The Story Of David free porn video

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The story of David. An original writing by Sue Reed And a True Story Hers Shock wasn't the word for what she felt, disgust was more like it. For three years she had been married to David, before that for two years that dates exclusively. Of all the boys she had ever known, he was the only she had ever liked. She had dated other guys before David, but only David had touched her soul and her body. Now this, this aberration which had forever changed their relationship. What was she going to do about it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCOVERY The shock had originated with her return to their apartment early in the afternoon the previous day. She had returned to change clothes because the idiot waiter had spilled a cup of coffee over her pink suit at lunch. David was not supposed to be home. David was supposed to be at work in the accounting firm he had joined right after graduation from college. As she left her car parked in the lot, she had noticed his car a few spaces over. Strange, she thought to herself, I thought he was going to be home late tonight. Maybe he was sick, she thought, and her mind began to sympathize with him. After getting out of the elevator, she walked down the hallway to the door of their apartment. Because she thought he might be ill, she simply unlocked the door and was surprised that the chain was on the latch. Pushing the door open, she saw him reflected in the mirror in the entry hall. Her David in pantyhose and panties and bra. As he heard the door open, he turned and saw the corner of her face and her eyes through the partially open door. Turning white, with a sick feeling emerging in his belly; he was confronted with the totality of his fears. His secret was out, she had seen him. And he knew he had nothing to day, no story to make up, just the sad realization that his innermost self had been discovered. He simply walked over to the door, shut it to release the chain, and then stepped away as she walked in. The sight amazed her, sickened her, and through her into turmoil. Her husband standing before her in panties, nylons, and a bra. She walked in, took a long look, and then rushed to their bedroom and shut the door. Standing on the other side, she leaned back against the door and tried desperately to catch her breath and regain some composure. She turned and locked the door. After that, she walked over to the bed and sat in a state of shock, cold and exposed. In front of her was the dresser, one of the drawers was pulled open, her underwear drawer. Walking over to the dresser, she saw the obvious signs of rummage. He had gone through her things, then her mind began to focus on the fact that not only had he gone through her things he had tried some of them on. She turned and walked over to the closet, it looked unchanged except for one thing a pair of heels were out of the box and on the floor. She stood their, and then slowly began to change her clothes. The coffee stained jacket and skirt were removed and simply dropped to the floor. The blouse was also removed and dropped to the floor. She reached over and took a dress from a hanger and stepped into it. Walking from the closet, she began to button the buttons. She moved to the bathroom, and finished buttoning the dress. then she adjusted the belt and buckled it. Finally she ran a brush through her hair, and applied some new lipstick. Looking in the mirror one last time, she turned and walked back out of the bedroom. As she past into the living room, she saw her husband sitting in a chair. His legs parted, his head in between his hands. Without a word, she walked out of the apartment. David continued to sit there, his mind racing through questions without answers. What now he thought, what now. What do I do. As his mind raced over and over the same questions again, questions without answer, he began to feel a wave of nausea ran over him. Half staggering he worked his way to the bathroom, knelt over the bowl and vomited into the water. Convulsion after convulsion coursed through him, and with each succeeding convulsion his stomach tightened and bile retched up from within him. Finally, exhausted and tired, he struggled to his feet, and then brushed his teeth. He couldn't return to work now, so he called to the office and said he was sick and wouldn't return. He then moved back to the bedroom, and stood in front of a the full length mirror and stared at himself. Defeated, empty, and bruised, he reached down to unclasp the bra. As it fell to the floor he bent over to pick it up. He walked over to the bed, and before he sat down he placed his hands beneath the elastic waistband and pulled the panties and nylons down beneath his hips. Sitting now on the bed, he rolled the nylons down his legs till he was freed from them. Letting them drop to the floor, he leaned back across the bed and stared at the ceiling. He wanted to close his eyes, and did. Soon after he fell asleep. Later that afternoon, feeling cold he crawled up the bed and slid under the covers, and fell back asleep. That night after work, Sarah did not rerun directly home. Instead she drove her car around and around. By eight o'clock she decided to return home. Interestingly, in her conscious mind she did not think of the events that afternoon. If one stopped her and asked what she was doing, she would have had no explanation. But subconsciously he mind was processing and dealing with the image and ramifications of her husband wearing women's underclothes, and with that reality all of the sub questions that naturally arise. Was he gay, was he sick, was he something unlike the person she had married and loved, how long had this been going on, were their any other secrets, Aids, betrayal, lies, falsity. Suddenly the boy she loved, dated, and married was gone, in his place was a stranger, some one she did not know. Thank god they hadn't had kids. Who could she talk about this, NO ONE. Parking the car outside the apartment building, it suddenly dawned on her that they would have to talk about this. She wanted to know, she wanted answers. Feeling anger, as well as anxiety and frustration, well up in her, she walked quickly from the car to the building. Waiting for the elevator, for what seemed forever, her mind kept asking the same questions over and over; and as it did, the anger mounted. Striding out of the elevator, she walked to the apartment door. Unlocking it, she half expected to see him sitting as he did when she left in the chair dressed in her things, looking stupid and out of place. seeing that he was not there, she tossed her purse down onto the table in the hallway and made her way to the bedroom. There he was. Asleep beneath the comforter, and the evidence, the bra and nylons and panties lying at the foot of the bed. She started over to pick them up, them stopped, and took a long look at them on the floor and her husband asleep under the covers. She turned and walked out of the bedroom, back to the living room. She walked over to the couch, sat down. Then she kicked her shoes off, and sat the corner. She pulled her legs, and slightly under her as she crossed her arms, and waited for him to awaken. Hours later, just after ten David began to stir. Looking at the clock at the side of the bed, the time began to jog his brain back into reality. Perhaps he thought this had all been a dream, it hadn't really happened. Rising from the bed, he walked out of the bedroom into the living room. In the darkened room, he saw her sitting on the couch. She looked cold, and angry. Her arms seem clenched beneath her breasts, and her face chiseled. Before he could say a word, she spoke. "Put something on." The words came our of her mouth clipped and harsh. No warmth penetrated her posture, just coldness. He turned, and began to walk out when he heard again. "Something of yours, please, not mine." His head bowed, his shoulder involuntarily slumped, and his turned back into the bedroom. He walked over to the closet and grabbed a tee shirt and jeans. He put them on, and walked back into the living room to face the music. ----------------------------------------------------------------- CONFRONTATION He sat in the chair located diagonally away from where she sat. Quietly, he sat on the front of the chair and simply looked at her. She just stared at him. The look in her eyes, and the body language told him what he needed to know, she was angry, furious with him. And in his own mind, he knew she was entitled. He felt ashamed, broken, and empty. His carefully crafted life had just crashed. "Would you like to tell me what you were doing this afternoon?" It wasn't a question, it was a demand. He swallowed, and his throat was dry. Words just didn't seem able to form in his mouth, and he had no answer. He started to say "I am sorry," but even that wouldn't come out. His dry mouth and his fear cracked his voice, and he just croaked out "I'm sorry." "What do you mean sorry'" she said. "Sorry you were caught, sorry you were wearing my things, sorry you do this?" "Why." She looked at him, and wanted an answer. But he couldn't answer. He couldn't explain, he couldn't tell her what he was doing or why. She waited, and he didn't speak. With each passing second, her anger grew. She wanted to hit him, to shake him, to punish him. At that moment she hated him. "Is it a sexual thing," she asked. "Are you gay?" He simply sat there. I don't know, he thought to himself, i don't know. But he couldn't speak. The questions hit him like blows, on his face, his sides, his stomach. He felt pommeled, bruised. But he couldn't answer. "David." she said biting the name from lips, "talk to me." "Tell me what is going on." He brought his left hand up to his lower lip. he dug his fingernails into it, and he stared at the space in front of her. He couldn't even look at her. The anger began to melt in her, only to be replaced with an overwhelming need to know. Who was this person before her? He was a stranger now. Why did he do this? He disgusted her? Did he know how stupid he looked? Did he know how much of an aberration this was? Talk to me, she thought. Tell me. How could you do this to me? "I like it," he finally said. "I like to wear your things." "He talks," she said, "how nice." "He can speak, thank you for speaking to me." "Now tell me." He looked up at her, and as he did it he tried to frame in his mind what he was going to say. He knew he had to talk to her, but he didn't know what to say. "I can't explain it," he said, "I just like to do it." "Do what," she said. "Wear women's clothes?" "Yes", he replied. "Okay," she said, "what women's clothes do you like to wear?" All of them," he said. "I like all of them. She leaned back in the couch, and moved to cross her legs. I am going to find out everything about this, she thought to herself, everything. "When did this start?" she asked. "When I was young," he said. "I put on my mothers panties one day, and her girdle, and one of her slips." "I liked it, it felt nice." "Did it turn you on?" "I don't know," he said, " I was pretty young but I liked it." "Does it turn you on now?" she demanded with stridency. He looked up at her knowing that his answer was going to cause trouble, big trouble. Looking directly at her, he said "yes." That answer hit her like a fist into her solar plexus. Her stomach ached as she considered what that meant. She returned his stare. "Do you masturbate when you wear my panties?" "Yes, sometimes, he said. She just looked him. Her feeling ranged from disgust to dislike to anger to a sense of not knowing just exactly what to feel. She stood up and said "I think you better find somewhere else to stay." With that, she simply walked out of the room. He continued to sit there. He knew he had to leave, for tonight at least. So he walked back into the bedroom, and put some shoes on. Then we went over and got his wallet and keys. As he walked out of the bedroom, he saw her standing at the window and staring out. Without another word, he left. She was still at the window when she heard the door close. She crossed her arms under her breasts and walked to the door. She threw the dead bolt, and secured the chain. Then she turned and walked back to bathroom. Standing over the sink, she bent over and began to throw up into the sink. Finally after churning her stomach and burning her throat, the nausea waned. She washed her face and brushed her teeth, and then returned to her bedroom. Her fingers unbuttoned the dress and unbuckled the belt. Her dress slipped from her shoulders. She kicked away. She reached won with her hands to the waist band of her nylons and lowered them beneath her hips. She then sat on the edge of the bed, and rolled them down her legs. She was just about to toss them on the floor when she saw another pair of nylons bunched on the floor. Next to the them was a bra. Tears began to stream down her face, and an emptiness began to wash over body. Feeling a tightening in her stomach, she bent down and picked up the other nylons and the bra with just her fingertips. She walked towards the dresser holding them out in front of her, and then she dropped them into the wastepaper basket next to the dresser. Lastly she turned and walked back to the bed, this time to her side. And she got under the covers, and began to cry herself to sleep. David in the meantime found himself driving his car aimlessly into town. He knew he had to find somewhere to stay the night, but since he slept the afternoon away and since his energy level was up there tonight, his need for sleep was not a priority. He found himself traveling a street he was not familiar with, but there seemed to be a lot of people around. On automatic pilot he found himself parking his car, and then walking into bar. As he walked in, he noticed that it wasn't the type of bar he and Sarah had ever gone into. It was all men, and many of them seemed almost in costume. As he walked in the front door and manoeuvered over to the bar, the realization hit him, he was in gay bar. Any doubts that he had soon disappeared as felt eyes across his back, across his ass, and into his crotch. He couldn't just turn and walk out, sweat began to break out across his upper lip and forehead, and a slight light headedness took over his senses. As he stood at the bar, he felt a body press up against his backside and a hand reach out in front on him to cup his crotch. "Hi guy" were the words he heard in his ear as he lest his breath and collapsed forward to the edge of the bar stool in front of him. ----------------------------------------------------------------- "Are you okay," were the next words David heard, the guy seated next to the stool he had fallen against asked. "Get away, man" the same voice said the man who had moved in on David. "If he wants you, he'll tell you." By this time David had managed to get in between the stools at the bar, and had slid into the unoccupied one. He felt, sensed that most of the heads in the bar had turned towards him. he looked across the bar into the mirror, and saw the man who had approached him. He was tall over six feet and big with a shaved head. His left ear was pieced. and a torn tee shirt lay beneath a black leather bikers jacket. The man next to him seemed like a preppy. Blond hair, blue eyes, and blond sculpted beard. "Sit down,' he said, "my names Phil, and I see you have already met the resident top, Mack." David simply nodded, and then asked the bartender for a draft. He sought to collect his breath and his wits. The events of the day were too much for him to digest. He had been caught by his wife, he had been confronted, he had been thrown out of his home, and now he had found himself in a gay bar and been groped. The stark realization that he wearing a tee shirt, a pair of jeans, and pair of shoes with out underwear now seemed incongruously apparent. Next to him, Phil tried to figure this new guy out. There was no doubt that he was gay, probably a bottom, and maybe even a queen in the making. His jeans were tight, he was just wearing a tee shirt, and he was cute thought Phil. I'd like to take in back, or maybe even home. When the beer came, David drank deeply. The cold brew felt invigorating to him. As he downed the glass, his throat felt normal for the first time in hours, and his head began to clear up, at least he seemed able to draw a breath again. He turned to the guy next tom what was his name, oh yeah Phil, to say "thanks." "No problem," Phil said, "Mack seems to think any new guy who comes in here is just looking to meet him." David ordered another beer, and offered to buy Phil one as well. He pushed himself up from the stool as he reached into his back pocket for his wallet to get some money. As he did, his hand brushed Phil's thigh. David didn't think anything about that, but Phil did. The two of them sat at the bars through a few more beers, and some brief conversation. Phil wanted to know if David was new in town, or the neighborhood. David sort of talked when he had too, but mostly his mind kept rummaging over the days events. After a while, David became so engrossed in his own thoughts he forgot where he was, and the beery accumulation in his bladder demanded relief. Phil offered to show him the men's room. Together the two men worked their way through the overly crowded bar towards the back. David saw the sign "Gents" and opened the door into the men's room. Unlike some other rooms, this room had a greater number of stalls and a trough for a urinal. The combination of the beer and the emotional upheaval of the day had emptied David, he found himself half aware of what was going on and half unaware. The light headedness he had felt earlier returned, and he unaware of Phil checking him out as he urinated. Zipping himself up as he backed away from the trough, David was struck by the time it took Phil to place his penis back into pants, and the sight of a heavy muscular guy unzipping his pants and pulling out a large cock as we walked into the room didn't fully register. Phil, however, noticed David taking a good look at the cock, and Phil smiled as thought to himself that this guy was definitely available. Both of the men stood as the wash sinks and wet their hands, Phil handed David a paper towel. As David dried his hands, Phil took a good look at him. David wasn't very tall, in fact he was slightly under 5'8". His body was slight with longish blonde hair, and a narrow waist. He jeans fitted him tightly across the ass, however, and he had very little blonde body hair. Phil found himself attracted to David and desire began to well up in his crotch. Phil reached down to stroke himself, but David didn't notice. Phil thought to himself, I hope this guy right out here into the backroom. If he does, I am going to do him. David took a quick look in the mirror, and then walked out of the door. Coming back into the darkened hallway from the brightly lit bathroom, David went right instead of left and started down a long corridor. Coming into a room that seemed partly filled with smoke and haze with neon lights like lasers in the ceiling David heard the music volume being to grow. Involuntarily, David raised his arms and clicked his finger tips to the beat of the bass drum and just slightly shook his ass in a dance step. Walking into the room, David noticed a number of guys dancing by themselves. His eyes scoured the room for the girls, he thought he saw one or two including one dancing in a halter or was that a bra. He squinted in the midst of the fog and mist, and the realization that he was in a room with all guys and that they were dancing together brought him back to the reality of his being in gay bar. His breath started to depart his body again, he felt his heart begin to beat even harder, and the dryness reemerged in his throat. Phil was getting ready to move in on him, when another guy tall, dark, and very muscular moved between Phil and David. The sheer size of the held Phil back, while David looked at another guy as he began to sink to his knees. In front of him, the brown haired man in jeans and a polo shirt knelt before the big guy who had groped him earlier, Mack. David watched as the kneeling man reached up to unzip Mack's jeans, and pull his cock out. Then David watched as the kneeling man's mouth moved towards the cock, and Mack's hands moved to the back of the kneeler's head. A total sense of unreality spread through David. He felt as though he was watching a porno movie, or having a dream but it certainly wasn't real. The combination of the day, the beer, the lack of food, the lights, the smoke, the everything engulfed him into a state of unreality. For some reason he was responding to the scene in front of him. His prick began to harden and strain the material encasing it. Involuntarily his hand moved down to his crotch and he rubbed himself. As Mack began to thrust faster and faster into the kneeler's mouth, David felt his desire begin to intensify. His eyes moved about the room. He saw men groping other men. He saw one man move to kiss another, in another part of the room he saw a man with his arms around another man's waist moving to unzip the other's jeans, he saw in a corner a man with his pants down to his knees pushing up against another man bent over a table. The realization that anything went in this room, that sex between men was what this room was all about, that this room was devoted to the anonomyous coupling of and man exploded in his brain. Standing there in back of the kneeler, David felt the warmth of body heat as it approached his back. The dryness of his throat contrasted with perspiration forming beneath his arms and in his crotch. When the hands from the man behind him came around him and down to his thighs, David felt giddy and tense. The feeling from the hands so near his manhood, so strong on his thighs, the thrust of the mans crotch against his rear, the throb of the penis now pressed against his crack. The man's hand now moved closer to his center, he felt the palm as it came up against his erection now struggling against the denim. Any sense of concern began to leave him, his ability to speak, to push away deserted him, as he began to pulse and press against the hands now holding him. He felt one hand leave him and move to unbutton his jeans, and unzip them. Then his jeans began to slide down towards his hips, as the hands began to stroke his engorged penis and cup his balls. The sensation was different than he remembered with his own hands, and with Sarah's. The hands were strong, the fingers wide and calloused. He felt himself in the palm of the man's hand, as it began to stroke him. He felt the thumb as it moved from below his head, below the ridge of the head moving up and over him. He felt his balls being stroked at the same time. He leaned back and rested against the body as waves of pleasure ran through him, he shivered as the constant stroking continued. The pressure of the man's chest began to move him from the waist up. He felt himself as he began to bend over. As he this happened, Phil moved from behind the larger man and came over in front of David. David was bent from the waist, with his eyes forced down as Phil stood in front of him. In slow motion, Phil unzipped his jeans. David watched as his hand grasped the zipper and began to move down. David continued to watch as Phil moved his hand inside the opening, and then withdrew his prick from his underwear. David watched as Phil took his penis in his hand, and began to slide his hand over it. All the while, the man behind David continue to play with David's penis with one hand, and with the other began to move up beneath his shirt until he was cupping and stoking Davis's nipples. Then David felt a new hand behind his head pushing him face down towards Phil's penis. Soon that penis was in his face, and moving towards his mouth. As David felt himself being to come, his mouth opened and was filled with Phil's penis. David began to suck and savor the penis in front of him. The man's hand began to speed up, and David was nearing climax. As David felt his own orgasm welling up within in he began to lave the penis in his mouth. He circled it with his tongue, and tried to draw it deeply with him. David's breath came faster as he neared climax, and the nearing to climax moved him faster and faster as he sucked on Phil's penis. The emotions running through his mind were rampant, the sensations incredible. He felt his body in way he had never felt before. Suddenly he felt his jeans fall to the floor, then he felt fingers, wet fingers moving along his anus. His hips twitched, and then one searing sensation he felt a penis as it entered him. He broke away from the penis he was licking, he felt his body tense as the invading member fully entered him, he felt his knees buckle, and force of a forearm as he was compelled to bend over. Then the penis was moving, back and forth to deep with him. He was trying to catch his breath. The dryness made his throat and moth painful. He couldn't speak only grunt and groan with a mixture of pain and then pleasure. He was gasping for breath as the penis continued to move in and out, he felt his hips being moved into a back and forth motion. He felt testicles flopping against his ass, as the motion continued. Then he began to come with a shudder that coursed through his body. Even though bent over at the waist, he felt his head tilt back and deep breath escape from his lips as jism began to explode from his penis and simultaneously as the man fucking him from behind began to come deep within his rectum. He felt himself held and pressed backwards the stranger spent his sperm deep within him, and the most intense orgasm he had felt coursed through out his body. Finally the hands holding him released him, and totally spent his fell forward towards the floor. On his knees now, with his elbows extended, he gasped for air all the while shudders ran through him. All he wanted now was to collapse on the floor and give way to the incredible exhaustion he now felt. ----------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun began to rise in eastern sky, Sarah felt it as moved above the window ledge and rested on her still closed eyes. Involuntarily, she rolled over to her right to reach out David. When all she felt were pillows, the sleep that had inhabited her body dissolved into the morning awaremness and with it the memories of yesterday exploded in her mind. She sat instantly alert and awake, but with a dull headache that was beginning to ache just behind her ears. She sat up and pulled her kness to her chest, and found herself wrapping her arms around her knees. The sunlight began to fill the room, as she streached and tensed her back and shoulders. David, David she thought, what has happened and why. Laying back against the pillows, she pulled the sheet and blanket up to her chin. Where are we, now what questions began to flood her mind. Where last night there had been anger and frustration, now this morning there was questioning and wonderment. I wonder where he spent the night, she thought. And she wondered where they go from here. Divorce was the obvious conclusion. But help, too she thought, David needs help. Sarah loved David, she had from the time they were children together. Though they hadn't dated until later in school, David was always in her mind though sometimes it was deep in the recesses of her mind. He was still the only boy she had ever dated, in fact the only boy she had ever even kissed. But what kind of man dresses in women's clothes and then masterbates. The thought truely revolted her. And she thought, he looked awfully dumb in nylons and a bra. But even though it was comical to her, the comedy was too tragic to laugh over, even too chuckle over. Rising from the bed, she looked at the clock and wondered when he would come home. Would he come home?, she thought, or would he phone first. He'll call she decided. So she began to think once again about all the things she needed to ask him. She had to know all of the reasons, maybe they could work this out. As the day passed, Sarah stayed home to be by the phone when he called, or to be home when he arrived. Over and over again, she played imaginary conversations with him; but conversations with many blanks since she couldn't frame the answers to her own questions. As morning gave over into afternoon, her mood went from concern to anger to frustration to anziety and back to concern. Where was he, and why wasn't he here or at least on the phone. On impulse she went to his closet to see what clothese were missing. And to see if his suitcase was gone. it wasn't, it was there and so appeared to be all of his clothes. ----------------------------------------------------------------- It was mid afternoon when David awoke. He was in a bedroom he had never seen before. It was a man's bedroom, he could tell that from the smell and the lack of things that girls put in their room. He was naked, and he was sore. His ass hurt, and he felt dirty. Then he began to remeber last night. As the realization set in, he laid back with his eyes closed. How could this have happened, what the fuck did I do. As that thought was forming, he saw Phil appear in the doorway. Phil was wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else. "Afternoon, guy," was all he said. Then he moved towards the bed. David flinched, and Phil read it. Phil thought to himself, what gives. Then he thought, okay here is guy what has second thoughts. But what the fuck, Phil liked him. The sex was great. First the scene at the bar, then back here. Phil had blown David, David had blown Phil, and Phil had fucked David twice that night. They had been fucking and sucking until the sun came up. "Do you have a place to stay?" asked Phil. "No" said David. "Then why don't you stay here as long as you like." As David said "Yes, I'd like that," moved towards him and the bed. David reached out, and Phil took him in his arms. PART II BACKGROUND This is the story of David. In Part I of the story David was discovered by his wife Sarah one afternoon. The shock of seeing her husband in women's lingerie led to a terrible fight with David eventually leaving the apartment. That night David met Phil in a gay bar. Part II of this story is four years later when David and Sarah once again meet. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sarah had just finished the report for her boss on the media buys for the new client. She worked for the past week on the project and had spent all of last night finalizing the report. This morning she had presented to her boss, the account executive and the team working on the project. Her boss, William, was a born salesman and a born egotist. Typically he would review her, or anyone else's work for that matter, and then say how it would do. He never really complemented anyone, and when asked about it would respond that "If I keep you on the payroll, that is compliment enough." William was a genius at getting accounts, and keeping them. His team was the best in the agency, and he worked only on the large accounts. Working for William was just short of hell, but the pay was superb and despite his ego, everyone who worked with him knew they were good and that they were envied by everyone else at the agency and a number of other top agencies as well. Sarah had gone to work for the agency a few months after her husband had left. That was over four years ago. She and David had a fight one afternoon, and he had left. It was true that she had told him to go, but he had deserted her and never returned. Faced with the loss of her husband, Sarah had filed for a divorce and then taken a job with this agency in a regional shop. Now after the divorce, she had been promoted to the national office and after a year there had been asked by William to join his team. The four years had been good to Sarah. She enjoyed a six figure salary, had dated extensively, and was no longer interested in marriage. She had missed David intensively for the first year, but when it became apparent he was returning she had moved him from her mind. On occasion he would reappear, and she would wonder what happened to him, but then her mind would close and the memory, the painful memory of his standing before her in her under clothes would jar her back to reality. "Sarah," William said as he entered her office and sat down in front of her desk, "you did a great job on the media presentation today." "I am going to have a small dinner party tomorrow night to discuss the final presentation on the account. I would like you to join us. Joyce will make the arrangements and let you know the details." Oh great she thought, dinner tomorrow night. Oh well it is part of the territory. As William got up to leave, Sarah felt the fatigue from working so hard hit her. She decided to take the rest of the day off, and go shopping for something to wear. William's dinner parties were always in a private room at his club, and the dress was fancy. So Sarah left the office, and drove over to the mall just a few miles from the office and on her way home. Arriving at the mall, she parked her car and walked into the Bloomingdale's store. She found a lovely black dress in her size, and then decided to wear it the next evening. As she started out the store, she decided to stop in lingerie and purchase a new bra and maybe try one the new slip shapers. Finding one in her size, she decided to try it on just to be sure it fit properly. She entered into the dressing area, and began to undress to try on the shaper. The salesgirl was standing just outside the curtain with another Olga shaper, and was asking Sarah how it fit. Sarah opened the curtain just a bit to say the one she had on fit fine when she found herself looking across the aisle into a reflection in a mirror of some woman who looked too familiar. Sarah was struck by the woman, and couldn't place her name. Sarah told the salesgirl she would take the one she had tried on, and then turned to take the shaper off. As she did so her eye again traveled to the mirror and the partial reflection of the woman across the aisle. Sarah could place her, but found herself staring at the reflection. The woman stood in a skirt and heels talking to the salesgirl about the fit of the bra she was trying on. Sarah couldn't tear her eyes away from the mirror Funny she thought, that woman looks like David. She reminds me of David. With that realization, the memory of that final day flooded back into her mind. Her reverie was stopped only by the sound of the sales woman asking her is that was all. "Yes," she replied. Sarah finished dressing and walked out of the dressing stall. As she did she found herself face to face with the women again. The woman looked at her, their was sense of recognition in her face, and then a smile. Sarah smiled back, started to say something, but then simply walked away to the cashier. As she stood at the cashier desk waiting for the sale to be entered into the cash register, the woman she had been looking at walked up behind her. Sarah finished her purchase, and then began to walk away. But as she did, she found herself stopping to look at some panties and then glancing over her shoulder trying to get one more look at the woman. Something stirred in Sarah's stomach, some small knot arose as she watched the woman pay for her things and then begin to walk towards her. As the woman passed, Sarah her say "You are still looking wonderful Sarah." The woman stopped in front of her, and Sarah found herself desperately trying to place the face. "Thank you, " was all Sarah could manage. She watched a smile form on the woman's face, and something else form in her eyes. "You don't recognize me do you?", the woman said. "No" said Sarah, "but I think I should. I am sorry." "That all right Sarah," said the woman, "I am delighted that you don't but I suspect I am familiar to you." "You are familiar," said Sarah, "but I just can't place the name." "David," said the woman. With that Sarah felt as though she had been punched in the stomach. It is David she thought, oh my god. Sarah felt her cheeks flush, and her knees buckle just a little bit. As her eyes closed, the woman reached out to steady her. "What," stammered Sarah, "what." "Let's go have a cup of coffee, Sarah." said the woman. And Sarah found herself walking behind the woman as the two of the moved out Bloomingdale's into the mall. "There is a Starbucks over here," said David as Sarah tried to grasp what was happening. In a trance Sarah found herself walking across the marble floor towards the coffee shop. Sitting down Sarah heard herself ordering a coffee and the woman ordering a coffee too. The idea that this woman was David was overwhelming, and she found herself studying the woman's face. She knew it was true, that this was David but she couldn't quite come to the realization that it was. The face before was a woman's face, the light brown hair permed, the pierced ears, the makeup, the eyebrows, the clothes, the long finger nails, the whole thing was female and David was a male. Thew way this woman sat, spoke, walked, and the bra she saw her trying on was filled with flesh, breasts. How could this be? "Sarah," the voice spoke, and it was just a voice it couldn't be coming from this face, this body in front of her, "I know you must be shocked dear, and I am sorry truly sorry. But I just had to speak to you. Seeing you again, after all this time, I just had to say something." Sarah felt her head spinning, and some nausea reeling in her stomach. "I don't feel well," she said. "I have to go." Sarah started to stand, but couldn't." The voice said, "That's okay, come with me." Sarah stood, and grabbed her packages. She watched as the woman opened her purse and paid for her coffee. The she found herself walking out of the coffee shop with the woman and through the mall outside to a row of cars. The fresh air helped her, but she was still wobbly in her heels and she couldn't quite catch her breath. She found her self sitting the passenger seat of a BMW as the woman with her entered into the car. Sarah watched as she sat down, and tossed her purse in the back seat along with some packages. Sarah felt the woman take her packages and toss them in the back seat as well. The Sarah watched as the woman pulled up her skirt just above her knees and then turned on the car and began to back out of the parking place. In silence, Sarah looked out the window not even thinking or focussing as the car exited the parking lot and began moving towards a subdivision. The car pulled up on a driveway leading to a typical colonial with red brick and white shutters. The garage door opened and the car pulled in. Sarah found herself getting out of the car and following the woman into the house. She walked through a laundryroom and noticed children's clothes piled in a basket atop the washer. Then she entered into kitchen, a bright cheery yellow room. She looked on the table and saw some kid's drawings. The woman asked her if she wanted use the powder room, and when Sarah nodded yes, she pointed over to a another hallway. Sarah walked through the kitchen, and into the powder room. After closing the door, she swooned and found her self looking at a mirror and seeing her reflection. She turned on the water and washed her face. After a few moments, she reapplied her lipstick and ran a brush through her hair and walked back to the kitchen. Sarah seated herself at the kitchen table and watched as the woman made coffee and placed some cookies on a plate in front of her. "The children are at their grandparents this afternoon and night, and Phil is out of town on business, so we have a lot of time to talk if you would like." Sarah sat there just watching the woman's small hips, and thin waist, the long fingernails, the hair, the way she moved and talked. How could this be David she thought, and what about children. At long last the woman sat down and poured Sarah and herself cups of coffee. Sarah just sat there dumbfounded. "I imagine, you are pretty confused Sarah, I didn't mean to startle or hurt you. Are you feeling all right?" "Yes" responded Sarah, "I am feeling better, thought I am totally confused." "Well it has been a long time, and as you can see there have been a number of changes in my life since we last spoke." "That much I can see," said Sarah, "but it's what I can't see that startles me so." "Well at the least, I think you deserve an explanation." David sat back in the chair, and Sarah watched as he crossed his legs and sipped from the cup of coffee. David took a deep breath, and then began to relate the story of the past four years and the events leading up to what he had become. "Do you remember the last time we saw each other?" "Yes" replied Sarah with the same queasy feeling stirring up in the pit of her stomach as she had years ago when she saw him in her panties, nylons, and bra. "Well after you told me to leave that night, I did. I just drove around and around, until I finally at a bar. It was a gay bar, although I didn't know it when I went in. That night was pure hell, the agony of a lifetime welled up in me and finally poured out. Some things happened that night, that I don't walk to talk about; but one good thing did happen, I met someone who has become very important to me, someone I want to spend my life with." Sarah there wondering so many things, what happened that weekend, who is this someone, and slowly her mind was taken with wonder as to whether David was still male. As that thought exploded in her brain, he hand flew up to her mouth. David looked at her, and asked "Are you all right?" Then as he almost read her mind, he reached out and took her hand. "It is me, and what you see is a woman. Come with me, and I will show you." Sarah found herself walking just behind David as he led her out of the kitchen and up the stairs towards a bedroom. Soon Sarah found herself sitting on the edge of a queen sized bed, as David stood before her. "I feel slightly ridiculous doing this," he said. Sarah watched as he kicked off his heels, and started to unbutton his blouse. She watched as he pulled his blouse away from his shoulders and stood before her in her bra. Then he reached behind his waist and unclasped his skirt, and then unzipped the zipper. The skirt slid from his hips to the floor. Then he placed his hands within the waist band of his half slip, and slipped it too down his hips. Sarah watched in amazement as he stood before her in a bra filled with breasts, and her breath was taken away as she forced herself to look at him in panties and pantyhose. He then reached down and began to wiggle his pantyhose down from his hips. He stood there before her in bra and panties, and she knew from his shape that there was no longer a penis and balls in his crotch. What was before her was a shape exactly like her hers, a mound and what were obviously pubic hairs covering the same mound and lips as she had. With that she fainted. David was overcome with emotion as he reached and swung her legs onto the bed. He walked over to the closet and slipped a pair of slacks on, and reached for a sweater slip on. Standing in his bedroom with his former wife unconscious on his bed he felt totally obscene and devastated. This, he thought to himself, was more she or I could take. After he had put something on, he returned to the bed and sat there holding her hand as she regained consciousness. As she laid on the bed, David continued with his story. "You see darling, I have become what I always wanted to be. In fact I am finally what I always was, only the world didn't know it. I didn't mean to shock you, or maybe I did; I just wanted you to know what I am now. After that night, when I left I found myself hurt and confused. Not that I blame you, in fact if my I found my husband in my clothes I might react almost the same as you did. " "I told you that I, from the time I was very young, always wanted to be a girl, to become a woman. I think that is why you loved me, and why I was never as masculine as the other boys were. There was a softness in me that wasn't very attractive to guys or girls, so long as I was a guy. That night, after you asked me if I was gay, I told you I didn't know. But I was gay, I am not gay. I am a woman, and like women I like guys. That isn't gay, that is the way it is with this species called human. That night I found myself with a man, I woke up with him. I didn't have anywhere to go, anything to be or live for after you sent me away. "For the first few weeks, Phil and I lived together as gay lovers. The relationship evolved. I did not go back to work, so I just started taking care of the apartment. My urge to dress continued, so I started wearing panties and a bra under my men's clothes. After a while, I let my hair grow and got my ears pierced. Phil understood my feminine side and self, and he didn't encourage or discourage it. Phil was gay, and femme in the gay community were a fact of life. So he just dealt with it. As we continued to live in the apartment, I got to know some of the women who lived in the building. We would meet in the laundry room, or taking the garbage out, or just going to and fro. I started to make some friends, one of whom became a very good friend, Linda. You know most women are not as homophobic as men, in the bars they call them gay hags or something like that. I never thought of myself as overtly femme in a gay sense, but I did think of myself as more female than male. Linda and I would talk about life over a cup of coffee, we had some of the same problems husband for her, Phil for me, they worked we didn't, we even had some similarities in sex lives. One day as Linda and I were having coffee, she mentioned that she had taken some of my wash out of the washer and noticed their were some panties and bras and pantyhose. It struck her as odd since both Phil and I were guys, she asked if their was a woman involved with us. I told her no, but that I did sorta dress in women's underwear. One thing led to another, and I poured out my whole story to her. She wasn't shocked or amused or anything like that, she just seemed to take it all in. A few weeks later, she asked me if I wanted to go shopping with her. I said sure, and we went off to the mall. While we were in the car, she said that she had been thinking about my liking women's clothing. She said that she thought if it was okay with Phil, that she would help me get some clothes and see how things worked out. That led to an incredible shopping spree. I spent hundreds of dollars on clothes, and afterwards we went back to the apartment building. Linda made me a cup of coffee, and we just sat and talked for a while. Then Linda asked me if I was going to try on my new things. I said yes, I would love to and then she offered to help. The first thing I had to do was get rid of the excess body hair, so since she just happened to have some Nair I went into her bathroom and delapitoried myself and took a shower. As I got out of the shower, I started to dry myself off when Linda came in and gave me a robe. Come on over here, she said, and we can do some make up, and you do need to do something with your hair. To make a long story short, she made me up and styled my hair into a feminine look. When I got up from her chair in the bedroom,so that I could look in the mirror, I was amazed at the woman I saw reflected in the mirror. WOW, I said. Then we walked over to her bed. She had selected some clothes for me to wear, and I put them on. To this day I remember every detail. I put on a pair of panties, Vanity Fair in white hipsters with a lace trim on the waist band. A matching bra, and a pair of Haynes Silk essence pantyhose. Then I put on a white silk blouse, and an Anne Taylor grey pleated skirt. As I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself, Linda came over and inserted a couple of breast pads under my bra, and other than heels I was fully dressed for the first time in my life. I had to borrow a pair of her heels since of all things we forgot to buy shoes. I had a little trouble walking in the two inch heels, but at the same time I was floating on air. Just then the phone rang, and I heard Linda say that I was with her and would be right up. She hung up and told me it was Phil, and that it was time for him to meet the new me. Linda asked if I wanted her to accompany me upstairs. I thought about but decided that I should go see Phil dressed, just to test the waters. As I walked out of Linda's apartment I was frightened of how he would react. You have to remember the last time I was wearing women's clothes, my wife, you in fact, had not handled it well and I wound up out in the street. As I got to the apartment door, I was trembling; but I walked in. Phil was sitting in the living room drinking a beer and reading the mail. He looked up, and as he did my mind was filled with apprehension, but all he did was smile. I can just see him now sitting in the chair, smiling, putting the beer bottle down, and looking up at me. "You look great," he said, "even better as a girl than as a guy, and as you know I like guys." I rushed over and dropped to me knees and put my around him and kissed him. I loved him more than I thought I could ever love. The next few weeks were a blur. Linda and I shopped, we went to lunch, Phil and I went out, and with each passing day I felt more and more female. Then one night as we were laying in bed, Phil asked me how serious I was about really wanting to be a woman. I told him I was very serious, but that I would do what he was most comfortable doing. That night we began to discuss the extent to which I was willing to undergo transformation, and we both felt about. In a few weeks, I went to see a therapist to begin discussing my gender problems. She told me it would takes some time to explore but that she would be willing to help me sort my way through the whole issue. One of the things she pointed out was that I would have to lose some weight, perhaps go on hormones, and perhaps even go SRS. I promised to go home and discuss it with Phil. Which I did. Over the next few years, I eventually went on hormones, continued to see the therapist, and finally had surgery. So what you see before you is really me, and while I can't have children I am in many ways just as much a woman as are you." The conversation with Sarah took a long period of time, and by the time it was ended evening has arrived. So I suggested we have some dinner, and continue to visit. But Sarah said she couldn't, and that she had to go home. That was over three years ago, and I never saw or heard from Sarah again. As for Phil, well we are married and living happily everafter.

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JessicaChapter 2 Jessica and David

As I followed Emma and Jessica, I called my husband David to tell him what was going on and to ask him to meet me at that gas station, just outside of town. I then called Jessica, and I told her to stop at that gas station so I could pick up my husband. She texted me back with a picture of her in the car naked ... I almost ran off the road. When we got to the gas station David was already there. I got out of the car, ran up to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss. A minute later, Emma and...

1 year ago
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Meeting David

Meeting David was fate, I am convinced. I’d been in a technical support chat room and he’d offered to help. I’d already resolved the problem, but we began talking and clicked immediately. From that day on we talked for hours at every opportunity. Our minds worked together, thought the same way. Soon, to our mutual surprise, we were professing our deep love at every hello and goodbye, with several in between.  For a long time, our conversations never became openly sexual. But as we grew...

1 year ago
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Laney Scoops the City

Laney Travers walked down the ill-lit corridor and paused outside the doorway to her virtue's doom. Apartment twenty-nine again. Heaven help this well-raised girl. Well, maybe not Heaven ... Mike's voice sounded in her head: “News – real news – is what someone doesn’t want you to know, Laney sweetheart. The rest is fuckin’ propaganda. Keep searchin’ for truth among the bullshit. Rigour, determination, guts – that’s the only kinda newspaperman to be. Or newspaperwoman. Remember that.” He’d...

4 years ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Stac

“I’m Stacey, and I’m a sex addict.” I knew I wasn’t the only person in the room that was in denial over that statement even as it left my mouth. ‘Admit that you need help and recovery will come quicker and last longer’. I had to hold back my initial laughter as I’d read the mission statement that had been emblazoned on the front of our orientation binders at The Belleview Retreat for Sexual Health. My mind immediately substituted “cum” for “come” and… anyway, yeah I guess I was probably one of...

2 years ago
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Reuniting with David

After starting a new position at work, I started spending less and less time out in the warehouse with my favorite coworkers and more and more time in the boring ,cold office. I missed my coworkers, my friends, and I missed walking around freely. Sitting in such a small office made my legs restless and my back sore. I stared blankly at my computer screen, I had been working on the same project for over an hour and still hadn't made any progress towards finishing it. My...

3 years ago
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LISSA C Chapter 2 Happy Birthday David

The day had shaped up better than I had ever expected. Riding back to the house, with Lissa behind the wheel, afforded me the opportunity to take a really good look at her while she was driving. There was not a thing about this girl that I did not like. Her beautiful blonde hair, swirling around and around as the wind came over the windshield, brought about a degree of freshness to the whole situation. She laughed and giggled at my stupid jokes while we chatted, making me feel more and...

3 years ago
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tina rides david

She saw him as she exited the terminal. He was as handsome as ever. She rushed to his arms, and murmured to him how badly she missed him. I missed your beautiful body as well, David told her. He directed her to his limousine as his hand slowly worked its way down to her ass. Behave yourself in public, She told him, but he just laughed at her. When they got into the car, David barely gave the driver time to shut the door before he was taking Tina’s shirt off. In stead of totally removing...

2 years ago
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Girls Like That

She was so tight she made my loins ache. I wanted inside of her. The slutty little thing wore a shiny lick of a dress that reminded me of the black paint on my favorite ride. Now I wanted to ride her ass just like I ride my bikes, with a lot of speed. No brakes would be needed for that piece of tail; she wasn’t after safety. I could tell by the way all five-foot-nothing of her prowled the bar floor in those spiked stilettos. There was nothing passive or tentative about her. She had game, but...

Quickie Sex
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Zone Defense

Zone Defense, written as Gavin E. BlackChapter OneNathan Kent wasn't thrilled with the idea of completing his final year of college at a completely different institution from where he'd started, but the opportunity to join one of the top varsity football teams had been too much of a temptation to pass up.   The truth of the matter, Nathan was glad to have an excuse to move away. His last relationship had ended badly, and the thought of having to play a defensive position in conjunction with his...

Gay Male
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The Escort and the

My heart was pounding in a symphonic surge as I lingered in front of the hotel room door. I checked and rechecked the metal plate bolted to the rich, dark oak. Number 2412. Yes, this was definitely the right room. The hallway corridor was empty. The dimly lit sconces glowed invitingly along the richly textured walls. They had led the way from the elevator of the lushly swank boutique hotel, The Hazelton, just like beacon lights leading me towards the precipice of a decision I still wasn’t sure...

1 year ago
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I Seduced My Dads Law part

So these won’t really be like stories. At least not yet since I don’t really know how to make up stuff like the writers on here. It will be more like a diary or a blog to tell you about the sex things and other things in my life. This first diary entry I’m gonna give you some background so you understand why I picked this guy for my first time. So this happened yesterday and I’m writing quite fast because I’m so excited so if I spell stuff wrong or whatever, hey it’s my first story ok? So...

First Time
2 years ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Broo

“I’m Brooklyn, and… whatever… I guess I’m a sex addict.” I glared at the group of pathetic faces in the circle surrounding me. This is so fucking lame. Why did I sign up for this? It was bad enough that I’d had to endure public humiliation when the scandal broke, but being away from the city in this touchy feely rehab centre set my nerves more on edge than they did to soothe them, which I’m sure was their original intention. From the moment I’d checked into The Belleview Retreat for Sexual...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Eggnog

The first shot struck Jennifer under the chin. That one came from Lawrence. She was still yelping when Trent’s delivery took her full in the face, filling her mouth and blinding her in an explosion of thick white. She spat and wiped her eyes clear, then pursued her boyfriend, scooping snow as she ran. Trent taunted as he fled, but stumbled knee-deep in a drift. “Bastard!” She laughed as she pelted him, then pushed him over while he was still off-balance. He pulled her with him and they rolled...

Group Sex
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Lonely Housewife

She needed to have her senses challenged, to feel nature close to her; she didn’t want to hug-a-tree, she wanted the trees to hug her. Feeling more at home sitting on the wooden staircase than anywhere else, she observed the door that lead out into the front of the property. She stared, admiring the beauty of the oak grain, before raising her head to look up to the small window above the door frame. Before she arrived at her new home in a new state with her family, watching wispy clouds drift...

2 years ago
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Khelia and David

David is a high school quarter back, who has spent his wholelife trying to be likeable. Given his popularity, he gets all the pretty girls he wants. He wants most of them for his reputation. The girl who is really on his mind is Khelia… Khelia is your typical do-not-want-to-be-noticed girl, Always in her corner, talking to a selected number of classmates. The kind that is not aware of how sexy she is. She secretly likes David, but she thinks he will never be interested because she is not as...

3 years ago
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Khelia and David

David is a high school quarter back, who has spent his wholelife trying to be likeable. Given his popularity, he gets all the pretty girls he wants. He wants most of them for his reputation. The girl who is really on his mind is Khelia… Khelia is your typical do-not-want-to-be-noticed girl; Always in her corner, talking to a selected number of classmates. The kind that is not aware of how sexy she is. She secretly likes David, but she thinks he will never be interested because she is not as...

4 years ago
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Nights To Remember

I escaped my fucked-up life into late-night erotic fantasies for years as waves crashed onto the sand beneath my balcony. I frequented my favorite site and started writing stories after becoming enamored with an author. Her stories had dirty, rough stuff I loved but also sensual and tender in a way I tried to emulate but couldn't master. I fantasized she spent hours getting aroused reading my words as I did hers. When she joined a new site, I quickly followed, seizing an opportunity to become...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Sex Rehab Diaries Kyli

“I’m Kylie, and I’m a sex addict.” I tried not to cry. It would have made things exponentially more embarrassing than just standing in front of the room telling a group of strangers that I was basically a sexual deviant. I bit down on my lower lip instead, producing just enough sharp discomfort to keep the girly tears back. I couldn’t believe I had really committed to this. Of course, I guess one could argue that I wasn’t very good with commitments, as it was. Ever since the depraved incident...

Group Sex
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Shelbys Dirty Vacation

“You’re such a whore, Shelby! But that’s still fucking hot…” Chelsie said as I briefly mentioned one particular aspect of my vacation to the Cayman Islands. “How were they? Big? Muscular? Come on, Shelby, details!” “Geez, let’s not be too demanding here. It was just sex on the beach with three incredibly hot guys! After all, I was on vacation…” I just stared at Chelsie, hoping she wouldn’t judge me for spilling the contents of my wild and dirty vacation. “Oh, please do tell! And you couldn’t...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Billion Dollar Booty Call

Chelsea was late, the victim of a failed alarm clock and cab shortage. She silently cursed her tight skirt and heels as she flew through the lobby, skidding across the polished marble floor just in time to catch the elevator. Breathless, she jumped in, glanced at her watch, and exhaled in relief. The button to the fifth floor was already glowing, pressed by the elevator’s only other occupant. When she turned to say good morning, the words stuck in her throat. It was Liam, the gorgeous new...

Group Sex
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 2 Exposing her to David

Introduction: The continueing story of how my young wife and I began to share her. Sharing Cindy Chapter Two: After the experience with Rick, Cindy and I began to develop a different kind of relationship. I used to love having her wear short shorts and sexy tops, things that showed off her body to others. I loved watching other guys trying to sneak peeks down her tops or watch their mouths hang open as she walked by. I knew I had to take it a step further. I told her how hot it was for me...

2 years ago
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Bad Habits Need Hard Measur

For the first few weeks working at Joelle’s, my feet never really touched the floor. This was everything I had dreamed of, and more. In case you don’t know about her - though I’d be curious if you didn’t - Joelle’s the woman who turned makeup into a true art. Where others only “applied” lipstick, rouge and eye shadow, she painted with an artist’s skill and turned the plainest women into goddesses, into true artwork. Nobody knew her surname, and nobody needed to. All the big stars flocked to her...

3 years ago
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Fade to Black

Aidan Black stared at the online text that flashed up onto the screen. ‘I luv ur stories!’ He yawned, and took another sip of his Jack Daniels. He quickly typed a reply and then leaned back in his chair. ‘What do you like about them?’ He smiled at the long pause. All these fans are the same, he thought to himself. Innocent young girls that dream of being treated like dirty sluts and too afraid to tell their college boyfriends that doggy-style after a long alcohol-fused pub crawl just wasn’t...

3 years ago
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It had been five years since my wife died. I was stuck in a rut. It was as if my life had stalled the day Gina passed away. I was as emotionally healed as I would ever be, yet I lacked the will to go out and start anew. I worked, I came home. I slept, and then I headed back to work again the very next day. My life became a cycle. Rinse and repeat, ad infinitum.Maybe that’s why I allowed Christie to get so close to me. I told myself I just needed the help, but had I thought it through, I would...

2 years ago
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Im Sorry Daddy

Kailee knew she shouldn’t be here. He warned her of what would happen if she came into his space alone again. Shane, her father in-law was a good man, but he liked things his way. He wanted everything run his way. When Kailee and his son had to move back in with him and his wife while their place was being finished, the rules had been simple. Stay out of his office. Last week Kailee had been wandering around the large house, bored and looking for something to do. She walked down the hall and...

3 years ago
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Danis Dilemma

I watched his plane lift off and disappear into the eastern sky. As I slowly walked across the airport terminal to the parking lot, I tried to compose myself as I wiped the last few tears from my cheeks. I could still feel his lips on my lips and the lingering scent of his shaving soap was still with me, but both sensations were rapidly vanishing. As I climbed into the car, I leaned back one last time saying good-bye to the man I loved. The feeling of the strength of his arms around me in our...

3 years ago
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Caught in the Act

Anna had only been living with Lincoln for three months, one week and five days when he walked in on her masturbating. He’d originally left with an overnight bag swinging from his clenched fist and a casual comment thrown over his shoulder to let her know he'd be spending the weekend at a friend’s place. Ten minutes after he'd walked out the door she'd stripped down to her tank top and panties, feeling the urgent need to relieve some of the tension that being around him regularly caused. In...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Cabo Connection

Damon: I’ll bet you’ll get up to some trouble in Cabo.  I smirked at the text that flashed up on our chat-log from the computer screen. He was always teasing me. Ashleigh: No trouble. At least not the good kind of trouble. I’m going with my boyfriend don’t forget. There was a pause, and while I anticipated his next words, I took a sip of the vodka soda I was prone to drinking while I spent my online hours chatting with my favorite virtual stranger, DamonX. I leaned back in my computer chair and...

1 year ago
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Totally Unacceptable

Dedication: This story is just a bit of fun and is respectfully dedicated to all the tireless story checkers on Lush, whose hard work makes this site possible and who have to put with rubbish like this every day. Also, thanks must go to Fugly, whose story "Bag of Lush All Sorts" was the inspiration for this piece.I was in only my second month at Global Biofuels and still finding my way around the organisation. As the head of procurement in a modern, forward-thinking, ethical company, I had to...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 139 No Rest for David

When I got home from my first day of work there was no point in taking a shower. Annie and Crystal were waiting for me. They said that we were going to Annie’s Dojo to work out for a few hours. If I worked my ass off then maybe they would let me take them to a new Japanese Sushi Buffet that opened nearby. My treat. They told me it was open until ten. “David, I spoke to the owner. He told me that their sushi chef has been bragging a bit too loudly about being able to handle hundreds of...

4 years ago
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10 Items Or Less

Robyn thought about sex a lot. She craved sex. Robyn wanted to feel a man’s strong masculine hands all over her naked body, to hear him whisper dirty words in her ear and make her pussy sopping wet.She imagined his hands pulling her hair back and his tongue in her ear as his thick hard cock penetrated her wet cunt. She wanted to feel his bulging biceps caress her sides and the feel of his sweat mixing with hers on their warm wet bodies.Just then Robyn looked up and saw bright red brake lights...


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