Meeting My Girlfriend's Grandmother free porn video

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Cyndi and I had dated for about 5 or 6 months when it seemed it was getting serious. I'd met her divorced mom many times and she was a nice lady. Now it was time to meet her mom's mom. Her grandmother, Sherry, lived on the other side of our large metro area. We went over one Saturday afternoon.

Sherry was at the door greeting us as we parked and got out of the car. She had a warm smile and was super friendly. She welcomed us, hugging Cyndi and I, and invited us in. We had a light lunch with the usual chitchat, but I could not shake the feeling that Sherry was familiar to me. I found myself lost in thought as to why. I'd never been in this neighborhood and in fact rarely ever got to this side of town.

We talked and enjoyed our visit and Cyndi and I prepared to leave. When Sherry stood up and turned in profile to hug Cyndi I really noticed there was quite a rack concealed beneath her heavy sweater. It was January after all. I've always had a thing for mature women and even at 20 years old I was a MILF chaser - Cyndi didn't know and I was going to keep it like that.

Later that evening I went home and retreated to my basement bedroom. I still lived at home as this was my junior year of college and it was too expensive to go away to school and my city had three good universities so I lived at home and went to school. I also worked part time to earn my spending money - mom paid for school, insurance on my car and living expenses.

I went to my computer and was looking forward to rubbing one out watching Internet porn. Naturally as a MILF chaser I gravitated toward that. I also loved retro porn. I liked it when sex was dirty - ya know, the 50's, 60's, and 70's? Before an Internet when every girl in town wasn't naked on my computer. I was rubbing my cock and cruising retro porn sites when I stumbled onto a site that specialized in retro pinups, glamor models and burlesque gals from those bygone days.

I freed the fattie and was rubbing him, not really concentrating on any specific image or thought, just cruising the pages on this site. Every page had 40 or so pics on it. When I saw one that interested me I clicked on it. Usually that led to another page with numerous photos or videos of the woman I clicked on from the main pages. I spied one that really caught my eye and clicked on it. She was a youngish brunette with alluring eyes and a nice body. The second page had more photos of the brunette, but in many of the photos she was having lesbian sex with a woman called Lee Wyatt. I stared at the pictures. Something was familiar. I know I'd seen Lee Wyatt on these pages before and I had actually lost a bucket full of cum looking at her before. Then it hit me - it was Sherry, Cyndi's grandmother! I was turned on and shocked at the same time.

What a body! This Lee Wyatt was hot beyond belief. No wonder I thought I saw something familiar in Cyndi's grandmother when I met her. I had jacked off looking at her naked on more than one occasion. I was so dumbstruck I quit rubbing the big boy for a minute and just stared at all the images taking in each nuance. Unlike much of the pinup "lesbian" porn where the girls were just together laying on a bed or something, these two were eating pussy, sucking tits and my favorite - tongue kissing. My cock was throbbing and I came in about 30 seconds. I cleaned up and returned to the images.

Sherry/Lee Wyatt looked about 25 or so in the pictures. She was built incredibly well and had one stunning face to boot. I started recalling the things Cyndi had told me about her family. Her grandmother was a single parent of two girls. Her husband left her when she gave birth to the second k**, Cyndi's aunt Elise. He was a reprobate and alcoholic bad boy type. Sherry/Lee Wyatt raised them on her own never remarrying. She held down an office job and raised her daughters.

There were about 20 photos of Sherry/Lee Wyatt and the other hottie doing the nasty. I found a link on the page with the name Lee Wyatt and clicked it and it took me to her own page on that site. In addition to the 20 or so lez make out photos I'd found there were a few dozen nude, pin up and glamor type shots, all in various stages of nudity. And Lee Wyatt was spreading a shaved cunt in most of the photos and in one she's pinching both her fat tits by the nipples. Fuck! I thought to myself. This is so hot. I made plans in my filthy little mind to see Sherry again, and damned soon.

About two weeks later Cyndi and I were at Sherry's again. She lived in an older but well kept small brick home in an old neighborhood of tree lined streets. I looked around and saw a few things that could use some maintenance and offered to come back with some tools and help Sherry do a few things around her home. Naturally Sherry and Cyndi thought I was just the sweetest young fella they'd ever met. I beamed with devious pride and told Sherry I would come over tomorrow at noon and plan an afternoon helping her out. She said she'd order a pizza for me. I made like that was the greatest thing ever. Cyndi was so thrilled with me we went back to my house and fucked until almost midnight before she went back to her own home at her folks house. Cyndi had to work that Sunday at the department store where she was employed, so with her blessing I went to "help" Sherry.

I got to Sherry's a bit early, chomping at the bit. She just thought I was the nicest young guy in the world - if only she'd known . . . Sherry greeted me dressed for work - old jeans that fit her matronly form quite well and a green t-shirt underneath of an old, over sized flannel shirt. I remarked about the shirt and she smiled and told me she loved old, over sized clothing to wear as a outer layer to keep her warm. It was one of her son-in-laws old flannels - Cyndi's dad's to be more precise.

We discussed what needed doing and set about doing it - patching and filling a couple old nail holes pictures were used to cover on her plaster walls, tightening down the banister to the basement steps, securing the carpet runner on her hardwood steps to the second floor and she had two light bulbs burned out in the attached garage. I used her 6 foot ladder to replace the bulbs. She told me she was scared of heights. Naturally I asked her why she had a ladder then, and she smiled and very sexily looked me in the eye and replied "In case some handsome and strong young man comes by to help an old divorcee!" she quipped. I took in her words and her very flirtatious way of saying it. Of course I wrote it off to friendliness. It was about 2:30 when Sherry said "Is pepperoni okay on a pizza?" "Sure," I replied and Sherry said she was going to get cleaned up. She gave me a $20.00 and said "pay the man" if the pizza arrived before she'd finished showering and changing.

I waited patiently - well as patiently as I could considering my brain was running rampant with all sorts of vile scenarios in my head. The knock on the door came just as Sherry returned from upstairs. She flew down the steps and grabbed the money from the table, gave it to the delivery guy and returned with the pizza. We sat in the living room eating it. I admired her full ass as she sashayed it into the kitchen to return with two soft drinks to accompany the pizza.

Sherry was wearing a sweater over some clean jeans. It was not nearly so big and fuzzy as the one she'd worn when I met her. Damn! I thought - her tits were pretty large and matched her ample ass very well. I found myself thinking a lot of Sherry and not pizza. I couldn't get the retro porn images of her naked and eating pussy out of my mind. Sherry saw me sort of lost in thought and said very sweetly "Are you okay Cody?" She placed her left hand on my knee when she said it and I felt electricity. I looked at her. Her smile was sweet, warm and inviting, and her left hand was still on my thigh. "Yeah, fine Sherry. Just thinking," I said. "What about," she playfully asked. "About all the work to get this place back in tip top shape?" Naw," I replied, growing brave, so I thought I would drop a hint. "I keep trying to figure out why you looked so familiar to me when I met you a couple weeks ago."

Sherry almost recoiled a bit and very, very slowly removed her delicate small hand from my leg. "Me? Familiar?" she asked. "Yeah, I just keep thinking you're familiar to me, but I can't place why." She sort of laughed it off, claiming she was just another nondescript old woman. I corrected her and got bold in so doing. "Sherry, there is nothing nondescript about you!" She smiled "Really?" "Absolutely" I replied. "You're a real hottie!" She flashed a grin that was totally reminiscent of some of her pin up shots I'd seen on the porn site.

"You sure know how to flatter an old, dried up woman," she coyly answered. She was fishing for compliments and I was glad to oblige. "Jeez Sherry, from looking at you, Cyndi and her mom it's pretty clear women in your family age very, very well." I went on "If Cyndi ages as well as her mom and grandmother she will still be a stunner in her mature years, " I said, and then feeling really bold now, I added, "I think mature women are much more alluring than are younger girls really." Sherry cocked her head and replied, very forthright and to the point "I almost feel like you're flirting with me Cody!" "Me, flirting with my girlfriend's grandma?" I smiled at her. She shot back a knowing grin, "Okay then." I figured it was now or never. I added "Am I a bad person for flirting with a gorgeous woman, even if she is my girlfriend's grandmother?"

Sherry looked at me for a second. Her eyes burned through me and I got nervous thinking I may be in it now. "Actually Cody, it's very flattering to have such a studly young man flirting with me." I took that for all it was worth and looked her in the eye.I surmised that it was now time to lay my cards on the table. "Sherry, I have figured out why you're so familiar to me." She looked at me and I was unsure what to do next. I wanted to blurt it out but fear was mounting in me. That is until she led me on with "You do, huh?" So, where do you think you know me from?" she asked in a very inviting manner.

"Well, I don't know how to say this but..., you are very familiar to a woman I've seen named Lee Wyatt." Her eyes narrowed a bit and I thought she was going to play it off. "So you know, do you?" I almost fainted! "I knew that was you Sherry, or should I call you Miss Wyatt?" She smiled and asked me very sincerely, "Have you mentioned this to Cyndi perhaps?" "No ma'am." She smiled knowingly and seemingly reassured. "where did you see my photos?" she asked very gently.

I told her where and she was inquisitive. "Show me," she said. She got up and said she was going to get her laptop and disappeared upstairs. She returned almost immediately. She turned it on and went on "I haven't seen these pictures. Where are they?" I took the laptop and went to the retro porn site. I told her I was a bit embarrassed doing this with her watching and she patted my back and said "Wow, me too! Go on Cody!' she encouraged. I clicked through a few pages and there opened the page dedicated to Lee Wyatt. I turned the laptop toward her ad said, "there you are, and damned hot if I might say," I added felling a bit more bold.

She looked at the photos. "Well, I guess it's time for an explanation," she offered. "No ma'am, you don't owe me anything," I replied. Her eyes danced at me with warmth and understanding. "Well, can I explain anyway? It might be cathartic for me." "Sure," I replied and sat back on the couch and turned to her.

She launched into what was going on in her life at that time. She could not make enough to take care of two small daughters and then someone told her about adult entertainment and she could make quick, easy money, and she was desperate. She started out nude modeling, then did some pin up and softcore poses - no sex, but the suggestive lesbianism of those days - two or more nude women touching each others asses or tits, but nothing more. She was then offered $500.00 to do a days hardcore lesbian work with the other woman in the photos so she did.

She went on to tell me she was a low level administrative supervisor for a large company and earned about $10K per year, back then, in the early 1960's. She found the adult work to be enticing for the money only and that in just under three years of modeling and dancing at strip joints in another town 40 miles away, she'd made almost $50K in cash. She used that to pay for her home, savings and a car. She then put a chunk of it in accounts for her girls college educations, which neither daughter used, instead both marrying at about 20 years old, so she had a nice little nest egg. She had just retired from that very same company she'd worked at for almost 35 years and she was doing quite well on her saving, retirement income, investment income and was waiting to collect social security beginning next year when she turned 62.

She went on to detail how she'd dated some when her k**s were little but too many of her suitors were aware of her shady past and she tired of being seen as an easy mark. By the time her k**s were in high school she'd decided she'd rather be single than deal with that. And then she lamented how her daughters were always trying to arrange dates for her, fearing their mom was growing to be a lonely old spinster. She threw her head back and laughed at that then pointed to the pictures - one of her bent over showing her ass for the camera and said "Does THAT look like a lonely woman Cody?"

She went on to say that she was very happy alone. Of course she wished for more sometimes, but she'd been her own boss for way too long to want someone complicating her life. Then she looked at me and asked, very sincerely mind you, "Cody, are you going to complicate my life, young man?" I was shocked at her question. I stuttered a bit and said the only thing that came to mind - "Do you mean am I going to blab my mouth about this to Cyndi or her mom? No way! I can keep my mouth shut about stuff." Sherry smiled and leaned back on the sofa sort of breathing a sigh of relief.

"So, you like these pictures huh?" she asked sort of leading me where she wanted to go. "Well," I began "I liked sex better when it was ...ya know... a little dirty and forbidden." I then quickly added "I also sort of have a thing for mature women, and I like looking at stuff with beautiful mature women doing stuff that was sort of forbidden back then..." I trailed off, unclear if I was saying too much or the right things. "I wasn't mature then Cody...I was about 23 or so when I was doing this stuff." "Oh, I'm sorry Sherry. I didn't mean to say you were mature then...I just kinda meant...." "she interrupted me with "you mean you liked dirty stuff then and how that plays out in your little mind now?" "Ahhhh....yeah, that sounds sorta right." I replied.

"So, do I still look good, I mean, in your humble opinion?" "Oh my God yes, Sherry. You are way hotter now then you were then and you were real sexy then too!" Sherry looked at me and sort of leaned toward me, placed her left hand on my knee again and said "You're quite charming Cody. I can see why, in addition to your good looks and mannerly demeanor, Cyndi likes you so much...she does ya know?" she added. "Yes ma'am," I am pretty crazy about her too." Sherry smiled. "Then I guess you and I will be seeing more of each other perhaps?" I smiled sheepishly and said "yep!"

I also detected a slight bit of the dichotomy Sherry was hinting at that I was dating her dear granddaughter and flirting with granny. I figured I was on my way to being given the "Well, I hope you keep my confidence chat..." but was surprised when instead she looked at me and blatantly asked, "Do you want me, Cody?" "Fuck yes!" I replied, almost out of my mind. Sherry smiled and said, "And this is and always will be our little secret?" "Yes ma'am, no matter what ever else happens, my lips are sealed. I would not rat you out to your family. Besides, that's just not cool and I would never consider blackmailing you or anything like that..."

She cut me off and fluttered her eyelashes at me, "Well that's good because I could only in my mind justify having sex with my granddaughter's hunky boyfriend if I was forced into it..." I got he message. "Ya know Sherry," I said as she rose and sashayed her plentiful ass and tits toward the kitchen... "I think what I have seen is going to be hard to keep to myself...unless of course someone sort of rewarded my silence..." I offered. Her eyes lit up as she looked over her shoulder at me. Her eyes were making me dizzy the way she was looking at me. Suddenly I felt like a piece of meat and she was a damned hungry dog.

"Be right back,: she said as she carried the half eaten pizza and sodas away. I sat about to shit myself with lust, fear and wonderment as to what next, but I didn't really have too much time to consider it. She emerged from the kitchen with two more fresh sodas in her hands. She walked by me really swaying her ass and tits for me. She had her evil green eyes locked on me as she did it and she headed for the stairs.

"Hmmmm...." she sort of thought out loud..."I wonder if there is anything up in my bedroom that needs your attention Cody?" She turned and started up the landing. She stopped as she got to the second step, stopped and whispered to me, "Lock the deadbolt Sweetie, and let's see what you can work on for me...I'm sure there are some things that only a strong and sexy young man can take care of." I was staring and she taunted me..."Are you coming?" "Not yet," I grinned. She looked at me quizzically and then realized I was playing with her words. "Well, maybe with the work I have in mind for you there will be plenty of that!"

I jumped up,. turned the dead bolt and ran for the stairs. She squealed like a little girl and ran away from me up the stairs. I chased her, followed her into her room, took the two cans of soda from her, sat them on her dresser and grabbed her around the waist. "Oh, young Mister Cody, why, what are you doing c***d?" She playfully asked. I turned her around. "I hope you're not going to strip me naked before you and do all those things you're young and I'm sure very strong libido would like to do to a helpless old woman." Her lips were almost on mine as she whispered that to me. I kissed her and she hungrily sucked my tongue into her mouth.

I didn't need to strip her...she did it for me and faster than I could drop my own pants. Once she was completely naked she pushed me away and cooed "Would you like to get a nice view of what it all looks like 35 years later?" she teased. I just nodded, my mouth hung agape. She proceeded to get on the bed on her knees and strike some of the poses from her photos. "Like what ya see Cody?" she purred. I nodded. "She looked at my cock and added, "Well, it seems you're telling the truth by the looks of that gorgeous thing down there."

Bold and determined now, I replied, "Would you like me to show you Sherry?" She nodded knowingly. "I sure hope that strong, fat cock doesn't fuck me to death, but then again, we all have to die sometime." I jumped on the bed and we rolled all over, kissing, fondling and all the rest,. We fucked until nearly dark. We both were exhausted and grinning from ear to ear. I didn't want to go and she didn't want me to but we agreed if this was to continue, we needed to be discreet.

We talked about the future of this tryst as we dressed. She came to me and held onto to me kissing me passionately as we fantasized of future situations. Then she sealed the deal in my mind. She hefted my still uncovered cock and balls and offered "I hope it doesn't make me jealous knowing that beautiful cock is fucking my granddaughter instead of me all the time." "There's plenty enough for both of you, " I said, feeling, pardon the pun, cocky!

Sherry smiled at me sort of like a little girl and said "It's okay Honey. There is surely plenty there for me too." Then she really shocked me when she addressed a thought that had already passed my filthy mind as I fucked her. "Gee, what if you married Cyndi? Wouldn't that be something?" She looked happily pleased at that thought. I stated scheming in my mind. Cyndi ate pussy because we'd fucked her friend Rachel a few times, and Cyndi loved it when she watched me fucking Rachel while she ate her pussy. I knew Sherry ate at the "Y" and naturally, being the filthy minded little bitch I am, I smiled at the potential.

"Yeah, that would be Heaven Sherry. Wow. Me Cyndi and Sherry the former stripper. Now that will make me hard as a rock again," I smiled at her. She rubbed my still not covered cock as I slipped on my t-shirt. I left my cock and balls uncovered to tantalize her even more, and the effect worked because by the time I could pull my shirt over my head she kissed my ear and breathlessly whispered "I'll bet in that nasty mind you see the three of us making love together, don't you?" I smiled and my jaw dropped open and hung in disbelief. "Would you like that Cody?"

I just stared at her. She fell to her knees and started sucking my cock again. As she did so, she said "Tell me what you'd like to see us do Cody." I did. She sucked me until I dumped a fourth cum load, this one on her face, lips, nose and a portion of it into her mouth.

She helped me slip on my britches and told me to scoot. "After all" she said, "there's plenty of things around here need keeping up with in the future. Can't fix them all in one day, right? I hope we'll talk soon. I gave her my cell number, she gave me hers and she escorted me downstairs. I stopped at the door and turned to her. "Cody, I don't know where this goes from here, but I hope we can see each other again, and soon I hope." I assured her I wanted that as much as she did. And then she really drove me crazy.

"Now go home and turn on your computer and look at me naked some more. Next time....there will be a next time, right... next time, I can tell you about some of the interesting things my alternate activities led me to do. Bet that would fire you up even more." I kissed her as I smashed her up against the door. I pinned her and she was all hands and tongue. "Jesus Sherry, you're making me crazy for you again." She just patted my bulging cock and save "Well go home and relieve it. If you want you can call me and we can talk while you do it!" Her eyes betrayed the most sexual woman I have met in my young life thus far. I gave her a peck on the lips, ran out the door and hurried home. I checked to make sure her number was in my pocket - it was.

Jesus, this was going to be the most awesome time of my life I guessed. If only I'd have known it was merely the beginning of a sexual situation that would hold me ensconced for a decade. But that's a story for another time.

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Meeting at Bedford MillsI had often thought about my friend Simone in the years since we had been at school together. After I graduated, I had moved to New York to pursue my career and with a husband and children, I had lost touch with Simone, but I knew that she had married a rich man whom she had met at college, and that they lived in Greenwich, Connecticut, but they had no children. I had also heard from other former classmates who had met her, that she had a glamorous lifestyle, with...

3 years ago
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Meeting Karen

Meeting Karen By MadQuill Note: this story was inspired by another, though the plot lines are dissimilar : about a woman who models herself on someone. I hope readers will enjoy this translesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part I I stood with...

2 years ago
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Meeting His New Submissive Chapter 2

The next day when Olivia comes into the office, she finds Mr. Wellington already there and on the telephone. She smiles and mouths a silent "Good Morning" to him and quietly slips over to her desk putting her things down. She sits there quietly as she listens to the phone call in case she is needed. Mr. Wellington is talking to a client and she learns that he will be coming to the office that afternoon. She makes a note of that – she may be needed at that meeting. Mr. Wellington finishes the...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Meeting Hannah

Meeting Hannah SisyphusI hadn’t been to New York City in over twenty years, and in fact, rarely leave my off the grid cabin in Maine for any cities. I shop at a local food co-op in our small town, pick up mail at the post office, sometimes get a bowl of soup or a cup of coffee and exchange greetings with friends and neighbors then head home, happy to drive down the long dirt road through the woods and walk the path up to my quiet life.I had just completed a book of poetry and my brother told me...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Meeting Karen Part III

Meeting Karen Part III by MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part III Preamble : Carrie and Karen meet and ride...

4 years ago
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Meeting Karen Part II

Meeting Karen By MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This work will have additional chapters. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part II Preamble : Carrie has met Karen, and the two left the club...

2 years ago
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Meeting Karen Part IV

This is the final part of a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope the readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. ***** Meeting Karen - Part IV Preamble: Carrie's new position evolves Carrie walked to the side of the large bed and sat softly on the...

2 years ago
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Meeting Rikki

I first meet Rikki about 3 years ago, guess going on years, via the Internet. I was responding to a posting I had seen on Craigslist… not sure I understood the posting but certainly it seemed that it was a good idea. We had some great conversations via email over a variety of subjects of course many of the subjects dealt in a very sexual nature. Truth is I became more an more aroused by this woman and though we never actually had meet face to face she became an intense fantasy and arousal of my...

2 years ago
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Meeting Rikki

I first meet Rikki about 3 years ago, guess going on years, via the Internet. I was responding to a posting I had seen on Craigslist... not sure I understood the posting but certainly it seemed that it was a good idea. We had some great conversations via email over a variety of subjects of course many of the subjects dealt in a very sexual nature. Truth is I became more an more aroused by this woman and though we never actually had meet face to face she became an intense fantasy and arousal...

3 years ago
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Meeting Gloria

Meeting GloriaThis is a continuation of my story about my life with my ex-wife, Sue. Marg has come over to the west and planned to stay. She decided that I would not leave my wife for her so she had moved on and formed a permanent relationship with her good friend, Cherie. Sue, my wife had invited our babysitter to join us. It seemed that given she had promised that her cheating with men was to stop she had started to have an affair with our 18-year-old babysitter, Debbie. I had worked out from...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Meeting my online daddy

I met Mark online. I'd joined a gay chat room. I had been fantasizing about being with a man for a while and this was a harmless, anonymous way to explore my interest.To begin with, I was very shy and didn't know how to respond to the occasional message that came my way. Then I got into a conversation with a guy who made all the running. I only had to go along with his messages.I've discovered that the best cybersex is to be had by going along with the person you are playing with. Unless it...

1 year ago
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Meeting Hannah Again

Meeting Hannah Again SisyphusI hadn't seen or heard from Hannah since the last time I was in New York to do a poetry reading at the public library. That was two years ago and now I was back to do a reading at Barnes and Noble from my recently published book, Morning Songs. Hannah had been careful not to tell me where she lived or give me any information about her, so I had no way to let her know. Still I fantasized that we would meet again. I hoped she would have seen the posters advertising...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Meeting with the older man

I am not sure how or why it happened maybe because of a family tragedy, made me stop and realize life was way to short at times that you had to do things you wanted to as long as it didn’t hurt yourself or others.   Or maybe it was my version of a midlife crisis.   What ever it was I told my husband that I wanted to go for lunch with this older man that I had been chatting to on line.   Matt and I had been chatting back and forth via emails and then MSN for a few weeks and seemed to hit...

2 years ago
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Meeting my online lover

I'd joined a gay chat room. I had been fantasizing about being with a man for a while and this was a harmless, anonymous way to explore my interest. To begin with, I was very shy and didn't know how to respond to the occasional message that came my way. Then I got into a conversation with a guy who made all the running. I only had to go along with his messages. I've discovered that the best cybersex is to be had by going along with the person you are playing with. Unless it takes you...

2 years ago
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Meeting Up In A Cinema Hall 8211 Part I

Though basically from Trivandrum, I am staying in Chennai for past 3 years and this is my first experience in meeting up an aunty in Chennai. Like most of the unlucky guys I too tried on my luck in internet using my id to get hooked up with someone voluptuous like a horny aunty or a housewife. But my tries always went in vain as I always ended up in failure. Once I even went to meet a person who claimed to be a girl online, but turned out to be a guy. That day I made a quick escape as I was...

2 years ago
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Meeting Jon Mandy

Our first coupleMarie told me pretty much on our first date that she was bi-sexual. We had a few ffm’s over the years but she mainly felt more comfortable meeting other girls on her own which I didn’t mind at all. We had a great relationship and it was simply another part of her life that needed fulfilling on occasion. I never pressured her to allow me to join her, but she knew I loved hearing the details when she got home the next day, so she would wank me while she whispered to me all about...

1 year ago
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Meeting A Stranger Online And Fucking Her In A Hotel

Hi everyone. It was a Friday night. I was watching porn on my laptop and jerking off. I got a mail from a woman named Trupti. She was a regular reader of my stories on ISS and wanted to meet me. I immediately video called her on Google hangouts as she was online. When she accepted the call, I saw a beautiful lady on my screen. She was brown coloured and had long black hair. She was wearing a see through gown. She gave me her brief introduction and I described her about myself. She insisted on...

1 year ago
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Meeting Cindy

"Please return your seat backs and tray tables to their full upright and locked position; we will be landing shortly," the flight attendant announces over the intercom, waking me with a startle. I had drifted off to sleep, if anyone can sleep on an airplane. As I rub my eyes, the plane banks left and I hear the landing gear lower and the flaps come down. Lower we glide toward the runway. Row after row of homes appear below me. All look the same; there is no character in this modern world of...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Meeting Old School Friend

Hi all, I am again Darshan Patel from Ahmedabad. I am working at a decent post with an MNC and I travel across Gujarat for my official purpose. I am 27 years old and love to keep myself fit. This incident which I am writing happened as unexpected ss all the things are fresh as ever in my memory I will be narrating the small-small things also. You can submit your views and feedbacks on I often travel by air for few of my meetings and official functions on one such travel, inside airport I saw a...

2 years ago
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Meeting His New Submissive Chapter 1

It's raining cats and dogs outside and Mr. Jack Wellington is hailing a cab when he bumps into Olivia Stetson, both on their way to work. "Excuse me, Miss, would like to share this cab with me?" he asks. "Sure, I would like that very much, Sir," she says. As the cab pulls to the curb, Mr. Wellington opens the door to allow her to get in first, holding his umbrella over her so she doesn't get too wet. As they ride to the address given the driver, Mr. Wellington turns to her. "Where are you...

2 years ago
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Meeting at the Mall

Meeting at the Mall Let me start by describing what I look like. I am 5'11", athletic build, black hair and brown eyes. I live in rural Utah, USA, so it makes it difficult to get out much. I do most of my outings when I travel on business. I was raised in a very religious family with four sisters. Being the youngest, I had a large variety of clothing to choose from, when I started my dressing experiments, which was around 8. I thought that my mother, although a beautiful woman, was...

3 years ago
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Meeting Jackie and Derek Part 1

He watched as the large cock stretched his wife’s pussy. It looked as it would split her in half. He never thought his wife would do this no matter how much he dared her. He smiled watching her act like a total slut as the huge cock pistoned in and out of her. Now he just had to get her to admit what she had done. Jay and Sheila were both in their mid thirties and both were above average looking. Jay is about 6’1” with an average build. He has blue-gray eyes that seem to draw you in and...

3 years ago
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meeting my ex lover Dirk

Tuesday morning while I was in the mall, I bumped into an ex-lover, Dirk.We chatted for a short while and when saying goodbye he gave me his business card and said to message him if I want to catch up sometime. When I got home, I decided to go have a oily foam bath to relax a while. Once in the bath and relaxing I started contemplating whether I should message Dirk or not. My loving husband had never met him and it would be better for me to keep my relation as a secret. Then I decided to save...

4 years ago
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Meeting Jackie and Derek Part 1

He watched as the large cock stretched his wife's pussy. It looked as it would split her in half. He never thought his wife would do this no matter how much he dared her. He smiled watching her act like a total slut as the huge cock pistoned in and out of her. Now he just had to get her to admit what she had done. Jay and Sheila were both in their mid thirties and both were above average looking. Jay is about 6'1” with an average build. He has blue-gray eyes that seem to draw you in and...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Meeting My Probation Officer

My name is Andy, and I have totally fucked up. I’d never been in trouble in my life before. Then a lad I knew asked if he could stick some gear in my garage because his girlfriend had kicked him out and he needed somewhere to stash it until he was sorted. Like a mug, I said ‘yes’. I’m a mug because I know what he’s like, and I’ve always avoided him in the past, so I didn’t get involved. This time, for some stupid reason, I believed him. Next thing I knew, the cops were round with a warrant...

1 year ago
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Meeting My Probation Officer by Wilderness Cry

My name is Andy, and I have totally fucked up. I’d never been in trouble in my life before. Then a lad I knew asked if he could stick some gear in my garage because his girlfriend had kicked him out and he needed somewhere to stash it until he was sorted. Like a mug, I said ‘yes’. I’m a mug because I know what he’s like, and I’ve always avoided him in the past, so I didn’t get involved. This time, for some stupid reason, I believed him.Next thing I knew, the cops were round with a warrant and I...

3 years ago
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Meeting With the BoardChapter 3 Seducing The Board

I was doing a presentation to the management board of a Philadelphia based company, going over a proposed advertising campaign. The group consisted of me, Myra Simmons, Vice-President of Advertising for a small, Ohio based marketing company, the customer's company president, John DeLaRosa, Nancy Storm, Vice-President of Finance, Tom Watson, Vice-President of Marketing, Tony Adams, Vice-President of Sales and, Dave Johnson, Vice-President of Operations. As I moved around the table, giving my...

2 years ago
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Meeting Bree

Oh c’mon Ange, it’s only 10:00, surely Brad lets you stay out later than that,’ Brandi said with a little twinkle in her eye. ‘Brad has nothing to do with my wanting to go,’ Angela replied, ‘some of us aren’t on vacation and have to work in the morning.’ ‘Oh please,’ Alison piped in, ‘you own the studio, I think you can take a day off. Sit down and have another drink. After all, Brandi hasn’t been out with us in forever.’ ‘Yeah Ange, live a little,’ Brandi said, laughing at her best friend. ...

2 years ago
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Meeting her Master

a tale of a young woman meeting the unexpected Master of her dreams. part 1 -- Marilyn was a student at a local university and had long held her secret fantasies within herself. Months before she'd discovered a website where she could play out the life of her dreams a few hours at a time in the campus computer lab. She often chose a corner table so others would not see over her shoulder. Only 20 at first, Marilyn still had the sweet baby face of a teenager which she...

3 years ago
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Meeting Ryan Daley

Meeting Ryan Daley I’m here to meet Ryan Daley. Well, I’m in Massachusetts visiting my friend Evan, but I’m walking into this bar because Ryan Daley will be here. Probably. I hope. He doesn’t know he’s meeting me tonight. In fact, he knows nothing about me. However, ever since Evan told me Ryan lives in his town, I hounded him until he did enough sleuthing to find out where he would be. I showed up the day before and spent the evening with Evan and his friend Rochelle. It turns out Rochelle is...

1 year ago
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Meeting up with an old boyfriend and his new hubby

True story. Back in October this year I was contacted by an ex lover who had moved on and met another guy who he had settled down with and decided to marry. I had been quite disappointed when he told me a year earlier that he had met someone else and he would have to cool our relationship as he wanted to make a go of it with this new guy Richard.I wished them well and tried to pretend I wasn’t bothered but I had grown to love Tony myself and had developed from a shy secretive cross dresser into...

1 year ago
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Meeting Dee

being discharged from the army after my 3 year enlistment ended was somewhat bittersweet. i was stationed in germany at the time and had to leave my girlfriend of the last 6 months. ute had an increible body, the classic blonde hair, blue eyed, tall, big tit german. she was really good in bed and bi-sexual. she got a kick out of showing her girlfriends my big cock because it was circumcised. with a little alcohol and a couple tokes of hash, she was up for just about anything. however, she was...

3 years ago
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Meeting My Best Friend

After Christmas Break his second year, Matt finally broke it off with his bitch of a girlfriend when he caught her cheating on him for the second time. Having loved her very much despite the way she treated him, he was pretty depressed and lonely after losing her, but fortunately Elisa was there to comfort him and made him feel better. From then on, Matt and Elisa’s relationship developed to a whole new level; they talked on the phone quite frequently, sometimes for hours at a time, and told...

2 years ago
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Meeting An Xhamster Friend part1

This past weekend I had a clandestine meeting with an XH friend. It was my first such meeting and as you know from reading my profile that a fantasy of mine is to meet XH friends and have some "fun" together!Mary (not her real name) and I exchanged a number of pm's and e-mails as well as a few skypes before we decided to meet. We live about 40 miles from each other so we decided to meet somewhere in the middle, about 20 miles of traveling one way for each of us. Mary is in her mid-40's and...

3 years ago
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Meeting my sexy cougar

Me: I’m so sorry I just need to grab something As I shot her a smile. Her: oh not to worry She smiled back. We crossed paths a few more times before heading to the cash. She ended up in front of me in line. Me: we need to stop meeting like this, I joked She turned and smiled Her: that’s a big load you have there She said in reference to my shopping cart. I laughed and smiled back at her. After checking out as luck would have it her car was parked directly beside mine. As I rolled...

3 years ago
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Meeting Minako Part 3

David Sugihara looks critically at his junior intern translator who has just entered his large modern glass and steel office. The girl appears every inch the demure young “office girl” professional attired as she is in her tight grey pencil skirt and crisp tailored white cotton blouse. The pretty young office trainee has her hair tied up in a neat bun. This girl seems so young and inexperienced the older executive thinks to him self? The business leader wonders why Langham-san wants her for...

3 years ago
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Meeting Alyssa

It was a number of years into my marriage and my wife just was notsatisfying the "darker" sexual urges of mine. As I had grown sexually overthe years I came to enjoy being the dominant partner and my wife had arather vanilla and puritanical view of sex that I hadn't fully recognizedwhen we were dating. Eventually I decided to look online for a submissivegirl to chat with and maybe meet. This is the story of my first meeting with "alyssa", a woman I ended uphaving a relationship with for...

3 years ago
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meeting a new friend

Meeting a new friend I’m to try to tell about the first time I met a very good friend, I’m going to call her vikki. We had found each other on a online classified and emailed for awhile. Now it came time to meet. We decided to meet at a mall and go from there. I got there first and waited for her with a coffee. Vikki arrived and we hugged we started talking right away and walked back to her car. We drove across town to an adult video store. She was nervous as she was fairly inexperienced,...

3 years ago
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Meeting Her

There's a note sitting at his desk, in it reads, "Meet Me at the hotel after work" His heart begins to race, his breathing shallow, he knew this day would come. He'll finally meet Her, the one he's called Mistress for over a year. Pictures and phone calls, emails and Im's, it all culminated into tonight.  So now he had to cancel his plans for this evening, easy enough. She had told him when ever they met that he need only bring himself and make sure he was wearing a tie, She loved them for...

4 years ago
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Meeting My Parents Part One My Slutty Mother

Damnit, mom! I can see your nipples and bush showing from twenty yards away. There’s no way you’re not aware of that! Those were my thoughts as I climbed out of my lover’s SUV and saw her running up to greet us. Her C-cup breasts bounced up and down with her steps. Even if her hard nipples couldn't be plainly seen from that distance, their free movement would have made it known.She was barefoot, as always, and wearing her favorite tie-dyed maxi dress. It was made from t-shirt cotton, faded, and...

3 years ago
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Meeting Curtis

Introduction: This story is about a guy I met a few times. Although I fell for him, he never couldve seen me the same way. Its a Tuesday night, and Im walking home from a Narcotics Anonymous meeting in the dark. Its about six blocks from my apartment, but it seems like longer. The meeting tonight was the same as usual, junkies from town, most of them on parole, telling their somewhat fabricated stories. There was a new face, someone I had never seen around town, and he didnt speak. Usually...

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