Nursing School free porn video

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Angelina Diaz had just graduated from nursing school. It had been a long and difficult road but was the fulfillment of a dream that took root in high school. Working first as a teenager as a Candy Striper and later as an aide in a nursing home, mostly cleaning up of rooms, patients, and the dirty jobs the regular nurses were loath to touch.

She enjoyed working with people, especially the elderly. Of course, just having received her RN degree, the elderly to the young 21 year old nurse at that time included anyone over 40 years of age.

During high school, because of her dedication to the hospital and nursing home she worked at, she didn't have much of a social life. It wasn't until college she really started to date.

At 5-4, 105 pounds, long reddish-blonde hair, and pretty face; she was a striking, statuesque beauty. Once in college, the male students and even professors took notice of her and tried to get close to the young nurse, but her studies always came first. This remained true until her last year when she began her orientation at the university hospital.

At the hospital she met Dr. Richard Picardi. He took a liking to the attractive young nurse and immediately befriended her. He had been with the hospital almost 25 years. At about 55, he was an attractive man to her, but more of a father figure and mentor to her. Working the third shift, where all the new nurses seemed to get stuck, he would come in early in the morning to make his rounds. He always had a kind word for "Nurse Angela" as he called her.

Taking her under his personal tutelage, he would take her on rounds with him when she wasn't too busy. She would meet his patients and listen attentively as he talked to them explaining in detail, more for her benefit than anyone else, their medical conditions and options.

Sometimes, when her shift would end at 7:00 a.m. he would invite her to the hospital cafeteria for coffee to discuss his patients and quiz her on medical procedures. Sure, the other nurses were jealous, but she welcomed the attention of the older doctor and all that he was teaching her.

It was during this time she started dating a young male nurse named Jason. Because of their hectic schedules, there wasn't much time for dating. Working all night, coffee with Dr. Picardi in the morning, and then some sleep before starting the routine all over again, she and Mike had very little quality time together.

Somehow, though, the relationship with Mike continued to blossom. It wasn't long before the late afternoon bedtime before going to the hospital at night were spent with Jason. Although she had never had sexual relations with a man before, the first day together in bed she felt an insatiable urge to try something. She wasn't sure what, but there was a hungering deep within her that stirred in her loins lying next to Mike in bed that first afternoon.

Removing his pajama top, Mike took her in his arms and kissed her. His hand moved slowly to her breast. It wasn't the first time a man had touched her like this, but it was the first time she was in bed with another man. Angelina’s head was spinning and she was in a weakened state as she felt her panties being pulled down over her hips and down her long legs.

As her panties slid down over her hips and one leg lifted instinctively up to help remove them, she suddenly snapped back to reality for a moment. She had always planned to save herself for that one special guy in her life she would spend the rest of her life with.

"Mike, stop, please stop a minute, I can't do this," she said.

"Angelina, what, I don't understand, it's okay. I know you're nervous."

"No, it's not that, you don't understand. Jason, I want to do this, but I can't; I made a promise to myself a long time ago."

"You're right baby, I don't understand. This is shit! I'm so turned on now and what, nothing?"

Gazing down at the tent in his pajama bottoms she could tell exactly what he was talking about. "Mike," she tried to explain, "I've been saving this moment, what this is leading up to, for the man I marry someday."

"Angelina, this is bullshit! There's a name for women like you. You're nothing but a cockteaser. Yeah, I want to fuck you and don't give me this crap you don't want to do it, that you're saving yourself."

"Mike, really, I'm sorry, I am."

"Then why the hell did you get in bed with me wearing panties and a T-shirt?" he asked her.

She could hear both anger and frustration in his voice. "Maybe there's something else we can do, but I can't do that, I can't fuck you, Mike."

Sensing her starting to emotionally pull away, he tried a different approach. "I understand, Mike, I really do," he told her. "It's just that you make me so horny, I mean hot, you know, I just want to be with you, maybe forever the way I feel about you."

"Mike, we hardly know each other. That doesn't even make sense."

"Angelina, we've known each other a long time. Angelina, I love you, I really do!"

"Come on, get real, we don't really know each other that well."

Pulling his pajama bottoms down to his knees, he told her, "Look Angelina, look at this. You think this is fair? You can't leave me like this."

"Listen, Mike, I'm excited too, I'm sorry, I just can't go all the way."

"Just touch it then, that's all, just touch it."

He sounded like he was almost pleading with her now. Fixing her eyes on his hard cock, she studied it closely. She had seen so many before when inserting catheters, but this was different. A clear liquid leaked from the hole of his cock.

More out of curiosity than anything else, she reached her hand down placing it over the top. There was a smooth feel to the head, made even smoother as she rubbed the precum over the top with the palm of her hand. Just that slight touch made his body jump and hips push out and into her hand for more.

She continued to run the palm of her hand over the velvety head. A small fire started to burn inside of her. The spell was broken when Mike said in a hoarse voice, "Angelina, take it in your mouth, do that for me, that'll be okay."

"Mike, I don't know."

"Angelina, you can't leave me like this. It feels too good. It's not like fucking. You won't be breaking any rules or going beyond any boundaries you've set. Do it, just like you suck Picardi's dick!"

"Fuck you! What the hell are you talking about?"

"Everybody knows!"

"You fucker, I don't know who everybody is, but everybody is wrong! I'm leaving!"

"Angelina, wait, I'm sorry, maybe I was wrong, I mean that's what people say. Somebody even heard Picardi say it to someone I guess."

"Well, you guessed wrong!"

Removing her hand from the head of his rock hard cock, Angelina started to get up from the bed. Mike grabbed her arm pleading with her. He told her how sorry he was and that he himself never believed the stuff about Picardi. "Just stay with me, Angelina," he said desperately pleading with her now. "You don't have to do anything, just stay, please."

It may have been her inexperience with men, but she stayed. She believed him. She didn't really feel bad for him, but did feel sorry for the condition she had put him in. Picardi, she could deal with him later. "Alright Mike," she said, "I'll stay. Just please don't push anything, okay?"

"I won't, just do what you were doing before, if you're comfortable with that. It really did feel good."

Looking back down, he wasn't as hard as he had been before, but his balls seemed so swollen. Although she had never done it before, she wrapped her fingers around the semi-erect shaft and moved her hand up and down slowly. It was only a matter of moments before his hard-on was raging again. The wet juice started dribbling out again and his hard cock jerked and quivered in her hand.

As her hand continued to glide up and down the shaft, she watched in fascination as the precum started to flow more steadily out. Placing her hand back over the top of full grown cock, she felt it again. Running her fingers and hand tentatively around just under the head, she saw his hips starting to move again.

Her hand continued to move in a more unrestrained motion. Her eyes stayed fixed on the head watching it twitch. The love juice continued to ooze out of his dickhead. There was something about the clear liquid that fascinated her.

It was almost an uncontrollable rush of power she felt pushing her head down to the tip to taste the precum. There wasn't really any taste, but a soft, wet feeling on her tongue as she slowly licked the juice into her mouth. She continued to lick and suck more feverishly taking the drink he offered into her mouth. Her thirst for precum was unquenchable as she swirled her tongue around the top of his cock and just under the head scooping up the dripping pre-fuck juice.

It was only by accident she discovered she could milk more of the flowing nectar from the burgeoning cock by pressing her fingers under his balls, squeezing the shaft and moving her hand upward at the same time. She loved the feeling of the warm liquid in her mouth. It was the first time she had ever felt or tasted it and perhaps, because of her inexperience, she didn't understand anything about cause and effect as the thickly veined cock began to convulse in her mouth.

Unknowingly, she had slowly taken it further in her mouth, still sucking and licking while her hand moved slowly up and down squeezing the hard shaft in her fist.

Mike's cock was throbbing in her mouth now. His hips pushed in and out, a little harder and faster. His hands grabbed her head as his hips thrust up one final time. The eruption of his cum starting deep within his balls traveled the length of shaft. She could actually feel it rushing up before it shot hard in her mouth. When the first blast hit, she started to pull her head away but his hands held her head even tighter.

The hot cream ran over her tongue and filled her mouth. The second and third shot from the hot cock jumping in her mouth filled it even more. Another small, short burst, and Mike was done. She held the steamy load that filled her mouth without swallowing at first. There was a salty taste to the thick cream in her mouth. The taste was different than the precum, but only because it had a taste. She liked the feel, texture, and taste. It just felt good in her mouth.

She continued to hold the cum in her mouth, along with Mike's cock. The once proud cock became softer in her mouth. Fighting back the urge to let it run out of her mouth, she swallowed his load down, a little at first, then more until it was gone. An almost delirious feeling made her body hot as the cum slid easily down her throat. She knew at that point she was a cum lover! She wanted more, but the flaccid cock in her mouth held no more of the creamy treat for her.

The young nurse knew enough from school about human sexual response she would have to wait, but she was willing. She continued to suck and nip at the cockhead in her mouth. Mike's body jerked involuntarily as she did. All of a sudden he pulled out of her mouth completely. She tried to chase his cock with her mouth but he put his hand over the top.

"Not now, Angelina, that was great!" his raspy voice called out. "We have to get some rest, we have to work tonight."

Angelina was angry. She didn't want him to do anything. She could feel the wetness between her legs. There was as much pleasure in doing it as there would be in anything he could do for her she thought and now he was holding back what she craved most. "Fine," she told him.

He should have been able to tell by the tone of her voice she was aggravated, but if he knew, he didn't seem to care. Closing her eyes to get some sleep, she wanted to reach down with her hand and hold his cock as she went to sleep but wasn't about to give him the satisfaction. Somebody else would certainly appreciate her new found love for the warm, clear nectar and hot, white cum.

The alarm went off at 9:30 p.m. waking them both of them up. Now Mike wanted her to do it again, but no, she was through with him. He had spurned her once and it would be the last time.

Putting on her nurse's uniform, she rode to the hospital with Mike in silence. He probably never understood what was going on in her mind, but to her, it didn't matter. Arriving at the hospital, they boarded the elevator to make their way to separate floors, his on the sixth, her on the post-op third floor.

Making her rounds, clipboard in hand, she talked to patients. She was there physically, but mentally, she was still in bed with a hot cock squirting in her mouth. Reality quickly returned when over the PA system she heard the call for "Nurse Thompson". Moving quickly now, she went down the hall to the nursing station.

Jeannie, her supervisor, was waiting for her. "Nurse, we need a cath in Room 317," Jeannie told her. "Guy was in a car accident and had a surgery earlier. Can't pee. Go down and take care of it."

It was a simple procedure, one she had done more times than she could even begin to count. Now, though, she had a different feeling as she checked the chart outside the room door. One of Picardi's patients. She thought back to what Jason had said. Was he really saying these things about her? It really didn't matter right then. She had a job to do and was, after all, a professional.

From all of her experience of inserting catheters, she had learned two things. First, men were more squeamish than women and, it was easier to insert if the man was slightly hard. They didn't really teach that in nursing school, but it was something she picked up and the other nurses would talk about it. It was all really simple. Just talk to the guy about other things and rub a swab lightly over his penis to get it ready. It was an involuntary response by men and some would say nothing and others would seem genuinely embarrassed by the response. The name on the chart was James Ferguson.

The professionalism turned to wanton lust as she thought about the task at hand. Well, James, she thought to herself, you're in for a special treat tonight if you want it. Preparing herself to at least touch another hard cock, she walked through the door of the semi-private hospital room.

"Hello, Mr. Ferguson," she announced walking through the door. "My name is Angelina."

"Hi," he said weakly.

"Understand you need to have a catheter."

He had a startled look on his face, but responded, "I don't know, maybe later, I'm okay right now."

"Well, we need to get these started early, it only takes a couple minutes," she told him pulling the curtain closed around his bed.

"Does it hurt?" he asked her.

"No, not really. It may feel a little uncomfortable at first, but it'll be okay. I've done hundreds of them-no complaints so far."

"Maybe we can do it later."

"No, it's better that we do it now. It's not unusual after a surgery. I promise, I'll be gentle."

Taking the catheter out of the package she kept it hidden from him. No need to startle him she thought to herself. Taking a swab, she poured a fluid from a bottle on it.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Just have to get things sterile. Just lay back, close your eyes and relax."

She knew there was fear of the unknown running through his mind. Pulling open the bottom of his hospital gown, she looked at his shriveled cock. It was a fairly typical male response in this situation. Talking it gently to him, she took in her ungloved hand rubbing the swab and her fingers over the head. Still talking to him, but watching his response to her manual ministrations, she asked him if he had ever had a catheter before.

"No," he said.

"How's it feel so far?"

"Not bad, you don't have it in yet, do you?"

"No, don't be silly, I'm still prepping you."

She could feel the surge of energy against her hand as his once shriveled cock started to grow in her hand. Looking back at him, he had his eyes closed, but noticed the smile formed on his lips.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Never better," he said. He sounded like he was in a dream state.

Angelina was sure he knew this wasn't part of the procedure. Her hand continued to move slowly up and down the length of his cock. It continued to grow in her hand. She looked back at him again. His eyes opened slightly as he smiled up at her. He shifted his body back in a more comfortable position closing his eyes again. The young nurse now knew everything was fine, that he wasn't going to protest anything she did.

Continuing to pump his cock a little faster now, she was mesmerized by the precum seeping out the little hole on top. Looking around, the curtain still closed, she listened for any sounds. Hearing none, she lowered her mouth over the head of his cock, her tongue sampling the precum. His hips moved slightly as her tongue creased the top of his cock pulling the clear liquor succulent ly into her mouth.

The young nurse, only a week away from completing her nursing orientation, applied what she had learned earlier with Mike. Squeezing the shaft between her fingers and moving upward, more of the juicy liquid poured out into her mouth. She savored the feel before swallowing it down waiting for the bigger prize to come.

His erection was solid now. She sucked hard unaware of the grin spreading over her patient's face. She knew her whole future could be destroyed, but the innocence of a day ago was gone and the urge she felt right then outweighed the dangerous jeopardy she was ready to place her career in.

Angelina spread her jaws wide taking his thick cock deep in her mouth. He was longer and thicker than Mike, and she felt a certain sense of pride she was able to accommodate him in her once virgin mouth. Her body tingled with excitement as her head moved up and down the length of him. She wanted it to be good for him, but even more she wanted him come in her mouth, to fill it with his hot love juice.

She continued jacking him off as her mouth moved with her hand up and down the fat dick. She could feel the mushroom-shaped head pulsating and twitching in her mouth. She continued to rub and squeeze just under the head of the man meat in her mouth, sucking the head harder. The natural lubricant was pouring out of his cock now and intoxicated her. She opened her mouth even wider this time and took him deep until every inch of him was buried in her mouth. The feeling of fullness in her mouth turned her on even more.

He no longer played the passive patient. His hips started to buck up pushing his pubic area into her face each time she brought it down. She could feel that now familiar surge rushing through his body and particularly in the shaft of his thick cock in her mouth. She pushed her face down taking the monster dick all the way in and held her mouth at the base.

Her nose was buried in his pubic hair and she could smell the musky scent of his aroused manhood. She could feel it twitch in her mouth as it pushed against the back of her throat. He came in what seemed like buckets of cum. The gooey cream shot straight against the back of her throat.

Angelina gasped for breath as the hot load deposited itself deep in her mouth forcing it's way down her throat. A warm feeling spread throughout her body and in her pussy. She kept her mouth over his cock and received no objections from him. She lovingly kissed and sucked his cock until she was completely satisfied he was finished; that she had milked every every last drop of the hot drink he had to offer.

Turning back to him, "I think we're ready to insert this now."

"I think so," he answered. "Will you be back later?"

"Yeah, I'll have to adjust it later, maybe replace it if you can handle it."

"I can handle it!"

It was a busy night. Checking on her patient, Jim, later, they decided it did indeed need to be replaced. There were other catheters that night, but only one other requiring special attention like Jim did the first time.
With her shift over, Angelina sat alone in the nurse's lounge. She was almost dozing, dreaming longingly of the next cock she could suck, drinking in the juices that fired her libido, when the door opened. It was Dr. Picardi.

"Hi, Dr. Picardi," she said. "You're a little late this morning."

"Well, hello Nurse Angela. Yeah, I guess. For some reason the traffic was heavy for so early in the morning."

"You know, my orientation is over in a few days. I took a job with Visiting Nurses. I never got a chance to thank you for all your help."

"It's not a problem, we'll miss you around the hospital."

"Well, I'd still like to thank you properly. You into libation, I am?"

"Sure, but not now, I've got rounds to make."

"I wasn't talking about alcohol but I am really thirsty."

"Well, I guess I have time for a cup of coffee."

"Actually, I found a new drink, two really, but I've only had it four times so far. It's something a little clearer and little creamier. How 'bout you follow me into the bathroom for a minute and I'll show you what I mean," she said, a mischievous grin spreading across her glowing face as they started to walk together toward the restroom.

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Nursing the Warrior

Eolfica hid behind the dense tangled brush and watched the small gray hare leap away. “It is your lucky day, little one,” she called after it. “I am not so hungry today that I would kill—” She stopped herself in mid-sentence when she saw the blood on the leaves of the thicket. Looking down, the lone huntress saw the impression of a large boot on the mossy forest floor. She discovered another footprint nearby. After drawing an arrow from her quiver she followed the trail deep into the forest. *...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Still serving on the “Big Rock” Okinawa in 1965 I decided to spen a weekend off in the Okuma Rest Centre in the northern part of the island so on Friday afternoon after my shift finished I caught the 5pm shuttle bus that seemed to take forever as it stopped at every army and marine base on the island beginning with Naha Port. Going through the largest Air Base Kadena then the last Camp Scwab before the long stretch to the centre itself. As we went the bus picked up military passengers and...

2 years ago
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Melody Smiths Schooldays

Melody Smith's Schooldaysby Eve AdorerChapter 15 – My Vacation Vocation Supremely aroused as I had become holding the divine Deneel in a tender embraceas the ultimate phase of Maiden Mead making had been given over to me,a long tepid shower was needed to lower the summit of my ardour and saveme from the evil compulsion to touch myself. My body came down from its peak of heat but very slowly. My mind continuedlost in the maze of lust for the remainder of the sleepless night through whichI...

2 years ago
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Back in early 1970 wife Sarah grew rather home sick and that combined with her irritable bowel syndrome plus unexpected miscarriage(she,d stopped taking the pill as it upset her system so we,d tried using rubbers/condoms as we did not want a family while I was still in the US Air Force) her late parents and I had split the air fare and poor Sarah had flown back to England for treatment on the nhs. Not having any knowledge of how the nhs or national,health service operates I had no idea how long...

2 years ago
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Nursing My Helpless Daughter

We moved, my daughter and I. We loaded up the a U-Haul ourselves. Everything was going great. We unloaded everything at the new house and returned the truck to the dealership in our newly adopted hometown.But then my daughter fell face-first from a few feet up from the back of the truck with an arm full of moving blankets. You know, the kind that are used to protect furniture. She was carrying the blankets to their U-Haul office so that the dealer could count them.But the fall broke both her...

1 year ago
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Nursing Part III

PART III *Note: I apologize for the long wait between chapters. I'm currently in college and don't get a lot of time to write the fun stuff between all my school papers and homework. The story is being written with three month gaps, but now I'm heading into summer break and will have more time to finish this. If you're just joining us, it would help greatly to read the first two chapters. Also, this wasn't exactly the way I had planned the story to go, but sometimes the characters...

3 years ago
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Catholic Schoolteacher

Catholic Schoolteacher I had been a schoolteacher for quite awhile and had even retired after thirty years of service but when Father Tom asked me to join the staff at the Catholic High School I did. He asked me to do so as a personal favor to him. He was not in the habit of asking me personal favors so I knew that he needed my help desperately. I soon realized why he was so desperate in the first place. The money was ridiculous, the classrooms were only half full, and they were...

1 year ago
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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 11 Sues Sexy Schoolteacher

Posted: April 21, 2002 - 12:00:00 am All good things must come to an end and the college student's summer sojourn with his aunt and her nubile daughters was no exception. His amoral activities during his four-month visit did, however, have a lasting effect that went beyond the debauchment of his adolescent cousins and the first manifestation effect of this involved eleven-year-old Sue. Dear Dairy - I sure miss Bill. And Jan, too. Cept she's sposed to be home weekends. I think Mom guessed...

2 years ago
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Sissy Sisters Schooling

SISSY SISTERS SCHOOLING by Throne "You know, sissy husbands aren't born... they're made. You have to teach them to be what you want." Tanya looked at her friend for a reaction. "I suppose you're right," Chelsea said with a thoughtful nod. "Though it helps if they're weak-willed to begin with." "For sure. I mean, our wimpy husbands are perfect examples. They were just waiting to be turned into pansy boys. But it wouldn't have happened without us. They needed to be...

3 years ago
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Nursing the Warrior

Eolfica hid behind the dense tangled brush and watched the small gray hare leap away. “It is your lucky day, little one,” she called after it. “I am not so hungry today that I would kill—” She stopped herself in mid-sentence when she saw the blood on the leaves of the thicket. Looking down, the lone huntress saw the impression of a large boot on the mossy forest floor. She discovered another footprint nearby. After drawing an arrow from her quiver she followed the trail deep into the...

3 years ago
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Nursing Seminar

I attended a seminar in Rome, Ga. I had been wearing skinny jeans and form fitting tops the entire time and noticed that one of the security guard had been checking me out. On the last day I approached him and asked him if he would be interested in a little party in my room later. He said he gets off work at 10:00pm, which worked for me. I told him that if he wanted he could bring a couple friends. About 9:00 pm I went to my room to get ready, I always pack lingerie since you never know what...

3 years ago
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Nursing Neighbor Part III

So now I had sucked Judy's lactating tits, fucked her mouth and pussy, then sucked Debbie's tits, taught her how to give a blowjob and licked her pussy to orgasm. Wow! I thought I was the nerd of the neighborhood.A couple of days had passed, and as I was getting home from school, Judy called over the fence to me, asking if I had forgotten about her. I stammered a little and told her that of course I had not, but I figured she was busy and I didn't want to be a pest.Ten minutes later, I was...

4 years ago
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Nursing My Cunt

My Styles1-Breathtaking Faucet's great. I lie on my back on my bed, spread my legs and use one finger on my clit and wiggle it from side to side until I cum. It's really great.2-Inner lipsI start by slowly stroking my clit....enough to get myself just a bit wet...then slowly stroke my inner lips, letting my fingers slide down the sides of my lips....then back over my clit and back down the's amazing.3-ThrillingWith my index and middle finger of my left hand, I pull up my...

3 years ago
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Nursing Mother

To say that having my entire summer holiday plans wrecked was annoying would have been a vast understatement; I was fuming about it and what was worse was the fact that I couldn't really blame anything but fate for it. It was one of those ironies of life that could not be helped, but as a 15 year old I felt that it was all aimed at me personally. What had happened? Simply, my mother, who I loved very much, had managed to break her leg right before the school holidays. She came out of...

3 years ago
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Nursing DavidChapter 2 The Morning After

After the fun of the previous evening we all slept late the next morning. When we eventually got up, Hazel had to make her daily visit to her see her mother and David said he wanted us go into town, he said he wanted to buy Hazel a present as a thank you for last night. When we got back, Hazel was relaxing, watching TV. We both gave her a peck on the cheek then said we had a present for her but needed to fix it up. As we left the lounge I could see that Hazel had guessed we were up to...

2 years ago
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Deeply Relished The Paradisaical Sex Trap Set Up By My Two Gorgeous Schoolmates

Hi friends. I am Arun and I’m 23 years old. I’m here to share with you my back to back absorbing sex encounters with 2 of my schoolmate beauties Poornima and Prathiba whom I met after 6 long years. I had no contact with them from the time we completed +2. Prathiba is a Malayalam babe, fair complexion, slim with some fat and flesh in her arms and thighs. She is a real beauty. Poornima is a brahmin, wheatish complexion, slim and a bit skinny. She looks too hot. In fact I used to see both of them...

2 years ago
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Home Schooled

It was when I was in junior high that I realized that being home schooled, I definitely grew up different than other girls who went to public schools. I wanted to experience my 11th and 12th grade years with kids my age to you know go to Proms, and School football games. I know my grades were good enough to even apply to a good collage with out even going to a formal Graduation. The thing is, I would be going with out you know interacting with kids my age. I had a great friend who did go to...

2 years ago
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The Schoolgirls

The Schoolgirls by Jayme Erin Hendricksen How far will a young talented female musician go with her boyfriend to advance her musical career? My name is Gretchen VanAustin. I'm 23, a child of money, spoiled, artistic, intensely creative, devious, bisexual, a talented guitarist, and I yearn to be a rock star. And I'm becoming one, with the help of my group, the "Schoolgirls". And I'm about to tell you who is probably the most responsible for my path to success, and why. His...

1 year ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 34 Visiting the Schools

I had been instrumental in rescuing many troubled and abused girls in modern times. Many of those girls, I took into my home to guide them into returning to a life of being just normal kids and to become self-sufficient members of society. After a while my home was bulging at the seams and I decided that something needed to be done. It was then that Grace and I came up with the idea of constructing a boarding school for troubled and abused girls, which I lovingly call my TAG School (Troubled...

3 years ago
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Summer Schooled

It was the summer of '94, I was 18 and just out of high school. I would beheading to college in the fall, and I wanted this summer to be one I wouldnever forget. Oh, I will never forget it but not because it was fun. Thefirst weekend I went to a party with friends, we all got drunk and on theway home, we were stopped by the cops and ended up getting arrested, the good news was that at least no one got hurt and I wasn't driving. The only thing the police did to me was make me call my mom to...

2 years ago
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Behind The Bikesheds Wiv An Old Schoolmate

The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent...

3 years ago
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The Highschooler

The High Schooler Chapter one Another day...Fuck... It is not like I'm not good at school because i am, straight A student, parents pride, kid of the year...screw all of it! I was to fucking smart, I was trapped by it. I walked in a cloud of nothing all day nothing really mattered.. i absorbed and gave back all information passed my way, but did not feel anything acting and most of the time just sat there wishing i was in collage or something. "i need something to numb my mind...

2 years ago
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Karen frowned as she opened the door to her room at the end of the day. She had been at The Covenant Boarding School for Young Women two weeks now and was terribly homesick. She hated it! Why did her parents have to get divorced? And then to pack her off to this School while they fought over their possessions was no fair. She missed her old house, with its stables out back and its open meadows stretching for miles. She thought longingly of how she used to saddle up...

1 year ago
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Making it happen The schoolbus

Feedback would be great for any of my stories and feel free to email any ideas you wish for me to include in future stories. This is an introduction to where my stories will emerge from, the two main people who will be in every story are both good looking blonde guys, both are 6ft 2 and are muscular and both 7.5 inches and cut. Dan and Chris are twin brothers and both are 19, they are well built and use this to intimidate thier victims. Dan is the more forceful of the brothers but...

2 years ago
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Making it happen The schoolbus

Introduction: Im new to writing Im very new to writing but felt like i have waited long enough to post some of my ideas just to see if anyone has the same interests as me. im 26 and straight myself and have never been involved with any incest or anything other than a straight relationship so im in the dark about alot of things i write about. Feedback would be great for any of my stories and feel free to email any ideas you wish for me to include in future stories. This is an introduction to...

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Sabrinas Embarrassing Schoolday

Sabrina Davis is a 18-year old high school student at North Lake High. Although she doesn’t know it yet, today is going to be very, very embarrassing for her. She won’t be forgetting today for a long time. Today will be full of nudity, humiliation, and much more for poor Sabrina. But where do we start? Edit 8/3/20: Thanks everyone for all the likes, comments, and views! The story is now public, anybody can add a chapter without my approval. Have fun!

2 years ago
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(Author's note: thank you all for favoriting this story! If you like this one, my other story that I've written, with some help, is called "The Casting Couch" and is in the Erotic Couplings section. If any of you want to add chapters or a different branch, go for it. I only keep this story as "moderated" so that I can proofread what you've written. As for the content of this story: all characters are over the age of 18. Any content that is similar to real life events is merely coincidence.) My...

4 years ago
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beep beep beep You moan as your alarm-clock rings. "Always this stupid school... If it was at least a bit interesting" you thought on your way to the bathroom. Not only thinking about what this morning happens. You eat your ordinary breakfast, rush to the bus (as always) and hear the same music on your way to school as the last 300 (felt) years. Coming to school, you thought how good it would be to go home earlier. As you watched at the table of cover you saw that Mr. Smith you geographic...

Mind Control
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The Schoolmaster

"It use be an old school house...way back at the turn of the last century,then around 1920 it became a home,if you can call it that;people lived in it here and there, and in 20003 it finally became vacant and has remained so ever since. "It comes with three out buildings over there ;it has the ideal potential to be converted into a beautiful home," the Estate Agent said. Callum and Sara looked around. "Can we have a few moments to talk?" Sara asked,looking at the Estate Agent.They watched the...

3 years ago
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Crossdresser teacher violates 18yo sissy schoolgir

I am a home schooling teacher, short skirt with side splits tight but stretchy over my right bum, black stockings and black lacy see thru panties wig, white sparkly heeled sandals and Lacey see through top sat opposite you on the couch. You are wearing a shirt and tight school skirt, white see thru Lacey panties and nude colour tights and black boots, tight school shirt white bra and pigtail wig. I sit opposite you on the couch occasionally opening my legs slightly giving you a glimpse of my...

3 years ago
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Popping The Cherry Of Hot Virgin Schoolmate

Hello everyone, I am back with another story. Thank you for your love and feedback for my previous story, looking forward to getting the same response. This story is about me and my best friend, Neetu. Neetu is 5 feet in height with sexy curves of 38-36-38. She is dark in colour but her beauty is to die for. She was called ‘black beauty’. We studied in the same school and after school, she went to a different city for college and further studies. I never spoke to her while in the school, I just...

1 year ago
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Virgin Assistant Director And Sexy Schoolmate

Hi everyone, this is a story which happened between me and a friend of mine. It all started in Mangalore where I was working in a film shoot. On one fine Sunday, I bumped into an old school mate, Nisha. She was one year younger to me in the school. She was working in a star hotel in Mangalore – new to the city and the job. We went for dinner and started talking about our school life. She mentioned that she missed the school. It had been 6 years since I left school and 5 years for her. We...

3 years ago
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Behind The Bikesheds Wiv An Old Schoolmate

© 2012 Robbie WebbThe author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the...

3 years ago
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Funked My Schoolmate

Hello friends and ISS lovers. I am narrating you my true story. Kaise maine apni best friend ko satisfy kiya…. Mera naam saajan hai mai 6ft tall hun aur ek average looking ladka hun. My dick size is 6. I am very disappointed on my dick size that how can I satisfy my partner with this size???.. Ye story 2012 ki hai us samay mai graduation complete kar k apne ghar aaya tha aur ghar pe hi rehne lga mere mom dad dono dusre seher mein rehte the aur mera bda bhai mere saath hi rehta tha. Wo kbhi Kbhi...

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Schooldaze ? by: Stacey Wilson I changed into my schoolgirl outfit in the boys' locker room at school. There was nobody in the building, so I knew I'd have plenty of free time to indulge myself. As I pulled my wig on and prepared to roam the halls, I looked forward to hearing the *clicking* of my heels on the clean tile floors. Suddenly I heard the door open! I all but froze in terror. There's not supposed to be anybody here! I checked every room! I stood there speechless as the...

1 year ago
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Instant Sex With Schoolmate

Hey friends I am Vikram, Virk from Panipat, Haryana I am a average looking guy. I am a regular reader of iss, 5.9 inch height and athletic body; please send me feed back at This story is about Priya (name changed) who I fucked during my board exams. I knew Priya by coincidence as we sat together in our pre board exams she was of medical stream and I was from arts. She has a height of 5.3, big boobs, round face and a cute childish smile; in sort she was a sex bomb. She was the talk of the...

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