Breaking Hema Part 2
- 4 years ago
- 22
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The entire story is a fiction, all characters are fictions. The story contains lot of forced sex scenes, people who are not okay with that, don’t read the story. This is my first story, please excuse the typos and the grammatical errors. I apologize if the story is a bit long. Feedback to
Breaking Hema – Part 1
Mr. Swaminathan is a 50 year old man who lived with his wife Ambika in a suburban town called Avadi in Chennai, he worked as a manager in a reputed bank. Swami came from an extremely poor family and had worked hard throughout his life to achieve a respectable status and wealth in the community. Even in his youth, though he liked women very much, he neither had time nor the means to pursue women. He did a lot of odd jobs before getting a job in a bank and even after then he had to work hard to hold on to his job. By the time he got a permanent position in the bank, he was married to Ambika who was a long distance cousin to him.
Ambika was an extremely average looking conservative woman and got pregnant in the first year of their marriage, by the third anniversary, they had a boy and a girl. Swami’s sex life wasn’t all that good with Ambika, it seemed as if she had sex only to have kids but Swami was content with his life as he was always distracted by his daily routine of work and saving money for his kids. Swami was an honest man and never strayed in his marital relationship with his wife and he felt even stealing a few glances at women as a disgusting thing to do.
Fast forward 10 years, Swami was well settled in his life, his father had bought some property in the Velachery region and Swami sold it to an IT company for 2 crore rupees, he was surprised at the rate at which the property got sold and for the first time in his life he was debt free. On Swami’s 50th birthday, his son got an opportunity to work overseas for a couple of years and left.
In the subsequent months, his daughter also got accepted into a university in Australia for her master’s degree. Swami was happy that he was able to afford things now for the sake of his children. He invested the money carefully and he decided to hold onto his bank job also. Swami was now rich, well settled and for the first time in his life he was free, no fear of paying loans, he happily took leaves from work (which he had never done before) and his home was empty, no kids and Ambika constantly went to temples to thank the gods for their good fortune.
Swami was finally able to put his feet up, read a magazine, watch movies without any distraction.
Swami took a month off of work to enjoy his new comfortable life, he started watching all Tamil movies and spent a lot of time in front of the TV. He never properly looked at the actresses before, he used to fall asleep when taking his kids to movies due to overwork. He was particularly enamored with Shruthi Hasan. Her dance moves, her curves were driving him mad and after a long long time he jacked off to a Shruthi Hasan picture in a newspaper. The feeling was wonderful, he never had achieved such gratification with his wife or by himself before. And before long he started jacking off three times a day and tried to have sex with his wife but alas Ambika had lost her sex drive, she never was interested in sex and derided her husband for his actions, Swami felt ashamed and left her alone. But he couldn’t control because he had woken up a beast inside him.
Swami got a new unlimited broadband internet connection for his home so as to speak with his kids online. He never used his home computer because his son/daughter were always using them. He had learnt to use Google and he found out how to download porn in his computer. He was hooked to internet porn. He downloaded all sort of porn videos, anal, gangbang, gloryhole everything there ever was. He played with himself daily as he had no other way to direct his sexual energy.
Swami and his wife visited their native place to attend a ceremony. It was a remote village in Thiruvannamalai district. All the relatives from his wife’s side knew that they had recently became rich and had settled in life. Ambika came from an extremely poor background and she felt slightly guilty at her luck. They were visited by a long distance relative of Ambika who had also came for the ceremony.
They grieved to Ambika about their ill luck and how the lack of rainfall had brought them to their ruin. They also seemed to have 5 kids. After two days, they came back to Ambika with a proposal. Among all their kids only one girl had decent education and they wanted her to pursue further studies and they needed Swami’s help for it. The girl’s name was Hemapriya, she was 18 years old and had just completed her 12th standard. She had taken commerce group and her marks weren’t even that good, she had merely passed.
He explained this to their parents that she would never find a good college for that mark and it would be a waste of money, he told them she could take a correspondence course for B.Com from her home. They insisted that she may not have much opportunities in their village and that living in the city might help her instead. Swami picked up that they wanted his family to take care of their daughter but he didn’t want his privacy disturbed by another kid in his home. But his wife was moved by their humble request and that she found the home empty without her own kids. She pleaded,
“Swami it might be good to have her at our home. She does the domestic chores well it seems. I might be able to take a break from doing all the tasks.”
Swami agreed reluctantly. The relatives introduced their daughter Hema to Swami and his wife. She was a dark skinned, thin girl about 5’7”. She was dressed neatly in a shirt and skirt which extended beyond knees. She wasn’t particularly attractive. She told in a small voice,
“Thanks very much for having me Ayya.”
Swami replied, “No problem Hema. You have to thank Ambika here, not me.”
All three reached their home in Avadi. They had three bedrooms in their individual house and gave one to Hema. As soon as they reached, they applied for the correspondence course that Hema was going to study in. She fit in well with the family. She took it upon herself to complete all the chores in their house like sweeping, cleaning, washing clothes etc. Ambika was very pleased, this gave her a lot of time to visit different temples every day. Two months passed, Swami had started going to office and he didn’t have much interaction with newest member of their household. Swami again decided to take a month off from his work as he was bored.
Ambika had started going to a temple in Mangadu every day and Swami spent every day locked up in their second bedroom where the computer was kept. He watched porn every day without interference in the morning hours when his wife was not there. Hema also didn’t disturb him thinking he was doing work. Two weeks into his month off, Swami had gotten bored and stopped watching porn, he spent the entire days eating and sleeping.
One fine morning, Swami was sitting in the hall and reading newspaper, his wife had left for a temple. Hema was busy with sweeping the home. As she switched off the fan in the hall to start sweeping, Swami looked up. Hema was as usual dressed in a half sleeve shirt, a skirt. She had woken up early and had bathed.
“Ayya, breakfast is ready. I’ll serve breakfast if you want.”
“That’s fine. I’ll have it when I feel hungry.” Swami replied.
“Ayya, sorry for coming into your home and disturbing you like this” said Hema in a crying voice.
Swami was shocked at hearing the voice and enquired, “What happened Hema? Why are you crying?”
“Nothing Ayya, it just seems that you are not happy at having me here, you don’t even talk with Amma much. You always look stern.”
“Ha ha ha. I’m always like that. In fact I’m happy that you are helping out Amma. How are your studies getting on?” lied Swami. Truth be told he didn’t like having her in their home.
“It’s going good Ayya. Amma got me money to buy the books.”
“Do you have enough time to study? Amma is not over working you right?!”
“Ayyaiyo nothing like that Ayya. I have enough time to study. Amma has been very kind to me.”
Since that morning, Swami began talking with Hema normally every day, they greeted each other, enquired about their daily routine and started spending time every day. She was extremely innocent and was a jovial girl. Swami started noticing her even more every day. He and Ambika got her new clothes and nighties to wear inside home. She was very happy. Swami porn habits didn’t stop, he regularly masturbated thinking of Shruthi Hasan.
One morning while Swami was sitting in his usual place in the sofa, Ambika was busy doing some work in the back, Hema started sweeping the floor, she was in her nighty and she bent over to pick something up from the floor, Swami managed to get a glimpse of her beautiful boobs, it was over in a fraction of seconds and Swami got instantly hard.
He started noting Hema on that day onwards, she was only an average looking dark girl but her physique was good, she had no fat in her body, her figure looked delightful with firm buttocks and shapely legs. Her boobs were a bit difficult to judge for Swami, most Indian girls wear tight bras, inner wear inside their clothes. He always managed to sit at a higher level opposite to her so he could look at the fleeting view of her boobs. Swami was getting turned on daily by Hema’s young figure, he started jacking off thinking about Hema instead of Shruthi Hasan.
One day, Hema was in a good mood, she was laughing with Ambika and carelessly broke a costly camera, Swami got instantly mad,
“Quit your stupid laughing and concentrate on the work, do you know how much it costs?” He always had a short temper.
Hema immediately started crying and apologising profusely.
“Sorry ayya, it slipped from my hands.”
Swami gave her a contemptuous glare and walked away. He instantly felt bad. At night, Ambika came to bed,
“What’s this Swami, she is a poor young girl away from her parents. Why were you so harsh on her? She has been crying all day.”
“What am I supposed to do?”
“Go and console her. She is in her room.”
Swami had been feeling bad all day and he decided to go to her room. The door was open, he knocked and called,
“Hema are you awake?”
There was no answer. She was lying on the bed with her face on the pillows, Swami could make out this from the night lamp. He decided that she was asleep and started to leave.
A timid voice called out “Ayya?”
Swami turned around and came inside the room and switched the light on. He said,
“I thought you were sleeping.” He looked at her face, her eyes were red. She replied,
“I just woke up hearing your voice. I’m really sorry ayya for breaking the camera” she said in a crying voice and started crying again. Swami sat near her in the bed and put a consoling arm around her and gave her a squeeze.
“It’s alright, I have a short temper. I shouldn’t have shouted at you like that, I had no right to.”
“No ayya, it was my mistake, you have every right. Here after I won’t act in any way that angers you.”
Swami’s heart was moved by her words but the beast inside him started waking up after seeing her in her bed, in her night dress, he was able to see her bra as she had not adjusted her clothes. Swami pulled her close and felt her boobs as he gave her a quick hug and said,
“It’s alright.” He gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. Hema looked stunned and embarrassed. She gave Swami a small smile. He said good night and left her.
From that night onwards, Swami became mad about Hema, she was absolutely attracting him without her knowing. He started making excuses to touch and feel her. He masqueraded his pats on her back, quick squeeze of her thighs while they ate lunch or dinner as compliments.
He decided that he must have her at any cost. One day when Ambika was out visiting a temple, Hema was washing the dishes over the counter, we usually kept the utensils over the kitchen sink, so one has to reach over the sink to get a plate or anything. Swami went with the sole intention copping a feel on Hema. He went in to the kitchen and leaned over Hema under the pretense of taking a place. While he leaned over her, he pressed his hard manhood into the back of her ass, he thought he felt no protest from her, he pressed even more suddenly Hema pushed him and turned back shouting,
“Ayya what are you doing???!!”
Swami was shocked and tried to save the situation, “oh sorry Hema, I couldn’t reach the plate. Can you get it for me?”
Hema glared at him and got him a plate, “take it ayya.” Swami felt that she found out about his intentions. Over the next few days Hema continued to glare him and not talk with him properly but she hadn’t mentioned anything to Ambika, for that Swami was happy. But he was getting mad with Hema over her attitude towards him. He felt that she owed him her as he was keeping her in his house, he felt that ever since he forgave her for the broken camera and showed her his soft side, shy and timid Hema was getting contemptuous and hard headed.
One day after Swami and his wife went to a relative’s house and spent the entire day there and Hema was alone in the house. While coming back, Ambika asked him to go to house as she wanted to go to a pooja in a temple. As I went inside the house, Hema came out and told me in a crying voice that she had broken the TV. The TV was wall mounted and apparently she had tried to clean it by lifting the TV up and it had fallen over.
“Ayya sorry ayya. It happened accidentally”. That was the first time she had looked him in the eye and spoken to him. Swami was furious with her and screamed at her,
“Stupid bitch! Can’t you do work properly? Stupid village piece of shit!” Hema broke into tears, and Swami got her by her hair and shouted,
“I should’ve kicked you out of the house the day you broke the camera.” Swami had gotten his chance, he knew that he was never going to sweet talk her into submission, this was a perfect chance for him to show her who is boss and get what he wanted by force. He wanted to break her.
He dragged her into her room by her hair, she was screaming with pain. He growled,
“shut your mouth, I should not hear one more sound” Hema was scared and did not utter a single sound. He sat on the bed in her room and pulled her across his lap. He pulled her skirt up, she was wearing an old ugly large panties. Hema was squirming and tried hard to get out his hold. Swami held her steadily with his strong hands and kneaded his elbow onto her back very hard. Swami yanked her granny panties down and finally he could see her dark brow bare bottom. He gave a very hard slap right across her buttcheeks.
Hema screamed “Ahhhh”. Swami was afraid that the neighbors were hear. He got her panties and shoved it right into her mouth. He told her menacingly,
“If I hear one more sound, I’ll use the cane instead of my hand”.
She nodded her head, her face was covered with sweat and tears. Swami proceeded to slap her butt cheeks very harshly. Every hit he increased the power and speed. He could feel her breasts on his thighs and his cock was pushing through her belly. Swami was immensely turned on by every hit and he dug his cock into her belly. He continued to slap her bottoms till he came in his dhoti. Her bottoms were red with the slapping, he had controlled his desire to rape her that moment, but he wanted to savor her slowly. He pushed her into the bed and told her,
“Don’t you dare break anything again. Put you panties on and go make coffee.” And he left the room.
Just as Hema had finished making coffe, Ambika came and asked about the broken TV, Swami said,
“It fell down when I was putting in the pen drive.”
Hema came with the coffee and Swami told her to sit down on the floor, knowing that it would cause her immense pain, with a sadistic grin across his face. Days passed since the spanking, Swami wanted to take her slowly, he had all the time in the world. In the subsequent days of the spanking, Hema had become subservient and afraid of Swami all the time, he kept slapping her ass every time he got, or he would put his hands up her skirt and traced a line on her ass crack.
Hema was in a dilemma, she couldn’t tell Ambika due to her fear of Swami and she was not able to tolerate Swami antics. One day when Ambika was not in the house, Hema was working in the kitchen, Swami went into the kitchen and hugged her from behind. He started dry humping her on her ass, Hema tried to wriggle out of Swami’s hold and accidentally put her elbow across Swami’s face and hit him on his forehead.
Swami got mad and held her by her hair shouting, “you bitch!!” He dragged her by her hair into the bathroom and pushed her on the floor on her knees. He chose the bathroom because he wanted to disgust her into submission. Hema was in tears, Swami told,
“Shut up you thevidiya(whore)!” He removed his dhoti and his underpants and stood in front of her, his cock standing erect. Hema was disgusted by the scene and kept turning away from Swami. He grabbed her head by her hair and forced her face onto his cock. He slapped her face with his cock a couple of times. He growled at her,
“Open your mouth thevidiya.” She nodded no and kept crying. Swami gave a hard slap right across her face and before she could reel from the blow, he forced his cock into her mouth fully. She choked immediately and her teeth began to graze Swami’s cock. He dug his palms into her scalp and held her by her hair tightly and told her,
“if you use your teeth, I’ll kick the shit out you thevidia!!”
She held back her teeth, she had got her breath a little bit and Swami started facefucking her wildly. He could feel the warmth of her throat on his cock. Even though Hema had never given a blowjob in her life, she was getting accustomed to it. But she had lost her breath and began choking on Swami’s cock, Swami grabbed her head by her hair again and shouted,
“Put your tongue out and breath through you nose.” As Hema put her tongue out, so that she could catch her breath a little bit, Swami pushed his cock even more into her mouth, Hema’s nose was in his hairy crotch, he began swirling his hip and her head at the same time so that he could feel the warmth of her mouth even more. Swami was close to exploding now, and Hema was near to passing out, he gave couple more strokes to her face and finally came inside her throat. Thick white streams of cum was flowing through Hema’s throat, as he pulled his cock out, he told her,
“Drink every last bit of it. If you vomit ill do this again.” Saying this, he watched her struggling to swallow his thick cum. After she was done, he put his dhoti on and left her crying in the bathroom floor.
After 15 minutes he shouted, “clean up and come out, Ambika will be here soon.”
Ever since that day, Swami began using her mouth every day, every change he got he would force her to give him a blowjob. He no longer masturbated, every time he felt horny he would call her out and come in her mouth. During the first few time, she cried and begged him to leave her alone, she even resisted him a few time but after a while her resistance broke and it became a part of the job for her. He facefucked her everywhere in the house, in the terrace at midnight, even in the pray room.
He would sit Hema on the floor between his legs and made her give him a blowjob while he watched porn on the computer, and he always came inside her mouth. After a few weeks like this, Swami wanted to step the level up. He wanted more than her mouth, he wanted her body. He picked a day when Ambika was not at home, he went into the bathroom and started taking a bath and then called out Hema to bring a towel, as she knocked on the bathroom door, he opened it and grabbed her by her hair again and dragged her in. He locked the door behind her and told her sneeringly,
“You are going to give me a bath today”
He then sat on a small stool inside the bathroom. Hema knew there was no way out and started pouring water on Swami’s fat body and started scrubbing him. After a while, Swami told her,
“Get rid of your clothes. You don’t want them to get wet, do you?”
She hesitated and said “No”, she feared that Swami was going to do more than fuck her mouth. Swami said,
“Do you like getting slapped? Why can’t you do something the first time I tell you to? Now take off your shirt.”
She hesitated again and began to cry, Swami got mad and grabbed her shirt by both his hands and tore it apart, buttons came falling down. He then took a razor blade from the bathroom and tore her skirt and yanked her panties upwards giving her a painful wedgie and then peeled off the panties. Hema was now standing in front of Swami bare bottomed, with just a flimsy petticoat and a bra. She covered up her crotch with her arms as she felt shy to show her private parts to someone. Swami growled,
“Stop covering it up, you whore.”
She did not follow what Swami told her. Swami got mad again and he took a jug full of hot water and poured it with pace across her ass. The water wasn’t boiling, it wasn’t also lukewarm. Hema jumped as the hot water fell across her bare bottom. Swami pushed her on the floor on her belly and began spanking her immediately on the place when he had poured the hot water.
Hema screamed with pain and after 5 or 6 spanks, Swami sat on her legs and spread her ass cheeks and put his cock between her fat butt cheeks, he didn’t want to fuck her just yet. He started the fucking motion between her ass cheeks. He kept fucking her between her ass cheeks, giving spanks every now and then, he took an oil bottle from the bathroom and poured in the butt crack for lubrication. During this all, Hema buried her face in her torn clothes and kept crying. Swami said,
“Stop whimpering thevidia!!”
After a few minutes, he was nearing his climax, he stood up and helped Hema up and made her sit on the floor and asked her finish him off. She had become expert in giving blowjob now and started the slow rhythmic motion with his cock in her mouth. He pulled out at the last minute and came all over her face, few strands of his cum even went into her eyes. He gave her a few minutes to collect herself and then told her,
“Now clean me up and then take a bath.”
She washed her face and then took the soap and gave Swami a full bath, she even wiped up the water off him with his towel. Swami left the room, leaving her to take a bath. Swami had wanted to take her virginity right there but his self control was immeasurable, he wanted to take his time with her.
That night, Swami hatched another plan, after the morning bathing session, he had been horny throughout the day but his wife was in the way. That night when his wife took her regular vitamins, he slipped her a strong dosage of Diazepam which he had for his insomnia, he told her that the tablet was for muscular pain. His wife immediately fell asleep as soon as she reached the bed, Swami waited till midnight and then gave his wife a very hard poke, she was out of it and was like a dead body. He got out of the bed and went into Hema’s room. The room was dark and he climbed into her bed, Hema was sleeping on her sides and Swami began spooning her.
He could feel her curves, his cock was already erect and started humping Hema and then Hema woke up with a jump and screamed at the intruder. Swami closed her mouth and pinned her on the bed. He said,
“Shhh. It’s me, don’t shout bitch.”
“Ayya, madam is there, she will wake up” she responded fearfully.
“She is asleep, she won’t wake up till tomorrow morning, we’ve got all the time” sneered Swami. He could see the fear in Hema’s eyes as he said it. So far he had gotten only 15 mins or 30 mins with her, for the first time he was going to have her the whole night.
“Go switch on the light and then undress and come into the bed.” Swami commanded. She switched on the light and then hesitated to undress again.
“Do you want me to bring the razor again?! Undress whore.” He screamed at her. She started undressing very slowing and started crying. Swami did not care for her cries, he only cared about what he was going to do her that night.
“Stop crying you stupid bitch! Or I would stuff your panty into your throat.” Swami screamed at her. She said, “ayya don’t shout, madam may wake up….” Swami got mad again as she spoke, he went across and grabbed by her hair and dragged her into the room his wife was sleeping and pushed her on the bed next to his wife.
He sat on her check and pushed a couple of pillows and propped her head and shoved his cock into her mouth and started viciously face fucking her. Ambika was like a rock, she did not even move. Swami then said while face fucking her,
“See the bitch is asleep, she can’t hear a damn thing you pig.” He then got off Hema and again dragged Hema to her room and threw her on the bed.
“I’m going to take a piss, if you aren’t undressed by the time I come back, you will wish you had never born” threatened Swami and left the room. After he came back, there was sight for his sore eyes on the bed. Hema was buck naked in front of him for the first time. Swami was amazed by her tits, they were huge about 36D, she had average one rupee coin sized black nipples and her tits were very wheatish compared to her dark body. She had a little tummy and fairly fat thighs and she had an extremely bushy crotch.
Swami was an ass man, he liked ass much more than the tits, but Hema’s tits were very alluring and he was already watering in the mouth at the thought of sucking her tits.He undressed himself and went to the bed, Hema was shyly covering her crotch. He grabbed her hands forcefully and growled at her,
“You are mine tonight, you should do everything I ask you to, if you do anything with me saying so, I’ll tie you up. Yours hands should only do what I tell you to, the same goes for your body.”
Hema nodded with tears in her eyes. Swami gave her a hard slap across her face,
“Did I ask you to cry?” The force of his slap kicked out the little resistance in her, she was putty in his hands now. Swami pushed her back on the bed and started exploring her naked body. He traced a circle around her nipples, they became erect, he knew Hema was getting turned on for the first time while she was with him. Swami was gentle at the same time causing her little pain by biting her neck, her pain was making his cock go crazy. He started kneading her tits harshly causing her to wince, he put his mouth around her dark nipple and started sucking like a baby, at first Hema was a bit turned on by his sucking, he bit her nipple immediately causing her a jolt of pain. He felt a wave of pleasure every time she winced. After a hard bite, he’d immediately become gentle again, after a while bit her nipple again.
He alternated pain and pleasure on both her breasts, he drove her crazy with his approach. Swami then proceeded to kiss her for the first time, her dark lips were tender and he started chewing on her lips, and he explored her mouth with his tongue, Swami grabbed her hands and directed it to massage his balls,
“Massage my balls, slowly” He commanded her. The soft touch of her hands edged Swami a little bit closer. Swami wanted to taste her pussy and ass but they were very hairy and thought to himself,
“I’ll deal with that another day” Swami was feeling a little kinky and thought of something he had seen in porn. He told her,
“You are going to massage my asshole now thevidia!! Be gentle” Swami then got on all fours with his bare naked ugly hairy ass pointed at Hema. Hema was disgusted at the sight and hesitated and Swami glared at her and shouted,
“Get going thevidia.” She hesitantly spread his butt cheeks apart and looked at his ugly bunghole and started fingering his asshole gently. Since it wasn’t lubricated Swami was not feeling any pleasure. He turned back and said to her,
“Use your tongue on the hole, put some spit on the hole and lick it.”
Hema looked at him aghast at the suggestion and cried,
“Ayya why are you doing this to me? Don’t you have any respect for me? Why are you treating me like this?” Swami was not relenting and did not feel any compassion for her,
“If you don’t do this, I’ll sit on your face and choke the life out you, now get on with it” threatened Swami. Seeing that he had no mercy, crying Hema spread his disgusting bunghole and started licking it, Swami was in heaven and he almost came when her warm moist tongue circled his asshole. She spat at his asshole and started tracing on his pucker, tickling him.
“Stroke my cock and my balls” commanded Swami. Hema’s warm tongue, her gentle touch on Swami’s cock and balls were driving Swami crazy with pleasure. It look an enormous amount of concentration from his to keep himself from cumming on the spot. He wanted more before he came,
“Push your tongue inside” told Hema, who felt that it was going to end soon and did as asked. She applied a little bit of pressure on his asshole, she could not get to open it and spat a considerable amount of saliva and pushed in, that was it for Swami, he could no longer hold it in. He came with a mighty grunt, strands of cum were flying all over
Hema’s palms on to the bed. Swami just collapsed on the bed. He pushed Hema on the bed and started caressing her body again after a few minutes, he wasn’t done for the day, after biting her nipples for a few minutes, he told her,
“Suck my cock gently.” Hema went near his legs and took his flaccid cock and began licking all over the shaft, Swami began to grow in her hand again, Hema pulled back his foreskin and began sucking on the head. She kept sucking his cock and his balls for 10 minutes, Swami stood up and pushed her on her back and he sat on her belly, he then put his cock between her tits and began titty fucking her, after a while he rubbed his cock head onto her erect nipples, Swami was nearing his second orgasm, he increased the fucking motion between her tits and finally shoved his cock into her mouth and came inside her mouth. Swami was done for the day, he left her room saying,
“Clean up and sleep bitch” He slept like a baby through the night.
The next day Swami was searching through the internet for some thoughts he had, though he had a hot girl at his disposal, she was not like the girls in porn, for once Hema was extremely hairy in her pits and it was a bit of a turn off for him. He wanted her body to look like a pornstar’s body, no hair, bald pussy and no hair in the asshole. He found the solution, apparently there is a thing called Brazilian wax which does all the things he wanted. He even found a place in Chennai that did the Brazilian wax. Swami told his wife that he was taking Hema to get her a couple of books, Hema knew he was planning something but she went with him and lied to Ambika about the books part. After reaching the place, Swami told her,
“Go inside and tell them you want a Brazilian bikini wax. After everything is done, call me, I’ll pick you up. Here’s the money.”
Then he left her. After a couple of hours Swami got the call and he picked her up and reached home. Throughout the entire day Swami was dreaming about Hema’s bald pussy, it had been a long time since his cock had a pussy, that too an 18 year old virgin pussy, he couldn’t believe his luck. Just the thought of harshly taking her virginity made Swami’s cock burst almost. He could not keep his eyes off her the entire day, he would cop a feel of her ass everytime his wife was not in the vicinity.
That night Swami repeated what he did to his wife yesterday, waited until she fell asleep and then went inside Hema’s room. Hema was awake, shit scared, almost cried on Swami entering her room, he went near her and said,
“take your clothes off!” She obeyed and started undressing, she was just in her bra and panties now, he stopped her and pushed her on the bed on her back, he sat near her legs and pulled her panties apart, there was her beautiful 18 year old virgin, hairless slit looking back at him in all glory, her spread her dark labia apart and looked at the pink peach inside, Hema was squirming her legs and trying to get her legs to close, Swami gave her a very hard slap on her inner thighs, she screamed,
Swami started sniffing her beautiful pussy, the musky odour of her vagina made him almost cum, he started gently licking at her labia and then started greedily eating her pussy, Hema was getting turned on despite not wanting this to happen, Swami reached her clit and gently bit it and vigorously licked at it,
Hema came, her pussy started overflowing, Swami was relentless, he kept on licking and flicking her clit, Hema was on the edge again and came for the second time, Swami licked every drop of her juice, he could not have enough of it. Swami was now ready to fuck her, he lifted her legs up and mounted her, he took of his t-shirt too, he was about to position his cock on to her slit, Hema suddenly realized what was about to happen and suddenly kicked out at Swami with her legs and cried,
“Ayya sorry, I’m really sorry for kicking you, please do anything else, just don’t take my virginity, please ayya…”
Swami was insane, “you greedy bitch, you came like a slut when I licked you, now you are worrying about your honor?” he gave her hard slaps across her face five times, she collapsed like a sack of potatoes, he then mounted her in the missionary position, he then shoved his cock inside her pussy without a warning extremely harshly and started fucking her very hard, Hema was crying,
“Aaahhhh its paining, ayya please stop, stop, stop …. ahhhhh”
Swami increased his fucking speed with every “stop” from her, he then choked her very hard and said,
“I would have been gentle you whore, you made me do this….”
Swami was nearing his orgasm, he stopped and grabbed and turned her to lie on her stomach, Swami started fucking her by lying on her, he kept choking her, pulling her hair and bit her lips, and finally he came deep inside her pussy, the animal inside him had been sated by Hema’s tender pussy.
Hema finally was able to breathe after being free of his choke hold, she curled into a fetal position and started crying. Swami went to the kitchen to eat and came back for his second time, it was a long night for Hema, he fucked her like a ragdoll all night and left her only in the morning.
Ever since that night, Swami began fucking her every chance he got, he did not care if Hema was turned on or was on periods, he had quickies if his wife was at home. Even if he only five minutes and Hema was in the kitchen, he would lift up her skirt, pull her panties down and fuck her very hard.
Hema had gotten used to the harsh fucking and stopped her resistance, she did every mean thing he asked her to do, she had licked his asshole every time he asked, he had peed on her many times and he forced her to drink every drop of his cum. After using her cunt every way possible, Swami was getting bored with the sex and started exploring her asshole.
Aap sab log hema malini ke baare mein to jaante hi hain. 15 se leke 50 saal tak ke purushon ke dil ki raani khwabon ki mallika, ji haan sadabahr, jawani jaise usse chipak ke reh gayi ho, aur jiska kaamuk jism din pe din aur sexy hota ja raha ho,jiske screen par aate hi mardon ke lund apna apna bandhan todne ko tayyar ho jaate hon, jiska badan gorepan aur chiknai ki saari haden paar kar gaya ho aur har ang mein jabardust katav ho. AAnkhen aisi ki buddhe ke lode mein bhi jaan aa jayae. Jab...
Hi am Rohan from Mumbai. Once my mother got transfer to a distant college in northern Mumbai. The only problem was my father and myself. We needed someone to look after us, the house and also to cook our food. The nature of my fathers job was such that he never turned up before 9pm. So someone was needed to take care of me. A frantic search was made in the neighbourhood and long forgotten relatives were given a call. The need of the hour was an elderly lady but as luck would have it none could...
Albert got off and Hema realizing the risk of pregnancy rushed to the bathroom pissed and washed with soap. When coming out she saw the two nude men at the door smiling at her. They caught her hand and walked towards the bed. Albert was looking at her even without blinking. She broke from them took a towel and managed to cover herself her face red. Seeing them nude she lowered her face. Feeling very inconvenient at the way they are looking, she made a quick drying of her thighs, leaving the...
Hi friends, en peyar Thanish, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Hema teacherai eppadiyvathu usar seithu ooka vendrum endru kaathu kondu irukiren, aval oru thevathai pondru irupaal. Aval niram velaiyaaga irukum, sexiyaana soothu vaithu irupaal. Aval soothu azhagai parthu mayangaamal irukave mudiyaathu, avalavu thukalaaga sexiyaaga irupaal. Aval oru guthirai mathiri irupaal, mulai alavaaga irukum idupil kozhupu ethum irukaathu slimaaga irupaal. Aval aniyum aadaigal anaithum sexiiyaagave irukum, enaku aval...
Hi this is Vignesh from chennai 28 years of age working in mnc Charming athletic built, If anybody interested in meeting me in real contact me through this mail id “” (Only ladies). This is a real incident its all about meeting a stranger and having some hardcore fun. Let me describe the lady. Her name was Hema(Name changed) She resides in chennai, some 10 mins ride from my place. Her age is 35 and she have attractive structure 36 30 34. The beauty got married with Chartered Accountant. And She...
Hi friends, en peyar Gautham, vayathu 26 aagugirathu, naan Hemavai en nanban thirumanthin pozhuthu paarthen. Aval sema make up pottukonde chudithaar aninthukondu vanthu irunthaal, aval chudithaar aval mulaiyai maraikave illai. Iru mulaiyum kaiku adakamaaga sexiyaaga therinthu kondu irunthathu. Naan aval mugathai paarpatharku munathaaga aval mulaiyai thaan muthal muthalil paarthen. Haa, aval mulai azhagai rasithu irukum pozhuthu aval thirumbinaal. Appozhuthu thaan aval soothu azhagai paarthen...
Hi friends, en peyar Gautham, vayathu 26 aagugirathu, naan Hemavai en nanban thirumanthin pozhuthu paarthen. Aval sema make up pottukonde chudithaar aninthukondu vanthu irunthaal, aval chudithaar aval mulaiyai maraikave illai. Iru mulaiyum kaiku adakamaaga sexiyaaga therinthu kondu irunthathu. Naan aval mugathai paarpatharku munathaaga aval mulaiyai thaan muthal muthalil paarthen. Haa, aval mulai azhagai rasithu irukum pozhuthu aval thirumbinaal. Appozhuthu thaan aval soothu azhagai paarthen...
Hello friends my name is Ankush me nasik ka rehenewala hu aur meri umra 21 saal he meri mam Hemangi ki umra kuch 24-25 he. Dikhne me thodi sawli he pr figure 36 ke boobs 26 ki kamar aur 34 ki gand he ekdam hot and sexy lagti he chalte waqt gand to aise matakti he ki mera turant khada ho jata he so ab me story start karta hu hope you enjoy. Baat un dino ki he jab me eng 1st yearr me tha result laga tha lene gaya aur dekha 4 sub fail tha usme 2 Hema mam sikhati thi. Mujhe year drop laga tha to me...
Hello to all ISS friends,this is my first story in ISS and its my true story I dedicate my story to all girls and aunties who are out there for desperate sex, hope while readying my true story your pussy gets wet, enjoy reading my true incident. I’m Rahul from Bangalore age 27 and i’m an engineer good looking athletic guy. This incident happened 4 months back,my office is off in weekends so one Saturday I went to my friend’s place as I was getting bored but I left my friend’s place bit early as...
IncestBy: Kittyis4you ISS padnevale sab Friends ko, Bhabhiyonko, Ladkiyonko, Aunties ko mera Hi mein ne ISS pe bohoth saari stories padi hai, magar likhnekeliye time nahi milraha tha, ye story jo likhraha hoon vo meri Real Story hai. Iss kea alava mere paas hour kuch mere real stories hai wo sab mein aapke replies milneke baad post karoonga. So please reply me after reading this story. Dosto, Mera nam Kitty hai, Mera age 27 (single) aur mein Bangalore me reheta hoon aour ek private company me kaam...
Hello my ISS Friends Thank you all for your wonderful feedback about my previous sex escapades. Please send in your feedback at I broke up with Paru due to some silly reasons and then I met Hema. Let me describe her. She was 23, had completed her D.Lib and was working in a college as a librarian. She was fair, thin weighing only around 50 kgs, but with a nice pair of boobs and arse. She was a virgin. She was doing a 9-3 job. Earlier we both were working in the same company while she was...
Marilee’s fists tightened in despair as she sat at her secretarial desk and listened to the muffled moans emanating from the office of her boss, JC Wyatt. JC was one of the youngest and most famous casting agents in Hollywood and was the most blatant offender of the “casting couch” which degraded women. The young actress, a stunning blonde who couldn’t have been more than sixteen years old, had looked so hopeful when she had entered that office only twenty...
Hello dosto… My name is jai, me ambala me rehta hun, aur mera hometown kanpur hai, koi bhi bhabhi ya aunty within age grop 25-40 jo sex ki bhuki hi wo mujhe mail kar sakti hain meri id hai.. (), she will get full satisfaction wid my 6.5″ lund,my height is 5.8 ft complexion fair dikhne me bura nahi hu , me kaafi time se iss ka reader hoon aur pehli baar yaha apni real story post kar raha hu. Hope aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Baat aaj se kuch 3 saal pehle ki hai me 1 shopping mall me khada tha apna...
“So tell me, why do you want your wife to fuck other men?” Julie and Juan looked at me expectantly. My wife Sheila were sitting in their living room, all four of us relaxing with drinks in hand, while their kids slumbered upstairs. It was a suburban evening like any other, apart from the topic of conversation. I swallowed hard and said, “I have a small cock. I love my wife, and I realized that I can’t satisfy her by fucking her. I also realized that watching her have...
My desk is layered with paper. Unopened mail forms a mountain in one corner. Rejected insurance claims forms a smaller mountain – more like a hill – in the opposite corner. Between is a low valley of checks and billing statements. For the last two hours I’ve been trying to finish entering the week’s payments into the computer, but I keep getting interrupted by nurses, patients, and phone calls. It looks like it is going to be one of those late nights again. I figure I...
The woman ignored the ringing phone as her fingers moved furiously on the keyboard. On the third ring, she grabbed an open cigarette pack and expertly shook one cigarette free from the pack, with one hand as the other hand picked up the phone. Still staring at the PC’s display monitor, she answered “Washington Post. You’ve got the City Desk, Hampton.” The caller’s soft reply startled the reporter “Hi Trish. Got time to spend a few minutes with an old...
It was a Wednesday afternoon a few weeks ago, and it was fucking cold. I was in my leather with a sweater on and about three tee-shirts underneath, and I was still freezing my tits off. Nikki, tams and I were sitting in Magic Beans at a back table after school. As always, we were discussing what we were going to do that weekend. We knew it would have to involve some serious partying and fucking, but we weren’t quite sure of the details yet. For the last month or so, we’d been...
My car ran out of gas 10 km from the nearest gas station. Cursing my luck (and overconfidence), I coasted to a stop in front of a farm house. I decided to let the owner of the house know I was planning on returning to my car soon or to see if he could possibly help me out. I walked up to the house and was about to knock on the door when I saw the owner outside, working on something. I called out to him to draw his attention and he came over. I introduced myself and explained my predicament....
Once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Aludra, which, in the language of her people, meant “unwanted one”. Of course she didn’t know this, because all the servants in the palace DID want her. They loved her dearly. She was sweet and pretty and fun to be around, whereas her mother was a stone cold class A Bitch. The Queen was such a bitch that, after her husband, the King, knocked her up with Aludra, she poisoned him. “Imagine!” she...
This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...
Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...
Melanie was a really attractive woman. In her early thirties, about five and a half feet tall. She was not slim, but very shapely with a very full ass, beautifully rounded, soft, shown off wonderfully in the tight skirts she loved to wear. Melanie had been part of our group for some time now, and Judy, my wife, and I had both enjoyed some pretty vigorous love-making with her at different times. She was one hot woman. There was just one problem – if you can call it a problem – she...
Hello people, Leviathan here with my first story. To describe me, I am an average looking guy with a pint of femme body and many have said I have a great ass. Jumping into the story, this is purely a work of fiction. I request you all forgive me for grammatical and spelling errors. I made up a story by mixing a few of my fantasies and pint of my imagination, and a lot of horniness! It was around 8 pm. I set off for a 16-hour long journey to native, my train just arrived. After a fuss, I managed...
Gay MaleHi to all the readers of ISS. I am a great fan of this site. I am Ronald from Mumbai . I am 24 yrs old. I am a football player.I am 5ft 10 in my penis is 6 inches I hit gym regularly. Now lets come to the story. This story is about 2 months old I went to play a match in my friends area. The ground was situated between apartments on all all four sides. While the match had half time I noticed a women from first floor looking at me . As the match was over still she was starring now I knew what was...
Introduction : Avinash continues to interview Hemangini for his new writing. As she pursues with her story, the revelation at the next stage tends to get harrowing from where it started. She welcomes him into an all new ambience which leaves Avinash in the absolute stupor. I would just like to add an advanced disclaimer to any Indian religious reader advancing to this part. This part of the story doesn’t directly or indirectly intends to cause offensive desolation to any religious beliefs or...
Introduction: This is the second part of the story about how an erotic columnist interviews Hemangini for his upcoming work on femdom. Hemangini dictates about how she changed her married life after turning her husband Tushar into a slave. The story is narrated by the columnist of his interviewing with Hemangini. ***** I parked just outside Hemangini’s lawn. I rang the door bell after walking my way towards the door steps. The door opened with Hemangini standing on the other side. She was in...
Hi, this is Gladstone (my pen name), working at a reputed organization in Gujarat. A bit of my appearance: I am an average built guy, toward the heavier end, with a 4-inch long and 3-inch thick tool. You can call it a micro size, but that does not affect my interaction with the ladies around, especially those who are thirsty for some young tools. Being of the age bracket from 25 to 35 years makes it easy to hang out with all kinds of ladies. Rushing forward, let me introduce you to the heroine...
Uss raat mujhe bhot achi neend aayi kyuki meri thark jo shaant ho gyi thi nxt morng main jaldi uth gya(main bhot excited tha kyuki aj bhi wo plumbr ane wla tha)or fresh ho kr baith gya 9bje mere ghr ki bell baji maine door khola samne plumbr tha jo aj jaldi agya tha wo andr aya mera haalchal pucha or apni shirt utar kr bathroom mein repairng krne laga wo aise react kr rha tha jaise kal kuch hua he naii tha main uske pas gya or usse pucha ki apki tabyat thik h wo bola sab thik hai fir maine usse...
Ye story meri last story k baad ki hai..Uss autowale k jaane k baad meri life bhot badal gyi maine firse ek job pakdli or meri boring life fir shuru ho gyi lekin ab main bhot zyda tharki ho gya main ladki jaisa behave krne lga apne body ko sawarne lga or ladkiyo ki dresses khrid ne lga mujhe bhot sex chadta tha poore time main ghr pr nanga rehta tha main apne flat mein roz2 tadap rha tha mera koi friend bhi nai tha jisse mein ye sab share kr skta tha…Aise he din nikalte rhe.. Ek din ki baat hai...
Following my exciting encounter with Auntie Betty and knowing I was invited back the following Saturday, you can imagine my week was feverish to say the least. I seemed to spend the week stroking my cock; in serious danger of a sprained right wrist by the Friday! My mum was pleased that her sister and I had got along so well – if only she knew how well!! So at 10.00 on the following Saturday morning, I was ringing Auntie Betty’s door bell with a pounding heart and an erection you could...
Hi, i’m akansha from noida(up) but currently i’m in newyork,its my first story, professionally i’m a fashion designer,age-25, my color is fair, height is 5’6,híp size 34,breast 32,penis-4to5inch basically i’m a shemale. Now i’ve been start my story. Ye baat uss time ki hai jab mein 20saal ka tha or noida mein naya tha kyuki mera admission wha k ek college mein ho gya tha. Maine noida mein rent par ghr liya or sath he Maine ek calcenter mein job karni shuru kardi wha meri shift dophar k 4se raat...
Jeff, arriving home from school, found Isabel napping on the couch in the Family Room. Without waking her, he sat down to open the mail in the large over-stuffed chair nearby, affording him a view of his Grandmother’s thighs and the entrapped panties in the narrow crease between the opulent twin mounds of her bottom. She was facing the back of the couch with one leg pulled up and her short skirt hiked up over her hips. The position enhanced the beautiful curve of her hips so golden...
Hi everyone, My name is Nitin,6 ft, age 22 and I live in Chennai. This story is about my experience with Latha ,my maid.Let me describe her she is 5’5″ fair skinned, round waist-ed women and her structure she 33-28-35 (measured) her ass knocks out the breath every time i see it. In my previous post i had explained the start of my relationship with my maid latha. and now it was had been 2 weeks already from my first encounter and i could still remember the way she moaned. I was masturbating...
It was one of the worst snowstorms ever to hit Augusta Maine. The snow was up to the window sills and all the roads were closed so I could not possibly make it to my classes at high school. When Dad divorced Mom, he received the family residence, and Mom took two small rental houses. She rented one out, while she and I lived in the other. Our house had all electric heat and no facility for burning wood. With the electric power off because of the snowstorm, the house temperature went down to...
In last part, part ix you read that by her sexual exhibition she mesmerised hm and three trustees. They not only accepted her conditions but paid much more than agreed amount on the last day of school getting closed for 21 days vacation. She had regular fuck with cm with hope of getting pregnant. She befooled driver & conductor and made them show their cock in hotel. After they left she pressed bell and bahadur, nepali waiter came… “uff madam, bahut badhia aur kadak chuchi hai, uff kitna...
Hi this is Arjun again for ISS. This is my second story for ISS. To get to know a little about myself and to know what happened before this story PLS check out the previous story “Unexpected Restroom lust”. The previous story had a few spelling mistakes and I think this will too :P. Pls bear with me. This story is a continuation of my first sexperience with my college mate JananiPriya, that too in our college restroom. Weird place to have sex isn’t it. So, with no time to waste; ill start the...
Hi Friends, My name is Juhi. I’ve published two stories earlier. Every story I narrate re-ignites the hunger in me to re-live that moment again. This story particularly is the continuation of my previous Story ‘Juhi 2- Sex with Male flatmate’. Well, back then my stats were 34C-28-36 and I was staying with a guy Neil and a girl Shreo (36dd – 30 – 34) in central London in Neils 3 bedroom apartment, which he had offered us as we were practically homeless. Now, in my previous story, I’d narrated...
Hello readers Again Sonia is here with a new story sent by Jehha ajay and i am writing story in her own words ,With out wasting ur time straight away to story I am Jehha Ajay(Ajay my husband) i am 35 married lady with one baby girl of 11 .i am 5.6 milkey white ,round face,cute juicy lips and good cute hands and feet my figure is 36.24.38 i got a bid round ass when walking in choureedar ,every body looks at my ass moments am married by 13 years my hubby is in garmnet busniss so many times on...
Hola chicos, this is Rahul welcoming you all back to my story. I request you all to go through my previous stories before reading this further. Sorry for making you wait for this long. Thank you for supporting me and showing love towards my previous stories. I didn’t expect I would get such huge support and love for my very first story. It’s all because of your support and love that encouraged me to write this erotic story. Let me jump directly into the story. I am going to continue narrating...
Hey, guys, I have been an ISS reader from almost 6 years. I want to write an incident which happened to me when I was in class 12th. Every boy would have desired a teacher at some point in their school days. I was no different in it. I went to a Co-Ed school. I gradually developed the interest in a woman. More than class girls I was into teachers when I was in my 12th grade. This was mainly due to my Maths teacher. To tell you about myself, I’m 6.2 feet tall with an athletic body. I’m tanned...
Hi friends…I am extremely delighted because of love and response from you to varsha mami stories. Un dino mere mama ki shadi ke liye hum uske gaon gaye the shadi ke baad main, mari behen aur maa , vahi mama ke ghar ruk gaye. Mama ki wife ka naam varsha tha. Woh kafi sundar thi. Uski figure lagbhag 32-24-32 thi. Mera dhyan toh uski gaand aur boobs se hat hi nahi pata tha. Thode dino baad meri maa aur behen bhi ghar chale gaye. Ab main or mama mami hi the. Mama dun bhar job pe jate the. Maine ab...
To the most erotic, sensual, lusty, romantic and passionate readers everywhere, hello! This is Sagar here, 26, from Vizag, been reading here stories here for about seven long years and thought to pen down some of my best experiences. This is my real sex story. As this is my first sex story here, kindly excuse me as this is a long sex story and if there’re any mistakes or couldn’t help you to finish your shag for the day. Any comments or suggestions are deeply appreciated and you can write to me...
Hi boys and girls. I am abhilash from gurgaon, 27 yrs old with 5’10 height, 8 inch dick size with attractive fair body and this is my first story on ISS, I ‘ll be using hinglish to describe this story to you guys. This story is about me and a married girl from my society who meet me on wechat. Her name was nisha (name changed). She was to much attractive with naughty eyes and voice, anyone can get attracted towards her easily, what a sexy figure those 32 curve boobs, 26 slim waist, 36 bubbly...
The conference promised to be just another week of my life wasted listening to middle-aged project managers drone on and on about their progress. Every so often there was some eye-candy in attendance, but usually the women were not that attractive, and were certainly suppressing any sensuality under their business suits. Maybe that’s why I was so floored when I saw her walk in on that first day. She was wearing a blue skirt with matching jacket, a white silk blouse, and black Italian pumps....
“Hungry mouths always find each other.” We were married with husbands that no longer thrilled us and had 3 children between us. Cindy a BBW with long blonde locks sang in a band some weekends, and that was what made her seem exciting in the beginning. She had been seeing me for massage at my home office. And that is how we met. The first time Cynthia visited me at my home, we were alone in my computer room with the door shut. My hubby’s was at work, and the kids were visiting...
Shit! This was crazy. I was just out of high school by a couple of years, barely 18-19. I went to study with a buddy at his place, on campus, well probably not, most likely off campus. Yeah. We were in his apartment off campus. We were studying. Then this woman crashed into the apartment, drunk as a “shit house mouse,” as daddy used to say. She was babbling like mad, in many meanings of that word. “Ah, damn it, I didn’t get fucked tonight,’ she slurred....
Hello to all readers. Girls/ Ladies/ Housewifes/ Widow/ Single Ladies, I am Bapi back again to share one more incident of a real story of a fabulous encounter of my gigolo profession. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your...
Rinki aur merre beeche jo pichli raat ko hua us se hum dono bohat khush the, agle din jab mai utha toh mai ek alag he insaan tha mere viaktitav mai parivartan ho chuka tha, aap keh sakte hain ki mai mard ban chuka tha –such hai par badlav ki is lehar ne mujhe us se kuch jyada diya tha.mere ander ki aag aur jyada bhadak gayi thi.Ab main aur rinki dono hi sex karte samay bohat aakarmak ho jate the. Jald hi yeh mera routine ban gaya gaya tha ki mai rat ko uski chat par ya uske room mai jakar use...
The meetings were better since we had broken into small working groups and I was pleasantly surprised to have Lizzie in my group. Her comments were excellent and I could tell she was as professional as she was beautiful. Right before lunch Liz stopped me and asked if I was still okay with our little arrangement. I assured her I was. “Well, do you want something to eat first?” Liz was trying to accommodate me in every way. I gave her a sly smile and whispered “I’m looking forward to a liquid...
I am Garima here with the subsequent story of our honeymoon. Keeping them astonished I walked upstairs wearing only panties and carrying 40,000 cash. I knew I have cheated them. I entered into bedroom, saw Rajiv still in the same pose. I kept money safely in my suitcase and laid on the bed beside him. First I thought, what they would be thinking or doing ? After Garima went out of sight, Sunil was first to speak, “Yaar, I think she is cheating us. She does not talk like a virgin” But his...
I was horny I was excited and I plunged myself upon her. I was trying to force my dick into her but she was really tight. After a few attempts, I was able to enter her. She stood up and said that I am being nervous. To which I replied that she is very tight. In a lustful voice, she replied, “What to do if I am?” to which I replied, “It’s good, let’s try again.” It wasn’t just me who was horny at the moment. I could hear her panting, her moaning, her requests to fuck me. I tried again, I...
Gay MaleFirst of all, I am writing this story after a long time. I was dominated by shemale and Continuing the story: When we went inside the bathroom, Daisy looked at me and said, “Would you like to take my towel away yourself?” I was like hell yes! I moved forward and took her towel from her waist. As soon as the towel was removed, I was shocked to see a huge limp cock. It was even bigger than my own fully hard dick. Immediately Daisy said. Daisy: Looks like someone is amazed. Do you like...
Gay MaleChapter 4 continued. “Baby you seemed bit strange, are you alright!” He stopped with his lucky adventure of deflowering her pussy lips, when she replied that she is bit tired and lied by his side. She got deeply engrossed in something else. “You are very lucky lady that you got a husband who loves you so much and in addition to it he has a very lovely cock. So long and having such a thickness in its girth! I was hypnotized by it when I saw it for the first time and I should also mention that he...
I am in my early 30s now. And I am trying to remember at what point did I start to have feelings for my little sister. The earliest I could remember me noticing her was when I was still in my teenage. Mom would wake me up very early and prepare some breakfast and then she would go back to the bed to get some more sleep. I would have the breakfast at the dining table and then continue on to my usual routine of getting ready for school. My sister’s room was the nearest to the dining table, and I...
IncestHello folks, Chandrakant Sharma here with the continuation of my hot story. I would first like to thank you guys for the appreciation you have shown in your amazing reviews. So, you guys must have read how we had this steamy exotic rubbing session in a local train. The hot lady Mahima did reach orgasm due to my amazing fingering and came afterward. But, I was left unsatisfied. My cock was still as hard as a rod. I wanted to fuck so bad that I was almost losing my mind. So, when I saw this...
Next day, I went their home bringing Veet with me. Rahul and Darshna were studying. Vandna was seated in room. I gave her cream. She said thanks and smiled. I just returned back home. In night, she called me to her home. As i went there,children were already slept. She called me in room and said me that u hadnt explained me the procedure to use Veet. I explained her its use. She told me that ‘As u know it perfectly, u just seat till I do it’. That was again my DAY. I said ok. She brought a...
IncestI didn’t always like oral sex. Don’t get me wrong – I like to eat pussy, and the ladies tell me that I’m really good at it. What I mean is that I wasn’t much turned on by a blow job. It felt good, yes, but it wasn’t something that would float my boat, so to speak. Until I met Cassie. The way Cassie does it just drives me wild. One thing that helps is that Cassie has braces on her teeth. I have always thought braces were sexy. The other thing is...
I am in my mid 30’s now, but back when I was in college I worked at a bar/restaurant. I was 21 at the time, between girlfriends, and mainly concentrating on school. The bar I worked at was usually pretty quiet, mainly serving drinks to people waiting for their table or some that came in for a night cap. One couple was there almost every weekend. Ron and Cindy were around 40 and liked to strike up a conversation, and Cindy was a natural flirt and had a very hot body. They had two kids...