A French Lesson Ch. 2 free porn video

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It had been a few weeks since my mind shattering experience with Kevin Nash. The entire time since, I had spent basking in the after glow and ‘reliving’ the memories just about every night. However I decided that I could not spend the rest of my days masturbating to the image of Kevin’s face as he came. I needed to get out and be among people. I had been invited to a party at a friend’s place and I decided to go.

It was a costume party with a theme. Your costume had to be a sexual fantasy. I decided to go as a ‘naughty school-girl.’ I found a pleated plaid mini-skirt that was so short it would prevent me from picking any dropped items up off of the floor. I also wore a white oxford shirt, saddle shoes, and little socks that had lace around the ankles. I pulled my hair into two long braids that I tied off with ribbons that matched the plaid of my skirt. I was just about to leave for the party when there was a knock on my front door. I opened it to see Kevin standing there. He looked me up and down once then smiled a very wicked smile, ‘where you expecting me?’

‘No, but now that you are here come on in!’ I said opening the door a little wider to allow him in. He stepped in and as soon as the door was closed he swept me up into his arms. He held me for what seemed like forever, his arms pressing me tightly against his body. Finally he set me down and looked me over again for a full minute.

‘Shall we?’ I asked pointing to my bedroom door.

‘I don’t want you to think that is the only reason I am here.’

‘I don’t think that,’ I said as I led him to my bedroom. Rather than go directly to my bed he went to one of the couches that was under the windows. As soon as he was comfortable I crawled onto his lap with my legs crossing his, ‘so how have you been?’ I asked looking into his brown eyes.

‘I’ve been thinking about you.’ he said putting his hand on my right knee.

‘Really? And what have you been thinking?’ I asked, my voice deliberately coy.

‘I’ve been thinking about how soft your skin is,’ he began to gently stroke my thigh. I moved my hands to his face. Slowly I let my hands move over his face, finally tracing the curve of his bottom lip with my thumb. It would be impossible to say who moved towards whom first, but our lips finally met. His kiss was gentle yet insistent, our tongues touched and immediately entwined. I could feel his hand moving up the inside of my thigh. I pulled away from his kiss and covered his hand with mine, ‘not yet,’ I said softly, then smiled brightly at him, ‘I bought a magazine with you on the cover!’

‘You did?’ he asked.

‘Yep!’ I leapt off of his lap and went to get the WCW/NWO magazine with him on the cover. Once I had retrieved it I crawled back into his lap and he wrapped his arms around me. I held up the cover, ‘Look at you lookin’ all liony and yummy.’ I said, Kevin just smiled shyly. We flipped through the magazine together. Before we made it to the end of the issue Kevin had pushed aside one of my braids and began kissing my neck, his breath was hot against my skin.

‘I need to change clothes,’ I said pulling away from him.

‘No, you really don’t,’ he whimpered.

‘Trust me, you’ll like what I change into.’ I told him over my shoulder. In my bathroom I changed into a royal blue satin night gown that hung to my mid-thigh. It had a matching robe and g-string that shimmered as I moved. I pulled my hair out of the braids and brushed it into soft waves that fell down my back. I tied the belt around my waist and went back into my bedroom. Kevin was still sitting on the couch, he had his legs crossed and was reading the magazine. He looked up at me and smiled.

‘Do you like it?’ I asked doing a little turn for him.

‘That depends, what’s under the robe?’

‘You’ll see,’ I went to my stereo and put some cd’s on. The first was a custom cd I had made a few months before, it started with A Love Theme For A Vampire, by Annie Lennox. I slowly walked across the room to where Kevin was sitting. By the time I reached him, he had set the magazine aside and was watching me intently. I placed my knees on either side of his hips, straddling him. Slowly I reached down and untied the belt of my robe, letting it fall from my shoulders. Kevin took a deep breath as his eyes moved over my body. I could feel his hands slipping beneath the hem of the short gown. Slowly they slid up by body to my breasts. My breath came faster as he cupped both of my breasts, gently kneading the tender flesh. He watched my eyes as he teased my nipples to hard peaks. I could see his hands moving beneath the shimmering fabric.

‘I want this off of you,’ he said indicating the nightie.

‘Not yet baby,’ I began unbuttoning his shirt, ‘I want to get my mouth on this chest of yours.’ He blinked, but smiled and began helping me, help him out of his shirt. His chest was dark against the fair skin of my hands. I ran my hands over his chest, relishing the feel of his soft skin under my finger tips. I paused at his nipples, to tease them the way he had teased mine. His breath was coming in short uneven bursts as his nipples hardened under my touch. I leaned forward and let my tongue tease his nipple. I moved my tongue quickly over the sensitive skin as I sucked gently. Kevin tangled his hand in my hair and pulled me up for a kiss. His lips were no longer soft and yielding, but rather they were hard and forceful. His tongue was probing my mouth as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I settled myself on him. I could feel his monster cock pressing against me, straining to be free of his jeans. I ground my hips against him, forcing a groan from deep in his chest. Kevin’s hands moved to my shoulders, his fingers tugging at the straps of my night gown. His lips moved to the side of my neck, hot and searching as he moved further down to my shoulders. He continued to move down my chest to my nipples. He sucked the right nipple into his mouth while he teased the left with his agile fingers. I could feel myself getting wetter with each stroke of his tongue against my nipple. I took his left hand in mine and guided it between my legs. Instantly he pushed aside the fabric of my g-string and slid two fingers deep into me. He pulled away from my breast and looked into my eyes, ‘I have something to ask you,’ he said as his fingers stroked my inner walls.

‘What?’ I asked breathlessly.

‘I have a friend…’ he said, my body froze on his hand.

‘You have a friend?’ I repeated slowly.

‘I’d like him to join us if you don’t mind.’



‘Hall?’ I asked, Kevin nodded. I thought for a moment, visualizing Scott’s dark good looks. It didn’t take long for the idea to appeal to me. Slowly a smile spread across my face. Kevin knew what the smile meant, again his fingers began to stroke my inner walls.

‘Where is he?’ I asked.

‘In the car waiting for my call.’

‘If I hadn’t agreed?’ I leaned forward to nibble on his ear.

‘He would have waited for a while.’

‘The phone is by the bed and I don’t think I locked the front door.’ Kevin slid his fingers out of me, before he could grasp my hips I took his left hand and brought it to my lips. His two middle fingers were shiny with my juices. Very slowly I licked his fingers clean as he watched. When I was finished I moved off of his lap and let the satin gown fall to the floor exposing my bare breasts. Kevin stood, towering over me. He bent and lifted me into his arms. I wrapped my legs around him and pressed my breasts against his bare chest. He walked to the bed and set me down, while reaching for the phone. As he dialed I crawled off of the bed.

‘The front door is unlocked, the first door on the left,’ was all Kevin said before hanging up the phone. ‘What are you doing?’

‘Putting this back on,’ I said holding up the robe. I put it on and joined Kevin on the bed. He was sitting with his back against the headboard, his long legs stretched out i
n front of him. I was sitting on my knees on the bed next to Kevin when I heard the front door open and close. I looked up just in time to see Scott walk into my bedroom.

Although he wasn’t as tall as Kevin, relative to my 5’2′ frame Scott was quite tall. I smiled up at him, but didn’t move from my place next to Kevin. For a moment there was an uncomfortable silence in the air, before Kevin finally spoke, ‘Scott this is Dannie,’ he said with a grin.

‘I’ve heard a lot about you,’ Scott said as he took a step closer to me.

‘All good I hope,’ I reached over and put my hand on Kevin’s out-stretched leg.

Scott was standing very close to me, ‘all very good.’

I raised up and offered my lips to Scott, he took my face in his left hand and kissed me. His lips were not as soft as Kevin’s, but there was more heat and passion in his touch. I laced my fingers thought his right hand as we kissed. I could feel Kevin’s eyes watching Scott and me. Finally I pulled away from Scott and looked into his dark eyes. I guided his hands to the belt of my robe. With a gentle tug the belt untied and the robe fell open, revealing my large breasts, flat stomach and royal blue g-string. Scott’s eyes widened as a grin spread across his face. I reached for him and began pulling on his t-shirt, trying to get it off of him. He quickly lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. I felt Kevin move beside me, but I didn’t turn to see what he was doing. Scott snaked his arms around my waist and lifted me to him. The hair of his chest was coarse against my sensitive nipples. Suddenly I was on my back, where only moments before Kevin’s legs had been. My lips met Scott’s as he leaned down to kiss me. After a brief kiss he pulled away and began kissing his way down my body to my large breasts. I ran my hands through his silky dark hair. Scott’s teeth grazed against my nipple while his hands moved further down my body. His fingers looped into my g-string and tugged gently. He stood over me and smiled. Very slowly he pulled my g-string off and let his eyes move over my nude body.

‘She’s beautiful isn’t she?’ I heard Kevin say.

Scott just smiled at him. I stretched my body out, letting him watch as I twisted beneath him. Scott’s fingers moved between my legs. For a moment he just ran his fingers through the dark hair, before finally taking my clit between his thumb and forefinger. I writhed as he gently rolled my clit between his fingers. I knew my juices were gushing as he teased me. With his other hand, Scott began unfastening his jeans, within seconds they were down around his ankles. There was no underwear.

‘You came prepared,’ I said looking at his rock hard cock.

‘I sure did.’ Scott’s deep voice poured over me like heated honey.

Kevin leaned forward and kissed me gently before whispering in my ear, ‘Tell him what you want baby.’

I spread my legs further apart, ‘Please Scott, fuck me!’ I begged, arching my back up. Scott stepped out of his jeans and crawled onto the bed. He draped my legs over his thighs, with his knees pressed against my ass. He lifted me up and settled my onto his cock. We groaned in unison, but remained still for a moment. Scott placed his hand in the small of my back and leaned forward so he was on top of me. ‘Yes Scott!’ I said as he pounded into me. I looked directly into his face and tightened my inner muscles around his throbbing member. Scott’s eyes flew open and he looked down at me.

‘You like that do you?’ I said wickedly. He didn’t even speak, he only nodded and thrust himself deeper into me. I slid my hands down to his muscular ass, squeezing him hard. I knew my fingernails would leave marks on his ass cheeks. I turned my head and locked eyes with Kevin. He watched my face intently as his best friend fucked me. My eyes moved over Kevin’s body, they stopped when I saw his hand massaging the swell in his jeans. Almost the instant I saw Kevin rubbing his cock, I came hard. After only a few more thrusts I felt Scott filling me with his hot cum. He covered my face and neck with kisses as we both came down. He rolled off of me, allowing me to move to Kevin. I got up on my hands and knees and crawled up Kevin’s body, pausing briefly to tease his nipples. As we kissed my hands moved to the fly of his jeans, I deftly unbuttoned them and eased the zipper down. Kevin lifted his hips and allowed me to pull his jeans completely off, along with his boxer shorts. Once he was completely nude I looked at his beautiful body, I wanted to touch him all over. Instead I moved down a little so my face was even with his huge cock. In the intervening weeks since I’d been with Kevin I’d almost forgotten how big he really was. I gave my head a little toss. My hair fell to one side, covering his thigh and brushing against his cock and balls. Kevin whimpered softly and tangled his hands in my thick, dark hair. I ran my tongue up the underside of his shaft, his skin was soft and salty. There was a small drop of pre-cum glistening on his head, I licked it off, relishing the taste of him. I took his heavy balls in my hand and gently massaged him.

‘I have to have you!’ Kevin said. He began moving down the bed so he could be on his back. Very slowly I eased myself onto the baseball bat that Kevin called a dick.

‘I’d almost forgotten how good you feel deep inside me,’ I said.

‘And I’d almost forgotten how good your hot little cunt feels,’ he lifted his hips. I was riding him when I felt Scott’s heat behind me. I leaned back against him and turned my head so he could kiss me. His hand held my face as his mouth covered mine. With his other hand he held my left breast, gently teasing my nipple. I took his hand from my face and guided it down. For a moment he paused, ‘just tease my clit baby,’ I said softly. He nodded slightly and moved his finger tips to my clit. I gasped as the sensations of Scott’s fingers on my clit combined with the pleasure of Kevin’s huge cock, to make me almost incapable of coherent thought. My body began to move of it’s own volition. I rode Kevin hard, pounding myself against him while deep moans escaped my lips. Scott pushed my hair to the side and began kissing my neck and ear. His teeth gently nibbled the soft skin of my neck while he sucked. I knew I would have hickeys all over my neck.

‘Oh my god!’ I moaned, ‘I’m coming!’ It seemed as if every nerve ending in my body shuddered all at once. There was an explosion of color as I clamped my eyes shut. My inner muscles clutched and spasmed around Kevin’s dick. Somewhere in the back of my mind I heard screaming, slowly I realized it was me. With one final thrust Kevin’s body quaked beneath mine and he emptied his load deep into me. I collapsed onto his chest, both of us breathing hard. I moved so that Kevin’s softening cock slipped out of my body. I felt Scott’s hands on my hips lifting me back onto my knees. His fingers began probing my cunt and teasing my clit. My whole body shuddered as Scott eased his cock into me. Kevin was still on his back beneath me when Scott began to thrust his hips.

‘Do you like his cock baby?’ Kevin asked, looking deeply into my eyes.

‘Oh god yes!’ my voice was shallow and raspy as I ground my hips against Scott.

Kevin brushed my hair out of my face, ‘tell him,’ he whispered.

‘Scott, your cock feels so damn good!’ I said through clenched teeth, ‘pound it into me baby!’ Scott’s thrusts became harder and deeper. I felt his hand smack hard on my ass. ‘Oh god!’ I groaned. Scott lifted me against him by the hips, my knees were no longer touching the bed. Most of my weight was on my hands as Scott held my hips and fucked me hard. After a deep kiss Kevin continued to hold my face and watch my expression as Scott fucked me.

‘Oh god Kevin!’


‘I’m gonna cum on Scott’s cock!’ I closed my eyes. I could feel Kevin’s hand moving over my face as my body shuddered with a powerful orgasm. At the same time Scott gave a deep thrust and a loud groan. His hot cum filled me
as my cunt milked him dry. Once again I collapsed on top of Kevin. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight against his chest. Scott remained on his knees behind me for a long moment, before he rolled over Kevin’s leg and lay down next to us on his back. I moved to Kevin’s side so that I was nestled gently between the two large men. Scott turned on his side so that he was spooning me, his arm around my waist and his breath hot on the back of my neck. While Kevin also shifted so that he was on his side facing me, his hands still moving over my face. We all lay still for a moment, trying to regain our breathing.

‘That was amazing,’ I said, kissing Kevin softly on the cheek.

‘Scott, leave.’ Kevin said abruptly.

‘Why?’ Scott’s voice was slightly whiny.

‘We need to be alone. I bet there is a couch you can crash on in the living room.’

‘I don’t want to get dressed!’

I got up, went to my linen closet and got him a sheet, ‘you can wrap yourself in this.’ I told him. Scott knew there was no point in arguing, so he took the sheet, wrapped it around himself and went into the other room. I was standing at the foot of my bed, completely nude when Kevin turned back to face me, ‘Come here,’ he said softly, as he pulled the covers to my bed down and got under them. I crawled under the sheets with him and pressed my body against his. I settled with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me. ‘How was your road trip?’ I asked.

‘Okay, after your bed though hotel beds were rough.’ he wiggled his hips as he spoke, settling further into the soft feather mattress.

‘I bet,’ I let my fingers move over his chest. ‘I actually watched you on tv the other night.

‘You did?’ He asked, his voice was amused.

‘Yep, I like your black leather pants.’ more importantly, I thought to myself, I liked the way your ass looked in those pants.

‘They aren’t really leather.’

‘I figured as much. I mean how many cows would have to die to cover these legs of yours?’ I moved my legs against his.

‘True,’ his voice was getting softer. I knew he was going to need some sleep. I put my head back down on his chest and nuzzled against him. After only a few moments we were both dozing.

I woke up to the feel of Kevin’s hands in my hair. I tilted my face up to his for a kiss. Again his lips were soft and gentle against mine.

‘Thank-you,’ he said looking into my face.

‘For what?’ I asked.

‘For letting Scott join us.’

‘Thank-you for knowing that we needed to be alone.’ I said. I moved on top of him.

‘You’ve done enough,’ he said rolling us so that he was on top of me, ‘let me do the work this time.’ He eased himself deep into me. I locked my ankles behind his back. He kissed me softly and began to move his hips in a slow, steady rhythm. I arched my back and opened my body up to the sensations of him on top of me: the warm scent of his skin, the softness of his hair, the taste of his tongue in my mouth, everything that was happening around me and to me. Kevin and I moved in unison with one another.

‘I want you to cum baby,’ Kevin whispered.

‘Then just keep fucking me!’ I moved my hands to my own nipples and teased them while Kevin watched. His hips began to move faster. He leaned over me and kissed me deeply, his tongue entered my mouth and began searching. I wrapped my arms around him and moved them to his pumping ass. I could feel the tension building in my abdomen, I tightened my legs around him just as I came. Kevin quaked above me as he came with me, his cum filling me. I opened my mouth to say his name, only to have him cover my lips with his. We kissed for a long moment, Kevin used his hands to frame and hold my face. His kisses went from deep and gentle to quicker. Finally he was showering my face with baby kisses, while his fingers tickled my neck and ears. I laughed and tried to push him away, ‘Kevin stop!’ I said.

‘You’re just so darn cute!’ he said without stopping. His hands moved down and he began to tickle my ribs.

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"Nessa! You weren't even trying that time!" Bellemir exclaimed. The two women stood on the narrow stone stairway that circled the castle's central keep. While Nessa stood in front of the door leading to the baron's private quarters, Bellemir stood a few steps above her. Nessa was a muscular woman with wide hips, broad shoulders, a firm stomach, small breasts, and a well-curved ass who stood a trifle less than average height. Dressed in a simple...

4 years ago
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To Learn a Lesson

To Learn a Lesson By Morpheus Amelia looked down at her watch and then smiled to herself, knowing that it wouldn't be much longer. Not much longer at all. Still smiling, she clutched her purse tighter and hurried up the stairs and through the final short distance to Mark's campus dorm room. Pausing outside of Mark's dorm room, Amelia let out a dreamy sigh as she thought about how much fun their date was going to be. For her at least. "Oh poor Mark." she chuckled, gently...

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Nurses Lesson

Nurse's Lesson Part 1 The emergency room was chaotic; people were backed up in the waiting room,seeking treatment for the usual variety of injuries, ailments, accidents andassaults. The urban area that the hospital served, demographically speaking,consisted of many low-income people who were not well served by the city. Thearea population consisted of primarily Black, Hispanic, Middle Easterner, Caribbean, and Asian people. Life in this urban area had all the problems that povertyand neglect...

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a girl learns her lesson

By the time she reached the barn at the end of the farm lane the rain was coming down in sheets. Katy decided to shelter in the barn for a while, at least until it eased up. It would be warm inside and she would have a chance to dry off a little. The girl entered the old building, dragging the large dog behind her. It was quite deserted and she sat down amongst the warm, dry hay after hooking the dog’s leash over a post. Looking around for something to dry herself on, she found an old blanket...

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a girl learns her lesson

Introduction: i read a fw stories i liked amd meshed them Trudging back toward the stables, Katy wondered if this job was really worth all the effort. She had had a long walk and now it was starting to rain. She was going to get soaked in the last mile. She tugged at the dogs leash and started to jog back to the farm and shelter. She had been working at the riding school for six weeks now and the summer holidays were almost over. This was the start of her last week. The job wasnt terribly well...

2 years ago
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French Dressing

French Dressing Chapter One: Mr Fox Everything I am I owe to Mr Fox. That is such a strange statement that I suppose I will have to explain it. See, when I went to secondary school I went to a single-sex school. That's slightly odd in its self, I know, but that's how things were organised where I lived. And for the first two years Mr Fox was both our form master and our English teacher. And for most of that time nothing out of the ordinary happened. And as for me, well I was...

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Brandys First Strict Obedience Training Lesson

I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly;...

1 year ago
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Zainabs Foot Lesson

It all started when I got my results at the end of the first term. I had failed all my business studies exams, my teacher, Zainab, was not happy. I was doing so badly that I had to have a meeting with the principle and Zainab. At the end of the meeting, I had to two choices, either drop business studies or attend after school classes with Zainab every day. I was only taking one other subject, so I decided to take the after school classes. Zainab was the best-looking teacher in the school and...

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French Kiss

November 1995 Montreal, CanadaThe envelope was addressed in bold print and looked quite official. It said: Miss Elizabeth St. Jacques 9373 Maurice-Duplessis Boulevard #16 Montreal, QC, H1E 6P2 Lizzy glanced at the return address. It was from some lawyer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania named Mr. Ben Foster. Lizzy had never heard of him. She was more interested in getting indoors, out of the cold, than in investigating the contents of the envelope. And so she did, dropping the letter and the rest...

1 year ago
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Girlfriends Lesson

Introduction: She always teased me…she needed a lesson! My poor Girlfriend&hellip,. Fran we will call her was always a little bit of a tease. She would dress really provocatively and loved the attention for doing this. The cat calls, whistles, spanks on the ass. It kind of ticked me off a little, but I was also happy I had such a hot girlfriend. I repeatedly told her not to dress the way she did in the summer. Little jean shorts with the pockets sticking out the bottoms and a tight tee shirt...

3 years ago
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Brats Incestuous Lesson Chapter 1 Nubile Girls Incestuous Lesson

Chapter One: Nubile Girl's Incestuous Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Kat The moans of my mother bled through my bedroom wall. I groaned as I lay in bed, hearing their passion. The bed creaked at the sounds my mother made. The passion. Twenty years of marriage and my parents were still going at it. A shiver ran through my virgin body. I shuddered at hearing the sounds. They were so loud. “Yes!” I heard my mother gasp audibly. I shifted on my bed. I suddenly felt my pajamas over...

1 year ago
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Late for the Lesson

She was late. Again. Alex looked down at his standardized testing books sprawled across his desk and sighed. Zoe was smart, and he enjoyed teaching her, but punctuality was not a strong point. He could never really stay upset when she arrived, though, flashing that smile that made him melt. He also couldn’t get enough of her cute, innocent face framed by long strawberry blond hair, and a toned, tight body that he tried to keep himself from staring at during their lessons. She probably noticed...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Sandy looked up from the books broken open on her desk. One hand with spread fingers pressed down two books open at the same time. The books were new and revolting against staying open. Her other hand had a pencil poised in her hand. The way she held the pencil had always seemed awkward to everyone. It was like a fist with the pencil butt going straight into the air."Honey, you have been studying all day on your birthday. Let me talk to my daughter for at least five minutes to wish her happy...

3 years ago
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Teaching my daughter a valuable lesson

While driving home, I saw that the weather outside was nice, so I planned to take a jog through my neighborhood when I got home. Plus, I had a new sexy jogging outfit that I was sure was going to turn a lot of heads. I made it home at exactly 1:00 PM. Exactly two and a half hours before my daughter Erica would be arriving home from school. As I stood in front of my full-length mirror, checking out the way my new pink and white outfit hugged my slim/thick 6', 190 lbs, 38-D's, and 48-inch...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends Lesson

Fran we will call her was always a little bit of a tease. She would dress really provocatively and loved the attention for doing this. The cat calls, whistles, spanks on the ass. It kind of ticked me off a little, but I was also happy I had such a hot girlfriend. I repeatedly told her not to dress the way she did in the summer. Little jean shorts with the pockets sticking out the bottoms and a tight tee shirt that showed her well formed mid drift. I said if it turned me on the way...

2 years ago
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A woman gets a special reading lesson

It’d been a good week. Tips were good, the bar had a new DJ and a football camp was in town. The boys liked to watch her dance after a ‘hard’ practice. On the couch, they held her against their washboard bellies stuffed money down her g-string and told her she was nothing like the girls back home. The only down side was her damn Thursday class. She just wasn’t getting the writing. It bored her. But then HE called. The first time they met, here at the club, he...

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Teacher gives pupil an extracurricular lesson

Bill, aka Mr Brown the Maths teacher, meets Suzy at her mum’s house for some naughty role play but gets the surprise of his life. Suzy then makes Bill an offer he can’t refuse. I’ve not posted for a while. You might want to first read Chapter 1 - ‘Let the Sunshine In’ posted 3 months ago.The next day Suzy came into my office to tell me that her mum was jetting off on holiday for 2 weeks on the coming Monday. ‘Are you still up for meeting at my mum’s place Bill’?‘Definitely I’ve thought about...

2 years ago
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A Good Hard Lesson

THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION.Mr Collins hated Mondays. It's well known that most people hate Mondays but Antony Collins loathed them; it meant the start of another week teaching rebellious, ignorant, hormonal teenage girls. Everyone had told him that teaching at a Catholic school would be a dream, but clearly they'd never taught at St Anita's. He was sure they were worst than any public school girls. On this particular Monday it was raining, not uncommon for December but it meant all the girls...

Straight Sex
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Millis Second Lesson

Milli's Second Lesson Janice entered the kitchen next morning and sat across from Elaine, drinking coffee. "Where is our sweet Milli? Shouldn't she be here making breakfast?" "I don't think she quite knows her place here yet." "Well go get her, there's no time like now to start showing her." Elaine went up to Milli's room. Milli was naked about to take a shower. "No need for a shower right now sweetie. We need you down stairs at breakfast, get...

3 years ago
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Mom teaches me a lesson

It all started when my friend came over my house. We were surfing the web for mature porn and reading stories with mature ladies. See Nate got me into the idea of fucking mature ladies, how they have experience, and have bigger boobs and big asses than the girls our age. We are both 18 years old, I am of Indian descent. Nate is black and looks a bit older than me, he a bit taller and built for his age. We met at the basketball courts about 4 months ago. He comes over my house not so often cause...

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I love to learn sex lesson

Hi to all ISS readers, this is Ahmed Kabeer (not real name) from Hyderabad. Before going for story I would like to my self my name is Ahmed age 24 years 65 kgs weight color fair height 5’5” tool size 6”+, I completed my Mech engg in 2004 from 2004 I am working as a design engineer (mech), so friend this is my short and sweet introduction.When I was a student of 9th standard I was unknown of sex, a girl name Saba (name change) started my new version of life the information of sex, before...

4 years ago
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Brats Incestuous Lesson Chapter 3 Brats Final Taboo Lesson

Chapter Three: Brat's Final Taboo Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Kat Fear rushed through me at my mother's fury. I ripped my pussy off Daddy's cock and threw myself from straddling him on his recliner. Mother stood at the entrance of the living room, wearing her gardening clothes. She was supposed to be out in the backyard. She wasn't supposed to come into the house and catch me with Daddy. I fled. I raced out of the living room, tears spilling down my cheeks. I felt the cum...

1 year ago
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Mom Teaches Me A Lesson

Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started when my friend Nate came over my house. We were surfing the web for mature porn and reading stories with mature ladies. See Nate got me into the idea of fucking mature ladies, how they have experience, and have bigger boobs and big asses than the girls our age. We are both 18 years old, I am of indian descent. Nate is black and looks a bit older than me, he a bit taller and built for his age. We met at the basketball courts about 4...

1 year ago
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French Maid

French Maid: There was a song I used to listen to growing up by the Animals called "The House of the Rising Sun". I particularly remember "it's been the ruin of many a poor boy and God I know I'm one". The song came back to me as I was thinking about my career trajectory after leaving university and more particularly how I came to work in our local French restaurant. I had come back from university like most students with a large overdraft. Not only that but my father had passed...

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The Guitar Lesson

I hated working in these “gated” communities, but lately times had been harder with lesson requests coming less frequently. My band was working a regular gig at a club in Fort Lauderdale, but the revenue from this wasn’t much of a living by the time we divided the money three ways. I knew that if things didn’t start improving soon financially, I would have to get a regular day job. This thought made me cringe, so I left no request for lessons unanswered, as frustrating as they could be. I had...

2 years ago
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French This

"Suddenly, I'm in the mood for finger food." [ ... hmmm, let me back up to the beginning of 'lunch'.] The mingy, fine-grained blacktopped parking expanse was nearly esurient. To be expected, considering the adjuratory rain had just ceased. Now, the freshly-paved fragrance of the warming asphalt violated my nasal cilia. An assiduous sun sent an increasing number of highly charged photonic javelins thru the reluctantly scattering cloud cover. After momentarily admiring the effect from my...

4 years ago
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French Class

Oh, look at me, getting way ahead of myself. My name is Will, and I’m a freshman in high school. I’m not that popular, but my friends are. Its sort f weird like that, but it’s because I played football at my high school starting in 7th grade, and that gives you certain credibility at our school. I wasn’t the superstar or anything, but I was noticed for two things: my height and my last name. No, I’m not a giant; in fact I’m not that short, but whatever. I’m 5’6 and 140 lbs, most of that being...

1 year ago
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French film audition part 3

A few days passed after the beach incident. James hadn't spoken to his family and didn't have the opportunity. He was enjoying being on holiday. It was the first time he had left America. He was staying in his own room within a large warehouse in France. The three men who was producing the movie he was going to be starring in were around but nothing sexual had happened. James had been treated well, given good food and money to spend on new clothes and for his time in France. He was assured...

3 years ago
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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 2 Ms Marcies Kimmies Naughty Lesson

Chapter Two: Ms. Marcie's & Kimmie's Naughty Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Mrs. Fatima Samara I clutched my harem to me as the clock struck midnight. The year ended. A new one begin. My daughters, niece, and sister were naked, smeared in my cum. I tried to love all my pregnant women before I had to repay my debt to the futa-fairy. To Leanan Sidhe. Despite the spurting futa-jizz and the gasping orgasms, dread had permeated me all day. Now a warmth billowed through me,...

2 years ago
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A Sexy Subject Part 2 A Lesson

I walked upstairs to my bathroom and stripped off my clothes. As I ran hot water into the tub, I started thinking what I had let Mr. Burkle do to me. I remember him pushing his thick fingers in and out of my pussy and I unconsciously let my hand wander down between my legs. I found my clit and rubbed it back and forth. It started to swell and the feeling inside my pussy became more intense. I rubbed harder and I felt my knees almost buckle from the explosive orgasm I had. I braced one hand...

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Millis First Lesson

Milli's First Lesson Janice pulled the Lexus into the driveway, and noticed her bedroom light on. She was positive she turned it off before she left this morning. If her wayward Nephew was nosing around in her room there would be hell to pay. She was already extremely ticked off at having to attend a meeting with his Principal this morning. A meeting which ran on too long, causing her to miss her flight to Chicago. Thank goodness she was able to assure the Principal that Bill...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 15 Princesss Naughty Lesson

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Fifteen: Princess's Naughty Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Three: Princess's Naughty Lesson Princess Ava – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch I stared with loathing at the shelves of leather-bound tomes and tightly wrapped scrolls stacked before me. The receptacle of lore contained within the University of Az's library. The air smelled of musty sheepskin and dry...

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Mr Dentons Next Lesson

I got the note on the top of my paper. It said simply, “Delilah, see me after school. It is time for a new lesson.” I didn’t know what to make of it. I hadn’t done anything wrong this time. I hadn’t been whoring around, or fucking other boys. I had no idea why Mr. Denton would want to teach me a new lesson. My nipples hardened in anticipation, and I smiled at him. His face gave nothing away. I tried to flirt with him and he studiously ignored me through the entire class period. After the last...

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Savage Lesson

SAVAGE LESSON It is one of the unalterable facts of life that women are mysterious. There is no point in trying to rationalise, trying to account for or predict every facet of their behaviour because whatever you think you know is liable to flip over on you revealing a truth you never guessed at. Let me put it another way: You know in those naff horror films where someone looks at their reflection in a mirror? Then they put their hand out to touch the mirror and it turns out to be a pool of...

3 years ago
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Teacher teaches me a lesson

My name is Jonathan and I am seventeen years old, it was my last day of school for this year and our last lesson was Geography. I am normally a very well behaved pupil, a bit boisterous at times and a bit of a rebel when I have my friends around me, but then I do have friends that would encourage and lead me on. But underneath the brave façade lies quite a shy boy for my age. My friends and I have all bragged about the things we have done to try and outsmart each other, as all boys do at that...

4 years ago
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Teacher teaches me a lesson

My name is Jonathan and I am seventeen years old, it was my last day of school for this year and our last lesson was Geography. I am normally a very well behaved pupil; a bit boisterous at times and a bit of a rebel when I have my friends around me, but then I do have friends that would encourage and lead me on. But underneath the brave façade lies quite a shy boy for my age. My friends and I have all bragged about the things we have done to try and outsmart each other; as all boys do at that...


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