The Mark Of The Wolf free porn video

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THE MARK OF THE WOLF By Raven Dale thought it was a good idea to get away for a vacation on his own. After leafing through many travel brochures, and listening to hundreds of suggestions from his friends, he had decided to take a trip to Scotland. He heard that it was really beautiful there, and besides, they spoke English. It was a form of English anyway! Early on, he narrowed his choices to Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Ireland, England, or Scotland. They were all English speaking countries. Dale decided that if he was going to spend money, it might as well be in a country where he at least had a shot at understanding everyone. For one reason or another, the choices narrowed themselves further, until only Scotland was left. That was okay, however, because Dale considered Scotland to be the most mysterious of all of the choices. You almost never hear anything about Scotland. Scotland had a history of Celtic rituals, druids, moors, and even Loch Ness. What could be better for an adventure? Dale thought about all of that as he drove along one of the old beaten roads nears the moors in rural Scotland. He had been here for five days, and had another two days to go on his vacation. Everything was a beautiful, and as interesting as advertised. Dale had seen many things, including Loch Ness. Although it gave him a "creepy" feeling, he didn't see anything. The only thing that he couldn't get used to was driving on the wrong side of the road, as well as the wrong side of the car! It was late in the evening. The sun had not yet set, but the shadows on the moors were starting to get long. Dale had been driving for the better part of the day, stopping only for gas or directions. He still had a long way to go before he could stop for the night. However, the persistent rumbling in his stomach reminded him that he had not eaten all day. On the road up ahead Dale spied a little inn, or pub as they called them in Scotland. He thought that there wouldn't be any harm in stopping off for a bite to eat, and a pint of ale. It would be okay if he got to his hotel a little late. He closed the distance between himself, and the pub in a short period of time. The pub had a very unusual, if colorful name, "The Bucket of Blood." Dale shook his head in disbelief as he looked at the sign. He shrugged his shoulders, walking through the outer doors into the interior of the pub. Like all pubs that he had encountered on this trip, the room was smoky. It seemed like all of the Europeans loved to smoke! Fortunately, this pub wasn't as crowded, and as smoky as others he had been to. Dale found a seat in the corner. He surveyed his surroundings. At one table there were two older men playing what appeared to be a game of chess. They were smoking, of course. There were various onlookers to the game. At the bar there were about seven people of mixed gender and age. On the far wall there was a dart board, where several younger men were enjoying a game of darts. Dale couldn't get over how this country went nuts over the game of darts. It was a sport' that he was never really that good at. Behind the bar was a portly man sporting a beard and mustache. Dale thought to himself that the man looked rather jolly with his ruddy complexion and hair. There was a waitress behind the bar also that was the same approximate age as the bartender. Dale wondered if the bartender and waitress were man and wife? It wasn't unusual to see family run places, such as this pub, in these parts. The last person he saw was a very pretty young girl in the corner. She was very small, or as the say in Scotland, "A wee slip of a woman." Not only pretty, she was down right beautiful! From his vantage point, Dale could see that she had waist length, flame red hair; a petite figure; and very generous firm breasts. Dale's stare lingered on her as he decided, there and then, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. All of the people in the pub shared one common trait. They all stared at him as he walked in, and sat in his corner table. That made Dale feel even more of an outsider. They all continued to stare at him as the waitress came over to his table. Rather than greet him, or take his order, she exclaimed, "Ye should nae be here lad! Ye nae be from these here parts. Tis very dangerous." Although it was hard to understand her thick Scottish accent, Dale understood the gist of her message. He was not welcome here. "Look," he started. "I'm just a tourist on my way to my hotel. I haven't eaten anything today, and I saw your pub. I just want to order some food, and I'll be on my way....." The waitress interrupted him by saying, "We nae have any food ere, lad. Be gone with ye!" Dale was stunned, and just a little miffed at their inhospitable attitude. He was about to vocalize his outrage when he heard a sweet musical voice from his right. "A shame on ye Sarah! The lad's clearly hungry. Go get im some food...." It was the pretty redhead. Her accent wasn't as thick as the waitress'. Dale watched as Sarah, the waitress, seemed to shy away from the girl, as if she were afraid of her somehow. Sarah even had a look of apprehension in her eyes. As the waitress backed away, all that she could respond was, "Aye!" Dale reflected for a second on what he just saw. It was incredible. This young little woman had just gotten a much bigger, and meaner looking woman to back down. He wondered what type of hold this beauty had over her? The girl scanned over the rest of the room, who were watching all of this, saying in an icier tone of voice, ".......and the rest of ye. Go back to wha' ye were doin'. Leave the lad alone." Instantly, they all did as they were told. It was obvious to Dale that, despite her tender years, this girl held some position of power around these parts. He couldn't help to wonder exactly what it was? "Thank you very much," he said to the girl. She couldn't have been over 5' tall. As she stood beside his table, Dale could not but help to admire her large breasts, which were now at about his eye level. "Ach! Ye are quite welcome. Me family can be quite rude to strangers, ye know? Don't pay them nae mind," she replied, causing Dale to shift his stare from her chest to her face. Up close, her face was even more breathtaking. On top of it all she had iridescent green eyes that almost seemed to glow with life. Dale invited her to join him at the table. She happily accepted the generous offer of the traveler. Dale introduced himself to her, after which, she returned the gesture. "My name be Siobhan Scott. This here is my cousin's place. I live at a little place out in the moors." Dale asked, "Have you lived here your entire life?" "Aye, Dale. This be the ancestral ome of the Scott Clan. I've nae been anywhere's but here. Tis all right though. Me family makes sure I got everything I need." "I noticed that. They seem to do everything that you tell them what to do." "That sure n' enough be the truth. I be the Scott heir. Tis my family, so's they got to do what I say. In exchange, I can't leave the place. I'm the designated protector of the family, you see." Dale didn't see. He couldn't understand how such a small woman could protect anyone, or anything. Still, the rest of the populace appeared to respect her position. It really didn't much matter to him as long as it got him a warm meal, and a pint of ale! Without warning Siobhan yelled out, "Ach! Sarah, are ye daft woman? The lad's waitin' for is food......" Siobhan turned to Dale, saying, "Ye wait right ere. I be back with ye food in two shakes of a wolf's tale." As she got up to retrieve his meal, Dale thought to himself, "Interesting turn of a phrase!" Still Dale was quite taken with this lass. Her sweet voice, and slight accent were almost musical............. enchanting. No sooner than Siobhan had disappeared out of sight, than one of the younger darts players rushed over to him, whispering in his ear, "Beware her stranger. She bears the mark'............." The young dart player could not finish his message. Siobhan appeared suddenly from the kitchen with her arms full of hot, steaming food. Her sudden appearance prompted the lad to quickly shuffle back to the dart area. Dale didn't pay much attention to what the lad had tried to tell him anyway. He simply thought his reference to the mark' as a reference to her position as heir of the Scott Clan. He thought he was just being warned away from the head' and protector of their family. "Aye Dale! Ye see? Plenty of good food to eat at The Bucket of Blood'," said Siobhan. She sat the food down on the table, encouraging Dale to dig in. Dale was only too happy to do so. He was famished. As Dale ate, he had the most pleasant conversation with Siobhan. She seemed to take a great interest in America, as well as other places Dale had been. She seemed to be fascinated with anything other than where she was right now. The more he spoke to her, the more he was attracted to her. He wondered what she thought of him? Dale hadn't been with a woman for some time. He kind of wanted to make love to a Scottish woman, as he had heard they were very warm and loving. Siobhan was certainly making him feel very welcome. Eventually the conversation turned toward the name of the pub itself. Dale couldn't get the question of the source of its name out of his head. He asked Siobhan how the place got its name. Siobhan raised one eyebrow, suspiciously. "Ah. Tis an old Scott legend round these parts. Tis said werewolves used to roam the moors, protecting the Scott Clan from the English invaders. The Bucket of Blood tis the entrails of the English ripped from stem t' stern' by the werewolves." Dale laughed, "Ha! Are you serious?" "Aye, Dale. Tis the legend!" "Everyone knows there is no such things as werewolves," Dale commented in between bites. Siobhan laid her hand upon Dale's, simply nodding. Dale felt an erection begin to grow in his pants at her touch. He wanted to get back on the road, and get to his hotel, but he just couldn't bear to tear himself away from her. Dale and Siobhan sat and talked for hours. He had quite a few pints of ale under his belt. At the end of these few hours, Dale was in no condition to drive the rest of the way to his hotel. Still, he got up to gather his things, beginning to get ready to make his way toward his car. Siobhan had a concerned look on her face. "Ye nae be thinking of driving the rest of the way tonight do ye? Tis quite late, and ye nae be in any condition to be drivin'." Dale steadied himself as best he could. "It'll be okay. I've driven with alcohol in my system many times. It's not unusual at all in America." Siobhan took Dale's face in her hands, pulling it down to her so that they were eye to eye. She kissed him deeply, with an open mouth on his lips. Dale responded kissing her back. The erection grew again in his past, bigger than before. She cooed, "I thought ye may stay with me t'nite at me place!" Dale could take a hint. This wasn't even a hint. It was a direct invitation. It seemed like his fantasy was about to come true. "S-sure!" he stuttered. Dale didn't notice the rest of the Scott Clan in the pub sadly shaking their heads. Siobhan took the car keys from Dale's hand, and took his other hand into hers, leading him out of The Bucket of Blood'. She poured him into the passenger side of the vehicle. "I be drivin' the rest of the way to me place....." Dale did not protest. Instead his mind was filled with images of what he was going to do to Siobhan. She drove the rest of the way to her place. It was a modest stone house set back into the shadows of the moors. By the time they got to her place, it was late, dark, and very, very foggy. In fact, the fog was so thick, that you could barely see three feet in front of you. Siobhan helped Dale into her house, guiding him into the living room. Once there, she sat him down on the couch, as she set about making a fire in the broad fireplace. As she went about making the fire, Dale scanned the room in order to familiarize himself with his surroundings. Scattered throughout the room were odd statues, pictures, and totems on the walls. It looked more like items that you would see in a museum, rather than as decorations of a house. Dale was curious. "Siobhan? Where did you get all of these things? What are they?" She looked up from where she was making a fire, to answer, "They be me family heirlooms. The Scott family be directly descended from Celtic Druids. The things ye see ere are the things used by the druids in their ceremonies." "I'll bet they are worth a fortune." "And well they may be. They cannae leave this family." Presently, Siobhan succeeded in getting the fire going, and joined Dale on the couch. She snuggled up into his warm embrace. Dale was enjoying even the feel of having such a beautiful woman next to him. The smell of her hair, as well as the softness of her skin were intoxicating. Dale tried a very cliched line, "Now......where were we?" "Aye. I believe ye were kissing me lips." Their eyes met, and soon their lips. Dale and Siobhan sat in a tangle of arms while they passionately kissed one another. They only stopped to come up for air. Dale slipped his hand on top of her shirt to touch her heaving breast. It was so warm, and so firm. The play of the two young lovers progressed to the point where it would be necessary to take off clothes. Dale started to lift Siobhan's shirt over her head, when she broke away from him. "What's wrong? I thought that we..........." She interrupted him by kissing him quickly on the lips. "......and we will, me love. I just dinnae want your first time with a Scottish lass to be when ye are drunk. I want to make ye some special' herbal tea which will fix ye right up." Siobhan started to walk away, but Dale did not want to let her go. She kissed him again just to reassure him of her sincerity. "Ye silly man! I be right back, and after I do, we be doin' some proper lovin'." She left the room, leaving Dale to bask in the warm glow of the fire. He couldn't believe his luck! Everything was just perfect. He had almost drifted off when Siobhan returned, sometime later with a steaming cup of liquid. Siobhan gave the cup to Dale, and bade him to drink it. Dale tried a sip, but it tasted horrible. "Ewww. What is this stuff? It tastes terrible!" "It be an old family recipe. Ye drink it now, or ye make me very sad. If ye drink it, everything will be ready...." Dale had no idea what she meant by ready', however, he didn't want to upset her. They had come to far. He just simply assumed ready' meant ready for love. Despite the terrible taste, he choked down the rest of the brew. Now their lovemaking began in earnest. In a very short period of time, the two of them were totally naked, laying on the thick carpet in front of the fire. The two lovers caressed, and fondled each other tenderly as lovers do. Dale thought that Siobhan's body was just magnificent, better than any he had ever seen in a strip bar, or pornographic magazine. And here she was, with him. Dale thanked the heavens above, mentally, for his good fortune. As Dale was caressing the inside of Siobhan's thigh, he noticed a rather odd dark red spot. Actually it looked more like a blood stain. He tried to wipe it off, but it would not. It was perfectly dried. He broke his kiss of Siobhan long enough to ask her, "What is that unusual mark on your thigh?" She sighed, "That be the Mark of the Scotts." Dale thought this must be the mark to which the young guy, back at the pub, referred to. He was curious now. "What is the Mark of the Scotts?" "In me family, we dinnae chose the head of the family by seniority or wealth. Tis something which nature chooses for us. Each generation, one of us be born with the mark. When it is time, the person with the mark serves as protector of the Scott Clan. That is the way has always been. Tis the way will always be." "There is no one else with the mark?" "There was me uncle Angus. He died last year, leavin' me as the protector. Inherited this house n' property I did. Do ye wish to talk further, or do ye plan ta finish what ye started?" With that said, she grabbed Dale's erect penis, pulling him to her. She guided the shaft into her warm, moist opening. Siobhan moaned with pleasure at the feeling of penetration. Dale began to thrust his hips up and down, pulling out, ever so slightly, and back in again. The pace of their lovemaking quickened. Then something very strange happened. Dale began to get very dizzy, and disoriented. It seemed that every stroke was making him even more disoriented. He didn't know what was wrong with him. All of a sudden his vision blurred completely. Suddenly, Dale felt like he was on the bottom, and not on top. He could feel the hard surface of the floor underneath him. Not only that, it felt as if someone was thrusting in and out of him. In seconds his vision cleared. When it did, he let out a loud "GASP" as he saw his own face above him looking down at him. Dale didn't have time to find out what happened as he was overwhelmed with the first of multiple female orgasms. The only thing he could do was hold on to the body above him, in him, for dear life as wave after wave of sheer pleasure shook him. The sensations overloaded his brain, as he passed out. Dale awoke some time later, and instantly knew that he was lying in a big, bed. What had happened to him, he wondered? The last thing that he remembered was making love to Siobhan on the floor in front of the fire. After that, things got confusing. Somehow, some way, somebody had gotten him from that room into this bed. As he lay there on his back, looking at the ceiling, he decided that he felt strange, different somehow. It wasn't a bad different, just different. As a matter of fact, Dale couldn't remember when, in the recent past when he felt this good in the morning. All of his senses were very acute, and he felt, for the lack of a better term, alive. However, it wasn't morning. Dale could tell by the level of light in the room, as well as the play of the shadows on the ceiling, that it was dusk again. I've been asleep for almost an entire day! he marveled. He rolled over onto his side so that he could see where Siobhan was. When he did so, he got rather large shock. A heavy weight upon his chest shifted as he rolled, while, at the same time, a mass of curly, flame red hair fell into his eyes. "Wha...." he started to call out, but was halted by the sound of his own voice. Where he was normally a very pleasant baritone, now his voice sounded like an extremely soft soprano. The sound of his voice brought back, vividly his last memory from last night. It was the sight of himself on top of him, making love to him. "How can that be?" he whispered, as he pulled the hair out of his face. Except for the accent, his voice sounded just like Siobhan's. Dale pulled away the blanket, and looked down at himself. His stunned eyes beheld the naked body of Siobhan, herself. He grasped the two very large female breasts in disbelief, the nipples beginning to swell in response to the excitement the body felt. "No. Please no," he shrieked, even as he knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he had somehow exchanged bodies with Siobhan. Dale' s mind reeled as he explored his newfound femininity Trembling hands moved from his breasts to his waist, and from waist down to hairless thighs. Everything told him that he now possessed the body of Siobhan Scott. Dale felt the soft hair that covered his pubic mound. He paused for just a second before slipping a finger into his vagina to confirm that he was now a woman. The unique sensation of penetration told him that he was. He remembered that last night she had told him that her family was descended from druids. This had to be the work of magic. This exchange was obviously the act of Siobhan. But why? Dale asked himself. He got up from the bed to find Siobhan, to find out why she had done this to him. He had to convince her to switch him back. As he rose, those breasts swayed. They dangled heavily from his chest. Dale looked all around him. He felt her waist length hair brush his neck, shoulders, and back as he did. Everything in the room looked higher to him, until he recalled that she, now he, was barely 5' tall. Everything looked so big from this vantage point. He spied an envelope addressed to "Dale" on the dresser across the room. Dale walked toward the dresser, marveling in the sensation of moving about in this woman's body. He reached the dresser, snatching the envelope from it's resting place. The sight of her small arm and hand obeying his mental commands was almost more than he could take. A flash of movement in the corner of his eye made him look up. There, before his eye was the reflection of Siobhan in the mirror. It was her lovely face, her luxurious hair, her shapely, small body moving as he moved. Dale was overwhelmed by the need to cry. He choked back his tears, looking away from the mirror. Dale ripped open the envelope to find a letter from Siobhan: Dear Dale: I am truly sorry for this, my love, but there is no other way. You see, the Mark of the Scotts is not a blessing, but a curse. It was a curse that I Could no longer bear. As the bearer of the Mark, I could not travel, could not see the world, As my heart longed to do. The gift of your body will allow me to do My love. I know what you are thinking. Why me? According to tradition, one can only be released from this curse by passing it, and the body that possess it to another. Even then, it can only be done on the night before a full, blue moon to one who does not have Scott blood in their veins. Tonight is a full blue moon, the first in 72 years. I took your appearance from the savior that my prayers to be released from my burden was answered. Now you will take my place as Siobhan Scott leader and protector of the Scott Clan. You asked me how one as small as I, now you could protect a family. It is this....... The Mark of the Scotts, is the Mark of the wolf. When the full moon rises, you will change. You will change into your second form. All of the legends are true. I, now you, are a werewolf. I am truly sorry, but it is the Lord's will. Be well, my love... Siobhan Just as Dale read the last word, the sun slipped below the horizon. The first sensation that he felt was a feeling of itching all over his new body. He tried to scratch the itch with his fingernails, even as he saw them start to grow, thicken, and turn black. "NO....." he tried to shout, but the word got stuck in his throat. The only thing that came out was something akin to a gurgle. A warmth now accompanied the sensation of itchiness. Dale's eyes widened in horror as he saw hair begin to sprout on his arms, legs, and even his chest. A tingling began to grow on his abdomen just below his breasts. The tingling began to focus on four separate small spots on his torso. Dale tried to scratch them with the claws that now adorned his fingers. He only succeeded in raising for red welts arranged in a perfect square underneath the breasts. However, those spots did not remain welts. They continued to grow, pushing out from his torso, even as his new breasts began to shrink. Dale's attention did not remain on his torso for long. He heard a crunching noise, and felt the bones of his arms and legs begin to shift, assuming a new shape. He tried to cry out again for help, but this time, the only thing that came out was a howl. He tried to run, to get away from this crazy dream. The new shape of his legs would not allow him to do so. Dale fell forward breaking his fall with his hands. The transformation was moving faster now. The hands and feet quickly formed into paws, as his spine assumed a new curved shape that was better suited to walking on four legs. Dale felt a pulling sensation at the base of his spine, when a tail forced its way from the rest of his body. Everything was happening so fast that Dale barely noticed that his vision turned from color to black and white. He was covered from head to toe in a thick silvery-black fur. He howled again in protest, bending his neck up toward the heavens. Even as he did, as if to answer his protest, his neck lengthened, and a canine snout pushed its way from his face. The she-wolf looked under her new torso seeing the row of perfectly formed animal teats. Animal senses flooded her brain, particularly a new smell. It was the musk of a male wolf nearby. An overwhelming tingling sensation grew in the vaginal opening near her tail. The fading intelligence of Dale didn't know what the sensation was. However, the growing instincts of the she-wolf knew very well. She knew that she was in heat, instinctively knew that she needed a mate in order to continue her bloodline. She followed the scent of the male downstairs to a large dog door on the kitchen door. She didn't even hesitate to run out the door, into the moors, and after the scent. At the edge of the moors was a large black male. She wagged her tail excitedly, as she padded up to him. She nuzzled his snout, and his neck. Yes, this was her mate! The male bit the back of her neck, causing her to "YELP" sharply. The male did not let go, forcing her down into a submissive position. He mounted her from behind, and began to thrust rapidly into her. Soon she had the seed within her that would perpetuate the Scott Curse, and pass along The Mark of the Wolf to another! FIN

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Mitzi has started pimping me out to ‘solve people’s problems’.“You’re like Ms Wolf from that film,” she coos over the phone one afternoon in September when the weather can’t be arsed being anything at all and has settled on a humid drab grey like the soul of a hate-filled stockbroker.I allow one of those pauses that enable me to work out what the hell she’s on about. Then I get it.“From Pulp Fiction?”“Yes!”“That’s very cultured of you, Mitzi. Have you been unwell?”“A blemish last Wednesday that...

1 year ago
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Rose Red and the Great Wolf

Once upon a time, in the days before The War of Roses, there dwelt in a small hamlet of simple farm folk and sundry tradesmen just nigh of the great forest of the north, a very beautiful and charming maiden of eighteen summers. Fair of skin, buxom of form, and blessed with self-bounty, this sweet maiden’s name was Rose. The youngest daughter of a miller, she lived in peace and grace, cherished by her family and her neighbors as a vigorous soul and loyal friend. She was fondly dubbed by those in...

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The Girl Who Cried Wolf

The moon was full. The moors were empty. Inside the 'Rick and the Baker' pub, villagers milled about nervously, listening to the feral howls that sliced through the fog like razor-sharp talons. Even the most macho Irishman seemed jittery, even frightened by the never-ending din surrounding the rural countryside. So jittery in fact with each blood-chilling bay, darts were thrown errantly in seemingly every direction but toward the target. So many innocent bystanders were struck by mis-thrown...

2 years ago
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My Short Story of a Erotic Fantasy About a Femboy and a Wolf

Its the weekend last days of the summer Its the early morning the ground still moist from a cold night at a campground by a beautiful crescent lake. The unzipping of the little blue tent, out comes A femboy with soft pretty lips and a round little butt. Dressed in nothing but a baby doll T and soft silk panties A cup of hot coffee and a early morning walk down the trail to wake up and stretch those muscles, A few moments have past as the she stops in At a spring for a quick dip. looking...

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by Phoebe Magus The great town hall was ablaze with the firelight of lamps, and boisterous with laughter and talk of the townspeople. None were resting or idle, except for the elderly who sat in corners talking about the good old times. Grandmamma was hugging my sl**ping baby b*****r, while my old aunt, whose arthritic hand awkwardly groped over her knitting, was humming a sweet tune. The early evening was closing in and the moon was mounting, the farm labourers came from their outdoor chores...

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The Wolf

You see i'm a Lycanthrop or as we are usually called a werewolf. Now I wasn't born like this, nor did I want it. You see about ten years ago I was walking home when I saw this dog (or what I thought was a dog) get hit by a truck and being a dog lover I had to go see if I could help. When i got closer I saw it was a large wolf, it looked dead so I reached out to check if it was breathing when the damn thing bit me and ran off. I thought nothing of it, I just went home and bandaged my hand....

1 year ago
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St Valentine Defeats the Wolf

It’s the year 432 AD in Rome. The pagan ways are dying out as the ascendant Christian beliefs consume the empire. After the emperor co-opted Christianity to his own ends and the leaders of the religion started taking the the pagan celebrations and labelling them Christian the followers of the old ways started fading away. Rome itself, the eternal city, was dying. Most of the old temples were either destroyed for their stone or taken and labelled with Christian names. But one pagan group still...

3 years ago
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Snow Wolf

You have been standing at the window for what must be hours. Your mind can’t grasp exactly why, but something ‘out there’ is calling to you. You stand silently watching, waiting, for what or whom, you have no idea. Mesmerized by the flurries of snow that float upon the cold evening breeze, you feel a slight shiver traverse up your spine and your curious mind wonders why, for it is warm and cozy in the cabin in which you stand. Built long ago, in the days when the wasichu were trying to wrest...

2 years ago
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Interview With The Tentacle Demon Chapter 14 Wolf

The phone woke her up. Claire sighed, another night of sleep cut short. She picked up the receiver and put it to her ear. "Hello." "Dr. Thompson, it’s Colonel Jeffers. We've got an inbound lycanthrope for you." "Oh really? Haven't seen one of those in a while," Claire said. "Okay, I'll meet you there." Of course real werewolves bear little resemblance to the popular Hollywoodized version of the lore (and vampire lore was even more inaccurate). The cryptid shape-shifting gene...

2 years ago
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A Lady And Her Wolf

As the lady walked into the room, she saw the sexy Wolf there, she smiled softly to him, walked over to where he sat, looking down into his hazel eyes, she softly traces his jaw line with the back of her hand. Bending down she continues to gaze into his eyes as she leans down further, her soft lips softly touching his, gently she parts his lips with her gentle tongue, she softly moans as she taste him, knowing what she has in store for this untamed wolf, knowing that the pleasures there are to...

3 years ago
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Red Riding Hood And Big Bad Wolf

She was born Shyla Hood. Yet everyone in her neighbor knew her simply as Red. Called by this name not because of the color of her hair, but the fact that she always wore red. Shyla used to be called " little red" by her family and friends when she was younger. But she was all grown up now. Boy, was she ever. Shyla had developed a drop dead gorgeous figure by the time she was 18. Now 21, she had become a sexual dynamo. She had long dark hair, a 36c chest, an ass so perfect it begged to be...

Straight Sex
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MAU Slayers Big Bad Wolf

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Buffy and Faith were dealt a major blow when their families became the target of Angel and Spike. Not having anywhere else they can go, both have been offered a chance to join the Agency. MAU - Slayers - Big Bad Wolf Faith woke up. She took a shower and got ready, the whole thing had become completely routine to her now. The Agency had given her an apartment since she was now an Agent. Buffy was across the hall from her. They had both been hired...

4 years ago
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Interview With the Tentacle DemonChapter 14 Wolf

The phone woke her up. Claire sighed, another night of sleep cut short. She picked up the receiver and put it to her ear. "Hello." "Dr. Thompson, it's Colonel Jeffers. We've got an inbound lycanthrope for you." "Oh really? Haven't seen one of those in a while," Claire said. "Okay, I'll meet you there." Of course real werewolves bear little resemblance to the popular Hollywoodized version of the lore (and vampire lore was even more inaccurate). The cryptid shape-shifting gene had...

3 years ago
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Whos Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

       My skin’s been tingling for the last two blocks. I don’t see him yet, I never see him until he’s on me and then it’s too late. I take a different route every time, but he always finds me. I start at a noise behind me. I have to smile at my own foolishness. No human could lay a hand on me with my Alpha so near, and he never made a sound while he hunted.        At last I see him. He leans his long, powerful frame against the brick wall. His waist length dreds flow around him like living...

3 years ago
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Little Red Riding Hood Mr Wolfe

Red put on her red jacket, pulling the hood over her head, and walked onto the forest trail to bring a basket of jams to her grandmother. It was a beautiful day today, she could have gotten away without her jacket but it was her favourite and she took any opportunity to wear it. Kept warm by her jacket she took the liberty of wearing a shorter flouncy black skirt, a pretty white blouse, and some knee high boots, stylish but still comfortable for her long walk. She liked the way she looked. It...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Twelve Miss Marks Final Punishment

Lauren Dickson packed her things into her sports bag before checking that she had everything and turning her attention to her handbag. She smiled as she found her mobile phone and car keys which were lying under her collection of cards, makeup, tissues and other items. She closed the zip on the bag and placed it over her right shoulder. Lauren picked up her sports bag in her right hand and walked out of the staff changing room, turning and locking the door with her key. The young PE Mistress...

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The Lone Wolf

All of the usual disclaimers apply. This story is entirely fictional. This story contains depictions of young boys engaging in sexual acts, if you are offended or do not enjoy this subject do not read. This story contains characters and places from A Game of Thrones from the series A Song of Ice and Fire written by George RR Martin. All places and characters contained therein are his work and belong to him. Please do not publish this story anywhere without asking me first by emailing me at...

1 year ago
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Daniel Wolf

All my life I had been a hunter and fisherman but the past few years I had not been able to pursue my past times. Now that I am almost alone, who knows I am seventy years old. I have had a full life but now...I have buried my Wife and my son and his wife and son. They were on the way home from my Grandson's football game when a semi tried to dodge a deer and hit them head on. The only survivor was the truckers wife who was asleep in the sleeper. My family never knew what hit them. Only my...

2 years ago
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Red Riding Hood And Big Bad Wolf

She was born Shyla Hood. Yet everyone in her neighbor knew her simply as Red. Called by this name not because of the color of her hair, but the fact that she always wore red. Shyla used to be called ‘ little red’ by her family and friends when she was younger. But she was all grown up now. Boy, was she ever. Shyla had developed a drop dead gorgeous figure by the time she was 18. Now 21, she had become a sexual dynamo. She had long dark hair, a 36c chest, an ass so perfect it begged to be...

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Meeting The Wolf

I took a deep breath and once again flattened the nonexistent wrinkles of my little red hood costume. I know it’s an awful cliché to wear a little red hood costume when I’m trying to meet The Wolf, but, hey, a girl has to use all the weapons she has, right? And somehow it seemed appropriate. “Ready?” Laura asked me, giving me an encouraging smile. “As ready as I’ll ever be!” We were about to enter the local dungeon, where they were holding a special munch. People were asked to attend...

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theivery at the marketplace

Leihla had been caught red handed stealing from her employer. She had agreed to be his sex toy to avoid going to jail. The man handcuffed her and began to have his way with her. He lifted her top and kissed her neck. He pulled up her top and massaged her young breasts and pulled on her nipples. He ran his hands all over her body. She wanted to hate it but could not help but enjoy his wandering hands. She kept trying to convince him to let her go home but he was intent on having his way with...

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theivery at the marketplace

Leihla had been caught red handed stealing from her employer. She had agreed to be his sex toy to avoid going to jail. The man handcuffed her and began to have his way with her. He lifted her top and kissed her neck. He pulled up her top and massaged her young breasts and pulled on her nipples. He ran his hands all over her body. She wanted to hate it but could not help but enjoy his wandering hands. She kept trying to convince him to let her go home but he was intent on having his way with...

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Otherwise Engaged Sarah Mark Pt 2

by Quiver Sarah had decided to surprise Mark at work today. It had been a few weeks since he proposed, but despite their new engagement, they hadn't been able to spend much time together. Sarah didn't blame Mark, but he was working on a huge case that had been taking up a lot of his evenings. Sarah decided to take matters into her own hands, and after all, he could probably use some relief from the monotony. And today was the perfect day for it, since Sarah didn't have to be at work. It...

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Otherwise Engaged Sarah Mark

Sarah had decided to surprise Mark at work today. It had been a few weeks since he proposed, but despite their new engagement, they hadn't been able to spend much time together. Sarah didn't blame Mark, but he was working on a huge case that had been taking up a lot of his evenings. Sarah decided to take matters into her own hands, and after all, he could probably use some relief from the monotony.And today was the perfect day for it, since Sarah didn't have to be at work. It was some kind of...

Office Sex
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The Story of Rudina the Hunter Wolf

The Story of Rudina the Hunter Wolf A magical tale set in the Etz Chaim universe A message from the author. Words of warning: Because I'm a nerd: I like to world build I write for my own amusement: I will not apologize for not being PC to Tumblr definitions of what I am, or how I should act: I am a 45+ Transgender Woman: I am way past caring about other people's opinions of me. I am a USMC Veteran: I love firearms, I understand discipline (Not the BDSM stuff) and...

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The Crow The Ravenous Wolf

DISCLAIMER: The stories in the ‘Celebrity’ section of Literotica are all fictional parodies – none are true, nor are they approved of by the celebrities named in the stories. Authors write these fictitious stories about famous people for the same reason that Larry Flynt made fun of Jerry Falwell, because they can. The Supreme Court of the United States, the country where this site is located, has ruled that parodies involving famous people are perfectly and totally legal under the United...

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Andersonville 9 Never cry wolf

Andersonville 9 - Never cry wolf by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to Gwendolyn Ann Smith for her, "Remembering our dead". It's a place dedicated to our TG brothers and sisters who were murdered at the hands of others due to hate and intolerance. On the average, one (1) TG person is murdered each month. Would you take a moment to visit the site, bow your head, say a prayer for our fallen brothers and sisters, and remember what we are fighting for - the right to be treated as any...

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Loving My Wolf

I grunted and caught myself as he pushed me down. The soil felt cold beneath my palms as I tried to push up. I felt his weight press against my back and smiled slightly. His scent mixed with the fresh earth was intoxication at its best. “Stay down love,” he murmured into my ear. I nodded and felt his hands creep up my shirt. My mouth fell open, letting a soft moan trail. His callous grated softly against my skin and I arched my back instinctively, moving his hands back down. “Little witch,” he...

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A Genny Story Cry Wolf

  I am GennyThe first winter that Melly and I lived together was a real getting toknow you period. We were setting boundaries and then seeing how far wecould go until new boundaries had to be set. I think I was morecomfortable with my submissive side than Melly was with being a domn. But her evil mind was catching up fast. Once I decide that I love someone there is almost nothing I wouldn't dofor that person. I can't think of a sexual demand she could put on me thatI would not gladly try. It is...

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Brother Mark Comes to Stay

A few years ago, My brother Mark came for an extended visit and it resulted in a sexual awakening for my wife Brenda. Brenda and I always shared a satisfying but routine sex life; she enjoyed getting oral sex and loved to get roughly fucked from behind. She would suck my cock with some coaxing but would never allow me to cum in her mouth. She was not very adventurous. I had fantasies about watching her get fucked by another guy but would never reveal them to her. Mark's arrival started a...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Oh Wolfie Oh Wolfie

The doorbell rang at 2am. It was a total WTF moment for a lot of reasons. First off, nothing good ever happens at 2am in the morning – nothing that calls you or rings the doorbell, at least. Those are always conversations that started with "I'm sorry to tell you, but..." which I did not want to hear at all. My parents were out of town for the weekend and my kid sister was staying overnight with her BFF. Everyone was due back home by breakfast tomorrow morning. The one time I actually had...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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The Initiation of Gwen MarkhamChapter 1 Arrival

Gwendolyn Markham gazed from her bedroom window as the servant guided the limousine to the front door of the mansion. Gwen knew the carriage was for her, but she lingered. Apprehension, eagerness and fear flowed through her body as a deep shiver. The 16-year-old girl knew she was about to experience new delights. For years her mother had spoken mysteriously of Gwen's "initiation." It would be her rite of passage into womanhood. Afterwards, she would be looked upon seriously by men who...

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