Caster_(2) free porn video

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Lia Caster was a mega-mind, a self-made woman who dominated every industry. There was a law, long ago, that said that being the distributor of pretty much every product was illegal. However, that law had, for reasons “unknown”, been repealed decades and decades before the setting of this saga. It just so happened that this occurred when Lia Caster was twenty-two, and had just finished turning her late father’s crashing-and-burning paper-dispensing company, Caster Stationery Corp., into a success.

However, that paper-manufacturing company soon flourished to the point where it had more than enough profits to take up something more than paper. So, Lia, at the mere age of nineteen, decided to branch out into all-around office supplies. Then, as technology began to spring up all over the world, that was sold at the company too. Books, why not, Lia thought. By the time she turned twenty-one, almost everything you wanted could be sold at Caster Corporation (which was renamed when Lia turned twenty). You could even buy food at their many establishments, from steak to ice cream to potato chips. It was stressful, so much that Lia considered suicide at some points, but she kept making deals and becoming stronger.

The government was a bit wary of the power of Lia, and even brought up the law about monopolies. However, without a single public statement from Lia, the law vanished, and for some odd reason, a couple of high-up government workers were a couple thousand dollars richer.

But, that was long before 2098. By 2098, Lia Caster was “retired”. She still owned all of the businesses that she owned before, but she had worked up several quadrillion dollars after whacking down all other businesses in the fields she worked in. Medical instruments, food manufacturers, supplies…the only thing that she didn’t own was, of course, more public works, like hospitals, schools, and things like that. If someone wanted to buy something, though, chances were it would have the Caster name on it. Nobody could compete with her. Lia mostly lounged around the house and entertained herself, but still checked up on her businesses personally from time to time. Mostly, she had a more highly-paid set of staff that oversaw her businesses.

How was she still alive in 2098? Well, Lia invested in more than just your run-of-the-mill businesses. No, she had put a lot of money into a lot of scientists, and she had made sure that she would live a long time. Of course, along with that, she had some other modifications done to herself, just because…well, she was rich, and she could (those other modifications will be mentioned later). Of course, people continued to die at the normal rate. Normal people.

As one can see, though, Lia was far from normal. No, she was intelligent, ahead of the game, and had the world at her fingertips. The world even grew because of her, with new jobs popping up all over because of her countless companies and the tremendous effort they required. Even new technology was manufactured by her hand (well, mostly the hand of scientists she hired to make it, but close enough). In the year 2098, Lia still had the appearance of a thirty-three-year-old, her appearance looking as flawless as money could buy.

She was well-endowed naturally; she didn’t need surgery to do that. Her figure was curvy, thick, but not at all fat or over-weight. Her tits rounded out to a nice 38DD. Her ass jiggled with each step, but it was not outrageously-large; she had actually had her ass reduced slightly, finding it a distraction to both herself and others. She had plump lips and gorgeous, radiant, creamy-white skin. Her face was not too round, but not long either. Her smile or, more commonly, her smirk, reached her eyes every time. Her hair was almost ass-length, dark brown curls that accentuated her green eyes. She was 5’6, but often wore heels or heeled boots.

About those other modifications. While Lia still had her slick, tight little pussy, she could grow a cock whenever she chose to. It was little more than thinking about it, and then it would pop right out, ready to go. She could think it away, as well, and then it would be as if it were never there. It was fun to play with occasionally, especially when she found a random man or woman that she chose to bed.

Lia’s attire almost entirely consisted of slacks, dress-shirts, and vests. She looked incredibly powerful in them, powerful enough to make anyone drop to their knees.
She was as powerful as she looked, because, one day, when she decided she wanted a new type of servant, the law turned the blind eye, no payment required. See, Lia had a lot of wealth, and a lot of power. Therefore, she had to keep things protected. She had lots of bodyguards around her mansion, ready to attack anyone who dared to come for her fortune. The government knew that, and didn’t think she was one to be trifled with, even if it wasn’t her money they were going for.

So, Lia set about getting her new servants. Those new servants just happened to be…

Well, sex slaves, of course.

Hired workers, she had enough of. However, when she wanted sex, she had to go find it somewhere (it wasn’t too hard; everyone expected to get a little of her riches, and pretty much everyone worked for her, so it was a quick path to a raise for them). That was too much work! She was “retired”, and filthy fucking rich! If she wanted to bust her nut, she should be able to do it whenever she wanted.
Slavery was still illegal, but Lia knew she was above the law. If she wanted a slave, no-one would stop her. What would happen if she got thrown into jail? Her businesses would be destroyed, and the economy would plummet. Lia was a powerhouse, and nothing could stop her from getting what she wanted. It wasn’t a power she took control of too much; she was rather nice, actually.

But when Lia Caster wanted it…

Lia Caster gotit.


On the day that she decided she wanted some sex slaves, she stepped out of the house with three guards surrounding her. They all stepped into a limo, one of three. She always traveled in a limo that was bunched in with other limos so that if anyone were to make an attempt on her life, it would be mighty difficult. The doors were pretty much bulletproof, and the windows were tinted, so she was secure anyway.

Lia sighed and folded her arms, shutting her eyes and speaking aloud to her guards. They were all buff, and fairly silent, except for one: Jeremy. Jeremy was a good friend of hers, loyal to her from the very start, since her father died. He was the only one who wasn’t too much of a pussy to make jabs at her. They had fucked a couple of times, but it was nothing major.

Jeremy was a six foot tall, African-American average tough-guy. He had cornrows going a couple of inches past his neck, and always wore a ring on his pinky finger. He dressed as sharply as Lia did, always. Jeremy was the only one that she had allowed to use her age-extending technology other than her, because of how much she adored him and cared for him. If Jeremy died…well, she wouldn’t know what to do with herself.

“Jer,” she started, her voice sultry as always. The limo driver was waiting for instructions.

“’Sup,” he replied, jerking his chin at her.

“Did I already tell you what we’re doing? We’re going to get sex slaves,” Lia informed lazily.

“Yeah, you told me,” he sighed. “Where are we even going to look for that kind of shit, huh? I thought you sold people, anyway. Since you sell everything else.”

Lia chuckled, kicking Jeremy with her heeled boot and tapping the driver’s shoulder. “Take me to the nearest college, Jackson.”

“Yes, madam,” the driver said, then tapped the location in on the GPS after radioing the plan to the other two limos.

The limo began driving automatically, and Lia sat back, loosening her tie. The limo driver climbed into the backseat and poured Lia champagne. “Get Jer a glass, too. Have one yourself, if you want.”

“Thank you, madam,” Jackson said eagerly, pouring two more glasses as Lia sipped hers.

“Don’t mention it. Tell the kids I said hello, by the way,” Lia reminded as Jackson climbed back into the front. Turning back to Jeremy, Lia leaned forward. “Alright. Jeremy, I want some hot, young ass. Not
sure what I’m looking for in terms of gender and sex, but I want ‘em cute and young. Not illegal-young. I don’t want them legal just because I give a shit about the law, but only because…well, it’s kind of fucking creepy to bang a fifteen-year-old.”

Jeremy nodded and downed his champagne in one large gulp. Lia shrugged and knocked hers back, too. “I got you, I got you. Well, we’ll see what your choices are like when we get there.”

Lia smirked and nodded. “We’ll see.”


The college campus was alive with students, hustling and bustling to get their education and maybe work for Caster. Of course, some people wanted to be in the government, sports, or work in the education or medical field. People who wanted to work in business and marketing usually ended up with Caster, though.

When Caster stepped out of her limo with her guards at her sides, the whole campus paused. “Carry on,” she demanded. “Get to your classes, resume your studies and whatnot.”

Everyone’s eyes pretty much remained on her, but they kept going, returning to their conversations and paths to classes and all. Lia began to walk, slowly strolling along and checking out her potential prey. Was it a bit creepy to do that? Yes, but she didn’t care.

Despite her scoping, Jeremy seemed to notice someone first. His goal was to elbow her in the side, but he was so tall that it was more like elbowing her in the face. Lia glanced up at him, and he jerked his chin in the direction of a patch of grass where a group of giggling girls sat, surrounded by educational holo-pads that they weren’t very interested in.

“Hm,” Lia said. “Which one are you referring to in particular?”

“Redhead,” Jeremy said bluntly. He seemed to be eying her himself, and even said, “Dayum. I’ll give it to you white girls. Got it goin’ on every now and then. Looks like she has a nice ass, but I can’t see it when she’s sittin’. Titties aren’t too big.”

Lia replied, “Titties aren’t an issue. Long as she’s hot in the face.” Lia herself scoped out the girl and inspected her. She had a cute, pixie-like face that was littered with freckles, and wavy red hair that went a little past her shoulders. Like Jeremy said, her breasts were rather small, but Lia didn’t mind. She looked pretty young, but not outrageously so. Quite short. “I like her. I think I want her. Let’s see how it goes.”

“’Let’s see how it goes’? Do you plan on getting consent, or-“

“Jer,” Lia reminded. “I’m filthy fucking rich. I don’t need consent. She’ll learn to enjoy it, anyway. But let’s see how it goes…her personality might irritate me. I don’t want some irritating little pest. I already have you.”

Jeremy scoffed and laughed a little, then began walking towards the grass. As the guards and Lia approached, the girls’ chatter trailed off into silence, and they looked up. Lia took off her shades and looked down at the girls, smirking her trademark-smirk. “Oh my God,” one of them whispered; not Lia’s target, but some brunette with braces. “That’s Lia Caster.”

“Correct! Nice to meet you.” Caster smiled and gestured for them all to stand, then shook each hand individually. She saved her redhead for last, holding her hand a little longer than the others. “How’re the studies going? Getting good grades? Hmm?”

“Yes,” said a tall blond. She was almost as tall as Jeremy, and very lanky. “We’re…all very good students.”

Lia nodded slowly, debating on whether to get to the point and pull her girl aside or pussyfoot a little. She went for the former. “Good, good.” Turning to her prey, Lia smiled warmly and took her hand again. “What are you studying to be?”

“I w-w-w-w-want to be a teacher,” whispered the ginger girl, obviously freaked out by the sudden appearance of such an influential figure.

“Oh…you won’t be working for me? Too bad.” The girl started to apologize, but Lia interrupted her. “I’m not angry or upset. It was just a joke, kid.”

The girl squeaked, “Sorry! It’s just…I didn’t think that you were a joking type. I mean, when I see you on the television, you always look so…scary! And serious!”

“I like to joke,” Lia insisted. “Jeremy? Don’t I like to joke?”

“Too damn much,” Jeremy chuckled. “If she wasn’t an entrepreneur, she’d be a fucking clown.”

Lia released the girl’s hand and patted her shoulder. “And there you have it. Now, what’s your name, girl?”

“Alice,” said the girl, a bit less nervous all of a sudden.

“Alice in Wonderland! I like that name. Alice, do you have any classes today?”

Alice’s friends stood aside silently, too petrified and jealous to speak. “No. I’m free until tomorrow.”

Lia nodded slowly, then said, “Alice, I’d like it if you came with me and spent a day at my mansion. I’m looking for a young girl to be in one of my…programs, and you fit the bill. Hope your friends don’t mind.”

They won’t, Lia knew they wouldn’t. None of them would say no. You don’t say no to someone who makes most of the products in your house. “Y-yeah! I can go with you! They won’t mind!”

“One more thing,” Lia said quickly, remembering something. “Ah…how old are you, exactly?”

“N-nineteen. Is that too old? Or too young?”

“No,” Lia said, patting Alice’s head. “That is just right. Come with me.”


After a ride back to the mansion where Alice asked about business and Lia asked about Alice’s personal life (thank God the girl was single; Lia didn’t have time to deal with a jilted lover), Lia took Alice to her personal “chill-room” as she liked to call it, and invited Alice in. She invited Jeremy in as well, and the man relaxed into a reclining chair after stripping down to a black tank-top, his slacks, and his black socks Lia herself took off her tie, vest and shoes, leaving her in a long-sleeved white dress shirt, black slacks, and the sheer black stockings she had on underneath them.

Alice was dressed in a sky-blue crop-top, along with some faded jean-shorts over white leggings; appropriate for the warm spring weather. She also had on white sneakers. Lia insisted that she get comfortable, but Alice stayed as she was.

The room was dimly lit, with a fireplace keeping the room cool. Thermostats and holo-pads could quickly change the temperature, but Caster loved her old-fashioned stuff. There were bookcases all over, filled with old books. Most books were on holo-pads those days, but of course, she wanted old books as well.

“So,” Lia drawled, crossing her legs. She was sitting in a worn leather chair that Jeremy had been begging her to replace. “Teacher, eh?” Alice nodded, but seemed a bit…unhappy. “Is that…what you really wanna do?”

Jeremy rolled his eyes, probably thinking that Lia didn’t really give a shit. She didn’t, but was just curious. Alice shrugged. “I dunno. I mean, I only chose it because…well…I wanted to be a ballet d-dancer, but my parents said no. So I was just like, ‘why not be a teacher’. I’m really good at academ-“

“But you want to be a dancer,” Lia interrupted. “Don’t waste your time listening to your parents, kid.”

“Yeah, but I need a place to live and stuff…my parents wouldn’t provide that for me if I chose my own path,” Alice explained. “I still dance by myself, though. Just for fun.”
Lia spread her arms invitingly. “Well, me and Jeremy make a good audience. Don’t we, Jer?”

“I like dancing,” Jeremy agreed. “Show us what you got.”

Alice looked nervous, but also as if she would just get up any second and go for it. Lia leaned over and grabbed her holo-pad, turning on some classical music. Alice stayed in her chair for a couple of seconds, but when Lia nodded encouragingly, she kicked off her shoes and rose to her feet.

She started to sway, then leap across the floor, twisting and turning to the rhythm of the music. Lia wasn’t sure if she’d heard the song before, but either way, every move was in tune with the instruments.

Soon, Lia turned the music off, after about ten minutes of Alice dancing her heart out. She stopped in her tracks, then laughed nervously and sat down. “S-so? How was that?”

“God, I loved it. Your parents—they don’t know what they’re missing,” Lia said, and there really was a lot of truth to it. “You know, that’s why I need to tell you about my program. See, I need a new kind of worker here. You do my job when I need you to, and for the rest of the time, you’re free to dance whenever you want. Maybe I’ll host little events, and my employees can come watch you…others can, too. You live in my mansion, and you can have whatever you want that money can buy.”

Alice’s brow furrowed. “W-what about school?”

“To hell with it! You only went because you couldn’t be a dancer, right? If you agree to be in my ‘program’, then you can be a dancer. I’ll get you lessons, too,” Lia added. “And cute tutus, and pretty shoes.”

Jeremy stayed silent, but was shifting uncomfortably. Lia looked over and saw the bulge in his pants. He really liked dancing, it seemed.

Alice looked away. “I don’t get…I mean, what’s the job?”

“Jeremy will show you.” Jeremy perked up and looked over at Lia, raising an eyebrow. She looked at his crotch pointedly, and he let out a little “oh” of surprise. “Jeremy is, ah, well-endowed, but you can handle it, I’m sure. Just go ahead and get a little taste of what you’ll deal with working for me, and we’ll talk business.”

Jeremy unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, which was a full eleven inches long. Lia’s eyes widened, and fidgeted in her chair. “Come on, baby,” Jeremy grinned. “Just start with your mouth and hands. No need to rush, right, boss?”

“I’ve got nowhere to be.” Lia shrugged, giving Alice a charming little grin.

“I-I can try?” Alice stood and walked slowly over to Jeremy, kneeling between his legs. She looked enticed by his huge shaft, but still anxiously glanced at Lia. “My parents—they won’t know about this, will they?”

“Shoot ‘em a holo-message, tell them you’ve went away to become a dancer, and that you don’t want to be bothered with them anymore,” Lia advised. “Then you’ll live with me, and never have to deal with them ever again if you don’t want to.”

Alice looked at Jeremy’s cock again. It was dripping pre-come down the side, twitching slightly in front of Alice’s face. Alice licked her lips, almost imperceptibly, then whispered, “I don’t want to. I think I want to work for you and never speak to them again!”

Lia grinned, walked over to Alice, and patted her head reassuringly. “Good girl. Well, come on. Your job starts now.”

The redhead nodded and bit her lip, unsure where to start. Jeremy reminded her to start with her mouth and hands, and she went for the latter, wrapping a petite, manicured hand around his shaft. Jeremy nodded and she began to move it up and down, his breath becoming a bit unsteady.

“Tell me about your sexual experiences, princess,” Lia said, playing with Alice’s hair.

“I’ve only d-done it once,” Alice admitted. “And we didn’t do stuff like this. He just put it in me, and we were done a couple of minutes later…”

“Jeremy likes to take his time. You’ll get your due if you do your job right. Spit in your hand. Nobody likes a dry handjob,” Lia instructed.
Alice nodded and pulled her hand off, dribbling spit into her hand kind of awkwardly. She put it back on Jeremy’s dick and began to stroke it again, moving a bit more confidently. Jeremy coached her on how to stroke him and how to use her thumb on his tip, and she followed every instruction rather quickly. Obedient, Lia thought, quite pleased.

Alice, without instruction, put her tongue to the tip of Jeremy’s cock, licking up the salty liquid that was gathering there. Jeremy hissed and grabbed her hair, causing Alice to shriek a little. “C’mon, boss,” Jeremy growled. “Let’s start her job for real.”

Lia grinned wickedly and took off her slacks, stockings and underwear. Alice looked up as the brunette woman walked over, her eyes darting to and fro nervously. Within seconds, Lia had ordered her cock to appear. The cute redhead’s eyes widened as Lia’s shaft manifested and grew before her eyes.

“That’s right, princess. Get a load of this, eh?” Lia’s cock grew till it was about the same length as Jeremy’s, leaking with pre-come. Lia snickered and stroked her cock quickly, a string of fluid dripping to the floor.

“G-girls aren’t supposed to have those,” Alice squealed, slightly frightened.

Ignoring Alice, Lia brushed Jeremy’s hand off of Alice’s hair and grabbed it herself; the guard simply started stroking his own cock. “You’re going to learn how to do this, and fast. Open your mouth and relax your throat.”

Alice bit her rosy-pink lips, but then opened her mouth. Lia shouted, commanding her to open it wider, and Alice quickly obeyed, opening her mouth as wide as she possibly could. Lia nodded slowly, then put her cock-head to Alice’s lips.

A little whimper rose from Alice’s mouth to Caster’s ears, and Lia decided that that was the perfect time to shove her length into Alice’s mouth. Alice gagged, and her eyes bugged out as saliva began to run down her chin.

Lia shook as she felt the wet heat of Alice’s mouth wrapped around her needy dick. She pulled out, despite the ecstasy that Alice’s cute little mouth gave her. Alice heaved for breath, and whined, “O-ow! That hurt my throat…”

“Yeah, sorry about that. That gag reflex will disappear eventually.” Jeremy shook his head as Lia tried to shake off Alice’s discomfort. “Open.” Despite Alice’s reluctance and whimpering, she obediently opened her mouth, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. “Don’t cry, hon. Think about it: your parents will never govern you again, and all you have to do is obey me. You’ll learn to like it, I swear.”

At that, Alice nodded, closing her mouth to lick her lips quickly. She re-opened her mouth, and Lia smiled. She could charm her way out of murder, even if she wasn’t so wealthy. She never knew her dad too well, but he apparently had the same trait. Didn’t help him much in his business, though.

Lia didn’t hesitate in putting her cock back in Alice’s pouty mouth, but instead slid into her slowly. When she pulled away, she didn’t pull out all the way; she just quickly went back in, not giving Alice any time to gather herself. She began a steady rhythm, fucking Alice’s mouth as Jeremy stroked his huge dick to the sight of his boss fucking her new slave.

Alice soon shut her eyes, letting Lia fuck her mouth without any resistance. Lia nodded at Alice’s ability to quickly surrender; that was the kind of girl she liked! Alice’s gag reflex seemed to be broken, too, and every time Lia forced her to deepthroat, she simply let out a little gurgle and nothing else.

Lia eventually stopped face-fucking Alice, and stroked her cock instead. Lia commanded Alice to suck her balls, and Alice got right too it, licking off the little bits of drool that she had dripped onto the swollen testicles. Jeremy was quickly fisting his cock by then, turned on by the display.

As Alice took one of Lia’s full balls into her mouth, Lia hummed happily. “Nice mouth, kid. Jeremy, why don’t you try this one out? Get on all fours in front of him and suck his cock, Alice. Take it nice and deep.”

Alice (reluctantly?) released Lia’s nut from her mouth, replying, “Okay, Ms. Caster.”

“No, no—Madam Caster. Madam,” Lia corrected. “Take those clothes off, while you’re at it. You don’t need them, now, do you?”

“No, Madam Caster!”

Alice seemed to enjoy following orders and being submissive, Lia noted; of course, being one of the “good girls”, Alice probably went nuts over repeated praise and knowing she was pleasing people. To test it out, as Lia was undressing, Lia said, “You’re doing really well, Alice.”

The ginger girl perked up and smiled as she wiggled out of her leggings and panties. “Th-thank you, Madam Caster! I’ll do anything to repay you for this opportunity you’ve given me!”

This is a good change from the tears she was shedding earlier. Boy, did I hate that, Caster thought. Although she wasn’t looking for consent in the slightest, tears still didn’t go well with her.

Caster watched as Alice went to town on Jeremy’s dick, first starting by licking him all over, especially making sure to lap up the semen forming at his tip. She must like come, then. How cute, Caster thought, snickering slightly. After finishing her tongue-bath, Alice deepthroated Jeremy slowly, her tongue pressing against the underside of his monstrous shaft. “Fuck, that’s not bad,” Jeremy hissed. Alice gagged a little, but kept going happily.

As Alice sucked Jeremy off, Lia slowly circled around to the back of her new fucktoy, kneeling behind her. Curious, Lia brought her hand up to Alice’s pink, hairless pussy and rubbed two fingers along her entrance. Alice was dripping wet, which caused Lia to raise her eyebrows in entertainment.

A curious finger dipped inside of Alice’s hole, and Alice moaned around Jeremy’s cock; however, the petite redhead didn’t do anything else, continuing with her work. “Dirty whore, getting turned on by all of this,” Lia chuckled. “I guess you’re doing pretty well, so far. I’ll reward you.”

The finger that was pumping in and out of Alice was being squeezed by the girl’s walls. She was so unbelievably tight. Lia had to loosen her up a little more. Another finger entered, and Alice began to suck Jeremy faster, channeling her horny energy into pleasing her superior.

Soon, Alice’s head was being pushed down by Jeremy, and he was using her mouth as a cocksleeve. Lia continued to finger Alice, and the redhead whimpered into Jeremy’s crotch. After a couple of minutes of scissoring her fingers and stretching Alice’s young cunt, Lia decided she had had enough playing around.

An expensive blouse and bra hit the floor as Lia undressed completely and repositioned herself on her knees. One hand held onto Alice’s hip, while the other began to guide her cock to Alice’s entrance. “Here’s your reward!” Lia grinned triumphantly as she filled Alice up with her hot dick in one fluid stroke.

Jeremy released Alice’s head and allowed the redhead to scream like a banshee, both in pain and pleasure. Alice was filled to the brim with Lia’s hard cock. Jeremy managed to release a gruff laugh, even as he pulled Alice back down onto his shaft.

Deciding that Alice had had enough time to get used to it, Lia began to shallowly thrust, moving an inch or two out before sliding all the way back in. As Alice’s cries, muffled by Jeremy’s huge shaft, began to die down, Lia withdrew some more each time and went in some more each time. Within minutes, she was fluidly moving in and out of Alice, withdrawing all the way before slamming back in and hitting a spot that made Alice howl.

The vibrations from all of Alice’s little sounds of pleasure went up Jeremy’s spine and made him shake with pleasure. “I like this one, boss,” he said shakily, trying to maintain suave despite the fact he was losing it. “What a good mouth she has…”

“Didn’t I tell you?” Lia grunted, both of her hands on the hips of her young slave. It had been so long since she had had a nice, tight hole to thrust in and out of. Alice was perfect, squeezing Lia’s shaft as if she was begging Lia to empty her load inside of her.

One of Lia’s hands reached around as she leaned into Alice, her tits pushing against her back. The hand gripped Alice’s tit and roughly pinched her nipple, causing Alice to moan even louder. The sound drove Lia to thrust even faster, loud squishing sounds echoing in the room as Lia pounded Alice’s cunt.

The hand that was fondling Alice’s cute, tiny breast moved between Lia’s legs to finger her cunt, which was nearly hidden beneath her massive balls. However, she found it and began to furiously fuck it with her hand, moaning shamelessly.

“Fuck, Alice! I can’t believe you’ve only done this once...would be a shame to let a cute, tight little pussy like this go to waste. Don’t worry…I won’t let it,” Lia chuckled, her voice slightly strangled as she pumped in and out of Alice’s hole.

Jeremy pulled Alice off of his cock, holding her head by her hair as her tongue lolled lazily out of her mouth. He quickly jerked his cock, panting desperately as he approached his climax. Lia kept fucking Alice, making her thrusts rougher in order to elicit more moans from the small vixen.

Within seconds, Jeremy’s first thick rope of come painted itself over Alice’s nose. Then, another landed on her forehead, and other on her cheek. Every jet of hot jizz after the one on her cheek landed in her mouth…and boy, was there a lot. Jeremy kept coming, murmuring “fuck, fuck, fuck” as he witnessed Alice being covered in his spunk.

Alice seemed indifferent to getting a facial, her face similar to that of a horny bitch in heat as Lia’s balls swung forward and repeatedly smacked against her sensitive clit. Her eyes were half-lidded, and she was drooling, desperate to reach her peak.

Finally, Jeremy finished coming, slowly bringing his hand to a stop. Alice swallowed what was in her mouth, but made no move to swallow or clean up the rest in any way, slightly whining “please” under her breath as Caster continued to violate her womanhood.

Without stopping, Lia began to speak. “Why don’t you…go ahead and…run a bath…for Alice? Get a…room set up…for her, too,” Lia panted, slightly breathless from jackhammering Alice for so long.
Jeremy nodded, sat for a few seconds to catch his breath, and then redressed. He shot Alice a wink as he left; the red-headed girl didn’t even register it, too busy begging for release from her new master.

Lia promptly pulled out of Alice as the door shut, flipping her onto her back. Alice spoke the first words she had spoken in a while, in a whimpering tone. “Please, Madam Caster…ah-ah-I need iiiit…”

Lia shook her head, but smirked, her chest heaving. “Still so well-mannered. Alright. Let’s finish up here.”

Alice shrieked happily as Lia swiftly re-entered Alice, with less resistance than before. She was still tight, however, and Lia felt as if being nestled inside of her was heaven. Lia leaned in, hooking Alice’s legs over her shoulders as she began to fuck Alice even faster and harder than before.

The petite ginger girl must have been closer to orgasm than Lia thought, because within seconds, she was twitching and screaming profanities, jerking her hips into Lia’s. Her walls tightened and loosened around Caster in rapid succession, causing the older woman to release a choked noise.

Determined to make Alice finish strong, Lia reached down and began to sloppily circle Alice’s clit. Alice’s curses and random shots faded into background noise as one phrase started coming from her lips, over and over and over again. “Madam Caster—Madam Caster—Madam Caster—oh God, oh God, oh—fuck!”

Alice was a squirter; her juices sprayed all over both of them as her eyes rolled back in her head, her jizz-covered face twisting into an expression of outlandishly high pleasure. Lia pulled out, and four more strokes brought her to completion as well.

Lia had made sure to use a modification that made her shoot more come than usual, so when she shot her load all over Alice, the ginger girl was covered. She kept stroking herself as she coated Alice’s torso, crotch, thighs and tits in thick layers of her spunk.

It was several minutes before Lia finished, milking her cock for every drop possible. As she released her cock, it retracted into her body, and she was left with her dripping wet pussy. Alice and I can play with that another time, she decided.

Alice laid whimpering and panting, completely silent. Lia just watched her for a couple of seconds, smiling and sated. Finally, she said, “We’ll get you on the pill, soon, and then you’ll be able to feel what it’s like to be completely filled up with come. Until then…you go ahead and get cleaned up, rest for a while. When you wake up, go on your holo-pad and find some cute clothes, ballet shoes, whatever else you want, then let me know. I’ll be in here, alright?”

Alice nodded sleepily, gathering globs of come off her body with her fingers and putting it in her mouth, swallowing it happily. Caster grabbed her holo-pad and called for Jeremy, who came into the room almost immediately. “’Sup, boss?” He had cleaned up rather quickly, looking as sharp and composed as ever.

“Carry her to her bath. I don’t think she can walk,” Lia chuckled. She, herself, stood and gathered herself just enough to walk to her own personal bathroom as Jeremy easily scooped Alice up into his big arms.

Once she ran a hot bath and put in some bubbles, she sank in and began to relax, smiling serenely. As she thought about Alice, she realized that getting her was ridiculously easy.

Hm…now, how hard would it be to get a second slave?


Same as Caster_(2) Videos

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Something Different

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Second ChanceChapter 41

Jennifer and I were wrapped in a lovers knot, sprawled naked and sweaty on the big bed upstairs in the Residence. Our evening started with a mandatory appearance at the Kennedy Center, for an award evening which dragged on for hours. The music was quite good but the program was slow and stilted. At one point Jennifer reached down to adjust the strap on her high heels. She gave me a wicked smile which said so much without speaking and I found my concentration on her furry friend, instead of...

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A Rose Blooms on a Bottom

Life was good. I was successful in my profession, had exercised enough choice of parents to be an independently wealthy heir, and had a fine girlfriend. My relationship with Vanessa was growing. We had discovered that while emotional loyalty was extremely important to us, we didn't insist on sexual monogamy. Indeed, we were learning how we could enjoy sexual encounters both together, and with others but shared with our partner. I had inherited a large house in the Georgetown section of DC,...

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Fucking By 3 In 3 Holes

The different exciting show I watched my name is Naveed 18 year’s old student. I feel if doing sex is a pleasure in one way even watching others doing sex is also a pleasure in other way. That is the reason we watch porn movies and the story I am presenting is that unique sex scene I watched. It was a foursome that went on among building construction workers involving two old men and a young couple. The two old men cleverly seduced a young couple and enjoyed both that woman and her husband a bi...

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A Neighbour To Die For0

He put his feet up, took another sip as his mind went straight back to Jennifer, despite his efforts to think of something else. Every time he thought of her or saw her, he felt a tingling in his balls and a twitching in his cock. She drove him crazy just by being there. Not long after she and her family had moved in, she had been out in the front fixing up the garden and had seen him return from the gym wearing a Canadian t-shirt he had bought on a recent visit there. She had waved hello...

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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 33 A Weekend at Gretchenrsquos Saturday Afternoon

Before Gretchen let Nina into the car, she made her walk around the parking lot. Nina was a little puzzled, but didn’t want to give her Mistress any more reasons for punishing her. She hadn’t gone more than a half-dozen steps before she thought she understood the reason for this behavior. Something was attacking her clit! It felt like some kind of massage all over the sides of her clit, or even like someone’s fingernails lightly scraping it all over. It wasn’t the same as Margo’s...

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Hagrid and the Three Little Witches

Introduction: after Hagrid loss his pet dragon, Hermione, Luna, and Ginny come to visit to comfort him and show him how much he mean to them. **co-writing with my friend from Imagefap, Reddwarf** **Alternate Universe : Hagrid is the Care of Magical Creature since their first years, Ginny Weasleyand Luna Lovegood is the same age as Hermione** Poor Hagrid, dejected and sad from the loss of his pet dragon Norbert, had been moping around his dark hut for days, barely going outside to tend to his...

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Getting Cindy Fucked Part three

Introduction: This story is a further continuation of the Getting Cindy Fucked series. In part two Hank had devised the solution to providing a steady stream of willing lovers to satisfy Cindys obsession with threesomes. In this chapter, another man is invited to share Cindys insatiable pussy. As noted in the previous two parts, the story is fictional, yet based upon real people and genuine circumstances. As before, names and details have been changed or modified to provide anonymity. Once I...

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Goddess Consultation

It was a fairly standard Thursday afternoon at Goldberg Consultation Services, LLC, as the sounds of the occasional phone ringing at the waiting room desk and the rustling of bulky paperwork filled the incandescently-lit office in the middle of downtown Springfield. “Miss… Uh, Eva?” The receptionist called out, peeking her head into the waiting room door. “Coming.” Replied a light feminine voice from behind the cover of a magazine. The woman had a growing pile of magazines on the end table at...

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Susan and Jason Naked In SchoolChapter 4 Tuesday 2

SUSAN I couldn’t believe it. That ungrateful, little shrimp had blown me off and left with that bitch that slapped him on the ass yesterday. I’ll be damned if she gets Jay. I’ll teach him who’s better. He’ll see. I was all ready to ask for relief from Jay again when we made it to biology but I had lost the mood. He, however, seemed like he was raring to go, his hard penis leading the way into the classroom. How brazen can you get? When our eyes met, I turned away. I didn’t want to look at...

2 years ago
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My wife had to go away for her company for a week, so my mother in law came and stayed with me. That night my mother in law drank a bit too much red wine at dinner. She then went to her room.The wine had made me horny, so I was laying on my bed naked, watching some porn. Suddenly the door opened and, without knocking, my mother-in-law entered my bedroom.I looked at her with an embarrassed grin. She looked at me wide-eyed, with her jaw open. She was shocked, but then, she startled me when, with...

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My InitiationPart 4

I had an excellent view at the window of the dorm mother. I started out watching the rooms of the girls I had to collect the panties off so I could learn when was the best time to try to steal them. When I saw the light go on in the dorm mother's room, I had to watch her. I also had to collect a pair from her, too.I never expected to watch the show that was going on in front of me. Hiding outside the window, I watched the assistant dean of the college, on his knees in front of the dorm mother,...

4 years ago
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I caught my sister in law getting it from our pet dog

My sister in law came to stay with us for a week or so, and I hated it! She kept me from my getting pleasured by our male dog pepper! I had trained him very well in the art of pleasuring me, and he sure provided plenty of that at least 2 or 3 times a week. But she came and stayed with us for a bit as my brother was working on their place in a nearby town. She already knew I was getting it reguraly by Pepper when she came over one day uninvited and I hadn’t locked the damn front door! And...

2 years ago
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The GiftChapter 37

We spent some time going over the list that his computer printed out for us. He highlighted in yellow those he personally knew. He used red for those he knew of who were in positions of power and authority within the government. "Well, I can see we have our work cut out for us. Unlike you, Tom, I plan on doing something about this right away. Just having the press informed will not do it, here. I really don't know what you were thinking," John said, while shaking his head. I just nodded,...

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RenewalChapter 6

“By now Regina is being detained and brought back,” Marion says to Kathryn as she walks into the large cabin. “She’ll take the fall for everything.” “Do we really need to go that far?” Kathryn asks. “I mean, I never really had a problem with Regina and she has always done an excellent job as a captain.” Marion wraps her arms around the woman, pulling her chest tight against hers. They look into each other’s eyes as each of their hands go to the other’s waist. “By now she has pieced together...

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Cock Worshipper Part 8

So in the summer of 1994, I decided to move to a small town called Alcolu, South Carolina, where a man lived who was in his early 40’s and he seemed like everything I could ever want. He said he had work lined up for me which was great. He was very romantic in his letters and phone conversations and my heart was a’flutter. My parents were concerned about whether or not it was the right decision, but despite that, they threw me a going away party with all my family and friends there to...

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Full Metal ProphylacticChapter 16

I woke up the next day, not much the worse for wear ... but weary, in every bone, muscle, fiber and wing part. We, all of us, were camped together in what looked like to be the gardens of the old island castle. Although everything here was mostly dead and given away to ruin, they were restful. Even the strewn rocks had sort of a Japanese Zen garden sort of gentle appeal. Somewhat relieved, I took a short follow-on nap for another few hours until I was gently awakened for dinner. It was...

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Sissy Bitch goes to Dinner

Anthony sat at his desk, glaring at his secretary. Although the poor woman had done nothing to invite his ire, he continued to berate her. She stood there in tears, hoping to keep her job, even though she knew that it was a hopeless cause. As she waited for the ax to fall, Nomi silently thanked the Lord for her back up job at Chez Louis, an upscale restaurant in the city. It didn’t pay as well as this job, but it was all she had left now. “This is the second time this year that you have been...

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Deputy MarshalChapter 4

Eddy had one point on his side: the first time he fired his shotgun, people would come running. He just had to hope that they would get there soon enough to do him some good. He figured that he was hidden well enough in the dim light that the thugs would have a hard time spotting him. Eddy had a problem that he didn't see any way around: he couldn't shoot just because he didn't like their looks. They had to make the first move. Maybe they would try something illegal so he could shoot,...

3 years ago
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Book of Common Prayer Prayers For Weekdays Wednesday ACT OF VENERATION

ACT OF VENERATION Hail My King- My Masculine, Virile, Absolute Ruler, You are my God. The only God existing in the universe And in my life. At Your feet I kneel and pray, With reverential respect and admiring deference. At your feet I kneel and pray, Honoring You in the ritual act Of devotion A good woman has to make To her Master. Every day. As your devout slave I ask That You bestow Your grace On me, Submitted to You in eternity, My absolute Master. With Your...

2 years ago
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MILF taught bondage

I had been helping a MILF next door named Hellen. She had a curvy body, long thick brown hair and a feminine face with hazel eyes. Although she didn´t dress to show of her body her body language told a different story.She would swing her ass and bow down just a little revealing.Anyway I helped her with her computer one da. Her computer had gotten a virus due to porn surfing. I had to check through her entire pornstash and analyse all the files. She turned out to be into bondage and being taken...

2 years ago
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A Stick Of Gum

You are amazing. I stared at the wrapper, seeing the words but not fully comprehending their meaning. I clandestinely looked around the room, checking to see if anyone else was looking at me. But everyone else’s eyes were facing the six pages of trigonometry test that we’d just been handed. You are amazing. The words were still there. Scribbled in black fine tip marker. I dropped the gum on the desk and stared at it for a minute. You are amazing. I was not amazing. I was a stupid college...

3 years ago
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My first BBC

When I was a freshman I joined a lot of clubs sports and programs and had a lot of fun but my mom couldn’t keep up with all the driving. Eric did some mostly taking me to soccer games and practice. Eric was a great step dad and gave us a lot more than just a home and f****y. We went to Disney World and anywhere from Florida to Alaska, west coast to east. Eric wanted to buy me a car so that they didn’t have to drive me a lot. My mom didn’t like that idea and said that if I wanted to continue...

1 year ago
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use me

I came in the door and he was waiting.  He grabbed me and ripped my panties off me from under my skirt.  He then turned me around, bent me over and threw my skirt over my back.  My head was spinning trying to anticipate what was coming next and my pussy was drenched from the anticipation running through me.  the next thing I feel is a long wet tongue thrust roughly into my pussy.  It felt so good.  I moaned and tied to move a bit to give him better access to me and he backed off.  I stood up to...

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