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The water sluiced down over my shoulders cascading over my breasts, running off in streams over my swollen and sensitive nipples. It slid down my back and crept like a lovers hands over my hips to drip off the swell of my belly in crystal tails that changed with the movements of my body. The water was hot it eased my tired muscles and melted the stress from my head. I ran my hands down over my swollen and sensitive breasts, over the swell of my belly to the shaved expanse of my crotch. I felt between my legs as the water followed my arms and soaked the swollen and tender lips of my pussy. Groaning I traced the tender outline of my pussy, dipping my fingers quickly between my lips feeling muscles contract around my fingers as they plunged into my tight hole. Rubbing my clit I leaned against the wall and moaned as waves of pleasure cascaded over me.

Straightening up I spread my hand across the broad expanse of my hips and the swelling belly cradled between them. I heard the bathroom door open and ignored it. I cupped my breasts and gasped at how sensitive my nipples were, the areola normally only slightly smaller than quarters were now half again as large as sliver dollars. I heard the toilet flush and again ignored it reaching for the soap. Squeezing out some of the lime-scented gel into the pouf I began scrubbing my skin. That was when I became aware of someone watching me.

Turning I stared through a gap in the glass partition at the last person I would have expected to be watching me. My father a large and powerfully built man leaned back against the sink his eyes fixed on the glass shower partition. Even though I knew he could only see a smoky silhouette I felt a sudden heat between my legs and my breathing quickened. Had it not been for my brother and I falling in love on a family trip the previous summer it might well have been my father's baby growing inside me.

Pretending indignation I pushed back the partition with enough force to make it bounce against the rubber stop at the other end of its track. I stood revealed to him, hands on my hips, my breasts, belly, and crotch covered in lime-scented foam. I put every ounce of indignation I could into my gaze and stood with the hot water streaming and steaming behind me my foot tapping on the cast iron floor of the tub.

My father's reaction was nothing short of comical. He started, then stared, and then blushed a deep crimson. He quickly stood up from were he had been leaning stammering apologies and explaining that he had thought I was my mother. He did not fool me for a second, the massive bulge in his pants clearly showed that he knew it was not mom in the shower. The last time he had been that aroused by her was about 9 months before the birth of my youngest sister. Since then he had openly expressed dissatisfaction with her both sexually and socially.

It was laughable here was a relatively young man only 45 and a equally young woman, mom was only 36, with a body that still attracted wolf whistles on the street even after three c***dren. One sexually frustrated with the sudden coldness of the other and whom does he turn to, a mistress, a prostitute, or on-line voyeurism. No he turns to the one person whom he shouldn't even look at, his own daughter. Disregarding the fact that this very same daughter was now three months pregnant with a c***d willingly conceived with her own brother.

I stood under the pounding hot water long after the soap had been rinsed from my skin. Long after the stress and tension had been washed from my body, considering these things. I had gone this far, having sex with and conceiving a c***d by my brother, why not go a step further. Clearly he wanted me and after some thought I realized that I wanted him just as much. Mom certainly wouldn't mind she had her own concerns, the baby, work, and whatever other entertainments were taking her away from dad.

Shutting off the water I stepped out of the shower and dried off. After smoothing on some full body skin lotion I left the bathroom and entered my room. At first glance it appeared to be a typical girls room, boy band posters on a couple of the walls. Predominantly pink décor with blue and green highlights. However, the large oak desk and the equally large and complex looking computer system were truly out of place as was the large barrel shaped refraction telescope by the window.

I ignored these items a reaching into my closet pulled out a silk negligee that I slipped over my head. Examining myself in the mirror I laughed, the garment had been a birthday present the previous year from one of my girl friends, back when my figure had been a bit more modest. Where the hem of the garment would have hung to just bellow my butt less than three months before now it barely covered my belly button. It was exactly what I wanted.

Leaving my room I made my way to the 'study' a room that my dad kept his computer, books, x-rated dvd's, and weapons. A wood paneled room that was actually half again as large as it appeared to be. The other half of the room was taken up by a bathroom and secret closet that no one was supposed to know about, therefore everyone did. I walked in to the room swaying my hips letting the warm air of the house caress my bare skin.

His back was to me as I entered but he turned quickly enough at the sound of my quiet cough. The look on his face was almost laughable. His face turned beet red not from my partial nudity but from the fact that he was now facing me with his pants open and his massive cock firmly grasped in his right hand while the computer monitor behind him played scenes of x rated acts preformed by young women in various stages of pregnancy. It was pretty clear then that it was not just my body that had drawn him to me after all these years.

I smiled as his mouth opened and closed like a landed fish. Reaching up I slid the shoulder straps of the gown off my shoulders and with a twitch sent the garment sliding over my swollen breasts to pool on the floor in a rose colored ring. Stepping out of the cloth ring I cupped my breasts thrusting them forward rolling the tips between my fingers getting them hard and pointed. I strode over to him and without hesitation mounted him as he sat on the edge of his armless desk chair.

His thick shaft felt like fire as it ender my damp pussy. Thicker than my brothers and harder than anything I had ever felt I forced it inside me sliding myself down his front letting gravity and my own weight impale me on his throbbing member. My body felt like it was being electrocuted, I felt my nipples grow harder than ever before, I felt my breasts swell even more. I tossed my head back shaking like a wild a****l on a kill moaning I sank further onto that hot intruder that I was so willing shoving into my body.

It wasn't just the illicit thrill of having sex with my father it was more there was a special connection that made my eyes roll back in their sockets, my belly to constrict over my swollen uterus, my pussy to clamp down on his hot shaft like a Chinese finger trap. Juices soaked and slicked his massive cock as I settled myself across his hips wrapping my legs firmly around him and the chair, effectively trapping him.

At first it was enough just to sit there the feel of his cock filling me like the missing piece of a puzzle. I clenched around him massaging his dick with my pussy, milking him in a way I had not though possible before. Then I opened my eyes and there he was his face less than inches away his eyes deep and green pools of fear and ecstasy. His breath warm and smelling of fresh coffee, his lips smooth and thin despite years spent out doors. The feel of his heart beating next to mine, my breasts pressed painfully against his chest, my swollen belly pressing gently against his flat one.

Leaning forward I closed the distance between our lips and with an almost innocent tentativeness lightly kissed him. He responded in kind though a little firmer and a little longer. We played this game as our bodies reacted to each other. I could feel my juices dripping off my pussy lips and clit I could feel the heat of his cum as it churned in his balls waiting to come out in a spray of potency. Our kisses became less tentative our tongues explored, my hands opened his shirt and our skin touched. He shifted position and thrust deeper into me the head of his dick knocking on the door to my womb.

I felt him swell, I felt myself clamp down on his swelling shaft I wrapped my arms around him holding him tightly to me our lips pressed together our tongues intertwined our moans and cries lost in each other. I felt him tense, strain for a moment to hold back the inevitable, then relax as cum roared out of his dick spurting deep inside my pussy filling it with hot seed flowing more and more filling until it spurted out of my pussy from around his shaft. He kept thrusting long after the last of his cum had spilled from his balls. It felt good I never wanted it to stop; my own orgasm had been lost in his a tightening of my body a rush of light that filled the world a cry lost in his mouth and then the gentle warmth that only a baby feels wrapped in it mother arms, safe and secure.

I don't remember how long we sat there coupled in that way, one body one soul. I think we would have stayed that way forever if mom hadn't come home. We heard her first as she and my youngest sib entered the house, the latter being noisy and full of energy entered the house like a small tornado, giving us plenty of warning. With a groan I released him and on shaky legs stood and made for his private bathroom. He turned and with a touch changed the computer from smut fest to the local news broad cast.

Sitting on the edge of the tub in the bathroom I heard mom come in and without any effort heard what they said. It made my ears burn the way she talked to him. No man deserved to be talked to that way, no woman either; no one should be put down like that. But something had changed in him and his responses brought a warm glow to my heart as I realized that not only was he defending himself but also my and my brother as well. Of course mom didn't know that my brother was the father of the c***d I carried. Neither did she know unless she could smell what he and I had just done together.

I heard her voice raise higher in agitation, suddenly cut off by his smooth mellow tones. There was the sound of a slap followed by a grunt, then more slaps. I needed to see what was happening. Grabbing one of dad's long robes I opened the door a crack and saw my mother as I had never seen her before. Naked, furious, a demon-goddess, tanned skin flowed over firm muscle, large breasts thrust like softly swelling hills from the plain of her chest. Her belly still flat after three c***dren showed a sculpted grace that an athlete would envy. Her face was flushed, her hand raised to deliver another blow to my fathers already red cheek. Tears ran down her face as she cried out again to him and her hand fell hitting his cheek and leaving four furrows that quickly dripped red.

'Why, gods dam you, why wont you do it!!' She screamed. 'Am I so ugly now that you can't stand the thought of giving me what I want!' SLAP. 'You heartless bastard, are you smut flicks and plastic pussies so much more attractive than me' SLAP SLAP 'Why cant you just fuck me, just fuck me one more time! Give me just one last c***d! I am a woman, I have needs why can't you just give me what I want.' SLAP

My fathers face was beet red on one side now the blood from the sc****s left by my mother's nails smeared from ear to chin like some bizarre paint. After the last slap my father simply shook his head. She screamed at him and fell to her knees her breast bouncing as she hit the floor. It was a pitiable site, my father strong unreasoning and unmovable, my mother who I now realized I had misjudged curled naked on the floor at his feet crying her heart out.

My hand almost automatically went to my belly when I realized that her needs were very valid that she wanted another c***d but for some unknown reason my father would not give her one. The c***d I carried only emphasized the validity of her need, how could I as a expectant mother myself turn away from another woman who only desired to fill her role in nature and in life with that most precious of gifts. It then dawned on me that I could provide her with a solution, maybe even more than one.

After she gathered her self up and left still crying I emerged from the bathroom and tended my father's wounds. I questioned him closely and was surprised by the answer. It wasn't that he didn't love her, quite the opposite; it was that since her last pregnancy he had found himself in a dilemma. His pregnancy fetish, something that he had, had since high school was growing out of control. He said that it had taken every ounce of his self-control to keep his hands off her during her last pregnancy and now that I had willingly given myself to him he was beginning to fear the same for me. He wanted to get her pregnant he wanted to lover her pregnant body day and night he wanted what he knew he could not have.

I left him crying his own tears at his desk, slipping quietly up to my room and locking the door. I lay down on the bed and was not surprised when a few seconds later my brother joined me. 'So,' he asked, 'is the old man any good?' Shocked I turned to him. 'What,' he exclaimed, 'you didn't think I knew!' He laughed at the expression on my face and rolled over until he was hovering above me his knees between my legs his arms on either side of my body resting against my breasts. I noticed then that he was naked and as I looked down his long lean body I saw his thick member lengthen and harden in anticipation.

Laughing I forked my legs up around his hip and pulled him down as he slipped inside. It felt incredible, still hot and damp from coupling with dad I felt his shaft slip between my pussy lips. Groaning, crying out I begged him to push himself deeper. Laughing he complied filling my juice slicked pussy with his thick cock. I reflected as I felt him bottom and grind his pelvis against mine that dad wasn't really thicker or longer but that both of them were unique in their own wonderful way.

My dads cum still thick within me made a wonderful lubricant along with what my own body produced. I felt hot and randy like a cat in heat, the weight of my swollen belly only adding to the pleasure as I rubbed its taut, bulging surface against his hard flat belly. Lost in my own world of pleasure I cried out. Begging for more I didn't even think about what I was saying.

'MMM!! God, baby please, more, no don't stop, more.' I cried begged pleaded for him to fill me. The heat of his dick seemed to grow I felt his cum rising. Wrapping my legs tighter around his hips I ground my pussy into his crotch, juices spurted out of me as my orgasm reached its peak my back arched my breasts thrust higher. I felt his tongue rough on my nipple and screamed in ecstasy. Losing control was so easy, wrapping my arms around him digging my nails into his back as my pussy clenched around his dick squeezing, milking. I felt his cum fountain in to my body as his cries reached my ears filling my soul it felt like the most incredible feed back it cascaded through us in a unending.

The months passed, mom became more and more dissatisfied with dad, which was of course exactly what I wanted. My belly swelled until it was hard to believe that I was only having one baby, which I knew by then that I wasn't but hadn't told anyone else. I was in my sixth month when I thought things were right. Dad had become more and more demanding of my time, sex with him was electric, exhausting, pain, and pleasure beyond anything I had thought possible it was like a d**g the way he worshiped my gravid body.

It was late fall and the first of several great storms swept across the state, locking us in the house confining us in one place for long days and even longer nights like a fission reaction out of control. I began by discarding all my clothes; I walked around the house naked, flaunting my bulging belly, driving both my father and brother to distraction with my swollen breasts and darkly shaded pussy. My mother was not amused and retreated to her room after breakfast, just as I had planned.

After lunch I also disappeared making sure that neither of the boys could find me though I knew exactly where they were all the time. As the sun set I snuck into mom's room using a little known and for me very tight passage that led from my room to hers. She was in bed reading and looking up with severe disapproval at my entrance, I was still naked, and at the sight of me her scowl deepened. 'What do you want…?' the last word went unsaid but I knew what she was thinking. 'I'm here to give you exactly what you want.' Laughing I twirled around like a ballerina a difficult task considering all the extra weight I was carrying, but I did it nonetheless. 'And how would you know what I want?' She asked her eyebrow arching at both my statement and my actions.

I slipped onto the other side of the bed from her and slid myself across the sheets letting my breasts dangle and sway. Slipping up next to her I rested against the headboard leaning softly against her shoulder knowing how uncomfortable my nakedness and gravid condition made her. Sliding my arm around her shoulder I cupped one of her breasts and then with my free hand cupped one of my own. I felt her flinch and smiled, just the right response. 'I know what you want because I know what daddy wants, and I know what he wants because he told me. Not in so many words but he certainly has been demanding the last few months and it doesn't take a genius to figure it out.' A little white lie to smooth the way, 'you see mother, he wants me because I'm pregnant, not because I'm prettier than you or sexier or more wanton than you. If I wasn't pregnant I doubt that he would give me a second glance.' Leaning down I kissed her cheek letting my tongue linger I licked up to her earlobe and sucked it in humming lightly as I teased her ear whispering my not so secret knowledge.

'You see mom,' I said as I ran my tongue over her ear and then down the side of her face kissing her neck. 'Dad loves pregnant women, dad is frantic about pregnant women. He wants pregnant women more than anything in the world and that scares him because he knows that you want to be pregnant and he is afraid.' Breaking off I slid around until I was facing her. Reaching out I undid the first button on her blouse. 'Dad is afraid and I control his fear and through it I control him. You didn't actually believe that he loved me because I'm sexier, or prettier, or better in bed than you. No dad loves me because I'm pregnant and if I weren't then he likely wouldn't give me a second glance. But he is afraid for me now, afraid of what he might do to me. I control his fear by submitting to him, giving him what he wants, satisfying him.'

I undid two more buttons on her blouse, exposing the tops of her large creamy breasts. 'I can give you what you want mother, a c***d from his seed.' Lifting one swollen breasts I sucked the nipple into my mouth and glancing at her out the corner of my eye I saw a light in her eyes, deep and hungry, wanton light that darkened her eyes and brought a flush to her smooth skin.

Undoing three more buttons I exposed her breasts, cupped in a white lace bra, I slid my fingers around them rubbing her nipples through the fabric with my thumbs. Leaning forward I lifted her breasts as I kissed her lips, letting the swell of my belly touch her whispering again in her ear. 'All I ask, all I need from you is your love. Love me like you used to. Love me like the woman I have become let me love as I want and I will give you all that you want.' Her book dropped to the floor as her hands rose cupping my breasts caressing the swell of my belly. Her head turned and I felt her lips on my neck, tracing the line of my jaw. I looked deep into her eyes as our lips touched; my victory was secure as our tongues twined.

We made love all afternoon and on into the evening. I discovered things about my mother that I had never known. In our passion she took me higher than any man ever dreamed and in return I gave myself to her body and soul. As the sun disappeared over the horizon we rested and I outlined my plan for her. It would not be easy, but with some timing and care it would be done.

Another month went by and at the beginning of my seventh month I revealed to dad that I was carrying twins. This drove him frantic, the thought of my swollen belly holding two lives made him desire me even more. But even as his desire grew I held back more and more, telling him that I wanted to take things easy not stress my body and possibly the babies as well. He understood but it drove him crazy.

Two weeks later the time was right, mom was at the peak of her fertility, and dad was so frantic with lust that he would have willingly fucked anything that stood still long enough. The weather cooperated too being more miserable than it had the previous month it trapped us and more importantly him in the house. With no way to work off his sexual frustrations he boiled like a kettle.

It was a Friday night I donned my warmest robe, a new one that he had bought me, large enough to cover a belly twice my size. Though I would need ever inch of it in the coming months. I went first to mom's room, she was ready, naked except for a set of pillows she had strapped across her belly. Good enough I thought. Then I made my way down to his study, I would get him hot and then lead him on. Loosening my robe I let it fall open as I entered the room. Hearing me he turned. I watched as his erection nearly tore open the crotch of his boxers. I turned and in profile beaconed him out the door. Down the hall I heard him following even as I turned out all the lights and with the dark color of the robe concealing me I turned into mom's room and called out to him.

He followed, blindly, trusting the sound of my voice as a lead him on. Sitting down beside the bed I caressed my mothers arm to let her know that it was time. She rustled the sheets and I called out to him telling him were I was. I heard the bed squeak and then a groan as I watched the shadowy figures of my parents. Mom played her part perfectly and I felt myself getting damp as I listened to the sounds of their sex. For a week we played this game and by the end of the month mom was pregnant and dad knew he had been had.

For the next two months things went smoothly. My body became less and less mine and dad grew more and more attracted to mom as her body changed as well. I knew it was time when after showering one day I felt first my thighs then the rug under my feet grow wet with an unknown fluid. I had not seen my feet in months and could not now see what was happening. But the meaning came clear as a massive contraction rippled across my belly.

At my cry mom rushed in and in a second had me in the tub and was filling it with warm water. We had agreed that a water birth would be best for me and the tub was certainly large enough. What we hadn't counted on was dad, luckily my brother seeing the way he was acting as he gazed down at my naked and straining body quickly wrapped him up in a bear hug and locked him in the basement.

Time slipped away, the pain increased with each contraction, I felt myself orgasm as the pain reached its peak. Each new pain brought a new orgasm, higher and higher I pushed and the first baby emerged amid blood, and pain, and the most indescribably pleasure imaginable. I heard the babies squall and opening my eyes saw my daughter for the first time. A beautiful creature that my mother handed to my brother as she prepared to receive the next one, the next one wasted no time in being difficult and I was nearly asleep with exhaustion by the time she came. My body shuddered as the final contraction began, a long, painful, orgasmic explosion that took me into a velvet filled darkness.

I don't know how long I slept, mom told me later that it was nearly two days or as she put it eight feedings. My daughters nursed easily and it was clear that daddy no longer had any sexual interest in me now that I wasn't pregnant any more. Even my fears about having my brother as the babies' father were eased as they grew and acted just like normal babies.

Mom gave birth to another daughter just as summer was starting, and after she had recovered she approached me and suggested that it was time to think about having another c***d. This time I knew my father would be the babies father, mom wanted to get pregnant again as well despite having given birth less than six months before. So we began plotting, and a plan formed.

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Part 6 8211 Slutty Secretary

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Year 1993 took me out of my comfort zone and basically shook me out. It was an eventful year for me. On one side I had to terminate my sexual relationship with Falguni and on the other hand, fate kept me away from her. My job took me to a temporary posting to West Bengal (Midnapore, now a hot bed of Maoist activity). It also opened up a new opportunity to flirt and bed women from the East. I had always known them to be as Bhaudis (Sister-in-law in...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 181 Dancing the Blues Away

“Do you think Emily will mind if we go somewhere quiet for a bit,” one of the popular girls who came over to apologize to Emily for being a complete bitch to her asked. When Emily met my eyes and waved to me to go I got up to offer my arm to the girl. She led me off toward a girl’s bathroom but walked past it and around a corner. Using a master key, she let us into a small, comfortable looking lounge. It had couches in one part and a few beds off to the side behind a partition. “Dressing...

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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 25

This was the weekend that my next to oldest sister was getting married to a sour-faced banker at her place of employment. The man had to be at least forty if he was a day and he had absolutely no sense of humor. She was undoubtedly the plainest of my sisters but I had cultivated her oral skills studiously ever since she was old enough to be legally qualified for the placement of her lips around my greedy cock. When she showed any sign of reticence, my demanding sister Princess would give her...

4 years ago
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Descent Into Darkness Chapter 3

It really wasn't any surprise that Paulina became popular. She was incredibly gorgeous, with her wavy, black hair that hung down her back; her full, plump lips that looked perfect for sucking dick; her C cup tits that constantly strained against the tight, half-shirts she wore; her flat stomach and thin waist; and finally her thick bubble butt that was constantly on display in the tight leggings she wore. The cherry on top was that Paulina was a huge tease that gave every guy in school,...

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During this summer I went out for a walk in the local park to chill-out after a long weeks work.As neared the old Amenities building I heard a groaning and moaning sound, I assumed it could be someone in distress, so hurried closer, the sound came from behind the building so I followed the groans and sighs ...As I turned the corner I saw a somewhat orgy of young male and female bodies writhing on several mattresses strewn across the ground ... each person was either being fucked or being sucked...

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Start Of My First Sexual Fling

Hi Friends, I have about a sexual fling. About me, I’m a 38 years married man, and I work in Bangalore. Basically, from south Tamil Nadu. Interested ladies or couples can ping me in hangouts at I am back again with a lady chat friend who wanted to post her story without revealing her real identity. Please don’t mail me asking for her details or mail id. I won’t be able to share. Let’s get into the story as told by her. I’m Payal, 36 working as a receptionist. As you can imagine, I maintain...

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Handicap Gloryhole

Being in a wheelchair and having to use the restroom at the local mall, I never paid attention to the holes in the sides of the handicap stall. Until all of a sudden a big black cock appeared in one of them. Being 26 years old and in a wheelchair for the last 8 years of my life, one public restroom is just like the other. I used to believe this was true. Until one day at the local mall me and my wife were cruising the shops when I just had to go. I told her to give me a little while because she...

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Her Animal ActChapter 7

There were no seats in the back of the plane, just some sleeping bags and emergency food supplies. Only the cabin, where Pico and Faustina sat, was heated. Once the plane reached cruising altitude Paula found herself shivering. She got a sweater from her bag and put it on, then mastered sign language enough to coax Jose into helping her get blankets from two of the sleeping bags to cover her parents. Elliott was still unconscious from the drug, but Ruth was awake. They were both bound and...

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In A Single Moment

Big changes in a person's life can happen slowly, over a few years. You start a new morning routine, you get a small promotion, you make a few new friends, and a few years later you look back and realize that your world has taken on a completely new face. You realize that you've grown and become a new person and you didn't even realize it. Or there are the changes that happen suddenly. These are the changes that happen so fast you hardly have time to think about them before...

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I Belong to Snake NowChapter 6

Early in the afternoon I had company. The couple who came by the day I did Snake’s laundry showed up at the door. Apparently the woman is supposed to get things set up. I showed her what I’ve done and she seemed quite pleased. She turned to me and said, “You did great. Thanks. You only have one thing left to do. Follow me.” She led me into the living room and sat down. She sat back and spread her legs and smiled at me without saying a word. I knelt between her knees, leaned forward and...

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Journey Of My Job Search

Hello guys this is Sadhana from Bangalore. I am 28 years old fair in colour 5.4” height 36c 30 36 figure. Today I am going to tell you about an incident which happened 5 years ago when I came Bangalore for job search I was 23 years old. Now coming to the story. When I came Bangalore I faced lots of problem in job and I was really depressed. It has been almost one year of struggle but I didn’t get job. One day I went for an interview in a mnc somehow I cleared all the rounds. Next day I got call...

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Cabin Fever Need A Little Company Chapter 04

It was a small town, without much of a night life. With nothing better to do, pretty much all the young adult out-of-towners who attended the funeral arranged to meet that evening at a local restaurant, to have dinner together. Most of them were college friends of Karen's. Paul attended too, mainly at the urging of his parents, as most of the group were his friends as well. The lively atmosphere of the meal was a welcome change for everyone, having only hours earlier attended the...

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Our new baby sitters mum 2

On Saturday night Helen took care of bathing our two daughters, Phillipa and Mary, while I was preparing their meals and ours. Helen fed them, read them a story and put them to bed. Then the three of us sat down to our dinner. “So Helen,”, I asked, “are you looking forward to more fucking tonight?” “Oh! Yes! I've been hoping all day that you two would be up for more fucking tonight. Is it really OK with both of you?” “No, Helen. It's not just OK with us – it's fucking brilliant....

4 years ago
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Reverse Cuckold Surprise Part 1 The SetUp

Reverse Cuckold Surprise (Part 1, The Set-Up)Note: The following story is a work of fiction. All events depicted are just fantasies.If you read my profile, you'll know a bit about my sex life. I'm married to a beautiful BBW with great big breasts, a nice round, white ass, and a large pussy (that I keep trimmed/shaved almost bare). One of my fantasies is see my wife have sex with other men. Now, we've tip-toed around talking about cuckolding, but my wife knows it turns me on. For example,...

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SeeHimFuck Malina Melendez He8217s Come To The Right Spot

New seasoned beef stud D Rock ?? appears in his 1st ever scene today ? and we paired HIM up with fellow newbie Malina Melendez ❤️ for this week’s See H?️M Fuck update. After we learn a little about HIM, D Rock stands and disrobes as Malina waits for that big gift ?? to pop out ? She lubes HIM and all his muscles up ? and ensures his BBC is prepared for action. Malina then ?? sniffs and licks ??? D Rock’s armpits & suckles his nipples before allowing HIM to take a seat on the bed...

2 years ago
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A Date With The Night

It should go without saying that the story you are about to read is fictional. But just in case it doesn’t, I would like to stress that what you are about to read is purely a figment of my filthy imagination… ————————— It was an unusually balmy Friday night in London. Even though darkness had fallen over the busy streets, it did nothing to reduce the temperature. Most people had spilled onto the streets in an attempt to seek solace from the sweaty, overcrowded bars. They stood there and...

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30th Anniversary Day 2

As I told in part one, my wife Terri and I decided to stay at the same motel one more night and meet Jeff and Greg again after they finished their delivery. We had set 7 PM as the time to meet. They wanted to go by the truck stop, where there were showers, and clean up after unloading the people’s furniture from their truck. Terri and I went shopping for some “things” to wear and got back to the motel around 4 PM to get ready for the night. Terri told me that unlike last night when I made the...

Wife Lovers
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Life Changes Chapter 4

She was happier than she had been in a while. After admitting her desire to be dominated, we had played at it for the first time last weekend. After that, even without the domination, she had been insatiable all week. As soon as I got home, she would greet me in the nude and attack me. The last two nights she had immediately given me a blowjob, and then after dinner we fucked like rabbits until we were exhausted. Did I mention that I was deliriously happy, too? No need. I got to the...

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3 Teen Cross Dressers Misadventure Part 1

Two friends and I decided to take a trip to upstate New York for a weekend of skiing and some messing around. We were friends since elementary school and have been dressing in our sisters and mothers clothes for over a year and then play around with each other. All of us were young and dumb; 18 and quite petite,under 5'7 and lean. With our bags packed full of our dress wear,skiing gear and lots of liquor we were on our way. We were about 4 hours into our 6 hour drive in the pouring rain when we...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 496

???????????????? : Super interesting! Should make you feel very lucky and blessed! Great info, stats on the world, and points! (and your probably not suffering from Alzheimer’s) -Earth’s Population Statistics in Perspective The population of Earth is around 7.8 Billion. For most people, it is a large figure, that is all. However, if you condensed 7.8 billion in the world into 100 persons, and then into various percentage statistics. The resulting analysis is relatively much easier to comprehend....

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Roger and I part 1

Roger and I were lying in bed. I was on my side resting my head on his chest. We’d just celebrated my twenty fifth birthday and were finally alone. I was gently biting and kissing his chest when he asked me a question that made me laugh. He asked me if I’d let Freddy take some pictures of us making love. I looked up and simply said no. I told him he could take some pictures of me if he wanted too though. He laughed and said “ ok as long as I can show them to Freddy. I said oh no you don’t now...

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The Fog

My name is Tina. I'm 18 years old and this is the story of how I was changed from a shy girl with little experience to the girl I am today. I had just finished my sophomore year of college, studying bio-chemistry. I decided to eschew the summer classes most of my classmates were taking in favour of a backpacking trip across Europe. After securing my parents approval I bought a backpack, packed my clothes, and made the plane trip to England where I would be starting my trip. Everything was...

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Caught Behind

Caught Behindbypenisleeve©The woman in my life had been away for a fortnight and would still be away for another two weeks. We normally enjoyed an active sex life and I was frustrated as all hell. We were both bisexual and I was allowed to ‘play’ as long as it was only with men if she wasn’t also involved. She knew I was a passive slut when engaged with men and this only turned her on more than her usual aroused state. She loved to hear the ‘dirty details’ of any encounters I had the more...

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swinger fun

I am a member of a swing site and organised a little party at my place with some friends from the site one of the woman arrived and asked if there was space to park in the underground car park so i said i would pop down and see and buzz her in when she parked i was beside her door and she looked up at me smiled and pulled her coat open to show me she was nearly naked she pulled her tits out and started to play with her nipples I just had to get my cock out at such a beautiful sight She opened...

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Errotic Photo Session

Suraj had a keen eye for photography. From the age of about 14, he had regularly been working at the weekends as a wedding and party photographer. Even during his college days, he suplemented his income with regular photo shoots. By the time he had finished his Chemistry degree, he had even opened a small studio in the basement and did family portraits and the like. His sister Pooja was older than him and lived in Bangalore where she worked as a freelance journalist, covering the latest fashion...

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A Night Out with Mom

The last month has been a whirlwind of activity. First my graduation from high school, then my eighteenth birthday and now my parents anniversary. Unfortunately, dad received a call and had to go out of town on business, so it would just be Mom and I celebrating all three occasions. I'm standing in front of the mirror looking at myself as I try to tie my tie. I am wearing the suit I wore to my graduation. I never was able to tie a tie and I am struggling. Mom walks in just then and I freeze....

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My first bareback bi experience with a married man

(This is a true story) I was introduced to the bi side of my life in my late 20’s, when I used to swing with an ex girlfriend. It has since my early 20’s been my kink to share my partners with other men, and even today, it is still a huge turn on. Little did I know how much I would get to enjoy being bisexual, and one thing is for sure, I get to experience the best of both worlds. I got introduced into enjoying a hard cock in a threesome experience, many years ago. My girlfriend at the time –...

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Couples swap

Hello readers! I am married for the past six years and blessed with two children. I am not an oldie, mind you folks, I am only thirty years old. I got married at an early age, when I was just twenty-four (it was a norm in our family). This incident happened on one of our trips to a relative’s village. I and my family went to the village, which was a little hamlet by the sea, midway between Chennai and Pondicherry. As our car entered the house, I could see Nirmala and her hubby Senthil standing...

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Lingerie shopping had never been so much fun

    One day I was out shopping with my boyfriend.   I wanted to get some sexy lingerie for Valentines Day and I needed his opinion.   As we looked around the lingerie department of a large store I saw a very sexy red and black velvet bustier with a pair of tiny thongs.   My boyfriends eyes lit up when he saw it so I went to the changing room to try it on whilst he waited outside.     As I hooked up the fasteners at the back I began to feel quite horny.   I love wearing sexy...

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Young and taken advantage of

When my wife was 17 and a Junior in High School she wanted to attend an away basketball game but her ride canceled at the last minute. She really was a school spirited type of student and was at every game. Later she was over heard in the hallway by a male teacher telling a friend she wouldn't be able to attend the game.She preparing to call her parents to ask them to come and pick her up when the teacher asked if she needed a ride to the game. She excitedly said "heck yea who can I ride...

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There was a very important company gala coming up, a formal black tie event; my father needed a plus one. My mother has been away for the past three months taking care of my grandmother across the country. I was the last person he wanted to take to the event, and the gala was the last place on earth I wanted to be. I am more the type of girl that goes to rock concerts and biker bars. I have always felt more comfortable in a black tank top and split jeans. I could never have seen myself in a...

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Lust for the Golden Witch or the Death of Mystery Person X

Introduction to the Rokkenjima Incident and H.I. Player: October 5, 1986. A raging storm swept over the tiny island of Rokkenjima. Upon this island lay the western-style manor of Ushiromiya Kinzo, the head of the wealthy Ushiromiya family. A day earlier, the children of the Ushiromiya family arrived to take part in a yearly family conference, bringing with them their own heirs. This year's meeting almost certainly concerned the inheritance of Kinzo's vast wealth; his failing health and advanced...

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Katie PunishedChapter 2 The Open Air Girl

Katie was in the van for ten minutes, thrown to and fro as the vehicle lurched over the uneven surfaces, and brought frequently into contact with its metal interior. She was more terrified than ever before. Two scowling police officers watched over her as the van continued its rickety way over the potholed streets and she bounced about in sympathy, collecting plenty of bruises, helpless to do much to keep herself steady in her manacled state. Then they arrived at the police station. They...

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New Years With My Drunk Bimbo Aunt

"It's your aunt dear. She might come over for Christmas. Sorry I didn't make dinner, make yourself something." She then quickly went back to talking. Fast forward to now and I'm driving us to my aunt's 6 hours away. The fact that my mom let me drive after only receiving my license recently surprised me. But that surprise was nothing compared to the one that waited for us at my aunt's house. On the way to my aunt's my mom told me about their relationship. Cute little stories from...

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Catching Up Part 1

Tuesday 22 February 2011. Twelve fifty-five pm. That was when a devastating earthquake hit my home town of Christchurch, New Zealand, after which nothing in this city will ever be the same again. Unbeknown to me at the time, that same moment was also to trigger events after which, in a much happier way, nothing in my life can be the same again either. Not ever. I was one of the many city council and other public service staff who were taken from their normal work and pitched into a myriad of...

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Wife has a special request

"Baby?""Yeah Honey" I said, putting my book down, turning to look at my wife. Jackie and I had been married for five years and had just celebrated our 30th birthday's together by going away without the k**s. Madelyn, my mother in law, had suggested and partially paid for the trip, unbeknownst to my father in law Ken."You know I love you right?" she asked, guardedly. I closed the book and put it on the end table, the sea breeze wafting through the open door of our hotel room, the sound of the...

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this brought a flood of emails from women

Chapter 1Posted: September 22, 2005 - 04:06:05 pm? I was always totally captivated by my Allergist. I love older, mature, intelligent women, all atributes she has in abundance... On top of that she's petite, in perfect shape, and wore very expensive clothes that made her look even more irresistible.I always go to see her for prescription refills, rather then getting her to call them in. I save $10 AND get to luxuriate in her aura.I spun the appointments out as long as possible. I heard Very...

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My cum can heal sickness

Story about a male nurse who discovers his cum has magical healing powers.CHAPTER ONEThe cold was overwhelming. I couldn't feel my fingers or my toes. My breath was visible as I lay on the ground in the snow. All I could hear was the gasps of my own breath and a light breeze wisking through the trees. I was in the middle of nowhere with nobody around for miles. It was minus 10F.It all started as a vacation. I had decided a long time ago for this time. It was to take three weeks off from...

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Hot Damsel From My College 8211 Part 1

On the first day of college. I saw a beautiful and hot damsel with blonde hair wearing a tight red shirt which was showing off her big boobs (34 was what I guessed at the moment!) and her sexy stomach. During the registration process, I sat behind her just to smell the fragrance of this beauty and try talking to her. I was not successful that day, but my fate was with me (or I thought so!). We were allotted our departments and to my luck, we both were in the same department! I was successful in...

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Heat Touching Love And Romance Odia

First of all hello to my all iss readers.This is my first true story about my gf. I am swayam from odisha .I have complete my btech and doing a job. This story about my dream girl and me.Her name subhashree .Age 20 ,height 5.5″,fair in colour.So sexy (34 28 30). My age 22.,height 5.9″ athletic figure. I can satisfy any lady or girl. I want share my story in odia. Mu setebele btech sariki bbsr re rahuthili sanga mananka sangare mess kariki .Chakiri khojuthili softwaremarket downthila boli mate...

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