacie is over at her friends right now, that job falls to you" After several more minutes of pleading, Chris gave up, realizing the futility of his arguments. Reluctantly, he went out to the garage, kissing his weekend...

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Lab PartnersChapter 5

Dawn’s light through Nichelle’s thin curtains roused Kit. He saw her slipping into a mid thigh-length light green robe. “I was going to use the bathroom,” she said. “Do you need to?” “Yeah, I probably should. He climbed out of her bottom bunk and pulled his jeans on. “You go first. I’ll guard the door.” She opened a drawer and handed him a towel. “Here, you can use this.” He stepped into the common living area and looked around. “No one else up yet,” he remarked. “Or, not home yet,”...

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Take Me AwayChapter 3

Lil stayed for quite a bit longer than just the couple of hours she originally planned, the three friends having entirely too much fun catching up and reminiscing about old times. When Lillian wearily wandered home, it was all Ari and Amos could do to crawl into bed. When the sun rose in the morning, Amos got up from the bed and hung a sheet over the window, blocking out the light, and immediately crawled back into bed. Arilee laughed quietly, but leaned up against her man and drifted back...

2 years ago
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Gharme Mai Or Meri Friends Chudi

Hi friends mai yashasvi vapas aa gyi hu apni doosri kaha ke sath. Pichli kahani pe aap logo ka response dekh kar mujhe laga ki is baar thoda rough sex or rape ho jaaye…. Toh jaisa aap sab jante hai, ki mai or navneet live in relation me rehte hai. Toh ek din mai college ni gyi but navneet ko apna project jama karna tha isliye vo college chala gya … Acha maine aapko apni last story me bataya tha ki mohalle ke ladke meri gaand dekhte rehte hai or mera peecha karte hai. Toh ye baat us din ki hai.....

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Business Trip pt 2

i stepped out of the last of my clothing and stood there in the darkness completely naked in front of this man who i would be working for and whose cock i had just sucked. Marcus was sitting on the sofa in front of me silent but watching me and looking me over intently and i could see a faint grin on his face. "too much hair on you but baby look at you!" he laughed "do a little turn for me Eric"i started to turn in place and was suddenly overcome with nerves maybe the alcohol wearing off i dont...

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Toilet sex in the Ladies

I could not wait to find out how her night had gone.Their neighbors were 'Swingers' and they had been invited to their party.'It was not me', she had said, 'It was him', the 'him' she referred to, was her husband.I believed her, as sex to her was based on a functional need only, the function being to have c***dren, pleasure never entered the equation, so I had some sympathy and understanding for her husbands frustration, and his forlorn attempts to loosen her-up, and relax.I met him in a...

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PornWorld Sheila Ortega Honey Demon Two Cocks for Curvy Secretary Sheila Ortega and Jealous Wife Honey Demon

Women can be jealous, especially when their husbands are surrounded by beautiful secretaries. When you see how hot and gorgeous Sheila Ortega is, you will understand why Honey Demon is so jealous. From the moment this curvy Latina walked into the room with her huge breasts, Honey left her alone with her hubby Vince. One minute was enough, and Sheila was already sucking Vince’s big cock in the living room, but there was some blow job action in the kitchen too, where Honey was handling...

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Blackmailed by my realtor

I was already irritated, and having to drive all the way over to the house just to cancel an appointment just made it worse. My wife and I were supposed to be taking a last look at a house we wanted to buy and had an appointment to meet our realtor at the house. We weren't going to buy it after all so I tried calling Sandra to cancel but unfortunately I wasn't able to get hold of her so ended driving out here to let her know. She'd been great throughout the whole process and I felt bad that she...

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Naruto Pixxx

Whoever started NarutoPixxx was way ahead of the curve, at least when it comes to hentai. If you’re a fan of X-rated manga, you’ve no doubt noticed the rising popularity of filthy Naruto parodies in recent years, coinciding with an aging demographic of fans who grew up with the characters. The NarutoPixxx.com domain was registered back in 2009, offering weebs a more explicit look at Hinata, Sakura, Itachi and the rest of the gang than you’d ever find on TV.These days, the site’s going as strong...

Premium Hentai Sites
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blood and Sex

It was a clear night, the moon and stars shining brightly, the vampire hungry. Jake is a 300-year-old vampire, created by the now dead vampire, Manna. Jake was out looking for young beautiful women to feed upon. Instead he found a young man looking for death. Reading this mortals mind, he found out this man is a bisexual but mainly preferring other men. “Ah this should be fun” Jake thought to himself as he strides up to this man. “Sir, would you help a man down on his luck? Some food, clothes,...

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Second ChanceChapter 67

For a long time no one spoke. We ate in careful silence, until I decided to draw our waitress out. "Excuse me," I said. "Your accent is unusual. If you don't mind, where are you from?" She smiled like my question pleased her to no end. "I moved here from very southern Minnesota. My parents' farm is just over from the Iowa state line, close to the field where Buddy Holly crashed in the plane. We all talk funny up there." She was in her early twenties, stout, and had a very pleasant...

4 years ago
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So last week

So last weekSo last week I had some off time and decided to visit some friends from the old neighborhood. See my job went to some crazy 12 hour shifts so I’m not home as much neither have the freee time I use to have. Still fucked up in my thoughts from the very lucky day I had, I got an idea to stop my Bobs house again. Swear, I didn’t have any intentions “smirk” to do anything but hey, I’m off and I’m trying to get drunk with my friends and enjoy the day. So I get there and I see my friend...

2 years ago
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My date with teen cousins TRUE STORY

My latest stories have been completely fictitious and imaginary, so i decided to write a true story after a long break..It was a boring, drizzly autumn day with virtually nothing to do outside and all my friends were busy with something; school, work, family visits, too many excuses.. I decided to take a refreshing warm shower but water hitting my smooth, tender skin got me so aroused, i could feel my nipples getting erect and hard, i started to touch my breasts and caress my rosebud tits..I...

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Michaels cove

Like many people over the years, Michael had moved here to the beach after a nasty divorce. The whole process, the fucking lawyers always with their hands in his pockets, a judge that was interested in her re-election campaign and then there was the cheating, fucking slut of a wife left him drained. He had gone through months of hell as they disected every part of his life over the last 18 years. All he wanted now was to lay back, relax in his little, private beach house and enjoy some time...

1 year ago
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Dont Shoot the Messenger Chapter 8

"Well?" said Julie when Anthony put the letter down, "what do you think?""It's indefensible behaviour.""You mean the cop?""Yes,” he said. “I'm so glad we got Adrian off. That makes me feel a lot better but it's obviously left a mess. What are you going to do?""I have a wild idea that I think might work. I can't involve you because you were Adrian's lawyer. It needs some planning and I might drag Laura in, so you could be on your own for a while. Is that okay?""It depends how long I guess. At...

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Prurient ParishionersChapter 17 Daphnes Bottom

Daphne Burke had no feelings of guilt after her minister took her virginity under the guise of helping her control her overactive libido. She was an intelligent girl who guessed that Reverend Gillis wasn't being truthful but she didn't disabuse him. She was looking for sexual solace so she let the unprincipled preacher continue to believe had had successfully conned her. It was ten days before the lubricious teen and the increasingly goatish cleric met again privately. She'd attended two...

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Dancing With Myself

Mary scarcely recognized the woman in the mirror. It wasn’t the first time she’d felt that way over the past year, but this time, it was more than just the weight loss that made her stare at her own reflection with a bit of confusion. The woman in the mirror looked confident, sensual and attractive. Powerful, even. To a perennial wallflower like Mary, it was as if she’d accidentally walked in front of a doorway instead of a full-length mirror. The costume did most of the work, really. The way...

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The Fiery Romance of Jack and AnniPart Two

purplemind Romance, adventure, accident, male/ female, ass to mouth, reluctant, domination: Story follows from part one. Reading part one is essential to understand the characters and plot. It was a miracle that Jack and Anni survived the crash. The Corsa rammed the back of Jack` s pick-up causing the thief to lose control of the vehicle, promptly taking out the corner traffic lights. The Corsa escaped with minor damage to the front bumper, grill, bonnet and lights. Jack` s Bakkie on the...

4 years ago
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Oh god no

I was sitting in the bed decorated with flowers, awaiting my husband’s arrival. I never ever dreamed even in my wildest one that i would be married off to a old guy, who turns 60, within a few months. My eyes were swelled up with the tears that i cried after i got engaged. It was my fate, a young girl who turned just 19, a few weeks back is now someone’s wife. I am not against marriage but with a old pervert, i just can’t digest it. I am really not in mood now, to tell my past nor how i look. I...

1 year ago
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Father In Law In Train

I am happy to share my experience here I am married lady aged 35 working in a private company as assistant. my husband as a bank manager in Pune our native is near Coimbatore Tamilnadu. my experience is very lovable so i like to share with u all once my family with my two children visited our village near Coimbatore for vacation one afternoon I went top roof to collect the clothes children’s were playing husband gone out. mother-in-law was in rest while top of roof I saw some movement in the...

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Living with daddy Part X

After my shower with my brother, I decided that I was going to try sleeping again. This time however, I changed how things were going around here. I did not like that I was sharing a bed with just my daddy and my brother did not get to be there as well. I told daddy this and he agreed with me. He told me that it was fine that brother slept with us, and that is what I wanted. All three of us crawled into the big oversized bed and curled up togethers. Daddy was behind me, his arms wrapped around...


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