Church Ladies PT 2 free porn video

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After that night at home and of course after that weekend alone as well she came in to work all prepared to find Catherine and see what was going on as far as she was concerned but she didn’t. Seeing as it was Monday, she came in that morning and of course wondered if Catherine was already in however Sarah’s schedule dictated that she had way too much to do. Sarah didn’t even look around for her. She didn’t look for Catherine at all. She didn’t even know if Catherine was there yet.

In truth, Catherine had overslept. Having masturbated, again on Sunday, she laid in the tub and Catherine practically fell asleep in it afterward. However thank God her toe somehow caught the drain plug and undid it so most the water drained out as Catherine finally fell asleep in the tub. A little while later she felt cold and Catherine found herself waking up in what little water had settled around her in the tub. Once she woke up and realized it she headed off to bed.

When she woke up it was later then usual that morning. She was naked, in her bed, but she was laying there under the covers and Catherine had forgotten what had occurred the night before.

She didn’t know how she got in her bed. It was all a blur as she tried recalling any of it. As she remembered it she realized how fun her night ended up being. Her fingers, as usual, did the trick for her, and thankfully she was able to get herself off as she toyed with the lips of her pussy and Catherine remembered she masturbated again. She smiled.

She still had to clean up and get going. She went about it more quickly then usual and then she sped off to work and rushed into the office hoping nobody noticed her as she walked briskly into the building at the church and knowing she was running late.

Sarah was already in her office. She didn’t have time to worry about Catherine any longer. She was too busy to concern herself with Catherine and her agenda. But if Catherine’s schedule was anything like hers then Catherine would be busy too. So Sarah didn’t bother herself with looking for Catherine that morning.

The morning passed. Time passed by and lunchtime came soon enough. But Sarah had already forgotten about last night or so it seemed. Unlike Catherine, she skipped lunch and worked straight through until around 3:00 in the afternoon. Finally Sarah had to get up and go to the bathroom. Once she did Sarah sat still inside the stall in the bathroom. Finally Sarah thought about the events of the night before with Catherine.

She sat quietly in that bathroom stall and thought about the other night with Catherine. Her slacks and underwear were pulled down to her calves. Almost naked, from the waist down, she thought about how Catherine had tried directing her hand close to her vagina. She “saw” it. She saw Catherine and her hand approaching her own pussy and she wondered what it would feel like to do this on her own. She thought about what it would be like to masturbate here at the office. Time passed. She sat alone in the stall. Her slacks and underwear were pulled down. And Sarah thought about feeling her privates as she sat on the toilet in the bathroom.

Sarah remained where she was. She sat motionless as she looked down in to her naked lap. She so wanted to do it but wouldn’t allow herself to do such a thing as that in the church’s building. Not today she wasn’t going to. But she simply sat on the toilet and thought about what it would feel like to rub and touch her pussy and what it would feel like if she or someone would reach down and touch her pussy’s lips right then and there.

She closed her eyes as she thought about it. She saw her the hair down around her pussy. She asked herself if she should leave it or possibly shave it off. Others do so why shouldn’t I she asked herself.

It’s alright she decided. She wished she had a better answer to the question like possibly Catherine had that answer for her she wondered. Wouldn’t it feel better if Catherine was here with me she asked herself? And then she said it aloud. “I don’t know. Maybe it would matter.” But she had answered it quietly so she wouldn’t disturb the peace and quiet of the bathroom.

Finally, Sarah knew she had to pull herself together. She got dressed and got re-dressed. She went and washed up and finally left the bathroom and headed over to Catherine’s office. She hoped Catherine was around and Sarah slowed as she came up to Catherine’s office door. Noticing Catherine was buried in a lot of paperwork she almost left.

But Sarah stopped and turned into Catherine’s office doorway, saying “Hi, how’s it going today?”

Catherine was surprised and immediately looked up. Seeing that it was Sarah she smiled and said “Ohhhhhh hi Sarah.” She formed a warm gentle smile on her lips and added “I have uhhh been meaning to catch up with you but as you can see I’ve been busy today.”

“Me too,” Sarah replied. “Got a minute?” she asked. Catherine looked back at her and kept on smiling some more, saying yes to her. “I’m uh sorry about the other night. I didn’t mean to put you out like that. I mean it. My apologies,” Sarah went on to say. She added “I’m really, really sorry about all of it.” Finally, she quieted down. She even shut Catherine’s door before she started to say another word to her. Then Sarah went on to say something that touched Catherine almost even more “But Catherine what I’d love is if we uhhh could try doing that again.” She paused a moment and then added “Could we huh could we Catherine?” She smiled and asked again. “Can we,” Sarah said.

Sarah waited for her answer. Sarah hoped to get a positive response from Catherine. Catherine smiled openly, saying yes to her friend and then she said “But it is only Monday you know. You want to do this in the middle of the week?”

Sarah looked at Catherine. Finally she said “With you Catherine any day and any time is a perfect time to do it.” Sarah pressed a smile and added “I mean it too.”

“Okay, then how about tonight and all day tomorrow! And well heck let’s do it all week long. Let’s do it all week long and never stop Sarah,” Catherine said, jokingly.

Sarah looked at Catherine and wondered if Catherine was actually teasing her. “I’d love to but you’re,” and she stopped to take another look at Catherine. Then she went on to say “You’re teasing me, right? Uhhh we can’t do that…can we?”

Catherine wore a straight face telling Sarah she knew they couldn’t, saying no. She smiled and finally started to giggle as she said it to Sarah. “But I will come over to your place right after work lets out? How’s that sound?” Catherine asked.

Sarah was smiling from ear to ear. It sounded perfect. Both of them, at 5:00 pm on the dot, would leave the office, and they would drive over to Sarah’s and they’d drive separately of course. Without even stopping home they’d change and head right over.

What each of them had on was interesting too. Both wore their suits again which of course included that blazer, blouse, and long skirts as well as even a full length skirt and bra and underwear.

At Sarah’s they tried to relax as much as possible Monday evening but as far as Sarah was concerned it seemed it was a lot more difficult then she expected it to be. Seeing as she hadn’t masturbated in a long, long time, and doing it in front of another woman even if it was Catherine in her case she was still uptight about it.

But here she was. In her apartment with her friend Catherine and she wondered exactly how all of it was going to play out once again. They sat down on the couch. They got comfy by taking off their blazers. It of course made it all a lot more comfortable for the two of them and even Sarah had to admit she felt much more comfortable once they were at her place. It seemed much more comfy knowing she was there.

They talked mostly about the other night. Catherine was a lot more comfortable talking about it then Sarah was. And as they talked it was Catherine who made “early advances” on Sarah and Sarah allowed all of it to happen seeing as she was the one who wanted to masturbate so she could prove to Catherine she was able to do this once again.

“I’d love to make love to you Sarah but I want you to do this on your own,” Catherine told Sarah.

“I know,” Sarah replied in a quiet like, demure tone of voice. “It’s just that well I don’t know for sure if I’m comfortable about any of it yet.”

“You want to start from the top in a manner of speaking?” asked Catherine.

Sarah said yes and she let Catherine take the lead. Catherine took it slow and easy, looking first at Sarah’s hair, then studying her eyes and face, and looking her figure over as if she was a man doing all it to her.

“Let’s do this. Let’s take off some of our clothes. How’s that sound, alright?” Catherine said. Sarah hesitated but as Catherine removed one piece so did Sarah.

First came the blouse but Sarah would do so slowly. Then came the skirt. Sara did that slowly too, removing it with some hesitancy and Catherine watched with intrigue in her face as Sarah followed her. Then it was time for the slip to come off as well. But this time Sarah was expecting it and before Catherine knew it, Sarah’s slip was off as well. She still felt uncomfortable doing it all but Catherine moved forward. Practically naked other then their bras and panties the two sat on the couch with hardly anything on.

“Let’s go to your bedroom,” Catherine interrupted. Sarah said yes and they got up and headed to Sarah’s bedroom. “I do love your hips,” Catherine added. “You sure have a very pretty looking figure. “Do you know that?”

“Awwww stop that Catherine. I do not,” Sarah replied.

“Yes you do,” Catherine said again. “I love it. If I was a man I’d most likely kiss it all over the place. I mean that too.”

Sarah thought about what Catherine said. Does she really mean that? Honestly she means what she’s saying? Ohhhhhh wow, she told herself. Does that mean she’s saying she thinks I’m a sexy looking woman?

She turned around and stopped just before the bed. She looked right at Catherine and into her eyes. “Are you saying that you think I’m really that sexy looking?”

Catherine smiled and started nodding her head. “I do. That’s what I’m saying Sarah. I really do think your body is attractive. I really do mean that I think it is a very sexy body.”

They looked at each other some more. All of a sudden Sarah reached around Catherine. Out of nowhere, Sarah hugged Catherine with affection and passion in her veins. She wanted love. She wanted affection as well. She wanted someone to hold her and kiss her and show her what true love was like again.

“Would you lay down in bed with me? Would you hold me in bed? Just hold my body,” Sarah asked Catherine. “That’s all.”

In only their “skivvies,” Catherine agreed happily and the two moved over to Sarah’s nice neat bed. Sarah pulled back the covers and laid down. Catherine followed and the two lay facing one another on their sides, their bodies “hanging” out for the other to touch, feel, and most likely to make love to that night.

“I like you a lot Catherine. Probably more then I should I think,” Sarah said. “Thank you for being a friend to me.”

“I like you too Sarah. But I’ve never done anything like this before,” she said, stressing the word “this” when she said it.

“Uhhh I haven’t either,” Sarah came back.

They laid there doing nothing as their eyes and faces simply, and quietly, stared at one another, and as they did each wondered what was about to happen next if anything. Sarah surprisingly happened to make the first move.

She reached out and for a lack of anything else to say or do she reached for Catherine’s shoulder and touched it, stroking it until she reached Catherine’s arm. “I love your shoulders. They’re soooo soft but well they are so soft and yet solid. They’re soft and,” and she stopped for a second. But then she continued. “I could see how a man would want to kiss them.” But her eyes looked downward. “And the rest of you. All of your body is pretty. Your stomach, your hips,” and her eyes went further down Catherine’s frame. “All of you, Catherine. Your whole body including your legs are beautiful and attractive to me.”

Catherine heard her and wondered. She smiled and looked back at Sarah. She wondered as the two of them stared at each other but Catherine said “Thank you I think.”

“Nooooo really Catherine. I really do love your body. I do. I really truthfully do,” Sarah said again.

She had Catherine wondering. Does this mean she wants to do something to me or with me Catherine asked herself? I mean I’m not that kind of woman am I? Is she saying she wants me to make love with me? She couldn’t be asking or saying that could she?

“It is a real attractive figure,” Sarah added. “I uhhh do love uhhh a lot of things about it.”

And Catherine replied to that remark. “Uhhh I love yours too Sarah.”

Again their eyes met. They looked long and hard and deep into the other’s eyes. Before Catherine realized it her eyes dropped down and met with Sarah’s cleavage and she looked at the size of Sarah’s breasts. She looked back into Sarah’s eyes and smiled and then back at her cleavage as they laid there on their sides doing nothing.

“Catherine uhhh may I uhhhhhh do something really strange?” Sarah asked.

“What’s that?” Catherine said.

“May I uhhh kiss you on the lips?” Sarah went on to ask.

Catherine was surprised by the question. She was totally surprised by Sarah’s question. “I don’t know Sarah. That uhhh does sound a little odd but okay I’ll let you.”

Sarah felt weird about it too. She was slow about doing it but Catherine let Sarah lean in and slowly and softly lay her lips against hers and once she felt Sarah’s lips on her lips it felt very nice to Catherine and Catherine told herself she’d do that again in a heartbeat.

Sarah pulled away and saw Catherine’s smile. “You liked it did you?” Sarah said.

“Yeah I guess I did,” Catherine replied. “It felt nice. No, it was nice.” Then she surprised Sarah and said “Care to kiss me again?”

With which Sarah nodded her head and leaned in and this time when she kissed Catherine, Catherine felt Sarah’s tongue slide out of her mouth, and push passed her lips and into her own mouth. Nothing too momentous occurred but it did feel nice. She hoped more of that would occur sooner then later that night.

The kissing continued as both of them gradually found themselves become wrapped in one another’s arms and volunteer kissing become the norm all of a sudden. Both of their tongues eventually made their way into the other’s mouth and play with each other as these two women in their late twenties began a night of making love to one another.

The holding and cuddling and that kissing seemed to go on forever. A hidden desire and passion grew within each one’s veins. If these two women had penises both of them would have become hard and each one would be showing its results by that point.

They were rolling back and forth and their hands moved about the others backside as well. And as those hands moved about the other they found themselves pulling the other one’s body into their own body.

The desire and wonton need grew even more and Catherine, not Sarah, found her hand slowly bending its way around Sarah’s back, and found its way down to Sarah’s pussy. Catherine found it quickly enough. Once she did she started to rub it softly while moving her hand up and down and then back up again.

Sarah felt it of course and as horny as she’d become anyone in earshot, which was nobody in truth other then Catherine herself, they could hear the growing, audible moans or cries of desire and wanting of the same exact movements on her pussy. And more of the exact same movement on her pussy eluded to crying out of the reactions of it, wanting more and more of that same exact action that was possible.

But all of a sudden Sarah started to remember something. What she remembered suddenly had come back to her dating all the way back in her days at college. She was doing the same thing back to Catherine, using her fingers to do it, and she found a way to get her fingers into and against Catherine’s pussy too. Both were going at it on each other and both were rubbing the other’s clit as they kissed each other passionately. Both pushed against the other as each kissed one another and fingered the others’ pussy lips.

And finally it came to her. She recalled it from way back in the college days and all of a sudden life was good again. Her hand slid inside the underwear and once it did she let herself feel Catherine’s soft wet pussy lips. Catherine cried out as the sensations of it moved her powerfully. Catherine felt those erotic sensations most women will feel as they are being fingered repeatedly.

“Ohhh ohhhhhh oh God Sarah. Oh ohhhhhh uhhh ohhhhhh my freaking God,” Catherine cried out in a surprising reaction to what Sarah was doing to her.

Sarah smiled and pulled her hand out and away. “What Catherine?” she asked. She was just about to say what it was she just remembered. Catherine wanted Sarah’s fingers in her again. But then she decided to tell Catherine anyway. “I just remembered something. It’s something really big but I’ve got to find it. It has to be here, somewhere there in my closet,” Sarah told her as they laid snuggling close to one another’s almost naked bodies. “I’ve gotta think where its at a moment.”

“Wait a minute Sarah,” Catherine said, still wanting to go on with having sex with her.

“I forgot I still had it,” Sarah said.

“What…what’s that?” Catherine said.

“In my closet, a long time ago, I put it away when I moved here. I have these uhhhhhh dildos. Like two of them I mean,” Sarah said. “I’ll have them in a box and its somewhere in my closet over there. And I just remembered I still have them. Can you believe it?”

The two of them looked at each other. Then Catherine said “Let me do this. Let me be your personal dildo tonight. Let me lick you out and allow me to make you cum tonight. How does that sound Sarah? May I do that for you at least tonight? I’d love to if you’ll let me,” Catherine went on to say.

Sarah was surprised. She never did anything like that before. No girl and no woman she had ever known had ever licked out another female ever. Still she considered it as these two friends, almost naked, lay side by side, and Catherine was ready to pull off Sarah’s underwear so she could lick and finger her friend out. And maybe visa versa too she told herself.

“Okay, I’ll let you, but Catherine,” she said. “Will you be careful?”

“You’ll love it Sarah. I promise. You will love how it all feels.”

And Catherine was right. She even had the honor of pulling off Sarah’s underwear. She took her time and she played around with her inner thighs as her lips moved next and gradually moved about her pussy’s lips.

Did Sarah enjoy it? Well she was moaning softly but before either knew it Sarah was crying and moaning loudly as the minutes moved on. Sarah’s hands started grabbing and squeezing the ever living joy out whatever sheets and pillows that surrounded her. Sarah couldn’t believe how it all felt as her good friend licked her inner thighs and finally did the same to her sweet, soft pussy.

She couldn’t believe how great it felt while she moaned and cried out for what seemed like forever. Catherine’s tongue dashed all around the inside of her pussy and as she did that it seemed as if Sarah’s body started to buckle almost as Catherine’s dug into her savoring pussy and she danced and dug inside it pleasurably. Sarah’s pussy ruptured and she orgasmed at the very end. And Catherine lay there watching it all as Sarah oozed considerably.

Catherine pulled up and was smiling. She looked down at Sarah’s pussy and saw the white cream that was gushing out from inside of what her tongue enticed to happen. She felt Sarah’s hands as they pulled at her and wanted her up against her body, intimately.

But as far as any further love making between them was concerned there wasn’t going to be any or so she thought there wasn’t at least that night. And no there wasn’t. Not that night at least.

They eventually got dressed. They hung out together on the couch for about an hour after that and Sarah said “I owe you and I know I owe you in a big way. How can I ever repay you Catherine?”

“Do what I just did to you tonight. Make love to me tomorrow” Catherine replied. “We’ll get together, again. You’ll see,” she went on to say. “You and I will masturbate together. And then you will take my body in your hands and you will learn to make love to my body as if I’m your lover. We’ll kiss and go from there. Now how’s that sound?” she said with a smile on her face.

Sarah felt comfy with that and both easily agreed to that. They kissed and hugged and held hands for a bit.

Catherine, I understand, when she got home she drew another bath and got into it. She easily and soon masturbated, on her own, and she came.

Damn, I told myself, I want to meet her. I want to get to know her and I really want her to know me too. And once we meet and go out a few times I want to take Sarah to bed and I want to make love to her.

I want to do all the things a woman does to another woman but I also want to make love to her like a man makes love to a woman too. I want her to know that too. And before it’s too late I told myself. Catherine sat there and quietly, and privately, told me the whole story from start to finish. “I think I’ll call her and invite her out to dinner. I’ll see what my chances are then. How’s that sound?” I asked my cousin Catherine.

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Church Basement

I was driving through a small town in Oregon early one summer morning on my way to Portland. I had been out of work for a week and I was getting real low on cash and the fuel gauge was close to empty. I checked out a gas station that was still closed but it became obvious that it had burglar alarms as I cruised past the pumps. I was getting desperate but I wasn’t going to take the risk of going to jail over a few dollars and a tank full of gas. I gunned the engine and cursed my luck as I...

3 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 12

Over the four days it had taken WPC Wilson to investigate and compile her report for Drew, WPC Heather Cairns' e-mail had sparked a flurry of activity elsewhere in the Strathclyde police force. The Chief Superintendent in charge of the Child Protection Unit knew he didn't have enough to get a warrant to search the Cambo House Estate but he had to go through the motions anyway. The importance of the anonymous call and the information it provided - indicating that children were at serious...

1 year ago
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Church Surprise

Is invited for lunch after church Church Surprise I’ve started taking in the contemporary service at our church since my wife passed away six months ago. I’m 59 and thought I would check it out. The last couple of weeks. I noticed a family across from me. She is slim, long blonde hair and wears her clothes tight and looks amazing. He is shorter a bald spot in the back of his head and dyes his graying hair. The parents are obviously trying to hang on to their youth. Their daughter...

4 years ago
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Church Hiding Place

My father was a pastor and an awesome Dad - I spent a lot of times exploring the churches secret hiding places - I use to go and hide in a place I thought no one knew about - you could kinda of see down on the main alter in the front of the church - I was such a rebellious k**, loved heavy metal and dark evil images and would spy On people from the hiding place. I never liked going to church but always loved finding creepy areas and fantisize about making out with girls and doing dirty things....

3 years ago
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Church Camp Part One

There's a certain innocence about them that lends itself to certain fantasies. Ok, so maybe it's a bit creepy. But, I would never do anything to hurt those girls. They mean too much to me. Especially Katey.. I worry about her a lot. Katey is a beautiful young vixen. Her 'boyfriend', one of the youth at our church, lives just a couple of blocks away from her. She and he have posted pictures of themselves kissing in bed... Shes a beauty but she needs to be careful or she'll end up...

3 years ago
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Church Encounter

'Ellen dear wake up Church today!' Mel said. I slowly arose from my slumber and entered the shower. Not being very fancy, i put on my full black mini dress that was kinda see thro. I had no proper dresses so i guess this would do. We arrived at church and we took our seats. I was bored as hell in this death trap. The Church couir slowly assembled onto the stand and started to sing. My ears couldnt believe! A nice voice came ringing into my ears. I looked up and noticed a cute 13 year old...

2 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 2 Deeper into the pit

The full force of Kenny's conscience hit him when he was home in his flat over the weekend. As Saturday rolled into Sunday he was beside himself with guilt at having taken advantage of the young girl, a fourteen-year old who was in his care after all. "I'll just reverse everything when I see Belinda on Monday," he told himself. Having taken that decision he felt a little better about himself and even managed to eat some food. His attention returned somewhat too and he was able to work...

2 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 3

Mark MacGhee sat in the Prince of Wales pub, sipping a pint of lager. At twenty-nine, he considered himself young, free and single and worked hard to keep life that way. His 5'11" frame was lean and well muscled from the full-on workouts at the gym and daily running. Mark had the kind of shortish, fine sandy hair that never seemed to be totally under control - a bit like Robert Redford's. He also had brown eyes, the kind of eyes that seemed to melt women's hearts and he used all of his...

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Church of CyberscienceChapter 9

The watcher crept down from his hilltop, a sense of deadly purpose written across his face. He knew the price of failure would be high and that he had to do something about the fact that the couple had escaped from the burning cottage. He also knew he still had to try to make their deaths look like an accident but believed there was still time to use the fire to his advantage. The man and woman were both lying on the grass, their chests heaving as they tried to suck in life-giving air. The...

3 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 10

Mark and Felicity enjoyed a couple of stress free days in Portree. Mark had been spot on in his assessment of what to expect in the hotel's bar of an evening and whisky and fiddle music had been the order of the day. The night before, Flick had enjoyed herself like never before as she tried to keep up with the pace of the traditional tunes. Many of the local men were interested in dancing with her and Mark chuckled to himself as he saw just how tired out she was becoming. At last he stepped...

3 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 23

The judge called everything to order following the recess and advocate MacMillan called the prosecution's next witness. As Kenny passed the prosecution's table he had whispered to MacMillan so only he could hear. "Mr MacMillan, have you heard of the Church of Cyberscience and what it can do for you?" There had been no reaction from the advocate and Kenny tried again. "Did you know that the bluebells are blue?" The advocate looked at him strangely, clearly puzzled by what Kenny was...

2 years ago
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Church lady

It was the first time we had been in this church. I was there with my wife and step-daughter. We were sitting in the back out of the way and trying not to be noticed.She walked in, went past us, turned around, looked around and then came back to sit in front of us. She spun around in the pew, looked at the three of us and then locked eyes with me and said, "you're new here." I thought, great the head of the welcominig committee and almost answered with, "You're pretty sharp, sparky." but...

2 years ago
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Church Parking Lot

Introduction: A young girl is violently raped, but her prayers are answers when her knight in shining armor whisks her away and hides her from the world. Sara was an average fourteen year old, she was about 5 foot 4 with dirty blonde hair that hung around her shoulder blades and piercing blue/grey eyes. Her skin was snow white, and her hair kept darkening with age. She was very slender with curves that were FINALLY developing and a 32 B cup on her chest. She tapped her knee impatiently in the...

4 years ago
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Church GILF fantasy fulfilled

As a young teenage boy, I was raised in a very strict church. There was a f****y that were members there and the mom was a stunning MILF fuck fantasy for me. Protecting her real name, I will just refer to the now GILF as ‘Kat’. Kat always wore a very long dress but nine times out of ten, she wore a low cut top along with her dress to church. There were times that I would walk into the kitchen during potluck and she would bend over to take food out of the oven and I would see her big voluptuous...

2 years ago
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Church Social

The old church wasn't really a church any more, at least most of the time. It had been founded as a Methodist church about a hundred years ago, but then the congregation outgrew it as the neighborhood changed, so a bigger one had been built a block away. The Methodists had kept it up for their thrift shop and meetings and mission work and so on. But then the neighborhood slowly changed again, so that all of that was moved into the new - well, newer - church. So the building was sold at a...

2 years ago
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Church of Anguish

The Church of AnguishPart 1 - HannahThe device worked great and had an awesome effect. Hannah was not able to close her mouth, but instead of a traditional ring-gag, this one was almost invisible from the outside. Jimmy made a close-up shot with the handheld 4k camera to show the viewers the 2 stainless steel devices that were tailored to fit perfectly around the 4 sets of molar teeth. On each side an extendable pole was pushing the mouth wide open by pushing each of the sets of bars apart. By...

2 years ago
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Church GILF fantasy fulfilled

As a young teenage boy, I was raised in a very strict church. There was a family that were members there and the mom was a stunning MILF fuck fantasy for me. Protecting her real name, I will just refer to the now GILF as "Kat". Kat always wore a very long dress but nine times out of ten, she wore a low cut top along with her dress to church. There were times that I would walk into the kitchen during potluck and she would bend over to take food out of the oven and I would see her big voluptuous...

3 years ago
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Church Girls are Easy Part 2 Final

Yes, true story. I broke this up into two parts, as the second part has some real action including some double penetration and a hard lesson learned on my part. Alas, gentle reader, I did get the last laugh. Val the Volleyball Player Part TwoWhen we arrived at her apartment, the room mates were still not there. Val mentioned they were gone for the weekend. I thought, the way things were beginning, I was not going to go out for dinner, as we no sooner got into the door, then she took me...

4 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 11

Drew came up with a beautifully simplistic way of shaking off any tail that Mark and Felicity might have picked up. He parked his own car in the underground car park close to Glasgow's Sheriff Court and took a taxi back to the police station. Mark and Flick left the apartment in the undamaged Porche and made the short journey across town to the station. Mark parked in the car park and they grabbed small bags from the tiny trunk before making their way inside. Drew met the couple and led...

4 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 24

There was a crush as everyone tried to squeeze back into the courtroom before the 2pm resumption. Kenny had spent the interval sitting alone in a guarded room. He had been provided with paper and pens and he had forced himself to try to shake off the despair he felt. Instead, he needed to focus on making sure he was found not guilty and that meant making a good job of his closing arguments. He was escorted along a corridor that led to one of the side doors to the courtroom. Kenny took his...

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Church helper

I was in my local church last Sunday and after the congregation had gone home I was helping to put all the books away, when Caroline a regular in church since the year dot, asked me if I'd help her sort out for a Christening later that day. As we were the only people in church I said I would. Caroline was 72, 5'5", long dark hair, slim,she was wearing a white top with black pants.We continued to clear up when she asked me if I wanted a cup of tea, "Yes" I replied, so she locked up and we went...

3 years ago
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Church or

This story is absolutely 100% true! This takes place in my junior year of high school at the age of 16. Every Sunday i go to church with my 15yr old sophomore girlfriend of 9 months just so i can be with her(truly the only reason considering I'm an athiest). We'd always sit at the very back seats all alone. I had stayed up the entire night before on youtube and viewing porn(trust me a busy night lol). Im EXTREMELY exhausted, but seemingly the only thing that can keep me awake is my sexy little...

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Church of the Obedient Naked Male

My body was tingling. My nipples were hard as diamonds in the bodice of my wedding gown and my cunt was dripping with excitement under my skirt. In just a few moments the ceremony would begin. I would march down the aisle before a gathering of my friends to take Bill as my husband. But mine was not the excitement of the normal bride and Bill would not be a mere husband. We were to be married in the Church of the Obedient Naked Male. In front of the assembly Bill would kneel stark naked and...

2 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 7

Mark had a friend who owned a holiday cottage in Ratagan, a tiny village on the shores of Loch Duich at the foot of Glen Shiel in Ross-shire. He thought the remote setting would be ideal for himself and Flick to hide out in and in any event he never tired of the spectacular appearance of the peaks in the area. Despite the circumstances, Mark found his heart lifting at the prospect of some time away with Flick in one of his favourite parts of the country. He decided to keep their destination...

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Church of CyberscienceChapter 16

The ferry sailing was an overnight trip leaving Rosyth at 17:00 and docking in Belgium, at Zeebrugge, at 12:00 the following day. Kenny hadn't booked any accommodation so he settled himself down in one of the ferry's public lounge areas and passed some of the time by playing with his new computer. At first the 3G card allowed him to connect to the Internet but the ferry was soon out in the North Sea and coverage halted abruptly. Before that happened Kenny had managed to download some road...

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Church of CyberscienceChapter 17

Three more days of soaking up the warm Spanish sun and working through the e-mails on the memory stick and Kenny finally finished his task. He now knew the full scope of what he had been ordered to do and could feel the heavy weight of guilt crushing down on his very soul. He knew that he had to be strong and put it all to one side if at all possible while he tried to track down his controller and bring him to justice. Kenny took several hours to review the notes he had taken of the various...

4 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 18

Drew MacIntosh sat opposite his Chief Inspector and prepared himself to argue his case. After another frustrating day where the Spanish police hadn't turned up anything new on MacGovern, Drew was determined to have another try at convincing his boss that he should be allowed to go to Spain. "Chief, I'm convinced that nicking MacGovern this time will blow the lid off this whole case. I've got enough to make the statutory rape charges stick now - the statement from Kim Park puts that...

1 year ago
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Church parking lot for a hot reunion

It had been a long time since my wife and I really let go of our responsibilities and taken a little time to go crazy on each other. But it finally happened the other night . We met on the parking lot of the church late at night to talk and it happened, the hottest, craziest sex we have ever had. Before we get into the story I will tell you a little about us. I am a 35 yr old firefighter that is five eleven , one eighty , sandy blonde hair, blue eyes , nice tan skin with a decent seven under my...

4 years ago
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Church lady two

The next week we talked several times on the phone. One of the first things she brought up was the remark that I had made about beiing treated like a whore because of the way she dressed and if I thought if that might be the reason she felt shunned by the other women at the church.I told her that the way she dressed was a little inappropriate for a woman of her age and when she dressed like that men looked at that probably made their wives not only uncomfortable but a bit threatened. I...

2 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 6

The Honda Civic closed the distance between it and the Mondeo just as the sweep of the tight bend in the road began. The driver's face wore a grim and determined look as he judged the speed, timing and positioning then stamped hard on the accelerator and swung the wheel over to the right. The Civic rammed into the rear of the Mondeo at an angle, forcing the larger car to veer sharply towards the hard-shoulder and the steep embankment on the left. Flick screamed as she felt the impact and...

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Church of CyberscienceChapter 20

The train journey north was uneventful and Kenny did indeed manage to snatch a few hours of much needed sleep. The change over in Madrid had been the only worrying moments, as there wasn't much time between his train arriving in Madrid and the second train departing. He was surprised that he easily found his way around the vast Atocha Railway Station - scene of the carnage following the 2004 terrorist attacks on Madrid's commuter trains. He had opted to head for the smaller port of...

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Church Ladies PT 2

After that night at home and of course after that weekend alone as well she came in to work all prepared to find Catherine and see what was going on as far as she was concerned but she didn’t. Seeing as it was Monday, she came in that morning and of course wondered if Catherine was already in however Sarah’s schedule dictated that she had way too much to do. Sarah didn’t even look around for her. She didn’t look for Catherine at all. She didn’t even know if Catherine was there yet. In truth,...

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Church girl fuck

It was a Sunday morning my senior year of high school and I stood at the foot of the bed in white lace panties and matching bra. I couldn’t decide which dress to wear. One was green with white spots and knee length. The other was yellow with white chevrons. It was a flirty length and hugged my body in all the right places. I decided on the yellow dress and slipped into it. I threw on a pair of white flats and a pearl necklace and braided my hair. I walked down stairs out the door and jumped...

2 years ago
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Church Friend

Cora and Mark were friends from church.  We had hit it off with them mainly due to our kids being roughly the same age. However, we were about ten years apart in age, my husband and I having just turned forty while Cora and Mark were turning thirty. We all enjoyed each other’s company when we went out as families, but Cora and I were able to spend a lot more time together, creating an even stronger bond.  Cora is a beautiful redhead; a stay-at-home mom with enough time to work out and keep her...

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Church of CyberscienceChapter 5

Mark was still sitting in the lay-by an hour and a half later when he saw Flick's car pull in behind him. He opened the driver's door to greet her and found himself knocked backwards against his car as Flick launched herself at him with a squeal of pleasure. He felt her arms hugging him fiercely and her lips were planting wild kisses all over his face. Mark returned the hug and accepted the unbridled expression of her feelings for him. "I'm really pleased to see you too, baby," he...

4 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 14

The controller sat alone, a smug smile firmly in place. The tip-off to the police had achieved the desired results - Kenny had been arrested. Even if he knew the truth about what had been happening over the past eight years, there was no way he could share that with anyone else and hope to be believed. Even better than having Kenny out of the way, the police must have turned his computer on. The controller had been able to copy and then delete the database of all those Kenny had programmed...

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Church of CyberscienceChapter 15

Kenny punched the postcode from the scrap of paper into the satnav so it would steer him to the address the policeman had given him when he had been released. His first priority was to recover his computer and the memory stick so he could restart his search for whoever was controlling him. The address proved to be a non-descript building in the heart of one of Glasgow's industrial estates. A small plaque to the side of the entrance declared what the premises were - Strathclyde Police -...

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