The School. Part Two free porn video

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The School. Part Two.

We entered the classroom in our pairings and all drifted to the futons that we had occupied the day before and sat down to await Penny and Peter. They duly arrived with Peter saying good morning to us all and getting a chorus of the same back.

“As Penny said last night, you followed the basic pattern by going ahead with intercourse at the first opportunity. Slow down! Don’t burn yourself out. This is basically aimed at you men, as a woman can have sex almost continuously, though not always having an orgasm. Whereas you have to have an erection, and that cannot be done so quickly. So we will carry on today with the erogenous zones on both bodies, not just concentrating on the female form as happened yesterday. There are disinfected cloths by your futons that are to be used to clean your fingers after finding the anal zones. This is especially important, because you shouldn’t use a finger that has just been used in the anus to be used upon the female genitalia. Observe your partner’s reactions to all stimuli. Observation is the key word here, and I’d like to tell you a little joke to demonstrate this. A doctor of pathology had a class of raw students about to handle their first corpse. Each student stood behind a table with a cadaver before them, as did the doctor on the platform facing them. ‘Observation,’ he told them, ‘is the first thing that you must learn before we let you loose to become a pathologist. Watch what I do and then follow suit.’ He raised his hand and extended a finger, which he then inserted into the anus of the cadaver before him and kept it there for a few seconds whilst the students did the same. He then withdrew his finger and holding his hand up, slowly licked his finger. All the students went pale at this, and with shaking hands and fingers, they started to do the same. One student fainted and another vomited over his corpse while the others looked sick and green. ‘Now I’m sure,’ the doctor continued, holding up his hand with the middle finger raised, ‘that you observed that I inserted this finger into the cadaver, and on withdrawing it,’ he raised it up to his mouth, but then closed his hand and raised his index finger, ‘then licked this one! That, my young people, is observation.’’

There had been some gasps from the girls half way through the joke, and then came the groans from us all at the punch line.

“I know. It wasn’t a very good one, but I think you get the message,” Peter then finished by telling us to get on with it.

I laid back on the futon and closed my eyes as if to say that it was Ann’s turn to play with me. She lifted one of my knees up and I felt her touch my bum. Then I got the shock of a cold finger being suddenly shoved up my arse. With my eyes being closed, I hadn’t seen her dip her finger into the pot of cold cream. My eyes flew open to see her grinning wickedly down at me.

“That serves you right for laying back with a smug grin on your face.” The grin wasn’t there now, but the finger was still where she’d put it, and I could feel her wiggling it about. “Now let’s try this,” she said, keeping that finger where it was and now began pushing her thumb up under my balls. She found the spot she wanted, because with the finger and thumb being used in a gentle pincer movement, my cock had started to rise and was suddenly as stiff as a board.

“Fantastic,” I said.

“Terrific,” she said, “I didn’t know I could do that to a man. Wow! Instant erection and gratification,” as she licked her lips with a wide smile, and I smiled as she bent her head and took the head of my cock into her mouth.

“Oral sex comes later Ann,” Peter’s voice boomed out. Ann’s head shot up and she blushed as every head turned our way to see her open mouth above my fiery red cock.

“Oh dear,” she said, crimson faced now as she slid down beside me, trying to hide, her finger slipping out of my bum. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. She slapped my chest, shushing me. I gave her a kiss on the nose.

“We’ll do that tonight,” I whispered, “now let’s carry on.” So the morning went with her gently pressing and touching me, and me saying what sensations I did or did not have.

The lads at the bar ribbed me and the girls had a good giggle together as we had our pre lunch drinks. The tables were separated again, but without the candles and the room was well lit. The food was as good as the day before and the choice of wine, excellent, two half bottles again for us both.

Back in the classroom for the afternoon session which went by all too quickly. Before we knew it, our daytime of body fondling was over. After a shower and with clean sarongs on, we all gathered in the bar. I think the same thought was going through everyone else’s mind that this was the last night with their first partner. Instead of the girls going into their huddle over a table and the boys at the bar, we all sat in our pairs having our drinks. But I don’t think any of them felt it as much as we did. I know we were told not to make attachments to your paired partner, but, and I speak for Ann when I say this, we had fallen in love. Our drinks were hardly touched as we sat and looked at each other, talking with our eyes, saying what was deep in our hearts, but couldn’t say out loud.

In that half hour of silence, we said what would have taken a week to speak. I never knew that the eyes could contain such a volume of words and convey that much understanding of the person to whom they were directed at. Our hands were touching and just the slightest of pressure laid bare our souls to each other. The wistfulness, the yearning, the longing, the hopes and the despair of two such as us. So close with only our fingers now touching that of the other, yet I was feeling and touching every part of her body, both inside and out, as she was mine.

The eyes were saying what she was feeling in her heart, and mine were answering and saying what I never thought before possible. That I was capable of having so much love for another person that it simply flowed out from me with so much force that it hurt. Deeply hurt inside so much so that I couldn’t suppress the groan that escaped my lips at the thought that tomorrow she would be with another man, and then another the day after that, and again and again and again. Even though I would be with another woman, she would be Ann. Everyone of them would be Ann and that she would take every man as being me. We said all these things, and much more in that short half hour before dinner.

Our table was candlelit as before and we went through the mechanical process of eating and then finishing up in the dim lit lounge, her sitting in my lap with a video showing on the television. We couldn’t see it or the room we were in. All we could see was each other, and when our friend raised his head due to the pressure of her on my lap, as well as being the beauty she was, bare chested and in my arms, she solved the problem.

She moved about on my lap, but was surreptitiously moving aside my sarong, and with hers overlapping, inserted my cock inside herself, sighing as she sank back down onto it. I loved the silky pressure of her around my heated and raging cock as she firmly embedded it within her warmth. Then with her kissing and stroking my face, I stroked her breasts, slowly moving my hips, feeling her tighten and relax to each slow movement inside her. I eventually came, holding her tight around the waist and tried to act natural as my cock jumped inside her at every spurt of semen that couldn’t be contained within my balls. She too, as she said later, orgasmed at the same time as she had fiercely kissed me, grinding herself down to get the utmost of my cock inside her.

We heard the sound of the lights out bell and she swiftly rose up, and my cock, still hard, thumping back onto my thigh as it fell out of her as she left my lap. I got up from the chair, and holding her close to me to hide my still erect penis that was still erect, even though it was covered by the sarong. We left the lounge and went up the now darkened staircase to the dormitory.

We fell onto her bed, and guessing that the next day’s lessons would be oral sex, fell upon each other knowing that we wouldn’t be together for that lesson. She had me firmly in her mouth as she moved her body round on the bed, her legs going over my head so that her sex was just above my face and I delved in with my tongue. I didn’t need lessons on how to do this, but they would possibly show me how to do it with more finesse, but this now was just pure animal lust on both our parts to try and please the other as best we could.

Ann cried and whimpered as she neared her orgasm as I was nearly at my second one for the evening. She released the head of my cock into the sudden chill of the room from her mouth and rolled round in the bed.

“Now Will darling, love me now,” she panted as I rolled on top of her and slid my cock back into the heat of her body. We moved together in varying degrees of speed as we lay joined together, the yin and the yang going about their own complicated ways of trying to derive the utmost pleasure out of each other.

Ours were not the only cries of release or gratification that night in the dorm. While reaching our height, I heard two others cry out in rapture as we too exploded, our cries echoing around to be joined by others as they also fucked their way to heaven

It was with great reluctance that I slowly disentangled myself from Ann in the half light of the morning. I got up and after using the toilet, checked my bedside clock and saw that it was the same time as the day before of my getting up. So I decided to go down to the gym again for a work out. With my sarong around my neck, holding onto the ends, went down and entered the gym.

“I told you so,” Connie said to Debbie. The two girls were jogging side by side on the two running machines.

“Yes. I haven’t really had a chance to see before, but you’re right,” Debbie replied.

I stood there in the doorway, my arms up, hands still holding the ends of my sarong, my most treasured possessions clearly open for them to see. These two girls were of equal proportions, same size in height and build, but with different hair colouring but having collars and cuffs to match, one being light brown and the other a blonde. Their breasts were also of the same size, and bouncing up and down in time to the jogging that they were doing. My penis, with its one eye saw these four rounded tits doing their best to attract attention to themselves, reacted in the only way he knew how, and rose to the occasion.

“See! Right again! He’s a tit man,” this coming from Connie, and Debbie laughed with her, and I could help but join in.

“I don’t know how you guessed that,” I said, still laughing. This caused Debbie to let out another howl of laughter so that she nearly stumbled. I’d moved right into the gym now and stood in front of them. I had lost my inhibitions of standing naked in front of a woman yesterday, even with a stalk on me like I had now.

“Your friend there did, yesterday,” said Connie pointing at my erect John Thomas.

“Then he should really be twice the size with two of you here,” I quipped back as I leaned back against the wall to watch the two of them carrying on jogging, loving the way their tits seemed to be moving in unison.

“What about you doing some exercises,” Debbie panted.

“Okay,” I said, grabbing hold of a towel. “How about some weight lifting?”

“What with?” Connie asked, taking four breaths to utter the two words.

“This,” I said, dropping the towel over my erection and then using the muscles of my stomach to lift my cock up and down with the towel hanging from the end. This towel bouncing about in front of them caused Debbie to slip as she laughed and they had to switch the machines off from too much laughter before they had an accident. Both pulled off their sarongs to wipe their eyes and the sweat from between their breasts, letting me see them completely naked as I was.

“I think it’s time we had a shower,” said Connie, still gasping, and copying me, they slung the sarongs about their necks and we left the gym together and went upstairs. As we went into the dormitory, both girls hooked an arm into mine as we went in.

It was only as we were halfway down, going towards the showers that I realized that I still had an erection jutting out before me. Others getting up stared as we walked past in our nakedness, and I saw the hurt expression on Ann’s face as we passed her bed, and I felt myself go red in the face as we went on in to the showers.

I felt the sharp sting of a wet towel on my bum as I stood under the streaming water. I stifled the urge to shout out because I knew who had inflicted it and Ann joined me under the spray.

“What was that all about?” she demanded, hissing, making it almost the same sound as the water coming from the shower rose.

“I couldn’t help it,” I told her, “they waylaid me coming up from the gym.”

‘With your cock leading the way!’

“Darling, darling,” I said, crushing her to my chest. “You are mine and always will be. I am going to be the more jealous later when I see you with other men after breakfast. But remember that it will be you I hold in my arms when I am with the other girls, and I trust that you will think of me when you’re in some other man’s embrace.” Neither of us wanted to think or say of the other part. That of being fucked or doing the fucking. She laid her head against my shoulder and cried a little while the water continued to cover the both of us.

Breakfast was a sombre affair for everybody. Peter and Penny dined with us, one at each of the long tables. They made most of the conversation and tried to bring everybody out of the depressed state we had all got ourselves into. Penny eventually brought it to a head by suddenly standing up and really banging down hard on the table.

“Now listen here you love sick sons and daughters of bitches. Let’s not have this every bloody morning. You were told not to make attachments because this display at these breakfast tables is a direct result of it. Now snap out of it! You’ll think different after a couple of days, so let’s finish with breakfast and get down to our lessons,” and as a parting shot, added, “and your new partners.”

So after that tirade, with breakfast over and all our ablutions, we were in the classroom, seated in front of the small raised platform again.

“Today we start on the oral aspect of love. Fellatio and cunnilingus. The first is the stimulation of the male penis by the use of the mouth, tongue and teeth, and the second being that of the female genitalia. The use of the teeth is that they are used gently. Do not bite the heads off cocks or nip the head off the bud so to speak. Now the pairings for today until breakfast time tomorrow are as follows.”

My eyes sought and found that of Ann’s, and it was misery that I saw mirrored there. I gave her a wan grin and it was returned with the hidden warning that we must be careful. I was suddenly brought back to earth by hearing my name being called out first. I sat up straighter and heard Penny name my partner. It was Debbie, her from the gym this morning. I looked across and saw her face light up, so I put a brave grin on my face and stood up and held out my hand to lift her from the floor and make our way to a futon. I kept my eyes away from those of Ann’s, and deliberately made for our own special futon, but only to turn away and go to a further one. Making the point as clear as I could to Ann somewhere behind about that futon and that I wouldn’t use it. With Debbie’s hand in mine, we settled down as other names were being paired.

Connie, the other jogger who wanted to be with me was paired with Chris, his name being called first. Then it was Leslie and Martin, and then Zac and Kathy followed by Carol and Ralph. This left my Ann with David, his name being called out first. I immediately hated him! Him with my Ann, putting his cock in her sweet mouth, defiling her, and then licking at her cunt. I was angry enough to use that word, because the other words seem so soft and did not give justice to how I felt.

So angry was I, that it took several questions from Debbie before I was aware that she was there beside me.

“It’s hit you hard, hasn’t it?” Debbie said softly. I dumbly nodded. “Me too,” she said wistfully, “I was with David and I liked him and I’m sure he will be nice to her. He was kind and considerate to me, but I had to keep in my mind what Penny had said. That we mustn’t get attached.” Ann and David, being the last pairing, had to take whatever futon was vacant, which was across the room, so when they sank down, I lost sight of them.

“Lay down Will,” Debbie said softly, “and let’s forget about them for awhile and just think of the pleasures we can give each other as a consolation,” and she pushed me onto my back and leaned above me, her heavy breasts swinging against my chest.

“You were called out first, so you are the master and to say what we are to do.” I looked up into her shining face, seeing it once again on the jogging machine, smiling at me, her tits bouncing nicely up and down. Her eyes had been agleam and I thought then that it was in anticipation of when we would be paired. She proved me right.

“When I saw you properly for the first time this morning,” she whispered in my ear as she lay down beside me, “I prayed that we would be paired today for the oral part. You were surprised when you saw us in the gym, then seemed shy and abashed when this,” she took hold of my cock, “started to rise up. I watched it grow in size and got wet between my legs as it grew and grew. I wanted to get off that machine and take you there and then.” My cock was growing all the time she was speaking, her hand gently moving up and down, and the skin smoothly sliding over the muscle building up underneath.

“You’re right Deb, and what you’re doing now is wonderful. Kiss me please and make us one.” She lay hard against me as we kissed, her breast squashed against me tight enough for me to feel her heart beat. We broke the kissing of our lips, but she didn’t stop her kissing. It carried on down my chest, her hand still doing its own slow motion on my erection, and she pushed it down towards my knees as her kissing met the beginning of it from my body. Her teeth now were nibbling at the base and she slowly worked her way up towards the head of my cock. The nibbling was exciting and as she reached the lower rim of my foreskin, gave the whole dick a tremendous suck before pushing my erection flat to my stomach and continued the nibbling down to the base. It was a surprise when a ball was taken into her mouth and gently teased around, and she did it to the other one, and it was definitely a mouthful when she took both in at the same time to be rolled around in that hot interior.

Then Carol’s voice was heard to call out a question to Penny, and all heads went up to see her lying down with Ralph’s erection upright for all to see. “If the man comes in your mouth, what do you do? Swallow or spit it out?”

“That’s entirely up to you. As you all seemed to have perked up and heard the question, listen to me now. As a rule, the male sperm has a somewhat salty taste to it. The more salt a man takes in his food, the saltier the sperm. Other spices also affect the taste and cinnamon is an example. Cakes made with this spice can be tasted in the semen, but it’s your taste buds and your choice. To hold it in your mouth you get more of the flavour, be it salty or otherwise. By swallowing straight away as it comes, it sometimes misses the taste buds of the tongue. The choice is yours and there are towels there for you to spit it out if you want, but think also of what could go through the man’s mind if you stopped every few seconds to spit it out. Either swallow it as it comes or hold it until he has finished and then, as discreetly as possible, get rid of it into the towel or tissue, depending where you are.”

“Thank you,” said Carol, putting her head back down onto Ralph’s erection.

“What will you do?” I asked of Debbie whose bright eyes I could see peering around my erect prick.

“Swallow it, if any comes,” she replied, her eyes smiling, her mouth closing over the head as she bent my prick down so that she could look at me as she used her tongue round the inside of my foreskin. I groaned and gave myself up to the pleasure of her practising her magic on my cock.

“I’m coming. I’m starting to come,” I moaned, starting to buck my hips. Her hand held the base of my prick firmly, controlling the length that I was trying to push into her throat as I moved. Then I was jerking about, my hips going up and up as I felt my seed move fast up my cock and burst out in short sharp jets. Debbie held me tight and firm in her mouth and I could see her looking at me as I came in those several bursts into her mouth. Her eyes were twinkling as her mouth and throat were filled, and then she swallowed, the action causing a tight constricting vacuum around the head of my cock, making it swell even larger and then the release of air caused another burst of the final eruption of sperm into the waiting receptacle. All this she swallowed without any problem, and then calmly released my steaming head out into the air and licked off the oozing residue. She’s obviously done this before were my thoughts as I relaxed.

“Lovely,” she crooned, licking and sucking till I was emptied and dry. Then she crawled up the futon, her breasts hanging full, brushed my still erect prick, stomach and then chest before she settled down on top of me. I could feel the hair of her bush slightly scratching the partly exposed head of my cock.

“I’ve been wanting to do that since the gym this morning and it was better than I expected,” she said, cuddling, if that really describes what she was trying to do on top of me, and kissing me at the same time. “Not too dry and not too sweet, slightly bitter and plenty of it. I loved it. How about you?”

“Beyond words. It was the best I’ve ever had,” not mentioning how few the number of times I’ve been given head. I didn’t realise how heavy a woman can be on top of you and wondered how the women get on with a really big man on top of them. How do they breathe if he doesn’t support himself on his elbows? Debbie stroked my face as we kissed and said, “You’re the boss on this show, but I think it’s my turn next.”

I had to thrust all thoughts of Ann from my mind, such as David’s prick in her mouth and she, my love, sucking on it and swallowing his come and then licking his cock dry. It was sheer torture, but without showing the inner struggle I was going through, rolled Debbie over onto her back and concentrated on pleasuring her with my tongue.

Using what I had learnt from the day before with Ann, I think I succeeded, because it didn’t take long for Debbie to start squirming and hold my head hard between her thighs as she came. I then tasted the second woman to come under the ministrations of my fingers, mouth and tongue. She was as sweet as Ann and maybe a slightly more copious in her outflow, but my expertise, if I can call it that, must be of a fairly high standard, because Debbie was soon up in my arms, smothering me with kisses.

I wasn’t sure if I rated this approbation, after all, all I did was to nibble, tongue and suck her till she had an orgasm. I then had to do it again, because she said that she didn’t believe it, and if I could make her come again in so short a time, well….

So with my head back down between her thighs, I tried to live up to her expectations. With my arms up under her legs and the hands over the thighs, my fingers parted the lips of her inner sanctum. I must admit that the sight is not the best of views when looked at that close in all its detail. I knew the names of each part that was just under my nose and which of those parts were sensitive and those that were not.

With the erogenous zone chart in my mind, I paid special attention to her clit, rasping it with as dry a tongue as possible. Feeling it rise its small distance to a hardened bud, I then used my teeth to scrape and graze it before getting my lips around it. I thanked my swimming experience for this, because to get your mouth completely over the small piece of flesh that is the clitoris, means that your nose is buried so deep into other fleshy parts that you have to hold your breath for quite some time.

But it worked! She came again, just as copious as the first time. Even with my ears completely covered by her thighs, I could still hear her scream out as she came. It didn’t do me any harm, because I think I was the subject under discussion during the pre-lunch session in the bar.

Debbie seemed to be doing most of the talking and eliciting the laughs while Ann seemed to be withdrawn, and when she was speaking to them, I had the impression she was defending me. While up at the bar, the lads were asking what the hell had I done to the girl to make her scream as she had done. Bite her?

I played it down as much as I could and was relieved when it was time to go into lunch. It felt strange to be sitting opposite another bare breasted female instead of Ann. It seemed as if I had been sitting opposite Ann for years, looking at her wonderful breasts, moving slow, still, or heaving with excitement.

But I’m being unfair because Debbie’s breasts were just as wonderful to behold. They were heavy and fuller, but still had the same allure. Would they be the same by candlelight I asked myself? Would they give out the same sheen, the rosiness of youth, and the constant attraction of desire to suckle up to the nipples? Only at dinner would I know, but they were still a pleasant sight to look at while eating my lunch. We had been given a full bottle of red wine which disappeared all too quickly. Again I silently thanked Peter for the thoughtfulness of their questionnaire in respect of our drinking tastes.

With lunch over and ablutions finished and the proper personal hygiene being observed, we returned to the classroom. It appeared that I had made another conquest, because Debbie lay down with me on the futon and spent nearly the first hour of this session talking. Talking in a whisper as she played with my balls, saying that she would like us to become lovers when the course had finished. Her hands had not stopped the whole time of her speaking, but neither had mine come to that, and she had now roused me up to my full splendour. Even though I was supposed to be the boss, she said that we should do it mutually. Soixante-neuf as it’s called. The sixty-nine position in English where the two people involved are like spoons at opposite ends to each other.

This again conjured up visions of last night, the same way Ann and I last had sex together because we knew that we wouldn’t be able to be together for this very position I was now in. Again, I had to try to keep Ann in the background and applied myself to the task of pleasing Debbie as much as she was trying to please me. I managed to blank Ann from my mind and found that I was able to appreciate what expertise Debbie either had or learned so far in the course.

Doing this, I was then free to enjoy myself, feeling this different mouth and tongue working a similar magic on my cock. I then tried to outdo myself in the art of pleasing the female organ without using my hands or fingers. We actually rolled off our futon to the dismay of our neighbours, they being Leslie and Martin. Debbie came again with noise just as I also came, but stifling her cries with my sperm almost choking her, but definitely silencing her as she swallowed it down.

The last hour of the session was spent with us just touching and stroking each other while kissing and talking. There was no way I could have risen up in the short time left after the way she had drained me. I was stroking, weighing and generally caressing those fine breasts, while she fondled, stroked and played with my balls, trying to coax more sperm to generate within them. I must, in all truth confess, that I hadn’t once given any thought to Ann in that past hour.

With the session ended, Debbie took my hand as we left the classroom, and I was somewhat gratified to see that Ann, who was ahead of us, rebuff David’s hand as they left the room. It was in the showers and under the spray that I was sharing with Debbie that I caught Ann’s eye. I gave her a small smile and a shrug of my shoulders, which she seemed to reply in the same fashion. I think Debbie caught this, because to my chagrin, she kissed me and held my balls in full view of all those naked people present in the shower room.

I didn’t know it then, but I was being put up as the top rated male of the group, and therefore being lusted after by all the females there. This I only found out at the end of the course, which I suppose was for the best, for I might have got big headed and not enjoyed the time that I did have.

So at the pre-dinner drink session in the bar, I was the topic under discussion by the girls. Ann, I also found out later, had stuck up for me. Proud that she had been the first and really had wanted to put her stamp on me. Ann was now supported by Debbie, them having talked. She told Ann that I’d been distracted and had been somewhere else all day. It was only when we were in the showers had she realised that my heart was with Ann. But for all that, Debbie had told Ann, and the rest of the girls, that this was a man of all men and didn’t really need the school. It just seemed to come to him so naturally and that in her opinion of men she had been with in the past, that they would probably learn more from me that any course the school could devise.

Ann told me this after the course had finished and I was grateful that she had kept it back from me because it could have brought about a difference in my behaviour. But I was kept in ignorance of this now growing respect amongst the female members of the class as the two women that I had been with, couldn’t stop in lauding me in all aspects.

The boys asked me again what did I do to make Debbie scream out again as she did. I couldn’t give them a plausible answer and was in as much bewilderment as they were.

Dinner was great in that candle lit atmosphere again and the wine and food was superb. Debbie was a voluble as well as a tactile person and couldn’t speak to you without a touch. Sometimes light, almost a caress, and then with some heaviness to emphasis a point. As we ate and drank, she talked and talked, and apologised for talking too much. She gave a short laugh and said that that was her major fault; that she talked too much. I didn’t mind because her breasts did look even lovelier in the candlelight, especially when she laughed and they took on a life of their own.

After dinner, we went off to the lounge and we sat as I had done with Ann. Debbie in my lap and her lovely breasts just before my eyes and which I could not resist stroking as we sat together. She too felt what happens when a lovely breasted woman sits in my lap, my rising sexuality. It came up hard and really pressed into her thighs.

It was also the first time that I took notice of other couples in the lounge. For the two nights I had been in there, I had not seen, or rather, not noticed any other person at all. I had been enveloped in a cocoon of love and a whole troop of bandsmen could have passed through and I wouldn’t have noticed them.

But now I noticed. They were doing the same with their partners as we were doing. Kathy was sitting with Zac, though they were side by side. Leslie was on Martin’s lap. Surprisingly, it was Ralph sitting on Carol’s lap as they stroked each other. David and Ann were the exceptions as they were looking at the book titles of the lounge’s library.

“She loves you Will,” Debbie said softly in my ear having seen where my eyes had gone. ’We all saw it last night. The girls that is. When I saw you come into the gym this morning I saw what Ann saw, and I wanted you. But I knew in the first few minutes of class this morning that I could never get your heart.’ She gave me a sweet kiss and I hugged her tight to me so she couldn’t see the tears that had sprung to my eyes.

“Please say no more Debbie. I’m trying to do my best as I am supposed to. Today and for tonight, you are mine and I am yours, so please let us enjoy what time we have left.” I closed my eyes so as not to watch what was on the television and also closed my mind to Ann so that I could concentrate on pleasing Debbie. I stroked her breasts and whispered into her ear that she should believe me when I said that I was hers until breakfast time and I would do whatever she wanted to make the coming night as memorable as possible for the both of us. She could feel that I had hardened again in the last few minutes, and rightly deduced that it had risen for her alone.

“It’s at least half an hour before lights out,” she whispered into my ear, “please take me into the classroom and make love to me. Then, later, when in the dorm, we can go over what we did today. Will you Will?”

Not giving the question any thought, I heaved her up off my lap, and taking her hand, not daring to look round the lounge, led her out and across the hall and into the classroom. I was surprised to see that the lights had been dimmed as those in the dining room and lounge. Also that there was another couple already occupied on one of the futons. I didn’t look closely as I didn’t wish to know who they were or that they should know that I was in there too. I only knew that Ann was not one of those on the other futon.

We settled down on the futon that we had occupied that day and began by kissing each other. This slowly intensified to deep kissing, mouths open wide and tongues vying with each other to penetrate as far as they could. Our sarongs slipped off as we bodily moved against each other and my erection was pushing heartily at her thighs. Her legs opened and her wetness made a flight path for my soaring cock, for it touched that sweet wetness and slid down along her upper leg and into the hangar that was waiting for it.

The heat of her body fought the fire of my spear as I pushed it deep into the inferno. For that was what it felt like, her body was on fire from within. It seared my cock as it penetrated the depths of her and mine reacted to fight her fire with my fire, and this meant friction. I pummelled away, trying to lose my heat within her, but she held me at bay, fighting me all the way. But the piston powered by my strong thighs beat down her defences, and with a sudden capitulation, her body went slack and I came with an almighty burst. I hadn’t realised that she had already orgasmed and had lost the will to fight any longer. But she still met my every downward thrust with an upward heave of her thighs; taking me in as far as I was physically able to go.

As I blew my top, she cried out as she had done during the afternoon, and in that almost empty classroom, her cries seemed to echo and re-echo round the room.

Spent and gasping for breath, I fell off her and lay back beside her and I felt her hand take mine and give it a squeeze. We lay like this for several minutes, and as though we could read each other’s mind, rose up at the same time and went upstairs.

The lights started to dim while we were in the showers, so we quickly finished and as we dried ourselves I promised to come to her bed after a little rest. I got onto my bed and saw that Ann was in hers and that she was lying on her side, her back towards me. I rolled over to face the other way and I could see that Leslie had her eyes open and was clearly looking at me.

“Goodnight Will,” I heard her whisper, and I replied the same. I think that this was the first time we had spoken since being at school. I must have dozed off, because a glance at my small clock showed that it was after eleven. I sat up and looked across at Ann’s bed and could see that she was still there, alone. Without a sound, I slipped of my bed and went across the dorm to the bed of Debbie.

“I thought you weren’t coming,” she said as I slipped under the cover and felt the heat of her body. I leaned into her and put a hand on one breast as I kissed her and knew that she had been crying for I could taste the salt on her cheek. I went into a running patter of love nonsense, whispering into her ear as my hand wandered over and down her body. Her legs parted so that my fingers could take over the talking as my mouth became occupied with those fine breasts. First her legs started to tremble and twitch, and then her whole body started to shake. Her hands pushed my head away from her breasts, urging me to go further down, which I did so.

With the lower half of my body hanging out over the end of the bed, I put my head down between those nice thighs and started to kiss and lick her. My tongue is not exceptionally long, but enough to probe the inner sides of her vagina, and by keeping it stiff, could use it as you would a short stabbing sword. Then I swept it back and forth across the swollen bud, pausing to suck away the love juices that were coming out of her.

With a thrashing of limbs, she bucked up against my face as she had her orgasm, coming in little waves, dribbling past my chin as she did so. My erection was pressed hard against the bottom end of the bed, so on freeing my head, quickly moved up onto her and let it slide up and fill her vagina. I kept my body rigid, arms straight down by her sides making my cock the only contact with hers, letting her buck and work as she fucked herself on my hard prick.

I strained to keep my mind off her as she came again, not wanting to let myself go, to save what was in my balls though the juice was boiling, wanting release, but I managed to hold back somehow. When she stopped and went all still, I could see her heaving chest and her eyes wide open, half the sheet was stuffed into her mouth. I lowered myself down onto her and felt the sweat on her stomach and breasts smear itself onto my own body. Her legs went tight around my hips and her arms became vice like as she pulled me hard against her. She managed to spit the sheet out of her mouth and then started to croon lots of jumbled words into my ear, and I caught the word darling uttered several times.

I had to keep my body very still, because if I had started to move, I don’t think I could have contained myself from shooting out the full works that I had struggled so hard to keep for later pleasure. It was some time before I could ease myself out of Debbie and her cry of dismay could be heard all round the quiet dormitory. I shushed her as I lay down, my body trembling from the sheer exertion of trying to keep still. I wondered if anybody had heard her cry, then knew that some had, because I saw two shadows flitting about as they sought their own beds.

But I lost interest in them as Debbie came back alive and started to kiss me all over, working her way down and finally taking me into her mouth. I didn’t have the strength left to fight back, so I gave myself up to the pleasure she was giving me, and hoping at the same time that she was also getting some pleasure out of it too.

That my prick was covered in a film of her own juices didn’t seem to faze her as she tongued and sucked away at my organ. I tried my best to hold back, but eventually the power of her mouth won out and I came with powerful bursts, her teeth raking my stem as I bucked up to the tight lips holding me. As I slowed down, her hand was gently massaging my balls, and her tongue began washing round the foreskin while her mouth sucked out the last of my juices. She then came slithering up my body and gave me a whacking great wet kiss and I could taste the saltiness of my own come transferred from her lips to mine. We then fell asleep in each other’s arms.

It doesn’t matter what time I go to bed and sleep, I seem to have an inner alarm clock that wakes me every morning about the same time. I eased my way out of Debbie’s bed and went across to mine, pleased to see that Ann was still on her own, but still not knowing if she had been in David’s, or him in hers. My clock showed me that I had plenty of time for the gym, so after the toilet and a wash, I went down to the gym. As I left the darkened dormitory, I didn’t see Leslie rise up and leave her bed. Nor did I see her wake Connie and Carol. Kathy woke up herself, and also joined them to follow me down to the gym.

I stood there with my sarong around my neck with my hands holding the ends as I usually did, debating which machine to use when I heard the door open behind me. I turned round and was surprised to see these eight breasts come swaying into the room. Well six of them swaying because Kathy’s were tight little buns on her chest.

“Good morning Will,” they all chorused as two went to the cycles and the other two got onto the jogging machines. I stammered out a good morning as they started jogging and cycling. I could only stand there and watch as those breasts started moving about and seeing the pubic hairs of those on the bikes. It was more than enough. My cock rose up like a stallion’s, and there was nothing I could do about it.

“That’s what we like to see first thing in the morning,” Connie called out, her breasts bouncing up and down.

“You were right,” Leslie panted, jogging alongside her, her breasts causing me grief in my balls. “It’s the biggest one here alright.” It was pure lust I could see in her eyes.

“I hope you’re mine today,” Carol said, pausing in her pedalling, her breasts heaving up and down, her leg up high on the pedal to clearly show to me her crotch. Kathy’s smile was inscrutable.

“Do me a favour girls and let me do some jogging. I can’t go on a rowing machine like this,” indicating my erection. Connie and Leslie had a quick whisper and Connie then stopped her machine and got off.

“You can have mine and I’ll do some rowing,” she said, stepping over and getting into the small rowing seat and released her sarong saying, “Now I know why you take yours off when you use this thing.”

I then got onto the jogging machine and turning it on, began to jog, realising as soon as I started to move that it was the most foolish thing I could have done. Do you know how difficult it is to jog when you’ve got a steaming hard on. It bounces all over the place and it bloody well hurts. It bounced more than Leslie’s breasts, who was jogging alongside of me. This brought laughs from the girls and Connie had to stop rowing just to watch me make a fool of myself. Now I would have thought that to have girls laugh at you in that situation and that your cock would shrink, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. It seemed to get bigger the more I ran, and I can only attribute this to the fact that it was the bouncing about it was getting that caused this to happen.

It was difficult, but I called a halt after ten minutes and stopped the machine. I still had to go and sit down after I had gotten off that damn machine even though they were still all watching me. My erection had started to subside, but even so, it didn’t go down completely, and lay like a large sausage against my thigh. They must have thought that it had gone down completely, because I could still hear them whispering amongst themselves.

“Shower time I think,” I said, getting up and going for the door, and they all stopped and followed me out. It must have looked strange to the others as I strode through the dorm towards the showers with this string of four girls following behind in single file.

“What was that performance?” Debbie whispered as we went downstairs for breakfast.

“I don’t know,” I replied. “I was in the gym and they all trooped in, and when I left, they did too.”

“Well it certainly looked strange to me, and I think to everyone else too!”

“I can’t help that,” was the only reply I could think of giving as we entered the dining room.

With breakfast over, we all went and sat down in the classroom to await our next lesson and partner.


Same as The School. Part Two Videos

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Motherless Vintage

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kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...

3 years ago
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Romys Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to Schoolgirl Part 1

My interest in sex really started when I was about teens. One Saturday morning in the 1950s I was at home whilst my parents had gone out to visit my gran. The only other person in the house was my brother, Joe, who was just over a year older than me. I was doing my homework downstairs when I hit a snag. I needed a ruler and I’d left mine at school. I knew my brother probably had one and popped up to his bedroom to borrow one. He mustn’t have heard me coming up the stairs and opening his...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

4 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

2 years ago
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Captivating Catwoman

Sarah's husband Robert had only been away on assignment for a few weeks when he informed her that he was involved with a woman in Europe. He hoped that any legal proceedings could wait until he returned. In the meantime he instructed a lawyer to draw up papers transferring the house to her name and providing financial support for her. He said he knew she had been unhappy and hoped that she would try to move on without him. Otherwise, he was unapologetic. Sarah assured him she would be fine and...

Group Sex
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Lois Lane and Catwoman

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...

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Theresa Part 4

I began to think of how to make this a reality and decided that if I ever got the chance I would make this a reality.Having shared her with another man I wanted to see her used and have sex with a woman. However, first I had to think how and with who and after a bit of thought came up with the ideal woman. Denise was a woman who really knew how to stand out. She was beautiful, 5’ 6 inches tall and black, with beautiful, exotic almond shaped eyes and a beautiful smile with her permanent bright...

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Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...

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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

1 year ago
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Catherines Big Day Part 1

Catherine's promotion interview ends in humiliation Catherine bounced into the office on a wave of enthusiasm and anticipation. Her promotion interview was just after lunch. She had waited months for this day to come; hours of preparations and hard work, dozens of mock interviews with her loving and supportive husband John. Now it had arrived and she was ready. This was going to be a big day for her, she could feel it. After a light lunch spent mostly revising her supporting materials,...

Cheating Wife
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The Second School PartOne

The Second School. Part One. I was proud to stand on the steps of the school and see twenty four girls and boys unload themselves from taxi’s, knowing that half of them would be our first set of young men and women coming to learn about sex at our school. If you’ve read the first book, you will know how I came to be there waiting for them, but as in a lot of cases, you read the second one first not knowing that time has passed and we are into another book. So I will give you a recap although I...

Group Sex
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Ethel 1921

Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...

2 years ago
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Gotham City by Catwoman

[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...

Mind Control
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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Theresa Part 31

I arrived about 1.30pm. It was late summer, it was a glorious day, very warm and I suggested that she get changed. ‘How do you want me to look?’ she asked. I told her what to wear and twenty minutes later she came back down stairs and stood in front of me. I sat back and checked she had dressed as asked. Normally, Theresa would be wearing a smart jacket and blouse and either a knee length skirt or Trousers. Today was different. She had put on a light blue, short summer dress that buttoned down...

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Absinthe Seduction

from my supernatural~romantic novel set in Regency England from the diary of Betsy Corning, Darlington, England, September 1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am undone! I have given into temptation and trod the left-hand path. I did not tarry there long, I yet have a semblance of a conscience. But little good will it do me – I will be punished for it sooner or later. But oh, should any ladies read this, perhaps you, at least, will understand what provocation I had endured and grant me some...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Mathew and Beth Part 1 The race

It was a chilly fall morning at one of the last major cross country meets of the year I had traveled three hours to get to the school just outside of New York City where the meet was being held. Arriving early to make sure I got pictures of each and every Female athlete at the event, a habit I had gotten into a decade earlier when I failed to have a good stock photo of the 15year old surprise winner of a county championship. Sometimes there are just to many people at the finish line to get a...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

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