GRANDMA'S COTTAGE free porn video

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He had no business being there. Why had he entered? If questioned afterwards he'd have no explanation as to why he went in. There was no malicious intent, he'd just been nosey and acted on a whim. He'd always been inquisitive. The clocks had gone forward an hour the previous weekend, it was officially spring and with the days lengthening and gardens to be tidied there were opportunities for him to supplement his income from his day job with a few odd jobs for friends, neighbours and family. The more jobs he did, the quicker he'd have the motorbike.

Granny, his mother's mother, could put some work his way.

"Come around next Saturday," she'd said over the phone. "The garden needs a brush up after winter. I'd do it myself," Granny added, "but I'm so busy with the village fete and all that. There's only a week left to go," she fussed. If I didn't keep on top of things ..."

They agreed a time of 8:30. He pressed the red key on his mobile to end the call. Another twenty quid in the fund, he thought, smiling as he imagined the runs down to Brighton this summer with the lads. The bike, birds and beer -- What more could a twenty-two year old bloke want?

"I've got to go to the church hall," his grandmother said when he arrived promptly. She clicked her tongue, tutting with annoyance at being called to some crisis of committee. She put on her wide-brimmed sun hat, waved cheerily, and bade her grandson goodbye. "There are beers in the fridge," she called just before the front door slammed. "Help yourself to a sandwich later. I don't know how long I'll be."

And she was gone.

The work was easy enough and he cracked right on. The benign spring sunshine warmed his shoulders despite being relatively early in the season. In deference to the warmth of the day he slipped his tee-shirt over his head. Following a further half an hour of working he decided he'd earned a little break. The kitchen clock said 9am, too early for a beer so he settled for a glass of Coke instead. Then he needed a piss.

It was then things changed. Not that he knew it but a turning point in his life had arrived. He was about to make a shocking discovery.

The door was only slightly ajar when he walked past it on the way to the toilet. He'd moved from the kitchen into the hall and climbed the stairs to the second floor of his grandmother's modest cottage -- a detached place with three-bedrooms, tastefully furnished (no chintz, and which had been modernised and renovated in the last decade. He supposed, distantly, that being the only grandc***d he'd inherit the place one day; not that such thoughts were in his head right then, he was focussed on an event much closer on his horizon, namely the bike and the fun he was going to have. He noticed the open door on his way to the toilet. On the return trip he paused.

Her bedroom. He'd never been inside. There'd never been cause. Why he pushed the door open wider? No clue. There was no reason at all other than his curiosity.

At first nothing appeared out of the ordinary. The bed wasn't made and he was surprised by that, Granny was usually meticulous in all things. Perhaps it was the call to the committee -- the desperate emergency concerning the village fete? Maybe that was the reason for his grandmother's uncharacteristic untidiness. Surveying the scene from a point a pace inside the room he saw a dressing table with neat rows of cosmetics, all martially arranged. That was more her style, neat and tidy; she was always immaculately turned out, well-groomed and well-spoken, the precise rows of bottles and lotions and potions were just as he'd expect. He moved stealthily into his grandmother's boudoir and slid open a mirror-fronted wardrobe. Within he saw clothes, all arranged according to colour, orderly. A massive television was mounted to the wall opposite the bed, which linked to a DVD player that sat on a small table. The close proximity of the DVD machine meant that Granny could easily insert a disc into the machine while sitting in bed. He noticed a colourful box lying half open on top of the silver player. Idly he wandered over, curious as to the film his grandmother would choose to watch in bed.

He blinked several times, his brain unable to grasp the reality of what he held in his hands. A cement block lumped in his guts as he gawped at the lurid cover of the DVD box, which depicted a Barbie doll blonde with her face distorted by a mouthful of enormous black cock.

The shock slapped him across the face; he hadn't expected Blacks on Blondes to be a title his grandmother would choose.

As if things couldn't get any more shocking, he then saw something nestled in the rumpled folds of his grandmother's bed. An indefinable feeling swept over him. He looked at the picture on the box, then towards the thing on the bed.

"Shit," he gasped, not realising he'd spoken out loud. That weird feeling tickled in his guts. It felt as though fingers were gently squeezing his testes, and he experienced the sudden, illicit urge to touch himself. "No," he muttered. "She can't ..." Then, not realising what was doing so great was his shock, he rubbed absently at the front of his jeans, palm moving against a sudden erection. The insistent urge to touch himself was irresistible. In his mind he saw her naked, on the bed watching the pornography on the screen while she used the dildo -- the long, thick, black length of rubber that lay there on her bed. The thought, which would have disgusted him if it had been articulated, overwhelmed him. His Granny watching porn and fucking herself with that rubber cock ...

Just as he picked the thing up to examine it, still not believing what his eyes told him was true, he heard a sound. Another cold water wave of shock washed over him. Inevitably, with fated timing, it could only be this way, when he turned towards the sound, he saw his grandmother standing in the hall looking in at him with her palms against her cheeks and her mouth an oval of surprise.

He saw her face redden with embarrassment, he first assumed, but he was wrong, his grandmother was livid.

"What do you think you're doing?" she stormed at him as her hands fell to her sides, fists clenched. "Get out. Get out now! You've no right to be in here. Not in my bedroom snooping through my private things. Get out!"

"But ... I ..." He stood there, bare-chested, gaping like a goldfish, with the lurid DVD case in one hand and his grandmother's dildo in the other.

Almost a scream: "Get out, I said!" The woman trembled with anger.

And he fled. He dropped the box and rubber cock onto the bed and all but ran from the room. He pushed past his distraught grandmother and took the stairs two at a time. Pausing only to collect his tee-shirt from where he'd dropped it in the back garden he got away from the cottage as fast as he could.

"Shit, shit ... shit." How could he ever look her in the eye again? What was he thinking? She was right, it was her private stuff. "Fuck," he hissed, grinding his knuckles against his forehead with chagrin twisting in his guts. What had he been thinking about just before she burst in on him? I was imagining her fucking herself, he admitted, and I was going to wank. He groaned when he thought of it. Being caught red handed was ignominy enough, how much worse would it have been if he'd been knocking one out when she came in?

During the short walk home, past the pub, past the church with its adjacent village hall, the site of next weekend's fete, he worried. What would she do now? Would she report his trespass at all?

But, as he thought that point through, he came to the conclusion that his grandmother, as angry as she was now wouldn't broadcast the mortifying event. After all, he reasoned, she wouldn't really want her porn and dildo made public. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all?

It wasn't until that night, in bed, that the insidious desire tickled his scrotum. At first he pushed the thoughts away, but eventually relented and, with images in his head of his grandmother easing the long, black length of dildo into her opening, he slid his fist along his erection.

His grandmother was a good-looking woman he realised; even he could see that she'd taken care of herself over the years. He visualised his grandmother's breasts. Fine pair of tits he conceded, stroking his erection faster, applying some squeezing pressure to the girth. "I bet she's got some piss-flaps on her," he murmured lewdly into the dark. And then the semen gushed from him in a torrent, making him gasp and scrabble for the tee-shirt at the side of his bed. Wiping the outpouring from his stomach and chest with the shirt he chastised himself, grinning ruefully. "You fuckin' perv," he muttered. He dropped the soiled garment to the carpet at the side of the bed and rolled onto his side. sleep remained elusive, tormented as he was by fantasy scenes playing in his mind.

Scenes of his grandmother in old-fashioned lingerie, masturbating with her dildo while sucking on a thick, rigid cock.

"You look rough," his mother commented the next day when he eventually crawled out of bed.

"Bad night. Couldn't stop dreaming." He didn't volunteer any information on the subject of his nocturnal disturbance. Somehow he thought his mother might not appreciate it.

The toast stopped halfway to his mouth. "Your grandmother phoned," his mother said as she left the kitchen. "Something about you not finishing the job yesterday?" His mother's voice receded upstairs, dwindling as the distance increased. "She wants you round there today ... About one o'clock."

This was going to be awkward. At first he considered an excuse, and then thought about simply just not going at all. What mood would she be in? Still angry? Had she asked him to go around just to berate him further? His face burned when he recalled his actions during the night. Had he really thought of his grandmother while he wanked? That was just too sick. What kind of human being thinks like that?

Evidently he did.

Anxious and with his heart hammering he found himself at the front gate to the cottage at the allotted time. There was a brief flash of hope as he knocked timidly on the back door, the customary portal to his grandmother's house -- the reason he'd not heard her ill-timed return, for the back door had been open and she'd walked right in. The hope that she'd ignore the event completely, never mention it, was dashed as soon as he stepped into the kitchen.

"Ah, there you are, Michael, there's something we have to discuss." His grandmother indicated a slat-backed wooden chair. The feet sc****d across the ancient flagstones when Michael dragged it from beneath the kitchen table. He sat, elbows on the wood, forehead in hands, waiting. "Would you like a beer?" He looked up.

To his surprise she seemed quite calm, cheerful in fact as she'd smiled at him and welcomed him into the kitchen. Now his grandmother waited for an answer, her head tilted to one side, questioning. Michael noticed the wavy, honey-blonde hair -- did she colour it? At 62 he was sure she must. He saw the usual immaculately presented matron, neatly dressed in a bright yellow summer dress which fell to a flattering point just above the knee. Michael remembered how he'd admired his grandmother's legs in his fantasy. She did have great legs. He blushed at the thought. His eyes, of their own accord, flicked to her chest. Big tits he confirmed mentally. In fact the old girl looked pretty good all round. Then he blushed deeper when he caught his grandmother's eye. Had she seen him checking out her boobs?

Her voice interrupted the whirling thoughts in his head. "Did you want a beer?" she asked with a strange expression on her face. "I thought we could go through what happened yesterday over a drink. Civilised. Adult. But you seem ... distracted."

Her face wore a sly grin, unsettling the young man even more than the lewd imaginings of his grandmother's sexuality. "A beer would be good," he replied, voice wavering with consternation. "Thanks."

The woman handed him a can of lager. "I can't open it with these nails." She extended her fingers to show her grandson red-painted talons before pouring a glass, a large one, of red wine. Sitting adjacent to him, ninety degrees around the table, she crossed her legs and sipped at her drink.

His eyes went to her calves again.

"So, Michael ... About yesterday—"

"I'm sorry, Gran," he blurted, interrupting. "I shouldn't have been in your room. It's private. Those ... things ... I shouldn't. I'm sorry ..."

"I've been thinking about all that, Michael," the woman said softly. "And I'm sorry I got so angry and shouted at you. It was just such a ... shock seeing you there, with my ... things. I normally tidy away but with rushing about yesterday ..." She shrugged, her cheeks colouring slightly.

"Yeah, but—"

Her upraised hand halted Michael's protestation. "It was a shock, Michael. That's all. But after you'd gone and I'd calmed down, I began to think. I'd like you to know some things; I'd like to explain ... Just to clear the air. I mean, this could be so awkward for both of us." His grandmother regarded him soberly. Her light blue eyes were steady on his face. "Don't you agree," she added, sipping wine.

"Yeah, it'd be ... weird," Michael concurred, grateful that the whole awkward mess could be put aside.

The woman shifted position, wriggling against the hard chair. "Bring your beer into the best room," she instructed, standing and smoothing her dress over her hips. "We can talk more comfortably in there." Michael followed his grandmother into what she called her best room, a cosy space with a two-seater settee, a single seat chair in the same modish fabric, a flat screen television and decorated with an arrangement of family photographs from over the years. It was a room familiar to Michael; he'd spent a lot of time in there, unlike his grandmother's boudoir. "That's better." The woman settled into the two-seater and, after kicking off her shoes, tucked her feet under her body. Again there was that distracting flash of bare leg. "Now, where was I?" She sipped delicately at her wine. "Ah, yes ..." Michael sat opposite his grandmother as she began. "I've been a widow for fifteen years, Michael." Her eyes moved to a portrait of a grinning sunburned man, Michael's grandfather. "And after a while I realised I had certain ... needs." Michael shifted in his seat, uncomfortable at the tone the monologue was taking. "It took me a long time to go through your granddad's things, but when I did, I made a little discovery."

Oh shit, Michael thought. I don't really want to hear this.

"I found some dirty books, magazines they were, quite explicit." His grandmother's precisely sculpted eyebrow arched. "And some videos," she added. Michael gulped several swigs of beer. "Another drink, dear?" the woman asked. Without waiting for a reply she uncurled her legs and went into the kitchen, returning with a second can.

"You don't have to do this, Gran," Michael said with a catch in his voice. "I understand, I do, really ..."

"Oh, that's good to know, darling." The lady responded, giving her grandson the benefit of a wide-eyed smile. "So we're going to keep this little incident between us? Strictly confidential."

With an air of relief, Michael said: "Oh yeah, sure. I'm happy enough to forget the whole thing." He placed the empty can on the side table next to his seat and popped the fresh one.

"It would be so embarrassing if we hadn't cleared the air, Michael," the woman continued softly. "I mean, you thinking the worst of me, I don't know what you must have thought ... Granny's a pervert who watches dirty films and ..."

Michael flinched. She didn't know that he'd thought about her in a carnal way, or that he'd actually fantasised -- and masturbated -- imagining her doing just as she'd described, his grandmother watching a porn film while she drilled herself with a rubber cock. And not just any rubber cock, a black dildo of quite eye-watering proportions.

"Are you all right, dear?" the woman asked, her voice full of concern as she leaned forward. "You look queer all of a sudden." Michael coughed, alarmed by a sudden erection. "It's the surprise, isn't it?" his grandmother continued. "Finding something like that is a bit of a shock." She nodded. "I know it is from when I discovered your grandfather's little cache. Of course," she continued blithely, apparently lost in her reverie. "I had to watch the videos ... Well one at least ... And to my surprise I found I quite enjoyed watching it. It gave me a totally unexpected thrill. I felt like some kind of voyeur. I'd never seen anything like it. People doing it. And so brazenly! The girls just didn't seem to care about what they did, or with whom they did it. It was all so casual and indiscriminate. And the films were so explicit ... There was no plot to speak of, and some of the situations were laughable, but," the woman paused, staring intently at her grandson. "That's not the point is it -- the plot?"

"No, Gran," Michael managed to croak.

"So I like sex, Michael. I'm a woman and I like sex. I enjoy my films and I like to ... relieve myself as I watch them."

"Shit, Gran. I don't need to know this ... Please."

Ignoring him she ploughed on. "I'm a woman of standing in the village, Michael. I have to be careful of rumour and gossip. If I were to take a lover it would be subject to so much scrutiny. Not that it really matters but I have my pride. Hence my private collection upstairs."

A long silence developed between the pair. The cottage was still and silent around them, nothing disturbed the Sunday peace other than a fat bee that wove its meandering way into the room from the kitchen. The thing buzzed a lethargic circuit and departed, disappearing back into the kitchen where it presumably found the open door to the garden. Then, in the distance, the church bells, long since automated, tolled the half hour.

The sound of the bell brought a comment from the woman, breaking the silence at last. "Another blasted committee meeting at two." She sipped at her wine and shifted position on the sofa. "You know," she continued, "yesterday, when I found you upstairs ..." Michael could only nod. "... I thought ..." The woman grinned, her eyes downcast as though embarrassed to finish.

As usual his curiosity got the better of him. "What?" Michael asked.

"With your shirt off..." She giggled then, actually tittered behind her hand. "I thought you were ... You know ... Relieving yourself."

Michael's face filled with blood. If she knew what he'd been about to do, if she'd been five minutes later returning home she'd have caught him in exactly that situation.

He explained in a rush to mask the discomfit. "I was hot in the garden, working. I took my shirt off and then needed a drink. Then I needed a pee. The door to your room was open, and ..."

"It doesn't matter, Michael," his grandmother said kindly. "We all do it."

"Gran ..." Michael groaned, closing his eyes, shutting her out. "Please, this is just too embarrassing. We shouldn't talk like this. Let's just put it behind us ... Please"As best we can. It will always be there, Michael; we can't turn back the clock, but at least we're clear between us. Nobody needs to know." She stood briskly, attending to business after their talk. "Now, if you'll excuse me I'd best tidy myself up and get off to the meeting. Will you be staying on and doing a little work?" She nodded at the can in his hand. "You can finish your beer first. I'll be back at five if you want to stay for some supper."

Michael sat and stared into space, thinking about his grandmother's revelations as she moved about upstairs. The woman came back down, bid her grandson goodbye, and left.

Michael gave her ten minutes. He checked outside through the mullioned front window, and then, with elephants feet dancing in his stomach, went to his grandmother's room. It was madness. Insanity. What was he doing? He'd been caught only the day before doing exactly this. He hated himself even as he crossed the threshold, the border of illicit territory. His grandmother had laid bare her personal secrets, confided in him on such a personal level, and then trusted him enough to leave him alone in the cottage. But he couldn't help himself. He had to see what else she had hidden away. She'd said five, which gave him three hours. If he only stayed twenty minutes, half an hour at most, he'd be well clear, with the garden tidied too by the time she returned.

A second wardrobe contained normal clothes -- dresses, shoes, hats, nothing of any note. A chest of drawers was the same. Michael flushed, feeling a further twist of guilt when he came across his grandmother's underwear, some of which he was surprised to find was a bit on the skimpy side.

His grandmother certainly had hidden depths. He wondered about her statement denying lovers.

Another chest of drawers, and bingo. "Fucking hell," Michael muttered, eyes widening when he saw the array of DVDs, magazines, sex toys, even a laptop computer. "She's into this in a big way."

Michael picked a DVD at random and inserted the disc into the tray on the player. The film started. A few moments later he was standing with his jeans shoved down to his thighs, slack-jawed with lewd concentration, stroking his hard-on.

The voice sent a cold wave of shock over him. "You dirty bastard," his grandmother said.

It had been a trap and he'd fallen into it. The committee meeting had been a fiction. She'd set him up to see what he'd do. And he'd lived up to her expectation. Upon leaving the cottage rather than walk down to the village hall she'd called in at Clara's, a neighbour, for a cup of tea. All the while, as Clara chatted away, she was almost overwhelmed with curiosity, dying to know what was happening in her home.

Would he be working in the garden innocently, or would he ...?

Forcing herself to accept a second cup of tea, she sipped slowly, chipping in to the conversation at intervals. Eventually she made to leave, offered Clara her thanks and arranged a reciprocal visit the next day.

No sign of him in the garden, in fact there was no change there whatsoever. She crept into the kitchen, checking the best room on her way to the stairs. With her heart hammering and pussy oiling she moved along the landing and ...

Oh. My. God, she thought. There he is. Her cunt clenched as she watched him in secret for a few seconds. Look at him. Pulling that cock ... And what a lovely cock ... I'm damned, she thought. I'll go to hell for this -- looking at my own grandson, watching him masturbate. It was as she'd pictured the night before. In her fantasy she'd fucked herself with her favourite dildo while he watched her, stroking his cock, his eyes devouring body.

She was proud of her figure; the yoga had given her a taut, toned body that belied her years. Oh, she was no flawless youngster, but she looked good, knew she was desirable to men. Even young men had commented on occasion. Thank God for the internet which had opened up a whole new world of sexual opportunity to her.

In her imaginings, which coincided with those of Michael's, although she had no way of knowing this, Michael stroked his erection to a squirting climax, covering her breasts, chest and face with his semen. She'd come violently, clasping her thighs against her wrists as she jammed the dildo deep into her body, writhing and groaning and muttering obscenities, exhorting her dream grandson to drench her with jizm.

And here was her chance to live the reality. He'd done exactly as she'd hoped. But would he be complicit in i****t?

With the madness in her veins, overcome by her lust and desire for her grandson, casting all to the fates, she spoke to him.

"You dirty bastard," she said, moving into the room. He turned, pinning to face her, wide-eyed with shock. "You beautiful, filthy boy. Look at you, looking at Granny's porn and stroking your cock." She smiled at him, gambling all. "And what a lovely cock it is, Michael. It's one that I'd like to kiss." And before Michael had chance to recover, to perhaps recoil from her advances, she pounced. Lifting the hem of her dress to reveal her smooth pudenda, in her married days she'd been all natural, but since discovering pornography, and seeing the models predominantly favoured shaven mounds, the woman had adopted the look. With her right hand she reached for her grandson's erection. "I wanted you last night," she murmured, stroking the iron length of him while the young man merely boggled at her. "When I saw you half-naked something came over me. Call it a curse, I don't know, all I know is that I want you, darling. I want you in my mouth, and I want you here." Holding her skirt against her body with her forearm, the woman touched her vulva, showing Michael just where she wanted him.

Michael's gaze went from his grandmother's face to between her legs. "Gran," he said in a stunned whisper. "This can't ..."

"I know. It's crazy, Michael. I can't believe it myself. Don't think about it. Put the fact that I'm ..." She paused, choosing her words carefully. She had him now, but he could still balk and run. The moment was so febrile. One wrong word ... "Forget who I am, Michael," she continued, her voice low and hypnotic, her hand squeezing and manipulating. "Just follow my lead. Let me take you on a journey."

"We shouldn't ..." Michael began, then groaned when his grandmother's fist quickened.

"Feel my hand on you, baby. Am I doing it all right? Does it feel good?"

Glassy-eyed Michael nodded. "Yes," he murmured.

"I'm tight inside too, darling. I know I'm tight in there." The woman judged her moment perfectly. It was time to let her prim facade crumble completely. With her fingers moving along her grandson's tumescence she murmured into his ear: "When I fuck myself with my favourite dildo I can feel how my cunt grips it. I could do that to your cock."

Michael gasped, his eyes opening wide. "Oh, Gran. I ... I ... I thought about you last night," he confessed. "I imagined you doing that."

"You did?" A high note of excitement entered the woman's tone. "You thought about me? Oh, Michael ... I was doing the same. I was doing it to myself, fucking myself with my dildo and wishing it were you." She released her grandson's cock. The thing waggled and swayed, a long heavy jib hanging in the air. Michael watched as his grandmother slid the bootlace straps of her dress over her shoulders. She let the garment slide over her body and then she turned. With her back to him she instructed the lad to unclasp her bra. Trembling fingers fumbled with the catch but eventually succeeded.

"Shit ..." Michael gasped when his grandmother turned again, revealing her breasts to him for the first time.

"I've always had good tits," the woman said, smiling. "Good tits and great legs."

"Shit," Michael repeated. She wasn't k**ding. He reached for her, his fingertips touching the smooth flanks of his grandmother's breasts.

"Feel them," she moaned, her eyes closing as her head fell back. "Feel my tits, suck my nipples." The woman's voice cracked with arousal: "Go on, suck Granny's big tits."

Michael broke. His dream had come true and, spurred by his grandmother's words and obvious eagerness he squeezed the globes of tit-flesh together before leaning to take a distended teat into his mouth. His grandmother groaned, pushing her fingers into his hair as Michael sucked and licked her long, thick nipples and puckered areola. He switched his attention between the pair, licking and nibbling each in turn before finally lifting his head and encountering the woman's blue stare. His grandmother's eyes gleamed with desire.

"You're beautiful," Michael murmured.

"So are you." The woman pressed her body against her grandson. "Kiss me," she said.

That first kiss went on and on. As his tongue touched his grandmother's Michael became so overwhelmed with burning lust that he couldn't stop touching her body. His hands ran down her sides, over the swell of her hips and cupped her buttocks. He pulled her tighter into his embrace, grinding his erection against her soft stomach. He was desperate for her. As the kiss rolled on, their tongues sliding and slipping, Michael mauled briefly at his grandmother's breasts before his hand moved between her legs. When he felt the heat of her there, the molten slide between her labia, Michael broke the kiss.

"Jesus," he blasphemed.

"Out of those clothes," the woman ordered. Michael complied. "Goody," Michael's grandmother said gleefully when he stood naked in front of her. "You're such a gorgeous young man. Tight and firm ... And so hard," she added with a smirk. "Lick me," she commanded, suddenly serious. "Lick my cunt ..."

His grandmother collapsed onto the bed and lifted her legs to offer herself. Michael growled and leapt at her.

"So smooth," he muttered.

He heard a low chuckle from his grandmother. "You like it that way, Michael? Do you like Granny all bare for you? Piss flaps like elephants ears, your granddad used to say."

It was true, the woman's labia were uncommonly large, but rather than being revolted, Michael found the meaty folds erotic.

"And my clit is quite large too," the woman, splaying her labia, informed her grandson. "Suck it. Lick Granny's cunt and suck her clit. Make her come ... And then you can fuck her."

Michael did as he was told. He flicked the pink, glistening nub of his grandmother's clitoris. The woman gasped, sucking breath between her teeth as the sensations pulsed through her. He held the wings of the woman's labia splayed with his fingertips to squirm his tongue into her opening, eliciting further moans and obscenities from her mouth.

His grandmother was transformed, taking on a role from her films. The language she used, while shocking coming from her mouth, encouraged Michael to greater feats of endeavour. Finally, as he used his fingers and tongue in those erstwhile taboo places -- his own grandmother's body -- Michael coaxed from the woman a shattering orgasm.

Even as she writhed and clawed at the bedcovers, Michael moved to a kneeling position between his grandmother's legs. As her climax cooled, she looked up, eyes heavy-lidded with lust, and urged him to enter her.

"Do it, Michael," the woman grimaced, face twisted with urgency. "Just do it. Love me with that lovely cock. Go on, put it in there. Fuck your own grandmother. Oh!"

i****t, the woman thought when Michael penetrated her. We're doing it. My grandson is fucking me.

Michael was thinking much the same while his grandmother, true to her word, squeezed tight around his girth. He thought vaguely about the irreversible leap into sin they'd both taken.

'We can't go back," he gabbled into the woman's face as she stared up at him. "Never."

"I don't want to, darling. We've committed such a sin, but I don't care. I just want you, my darling grandson, inside me where you are now. Fill me with love, darling. Fuck me and squirt into me. Give me that lovely semen. Love me. Kiss me."

And they moved together, their conjunction growing ever more desperate as they both sought the peak of their emotions. Michael, with words of love on his lips, promised to make love to his grandmother whenever she wanted; vowed to keep visiting; to sleep with her and to keep this great thing a secret between them. The woman also gabbled about love. How she wanted her lovely boy to lick her and fuck her and love her. How she wanted him to hold her close, to fill her with his lovely cock and to show her how much he loved her.

"Come for me," the woman sighed, and then cried out with delight when, as her arms and legs embraced her grandson, she felt him convulse, sensing the flutter of his ejaculation spitting into her body. "Let it go," she crooned. "Fill Granny with it ..."

And the great tide washed over her own senses as she too climaxed.

"What have we done, Gran?" Michael asked, astonished at the enormity of what had just transpired.

"i****t," his grandmother replied with a delighted chuckle. "And we're going to do it again soon." She opened a drawer and took out the black dildo. "Now, you watch me fuck myself with this thing until you get hard again. I know about young men," she said mysteriously. How? wondered Michael. He set aside questions about that subject, instead gazing open-mouthed as his grandmother eased the rubber thing into her body. "You'll be stiff soon," she said. "And then I want to suck you."

There would be a lot of work to do around his grandmother's cottage over the coming months, Michael decided.

His grandmother paid for his motorcycle.


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The Yellow Cottage

SET IN New Zealand. Not a lot of sex, a true romance. * CHAPTER 1 A tidal surge, not very high but loaded with power and breaking, snuck up behind the well-formed young woman looking upriver in mid-thigh deep water and flattened her. When Jess Turner regained her feet, spluttering, her bikini top was no more. Half dazed she walked from the water to hear the guy she vaguely saw walking a lead-tugging dog say, ‘Nice ones.’ Indignant, now aware of what the grinning ape was on about, Jess felt...

4 years ago
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Ivy Cottage

Chapter 1. To the Country “Hey Jim,” dad called, “you’ve got an invitation from Cleo to go and spend some time at Ivy Cottage.” “What? Why’s she inviting me?” “Oh, the last time I wrote I mentioned you were going to do a course in agriculture, so she’s written – well, here’s the letter, you read it.” Sure enough it was an invitation and part of it read, “If he’s going to do a course in agriculture, instead of wasting his time lounging around in the suburbs, why doesn’t he come here and...

4 years ago
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Curious Case of a Horseless HeadmanChapter 2 THE COTTAGE

It is a dreary damp, late summer day and the coach shudders as wheels crash into pothole after pothole, the degree of depth and danger disguised by the many full to the brim puddles strewn over the road surface, there barely being a yard length of flat road surface in the entire Weald and Downland of this county. Lord Ferdinando Briant, pulls back a drawn curtain to glance out of the unglazed coach window. There is little to see as the mist from the fields reduces visibility to less than a...

4 years ago
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marks cottage

The cottage part one   It was a grey and gloomy sky that seemed to reach down and chill your very heart as we drove through Edinburgh. Tom and I were on our way to a xmas party.   This was to be, no ordinary party. Finally we approached the entrance to the driveway that led up to Mark’s cottage.   Small flurries of snowflakes were falling as we drove slowly up the winding driveway that led to Marks cottage. The driveway was lined by very old, crooked trees, their branches reaching out as...

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Wives Go Wild At The Cottage

Sometime in the following summer Melanie and I were invited up to Sue and Jake's cottage for the weekend. On the Saturday night, after a relaxing day on the dock drinking beer and barbecuing, Jake took us on a tour of the lake at sunset in his small speedboat. Jake drove, Sue sat next to him in the front and Melanie and I sat in the back. Everybody was dressed in shorts and tee-shirts. Jake cruised around the shoreline of the medium-size lake pointing out places of interest and the homes of...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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The Cottage

Kim Loggans lost her husband of twenty years two years ago due to a massive heart attack. Counselors at the university where she worked helped her through her grief, advising her to fill her days with volunteering, hobbies or anything to keep her from just sitting at home feeling sorry for herself. In addition to her full time job, Kim signed up for some exercise classes being offered at the school to keep her mind and body occupied, helping her through her grief. She overcame the bad times and...

4 years ago
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marks cottage

The cottage part one   It was a grey and gloomy sky that seemed to reach down and chill your very heart as we drove through Edinburgh. Tom and I were on our way to a xmas party.   This was to be, no ordinary party. Finally we approached the entrance to the driveway that led up to Mark’s cottage.   Small flurries of snowflakes were falling as we drove slowly up the winding driveway that led to Marks cottage. The driveway was lined by very old, crooked trees,...

Group Sex
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The Cottage

Chapter One They bought the cottage for family reasons, many years ago, and they all loved the place, not ever dreaming of the purposes it should serve years later. In those days they were the typical family: Husband busy, wife wifely, kids unruly and very active. The huge, old cottage was very primitive, but it was situated on the shore of a mountain lake with a breathtaking view of snowy mountains across the water. Built out of enormous logs joined the old-fashioned way, it had neither...

3 years ago
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What Waited in the Cottage

I looked over at Brock before I inserted the key into the lock of the apartment. He looked pretty husky in his uniform of worn jeans and a sweatshirt, underneath a thick black parka. I wore a woolen dress for warmth not to impress anyone certainly not Brock and some boots which covered my thicken woolen socks. The ground outside the tiny cottage had been covered with about a foot of snow and a thin Iet of icy snow colored the shingle roof. It was definitely more than cold enough to have to...

4 years ago
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The cottage

Last year, I was recruited by a large international company based in London. The package that they offered me was too good to turn down, and one of the most pleasant perquisites was a working tour of the resorts itowned and managed. My wife, Swati, was thrilled at the prospect and welined up her parents to watch the kids for the five week trip. Swati and I have been married for fourteen years, We are both 34 and fight the battle against aging, with Swati winning in spectacular fashion. At 5’4″...

2 years ago
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Viewing The Cottage

Twenty-four-year-old Roger Phillips had inherited a substantial sum of money and was looking at buying himself something larger than the smallish flat that he currently lived alone in. He had viewed a few properties and he now had an appointment to meet a representative of the estate agent's at a quite isolated country cottage. He drove into the gate of the cottage and there, standing by her car, was an Indian woman of absolute beauty.This vision was forty-eight-year-old divorcee Maneka Patel...

3 years ago
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Closing up the Cottage

It started out as another case of me-and-my-big-mouth. I was down at my parents' and had wandered into the livingroom in time to catch the last snatch of a conversation. My sister Ria was saying stuff about closing up her cottage for the winter. Figuring that to be a pretty tough sport and feeling full of false magnanimity, I volunteered, "Well gosh, Ria, I'd certainly come out and help, not that I could get time away from the kids or afford the airfare." I really would have been just as...

4 years ago
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Power Chapter 32 Sylvia Chernobyl and the Cottage

About two weeks after the auction I was getting a beer with Janice and Nate in one of the lounges; Mike was reading an Alumni newsletter. I asked him about it since he had not yet graduated. “Anthony hasn’t been around for very long,” Mike explained. “They have a fairly small alumni association and give seniors the newsletter to try and get us to join early.” Mike tossed the newsletter over to me and left. The cover story was about the Alumni Cottages. The headline read “Only 18 more months to...

2 years ago
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The Country Cottage

Alan and Lorraine Robertson were both aged in their late fifties and had been married for thirty-five years but their marriage had been under strain for quite some while. Neither had anyone else, but there was currently little love between them and there had not been sex for quite a while, they slept in separate rooms.A few weeks previously Lorraine had rented a country cottage to see if maybe that would bring them back together but since booking it she had become less and less enthusiastic...

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At the Cottage

[Author's Note: This story is mostly voyeuristic. There will be lots of spying, perving, teasing, masturbation, etc., with some exhibitionism and heavy petting/touching, but no full-on sex. It is a voyeuristic fantasy inspired by a friend's mom I knew in real life. Rochelle can also be found in my adult interactive fiction games "Encounter 1: Tim's Mom" and "Pool Party".] Cottage layout: We arrived at the cottage. It was...

3 years ago
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Fun at the Cottage

The sun was setting on the forest when I woke up. I was sitting in the back of the minivan, squeezed between my younger sister and my younger brother. « We’re there! », said my mother softly, probably still thinking I was asleep. My younger sister kicked my foot and smile at me. « Did you hear mom? We’re here! », she said. I smile back at her and took a moment to check the view. It was beautiful. Though I initially did not want to come at the Cottage with the rest of the family, at that moment,...

3 years ago
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Summer at the cottage

My wife and I are teachers at a local community college.  It is the perfect job as it allows us to spend over two months at our summer house on the lake.  We were about to embark on the four hour trek northward.  My wife had agreed to give one of her students a lift, her parents lived not too far from our cottage, and she needed a ride home.I had packed the trunk of the car to the brim with our supplies for the summer, so when we went to pick up Jennifer there wasn’t much room for her stuff.  I...

4 years ago
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Guest In My Ooty Cottage

Fucking my guest in my cottage . Hi every one in here. I am new as a story writer to iss environment , very old follower of indian sex stories dot net .I am sorry if there are some errors in my words and verbal expressions. Introducing myself I am 27 yrs from ooty. I do business in lodging and cottage. Very desperate for love and sex. I love hearing moaning and sex sounds from my guest. I masturbate with lust and dream of those sounds, voices.. For the ladies in here I am still a bachelor....

2 years ago
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The cottage

When you own a cottage, particularly if it's a good cottage,you come to expect friends and family to invite themselves overfrom time to time. I have a pretty good cottage up on an island filled lake inNorthern New York. It's got three bedrooms, a dock, a small beach,and a terrific view of the lake. It's hard to find, and kind ofisolated, but I love it so much that I just can never seem to keepfrom bragging. So, from time to time, I give in to less than gentle hints, andlet various people...

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DominoesChapter 12 Spring 19895 The Cottage

"Sammy?" Marcie asked when I called her on Sunday morning. "Can you talk?" "Sammy? What's wrong? Are you all right?" "I need to talk to someone and you're the only one I trust." "What happened?" I must have talked for an hour while Marcie listened. I told her about Cindy being in the kitchen when I got home Friday afternoon, about us going up to my room and her pushing the button on my answering machine. I gave Marcie a quick overview of how Cindy reacted, curious but not...

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A week at the cottage

Day after day I would watch this interaction between all of the kids and would often retreat inside the cottage where I could lube my cock with astroglide and slowly stroke it while I watched the tight bodied young boys and girls wrestle with each other. Inevitably, I would end up shooting a rope of cum across my chest and, sometimes, enjoy a splash of my own cum as it made it's way into my mouth. The sensation of my cum as it sprayed across my face and into my mouth made my climax that...

3 years ago
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The Lake Cottage

A hint of fall was in the crisp cool air as she walked from the cottage to the lake. A light breeze blew across it from the pass between two mountains to the west. It was midmorning and she was aware of the juxtaposition of nature’s gifts. On the one hand, the morning sun warmed her bare back and cheeks, whilst the cool air caressed her face, her breasts, stomach and her glistening lips peeking out from the soft downy patch of blonde pubic hair. She felt like invisible fingers were moving over...

2 years ago
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Closing down the cottage

Truth is often stranger than fiction. Such is the case in this story please feel free to vote and comment as it will make my future stories and blogs better. Feeling the need to do some last minute shopping i headed off to the local shopping center. After finishing my shopping my k**ney's and colon told me it was time to use the men's room. As i was using the men's room another man came in and used the adjacent stall . It wasn't long this man was tapping his foot so i thought lets see where...

3 years ago
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The Gamekeepers Cottage

“You must be the gamekeeper.”The words were spoken by a thin, pale woman of about thirty-five, wrapped in a red waterproof jacket, jeans and walking boots. She was standing at the foot of the treacherous, mossy concrete steps that led down from my holiday apartment, Gamekeeper’s Cottage. It was on an estate in deepest Cornwall, former home of some lord of the manor who had made his fortune from the tin mines that used to flourish in the area.“Yes, I’m the gamekeeper,” I said, entering into the...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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My cousins cottage

I had just gotten divorced after a 10 year relationship and 4 years of fighting and bitchin’. I was ready to fucking move on and horny as a goat. I would have fucked anything in sight. My cousin, we had been best friends for all of our 50 some years, invited me to her cottage “you can have it all for yourself for a couple of weeks” she told me on the phone. Located on a small island in Canada, by a fast running river, this is exactly what I needed. I got there on a Friday night and she was...

4 years ago
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the cottage

True 29 and my girl 21.My girl wanted to go away in the weekend before christmas. since we were dating for two years now, she wanted to have me for herself for two whole days. a present, of sorts.we managed to book a mountain cottage but at a high price.Since the money isn't much, we asked another couple to tag along and share the fee. since the cottage had 3 bedrooms, we asked two mutual girl friends to come, 4 girls and two boys.our time there was great, the place had its own...

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Opening The Cottage

She brought the car to a stop and leaned back in the seat, closing her eyes to rest her head for a moment. The drive though only ninety minutes had been exhausting. Had she known how much traffic there would be on a weekday afternoon she wondered if she would have made the trip alone. Compared to bearing a child the drive had not been that bad, she thought. She opened her eyes and looked around. Beyond the sea wall the water was kicking up small whitecaps that spilled half way up the beach...

4 years ago
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Melody at my cottage

4-14-2011 Jonathan It's early December and snow lightly falls, covering the bare trees and the grass. I have been dating Melody since that magical day in the summer at the waterfall. Things have been going amazingly and the sex just gets better every time. I invited Melody up to my cottage in New Hampshire for a weekend. She should be here soon. I do have to admit, I am a little nervous. I'm not quite sure why. My thoughts were interrupted by a light knock at the front door. I...

2 years ago
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Our Cottage

The small cottage stands out as a silhouette against the dark night, only distinguishable because the building is darker than the landscape around it. The car turns the corner onto a dirt road, and the now jerky headlights illuminate the building. A wooden door and glinting window sit beside a net of vines that weaves its way up the side of the white house and onto its roof. I look over at you, sitting on the seat beside me, and whisper, “We’re here.” I keep the car running and climb out to...

4 years ago
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Summer at the cottage

My wife and I are teachers at a local community college.  It is the perfect job as it allows us to spend over two months at our summer house on the lake.  We were about to embark on the four hour trek northward.  My wife had agreed to give one of her students a lift, her parents lived not too far from our cottage, and she needed a ride home. I had packed the trunk of the car to the brim with our supplies for the summer, so when we went to pick up Jennifer there wasn’t much room for her stuff. ...

3 years ago
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Back at the cottage

After our passionate love making in the car, we return to the cottage. The sun is still shinning as we relax in the courtyard armed with a cocktail, fruit and nibbles to eat. I move my chair alongside yours to cuddle you, and to pet you. We have a deep affection for each other displaying the love we have between us. I kiss your ears and your neck taking little bites of your ear lobes too. I love you. I care for you and I adore you. It is obvious by the way I kiss and cuddle you. You react...

4 years ago
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A Night at the Cottage

You breathe heavily as you slide your fingers in and out of your pussy. The country cottage was pretty old, and the locks on the doors stopped working a long time ago. No one cared enough to fix them, as you and your family only visited for the odd weekend. You think you hear someone coming, you quickly pull your hands out from between your legs and look at the door. No one enters. Relieved, you put your fingers in your mouth to lick the juices off, then go back to pleasuring yourself. The...

3 years ago
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Rose Cottage

It was two pm on Friday afternoon, the sun was shining and I was going to see my amazing fuck friend. Work was finished for the week. The combination of the vibrations from my truck and the anticipation of seeing her was exquisite. So much so, it was possible I was going to have to undo a button or two down below.A tractor pulled into the road in front of me which dragged my attention back to here and now. I braked and waved. This mood was just too good to be spoiled by anything. I had met her...

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In the Old Farmers Cottage

Let me introduce myself to you;I am a 19 year old girl with short brown hair, and an athletic build, long legs,with rather large boobs that tend to make me look a bit top heavy.In between college terms, I scanned the local paper for a part time job so's I could earn a bit of money to tide me over until the new course started after the summer break. My eye was drawn to an ad which wanted a domestic, twice a week. That seemed ideal to me so I rang the number and an interview was arranged.I turned...

3 years ago
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Back at the cottage

After our passionate love making in the car, we return to the cottage. The sun is still shinning as we relax in the courtyard armed with a cocktail, fruit and nibbles to eat. I move my chair alongside yours to cuddle you, and to pet you. We have a deep affection for each other displaying the love we have between us. I kiss your ears and your neck taking little bites of your ear lobes too. I love you. I care for you and I adore you. It is obvious by the way I kiss and cuddle you. You react with...

2 years ago
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Our Cottage

The small cottage stands out as a silhouette against the dark night, only distinguishable because the building is darker than the landscape around it. The car turns the corner onto a dirt road, and the now jerky headlights illuminate the building. A wooden door and glinting window sit beside a net of vines that weaves its way up the side of the white house and onto its roof. I look over at you, sitting on the seat beside me, and whisper, “We’re here.” I keep the car running and climb out to...

Love Stories
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The Cottage

Some years ago I was enjoying an autumn walk around my neighbourhood. A couple of miles from home I felt the need for a pee. Being in a built-up area there was nowhere to go by the roadside, so I held on for a few minutes until I reached a public toilet.Not the nicest, old and grotty, but needs want so in I went. Just one urinal, one cubicle and a wash basin, beside which was a much younger man washing his hands. I went past him, got my cock out and immediately released my pent-up bladder. As...

3 years ago
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White DelightsChapter 14 My Humble Cottage

The journey started reasonably well, the Emir thought. Kaitlin was impressed by driving straight to the steps up into the aircraft; she was even more impressed by a private jumbo jet, and he had remembered to order the stewardesses to wear their ground uniforms, rather than serve them naked, as they normally would when the aircraft was in the air. He managed to persuade Kaitlin to share his bed for an hour on the journey, and then to shower with him, but she was clearly becoming more nervous...

3 years ago
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Early cottages

When I was younger there were two "cottages" in my home town. I knew both well and loved reading the stories and wanking in them. I could be in them for over an hour.In one there was a gloryhole ( not that i knew the name) which i could look through and watch people in the cubicle. Mostly people were doing what it was meant for. Every now and then a guy would wank off, just as i did, looking at the pics and stories. i would watch him, loving the moment he came. Then I would wank until I came...

4 years ago
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The Cottage

Kim Loggans lost her husband of twenty years two years ago due to a massive heart attack. Counselors at the university where she worked helped her through her grief, advising her to fill her days with volunteering, hobbies or anything to keep her from just sitting at home feeling sorry for herself. In addition to her full time job, Kim signed up for some exercise classes being offered at the school to keep her mind and body occupied, helping her through her grief. She overcame the bad times...

2 years ago
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A nice little Cottage

This is something that happened to me several years ago. I was in town and decided to go for a coffee in a large department store, I thought I would use the bathroom before getting the coffee and followed signs towards it. You had to go through two sets of swing doors before opening the outer door to the toilet and then another into the room itself, this room was quite small with two toilet cubicules directly infront of you as you enter and just to the left of them and set back so the couldn't...

1 year ago
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Two couples in the summer cottage

It was the beginning of the second week at the cabin that belonged to Sheila’s family. It was in June, and Sheila and Don had scored the use of it for the whole month and had invited Jill and myself to share it with them. Both broods of kids were still in school, so the slightly cooler days of June were the price we paid for having the place to ourselves. We had three more weeks to go, free except for the simple food we ate, and the beer. The lake was a bit nippy, the water was still high, but...

4 years ago
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6 mature big breasted white ladies bbc cottage6

6 mature, big breasted white ladies have all been exercising together, following their previous shiatsu, foot reflexology, herbal and vitamin regimens to recover their bodies so they all lose their pregnancy fat, present great hip to waist ratios and keep their old and tired wombs and ovaries functioning to release healthy eggs allowing their much younger black men to continue breeding them. Thus far, over 5, 5 week breeding sessions over 5 years they’ve produced an impressive 45 black babies....

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6 mature big breasted white ladies bbc cottage4

There are 6 mature, big breasted, curvy, white ladies who have worked very hard to lose their baby fat from their 3rd pregnancies after their 3rd breeding session last year with 4 well endowed, young black men. White ladies are, Tryphaena, Elaine, Connie, Wendy, Beverly and Steph. Black men are, Randolph, Sam, Tom and Danny. Although all 6 ladies lost their baby fat, because they’re all mature none have six packs, but are very well proportioned and are in excellent shape with great hip to waist...

2 years ago
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6 mature big breasted white ladies bbc cottage6

6 mature, big breasted white ladies have all been exercising together, following their previous shiatsu, foot reflexology, herbal and vitamin regimens to recover their bodies so they all lose their pregnancy fat, present great hip to waist ratios and keep their old and tired wombs and ovaries functioning to release healthy eggs allowing their much younger black men to continue breeding them. Thus far, over 5, 5 week breeding sessions over 5 years they've produced an impressive 45 black babies....

3 years ago
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6 mature big breasted white ladies bbc cottage5

6 mature, big breasted white ladies have delivered 35 black babies over their past 4 yearly breeding sessions. Ladies are; Tryphaena (my wife), Elaine, Connie, Wendy, Steph and Beverly. 4 young black men are; Randolph, Sam, Tom and Danny. They will all meet at our cottage for 5 weeks on none stop love making for their fifth breeding session. Date is fast approaching.After delivering their 4th set of babies from their last breeding session. All the ladies who are between 50-55 immediately start...

3 years ago
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6 mature big breasted white ladies bbc cottage4

There are 6 mature, big breasted, curvy, white ladies who have worked very hard to lose their baby fat from their 3rd pregnancies after their 3rd breeding session last year with 4 well endowed, young black men. White ladies are; Tryphaena, Elaine, Connie, Wendy, Beverly and Steph. Black men are; Randolph, Sam, Tom and Danny. Although all 6 ladies lost their baby fat, because they're all mature none have six packs, but are very well proportioned and are in excellent shape with great hip to waist...

4 years ago
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6 mature big breasted white ladies bbc cottage3

6 mature, curvy, big breasted, white ladies were thrilled to deliver their 8 black babies after their 2nd breeding session at our cottage. These 8 black babies are in addition to the 6 black babies they delivered the year before. These mature white ladies, Elaine, Connie, Wendy, Steph, Beverly and my wife, Tryphaena have always wanted to be repeatedly bred by black men. They waited almost too late as their ages are now between 50-55, so their old and tired wombs and ovaries could shut down at...

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6 mature big breasted white ladies bbc cottage2

6 mature white ladies, my wife and 5 of her friends, Connie, Beverly, Wendy, Steph & Elaine all delivered a healthy black baby from their 9 day adventure at our cottage last summer. 4 well endowed, young black men greatly enjoyed their breeding of these 6 mature, curvy, big breasted white ladies. Women were all between 47 (youngest was Wendy) and 53 (oldest was my wife, Tryphaena). 4 young black men were between 18 (Tom the youngest) and 24 (Sam the oldest). All had very distinctive...

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Lebensraum Depraved behaviour of young Nazis sent to eastern Europe

Even before he was forced to join the Hitler Youth (HJ), Albert Schmidt had been aware that their Wehrsport or military athletics was intended to prepare them to be soldiers when they were older, with the best selected to join the SS.  However it was a shock when at short notice he was told to pack and that they were off to Reichsgau Warthegau, so recently liberated from Poland by the heroic Werhmacht.  It was a cold and bleak landscape compared with home but most of the boys felt honoured that...

3 years ago
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My first Real Monster Cock

I was a sissy boy, who had turned 14 teen. I had sucked and been fucked by a lot of cock for my age. So far the 2 biggest cock i sucked and were fucked by were 9" big older man's white cock and 12' older boys BBC cock. I had sucked a was fucked by a lot older mens and older boys cocks crusing at a local park. I had become a sissy boy cock hound. i was always looking for my next cock. That summer a older man moved in a house at the dead end of our street. he kept to himself and had a privacy...

4 years ago
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A Bitch and Her Boy

I fell through the cracks in time before I was finished with my training. I was, as every other E-Dog destined to be a combat specialist. The main reason for that is that ever since the big crash the world has been at war. I don't mean just in some far off place but nearly total war in all nations at all times. Of course there are places that are reinforced where research takes place, and things like myself are created. I suspect that it was in some one of those labs that someone came up with...

3 years ago
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Having Again Forced Sex With Cousin

Hi this is I Gagan again I hadn’t got any over whelming response from my story unpredictable experience, now sending new story that happened only few days after that ,my cousin threatened me 2 not 2 tell about incident 2 anyone, my mom dad had to go 4 some days out of station ,so they leave me in my cousins home ,her mother was living faraway in gurgaon &only his father was there with a servant ,when my mother father leave he ordered servant 2 put my bag in his room as their wasn’t any extra...

4 years ago
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While still serving in the US Air Force one of the females I worked with at the local radio station was Crystal Rose. Quiet and shy normally, but a confident disc jockey on the radio and as most of the staff like me were volunteers we shared the duties though I preferred choosing the music and arranging the adverts to actually announcing though I did give the weather forecasts every thirty minutes. I,d worked off and on with Crystal for a few weeks, but outside of a joke or shared story we...

2 years ago
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Quest For Power

Night looms over a field of grass trees scatter the area. One dome tent that fits about three adults inside stands right beside a Red Ford Ranger Truck. A white man wearing a white sleeve less shirt, a pair of black leather biker gloves, blue jeans with a worn out brown belt around the waist, and a pair of dark black hiking shoes walks out of the tent.

5 years ago
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Inner Slut Fuck Her Please

I've been married for about eight years to a great man. He is everything a girl wants from a man. He is strong, loving, hard working, smart, and treats me like a princess. He does this in almost every way possible. We hardly ever have sex. He only ever wants me three times a year, his birthday, my birthday, and our anniversary. He wasn't like this before we got married, we had sex all the time, and it seemed that was all we did. Our sex was endless; it was hard, rough, soft, loving, sweet, and...


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