Light Of Hellfire: The Series free porn video

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Chapter 1

Raindrops fell like miniscule fists upon the city of New York, washing away the grime and filth that caked the streets and alleys. It was quiet on this late-spring day, with the hammering rain forcing people to stay inside. Even the roads were mostly quiet, while engorged with cars as usual. But while it was a quiet day, it was by no means a peaceful one.

Up at the very top of the Empire State Building, at the very tip of its spire, there was a low red flash in the grey sky. From this flash, a glowing orb came into existence, resembling a crimson light bulb. It was not bright or powerful enough to draw attention from the people below and it was completely masked by torrential rain. The raindrops that passed by this burning flash were turned into hissing steam from just the intense proximity and the unnatural heat being given off by coal-like sphere.

The orb did not fade after the initial flash; instead, it grew in intensity and size while becoming darker in shade. Initially the size of a human fist, it began to expand into an undulating vertical disk as large as a dinner table. There was a second flash and the disk became still, having completed its metamorphosis. It became solid like glass, with shifting hues of red swirling within.

Black mist spewed out from the bottom of the disk, pouring out slowly and streaming down like thick tar. The mist washed over to the spire of the top of the building, causing the metal to rust and deteriorate as if exposed to acid. Echoing from this ominous curtain of red light was a choir of agonizing screams and cries of pain, pouring out from the depths of the blood-red light. Were the weather clear, the people down in the streets would instantly gaze up in horror at the source of this bone-chilling orchestra and cover their ears to try and protect their souls from its ravaging tone. The sound radiating from this dark apparition was one not meant for mortal ears, a sound that was never intended to be set loose upon the earth. Only through the purifying drumming of the rain were the people of New York spared the mind-scarring chorus.

A ripple stretched out from the center of the disk and a shadow came into view from its depths, like a sea beast slowly rising to the surface of the ocean. Slowly, a figure stepped out onto the top of the spire, standing on the tip of the radio tower on one foot. The figure was a tall young man with a lean but muscular build, garbed in brown boots, grey baggy pants, a black sash, and a black hooded shirt with a vest. Wrapped around his wrists were two rosary bead cords and two metal shackles. The man had medium-length dark hair that was slicked back, a gray complexion, piercing blue eyes that could almost glow in the dark, and hidden under his hood were two horns that protruded just past his hair line and reached back across his scalp almost aerodynamically.

As he fully stepped out of the fiery doorway, a burning halo came into view, hovering above his head, as well as four massive wings that grew out of his back. Each was more than twice the size of his body when fully unfolded and stretched, with the lower set of wings resembling bat wings but with scales instead of flesh, and the upper wings like the wings of an eagle, but were whiter than pearls. Protruding from the back of his pelvis was a long black tail with a rope-like length and flexibility and a bladed stinger on the end like a butcher knife, but with a tearing barb. His fingertips were armed with triangular claws that tapered down with razor-sharp edges.

His name was Baltoh, and his arrival was an omen in every sense of the world.

The crimson portal disappeared and Baltoh looked out over the city, standing on the tip of the radio tower and wrapped in his wings. His bright grey eyes scanned the city below, taking in the view. It hadn’t been very long since his last visit to the human world, as he traveled there frequently.

“I’ll find you, just you wait…” he muttered with a voice that was as clear and unwavering as it was deep.

He then opened up his wings and elevated without a single flap, slowly rising higher into the sky. He then pushed off the air with the muscular sails and took off across the sky, invisible to everyone below.

Selene Kurland walked down the sidewalk with her eyes focused on the book of crossword puzzles in her hand. Even with her mind completely focused on figuring out a seven-letter word for “energy spreading”, she skirted through the crowds of daily commuters and the erratic flow of traffic.

Selene was a beautiful woman in her mid twenties with a chocolate/cinnamon-shade complexion, long black hair that was straight yet wavy, and bright green eyes. Matching her beauty was her hourglass figure, with d-cup breasts, a slender waist, an ass and pair of thighs that were toned with muscle, and hips that swung like a clock pendulum with each step. Her figure was a mixture of good genes and a nearly religious devotion to her gym. Not surprisingly, the results came together literally without a flaw.

She was wearing black high-healed shoes that gave a very sexy tap with each step, a black skirt that tightly held to her smooth thighs, and a tan business coat with her purse hanging from her shoulder. Secured in her purse and leaning against her shoulder was an umbrella, deflecting the torrential sheets of rain. Maybe she should have driven today…

Selene loved puzzles, but not because of a specific affinity for the mental exercise. She liked them because they posed a challenge, something that allowed her to push herself to her limits. She was always searching for a challenge, something to break the boring routine of life, it was why she moved to New York in the first place (where unfortunately the only job she could get was a soul-sucking one in a cubicle). In this case, her challenge for today was to get to work without putting down the crossword book or getting run over.

As she walked past the tent-city of Zuccotti Park, she raised her free hand and gave a thumbs-up.

“Occupy!” she called out without looking up from the puzzle.

“Occupy!” several of the protesters cheered in return, glad for the small piece of support.

“Entropy!” she exclaimed with a smile as she finally caught the word she was looking for. Hearing her ringtone sounding off in her purse, she quickly scribbled in the word before pulling out her cell phone.

“Hey Molly, what’s up?” she asked as she waited at the street corner for the chance to cross.

“You had better get your ass over here, because if your desk is vacant when Mr. Reed passes by, you’ll really have to get on your knees and “beg” to keep your job,” her coworker and good friend warned jokingly.

Selene chuckled as she and the crowd of commuters walked across the street with the legion of cars humming just a few feet away. “Don’t we have this same conversation every day?”

“If we didn’t, you would permanently got lost on the path of life,” Molly remarked.

Selene laughed again. “Ok, you’re right on that one. Relax, I’m just one block away, meaning that I’m about to get splashed with the dirtiest puddle any second now. I’ll be there in a minute. By the way, do you know a twelve-letter word for a high school math class?”

She walked past a group of protestors with republican candidate signs, shouting for people to vote out Obama, even with the elections months away.

A Gargoyle sat crouched on the observation deck of a skyscraper, staring down at the city with glowing red eyes. The creature was shorter than an adult human but much more muscular, with long powerful limbs, serrated talons protruding from its fingers and hook-like toes, bony wings with scaly flesh and thin membranes, twisted horns above it’s disfigured jackal face, a swishing whip-like tail, and jet-black skin that was covered in bloody scars. The tar-like saliva that dripped from its jagged teeth burned the stone with the sound of sizzling bacon.

The Gargoyle stood up, while maintaining a slouched-over posture, and opened its wings with an abnormally loud thump, like the beat of an ancient war drum. Leaping off the tower, it plunged towards the ground, completely invisible to all mortal eyes. Reaching the entrance of the building, it held open its wings to their full size and flapped them, catching the air whooshing past. The puddles and falling rain around the front doors almost exploded from the pulsing shockwave as it shot up into the air.

Soaring lazily over the city, the beast tried to control its excitement and thirst for blood. Only lucky handfuls of Gargoyles had ever existed in the world of the living in all of history, and here, there was more food than its deranged mind could comprehend. Looking down, creature spotted its first victim. On the roof of a nearby office building, a man had stepped outside for some much-needed fresh air.

Having just received a call from his wife that she had just had a miscarriage, the balding middle-aged man did not care that it was raining; he just needed to get out of the building. Landing behind him, the Gargoyle gave off a loud splashing sound. The man quickly turned around, having lost the feeling that he was alone. While the unholy beast was completely invisible, the man’s eyes widened with terror as he saw its silhouette in the rain, as each drop that splattered on its body showed its size and shape.

Lashing out, the Gargoyle slashed the man across the chest, ripping open his ribcage and torso cavity. The man released a garbled cry of pain as blood streamed from his mouth and his organs spilled out onto the floor. The man fell dead to the ground and the Gargoyle pounced, feasting on the man while the blood slowly spread across the rain-soaked roof like a spoonful of oil across the surface of a pond. The Gargoyle fed on the carcass with relish, tearing through the body with its claws and chewing on the bloody meat only briefly.

As it slurped up a line of intestines like a spaghetti strand, a bright flash of light flared beside it and the Gargoyle screeched in pain as its severed wing and arm fell to the floor with thick blood trickling from its veins. Baltoh stood behind the creature with a meter-long sword in his hand. The handle had no guard and was a half-foot long, while the single-edged blade had a very narrow shape until the halfway point with razor-sharp serrations. After the halfway point, the size suddenly swelled with an abrupt gut-hook to weigh down the end of the blade for enhanced hacking and slashing. The sword finally tapered off to a stabbing point, essentially making it so that anyone struck by the blade would either be ravaged by eighteen inches of straight-razor serrations, ripped open like a gutted fish by the hook-like edge, cleaved by the wide weighted twelve-inch end, or stabbed by the pointed tip.

“Where is he?” Baltoh demanded as the Gargoyle staggered back with blood sloppily pouring from the stumps if its severed arm and wing.

“You! How did you know we were here?!” the beast hissed.

“That is none of your concern. Where is Abaddon!?”

The Gargoyle began to laugh. “You shall receive nothing from me, traitor. I was born of pain and malice, and there is nothing you can do to make me talk.”

Baltoh’s flaming halo flared up like burning oil and the white feathers of his upper wings stood on end. “Whether it is stubbornness or loyalty to the Devil, your silence will accomplish nothing. I will find him and destroy you all.”

With a dark roar, the Gargoyle lunged forward with black smoke billowing from its claws like fire. With little effort, Baltoh caught the Gargoyle’s wrist before its talons could reach his face, then severed its hand with only his grip.

“You should know that your strength is nothing compared to mine, but it does not surprise me, after all, you are just a lowly Gargoyle.”

The creature staggered back in agony, and before it could retaliate, Baltoh aimed his palm at it. “Angel Art: Holy Burn.”

A flash of light was released from his palm with the brightness of the sun. The light obliterated the hell-spawn creature with a metaphysical impact of holy fire, incinerating its body while shoving it back. While the flash was visible from below, anyone who saw it would merely mistake it for a particularly powerful bolt of lightning.

Baltoh then turned to the butchered remains of the slain man. He snapped his fingers and the ravaged body was incinerated in a surge of white flames, removing every trace and not even leaving ashes behind.

Abaddon stood in the bell tower of the Riverside Church, watching the rain pour ceaselessly. Behind him were several bowed Gargoyles, all with lowered eyes and swishing tails. Abaddon was not a Gargoyle, he was a Demon, and while they were similar in nature, comparing them would be like comparing house cats to lions.

Abaddon’s body was very similar to the Gargoyles’, with bat-like wings, jet-black scaly flesh, a long tail, long talons protruding from the ends of his fingers and toes, and curled horns on the top of his head. However, his body was far more humanoid, with longer limbs and bones, a much straighter posture, more malleable digits, a muscular yet leaner and less bulky physique, a humanoid face, and even spiky hair. Secured to his wrists were two metal shackles and he was wearing a skirt of armor plates around his waist, similar to a gladiator or knight.

The Demon growled as he looked out over the city. “I can’t believe that bastard followed us here. He already killed one of us, and our plan can’t work if we lose another. Not even I can face him in battle the way I am. All of you will lay low and remain hidden, but I need to feed so that I may become strong enough to fight him. If I feed on enough souls, I may be able to at least survive confrontation, but you are all to keep a low profile…”

Selene walked down the street, still working on her book of crossword puzzles. The rain had finally stopped in in unison with the lost the light of the sun, and with the darkness of the city, it was likely that the vast puddles and blanket of water would not dry until the next day. The night was unusually dark. For even though the rain had stopped, the thick clouds remained and they refused to allow the moon to shine. With so much moisture in the city, a thick mist thickened the air, almost making if difficult to breath and wrapping around every lamppost and window like a straightjacket, locking in the light so that all else remained dark.

Selene walked this street twice a day to and from work, so she had no worries. Even in the darkness with no one around, she felt safe enough to walk home. Not to mention the fact that the can of mace she carried in her purse was strong enough to melt the eyes out of anyone who gave her a funny look.

In a stretch of time so small that she couldn’t even think of something to compare it to, Selene’s world was suddenly flipped upside-down as her senses were ripped away, save for the sound of a crackling rattle and the feeling of getting stabbed at every centimeter of flesh in her body with hot irons while battery acid flooded her veins. Her legs buckled under the agony and she felt herself being snatched up by multiple arms with brutal force and dragged into the nearby alley.

“Damn, that Taser worked like a charm. The bitch isn’t even screaming,” a course voice laughed.

Selene’s eyes rolled randomly as she tried to identify whoever had attacked her, but whatever Taser they had used on her, she couldn’t imagine it being a regular model if the affects were this prominent. She couldn’t move or even make a sound; she was completely crippled by the pain of the excruciating shock.

Selene was slammed against a brick wall with one of her captors gripping her by the throat. The impact, while painful, offered some clarity, as she was now able to at least see her attackers. One was facing her, as mentioned before, with his hand around her throat, the second was standing beside the first, and the third was a few feet away, digging through her purse.

“Damn, she’s nice piece of ass. It looks like we’ll get a little more than some cash and credit cards,” the second one laughed.

The words felt like an icy finger being dragged up Selene’s spine as she realized what they were about to do to her.

“No… please…” she gasped with her throat burning. Her plea got her a hard smack to the cheek.

“Unless you’re begging for my cock, you had better shut the fuck up…” the first growled as he drew a knife. “…If you know what’s good for you.”

Looking through the stars of the stinging smack, Selene’s eyes widened as she saw the faint light glinting off the blade. Like his knife, the dim light was reflected off his teeth as he gave a cruel smile. Holding the knife as if he were going to stab her, he slipped the tip of the blade into her collar. For the briefest second, the tip of the blade was touching her skin, and never before had she felt something so stingingly cold. To her relief, the knife was taken off of her skin, but before she could exhale, her attacker yanked the blade downwards, tearing through her coat, shirt, and bra. With tears streaming from her eyes, Selene cried out in pain as blood trickled down her belly from the deep cut left on her breast from the attacker’s malicious and clumsy removal of her clothes.

He then tore through her skirt and panties and the second attacker went to work yanking off the shredded remains. Selene shivered in terror and helplessness as the cool air fanned her bare thighs and firm breasts. Her nipples were now the size of finger joints from the cold air and the fear that filled every fiber of her being.

“Look at those sweet tits of hers, I wonder how much cum has been shot onto them. I imagine a little white would look great on that dark skin,” the third attacker joked as he approached, jamming a handful of cash into his pocket and throwing aside her purse.

They were really going to rape her, and that fact terrified Selene more than anything else in her life. She had to do something, anything that had the slightest chance of sparing her from this fate. Working up all the strength in her exhausted body, she screamed at the top of her lungs, “SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! HEL—”

Her scream was cut short as the attacker’s blade was plunged into the side of her stomach, cutting through her without any effort. The pain that shot through her was so excruciating, she lost all control over her body and mind. The pain inflicted to her with the knife lodged in her flesh was even more horrible than the Taser, something that she thought was impossible. With blood slowly filling her mouth, her body became limp while her attackers just laughed.

‘Is this it? Am I going to die here? Will these monsters raping be the last thing I feel before I slip away? Is this really how it ends for me?’ she thought desperately as blood trickled from her lower lip and dripped on the hand around her throat.

“Let her go,” a voice echoed through the alley. The deep voice was as clear as glass and the very sound of it shook Selene from her dying daze.

She and her three attackers looked to the entrance of the alley, where a lone figure stood, silhouetted against the light of the lampposts in the street.

‘Yes, thank you, someone heard me,’ thought Selene.

“Who the fuck are you?!” the second attacker barked.

“Let her go, this is your final warning,” the man ordered with more authority and power in his voice than any living human could have.

The first attacker pulled his knife out of Selene, making her scream in pain. “Listen asshole, either walk away or I’ll carve off your face, he’ll kick your ass, and he’ll stomp on your nuts.”

The silhouetted figure cricked his neck. “You want to face me? Very well…”

Before he continued, four large wings grew out of his back, with the feathers along the edge of the upper wings flanged like the quills of a porcupine and the lower bat-like wings honed to the sharp shape of a blade. With blood oozing down her chin, Selene gasped in disbelief and the three rapists staggered back, cursing in fear. The man with the knife dropped her and she slumped to the ground with blood pouring from her wound.

“But know this, your hatred is nothing compared to mine! Demon Art: Incineration Flood!”

An eruption of red and black flames surged from Baltoh, shaking the street and causing every puddle in the alley and every piece of trash to rise into the air. The dark flames surged down the alley, slamming into the three rapists like an undammed river and knocking them off their feet. Completely ignored by the blast, Selene watched in horror in amazement as the three suspended attackers were slowly disintegrated by waves of black and red flames washing over them. Their clothes were burned away, their faces melted off their skulls, their flesh was pealed off their bodies, their muscles were shredded as if by a meat grinder, blood streamed from their carcasses as their veins were lacerated at every centimeter, their organs exploded like water balloons once exposed, and after only a few seconds, they were nothing but charred skeletons. As the surge faded, so did Selene’s level on consciousness. Succumbing to blood loss and the pain of her injuries, Selene slumped over and passed out.

Kicking aside the blackened skeletons of the rapists, Baltoh walked over to Selene and crouched down, holding his pale hand over her naked body. “Angel Art: Laying On Of Hands.”

Selene’s whole body began to glow as a plasma-like radiance wafted from Baltoh’s hand and settled on her skin. Her stab wound began to close, her scrapes and bruises disappeared, and her body stopped shaking as the affects of the stun gun were removed. In less than half a minute, she was fully healed. While he restored her health, Baltoh was surprised to find himself analyzing every inch of her naked beauty, moving his eyes slowly up her slim yet curved frame.

While he healed her wounds, Baltoh reached out with his tail and retrieved her purse, proceeding then to search for information. Pulling out a forgotten letter, Baltoh read her name and address, memorizing the location of the apartment building and the exact unit. Hooking the purse to his sash, he moved back over to Selene. With one arm against her back and the other under her knees, Baltoh picked her up, clutching her naked body while being careful not to scratch her with his claws.

Holding the woman in his arms, Baltoh lost all inertia and stood as still as a statue, staring at her face. It had been years since he laid eyes upon something so… beautiful, and never before had it stopped him in his tracks like this. Looking at her, he felt a very blissful sensation in his chest and a happy nervousness, something that he had never before experienced with his cold heart.

Realizing how much time had passed, Baltoh shook himself back to reality and spread his wings. With a single powerful flap, he was catapulted high into the sky. Holding Selene tightly, he stabilized himself in the air and began to fly, mentally repeating the address he had found on the letter as he soared over the city. With her long lustrous hair brushing across her face, Selene was brought out of full unconsciousness, but her mind was still only half-awake. Her eyelids slowly rose, revealing the emerald gems through which she gazed at Baltoh’s face, unsure of if what she was seeing was real or a dream. What she did know was that he was very handsome and she was cold. She gave a soft sigh as she fell back to sleep, crossing her arms to keep warm.

With the chilly damp air kissing her bare skin, the sleeping Selene shivered in Baltoh’s arms. Looking at her, Baltoh felt an overwhelming sense of protectiveness for her, something that was completely foreign to him. For his entire existence, he had never felt anything like the emotions that holding this woman were bringing. Ever since he first came to be, his life had been nothing but anger and the desire to slay Gargoyles and Demons. His own life meant nothing, except that he would not be able to continue fighting if he died. But now… he found himself drawn to this woman.

Unable to understand why he was doing it, Baltoh tightened his embrace, holding her closer while he flew and keeping her warm with his own body heat. He even wrapped his lower wings around her to keep her protected from the cold wind. Clutching her tightly, he tried to fight his building erection, something that further confused him, as he had never felt sexual attraction for anyone or desire for anything.

Finally reaching Selene’s apartment building, he landed on the fire escape by her unit like an eagle reaching its nest. With Selene in his arms, he stepped forward and passed right through the wall as if it were a hologram, entering her bedroom. Stepping down onto the floor with unparalleled silence, he retracted his wings and gently laid Selene in her bed.

Standing up, Baltoh looked around the room for a reason that he did not know. There were no lights on, but he could see clearly in the darkness. The walls were blocked off by bookshelves or sprinkled with pictures of friends and family. With his hand moving against his will, Baltoh picked up a picture of Selene with a young man and stared at it intently. While they had the same complexion, he couldn’t not figure out if he were a boyfriend or brother.

‘Why am I so curious about this woman? Why am I so distracted?’ Baltoh thought to himself, shaking his head from side to side like a wet dog.

As he looked back at the picture, he saw the reflection of two eyes in the glass, right above his shoulder. Spinning around, Baltoh aimed his hand at the creature with his sword materializing in his grip. He came to a stop, sword in hand, staring into the eyes of a white and brown cat, perched on the top of one of the bookshelves. The creature’s eyes were fully dilated to take in all possible light, its tail was swishing from side to side anxiously, and its claws were slowly edging out of its soft paws. But the feline’s posture was relaxed, as if it were both at ease and alert. Staring at the Baltoh, the cat felt more confusion than ever before in its life, sensing a vast torrent of different energies in him, both light and dark.

Baltoh let go of his sword and the weapon disappeared as soon as contact was lost. Turning back to the window to leave, Baltoh was again brought to a statue-like pose, staring at Selene’s naked body. The city lights from outside were cast upon her unclothed beauty like a spider web, illuminating her womanly figure. Her dark skin caught the light beautifully, allowing Baltoh to see her in a way that he had not yet experienced. While her body was rich in voluptuous curves, her lean and well-toned figure was like that of a bronze goddess. Between her long smooth thighs, the lips of her pussy looked so delicate and soft, it was as if they were made of chocolate frosting and lacked even a single hair. Her full breasts gently trembled with each intake and release of air, and her nipples were erect from the softness and ticklish chill of each exhale. Her silky black hair was scattered across her pillow, while only a few strands were draped across her peaceful face. The lipstick on her lips glistened as she breathed, and her eyelashes fluttered with each sleeping tremor in the lids.

“Beautiful,” Baltoh finally gasped, completely mesmerized by her unparalleled visage.

Murmuring the word shook him from his daze, reminding him that he had to leave. He extended his wings and became intangible, about to pass through the wall as if it were made only of light. As he took a step forward, Selene’s eyes slowly opened and Baltoh was caught in the bright green hue.

She reached out for his wings, inadvertently plucking one of his feathers. “Wait.”

Baltoh stopped dead.

“At least answer me this: are you an Angel?”

Baltoh looked away, unsure of how to answer. “Sort of.”

Once again, Selene was sound asleep, completely peaceful, the feather locked tightly in her grip.

Two sounds filled the abandoned subway tunnel; the dark laughs of Abaddon and the agonizing cries of his eighteen-year-old victim. Having spent the evening feeding on homeless people, the black-hearted Demon had now decided to move onto the main course. The young woman before him had long blonde hair and pale skin, dirtied from years of living in the streets and sickly from malnourishment. She was completely naked and covered in long bloody cuts, inflicted by Abaddon’s razor-sharp talons or from whip-like slashes of his tail.

She was bent over awkwardly, leaning on the ramp alongside the tracks, crying and screaming in pain as the Demon forced his near-horse-sized cock into her tiny body with inhuman speed. Beneath her were the butchered remains of her parents, wet with her tears and the blood streaming from between her legs, caused by the bony ridges that encircled the shaft of Abaddon’s phallus.

For over an hour, the young girl had begged the Demon to have mercy and stop, or to at least kill her and end the pain. Even after everything she had saw and experienced in this brutal night, she couldn’t believe what was happening to her. The evil force raping her was not human, and while her sense of logic screamed that he had to be, the girl knew that it was no man using her in such a cruel way, no matter how impossible it seemed. Feeding on the agony and gaining strength from her teary cries, Abaddon was not going to show any kindness.

Finally, Abaddon released a lion-like roar as he finally came, squeezing his victim’s hips tightly. The young girl screamed in agony and humiliation as the Demon dug his claws into her flesh and felt his semen flood her body, taking the place of Abaddon’s cock as he yanked it out of her. She released a second and more tearful scream as an indescribable burning feeling coursed through her body. In her vagina, the dark-grey semen was eating away at her flesh, burning through her like acid.

Abaddon stood back and watched with an evil smile as the girl writhed in pain, crying from the dark fluid that was melting her from the inside out. Finally, just before death, Abaddon unhinged his jaw like a hungry boa constrictor, leaned down, and crushed her skull between his teeth as he feasted upon her.

Wiping the blood from his chin, Abaddon stood up and began to chuckle. “Finally, I am at fighting strength.”

Selene bolted awake to the sound of her alarm, reliving the scene from the alley as if were still happening. She looked around wildly, expecting to see her attackers, but only seeing her bedroom. The welcoming sight nearly caused her to collapse, as she almost wept with joy that she hadn’t been raped.

“It was just a dream… It was just a dream… It was just a dream…” she murmured to herself as she clutched her knees, completely shaken by the vividness of her memories.

A small scowl appeared on her face, something didn’t feel right. She looked at her hand, having felt something greasy on her leg. Her palm had a thin coating of grime, and looking over her body, she realized that her hand wasn’t the only thing that was dirty.

‘Did I sleepwalk and lie in a gutter?!’ she thought to herself, wondering how all the grime got on her body. She looked down at her stomach and even saw a large bloodstain.

She looked over to her clock to turn off the beeping alarm and the blood in her veins instantly became as cold as ice. She was looking at her pillow and the white feather on it. The marble-like color was so vibrant that Selene knew that for it to come from a mere bird was impossible. Just the size alone made it being an eagle feather impossible. Selene quickly reached into her dirt-covered purse and found her wallet, empty of cash.

“It really happened. The alley, the muggers, the knife… the man.”

Mentally shaken, Selene called in sick to work, deciding that it would be best if she thought things out before doing anything. After taking a shower and washing away the dirt from the alley and the blood from her injuries, Selene sat in her living room with a cup of coffee, watching the morning news. Purring and meowing, her attention-hungry cat crawled into her lap.

As she petted the feline behind the ears, a new story came on the TV. Selene quickly turned up the volume as the anchorwoman began speaking.

“A brutal scene was discovered this morning by delivery trucks handing newspapers. Describing the smell of burning sulfur, they came across an alley that looked at if it had been the scene of an explosion. The walls of the neighboring buildings were melted and burned, the concrete ground was obliterated as if by earth-moving equipment, and the remains of three bodies were found.

We go to you live at the scene, where the police has allowed us to view the incredible destruction. I warn you, the following footage is quite graphic and viewer discretion is strongly advised…”

The screen went dark for a moment and then the view was returned. Selene spewed coffee across her cat as she saw the alley, sending the irritated feline scurrying away. Selene stared at the TV with a look of horror. She knew without a shadow of a doubt that the alley they were showing was the alley she had been mugged in the night before. The camera zoomed in at several points, showing the damage of the explosion. It was a miracle that the buildings themselves weren’t obliterated!

Next the camera panned over to the victims, and Selene had to fight with all her strength not to throw up at the sight of the twisted black skeletons and the horrible expression of agony on their charred faces. The screen then returned to the anchorwoman, who too looked nauseous from the sight of the gruesome skeletons.

“Police are currently investigating the identities of the three victims and the cause of the explosion. They were willing to remark on the strangeness of the event, as there were no reports of any loud noises, something that would be unmistakable for whatever caused so much destruction. They also told us a very interesting fact: while the examination continues, no chemical residue has been found at the site. They can’t find any evidence of an actual bomb exploding or any traces of acid; all they have uncovered is a large amount of sulfur. “

With shaky hands, Selene turned off the TV and looked down at the feather in her lap. She gently picked it up and pressed it against her chest.
“Who are you?”

Baltoh sat crouched on the corner of an office building with his head in his palm, mulling over the previous night. There was barely a cloud in the sky and the temperature was reaching into the high sixties. Baltoh had made himself invisible so that he didn’t even cast a shadow. He didn’t want any distractions as he pondered his next movie and his previous ones. His wings lay draped around him like blankets and his whip-like barbed tail lazily flicked as he scolded himself.

“What the hell are you doing? You’re on a mission; you have a job to do. You can’t afford to get involved with a human.”

He then stood up and turned around, running his fingers through his hair. He thought back over and over again to the different sensations that filled him when he gazed at Selene in her bedroom. Never before in his entire existence had he felt anything like those emotions, he had never felt anything other than hatred and the desire to slay Demons and Gargoyles. But looking at Selene, holding her naked form tightly… it replaced the fires of anger in his heart with the fires of passion.

“Enough of this,” he finally growled, turning back to the city. He had been pondering something else since he arrived, ever since he had encountered that Gargoyle.

‘To be able to interact and even kill a human being, less than a day after arrival… Even a full-fledged Demon would require at least two weeks to amass enough power for physical interaction, and even then, a lethal wound would be impossible to inflict.’ He looked up at the pale sun and began tapping his foot impatiently. ‘Something has changed. Either they’re getting more powerful or crossing over is having less affect. Whatever is going on, I need to put a stop to it before it’s too late.’

He jerked his head as a small pop flared in the back of his mind. He could sense a surge in Demon energy and it was compressed in a single entity. Without a doubt it was Abaddon.

“Tch, perfect timing.”

Baltoh slowly passed through level upon level upon level of abandoned railway tunnels and sewer lines, moving through solid stone and concrete without even touching it. He finally came to the lowest tunnel, residing deep below the city and having been completely untouched since it was abandoned. Only the eternally gnawing rats had inflicted damage to the concrete structures and formations.

Peeling the muscle off of the severed arm of dead child, Abaddon looked over as Baltoh appeared and quickly jumped to his feet. “How the hell did you find me?!”

“You may be able to hide yourself from the eyes of humans and the light of the sun, but you were careless in trying to hide your power or its toxic influence. All I needed to do was follow the smell of evil on your breath.”

Baltoh looked down at the dead bodies around Abaddon’s feet and the multiple teeth and claw marks. “I’ve let you roam free in this world for too long, now you die,” he growled, forming his sword in his hand.

The Demon began to laugh and held out his hand. Bursting from the flesh of his palm, a line of bones resembling a spinal column reached out and locked together into a meter-long pole. A loud cracking sound echoed through the chamber as the spine began to warp, being crushed by an invisible force and compacted. All without shattering, the spine was compressed into a long sword of a single solid piece of bone, with the spinal ridges acting as huge serrations.

“Don’t underestimate me traitor. Ever since I got here, I’ve been feeding nonstop. The painful cries of these puny humans, they’re so beautiful, the sound of the flesh being torn from their bodies and their blood being splattered across the walls and floor, the sight of the poor girls’ teary faces as I rape them to death, and the taste of this glorious feast of agony… it’s indescribable!

I’ve been tormenting these weaklings since I got here, feasting on their excruciating pain and their bodies. And I must say, living humans taste so much more delectable than the spirits of the damned; they are so… unspoiled. Now I’ve become far stronger than I ever was in Hell, strong enough to even face you!”

Baltoh maintained his cool demeanor and held up his hand in front of his face. “We’ll see about that. Angel Art: Repairing Barrier.”

A bubble of light suddenly appeared around Baltoh’s fist, expanding twenty feet every second. The growing bubble of light consumed him and Abaddon and continued to expand, passing through the walls, floor, and ceiling of the tunnel as if they weren’t even there. After expanding a hundred meters in every direction, the bubble came to a stop and became still. Baltoh turned to a nearby concrete pillar and flicked the air in its direction. The pillar instantly shattered into millions of pieces and crumbled to the ground, but before the dust could even begin to settle, the pillar was reformed, with every shard and pebble of concrete joining together into a giant single piece and repairing itself completely.

“I’m not very skilled in maintaining this barrier, let’s keep this small, shall we?” Baltoh sighed before being consumed by a roaring torrent of black and white energy. Darkness was streaming from his black bat-like wings and light was streaming from his pearly eagle-like wings.

Abaddon gave a booming laugh and pointed his sword at Baltoh as black flames surged up from the ground around him. “Very well, but I wonder just how long you can last before you have to resort to unleashing your full power.”

The two enemies crouched down with their arms held back and pounced on each other. In midair, they both swung their swords and collided in deafening crash. Instantly, every piece of solid stone and concrete shattered like fragment grenade, filling the air with dust and shrapnel.

Chapter 2

Selene bolted up as the feather on her coffee table began to spin wildly, with a glowing vapor wafting up from the silky strands. Breathing heavily, she crouched down beside the table and stared at the feather as it came to a sudden stop and the crystalline aurora became more focused and pressured, instantly being pushed away from the tip of the feather as if it were in a wind tunnel. It actually looked like passing comet, wrapped up in its tail. The feather began to twitch, with the tip changing direction by only a millimeter of so with each shift.

Bringing her face down low to the table, she looked in the direction that the feather was pointing. Even without having ever seen something like this, Selene knew that there was a definite purpose for what was going on. In her gut, she knew that feather was actually pointing to something, and whatever it was, she knew it would have the answers she was looking for.

Quickly getting dressed, she grabbed the feather and ran out the door, determined to follow it, wherever it led her.

Baltoh and Abaddon crashed through a wall of stone, entering an ancient cave system deep below the city of New York. Moving so fast that they were reduced to blurs, they locked blades over an over in an endless dance that had been going on for hours. With each collision, a vast cascade of sparks would fill the air, as well dust and shrapnel from every rock and piece of stone shattering from the created shockwaves. Only thanks to Baltoh’s barrier was all the damage instantly repaired and the affects of the battle kept from being noticed by the outside world.

‘Damn it, why is this battle still going on? It is true that he is far stronger than any normal Demon, but I would normally end a battle like this in less than a minute, but I feel so… dull. I can’t focus my mind or my energy. I feel like I’m bleeding to death,’ Baltoh thought to himself, trying to force all distractions out of his mind.

Disengaging from Baltoh’s sword, Abaddon flew backwards and pointed his clawed finger at his mortal enemy, as if he were pretending to fire a gun.

“Demon Art: Dark Pulse!” he thundered.

Instantly a colossal beam of dark energy erupted from the tip of his claw like a comic book villain’s giant death ray.

“Angel Art: Gates of Heaven!” Baltoh countered, planting his sword in the ground.

Shaking the whole tunnel, an ornate gateway of solid gold burst from the tunnel in front of Baltoh. Glowing like a huge neon sign, the gate shielded Baltoh from the blast, with the shadow energy unable to even pass between the bars.

“Demon Art: Debt Retrieval!” Baltoh then cast.

Beneath Abaddon, a trampoline-sized portal to Hell opened and a massive skeleton hand reached up, grabbing the Demon with its crushing embrace like a man grabbing an action figure and ending the Dark Pulse blast. With the beam halted, Baltoh released the Gates of Heaven spell and pounced on Abaddon with his sword held low for an uppercut slash.

With a monstrous roar, Abaddon swung his tail and struck the hand, shattering all of the bones and freeing himself. Abaddon retrieved his sword, having just enough time to block Baltoh’s upward slash. The two blades met and the Demon was instantly thrown straight up by the sheer power behind the slash, crashing through level upon level of cave systems.

Eventually gaining control of his momentum, Abaddon became intangible and slowed himself down, passing up into an empty subway platform. The chamber had two subway tracks with a twin lines of pillars on the platform between them, a long staircase leading up to the street on one side of the chamber but was blocked off due to repairs needing to be made to the platform, and a wall with a dozen payphones stood on the opposite wall. The platform was on the very fringes of Baltoh’s original barrier, meaning that if they moved any higher, they would no longer be undetectable.

After solidifying and stepping down onto the floor, Abaddon quickly stepped back as Baltoh shot up from below with his sword straight up. Having missed Abaddon, Baltoh became the victim of his own inertia and plunged his sword into ceiling, sending a spider web of cracks through the concrete and causing rubble to rain down. Before Baltoh could readjust his sense of direction and find Abaddon, the Demon appeared behind him, spun around for momentum, and delivered an earth-shaking kick. Baltoh was sent careening like a skipping stone and crashed straight through one of the rows of pillars like a wrecking ball through Styrofoam.

Coming to a stop, Baltoh quickly raised his sword to block an execution-style slash from Abaddon. The two enemies stared each other down, each pushing against the sword of the other. As the screeching sound of the straight-razor-sized blades on Abaddon’s sword grinding against the glassy serrations of Baltoh’s, the latter gave a smile. With more than twice as much strength as Abaddon, Baltoh released one hand from his sword, while the Demon was left still desperately pushing with all the strength in both of his arms.

Helpless to defend himself, Abaddon howled in pain as Baltoh slashed him across the chest with his talons, tearing open his chest cavity and nearly snapping the ribs. He then delivered an organ-rupturing punch, sending the Demon skidding back fifty feet. Abaddon struggled to stay on his feet with inky blood dribbling from his wound, giving Baltoh the opportunity of a lifetime.

Baltoh reached out with his long tail and wrapped the tendril around Abaddon’s throat, strangling the Demon. He then turned around, swinging Abaddon like the head of a sledgehammer, and planted him in the floor with enough force to create a thirty-foot crater. He released the Demon’s throat, and as the beaten wretch slowly tried to get to his feet, Baltoh delivered a devastating kick to the face, sending Abaddon flying through the air and crashing into the wall with so much force that even the pay phones he didn’t crush were destroyed by the shockwave and the whole terminal nearly caved in.

Baltoh pointed his sword at the Demon, about to deliver the final move. Dredging up his power levels for the attack that would obliterate his foe, he was suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone coming down the stairs.

‘What the Hell? This subway platform is closed, who is coming down here?’ he thought to himself, turning around.

His eyes widened and he released a deep gasp as Selene came into view. The beautiful woman instantly stared at Baltoh, completely mesmerized by the sight of him and the undisputable proof that the events of the night before had really happened. She slowly walked towards him, clutching his feather and focusing on every detail of his body, from his tail to his burning halo.

“It’s you, it really is you,” she gasped with a shaky breath.

Baltoh turned to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Selene, what are you doing here? How did you find me?”

“The feather you left me, it began to glow and pointed in your direction. I knew I would find you if I followed it. Who… who are you?! What are you?!”

“I’ll explain all of those later, I have to finish this battle now. Just please stand back and—”

“Look out!” she interrupted, drawing his attention back to Abaddon. The Demon was heavily wounded, but he was on his feet and had his finger pointed at them.

“Die traitor! Demon Art: Dark Pulse!” He roared.

All the rubble on the floor was thrown aside like scraps of paper by an activated fan as a jet-black blast of shadow energy surged from his finger like an erupting volcano, focused into a dense beam with a ten-foot diameter and carrying enough power to cut down half of the city with ease.

Shielding Selene with his wings, Baltoh turned around and acted on instinct. Roaring at the top of his lungs, he swung his sword and deflected it with the edge, defying all laws of physics and accidently launching it upwards. Going straight up, the blast burned a hole through the street and shot into the sky. Everyone in the street screamed in terror as it continued to rise like a geyser of oil, flying high above the tallest buildings in less than a second.

With the blast saturating the atmosphere with shadow energy, dark storm clouds began swirling around the black pillar. Down on the subway platform, Baltoh was pushing against the blast with his sword, desperately trying to stop it from firing upwards. If he tried shifting the angle of his sword and direct it in a different direction, the blast would slam down onto the city like a cleaver. In the blink of an eye it would take to change the direction of the blast, a huge scar could be carved straight through several miles of the city, possibly killing hundreds of people. This beam was far more powerful than a normal Demon’s!

After rising so high that no one could see it, the blast finally faded, growing thinner and thinner until it split off into just a few wispy beads of power. Baltoh blinked several times to readjust his sight and cursed when he saw that Abaddon had disappeared. He looked up at the hole burned in the street and the disappearing clouds.
“This won’t end well…”

“I can’t tell you how sorry I am for costing you the fight. If I hadn’t shown up, you could have beaten him,” Selene said, placing a cup of coffee on the island table for Baltoh.

He was leaning against the table with his wings retracted back into his body, in order to keep from accidently knocking things over. However, they were the only aspects of his appearance that he could change. His claws, tail, and burning halo could not be removed or hidden. Upon Selene’s commitment to finding answers, Baltoh had finally agreed to talk to her in her apartment, though he had to make himself invisible in order to get there without being noticed. Outside, the city of New York was like an overturned anthill as everyone who had seen or heard of the blast tried to figure out what it was. There were already dozens of news vans around the area of the eruption, held back by a line of police officers while anti-terrorism agents and forensic investigators studied the scene. Outside of the ring of crowds, Christian fundamentalists were already preaching that it was the end of the world and the blast was a signal that Judgment Day was at hand. However, after what had happened, no one could quite blame them.

“It’s alright, it was my fault. I should have killed him without any difficulty, but for some reason, I just couldn’t put my full effort into it. I gave him the opportunity to escape when I didn’t just skip the fight and finish him off. But it will take time for him to recover, and hopefully by the time he is strong enough to actually do anything, I’ll be able to track him down and finish the job,” he said coldly, ignoring the mug before him.

Selene leaned against the table, staring at Baltoh intently, trying to glean information from just his appearance. “Who are you?”

“My name is Baltoh, which is the Enochian word for ‘righteousness’.”

“But what are you? Are you an Angel…?” she began, looking at his white-feathered wings.

“Or a monster?” she asked, moving her eyes down to the black scaly wings.

“I’m both; half Demon, half Archangel, more powerful than the two of them combined.”

Selene’s eyes widened at the very concept of such a reality. “How… how does that even…?”

“How does something like me even come to exist? That takes some explaining. In the entirety of existence, there are three realms; Heaven, this universe, and Hell. In Heaven there are the Angels and Archangels, on Earth there are humans, and in Hell there Gargoyles and Demons. Angels are deceased spirits that have sworn their allegiance to Jehovah to fight on his behalf against the forces of darkness, and Archangels are created by Jehovah himself or are the sum of multiple Angels bonded by their unquestionable desire to do good and fusing together into a superior being devoted to slaying evil.

In Hell, Gargoyles are malicious dark spirits that are born in the Lake of Fire through the anger and hatred of people on Earth. While they are completely devoid of actual souls, they are the shadow equivalence to Angels, but when an Angel falls from the grace of Heaven, it can become a Gargoyle with a soul. During events like wars or genocides, there is always a massive upsurge in the number of Gargoyles spawned from those negative feelings. However, in places on Earth with an unnaturally high level of pain and hatred in its history, very weak Gargoyles can form, while still being far more powerful than even the cruelest human spirit. Most often, when you think of demonic possession and demonic haunting, it is really just mere Gargoyles that are to blame.

Demons are on a whole other level of power from Gargoyles, with the difference being equal to the difference between Angels and Archangels. When souls are in Hell for a long enough period of time, they begin to… decompose, as you might say. Their bodies and minds crumble into ash and they basically cease to exist as sentient beings. There are entire plains in Hell of black sand from the ashen remains of the bones of broken souls.

However, there is a special form of ash in that mixture, a part of the human soul that is… heavier. It is the traces of evil that lie within every soul, the darkness that drives people to sin and commit crimes. Some have more evil in them than others and you know the results they bring. But like hydrogen gas coming together to form a star, the crushing weight of all the evil deeds and their weight will draw the heaviest particles of ash together and form a Demon, spawned completely from the malice of evil souls and lacking even a single human characteristic other than the desire to torment and destroy.” Baltoh explained with a haunting tone. Selene shuddered as she tried to fathom such an unholy creature and the darkness it would set loose.

“The other kind of Demon is a fallen Archangel, which means that its powers of light are converted into the powers of darkness and they become servants of the Devil. You can tell which Demons were originally Archangels created by Jehovah because they are much more calm and tempered, being of a single mind instead of a toxic mixture of hundreds of spirits.”

“So how do you fit into the picture?” Selene asked, resting her chin on her tented fingers.

“Demons are basically fallen Archangels, right? Well instead of being an Archangel that has fallen, I am a Demon that has risen,” Baltoh answered with more weight to his words than the declaration of a new world order.

“You mean you were originally a Demon?”

Even after all of the things she had seen Baltoh do, after hearing what a Demon truly was, she felt a great amount of fear towards the hybrid and took a step back.

“Originally, yes. I was born through a very different and unique mixtures of souls, specifically the souls of people who committed murder in the name of justice; police officers, Templar Knights, executioners, patriots, or even simple men killing the bastards that raped their wives or daughters. Jehovah doesn’t condone killing between humans, even if it is to slay evil.”

He was leaning against the table with his eyes downcast and hands balled so tightly into fists that blood oozed from his claws digging into his palms. Selene felt a deep chill in her heart as she heard the pain in Baltoh’s voice.

“I was once a legion of millions of people, tortured for eons by the minions of the Devil for bringing justice to the world through violence. We were heroes, yet we were cast aside and punished for our acts. Finally, when the amount of ash from crumbled heroes was so great that it dwarfed any other Demon’s genesis, I began to form from their hatred. But unlike Demons that form from the hatred of life and light, my hatred was directed towards evil itself. That desire to slay and kill the forces of darkness was so powerful that I was able to come alive from the pain and hatred of the discarded heroes. As far as I know, no Demon has ever been born from nearly as many souls as I have, meaning that my power was already unnaturally high.

I remember my birth clearly: opening my eyes for the first time deep below the ground of the ashen fields, coughing on the dark soil that filled my mouth and lungs, groaning against the crushing pressure on all sides. I remember climbing up through layer upon layer of decaying skeletons, becoming accustomed to my humanoid body and the Demon characteristics. I continued to tunnel through the ground, and just when I thought I would never escape my earthen tomb, my clawed hand broke through the surface and I managed to pull myself out.

Coughing and gagging, I climbed out onto the black fields of ash, breathing heavily for the first time. I looked up, seeing the flaming sky of Hell and the shifting dunes of the ash desert. I then looked at my hands and finally realized that I was a Demon. The second after the realization came, so did the passion and desires of all the human souls that made up my consciousness. The desire to destroy evil was so powerful, I felt like I was growing to throw up if I didn’t behead a beast of Hell right then and there, but there I was, a living Demon; the very symbol of darkness and evil. I was what I despised most.”

“So what happened next?”

Baltoh finally cracked a small smile and turned away from her. “I took my own life. Sitting in that black sand, filled with so much self-loathing that I could barely breath, I decided to end my existence right then and there. At least in my death, I could destroy evil and remove one threat from existence. Raising my hand, I straightened my fingers and plunged my claws into my own heart, ending my life.

Selene, never in the history of existence has a Demon ever committed suicide. By nature, they are too vain and too desperate to make others suffer to ever end their own life. Even while being tortured or cursed with ceaseless agony, they refuse to die in the hope that they can cause misery. But here I was, trying to eliminate my own existence to that I could at least destroy one piece of evil, even if it was myself. The fact that I was going against nature to such extremes is what allowed me to become what I am.

It was that act that did it; I remember it so clearly that it was as if it happened this morning. As my punctured heart came to a stop and the last flickers of undeath went out in my brain, there was a flash in my soul, brighter than a million suns. Through sin, I had achieved virtue, the same level of virtue that Angels needed to achieve to become Archangels.

Just as Christ was resurrected three days after his death, I was resurrected after mine. Holy energy flooded my body with the desire to destroy evil acting as the bridge between darkness and light, allowing for a synergistic balance that kept me from being destroyed by the transformation. With the power of both Heaven and Hell pulsing through my veins, I slowly got to my feet, transforming every second. I shed my scaly Demon skin for a humanoid body and flesh, grew the wings of an Angel above my Demon wings, and gained a halo of Hellfire, all while keeping my claws, tail, Demon wings, and the power of shadow energy.

I stood up with my new body, completely enlightened and worlds apart from Demons and Archangels in terms of strength and raw power. As I flexed my fingers, a Demon landed behind me, having come to investigate the bright light caused by my resurrection. Upon seeing me, the creature attacked… poor beast. Completely driven by instinct and using less energy than to snap my fingers, I beheaded the Demon with the edge of my hand, moving so fast that he never even saw me.

From that point on, my war against the spawn of Hell began, and I spent the last several decades solely in the Demon and Gargoyle nurseries, slaughtering the unholy beasts the second they were spawned and fighting for every second of my life, appeasing my desire to slay evil and decimating the Devil’s armies.”

Selene was completely at awe at what she had just heard and struggled to think of something to ask or say. He she was, talking to the ultimate proof of faith.

“So if you’re half Demon and half Archangel, can you combine your powers?”

“No, I can only use them at the same time. I can mix them so that the two energies are blended to the point that they look almost like the hide of a zebra, but they forever remain separate forces, just like oil and water. It is impossible for Demon energy and Angel energy to bond, they are too opposite of each other.”

“So why are you here now?”

Baltoh turned back to her. “On the morning of the day I saved you, a Demon and several Gargoyles crossed over into this realm without being summoned. This is supposed to be impossible, as only the forces of Heaven have the ability to enter and exit all three plains of existence at will. I’m here to find out how they were able to do it, what they are doing here, and to slaughter them.”

“What do you mean ‘summoned’?” She asked.

“Gargoyles and Demons can only cross into this world from Hell if they are summoned through some act of human necromancy, like a bunch of goth kids performing a Satanic ritual. The process is actually very painful for any apparition that gets caught in it; it’s like bungee jumping from a satellite through the shaft of a volcano. I should know, I was actually caught in them a few times and pulled here against my will. The result is an apparition with significantly lowered power levels, so low that the only actions they can take are paran

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Light of Hellfire Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Selene bolted up as the feather on her coffee table began to spin wildly, with a glowing vapor wafting up from the silky strands. Breathing heavily, she crouched down beside the table and stared at the feather as it came to a sudden stop and the crystalline aurora became more focused and pressured, instantly being pushed away from the tip of the feather as if it were in a wind tunnel. It actually looked like passing comet, wrapped up in its tail. The feather began to twitch,...

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Light of HellfireChapter 12

Baltoh and the others were hovering in the sky above the coast of the Isle of the Damned, a continent about the size of England and surrounded by a flat sea of Hellfire, burning for eternity and stretching forth without borders. Above them was a sky filled solely with crimson clouds and black lightning, forever stirring in a windless hurricane. Down below on the barren landscape of the Isle of the Damned lay burning fields, lakes of bubbling magma, forests of undead trees, and millions of...

2 years ago
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Light of HellfireChapter 2

Selene bolted up as the feather on her coffee table began to spin wildly, with a glowing vapor wafting up from the silky strands. She crouched down beside the table and stared at the feather as it came to a sudden stop and the crystalline aurora became more focused and pressured, instantly being pushed away from the tip of the feather as if it were in a wind tunnel. It actually looked like passing comet, wrapped up in its tail. The feather began to twitch, with the tip changing direction by...

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Light of HellfireChapter 3

The day was warm and sunny as usual, with the sun retaining its power and prestige even as rush hour was brought through its daily birth. On Wall Street, Occupy protestors were waving signs and shouting to end the greed that had bankrupted the country. Their cries doubled in volume and effort as the stockbrokers CEOs rolled by in the backs of their limousines, tired from a long day of treasure hunting. No one paid any attention to the silent man shuffling into the crowd with a bottle in his...

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XMen Hellfire

Hellfire. A name well known around America. Essentially a strip joint, but there are added perks if you're a senior member. Just like I have finally become. 3 years, I've waited, but I'm happy to say today's the day. I've finally joined the Hellfire club's inner circle. As a reward for joining, they offer me one of their "junior members," so to speak. Sebastian Shaw, the Club's leader, opens two doors on either side of the room with the push of a button, and I turn to look at the first girl: a...

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XMen Hellfire

Welcome to Hellfire. Before we begin, I just need some information. I already have your name, John, I just need your gender. So which is it?

4 years ago
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Light of Hellfire Chapter 10

Chapter 1 Raindrops fell like miniscule fists upon the city of New York, washing away the grime and filth that caked the streets and alleys. It was quiet on this late-spring day, with the hammering rain forcing people to stay inside. Even the roads were mostly quiet, while engorged with cars as usual. But while it was a quiet day, it was by no means a peaceful one. Up at the very top of the Empire State Building, at the very tip of its spire, there was a low red flash in the grey sky....

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Light of Hellfire Chapter 8

Chapter 8 The sky was filled with thousands of Gargoyles, all bursting from the ground and gathering above the city like a cloud of toxic gas in the first battle of New York. Working together to counter the army of darkness, all the Angels grouped together and attacked like a tidal wave of light, slamming into the Gargoyle swarm and slaughtering hundreds of beasts every minute with their combined power. Selene was not among them, as Baltoh wanted her close by at all times when the...

2 years ago
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Light of HellfireChapter 8

The sky was filled with thousands of Gargoyles, all bursting from the ground and gathering above the city like a cloud of toxic gas in the first battle of New York. Working together to counter the army of darkness, all the Angels grouped together and attacked like a tidal wave of light, slamming into the Gargoyle swarm and slaughtering hundreds of beasts every minute with their combined power. Selene was not among them, as Baltoh wanted her close by at all times when the fighting began....

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Light of Hellfire Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Nergal was crouched over an empty alley, scribbling incantations on the ground in human blood that he was reading off a sheet of the flesh from a man’s back. He was mumbling curses as he tried to keep count of the symbols and remember their specific order. There were thousands of different symbols, all drawn around a ring that was a hundred feet in diameter and even stretched into the third dimension on the walls of the buildings on either side of the alley. Abaddon...

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Light of HellfireChapter 6

Nergal was crouched over an empty alley, scribbling incantations on the ground in human blood that he was reading off a sheet of the flesh from a man’s back. He was mumbling curses as he tried to keep count of the symbols and remember their specific order. There were thousands of different symbols, all drawn around a ring that was a hundred feet in diameter and even stretched into the third dimension on the walls of the buildings on either side of the alley. Abaddon landed beside him, coming...

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Light of Hellfire Chapter 4

Chapter 4 The night was an unusually noisy one from sirens blaring in the background as cops sped throughout the city to answer vandalism and assault calls. Every night, it seemed like the city was becoming more and more chaotic and the people were becoming more extreme with their views, taking it upon themselves to do what they saw needed to be done, even violently. Already, pillars of smoke were wafting from two burning buildings. One was a Planned Parenthood that had been set...

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Light of HellfireChapter 11

As expected, the realization that the city was halfway to Hell did not raise morale; on the contrary, the fact that they were completely separated from Earth made everyone feel more hopeless and closer to the end. Even while locked in a volcanic shaft, the citizens of New York could at least tell themselves that they still had planet Earth around them, but now, that comfort was gone. True, they could still receive help and reinforcements from Heaven, but from this point forward, they were...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

2 years ago
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Flightil Pani Pennai Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru kathaiyil flightilil ilamaiyaana penai naan eppadi usar seithu oothen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar vikram vayathu 32 aagugirathu. Naan Singapore nagaril velai paarthu vanthen, en sontha oor Coimbatore veetil enaku thirumanam seivathaarkaga ennai vara soli irunthaargal athanaal naan ooruku kilambinen. Enaku ilamaiyaana pengalai athigamaaga pidikum, en siru vayathil ilamaiyaana pengalai sex seithu sugathai anuba vaithu...

2 years ago
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Hellfire and Cum

Luna squeezed his cock and sputtered half a giggle, the kind that almost sounds like a tiny cough. He was marble hard, standing thick and substantial. Her grip was iron tight, forcing a rush of blood into the tip that made his crown swell and flush an arrogant purple. The final seepage spilled off the ridge, down the exposed length of shaft and over her knuckles in a rolling fall of spunk, like hot wax dripping down a candle and over the holder. Her hands were big for a college girl. Strong...

4 years ago
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Flightil Pani Pennai Oothen 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, aval kutai pavadai aninthu kondu irukum pozhuthu athai paarthu kuthiyil naaku poda aasai patu vaayil echu oorikondu irunthen. Durgavum ennai vaitha kangal edukamal paaarthu sight adithukondu irunthaal. Athu iravu neram enbathaal anaivarum urangi kondu irunthaargal, en arugil oru pen amarnthu irunthaal. Aval kanavan aval arugil amarnthu irunthaal, avargal iruvarum urangikondu irunthaargal. Aval kanavan jenal ooramaaaga amarnthu urangikondu irunthaan, avan vayathu 45 irukum aval...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Beth a Story in the Therapist Series

Claire's next patient was Elizabeth Smith. She was a self-referral, which was quite unusual. Her file had only her name, age (31) and contact details – no medical information or history of any kind. Recalling that her last patient's name was Greg Smith, Claire wondered. Same family name, and though the name Smith is common enough, it was just possible that this was his offspring. He had said his daughter was in her thirties. While she waited for Elizabeth to arrive, Claire thought back on...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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My Sons Christmas Present A Mothers Desires Series

My Son's Christmas Present A Mother's Desires Series It's been three years since the bombs dropped. That night my husband woke us and rushed us into our backyard bomb shelter. I remember the sky was orange on the horizon all around us as we ran through the wet grass to the doors of the shelter. I grabbed my son and ran in, a feeling of safety washing over me. My husband called out that he would be back in an hour, he needed to get something. "You son of a bitch!" I yelled after him...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Clothesline Leather in Lawnville

Clothesline[This story is part of the Leather in Lawnville series.]   Clothesline By DuskPetersonYou can tell a lot about a guy from where he shops. Take my friends, who have specialized tastes. Some of them spend their time at the hardware store, while others take an interest in our town's fabric shop, which has needles and pins that make them drool. Still others hang out at the department store, eyeing the cutlery collection. Somehow all of us end up rubbing shoulders at the town's jacket...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Thevidiya Thangaiyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...

1 year ago
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The Murder of Sharon Weathers Slut Extraordinaire

My name is Rebecca. Everyone calls me Becca. I entered the police department right out of college. I progressed rapidly, through different divisions and assignments. I always had my eyes set on Robbery-Homicide and after six years of hard word and dedication, I finally made it. At age thirty, I was youngest female in the division for such a coveted assignment, but I was superb at my job. I made it because of my skill not my gender. It was Saturday. Dispatch called our number just after we had...


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