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Macula by Princess Pervette They were in a locked chest in my parents' attic. The chest had belonged to my eccentric Uncle Doug. He had been a distinguished classical scholar until he mysteriously disappeared years ago when I had been a boy. I was home visiting my folks and had gone up to the attic to look for something I had left with them. It had been years since I had been up there, so I spent some time just looking around at all the old stuff, and that's how I discovered the chest. I'm reasonably good at picking locks, having learned the hard way once when I had managed to lock myself out of my apartment. So I set to work on the chest. The lock turned out to be simple, and in a minute or two the chest was open. It was full of women's clothes. Had Uncle Doug been a crossdresser, too? Betty, my girlfriend, had talked me into dressing a few times, and I had decided I liked it. And here was a veritable treasure trove of drag. Nice stuff, too: lots of underwear and a few dresses. The dresses were a good twenty years out of style, but I figured I could use the underwear. It would be easier to sneak the underwear out past my parents' eyes, too. I was in the process of sorting out the lingerie when I saw the sealed package. Written in big letters on the package was the word "CAVE!" Cave? What cave? Naturally I broke the seal and opened the package. Inside were a bra and panties, a pair of jockey shorts, and a note. The note was in Latin. Aha! "Cave!"--"Beware!" Uncle Doug, bless him, had pushed me into taking Latin in high school, but that had been ten years ago and I had forgotten everything but the opening sentence of Caesar's commentaries. Nevertheless, the note was a challenge and I set myself to doping it out. It was tough going, but as I began to grasp the meaning I got excited. These were apparently some kind of magical garments. Put on the bra and panties and you changed into "femina"--a girl. Put on the jockey shorts and you changed back into "vir"--a man. Wow! Wait until Betty saw these! The explanation had the word "proxima"; I think that meant something like nearby or nearest; I'd have to look that up. There was one sentence in the note that I couldn't figure out at all; it began with the word "cave"--"beware," again--and had something to do with "macula"--a stain. I stuffed the undies and the note into my pocket, put everything else back into the chest, and locked it again. **** Betty was a neat girl. The first time I went home with her was memorable; I'm bisexual, myself, but she had no problem with that and her skills in bed would be enough to enchant any guy. It wasn't until the second time we made love that she told me she wanted to dress me up. I had never worn girls' clothes before, but it sounded kinky and I was keen to try it. It was fun, and after that she always dressed me up before we went to bed and insisted that I make love to her wearing a bra and panties. So I wondered whether these things of Uncle Doug's were for real and, if so, how she would take to the idea of sex with a man who had temporarily turned into a girl. When I got home from my folks' place, I decided I'd better try the magic undies out. I'd look pretty foolish if I put them on for Betty and nothing happened. I stripped down that evening and pulled on the panties. It was the most eerie thing I've ever experienced. No pain, no discomfort of any kind; just an abrupt transformation. A man one minute; a girl the next. I just felt strangely different down there, and--sure enough, none of the usual hardware. I felt myself and, alarmed, drew my hand back. I was still flat-chested. I supposed it took the bra to give me boobs. But I was worried: those jockeys had better work, too, or I was in deep trouble. I pulled off the panties--no change; I was still a girl. I got the jockeys and, as I drew them on, noticed a faint stain in the crotch. "Macula!"...a stain! What in hell did that untranslatable warning mean? Well--no time for that now; I pulled the jockeys up to my pussy, and, to my immense relief, felt my male hardware coming back. This was fun! I put the panties back and felt myself turning into a girl down there. I put on the bra and, sure enough, a pretty pair of perky breasts adorned my chest. I tentatively tried to talk: would I have a girl's voice, too? Yes: I said, "My goodness, how nice this is!" and the words came out in a natural, high-pitched girl's voice. Then I thought of something else and felt my face. No beard! And I realized that something was tickling my shoulders: long hair. I looked in the mirror. Holy shit! --I looked like the girl next door. So that's how it all started. I wanted to go to bed as a girl that night, but decided I'd better not. These magic garments were still largely an unknown quantity, and I thought it might not be a good idea to stay transformed for too long. Besides, I'd have to go to work in the morning and didn't want to have to change back in a hurry. So I reluctantly took off the bra and panties and put on the jockeys again. Back to manhood. Betty and I were getting together that Friday night and I looked forward to surprising her. I wondered how she would respond to the transformation. If she didn't want a lesbian encounter, she could always use the jockeys and make love to me as a man. The more I thought of this, the better I liked it. Even when I had sex with guys, I liked playing the girl in bed; with Betty, if she was cooperative, I could be a real girl for a real guy. This was getting more and more interesting. **** Betty loved the idea. I showed her the undies and the note. She didn't know any Latin, and she was mighty impressed that Uncle Doug had written the note and that I had been able to dope most of it out. "Well, come on, Girl!" she exclaimed. "Let's see you!" We stripped down. I put on the bra and panties and Betty stared at me. "You're ME!" she cried. "You've turned into an exact copy of me!" We stood next to each other and looked in the mirror. She was right: we could have been twins. What happened to that girl-next-door look I had had? Then I remembered that word, "proxima"; did that mean you turned into a copy of the *nearest* girl? I'll bet it did. "Well, go on, honey," I said. "Put on the jockeys. I want to see what you turn into." She drew them on God! She had turned into me! The nearest guy. I reached into her jockeys and started fondling her, and she started feeling my breasts. We were in bed in moments. Fortunately, the sex changes persisted even after you had taken off the underwear. I'll skip the sexy details; let me just say that, as much as I had enjoyed sex with other guys in the past, I had never enjoyed giving any guy a blow job as much as I enjoyed it with Betty. And, after she had recovered from the experience, she fucked me divinely. I'll tell you a secret: having a guy up your butt is a marvellous experience, but it simply can't compare with having him up your pussy. We slept together in our new sexes that night. The next morning, we decided we had better make sure we could still change back. No problem. We had planned to go hiking the next day, but after the previous night's experiences, we ditched that plan. That whole weekend was one long orgy. Sometimes I was the man and she the woman, but more often we swapped. **** Monday, at work, I was still coming down from the weekend. And then I thought of something. Betty and I had a mutual friend, a big, handsome guy named Steve. Steve had the hots for Betty and I had the hots for Steve. But Steve was straight and hated queers, and Betty wasn't interested in Steve. You've guessed it, haven't you? What a neat solution to everything if I could turn into Betty and lure Steve into the sack! Steve would get what he wanted and I would get what I wanted. And Betty...? Well...I'd make it up to her somehow. The first stage in the plan was to get Betty used to the idea of going out in public in our reversed sexes. That was no trouble at all; as soon as I mentioned the possibility, she wanted to try it. The next Saturday, she came over to my place, and we swapped sexes and clothes. We went outdoors; it was a nice day, and we walked around a bit. I felt a little funny holding hands with a man in public, but then I realized that it would look perfectly natural: a guy and a girl walking together and holding hands. As luck would have it, we bumped into Steve. Betty had gone off to the men's room, and so I was alone when Steve came into view. He gave me a big smile. "Betty! My favorite chick!" I could see why Betty was turned off; Steve didn't know the meaning of the word "subtle." But that didn't bother me; even turned into Betty's lookalike, I found Steve a hot guy and wanted him as badly as ever. I gave him a big smile. "Steve! My favorite hunk!" God, how often I had wished I could talk to him like that! Steve was astonished. He was used to Betty's bored dismissals and never expected a reply like that. I had to work fast. Betty would be back any minute. Fortunately, Steve's lack of finesse helped. Within seconds he had asked me for a date and I had accepted. He would pick me up next Saturday. No; that wouldn't work; he would go to Betty's, wait!...if I played my cards right, he would find me as Betty when he went there. Fine. Now all I had to do was talk Betty into it. He was gone by the time Betty came back. She had taken longer than she expected. "I had to wait for a booth, and it wasn't until I was inside and sitting down that I remembered that I was a guy and could have used a urinal. Boy, you guys sure have it easy when you pee!" **** It was a good thing the date was nearly a full week off. It took nearly the whole week to talk Betty into cooperating. "But you *won't* be dating Steve!" I protested. "You don't have to do a thing. I'll be a girl--I'll be you, and when he's pawing you, he'll really be pawing me. You don't have to do a thing!" "Yeah, I don't have to do a thing except spend a perfectly good Saturday night all alone. Thanks a lot." But in the end, she agreed, reluctantly. "Just so all this doesn't get me preggers," she said. "It isn't as if we had swapped bodies," I objected. "I'm just a clone. You'll be safe." "We hope," she said. The big day came. Betty and I had swapped the night before and had our usual fun in bed. Then Saturday evening I started to dress up. But I ran into an unexpected problem. I had started having my period. Shit! That meant no sex with Steve. I had planned to let him go "all the way," and now this! "I should have warned you," Betty said. "I figured it was due pretty soon, but I didn't think it would be until Monday. Well, you'll just have to live with it--unless you want to call him and cancel the date." I couldn't see doing that. I never heard of a girl cancelling for that reason, and certainly not on a first date. Betty got out a box of tampons and showed me how to insert one. What a mess. But what a relief. With that problem, the date was sort of an anticlimax. Steve started getting amorous the moment I got into his car, and when I explained my problem and apologized, he was disappointed. But I offered to give him a blow job. I didn't know whether Betty would let me do this again, and I had to make the most of this opportunity while it lasted. Well...I had always wanted to get Steve's cock into my mouth, and I did. Just to make my frustration complete, Steve turned out to be a lousy lover. At least, he was a lousy blow job. He was one of those guys who won't touch you while you make love to him; just stared off into space as if he didn't want to have anything to do with what was going on between his legs. Nevertheless, I had had my experience with Steve, and I guess it was just as well that he was such a let-down; I probably wouldn't get another chance with him, and after seeing what he was like, I didn't particularly want another chance. **** When he dropped me off at Betty's place, disaster struck. I got up to Betty's room, undressed, and we swapped underwear & sexes. Yikes! Agony! Unspeakable pain! I cried out. "Jim! What's the matter?" "My balls! They're killing me!" I tore the jockeys back off and Betty bent down to examine me. "Jim, my God!--that tampon--it's inside your scrotum!" "What?" " know, it figures. In the embryo, the scrotum is formed from the same tissue that forms the vaginal lips in a woman." "Spare me the biology, Betty. Oooooh! This is killing me! Get me the panties, quick." She got them and kept talking. "And when you changed back to a man, that tampon had to go somewhere, and...." "Why the hell couldn't it have gone up my ass?" I groaned. "I'm used to having...." "That's enough of *that*! Here." She handed me the panties. I could hardly get the panties on fast enough. And when I bent over to get my foot in, I thought I was going to die from the pain. Betty finally put them on me as I sat in agony on the bed. She drew them up. Blessed relief! I was a woman again, and the pain was gone. Now what to do? I had to pull the tampon out. "Not in here, dummy!" Betty said. "In the bathroom"! I went into the bathroom and came right out again. "I need the jockeys." I took the jockeys back with me. I sat down on the toilet and pulled the string on the tampon. I had always accepted that having a period was a nuisance for a girl, but I didn't realize it fully until now. I was clumsy and got blood all over the place. And as I drew on the jockeys, I dripped on them. Right next to the old, faded stain that had been on them when I first saw them. I pulled them up. Nothing happened. They weren't working. I yelled to Betty. She came in and saw me--a girl in a pair of jockeys that were getting soaked with menstrual blood. She started to laugh; then when she saw the look on my face, she stopped. Without a word, she reached me a tampon. That at least stopped the flow. I got into the tub and washed off. And I threw the jockeys into the sink and hastily washed them off. "Where's that note?" "What note?" "The note in Latin that came with these damned things. I left it here." She rummaged around while I fumed. "Here." Now I had to figure out what the note said. I sat down at her desk and began to write out a translation, slowly and carefully. I beat my brains out over the mystery sentence and finally unraveled it: Beware of any stain from your own body fluids on the garments; such a stain renders the garments ineffective for the owner. Oh, my God. "Macula." Was that what had happened to Uncle Doug? Was that why he had mysteriously disappeared? I remembered the faded stain on the jockeys. I looked at them now, dripping dry over the tub. There were two faded stains on them now. Betty was looking over my shoulder. "Jim! Does that mean what I think it means?" "Shit, I hope not. If it does, I'm you for good. What a disaster that will be!" "Thank you very much, Dear," she said. "I've managed being me for a quarter of a century." "You know what I mean. You're supposed to be you. I'm not. I'm supposed to be me. I mean, I'm supposed to be Jim." "But if they stopped working for your uncle, why did they work for you?" "It says, `ineffective *for the owner*,'" I pointed out. I explained about Uncle Doug and his mysterious disappearence. "You mean, once you were the owner--well, they were in your possession, on your body--they worked for you even though they had stopped working for him" "Something like that, I guess." "Hmm. I wonder whether they still work for me." "What good will that do me?" I asked. "I don't know, but the more we know about this business, the more likely we will be to fix you. I mean, to fix your problem." She got the sodden jockeys off the hook, wrung them out in a bath towel until they were only damp, and slipped them on. She was me. I sat there and looked at her. We both sat there and looked at each other. And Betty got a look on her face. "You and Steve had your fun, and I've been sitting here all evening with nothing to do but watch TV. I think it's my turn. You gave Steve a blow job, didn't you? Don't deny it." I nodded. "Well, you can jolly well give me one now. Come on, Girl. Give." She pulled the damp jockeys down and my erection--I mean, her erection--sprang up. What the hell, I thought. Maybe a little more cock will be a consolation while I figure out what to do about this predicament. I knelt before her, still in my bra and panties, and satisfied her. She came in buckets, it seemed. That wasn't fair! I rarely came so powerfully when I was in my own body. Her come filled my mouth. You read porn stories about cum overflowing someone's mouth? Let me tell you, that doesn't happen in real life; one can always swallow fast enough. At least, it doesn't ordinarily happen. But when you're taken by surprise as I was, and not when you've just been through a bunch of monumentally unsettling experiences as I had that evening.... In spite of everything, her cum got all over me. All over my bra and all over my panties. You saw that coming, too, didn't you? When Betty put them on to change back, they were stained with *her* body fluids, and--that's right--they didn't work. **** It has been pretty interesting, living my life as Betty. Betty says it's pretty interesting being Jim, too. And I just learned that Steve has knocked me up. Princess Pervette, September, 1997

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When we got back home I summoned Horatio and he showed right up. "Horatio, you didn't tell me that I could walk through locked doors." "Sorry about that but everybody makes mistakes." "What else haven't you told me?" "You will have other powers as you need them. Just remember that you are not invincible and can get hurt just like anyone else." "Thanks, I'll be careful." Jean piped up, "You better because I plan on having you around for a very long time buster." I looked...

2 years ago
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The affair

The darn phone hadn’t stopped ringing all morning! Linda was in the middle of typing a pile of letters, when it rang for what seemed like the fiftieth time! Picking it up and answering, “Mortgage loan department, may I help you?” The party on the other end of the line spoke for about thirty second before Linda said another word. When she did finally speak, all she said was, “At 12:30 in back of the bank,” and then she hung up. At 12:25, Linda stuck her head into her boss’s office and told him...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 53 Flying to the Rescue

Erin struggled. She fought with and yelled at Mike. She knew it was him but she hadn't seen his face. She spat curses and screamed for help as he carried her to his car and put her in. However, for some reason no one came, no one noticed her. Mike pushed her in and across, not allowing her alone in the car for too long. She watched the scenery go by, buildings, cars, people. She yelled and called, screamed and slammed herself into the door, but nothing stopped what was happening. She was...

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Pleasing The Gods Of Fertility 8211 Part 2

Four days later, Radhika was in Sage’s cottage. Sathyan was also present as he did not want to miss this opportunity. “We tested your husband, and he seems to be doing good, so we will test your body and see if you are capable of having a baby,” said the Sage looking at Radhika. This statement worried her, and she looked troubled. “Don’t worry, I can assure you that all your problems can be solved” This brought some joy in Radhika. “Thank you, Guruji,” said Radhika, joining her hands and...

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Good times to mend a broken heartpart 3

I got into some heavy calistenicks to get my mind off my ex. I hopped in the shower and bullshitted around that day till it was time for me to make way to the party my friend was throwing. I pull up to my friends house and i see her s*s and best friend hanging outside. I say whats up to them and hop in her best friends car. They were puffing some bud so i joined em. We smoked twice and shared laughs. I told em that i was going in to party and they told me that theyd see me tomm. I ask quickly...

2 years ago
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New Years Eve

New Years Eve By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction and any relationship to persons or events is purely accidental. Like my other "Eve" stories, this contains unwanted sex and humiliation. If these stories are not to your liking, Do Not Read. You have been warned. This story may be downloaded for personal pleasure only and any other use prohibited without the author's consent. [email protected]. New Years...

3 years ago
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A Southern WarmingChapter 30

The crossing in the sleigh was wonderful. As we rode along, I studied the historic old buildings that lined much of the way. I thought about the men who had left their families back home, and had come to the New World to find work as lumbermen. I thought about the camps where the men would labor under dangerous working conditions. Many of them had perished as river rats. Those were the men who had climbed out onto the pileups on the water, in an attempt to free jams, so that the fallen trees...

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A Change of Career

A Change of Career By darlabunny Chris Silverstein checked his tie and hair in the washroom before making one last look in the mirror. He certainly dressed the part of a thirty-something executive. A new suit, a new haircut, and hopefully he could play the part as well as look it. He took a deep breath and went back out into the empty office space. The dark cubicles and office rooms seemed even more forbidding in contrast to the pleasantly lit and...

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Lady with surprise

It was another dull friday night at the bar sitting by myself. I was getting ready to leave when she walked thru the door. She was good looking, wearing high heels with a very short skirt and a white blouse. From the way her tits bounced when she walked, I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. As she walked past me on her way to the bar, I caught a glimpse of her stocking tops and white panties. Pushing between the only two guys at the bar she orders a beer. The guy on her left starts talking to...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 14 Lola

The big moment had finally arrived. Ramon had designed extremely sexy versions of just about any piece of ladies' underwear one can imagine, to be launched under his own 'Vous êtes trés jolie' brand. Michel had invested a lot of his money and entrepreneurial skills and hired a crew of people who created an advertising campaign, designed attractive packaging, produced press releases and organised a fashion show with top models to launch the brand. On the evening before the fashion show...

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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 10 Violation November

looking for clues It's 11 days since Jenny's disappearance. I'm standing outside our home, with officers from the Warwickshire Police Force. Detective Inspector Ackroyd is in charge and from his manner, he has seen this sort of thing plenty of times before. He has a young WPC with him and several other officers to help conduct the search. "So is this the first time you have been back Mr McEwan?" Ackroyd's trying to be friendly, keen to get me to talk. "Yes, first time." "Quite a...

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Neighbour love for Cricket Part 8211 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers This part is a continuation of my First part Neighbour love for Cricket. I am Rahul from Mumbai. I went to my flat around 5 o clock in the morning. As told by Ankita later that she undressed Deepak and gave him some marks on his body and slept naked beside him. In the morning when Deepak woke up, he was amazed to find both them naked and especially, with so many marks on Ankita body. So, he woke up Ankita and asked what happened last night. Ankita told you...

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Indian girl with cousin Mom and stepdad

Rajesh was studying his 12th std, he was athletic 18 year boy. He was staying with his dad’s younger sister Nalini’s house in Bangalore for his education. He was a well built boy of almost 6 feet and was a football player for his college team with a athletic body His Nalini Aunty had married Sharma after her first husband had died in a road accident. Priyanka aka Pinky was Nalini’s only daughter from her first husband and was 16 years old doing her 10 class, She. was a very slim girl around...

4 years ago
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Making a baby for LindaChapter 2

When Martin arrived in his boss's office the next day, his emotions were pretty raw. It seemed he might have got away with having stolen money from his boss, but in return he had been made to agree to his boss effectively taking ownership of his wife Linda. And Martin was still unsure about his wife's response. He felt she should have been outraged at the idea, but they had been trying for a baby for some time, and they now knew that Martin's sperm was inadequate. Learning of this, his...

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ThawChapter 6 Sheyda Sophie and Jessica

With the rest of the staff working over at the hospital to get the Taubett up and running, Cassie and Julie had the department to themselves. Eve spent most days working at her apartment, and only came into the uni for meetings. Stefan began sending Julie data from the scanner in the USA by the end of that first week. This seemed remarkably fast to Julie, but there were many problems with the initial data sets. The first scans were only of small regions of the body. The Taubett could only...

1 year ago
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MY LAST OFFICIAL CLASSES of the term at SCU were Friday. My anatomy exam was coming up on Monday and reading on Tuesday. Since I’d just met with Clarice at the studio yesterday, we didn’t get together on Friday. Instead I met Rio for a couple of hours before class and we read each other’s final papers. She was really good at this. Lissa didn’t want to practice today because she wanted as much time with the boys as she could get before she took them back to Jack’s so she could get ready to...

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Indecent Exposure

Hi. My name is Erin. I'm in my final semester of high school. Most of my girlfriends are going to the prom next month. But not my girlfriend Erica and not myself either. We're going to ditch the prom. It is much too traditional and staid. Instead, we're going to San Francisco to be nasty girls and expose ourselves and watch guys and girls have sex. Maybe do some fucking too.More on our San Francisco trip in a bit. But first i have to tell you about a couple of transforming events that have...

1 year ago
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Sex On The Water Tank

Hello, readers!!!! With an overwhelming response to my last sex story, I’m here sharing my another experience with all you guys. But first of all, I would love to thank you guys for more than 6000 likes in less than 3 days and so many emails flooding in the mailbox. Please keep all this love as always. And remember my stories are very romantic and long. So read it, you will believe in making love rather than just sex or inter course. Trust me, you’d have goosebumps reading it and it would...

2 years ago
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I sucked a anonymous cock

I sat in the darkened video booth, with the door slightly open. I had a gay video playing which was showing a younger guy getting his cock sucked.In the hallway, different guys were walking past, cruising what was being offered. I was here to suck cock.An older guy looked in, leaned close and whispered, "Do you want a blow job?' I answered,"No. I'm here to suck cock."He moved on.Several of the guys were older. I wasn't as interested in them, as I had a younger guy in mind. In the hallway, a...

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A few days at uncle Mikes

My dad took me to visit my uncle while my mom was at the hospital having my sister. I didn't want to be there, hoping I could stay at my house. I didn't know much about uncle Mike, other than he was my dad's brother. Mom and dad didn't talk about him too much. Mike met us at the door, and he told me to put my things anywhere. Dad said he should be back in a couple of days. Mike said, no problem. I'll treat him as if he was my own. Dad gave Mike that dad look, then left. Mike said, I was going...

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StepSiblingsCaught Lucy Doll Big Dick Step Brother

Lucy Doll wants to ask her stepbrother Preston Parker some questions about sex, and he eventually agrees to teach her. The next thing he knows, Lucy is on her knees sucking him off and promising not to ever tell anyone about what she’s doing. Then she’s wiggling out of her thong so that she can sink down onto Preston’s fuck stick and start riding him. Bouncing her booty up and down, Lucy takes her pleasure for as long as she can stand it before coming apart. Then Preston flips...

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Neighbors Son Spies Part 4

Several weeks had passed since I took Tim’s virginity. Often I would see Tim in the yard and he would run over so we could chat. Tim’s dad, Greg, had become friendlier too. Greg had started coming over to talk whenever he saw me or Sam out in the Yard. On a day that I was tanning as usual, I could have sworn I saw Tim’s dad looking out Tim’s window at me. Greg was a nice man about 5’ 11” in good shape in he early 40’s. His wife Judy was about the same age; a cute short woman about 5’, also very...

Wife Lovers
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Anything For Georgetown Part sixMonica is asked to entertain at a party

Over the Christmas break, Blake Hartley had calledMonica up. He managed to get some guys to pony up for one of Monica’s stripping parties. She hardly talked about them anymore, but part of the attraction was the infrequency of the event. Once every two months. Otherwise, it became routine. But this was a different situation. Monica hadn’t danced in months—well, she hadn’t danced for any of the boys for a while. Once a month, after school, usually on a Friday, Houlihan had her strip for him....

1 year ago
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Taking Nancy Kerrigan

Everyone who watched the news around the time figure skater Nancy Kerrigan got attacked just prior to the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer knows the whole story. We don't know the full "who knew what and who influenced what" details but there was enough discovered to send some folks to jail, to basically ruin Tanya Harding's amateur skating career, and to catapult Nancy Kerrigan into a limelight that she never would have achieved otherwise. Nancy might not agree but she got a huge amount of...

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The Forced Girlfriend

It all started on a Friday after school. My friend Summer asked me if I wanted to hang out at Clinton Lake Park, which we did at least once a week. The strange thing was she wanted me to come alone this time. Normally we hung out as a group with our other friends, but not that day. I didn't think much about it during the school day, as it didn't seem noteworthy at the time. I remember waiting for the bell to ring, and coming out of math class at the end of the day wondering if my sister had...

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My Valentines Day Fantasy

I was dressing with care for our date. I had found some new things that I knew you would like. A new valentine bra and thong set, a red leather mini and this neat white little shoulder less top. Of course I had to wear my red 4′ spiked heels. You surprised me when I opened the door I saw the limo. You brought me yellow roses with daises. My all time favorite. I had no idea what we are doing you kept it a surprise. I gave you this little red bear for you to keep somewhere so when we talked you...

2 years ago
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Dreams Do Come TrueChapter 18

Charles and Diana were very hungry again ... for food! They'd just spent over an hour in bed having some of the most incredibly hot sex they'd ever experienced. They dragged themselves out of bed, showered, dressed in their casual clothes and went down to the lobby. They returned the diamond jewelry to the concierge and had brunch in one of the restaurants. While they ate, they talked about what they needed to do before leaving. They had nothing to pack their clothes in for their return...

1 year ago
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The Bulldemon killer

          Bull the demon killer   by stHell66   (hero,comixs,d/s,w/s,humilation,rough)    Bull-half demon,half beast, hero of El Diablo, looks like a 8ft red demon with two horns and huge bat wings. A greek warrior hermit covers his face and his redish long beard braided down his muscular chest. His body shows the scars of past battles, covered by his huge black leather cloak. He is the cities greatest hero battling ghouls, demons,vampires, werewolves,etc and usally for a price. His powers are...

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Il Paradiso Terrestre lEden

If someone had told Lia the state that she would have found herself in a week down the line she would never have believed it. Even if photographic evidence had been presented, she would have dismissed it as some clever and slanderous photoshopping. And yet sometimes our physical desire is stronger than any logical reasoning.She was just a regular housewife. I say "just" because it fitted in with how she believed that she had come to be seen. A mother, a wife, a homemaker. Such roles as are...

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Meeting Moms Friends

My parents are pretty well-off; Dad owns a successful business, an electrical supply company and Mom owns an antique and decorator shop. Me, I'm their only child and I'm in college, I'll start my sophomore year next year and I'm majoring in business and finance and plan to join Dad's business when I graduate. I work summers for Dad, except for the two weeks that I take as a real vacation. This year, I'm taking it at home, after all I have a large pool to enjoy which is great. I'm also...

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FuckingAwesome Aaliyah Hadid The Driver

In The Driver housewife Aaliyah Hadid gives her driver a special tip. Sexy housewife Aaliyah is bored and angry with her ill-tempered sugar-daddy. He doesn’t trust her with his sports car and he gets her a driver instead. Lucky for Aaliyah the driver is Spanish stud Ramon Nomar. Ramon takes her shopping and shows her such a good time that Aaliyah uses her tight body in the kitchen to give him a tip he’ll never forget. She jerks and sucks Tony’s fat cock until he just has to stick it in her....


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