Sexy Wife Fuck By 2 Muslim Men free porn video

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The speed with which the clouds gathered and the skies opened up took me by surprise. I was on my scooter, driving back from a work-related assignment in a village about 100 km outside of Delhi. Usually, I'd take the car for such a distance, but it refused to start in the morning. I expected to return before sunset, but the assignment had taken longer than expected and by the time I got done, the villagers insisted I have dinner before leaving.

So there I was, on my scooter, close to 10 pm on a narrow local road when it started raining cats and dogs, as the cliche goes. Since it wasn't the time for monsoons, I expected the rain to stop soon, so I just pulled over by the side of the road and stopped under a tree. Half an hour later and the rain still had not let up. I was completely soaked, even under the tree.

I thought of calling home for a rescue from my predicament. As I reached into my purse to take my cellphone out, I felt a certain dampness. That's when I realized I had taken my fabric purse, which was obviously not waterproof. The cellphone was also wet, and had conked off. Great, I thought to myself. Stuck here without a working cellphone on a highway late at night. Some vehicles were passing by. I thought of flagging one down. But there had been so many news stories recently about a group of men in their cars or SUVs k**napping women from the roadside and r****g them, that I did not feel comfortable doing so. I decided the best course of action was to drive until I reached some village, and then make a call from there.

So I got on my scooter and drove for about half a km when putt..puttt..putt...hisssss. The scooter engine just stopped with some ominous noises. I tried to restart it. Even tried the manual kick-start. Did not work. Great. As if things couldn't get any worse. Now I was soaked to my skin, with my scooter and cell phone refusing to work, stranded on a deserted road at almost 11 pm. I stood there re-evaluating the option of flagging down a car. The rain had gotten even harder now, definitely the heaviest downpour in the region in years.

Finally I decided to take the chance and stood by the edge of the road waiting for some vehicle to pass by. Nothing. Zip. Nada, for about 10 minutes. Not a single car or truck. Was I in the twilight zone, I wondered.

That's when I noticed a guy on one of those old rusty bicycles approaching from the Delhi side. He was wearing a raincoat, and had his eyes on the road, so did not notice me immediately. I called out to him and he stopped. Crossed the road and came close to me.

"Hello.... my scooter has broken down and my phone isn't working either. Do you have a cellphone on you?" I asked in Hindi.

The man pushed his hood back. He was bald and in his 40s. Wiped the water from his face and replied in Hindi,

"Cellphone? No. I don't own a cellphone. But I am a mechanic. Want me to take a look at that scooter?"

"Oh, thank you. It will be great if you can fix it."

He got off his bicycle, and started examining my scooter.

"Why are there no cars at all on this road?"

"It's a pretty bad storm, Madam. Trees fallen all over. The road is shut on the Panipat side about a km that way. And on the Delhi side a couple of km that way. I was just cycling back home from the garage I work at. It's just a km away."

This did not sound good. If the road was closed both ways, how was I to get home? The man realized what I was thinking from the worried look on my face and said,

"Don't worry about the Delhi side. They were saying it will be cleared within an hour. It's not a very big tree, they say."

He looked under the scooter a few times. Took the toolbox out of the side-box and puttered around. Tried to start it a few times. And then said to me,

"Sorry, Madam. There is thingummy thingummy with the thingummy of the thingummy and we need a thingummy". Well, that's not exactly what he said. But I am a total dunce when it comes to automobiles so he might as well have said that and I wouldn't have understood it any less.

"Alright, so can you fix it?" I asked.

"No, not here. Don't have the tools and parts for it. But if you like, we can go to my garage. It's just a km away. We'll get there in no time. There's also a phone in the garage, so you can call someone and have them pick you up."

That sounded like the best possible option. So we set off on foot towards his garage. Him dragging my scooter, and me rolling his bicycle along.

"So Madam, if you don't mind. What is your name?"

"Mukta" I replied, and out of courtesy asked him, "and what is your's?"

"I am Zahid Qureishi. If you don't mind my asking.... what is a young lady like you doing here at this time? We usually don't get Delhi 'memsaahibs' in our parts."

"I had some work in a village near Panipat. Was driving back when this storm started."

"Yes, this storm is really unexpected. Never seen it rain like this even in the monsoons."

He stayed silent after that, but I noticed that he'd keep stealing glances at me. I had been so preoccupied with thinking about the scooter and how to get home, that I didn't realize how completely soaked I was. Fortunately, as I always do while on village assignments, I was wearing a very conservative salwar-kameez (google it if you don't know what that is), with a long scarf around my neck and chest. But even so, being as soaked as I was, the fabric was hugging some curves of my body more tightly than it ever would.

Nothing too scandalous, mind you, but I am sure it was titillating enough for a middle aged car mechanic like Zahid. His name indicated he was Muslim and Muslim women in those parts dressed very conservatively. So I must have been quite a sight for him. I tried not to think too much about it though. Apart from a few glances, which were perfectly normal for any male, he had been very polite and well-behaved. I did not feel threatened by him at all.

Finally we reached the "garage". I use quote marks because calling it a garage would be too effusive. It was just a small tin shack, probably no bigger than the average bedroom. There was a rusty signboard on top saying "Madinaah Atto Garriage" with some arabic phrases on it.

Zahid put my scooter on its side-stand and banged the metal door of the shack.

"Who is it?" came a thick voice from inside.

"Mansoor, it's me Zahid. Open up."

The door creaked open and out peered a man I guessed to be Mansoor. He was shirtless and wearing a dirty pair of boxer shorts. He was a small man, shorter than me, and I am just 5 ft 3. Had a thick beard, and curly gray hair. I'd guess him to be older than Zahid, maybe in his 50s.

"What happened?" he asked, staring at me.

"This is Mukta Madam. She was driving back to Delhi when her scooter broke down. I saw her when I was going home, so brought her here."

"Hmpfff... OK... bring it in." Mansoor said and opened the folding doors completely. Zahid and I walked in. It was, as I said, a small shack. There was a small mattress in the corner where I guess Mansoor slept. The rest of the shack was filled with two-wheelers, their parts and other tools. The whole place also reeked of something I couldn't quite place... probably just grease and male sweat. In another corner was a chair with a table, and on top of the table, a telephone.

"Can I use the phone?" I asked.

"Yes sure." Mansoor said as he started opening the scooter's casing.

I picked up the receiver and held it to my ear. Silence. No dial tone.

"There is no dial tone" I said.

Mansoor came over and took the phone from me. As he did, I could not help but notice his still shirt-less torso. It was hairy, and he had a big pot belly. There were some stains of grease on his belly, chest and arms.

"I guess the storm knocked the lines out."

"Oh. Is there someone close by with a cellphone?" I asked.

"There's just our garage and two other shops here - one a tea stall and another for hardware. Both are closed, and the guys who run them don't stay in the shops like me. You will have to walk a couple of km that way for any other shops or houses."

I weighed my options. It was still raining pretty hard. I could walk to the other shops. But maybe I could just wait for these men to fix my scooter and then drive. Zahid was already working pretty hard at it. Mansoor went and stood next to him and they started discussing whatever was to be done. That's when my sneezes started. Achoo's after achoo's. About a dozen or so.

"Looks like you are catching a cold because of your wet clothes." Mansoor said looking at me. "If you want, I can give you a clean shirt and a lungi to change into."

"No, that's fine. I can wait. It won't take long to fix this anyway, right?"

"It will take about an hour, and..."

He was interrupted by another bout of sneezing from me. After my sneezes subsided, he looked pointedly at me. I could feel the sneezes getting worse. I decided that it would be stupid to risk getting pneumonia when there wa an option to change out of my wet clothes.

"OK I suppose I should change."

Mansoor went to the corner and opened a box. He took out a towel, a relatively clean t-shirt, and a lungi. A lungi, for those who don't know, is a sarong-like wrap that many Indian men wear. He gave it all to me and said,

"As you can see, there is no other room. You can change in here. Zahid and I will wait outside." They walked out and I went to close the door. It was just a rusty bolt which I slid into the loop. There was a nail hanging from a thread from the bolt. The purpose of the nail, as I later realized, was to be inserted into a hole at the end of the bolt, to act like some sort of a lock. I didn't realize it then and left the nail hanging as it was instead of inserting it into the hole. Which, ironically, lead to further events.

I should have moved to the back of the shack to change. But whether it was the greasy smell or just laziness, I did not. I started changing just a couple of feet inside the closed door. I then took off my salwar and kameez which were by now dripping with water. I thought for a second about keeping my bra and panties on, but they were too wet. So I took them off too, and got completely naked. I took the towel and started drying myself. I was drying my hair when it happened. The wind suddenly picked up, and the door started shaking from the wind.

A big and audible gust of wind came and as if in slow motion, I saw the bolt sliding back under the pressure. In what must have been just a second, but felt like an eternity, the bolt slid back completely and the folding doors opened with a bang. Zahid and Mansoor who had been standing with their backs to the door were startled by the noise and turned around.

I stood there motionless with my hands holding the towel to my hair, as Zahid and Mansoor stared at me dumbfounded. There I was, completely naked. In front of two men I had just met.

I was caught in two minds about what to do. Whether to cover myself up or close the door. My first instinct was to grab whatever I could and cover my nakedness. I had grabbed and picked up my salwar and kameez which were bundled together on the floor at my feet. I held them in front of me and then ran forward to close the door again. Which was a big mistake.

The gusty wind which had blown the door open was still blowing strong. My hands were wet and slippery, as were the clothes. So the gust of wind blew my salwar and kameez out of my hand and outside on to the street and into the darkness. And once again my nakedness was visible to the two men who were still standing rooted to their spots, a few feet away from the door. I now decided to close the door first. Because of my hair getting in my face, I was struggling to pull the door back against the wind gusts when WHOOOSHHH... something else flew by me. The shirt, towel and lungi that Mansoor had given me had also flown out. Those were the last possible things to cover myself with. I could now think of no short term fix to my visible nakedness.

I sank to the ground, wrapped my hands around my folded knees, and hid my face in them, hoping this would at least hide my boobs and pussy. The face was hidden mainly out of shame. In a few seconds I heard someone walk in and close the door. I also heard a chuckle, and then realized, I had heard only one set of footsteps. I looked up and saw Mansoor putting the nail into the hole of the bolt.

"You didn't put this nail in, did you? I thought it was obvious that's what it was there for." he said. I just started at him, red-faced. "Well, Zahid is out there running after your clothes to get them back. Good man, that Zahid. Always does the right thing. I, on the other hand, just had to have another look. Hehe. Come on, don't be shy. I've seen everything anyway."

Mansoor was now standing right above me. He was fully drenched, as were his boxer shorts, and his erection was adding to the effect, leaving little to imagination. I could not help but stare at his penis and testicles outlines through the wet shorts. Which turned out not to be a smart thing because he noticed what I was looking at and said,

"Oh, that interests you? Well, fair's fair. You showed me everything, so the polite thing would be to do the same." and in one motion he slid his shorts down. I stared even harder. His dick was circumcised, like all Muslim men. I had so far been with only Hindu men, and the only circumcised dicks I had seen were in porn films. I had often fantasized about what it would feel like to touch one, take it inside, maybe even suck it. This train of thought was running through my head as I, almost involuntarily, reached out and touched the head of his dick. I wrapped my fingers around it and shook it around playfully. Almost at once, the realization of what I was doing hit me and my hand froze. I looked up at him with trepidation.

He seemed at a loss for a few seconds. So far his behavior was mostly about bravado and arrogant needling. He probably expected me to feel shy and shrink back. And frankly, I would have expected the same from myself. But my unexpected reaction had surprised him as much as it surprised me. We were motionless like that for a few seconds. I staring at him with his dick in my hands, and him standing there staring back at me. Who moved next would be crucial in deciding the turn of events. If I had shrunk back, or maybe yelled at him, he would certainly have backed off. But my motionlessness gave him the opening he needed.

He bent down, grabbed hold of my hair and pushed my face towards his dick. I let go of his dick as it hit me on the cheek. He pushed my head back and pulled it again, this time the dick hit my closed lips. I looked up at him, and our eyes met. He gave me a stern look, a primal dominant male look which I tried to return with a laboriously mustered up look of resentment. Then he smiled and cocked his head to turn his gaze lower. I followed his gaze and was shocked at what I saw. My left hand was fingering my clit. And I was now on my knees. My body was reacting entirely on its own without keeping me updated.

"Heh..hah...hahaha" Mansoor started laughing. I couldn't help breaking into what they call a shit-eating grin. I felt his grip on my hair get tight again. He pulled my head towards his dick. This time I opened my mouth and let it in. Immediate reaction - gag reflex. A combination of the strong stink of his dick as well as the fact that he had thrust his cock all the way in and probably hit my tonsils. He took the dick out. I turned my head coughed a little. Then turned back to face his dick. Took it in my right hand and started sucking on it slowly, using my usual blowjob technique. The foreskin-less head that I had encountered for the first time felt nice, almost like a big lollipop. I took it out occasionally to glance at it, gave it a peck or two. I was like a little k** transfixed by a new toy.

Mansoor was now moaning in pleasure and running his hands through my hair. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be enjoying this blowjob. I had been sucking for a couple of minutes when there was a knock on the door. Mansoor clucked his tongue in annoyance, and said,

"That is Zahid. Damn, I forgot about him."

He took the three steps to the door, and opened it. Zahid rushed in, holding just my bra in his hand, and closed the door.

"Sorry Mukta Madam, the rest of it just flew away. This was stuck in a tree so......." his voice trailed off as he took in the scene in front of his eyes. Mansoor was standing there naked with his dick erect. I was on my knees with my left hand still fingering my clit. He looked at Mansoor and me turn by turn, and then said, "Oh.... I see."

"Been years since we banged a chick together, old friend." Mansoor said, slapping him playfully on the back. He then walked past me towards the mattress and lay down on it. He then beckoned me to go to him.

"But... is she... I come.." Zahid tried to string a sentence together, "You're not forcing her, right?"

There was silence for a couple of seconds. I realized Zahid was looking at me for an answer. With this break in the proceedings and Zahid's question, I had suddenly become doubly aware of the situation. I had been willingly sucking a strange man's dick, a fat old stinky hairy mechanic's dick, and had been fingering myself while at it for good measure. Had I been forced? Zahid's question gave me an exit route if I were to take it. I momentarily even considered it. But the work my fingers had been up to down there had put me in a different state of mind altogether. The normal demure Mukta who had struggled a few minutes back to cover herself up and close the door had seemingly been carried away by the gust of winds with the clothes. This Mukta was possessed, consumed by the most a****listic and basest of instincts.

I got up from my knees and stood up. Slowly walked towards Zahid. Took the bra from his hands and flung it into some corner. Then I turned around, and walked towards Mansoor, swaying my hips exaggeratedly, giving Zahid a great look at my butt. I reached the mattress and got down on my knees between Mansoor's spread legs. Bent down and resumed my blowjob.

Zahid did not need an engraved invitation after this. He was out of his clothes in a jiffy and was on his knees behind me. He fondled, pinched and slapped my tight round butt for a while. Then put his finger in my pussy, and chuckled at the wetness. And very soon, ahhh... a cock in my pussy. It had been weeks. After experiencing how a circumcised cock feels in the mouth, I was now experiencing it in the pussy. Not too different in the pussy, I must say. But there was much more to Zahid's cock than just being circumcised. There was girth, the sort that I had never experienced before.

Zahid drilled me hard and fast. His hand kept moving from around my waist, up my back, playing with my boobs, back to my waist, grabbing my butt flesh and so on. His intense fucking distracted me from my sucking and I was just holding Mansoor's dick in my mouth. Mansoor took the lead then. He got on his knees, grabbed my hair and started fucking my mouth. I was being pistoned hard at both ends, and was experiencing a never-before bliss. Mansoor then started with his smack talk,

"Oh yes, oh yes, you randi, you slut. You like this don't you, you Hindu bitch? You like being fucked by two Muslim dicks. Don't you? Don't you? Answer me, slut." and he took his dick out of my mouth.

"Mmmm...hmm...AHHH" I moaned in response as Zahid was hitting the right spots and the right tempo.

"Say it, bitch. Say you like being fucked by Muslim dicks."

"Yes...OOOO...AAHHH...I like...AHH..MMMM...being Muslim dicks. Ohhh Zaaaaaaaaaahidddddd" I yelled as the first orgasm hit me. I don't know if Mansoor making me acknowledge the taboo nature of this encounter played a role in it, but I had an extremely intense orgasm. I yelled and shuddered as it lasted longer than usual.
"Hear the Hindu bitch scream with pleasure." Mansoor said triumphantly "Bet she is a brahmin bitch too. Are you? Are you a brahmin slut?"

"Yesssss" I exhaled. Zahid was still at it. His longevity amazed me. No one I had slept with before could keep going this long at this pace and tempo. With some starts and stops, and some change in pace, yeah, many had lasted longer. But Zahid was able to keep going at the same pace, even with the friction that his thickness and my relative tightness must have generated. Amazing.

Mansoor meanwhile resumed fucking my mouth. In a couple of minutes, his grip on my hair tightened even more and I realized what was about to come. Within seconds, my mouth was flooded with a big load of his cum. It took me three gulps, but I swallowed it.

"Wow, look how easily she swallows, our little Brahmin whore." Mansoor said. He took his dick out of my mouth, and used my hair like a napkin to wipe it off "Good for fucking and for cleaning, HAHAHA" he added. He then backed away and sat there looking at us. Zahid continued fucking me. It was now close to twenty minutes, I thought to myself in the lustful haze, and he hadn't paused at all, even for a second. As if on cue, he paused and took his dick out of my cunt with a small plop sound.

"Get on your back." he said, "I want to look at your face."

I turned around and got on my back. Zahid put his knees on either side of my butt. He then took my feet at put them on his shoulder. Then with his hands grabbing my boobs hard, he rammed his dick into me again. And I almost came again. At this angle, he had reached even farther inside and touched places that had never been touched. And he started yet again, at that hectic pace, fucking me.

"Zahid-miyaan." Mansoor said, "Good to see your stamina has only grown with age. But remember, you already have six k**s. You don't want a seventh, do you, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I know." Zahid replied even as he kept fucking me. "I'm not planning on cumming inside her. Unless she wants it."

"AHHH....I am...MMMM....OHHHH... on the pill. You caAAA....can..MMMHHH... cum inside." I managed to get the sentences out. I really was on the pill, and the way this man was fucking me, I wanted him to cum inside me.

"Haha, of course she is. That's how all these Brahmin sluts are. Taking pills so they can go around screwing Muslims they like." Mansoor said.

"Will you shut up about the Brahmin-Muslim thing? I'm sick of it." Zahid said, partly in embarrassment. But it probably did have some effect. He took his hands off my boobs and put them around my thighs. Still on his knees, he straightened up from the waist, lifting my butt off the mattress, and started ramming my cunt even harder. I sensed what was about to happen, and realized this change of posture had started my own orgasm. Zahid thrust his hips ahead, then back, ahead then back. My whole body moved with him as we both had our orgasms.

Zahid exhaled loudly, let go oh my feet and stayed like that on his knees. I was still writhing with the after-shocks of my orgasm. I could still feel his dick hard inside me for about a minute more. He finally took it out and sat there. I took my hand to my pussy and could not believe the amount of jizz that was coming out of it. I sat up, unsure of what to say. Zahid seemed to be thinking the same thing. And Zahid's rebuke had temporarily shut Mansoor's mouth too. Mansoor did however, come close to me and start playing with my breasts.

"Let's work on her scooter." Zahid said, and Mansoor reluctantly let go of my boobs and followed him. They both put their clothes on and started working on the scooter.I lay there on the mattress for a while to regain my breath. It was still raining, but the intensity had clearly waned. I got up and walked towards the table. Picked up the phone's receiver. Ah. The dialtone was back. Phone lines were back up. Dialed my home number.

"Hello. Mukta here." I said.

"Mukta, where have you been? I was worried sick!" my husband said, clearly worried.

"Sorry honey." I replied, "It started raining very hard and the roads got dangerous, so I decided to turn back and return to the village to wait the storm out. But my cellphone got wet and stopped working. And the landline connections were down too, so could not call."

"Oh okay. Thank heavens you're safe. I was really worried. So should I come there and pick you up? It'll take me just two hours." hubby dearest asked.

I felt something poke my butt. I turned around to see Mansoor, naked again, with his dick erect once more, grinning at me. He put his finger on my clit and bit my ear, silently chuckling.

"No, that's fine." I said, struggling to sound normal. "They have put me in a small guesthouse of sorts here. I will be fine. I don't want you to drive in these conditions. I've heard there are many fallen trees blocking the road. Plus, you have to work tomorrow. Just go to sleep. I'll come back in the morning. Good night, honey."

Mansoor's finger at my clit had now found just the spot and it took monumental effort to say that whole statement normally.

"OK, good night. And take care. This is the number I can reach you at? The one you called from?"

"Yes, honey. Bye."

I banged the phone down breathlessly, and yelled at Mansoor,

"What the hell were you trying to do?"

"Hehe. So the brahmin slut is a married lady too. Where is your mangalsutra? You take it off when looking for men to seduce?" he said.

"I don't wear one. What do you want anyway?" I looked over my shoulder at Zahid who was still working on the scooter.

"As great as your mouth was, my dick would like to taste your cunt too like Zahid did. Something to keep us busy while Zahid fixes your scooter. Also, I was thinking, let's not distract Zahid in here. So here's an idea...."

Fifteen minutes later. Wet grass feels really odd and squishy on the bare back and butt, I thought to myself as Mansoor lay on top of me, his pot belly frequently brushing against the bottom of my boobs and his bear brushing against my face, as he fucked me gradually. The rain was still falling, but was now down to a drizzle. We were fucking under a tree, about 50 metres away from the garage. I had never fucked outdoors in the rain before. Mansoor was not as good at fucking as Zahid, but was decent enough.

"Ahh...that's a tight little cunt you have, Brahmin slut. What's the matter, your husband's Hindu dick is too tiny?" With Zahid not around, Mansoor had returned to his offensive smack talk. But the offensiveness was oddly turning me on. And making me talk back some smack too.

"Unhh... why are you so obsessed with my being a Hindu Brahmin, you dirty old man? Fucking Muslim women must be like fucking a dead fish." I said as I put my hands on his butt and pulled him deeper inside.

He seemed surprised at me talking back. He paused for a bit, and took his dick out. He pushed my butt sideways and said,

"On your knees, Hindu whore. I will now fuck you like a dog fucks a bitch."

I smiled wryly at him him and did as he said. He first spanked me for a bit, mouthing more obscenities. Then he pummeled my pussy for a while more. I was about to orgasm. Probably sensing that, he suddenly stopped and pulled his dick out.

"Argghhh... why did you stop?" I yelled at him at looked back. "I was so close."

"Give me your left hand" he said.


"Just give it to me."

I did as he said.

"Now your right hand."

It took some effort but I did. He held my wrists together behind my back, and my shoulder was mid-air. He gently pushed it down. My face was now on the wet muddy grass, with my left cheek touching the ground. That's when I felt it. His dick touching my asshole. Surely he wouldn't.

"No, not there!" I yelled and tried to struggle. But his grip was strong.

"Yes there. That's what you get for talking trash to me, bitch. Know your place."

And he pressed it into my asshole. It's not like I hadn't had anal sex before. I had. But it had been a while. So it hurt initially. But after a couple of inches had gone it, it was like my asshole remembered how it is done and relaxed.

"Damn, look at how easily it went in. You really are a whore. You clearly have done this before. Why the drama then?"

It felt the weird kind of good that anal sex always feels. The pleasure more mental than physical. As it happened, he didn't last too long after that. Shot his load into my asshole and then just lay there on top of me. We walked back to the shack. Zahid was sitting there, and my scooter had been put back together. I checked the clock. It was almost 2 am.

"The scooter is fixed. And the rain has almost stopped You can go if you want. But somehow I doubt you will leave this soon." Zahid smiled at me. I smiled back and said,

"Well, you heard what I told my husband. I am supposed to be in the village. So I can't go home right now. Is there room for me to spend the night here?"

"Hahh... considering what we have in mind, we don't need too much room." Mansoor interjected. "Zahid, this bitch has a fine asshole too. Remember how we sandwiched that whore in Ambala that time? I think that's definitely on the cards. Just give me twenty minutes to recover."

"Hope you don't mind us getting a head start then." Zahid said as he took me to the mattress. He took his clothes off and lay down on his back. I climbed on top of him, took his dick in my cunt and started riding him. He started thrusting upwards. Mansoor stood close to us, staring, and rubbing his dick.

They did sandwich me in a while. Zahid in my pussy and Mansoor in my ass. And it felt fulfilling. We took a nap after that. But Mansoor woke me up in an hour and started fucking me. Zahid also woke up and joined in. That's how it went all night.

In the morning, my pussy was sore, as was my asshole, so I slept in an they kept the garage closed. Zahid and Mansoor went and searched my clothes and brought them back. I had one farewell fuck each with both of them, and left for home. I promised to come back and spend another night with them, but never did. But often when I pass by their garage on my way to some place near Panipat, I am reminded of that crazy night. And I feel tempted to stop and look in on them.

Orignal mail by .....Sorry she didnt allow me her email id.

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My Bengali Muslim Hijab Wife Got gangbanged uk

this is a true story i live in the uk and come from a fairly strict bengali muslim family when it came to getting married my parents gave me the choice of whether i wanted to get married abroad to a girl from bangladesh or a girl from ukas i was born in the uk i asked em to find me a bride in the uk so we would have lot more in common now let me describe myself i wouldnt consider my self very good looking so growing up through out school college or work i didnt really have many girlfirends, i...

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Muslim man fucks and converts Hindu woman

Hi, I am Arpita Shiva and later became Arpita Rahman. I am pretty sexy as my large boobs are 38D. I am 5 foot 5 inch. Let's share my 100% real sex story of how i became converted muslim by muslim cocks. It started 3 years ago and still going on. So let's start from beginning. I was a conservative Brahman Hindu lady. I lived in a village but when i reached 22, I went to city for some works as i were from middel class family. I tried to find rentable house nearby the city but the rent was too...

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Muslim Wife Cuckolds Hubby with a White Man

Story by AlhenaMy name is Afif and this is a story about the first time my Muslim wife, Saria, cuckolded me with a white Christian Frenchman. We were both born and raised in Alexandria Egypt, and moved to the capital city of Cairo when I became a lawyer in corporate malpractice cases. I am 43 years old and Saria is 38 years old. She is a far more devout Muslim than I am by far. She will often wear her niqab headress indoors even though I tell her she doesn't have to. She has never been with...

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muslim tailor fuck my wife infrnt of me

So I suggested her to get her dresses stitched in lieu of taking some ready-made ones. She agreed. So next afternoon we went out in search of a ladies tailor’s shop who could deliver her dresses in two days. Our house is situated on Stadium Road, and in that locality we found no such tailor who could deliver things so wife asha posing with her milk filled boobs to the two muslim tailors and meHowever, it was around 4 o’clock (afternoon). And incidentally, we were the only two customers...

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muslim bitches drugs and horny men

This is a true story about what a naughty girlfriend I have no parts have been dramatized as I would like all of you to know what a horny filthy bitch Raesaah is and how it is such a turn on and how I love it .So as you all should know by now that my girlfriend Raesaah is a hot kinky lil bitch and with that thick ass and those gorgeous lips just know how to turn mens heads and get their attention.This encounter happened one Sunday afternoon while I was at my parents home and she was all alone...

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Muslim Men

My name is jenny Carter,42 im a married mother with one daughter who is 17, my husband Brian is an independent  engineer who works all over the country, and this takes him away from home  most of the time so my daughter and I are mostly alone, this is fine by me as we have a beautiful home and are financially secure, our sex life is routine id say but nothing kinky or out of the ordinary, whilst  my husband is away I take care of the home and the usual mother things so all is good in our house,...

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Wife Fucked By Muslim Tailors

HI this is my first story. Any bhabhi,aunty or girls interested in my 9 inch cock can mail me on am gujarati and this story is about how my wife got fucked by 2 Muslim tailors,My name is sushmit and her name is sudeshna.On last Navaratris, or three days before the 1st day of Navaratri, we reached to Ahmadabad to meet my parents, and Sudeshna wanted to witness and play ‘Garba” festival. Well, she wanted me to get her few new sets of traditional ‘chania-choli’ for her participation in the...

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Raesaah my muslim hotwife

hey everybody today id like to tell you guys about a fanacy and a few actual events that happened in the last few weeksSo in the last few weeks raesaah and i have been having some incredible sex and i have been enjoying how sexual and kinky she has been acting and enjoying the attention she has been getting from other men especially when we go out .. and the hot conversation we have had when we came back home and fucked has been unbelievable and it has been suck a turn on for me So seeing...

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White Man Fucks my Muslim Arab Mother

Story by AlhenaIt was a hot Saturday afternoon in Dublin Ireland where I had just finished doing some yard work at my mom's house. My name is Muhammad and I am 24 years old jobless and living with my mom. I was born in Ireland, but my parents were born in Saudi Arabia, where we moved from the area full of turmoil. However my father would often return to Saudi Arabia to make things better supposedly. This led to him being killed 3 years ago.The family was just me and my beautiful mother Fatma....

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Muslim House Wife Behak Gaye

Mera naam Samreen hai mai 26 yers ki hun. Meri shaadi ek sal pehle riyaz nam ke admi se huvi hai jo gulf me kam kartey hai aur ek sal ko ek bar india atey hai ek mahine ke chutti ke liye. Mai Hyderabad me apni sasumake saath rehathi hun jo beemaar rehati hai. Aur bed rest me rehati hai jyada chal fir nahi pati.Mujhe garme akeli haone ke karan bahuth bore hojathi thi. Mai izzadar aur perhezgar strict muslim family me pali badi hun. Jahan naamaz roja aur parde ka ek dam paabandi thi. Mujhe sahadi...

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Muslim Wife Cheats with American Businessman

Nagwa is a beautiful married Muslim woman and mother from Egypt. She looks younger than her age and has a great set of tits and pale white skin with long black hair. She is your typically conservative Muslim wife, she covers up her beauty and has always been faithful to her husband in their 12 years of marriage. Some would call her prude but she has always enjoyed sex with her husband and does whatever he wants to satisfy him! In fact over the last few years she hasn’t been getting as much sex...

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Muslim housewife seduces black man

Hafsah was a 30 year old Muslim housewife of Pakistani origin. Her husband's name was Osman and he had successfully reached a high position in a firm so this meant that Hafsah was fortunate enough to live in a large house and be free from having to get a job. But a downside was that Hafsah was all alone and would miss the romantic fucking sessions she had after they had their arranged marriage.Hafsah was a very fair skinned lady who had long hair, large round breasts and a firm ass. She would...

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Seducing Muslim Friend8217s Sexy Wife 8211 Part 6 Ch 1

Thank you for all your feedback. Please read the previous parts for continuity. I’ll try to post the following parts as soon as possible. This part will have her first exploits in detail. This part will be a full narration from Aaesha about her slutiness and her exploits. So please bear with the length and the details. The story continues. I was glad that my friend’s muslim wife shared that and she hasn’t done anything to reveal her identity and ruin her life and that of my friends. I was...

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Hijabi arab muslim seduced by white stranger

As I entered my one bedroom apartment, it was a relief to be back at university. I spent the break at my parents in New York and I had found the whole experience frustrating.My name is Sania. I was born in New York but you would not think so from looking at me. I dress very conservatively in full islamic clothing. I wear a niqab and jilbab. My family is a traditional muslim family and originally came from India, long before I was born. I never had any freedom at my parents home. From the age of...

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Muslim woman fucks black lover whilst husband is a

After Hafsah's cabin holiday with Patrick, Osman had returned to their home and was no longer being sent on long journeys away from home. However Hafsah was no longer in love with Osman and she was simply using Osman for her material needs. Hafsah's romantic needs had been replaced with Patrick, who was a working class black postman. Although their backgrounds may clash their love for one another was now extremely strong. Osman had gotten out of bed early and had taken a shower to purify his...

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hindi hindu muslim chudai

Ayesha badi khushi mai ghar aaye. Jab woh gaye thi tab ladki thi lekin Rajesh ne usse aurat banake bheja tha. Ayesha koi pata bhi nahi tha ki uski zindagi ek raat mai itni badlegi. usake dil-o-dimag mai ab Rajesh kaka bus gaye thay. Woh janti thi ki Rajesh kaka ke liye woh kuch bhi karegi. Apni beti ko itni khush dekhke uski maa Fatima begum ko bhi accha laga. Ayesha ka baap hardum jaise tour pe gaya tha usaki maa ne bataya ki uske daddy 4 din ke baad aanewale thay. Rajesh kaka ke plan ke...

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hindu muslim chudai hindi

Ayesha badi khushi mai ghar aaye. Jab woh gaye thi tab ladki thi lekin Rajesh ne usse aurat banake bheja tha. Ayesha koi pata bhi nahi tha ki uski zindagi ek raat mai itni badlegi. usake dil-o-dimag mai ab Rajesh kaka bus gaye thay. Woh janti thi ki Rajesh kaka ke liye woh kuch bhi karegi. Apni beti ko itni khush dekhke uski maa Fatima begum ko bhi accha laga. Ayesha ka baap hardum jaise tour pe gaya tha usaki maa ne bataya ki uske daddy 4 din ke baad aanewale thay. Rajesh kaka ke plan ke...

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Widowed Muslim Aunt Her Hindu BFF and Me

Hi all, its Ali here!I’m back with a few more exciting memories with my widowed Muslim aunt, Sheen. This is an account of the time when my slutty Muslim widowed aunt Sheen had a threesome with me and her best friend, a Hindu divorcee. A little background first…About me –I’m Ali. I’m fair-skinned, tall, standing over 5’ 10” tall with a sharp-featured attractive face and straight, black hair that I usually wear long. I have a naturally athletic physique from being a soccer player since I was...

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Seducing Muslim Friend8217s Sexy Wife 8211 Part 4

Thank you for all your feedback, please read the previous parts for continuity. I’ll try to post the following parts as soon as possible. This is the final part of how we both ended up fucking. So it’ll be a long one. And after this, I’ll elaborately give you the sexual endeavors that we did and tried. My Muslim friend’s wife Aaesha was about to suck my cock with her beautiful lips and I wanted to enjoy that, but not in the dark. But she did not allow me to turn on the lights in the living...

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Adventures of muslim men and woman

Good Day men please note this is my personal opinion and all it does is serves to enlighten all of you about muslim woman as this is the only area i have experience in and i hope it persuades you all to look at them in a more open and interesting light and most importantly make your cocks hard as you jerk of to my post Hey guys my name is Tahir and i have a confession to make .. ... but before i do i would like to tell you about myself i am a well built Indian guy i live in south Africa i am...

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Muslim hijabi slut prays to white cock

I was walking into my flat after a long week. I was glad it was Friday so I could finally relax. I had been studying late at the library. I was studying at University in Boston, United States. My name is Fatima and I am from India originally. I wanted to see the world and travel to America as I had heard so much about it.I was brought up very religious. I am muslim so I always wear the hijab and niqab (face veil). I am a niqabi and hijabi. I always wear a jilbab as I like to dress islamically....

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Muslim Widow Aunts Memorable Road Trips

Hi all, its Ali here!I’m back with another post of my slutty widowed Aunt, Sheen. This is a compilation of THREE of the most memorable road trips with Aunty Sheen. I hope you enjoy this post as much as you did the previous ones. I’m eager to hear your reaction to this so feel free to Like my story and drop in a Comment!A little background first…About me - I’m Ali. I’m very fair-skinned, stand over 5” 10” tall with sharp features and straight, long dark hair. I have a tall and trim muscular...

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Shazia A Tale of Transformation From Conservative Muslim Girl to a Cock Addict Slut Part 1

“It was best of the times; it was worst of the times." (A tale of two cities – Charles Dickens)It was best of the times on March 11, 1990, when I cried for the first time after coming out of the womb of my mother; it was also the worst of the times, as I was born in a developing country and thereto in a highly conservative Muslim family.I am a young Muslim girl of 22, living in a small town known as Bhopal in Madhiya Pardesh State, India. I was named Shazia at birth. Muslims in India are merely...

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Muslim Widow Aunts Nudist Nature

Hi all, its Ali here!I'm back with another long, but incredibly detailed memory. This time I've decided to make a post of the top five times my widowed, Muslim Aunt Sheen boldly showed off her nudist nature at different places. I have tried to put the events in a chronological order and included as much details as I can remember from all those years ago, so I hope you like these short posts as much as you did the earlier ones I uploaded. *Please don't forget to like and comment below as it...

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Indian Muslim forced gangbang in interview

Shabnam was in lounge of a reputed software firm in Bangalore for her job interview as a Data Analyst. She never had the need to search for a job after her BE graduation as her husband Raman Mathur was earning quite well. Since his accident three months back, he had lost his job and the rent his medical bills were mounting up day by day, and Raman’s family nor her family come to their help because of the inter caste marriage, and they had deserted them two years back when they got married...

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Muslim Cock Supada Effect

Name of the theory: Theory of “Muslim Cock Supada”While fucking the penis moves in and out of the vagina. There are two types of movements that are involved in this process. Forward jerk or pushing the penis into the vagina and backward jerk which means pulling the penis backwards. So there is backward and forward (to and fro) movements involved during a sexual intercourse.The ‘edge of muslim supada’ comes into play when the musalman man moves the penis backwards during fucking. When the Muslim...

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Muslim clears husband off debt

Hafsah had noticed that Osman, her husband was acting in a peculiar manner. Although she did not feel sexually attracted to him anymore she still was worried about him. Osman would spend time looking at his phone in anguish and he would be constantly peeking out of the windows of his house. Hafsah asked Osman 'What is the matter Osman I always see you constantly worrying?' Osman responded and said 'Nothing is the matter is there not anything you can do?' Osman was frustrated by Hafsah's...

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Muslim womans cabin holiday with a black man

Hafsah could not stop thinking about her sexual experience with Patrick. Hafsah felt completely dominated by her new master and she craved for another encounter with his big black cock. Hafsah and Patrick had begun messaging each other. Hafsah sent a picture to Patrick of her rubbing her pussy. Whereas Patrick sent a picture of his penis and a caption saying 'It is getting hungry.''How about we go out for the weekend?' Asked Patrick. 'Where to?' Hafsah responded. 'We can stay in a cabin near a...

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Muslim Widow Aunt Tries BDSM

Hi all, its Ali here!I'm back with another incident with my widow aunt where she introduces me to BDSM and I discover one of my favorite kinks.Let me quickly share a few important background details for the new readers. I come from a very strict Muslim family. It is an extended family which consists of my father and the families of his 7 brothers. We live in a big city in central India which I will not name for privacy reasons. Our family is well-off as my father and uncles are mostly at high...

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A tight circumcision from my Muslim neighbour

A tight circumcision from my Muslim neighbourTime to tell a story. One that’s just happened, recently. My name is Paul. For my 18th birthday, last year, Dad bought me a used Ford, as my first car. Nothing too flash. I shouldn’t have had a beer with my friends because when I returned home alone with my new prize, I made a mistake. We live in a cul de sac dead end street and as I was parking, I scraped the neighbour’s car. Not just any car but my neighbours European Merc. Just a small scratch on...

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Muslim whore takes two black cocks

Hafsah had been preparing herself for becoming Cornell's whore. She had started to go to a female only gym and she began to exercise to get her body ready to be in an impeccable condition. Along with this Hafsah had also started to cut down on the unhealthy foods and she began to have a body that was even more beautiful than previously seen by either Cornell or Patrick. Cornell called Hafsah and said 'I have two clients who want to see you next Monday, get ready I will drive you to them.'...

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muslim naukar ne maa ko choda

ye kahani mere bachpan ki hai jab main 5 saal ka tha mere maa aur pitaji ek sadharan ghar se hai pitaji naukri karte hai aur maa ghar ka kaam . maa mere bachan se hi ek gadrayi hui kamuk aurat hai jise bahut sex ki bhook hai. ek raat ki baat hai ki meri achanak nind khul gayi tab maine dekha ki maa aur pitaji dono nange ho kar kuch kar rahe hai main us waqt bahut chota tha kuch jyada samajh main nahi aya maine dekha ki samne wale flat ki khidki khuli thi wahan ek aurat aur mard dono mere maa...

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Hindu Ne Muslim Bhabhi Ki Chudai Ki

Doston I am back with my 2nd story. I’ve always fantasized about fucking a Muslim woman. This is a fantasy story.  Mein chuttiyon ke liye ghar aaya tha May ke mahine mein. Waise hamare pados wala flat khaali pada tha, par ab usmein koi rehne aaya tha. Mummy se pooecha to unhone kaha koi muslim family hain. Ghar mein sirf ma aur uski 5 saal ki beti hain. Maine ek din usko burkhe mein dekha. Sirf ankhen dikhai de rahi ti uski. Par kya nasheeli ankhen thi. Hum dono darwaaze ke baahar hi...

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Muslim Reader Ki Chudai

Hi friends, how are you, I am karan rajput from delhi. Meri last kamukta story “Policewali ki chikni chut” ko aap sabne bahut like kiya uske liye thankyou so much. Aap mujhe aise hi appreciate karte rahiye or mai aapko apne experiance batata rahunga. Aaiye ab story per aate hai. Meri story padhne ke baad mujhe bahut saare emails aaye usme ek mail tha alia khan ka ek muslim aurat. Maine uske mails ka reply diya toh humari baatein hone lgi. Usne kha ki mujhe tumhari story bahut pasand aayi or mai...

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Big Boobs Muslim MILF8217s Pussy And Ass Drilled Hard In Bangalore

Hello readers, this is Sid, age 28, a working professional from Bangalore. I am here to pen down a real erotic incident. This incident happened with a busty voluptuous Muslim milf named Salima, aged 36, with a hot figure of 36D-30-38. One fine day, I went to a supermarket near my home to shop. And that was where I saw her. She was fully draped in a black hijab in contrast to her very fair skin. She was definitely a head-turner standing at 5’7″. Then I purposely was browsing in her aisle. And...

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Rakesh Dhobhi ne Gori Muslim Nisha ko apni Randi Banaya

Maine Nisha ki Gaand Maarne use apni Randi Banaya. Hello everyone, mera Naam Rakesh hai aur mai Banaras ka rehne wala ek Dhobi hoon. Aaj mai bataunga ki Maine kaise ek muslim ghar ki Nisha Naam ki aurat ko apni raand banaya. Yeh baat kuch saalo pehle ki hai, mai jis ghar pe kapde Lene jaata the unme see ek Ghar me shaadi ke Baad ek aurat aayi thi, woh ghar joint family tha to mera wahan aksar aana Jaana chalta rehta tha. Uss ladki ka Naam Nisha tha aur vo doodh ki tarah Gori thi. Uske hoonth...

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Muslim Wife Exposed To The Perils Of Corporate Life P1

To begin with, Naima is twenty-five years old and got married to her husband Adeeb about two months ago. Recently, Naima returned back from the UK to India after completing her Master's and was eagerly searching for jobs.Since getting hitched, she hasn't been able to spend much time with her husband (Adeeb), as he left for Canada two days after the wedding and wouldn't be back for the next year. Considering this situation, it was tough for the newly married Naima, who was able to spend only one...

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Sexy Muslim Girl Fucked 8211 My First Office Fling

Hi guys, I works for an information search process (ISP). My god, that was my first interview and I was a shipwreck. Oh, I almost forget: I’m Neil (name changed) and I happened to study at Ooty during my whole childhood. My boarding prepared and polished me for every aspect of life. Bottom line – I was self-reliant. And my first office fling happens to be a beautiful Muslim woman who was a year older to me. Let’s call her Zee. Our interview wasn’t at the same time and hence we were in two...

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Chubby muslim slut groped on the train

I was on the 17:22 subway from Manhattan to Brooklyn. The train was busy. I squeezed between an old lady and my back was to a man dressed in a sharp navy blue business suit. I only managed to glance at him. He was dressed as a typical Wall Streeter. He looked to be in his 40's with a big build. The train was filled to the brim and all those bodies in a confined space caused the heat to rise. I was wearing a knee length loose skirt and a tight white blouse. I am a strict muslim but I have to...

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An Accident Makes A Virgin Muslim Girl My Sex Slave

My name is Vaatsayana (name changed). I am 35 years old now but this incident of girl happened when I was in my 2nd year of graduation and was 19 years old. I am an average Telugu guy from Hyderabad having 5’10” height, 65 kgs weight, perfect V-shaped body, and 6 inches long tool. This is my 9th story on ISS. Hope you enjoyed my previous stories. It was a normal day and I was walking to my college from the bus stop. There was a shortcut from the bus stop to college which passed through a...

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Sex Desire Of Muslim Guy Fulfilled By Hindu Married Lady

Hi to all readers….I wanted to share one of my sex experience with Muslim guy named Masood. I am Sandya (name changed), married housewife. Let me tell about me. I am 32 years old, 5.5 feet tall 54 KG, having 32 30 34 structure, fair and average built. I am having little post pregnancy tummy. My husband is a Sr. Manager a company and had been to Mumbai on his training on his new role. My kid was taken to native by mom and I was all alone. I had dated Masood earlier and this is my second date...

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Muslim Wifes Boundaries 1 First exposure to the Corporate World

Since getting hitched, she hasn't been able to spend much time with her husband (Adeeb), as he left for Canada two days after the wedding and wouldn't be back for the next year. Considering this situation, it was tough for the newly married Nusrat, who was able to spend only one night with her beloved, where the couple lost their virginity to each other. Being the first time for two inexperienced people, it was rather a matter of going through the motions than actual satisfaction for our...

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Sex text with chubby muslim hijab slut

I was born and raised in Brooklyn. My family are very strict muslims and i had to wear a hijab from an early age. My name is Sana and i am 20 years old. I am studying at Columbia university. My family would not let me move away from home as they were wanted to protect me from the world.I used to try and spend as much time as possible at university. I would stay late in the library because it meant i was away from my family. My family would suffocate me and i needed some space where i could be...

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The HinduMuslim Lovemaking

Hello Friends. This is my first story on ISS and I would appreciate your feedback. I am Nabil, a tall and handsome young Muslim guy from Pune. This story is about a real-life experience that happened with me a few months back. So let’s begin. I was quite active on chatting sites and in normal conversation. I realized that most ladies or groups liked one of the Khan superstars of Bollywood. Their fantasy was to be with one of them. This made me think that in spite of having so many young and...

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Muslim teacher gives practical sexual education

Raesah has been married for 10 years now and had three k**s. So she had begun to get a bit chubby. However she still had a fuller and more ravenous figure than other female teachers in the same school. Her breasts were firm and large and her ass was extremely curved and shapely with none of her assets being left to anybody's imagination. Raesah was taught at a very young age about the importance of hijab and how Muslim women should cover up their beauty like pearls are covered by shells. But...

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Ghode Ke Astbal Mai Muslim Mahila Ko Jamker Choda

Hi friends, how are you. Hope ki aap acche honge. My name is deepak chaudhary from mumbai. Mera kaam logo ko khush karna hai. 18-60 yrs ki kisi bhi lady ko mujhse pyaar chahiye toh mujhe email kare. Jo lady mera 9 inch lumba or 3 inch mota lund le sake wo hi mujhe email kare. Mera email id hai  Aaiye ab aate hai hum story per. Yeh story kuch waqt pehle ki hai. Mai market gya tha kuch vegetables lene . Jab mai vegetables le rha tha toh ek lady sabji lene aayi. Meri nazar jaise hi usper pdi toh...

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Willing Young Muslim Cousin Asfa Loses Her Virgini

Hi all, its Ali here!Today, I'm going to share my first sexual encounter with my younger Muslim cousin, Asfi and how it started a long, taboo sexual relationship between us that continues to this day. A little background first...I'm Ali, fair, standing over 5 ft 10" tall. I have long, straight black hair and a trim, athletic physique from playing soccer for years. I used to live with my huge, extended family. My entire clan consisted of the families of my father and his seven real brothers. We...

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Seducing Muslim Friend8217s Sexy Wife Part 5 Revelation Of Her Slutty Side

Thank you for all your feedback. Please read the previous parts for continuity. This part has many revelations about the innocent Muslim wife I know and what a slut she is. Please share your feedback at . Also, women in Chennai and couples who want to have fun can reach out to me. Please do not ask for a swapping or group sex as she is not my wife. Continued from Part 4. She took me inside the bedroom, holding my limp dick in her hand. Raj: Where are you taking me? Aaesha: To cook breakfast....

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My tiny petite Muslim wifes first black expe

I have been asking my wife to have sex with another man for years now! She hates the idea and has always said no u til recently when I found out she had o ce cheated on me a few years back. Now divorce is a huge taboo in the Muslim community so she begged me not to go down that route! I said if she made my fantasy come true then all wil be forgotten. She agreed but told me she was not happy about it. I was overjoyed! I was thinking about what kind of man I wanted. I had never thought of a black...

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Christian Men For Muslim Chicks

Right now, I can’t talk because I’ve got my mouth on Farah Al-Rashid’s ear and we’re making out in a movie theater but I’ve got a tale I’d like to share with you. My name is Dwight Hollister. I’m a young Black man living in the City of Ottawa, province of Ontario. I’m originally from the City of Boston, Massachusetts, but got sent here by my parents for school because I was having too much fun at Emerson College down in the Bean. Ever since I came to Canada’s Capital region, I’ve been obsessed...

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Indian Muslim lady gangbanged in interview4

Recap of Chapter 1,2 & 3..Shabnam had come for the job interview and she needed it very badly as her husband Raman was bedridden from three months because of an accident. Both their families had deserted them as they had an inter caste marriage and the desperation for the job mad her remove her shirt and bra for Rajesh, the senior manager who was ogling at her big 36D breasts. He ordered her to give him a blowjob, called his office friends and shot his cum in her pussy when she refused to...

4 years ago
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My Muslim mum with black bull

My mom is a 44 year old mature Muslim single mother. My dad left us when I was 10 and since I've lived with my mum. My mum was a very attractive lady for her age, she wore a hijab/scarf, very attractive facial features, busty figure, big boobs and a massive ass. Everytime we used to go shopping she would get so much attention from guys including young ones, and especially black guys. Once a black guy came and commented on her ass right in front of me, she laughed it off and thanked him. My...

2 years ago
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Sex With Beautiful Muslim Neighbour Anjum

Hi, I am Sanjay, 26 years old, muscular body (I workout 5 times a week) with a height of 5 ft 9 inches. I got lucky with many beautiful girls while I was studying in college. I had 5 relations back then. Coming to the story, it was at the time when I completed my B.Tech and returned home with an idea to prepare for GRE in a passion to go to the USA and pursue higher studies. We live in govt quarters built around a big area as my father works as an executive in a govt company. Those were the...

3 years ago
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Busty Muslim Teacher Banged By Her Horny Students

Hello guys, I am Prakash studying in an international school. My best friends are Arun and Mahat and we always use to talk about girls and sex! Most of the times, we talked about sex in school. Since it was an international school, we had all the freedom. Even some teachers wore dresses in an indecent manner. We always flirt with these types of teachers and fantasize about them! One day, we heard that our science teacher has left and a new teacher was coming. We were free for half the period...

3 years ago
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Secret anal hijab muslim

(Sorry if my grammar is not so good. Please comment and rate for more.)She looked in the mirror, looking back at here was a 18 year old muslim girl, with nice curves and a cute face. She was wearing a long skirt, leather jacket and a hijab that covered her hair. She was just done praying, and started packing her bag, because it was soon time. In here bag she packed a planket, a bottle of water, a roll of tape and a bottle of warm lube. She went downstairs and told here strict parents that she...

4 years ago
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Married To A Muslim And A New Life

Hi, friends this is Afsa here i am 29 year old married. I was previously a Hindu but converted later into Islam . This story is not exactly a story but a thing about my life. I will narrate you my life events from me been 20 years old till today. So the story goes like this…. I am 20years old studying in engg college near delhi my name is priya. I was not the best looking girl in my batch but i managed to come in top 10. Many boys gave me good attention and i had few hook-ups in first 2 years...

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