Rogues Story - Part One - The Awakening free porn video

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Rogues Story – Part One -The Awakening

This story couldn't have been written without one man, you know who you are!

She quickly turns the ornate gold tap in the opulent ladies room of the country house, and grabs a handful of paper towels that were neatly placed next to the expensive hand creams and lotions, she begins to dab the red wine stain on her new cream evening dress.

“This isn’t going to come out, that stupid oaf of a man.” She wishes she could have let loose and tell him what she thought of him, for being so drunk and obnoxious.

“No, I did the right thing biting my tongue,” she thinks as she reminds herself;

“That stupid oaf was also very wealthy and prepared to donate a large sum of money to my husband’s charity.”

She hated these stupid events that her husband would come up with, and then leave for her to organise, while he swans off round the world with his charity work.

She shakes her head to quickly dismisses the thought, how could she be mad at a man that just wanted to help people that couldn’t help themselves.

“I’ll have to change and get this in soak or it will be ruined,” she decides as she turns off the running tap and quickly dries her hands.

The country house rooms were filled with guests for the fundraisers, so she and her husband were staying in one of the small cottages set back from the main house.

She sticks her head round the huge wooden door that leads into the grand dining room, which is filled with men and woman in expensive attire, sipping champagne, and discussing the state of parts of the world they have never even visited.

She scanned around the room, and sees her husband stuck in a corner listening intently to a man, she wasn’t sure who it was, as all these pompous lot looked the same to her.

She wasn’t used to the life that money and status brings, as that was not the life she came from before they moved to the area when she was a teenage girl.

There was no point in telling her husband where she was going as he probably wouldn’t notice she was missing anyway. She often slipped away from these things when all the rich talk got too much and she needed some air.

She walked through the grand hallway, past paintings of faces of people she didn’t know, and into the even grander entrance, with its highly polished marble walls and floor, past the table with the biggest flower arrangement she had ever seen in the middle.

As soon as she got through the oak doors and into the warm summers night, she gave out a huge sigh, she always felt suffocate in buildings like that.

She wandered round the paths that lead to the cottages;

“Lucky I couldn’t decide what to wear and bought a spare dress,” she thinks as she pulls the clinging wet fabric of her dress away from her skin, inspecting the size of the stain.

She was lost in thought, thinking when she would get chance to get the dress to the cleaners, when she neared the tiny picturesque cottages surrounded by trees with thick green foliage, that where lightly lit by the full moon in the sky.

As she walks past the picket fence of the cottage adjoining there’s, she stop abruptly as a sound of woman’s moan comes loudly out the open window of the cottage.

She freezes on the spot, like stone, holding her breath, she listens with just the sound of the trees gently blowing and the sound of her increased heart beat in her ears.

“She sounded like she was in pain?” A voice in her head pipes up.

“Should I go and see?”

Slowly she turns and walks towards the gate, just as she is opening the wooden gate, hoping it doesn’t squeak as loud as there’s does, the moan comes again.

It’s louder this time, but it’s mixed with the sound of pleasure.

Maybe she should just turn around and go, but the voice in her head scold’s her;

“What if she is in pain and you just leave her.”

“Yes, I should just have a peak in the window to check she’s okay,” with that she quietly creeps up the stone path towards the open window. Her heart increasing in speed with every step she takes.

She gets to the window and peeks round to see into the room, and a small gasp escapes her lips at the sight of what’s in front of her.

The room is the same as there’s with low ceilings with wooden beams, and a huge open fire place, with two armchairs facing the fire. Behind the sitting area there is a large wooden dining table.

That is where she can see the woman, she is laid face down over the table, and is wearing a beautiful emerald green silk halter dress, but the straps around her neck have been untied, and she can see her small white breast pushed hard against the wooden surface of the table.

Behind her stands a man, her view of him is obscured by the angle at which she is looking through the window. From what she can see he is tall and well built, he is in a black evening suit and is stood over the woman.

She slowly moves so she can get a better view, all the while terrified that she might be spotted.

She should go, she shouldn’t be spying on them, but she finds that she can’t move, like her brain has stopped talking to her legs, her feet rooted to the spot, her eyes wide at the sight in front of her.

She notices that the man has got the woman by her long blonde hair;

“Oh no, maybe he is hurting her,” but then she looks at the woman’s face, yes there is pain in her face but then something else.

The man speaks and she knows for sure who that voice belongs to, she would never forget that voice.

“You like that don’t you,” he growls, his voice sounding rougher and more primal than it had before.

He bends over her bringing his head down to kiss her from her neck, right the way down her back.

Now that he had moved she can see his face, as she stands outside the window, transfixed by the look in his dark brooding eyes as his lips descends her body.

Stood watching this scene something awakens inside her, and she can feel a flame ignite deep within her.

Her mind is transported back to their first meeting, earlier that day at the welcoming brunch.

She had been in the staff kitchens, having a heated discussion with matradee about the number of waiting staff that they had supplied for the evenings fundraisers.

“I organised this with you months ago, how do expect us to cater for a party of a hundred of the most affluent guest, with only a handful of serving staff!” she rubs her temples to try and subside the dull ache that had started in her head.

“If you don’t sort it, I will be speaking to the manager, and perhaps we will use another venue for our next event.”

Just at that moment a tall, dark haired and well-dressed man strode into the kitchen, followed by one of the serving staff.

“Guest aren’t allowed back here,” the girl worriedly says as she follows him into the kitchen.

He turned round and stops the girl in her tracks with one simple steely look; she visibly shrinks in front of this imposing man.

“That’s okay Mary, please can you go and continue to serve coffee to the guest,” the matradee scowls at the young serving girl, who flushes and quickly turns and heads out of the kitchen.

“Mr Johnson, what can I do for you?” he says in his heavily French accent.

He addresses the matradee, with a cool authoritative voice, that sends chills through her body.

She is extremely annoyed that this man, who has interrupted her conversation, and hasn’t even had the common decency to acknowledge that she is stood there.

He wasn’t even supposed to be here, it was only due to Lady Ellington falling off her horse and being unable to attend, that he had been asked at the last minute to take her place.

“I wanted to check what wines you were serving with the tonight’s meal, last time I stayed here, you served what you must class as a decent vintage, but for a man of my tastes, it simple wasn’t good enough.” He glares at the man, who scurries away to find the menu for later.

“For a man of my taste,” she is astonished at this man’s audacity.

She turns to the Mr. Johnson and holds out her hand in way of introduction;

“I’m Mrs. Williams, the organiser of this event,” her hand is left hanging in the air,

“I know who you are Rebecca,” he coolly states then turns and walks towards the direction that matradee has gone.

Her blood boils, as she follows him, “If you have any questions about tonight, you can ask me,” she says unable to keep the irritation from her voice.

He instantly stop and turns to face her, with the same look he had used to intimidate the young serving girl.

She holds her ground, straightens her shoulders and matches the intense gaze to this infuriating man.

They stand for a second in deadlock; both with an angered looked on their faces.

A small smirk appears on his face.

“Well, from the sounds of things your organisational skills leave a lot to be desired, and I am the sort of man that likes to sort things for myself, so if you don’t mind,” and with that he turns and walks away from her, leaving her stood alone in the kitchens with a dazed look on her face.

She is suddenly brought back to the present with the sound of smack coming from the room of the cottage, followed by a low carnal moan from the woman’s lips.

Rebecca anxiously moves to get a closer look, feeling slightly perverse for observing the scene in front of her.

She watches Mr Johnson as he rubs his hand gently over the woman’s now bare buttocks, before raising his hand and bringing it back down, smacking loudly on the woman’s behind, her body jolts with his blow, and writhes around, her body naturally trying to escape the cause of pain.

Rebecca expects the woman to try and fight free from his grasp, but to her surprise when she looks at the woman, she has a huge look of delight on her face.

The man’s expression suddenly changes, and for a second Rebecca is panic stricken thinking that she has been spotted, but he continues to rain blows down hard on the woman’s buttocks, her screams of delight increasing with each blow.

Abruptly he stops, and orders the woman to stand up and remove her dress.

Rebecca quickly crouches down, thankful for the over grown plants that surround the window, giving her cover.

“What am I doing, I can’t watch this,” her mind berates her, but she doesn’t move.

Sex with her husband had always been a matter of her marital duty, he had been the only man she had ever known, and she had never really found it pleasurable.

Her mother’s words of advice on her wedding day spring in her mind.

“Just lie back and think of England sweetheart, it will be over before you know it.”

She had of course been right, as she shudders of the memory of her new husbands attempt at making love to her for the first time.

The woman inside the room, is now stood with her back to the window facing him, she slowly lets her dress fall to the floor, revealing her pale slender body.

“Good Girl,” he tells the woman.

Rebecca is shocked that the woman had not been wearing any underwear below the dress, and can now clearly see the dark pink hand prints that contrast heavily to her smooth ivory skin.

He takes a step towards her and kisses her with a passion that Rebecca has never seen before, and it does something strange to her insides, the heat she felt earlier returns full force, as her insides pulsates, her breathing becoming shallow and rapid.

His hands greedily move over her body, while her hands travel down to his zip of his suit trousers. She unzips his trousers letting them fall to the floor.

Rebecca ducks down and puts her head in her hands, can she really watch this? She feels so dirty and naughty, but it’s like there is a magnetic force pulling her, she wants to watch.

She slowly raises herself so she can peek back through the window.

The man now has the woman laid flat on the polished wooden table; he has removed his boxer shorts, but still has his crisp white shirt, with black dinner jacket on. He is ploughing into the woman with a force; Rebecca did not know was possible.

She had never seen anything so arousing in her life, she has a sudden uncontrollable urge to touch herself, and as if someone else has taken over her body, her hand reaches down and touches her now sensitive lady area, she gently caress herself through the fabric of her dress, her eyes not once moving from this powerful man, as he masterfully pounds deep into woman, who is unravelling beneath him.

Rebecca is lost and staggered by the thoughts running through her head, as the pace of her hand increase, to match that of his trusts.

She thinks the woman is close to orgasm as her cries increase in volume, and her body convulses with pleasure.

Unexpectedly he stops, pulls out the woman revealing his thick but averagely lengthen member, a gasp escapes Rebecca’s lips, as she quickly dives down and hides from view.

From her hiding place, she can hear Johnson answer his phone, which must have been on vibrate in his jacket pocket. His voice is cold and angry as he answers the phone.

“Johnson. What is it?” his voice grows louder and Rebecca realises he must be walking towards the window.

“Shit!” she whispers as she presses herself as close and flat as she can under the open window.

“I don’t care, just sort it.” Johnson growls to whoever is on the other end of the line.

“No, call me when it’s done, now if you don’t mind I’m in the middle of something,” his voice has changed and there’s an air of amusement in his voice.

He must have ended the call and walked back towards the woman; Rebecca heard him say something to her but couldn’t make out what he has said.

With the fear of nearly being caught racing round her body, she quickly but quietly gets up from her position under the window, and hurries down the path, and to the safety of her cottage next door.

After she composed herself and got changed into her other dress, she tries to push the thoughts of what she had seen to the farthest backs of her mind, not wanting to face the feelings that had stirred in her watching him fuck that woman.

She shocks herself at the thought, she very rarely uses bad language, but there simply was no other words to describe what he was doing to her, what he may still be doing to her beyond the walls of her cottage.

She quickly checks her reflection in the full length mirror of the bathroom, her cheeks are flushed and she has bits of plant in her long brown hair, she quickly splashes cold water on her face, and fixes her hair.

“Pull yourself together woman,” she says to herself out load, surprised at how shaky her voice sounds.

“No, you will not let that egocentric man effect you like this,” and with that she straightens herself up and heads back to her husband.

She managed to avoid Mr Johnson for most of the evening, until her husband introduced them at the after dinner drinks, thankfully the woman in the green dress was nowhere to be seen, as she didn’t think she could look her in the eye, after seeing what she had.

“Rebecca dear, let me introduce you to Travis Johnson, he very kindly offered to donate for my up and coming trip to India, and thank you once again for stepping in at the last moment.”

“Mrs Williams,” Travis takes her out stretch hand and lowers his head and gently kiss her on the back of her hand.

The feeling of his soft lips on her skin sends shocks through her body; she pulls her hand back in surprise, hoping neither her husband nor Travis had noticed her reaction.

“Mr Johnson, I hope everything with tonight’s meal was to your liking?” she says referring to their earlier confrontation in the kitchens.

“Please call me Travis,” his voice is soft, and he looks deeply into her eyes, which takes her aback.

He then turns to her husband and questions him further on his trip to India.

Rebecca stands once again staring in a daze at this man, “How could he be so aggressive and make her blood boil, then in the next breath, do something to her inside that makes her melt?”

For the next couple of months, she managed to busy herself organising her husband’s trip to India, and had managed to put the thoughts of Travis and what she’s witnessed to the back of her mind for the most part.

She lay looking up at the ceiling, “I packed his case, and have ordered all his paperwork in his travel bag, and he has the contact numbers of the people he’s staying with when he gets there.” She was sure she had done everything.

A vision of Travis’s face with those deep burning eyes flash into her head, but she quickly pushes it away, trying to busy her mind with other things.

“That ceiling needs repainting, it hasn’t been done for a while,” she thinks and makes a mental note on her things to do list.

With that her husband groans loudly and rolls off, from his position on top of her.

She quickly pulls down her nightdress and rolls over and closes her eye, still pushing the images of Travis from her mind, “No,” she thinks “I have to be up early in the morning to run my husband to the airport, so he can go help the world, I needs to go to sleep. “

“Well, when is your flight being moved too?” she shakes her head and wonders how this day could get any worse.

“Charles, the auction is tomorrow night, it’s taken me months to organise, while you’ve been in India. If you’re not back in time I will have to find someone else to do it, and I already have a hundred and one other things to sort.” Her phone beeps indicating she has a call waiting.

“Listen Charles I have to go, I’ve been waiting for the venue to call me back all morning, and this might be them on the other line, have a safe flight and I’ll see you soon.” With that she hangs up and presses her phone to retrieve her other call.

“Rebecca Williams, can I help?” she stops the small doodle she is doing on the pad next to the phone, when the voice at the other end of the line starts to speak.

“Rebecca, its Travis Johnson.” He is using his soft voice, and tingles roll down her spine and the hairs on her body stands on end.

“Travis, can I help?” happy that her voice had not given away the feelings she had inside.

“I have a special interest in a piece in tomorrow’s auction, I wanted you to come and give me a private tour of the items before anyone else sees them.” She can tell that he is smiling at the other end of the line.

“And pray tell Mr Johnson, why would I want to do that?”

“Please Rebecca call me Travis, I think we are far beyond formalities,” the sound of him saying her name, so soft and sensual it starts that desire deep inside her.

“How did he do that?” she thinks to herself, one minute he makes her feel like she can’t stand the man, then in the next breath he can completely take those feeling away.

She was just about to question him on what he meant by “Beyond Formalities”, but he had continued to speak and she had been lost in her thoughts.

“So you’ll come and meet me now?” he questions.

She’s feeling a little lost by the thoughts and feelings that have appeared from nowhere, like this phone conversation.

“Yes” she finds herself agreeing before her brain has chance to think about the implications of those three letters.

With that he hangs up without another word.

“Why did I agree to do this?” she questions herself as she pulls through the ostentatious iron gates.

As she drives up the long drive of yet another country house, she replays the phone conversation over and over in her head. The same two words repeating, “Beyond formalities” what did he mean?

She didn’t have long to wait, as she pulled up under the portico, getting out of her car and handing the keys to the valley.

Travis meets her in the hallway, and they exchanged polite pleasantries.

She wants to get this over and done with, and quickly ushers him into the display room, where all the items for the auction were being held, in glass presentation cases.

The room was dimly lit, with the plush curtains drawn too; the walls were covered in decoratively carved wooden panels, which only made the room feel darker and smaller than it probably was.

“So Mr… Travis,” she corrects herself. “What is it that you’re interested in looking at?”

“You seem a little tense Rebecca?” he huskily says as he slowly walks round so he is stood in front of her.

“Have I done something to bother you?” he questions looking deep into her eyes.

She flushes as the image of his hands smacking down on an ivory buttock replays in her mind, she looks down at the floor, unable to hold his eye contact.

“You could have asked one of the staff from the house to show you the collection, you didn’t have to drag me down here” she says as she turns to walk towards the display case.

“I wasn’t aware I had dragged you here,” he follows her to the first case.

She quickly changes the subject by explaining as much as she possible could about the antiques in the first case.

“This Greek amphora was donated by an unknown source, it depicts a battle seen,” she rambles on.

“As interesting as this jug is, it’s not what I came to see,” he says.

“What is it I can show you then?” she turns and is shocked by how close he is.

“I believe you have a riding crop, used by Robert Everett in the 1929 Grand National?” the tone in his voice had changed, and was nearly just a whisper.

“Yes,” her voice matching his.

She walks around the display case they are stood by, and to the other end of the room, where the smaller singular display case stands, with the crop taking centre stage.

She is acutely aware that her legs have turned to jelly, and she has to concentrate really hard at putting one foot in front of the other.

“So you have an interest in horses?” she questions trying to break the atmosphere she could feel building in the room.

“No, my interest in this object doesn’t have anything to do with horses,” he smirks.

“But I think you already knew that, didn’t you?” He challenges.

She looks up at him in shock, scanning his face trying to understand what he was talking about.

“Why that’s the same look on your face, as that night you watched my show in the cottage.”

Her face goes ashen, as the realisation that he had seen her, “Oh god,” she thinks, how long had he known she was there? She leans back against the case, to support herself as her legs further feel like they will buckle beneath her.

“Why so shy? You sure couldn’t tear your eyes away at the time.” she flushes even more, feeling naughtier that she had ever done. A feeling of shame filling her.

“You enjoyed watching me fuck that whore didn’t you!” he steps closer so she can feel his warm breath on her face, and it is then that she realises she is holding her breath.

“I’m sorry,” she stutters, not quite sure what else she can say. “I thought she was in pain,” she stops as the dirty smirk on his face appears.

“Oh she was, but no more than what she likes. Did you enjoy watching?” he takes a step closer pinning her to the case.

He leans in slowly, she thinks he is going to kiss her, and once again her breath goes shallow.

Instead he lowers his head and brings his lips so they lightly brush her ear, and gently whispers;

“I saw you touching yourself, so I know you enjoyed watching. Did you wish it was you laid on that table?” he pulls away slightly and looks her deep in the eyes.

She holds his all-consuming gaze; the heat of the room feeling like it had gone up by several degrees in a second. Her heart was beating so fast, she was sure you could see if beating through her chest.

The heat in her cheeks and face increase at the same pace as the heat between her legs, she closes her eyes and allows the sweet feeling of pleasure to wash over her body.

How could he have this effect over her body without even touching her, with just his words and that look in his eyes?

She opens her eyes and is surprised to see that he is no longer standing in front of her, but has moved round to the back of the case, and has removed the crop from the display.

He deliberately, and slowly walks back round the case, holding the crop so its leather end glides across the glass of the case, until he is once again in front of Rebecca, the crop gently tickling her chest as he lightly rest’s it against her.

He leans in, once again send shocks through her body, and whispers;

“I am going to win this crop in the auction, and when its mine to do as I wish with,” the cheeky grin returning to his face.

“You’re going to let me use it on you.” His voice is so light and celestial, which is so contradictory to the words he is saying.

Rebecca feels bewildered by the simultaneous feelings of lust and desire, mixed with outrage for this inexplicably enraging man.

But she is unable to speak; she is lost in his dark brooding eyes, starring back at him she can see the depths of his desire, the animalism and pure passion, and like a hypnotise she could feel him drawing those feelings out from deep within her.

Something behind her eyes changed, like someone had just flick a switch on inside her releasing her salacious side that she had not known existed.

Her body alive, every nerve ending in her body alight. In that moment she was his.

“Good girl,” he praises, and her insides somersaults sending tingles everywhere.

“Yes,” she mummers.

In a flash he withdraws the look from his eyes, like the floor beneath her has been pulled away, the spell is broken.

“Right, well that’s good,” he states like he were talking to one of his business associates, as he walks back round the case, placing the crop back into position.

“I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, thanks you for your time Rebecca.” With a knowing smile on his face her turns and walks out of the room, leaving her stood alone.

To be continued in part two Captivated……..

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She stands at the kitchen sink, the bubbles from the washing up liquid covering her hands. She stares out of the window into the back garden but her eyes are glazed, locked into a different time and space, her hands working as if on autopilot but her mind unaware that she has been cleaning the same plate for the past ten minutes. She closes her eyes as the feeling of the lead weight in the pit of her stomach grows, the bile rising in her throat past the lump of tears that refuses to flow. Her...

2 years ago
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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 1 Incestuous Awakening

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Incestuous Awakening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 1 with Mercedes Daniels The click-click of the metronome echoed through my office. I sat cross-legged on my chair, my skirt riding up enough to show the tops of the beige, thigh-high stockings I wore. I had my e-ink tablet on my lap, ready to take notes as my patient sat on the cream-colored loveseat across from me. Mercedes Daniels looked...

1 year ago
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Lonely Housewife

She needed to have her senses challenged, to feel nature close to her; she didn’t want to hug-a-tree, she wanted the trees to hug her. Feeling more at home sitting on the wooden staircase than anywhere else, she observed the door that lead out into the front of the property. She stared, admiring the beauty of the oak grain, before raising her head to look up to the small window above the door frame. Before she arrived at her new home in a new state with her family, watching wispy clouds drift...

3 years ago
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Claires Conception Part

I think I fell in love with Claire the first time I saw her, standing with her team mates in her hockey kit in the queue for dinner in the refectory of our University Hall of Residence. Dark haired, athletically built and sporty, she seemed a long way out of my class. Despite being basically tall and good-looking myself – in great shape after many years playing rugby – there was something about her that I found different from other girls and, frankly, intimidating but I couldn’t get her out of...

Wife Lovers
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I Seduced My Dads Law part

So these won’t really be like stories. At least not yet since I don’t really know how to make up stuff like the writers on here. It will be more like a diary or a blog to tell you about the sex things and other things in my life. This first diary entry I’m gonna give you some background so you understand why I picked this guy for my first time. So this happened yesterday and I’m writing quite fast because I’m so excited so if I spell stuff wrong or whatever, hey it’s my first story ok? So...

First Time
3 years ago
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Two Lonely

"Seriously? Forty-five minutes from the house, you decide not to start? Just like that? Come on!" I pleaded at the dashboard, which stared blankly back at me, both of us cooking under the harsh July afternoon sun. For what must have been fifteen minutes I turned the key in the ignition, over and over, and each time my 20-year-old BMW compact car was obviously no closer to starting. For now, I was ignoring the fact that it had been sluggish to start for the entire trip to South Florida,...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Succubus Awakening

By MorpheusAfter Eli and his friends play around with a magic spell, Eli finds something inside of him awakening.-------------I sat up in bed, having just woken up from the middle of a wet dream. Of course, this was more of a dry dream since I didn't get any relief. Instead, I woke up with a case of blue balls."Damn," I muttered, wanting to just go back to sleep and get back into that dream. It was crazy erotic though I couldn't remember much in the way of details. They faded away too fast....

3 years ago
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The Succubus Awakening

The Succubus Awakening By Morpheus I sat up in bed, having just woken up from the middle of a wet dream. Of course this was more of a dry dream since I didn't get any relief. Instead I woke up with a case of blue balls. "Damn," I muttered, wanting to just go back to sleep and get back into that dream. It was crazy erotic though I couldn't remember much in the way of details. They faded away too fast. "Not again..." I got up and went to the bathroom and jacked off for a few...

4 years ago
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Party Naked The Grand Fina

(episode 32) A sinking depression had hit me as the spring semester of my senior year came to a close. Actually, I think it was more of feeling of being very nostalgic, but I thought I was depressed. Fraternity parties, socials with sororities, football tailgate parties at our rental house, weekends clubbing downtown as a group, fraternity intramural sports, initiating pledges, riding my motorcycle up the stairs of the frat house during parties, wearing panties on our heads, funneling beer,...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Once Upon A Summer Part 1

I’ve been told that I’m a wonderful lover. I don’t know if that’s true or not, and I laugh when I say it because it sounds so incredibly arrogant and egotistical, but to the extent that it may be true I owe it all to her, and to that summer all those years ago. I’d turned seventeen that April and planned to get a summer job when school let out. My father insisted, saying that the experience would be good for me and that I’d earn more than I had with my previous summer pursuit of mowing lawns....

First Time
2 years ago
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West Coast Games Part Three Th

Life with Roxy was like a roller coaster that both thrilled and chilled. Sometimes your stomach gets queasy with the whole thing and you swear you’ll never get on again. Then before you know it, you find yourself lining up for another ride, like the adrenaline junkie you really are. The kind of relationships that make you sweat, in both good and bad ways, can become a lot like this over time. Eventually, if you’re lucky and not doomed to a life as a perpetual fuck up, the excitement of the ups...

3 years ago
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Resolutions Part 2 of 2

It’s almost midnight and darkness has finally settled in. We’ve hung lanterns from the low-lying tree branches, and there’s a floodlight at the rear of the house blanketing the backyard in a yellow glow. The warmth of the day lingers even without the sun. The guests have become rowdier than ever now. There’s wrestling going on in one of the wading pools and a drinking game in progress. A close work colleague of mine has just flung off her bikini top. She’s straddling one of Lucas’s friends...

Group Sex
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Father Moss

“What we did last night…” the boy ventured, compulsively thinking of sex as he watched his older temptress ease the cork out of a bottle of Merlot, “it…it wasn’t the first time for me.”Elisabeth turned and looked at him, eyebrow raised. “Is that so?”The boy nodded quickly, averting her gaze. She poured a glass for herself and one for him. “Anyone I know?” she inquired with a hint of playful suspicion as she handed his drink over, sure to let him get a good look down the front of her dressing...

First Time
2 years ago
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Part 2 ndash The Crone The girls and the two brothers

The Crone is always the ruse, the black magic woman who attracts the young, pretty teens to help her with her ‘disability’ and her ‘plight.’ She is obese, appears ‘sickly’, ‘helpless’, ‘depressed’. The girls often have pity on her, with all her ‘homeless things’ weighing down her wheel chair. “Push me somewhere safe dearies, there are bad men always stealing my things.” The girls comply; bring her somewhere ‘safer,’ sometimes, to the ‘safe house’ where she pretends to be staying. A dilapidated...

4 years ago
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Spanked for Speeding Part

Exiting the highway and dropping down into the trees, she thought of Little Red Riding Hood and smiled. The anticipation throbbed wickedly inside her. Turning right, onto the two-lane, she passed the new gas station. Her tongue flicked across her lips; she was once again headed towards her Grandmother’s house. A naughty Little Red Riding Hood, wanting the big, bad wolf to find her. She was even wearing a red blouse. The road curved away from her, disappearing in the green of the forest. She...

2 years ago
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Departmental Storeil Pennai Usar Seithen

Hi friends vanakam, indru kama kathaiyil departmental storeil oru pennai paarthu pesi usar seithu ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Vimal, vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Naan paarka azhagaga irupen, tshirt aninthukondu irupen athanaal pengal epozhuthum ennai paarthu sight adipaargal. Ipadi thaan oru naal en nanban udan departmental storeku sendrom appozhuthu angu oru pen aval mulaiyaal ennai urasi vitu sendraal. Avla mulai perithaaga irunthathu, aval mulaiyaal ennai idikum pozhuthe...

2 years ago
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Mile High Sluts Part 1 of

I had thirty days left to find a way to make it to the Maldives, where I had promised to meet up with John, chat partner, cyber lover and, from the pictures he had sent me and which had me spend hours upon hours with my fingers between my thighs, stud extraordinaire. But how do you get halfway across the world when all you have left on your bank account are one-hundred and twenty-three dollars and eighteen cent? That was the question that I had been wracking my brain about for the last four...

2 years ago
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Zugzwang Part 1 ZonersChapter 2 Absinthe

Dinner that night was an awkward affair. Diana was acting sullen for some reason, barely picking at her food, and not so much speaking as grunting when I tried to make conversation. I wasn't much better - I'd started to feel responsible for what happened to Marissa, even if it wasn't anything I did on purpose, and that left me growing more quiet and introspective the more I went over it in my head. As for Marissa, she seemed to have accepted her new self wholeheartedly, and her interest in...

2 years ago
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Phone Sex

Lying on my bed, with my phone pressed against my ear, I listen to you plea with me. “Baby, please, I need you,” I hear you insist on telling me. I hear the want in your voice, making me tremble with need. My fingers roam over my semi-naked body, caressing myself how I would like you to caress me. All I have on are your favourite pair of pink panties. The ones you love so much on me. They fit my perfect ass, as you always love to tell me. “I need you too, baby,” I whisper lightly. “Tell me...

3 years ago
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Resolutions Part 1 of 2

My fingers slide through the condensation on a bottle of Corona as I stand on the deck gazing out at the activity in the backyard. A flock of cockatoos take flight against a horizon streaked with brilliant reds and oranges, the colours overlaid with strands of wispy clouds. The evening breeze carries the aroma of barbecued meat and the faint thumping of bass from another party down the street. Beth, Lucas and I share an old four bedroom house with a large yard that overlooks the lake. The town...

4 years ago
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Aly the Tease Part 2

They all met up at Rachel’s house around seven that night. Her house was centralized between the others and it was closer to the city. After finalizing their plans, they arranged for a cab to come pick them up and take them to the party. Smart move considering that driving around the city is a huge hazard when you’re sober, imagine what it would be like driving around drunk. No of them felt it was necessary to take that risk so they opted for a cab ride. Aly was looking sexy as ever. She showed...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

2 years ago
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Seducing My Neighbors part

It was something of a surprise when I found out that Paul Dirk had been making love to my daughters. Both Susie and Becky were now in college and only came home during the holidays and the summer. So they must have used that time to have fun with Paul. I must admit I was jealous. I had not been well serviced by my husband, Cal, for years now. Oh we often went on cruises and such, but he always ended up playing poker and then getting drunk and collapsing in our room. I hardly ever got a really...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 59 Colonel Featherstone

When I woke again, everything seemed very bright. Not the bright at the end of the tunnel, just bright, like a bright room. By the time I got around to opening my eyes, I fell asleep again. It seemed like this went on a few more times before I managed to get my eyes open enough to see where I was. I could see a white ceiling of some sort, and I tried to move, but I couldn’t move. I could feel things, but I couldn’t move. I was able to turn my head, and rise slightly, and it looked like I was...

4 years ago
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The Christmas Party

Christmas parties.I hate them.At our office they are mandatory, which isn't very fair if you ask me. Why be forced into something you don't want to do just for the sake of "office relations"? If only the high-ups knew what kind of relations were going on, they might change their minds. When I take my boss' job, which I will one day, I will stop the parties being mandatory. They have this thing where they choose a male and female to be "sexy" Santa's. This year my friend Wendy, was chosen as the...

Office Sex
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My Last Morning With Me

Ah, Melissa. That’s a name that brings back fond memories of a time of passion and illicit romance. Even now, I can taste the hint of cinnamon on her lips and sense the subtle fragrance of an obscure flower that was the essence of the perfume she wore.Melissa and her husband, a stoic and foolish man whose unpronounceable name I have chosen to forget, lived in the same apartment complex as I. Even so, she might never have come to my attention if not for the fact that we did our laundry at the...

3 years ago
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Zugzwang Part 1 ZonersChapter 1 Awakening

I hit my head on the top of the berth as I jerked awake. At first I wasn't even sure what was happening. That dream was one of the most vivid I had ever experienced, and I was dazed from both the sleep and the bump on the head. Then there was the pain - I couldn't feel or move my legs at all, while my entire pelvis was not only flooded with pain, but gyrating as well. And by the looks of it, I was erect. I obviously couldn't get up to find someone, and I was too confused to cry for help,...

2 years ago
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Laney Scoops the City

Laney Travers walked down the ill-lit corridor and paused outside the doorway to her virtue's doom. Apartment twenty-nine again. Heaven help this well-raised girl. Well, maybe not Heaven ... Mike's voice sounded in her head: “News – real news – is what someone doesn’t want you to know, Laney sweetheart. The rest is fuckin’ propaganda. Keep searchin’ for truth among the bullshit. Rigour, determination, guts – that’s the only kinda newspaperman to be. Or newspaperwoman. Remember that.” He’d...

4 years ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Stac

“I’m Stacey, and I’m a sex addict.” I knew I wasn’t the only person in the room that was in denial over that statement even as it left my mouth. ‘Admit that you need help and recovery will come quicker and last longer’. I had to hold back my initial laughter as I’d read the mission statement that had been emblazoned on the front of our orientation binders at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. My mind immediately substituted “cum” for “come” and… anyway, yeah I guess I was probably one of...

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A Private Pleasure

I must have slept for fourteen hours that night. The week before was very tough and my schedule was completely out of whack. By the time Friday night rolled around all I wanted to do was sleep. It was 11:00 am Saturday morning by the time I woke. By then, I felt as fresh and rested as I had in weeks. It's amazing what a good night's sleep will do for a man.I rolled over onto my back, enjoying the morning sun that filtered through my blinds. I stretched out and before I consciously realized it,...

1 year ago
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What price curiosity Part 1 Wi

“You look like shit!” Paris peered over her sunglasses and took in Tom’s seedy appearance. The heavy eyes, tousled hair and dark stubble that shadowed the ridge of his jaw could lead to only one conclusion - he hadn’t been home last night. Her lips pursed as she blew the foam from her cappuccino. “And you’re late. Again.” A small burst of air raised a chestnut curl from in front of hazel eyes as she huffed her displeasure. Tom looked down at his wrinkled shirt. “Just rolled outta bed,” he...

4 years ago
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The Escort and the

My heart was pounding in a symphonic surge as I lingered in front of the hotel room door. I checked and rechecked the metal plate bolted to the rich, dark oak. Number 2412. Yes, this was definitely the right room. The hallway corridor was empty. The dimly lit sconces glowed invitingly along the richly textured walls. They had led the way from the elevator of the lushly swank boutique hotel, The Hazelton, just like beacon lights leading me towards the precipice of a decision I still wasn’t sure...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

1 year ago
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Party in the Poconos Day 1

Jason parked the car in front of the “lodge,” really just a big cabin in the Poconos. Three other cars had arrived ahead of us, all nicer than our five year old Camry. I waited for Jason to get the luggage out of the trunk. I didn’t know any of these people and my tummy churned with anxiety. My husband of not quite six months could lead the way. It was Saturday, Labor Day weekend, almost seventeen years ago. I was only 23! Inside, no one greeted us, but we heard talking and laughing out back....

Group Sex
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Girls Like That

She was so tight she made my loins ache. I wanted inside of her. The slutty little thing wore a shiny lick of a dress that reminded me of the black paint on my favorite ride. Now I wanted to ride her ass just like I ride my bikes, with a lot of speed. No brakes would be needed for that piece of tail; she wasn’t after safety. I could tell by the way all five-foot-nothing of her prowled the bar floor in those spiked stilettos. There was nothing passive or tentative about her. She had game, but...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Broo

“I’m Brooklyn, and… whatever… I guess I’m a sex addict.” I glared at the group of pathetic faces in the circle surrounding me. This is so fucking lame. Why did I sign up for this? It was bad enough that I’d had to endure public humiliation when the scandal broke, but being away from the city in this touchy feely rehab centre set my nerves more on edge than they did to soothe them, which I’m sure was their original intention. From the moment I’d checked into The Belleview Retreat for Sexual...

1 year ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Kyli

“I’m Kylie, and I’m a sex addict.” I tried not to cry. It would have made things exponentially more embarrassing than just standing in front of the room telling a group of strangers that I was basically a sexual deviant. I bit down on my lower lip instead, producing just enough sharp discomfort to keep the girly tears back. I couldn’t believe I had really committed to this. Of course, I guess one could argue that I wasn’t very good with commitments, as it was. Ever since the depraved incident...

Group Sex
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Jennifers Eggnog

The first shot struck Jennifer under the chin. That one came from Lawrence. She was still yelping when Trent’s delivery took her full in the face, filling her mouth and blinding her in an explosion of thick white. She spat and wiped her eyes clear, then pursued her boyfriend, scooping snow as she ran. Trent taunted as he fled, but stumbled knee-deep in a drift. “Bastard!” She laughed as she pelted him, then pushed him over while he was still off-balance. He pulled her with him and they rolled...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Nights To Remember

I escaped my fucked-up life into late-night erotic fantasies for years as waves crashed onto the sand beneath my balcony. I frequented my favorite site and started writing stories after becoming enamored with an author. Her stories had dirty, rough stuff I loved but also sensual and tender in a way I tried to emulate but couldn't master. I fantasized she spent hours getting aroused reading my words as I did hers. When she joined a new site, I quickly followed, seizing an opportunity to become...

Straight Sex
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The Cabo Connection

Damon: I’ll bet you’ll get up to some trouble in Cabo.  I smirked at the text that flashed up on our chat-log from the computer screen. He was always teasing me. Ashleigh: No trouble. At least not the good kind of trouble. I’m going with my boyfriend don’t forget. There was a pause, and while I anticipated his next words, I took a sip of the vodka soda I was prone to drinking while I spent my online hours chatting with my favorite virtual stranger, DamonX. I leaned back in my computer chair and...

3 years ago
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Caught in the Act

Anna had only been living with Lincoln for three months, one week and five days when he walked in on her masturbating. He’d originally left with an overnight bag swinging from his clenched fist and a casual comment thrown over his shoulder to let her know he'd be spending the weekend at a friend’s place. Ten minutes after he'd walked out the door she'd stripped down to her tank top and panties, feeling the urgent need to relieve some of the tension that being around him regularly caused. In...

Straight Sex
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Shelbys Dirty Vacation

“You’re such a whore, Shelby! But that’s still fucking hot…” Chelsie said as I briefly mentioned one particular aspect of my vacation to the Cayman Islands. “How were they? Big? Muscular? Come on, Shelby, details!” “Geez, let’s not be too demanding here. It was just sex on the beach with three incredibly hot guys! After all, I was on vacation…” I just stared at Chelsie, hoping she wouldn’t judge me for spilling the contents of my wild and dirty vacation. “Oh, please do tell! And you couldn’t...

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Billion Dollar Booty Call

Chelsea was late, the victim of a failed alarm clock and cab shortage. She silently cursed her tight skirt and heels as she flew through the lobby, skidding across the polished marble floor just in time to catch the elevator. Breathless, she jumped in, glanced at her watch, and exhaled in relief. The button to the fifth floor was already glowing, pressed by the elevator’s only other occupant. When she turned to say good morning, the words stuck in her throat. It was Liam, the gorgeous new...

Group Sex
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MindControl Panties Story 1 Incestuous Awakening

Story One: Incestuous Awakening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Ricochet for beta reading this! In a certain mall, in a clothing store frequented by the local college girls, a figure wandered. Nondescript. The type of person no one would ever look at twice. The figure drifted through the store, browsing the shelves, glancing at the wares. Trendy clothing. Flashy and bright, full of pastel colors. The figure paused at one display with a selection of panties covered in...

3 years ago
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Only For One Night

He looked out of the front window of the car, watching the rain and lost in thought. "I still have love for you," he said. "I just can't say that I'm in love with you." She on the other hand watched him, oblivious to anything else in this world. She could not remember not loving him. In spite of herself, she still did. "What does that mean? Are you 'in' love with her?""Damn it Naomi," he exclaimed, frustrated, hitting the palm of his hand hard against the steering wheel. He was losing patience...


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