My Soccer Lover free porn video

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To be very honest, growing up, sport didn’t interest me at all. I always remembered my high school days, when straight guys would go into raptures about the most infinitesimal aspects of some or other game, discussing it as if it were the most important historical event that ever took place. I was always bored out of my mind by these trivialities and would escape at the earliest convenient moment. Although many of these guys rang every bell in my body, I simply couldn’t endure the mindless banter that these discussions generated. Their enthusiasm left me fuckin’ stone cold.

After college, once I had established myself in the gay enclave of a large city, I happily embraced my homosexuality and commenced living the life I had always yearned for. In all honesty, I was not interested in relationships at this point in my life. I wanted to sow my wild oats and embrace the lifestyle that my conservative upbringing had always deprived me of.

Early on, I found an action bar that always served my needs. I loved the place and although I had the odd below-average evening at the establishment, I mostly left very satisfied with the pleasures that the evening had yielded, after gorging on anonymous encounters.

On one such evening, I encountered Cliff Rawtenstall. Our initial contact was nonverbal and consisted of back and forth stares across the bar. Cliff was not my normal cup of tea because he was hefty and large, with an unattractive puffy face. Cliff, however, had the most intriguing and captivating puppy dog eyes I had seen in a long while. As I observed him, I couldn’t believe that a man like him was even faintly garnering my attention.

For the following fifteen minutes, nonetheless, I felt myself totally intrigued by him, and when Cliff finally stood up from the barstool and motioned with his head that he was heading upstairs to the action section, as if in a trance, my body simply obeyed his beckoning.

Once I got up there, Cliff was waiting for me. Observing him entirely for the first time, without a bar counter dissecting him; I saw he was wearing shorts and a green t-shirt. On the front of the t-shirt there was a yellow diamond surrounding a blue globe, which was dissected by a thin white slanted banner, which I immediately recognized as the Brazilian flag. In small print below the diamond, several dates appeared.

Without any conversation, my body was now propelled into one of the booths.

Once inside, Cliff surprised me by enfolding me in his arms before he sensually commenced kissing me. There was nothing overtly dramatic about his approach and it felt amorous, rather than carnal. As I was wrapped in his embrace, my arms enfolded his head in a passionate reciprocal gesture. I had never experienced this level of intimacy in one of these cubicles before. All former assignations had always been brief and rushed as if a peremptory statute of briefness governed these casual sexual engagements. Yet here and now, there seemed to be no ‘quickie’ rule governing our tryst.

After what seemed like an age of bliss, our clothing languidly began disappearing off our bodies as a furry bulk of flesh began to materialise before me. The mass of hair coating him was soft and luxuriant to the touch, and his bulkiness that had earlier caused ambivalence in appraisal of him, now completely mesmerized me.

As we continued to kiss, his hands began kneading my butt cheeks. Very slowly, the fingers of his right hand then edged their way to my portal. Whenever I visited the bar I always arrived prepared for action and therefore, my hole was always well-lubed. When his fingers finally located their target, Cliff let out a laugh.

“Looks like you are ready for action,” Cliff said, chuckling.

In what seemed like slow motion, Cliff now began to turn my body to face the wall.

Next, after pushing my arms to the side of my body with my hands above my head, Cliff then used his feet to coax my legs apart, before pulling my hips toward him. Following that, Cliff then commenced rubbing his dick lazily in my crack to moisten his cock in the lubrication on offer.

Cliff now once more amazed me, when he directed his knob gingerly into my manhole. There was no urgency and his infiltration was slow and extremely comfortable. Most guys lacked technique when entering one’s backside and even underendowed men often hurt you as they hastily penetrated your arse. Cliff, however, was one of the rare breed who understood the importance of doing so cautiously and comfortably. His infiltration was seamless and effortless. After what I surmised was a smallish dick-head, as he surged forward and began to prize me open, I was in no doubt that his shaft broadened substantially and that Cliff was impressively endowed.

Once all in, the feeling of fulfillment was awesome and unbelievably pleasant. Cliff then held still in me for a minute or two, to allow my sphincter to adapt to the displacement.

When his hips finally commenced their leisurely penetrating rhythm, I was overcome by the most glorious sensual sensation. As I euphorically began to push my backside outward invitingly, Cliff’s active hands started swathing my body erotically. I had never before felt a greater level of contentment than I was now experiencing in this establishment. In addition, his excited breathing was completely intoxicating to me.

Cliff’s busy hands now began exploring my back, hips, and genitals. Once more, Cliff’s motions were languorous and sensual, far exceeding any past encounter I had undergone in this place. I even apologetically ruminated about my lack of conviction when I had first spotted Cliff earlier on.

As our blissful session ensued, I could steadily feel my body’s warning signs start to escalate and I knew that I was heading for an ejaculation of epic proportions. In accordance, I warned Cliff as my throbbing cock once more got fondled.

“Let’s do this together,” he advised.

Consequently, my own hand took over from him as Cliff clamped onto my hips and started escalating his thrusting as he commenced hammering my backside.

Gloriously, our timing was spot-on and as I heard him grunting in ecstasy, my cock started erupting.

Afterward, Cliff surprised me by turning my body around and again passionately kissing me. Another pleasant shock followed when he suggested we go downstairs for a drink. At this point in the past, the suitors I encountered would normally get dressed and make a hasty departure, before I’d even shot my load.

As we sat at the bar downstairs and began communicating, Cliff had a really engaging expression on his face, as if special bond now existed between us.

After formally introducing himself as Cliff Rawtenstall and telling me that he was a manager in a distribution warehouse, I asked about his unusual surname. Cliff then told me that his dad was British and now lived back in England after he had divorced Cliff’s mother, when he and his sister were fairly young. He also added that his dad’s family originated from Lancashire.

Continuing on, Cliff informed me that his mum lived with him and was in fairly poor health. Resultantly, Cliff admitted that he didn’t get out very much.

“Who’s looking after your mother tonight?” I asked.

“Sadie. She’s our neighbour and gets on very well my mother. Sadie lives next door and if mum needs her, she’s a phone call away,” Cliff assured me.

After introducing myself as Liam O’Donohue, I decided to lighten the mood by asking about Cliff’s t-shirt.

“Brazil,” he answered, before qualifying, “I’m am crazy about soccer and Brazil is my favourite national team.”

Next, after pointing to the dates below the flag he stated, “These are the years that they won the Soccer World Cup.”

After I nodded, Cliff then also mentioned that because of his English father, he watched soccer incessantly on the television, before mentioning that it was the only sport he was interested in. Furthermore, he told me that he ardently followed the English Premier League, and that Chelsea was his favourite team.

I tried to look as interested as I possibly could upon hearing this news.

After a brief pause, his face lit up when he informed me that in two-week’ time, he was flying to England to visit an old buddy who had arranged tickets at Stamford Bridge stadium, the home of Chelsea, where his dream of seeing them play live would finally be realised.

Nonplussed, all I could think of asking was who would be looking after his mother.

“Oh, my sister and her two kids have agreed to stay with mom during my absence. I’ve paid for their air flights and mom is very excited about their visit,” Cliff concluded.

As I finished my second beer I decided to head home. I had enjoyed a fantastic evening and hoped like hell that Cliff would ask for my phone number. Given his domestic circumstances, however, I did not wish to place any pressure on him.

When I mentioned my imminent departure, Cliff asked where I lived. After telling him, he asked if I would mind him joining me en-route because he lived a mile further on in the same direction and would therefore, be passing by my place.

On a night of pleasant surprises, on our short walk to my apartment block, Cliff did ask for my phone number, after telling me that he would really like to see me again.

Once home, I naturally invited him in for a cup of coffee, which he gladly accepted.

After entering my apartment, Cliff instantly took hold of my body and again started passionately kissing me. It soon became clear that we would not be having coffee and minutes later, we were in my bedroom.

After our clothes swiftly disappeared, Cliff and I were soon romping on the bed.

The scene that followed was sensually playful and incredibly enjoyable. Once Cliff realised that I was ticklish, his restricting hands and mouth erotically commenced ‘punishing’ me incessantly, as I squirmed and squealed manically from the ‘torture’ he was dispensing. Cliff’s approving chuckling rumbles were mindboggling and further enhanced my elation.

My fighting hands were rewarded by the forest of fur that my fingers revelled in, as I thrashed about in ecstasy.

I was finally rewarded for my tittering exhaustion, when Cliff turned me onto my stomach and started fucking me steadily once more. As Cliff took his time, my neck and ears continued to be tormented by his hot mouth.

Simply put, I was having the best sexual encounter of my entire life!

After fifteen minutes, Cliff asked me to turn on my back. With my head now firmly between his hands, Cliff began to kiss me ardently as his bulky hips once more sprang to life.

When Cliff finally unloaded I was slightly disappointed that I had not been included in the ejaculation. This, however, was quickly remedied when he lay on his stomach and invited me to fuck him.

After blissfully mounting his hairy frame, I was overjoyed by the woodland beneath me. Sadly, I have to admit that I was so overexcited at this point that I didn’t last very long before shooting my load.

As we lay side by side afterward, it was clear that Cliff had no intention of leaving any time soon.

For the next twenty minutes, we spoke about music. Cliff was into the techno stuff and mentioned a group that name sounded like an acronym interspersed with numbers. It was a name I would never be able to remember.

Our next encounter was a sixty-nine session. In a never-ending evening of surprises, more would now follow.

With Cliff on top and his hips anchored on his knees, I got my first real close-up look at his genital package. Cliff’s tapered dick was thicker than I had initially thought and so my mouth had to work harder than anticipated. His balls were also more ample than I had realised, which absolutely delighted me. Most of all, in an age where trimming had become the norm, Cliff’s bushy crotch was mesmerizing and as my head bobbed up and down in unison with his, I was not bothered by the occasional hair that I had to remove from my mouth.

Shortly afterward, Cliff inserted his thumb into my backside and in a reciprocal gesture, I followed suit. Our grunts and groans now commenced reverberating in the room due to the additional stimulation.

Next, when I started alternating my mouth between his cock and balls, Cliff also aped my action.

As we blissfully continued on our way, Cliff suggested that we should again coordinate our combined release. As we juggled our eventual release with either one having to occasionally slow down, we finally got our timing spot on and shot our loads simultaneously. Our combined ejaculation was spectacular and I was overawed by the amount of cum that Cliff still produced after his two earlier climaxes.

As Cliff got up he asked, “Do you also like cum as much as me?”

“Fuck, yeah,” I answered.

“Cool, then I would let me suck my earlier load out of you?” he impishly suggested.

As Cliff lay on the bed with his head slightly over the bottom edge, I straddled his head and presented my manhole to his mouth. Cliff now slurped away contentedly as I dispelled his load.

When I eventually lifted up he asked, “Do you also want a turn?”

“Sure,” I answered.

As I assumed his earlier position, I saw Cliff’s large furry crack nearing, before it settled on my face. As my tongue lapped away, I was envious that Cliff had got the lion’s share of this deal. I was determined, however, to make my session last longer. After clamping my hands on his hips, my ravenous tongue leisurely scoured his hole for every last morsel available.

When cliff finally lifted up, he turned to face me with a raging hard-on.

With faux look of austerity he uttered, “Look what you’ve done. Now I’m going to have to make you pay.”

In an instant, I was once more on my stomach before Cliff mounted me. After his knob entered me, Cliff’s torso remained lifted on outstretched arms, and for the first time that evening he vigorously commenced fucking my backside.

After thumping away for several minutes he jokingly asked, “So, have you learned you lesson?”

“Fuck, yeah,” I uttered with an appreciative grunt

Continuing the charade, Cliff then asked, “Why were you so insolent?”

“Because you got a lot more cum than I did,” I answered with a giggle.

“Well then, you greedy little fucker, I suppose we better set the record straight,” Cliff said humorously.

After a few more thrusts, Cliff pulled his dick out of me and ordered me onto my back. In a flash, he scooted up my body and told me to open my mouth. After he tugged his dick frenziedly a few more times, Cliff then unloaded into my mouth.

“Are you happy now?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Fuck, yeah,” I replied.

As we lay side by side afterward, he first kissed me before asking, “Do you mind if I stay the night?”

“No problem,” I assured him.

Cliff had to leave by six the following morning and set the alarm on his mobile phone.

The alarm was not needed, however, because we were awake at five. Happily, we had another forty-five-minute flip-flop session before heading to the kitchen for the cup of coffee we had never had the previous evening.

During the following two weeks, Cliff phoned me at least three times a day and also visited me four times.

I offered to drop and collect him from the airport for his overseas holiday, which he gladly accepted.

While Cliff was away, I got dozens of texts and photos on my phone.

After I collected him from the airport, Cliff surprised by telling me to stop at my home first, before explaining that his sister was only expecting him home in two hours’ time. Of course, there won’t be any prizes for guessing what happened.

During the following two weeks, I saw Cliff a few more times before I got the upsetting call that his mom had been hospitalized and was not doing very well.

For the following few days, her health rapidly deteriorated before she finally passed away. I did attend the funeral to offer my condolences.

A week or so later, Cliff finally visited me after the devastation he had been through.

Thereafter, Cliff initially began spending most of his time at my place, with the exception of Tuesday and Thursday evenings, when he would stay at his place to watch pre-recorded soccer games. Soon, however, even that fell by the wayside and soon he was living with me permanently. I astutely bought him a really great set of headphones so that he could sit in the lounge to enjoy his passion. Fortunately, I did also have a second television in my bedroom.

As far as our sex life was concerned, if anything, it only seemed to get better. A further benefit for me was that Cliff was also a really great cook.



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I was doing my A levels a couple of years ago at an FE college, and usedto travel from home by train. Coming back one day, I got into acarriage which was empty (almost unheard of) apart from one guy from mycollege who I quite often saw on that train, and who I knew was doing acourse in sports. He was really young looking, maybe only 17, and areal hunk of teenage meat. It was July, and a hot day, and he waswearing a skimpy white tee-shirt and light blue satin Umbro soccershorts, really shiny...

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Soccer Dads

I was planning on going to see my son's first College soccertournament. The rest of the family found out at the last minute theycouldn't come. My wife said that our friend Jeff needed a ride androom to stay. Jeff's son was my son's roommate. We had known Jeff andhis wife for a long time. I always thought Jeff was good looking andsometimes I felt that Jeff was flirting with me. I should know since Iwas flirting with him when I could. This would be a great chance to bealone with Jeff and maybe...

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Soccer Fans

As he thrusts his long, hard meat deep along my sopping love tunnel and the crowd roars, I make a mental note to ask, as soon as I get my breath back, what he calls himself. The crowd roars renewed encouragement and I can't wait much longer for one football team or another to score, because when they do I know that he is going to thrust with all the force of his bent knees. With my legs wide apart and my bare ass being ground into the hard concrete wall at my back I grip tightly onto his...

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Soccer Boundaries

CARL As Barb led the team, the girls called her “Coach.” Me, her assistant, I was just “Carl.” Barb knew soccer, how to make the girls exert themselves and love it. She, herself, could drop a corner kick five feet from the net. Her assistant wasn’t as qualified, but was happy to help, cheering the girls on, reminding them to stay inbounds, talking up tournaments. “Not until you see the ball in the air,” I’d say about a crossover, hoping they thought I’d known that before hearing Barb say...

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Soccer Party

On the verge of collapsing, the bell rang. As usual, Cecilia came. She's my neighbor, for a few years. She moved in when I was twelve, she was 18 then. Now, she's 23. She met Brad in college, and they've been dating ever since. Cecilia brings Brad home occasionally, means we knew each other before he became our coach. Cecilia, she's a girl which brings fantasies to men, she's full with a pair of C's, and she makes people wanna tap her ass. She's into modelling, and she has a bright...

2 years ago
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Soccer Team Doctor and Slut Part One

I am a family physician and agreed to be the team doctor for a traveling soccer team, free of charge. The previous team physician, Maxwell, was my partner in our medical practice. He retired from all medical duties after suffering a minor stroke. Maxwell had given the boys their team physicals at the beginning of the season. I just needed to monitor the games, which was not a problem since I would be traveling with them and getting out of town a little. Another incentive for me to help the...

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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 1 of 3

One As she waited in her car, Brenda couldn’t believe she was here again. Her short, shallow breathing and rapid heartbeat gave away her apprehension. My God, she thought. I’m a happily married wife and mother, why can’t I stop doing this. Brenda was the stereotype soccer mom. She was 33 years old and married for ten years. She was living in the suburbs with a nine year old son and seven year old daughter. Her husband was just what she dreamed of as a girl, loving, handsome and dedicated to...

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Soccer Mom Conquest 2 The Next Goal

Now let it be said I was perfectly happy having Kristie to play with and I know she loved being played with but I couldn’t help but think if Sarah knew about it. I just figured until she actually said something about it, I wasn’t going to say anything and just, well enjoy the rides. It was about a month later from my first encounter with Kristie and we were getting together at least twice a week. But then, the unexpected happened. It was early in the afternoon and I received a text from...

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Soccer Team Doctor and MILF Part Two

In Part One of this story, I describe how my name is Alexis, a thirty-four year old family doctor who was the team physician for a traveling soccer team. My husband Ed traveled all of the time for his import/export business and his little cock was not very satisfying anyway. My friends’ son’s name is David and he is sixteen years old and on a team made up of sixteen and seventeen year olds. I was friends with an Indian woman named Banee. She was close friends with and Indian family whose son...

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Soccer mom

Doe reaches down and digs deeply into her purse for the keys to her house. A contented smile crosses her face as she finds them and pulls them out to unlock the door, to the sound of the banter of her son, Zach, and his two friends behind her. They have just won the prestigious local soccer tournament, one that many of the areas college coaches were attending. They were flush with excitement from winning a tough match in the finals, a goal that he and his team had been working hard toward for...

5 years ago
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Soccer Mom

You reach down and dig deeply into your purse, trying to find the keys to your house. A contented smile crosses your face as you find them and pull them out to unlock the door at the sound of the banter of your son and his two friends behind you. They have just returned from winning a prestigious local soccer tournament, one that many of the areas college coaches were attending. They were flush with excitement from winning a tough match in the finals, a goal that he and his team had been...

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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 4

Brenda lay on the bench staring out the open window. At first, she only heard silence the after last sound of her Master’s car disappeared. Then she started to hear other sounds from outside she hadn’t noticed before. The breeze rustled the leaves on a tree, birds chirping, a train in the distance. All such normal everyday events. Brenda looked at the pony and the reality of what had just transpired crashed into her consciousness. This was by far the cruelest Master had ever treated her. Even...

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Soccer Moms surprise

Another long story, sorry, if you have time to read, please do.As I have found out from my other stories some of you like to know what I look like as you read, it helps the story along, or so I am told.Password for the album called, “Just having a drink or two” and is apt for the story is, Tina2.I am Mrs Tina Jones age 51, a very happily married mother of two.Our two sons are now 18 and 21, both are very different, 18 year old is quiet and very rarely goes out and is happy to stay home with his...

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Soccer teams trip away

A weekend away with the soccer clubWe went to the central coast and booked into a motel the team was sorted so many to a room and the adults in theirs, when the players were allocated I was the odd one out and the coach Karl said “You will have to share with me Johnnie okay” I had no choice but to say ok.The rooms were tiny just a 2 single beds a little table one chair and a cupboard to put your clothes in. the coach I shared with was a German name of Karl. He said. “Sit down Johnnie”But the...

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Soccer Coachs Wife

Karen Johnson had a problem!Karen was now in her late thirties and her body had developed a serious need for sex! All the worse was the fact that her husband seemed to be moving the opposite direction. They still had sex but it seemed to be by rote.This left Karen to spend a significant amount of time doing self-service with her vibrator. It was during these little sessions that her mind would wander to whom she would like to have sex with. In the last week she found herself coming back to one...

2 years ago
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Soccer Stud Sex

James was feeling the years creeping up on him. At thirty one he was theeldest player on his soccer team, and boy did he feel it. His whole bodyached as he sat on the dressing room bench. Even after a good hot shower hestill felt like shit.He gave up trying to dress and decided to just relax for a while. He layback on the bench and was soon daydreaming. His mind recalled his sexy teammates. Not long ago they had all been in the shower and James had to fighthard against popping a boner. But now...

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Soccer Mom Slave Weekend In Vegas

Soccer Mom SlaveWeekend in VegasBy: KahiltnaWednesday Early AfternoonBrenda had been running errands most of the morning. After dropping the kids off at school she went to her aerobics class at the health club. Then it was off the dry cleaner, a quick stop at the library where she did volunteer work to drop off some paperwork then the grocery shopping and now back home. She looked through the mail. Most of it was junk but she did take time to look at the quarterly financial report from their...

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SOCCER MOMS – PART 2Wendy finally drove off after dropping Sheila home to cook dinner for the girls. The women had exchanged cell phone numbers.“Call me from a safe place when the girls are in the bedroom together”, whispered Wendy“Ok. I hope I can see something. I don’t know if they’ll want to keep the door open. My room is not next to Linda’s, but I can see in it when I stand in my doorway. I’ll do my best to report and keep one hand on phone”, joked Sheila‘Do your best. Keep your ears open....

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SOCCER MOMS – PART 3 (and last)Wendy’s house was older than Sheila’s and the rooms were smaller. Wendy and Sheila chatted downstairs after the girls went upstairs to get ready for bed. They could hear the water running and the footsteps. “I think our girls have retired to their bedroom”, said Wendy after listening to the silence.“Mmmmm….I bet they won’t lose any time”, said Sheila her voice quivering in excitement“They may wait until we get into our room”, suggested WendyBoth women had given...

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Soccer mom banged hard by headcoach and student

She found a vacancy in a local soccer club for a assist to coach and she went to the interview there with the resume.She wore a yellow chudithra and have done with makeups and lipstick and she had a shawl which barely covers her tits.She took her bike and went on to the place and there were so many there and most of them are males and every men oogled at her hot body and they were tearing her dress in their sight. The interview was done by the head coach itself and...

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Soccer Mum

Even across the width of the football field he could pick her out even though wrapped up against the cold wind that whistled down their Welsh valley. No clothes could hide her slim body and long flowing brunette hair. She wasn't shouting and screaming at the players like most of the other soccer mums, she just watched the play. This wasn't the first time he had seen her, far from it. He had been watching her for some weeks now. He knew that after the game she would drop her son off at his...

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soccer moms big discovery pt 2

Another long story I’m afraid but I hope you enjoy. Message me with any comments if you wish. The rest of the afternoon passed very quickly, both of us in shock over what had happened, we both retired to bed early. The next morning mom came into my room, it was early but it looked like she had spent a while getting ready. She was in some high heels, very tight jeans that accentuated the gorgeous curve of her ass, a top so thin and tight that you could see the lace push up bra easily...

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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 3 of 3

Three  Brenda stayed on the bench staring at the horse. She couldn’t stop thinking about what had just transpired. This was by far the cruelest Master had ever treated her. Even thought she was sexually satisfied, she was alarmed at how far he went. Brenda was genuinely afraid when Master took out his knife to cut off her bra and panties, She was sure he would never do anything to harm her, but he had never introduced a weapon into their relationship before. And the flogging, he had never...

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Soccer Mom Slave Weekend in Vegas Chapter 1 of 7

Wednesday, early afternoon Brenda had been running errands most of the morning. After dropping the kids at school she went to her aerobics class at the health club. Then it was off the dry cleaner, followed by what was supposed to be a quick stop at the library where she did volunteer work. That stop turned into a nearly hour long meeting. Her last stop was the supermarket before heading home. Brenda stood at the kitchen counter looking through the mail. Most of it was junk but she did take...

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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 2 of 3

Two  Brenda watched in the mirror as her Master stepped out of his patrol car. He was an imposing figure in his uniform, 6’2′, 210 lbs, wide shoulders and narrow waist and as always, the mirrored sunglasses. He carried a small black bag with him, the bag he always brought to their meetings. Even though Brenda was never sure what would be in the bag, she knew from past experience the contents would both frighten and excite her. He walked up and put the bag on top of Brenda’s car. Brenda’s...

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Soccer Mom Slave Weekend in Vegas Chapter 3 of 7

Friday Evening Brenda held her Master’s arm as they walked through the casino. She noticed people looking at them. She felt wonderful wearing her new clothes. The tight dress over the garter belt and stockings made her feel sophisticated, feminine and sexy all at the same time. She imagined men looking at her back-seam stockings and it made her sway her hips a little more while she walked. She was so happy her Master had made this evening happen. Brenda was surprised when Master guided her to...

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Soccer Mom Slave Weekend in Vegas Ch 2

Introduction: Master takes his slave to Las Vegas for new experiences Monday, 12 days later It was almost two weeks later and Brenda kept daydreaming about Mistress J. She wondered if she would ever get a chance to see slavesuzis video. She really wanted to. Brenda was distracted from any thought of Mistress J when she received a text. Slave, were going to Las Vegas on Friday, returning on the Sunday afternoon. Meet me at the American Airlines ticket counter at 1000 AM sharp. Ill tell you...

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Soccer Mom Slave Weekend in Vegas Chapter 6 of 7

Mistress J led Brenda back into the Great Room then down a hallway. She stopped outside a set of double doors. She opened the door and entered. The walls were painted dark gray. The room was illuminated by indirect, subtle lighting. Looking around the room, Brenda could see bondage equipment. There was a St Andrew’s Cross, a two level spanking bench covered in padded red leather, a pillory and a few others. On one wall there were shelves with an assortment of objects including sex toys, whips,...

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