Brought To Heel 2 free porn video

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Brought to Heel 2

Tom was bored. The shops had all shut and he had a long night shift ahead of him. He had received a call from the Manager 10 minutes ago to inform him that Ron, his shift mate, had called in sick and that he would need to do the duty on his own.

The night shifts where bad enough when there were 2 of you but on your own they were a dull and boring trudge. On the day shift you could at least use the extensive CCTV to follow pretty women around the shopping centre, zooming in where an inviting view was offered; but at night, when the place was empty there was no such light relief.

David , the area manager for one of the shoe outlets had told him that he would be working late and would need to be let out of the staff entrance later but he would call when he was ready. In the meantime, Tom decided to do a quick perimeter check to satisfy himself that the place was all properly locked up and secure.

While doing that he noticed that there were three cars left in the car park. He recognised David's Mercedes as he was a regular here and his own battered Polo was round the side but there was also a rather nice, if rather old, BMW 3 series convertible too. What he liked to call a "hair dressers ride". Probably a middle aged housewife or a gay man; if he was lucky it would be the former and hopefully a MILF - he would have to keep an eye on it with the external TV cameras and see which it was.

It was probably someone visiting one of the stand alone units at the other side of the car park, there were a few cars over there and some of the units looked open still.

Tom returned to the security control room and settled himself into the padded and comfortable chair in front of the bank of CCTV screens. The chair was the only luxury in this job. Ergonomically designed for maximum comfort, after all it was occupied 24/7 so had to make a positive contribution to concentration.

For all of that, Tom only just fitted in it. I should explain. Tom was big, not fat, obese big but built. He was 6'6", muscular maybe even a bit muscle bound. Security was a natural career for him, he had been a bouncer but found that the worst yobs, when alcohol fuelled, tended to pick him out for fights and that was really not his thing.

Tom was the archetypal gentle giant. Massive but mild and even tempered.

Once settled in the chair, really more like squeezed into the chair, Tom did a quick scan of the Mall hallways, deftly flicking the joystick that controlled the camera selection, panned and zoomed them and even triggered the recording mode (important if they thought they were onto a lifter).

Nothing doing, no one anywhere, not even a cleaner, just empty halls and shops with their shutters down.

Then he remembered David, the Area Manager working late. He flicker the controller and moved to a view of the service corridor, less coverage here but still enough to do a quick scan and satisfy himself that David was not here. He must be still in his store.

The company that David worked for was a recent tenant, they had only been in this Mall for about 3 months. The unit was previously occupied by a geeky games shop - PS3, X- Box all that stuff. They had real issues with staff theft - apparently those spotty teenaged staff were so into their games that they could not keep their hands off stock that wasn't theirs. As a result they had installed additional CCTV linked to the main Mall system but covering the Staff Only back room areas of the store.

This part of they system had not been disclosed to the new tenants and was normally off line but Tom was pretty sure that it would be easy to bring it online and therefore perhaps enable him to find David and even work out how long he was likely to remain here.

He was right. It only took him 5 minutes to bring the additional circuits on line and get a feed from the 4 cameras covering the staff areas of the store.

The view of the till area from the back of the store showed nothing.

The camera covering the door onto the service corridor was also empty.

That left the 2 cameras covering the stock room. One covered a corridor between floor to ceiling stacks of shoe boxes - empty.

That left the last one. This covered what used to be the rest area for staff when the unit was a games shop but was now the "private" seated area within the stock room for the shoe shop.

Tom selected the camera. First he noticed the general layout, as he expected, stacks of boxes around an open area with a nest of stools as seating and floor length mirrors on the Walls between the shoe boxes

Then he noticed the people.

From the angle the camera showed him he could clearly see one person and he thought part of another.

As his mind registered what he saw and started to make sense of it he realised that he was seeing something quite extraordinary.

What he could see was the back of a lingerie clad woman, he could only describe her as statuesque, who seemed to be riding a man, cowgirl style, for all she was worth. The man, she assumed was David, was on his back on the nest of stools. All that Tom could see clearly was his legs which hung over the edge of the stools, he had no trousers on (but was still wearing his socks (how typically male he thought).

The woman, totally in control of the situation was impaling herself on the man and was clearly very much enjoying herself, her back was arched and David was stroking and fondling her body as they enjoyed each other.

The woman leant forward until they were able to kiss, pretty passionately by the look of it, they managed to do this without breaking apart although the camera angle did not allow Tom to really confirm this as the camera was mounted too high on the wall.

Whilst kissing, the man tilted the woman to one side and rolled her onto her back. Now between her legs they were able to continue in the missionary position. Tom was glued to the screen. However comfortable the chair was, Tom was definitely not comfortable himself.

Seeing these two engaged in the most intimate of acts had caused an understandable reaction in his trousers which were now most certainly too tight. He was as hard as a steel bar. In Tom’s case this was not insignificant as he was built in true proportion and when aroused like this his manhood was in excess of 8”.

As he tried to adjust himself to alleviate the discomfort, Tom saw the woman bring her legs up behind David’s back so that she could lock her ankles behind him. Tom always loved it when a woman did this during love making so was even more aroused to be able to secretly watch others do the same.

With one hand he undid the zip of his flies and struggled to release his very hard member whilst the other one went back to the CCTV controller and zoomed the camera in a little so that the screen was now filled by David’s back and bottom pumping back and forward on top of this unknown woman – the owner of the BMW? He wondered.

With the camera so well lined up Tom was free to take his rock hard cock in his massive hand and start to stroke its full length. He noticed that his large glans at the end was now slick with precum and shining in the light reflected from the TV monitors.

The pace of their lovemaking now increased – matched by Tom’s actions in the security office – they were clearly nearing their climax. David seemed to take a number of deeper and longer strokes and then pause before visibly clenching his buttocks for one last long thrust – Tom was for the first time watching another man cum.

The woman drew him deeply into her with her heels as if trying to get one last centimetre of him into her.

And then they were done. They kissed deeply again without changing positions but then David slowly and perhaps reluctantly slid off to one side to lie next to the woman. One hand that had been at her side now move around and between them and moved down her torso to her crotch…….

And then Tom registered what he was seeing. David’s hand was now stroking a normal, semi erect penis – a cock – meat and two veg – a pork sword.

He was staggered, she was gorgeous, stunning even, in her lingerie. Their love making had been passionate and arousing obviously they were aroused but Tom was too. What is more, the realisation of the truth had not reduced his arousal at all, he was still as hard as a pole, a rod of iron in his hand.

They were kissing tenderly now like any lovers after climax but as they did this, David’s hand was causing a reaction. He was now tenderly stroking a rising erection. This woman – what other word could Tom use? – was getting firmer and firmer and was starting to sport a pretty impressive weapon of her own.

The sight of this had Tom stroking is own cock again, for some reason he found this highly erotic and very arousing, he could feel his pleasure rising and know that he would not be able to stop from cumming soon.

But he did not want this – he wanted something far more satisfying and intimate. He wanted to be a part of what was happening in the back of the shoe shop. He wanted to take the woman himself – he wasn’t interested in David at all but the woman fascinated him and he wanted to take her, to enjoy her and to give her enjoyment.

And then an idea came to him, he thought of a way that he could arrange this.

A few practiced flicks with the joy stick and he had a close up view of the numberplate of David's car, he noted the letters and numbers. Returning to his console he pressed the remote unlock in the staff exit nearest David's car (a necessary facility if managing a mass evacuation). Now the challenging bit.

Tom pressed the transmit button on the Mall wide intercom, moved his mouth to the microphone on it's stalk and started.

"If the owner of car Sierra, Kilo, zero six, Romeo, Yankie, Foxtrot is in the Mall could they please return to their vehicle as soon as possible as it appears to be being vandalised."

David jumped as if he had been electrified.

"Crap. That's my car - stay here, I will be right back."

Tom followed him on the CCTV, out the back of his store, down the service corridor and out of the, now open, exit towards his car.

Immediately, Tom remotely locked the door again and rose from his seat, straightened his shirt and trousers and headed towards David's shoe shop, silent in his Dr Martens. When he was about 20 yards from the store he noticed the door open. The tall, leggy vision of beauty backed out and quietly shut the door behind her, she looked around herself and turned towards Tom, noticing him for the first time as she turned.

"Oh, hello" She seems both surprised and embarrassed to see Tom.

"Hello Madam, are you OK?"

"Yes thank you, just leaving actually."

"Not so fast." Tom put a massive plate sized hand across her path, stopping her in her tracks. "Can I see your Mall pass please Madam?"

"I'm sorry, you misunderstand, I don't work here, I'm a customer."

Tom stood back, very obviously appraised her, in a way that would seem lecherous in other circumstances but now just seemed lacking in trust. "Of course you are Madam, that is why you are creeping around the service corridor after the Mall is shut."

"Look, I just got lost and really just want to go home now, please step aside and let me leave."

Despite the obvious nervousness in her voice and Tom's natural desire to make her feel comfortable, he stood his ground.

"I'm sorry Madam, that will not be possible, I'm afraid you will have to wait until I am happy with what you have said. What is in the bag?"

She was holding a carrier bag from the shoe shop, clearly it had a shoe box in it.

"Some rather nice feather trimmed slippers that I have just bought actually."

"Lovely I'm sure." Tom's voice dripped with sarcasm. "You will have the receipt for them of course."

"Look, this is no longer funny, of course I have the receipt, just let me pass would you."

The stunning and tall woman moved to pass Tom and head for the exit, but Tom was having nothing of it. His arm came across her path at waist height and stopped her and pushing her against the wall of the corridor, at the same time he stepped towards her so that she was trapped.

"Stay exactly where you are." Tom's plan was going even better than he hoped. "You are going no where until I have searched you and am happy that you are not the thieving bitch I suspect you are. Got it?"

This was disastrous, in 5 minutes she had gone from a post coital glow to suspicion of shop lifting and she was now in the control of this Neanderthal, security guard. My God he was big, he made Chloe feel petite and vulnerable, feminine and all alone.

Suddenly the eroticism of the occasion struck her, this guy was all man. Not a gay, fem type of man but a rugby scrum, beer and birds sort of man and clearly one who was used to taking what he wanted.

Chloe felt a twinge of weakness, her cock spasmed and her rosebud responded eagerly. She felt more alive and feminine than ever before and realised that she wanted to be searched, wanted this man's enormous hands to explore her body, to invade her privacy even to discover her secret.

She wanted him to take her, in a way that David would never have been able to, as an a****l is taken, vulnerable, weak and dominated. Impregnated, mated and then abandoned.

Chloe felt more alive and aroused than she had for years, perhaps more than she ever had. She was hard under her shirt and her breath was ragged.

"Of course you must satisfy yourself." she said in her huskiest and sexiest voice, a clear double entendre. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Search away."

With this she turned her back on Tom, placed her hands on the wall in front of her, with her feet about a yard from the wall, she parted her legs as wide as her tight skirt would allow.

Tom stepped in close to her and making no pretence to be gentle, kicked her ankles wider still and placed his hands on her shoulders. He frisked her back and waist efficiently and even reached around and felt under her bust, across her stomach and over the front of her skirt, not quite low enough to feel her rising arousal.

His hands moved down to her hips and gripped them tight pulling her back into him, more to the point into his clear and significant hardness. As he pressed against her bottom, she sighed and slowly and sensually moved her hips to encourage him.

They stayed like this for far longer than necessary, but actually only for a few seconds before his hands travelled down her legs, enjoying the smoothness of the nylon of her stockings. When Chloe estimated that he must be on his knees, she turned around.

There he was, on his knees in front of her with his hands on her legs. His hands started to move up. At the same time she held him by the side of his head and pulled him towards her skirt which had a very unnatural and unfeminine bulge in it.

His hands continued to rise, now underneath her skirt, now passing the tops of her stockings and over the smoothness of her thighs and then around behind and on to her bottom.

Her skirt naturally rose as he did this, the front of her knickers were almost exposed and was only inches from his face.

"Stop, please." Chloe's voice was pleading. She realised the danger of the situation. Exciting and arousing though this man was he did not know her secret, or so she thought, and would likely be horrified by the discovery of her secret.

She has heard of girls taking a shocking beating in circumstances like this and really was not wanting that to happen.

"Oh no you don't. You can't tease me like this and then stop like that" Tom stood, without moving his hands which remained firmly gripping Chloe's buttocks. He was now between her legs, lifting her up and forcing her legs apart so that his cock was now pressed against her exposed panties.

The one advantage was that this stopped him from discovering her secret, but she was now further down a path with no clear exit route.

His face was now right in front of Chloe's face, she could smell mint on his breath and was totally aware of his physicality. Her pulse was racing and she had never felt more aroused or less in control.

To her own surprise and fear, she opened her legs as wide as they would go and wrapped them around his waist, she gripped his neck and pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him deeply while she rotated her hips so that his cock bulge was grinding between her wide open legs.

It was as if her mind had no control over her body and that she was totally under the influence of her a****l passions. She no longer cared about the risks, she just wanted this man, she wanted him to take her like an a****l, in pure lust.

She hooked her ankles behind his back and broke their deep and passionate kiss, still with her hands behind his neck she leant back as far as she could so that she could grind her crotch against his massive arousal. Feeling his cock, like a steel rod, rubbing against her near her man pussy did nothing to reduce her desire – quite the opposite really.

Her only regret at this moment was that she had put her knickers back on when David had dashed out to protect his precious car.

Grinding herself against this massive man she started to make the strangest moaning noises. It was nothing consciously done but something that came from deep within herself. A form of visceral communication perhaps.

If that is what it was it certainly worked.

Tom took a step forward so that her back was now resting against the corridor wall, she could feel the rough breezeblocks through her blouse, like this some of her weight was taken so that Tom could reach one hand between them and quickly release the button and zip on his trousers.

Realising what he was doing, Chloe moved her hips slightly back from him so that he could pull his trousers and pants down. She only let them get as far as his knees before she forced herself back onto his now liberated manhood and started to wantonly grind herself against him again.

His hands were now back on her buttocks again but after a quick and very firm fondle they moved up to the waistband of her knickers and roughly pulled them down to the tops of her thighs.

As soon as her panties were past his erection she felt it slap back onto the smoothly shaven skin between her scrotum and pussy. It felt massive, wet from precum and hard as metal. It was as if it was not a thing of nature but more of machine.

Chloe pulled herself towards him again and crushed his mouth with a deep and passionate kiss, trying to convey to him her deep inner need to be taken. At the same time she lifted her hips slightly so that the bulbous head of his cock was now seated at the entrance to her desperate pussy.

Fortunately there was still a little lubricant from earlier and also some of David’s cum had leaked from her pussy, which was also still a little stretched from her earlier activity, so she was perfectly prepared for him to enter her.

She felt his massive hands on her bare buttock like huge grapples, taking her weight and pulling her checks apart until she could feel her rosebud being stretched.
Then she felt his cock at her entrance.

It was simply huge. Despite the significant lubrication and the fact that David had already prepared her she was starting to seriously doubt that she could take him. He pushed at her insistently probing her most private area while at the same time forcing her buttocks even wider.

And then she felt him start to enter. She had a rising feeling of being stretched and filled as millimeter by millimeter she felt him move forward. He was patient, for that she was most grateful, but insistent all the same.

Now with their mouth glued together, pushed against the wall she could feel that all of his head was in her, she remembered to breath and took a moment to recover. Just as she was starting to convince herself that he was not going to split her in half, it happened.

Still holding her cheeks apart Tom moved his hands lower so that he was no longer holding her weight, instead the whole of her weight was balanced on his massive cock. At the same time he pushed himself forward, steadily but without relief.

Chloe almost fainted with the stabbing pain but also the delicious feeing of being filled. More filled than she ever had. He forced his way into her, further and further. It was endless, she was getting light headed but still it continued.

Then he grunted once and stopped. He was all the way in, she had every centimeter of him inside her pussy. God it felt good but God it hurt too.

They stayed like that for a few moments, his cock occasionally flexing inside her. Then he started to pull out of her, she pulled her self up as he did this, stopping just before he came out of her. Then he simply dropped her, sort of like a reverse pile driver and impaled her again on his impressive weapon.

She grunted deeply as he dug his whole length into her, then started to pull herself up again to repeat the operation. Again and again he thrust into her; again and again she took his whole length.

They were both sweating now, she was making little yelping noises each time be bottomed out and he was grunting like an a****l but he continued to pound away at her.

Time seemed suspended, the only thing she could think of was the massive cock she was taking and the waves of pleasure she was receiving. It was making her dizzy but she was loving it. David was totally forgotten, he was actually banging at the staff entrance door but neither of them head it nor did they care.

It wasn’t long before Tom started to feel his orgasm build, could feel the pleasure rising from behind his knees and build to a crescendo, to a point where it could not be stopped.

As she felt his rhythm change, his thrusts lengthen and, if possible, his hardness increase; she relaxed her ankles behind his back so that she could point her heels wide outwards so that her legs would open just a little bit wider. A clear invitation for him to give her every thing he had – to fill her with his seed as she gave herself totally to him.

And then he started to cum. Even this was in proportion to his massive bulk. It seemed to go on forever, rope after rope. She could not really feel in inside her but she could imagine it and could feel each extra little thrust – the way a man does when he orgasms.

When finally fully spent. Tom gently, almost tenderly, lowered Chloe to the ground and held her while she found her feet. To be honest if he hadn’t she would probably have fallen over.

As she got her balance and recovered her strength she reached up and pulled his head to hers and kissed him fully, exploring his mouth with her tongue, sighing as she did so. There was unspoken passion and gratitude in that kiss, clearly understood by Tom who enjoyed responding.

When she finally broke her embrace she stepped back against the wall, lowered her head demurely and pulled her knickers up over her sore but well pleasured bottom.

“Thank you for searching me Sir, may I leave now?”

“Yes, of course Madam; I hope you have enjoyed your visit to the Mall and that you will shop here again.”

”Oh, I think you can be sure of that Sir.” With that she dug a small piece of card from her hand bag and gave it to him. Neatly printed on was side was the name Chloe and her mobile number.

“Good night Miss Chloe.”

“Good night kind Sir.”

Rather wobbly, Chloe moved off down the corridor towards the staff exit. Fortunately she was able to open the door from the inside. As she left she walked passed David who was leant against the wall by the door.

He stood away from the wall and walked towards her. “Are you going then?”

Head still down and looking a little disheveled Chloe kept walking towards her car.

“Yes David, But I will be back. Thank you for assisting me so admirably. Can I assume you will be here at the same time next week?”

“Most certainly Madam, here to serve.”

With that, David walked back into the building and Chloe walked, rather gingerly back to her car and home again wondering whether what had just happened was real or just a dream. Knowing for certain that she would be back the next week and hoping that the Security guard would call her before then.

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me and sheela

Damn it I was nervous . . . way too nervous considering I was just meeting a girl. Well to be honest, she wasn’t just any girl. She was really hot stuff. All these thoughts and more plagued me. I let my mind wander back to a day some six months ago when I, having nothing better to do logged onto some random chat site. My intention was to have a laugh or two.. Browsing randomly through the list of people online, I happened on the name ARIEL. And that was the beginning…sounds, insignificant...

3 years ago
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Back in Wheeling

Back in Wheeling (I Loved that Town!)By the second or third time I made a trip to Wheeling I had some nice contacts. There were old fuck buddies but also some new ones I’d made by chatting. The people who ran the motel were tolerant of me and the comings and goings of my friends…like most places they didn’t really care as long as there were no problems. Before leaving home I contacted a few fucking friends and let them know I’d be in town. There was one guy in particular who wanted a...

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Fireball in a Wheelchair

"A prick up her jacksie might cheer the miserable bitch up a bit," Shirley declared. "And if it was stuffed up her bum, it might knock some of the shit out of her," Sally the receptionist commented, "You sure you don't mind parting with this Becky? It looks like it's silver and might be valuable." "Yes, it is silver but I got it in a job lot of jewellery at a car boot sale and only paid a few pounds for the whole lot. I've never liked it. It's more of a choker than a necklet and I...

1 year ago
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riding my four wheeler

Even getting there they will allow you to ride on the main roads as long as you’re not holding up traffic or making a fool of yourself. So when I am able to get out and ride I head for my favorite area which is along a 15 mile canal that spans thru two counties and is some seriously fun in the makings. One such a day I started up my new ride, I’d just bought a new Honda 700 and I have been dying to get on this beast and see what it can do. I called a few buddies and they were all tied up so...

3 years ago
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Fun in an Eighteen Wheeler

I had just finished eating a midnight breakfast in the "Chicken Deluxe" restaurant and had consumed more coffee than I ever care to remember. Just then the most rugged "Big Bear" trucker that I'm sure I've ever seen, came in and sat down right next to me. I thought, "Wouldn't it be great if THIS sucker would cruise ME?" Plenty of stools and where does he sit, but right next to me. He was a BIG, daddy-type; from his red cap with the blue bill with Top Gun" blazoned boldly across the front to...

2 years ago
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HEELS By: Deane Christopher Copyrighted: 1999 ******************************************************* Note to prospective reader: I think of myself not as a writer or an author, but as a surrealistic wordsmith, pioneering the literary art form of Out-based Free-prose. Therefore, in the following composition, any and all adherence to the rules governing the proper use of the English Language are purely coincidental. The reader will find the sentence structure has a marked...

4 years ago
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My wife and I love heels

It all started in my adolescence when I tried on my older sisters shoes, they were I think at least 4" which was quite high for the 60s. I got an amazing erection though did not masturbate as to be honest I really did not know how to, that came later. The pleasure from it was however immense, I was hooked so to speak and wore them whenever I could which was NOT often.Alas I was orphaned at 16yrs and to survive I joined the army which gave me a roof, clothes and food. It was during my army...

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Stiletto Heels

Stiletto Heels By Margaret Jeanette Kayla Jennings was cleaning the spare bedroom. Out of curiosity she opened the closet door and looked at the array of dresses that was hanging there. She looked at the three pairs of flats on the floor of the closet. She took one dress on its hanger out and looked at it. It was a blue one with bright red roses printed on it. It had a ruffle around the bottom of the skirt. She shook her head, as it was not her style at all. She did wonder how...

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Beverley Heels

I sat on the sofa eagerly anticipating this moment. I could hear Beverley before I could see her. The purposeful click of her heels against the hardwood floor had me listening intently. The heels clicked louder and louder, before stopping, just momentarily which caused me to harden just thinking about what sexy heels she would be wearing today. Slowly the clicking started again before I saw Beverley and her heels appear around the corner. My eyes were fixated on her perfectly manicured red...

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Miss HighHeels

Preface: One of the all-time great, classic TV-stories is Miss High- Heels. It was first published - as far as I can trace it - by the famous Select Biblioth?que in Sceaux (France) about 1929 as the translation of a work by a British author whose name was given as "Sir O. T**". Actually it was not really a translation, but a very freely adapted French version of the original English text. Later two more works by the same author (but now his initials were given as C. F.) were published...

4 years ago
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Walk a Mile in My Heels

Walk a Mile in My Heels Belladonna [Author's Note: This story is based on idea from GFriday.] As the first day after the implementation of the office's new dress code continued on, the girls in the office groused to each other about the recent changes. Shane Moore could sense that there was more than a little resentment towards him for eliminating the office's business casual dress code as part of his efforts to make the office appear more professional. The girls' earlier...

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Dressed as a young lady for my step-sister's dinner-party. Phoebe'sglac - k** long gloves. My parentage and boyhood. I am left under theguardianship of a girl. How "Dennis" was transformed into "MissDenise." ************Phoebe the maid, though she was as big and strong as a grenadier, hadthe deft, neat hands of a French woman. She threaded a pink satinribbon amongst the shining curls of my coiffure, buttoned the lastbutton of my very long glac-k** evening...

2 years ago
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Clarisse and I had been married for almost 20 years and had reached a stage in our marriage where everything was comfortable but not that exciting anymore. We had sex occasionally but it was pretty average and seemed to be just a formality rather than the passion it evoked when we were younger. Clarisse had worked a few years and then decided to stay at home and be the typical wife. She took care of the house, enjoyed her hobbies, volunteered for charities, and kept herself trim...

4 years ago
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Melissa All My Dates Wear High Heels

Melissa: All My Dates Wear High Heels By cfmpumps I had called Ellie in the middle of the week, wondering if this time she would stay on course from the weekend. Forget it. The Evil Ellie answered the phone. She was short, guarded and snippy and I wished I hadn't called. But that is a story for another time. This story is about what I did that weekend once I had discarded the idea of seeing Ellie. I was a little down and more than a little pissed. So on Friday I decided to go...

1 year ago
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My Heels

Another day, my lover is already on his way to work as a locomotive electrician for the railroad. The sun shines through the curtains of my bedroom and the birds are chirping. I am in a great frame of mind today, last night my lover told me what my heels do for him. The way he told me he, was getting me turned on! and his husky voice had a lot of feeling when he said,"Oh Sally, what would you say if I told you that those dress heels you wear at times, the black glossy ones with the bows, that...

2 years ago
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The Price of Heels

THE PRICE OF HEELS Judy Davenport was only twenty seven, but a rich lady who enjoyed her wealth with friends who, whilst they certainly weren't poor, weren't quite as well off. It gave her a chance to shine the brightest in any of her gatherings. She'd been happily married for three years to her husband James, the same age as her, and was honest when she claimed that he did everything he could to please her. He continued to work when he didn't need to from the financial point of...

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A Year in Heels

A Year in Heels The Memorial Day party had wound down and all that was left were my wife and I and our hosts. Patty, my wife, was sitting beside me running her fingers lightly along the inside of my thigh. It was driving me insane. Her fingers glided easily over the silky stocking just below the hem of my skirt. I desperately wanted to guide her hand further up my thigh but instead I just smiled and kept on chatting with our neighbors. Frank and Sheila were sitting across from us....

2 years ago
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Getting new sexy heels

That evening I convinced my loving hubby to drive me to the shopping mall.I wanted to purchase some new sexy heels for me and my girlfriend Helena had told me there was a little shoes shop at a corner, where I could get some sales…We went there after dinner at home. I had dressed for a kind of sexy dinner out with just Victor and me. I was wearing a black stretch miniskirt, with no panties and a very tight black tank top to cover my hardened nipples…We finally hit the little store around the...

3 years ago
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Office wank cum over coworker heels

A real story…I work now in a large office and with the hotter weather coming more and more ladies seem to be wearing less and less. This is great and I often sit at my desk, staring into space…remembering the smell, view and outline of the lady I followed up the stairs that day. It is not so easy sometimes to walk with a stiff cock in your trousers.I have two scenes I like to play in my mind while at work … one of which came true. The first – and still a dream – is one of my co-workers is a...

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Because She Wore Heels

“High heels have always been Lee’s thing as well.” Olivia’s words hung in the air for a brief moment before a few of the other ladies let out a knowing cackle.Claire looked around, slightly embarrassed by her drunk friend’s somewhat loud, suggestive comments. Their party had arrived early and Ludovico’s was still almost deserted. That hadn’t stopped the drinks flowing early where the accounts girls were concerned; it was as if a few of the girls wanted to liven the venue up all by...

1 year ago
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Black Nylons High Heels

The first time that I remember, is that when a friend of my mother’s had come over to the house to give her a permanent. She was in her late twenties, single, medium build, a pair of sexy legs, red full mouth and I was horny and in a constant state sexual arousal . She kept smiling at me and licking her lips while giving my mother a permanent. I think it was because I kept staring at her sexy High-Heeled legs. She was wearing a very Tight Fitting Red Sweater, Black Form Fitting Skirt, Black...

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The Further Misadventures of Miss High Heels

Further Misadventures of Miss High Heels Inspired by the classic Miss High Heels, I fell to wondering what other misadventures the divine Denis(e) could have at the hands of stepsister Helen and the sinister Miss Priscilla. Thus I came up with the following tale, narrated by Denis(e): Ritual Milking A week after the "death" of Denis Beryl had been announced and I had been reintroduced to the household as Denise, Phoebe was dressing me one morning as usual, but stopped once she had...

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GF Friends heels

THIS STORY IS LINKED TO MY GALLERY PICS OF GFS FRIENSDS HEELSSo the other night my gf's friend came to our house after work and asked if she could stay as she had fell out with her BF. Obviously we said yes. So she a secretary for a big firm and had a nice short skirt on and some sexy sexy heels (has great feet to and tattos) So we all ended up having a drink as you do and all night i was perving at her feet in the heels, even taking sneaky pictures. Anyway we was all stood on kitchen and...

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My Friends Moms High Heels

I was around seventeen at the time. I was going through my rebellious, pot smoking phase and never really wanted to be around my family, so I basically lived with my best friend, Jon. He lived in a condo downtown. We just hung out, smoked, and played video games all day and night. It was a lot of fun. This story takes place during the summer post junior year. As I said, I was essentially living at Jon’s place at this time. So, let’s get to the point. Jon’s mother was a smokeshow. Her name was...

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cum swap from heels

I had always kept my friend paul going about how much I fancied his girl mel , infact all of our group of friends did but he always laughed and joked along with us about it . she is gorgeous and how she has stuck him I will never know as he is a horny cunt and has been caught with other women a few times . any way we were in the bar at the weekend and usual banter was going on , we were all drunk and after a while ones were drifting off to other seats talking which left me and paul still...

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The Hitman Wore Heels

The Hitman Wore Heels By Michele Nylons The well dressed man looked with disgust and loathing at the bum rummaging in the dumpster in the dark alley. Tony 'Tough Tony' Provalono had just left Scalini's, one of the best restaurants in New Jersey, where he had tipped the waiter more money than the hobo was likely to see in his lifetime. Tony was dressed in Armani; the gorgeous woman beside him in Prada; her Jimmy Choo...

2 years ago
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Sex in heels

I am just waiting for a text message, telling me where to meet Marcus. With Marcus, you never can tell what he’s up to. So today I decide to get a little adventurous with him and do what he wants. Any sexual encounter with Marcus is great, although I have a few rules, like no slapping or leaving any marks. “Come to my office around 2pm. Dress up in a dress and heels,” his text reads. Marcus had a thing for feet, pantyhose, stockings and high heels. That gives me an hour. So, I change out of my...

4 years ago
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Sex in heels

I am just waiting for a text message, telling me where to meet Marcus. With Marcus, you never can tell what he’s up to. So today I decide to get a little adventurous with him and do what he wants. Any sexual encounter with Marcus is great, although I have a few rules, like no slapping or leaving any marks. “Come to my office around 2pm. Dress up in a dress and heels,” his text reads. Marcus had a thing for feet, pantyhose, stockings and high heels. That gives me an hour. So, I change out of my...

2 years ago
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Eating cum from girlfriends heels

Been a while since ive wrote a story , got a new girlfriend and its just been normal sex so nothing really to write about until this morning . we were out on Saturday night along with 2 friends at a nightclub , just a normal night out drinking and dancing . I was all excited when my girl sent me a pic of what she was wearing , a black dress with her clevage showing , black tights and heels . I nearly had a wank just seeing her dressed like that lol . so we were out at the club and my girl and...

1 year ago
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Ye Olde Water Faire 04 The Ferris Wheel

After I finished cleaning up, puta and I ran over to the Ferris Wheel so she could get tied on. She called it getting hooked up, but what they used was more or less standard restraints.Naturally, she was the first slave there. She was practically bouncing up and down with expectation. You would think she was being given some great treat rather than being tied onto a wheel of pain. Well, having said that, I guess for puta, they are the same thing.She was led up onto a platform that had a section...

2 years ago
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Ye Olde Water Faire 04 The Ferris Wheel

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

3 years ago
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Head Over Heels

Head Over Heels By Mary Beth Sanford Players: Martin, Sandy and Helen. Synopsis: Martin has fallen head over heels for a woman as she walks past his table in the library. He decides she's worthy of his best efforts as a conquest. He succeeds but it wasn't from his efforts. Actually it was Sandy's efforts and before long Martin is "heels" over "head" in love, and no, that isn't a mistake. His heels were far above his head most times. Facts From Fiction Before I...

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She gazed at her shiny, red heels. New heels - freshly out of the box in which she had carried them home, complete with new-shoe smell and a gleam they would never quite achieve again. Tall heels. Daring heels.Slutty heels. They were perfect. She had plans for these. Tonight. She was getting horny just thinking about it. She sat, mesmerized, for a little longer, fantasising about her plans for later. She could feel herself becoming aroused - wet even. She began to move a hand towards her...

2 years ago
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The Preachers Wife Loves High Heels

It is very difficult to be a Preacher's wife. Sue thought of all the things she had to do in order to live up to her Ms. Goody Two Shoes image. She must always dress modestly, never wear anything suggestive or serve as a cause for comment. Never, ever flirt with a man, no matter how young or how old. Never wear red lipstick or eye shadow. But, the thing she hated most was the ban on high heeled shoes. She loved wearing the high heels, the higher the better. Her customary flats made her look...

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The Wheel

A small dusty town on the edge of nowhere. The afternoon sun bakes the small courthouse. Maria's trial is brief: nobody was interested in defending her, and she neither could nor wanted to speak up for herself. Not that there could have been much to say. The simple fact that I am here before you condemns me, she thought. The Judge licked his lips and looked at the tall, slim blonde girl standing in front of him, arms to her sides, her lovely body hidden by the rough brown sacking of her prison...

3 years ago
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Bra Panties And High Heels

Bra, Panties, And High Heels Mom told Dad and I that we had to attend, that it was required, and that our admission had already been paid. Apparently we had donated several hundred dollars to Breast Cancer Research to save the Ta-tas. My mother has a bodacious set of ta-tas. My sister is well on her way to an even better set. I have been totally engrossed with female mammary glands since I hit puberty. My grandmother has a saggy set that grandpa calls Meat Puppets. We won’t go into...

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The Man in the Wheelchair

I watched a man in a wheel chair today. Maybe that’s not so unusual, we all have at one time or another. But it was a cold blustery day, and he only had one arm. I had pulled up to the traffic light, and for a moment, time stood still. I watched this man as he slowly made his way up the sidewalk, with his one working arm he would push the wheel on his chair propelling himself forward, then reach over across himself and push the other side of the chair to correct his heading, and push it again....

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I fucked a MILF in a wheelchair

I was a grad student at Valdosta State University a few years ago and I used to see a M.I.L.F. in a wheelchair that was mid 40ish and very good looking. She had a really nice rack on her! I made a point of running into her a number of times around campus so I could talk to her. I discovered she worked for VSU and was not a student. She was divorced and had k**s grown and out of the house. I told her I liked to hang out at Bungelow's, a local college bar, and sure enough one night I saw her come...

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Young Girl In High Heels

Young Girl In High Heels When I first saw her in those shoes I was amazed that she could even stand up in high heels. She couldn’t have been any older than eleven or twelve at the time. I still called her ‘Brat’ but in an affectionate way of course. Brat is actually an acronym for Betty Rachael Ann Turner my pretty little niece. She is my sister’s daughter. She had two annoying little brothers that are several years younger than she is, so she became the built in babysitter. She...

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the milking wheel

The Milking Wheel by The Technician. Non-Consent, Femdom, Milking, Electro, Slavery = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = In future Womyn have all power & lustful thought is a crime. In a future time, a young lawyer is accused of a "man crime." Specifically, he is accused of violating The Protection of Womyn Act by thinking of a Womyn in the office in a "lustful and i*****l" fashion. The punishment for such a crime is the pain and humiliation of a public milking and possibly the complete...

2 years ago
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All you need is a pair of high heels

Introduction: Exhibition & Mild Bondage and is written for and about older women that think they have been passed by and have lost their attractiveness and sex appeal! All you need is a pair of high heels Exhibition & Mild Bondage and is written for and about older women that think they have been passed by and have lost their attractiveness and sex appeal! Sharon was now almost 50 years old, an age that she had dreaded, in high school she had been a very skinny dark haired girl, her nick name...

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