Mark To Mary Ann free porn video

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Mark to Mary Ann by Karen Elizabeth L. Mark was helping to organize his sister's apartment. Sheila was never known for being neat, her lifestyle could best be described as `A place for everything and everything all over the place'. Mark could never understand how his sister could live this way but she'd been doing it for years. Fortunately for Sheila her younger brother was a compulsive neatnick and was more than happy to try to organize her life for her. It was quite fortunate for Mark too in that Sheila was willing to pay him to keep her organized since Mark needed the money. Mark had recently been laid off from his job in fast food management after the restaurant he worked in had been closed. The restaurant was certainly the cleanest, neatest, best organized in the chain but after the chain was sold the new owners closed it down. Mark had wanted to get out of the business since he was tired of the long hours and low pay. He had however hoped to have a new job to go to but things hadn't worked out as he had planned. Sheila was a success in sales, she had all the things Mark wanted, a new car, a beautiful apartment, more clothes than she had time to wear, and an active social life. Mark on the other hand owned a twelve year old car that spent almost as much time in the shop as it did on the road. He lived in an efficiency apartment he could barely afford in a run down part of town. His last job required him to wear black slacks and a white shirt so he never bothered developing any more of a wardrobe. Besides, with the hours he worked he never had a social life which would have required a better wardrobe. Mark picked up a few dollars here and there by typing papers for college students, he was an expert typist and always produced great looking reports. This and the few dollars he got for helping Sheila allowed him to survive but he a problem with his car nearly broke him. One day while he was helping straighten out Sheila's apartment they got to talking about his problems. "You know Mark," Sheila said thoughtfully. "We could really use you at the office. Things would certainly run so much smoother." "I don't have any experience in office management though," Mark replied sadly. "Everywhere I go they want experience, no one's willing to take a chance." "You're probably right." Sheila said. "But let me talk to Donna at work, it's her company and she might be willing to take a chance." Mark and Sheila left it at, Sheila could try but Mark had his doubts. It was a week later when Sheila called and asked Mark to stop by her apartment that evening. She said that Donna wanted to talk to him about a job. Mark thought it was odd to have an interview after hours at his sister's place but a job was a job. Sheila and Donna seemed happy to see Mark yet there was something just a little odd about the way they were acting towards him. Something he couldn't quite define. "Sheila tells me you're looking for a job Mark." Donna said with a smile. "She tells me that you'd be a great asset in organizing my company for me." Sheila gestured around the apartment. "Without him this place would look like a pigsty!" "I'd like to be modest, but Sheila's right!" Laughed Mark. "She'd never find anything after a week or two!" Donna smiled at Mark. "Sheila's the best salesperson I've got and she tells me she couldn't do it without your help!" "He keeps my appointment book organized and maintains my client list for me. All I need to do is follow his daily and weekly plans." Sheila piped in. "I can see at a glance when it's time to call a client, it amazes them that I know just when to call them!" "I just keep you organized Sheila, you're the one who does the selling!" "Your sister tells me you're a great typist too. I assume you could take messages and schedule appointments ?"' "Well, I do a lot of that for Sheila now." Mark replied. "Do you think you could do the same thing for five other people?" Donna asked looking at Mark. "If you could you'd make my job a lot easier." "Does that mean you're offering me a job?" Mark asked hopefully. "Well sort of ," Muttered Sheila. "What do you mean `sort of'?" Mark asked hesitantly. "She means that there's a condition attached to the offer Mark," Donna said. "That's why I came here to talk to you." "What kind of condition?" Asked Mark suspiciously. "It's like this," Donna began after a moment's hesitation. "You see I received special government funding to start my business. In order to qualify for that funding I had to be classified as a minority business. I'm in the third year of a five year plan in which I hire minorities." "What minority group could I possibly fit into?" Mark asked feeling confused. "Well, Sheila and I talked it over and there is no minority group you fit into." Said Donna quietly. "Well then how did Sheila get a job?" Mark asked feeling rather confused. "If I `m not a minority then neither was she." "She's a woman," Donna said slowly. "And I can hire women with no problem!" Marks hopes were dashed. Just when he thought he had a chance to make use of his talents another door had been slammed in his face. "Why did you bother to come here then? You couldn't hire me even if you wanted to." Sheila came over and sat next to Mark. "She came to offer you the job Mark." Sheila said taking her brother's hand in hers. "If you're willing to meet the condition." "Wait a minute, just what is this condition you two keep mentioning?" Donna leaned forward in her chair with an odd look on her face. "The condition of course is that you take the job as a woman!" Mark was on his feet in a second. "Are you nuts! I'm a guy remember!" "Not if you want to work for me in the next two years Mark." Donna said coolly. "I can't hire Mark for another two years. Mary Ann however could start whenever she's ready!" Sheila pulled her brother back down to the couch. "Please Mark, think it over. You need the job and Donna could really use the help." "But I can't, it's just not that easy to change a persons sex you know!" "We're not talking about changing your sex Mark," Donna said. "Just your looks for a little while." Sheila explained to Mark that Donna had wanted to hire Mark as soon as she had heard about him. If it weren't for the minority business status he'd be working by now. They had spent the last week working out a plan to get Mark hired and this was what they'd come up with. If Mark accepted the job offer he'd report directly to Donna and be know as Sheila's younger sister. Sheila would help prepare him to pass as a woman and when he was ready he'd become Mary Ann Kodell, Donna's assistant. "But what about clothes," Asked Mark. "I can barely afford what I have, I can't start a whole new wardrobe. And there's Mom and Dad, my landlord, along with probably a hundred other things." "Dad thinks we're crazy but agreed with mom that it's for the best." Sheila explained. "You'll be staying here with me since where you live is not safe for a woman, you can share my clothes until you can afford some of your own, and everything will be fine if you'll just trust me." "Do I have any say in this at all?" Mark asked incredulously. "It sounds like you two have my future all planned out." "You don't have to take it Mark." Sheila replied sarcastically. "You could continue living in abject poverty while hoping someone will hire an inexperienced person at a salary you could only dream of." Mark knew that he was in danger of losing his apartment and that his car was as good as dead but still, taking a job as a woman! "I suppose you're right." He sighed. "When do I make the switch.? "Tell your landlord you're moving out Saturday." Sheila replied with cool efficiency. "It's the end of the month and you wont have to pay another months rent. I'll help move your stuff over here and we'll get you started right away." Mark went home that night and called his parents. They confirmed everything that Sheila had said and promised to help if they could. Mark thanked them and hung up the phone stunned at the sudden twist in his fate. That morning he was broke, and facing mounting bills for a car that wasn't worth fixing and an apartment that wasn't worth living in. Tonight he had the promise of money, a spacious apartment, and a new life. Everything seemed so simple and easy yet he couldn't remember being more afraid in his life. Mark made the necessary notifications that he was moving and began to pack his meager possessions in anticipation of Saturday. Sleep didn't come easy for the next several nights, he kept dreaming of his new job. Actually he dreamt that he was at work but that everyone could tell that he was a man in a dress. Everyone laughed and pointed at him, called him names and generally made life hell. Sheila showed up bright and early Saturday morning to help him move. Since it was a furnished apartment all they had to worry about were Mark's clothes, dishes, and a few odds and ends. The first thing Sheila took out were the boxes of clothes that Mark had packed. A few minutes later she was back for more and in no time at all they were packed and leaving the apartment for good. When they arrived at Sheila's Mark was surprised to find that there was less to unpack than there had been to pack. When he asked why Sheila simply said that since he wouldn't be needing his old clothes anymore she pitched them into a dumpster behind the apartment building. She had more than enough good dishes and had no desire to bring along his mismatched plastic ones so they joined his clothes in the dumpster. The only thing she had saved were his books! Sheila told Mark put his books on a shelf in the spare room and make himself at home. Mark had been in the room often enough to clean it for Sheila but now it was different. Looking at the cream colored wallpaper with tiny pink roses on it game him the creeps. He put his books away and curiously peered into the closet. "I picked out a couple of outfits that I thought you'd look good in!" Sheila's cheerful voice rang out from another room. "Hope you like them!" Mark stared at the assortment of clothes that lined the closet. Dresses, skirts, tops, blouses, shoes, and even some slacks. All very expensive, all quite stylish and pretty, and all his! He pulled open a dresser drawer that had sat empty before. Now it was filled with bras and panties. Shutting that drawer he cautiously opened another. This one contained full slips, half slips, camisoles, and slips to wear with slacks. Two larger drawers were filed with casual clothes such as jogging suits and jeans but they too were unmistakably feminine! Mark was busy looking at the assortment of clothing he'd be wearing and hadn't noticed his sister coming into the room. "Don't just stand there gawking little sister, pick out something pretty and let's get started!" "Started with what?" Mark asked. "Started with becoming a woman of course!" Sheila said exasperatedly. "Honestly, men can be so dumb! Of course you'll see that for yourself soon enough." Sheila reached past Mark and pulled a few things out to get him started. "Here, let me help for now. I'll find something just right for you to wear." Sheila proceeded to pick out a pair of white nylon panties, a half slip, bra, and stockings from the dresser drawer. She then went to the closet and pulled out a denim skirt and peach colored top. "First, you need to take a shower and shave your legs and underarms. When you're done call me if you need help dressing. Oh and throw your old clothes out in the hall so I can get rid of them for you!" Mark took the underwear and set off for his bathroom to take the first step from Mark to Mary Ann. He turned the shower on and soaped is legs from toes to thigh before taking a razor to them. His hair was always thin and very light but after an hours effort it was completely gone. Next he gently shaved his armpits until there was nothing but a slight stubble left. Satisfied that he'd done all he could he finished his shower and stepped out to dry off. Mark reached for the panties and after a second of indecision pulled them on. He had never worn anything so soft, cool, and smooth before. Mark was amazed at how well they fit , he had always thought as himself as an average guy. Now it seemed that he was built more like an average woman! His panties on Mark went back to his new bedroom to finish dressing. He picked up the bra and put his arms through it but no amount of struggling would permit him to fasten it in the back. Laying the bra back down on the bed he moved to his next challenge, pantyhose. Sitting on the bed Mark figured the pantyhose would go on just as any pair of pants would. Inserting his feet he worked on one leg at a time until he was able to pull them up to his waist. The half slip went on easily enough as did the denim skirt which had a front zipper and button. Once he had the skirt on and closed he called for Sheila. "Problems Sis?" Sheila asked. "I can't figure out how to get this stupid thing closed !" Mark said holding out the bra. "Oh, sorry `bout that!" Sheila said. "I forgot it's your first time. Here let me show you a trick." Sheila took the bra and put it against Mark's chest. Turning it around she brought the hooks to the front. "Now try it!" Mark fastened the hooks, then turned the bra again so that the hooks would be in the back again. He slid his arms through the thin straps then pushed them onto his shoulders. He felt awkward standing in front of his sister wearing a skirt and bra but he knew this would only be the beginning. He pulled the top over his head and stood ready for inspection. "You're going to need a little work," His sister said thoughtfully. "But I can already see that you're going to look really nice!" Sheila walked around Mark several times before she stopped in front of him. "Just a few more things yet!" She said as she left the room. "Don't go away, I'll be right back!" "Like I'm really going to leave here dressed like this!" Mark called after her. "People would think I'm crazy!" Sheila reentered the room with several pairs of pantyhose and a girdle in her hands. "Don't worry, when we're done you'll be just another cute babe!" she said with a laugh. ""Just what I always dreamed of!" Laughed Mark. Sheila had Mark pull the girdle on under his skirt and slip then had him take off his top. She balled up the pantyhose and stuffed two pairs into each cup of his bra. "This will have to do for now!" She said after Mark put his top back on. She then took Mark to a full length mirror to see the guy with nice legs, a cute butt , very tastefully dressed in a miniskirt and top staring out at him. "We're almost there Mary!" She exclaimed gleefully. "You're looking pretty good if I do say so myself!" Mark really couldn't argue with her. The padding in his bra gave him a respectable bustline and the girdle lifted and shaped his small butt nicely. Even the top which extended down to his hips, seemed to flow over curves he didn't know he had! The next stop was the kitchen where Mark had to remove his top so Sheila could place a plastic apron like thing around his shoulders. She then had him lean over the sink so she could do his hair. She began with a sweet smelling shampoo then conditioner then put some foul smelling liquid on his hair. After she rubbed it through his hair she told him to sit by the kitchen table. As Mark went to the table he noticed an assortment of combs, brushes, scissors, and curlers along with a hair dryer sitting there. "What are you going to do now?" He asked, afraid of what he'd hear. "I'm going to fix that long stringy hair of yours and make it look nice!" Sheila replied mater of factly. "Lucky for you I went to beauty school for a year!" Mark sat there for over an hour while his sister combed, cut, rolled and dried his hair. He hadn't gotten it cut for some time preferring to think he would look like the handsome male character on the romance novels he saw in stores. Instead it seemed like he'd now look more like the female character! Sheila removed his curlers, then brushed and dried for a few more minutes. "Am I beautiful yet?" Joked Mark. "One last thing yet, little sister." Sheila replied, walking away. "Just one more thing!" Sheila was back in a moment carrying a pair of low heeled sandals and a small box. She set the sandals in front of Mark and told his to slip them on. After setting the box on the table she reached in and withdrew some cosmetics. Sheila explained the process to Mark as she worked so he'd understand it when it was time for him to do it alone. First came the foundation which she dabbed in a few spots then spread with a small sponge. After that she used a brush to apply a coat of powder to set the foundation. Another brush was used for the blusher which would add color to his cheeks then lipstick was applied . Sheila then went to work on his eyes with an eyelash curler, mascara, and eye shadow. After doing his eyes Sheila stepped back to admire her work then gave Mark a mirror to look in. Mark was speechless! Looking into the mirror he saw a very pretty girl with beautiful blonde hair! Sheila allowed him a few minutes to stare at himself before interrupting him. "I take it you think I did a good job?" "I - I look like a girl!" Mark exclaimed in a trembling voice. "Yes you do, don't you!" Laughed Sheila. "I thought you'd look better as a blonde, you don't mind do you?" "Is this how I'll always look?" Stammered Mark. "No Mary Ann, this is just a casual look. You can look a whole lot better with a little more makeup and some pretty clothes!" "I just don't understand, I thought I was just an average guy!" "I don't mean to hurt your feelings little sister, but you were never an average guy. Too thin, your face was too smooth, and you were a bit on the short side." Mark didn't reply, deep inside he knew it was just a dream for him to be a macho guy but he never thought he looked anything like he did now! "Don't let it bother you though," Sheila said trying to soothe his feelings. "If it's any consolation, you do make one heck of an attractive woman!" Mark made no reply, he just stared at his reflection until Sheila took away the mirror. "Come on sis, you've got a lot of work ahead of you!" "What work?" Mark asked. "I've got one month to make a woman out of you and that means we have to work fast!" Sheila took Mark back to his new bedroom and began a crash course in women's clothing. The rest of the afternoon was devoted to learning what each garment was , how it was sized, along with it's purpose. Mark found himself learning everything he never wanted to know about slips, half slips, petti-pants, camisoles, push up bras, demi bras, and lord only knows what else. He couldn't imagine remembering it all but Sheila assured him that as he got used to wearing the items he'd remember them better. While she was teaching him about clothing Sheila also lectured him on how to speak like a woman. Mark's voice was never very deep and over the phone people who didn't know him often mistook him for a woman. Mark found that all he really had to do was to stop trying so hard to sound like a guy and his voice found a range very close to Sheila's! After several hours of clothing lessons Sheila switched to makeup and began to show Mark the different items he'd be using. This didn't seem to hard to Mark since he'd seen his mother use it and watched Sheila using it as they grew up. It did leave a sour feeling in his stomach though to think that he'd now be using it on himself! The makeup lessons went on for several more hours with a short break for lunch then back to work. Finally Sheila decided he had enough makeup lessons for one day and they moved on to poise lessons. Sheila was nothing if not thorough in her teaching. She ran Mark through so many tries at standing, sitting, and walking that soon Mark was doing it perfectly on the first try. When he was to sit he smoothed out his skirt, gracefully brought his legs together and sat down. Sometimes he crossed his legs, other times he brought his knees together and pulled at the hem of his skirt. In addition to the walking, sitting, and standing, Sheila taught him how to shake hands as a woman and coached him on how to behave with a man. Mark couldn't see the point in learning how to handle men but Sheila insisted that as an attractive woman it would undoubtedly be something he needed to know! Throughout all of this Mar kept detailed notes to study later. If he was to become a woman he'd make sure he did it right! By the time Sheila had gone over everything she wanted to teach Mark it was getting to be early evening and Mark was getting hungry. "Do I get dinner for being a good student?" "You certainly do Mary Ann," Sheila said. "You've been such a good girl that we're going out for dinner!" "I'm not ready to go out in public, can't we just send out for a pizza?" "You can't be eating pizza all the time little sister, you have to watch that cute shape of yours! Besides, mom and dad are expecting us!" "I can't face them like this Sheila!" Mark cried. "Please, not mom and dad!" "Calm down Mary," Sheila's voice was very soothing. "They'll see you sooner or later and this will help you get used to being a woman in public!" Mark knew he had to go, his parents had helped him a lot since he'd been laid off and he owed them so much. Yet the idea of facing his parents while dressed and made up as a woman scared him half to death. He hoped they'd understand, he needed the job and this was the only way to get it! Sheila handed Mark a purse filled with makeup, perfume, tissue, and a wallet. "Welcome to the world of women little sister." Sheila smiled as she handed him the purse. "From now on wherever you go, your purse goes. You'll get used to it before long and it holds lots more than pockets can!" Mark sighed and slung the purse over his shoulder then followed Sheila out to her car. During the trip to their parents home Sheila kept telling Mark that everything would be fine and that he should just relax. Mark found it hard to relax though, after all he was about to meet his parents completely done up as a woman. What would they think of him? They finally pulled into the driveway at their parent's home and after turning off the car Sheila checked her makeup in the car's mirror. Mark did the same although he wasn't really sure what he was supposed to be checking. Satisfied that she looked presentable Sheila took a moment to touch up Mark's lipstick before they left the car. Mark felt as though every person in the neighborhood was staring out their windows at him even though he knew they weren't. He desperately wished his shoes didn't make such a loud noise as they walked to the door, it seemed as if they were announcing his arrival. Sheila opened the door and allowed Mark to enter first. Mark had entered this door countless times in the past but this was the first time he did not feel happy. There was no chance to back out though for Sheila entered right behind him, closed the door and called out to their parents. "Hi folks, Mary Ann and I are here!" Their parents came out from the kitchen to greet them, smiling and opening their arms to hug them. "Hi girls!" Mrs. Kodell exclaimed. "You're right on time for dinner!" "Great!" Shouted Mark. "Sheila's kept me so busy that I didn't think I'd ever get a chance to eat!" Mr. Kodell stared at his pretty son for a moment before speaking. "I'd say she did one helluva job! You really look nice Mary Ann!" "He's right honey," Mrs. .Kodell said as she hugged him. "You look very pretty!" The tension broken, Mark was finally able to relax and hug his mother. "Thanks mom and dad," He sighed. "I was afraid you'd laugh at me or something." "It is a bit unusual," Mr. Kodell said. "But Sheila tells us that it is a good job " "I'm sure I can handle the job, I just hope I fit in." "Don't worry, Mary Ann," Sheila said. "When I'm done with you'll think you were born a girl!" After dinner Mark stayed back with Sheila and his mom to help with dishes while his father went to watch television in another room. Mark had usually accompanied his father in the past but tonight he thought it would be best if he stayed with the women. He'd be doing that a lot in the future and thought it best to get used to it. The ladies had a fun time cleaning up after dinner and soon Mark found himself laughing over his experiences trying on Sheila's clothes! Sheila and his mom shared many useful tips on makeup and clothes and Mark vowed to do his best to remember them. The dishes finally done and the kitchen cleaned the ladies sat down, enjoyed a cup of tea and talked. The subject naturally was Mark, or rather Mary Ann, what colors would look best on her, the style of clothes she might like, fabrics, and the many fine points of being a woman. Before they knew it several hours had passed and it was time to go home. Mark kissed his mother and father good-bye and followed Sheila to the car, a huge amount of information swimming around in his brain. Back at the apartment Mark went to find something to wear to bed after a shower. After looking through all of his new sleep wear he settled on a pink cotton nightgown with lace on the sleeves and hem. Thinking it would be a good idea to practice coordinating his clothes he chose a pair of white, nylon panties with a delicate, pink rose pattern on them and went into his shower. Although he had shaved everywhere just that afternoon Mark used some of his sister's hair remover cream to make certain he looked just right. He followed the directions, spreading it smoothly everywhere he wanted to get rid of stubble. After a few minutes wait he rinsed it off and noticed how much smoother his body felt without the stubble. He spent extra time putting conditioner into his hair since his mom and sister said he'd need it to for pretty styles. After going over his mental checklist Mark decided that there was no more he needed to do in the shower so he turned off the water and stepped out. Mark toweled himself dry then wrapped a towel around his head the way he'd see women do. Sheila said that this would absorb some of the extra water before he set his hair. Mark pulled on the panties and noticed that they felt so silky against his stubble free legs. With no stubble to catch on the panties glided up to settle around his hips. Mark slipped the nightgown over his head and went to see what Sheila had in mind for his hair. Sheila put Mark's hair in curlers again warning him that at first it would be hard to sleep until he got used to curlers. She told him that he might want to invest in hot curlers so he could set his hair while he got dressed in the morning. As Mark tossed and turned that night trying to get comfortable he decided that no matter what he'd own a set of hot rollers! The next day was once again dedicated to learning the art of femininity with Mark trying on various outfits, practicing his walking, voice, and mannerisms until Sheila was satisfied with his progress. Mark was progressing very well and Sheila was certain he'd be ready in time. Of course walking around the apartment was one thing, being out in public was the real test of Mark's skills though. Mark protested that he needed much more time before going out in public as a woman but Sheila promised not to go anywhere crowded. After much debate Mark finally agreed to n afternoon movie and walk in the park. As her part of the compromise Sheila agreed to let Mark wear jeans and a top instead of a skirt. Mark insisted on dressing himself confident that he could handle a pair of jeans, a top, and a bra. Taking off his nightgown he pulled on a pair of the knee high stockings from his drawer then pulled on his jeans and top. He found the jeans were a little loose around his waist but a belt would fix that nicely. Sheila found another problem though that hadn't occurred to Mark, a bulge where no bulge should be. "Not good Mary Ann," Sheila said shaking her head and smiling. "Women don't have that bulge in the front of their jeans. Put on a girdle and see if you can't tuck away that bulge." Feeling silly for having overlooked such an obvious mistake Mark trudged back to his room, removed his jeans and pulled on a girdle. As he got the girdle to his hips he stopped and adjusted his genitals to keep them from showing. He then pulled the girdle up as snugly as possible and put his jeans back on. This time he made sure he looked in a mirror before leaving the room. "How's this?" He asked thrusting forward to show off his achievement. "Much better, I can't believe I forgot about that!" "It never seemed like a problem before," Replied Mark sheepishly. "That's because men's jeans are cut different to allow for bulges that women don't have. Women's jeans are meant to fit smoothly and are tighter. You'll get used to them though, you're not going to want to wear skirts and dresses all of the time." It seemed unusual to Mark for his sister to talk to him as if he was going to be spending the rest of his life as a woman. It seemed even more unusual that he'd never bothered to ask about how long he was going to have to pretend he was a woman. Not that it mattered, Mark thought, it wasn't as if he was getting a sex change. Any time he decided to he could always change clothes and go back to being Mark again. Mark did his own makeup this time and Sheila even complimented him on how quickly he had learned to do it. Mark felt a certain amount of pride in this accomplishment, much like a teen aged girl learning to sue cosmetics. After Sheila did his hair they gathered jackets and their purses and were off to the movie. Mark still felt self conscious about appearing a s a woman in public but told himself that he had to master certain skills if he was to hold down a job that seemed made for him! As they drove to the theater Mark mentally rehashed all that he had been taught to avoid making any mistakes. He was determined that he'd fit in as smoothly as possible. Once at the theater Mark got cold feet when he saw that they'd have to wait in line for the show to start. Sheila gently took his arm and kept him moving to keep him from backing out. "Come on sis," She chided. "Don't chicken out now! Just keep telling yourself that you're an attractive woman!" Mark looked at Sheila and then back at the line of people. By then they were at the door and Sheila wasn't about to let him back out on her. "It's either go in or sit in the car for a couple of hours." She whispered. "You'll attract a lot more attention sitting out in the car then you will inside." Mark took a second to realize that she was right. He'd heard that it wasn't safe for a woman to be alone like that and knew it would be tough to explain why he was dressed that way to a cop. "Hope you're right." He whispered back as he opened the theater doors. Inside they took their place in line with several other people, none of whom did more than smile at them. Mark felt an enormous sense of relief and a boost to his confidence. Even this close, people thought he was a woman! After the show ended Mark and Sheila stopped at a park overlooking the city. Strolling through the park Mark noticed that many of the men they passed were giving them more than just a simple glance. Even with his very limited experience with women Mark understood what was happening, he and Sheila were being checked out very carefully! Mark was slightly upset about it until he realized that every one of the guys who checked them out was smiling! He knew they wouldn't be smiling if they didn't like what they saw and it was obvious that these guy's liked what they saw! Back at the apartment Mark asked Sheila how she felt when guys looked at her. "I take it as a compliment! They're actually telling me that I'm pretty and very attractive and I can't imagine a woman who doesn't like being told that she's pretty!" "Are they always so obvious though?" Queried Mark. "It's like we were on display!" "Some men are more obvious than others," Sheila replied. "As for being on display though, that's why we went there! I've been there before and saw lot's of cute guys so I figured it would be a great place to show off my new sister!" "Hold on Sheila, you're acting as if I'm really a long lost sister of yours, you know, like I'm really a woman or something!" Sheila smiled at him. "Let me explain something to you little sister!" She said with a twinkle in her eye. "When I suggested your working for Donna it was as a guy! Donna said she couldn't hire any men then came up with the goofy idea of you pretending to be a woman. I told her that she was nuts, you'd never agree to such a thing but she insisted we ask you! I was really surprised you agreed!" Mark was stunned. He had told himself over and over that Sheila had talked him into it, could it be that it wasn't that hard to do? "But I thought you were all for this! I thought I was helping you and Donna!" "You are Mary, believe me you are! It's just that you never once asked us how long you'd have to dress this way. I figured that the idea of being a woman must have appealed to you for some reason." "Honestly, I never thought to ask! I've never even thought about trying on your clothes when I'd come over to clean up. I don't really know why I said yes, I hope you don't think there's something wrong with me?" "No sis, I don't think there's anything wrong with you. You needed a job and were willing to meet the unusual requirements of this one that's all." Mark was relieved to hear that his sister felt the way that she did. He had always been close to her and her opinion meant everything to him. "Can I tell you a secret?" He asked uncertainly. "You know you can tell me anything sis!" Sheila assured him. "What's on your mind?" Mark shuffled his feet and stared at the ceiling for a few moments before continuing. "This is getting to be fun." He said softly. Sheila looked at her brother and grinned. "I know what you mean! It's sort of like playing with my Barbie dolls all over again!" "Then you don't mind sharing your clothes with your brother?" "To tell you the truth, I never thought it would work out. Now though it looks like you make a great looking lady!" "Thanks!" Mark beamed. "I'm really trying hard to get things right!" "Mark," Sheila said with a devious smile. "Can I ask you something personal?" "Sure, what's on your mind?" "You're enjoying this aren't you? Tell me the truth, don't you like getting all dolled up?" Mark thought for a moment or two. "Yeah, you're right. I really am having a great time learning how to be a girl! Please don't tell mom and dad though okay?" Sheila broke into wide grin. "I knew it!" Sheila squealed with delight. "Something just told me that you were having as much fun as I was! Don't worry though, I promise not to tell a soul, it'll be a secret between sisters! Mark threw his arms around his sister and hugged her tight. Now that that burden was off his chest he felt so much better. "What's next though Sheila?" He asked hopefully. "The hard part comes next little sister." Sheila said softly. "It's going to take a little work but we have to make you feel so feminine you'll forget you're a guy. Do you think you can handle forgetting you're a guy?" Mark had to think long and hard before he could answer. "I suppose so, but how are we going to do that?" "Well for starters I don't think you should be wearing jeans or any other slacks very much for a while. You're going to be wearing nothing but the frilliest lingerie along with dresses and nylons. This stuff's going to make you feel unbelievably sexy and you're going to love it!" Mark still wasn't certain that he was doing the right thing but he had given up his apartment and Sheila had gotten rid of his clothes so for the time being at least he was going to be Sheila's sister. Where it would all end he had no idea but he knew that with no way out he was going along for the ride. As promised, the journey began that night. Instead of the shower he had been used to Sheila had him take a long, hot, bubble bath insisting that he spend time just soaking and relaxing. Mark slid into the silky water and immediately realized that he had been missing an absolute treat! The water was just warm enough, the bath oil gave it a very flowery scent, and everything seemed well with the world! Mark vowed that he'd be taking nothing but bubble baths in the future! After his bath mark dusted himself off with a powder scented with perfume then pulled on a pair of frilly nylon panties before pulling a short, pink, silky nightgown over his head. The panties were as Sheila had promised very sexy, meant to rest on the hips instead of the waist they were nylon in the back but sheer pink lace in the front and on the sides. The lace band at the hem of his nightgown was several inches above his knee and the lace trimmed vee at the bodice was cut low enough to show the cleavage he didn't have. All in all a very pretty, sexy item designed to make the woman wearing feel sexy and desirable. Tonight Mark was to be that sexy, desirable woman! Sheila whistled appreciatively as Mark walked into the room. "Well, how do you feel?" Placing one hand on his hip and the other behind his head Mark struck a seductive pose. "Sexy, very sexy!" He laughed. "That bath was a fantastic experience, I loved it!" "Good, I want you to enjoy feeling soft, pretty, and pampered! You'll feel more feminine and it'll be easier for you to think of yourself as a woman." Mark went to bed that night feeling stranger than ever before in his life, the combination of the nightgown and panties excited yet scared him. He loved the soft, lightweight, feel of the panties and the silky nightgown was driving him nuts. Looking like a woman was one thing but now he was experiencing the feelings that Sheila had said would make him think of himself as a woman and he loved it! Sheila returned to work the next morning and was gone when Mark woke up. He spent the morning puttering around the house enjoying the way it felt as his nightgown rubbed his bare legs. After having breakfast and cleaning up Mark thought it would be best for him to keep working on looking like a woman. After all, he thought, I only have two more weeks to become one of the girls at Donna's company. Mark went back to his room and began to carefully look through his closet. Sheila had provided him with a number of outfits that she no longer cared for and some that she had said they could share. Mark decided to try on a pink blouse with a white skirt. After removing his nightgown he selected a white bra and some pantyhose from his drawer. He fastened it in front as Sheila had taught him then turned it around, put his arms through the straps and placed some pantyhose in the cups. Next came a pair of tan pantyhose for his legs and a white half slip. Mark pulled on the skirt, buttoned , then tucked in the blouse before zipping the skirt up. He checked the mirror to make certain that his slip wasn't showing beneath his skirt then sat down to work on his makeup and hair. The hair part was easy since he had spent another night in curlers and merely had to brush it out. Mark spent several long hours however working to get the makeup just right. First the foundation was too heavy, then too much blush, the wrong shade of lipstick for his complexion, until after half a box of tissue and a large portion of makeup removing cream Mark was satisfied. He still thought there was room for improvement but the woman in the mirror looked no worse than many women he had seen. Back to the closet once again for shoes and Mary Ann was complete. Mark stood in front of the full length mirror in his room and turned slowly from side to side looking for any imperfections in his outfit or makeup that might give him away as a guy. He satisfied himself that he certainly looked like a woman but there was still something missing. Finally he realized what it was,. he had no jewelry on! He looked all through his new clothes and makeup but there was no jewelry to be found anywhere so he decided to raid Sheila's jewelry chest. There Mark found a pretty gold locket and a gold chain he could wear as a bracelet. These things seemed to go well with his outfit and looked very nice with his complexion. His only disappointment was finding that Sheila had nothing but earrings for pierced ears. Mark had found several pairs of earrings that he thought would compliment his outfit but they were no use without pierced ears. Mark decided to talk to Sheila when she got home about having his ears pierced. It seemed like a major step, altering his body, but perhaps it was a necessary one. Sheila was happy to see how well Mark had handled his first day alone. She noted that he had done an excellent job of putting an outfit together and accessorizing it. "You look really cute Mary," She said as she looked him over. "No problems getting dressed I hope?" Mark put a hand on his hip and stuck his lower lip into a pout. "Do you realize that I don't have any jewelry? How am I supposed to look pretty if I don't have any nice accessories to wear with my outfit? Honestly, what's a girl to do!" Sheila laughed so hard that tears came to her eyes! "Oh you poor dear!" She laughed. "Can you ever forgive me?" "I'll try," Pouted Mark. "But it's not going to be easy!" "Well I see you found my jewelry case soon enough." "That brings up another, more serious problem sister dear." Sheila noticed that Mark wasn't laughing any more and began to worry, imagining the worst had happened. "You haven't changed your mind, have you?" "No Sheila," He sighed. "I wouldn't be dressed like this if I had would I now?" "No I don't suppose so, but then what else could be so serious?" "My ears, Sheila, my ears!" "Excuse me?" Sheila asked quite bewildered. "What's wrong with your ears?" "They're not pierced!" Mark replied as if it were such an obvious thing. "All of your earrings are for pierced ears." "That's easy enough to fix, get yours pierced!" "But that's so permanent! I'm not sure I'm ready for anything permanent!" Mark wailed. "Oh for heavens sake Mary Ann, were not talking about having sex change surgery! It's just two tiny little holes to let you wear pretty earrings!" Mark shrugged his shoulders. "You're right as usual, but I'm still not sure I want something that drastic." Sheila thought for a moment. "Tell you what, why not compare before you decide?" "Compare what? Not having pierced ears to having them? Kind of hard to do isn't it?" "No dummy!" Sheila was reaching the end of her patience. "Compare earrings. Go to the mall and look at both kinds. I think you'll find a better selection in the pierced kind." "Okay, when can we go?" Mark asked. Sheila's wicked grin returned. Mark knew he was about to be wrapped up like a Christmas present but could only wait for it to come. "Not we, little sister. You can take a trip there tomorrow while I'm at work!" Mark motioned to his skirt, stockings, and blouse. "You mean alone in public, dressed like this!" "That's right Mary Ann dear, you alone, dressed like that of course!" "I don't know Sheila, it was one thing to go out with you for support but alone?" Sheila held his hand and took him to the mirror. "You're a pretty lady now Mark." She said softly. "People will take one look at you and think you're an attractive woman. Remember those guys in the park?" Sheila saw the smile creep to her brothers pretty face. She suspected that he had enjoyed the attention from the men they passed and now she was sure! "I guess if I have to." Mark said trying to keep from letting his excitement show. "Take your time, try on a few outfits while you're there! Have fun!" It was all Mark could do to keep from smiling but t it was too late. Sheila knew that for whatever reason her little brother enjoyed being a good looking woman! Mark made dinner while Sheila changed into a jogging suit. It seemed a bit funny to her, she couldn't wait to get out of her suit, stockings, and heels while her brother was happily fixing dinner in a skirt and blouse! That night Sheila noticed that Mark took a little extra care with his curlers and spent a long time in his closet choosing an outfit to wear to the mall. Safe in her room she found herself giggling over the change in her brother. He had gone from a guy who cared little for his personal appearance to a pretty, confident, and quite feminine young woman! She wondered what her parents would think of their little boy now! The next morning Mark's alarm went off not long after Sheila left for work. Mark had planned on rising early but didn't want Sheila to see how excited he was. After checking to make sure she was gone Mark began to prepare for his first solo outing as Mary Ann. Mark slipped of his nightgown after washing his face and brushing his teeth. He then put on what he felt was an especially pretty bra that he had picked out the night before. White satin with lace cups it seemed to call out to Mark as he planned his outfit. Mark had looked around to make sure his sister wasn't watching then placed the bra under a pile of other clothes. Now his hands shook as he placed it against his chest and hooked it. He fastened a lacy white garter belt around his waist, then carefully rolled a pair of white nylons up his legs then fastened them to the garters. He felt so much different as he stepped into the half slip he had worn the day before. Next came a blue pull on top with short sleeves, a blue cotton skirt done in an Aztec pattern with a thin brown belt. The skirt buttoned down the front and could be left somewhat unbuttoned to make walking easier. Feeling especially daring Mark reached down and undid two of the bottom most buttons which allowed a little more leg to show as he walked. Mark carefully brushed out his hair, then meticulously applied makeup. As a finishing touch he added the gold necklace and bracelet. As he stepped into the white flats Mark decided to add just one more thing. On his dresser were several bottles of perfume from Sheila. A quick sniff to decide on which to wear before Mark sprayed some on his neck, legs and arms. One last dab of perfume on his chest and Mary Ann was complete. Mark picked up his purse, checked to see that the money from his bank account was there then set off for the bus to the mall. Mark was relieved that he was the only one at the bus stop but his relief was short lived when the bus finally arrived, it was packed with people! Standing there hoping no one was looking closely at him he store glances at some of the other women trying to observe details on how they dressed and acted in order to pass better. One thing he noticed that he hadn't thought of before was that the women always set their purses on their laps even if there was room beside them. After a few minutes observation he decided that it was not just to keep their purses from being stolen but also to prevent prying eyes from looking up their dresses. Lost in thought he hadn't noticed the passenger nearest him get up and leave the bus. He was startled when a man his age tapped him and asked if he'd like to sit down. Mark was grateful for the offer even though the seat happened to be half of a bench seat where the man was sitting. The smile on the man's face told Mark that it was not just a chivalrous gesture, the guy clearly wanted Mark's company. Not wanting to appear rude, Mark smiled as his benefactor slid over to make room then smoothed his skirt , sat down and placed his purse on his lap. Mark tried to resume his study of the other women but found it tough to concentrate since his seat partner was stealing furtive glances at his legs. This was something very different from the walk in the park with Sheila and Mark was at a loss to handle it. He had done it many a time to other women but suddenly things were different, this time they were his nylon covered legs that were being admired and he was enjoying it as much as he had when he did the looking! Mark thought about the situation for a few moments. It wasn't as if he were being insulted or in any type of danger. The guy was in a way paying him a compliment. Mark had worked hard to look nice so why be upset when someone seemed to appreciate his efforts? Slowly Mark inched his purse further into his lap and off his knees exposing a little more leg. The slight shifting from his seatmate told Mark that his efforts had not been in vain. The guy was maneuvering to get a better look at his legs! Mark seemed to feel more relaxed and soon found himself looking around at the other women on the bus and wondering if any of them might also be men. As far as he could tell none were but then again no one seemed to think he was a guy either. At the mall Mark carefully alighted from the bus. In the past he may have quickly scrambled down the first two steps and then jumped clear of the last but that kind of behavior would have been totally out of line for a young woman so Mark took small, ladylike steps feeling the gentle tug of his garters as he descended the steps. As he walked through the mall he took a few minutes to stop here and there to window shop as he'd seen other women do. Stopping in front of one store he took notice of several very sexy gowns being displayed and wondered what it might be like to wear one. Remembering Sheila's advice to spend some time shopping he smiled and went into the store. When approached by a sales clerk he politely asked about the window display and was shown to a rack of gowns. Mark took his time looking through the selection, he was in no hurry and Sheila had told him that women never make snap decisions about clothing. Finally he selected a red sequined gown with a plunging neckline and a white one with sheer sleeves and pearls sewn across the neckline. Taking his selections to a dressing area he found an unoccupied stall and began to change. The neckline on the red one proved to be far too low cut for his build but the white one not only fit like a glove it brought an immediate smile to his face. He looked so good in the dress that he found himself wishing he owned it. He knew he'd never be able to wear such a beautiful dress to work and that he had no where else to wear it but he wanted that dress! Unfortunately the price of the dress was far too high for something to wear around the apartment so Mark sadly slipped it off and placed it back on the rack. Leaving the store he found it hard to understand the excitement that women got from window shopping. Why fall in love with something you couldn't afford to buy? This whole female thing was becoming very confusing he thought to himself. Mark continued window shopping throughout the mall occasionally stopping to take a closer look at an item or two. He made a mental note of several outfits he thought were nice, after all he couldn't keep sharing Sheila's things, sooner or later he'd need some outfits of his own. After stopping at several stores Mark found that his sister was right about earrings. If he wanted any real selection he'd need to have pierced ears. Finally at his last stop he asked what would happen if he decided he no longer liked having pierced ears. The lady at the counter was very helpful, explaining that over a period of time the holes would close up again unless he wore earrings so Mark finally decided to have it done. The sense of excitement building in him over making such a decidedly feminine change was temporarily displaced by the slight pain of the piercing. Moments later Mark was thrilled as he admired the pretty little gold globes inserted in his ears. Before leaving Mark picked out several more pairs of earrings that caught his eye. He made certain to choose colors which he could wear with several different outfits along with a few dangling, hoop styles that he thought were especially pretty. As he left the store he found himself in a much more upbeat mood and couldn't wait to show Sheila his new earrings. Later at the apartment Mark remembered the shoe stores he had passed in the mall and the wide variety of women's shoes. Looking through the closet Mark found that Sheila had provided him with several pairs of high heeled shoes. Having seen so many women wearing them Mark decided that he'd need to learn how to walk and balance in them too so he slipped out of his flats and stepped into a pair of peach colored shoes with a three inch heel. Mark spent the rest of the day doing housework, making dinner, and relaxing in the heels much to his sister's delight. Sheila squealed happily when Mark raised his skirt high enough to show his garters. "Don't they make you feel delightfully sexy?" She giggled. "There's nothing like putting on nylons to make you feel sensuous and alive!" "And feminine!" Mark giggled. "I couldn't believe how sexy and feminine I felt today!" Mark and Sheila carried on laughing and giggling like two little girls sharing a special secret. Sheila told Mark all about how she loved to wear nylons instead of pantyhose for special dates and Mark told her all about the guy checking out his legs on the bus! By the end of the evening it was all Mark could do to take off his nylons, if he could have he would've worn them under his nightgown to sleep in! The next few weeks were spent with Mark perfecting his feminine image. He wore nothing but dresses, nylons, and heels around the house and Sheila took to calling him "Donna Reed" for it. At night he wore the sheerest, frilliest nightgowns that he could find, occasionally buying a few for himself. After finishing the housework he would often hop a bus to the mall and spend the day window shopping or visit with his mom while his dad was at work. Sometimes the entire family would go out to dinner together with both parents beaming with pride over their lovely daughters. Mark would often spend time sitting and talking with his mother. During these talks he confided in her about wearing garters, nylons, and frilly lingerie sometimes showing her a particular piece of lingerie, or a dress that he especially liked. His mother never criticized him or made him feel odd for enjoying those items, she just smiled and said she understood. The month passed quickly enough and it was soon time for Mary Ann Kodell to start her new job and possibly her new life! It was Monday, Mark's or rather Mary Ann's first day on the job and butterflies were filling his stomach. He'd been Mary Ann for a month now and yet there was something scary about holding a job while pretending to be a woman. He got up extra early that morning to make sure he had enough time to get everything just right. He had spent more than an hour the night before going through his sister's closets searching for just the right outfit so that wouldn't be a problem but still there was makeup be put on and hair to be curled. He stumbled groggily into his bathroom, removed his nightgown and panties then stepped into hot spray of the shower. He quickly ran a razor over his legs and underarms even though he had just shaved the night before. Actually he had shaved every night for the last two weeks but he didn't want any stray hairs to ruin his look! After the shower Mark slipped his nightgown back on and went to set his hair and dress. He was grateful for a little present his parents had bought for him, a set of hot rollers. Now he didn't have to sleep in curlers or worry that in the morning his hair would look the way he hoped. Having plugged them in before he showered Mark carefully took them out and rolled his hair the way he had practiced. His hair wasn't very long but thanks to several tips from Women's magazines he'd read he was able to style it into a very becoming look for a young professional woman. After getting his curlers in Mark began to put on the lingerie he'd set out the previous night. He pulled on a pair of light pink panties the front of which were nothing but an elastic lace in a floral pattern. He had to buy them two sizes smaller than his other panties to prevent unsightly sagging in the front. They were a little tight in the hips and backside but after tucking his genitals in they provided perfect support in the front where he needed it most. His bra was the same shade as his panties and after fastening it he added another gift from his mother, a set of realistic looking breast forms. She said that stuffing his bras with nylons just wouldn't do for a professional look so she ordered a set of breast forms for women who had mastectomies. With the forms cradled in his bra Mark sported a near perfect 34C bust line any woman would be proud of! The weight in his bra also helped him to hold the posture of a woman without trying. Sitting on his bed he carefully pulled on a pair of Ivory colored pantyhose followed by a girdle which was designed to accentuate his backside. Mark stepped to the mirror and giggled happily noting that the young woman in the mirror had quite a nice set of boobs and buns! The cut of his dresses and suits would work with the girdle and breast forms to complete the look of a shapely young woman. He slipped on a white silk camisole then a silky white shell top before stepping into the wine colored skirt he'd decided upon. Carefully tucking in his top Mark zipped the skirt, fastened it's single button then gently spun it around until the zipper was in the back. Another female mystery thought Mark, why not just put the zipper in the front and save all that hassle! He felt a little odd not wearing a slip under the skirt but Sheila assured him that with a lined skirt like the one he was wearing a slip just wasn't needed. Sitting on a chair in front of his vanity Mark laid out the foundation, blush, eye shadow, mascara, and lipstick that would complete his transformation to a woman. This certainly explains why it takes women so long to dress he thought as he carefully outlined his lips with a lip pencil before filling in with lipstick. It often took more than half an hour just to do his makeup for a casual look, his practice sessions for work ran well over an hour! Once again his attention to detail paid off for once he completed his make-up it was flawless! Sheila had even asked him to give her pointers from time to time! His makeup complete Mark removed his curlers and brushed out the tight curls until his now wavy hair feathered back from his pretty face and curled under just at the collar of his blouse. Adding a pair of ruby earrings and necklace which matched his nail polish completed the look of a well put together woman. Mark steeped into a pair of red pumps, removed his jacket from it's hanger and went to wait for Sheila to finish dressing. "It took you long enough!" Sheila sighed as Mark entered the room. "Honestly Mary Ann, you take longer to get ready than any woman I've ever known!" Mark smiled, held his jacket at arms length and did a slow turn. "Yes but I look better than most women do!" He laughed. Sheila wasn't about to argue with him. Indeed in just one short month her geeky looking little brother had turned into one of the most attractive women she'd ever seen! No one would ever imagine that this picture of feminine charm and beauty was actually a guy. Mark had practiced his walk, speech, and mannerisms as much as he had his beauty skills and the result was astounding. He looked, sounded, and acted as feminine as she did! After the second week Sheila had begun to refer to him more and more as Mary Ann and by the end of the third week she referred to Mark only in the third person. Sheila was slightly bothered by her brothers rapid development into a woman, occasionally wondering what was to become of the brother she once knew. She loved him just the same as she always had but still had a nagging doubt that she had done the right thing. Of course she never suspected he'd go for the idea of pretending to be a woman for a job and certainly had never dreamed that he'd immerse himself as completely as he had! Then there were their parents. At first they were a little awkward having their son wearing women's clothes but they too seemed to have made a remarkable adjustment! Her mother and Mark became closer than ever, they shopped together often and Mark would stop by just to sit and talk, something he never did before. Mark had been close to his dad before but had become even closer as Mary Ann. Whenever they visited their dad would often compliment him on a new outfit or the way he had done his hair. Mark would give his dad a hug and kiss on the cheek when they arrived and would often snuggle up next to him as they sat together watching television. During one of their now frequent outings with their parents Mark and his dad had actually danced together! Sheila thought it a strange sight to see her brother in a dress, stockings, and heels lean his pretty head against their father's chest while dancing. Her dad acted the part of a gentleman asking a lady for a dance pulling back Mark's chair then escorting him to the dance floor. Mark of course responded by taking his father's hand and allowing himself to be led about the dance floor. Often when the dance was over Mark would thank his father with a peck on the cheek before something out his skirt and taking the chair his father held for him. Sheila once commented on the strange behavior to her mother who just smiled and said that they looked so sweet together! If her parents could handle their son turning into a lady why should it bother her. After all she was the one who taught him how to dress and act like a woman, she just never imagined he'd be so very good at it! "Well?" Mark asked impatiently. "Well what?" Sheila replied as she returned from her thoughts. "Well, do I look nice or what?" "You look great Mary." Sheila replied. "I couldn't have done better myself!" Mark's face lit up with a big smile! "Thanks! I had to get up extra early today to make sure I looked just right. I'm glad you like the way I look!" Amazing, Sheila thought to herself. He reacted just like any woman would when complimented on her looks. She was amazed at how calmly her brother was acting. It was as if he went to work in a skirt everyday! Well, she thought, he will now! When they pulled into the parking lot however Mark's calm exterior began to show signs of cracking. He sat in the car unmoving until Sheila came around to his side. "What's wrong Mary Ann?" She asked helpfully. "Forget something?" "Yeah!" Mark shot back. "My brains! I must be nuts getting a job where I have to dress like a woman. What was I thinking?" "Probably about bills you couldn't afford to pay and possibly where your next meal was coming from!" "I suppose you're right." Mark replied quietly. "But this is insane, I can't make people believe I'm a woman day after day!" "Why not?" Sheila replied. "You've been doing it for a month now. You've managed to convince everyone at the apartment building, the supermarket, the mall, and the restaurants mom and dad took us too. Just relax and remember, it's a good job!" Mark seemed to calm down considerably after that. He got out of the car and started towards the office building and his new job. Sheila noticed that several men from the building were looking at them as they approached the building. Actually she noticed them looking at Mark! She didn't say anything to him

Same as Mark to Mary Ann Videos

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Anne and MaryChapter 30 Anne

When I got up on Monday it was sunny and warm for mid-November, so I wore my Polartec and a pair of those really tight ski pants with half-boots. The Polartec feels nice and fuzzy on my breasts and it almost covers my buns. The zipper neck lets me control the draft. I didn't need a coat. I thought it looked pretty good. After lunch, Saul waved frantically at me as I started to leave the Union, so I went to where he was sitting. "Dad left a message on my answering machine over the weekend....

3 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 10 Anne

I liked Will, and I was glad he and Mary hit it off so well. I'd sort of hoped she'd find someone besides Tom, especially since I now have Alex and Saul. I walked around the museum with them, listening to Will's talk. He does know his stuff, and even though he really didn't have eyes for anyone but Mary, he really grew on me. Of course, he also took care to look down the front of my dress when I gave him the chance, and he kept trying to see through Mary's shirt as well. She'd left the...

1 year ago
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Archbaroness vs MaryAnnette

Archbaroness flies low over Megatropolis, thinking about the events of the last few days. She is on patrol, looking for any crime in need of being stopped by a heroine’s might. Megatropolis, always full of crime, has seemed in extra need of her watchful eyes these last few days. In a city this big there will always be crime. Like anywhere else in the world the crime rate will sometimes spike randomly, and that seemed to have happened a few days. The crimes had mostly been small things: petty...

1 year ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 7 Anne

I really get a kick out of Mary. She is so straight. I mean, she means what she says, doesn't fool around with games. I thought up the panties-on-the-hook thing, and who was the first to use it? Mary. I love it. And hearing her laugh when she comes is another kick. And, I wasn't far behind. I have basically the same courses as Mary, but we aren't in any of the same sections. Instead of her Statistics, I have Business 101, that's the only difference. I don't want to deal with the heavy...

2 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 14 Anne

I walked into the Union and sat down next to Alex. Tom came in right behind me. I realized I didn't have my earrings on, and I started to put them back in my ears. "Hope you don't mind if I get dressed again, guys. I really feel naked without them." "Where you been?" Tom asked. "I do figure modeling at the Art School. It's been twice this week, now. This was supposed to be Mary's day, but she had to go out to the riding stables." "So, you've been sitting around bare ass since...

2 years ago
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Mark changes into Mary

This is my first story which i have written for you and in this story i have expressed my desires so if you like this story or you hate it please let me know because its very important i can improve my mistakes. contact me with your remarks on [email protected] It was friday evening and i had just come back from work and i was very tired and wornout i kept my bag on the table and started stripping down while heading towards my room. I was left with only my underwear on my body so i...

3 years ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 26 Anne

I really enjoy the mornings on weekends. We sleep late, sort of. That is, if we wake up and it's not too late, we look around for something to do. Or someone to snuggle up to and sleep some more. Plenty of times, we make love and then go back to sleep. It's a swell way to start the day. When we have to, we get up and settle down on the cushions for coffee and muffins, still naked, still touching and loving each other. It all feels so comfortable. Eventually we got going that weekend; Tom...

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Anne and MaryChapter 38 Anne

Sigrid came back to North with us and hung up her heavy coat. The room was hot. She looked great in her slacks and red flannel shirt. I made coffee. "Tom says nude cappuccino is great," Sigrid said. "It is. Maybe later. What's up?" "Couple of things. First. I want to tell you and Mary about some stuff that happened over Christmas." She set her coffee cup on the shelf. "I don't know, but I guess you think I'm in some religious group that takes the Bible literally. I'm not. I'm...

1 year ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 18 Anne

We had a good workout, and I was really tired when Saul, Alex and I got to the Union. The guys went off somewhere for a few minutes, and I was just sitting in the lounge, when a girl from my economics class sat down next to me. "Hi, Anne." "Hi... Oh, sorry, I'm pooped. I've been swimming all afternoon and I think my blood sugar is about minus 60 in the shade." "That's all right. Waiting for someone?" "Two of the guys I study with, don't know where they went really, probably to...

4 years ago
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Mary And Marks Anniversary

September 20th was going to be a very special day for Mary and her husband Mark. It was their first wedding anniversary. It was fortunate that the day would come on a Sunday, as that would give Mary time to visit all the local malls so that she could decide on a gift that would both please and surprise him. This would be a hard job for her. Even though they had been married for nearly a year, she did not really know that much about what kind of gift he might like. It didn't really matter...

1 year ago
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Forced Compensation for De Ann

Brent worked as a Financial Manager for United Investments for several years. He was married to De Ann, a knock out. Brent was 34; De Ann was 33 and only 5 foot tall with long brown hair and hazel eyes. Brent loved De Ann's breasts, a perfect 36C, but he thought her best quality was her firm ass.Although Brent thought De Ann had a great, near-perfect body, her lack of confidence in her appearance resulted in a very conservative dress. This lack of confidence in her appearance also frustrated...

3 years ago
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A True Story About Ann

Ann was a beautiful brunette with large hazel eyes, perfect smile and a body to die for. She had large firm breasts with a cleavage so inciting you wanted to kiss her and bring her great sexual pleasure just by looking into her eyes.Ann had a look that would follow you into your dreams. The only problem was that Ann knew it! Ann would tease and bring you right up to the point of thinking, just maybe she will let me into her world with great kisses and the promise of better things to come.One...

4 years ago
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1 Deflowering Ann

Her father had missed her birthday again being out of the country on something to do with his work and she knew he wouldn't be home for another month, if then. He did call to wish her a happy birthday but as soon as he had told her that asked for Debbie so Ann barely knew he had called. She hated his job because he was always gone for months at a time. She knew as a diplomat it was what he did but not having him around meant Debbie was in charge and she treated her like she was her little...

2 years ago
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My First Time Sharing Ann

It has been nearly thirty years to the day that I first met my wife Ann. We met through a good friend of mine who had been dating her sister at the time. Ann had just gotten out of college and had little in the way of dating experience. I was eighteen months older than her and hadn’t done much in the way of dating myself over the past few years. Ann had been the first girl I had ever fallen for, and we seemed to hit off almost immediately. We dated for nearly three years before finally getting...

Wife Lovers
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he Meeting"Ummmm, Mark.....?""Yes, Becca?""Before you meet my mother there is something that you need to know...""....and that is?...""She is not your average person.""Well, neither am I!"We both laughed at my big cock joke."No...I mean it. My mother a...well, she...""Cat got your tongue, almost wife?""Not cat but you are close. Pussy is more like it.""There is only one pussy that I am concerned about this evening, Becca." and I gave her upper thigh a squeeze then watched my fiancee...

2 years ago
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Summer with Ann

This is fiction but, it was inspired by real events. Jack was between jobs and spent the summer of 1992 with his Dad in his house on a lake in upstate New York. His n**ce Ann was living with her Gr****d for a year to get away from her batshit crazy mother. Ann was fif***n with beautiful eyes, brown hair, sweet lips, and strong shapely legs. Jack hadn’t lived there in fifteen years and all his friends had left town so he and Ann spent the most days hanging out on the shore in hammocks,...

2 years ago
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Reparation Movement according to MS ANN

. Negro Reparations MOVEMENT according to Ms ANNOct 14 15 16 in Washington DC was the site of the MILLION MORE Rally, where 1 million Black men rallied in DC to petition the Government for Reparations due to 400 years of Slavery. Characters MR John Hanover, 62 His Grand Dad own a SOUTHERN insurance company that insured Black slave MRS ANN DOW Hanover Blonde Hair 49 yr, 5ft 8 170 lbs 42FF 38 40. Her Family made a future from selling slaves in the Deep South. Leroy. 20 yr, Young Black college...

3 years ago
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Aunty Ann

As I watched Aunty Ann get undressed and turn the shower on I could feel my cock go real hard taking it out of my trousers I rubbed it slowly as I watched her soap her real sexy body through the spy hole I had made about a year earlier when spying on my sister Heather, and my mum Helen I could tell Ann knew she was being watched as she soaped her body she smiled and gave a sly look towards the pin hole camera, that was nearly un detectable to the naked eye, her hands soaped her large tits and...

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More Fun with Ann

Over the next few weeks Ann and I continued to play our little sexual games in the office and I must say she was as creative when it came to sexual fun as any woman I had ever met. For example; one day I came back from lunch early sat down behind my desk and to my surprise there was Ann, kneeling topless, her slacks open, legs spread wide and hairy pussy exposed just waiting to suck me off and masturbate at the same time. And then there was the time I followed her into the unisex executive...

4 years ago
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A Genny Story Ann

  I was so happy to get all the nice mail about Melly's and my adventurewith her new strap-on. I was asked to send in some more of my stories soI thought I would start at the beginning. I am GennyI was always a very sensual kid. My mom tells me that when I was veryyoung I would rub myself on her leg when I sat on her lap to get a storyread, and when I was a little older there was a hand rail for thestairway that was just crotch high I remember spending long minutes onthe old wall phone talking...

1 year ago
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Anne and MaryChapter 39 Friday Anne

"No," said Saul. "Why not?" Mary asked. I looked at him and smiled. I thought I knew what was coming. "Understand, Sigrid and Tom, I'd love to have her with us. I like you a lot, Sigrid, you're great looking and I think you'll be a terrific lover. But you've overlooked something." "What, Saul?" Tom asked. "I thought we'd thought of everything." "Sigrid gets to fulfill her promise to be a virgin until she marries by marrying you. That's cool. It meets her religious or...

2 years ago
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Young Whore Cheryl Ann

When my daughter Cheryl Ann turned thirteen years old it was a great moment in my life and in my wife’s life too. We had been looking forward to have a teenager for a daughter. At first we gave her a new wardrobe, more spending money, and allowed her more freedom. In essence we started treating her like an adult. That was our mistake! About three months later Cheryl Ann came home very late and very drunk. She had been dropped off on our front porch and the doorbell had been rung....

3 years ago
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Shoe store sexperiencesAnn

It had been another reasonably quiet morning in the shoe store when my uncle declared he would be leaving me in charge for the rest of the day. In other words, like many other occasions, at noon he would be heading off to the golf club.I wasn’t sure what handicap he had, but it should have been low considering all the time he spent on the course. Truthfully, I didn’t mind holding the fort on a regular basis. He paid me well and, usually, trade was steady without any mad rushes, just a trickle...

Straight Sex
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The Spanking Of Ann

My name is Steve and I work for a Major Transportation company that provides food service to major fast-food restaurant chains.  I am on a strict schedule every night and it's a race against daylight, the hours of service regulations as set forth by DOT, the weather and other things.I drive and deliver two routes a week, every week, and usually have the same stores.  Occasionally, the volume varies significantly (super bowl week, etc, Christmas Holidays) but for the most part, there is a great...

3 years ago
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Episodes from my nudist experience Meeting Ann

Episodes from my nudist experienceBy YonekhadvashThis is a hopefully, the beginning of collection of short episodes that happened in my life, mainly nude in public, voyeuristic and exhibitionist.Meeting AnnIt was one of the first times that I sunbathed nude on a clothing optional beach north of Tel Aviv. I expected to have a relaxed afternoon on my own.I was getting more at ease with being naked while other people on the beach are clothed or in different stages of getting naked. Each time...

2 years ago
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Reluctantly, she put on a black leather tube top with straps over the shoulders and a shiny black PVC skirt, which sat about three inches above her knees. As she added a pair of black heels, Chas walked in. "Fuckin' hell, love, you look fit!" "Isn't it too much for The Eagle though?" she questioned. "Nah, you'll be fine. You look great" he replied. "Buy me a boob job and I'll have more confidence for this kinda stuff" she pleaded. "OK love, when I get enough dough". Carrie-Ann...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 8 Anne

"Hi, Mei-Ling. It's Anne Stilwell." "Oh, I'm glad to hear from you. How are you? How're things?" "Good. Very good. School is good, business is good, the guys are good, so am I. Haven't talked to you since New Year's. What's with your kids?" "They're fine, Anne. Sally had an ear infection, but she's over that now." "You know I really didn't focus on their names when we were there. Sally and Joshua. Why not Chinese names?" "We're not Chinese, Anne, we're...

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Sue and Ann

Hey out there I thought you might want to hear about what happen last week, it still trips me out. I was watching TV Saturday afternoon when I heard a car pull up I looked out and Sue Toms one of Kat's bitches gets out. I open the door and tell her that Kat was gone for a few days, she said she knew and wanted to talk to me. I let her in and got her a drink then sat and said what's up? She looked scared and shaken I put my arm around her and again asked her to tell me. She said it was her...

1 year ago
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The Investigation Caroline Ann

This story is a prequel to 'Her Fantasy - Ambush', I have written a second part to this that will connect the two stories if you want me to. ---------- Detective Midnight stood next to the police officer. He had been called down here because something was puzzling them about a murder investigation, and he was the one who always caught the bad guy. He was a genius, and even at his age he worked dangerous jobs. “Well, I’m not here for nothing.” He turned to the...

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Father Mike and Sister Ann

Father Mike and Sister Ann , had been exchanging glances, for many months now. As they passed in the hall, as they went for Vespers, all the time the room was charged with energy. Sister Ann would sometimes blush, after talking with Father Mike. She was sure that her sisters in the faith could tell. They were both aching for each other. It was wrong, so very wrong. Could they even be forgiven?? Sister Ann, had waited until everyone was a asleep, and snuck to the bathroom where she would rub her...

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Chocolate And Caramel 8211 Part 2 Big Boobs Goddess Ann

When I woke up the next day, it felt so good to be sandwiched between two hotties in the coldness of Shimla. Jia was still sleeping and her soft nude body was covered in a blanket but I saw the left part of her ass outside the blanket. I went to her soft ass and kissed it. Even though I was tired and it all happened in haste, I enjoyed fucking her ass. I kissed it one more time and saw the stains of cream on her ass and ass crack. I sucked the cream from her ass and started eating her booty....

1 year ago
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Beatdown by a porn Star lisa Ann

Beat Down by a Porn star- Lisa AnnBy lilguy [email protected] inherits a porn studio and gets shown who really boss.When porn King Dick Slamming (not his god given name) will was revealed it surprise everyone. Dick Slamming had died of a heart attack during a weeklong, orgy/coke party the like that would make Charlie Sheen Blush. He was at the ripe age of 60 and was a legend. His studio was known for excess, and despite being popular tended to have money problem due to it spending. When...

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Sharing Ann

My wife Ann, my best friend Alan and his wife Samantha had all grown up in the country just outside a small town. Alan and Sam had stayed in the area, working in a larger town about 40 miles from where we grew up. I went into the service and made it a career. Through the years, we stayed close to Alan and Samantha and visited with them at least once a year while home as well as many letters and phone calls. When we retired we moved back home to the farm, which was only about a half mile from...

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One day about noon I came out of the back room with my hands full of shoe boxes and my uncle was waiting on this cute girl about my age. I smiled at her, she smiled back and I commenced putting the new shoes out on the shelves. She left without buying anything and my uncle then left shortly thereafter to go golfing. The afternoon was uneventful until she came into the store about 5:15. I showed her several pair of shoes and she was one of the most modest girls ever saw. She was wearing a skirt...

1 year ago
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My cousin Joanne and my sister Ann

It was my sister, 'wake up sleepy head' she said gigeling. 'Whats so funny' i said laughing They gigled some more and then pointed to my trousers. I had a huge hard on. It was boulging through my jeans. I blushed and tried to pretend it wasn't there by pulling my t-shirt down over it. They then started teasing me trying to pull my top of. I struggled and went for theres but just then my mum came through, we all quickly sat down pretending we were talking. 'Go and say bye to...

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Doing chores for beautiful Miss JoAnn

Ever since I started this job I’ve been going up to the offices every day. It’s like a sea of lovely girlieness, legginess and tight tops that makes my head spin. I go to deliver the mail and I often hear giggles as I can’t help staring at what the girls are wearing. I get a big stiffy under my overalls and as I walk round the desks it rubs against my underpants so when I’ve gone out the door I can turn round and look through the window at the girls and two strokes and cum is gushing into my...

4 years ago
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This story is true.I was 27yrs old and a Policeman when I met Ann. She was 19yrs old, short bobbed dark brown hair, attractive and very quiet, she too, was a policewoman but in a different town. We started going out with each other and found we had birthdays on the same day. We just seemed to have the same interests and got on like a house on fire. In the bedroom she was far from quiet, noisy was never scared of telling me what she was in the mood for and loved sex....all of it, oral, anal,...

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Trixie Ann

It was just after noon and the foyer of the office block was crowded with office workers rushing to lunch.  Jack was wandering out disconsolately.  His son’s fiancée, Isabelle, had called to say that his wife Carmen had asked her to go on yet another pre-wedding shopping trip.  So she would be unable to meet him for their lunchtime tryst at the office park Hilton.  He had gone by the hotel in the morning to pick up the room keycard and had been looking forward to Isabelle’s hot body all...

3 years ago
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The Hitchhiker Lee Ann

I was parked in the back row at the Little America truck stop when someone started beating on the passenger door of my rig. I had just climbed up into the sleeper and zipped the curtain so it took me a second or two to get up, open the curtain and look out and the whole time the beating continued. The parking lot was full of flashing red and blue lights and I wondered just what the fuck was going on. Someone was still pounding on the door so I leaned over to see who it was and got a bit of a...

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Rae Ann

As many stories read, "this is a true story". You read and be the judge. I am a gear head. Bikes, cars, trucks, you get the idea? There was a big car show in Vegas and I was GOING TO GO. A few yrs. ago I took a rat rod in on trade on a custom built fat tired motorcycle, new I just built. I was going to sell the rat rod truck but just never got around to it. I put it in a building where I keep my personal bikes, cars, trucks for a later date. It sat until mid fall when biking slowed down. One...

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SLUT ANNMy name is Ann, well actually, it's been Slut Ann most of my life. My body has ruled me always. My nipples would itch, then when I played with them or scratched them, a charge would go through my body and make me crazy, insanely horny. Once that happened. I would need to cum many times to settle down. It was intense and consumed me.I always found ways go to the bathroom or some other spot to quickly pinch my nipples and cum. My body shakes when I cum and the first 5 or 6 orgasms are...

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Different Gyms Do Train the Body BetterChapter 2 Ann

I had been working at my employer's for a little over eight years, having been promoted to project leader, when my boss got permission from the CEO and the owners to build a Central IT System. Long story short, the opportunity was great for our company, and my career in particular. It involved many months of long hours. I worked late most evenings for the better part of the year, but thankfully we only worked one or two weekends a month. It was a stress on my relationship with my wife and...

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Service SocietyChapter 2 Princess Ann

The breakfast place was located in a strip mall, sandwiched between a pharmacy and an electronics shop. It had opened only a couple of months ago. It had attracted a small but growing clientèle, who primarily lived or worked nearby. The majority of locals were elderly, and knew each other. Elderly couples who came to the breakfast place often split up to join their individual friends at separate tables. The men gathered at a couple of tables to discuss politics, or other matters of great...

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Sexual Adventures My First Love Ann

I was heading out to meet some school friends of mine at a party. I was kinda excited to be going. I mean it's not like I didn't hang out but tonight I had plans to get some possible action. I meet up with my friend Ann at the train so we could head into the city. On the ride me and Ann talked about some things all while I was looking at her beautiful lips, they were sexy as hell and I couldn't stop thinking bout what she could do with them. At that moment I caught myself and thought this is my...

1 year ago
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One Night With Ann

Shane was a pretty average guy. He hadn't really been that lucky in love. He really only had one girl that he could call a girlfriend. But this girl had her fair share of issues and after a while she just began to drive him crazy until finally he couldn't take it anymore and ended it. It's a good thing too because if he held out any longer he had this fear he'd wind up married to her and then he'd really be fucked. Shane had been single for a few months when out of the blue he got a...

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This story took place at the time I joined college. I moved in at my uncle’s place since the college was only a few miles from their home. My uncle had three daughters. The eldest, Ashley was studying for medicine at a college very far and was staying at a hostel near their college. Then, there was Ann, who was a few months younger than me and was completing high school. She was very beautiful, had a beautiful figure, some dark skin complexions, like that of chocolate brown, dark hair and...

4 years ago
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Dressing for Ann

When I was a teenager we lived in a flat in an apartment block. There were four floors with a common entrance from the street and two flats on each floor. No lift/elevator just stairs. This arrangement was called a “close” in Scotland.Neighbours tended to look out for each other, taking in parcels, watering plants when people were on holiday etc. One year my mother “volunteered me” to look after the flat of a family on the floor below us. They were going on holiday for ten days and needed their...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 41 Ann

For the next couple of months, things went on much that way. The British sat in the towns, enjoying life among the Tories as best they could, eating well and rogering regularly, I'm sure, and Washington worried about where they were going and had his recruiters out far and wide seeking replacements for his still-dwindling infantry companies. We heard all sorts of rumors, even a report that a big Redcoat and Indian army was coming down the lakes from Canada, but basically it was a waiting...

3 years ago
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Mark Brannigan

Mark Brannigan Chapter 1 - Becky's Birthday "So, let me get this right... you want me to dress up as a woman tonight, in some of your clothes and makeup, so that we can have a pretend-lesbian dinner date here at your place. Afterward, we'll slow dance for a while, with you leading the entire time, followed by a romantic, moonlight makeout session in the lounger on the back patio. To culminate the evening, we'll strip to our lingerie, and make sweet pretend-lesbian love until we...

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The Story of Ann

This is a story written for and about one of the wonderful women I have met on sites like this, and is somewhat different than my usual writings. Ann is the girl in this story, she has disabilities, I have seen few stories about this subject anywhere! I have read only one other touching story about someone dealing with a life threatening disability. I think women with such problems are and can be a source not only for romance, but also for lust, love and yes, even, really hot kinky...

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