Michael s Prom Night A Chrissie Conway Story
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WHEN RENE CALLS Chapter One I first met Rene at an Art Museum Benefit. I aware of it at the time but Rene was the guest of honor as a result of his impendinglarge donation to the museum's endowment fund. The reception and cocktail party was to be the event at which he was expectedto announce his considerable gift. I had been invited to attend the gathering in appreciation for my...
When Rene Calls Chapter One I first met Rene at an Art Museum Benefit. I aware of it at the time but Rene was the guest of honor as a result of his impendinglarge donation to the museum's endowment fund. The reception and cocktail party was to be the event at which he was expectedto announce his considerable gift. I had been invited to attend the gathering in appreciation for my considerably less extravagant donation. Whenever I have occasion to...
The Pre-Nup Agreement Several years ago one of Kellys' friends had a brother who was getting married in Reno and a bunch of us girls decided we would all get together for a wild weekend reunion. I unfortunately had several of my regular clients to seeon Thursday and Friday afternoon and wouldn't be able to depart for Reno until early Friday evening. Needless to say bythe time I arrived the ladies were already in a crazy celebratory mood. I'd had several drinks on the flight so I wasn't...
Chapter Three In less than another 10 minutes I felt the car beginning to slow down and we made a number of sharp turns. Finally the Rolls came to a stopand I could detect the sound of a large gate opening automatically. The Rolls once again began to move but much slower this time. We sloweddown once again I heard what sounded like a garage door opening. Charles directed the automobile into the garage and I heard the door begin toclose. I attempted to exit the Rolls but the rear...
Rene and Me I recently wrote of my introduction and first encounter with Rene. At this time I would like to expand upon my relationshipwith Rene and reveal certain details related to how the relationship evolved. When I first met Rene that night at the museum benefit I must admit I was instantly attracted to him. At the time I was finding ita little difficult to make enough money to support my somewhat lavish lifestyle which seems to grow more costly every minute.Up to this point I had yet to...
Chrissie by c.w. cobblestone BOOK ONE "Mrs. Martin" Part I My right leg had a mind of its own. Rebecca frowned. "Why you keep bouncing like that? What's wrong with you?" "Um, I ... I ... nothing." "Bullshit, nothing. Something's up; you been acting weird ever since we got back from Paris. What the hell's going on, Chris?" I balled my fists. Clenched my jaw. Closed my eyes. Drew a breath. Took the plunge. "Okay. Okay. It's just ... well, now that we're...
A Bad Girl to Good Boy Story: Chrissie to Chris to Christopher By Trapper Jock McIntyre Chrissie Latham sat pouting as the Greyhound bus trundled down the highway. As she stared out the window she had a hard time imagining anything like what she was seeing. There were no malls, no McDonalds, no nothing. Just miles and miles of wheat and corn and cows. She couldn't imagine what she had done to deserve such a fate. She was being banished from her friends, from shopping, from...
Chrissie picked up the post off the doormat after a hard day's work - Monday always seemed a tiring day after the weekend. She dropped it onto the worktop in the kitchen and thought, oh no, not more bills. She took her coat off and put the kettle on to make herself a refreshing cup of tea. The tea soon brewed and she grabbed the post and flicked through the envelopes realising that most of them were just junk mail, then surprisingly she saw a hand written one. It was just addressed to Chrissie,...
All this started almost incidentally at the end of a perfect evening when I was feeling especially wild. It was a beautiful spring night and my wife, Chrissie, and I had gone to a great engagement party for a friend who was marrying for the third time. The pavilion in the park where the party was held was beautiful and romantically lit. Many old friends were there. The band was terrific and we danced until the wee hours, drinking a great deal of expensive champagne. We let the top down on the...
BOOK FIVE "Boss Mommy" Part LCV A stubborn fleck of red polish remained stuck to Rebecca's big toenail, and as I tried to figure out how to remove it without pushing too hard, my mistress's shrill ringtone shattered my concentration. Rebecca answered the phone with a smile. From my position at her feet, I eavesdropped on her t?te-?-t?te. "Hey, Ma. How you doin'? ... that's good. Oh, yeah, she's great ... no, she don't get home from school till about 3 ... yeah, I know, I can't...
APRE MOI LES DELUGE (aka CHRISSIE) by TOXIS "CALL 911! CALL 911!!" "What are you talk..." Barbara looked up at Chris. His face was frantic, chalk white and he was soaked. Soaked to the skin,wringing wet. "DAMMIT, BARBIE, CALL GODDAMN 911!" Chris screamed at her. "A fucking pipe just ruptured in the ceiling and we're losing all the new inventory, stacks, shipments, and all the reserve printing stock. Every fucking thing is going!" Barbara - she really hated the way...
"Chrissie" Part XXXVI by c.w. cobblestone My pity party was interrupted by the rattling of the front door, followed by a startled feminine gasp. Rebecca crept into view, her hand covering her mouth. "OMG, Chrissie, what the hell happened?" Through tears, I peered at her from my curled-up position on the living room floor, right where Karl and Randy had left me. A low moan escaped my throat. My angel pouted. "Aw, poor thing. They really did a number on you, huh?" I sobbed...
She dropped her racquet to the floor and fixing her gaze on me, lifted up her skirt to reveal no panties and a gorgeous landing strip blonde minge. To say I was gobsmacked was an understatement. It's not that I haven't been thinking of her in this way, I have for weeks, months even, it's just I hadn't envisioned it happening like this.“What are you doing?” I mutter.“Do I need to spell it out to you? I want you, Ian. I want you to take me and fuck me now.”“What! Here?”“ Look around Ian. There's...
VoyeurPerhaps it was sleeping in Tom's bed, in his boat, with his things and his scent around her, or perhaps it was just that it was late and she was tired, physically, mentally and emotionally, but she slept quite well and breakfasted on tea, toast and fruit juice (remembering to turn the gas off when she'd finished, something Tom had drummed into her in the past). Leaving Maldon mid-morning she arrived at Trudy's at mid-day. She was welcomed into the house and surprised by a warm...
They'd moved in the night and Tom was on his back, with Chrissie half on top of him, her breasts squashed against him, her hand on his penis. When she woke, though, she moved her hand away and instead caressed his chest. When Tom surfaced, he was aware of her head near his face, her body pressed against his and her hand gently stroking his chest. She looked up at him. "It's so beautiful sleeping with you like this. I mean, I've slept better the last couple of nights than for ... I don't...
When Chrissie woke in the morning, it took her a noticeable period of time to work out where she was. She felt comfortable and safe, but the scent in her nostrils wasn't Tom's combination of male, simple shampoo and a lingering hint of tar, but feminine, with overtones of cigarette smoke, alcohol and ... apple? The latter was difficult to discern, but Alison was warm and lithe in her arms. She shifted, wanting to get out of bed to relieve herself and Alison stirred and wrapped herself...
"Chrissie" Part XLIII by c.w. cobblestone Ron held the door open, leering at me. As I slipped past him into the garage office lugging a case of transmission fluid, he slapped me on the ass and started pawing my butt-cheeks. "We're gonna have us some fun today, Chrissie. I been a'waitin' a long time for this -- and you can bet your sexy little ass I'm getting my fifty bucks' worth." I had no earthly idea what he was talking about and couldn't ask, since I was forbidden to speak...
Chrissie’s High School ReunionWhen the announcement arrived in the mail notifying Kelly and I that our High School graduating class was organizing a ten year reunion we spent that entire evening discussing the pros and cons of attending. I was fairly certain that I wasn’t interesting in attending but Kelly insisting on listing all the reasons why she felt we should attend.She was interested in going because she wanted to make passes at all the “stuck-up bitches” that pissed her off in high...
CHRISSIE GOES HOUSE HUNTINGWhen I casually mentioned to one of clients during a session that I was toying with the idea of perhaps buying a houseand renting out my condo he needlessly took the time to remind that he owned one of the largest realty offices intown. It must a salesman thing, not being able to leave business behind for an hour or two. You're no doubt thinking to yourself "Hold on there Chrissie, don't forget you're a bit of salesperson yourself. After all your sellingyour body to...
Chrissie half woke in the wee small hours, reached for Tom and whimpered when her hand found empty space. Surfacing a little further, she remembered Tom saying he was going; she clasped her hands together in front of her face ... and prayed, feeling as she did so the ring on her finger; comforted, she dropped off to sleep again, fingers of her right hand on the ring. At about the same time, Tom was piloting a barge with about six hundred tons of aggregate on board down the Colne from...
"Chrissie" Part IIIVII by c.w. cobblestone Gina spun me around in the salon chair until I was facing Rebecca. My mistress smiled. "Perfect," she said. "Tight little curls, just like a little doll. And I love them green-and-red tips. All ready for the party. You're an artist, girl." "Well, thanks." Gina waved her hand at the salon floor. "Since he's here already, does he have time to clean up a little? We were pretty busy today and we probably shouldn't wait till the morning to...
"Chrissie" Part XXXIX by c.w. cobblestone My eyes were open but I saw only swirling blackness. My master's voice, on the other hand, was loud and clear, even at a whisper. "Chrissie. Wake up." He nudged me with his toe a second time. "Go to the living room." I dragged myself off the floor and limped after Karl as he strode out of my bedroom. I knew the drill: my master was horny and Rebecca still hadn't recovered from giving birth, so it was going to be up to me to fulfill his...
The Football Jock and ChrissieBack in college, sharing an apartment with my BFF/roommate Kelly, a lot of my dates and hook-ups were arranged by Kelly. For some reason she always seemed to know just who was into what when it came to sex. She learned a lot about other people’s likes and dislikes from hanging with her lesbian crowd. She was also super inquisitive and fancied herself as somewhat of an amateur detective. I just thought she was nosy. It was 1998, the middle of our junior year, and I...
It takes time to even load the luggage and instruments for an eighty piece orchestra, then to drive two coaches across London to the M25 and south-west to Portsmouth. It should be less than a two hour drive, but that doesn't take into account London and the M25. So the young people ate sandwiches and fruit on the move and arrived in Portsmouth at their hotel mid afternoon. Their programme for Portsmouth included selections from opera including Merry Widow and Butterfly. Incidentally, did...
"Chrissie" Part XL by c.w. cobblestone Gina gave Taylor a smooch before passing her to Katie, who showered the baby with a new batch of kisses while Rebecca looked on with a mommy's proud smile. Katie bounced the giggling infant on her knee. "You are so cuuuuuute, you know that? Little cutie wootie?" While Katie played with the baby, Gina held out her wine glass, which I hurried to refill before resuming my serving post. I watched Katie having fun with Taylor and got caught up in...
Interest in this story appears to have waned, so this is definitely the final part of Book Four, and probably the end of the "Chrissie" saga altogether, unless enough folks want the series to continue. "Chrissie" Part XLIV by c.w. cobblestone Rebecca and Karl both did doubletakes when I stumbled through the front door. My angel covered her mouth with her hand. "OMG, Chrissie, what happened to you?" I had to brace myself against the doorjamb to stay upright. "Um ... it was...
Chrissie, Rene and Charles I’ve told you previously how I met Rene and how he would, with short notice, send Charles, his driver, to call for me and transport me to his estate. The journey to his home was always very secretive. I would travel in a Rolls Royce Silver cloud with darkened windows and often blindfolded. Charles always in the front seat sequestered behind a privacy partition while I sat alone in the rear seat. My instructions as to how I was to dress and behave during the ride were...
Tom was the first up; in grubby jeans and t-shirt he ate a quick breakfast before boarding Reminder to tidy up some loose ends he would normally have dealt with the previous evening. So when Chrissie arrived, having risen, eaten a cooked breakfast and dressed with care, she didn't find him on board 'Peewit', his yacht. It didn't take much effort to deduce where he was and she picked her way across the decks of SBs Wivenhoe and Xylonite to reach Reminder. He looked up from his labours and...
"Chrissie" Part XXXV by c.w. cobblestone Karl winked at me and squeezed his cock. "Mornin' Princess." I served him coffee in bed. "Um, good morning, sir. Good morning, Mrs. Martin." Rebecca blew on her steaming mug. "Good morning, Chrissie. How's your butt?" "Uh, it ... it hurts real bad, Mrs. Martin." Karl scoffed. "Oh, quit your bitching. We seen how much you loved it last night -- fuckin' little sissy." "You squirted everywhere, Chrissie!" my angel snickered. "It...
ALBANIAN SADICS PIMPS(for the illustrated part go to my website (blog) or google : Maria Proco )The brothels.Clans of Albania, criminals who have exploited the tragic misery of their own people have created an entire underworld regime, a nexus of pimps, traffickers and enforcers. There is now a pattern of pimping on a wide scale in some ethnic Albanian communities: If a man can afford to buy one, two or three girls, why should he work? That is the attitude among a number of people from the...
Chrissie Learns A Harsh Lesson (The Conclusion) My arms were stretched straight up over my head, metal handcuffs circled my wrists and were tied to a metal ring that had been embedded in the ceiling. The rope which was hoisting me up left me suspended from the ceiling in such a mannerthat only the toes of my black 4 inch heels touched the floor. The hard metal of the handcuffs cut into the skin of my wrists and a burning ache traveled through the muscles in my arms and shoulders. I felt...
Okay, a lot of these stories start out with a cliché, it goes something like this: I came home from work and there was a strange car in the driveway. Well shit, it does happen like that a lot. And my story does have some of that in it, but it's just a tad different. It's different because Chrissie loves me, and will do whatever it takes to protect me, no matter what. Maybe I should start at the beginning. Well the recent beginning anyway. My name is Tim Matthews. I work in IT at a mid sized...
Tom woke before dawn. It may have been the piping of the waders poking around in the mud next to his little yacht or the lapping of the rising tide, but that is unlikely. He looked at his watch in the half-light. Ten to five ... or as he thought of it, 'oh four fifty'. He crawled out of the oddly-shaped berth in the fo'c'sle of his small, elderly yacht. ('She may be old, but she's sound and she's mine, ' he'd say.) He pulled on a pair of jeans and some deck-shoes, picked up a towel,...
Chrissie Learns A Harsh Lesson Part 3 On Sunday morning, the day after I'd received the surprise gift of a classic copy of the De Sade book I awokearound 8:30 in the morning with the best of intentions to pack my clothes and be ready to board the dreaded planethat would take me back across the country. When I picked up the book in preparation to packing it away with the rest of my belongs i was overcome with thedesire to phone the bookstore. Perhaps they were open on Sunday, after all what...
Chapter 2 Chrissie becomes a sissy It was Friday morning and I was sitting in the doctor's surgery waiting to be administered my weekly dose of oestrogen and my three month shot of Depo-Provera, which is the drug which chemically castrates me. I have been on Depo-Provera for the last three years and I could tell the last dose was wearing off as my mind was increasingly focused on submissive sexual fantasies. Nevertheless, Friday is my favourite day because I have begun to view the...
Chrissie had not slept well, her rest disturbed by her thoughts whilst awake and her dreams whilst asleep; dreams revisiting her life between the death of her parents and her adoption by the Yeomans. Not the positive parts, not Tom, or Jessica, Dave and Alison; not Amy or John ... but the rapes, the humiliation, being treated as an object, not a person. Once more, she woke with the first light and made her way downstairs to make coffee and toast. Not that she really felt hungry, rather that...
Chapter 17Chrissie sees Magic Mike againIt's difficult making polite conversation with a guy whose wife is quiteobviously getting drilled by someone else in the room directly above butI've got firsthand experience being cuckolded and it's happened rightbefore my eyes a few times. Furthermore, the Australian I was sharing asofa with had married my mother and any man who did that with his eyeswide open would know how unlikely it would be that she would remainfaithful. Nevertheless, I did have...
Chapter 17 Chrissie sees Magic Mike again It's difficult making polite conversation with a guy whose wife is quite obviously getting drilled by someone else in the room directly above but I've got firsthand experience being cuckolded and it's happened right before my eyes a few times. Furthermore, the Australian I was sharing a sofa with had married my mother and any man who did that with his eyes wide open would know how unlikely it would be that she would remain faithful....
Goes to College By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - I am Chrissie Ever since I can remember, I wanted to look pretty. My Mom named me Christopher and for a while, we all pretended that I was like other boys. But I wasn't. Mom understood my need to look way prettier than other boys. So from the ages of five to nine, she dressed me in the most lovely boy's things in the world. Pretty colors like lilac and pink and aqua. Short pants with ruffles and lace. Little, white,...
"Chrissie" Part XLII by c.w. cobblestone Twisting to and fro so that I could see my backside in the guest bathroom mirror, I shivered in horror at the dozens of purplish welts covering my buttocks and the backs of my thighs. The entire area throbbed with pain, although it was nothing compared to the sense of betrayal churning my guts. Since giving birth, Rebecca's interactions with others had seemed normal enough, but when it came to me, everything I did pissed her off. I knew it...
Brad and Chrissie and the LaundryIt’s amazing how much fun you can get into when you use the laundry roomIn our apartment building. Let me tell you about one Saturday morning when I was busily doing a couple of weeks worth of laundry. I was all alone in the laundry room and waiting for the dryers to stop so I could retrieve my garments. There was one other dryer being used but no one was presently there watching it. It’s always so damned hot in the laundry so I was wearing just a t shirt and...
"I can't wait to try out my new friend," said Beth waving her new dildo as she headed for her bed. "Amy, will you show me how to use this," said Chrissie. "Sure. Take off your panties and spread your legs." Chrissie had her panties off in a flash. Amy could see how swollen her lips were with a little moisture seeping out. "I think you might need a little of this, at least the first time," said Amy rubbing a little of the lube around the head of the dildo. She gave the dildo to...
Black penises were a part of psychological landscape of the white sex slaves life in the black pimps brothels. All the slaves were being forced to worship the big, black dick at least 50 times a day.Can you imagine how many times these girls must have been ****d if they were turned into whores when they were just 18 — hundreds of thousands of times by age 40.Over and over she had to take one cock after another in her vagina,ars and mouth.When they had done the deed, more men showed up in and...
A few years ago a friend of mine was suddenly called out of town and asked me if I wouldn’t mind stopping in at his house and feeding his cat while he was away. Since his home was conveniently located on my usual daily route between my condo and current office I figured it would be relatively easy to attend to this simple task for him. I mean what are friends for if you can’t ask them to mildly inconvenience themselves once in awhile. He told me he’d likely only be away for no more than five...
Since all of my clients are referals many of them know each other and in fact some are very close friends. There is a particulargroup of them, four guys to be exact, who arrange a hunting trip each fall. The one guy, Brady, owns some wooded property near the mountains.The property has a semi rustic three bedroom cabin situated on it. I say semi rustic because it does have running water, electricity, and propane heat. The hunting trip is usually a one week affair but a few years ago they could...
Chapter 19 Chrissie gets deballed I am just about to undergo a gonadectomy or more specifically an orchiectomy or, as Kate would simply say, I am getting deballed this evening. On my back on a surgical table with my legs splayed and my feet planted in raised stirrups, at the end of the table I can see the doctor, Kate and Tracie discussing my fate as if I wasn't in the same room. "I want the bottom of his penis to smoothly come out of his skin like it does on the top," Kate said...
In the way of a sailor, Tom was almost instantly awake with the bleep of his alarm, but took a few moments to revel in the presence of the woman he ... yes ... loved, and wanted to spend his life with. Somehow, though, he wasn't ready to ask her for that ultimate commitment despite her apparent willingness to offer it. Gently, he extricated his arm and slid down and out of the bunk. Chrissie made a sort of mewling sound and her hand groped for him, but he was gone. She fought her way to...
"Chrissie," Part XLI by c.w. cobblestone The carpet was covered with dark streaks thanks to Karl, who couldn't be bothered to remove his shoes after he came in from the pouring rain. I gasped when I saw the trail of muddy footprints leading from the front door to the refrigerator to the couch, where he'd apparently kicked off his dirty sneakers and enjoyed a piece of apple pie, judging from the plate he left on the table, which was covered in piecrust crumbs. I'd just returned...
Chrissie was sitting in the kitchen with her two friends, sipping her coffee and swapping ‘crap husband’ stories. “He’s always so bloody tired.” moaned Wendy, “He gets home, eats his dinner and then falls asleep in front of the television. And when we go to bed I don’t even get a cuddle, let alone a good, hard shag.” “Tell me about it!” chipped in Marie. “My hubbie hasn’t given me a good night in ages. I’m beginning to think he’s forgotten about sex.” Chrissie sipped her coffee and smiled....
Chapter 8Chrissie Learns to ServeThe weekend was a blur as the overdose of hormones rushed through mybody. The nurse in the clinic I visit every week obviously had a big envything going on with Helen, my doctor and the woman I have devoted myselfto. Instead of my normal dose of oestrogen she took advantage of Helen'sabsence and hiked up the treatment considerably, threatening to reporther to the medical board if I ever revealed what she had done to me. Ihad no choice but to accept my fate and...
Chrissie, Rene and Jean I hope you’ve enjoyed the stories I’ve already related to you concerning my adventures with Rene. I’ve told you of his insatiable love of S/M and bondage. I’ve also told you a tale of my relationship with Charles, his driver. Now I’d like to relate the details of an encounter with Rene which occurred near the end of our nearly 2 year involvement. Charles and the Rolls Royce Silver Cloud called for me at my condo the same as he had so many times previously. I must point...
Chapter 8 Chrissie Learns to Serve The weekend was a blur as the overdose of hormones rushed through my body. The nurse in the clinic I visit every week obviously had a big envy thing going on with Helen, my doctor and the woman I have devoted myself to. Instead of my normal dose of oestrogen she took advantage of Helen's absence and hiked up the treatment considerably, threatening to report her to the medical board if I ever revealed what she had done to me. I had no choice but to...
When Chrissie awoke on Sunday morning, the euphoria of the previous evening had largely worn off. For eight years she'd successfully sublimated the drives, the needs she'd had when she and Tom had been together, but the brief contact they'd enjoyed (and that was precisely the right word, despite the unsettling nature of the experience) had reawakened her sexuality. As a result, after dressing and breakfast, as the young musicians boarded the coaches on the way to Birmingham, she didn't...
FRIDAY — LATE JUNE "God, why does your whole family think they have a right to move in with us every summer?" Dwayne complained through a mouth stuffed full of food. He looked closer to fifty than his actual thirty-five years did my fat, balding husband. Watching his jaws chewing like a cow's cud I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to the thin, funny boy I had fallen in love with so long ago. "Daddy owns the farm, or have you forgotten?" I asked sarcastically. "Remember, he...
Chapter 18Chrissie looks forward to getting deballedKate and I watched the video of Magic Mike in bed later that night or tobe more accurate, Kate watched the video on her laptop while I licked herwell used pussy. I could sense that she was having a hormonal rush at thesame time my careful attention brought her to an orgasm.It is strange having a relationship with a woman I'll never be able tohave sex with, particularly when sex is her livelihood. I know Kate hasbeen a hooker for ten years and...
Chrissie Goes To Camp Part 2I dealt the cards and after each guy took his draw and discarded they threw in there cards and Brady had won the first hand with a pair of eights. I leaned back in my chair and extended my right leg upon the table top. Bradyunbuckled the strap of my sandal and slipped it off my foot. before I could retract my leg he wrapped his fingersaround my ankle and proceeded to suck each of my toes in turn. The rest of the guys let out whistles and catcallsand I closed my eyes...
My room mate and oldest friend Kelly found ourselves with a four day summer weekend and so Kelly decided to rent us a cabin on the lake. We invited a couple of Kellys’s lesbian sorority sisters to join us but they wouldn’t be arriving until the next day.We packed the car, loaded the cooler, rolled a few joints and set out around 11AM on a gorgeous Friday morning. Whenever we travel by car Kelly has to drive. I believe that it’s all a part of her dominant lesbian personality. When we’re...
Chapter 18 Chrissie looks forward to getting deballed Kate and I watched the video of Magic Mike in bed later that night or to be more accurate, Kate watched the video on her laptop while I licked her well used pussy. I could sense that she was having a hormonal rush at the same time my careful attention brought her to an orgasm. It is strange having a relationship with a woman I'll never be able to have sex with, particularly when sex is her livelihood. I know Kate has been a...