Take Your Daughter To Work Day free porn video

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TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER TO WORK DAY by BOBBI Here I was, an 11 year boy who had not been able to identify his (or her) own sexuality. Oh, I did all the boy things, baseball, soccer, fishing etc. I also had a secret. A secret so bad that I could never share it with anyone. I was truly ashamed when these evil thoughts came into my conscious mind. I liked girls clothes. I loved the feel of the nylons and satins. I loved the looks of pretty dresses and skirts that the girls wore. This compulsion had led me to even play with my Mom's clothes. I made sure she never knew. I would be home alone and sneak into the bathroom and paw through the hamper to find her frillies. I had even gone so far as to slipping a pair of her panties on which only led to more. I soon found myself in panties, bra, skirts and blouses. I still looked like a boy in a dress, not a girl. However, the feel of the satin panties around my privates and my nipples inside satin bra cups made me feel like a girl and made me sexually aroused. There was just Mom and me. My Dad had left years ago and the only thing I ever knew about him was when Mom didn't get a support check and was going to have him thrown back in jail. He never called and never had any contact with me. Mom would date, she was a very petite woman and extremely good looking. She never developed a long lasting relationship with any of the guys she dated. I kind of thought she was protecting me by not involving herself with them. I had always loved the closeness Mom and I shared. Maybe that's why I was a little effeminate and certainly more sensitive than most boys my age. That's probably why I got along so well with girls. Although my hormones were starting to drive my mind in new directions my relationship with the girls always seemed to be of the good friends rather than sexual attraction. It was spring and an announcement was made at school that any of the girls participating in "Take Your Daughters To Work Day" would be excused from school that day. I thought about that and felt that it really wasn't fair. They didn't have a "Take Your Son To Work Day." Anyway, I didn't have a Dad to take me to work anyway. The least they could do was give us all the day off school. Gee, I thought, I'll bet it would really be fun to go to work with Mom and see just what she did all day at the real-estate company she worked for. As the school day ended and we all headed out for home. Josh, my best guy friend, was with me and Liz another friend of mine caught up with me. Liz said, "Mom's going to take me to the bank with her. I can hardly wait. She's going to get me a new outfit and introduce me to her boss and show me the vault and everything." "Well Liz that's really nice, I guess. If it was just take-your-kid-to-work, I know Mom would take me to work with her. Maybe I should file one of those law suits about not being fair to us guys." I said. "Yea," Josh said, "Maybe you'd get a zillion bucks or something. At least maybe they'd give us all the day off school." "Well Bobby, since you don't have a Dad maybe they'd let you off school to go to work with your Mom. You should ask Mr. Yost." Liz said. "Yea Bobby, I'll bet Old Yost would give you the day off if you promised to wear a dress to work with your Mom," Josh teased. "Just put a dress on and go ask him," he laughed poking me in the ribs and taking off running. I watched him run down the street but didn't attempt to run after him to gain retribution. I continued my stroll with Liz. I'd get even with Josh for his teasing later. "I really think you should ask the principal about being able to go to work with your Mom," Liz said. "Yea, Maybe I'll do it. But I don't know if they would even allow Mom to bring someone to work with her and especially a boy on daughters day." "Well maybe you should dress up like a girl and go with your Mom. I'll bet if you dressed up like a girl no one would ever know you weren't one." "Oh Liz, get off it. Your worse than Josh. It's bad enough I can't go without you two rubbing it in." "Sorry, I didn't mean it mean. I think it would be fun to dress up and fool people. And I don't care what you say, I still think you could pass for a pretty girl." "Yea and the Pope's not Catholic. I'll see you later, I gotta get home before Mom gets there," I said as I ran off towards my house not waiting for a response from Liz. When I got home Mom wasn't back from work yet. I grabbed a coke from the fridge and plopped down in front of the TV. I was still bothered by the fact I would never be able to attend work with Mom. It still didn't seem fair. Just another thing girls got to do that boys didn't. They got to wear all those pretty clothes. They got to style there hair and wear jewelry. They even got to wear make-up to make themselves beautiful. Now they even got to go to work with there Mom's or Dad's while I got to go to school. The front door popped open and Mom came rushing in, "Hi dear, how was school today? Got your homework done? I'll get us something to eat in a minute. I'm going to change first." "Fine Mom, No I don't have my homework done yet. I'll get to it after supper." As I heard Mom return from changing from her business clothes to casual clothes, I wandered toward the kitchen where she was already preparing dinner. "Mom, would you take me to work with you some day?" "What would you want to do that for? I guess you could go with me sometime, but I'd have to ask the boss first and what about school? Your in school everyday I work", she said. "Oh I'd really like to see what you do. They have a take-your-daughter-to- work-day at school but I never heard them talk about a take-your-son-to-work- day. All the girls who go to work with there parents get the day off school." "Oh yes, I did hear about that program. Mrs. Brown brought her daughter to work one day last year. But your right, I've never heard about a program for boys." "Maybe I'll sue them for not being fair." "Oh you mean file a discrimination suit against the school? Well you better save up your allowance, lawyers don't come cheap. It seems I spent half my support payments on lawyers trying to collect the other half from that dead beat Dad of yours." "Yea, discrimination or whatever." "Maybe you should just dress like my daughter and go with me to work that day," she teased. I was indignant. I half yelled, "Mom, get off it. Your the second one to rub my nose in it today. Liz said I should dress like a girl and go with you too. You both must be on the same mind altering drugs." "Hey young man that's enough. If you don't think I know about your hamper raids you must think I'm pretty stupid. Just what are you doing digging my clothes out of the hamper?" I was dumbfounded. My cheeks grew hot and red as I stood there unable to speak and not knowing what to say. "Well, have you been trying them on?" "N...ooo Mom," I lied, "I never put your clothes on I was just looking at them." "Don't get so upset. I was only asking. I've been meaning to talk to you about it before. You shouldn't hide your feelings. If something is bothering you, you can talk to me about it. Nothing you could say or do will shock me and I will love you without strings. Do you know what that means?" "I .....I guess so." "Well it means I want you to always be able to talk with me about anything. Even embarrassing things to you. We only have one another and I hope we never have to hide things from one another." "I gotta go do my home work. Call me when supper is ready," I said as I beat a retreat to my bedroom and safety from my Mom's questioning. Inside the confines of my room I thought about what Mom and Liz had said. Did I really look like a girl? Was I meant to be a girl and something happened? Was it possible that I could become a girl? Did I really want to be a girl? Yes, I loved the clothes and I loved the way I felt when I was wearing Mom's clothes, but that wasn't being a girl. It wasn't long till Mom yelled to me that supper was on and I went down to eat with Mom. As we sat eating Mom said, "Did you ever want to dress like a girl? I mean do you like girl's clothes as much or better than your boy clothes?" "Mom, please, I never dressed like a girl," I lied again. "I didn't say you did, honey, I was only asking your about your feelings." "Well, girls sure got it easier than boys and there clothes are much nicer and they get to wear so many different things. Gezz, girls can wear tee shirts, jeans, or any boy clothes and nothing is ever said. Then they can put on dresses and skirts and really priss themselves up." "Well dear, No one ever said the world was fair. But if you want to see what it's really like to dress like a girl I'll help you. It can be our secret. Your fine features would allow you to look as good as any girl your age. I'll bet with your hair done and dressed like a girl no one would ever guess you were anything else.", Mom said. "Mom, this is crazy. I don't look like a girl, I'm a boy. If anyone saw me in girls clothes I'd never hear the end of it. Please, let's just forget it. I don't want to talk about it anymore." "OK, fine with me. But if you change your mind, let me know. No one but you and I would have to know about it." The next morning I ate breakfast with Mom and our discussions of the prior evening was not brought up again. I thought about it a lot but was not going to discuss what I really felt with Mom. I still didn't have enough confidence in our relationship to be able to admit everything to her. As Mom left for work she said, "I'll be a little late tonight. I'll bring us something to eat. Don't mess the house up." "OK, Mom. I'll be here." As Mom left and I cleaned up my dishes, I started to think about what Mom had said to me last night. Yes, I really would like to try being a girl or at least be able to try on some girl clothes. But what would Mom really think? What would happen if Liz or Jason ever found out? Putting Mom's clothes on was fun but it was more like dressing for Halloween. I mean I could never pass for an older woman. I always ended up looking like a boy in a woman's clothes. I put the thoughts out of my mind and headed for school. Pretty uneventful day as it turned out. It wasn't long till I was on the way back home once again with Liz and Jason. Jason was first to bring the subject of yesterday up. "Hey Bobby, Did you ask Mr. Yost for the day off yet? If he gives you the day off let me know. Maybe I'd wear a dress if he gave me the day off too." "Gezz Jason, why don't you get off this kick. If you want to wear a dress then go ahead but leave me out of it." "Yea Jason," Jenny piped in, "Leave him alone. At least he'd look presentable in a dress and you'd look like a freak." With that said Jason turned to take off again and shouted over his shoulder, "Well Bobbi dress real pretty and maybe I'll ask you out." "He's such a nerd. I don't know how you put up with him and his teasing all the time. I think he really is jealous of you." "Oh he's OK. What does he have to be jealous about. He's really good in sports, the girls like him, he gets good grades." "He knows your much better looking than him. Your really cute and have such a nice, ahhhhh how to say this, kinda good looking like a girl's face." "Oh great. Now I look like a girl and Jason's jealous of that?" "No that's not exactly what I meant. I mean you are good looking and your so nice to talk with and your not brutish like Jason and some of those other nerds." "Yea well I think your a little wacked too." "Oh, don't be such a shit. If you were a girl you'd be my best friend, I just know it." "Well, I'm not a girl so I guess I'll never be your best friend," I shouted as I head for the house at top speed. When I arrived at the house I was surprised to see Mom's car in the drive way. She had told me she'd be late. I entered the house and shouted a "Hello, anybody home?" Mom's voice answered from up the stair case, "I'm here. I'm just getting changed. I had an appointment canceled today so I took the afternoon off. I thought we'd go out and get something to eat and do some shopping, if you didn't have any plans." "Naw, I'm just glad it's Friday. Maybe we could stop at the music store and I can get the CD I wanted." "That's fine, Honey. Why don't you go take a bath, I left you a tub of nice warm water. When your finished call me, I got you something at the mall this afternoon you may want." Well, what was with her, Did she buy me a CD? And running my bath water, I didn't remember her ever doing that for me since I was old enough to bath myself. I went up to my room and stripped my clothes off, donned my robe and headed to the bath room. When I opened the door the fragrance nearly knocked me over. The sweet perfume of Mom's bath bubbles still lingered in the air. No, more than that the tub was filled with the same bubbles and scent of Mom's bath. Well, I didn't give it a second thought and dropped my robe as I slid into the soft and silky scented water. Wow, what a sensation. The warm scented water felt like silk or something. I couldn't believe how great it felt and how long I had been bathing without this added luxury. I knew then that Mom would be buying a lot more bubble bath than she had up till now. I almost fell asleep in the warm fragrant comfort of the of the bath. I was somewhat startled by my Mother's voice, "Hey you, are you about done in there? Better get out and get a move on. We've got a lot to get done." "OK, Mom, I'll be right out. The bath was really great." I climbed out of the tub and dried on a big fluffy towel Mom had left for me. My body, I knew, smelled of Lilac. I hope it would fade before we left for supper out. I opened my room door and was a little surprised to see Mom sitting on my bed unwrapping packages from the department store. Before I could say a word Mom held out a pair of white satin panties with lace on the front and a little pink bow at the waist line. "Here," she said, "Put these on." I was shocked. What was she doing. I wasn't going to wear girls panties. "Are you nuts? I'm not wearing those things," I shouted. "Oh yes you are and much much more," she said calmly. "I know you've done more than look at my clothes in the hamper. I'm not completely stupid you know. Now you can either put these on or I'll put them on you. We're just going to find out once and for all if it's the clothes you like or prove to yourself that's this is nothing more than an ill advised thought on your part about how much better girls have it." "Mom, I'm not going to do this. You can't make me do it," I said as I started to choke up. Yes maybe I had thought about dressing and being a girl, but I wasn't one. Why was Mom doing this to me. Was it just a test to trap me? Mom stood up and in a flash had pushed me back onto my bed. She lay half on me pinning my upper body to the bed with her back as she grabbed my leg. Before I knew it she hand the satin lace panties over my one leg and was in the process of working them over my other. I kicked and attempted to twist out of her grasp to no avail. She had the panties slip up my legs and into place before I had a chance to really fight it. "Mom, please," I cried as tears rolled down my face, "Don't do this to me, Please." "You can make this hard or make it easy but your going to be dressed as my daughter before we leave this room." With that she released her grip and finished pulling my robe off my arms and shoulders. I wasn't done fighting yet. I jumped to my feet to beat an exit but she caught me in and iron grip with her left hand and then planted a well aimed swat across my satin clad butt. "Straighten up and act like a lady. Let me finish dressing you. Then if you don't like it you can take it all back off after I've finished. Don't stand there and tell me you hate it. You've tried it on your own now I just want to help you. You really need to find out if this is just a passing stage or if there's something more to your dressing in my clothes." I choked back the tears and the fight left me. I resigned myself to the fact my own Mother was going to dress me up as a girl. She place a white satin bra with lace cups to match the panties around me and fastened it in back. It was then that I became aware of the satin encasing my bottom and now chest. Yes it did feel nice and the stirrings deep within were sending messages to my groin. "Now look at this lacy garter belt that came with the panties and bra. Hose and garters are a little dated but I couldn't resist the set. I knew they'd be perfect for you. Here let me hook this behind you. Now see you have to stick the tabs down through your panties. That way you don't have to unhook your stockings to take your panties down when you have to relieve yourself." The garter belt was new to me. I had never seen one before and wasn't sure just what Mom was talking about. My main concern right now was to keep the sensations in my groin from making the satin panties bulge in the front. I strained to see my reflection in the mirror but Mom was careful to keep me turned away from it. I said nothing, I just stood immobile as she attempted to create the daughter from her son. "Now dear, step into your petty slip I bought you. See how nice it hangs on you," she said as she positioned it around my waist. "I thought a pretty petty slip and this matching camisole would be best since you weren't available to try things on." She then dropped the silky camisole over my head and arms as it seemed to float into place. "Mom please," I muttered to deaf ears as she continued her dressing. The hem of the silky little slip that barely reached mid point of my thigh brushed my thighs and sent chills up and down my whole body. "Now now, just be a good girl and sit down on the edge of the bed while I show you how to roll your hose on and attach them to the garter tabs." As I sat she rolled a tan colored stocking up my leg. It did feel great. Then she demonstrated hooking the top of the hose to the garter tab. I did the next on. I wasn't nearly as adept as Mom but I managed to get it up and attached to meet her requirements. I stood again at her instruction and now with the little slip barely covering the top of the hose the sensations were only amplified. I knees almost buckled but I caught myself. "Well dear, what do you think so far? Are girls clothes still nicer than boy things?" "Ah Mom, please. You shouldn't be doing this to me. I'm a boy. I can never be a girl." "Oh just wait till I finish before you pass judgment on yourself. Wait till you see this skirt and top I found for you. I know your going to just love it. I really wanted you to have your own thing to dress up in. You need something for your own age group and I had a ball shopping for you today. These are all yours. Now here, look at this skirt, isn't it to die for. The white you can wear with anything and the pleats will give a little accent to your hips." I stepped into the pleated skirt and Mom zipped it up the back and buttoned me into it. It really felt great over the slip and I now saw the reason for the short slip. The skirt was certainly a "mini" on me as it ended a good two inches above the knee. I knew from the other side what this little number would do to boys. With my legs in the silky confines of the nylons and topped off with the white pleated skirt I knew I was hot even if I couldn't appreciate it in the mirror yet. I was still admiring my sexy legs under the skirt in silence when Mom began slipping the pink satin top over my head and arms. Once in place I looked down to see the shiny satin top in hot pink. There were no sleeves and the neck line was embroidered as it dipped in the front to modest levels. The fit was perfect with the tail just meeting the waistline of the skirt. The padding of the bra gave the appearance of barely developing breasts of a girl my age and made the front of the satin top hang out somewhat in the front. Oh how I wanted a mirror now. Then Mom dropped a pair of pink flats that matched the top in front of me. "Here, try these on. I think they should fit you." I slid my feet into the pink flats and she was right. They fit just perfectly, snug but not to tight. Now as I peered down my front all I could see was the makings of a girl. "OK Mom, We're done. Now can I get out of this outfit." "Done? Dear we have just begun. There's a lot more to being a girl than just a few clothes although I must say you do really look nice already. Now come on to my room so I can finish," she said as she drug me by the hand into her room where she had the mirror to her vanity covered with a sheet. She sat me down in front of the covered mirror and said, "Now just a touch of make-up and then will do your hair." She pulled out a feathery feeling brush and dipping it in a powder pot brushed it lightly all over my face. Then another brush as a pink red was brushed onto my cheek bones. Then without a word she was painting my lips with a pink paint brush. "There, just a little color. I'm glad you quit bawling. There's nothing worse that red swollen eyes on a girl." "Mom please, stop now." "No dear, you'll just have to humor me till I finish. Now I think your hairs dry enough for a little styling." My hair was almost to my shoulders. The natural blonde color was also the reason I had little visible, if any, hair on my body. But it now presented Mom with the clay she wanted to mold a girls hair style for her son. She soon had a hot curling iron wrapping my hair and forming large cylindrical curls all around my head from the crown to the neck line. As soon as she put the curling iron down she started with a brush, pick and a can of hair spray. "Mom please, I have to go out again and I can't be seen in a bunch of curls." "Oh don't worry this will all wash out. But if you want to be a girl you'll be doing this every morning. You could really use a cut and perm. Then we could really style your hair and keep it in a while." "No thanks, I just want this over with." With the hair finished to Mom's satisfaction she picked up to pink pearl earrings and clipped them to my ear lobes. The she hung a matching pendant around my neck suspended by a fine gold chain. Then a gold bracelet was clamped over my left wrist. "Really Mom, Aren't you taking this whole thing a little to far. Yea so I tried you panties and bra on a couple of times, that doesn't mean I'm a girl or want to be a girl. You know I'm a boy and could never be your daughter. Maybe it's you who need some consoling." "I think that's about enough out of you for the moment. If you want to discuss you secret activities with me that's fine but let's be honest about it. Now tell me truthfully if you can, How often were you putting my clothes on? How dressed did you really get? Didn't you do it to pretend to be a girl?" I was shocked. She seemed to know a lot more about my secrets than I ever thought she did. "Now my dearest daughter, please stand up while I unveil to the world, "Bobbi", the prettiest girl in Harbor View." With that pronouncement she flung the sheet covering the mirror off and I was looking at the girl I had never been able to see but always felt was there. My mouth with the pretty light pink lips dropped open. My truly girlish face was framed by blonde curls which fell to my shoulders. My bangs consisted of one large half cylinder of blonde curls. The hair was being held off my face and ears by a pink ribbon that separated my bangs from the rest of my hair and disappeared under the hair just behind my ears. There was absolutely no trace of a Boy or Bobby anywhere to be found in the mirror. Emotion welled up from deep within me as it pushed tears out the corners of my eyes. I didn't know what to feel. Was I mad because Bobby had disappeared? Was I so happy to finally be Bobbi? Was I mad, glad, embarrassed, happy, sad? My knees buckled as Mom was there to keep me from complete collapse on the floor. "Please, Bobbi, don't cry. Are you OK? Never tell me you couldn't be a girl. You can be anything you want to be I just wanted you to see for yourself. Please don't be mad at me." "Oh Mom," I sobbed, "I think I'm happy. I don't know. I can't believe what you did. Look at me Mom I am pretty aren't I?" I fell into her arms with tears running down my cheeks. I had never felt so close to her as I did at that very moment. She held me tightly and comforted me and I knew tears were trickling from her eyes as well.

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Chapter Six: Best Daddy's Mother-Daughter Consult A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “The doctor's running a little bit behind,” the nurse said as we sat in the waiting room of Dr. Sharma's office. She was my daughter's OB/GYN. Since they were all pregnant, they all had to go see her. But never at the same day, of course. Dr. Sharma was too busy to get them all in at the same day. I had been here two days ago...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 5 Daddy Daughter Orgy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Five: Daddy Daughter Orgy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Eager to find out the next way cheating wives are punished?” asked Deidre Icke's ex-husband, something almost malicious in his grin. He sat naked on his office chair, cradling their eighteen-year-old daughter Alexis on his lap, her pussy leaking with the incestuous proof of his passion. Deidre swallowed, her ass still...

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Take Your Daughter to Work Day

I'd been seeing Jodi for about 2 1/2 years for massages. I don't really have any chronic pain, but at 50, and as an executive, I have more stress than is healthy and the massages are a great way to release that. Jodi is a wonderful massage therapist. She's big and strong, kind and gentle. She's very tall, at least 6'3", and made 2nd team all Big 10 as a volleyball player back in college. She's in her late 30's, works from home, home schools her 3 kids, and is married to a knockout of a...

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Father Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding Take 2

Introduction: FAMILY GUY Part 5 FAMILY GUY Part 5 Father, Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding – Take 2 Note for readers This carrys on from the end of part 3 Peter awoke later in the night to the sounds of his wife and daughters steamy love making and the sound of the family bed creaking it was such a still and silent night you could hear a pin drop and they where getting so carried away with what they where doing that they didnt know how much noise they where making and how loud they...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 5 Bratty Daughters Hot Mom

Chapter Five: Bratty Daughter's Hot Mom A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Best Dad's Daughter Services, “Showing young girls how to love their daddies!” was going great. Three months into it, and I had quit my job and was enjoying life. With three lessons a day, an hour or so each at $300, and I was making $27,000 a month. That was $324,000 a year. I was making $90,000 at my day job. So it was an easy...

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Shivani Fucked In Front Of Her Husband Uday

Hey all… Myself Raj back with yet another new experience and yeah this time something new. Drop your comments @ Firstly wanna thank all the true/fake/despo/ladies and other profiles or people who dropped comments showed interest and then create negative environment. Sorry guys,girls & ladies. These are my true experiences and I would not like any of my sentiments hurted. Appreciate you behave properly. Anyways back to fun… Out of all mails received I got a mail from a Muslim couple from...

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Father Daughter And Daughters Girlfriend Bonding Take 2

Father, Daughter And Daughter's Girlfriend Bonding - Take 2 Note for readers This carrys on from the end of part 3 Peter awoke later in the night to the sounds of his wife and daughter's steamy love making and the sound of the family bed creaking it was such a still and silent night you could hear a pin drop and they where getting so carried away with what they where doing that they didn't know how much noise they where making and how loud they where. He was lying...

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Daddys Mindcontrolled DaughtersChapter 5 Daddy Daughter Orgy

“Eager to find out the next way cheating wives are punished?” asked Deidre Icke’s ex-husband, something almost malicious in his grin. He sat naked on his office chair, cradling their sixteen-year-old daughter Alexis on his lap, her pussy leaking with the incestuous proof of his passion. Deidre swallowed, her ass still burning from the spanking her daughter administered earlier. Her eyes flicked to the monitor showing the feed from the spy cams planted at the Alamogordo Church of Christ where...

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Daughters Slut Training 3 Daughter Trains with Daddy

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Daughter Trains with Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah My pussy boiled beneath my dress, juices dribbling out of my shaved snatch and down my thighs. I felt Daddy's eyes on my ass as I led him up the stairs, the steps creaking beneath my bare feet. Nervousness twisted about my stomach. It was time to put all I learned from Mom with my younger brother Jalal to the test....

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 3 Futa the Latina Daughter

Chapter Three: Futa & the Latina Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland shuddered as she injected herself with the solution she and her mother had been working on. Pheromones. Lesbian pheromones. To Jolene, those were the greatest type of pheromones. A heady aroma that would arouse and entice other females. Awaken them to all sorts of possibilities that existed. All sorts of heady delights that Jolene could share with...

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Workmates aged 14 and 16 end up working on each other alone in a tent HOT

If you’ve read another of my true stores, you will already know a tad about me. If not, Hi! My name’s Josh, I’m an actor and I live in the south of England. You will probably also know that I like to detail my stories very much, so it may seem very long but if you want the full benefit of it I do suggest you read all of it (if you can last!) This one is about Jordan and me; we were (and still are!) close workmates that became very close one particular night! This was actually my most...

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Coworker and her Daughter

I had not had the job very long trainee account at large double glazing firm. Pay was Good back then as double glazing was the in thing at the time. I also was given a company car ok not a new one. But with free fuel, servicing and insurance it made a huge difference. As well as a new found freedom and independence. This kind of all began one day at leaving off time. The weather was typical British summer time ... It was raining hard. Jane the receptionist a good looking in her early...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 2 Hot Daughters FutaMommy

Chapter Two: Hot Daughter's Futa-Mommy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Autumn Holt I swallowed as I held the syringe full of the pink liquid in my hand. The cum in my pussy slowly leaked out of me, matting my red bush. It wasn't a man's cum. That was a woman's cum dripping out of me. It trickled out of me, this thick flood. It felt so naughty. The woman who fucked me, the futa as she called herself, was at my eighteen-year-old daughter's...

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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 3 Futa the Latina Daughter

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland shuddered as she injected herself with the solution she and her mother had been working on. Pheromones. Lesbian pheromones. To Jolene, those were the greatest type of pheromones. A heady aroma that would arouse and entice other females. Awaken them to all sorts of possibilities that existed. All sorts of heady delights that Jolene could share with them. Just like her mother had shared with her. But she had no idea just what the...

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Wet Workdays

Ms. Marietta Miller was a slave driver in the old sense. She tolerated no slacking, didn’t allow breaks and made you redo your work if she found just the tiniest mistake. And all this even though she wasn’t old -- in fact, she was the second youngest in the office, which didn’t make things easier. With her twenty-five years -- ten less that my thirty-five, for example -- she often rubbed us the wrong way, but there was nothing we could do about it. Mr. McCormack was hardly ever in the office,...

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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version AlphaChapter 9

To say that Carly got noticed when she walked into the day room, is like saying that if you fall into the river, you might get wet. The room was full of young men, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two, all of whom lived a lifestyle that kept the testosterone in their bloodstream at peak levels. And here appeared a girl who was lush, and ripe, and who fairly exuded sex appeal. About half of them thought she was somebody's Italian girlfriend, and were jealous of whoever that was. As...

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My Daughter In Law Day3

I feel asleep planning what I wanted them to do in the morning. I could hear them chattering excitedly in the kitchen as I awoke. I headed directly to the shower as I wanted to let the games begin. Drying off, my cock was begging for attention , but I just slipped a robe on as I went in the kitchen for coffee. Becky and Monie smiled, asking when we could start. They were eyeing me because my robe had opened and they had got a glimpse of my semi hard dick. I told...

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My Daughter in Law day1

away I decided to drive there, I was pretty tired when I got to their house. We sat, had a couple of beers and visited for a while. We were catching up on what was going on in our lives. As always when around my daughter in law , I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Becky is barely five foot tall and might weigh one hundred pounds. Her boobs are large in proportion to the rest of her petite body. She has the perfect little round ass that makes my cock hard. Her long brown...

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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version AlphaChapter 3

When father and daughter appeared together, Beth was pounding the dough for biscuits. It made her look angry, because it looked violent. "Beth," said Tom, who held out one hand in supplication. She looked over her shoulder at husband and daughter. Both looked scared. She wondered what looks would be on their faces when she finished talking to them. She hoped she was doing the right thing. "Give me a second. I need to roll these out and get them in the oven. Why don't you two help...

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My Coworkers StepDaughter

We were all out for a beer after work on a typical Friday night. It was summer, and everyone was kicking back and enjoying themselves. We had started drinking at five, and it must have been about nine when I met Melanie. Melanie was Dave's step-daughter. Well, in fact, she was his girlfriend's daughter, but they both seemed to be comfortable with the step- title, and who am I to argue? Melanie was about 5'7” tall, pale-skinned, and pretty. She had short, curly brown hair, tied up....

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My CoWorker and Her Daughter Part 2

Yesterday, Saturday, I had taken my co-worker of several years to a bookstore and dinner.  Anne, I found out, is in an open relationship with her husband.  She invited me into her home, and after getting out of our clothes and some playful banter, I proceeded to go down on her on the living room couch.  That’s when her daughter Tammy unexpectedly walked into the house and caught us.  To make a long story short, I serviced both of them orally while they did things most mothers and daughter...

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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version BravoChapter 7

It went remarkably well. Then again ... why shouldn't it have? People pushing carts of laundry across a parking lot wasn't an unusual thing to see at the stadium. And nobody saw half naked girls crawl out of those carts and slip into the bus. Their spare weight didn't even make the springs compress as they scampered along the aisle to the rear, to instinctively hide in the back sets of seats. But the two men and one woman who did the pushing thought they must stand out like a bonfire in...

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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 15 Daughterrsquos Incestuous Delight

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah The next day, my ass still hurt from my discipline. I couldn’t help but squirm as I sat in the back seat of my husband and Master’s car. My rump ached and throbbed. The longer the car ride went, the more my discomfort grew. The ache grew with every moment and I embraced it. I deserved this pain. I had become a slut. A whore. A depraved woman who violated her marriage vows. I sold my body to my students. I turned my daughter into a...

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Bring Your Daughter to Work WeekChapter 4

"Mommy, what are those ladies--?" "Never mind, Sherry, we're leaving!" As my mind cleared, I remembered with a shock of hot shame that the Ms. Lauren had propped the stall door wide open. Mrs. Barrlow and I had just came hard, kneeling together in the toilet stall where she had been servicing her boss Ms. Lauren. A lady was dragging her little girl out of the ladies' room, and a couple of other women stood there staring at us, their mouths open. When they saw me looking at them, they...

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Dress like your daughter day

Dress like your daughter day: It started when my oldest daughter, Claire, was sent home from school. It turned out that despite the fact that I had told both my daughters what I expected of them which was that they dress modestly when they went to school and that they not wear the kind of make-up that Claire had started to wear or that they not wear miniskirts to school, Claire had started to do just that. Furthermore I didn't know about this because they either left for...

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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 6 Daughter Takes on Her Brothers

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah My eyes flicked from my daughter lying on her back, her first customer’s cum leaking out of her well-fucked and bald snatch, to Principal Carver pulling out his wallet from his discarded slacks, his dick soaked in my daughter’s juices. A hot tremble raced through me. I pulled my fingers out of my own snatch, my orgasm buzzing through me. Masturbating to my own live sex show was an added bonus of whoring out my daughter to pay my...

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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 11 Watching Daughter Pop Her Cherry

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah “Leyla!” Kimmy shrieked when she opened her door. The blonde girl bounced on the balls of her feet, her braces flashing on her teeth. “Kimmy!” my daughter answered. The girls hugged each other like they hadn’t seen the other in weeks instead of at school just a few hours ago. They were so energetic, both of them making those excited noises only a teenage girl could make. I couldn’t help smiling while Todd Myers, Kimmy’s father...

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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version AlphaChapter 8

The discovery that Carly was pregnant was almost anticlimactic. But that's because it happened after the ... adjustment ... in their lives was made. The adjustment was what transpired after they had another family meeting. This one was full of the truth. There was some yelling, primarily by Beth about unprotected sex. Carly also yelled when she found out that for three weeks, her mother had known what had happened, but didn't say anything. She was also upset about the ruse which had...

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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version BravoChapter 8

They had no proper clothes, including Francine. And it was already past midnight. Bob's suite had two bedrooms, and he'd already ordered two daybeds to be brought up. He had assumed that, since girls sleep together at slumber parties, they could do so in one of the bedrooms. He hadn't thought about Francine at all, but then, he had a lot on his mind when these preparations had been made. "Tomorrow I'll buy you something to wear," he said. "For now, you can just wear those jerseys as...

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Workman Chapter 2

"Yes," the housewife said, "Would you like one?" She handed him the coffe and leaned back against the doorway. She wore capris and a modest short-sleeved button-down blouse. He had on his dirty jeans and t-shirt which clung to his tight, muscular torso; he was not your average plumber. Just then the doorbell rang. "That'll be him now," the workman said, and she went to answer the door. While she was gone he pulled a small packet out of his back pocket and emptied the contents into...

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Bring Your Daughter to Work WeekChapter 2

Wednesday morning - I awoke with my pillow between my legs, which was sopping wet. I know, embarrassing, huh? I pulled it up to my face as I whispered into my pillow playfully. "So, who will you be, huh? Are you Betty? Or are you the red head? Carla? Is that your name? If you do a good job Miss Carla, maybe I'll squeeze my legs together and give you a little treat..." I giggled as I stuffed the pillow back between my legs as let my fingers play across my privates - KNOCK -...

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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 2 Daughterrsquos Wicked Education

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah I ... wanted to be a slut. To please Mom. She was so right about me. I had all these whorish desires bursting through me, inspired by Clint’s antics with his girlfriends, his cousins. The way he strutted around school. The way he enjoyed his cousins and other girls. I wanted to be one of those girls. I masturbated my virgin pussy so hard doing it, not realizing my little brother Jalal peeped in on me. I made his cock so hard. I...

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Daddy Daughter Date Days

Summary: Special Daddy-daughter alone time ends up very special.Note: This is a SUMMER 2020 Contest Story so please vote.Daddy Daughter Date DaysJill was devastated by the sudden and unexpected passing of her father. He had lived on the east coast and Jill's immediate family on the west coast, so she hadn't seen him since Christmas... six months ago. They had made plans to fly over and visit him this summer, but alas, he died just two weeks before their scheduled visit. So as it happened, they...

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Futa Daughters Naughty TemptationChapter 2 Mommy Tempts Her FutaDaughter

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! “This is very, very bad,” whimpered Grace the Futa-Angel. Her motherly face, lit by the golden halo floating above the crown of her head, twisted with concern. Her long, blonde hair spilled down her back and amid her white-feathered wings. “I’m going to be in so much trouble.” Spice had been bad. Again. Last time she had escaped, she started a century of witch hunts in Germany. The inquisition had been searching for girls with the “witch’s mark”...

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Dont Open Till Doomsday

Music wafted through the warm spring air like ribbons of sound, reaching my ears in jumps and starts as I went to answer the phone. ‘…Don’t open ’till doomsday, destruction’s not far away…’ It was the Misfits, playing through my crappy two dollar speakers at the other end of the house. When I reached the phone it had already rung six times. I was really hoping whoever it was would give up, I hate phone conversations. Of course, I had no such luck. ‘Hello?’ I asked, in that...

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Daughter Fucks Dad He thinks its actually daughters friend

My daughter and 4 of her hot friends are taking a small 6 person motor home to a big pot fest for 3 days. She knows that I have not been out with a female and convienced me to go! At first I declined, but her friends were hot and I was hoping if they fucked up enough on drugs or alcohol, that I might get lucky! So the 2nd day we were there, one girl named lisa was wicked fucked up and making nasty commets about getting laid and I heard she was flashing guys, changed in the woods and...

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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 5 Daughter Whored Out

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah I slipped out of my eldest son’s room, feeling so naughty as his and his younger brother’s cum dripped out of my pussy and asshole. I scooped up my bathrobe I left outside his door, pulling it on to hide my naked shame. I was such a wicked mother. But my sons needed to relieve themselves. How could they sleep when their whore-sister Leyla made them both so hard? They had to cum over and over into my body, using me at the same time...

1 year ago
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Daughters Coworkers 2

100% fiction! This all started 3 months ago when my 18 year old daughter Tanya, came to live with me. She wanted to be treated like and adult so I made her get a job and pay rent. In exchange I agreed to treat her like any other adult and she stipulated "and her sex life too". Long story short, she started fucking a big dicked black guy she worked with named Aaron. Within days she fucked him and 2 more of her co-workers on the living room floor as I watched from my bedroom. One of those guys, a...

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Bubbles LaRues daughter and granddaughter

Sherrie Longley Whitney grew up a privileged spoiled brat. The daughter of Charlotte Longley Whitney and Alfred Hugh Whitney.The Whitney family came from high society and were not all that happy when Alfred married the gorgeous and beautiful Charlotte who was born outside high society. Charlotte never knew her father. Her mother, Abigail Longley, was a Burlesque dancer and stripper, whose stage name was Bubbles LaRue.Charlotte used her incredible beauty to meet men. Many of them wealthy, and...

First Time
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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version AlphaChapter 4

Carly was waiting for Tom when he came out of the bathroom, where he had washed his face. "Can I talk to you now?" she asked. He stood and looked at her. "Yeah ... I guess so." "Where?" "Not in front of your mother." "I agree." She looked toward the kitchen. "At least for now." "I don't know if I can do this, Carly," he said. "Sure you can," she responded. "If I can, you can." "And you really can?" She folded her arms under her teenaged breasts. Not on purpose,...

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Daughters Incestuous TherapyChapter 5 Mother and Daughterrsquos Naughty Session

Group Session 1 with Jill and Mercedes Daniels “Mercedes, honey, please, strip naked,” Jill Daniels cajoled her daughter. The older woman, a sexy MILF with curly-brown hair and large breast, was already naked. She had her thighs pressed tight together like she was hiding her pussy, but she seemed open about the rest of her nudity. Her breasts jiggled as she smiled at her daughter. “We’re here to help each other and mend our relationship.” “I’m here because you made me come,” said Mercedes,...

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Early fireworks with my daughters friend

My daughter Emily had just graduated from high-school a few weeks before, and she had invited a number of her friends to celebrate the Fourth with us. I had always been a faithful husband, nevertheless, I was hoping to see Emily's friends prance around my backyard in their bikinis. Especially Brittany, who was absolutely stunning. She was about 5'5" tall, probably weighed not more than 105 lbs, had shoulder length auburn hair with highlights, and a face that belonged on Teen Vogue. Her...

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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version BravoChapter 3

"I heard, Honey. I'm sorry this happened," said Bob. "Your mom can get a little high strung sometimes." "You're being charitable, Daddy," said Judith. "You always are. Why is it that you, who don't even go to church any more, are more forgiving than my mother, who probably goes to mass three times a week?" "I love you," said Bob. He realized how that might sound, and added, "And your mother loves you too. She just worries about you in different ways than I do." He immediately...

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Ex Daughter Grown Up Part 4A Network Taking Care

I pulled my pants up and went to the toilet, returning to find Trinh re-dressed and standing, ready. “Are you ok to find your way, Trinh?” “Oh, no problem, it’s just around the corner really. Thank you, Mr. Steve, that was something special – and lots better than staying at that business gathering!” I laughed and agreed, as she kissed me deeply, turned and hopped on her bike as I opened the gate for her; a parting touch of my groin as she left my house, and she rode off smiling at me. I went...

4 years ago
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Ex Daughter Grown Up Part 4 Network Taking Care

(Introduction: if you have read parts 1, 2 and 3, you will know the people involved: a husband back working in the country he loves and where his grown-up 17y.o. step-daughter from a previous marriage has arranged for her ‘daddy’ to be taken care of by others during her school semesters back in her adopted Australia, where she lives with her mother, the ex-wife. I am about to check-out and leave in the car, Long, my driver, taking me and Ping back to the city, to my H.O., after days away and a...

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