Sex with madurai aunty
- 3 years ago
- 24
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Hi companions, this is Praboo. I am 23 years of age and live in the Madurai City. I finished my MBA degree.This is my first sex story in Indian Sex Story. Despite the fact that I am a major enthusiast of Indian Sex Story, I had limited myself to simply perusing. I concluded that I ought to pen down my encounters moreover.
This is a genuine sex story which occurred in the year 2016. We were remaining in a leased house. The proprietor of the house was a representative with two girls and a child. The spouse, a plump housewife of around 42 years then, was bad looking but rather had a lot of tissue at the correct spots. It was a major house with a little segment let out to us. A close relative was somewhat partial to motion pictures which I exploited. When she and her senior little girl chose to go to a Telugu motion picture and they welcomed me also.
My mom did not have an issue in me going with them. I had this eye for this close relative. I don’t know why however by one means or another my device stood up at whatever point I was somewhat near her or when I went to their home. Well returning, the mother and little girl couple took an auto while I rode my bicycle to the theater. Close relative sat amongst me and her little girl. The film was very intriguing and abruptly my mind made an impression on my dick to ascend as I was sitting near close relative. I needed to attempt my fortunes and chose to allure my objective. I collapsed my hands on my trunk and in the guise of asking what the legend was stating, I marginally bowed towards close relative and there it was.
My fingers marginally interacted with the left bosom of a close relative. That was the main physical contact I had with a close relative. I did this few times all through the motion picture and did not get either a positive or a negative reaction from her. After the film, we backpedaled home and I didn’t perceive any change of close relative’s face. Following a couple days, I again got an opportunity to go to another motion picture which was a Tamil film Surya’s 24. The seating course of action was the same. This time likewise I received a similar trap and this time it was a marvel.
Close relative detected what I was onto and I think she additionally loved it. This continued for at some point and all of a sudden I discovered close relative’s foot rubbing against my correct foot. I got the flag and whenever I bowed towards her, the weight of her boobs was somewhat more. I could feel the non-abrasiveness of her bosoms covered up in a dark bra (which I could make out as the shirt was very straightforward to uncover that). I extended somewhat back and put my hand on her seat yet guaranteeing that her little girl sitting on the opposite side does not see this. I brought my hand behind and tenderly set by hand on close relative’s exquisite ass cheek. It was entrancing and I delicately squeezed it.
This while, my lesser was getting a charge out of each minute and had remained an incomplete consideration. The film finished and we backpedaled home. I was getting ready for the following activity which was to come to my direction soon. The day at long last came when close relative’s landline (we didn’t have cell phones those days) went dead. I thought about this and took a full favorable position. In the guise of seeing whether there was any post in the post box, I went to the primary door and keeping in mind that checking close relative specified to me that the land line was dead.
I welcomed her to our home to make a call in the event that she needed. As it would turn out, I was separated from everyone else at home. Close relative promptly acknowledged my welcome as she wanted to address her companions via telephone and she felt impaired without her telephone. A close relative came in and was occupied with conversing with her companion when I don’t know from where I got the mettle. With the entryway still open, I remained behind close relative and delicately put my hand over her shoulders. (I was standing and she was perched on the seat). There was no response from a close relative. I gradually brought my hand somewhat down and could feel the delicate quality of her tissue between the neck and the trunk.
As yet finding no response, I moved my hand additionally down and could feel the delicate cotton material of her bra. I then in a quick activity drew my hand additionally down and there it was, the flawless boobs with sharp areolas. I continued petting the boobs with positively no response from her. She soon finished the telephone discussion and exited. She accompanied her shoes, however, backpedaled without wearing them which I saw and rapidly put them under the couch. After around five minutes, close relative again returned to our home searching for her shoes. When she saw that her shoes were not to be seen, she saw my face and seeing a devious grin asked what I was up to? I didn’t answer anything besides simply held her hand and began driving her towards the feasting corridor. Close relative tailed me with no resistance and knowing completely well what lay in store.
This was the first occasion when I was going to investigate the demonstration of sex and was a total learner when it came to utilizing the instrument in the cunt. I made her incline toward the divider and tenderly kissed her lips once. She was not an incredible kisser as her better half never kissed her( i came to know from her). I played with the boobs over the shirt as I was in a rush and did not have any desire to sit idle. I brought my hand down and began lifting her saree up and I brought it up alongside the underskirt till I had the gap of delight if front of me. She never wore underwear ( I have never had the chance to slide down her undies in all my sexual experiences with her later too). I could see a couple of pubic hairs yet the cunt had swollen like a bun.
I unfastened my fly and took my apparatus to the passage of her cunt. I saw her face which was indicating hints of strain as this was her first time outside marriage. I took a gander at her face questioningly and she comprehended that it was my first time. She delicately seized my sibling and demonstrated to me the passageway to paradise. She requesting that I press my body forward and there it was. My sibling had at long last made his lady passage into the universe of delight. I made 10 to 15 strokes and that was it. I had effectively finished my first sexual experience. I discharged my hot magma into close relative’s affection gap and pulled back my lesser.
I heard the sweet stable of air getting away. This occurred in a matter of 15 minutes without foreplay, with no appearance all over. Not even a groan got away from her mouth. Holding my apparatus, I rushed to the lavatory to wash off the hints of cum. There was positively no demeanor all over. She guaranteed that she doesn’t convey any hints of what had simply happened and exited with a slight grin. This was the main experience and numerous such experiences took after.
I will share another account of how I had intercourse with a relative of mine in my next sex story. On the off chance that you need to give me an input or any close relatives from Madurai, Virudhunagar, Sivakasi, Coimbatore who need to connect with me can do as such on my id
Hi, I am Sumithra. And I am going to narrate you the incident which I saw when I was around 18 years old. At that time we use to stay in a rented house. It was little bit of upper middle class people living area. There was lot of houses in that area. And people were also of good nature. During that time we had a neighbor. In that house there were total of 4 people. Uncle, aunty and their two kids. Both the kids were in primary school kids. ( I don’t know in which class they were studying) As...
Hi Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Chennai. This is my first story for ISS and the story I am going to narrate happened when I was studying in high school in Madurai, when I had been to my Aunt’s house in my summer vacations. I am fair in colour, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8 inch dick. I was aware of the woman anatomy at that age by reading sex books and watching porn, but never had any chance to see a...
hi this is sandy from Chennai am doing my pg course am submitting here kindly give nice feedback am a fan of ISS for two years kindly bare my grammatical mistakes mature ladies and young girls who are willing for chatting hangouts phone sex straight performance and advice. kindly come forward and mail me I am submitting a Story, which happened a few months back when I was returning to Chennai from Madurai in Train.This time also I went to Madurai and returning to Chennai in a unreserved...
Hello friends I am Shivang back with another story. I got great positive responses for my previous story- “Sex With My Sexy Dadi”. Thanks a lot for that. The encouragement probed me to share my 2nd story. For those who don’t know me I am Shivang 21 years old male from Mumbai. Any women of any age can contact me at Complete privacy is ensured!! Well let’s move to the story. Also I would like to tell you all this is a rough and rash sex story with plenty of bad words and harsh language so it’s...
Hi I am Arun. I’m 23 years old and I’m here to share with you my unexpected intercourse with my neighbour Kothai aunty. She is 38 years old and is a mother of 3 children-2 sons and a daughter. Her elder son is 14 years old. She is fair complexion, bit fat, broad arms and looks very cute and chubby. She always wears saree and I used to have a good long sight of her big boobs from a side on angle over her blouse. She has quite a lot fat content around her waist and it used to be really tempting...
I am Veer from Hyderabad once again. I would like to tell you about how my lust leads to having sex with my neighbour aunty. I like girls and aunties with big boobs a lot. Any aunties who are interested can reach me at I am residing in Amberpet 5 years ago. I have neighbour aunty by name Mamata(name changed). Her stats are 38-28-36. She always used to wear sarees at home. Her husband works for an FMCG company as a manager and he will be on tour for 7 days in a month. His office timings are 10...
I am sharing the my own story. I hope you will enjoy it and I will wait for your comments and feedback. Hi to all XHAMSTER readers! Till now I had sex with only one aunty living in my area few times, and I'm sharing my experience first time on XHAMSTER so please forgive me for any mistake. I'm now 18years of age and she is 28 years.This incident happened recently with me, I'm in higher secondary school living in Chennai. She is 28years old, married to a business man, having one boy age 4-5...
Hello friends, I am Andrew from Hyderabad this is my first story. I am going to narrate a real story which happened between me and my neighbour aunty. Coming to the story, I live in a small town in south India. I am 6 feet tall and have an average body. Next to my house, my beautiful aunty, the heroine of the story lives. Her husband is working as a software engineer in the city and so he comes rarely to the house. She has a kid who is of 7 years of age and goes to the school. And my aunty’s...
My name is Krishna and i am from Delhi. I am 18 and currently in the 11th standard busy in my studies. This story is about my neighbour aunt who has a large boobs compared to others. From outside only we can make out her size. To talk about me I am 6ft good looking working out person. I have a dick of 6in long and 2.5 in thick. so it is kind of normal. now I would like to directly go to the story mere ghar me jyadatar meri maa aur me hota hai aur mere papa dusre state me naukri karte hai. Main...
hi guys....My name is Veer, 23 yrs old n i m frm mumbai....As usual around 7 am in d morning i walked out of my house and was on stairs when i heard a noise of smebdy falling. To my surprize it ws Neelam aunty. Shes 56 yrs old bt trust me shez a bombshell. Her boobs r like watermelons. i tried to help her but she got u*********s. Taking advantage i slide my hand in her dress n squeezed her milk tanks. I swear guys they wer nthng soft than a cotton ball. n big like a musk melon.... hehehei felt...
Hello Indian sex stories readers… I am a regular reader of ISS and thought to share my experience with a sexy busty aunty who was initially tough to get in but then it was so normal for us.. And both our sex hunger was satisfied. Let me come to the story now.. I live in Ahmadabad and m a well educated, smart, handsome young boy, 24 yrs old.. We have a family of four.. My mom dad and sister.. We recently shifted our home to a society where came to be neighbour of a family of 3… A girl of my age...
I am arjun from hyderabad and this is true story. I’m doing my final btech and always busy with my projects. Well about me I’m 21 with 6 feet height fair looking and a friendly person.i had sex with my neighbour jyothi aunty. Wowww I never ever imagined that I would have sex with such a beautiful lady. During those days jyothi aunty family came to our apartment from delhi to our city. She was married lady, and had 2 children. Her Husband was a contractor and was such a shit. She was in her 30s...
This is a real incident which happened few weeks back… Myself siddu.. This is a story about how I got seduced by my neighbour aunty. I was new to that locality.. And there were no friends for me at that time.. I used to be alone in my house… Then one day this aunt was introduced by my mom to me saying that she is our neighbour and my friend jalaja (name changed)… She was perfect lady with some 32,26,34 size and a fair lady… With attractive look.. I was always attracted ti her and used to...
Hi friends this Chintu here from Bellary any aunties widows or girls looking for private sex chat or live sex or any relationship please contact me My Mail id: Coming to story ….. Maa pakka intlo kotha okka couple deggaru uncle emo Bidar work chestadu Mari aunty matrame ekkada chinna babu tho untundi uncle nellaki okkasari vastaru so aunty yepudu okkathe untundi ani telisindi okka roju aunty ke edo pani padi maa intiki vachindi nenu yevara ani chuste aunty red saree with black blouse lo undi...
I’m doing my final btech and always busy with my projects. Well about me I’m 21 with 6 feet height fair looking and a friendly person.i had sex with my neighbour jyothi aunty. Wowww I never ever imagined that I would have sex with such a beautiful lady.During those days jyothi aunty family came to our apartment from delhi to our city. She was married lady, and had 2 c***dren. Her Husband was a contractor and was such a shit. She was in her 30s and looked very beautiful, with big boobs, shaky...
Hi this is jai . From andhra pradesh coastal region… Well i am sharing u a true experience which is happened to me… A 3 months back……. I completed my graduation with some backlogs so waiting to write my supplys so waiting for them….As i am getting bore all the day.. I joined in the gym… And worked out.. Well in 2 minths itself i got a well grown body… Well heroine of the story is our neighbour aunty priya… As i am getting too bore all the day i used to watch t.V quite often to time pass… My mom...
Hi, readers, this is my first story but am reading the ISS for past five years. My name is Ramana 24 and is from Madurai. This is incident happened between me and aunty on our street. Her name is Sudha 38, married to a person who works in Dubai. As you know ladies get the sexual feeling more at this age. I met her at a gym in our area. I used to go the gym only after 9 am, as my business takes place only during the night. So only a few people will be at a gym. When I was doing a workout,...
IncestEmail me @ About me , am 25 years old , 5.7 feet tall , very fair , with well built body which many girls in my college went mad for ( may send you my pics or can have video chat if you suspect ) graduated from a top college in tamilnadu and now in decent job… Am from a reputed family from madurai so will maintain top secrecy for the sake of both ! Being expert in licking I had made girls squirting juices into face and made them moaning the fuck out of their brain ! Now coming into the story...
Hello everyone. I am back with my new story. This is a true incident about how I fucked my neighbour aunty. Let me describe her. She was in her mid-thirties and had a kid about 3 years old. So basically she is a milf. She moved into our apartment nearly 6 months ago and I had eyes on her since then. She had a fair complexion, long brown hair, beautiful face, nice and big eyes. She was pretty tall too (about 5 ft 7 in). And I forgot to mention her boobs and ass. Oh man, it gives me chills. Her...
I am a great fan of desi stories given in the section and got the interest to share mine experience also which i experienced some 6 months ago. These are the stories which made me get the aunty to fulfil my thrust of cunt. I hope you will enjoy this true experience. I am a middle class boy with the fair body. I have not given my name for some reason and also not given a name of the aunty involved in this story for some reason. In our neighbourhood there was one family of 3 members use to live....
IncestHi Indian sex stories users. My name is Ram Sundhar. My age is 27 years and coming to my description I am 5 feet 8 inches tall and fair in complexion. I live in Bangalore and my native is Hyderabad. And coming to the description of the heroin of the story my neighbour aunt,she is 45 of age and 5 feet 7 inch tall with milky huge boobs and huge tight ass. I currently live in Bangalore and I have done my schooling in Hyderabad had sexual desires since my childhood but unconsciously. We used to...
Hello indian sex stories dot net readers, this is raj Kumar age 22 from Mumbai had a 6.5-inch tool, I am a very avid reader of iss. I am penning down my real life sex experience with neighbour hood aunty. Please give me feedback at I live in Mumbai, there is a beautiful aunty with stats 34-28-36 to next our room. She lives along with her husband who is a workaholic (he goes at 8 am and comes 10 pm) and 12-year-old child. I am so descent and shy person, we have been neighbors from last 6...
Hi Indian sex stories readers, I am regular to this site nearly 4 to 5 years, I would like to share my true experience here. My age is 21 at that time and aunt age is 24 looking good gorgeous (34-30-32) she is maintaining her body with yoga and exercise.(we don’t want to share our name)she told me not to do that. Now I am working in bangalore. Coming to the sex story. It happened in 2014 when I was studying in my engineering college from Vellore .I had a crush on her for a long time once I...
Hi iss readers I am back with my second telugu sex story nenu me andari kosam e story ni telugu loki ravadam jarigindi idhi na life lo jarigina real story of course ipatiki kuda jarugutundi Na name telusu kada karthik and I am from tirupathi any unsatisfied housewifes auntys girls from tirupathi chittor nellore and banglore unte nannu contact cheyandi nenu mimalni evaru satisfy cheyalenantaga satisfy chesta na modda 8 inches untundi mimalni anni rakaluga satisfy chestanu nannu contact cheyandi ...
Hi guys and girls… I am from Tirune halwa city this is my first story in Indian sex stories and I ‘m not good in English so please forgive for my mistakes and give your feedback in the following mail id I wont to share my name. I like mid age aunties than girls because they had a matured body and structure. I am reading stories in last 4 years after reading the story I masturbate thinking that story it’s time for my story. Now coming to the story I am 22 slim and fair in color with 6.5 inch...
Hi ISS readers, this is my first story ( if its has any mistake mean please forgive me) in this story iam shared my real incident with yours. it was happend at my age of 18. Let me introduce about me Iam from chennai with my parents height-5’6 athletic body not so fair normal colour . I am Shiva (real name) studying diploma college 3yr at chennai. This story is about me and my neighbour aunty. she is 26 year old she had a 36D size milky white boobs with hard nipple and she had a well shaped...
hi this s kumar from hyderabad. i m now 21yrs of age. my mom is 40 now havin very gud breasts and ass. she s a sexy lady. my dad is working in singapore he comes twice in a year for 15 days vaccation.. so most of the time me and my mom only in home.. my mom talks with the others very casually. every one likes to talk with my mom. vegetable seller, gardner, neighbour uncle, etc etc. i didnt mind any.. while talkin with my mom every one enjoying her shapes.. i dont knw wheather my mom knowa that...
IncestHi, everybody, I am Vishal Patil from north Karnataka I am 18 years old just now I have completed PUC I have a huge cock 7 inches which wil satisfy anyone easily I am a good looking and I have an athelete body So let’s get into the story this is the real incident which happend with me Hamare ghar ke bagal mai ek family thi 8 saal se us family mai 6 members the aunty uncle nuke 2 bache aur uncle ke mom dad aunty ka age 35 wo bohut sexy uska colour brown hai aur kya gand hai uska size nahi pata...
Dear All, Nenu recent ga ee site choosanu. Konni stories chadivanu. Nenu nakunna oka experience share chesukovalanipinchindi. Na peru nandu, age 27, software engineer ga work chestunnanu. Inka story loki velte, 10 years back. Memu oka mini apartments lo unde vallam. Total 6 houses undevi, andaram kalisi melisi unde vallam. Ala oka intlo, anusha aunty valla family undedi. Ame sontha menamani marriage chesukundi. Age lo 17 years difference undi valla iddariki. Vallaki 11 years daughter and 8...
Hi, all this is Vicky raj from Chennai.I thank all for your comments on my previous story with my cousin.Those who doesn’t now about me, here it is I am 22 with a muscular body and 6 feet of height and a hard dick ready to fuck.I am doing my pg in a reputed college.My mail id is Comments are always welcomed.And my dear ladies, I am ready to make love with you so be free with me mail me.I am here to satisfy you. I thank iss team for making such a wonderful site to share my experience with you...
IncestHi mera nam Vicky hai. Mai Bhopal ka rehne wala hu. Maine aj tak kafi ladkiyo aur aunty ko choda hai. Mai iss ka bhut bada fan rha hu. Ab tak main kafi expert ho gya hu. Toh ab time na waste karte hue story pe ata hu ye story meri aur meri padosi Anjali aunty ki hai. Main ek average ladka hu. Meri aunty bhut hot thi koi bi uske boobs aur machlti gand dkh le toh chodne ka man kre. Wo aksar mere ghar aati thi mummy se milne. Jab bi wah ati mai bus uski gand aur boobs dkhta. Unka figure38,28,40...
Hello, everyone of indian sex stories dot net, I am Sam from Nagpur and I am 21 years old. I am in final year of engineering.I am fair and loves pussy licking. This story which I am going to tell you happened 3 months ago.If u liked the story u can give feedback on my email id I am explaining the story now in Hindi. Ye bat kuch 3 mahine pehle ki hai jab meri 6th-semester ki exams khatam hogyi thi. Mai abhi bhi virgin tha aur porn videos aur sex stories bhot padta tha issi karan se mujme sex...
Big greetings to everyone I am a viszzz lover of iss from past 6-8years, I stay at Hyderabad if anyone interested to safe and confidential sex you can mail me Every time I read stories here that encourage me to have sex with my neighbor. Here coming to my story I stay in Hyderabad in good apartments, recently to our beside new neighbors have came, when they are shifting them household items I first saw the aunt,I was stun to see such a gorgeous lady on our block that too beside my flat...
Hey my friends, Rahul here, with my first story on this website. I am 23 yrs old, 5 ft 9 inches tall, with an athletic kind of physique. My email id is I reside in Kochi ernakulam. So, coming to the story, there is an aunty living next door. She is around 48 yrs old, and very close to my mom and me. We used to be friendly with each other. She was a housewife, and after finishing all her daily chores, she used to come to our home and gossip with my mom. But she was a good lady from nature, i...
HI READERS, i am mahesh from bangalore. i am a grear fan of this website. i have been using this website from past one and half years. let me start with me. i am mahesh ( changed name) from bangalore , i am an working engineer . i am 5 feet 9 inch tall with 8 inch hard core dick. we live in a group house in bangalore. we have a neighbouring aunt her name is shylaja(changed name). she is medium in height and her structure is 36 28 36. her boob size is 36d. i know her from ten years she is of...
Incesthi i am nikil this is true story when I am of around 18 years of age. The place where I live is bangalore and in my neighboring flat I have this beautiful aunty. Her name is Surekha, 35 years and a sexy lady with a nice figure of 36C-30-38. She is a housewife. She was really gifted with an inviting and voluptuous body. In addition, her assets were pink lips, black wide-open eyes, black long soft & silky hair, a round large deep cut navel and a milky white physique, which are able to drive any...
Hello Friends,I am writing my new experience which in encountered with my new neighbour during this lockdown.I'm Akash working as an software professional in bangalore this incident… Hello Friends,I am writing my new experience which in encountered with my new neighbour during this lockdown.I'm Akash working as an software professional in bangalore this incident took place few days back with my hot neighbour her name is savitha aged around 32 yrs very fair with dickraising asset 34-32-34...
IncestHello guys, It’s me Chethan I am back with my awesome experience I have shared my two other stories already and my email id is So this time my experience is about how I fucked my neighbour aunty of 36 ages. Solet me tell you about this awesome lady that I fucked, her name is Arpita, she has a good height of 5’8 and amazingly huge boobs and her complexion is brown and very smooth skin with big smooth lips. She always used to wear trendy salwar kameez but they always used to be tight on her...
This incident happened when I was going to college for the first year. I had moved to a new locality. In the neighbour flat opposite to our balcony i happened to see a beautiful aunt around mid 30s bit mature in looks with nice fleshy hips of around 70kgs in weight. She used to live alone as her husband is working in north and she had one year old son. I used to smile at her whenever she used to come to the balcony of her apartment to dry her washed clothes. And she used to give a cute smile at...
Hi everyone of indian sex stories dot net, my name is Vicky and I am from Kerala.Since thi s is my first story, forgive me for any mistakes. Hope everyone likes this story. Coming to the story. This happened last month when I went to my hometown for holidays.We live in a rented house. We live downstairs and at the top, a family has occupied. They recently shifted to this new pla ce. That family consists of an uncle, aunt, and their 6-year son. Uncle works in an American company and once in a...
Hi horny site viewers.This is sanjay from hyderabad,29yrs.I like sex stories very much.But I think most of those stories are not true.But this is a true incident in my life and it is a sweet memory.I was deeply attracted by sex when is was studying in degree std.I always fantasy about my neibourhood aunty.Her name is visali.She lives in the ground floor.My family is in 2nd floor.we are living in this flat for more than 10 years.She is a close friend of my mom,since they both are housewifes.They...
Hello to all the ISS readers.This is my first story on iss platform and my first ever sex experience.Myself I stand 5.10 tall with a 6.5inch tool,I’m not too built but have a stamina to last long which I discovered in recent times.I’m from Hyderabad currently residing in Bangalore.I’m 19 year old. Without wasting much time let me start with the story all the boys get ready to shag and all the woman in the house keep your fingers ready. This incident took place in January of this year.Since...
im a 20year old boy residing in bangalore next to my house there were couples who had a 5 year old daughter..the aunty was 38 yrs very sexy seducing i had a horny feeling on her her name was sangeetha days passed on she was staring at me i also didnt take it seriously as days went she became a good family day she slipped and sprained her hips..i went to visit her to ask how was she feeling..she invited me to come in she was a perfect structured aunty i was always seeing...
Hey, guys, this is raghu, this my first story on iss ..I’m good looking, having a 6.5-inch dick pleasurable for any woman..My neighbour aunt is Nisha(name changed), she has very good assets of 34-28-36 Which would drive any men crazy.She always used come to my home to talk with my mom and they were close. I used to watch her while moving around ,her ass was soo good that I always wished to spank it ,and when ever she bends I never miss to watch her navel which would give me an immediate hard...
Hi, I am vihar age 22 works in a software company in Hyderabad. I completed my b.Tech recently and placed in a company. I am a good looking and maintains my body through regular exercise. Any girls or aunties interested can contact me through email it will be private. Coming to the story I live in an apartment where a beautiful aunty Sneha ( name changed) lives as a neighbor. Her stats are 34 25 36 and she has a long silky hair till her ass.She was the beautiful lady in our flats and her age...
Hi,Now am 27, and as a call boy, let me tell you how I entered this proffession in tamil.Enga family north india le irundu tamil natuku business pann vandu 200 years agudu and ippo nanum tamil natu karan aiten, nan 2000 le madurai le kk nagar le irukkura collegel le BA padichutu irunden, appo enakku oru nall friend alagar nu peru, avanga family le ellorum nalla karuppa iruppanga, avan tevar veetu aalu, avan veetuku adikadi poven. Nanga 2nd year padichutu irukurapa tideernu avan college ku 1...
Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a new story. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all varieties of...
Hi friends, I am back with my another real story.thanks giving me a feedback to my first let’s tell about me.because i forgot to tell that in my previous story. About me: My name moorthi.I am little very slim and very athletic.i have 8 inch big size cock,because i like to masturbate daily.and after my first sex with my school teacher i dont like to masturbate because when i feel horny i can call to my teacher and had fun with her. About her: She is very lean with less amount...
IncestHi all am excited to post my story here. Am a regular reader of iss..But I didn’t expect that I gonna submit my own story here. Thank you Indian Sex Stories you made my dream come true. Let’s start with introduction..Am raj 22yrs old and angel of the story is Prathiba 34yrs old.Am staying in Bangalore.Am staying in a room with my friends.. Let’s start the story. All guys keep your shaft ready gals keep your fingers near honey hole.I use to read iss regularly and use to masturbate daily.It used...
IncestHi readers, this is RAHAMATHULLAH from Coimbatore. I am a regular reader of ISS stories. Please send me comments about the story. Thank you for reading my experience – I want to share my most awaited sexual experience with a 39 year old neighbor. It happened almost 1 years before, when I am doing my masters degree. That time I am doing my masters degree at Chennai. I use to come to kovai for every college vacation and festivals. I use to have my own room in my house just at entrance of my...
Hi, I’m Sidharth(name changed). I live in kerala and this happened while I was in 12th but i was 18 at the time. To tell about my neighbour aunty, she was short, around mid 30’s, had 34b round boobs. It was the end of the year when we planned to shift our house, my relationship with her was quite good until that day. She had two children, elder one was one year younger than me. That day me along with my family had to go to my new house early in the morning for pooja, pooja lasted till 8 am...
hi guys I’m Rahul aged 24 living alone in chennai my parents are staying in my native, I’m doing my masters, this is my first story so please forgive me for any mistakes. story which I’m gonna narrate is about my neighboring aunty she is Anitha, aged 30 and her husband died 4years before and she is having a school going daughter 4th standard. about anitha aunty she is fair good looking, to say about her asserts 34 30 36…. In my apartment 6 houses in that only my house is a bachelor house i...
Hello, everybody of indian sex stories dot net, this is ajnas from Kochi in Kerala. I am 5.7 feet good in physique with a 6.5-inch tool. This is my first story, so kindly send your feedback on Here I am going to narrate a story how I fucked my neighbor aunty. This incident happened 5 years before as I was on my last year in college. My home was just 10 km away from my engineering college. So first three years I was coming to college from my home only. Due to the project and other works in the...
Hey Indian Sex Stories dot net Readers I’m Alex from mumbai, to describe my story which happened on 25th January 2017, with the lady which lives in my building but different wing. I will narrat this story in hindi so you guys can enjoy it even more. Because I know most of you guys love sex stories in Hindi , this story migth be quite long but it’s worth of your Cum.If you want to chat with me you can contact me on KIK: alex_iss7 or mail me : here it starts.. Mera Naam Alex hai aur Main...
I live in Bangalore. I live in a place where most it companies are near to my place Coming to the story this happened before few days before and before that aunty and I had many encounters like she used to show cleavage and has rubbed her ass while passing near by On that day it was Sunday I was on terrace busy on phone Aunty came to hang her clothes to dry and while doing that she gave me smile when I looked at her and she bent down there was nothing on her body except gown I saw her...
Hi friends. This is a sex story of my sexy neighbor aunt and me, in an hard fuck. This thing happened went I was studying 12 standard in school, at that age I try to fuck and any aged girl. About heroine of story, she is tall and perfect figure and slim too. Her age is 32 and looking like an school girl. But bad thing is she is married and good is she didn’t have child. Her husband want to skip for some years, so she is fresh to get fuck . Many men’s try to talk afair with her but she didn’t...
Hello friends I’m Jeet from Bangalore. I’m 26 years old 6 ft tall with a good body having 5.5 inch sized penis. After reading so many stories i thought of publishing my sex story which I had encountered with my neighbourhood aunt. My neighbourhood aunt name is Tara who was around 28 yrs of age. She was having average height of 5 ft 4 inches normally every woman will be and has very good assets both boobs and her ass. If you guys want direct action you can skip first four paragraphs. My mail id...
Hi, guys, my name is Karthick and am 24 living in Chennai. Basically, I am a dancer and just now completed my engineering. So coming to the story her name is Priya 28, 5’6inches and have a sexy silky skin,very fair complexion. Her size is 34 32 34 isn’t it nice. Her husband is working in Canada.Recently we have shifted into a new apartment where there are 14 flats. I don’t have any friends in the new place so I always stayed in the home. We are on the second floor where there is my Priya aunty...