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Portrait by Ellie Dauber In my Mother's family, the custom has always been that the first son was named for the father's father; and the second son, named for the mother. My parents honored that custom with my older brother, who was christened Frank Grey, Jr. But, when my Mother was pregnant with me, it was her father, Doriann Michaels, who asked that the custom be broken, saying, "Who wants his grandson to have to suffer with being known as Doriann Gray? As soon as the other kids learn about that stupid story, he'll never hear the end of it." Grampa Dorry died unexpectedly just before I was born. Mother was a stubborn woman who loved her own father very much. She insisted on honoring the tradition. As a compromise, I was named Doriann Michael Gray, and I grew up using both "Dorry" and "Mike" as nicknames. **** About a year ago, I moved into my current apartment. It was a fairly roomy apartment: very large living room, kitchen, bedroom, and bath, and in a pretty good location. I was surprised to get it -- particularly for as little as I had to pay. The rental office said that they'd had trouble finding a tenant for it, even though the people in the rest of the building seemed happy enough. My neighbor, Stavros "Something-or-Other" and I shared a common wall between our two bedrooms. He had seemed like a nice enough guy, an older man, about seventy I guessed, of Eastern European descent, who walked straight and erect as a soldier on parade, his bushy white eyebrows and full mop of curly white hair flashing like banners in the light. I tried to talk to him the few times we passed in the hall or met by our respective doors, but we never really hit it off. Part of the problem was that I ran a computer service out of the apartment, which meant I was home all day and needed the place fairly quiet for my work. Stavros also stayed in most of the day, but his idea of relaxation was playing music. Loud music. All day I could hear that damned violin of his screeching away, just off-key enough to set my teeth on edge. And definitely enough to ruin any chance I had of concentrating on my work. I hoped that somebody else in the building might complain, but it seemed that he and I were the only ones in it during the day. He stopped playing about four and generally went out. He must have had some night job or something, because he never came in before eleven or twelve. Then he generally went to bed. I wasn't making a detailed investigation or anything. The walls in that building were kind of thin. I could hear his door slam when he came or went, and he talked to himself when he came home and got ready for bed. Nothing in a language I could understand, but I could hear his voice through the bedroom wall. I tried leaving notes on his door about the playing. Nothing nasty. Just explaining that I also was home during the day and asking if he could play more quietly or in another part of the apartment. My living room had to double as my office, since clients sometimes came to discuss business. If he could just play quietly in his bedroom, I asked, everything would be fine. One note even said that I enjoyed his music as a background, but that it was too loud to let me concentrate on my work. Nothing worked. Sometimes it seemed like he waited until he heard me typing at the keyboard of my PC before he'd start playing. (I said those walls were thin.) He also left me a couple notes saying that, since he had lived in the building for years, he had first rights on whether there was music or not on our floor. He also said that nobody else had ever complained, and that I was the first person not to have the good taste to appreciate his music. After two weeks of his noise, I was falling behind schedule on a couple of important jobs. In desperation, I called the office of the company that managed the building. I was lucky, he was playing particularly loudly and off-key that day. All I had to do was hold the phone, so the guy at the other end could hear. He agreed that it was a real problem and said that he would try to help. **** Three days later, there was an angry knocking at my door. It was Stavros. "So, coward," he fumed, "because you could not get your way, you run like little girl to the landlord. He send me letter that say I must stop my music." Stavros threw a crumpled up sheet of paper at my feet. When I bent down to pick it up, he yanked at my head, pulling loose a bit of hair. I yelled and told him to leave. "Stavros go," he said, suddenly smiling. "Stavros stop the music for a while, but he stop you for good." He turned and was gone through his own door by the time I stood up. Mercifully, there was no music. I uncrumpled the paper and read: Dear Mr. Stanipopoulis: Your neighbor, Mr. Doriann M. Gray, has complained about incessant and loud noise coming from your apartment throughout the day. We have investigated and found evidence to support his claim. We must, therefore, ask that you reduce the noise to an acceptable level -- if not stop it completely. If Mr. Gray continues to complain, we shall have to consider possible action, including, if absolutely necessary, the non-renewal of your lease at the end of its current term in two months. We hope that such action will not be necessary, and that you will comply with this request. We will be checking back with both you and Mr. Gray in two weeks to determine the outcome of this letter and whether any further action is necessary. Yours truly, John Norman Mid-City Realty The letter was a little harsher than I had wanted, but it seemed to do the job. There was no music for two or three days. Occasionally I heard Stavros muttering to himself through the wall. Once or twice, I thought I heard my name mentioned, but I couldn't be sure. For the most part, there was blessed silence. I managed to catch up on my work, even got ahead on a few long term projects. I felt so good that I thought about knocking on Stavros' door. Maybe we could work things out. I did have to take a break or go out to a meeting at times. Sometimes I did research at the Library, and, of course, I went out to buy food, run the occasional errand, etc.. Maybe we could work out a schedule of times when I'd be out, and he could play. I went over and knocked, but there was no answer. I went back in and wrote a note, "Stavros, please come over. Maybe we can work something out. -- Doriann." I taped the note to his door and went back to work. Stavros didn't show up, but a couple hours later, I heard a knock on my door. There was nobody there, but leaning next to the door was a large package with a note taped to it. "Stavros taking care of problem. Will talk to neighbor soon as it over." I figured that the package was some sort of gift of apology and took it in to the apartment. I was glad that he seemed to be taking it so well, even if I wasn't sure what he meant by "soon as it over". Really, all I wanted was to get along with my neighbors and get my work done. I was really sorry that there had been a problem. I carefully opened the package and looked in. It was a picture of some kind in a beautiful old wooden frame. I carefully lifted it out. It was me! I was dressed in a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals posing in front of an old house somewhere in the country. I had a feeling that the picture was intended as a not too subtle hint that I'd be happier living someplace else. But the likeness was excellent. In fact, the whole picture was almost photographic quality. To tell the truth, I was kind of embarrassed at seeing my skinny arms and legs in that outfit. I was also curious about how he'd gotten such a good likeness -- especially in such a short time. "It was almost like magic," I chuckled to myself. If only I'd know how true that thought had been. **** That night I had a strange dream. I could hear somebody -- no a group of people -- chanting. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I recognized the language as the one Stavros spoke. I seemed to be surrounded by chanters. I definitely heard my name mentioned a number of times, and everytime with a laugh as if they found it funny. At one point, I saw the painting. The image seemed to be shifting, but I couldn't tell what it was turning into. I thought of the dream as I woke up. I jumped out of bed and walked into the living room. The painting was still leaning against a chair where I had left it. I looked at it for a moment, then I noticed something. Actually, a couple of somethings. My hair -- in the painting -- was shorter, almost a crewcut. And the hair on my arms and legs looked a lot thicker. No, I didn't look like an ape or anything. I've got fairly fine body hair, not really noticeable except for some on my chest, and was clean shaven. The "me" in the picture had somewhat hairy arms and legs, and "he" was sporting a mustache and closely cropped beard. I shook my head trying to figure out what had happened. Had somebody -- Stavros? -- gotten into the apartment to change the picture. Then I noticed that my own hair was longer. I felt it brush against my neck when I'd shaken my head. I looked down at my arms and legs and saw that what hair had been there was gone. Finally, I rubbed my hand along my chin. No beard. But also no five o'clock shadow, which was definitely strange, since I hadn't shaved in a day. I checked my reflection in the small mirror on the inside door of the living room closet. Not a trace of stubble. This was beginning to get very weird. I decided that I didn't want Stavros's gift any more. I stuck it back in the box it had come in and went to get dressed. While I was changing, I checked out my body hair. Not a trace of hair below the neck except in my groin, and the pattern of hair around my genitals seemed a little different from what I remembered. The hair felt softer, too. I was definitely spooked. I threw on some clothes, an old jogging suit and a pair of sneakers. They seemed a little more loose than I remembered, but I had been trying to lose weight for the past month or so. I took the painting to a pawn shop a few blocks from the apartment. The guy wasn't interested in the painting very much, but he offered me fifty bucks for the frame. I'd thought about keeping the frame at first, but I decided that it and the painting were a set. It was probably better to get rid of both. I took the money and the claim ticket and headed home. Since I had no intention of reclaiming the painting, I tossed the ticket into a trash can within a block of the pawn shop. I gto back into the apartment and went straight to the kitchen for some breakfast -- well, cofee and a couple donuts, something I could eat while I worked. I had a reprt due late that afternoon, and I still had some final details to finish. I carried my breakfast into the living room and set it down next to the PC. The damned painting was back, leaning against the chair where it had been when I woke up. I stood up and fished out my wallet. The two twenties and the ten that I'd gotten from the pawn shop were still in it. I had a quick thought about using this boomerang painting to get rich. Take it to pawn shop after pawn shop and keep the money when it returned. No, first, I liked to think of myself as an honest man. I would get that money back to the pawn shop that day. More important, I was getting VERY bad vibes about this thing, and I wanted it out of my apartment and my life. I noticed that there was a small note written on a "sticky" that was on the frame. "You can neither give away nor sell this painting until its work is done -- Stavros." What work? Then I noticed that the hair on "my" head was now practically a razor cut, just a quarter of an inch of stubble with the scalp clearly showing through. I felt my own hair. It seemed a lot thicker than before, and it had grown past my neck and part way down my back. The "me" was still as hairy in the body, but his muscles seemed to be more developed. He looked like a man who spent his day working out instead of sitting at a PC. I looked down and my own body. My arms and legs seemed to have grown slimmer and more curved. I realized what was going on. In the short story, "The Picture of Dorian Gray", Gray stayed young and handsome, while his portrait became older and more depraved in appearance. Stavros had said my calling the landlord was the action of a girl. Somehow, his painting of me was becoming more and more masculine, while I was becoming feminine. I grabbed the picture and ran for the stairs. My apartment was in an old building with a furnace that was linked to the hot water heater and that doubled as the trash disposal. I got down to the basement and used a steel pole next to the furnace door to open it. It was a warm day, but the furnace was blazing away. Nice hot flames flared up through the open door. I tossed in the painting and slammed the door. The painting was waiting for me back at the apartment, when I got back. It leaned against that chair as if it hadn't been moved since I took it out of the box the day before. This time, the note read: "Nor can you destroy it. I will return when it's work is done, Midnight -- Stavros." I kneeled down next to the painting and cried. I don't know, maybe it was the first sign of a new feminine personality, maybe it was the situation. I cried for about five minutes. Then I decided not to give him the satisfaction. I'd see what would happen, let the thing do its worst. And I'd get Stavros -- get him good -- when he came for the painting that night. In the meantime, I still had to make a living, and female computer consultants could make just as good a living, could do just as good work, as male ones. I went back to finishing my report, just looking up occasionally to watch the painting's progress. About two o'clock, the "me" in the painting began to develop washboard abs and what I once heard a girl friend refer to as "pects of steel". I looked down and watched as my waist rose and narrowed, my hips widened. I couldn't watch for long, though. It was definitely getting to me, and I felt the need to talk to somebody. I speed-dialed Jack Tressler. Jack was a lawyer; a pretty good one from what I'd heard. He and I had met a couple years ago, when I consulted for him on a copyright case. We'd hit it off and continued as friends; playing tennis once a week, doing the bar scene together every so often, that sort of thing. "Finch, Day, and Tressler," the receptionist answered. "How may I direct your call?" "I'd like --" I stopped short. That wasn't my voice. I looked over at the picture again. "He" was rapidly losing his neck in a mass of muscles. Which meant that my neck, including my vocal chords, were rapidly becoming feminine. I touched it with my fingers. Sure enough, no Adam's apple. There was no way that Jack would believe it was me. "I'm sorry, wrong number," I said and hung up the phone and went back to work. As I worked, I began to feel an uncomfortable scratching and stretching sensation on my chest. By 3:30, when I e-mailed the finished report to my client, I was sporting rather impressive 38C breasts. My fingers were getting longer and slimmer. I had shaped fingernails about a half inch long by four. My other self's face began to change again about then. His jaw got wider and firmer -- or, at least, that's the way it looked from how his beard changed shape . And his eyebrows got much bushier, even long than Stavros'. I looked in the mirror that -- by now, was next to the PC. My own face had grown thinner with high cheekbones. My nose was smaller -- when I looked close at the painting, "his had grown a bit angular, and I had narrow plucked eyebrows. My lips seemed fuller, too, and I somehow seemed to have developed a pout. I didn't eat much dinner. I think it was as much out of fear of what was happening as because my stomach was now much smaller. I was sitting listening to some music, ironically enough, and glancing at the painting. My other self was now a well muscled bruit, his new physique stretching the material of the t-shirt. In fact, I think that he was turning me on a little. I was staring at the painting like I used to stare at Playboy centerfold, and I could feel my nipples getting harder and rubbing against the fabric of the sweat suit that I was still wearing. Then I noticed that something was stretching his shorts. He seemed to be getting an erection, and it was enormous. And getting even bigger as I watched. That could only mean one thing. I reached down into my pants and found my penis. It was flaccid, and no amout of stroking could get it hard. What was worse, it seemed to be shrinking even as I was rubbing it. I reached down to feel my testicles. They were still both there, but they felt smaller, too. As I held them, I felt them pulling away, moving up into my body. The scrotal sack was now empty and it was growing tight against my crotch. I felt for my penis. It was maybe an inch long now and sinking down into the folds of the scrotum. I felt things moving inside my stomach and pulled my hand away. When I put it back, my penis was all but lost inside the two folds that surrounded it. I put my finger in between the folds and felt the wall of my crotch move away, sinking back into myself. It was over in about a half an hour. I had started the day as a man. Now I was a woman, sitting at the edge of a chair in her living room, and crying while she inspected her brand new vagina. The painting didn't change any more, and neither did I. I was a woman now, but I didn't intend to be one for very long. Stavros has said that he'd be back at midnight. I was waiting for him. I'd gotten the pistol when I moved to the city. The Army had taught me how to shoot at the same time it had taught me how to use a PC. I still practiced twice a month on a range at the Y, and I was pretty good. I figured that I could persuade Stavros to undo what had happened. Either that, or perform a .38 special surgery on his own genitalia. Sure enough, just before midnight, there was a knock on the door. "Is Stavros," came the voice on the other side. "It's open," I said. I was still not used to my new voice, so much higher and more musical that the original male version. He came in. He looked the same as ever, but now he was wearing some sort of green robe covered with ornate symbols embroidered in gold and silver. He looked every inch the evil sorcerer. I was standing, leaning against the couch facing the door. The painting was on a chair diagonal to both me and the door, so both he and I could see it. He looked me up and down, almost leering. "Now you see why nobody complain; why it not good to make trouble for Stavros." "Are you going to change me back, now? I promise that I won't bother you again." "No! Stavros been nice before. Change people back and they forget. They just make new trouble." I really didn't want to use the pistol unless I had to, so I tried to argue. "There's nothing to stop me from making trouble as I am, either. Especially as I am. People will get very upset to find out that there's an evil wizard casting spells." "People not know. Change is full change. Even the past. You call up your people -- your Mama and Papa. They tell you they never had a son, just a daughter." "No," I said drawing the gun into sight. "You change me back, old man, or I'll shoot you where you stand." "Then you never change back. You go to women's jail." "For what? For defending myself against a crazy old man who broke into my apartment at midnight and tried to rape me?" It was a wild idea that had just popped into my head, but I thought that it might work. If he thought that I might get away with shooting him, he might be willing to change me back. "Stavros knew you were crazy, but change take care of that." He was smiling. Why was he smiling? "Take care o what? The change is over. I've been a woman for over two hours." "Last part of change take longer. Look at left hand on painting." I looked over quickly. There was something metallic looking forming on one of the fingers. It took me a second to recognize. It was a man's wedding ring! As I turned back to look at Stavros, my head began to spin. I felt myself falling into blackness. **** It was morning. I could hear the birds in the garden outside my bedroom, feel the sunlight through the window on my arms. I felt warm and protected and very reluctant to wake up. I rolled over and bumped up against somebody. Somebody? Who the hell was in bed with me? I opened my eyes to see Jack Tressler propped up on one arm and smiling down at me. "Good morning, beautiful," he said. "Have a good sleep?" "Um, I guess," I said, too confused to think of anything else. "You know, I don't have to be in the office till noon. So, unless you've got something pressing with the business of yours, I thought we could stay here a while and..." Jack let the obvious suggestion trail off, while he reached over with his other hand and brushed the hair off my face. What was going on? Suddenly a new mass of memories tumbled into my mind. I knew what was happening and who I was. Stavros had solved the problem, all right, but not quite as nastily as I had thought. But now, as my husband's hand reached down to gently play with my nipple, I had other things to concentrate on. I was Mrs. Dorene Gray Tressler, happily married these past six months and about to be made love to by my sexy husband, Jack. **** Back in the now empty apartment, Stavros crated up the painting. "Maybe next tenant appreciate good music," he thought. In the meantime, he had things to do. He sealed the crate for shipping, writing: "John Norman; Mid- City Realty" on the address label. Stavros felt Mr. Norman's letter about the music deserved a special response. (fin)

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Tina woke just as the light was filtering into her bedroom. She was a little groggy, and something felt a little off. Wasn't there supposed to be someone else here? And... wait, today was the first day of school, right? Her mind quickly cleared though, and she went into the bathroom to take care of things. Still, as she looked in the mirror, she felt as if something... maybe someone?... was missing. How odd. Ken wandered around the house for a while. He'd practiced already and felt kind...

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Through The Eyes Of A Woman

This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. Copyright (C) 1998 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission Is hereby granted for non-commercial use of this complete and unaltered text. Electronic storage of unaltered copies for personal use is also permitted. Any other use of this text is a violation of copyright. No hardcopies may be made without written permission from the author. Through The Eyes Of A Woman By: Maryann Winning the science fair...

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Tumblr DaughterChapter 3

What do you do when you find out your daughter and the young man you think of as your son, are lovers? I'm really asking that question, because I had no idea what to do. It had been going on literally for years, and there was no way in the world I could pretend my kids weren't just as normal as pie in every other way a person could evaluate them on. Their grades were fine. Their social relationships were good, allowing for the fact that they had orgies in my daughter's bedroom. And let's...

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What If You Were Me

I have told you before that the one thing me and my husband usually did well was sex. Not usually passionate, or long lasting, but we managed to get the job done. If I had stayed with him, and you had left her instead, I wonder how you would handle that. Would you be an emotional nutcase also? Would you constantly dream of throwing yourself off a cliff into a raging flooded river below?It's 8pm on a Thursday night. Me and my husband have been watching boring YouTube documentaries. Our feet...

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Mums Friends Chapter One

Chapter One Paul had been on holiday for the last two weeks in Tunisia with his girlfriend, Kay. It had been a very relaxing fortnight. They had swum, sunbathed and had lots of sex. Kay was an excellent kisser; Paul loved to kiss and cuddle with her. Paul had dropped Kay at her house then driven home to his home. Paul was twenty-six and still lived with his divorced mother. Debbie, Paul’s mum, was a gynaecologist who had her own practice. Paul’s father was also a doctor, but he was in General...

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My Vacation with Gabika 7

Chapter 7.I meet Marika, Gabika's elder sister.After returning from Debrecen it was too late to do anything. Debrecen is a big town and we spend a lot of time eating in a fancy restaurant and chatting and getting drunk. Slowly I rode the silver Mercedes back to the shabby hotel, we took a shower, threw the unwanted horny guests back to their beds and went to sleep. I joined Gabika on the bunk close to the porch door, but she objected."No, you sleep with Marika. I want you to make her happy like...

3 years ago
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Playtime Stories 24ndash Whore pt 1

Playtime Stories 24– Whore pt. 1 I returned to the city where I met John in the arcade parking lot and Tiffany and “Pet” in the arcade booths followed by some scorching action at her parent’s townhouse. Though I often came here on business, I always seemed to not know my schedule well enough to plan anything with Tiffany or Peter, or even John. I had always enjoyed myself though. I would get dressed up and go out to meet new friends, and get fucked by them. Sometimes I would use the motel...

3 years ago
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Bath Time

She's in the tub, bubbles everywhere, candles scenting the room with vanilla; a flute of champagne rests by the tub. It’s the champagne he sent her, saying how much he desires her and wants her. She loves the way he makes her feel - schoolgirl giddy. He's the handsome varsity linebacker, she's the hot little cheerleader ~ "oh we'll role play that, baby," she thinks in her mind. And she wants him so desperately, passionately she wants him. Taking a sip she hears the door open and she smiles. The...

4 years ago
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Prequel to Incidents Part 2

Now what to do with Terry?She is out of the closet like a meteorite slamming into Mexico! Her mom is a nympho and Terry wants it all "right now." We also have to deal with her father! OH Fuck!!!! He is an automotive engineer. Strait and does not care or ignores his wife's liaisons. He has ignored Terry's fem proclivities. AND Terry has decided that she want to be a woman! What the Fuck! Panic time! And Terry is having sex with me on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. Her mom is OK with having...

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Affirmation of Love

Before the day progressed further, her heart compelled to once again view the video tape. As she pushed it into the machine she said to herself, ‘I must transfer this to DVD before it gets ruined.’ Though she had viewed the video eight times over the last five months, she viewed the ceremony as if it was her first time. Each time she noticed something new. The camera zoomed past the bride and groom to focus upon Ken, the bride’s brother, a local judge and elder in his church. His baritone...

2 years ago
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Megan And John

Megan and John had been friends for a few years they got on well with each other and were like best mates. They had their own friends, Megan with hers and John with his mates. But they seemed to have more of a connection and John always thought he could talk to her more, being female, than he could with his own mates.  John was in his mid forties and Megan ten years his junior. John was quite shy and not an overly confident person, especially around women. Megan was very pretty with lovely...

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One for the Road

It’s about the time that you should be leaving, but you don’t. You give me that look that makes my stomach seize and grief catch in my throat, a coal-like lump of regret. I remember being able to love you easily, I remember how swiftly a look like that might have won me over and in that split-second I’m wrong, maybe you’re not such a loser. We’ve broken up, I don’t see things between us as quite so dark and gloomy anymore. The weeks have passed, the long cloud of indecision and lost...

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CommunityChapter 21

Cindy's turn: Nikki sort of let me have it. I was kinda shocked. You see, ever since we became the Sisterhood, none of us had ever had any harsh words with another sister. It just never worked that way. However, I think I touched a sore spot when I had sort of questioned her when I found her and Justin sitting on the steps on campus. "Cynthia Susan Richards," she'd said. I should've known I was in trouble. Nobody ever called me that. Well, okay, Dan does, and when he does, it's...

4 years ago
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Yestrerday at the porn theater

As a fan of gloryholes and porntheaters, I'm a more or less regular guest at the local porntheater. It's a relatively small theater but it's safe, it's good enough and there are always some horny bitches and cock hungry guys present to fulfill anyones' needs.... So yesterday was one of those days. After a really shitty day at work, I wanted to relax and enjoy a good porn movie, preferably in good company, because as a single guy, sex doesn't cum easy these days.... When I entered the...

1 year ago
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The motel

Craig couldn't believe his luck! Buying the Sunny Day Motel had been the best decision of his life! He had gotten the idea to install hidden cameras in each room from one of those "Candid Camera" shows on television. Right from the beginning Craig knew that this little ten room motel could be a gold mine if it was run "properly"! After taking possession of the motel, Craig got down to the business of installing his hidden cameras and microphones in every unit, until by the time he was finished...

2 years ago
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Charlenes Not So NonNude Angels Ch 04

‘Good Lord, Wanda,’ Debbie Romani said, ‘they look amazing.’ ‘Oui, ils sont incroyables,’ Jardin Découpage agreed. Wanda Soldado, their friend and until recently fellow non-nude model, stood in front of them holding her blouse open. Her once all-natural tits had been enhanced at the suggestion of their agent, Damian Nicholson, and she now proudly showed off the result: two gorgeous, round fake tits that were bigger than her originals, bringing her up to the same size and shape as those of...

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Hi Im Laurie

And I'm very proud to be taking over from my young friend Steph, who is sadly no longer with us. I was very humbled when her brothers Orrin and Jason offered me Steph's account. (I was equally humbled that their cocks were in my mouth and my cunt when they made the offer, but that's just the way I am.)Basically, I like to be submissive to male authority, which all guys possess through their dicks. No, I am not talking about whips, chains, leather, or any of that kind of shit: Hey, if a man...

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Two Married Dudes

Two Married DudesIt was a Sunday afternoon. Peter had been busy working in the box officeall day and was ready to call it a day. He brushed his brown curly hairfrom his forehead as he climbed the stairs to the office. His 5'10" 165lbframe ached as he crossed the booth. He was tired and you could tell hewas tired if you looked into his eyes behind his octagonal eyeglasses.His eyes were brown and a little red from a day full of customers andstress. As he entered the office he heard Jeramey over...

1 year ago
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The Professor and His Maryanns

Professor Michaels sat on the edge of his bed looking at her, his latest coed ‘MaryAnn’. Her face, with eyes closed and mouth slightly open, sleeping now, lay snuggled under the covers, all messy and wrinkled from their earlier lovemaking. He watched his sleeping young lover, maybe 20 or 21, blond, green eyes ... or were they hazel, he couldn’t remember. He couldn’t be sure he remembered her name either. He was terrible with names. So he called them all MaryAnn. Why he picked that name, he...

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Slutty Young Girl

Hi all, this is Vinay again. Thanks for the comments and likes for my previous story Sister-in-law fucked with cucumber. I’ll really try to enjoy you all this time too. Well, this is also a kinky but sweet, romantic story. Reading this story once is worth. This story is completely fictional and based on my imaginations. So the story goes like this. I was in class 10th when I first saw her. It was the first day of her at the school. She was 5.4 inches, well-shaped body, brownish hair, and milky...

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F is for Friendly Friends

"So, you're not swingers? Couples who hump other couples, or individuals?”Gina vehemently denied that categorization. “The four of us are in a mutually beneficial relationship. Claire, Scooter, Kyle, and me."“Polyamorous,” I deduced."We were monogamous, until we weren't," Claire explained, leaving her sneakers next to Gina's sandals at the closed front door of my apartment. "When I married Scooter, I didn't imagine that I would meet Gina and grow attracted to her husband.""And to...

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My Second Piece of AssChapter 23 Laura Discovers Secret

It was 6:30 A.M on a Sunday morning in November and we had the day ahead of us. Laura had changed from her madam's dress to the loose fitting pants and shirt she so often wore. In twenty-five minutes I would have her undressed and we would be in her bed. She took her seat on the passenger's side but when I started to close the car door she grabbed me by my jacket lapels and pulled me to her. "You smell like a whorehouse," she said accusingly. I thought she was joking. We had just come...

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On the set

Why let Nyxi Leon have all of the fun? Have you seen her videos on Pornhub and elsewhere? Talk about living the dream, right? And it IS one of your dozens of fantasies, isn't it pantyboy? Oh, it might not be your first choice. But you have thought about and gotten quite aroused by it: the fantasy of being a sissy porn star. Looking just like Nyxi in the picture above with your hair in pigtails and your lips painted with red lipstick. Bent over and ready to take it hard and rough from a...

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Can Librarians Change Their Ways

Moving to a new city can be a great chance to check out the local flavor. I was 65, retired, and spent my time cruising different places for mature women who hadn't experienced life to the fullest. They could be found anywhere, sitting alone in hotel bars, singletons in the finer restaurants, cruising the aisles of the late night supermarkets, or even, as I was to find, the local library.  This city had several libraries, big and small. Some stayed open late, until 10:00 p.m or so. And they...

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I used my girlfirend mom as a toilet

I had finished work and had gone over to my girlfriend’s parents house to wait for her as I had an hour and a half to kill. When I got there her mother, Eileen was there. I get on well with Eileen and truth be known I would fuck her given half a chance. She is in her forties with Marilyn Monroe hair and is pretty open minded when coming to issues of sex. Anyway I needed a wee and went up to the bathroom upstairs. I like to use this one because I can normally find a pair of Eileen’s dirty...

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Door to Door Lesbian Teen Whore fiction

“Honey, it’s time for your paper route!” “Alright mom! I’m coming!” And Carly Simpson wasn’t kidding. She was coming, hard. As she spoke to her mother, she had three fingers of one hand jammed up her tight teenage cunt, and she was using the other hand to rub her swollen clit. She stood in front of the full-length dressing mirror on the back of her closet door, and watched herself as she orgasmed. The nipples on her perky tits stood out like bullets,...

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69 Pams holiday part 4

69 Pam`s holiday part 4The night had been a long one for Jim, the woman was insatiable. He had been made to use his tongue for hours, interspersed with straight sex, anal sex and the use of his finger`s, he was now tired, well way beyond that really, but she had said he had done well and he could claim his reward later that day. He missed breakfast, snored his way through mid morning coffee and crawled out at midday. Molly was out with the k**dies and the dog, and old Fred despite a long...

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The Daring Naughty Sleepover 7

Summary - Cindy and Stacy have a date. Previous Chapter Summary - Cindy and Stacy start their new job cleaning Mr. Wilson’s home. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's...

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Humiliation of JaneChapter 4

Sally Mist walked into her house after finishing her morning run, sweat running down her 26 year old petite body. As she walked past her living room door she could not believe her eyes. There, sitting in her easy chair, without a stitch of clothes on, sat Brian, the campus gardener, with some Bimbo kneeling in front on him between his legs, with her head bobbing up and down. "What in the hell is going on here?", she yelled at Brian. Brian quickly jumped up, searching for his clothes and...

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Barrack Room Betty Chapter One

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Wish I Was Wren "Wish I was a Wren," Recruit Brian Perkins mumbled under his breath. 'Fuck! I wish he hadn't said that!' thought Recruit Michael Nyland. He knew that no good would come of it. "Your wish might come true," Leading Recruit Jason Jones (Spike to his friends) sneered. Michael Nyland shivered, and not just because he was standing at attention (or at the 'Ho' as it was referred to in the RN) on parade in the...

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My first encounter with a Cougar

It all started nearly ten years ago.  I was about 19 and working at a local coffee shop.  All through high school I was a longhaired rebel who cared little what I looked like or what people thought of me. Anyway, by this time though I had just cut my hair real short and was starting to clean up my image.  I had no idea how attractive I was.  I’m 5’11 brown hair blue eyes and at the time was one of the best swimmers on our local swim team. Most of the customers at this coffee shop were...

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HandsOnHardcore Alecia Fox Babysitters Naughty Skills

Alecia Fox might not be the best babysitter, but she’s got other skills. Naughty skills. The horny blonde schoolgirl plays in the pool instead of taking care of Raul Costa’s son and when he shows up, she explains that he’s having fun playing with his friends while she’s enjoying the sunshine. He immediately joins her in the pool as today’s mouth-watering 4K Hardcore porn unfolds! Alecia Fox can’t wait to seduce the young man and knows exactly what buttons to...

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AllGirlMassage Liv Revamped Siri Dahl Make It Slow

Siri Dahl’s been working really hard lately, so she’s quite excited to be able to get a massage from her good friend Liv Revamped. Liv’s been training to be a masseuse, so she’s not technically certified, but she’ll jump on whatever chance to practice that she can get. And practice is easy when it’s with a friend, isn’t it? Siri’s been dealing with so much stress lately. She has a tough job in finance riddled with long hours and annoying clients....

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Emancipation 04 Screamer

Day 1 part 4 Before Sue hit bottom, I spread my four soggy fingers and invited everyone to taste them. Lois's face was pressed to mine, and Sue's to Joe's as we drank and slurped Sue's scrumptious fluids. We all mmmmd and moaned as we feasted. Lois was actively working her finger, and mine, causing our tongues to entangle deliciously. We saw Sue smear her juice from my other hand on Joe's mouth and he did the same to her. In a second, their mouths were locked together yet allowed us to...

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Desert DreamChapter 18

Wong would get up a few hours before the rest, and pack up most of the goods, and prepare breakfast. If it was a public house, he would pack up everything except his masters sleeping arrangement and hit the road, trying to leave a few hours earlier than John and Zithrusa. He had to continue on without pause, and try to catch up to them before full darkness overtook him. There was just no way the camels could keep up the pace of the porters, but they were used to keeping on keeping on, so...

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A Little Irish Rose

It was a bit chilly this morning. Last night was still quite warm when we went to bed, so the window was wide open. I imagine it got its coldest around 4 AM, but now, at 6:30, I had to pee and that's what woke me up enough to be aware of it. I still had my personal body warmer, Susie, but my comforter had gone back into the Robinson's box and was sitting in its summer home in the attic somewhere. Thanks to global warming, I'd been able to get by for most of the week since Congress decided...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Brooklyn Chase 10202020

Brooklyn has been keeping an eye on her step son as of late and thinks the boy needs some help. He is obviously not getting laid and seems a bit shy so Brooklyn thinks it’s time for him to learn what Women really need. Peyton also learns that his father has been watching his step Mother fucking other men for some time as well. Brooklyn brings home two big muscled trainers from her gym to show the young man the depths she needs to be fucked to deep in all her holes. He is amazed when she...


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