Body Swap_(1) free porn video

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Non-consensual Sex, Future

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[i]WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright (c) 2016 by The Technician .

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use. Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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Robert Voleman walked slowly into the narrow room. He was fourth in a line of six men. The room was brightly lit. There was a small platform about three feet wide sticking out from the back wall. On the wall behind that very short stage was a series of horizontal black lines interrupted at regular intervals by numbers. The number on the lowest line said “4' 6".” On the highest line it said “7' 6".”

As Robert took his place on the platform, the number a few inches above the top of his head said “6'6"” He was 6'3".

The guard’s voice over the speaker said, “Face the mirror,” and the six men turned and stepped back against the wall. Robert’s massive shoulders nearly touched the men standing on either side of him.

He had always been large, even as a child. He wasn’t fat, like many big kids. He was large, as in tall and heavily muscled. He was very heavily muscled, but he wasn’t bull-necked like many modern wrestlers and others who had to bulk up with medical assistance. His neck was large, but proportional to his head. If you saw him in loose clothing, you might not realize his physical capabilities– unless you crossed him and brought out his anger. Then his muscles would be evident as he pummeled you to the ground.

No one was sure what turned Robert evil, but very early in his life, he began to use his physical advantage for a specific purpose. And that purpose was to make life hell for the girls– and women– around him.

At first he was just a playground bully who picked on the girls more than the boys. Then as he aged, his taunting and torment took on a more sexual nature. His juvenile records were sealed so no one– not even the courts– knew what he might have done before the age of eighteen. His adult record, however, showed that four days after his eighteenth birthday he cornered a fellow senior in a little-used back stairway at the high school and forcibly removed her clothing. He might have gotten away with it, but Mister Mills, the chemistry teacher, often used that stairway as a short cut to an outside door to grab a quick smoke behind the building.

The attempted rape caused quite an uproar at the school. It also caused Robert to be expelled. It did not, however, send him to prison. Because it was his first official offense as an adult, he was sent instead to mandatory sexual counseling sessions. The requirement for the sessions was total honesty. And to Caroline Thompson, his court-assigned therapist, his words seemed honest and heart-felt as he sobbed out his confession that he had done something really stupid.

According to him, raping– or at least sex with– a fellow student was an initiation requirement to become part of a very secret club of top athletes at the school. He said he was supposed to video everything to insure the girl would remain quiet afterwards, but he couldn’t bring himself to rape the crying girl or video it. Since the authorities checked his phone, but not the oversized pen clipped in his pocket, they believed him. So did Caroline.

What she didn’t realize was that she was dealing with a psychopath and total sociopath for whom truth was irrelevant. Robert could have been strapped into the most precise, state-of-the-art lie detector and it would have shown him to be telling the absolute truth. In fact, he was so convincing to everyone that his story caused a two-year investigation into all clubs and organizations– official or unofficial– at the school. Several clubs were ruled to be sexist and offensive, but no criminal charges were ever filed.

Meanwhile, Robert was declared sufficiently repentant and rehabilitated that, except for being on a sexual predators list for three years and having to report to his therapist– not a parole officer– for the same time period, he was free to go.

Robert was truly repentant– he was very sorry he was caught. And he was rehabilitated– he now knew that he had to be much, much more careful in the future... ... and he was.

For the next three years, he very dutifully attended his monthly sex offenders group therapy meetings and kept his appointments for bi-monthly sessions with his therapist. Her final recommendation was that he be removed from the sexual offenders list and that his record be expunged of his “youthful indiscretion.”

To celebrate, he went out that night to hunt new prey. He found her at a rest stop on the interstate. There were security cameras and even a 24/7 live attendant at the rest stop. But the attendant was at a desk at the front of the restroom building, and all of the security cameras pointed at the front doors and the parking lot. Robert parked on a country road a few hundred yards behind the rest stop and approached through the woods behind the building.

He chose this location because he had stopped at that rest area several weeks before while on a scouting trip. The attendant had left the door to the janitor’s closet in the men’s rest room open while he was mopping. He was actually in the other half of the restroom, but the janitor’s closet opened into both sides and both doors were open. Robert peeked in through the open door and then entered the janitor’s closet.

There was no wall behind the janitor’s sink and bucket dump trough. Instead the closet opened into a labyrinth of pipes between the two halves of the restroom. He moved noiselessly ahead and discovered that at the end of that labyrinth was a larger area with two water heaters and an outside door. Amazingly, that door had a simple lock that could easily be opened from the outside with a credit card or thin piece of metal. Since everything about the building was mirrored on both sides, Robert assumed that the women’s restroom had an equally susceptible door.

He was right. He was also correct in assuming that there were also small holes in the walls on the women’s side where the dividers for two of the stalls had been removed to create additional handicap stalls. He stood in the darkness between the walls and watched... and waited.

It was a little after one am when she came in. She was young and dressed in a party skirt and blouse. She wasn’t drunk, but it was obvious she was close to the legal limit as she stood at the sink and splashed cold liquid onto her face. Then she stood and sent a text from her phone.

She spoke aloud as she typed with her thumbs, “Am at rest stop on interstate. Drank too much. Very sleepy. Going to sleep in car for while before driving rest of way home.”

Robert smiled. He would have all night before anyone missed her. He waited until she had gone into a stall before stepping out of the janitor’s closet. He waited patiently just far enough away so that she could not see his shoes. When she came out of the stall, she turned immediately toward the door, which meant her back was to him when he struck.

The cloth over her mouth was just a rag. It already had a piece of duct tape on the outside of it. He quickly used one hand to wrap the tape around her head. The small squeak she made was unheard by the attendant at his desk outside the restroom door.

Robert pushed her to the ground and pulled her arms behind her back. More tape soon secured her hands in place. He pulled her back to her feet and frog marched her into the janitor’s closet, through the pipe access area, and out the back service door.

Her family reported her missing at noon the next day. Shortly thereafter, the police found her car at the rest stop.

Nothing showed on the security tapes, but an ever-widening search of the area discovered her staked, naked, to the ground in the wooded area behind the rest stop. She was blindfolded and gagged, but she was alive. Unfortunately, even after her hysteria has subsided somewhat, she could tell the authorities little.

She never saw his face. She never heard his voice. All she could say was that he must have been very strong because once he got her outside, he easily picked her up and threw her over his shoulder before running to where she was eventually found.

Her rape had been slow. The rapist began by tying her down on the ground. After he cut her clothing away leaving her naked, he spent at least an hour slowly tormenting her by running his hands over her entire body, pausing occasionally to tweak her nipples or her clit.

Then she felt something cold and slimy on her crotch. When she felt the tug of the razor, she realized that the slimy fluid was shaving cream of some sort. He evidently used several razors to shave her sex bald before wiping everything clean with a rough rag.

He spent a long time licking her cunt before the rape itself began. He entered her very slowly, not to spare her pain, but to draw out the actual moment so that it would be burned even deeper into her memory. Once he was fully in, he began thrusting– again slowly at first, but then faster and more violently. He continued thrusting until the muffled screams from beneath the cloth gag became loud enough to satisfy him. Those screams are what caused him to climax, not the sexual act itself. He grunted loudly and spurted into her.

As she lay crying on the ground, he slowly wiped her down– inside and out– with a very strong disinfectant followed by a strong bleach solution. She screamed into the gag as he squirted the burning solution into her already aching cunt. Then, carefully wiping away any traces of himself and blurring any footprints, he left her there crying into her gag and walked slowly back to his car. He didn’t leave her alive to spare her. He left her alive because he knew that she would relive this night perhaps daily, for the rest of her life.

When he got home, he pulled his car into the garage and changed the tires back to the originals. The four used tires he had purchased from a junk yard he removed from the rims and took out to his grandfather’s farm where he burned them. They weren’t the right size for his car so the police would be looking for the wrong make and model if they found his tire tracks in the gravel of the rural road. The extreme heat from those burning tires totally consumed the tape, rags, razors, gloves, and clothing which he had been wearing. Everything which could have tied him to the rape was now gone.

It was such thorough attention to detail which kept Robert free for an additional three years. In fact, it was pure bad luck, not a mistake on his part, which eventually brought him to justice. A drunken driver ran a stop sign and T-boned him in an intersection from the passenger side. He was unhurt, but the same could not be said for the young woman who was duct-taped in the trunk. She was thrown from the trunk when it popped open on impact and broke several bones as she tumbled onto the pavement.

Witnesses at the scene immediately recognized that something was not right and attempted to hold Robert for the police, but he easily threw them off and started to run. His bad luck continued, however, as he ran straight into two squad cars responding to the 911 calls. It took three policemen and two Tazers to bring him down.

He offered to plead guilty to three of the fourteen charges against him. He did that because he knew that he had allowed himself to become sloppy and the tape used on the other two most recent girls would match the tape on the girl in the trunk. It would also match the roll of tape in his trunk which he had carelessly re-used.

There was nothing, however, which could tie him to the other eleven charged rapes– or the additional nineteen uncharged rapes– so the DA’s office took what they could and made a deal. The deal was forty years. He would be sixty-four years old when he was released... unless he agreed to a body swap.

Body swaps had been scientifically possible for almost thirty years, but had been used in prisons for only a decade. Body swaps were exactly that. The minds of two people were transferred so that each became the other person. The process was extremely expensive– and rigidly controlled by law– but it was much cheaper than keeping a person in prison, especially since the recipient of the prisoner’s body paid most of the expenses.

The reasoning behind the prisoner body swap law was that if a person sentenced to twenty-five years exchanged bodies with someone twenty-five years older than themselves, they had effectively served their sentence and could be released almost immediately.

Of course, it was never quite that easy. The person buying a younger body from the state, needed to show that they were in good physical shape for their age and did not have any terminal– or major– illnesses. The “replacement” would choose a “candidate” through a long process that began with an extensive psychological evaluation. After all, a total change of your body was not something that everyone could handle.

Once approved, the replacement would review the files of various prisoners who would fit the criteria. There were many factors to consider, but primarily, the difference in ages had to be less than or equal to half of the time left on the candidate’s sentence. Prisoners who agreed to a swap were given double time– meaning that the age difference was multiplied by two when calculating the sentence equivalent.

Up until this time, Robert had refused all body swap offers. He had even filed the necessary legal documents to prevent an “involuntary swap.” Without that paperwork, just being in prison was interpreted as being willing to be released through a body swap procedure. If a prisoner did not agree to a specific swap, it could still occur, but they were given triple time, which meant that a fifteen year age difference would balance out a forty-five year sentence.

Some prisoners withheld their consent hoping for a triple time deal. Not Robert. He knew that an even better offer would eventually arise... and it did. For some reason, a replacement was willing to pay significantly extra for someone between the ages of twenty and twenty-five who did not have visible tattoos. They even specified that “double-triple time” apply. That meant that an age difference of as little as six years and seven months would balance out a forty-year sentence.

This was Robert’s kind of deal. Whoever it was had to be only a little over six years older than he was. If he agreed to this special body swap and was chosen, he would be able to get out of prison well before his thirty-first birthday. Now all that had to happen was for the replacement to choose him in the final selection.

He stood impassively staring at the reflection of his own naked body in the one-way mirror. For some of the first body swaps, the men in the selection line-ups had been clothed, but it was soon discovered that if you were going to see yourself naked in a mirror for the rest of your life, you had better like what you saw.

Robert flicked his eyes to the left and then to the right catching a quick glimpse of his competition. His wasn’t the largest package in the room, but he was more than amply equipped.

The guard’s voice once again came over the speaker. “Prisoners number one, three, and six may leave,” he said.

Robert felt a slight grin come onto his face. Normally he could control his facial expressions and prevent any show of emotion, but he was intentionally trying to act natural. He should be happy that he was one of the last three possible choices for this special body swap, so he was thinking of happy things.

In his mind, Lucinda Blake was pleading for him not to take her virginity. She had managed to save it for twenty-nine years and was hoping to remain a virgin until her marriage, which was only a month away. His very clear memory of her pitiful pleading and her shrill screams when he violently broke her hymen made it easy for him to smile.

Lucinda was one of his favorites. Despite not having received an invitation, Robert had attended Lucinda and Marvin’s wedding. He was one of the few present who knew the real reason why she was crying softly throughout the entire ceremony. He was also one of the very few present who knew why Judge Blake looked so angry during the entire ceremony. Lucinda was one of the nine rapes which had never been connected to him... unless you count the fact that he appeared in several of the crowd pictures from the wedding.

She probably would have been one of his favorites even if she had not been the daughter of Judge Blake. Robert had specifically chosen her and stalked her for several months because Judge Blake was the judge who had presided over his trial when he was eighteen. He had waited five years, but revenge, after all, is a dish best served cold.

“Turn left,” the guard’s voice ordered and the three remaining men turned in place.

No matter what body I will be in,” Robert thought to himself, I will always have my memories to keep me warm.

He felt a stirring and immediately willed his twitching member to be still. He had total control over his body, and that included the ability to deflate his engorged member to avoid looking suspicious while stalking prey.

“Number five,” the guard’s voice said, “you may leave. Two and four face forward.”

It was now down to prisoner two and himself. As Robert turned he moved his eyes to more closely examine his final competition. It was prisoner Carlson. William Carlson was also a large man, but was rather fair-complected and had reddish blond hair. His beard– and his pubic hair– however, were deep bronze. Overall, he had a slightly soft appearance to him.

“If they want someone large and manly,” Robert thought to himself. “I’ve got it hacked.”

It was silent in the room for several minutes. Robert stood impassively looking at himself in the mirror. “I wonder what I will look like?” he thought to himself. He was mentally calculating how much exercise– and steroids– it was going to take to regain his heavily-muscled body.

“Number two,” the guard said, “you may go. Prisoner number four, you may return to your cellblock for now. The transfer procedure will be done in the morning.”

Robert walked back to his cell. His step had even more swagger in it than normal. He was getting out. By law, the replacement had to be at least six years older than he was, so at the least he would be receiving was thirty-six years off his sentence. Each two months beyond that meant another year, so he potentially could be getting out as early as tomorrow night.

As he stepped into his cell, he was smiling broadly. For once, even his extreme control couldn’t hide his pleasure.


The prison medic came for him at 7:30 in the morning. He was instructed to removed all of his clothing and sit while the medic carefully shaved his head. He then lay naked on the gurney and was covered with a sheet. Several broad, webbed, straps went across his body to hold him in place. One smaller strap went across his forehead holding his head in place.

The body swap procedure itself was relatively simple, but the skull cap, with its myriad of electrodes has to be positioned exactly and tested several times before anything could begin. A mild sedative was given in an IV to keep both the replacement and the candidate calm while the technicians checked and rechecked their data.

Once the transfer began, it would take approximately four hours for the minds to be exchanged. Calling it a body swap was actually a misnomer because it was the minds, not the bodies, which were transferred. The swap started a little before eleven and was completed around three thirty.

While Robert was lying on the cart in recovery, the warden stopped to speak with him. “The replacement,” he began, “was exactly six years, four months older than you. That means that you have had thirty-eight equivalent years removed from your sentence. You have served one year, five months, so you have seven months remaining on your sentence.”

The warden coughed and looked slightly uncomfortable. “The law is very specific,” he said, “that you must serve out those remaining months in the same facility in which you were incarcerated prior to the transfer. The supervising Judge has ruled that, even in this case, that includes remaining in the same cell block. You will be returned to your cell as soon as the doctors say you are ready.”

“No problem, warden,” he replied. The sedative made his voice sound tiny and far away, but he was still able to hide the pleasure that was flowing through him. He could do seven months standing on his head. He would be free to hunt again in less than a year.

An hour later the prison medic was wheeling him back to his cell. As he rolled through the cell block, he could hear the prisoners hooting and hollering. Someone getting out on a body swap was often cause for celebration. It was expected that the prisoner would provide some sort of contraband for that celebration and Robert had stocked up a supply of smuggled whiskey and other goods for his going away party.

“You know you made history today,” the medic said as he started to unstrap the restraints. “When Judge Blake’s daughter got raped,” he continued, “she was ready to commit suicide. But the judge told her that she was always his daughter no matter what.”

He gave a short laugh. “Her older sister evidently took him at his word and came out of the closet a few weeks later as a transgender.” Another short laugh. “She didn’t want that surgery, though,” he continued. “She said it would make her an artificial man and she wanted to be a real man. Soooooo......”

Robert’s sat up on the cart trying to comprehend what the medic had just told him. He slid off and stood in front of the metal mirror above the sink in the cell. A bald, slightly smaller version of Lucinda Blake looked back at him from the mirror.

Over his shoulder he could see his cell mate smiling and laughing. “Hello Roberta,” he said with a deep chuckle. “We are going to have a lot of fun at your party today.” He laughed as he added, “At least I and the rest of the boys on the block will.”

Despite having almost total control over his body, mind, and emotions, a terrified scream burst from Robert / Roberta’s lips. It was going to be a very long seven months.

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Body Swap

Author's Note: The people and places in this story are a work of fiction. There is absolutely no basis in reality or fact. Body Swap Well I am not really sure how or why it happened. But I am now stuck as a 7-year-old girl. Well, it better if I started at the beginning. My name is or well it used to be Michael James Maxwell. I was a businessman for a local business. It was after 5:00 PM I was walking home from work like I do on occasions. A woman in her early to mid 30's with...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

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Sleepover Swap

Here's the story, with a little bonus as the end that I've included as a bribe to get more of you to comment on this story. *** Sleepover Swap By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 "I'm tired of being treated like a child -- no, like your damned _pet_," Carla Parker exploded. "I have to be there for you all the time, looking pretty, building up your ego -- as if it wasn't big enough -- doing every damned thing you say like I don't have a brain in my head." Jeff Crawford leaned back against...

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Masked Hero MindSwap

Masked Hero Mind-Swap by Throne "I'm really glad you accepted me as your sidekick, Shadow Cape," the young woman said. "Just keep in mind that this is only a probationary trial," the tall costumed figure told her. "And please just call me Shadow." "Don't worry," she said. "I won't let you down... Shadow." He wasn't so sure about that. The female who called herself Yellow Bird was only eighteen, with no experience in the hero business. While he boasted enhanced strength and...

1 year ago
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The Device A Surfeit of Swaps

Author's Forword: Hello everybody! On IronLacedCarbon's suggestion, I'm finally getting in on the CYOA game. I'll be running this 3-a-week until the end of month based on suggestions from my amazing discord, at which point I hope to have a complete story with lots of fun branching off points! If you want to make suggestions, come check it out. If you want to write your own branches, I'd love to see that as well! Thank you for reading! The Device - A Surfeit of Swaps A Swappy CYOA - By...

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Shift Swap

* * * * * Copyright Oggbashan October 2006 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. * * * * * Malcolm wanted me to go away for a long weekend. I was reluctant because I didn’t think our relationship was developed enough. How much did he want me? How far would he go to prove...

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My First Cum Swap

This is the true story of the first time I did a cum swap.So a couple months after my first bi threesome I was ready for more! I had hooked up with a few girls and had some great one on one sessions with them but I was way too nervous to bring up a threesome with any of them; I never let anyone know I was bi. The urge, however, to suck another dick was getting to be too much.Once again I turned to the internet to help solve my problem. This time, I joined a pretty well known swinging website...

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Wife Swap

-Well, now that the game is down to the last question, and I'm in the lead, I can't help thinking about how I got here, on "Wife Swap." Now that the Fox Network revamped it into a game show, their ratings have gone through the roof. The contestants (usually 2 middle aged women, that had always disliked each other.)would be asked a series of questions, starting at 5 points, then 10, the final question is worth 25 points. Then the 2 players are put in transformation booths. The winning...

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PrincesSlave Swap

Princess – Slave Swap SynopsisThe bitchy princess unmercifully whips the king’s favourite slave girl. As punishment, the king disowns her and orders her to change places with the slave.?Princess - Slave Swapby obohobo?WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story...

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Anne Thereses Sisterly Swap

Anne and Therese Marchais, twins from Montreal, Quebec, love to swap with each other, tricking their boyfriends into sleeping with the "wrong" sister. They really love to share their boyfriends in general, but they have found that some men are too gutless to swing or cheat, so they have found this sexy loophole. Their latest choices are: Orion Tsatskis, a Manhattan businessman, and Harry Llewellyn, a lawyer from Wales. Their plan succeeded last night, as Anne led Orion, Therese's guy, into her...

Group Sex
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Fucking my sister Swapna

I am Sandeep from Goa, my family consists of 4 members, Daddy, Mummy, me & my sexy sister Swapna. My dad works in the army & my mom works as a Nurse. This is a true incident that happened when I was 15 years old & my sister was 18 years old. I was in 10th standard & she was repeating her 12th standard Junior College. Swapna was tall and had a slim fine figure with light brown glowing skin, pretty face and sweet polite nature. We are from a simple middle-class family.Swapna used...

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Mom Swap

MomSwap! Hot off the presses, I’m bringing you yet another fantastic Team Skeet website, this time centered on mom swapping. That’s right. Team Skeet managed to upstage themselves yet again with this relatively new website that aims to bring you an endless supply of top-notch quality videos that feature mature MILFs and young bucks who are pretending to be their sons. It’s the season to be jolly and all that. Moms and sons are in fashion right now. I don’t know why, and I don’t want to ask. I...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
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The Dream 8211 Swapna

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net This is the continuation of my previous sex story “Target Achieved – Deepthi”. This happened before 3 years and I wrote this sex story at that time. However, I did not publish the sex story as I only publish stories post getting approval from the involved girl/lady. I had lost contact with her but recently came in contact with her again and told her that I want to publish our sex story. She has given her approval and also...

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Client Visit With Swapna

If you have missed my first sex story, please check this link Quickly to describe Swapna, she does maintain her body and like mentioned in the earlier story, her bra size is 32b with a slim waist and proper ass. This sex story is not entirely true but a fantasy. So, our company had got a new client and we had to visit the client to understand their requirements and got trained in the process. Since I manage the...

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The D Day 8211 The Day Of Our Swap

The D Day! Hi, this is writing the story of wife swapping. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome. It is a long wait. And it was stressful too. We have been waiting for this day the whole time. It is the day we have planned for dating. It is the day myself and my wife planed to date another like minded couple. Yes we are into couple swapping and this is the first time we are trying to do it. We are waiting for the partner couple to come to our home. Let me introduce us in more detail. I am...

4 years ago
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Afternoon swap

Tina and I had known Maya and Jay for a number of years. We first met at a house warming party for mutual friends and had run into one another on similar occasions. Their ages and interests matched ours. As we were invited to a wedding about three hours distant we made plans to drive together and stay over night. I made the hotel arrangements and requested early check-in and adjacent rooms with a connecting door. On the day of the wedding we arrived and checked-in. After showering and dressing...

2 years ago
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First Wife Swap

First Wife SwapBy Wonder_Dad Story #6My wife, Judy, and I had a very open relationship and lifestyle. Growing up in Southern California, exposed to the hippy culture of the 70's, I suppose our morals would be considered very liberal. As such, we did not miss much, sex and d**gs were just a part of the life we led. My c***dren today might know some of this, but for the most part, are unaware of most of it, as they were too young to remember, I hope.Weekends started Friday nights as soon as the 9...

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First time swap

My partner Angie , (see my lady album) and I were on holiday in Egypt , lazy days in the sun and a few drinks at night when one day by he pool we began chatting to a German couple, both about our age, mid 50's very attractive, slim & tanned. After lunch we started with a few drinks , with the sun & drink Angie got a bit merry, loosened up and was getting very hot & excited. Gret our new friend was very tactile and was touching Angie which made her even hotter and I was unsure where...

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My wife and I have an open marriage. We actually compete with each other to see who can get the best lay or fastest lay or any other number of things. We have fun with this. We also go to swing clubs and do wife swaps. We take pictures to s each other how our conquest went and tell each other about what happened and that leads to us having some great sex with each other. So this huge party we had to go to, for our work. It was a big house and lots of people there. Wife and I had decided what...

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Super Sister 10 The MotherSon Swap

Claire Kent, Alias Super Sister #10: The Mother-Son Swap By Heather St. Claire (This is another stand-alone story in my ongoing series based on the Silver Age Superboy story, "Claire Kent Alias Super Sister!" In case you want to jump right in without reading earlier installments: The premise of the series is that Superboy was actually changed into a girl by the alien Shar-La, she remained female, stayed in Smallville, married Pete Ross, and became the mother of twins.) By Bill...

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Daughter Swap

Father daughter sex at DaughterSwap! Watching a petite teen girl getting rammed hard by her daddy’s best friend is an incredible experience, and you do not have to take my word for it, you can just visit a wonderful place filled with such porn; The whole point of the site is explained in the title, and that is what I fucking love to see!I mean, what else could you possibly expect to see on a website called daughter swap? If you are unsure, then you are probably too fucking...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
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Gold Class Sexual Experience With Friend Swapna

Swapna is a friend from college. We have been in touch ever since as she had only very few friends and I have been one of her closest. She is 32 but still single by choice and pretty young looking for her age. Swapna has short hair and a lean face with a great smile. She is thin with tiny breasts and small buttocks too. I have made fun of her figure at times before saying she has to work out and gain some mass in the right places to please her future husband. But I never really thought of her...

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Conspiracy to Wife Swap

Patty, Annie, Jason and Adam have been friends for five years. Jason and Adam met when they started working for the same company getting hired at the same time. Their wives met shortly after and became close friends as did their husbands.Both couples were married shortly after the guys finished college with engineering degrees. Patty and Adam dated throughout college breaking up several times due to each of them playing around with others. Annie and Jason met in their junior year falling in...

Group Sex
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Aunt Body Swap

You were relaxing in your room, when all of a sudden you saw a shooting star. You wished that you could body swap with you aunt, because you never thought in your wildest dreams that it would happen. The next morning when you woke up, you looked down at your hand and you saw you were wearing fake nails. “What the fuck you said, I need to find a mirror.” You found a mirror, and were shocked with what you saw. You had actually sealed bodies with your aunt, this was insane you thought. I can’t...

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My name is Matt. I have a gorgeous wife Elyse, and daughter Chloe. I also have a son named Freddy. I five pals Shane, Angelo, Henry, Amish and Ivan. One day we got together for a game of pool and decided we should swap.

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Wife swap

Hothat college life er friend priyar sathe dekha hy saswatir asansol er ek shopping mall e,dujonei ekhn bibahit.Priya – ki re chinte parchis?Saswati – ha re..R e tr biye kbe hlo?Priya – ei to 2mas holoSaswati – babah 2masei to dekh6i valoi chehara firiye fele6is.Priya- tui e ki km jas rSaswati – tr hubby kothy?Priya – ei to ekhanei chilo.(dur thke priyar hubby rohit asche)Oi to asche.Saswati – babah tr bor hvvy handsome re.Priya – tr souvik (saswatir hubby ) e ba ki km jay? Ha ha ha.Saswati –...

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Swing Set First Time Full Swap

How It All Started! Full Swap It was last year. My wife and I had been married for 8 wounderful years. We have a great sex life but we have always talked about how to spice things up. We talked about it alot until one day! We had the house to ourselves. The k**s where at the grandparents for a sleep over. So instead of going out to the bars and having to risk getting a DUI we decided to stay home and have friends over. We had our good friends come, Rick and Shannon, we have been good friends...

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The Halloween Swap

The Halloween Swap By Mellissa Lynn "Honey," I called out to my girlfriend Penny, "we have a problem." "What is it?" she asked as she walked into the bedroom. "Take a look at our costumes." One quick look was all it took. "Oh no! How could they have mixed up our costumes like this?" "I don't know." I looked at my nightstand. "It's too late to return them, the store's closed." We stood silently for a minute, then I said, "I can only see two...

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The Swap

The Swap By Ewa Andersson You are walking a street just outside the most central parts of the city. To the left there is a large open space; a park mainly consisting of a smooth and very green lawn, practically empty just now. In a very, very short while you are going to be nearly halfway down the part of the street, which is parallel to the park. You are sixteen years old and a girl. You are 5'4",with blue eyes and long blond slightly curly, hair that reflects beautifully...

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Rock Star Swap

Star Swap by Mellissa Lynn *** I would like to add a note here to let everyone know that I released an earlier version of this story several years ago. I re- read that version recently and decided that I didn't like the ending, so I changed it. Thanks for reading, and any and all feedback is welcome. +++ I awakened to the morning sunlight streaming into the room, almost blinding me with its brilliance. I instinctively reached up to close the blinds and felt movement...

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Our Body Swap

Our Body Swap Hello everybody. Here is a tale of Jack and Diane. I will let them tell it. Belle Starr. Both of our parents came to our house. Diane had called my parents and I had called Diane's parents. It was easier that way. We each said to them, "Mom, Dad. Can you come over tonight? There is something we have to tell you. No, it can't be done over the phone. Be here at six and you will understand. We are serving a pot roast dinner. Yes steak would be better, but we just got back...

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Confessions of an i****t Whore 2The Great Mother Daughter Swap My Aunt Dana and my mother have always been very close. My mother’s younger sister has always been a free spirit. My mom and her sister shared a sexual energy that was established at an early age. Growing up my mother and my aunt Dana were my grandfather’s special girls.Grandpa had started with his girls when they were young. At first it was more or less innocent fun. A touch would soon turn into a cuddle; a cuddle would soon turn...

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The office Swap

I hung up the phone and exhaled. Another disaster had been averted. It seemed my days were filled with solving one crisis after another. It wasn't really what I had planned when I started my business, but it was my reality. I owned a Porsche, lived in a penthouse condo, and my venture had enjoyed four straight years of double digit profit growth...and I didn't enjoy any of it. "Jacqueline, can you bring me the Cooper file?" I called out to my secretary. "Of course, Mr. Jacobs,"...

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The Swap

The Swap Janet L. Stickney [email protected] We ran off together when we were 18, set up house, and began our lives together. Things went along fine, but we were struggling to make ends meet, like most other newly wed young couples making their way in the world. We had left very little behind, Kim had a mother that was overworked and underpaid, a woman that was drifting towards the bottle as time took it's toll and her looks faded. My family consisted of one sister that had...

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League of Legends swap

Having enough being stuck in the game and used by the players the champion of LoL you are playing decide to swap bodies with you. You suddenly found yourself stuck in the body of your and champion in League of Legends. What will you do ? You are a ...

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Palm Swings Chapter 2 The Full Swap

We all got up and headed out towards the hot tub area of the resort. It was pretty quiet with only three other people soaking their bodies when we arrived. The sun had gone down by now so the area was fairly dark with only a few dim outside lights and the tub lights to guide our way.  There were three different tubs: two on the ground level and one up a few steps on this raised platform that looked out over the whole property. That tub was empty, and without even speaking we all decided that...

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Trait Swap

Joshua Moore rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed feeling unusually groggy. He laid for a minute and then decided to get going. He slipped on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and headed downstairs for breakfast. Josh was greeted by his mother making breakfast in kitchen as usual. Josh was only 20 and he still lived at home with his mom and his 2 sisters. His older sister, Holly, had graduated college the year before and worked in a local secretarial position. She was a ginger, about 5’5” and curvy,...

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Clothes body swap

My name is Mike, I am 18 years old, and just recently this strange story happened to me... One night I had a strange dream. A strange voice whispered to me that I had gained the ability to swap body parts with anyone by wearing their clothes. It told me that the part of the body that the clothes belong to will change. It also said that I could complete the exchange with any one thing by casting a special spell, which I would now know subconsciously. And I suddenly woke up in a cold sweat. I...


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