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If anyone else wishes to archive this story, please contact me Tricky Treat By Morpheus Sam Chase looked down at his 9 year old sister Cindy with distaste, hating that he had to take her out trick or treating. He'd much rather be out with his other friends, thinking that Cindy would slow him down. Unfortunately, his Mom had insisted he take her, so all he could do was glare at Cindy in her Xena costume. "Common guys" Same called over to his friends from school, Shane and Eric. Shane was 12, while Sam and Eric were both 13, so none of them were happy having a little sister tagging along with them on their trick or treating rounds. Making sure that his own Darth Vader costume was on right, Sam smiled at his friends, and scowled at his sister. Shane was fairly tall and thin with a mop of blonde hair, and had chosen to go out dressed as an alien, green paint all over his face, and plastic ray gun in hand. Eric on the other hand was a little pudgy and had just thrown together a cheap unimaginative vampire costume, being more interested in the candy to be snagged than in actually dressing up. "All right squirt.." Sam said, sliding his mask over his face, "I get some of your candy for taking you out." Cindy whined, having had to go through the same thing last year. "But Mom said you had to bring me with you." "But Mommy said...." Shane mocked, making Cindy glare at him and Eric laugh. Sam smiled, and started walking down the street quickly, wanting to get as much candy as he could. Though his friends kept up easily, Sam was quickly annoyed at how Cindy was slowing them all down. Sam thought that it wasn't fair. Halloween was his favorite holiday, because he got to dress up cool, and run around getting lots of free candy. But this year, just like last, his parents wanted to go to some stupid party, making him take Cindy along with him. "Thats not fair," he mumbled to himself, looking back at Cindy struggling to keep up and resenting her. At the speed they were going, it didn't take them long to get most of the street, and Sam lifted his bag of candy, feeling much better about things, but still wanting to get more. "We could have twice this much if the squirt here wasn't with us," Eric grumbled, and Sam nodded agreeing. Eyeing Cindy's bag, Sam smirked. "Hey squirt, it's time to pay your taxes." Quickly Sam grabbed the bag out of Cindy's hands, while she was screaming to give it back. "Back off," he growled and took a handful of the candy from the bag, and put it into his own. "There," he said, handing the bag back to Cindy. "That's not fair," Cindy whined, face looking angry. "Who said it was fair," Sam taunted, laughing. "Besides, I'm a lot bigger than you, so I need more candy to fill me up." "I'll tell Mom," Cindy threatened, making Sam laugh. "Go ahead," he told her, "I don't care." "Where do we go next?" Shane asked, looking around. "We've already got most of this street." "How about there?" Eric pointed to the old house set back off of the street. Sam looked at it and shivered. It looked just like a stereotypical haunted house, and was very run down. Not seeing any lights in the window, Sam said, "Are you kidding. They won't have any candy. If anyone's even home." Sam felt a little relieved, since he hadn't wanted to go there anyway. There were a few rumors around the neighborhood that the old lady that lived there was a witch. Sam didn't believe in witches, but thought the lady was pretty spooky anyway. Though he wouldn't admit it to anyone, he was a little afraid of the place, so was glad that he found a good reason not to go. Quickly Shane and Eric nodded agreement, seeing the logic in what Sam had said. Since there weren't any Jack O Lanterns, or even lights on, there certainly wasn't likely to be anyone there giving out candy. "How bout over to Olsen Street?" Shane suggested. Sam thought that was a good idea, and quickly agreed. It was only a block away, and was likely to have some good houses. Lots of goodies. "I don't wanna go with you anymore," Cindy protested, stepping back and crossing her arms. "We don't want you here anyway," Eric taunted, making Sam chuckle. Cindy glared at Sam, then announced defiantly, "I'm going trick or treating on my own." Sam was about to tell her no way, then thought to himself who'd know. He knew that he was supposed to watch her, but it was a pretty safe neighborhood so he knew nothing could happen. "All right," Sam said, "just be home in an hour. I'll meet you there." Then, looking over to Eric and Shane, Sam said, "Well, you coming or not?" and started walking, leaving Cindy behind, looking a little surprised. As they started walking, Sam felt a little worried that he'd left Cindy on her own, but he didn't want to back down or anything in front of his friends. She'll be all right, he told himself, not completely convinced. Cindy looked around nervously, a little afraid of being out after dark alone. She felt a little relieved that Sam wouldn't be picking on her or stealing her candy, but she felt a little more vulnerable without him too. Looking down at her bag, Cindy sighed, knowing that as soon as Sam got home, he'd take more of her candy. He always did that, and it made Cindy so angry at the way Sam pushed her around. Especially when his friends were there. Peaking into the bag, Cindy decided that she'd have to eat all the best candies before she went home, just so that Sam couldn't take them. Still angry at the way Sam had treated her, Cindy looked around to see if there were any houses she could trick or treat at. Almost immediately her eyes fell on the old house set back off the road. Nervously she remembered what Sam had said, and how there wouldn't be any candy there. She also remembered some of the rumors about the old lady that lived there was a witch, and ate little kids on Halloween. After staring at the dark spooky looking house for several minutes, Cindy made up her mind. She was going to go knock on that door, just to spite Sam. Grimly determined, she started walking up the pathway to the house. Cindy gulped in fear, looking at the overgrown grass around her and the unkept yard that all looked extremely spooky in the darkness. Forcing herself not to panic and run away screaming, Cindy kept walking towards the door, stopping just before the steps. For almost a minute she hesitated, thoughts of the witch running through her mind. She knew that they were only stories, but still, that didn't make it any less difficult for her. Finally she slowly took another step forward, then another, until she was face to face with the door. This time she only hesitated for a second, then knocked on the door. Since it sounded so weak to her, she grimaced, and knocked again, this time more forcefully. After a few seconds Cindy sighed in relief, sure that there wasn't going to be an answer. However, just as she was about to turn around, the door creaked open, and an old woman stepped into view, making Cindy step back involuntarily. The old woman was hunched over, and had long stringy gray hair. Cindy couldn't help but noticing that one of the woman's eyes was all white and clouded over, while the other one was a bright and clear blue, that was staring right at her. Cindy gulped, feeling terror through her whole body. Suddenly remembering why she was there, she held up her bag nervously and said, "Tttttrick or treat." The old woman just stared at her silently, as if she hadn't said a thing, making Cindy feel even more nervous. Gulping, she forced herself to calm down, then stood as straight as she could, looking right back at the old woman. A smile slowly formed on the old woman's face and she chuckled, making Cindy relax a little. "Well, you are a brave one," the old woman said, continuing to stare at Cindy. Trying to be brave, Cindy stuck her chin out and said, "I'm not afraid of you," though she was actually nearly terrified. The old woman kept smiling and said, "Of course you aren't dear. You shouldn't be." Cindy relaxed a little more, seeing that the old woman seemed fairly nice. She nervously gave a smile back. "Well..." the old woman said, gesturing for Cindy to come inside, "I wasn't expecting any trick or treaters this year." On seeing the disappointed look on Cindy's face, the old woman chuckled, "Oh, don't worry. I think I can fix you up with something." Cindy looked around as she stepped in, surprised. The outside of the house looked so scary and spooky, but everything inside looked so nice and almost friendly. Cindy watched as the old woman slowly sat down into a chair, and told her that she should sit as well. Happily Cindy followed the old woman's gesture, and sat down in another chair, enjoying how comfortable it was. "I don't get many visitors up here," the old woman quietly said sighing. "And I'm not as young as I used to be, so I don't get out much either." After looking around again Cindy said, "This is nice inside here," making the old woman chuckle again. "You are a brave little girl," the old woman said, sitting forward a little, "not like that brother of yours." Cindy gasped, surprised that the old woman knew that she had a brother. The old woman chuckled at the look on her face. "You asked for a trick or a treat," the old woman calmly said, staring right at Cindy, making her feel as if she was being looked right through. "So, I'm going to give you both." Cindy squirmed in her seat uncomfortably, while the old woman reached into a small jar to pull something out. "Open your bag," the old woman instructed, and Cindy quickly pulled open her candy. Smiling, the old woman held a hand out, just above the bag, opening it so that Cindy could see what was there. In the palm of her hand was a piece of candy, wrapped in an odd wrapper. Cindy stared at it for a second, a little disappointed, having expected something more. She didn't recognize the kind of candy it was though, not having seen one before. After Cindy got a good look at it, the old woman dropped it into the bag. "That..." the old woman said, "is for your brother when he takes your candy tonight. You don't want to eat that one. And this..." she said, holding her other hand out and opening it, "is for you." Cindy gratefully took the candy she was given, and was about to drop it into her bag as well, when the old woman stopped her. "Keep that one hidden for now. When your brother has eaten the other piece, you may eat this one." Cindy nodded, not understanding, but willing to do as the old woman instructed. "Both pieces are only good for tonight." Carefully Cindy looked at her new piece of candy, seeing that it was wrapped up much like the one put into her bag, except that the color was a little different on the wrapper. Shrugging she slipped it into her fanny pack since her costume had no pockets, wondering just what it would taste like. It looked like it might be good. "Well child," the old woman suggested, "you might want to get some more houses while you're able." The old woman smiled pleasantly. "After all, Halloween only happens once a year." Cindy politely thanked the old woman, and hurried out the door, wondering why she'd been afraid to come there. That old woman had been pretty nice, even if she did look a little spooky. Maybe, she thought, she might come back some other time to visit that old woman again. With a smug grin Cindy realized that her coming here even once would really bug Sam. Being able to come back again would really annoy him. Satisfied with herself, Cindy hurried back to the road, unable to wait to rub Sam's face in the fact that she'd gone to the old house when he was afraid to. Giggling she couldn't wait to see his face when she told him. When she'd gotten back to the road, Cindy looked around, not really feeling much like trick or treating anymore, but unwilling to just give up. Determined to at least get some more candy before she went home though, she hurried over to the next street, getting 9 more houses before she finally decided to return home, her bag of candy pleasantly heavy. Sam popped a Tootsie Roll into his mouth, laughing at the kid they'd just scared. Some kid had just come out of a house with some candy, when Shane snuck behind the kid, and yelled, "I'm gonna getcha," making the kid jump, then run screaming. Sam smiled, thinking that the kid probably filled his pants. Looking down at his watch Sam sighed in disgust, realizing that it was getting time to go home. He'd promised his parents that they'd be back home by 9:00, and suspected that they'd give him a call just to make sure. Getting a little more candy wasn't worth being grounded for a week, so reluctantly Sam started heading home, unhappy at having his fun cut short. So far he'd been having a blast, and wasn't looking forward to just going home. With Eric and Shane arguing about which movie was better, Armageddon or Saving Private Ryan, they went back to Sam's house. While he was taking his time walking back, trying to ignore Shane's antics, he thought about taking some of Cindy's candy. He didn't really want it that badly, but taking her candy was just another holiday tradition. And he figured that he could get a few more good pieces out of it, though he suspected Cindy would eat all the best stuff before he got back. It was sort of a game they played, and Same chuckled, thinking that maybe next year he wouldn't bother. As they got to Sam's yard, he said goodbye to his friends, waving at them as they walked away, obviously to hit a couple more houses. Sam smiled, thinking of the house they'd already TP'd, and how Eric and Shane already had another couple tricks lined up, which he'd undoubtedly hear about the next day. Absently Sam wondered just how Mr. Collins would like the redecorating job they'd done in his front yard with the roll and a half of toilette paper. Opening the front door Sam noticed that Cindy was already home and felt relieved. He'd been worried about leaving her, and a bit afraid that she'd tell their parents and get him in trouble. "She probably went straight home," Sam muttered to himself, taking off his Darth Vader mask and dropping it to the floor. He was sure that Cindy would have been too afraid to keep going out on her own for very long, but was relieved that she was home all right, though he certainly wouldn't admit it. "Hey squirt," Sam said, walking in on Cindy, who was sitting on the floor still in her Xena costume, hands full of candy, mouth smeared with chocolate and watching some kids Halloween special on TV. Taking his cape off, Sam draped it over the back of the recliner, then kneeled next to Cindy, picking up her bag of candy. "That's mine!!" Cindy said angrily, grabbing for the bag. Sam had to smile, yanking the back out of her reach. "I was just looking," he said innocently, peaking inside. Ignoring Cindy's demands to give her back the bag, Sam sighed, feeling rather disappointed. He'd been too late for most of the good stuff it seemed, Cindy having beaten him to it. There were still some things in there though that looked at least halfway promising. Humming to himself, Sam took only 6 pieces of candy, not finding anything else in there worth bothering with. What really caught Sam's eyes was a piece of candy that wasn't wrapped up like all the rest. He wasn't sure why this piece had caught his attention, but it had. It was covered up in a pinkish red and white wrapper, and didn't have any brand name that he recognized on it. "Must be some small company or something," he decided, putting it along with the other 5 pieces he'd taken into his own bag, not noticing that Cindy had stopped demanding her bag back. "Thanks," he said, dropping Cindy's bag of candy where he'd picked it up from, earning him a slight glare before Cindy turned back to her show. Sam set his bag of candy down on the couch, then went and got himself a can of soda, popping it open as he hurried back to the couch. Opening the bag, Sam pulled out a small pack of M and M's, pouring them all into his mouth at once, and tossing the empty wrapper onto the coffee table. Snorting Sam looked at what Cindy had on TV, thinking that it was fairly stupid. After watching it for a few minutes, he grabbed the remote in disgust and started flipping through channels, hoping to find something better. "Hey, I was watching that," Cindy yelled at him, obviously angry. Sam snorted, not really caring. If there wasn't anything else more interesting on, he figured that he might as well put it back on her show, but he definitely wanted to see if something else was on first, and kept flipping through channels. "I'm going to tell Mom," Cindy threatened, making Sam chuckle. That wasn't a threat that bothered him very much. After flipping through the channels and trying to ignore Cindy, Sam found a show that caught his attention, making him stop. It was some horror flick and Sam smiled, knowing that his parents definitely wouldn't approve. "You can't watch this!" Cindy said angrily, making Sam work harder to ignore her. "Sure I can," Sam muttered. "Mom and Dad won't be back till real late." When Cindy threatened to tell on him again, Sam glared at her, getting rather tired of her whining and complaining. "Shut up," he snapped. "If you want to watch it, go ahead. If not, leave the room." With that Sam ignored Cindy even more, watching the masked killer on the screen sneaking up on some girl, while carrying a knife. Sam watched as Cindy went back to her spot on the floor, taking a bit of more candy and pouting. He snorted to himself, thinking that she was such a baby. Absently Sam reached into his bag of candy again, and randomly pulled one out. Curiously he noted that it was the weird one that he'd gotten from Cindy. For a few seconds he wondered where she'd gotten that one from, then shrugged it off and pulled the wrapper off. Sam looked at the red piece of candy that looked like some kind of hard taffy or something, then popped it into his mouth, not noticing that Cindy had been watching him. It tasted very sweet, was Sam's first impression, though it wasn't quite like any other candy he'd ever eaten. There was a slightly odd flavoring to it that only made it taste even better. And Sam found that even though the candy had been fairly hard in his hands, suggesting a rather tough and chewy texture, it felt very soft inside his mouth. It was very light, seeming to melt in the warmth of his mouth, much like cotton candy does. Sam sighed, amazed at how good this candy was, and wondering just where he could get more of it. Before he'd realized it, the candy had completely dissolved in his mouth, leaving nothing behind but the pleasant aftertaste. Suddenly a strange feeling swept over Sam. All of a sudden his whole body felt tingly and oddly warm. Uncomfortably he wiped some sweat off of his forehead, wondering if somehow he'd eaten a poisoned piece of candy. He'd heard about some people doing that, but he sure never expected anything like that around here. As a burst of pain ran through his body, Sam looked over at Cindy, who was staring at him with her mouth open, looking completely stunned. Wincing Sam felt his clothes getting looser on him, and it took him several seconds to realize that he seemed to be shrinking. Slowly his black costume just got bigger and bigger on him, then suddenly, just as quick as he started shrinking, his costume started to as well. Horrified Sam stared at his hands, seeing how small they were getting, then at his black Darth Vader costume, which was getting paler as it was shrinking on him. Within a minute Sam was sure that he'd stopped shrinking, though his costume continued to shrink until it fit around him comfortably once again. However, his costume had changed dramatically, being white instead of the black it had been. Horrified Sam stood up, realizing just how much shorter he'd gotten when Cindy walked closer to him, and he had to look up to see in her eyes. "What the hell happened?" he cried out, shocked at the sound of his voice. It wasn't his voice at all. In fact it sounded more like a little girl's. Then he noticed the look on Cindy's face was changing from shock, to one of triumph. A satisfied smile was forming, and Sam suddenly felt extremely nervous about that, knowing that it couldn't be good. Especially now that his sister was bigger than him. Sam couldn't believe what was happening. It couldn't be happening. This just wasn't possible. As if trying to prove to himself that he was imagining things, pinched his arm, yelping from the pain. All he could do was stare at his arm, knowing that it wasn't his. Very fearfully, Sam ran to the bathroom, ignoring Cindy laughing behind him, determined to see what he'd become. Stopping in front of the mirror, Sam almost screamed at what looked back at him. Instead of the 13 year old boy dressed in the Darth Vader costume, his reflection looked like a 7 year old girl, dressed up as Princess Leia. He even had hair tied up into buns on the side, which he gingerly touched to prove to himself that they were real. Gulping he put his hand between his legs, horrified to find nothing there. It was smooth. Unable to help himself any longer, Sam screamed out, then ran away from the mirror as quick as he could, trying to deny what was in it. Quickly Sam ran into the living room again, only to be confronted by Cindy's smirking face. Something wasn't right there, and suddenly Sam realized that Cindy knew something about this. She must. "What did you do to me?" he screamed out, throwing himself violently at Cindy. With surprising ease Cindy pushed Sam away, making him fall hard against the coffee table, banging his elbow painfully. "It looks like I'm the big one now," Cindy smirked, trying to intimidate Sam. Sam gulped, looking up at his now bigger little sister, but not about to let her push him around. Angrily he was about to attack her again, when Cindy pulled something out of her fanny pack, and Sam saw that it was another piece of candy. As he watched, Cindy tore the wrapper off, quickly shoving the piece into her mouth. Sam had a very bad feeling about that suddenly, remembering that he'd just gotten done eating that strange piece of candy before this happened. He didn't like this at all, especially not the way Cindy was looking at him. Looking around, Sam felt so small and tiny compared to usual, especially with Cindy now being larger than him. He wasn't sure just how much worse it could get, but he was afraid to find out. Within seconds of eating the candy Sam gulped, seeing that Cindy was growing. Her body seemed to just swell larger, with her costume shifting and expanding with her. Horrified, but at the same time fascinated, he watched Cindy reach the same height he had been at, and still growing. Sam did not like the smirk on Cindy's face, and desperately wanted to get out of here. Before his eyes, Cindy started to fill out, growing breasts and looking more and more like an adult woman. Just as quickly as it had started, Cindy stopped growing. Sam couldn't believe what Cindy looked like, and apparently she was just as surprised, though more pleasantly so, as she examined her new body. Standing in front of Sam, where his sister had been moments before stood what looked like Xena. She looked just like she did on TV, with even her kids costume having changed to look like the real thing. Even that golden metal ring hung at her waist, instead of the painted on one that was part of the costume. What appeared to be Lucy Lawless put her hands at her hips, then smirked down on a now horrified Sam. Cindy was twice his height now and extremely intimidating. Sam felt terrified as Cindy reached for him saying, "You've been very bad, and now I'm going to have to teach you a lesson." Though Sam tried to get away, he couldn't match Cindy's strength as she picked him up, then hit him painfully on his rear. Screaming as Cindy hit him again, Sam tried to get away from the spanking, while Cindy just laughed at him. Sam was crying at the pain and the humiliation. At the feelings of helplessness and weakness. As tears ran down his cheeks, Sam screamed out, "Stop. Please stop. Please." Finally Cindy seemed satisfied, and let Sam go. He collapsed to the floor, crying and terrified. Cindy stood over him, trying to look intimidating, and having it work. Sam was shaking in fear. "Sit here on the floor, little girl," Sam heard her tell him, in Xena's voice. Too scared to disobey, Sam sat where she'd left him, thinking how much his butt hurt. Nervously he watched as Cindy changed the channel back to the show she was watching, then flexed her arms, looking satisfied. He couldn't help but cringing when she took that metal ring from her hip and started playing with it. Trying to avoid looking at Cindy, Sam turned back to the TV, noticing from the corner of his eyes as Cindy was sitting down on the couch, still playing with that weapon. Turning back to Cindy, hoping she didn't notice, Sam saw that she was pulling candy out of his own bag and gulping it down. Chocolate was already smeared a little around her mouth as she just stuffed the treats in. Sam winced when Cindy looked up and saw him watching her, then she just smiled, saying, "Since I'm so big and you're so little, I guess I need more candy to fill me up." Then she took another handful out of Sam's bag. At the rate she was eating it, Sam didn't think he'd have any candy left at all in just a short time. That didn't really bother him too much though. What bothered him was how small he'd become, and how did it all happen. He was actually terrified of his own kid sister, who now looked like some warrior princess. Sam didn't know what he could do, so for now just stayed where he was, knowing that there was nothing he could do against Cindy. Silently he prayed that this was only a dream. That he would be back to normal. The idea of being a little girl, terrified and disgusted him. And Cindy, he saw was thoroughly enjoying herself. Sam was very nervous that since she somehow caused this, she wouldn't change them back. That she was having far too much fun. Quietly Sam was determined to find someway back to normal, hoping that there actually was some way. Sam shifted his position again, absently rubbing his sore rear, still crying. Cindy looked up annoyed at his whimpering and snapped, "If you keep crying, I'll really give you something to cry about." Sam gulped, then wiped the tears from his eyes, knowing that she meant it. Forcefully he bit his lip and tried to keep from crying. "What a baby," he heard Cindy say from behind him. Sadly he was afraid that she was right. He was acting like a baby, and as ashamed as he was of doing so, he was too scared to do much else. After Cindy had finished off his bag of candy as well as her own, Sam hoped that she would change them back. Unfortunately she didn't seem to have any inclination of doing that, and Sam wasn't sure that she even could. Sam winced, having to go to the bathroom. He wasn't sure he should say anything, but knew that if he didn't go soon, he'd probably pee himself. Nervously he asked Cindy if he could get up to go to the bathroom, afraid that she'd say no. Cindy looked as if she was considering it for a minute, then finally agreed. Relieved Sam hurried to the bathroom, then looked down at the toilet a bit skeptically. It seemed so much bigger than before. Uncomfortably he pulled his costume back, seeing that he was now wearing some pink girly underwear. Nervously he climbed onto the toilet and started relieving himself, surprised at the difference in the way it felt from the way he usually went to the bathroom. It was just leaking out of him. Finishing up, he saw that he was still wet between his legs, and grimaced. He hated having to look at that little slit there, missing his usual equipment. However he didn't want to have a wet spot on his underwear, so he grabbed a piece of toilet paper and dried himself off, disgusted at having to do so. After he'd gotten his costume back on, Sam looked into the mirror again, wincing at the little girl that was in there. She looked so small and helpless, and he couldn't help but feeling that way. Nervously he went back into the living room, only to be told by Cindy to sit back down on the floor again. Sighing he sat down in his spot, then wondering what his parents were going to think of all this when they got home. The show that Cindy had put on had ended, and she'd put another cheesy holiday special on, Sam was sure, just to annoy him. Sam saw that Cindy didn't even seem interested in it, but instead kept looking down at her new body, touching her breasts or playing with that metal ring. Patiently though, Sam waited for some chance to change things back to what they should be, if he could find out a way to do so. Maybe, he thought, since it was candies that had done that to them, maybe it was other candies that could change them back. That didn't seem quite right to him though since he'd noticed they were rather odd candies, and he hadn't seen any more of those. As far as Sam knew, Cindy had eaten every other piece of candy either of them had gotten for Halloween. About 15 minutes after he'd come out of the bathroom, Sam got extremely nervous when Cindy walked up right behind him, towering over him. He cringed, unable to help himself. Looking up, and seeing her face, Sam knew that if he ever got back to normal, he'd never want to watch that Xena show again. It would probably give him nightmares. Cindy smirked down at him and said, "That looks so stupid," making Sam wonder what she was talking about. At least until she painfully yanked at his hair, making him cry out. A few seconds later Cindy let go of Sam's hair, and he tried not to glare at her, knowing that she'd probably spank him again or something. Shaking his head he had hair fall in front of his face, and had to move it out of the way with his hand. So that's what she did, Sam realized. Cindy had just undone those cinnamon buns his hair was tied into, Princess Leia style. He hadn't even really thought about them, but now he knew he had long hair hanging all over the place. Again he pushed it out of his face, wondering just how girls can stand to have long hair. It was extremely annoying. To Sam's relief Cindy seemed satisfied for the moment, and left the room, leaving him wondering just what she'd do next. Several minutes later though Cindy came back in, dropping several dolls in front of Sam. "Here. Play dolls," she told him. Sam protested, "I don't play with dolls." He glared at them in disgust. "All little girls play with dolls," Cindy responded, glaring at him again. On seeing the defiant look on Sam's face she continued, "If you don't play with the dolls like a good girl, I'll have to spank you again." Sam winced, knowing that she would. Reluctantly he started playing around with the Barbie dolls, wishing that Cindy would just leave him alone. Being so small was bad enough as it was, but Cindy kept rubbing it in at every opportunity. "No, No..." Cindy screamed at Sam after a few minutes, "you play with them like this." And Cindy dropped to the floor next to Sam, picking up one of the dolls. Reluctantly Sam found himself playing dolls with his sister for over half an hour, wishing that it would just end. "At least," Sam told himself, "she's in a better mood." Sam looked down at the doll in his hands and yawned tiredly. He was really getting sick of playing dolls, but it sure beat the alternative. Sam yawned again, earning him a glare from Cindy, who quickly looked up at the clock. "Uh, oh," Cindy said smiling, making Sam nervous again, "it's too late for little girls to still be up." Sam winced, knowing where this was going. Before Sam could do anything, Cindy had grabbed him, picking him up without showing any effort. Cindy smiled at him, obviously pleased with her new strength. "It's beddy by time for you little girl," she said, carrying Sam towards his room. He tried to struggle and get away from her, but Cindy glared at him, threatening to spank him again if he didn't quite that. He stopped struggling and just let Cindy carry him up to his room. Sam sighed, relieved at least that she hadn't decided to put him in her room. As Cindy dropped Sam back to the floor he winced, relieved to be back on the ground, but not happy with how roughly Cindy had treated him. Without ceremony Cindy grabbed Sam's costume and stripped it off of him, like he was one of her dolls and incapable of undressing himself. Humiliated he endured this, knowing that he didn't have any other choice. Finally Sam was standing there, completely naked except for his cute little girl panties, which Cindy teased him about, making his face turn red. They certainly hadn't been his idea, but he didn't seem to have any choice in anything that was going on that night. Sam was just about to climb into bed, when Cindy stopped him, thinking of something new. "We don't want you to wet your bed tonight," she started, making Sam gulp, suddenly afraid that she'd find some kind of diaper for him to wear. Fortunately she had something else in mind though and continued, "so you have to go potty before going to bed." Sighing, Sam let Cindy drag him to the bathroom, and set him on the toilet. He could feel the flush in his face as she watched him, making it difficult for him to relieve himself. Finally Cindy turned her back, letting Sam have just enough privacy that his bladder wouldn't stay frozen, so he could relieve himself. When he finished, Cindy made him stand there while she took a wet wash rag and careful washed his mouth and hands, saying that "Little girls can't go to bed dirty." Disgusted, he stood still while she roughly washed around his mouth. Unable to help himself, he yawned again, making Cindy smile at him, a little nicer than she had earlier. This time she was more gentle as she led him back to his room. Again Sam was about to climb into his bed, when Cindy gently picked him up and put him into it, then pulled his covers over him. "Night night, don't let the bed bugs bite," she said, turning off the light and leaving. Sam stared at the window curtain and the faint light coming through it, shuddering at his night so far. At least, he reflected, he was alone now. Yawning again, Sam thought how small he felt in his bed. Normally his feet went almost to the end, but now he had lots of room. It felt like a king sized bed to him. He couldn't believe what had happened to him, but knew that he had little choice but believe. The evidence was right there. With that he absently slid his hand into his panties, feeling the empty spot in his crotch. Nervously he slipped one finger into the slit, feeling it actually go in just a little. Feeling disgusted at that, he pulled his hand back out, and pulled his sheets over himself tighter, trying to forget what had happened. Sam tried to keep himself awake, determined to tell his parents what had happened as soon as they got home, but his smaller body was very tired and he slowly fell asleep. When Sam woke up, immediately remembering the events of the night before. Keeping his eyes closed, he told himself that it was only a dream. A nightmare. Such things were impossible. That couldn't have happened. He'd almost convinced himself of that when he opened his eyes. Nervous and apprehensive, he put his hand to his crotch, and was pleased to find that it was still there. Sighing in relief, he looked over his body, seeing that he was indeed his normal self. He was a 13 year old boy. "What a dream," he muttered, thinking how real it had all seemed. Sam felt embarrassed that he'd actually thought it could happen, and chuckled at himself. As Sam sat up on his bed he looked down and stared at the floor in horror. In the middle of his bedroom floor was the Princess Leia costume, just where Cindy had dropped it the night before. The End.

Same as Tricky Treat Videos

3 years ago
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Tricky Seduction Of Junior Escapades

HI, I am Mani, Back with another real story of ISS Regular Reader, For the people who don’t know me, just go for my previous stories.. I am Mani staying in Madhapur, Hyderabad. Girls/Ladies can contact me anytime.. Readerscan submit ur stories if u cannot post here directly. mail me at Coming to story.. This story is submitted by our ISS Reader.. she cannot submit directly so she asked me. u can give feedback below or can mail me.. His name is Sanjay Ray, aged now some 34+, doing garment...

4 years ago
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Tricky Sissy

In order for this story to make sense, you need to know two things about me: 1) I like men, women, shemales, manly men, sissy men, tall women/men, short women/men, older men/women, younger men/women. In fact, there's not much that I'm not drawn to. Essentially, if you have warm holes, then I'm probably interested. 2) You would never know that I like sucking dick, getting fucked in the ass and swallowing cum just by looking at me and talking to me. I'm a pretty "straight" guy. However, you get...

3 years ago
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Tricky Treasures

When the Gods of mischief make something does it simply go away. I think not for you see they often take it back after it has done its job. But that doesn't mean it couldn't have a new purpose. So the Chaos gods got together and created a store filled to the brim with all kinds of fun and exciting toys. From remotes that can change people to staffs that turn life into random creatures the limits are endless. And the fun doesn't stop there as each god takes turns to satisfy there whims at...

2 years ago
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Truth or Treat

(Two couples find the fun really starts after the party)Andrea Donovan was not too thrilled with her husband Seth at the moment. He had accepted the invitation to Jared Devlin’s Halloween party without even asking her. Part of the reason was probably because he knew that she didn’t like Jared all that much and that if he’d asked first she would have said no, or at least argued about it for a while. In fact, it seemed that they were doing a little too much arguing and too little lovemaking. Both...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

TRICK OR TREAT? by enduringshades I am feeling self-conscious. I am wearing a cocktail dress in a red shiny material covered in sparkles. It has modest three-quarter length sleeves and a round neckline, but the dress is incredibly short. It is only by keeping my legs together under the table that my knickers are out of sight of the restaurant patrons and staff. I am wearing, what to me are, very high heels. But I have been told not to be silly, they are only three inches high. My...

4 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Megan was full of anticipation for the night ahead. October 31 was the one night of the year that she and her friend, Molly let their hair down – and some. Every year was a little bit different; a new adventure, and each year they just got naughtier and naughtier. Her district really made an effort and she passed house after house, all with an orange glow and pumpkins in the windows. Little parties of fifth and sixth graders, all with their parents were going a-spooking. This was what...

2 years ago
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After Dinner Treat

Devlin Mulloy and Becky Connors were in the middle of a wonderful and magical evening together. It was their first stay at home, romantic date, and they just finished the magnificent meal of chili lime ribeye steak with boiled baby potatoes and spring peas that Becky had made for the new lovers. Neither of them knew what was more intoxicating, the bottle of argentine Malbec which Devlin brought, or their growing love. Devlin, being the perfect guest, would have also brought the...

2 years ago
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Jenns the trick Carlys the treat

Jenn yanked her navy blue polo shirt up, over her red curls, and off. She wadded it up and threw it onto the floor of her bedroom. Her quick fingers unzipped her knee-length plaid skirt, skimmed it down her slim hips, and tossed it onto the fallen polo shirt. Jenn’s full breasts joggled in their hot-pink bra, which was cut so low the curve of her areolas were nearly visible. “Fuck, that’s better.” She adjusted her thong, which was exactly the same vivid shade as her bra. Carly hated the...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat By Morpheus James looked around him, unable to help but feeling nervous. After all, it was late at night on Halloween and he just happened to be standing in the middle of a cemetery. The fact the he wasn't alone offered him comfort as well as a reason not to show his discomfort. "Okay, here we are," Kevin exclaimed, swinging his flashlight over the ground around them. "This should be a good spot." "Yeah," James agreed with a nod. "It should be..." There were...

2 years ago
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Trick and Treat

I usually watch scary movies on Halloween, sometimes do a marathon. Depends on what's out, I'll rent some DVD's or maybe just watch my own as I have quite a horror movie collection. I haven't been trick or treating since I was a young teen. But my friend Michelle said I should get out this Halloween, do a little "trick and treat." I said I'm not really interested in going around to houses begging for candy anymore and mocked her for the way she said trick and treat."I'm not talking about...

2 years ago
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Trick or Treat

I lifted the lid of the slowly bubbling pot roast, savored the aroma, gave it a stir to check that it hadn't scorched on the bottom, and replaced the cover. Another two hours at the lowest heat, and the meat would be mouth-wateringly tender. I laid the spoon on a dish, replaced the casserole dish in the oven, and was about to set the table when I noticed that our automatic light had come on in the front yard. It was just about dark enough for the light to be obvious, and make the...

4 years ago
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sissy lola gets a treat1

Last night was my first night as a sissy maid for my beautiful goddess maureen and i have been instructed to tell you what a dirty little cock sucking whore i have been.I have known goddess maureen for a while now, she has been giving me instructions via webcam. She would make me flog myself or fuck my ass with a huge black dildo untill she was amused. So last night, i received a set of instructions telling me that i must prepare for a very special night. I was to lock my cock in a chasity...

2 years ago
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Dick or Treat

"Dick or treat!" the two boys said as I opened it. "Excuse me?" I scoffed, as I pulled the candy in my hand away from them. "Trick or Treat" one of the boys repeated. "That's not what you said." I replied. They looked at each other and both laughed at the same time. One of them, the taller boy, was dressed up as Ghostbuster. I suppose last year's film reinvigorated that franchise a bit. The shorter boy simply had a white sheet over himself with two eyeholes. A ghost, I suppose,...

2 years ago
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Lady Bug Trick or Treat

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I had my hands full as I put all the candy by the front door in a big orange bowl. I put a small wooden chair next to the front door. I have to pass out candy to the trick or treaters. I don't live in a big neighborhood. But I usually give out allot of candy to the k**s. I think they mark my house every year to stop at. There usually a few girls who stop bye. Either with the k**s or just to say hi. I prefer bodacious women. The more voluptuous the better. I'm...

4 years ago
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Tammy Likes to Trick or Treat

Tammy Johnson was a pretty girl of 18 who often dressed up for special days like Halloween or Christmas in costumes that showed off her shapely body and piercing blue eyes. This year she had made her Halloween costume on her sewing machine making sure that it would hug her curves tightly in those places where she knew men liked to let their eyes linger. This Halloween was a bit different because it was the first year that she was no longer a silly virgin. She was so relieved that she had...

4 years ago
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Trick or Treat

As a college professor I'm fully aware of when Halloween comes around, at least two weeks before hand, all my students always seem to get excited about the up coming parties, and despite the fact they are almost fully grown adults, they just can't wait to get dressed up in scary outfits, and have a good time.I personally don't, I normally sit at home, with the lights turned down watching a film waiting for the whole night to be over, until last year.Last year I was doing my usual thing, having...

4 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Introduction: This is my first story so I want to know what everybody thinks so please leave comments There was something about the air in Chicago whenever October rolled around. Brooklyn breathed in the fresh autumn air from the patio. For some reason, the air seemed fresher and cleaner. Its crispness mixed with the scent of freshly fallen leaves, reminding her that the days were getting shorter and the nights were getting colder. Normally, October was her major party month. Shed take weeks to...

2 years ago
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Me And My My Basketball PlayerOut Treat

Hi ISS Readers,i m a 19 yrs old guy with average height ,fit body and has fair complexion.I study at an university in Chennai and stay in hostel as i m from Andhra Pradesh.During evening times,I along with my friends used to play ,sorry watch basketball match(because we don’t get chance to play). I met him during one rainy evening and he is a basketball player.He is also from my hometown and we gradually became friends and he is my junior too. One can assume as a basketball player,he is little...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Trick Her Treat

Trick, Her Treat Juliette Lima The Eve of All Hallows Day When wild times hold sway Themes hard to beat And ways to compete Let the men try out lace lingerie. Be it ever so trite there is nothing like a costume party to help a crossdresser get in a day of prissily primping, silky sashaying, and being a fool. I am no different from any other crossdresser, my wife does not like it but she likes me well enough to tolerate the occasional silly assed dress up time when I pretend I...

4 years ago
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Betting People Trick Or Treat

Betting People: Trick or Treat?By Maximillian ExcaliberIntroductionThis wasn't supposed to be, but is, the first story in a new series I'm writing called 'Betting People'.Each story will be different but will have a common theme. All of the stories in this series will be about people make a wager that results in their becoming intimate. As you will find out while reading them, these stories are, in fact, tales of seduction.MaxChapter One – The PartyI had just arrived at the apartment of Veranda...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Halloween Treat

It was a cold October Halloween night and Linda was missing her sweetheart,Scott. They had been together for quite a while now. He told her that he wouldn’t be back in Milpitas until November at the earliest. It was difficult for Linda to get Scott out of her mind, especially since their last time together. Closing her eyes, she could envision him lying next to her. She missed him. She made herself a Lemon Drop & raised her glass to toast aloud,“Here’s to you, Scott, whatever you might be...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Finding the boxes, he gets out the ladder to hang up the ghosts. Every year his wife would climb on the roof and hang ghosts from a wire dangling from the soffit. While up there, she would form a web out of a couple strings of black lights on the front of the dormer and put a giant spider in it. Brad drags the ghosts up the ladder and hangs the wires from the hooks. He takes a look around while he is up there, to see how much of the neighborhood has been decorated. From this vantage point,...

2 years ago
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My Stepsisters Fried Banana Treat

My pretty tease of a step-sister Nicole did her best to convince me that fried bananas tasted much better when consumed after midnight. She sounded almost like some brainwashed witch in training with her description of the joys of fried banana eating after the clock on the hallway wall stuck twelve. At first, I was inclined to pooh-pooh her promises of gourmet treasure but when she told me the treat must be consumed in our birthday suits, I immediately perked up my ears and wondered if she was...

4 years ago
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My Christmas Treat

I continued the conversation on the phone and said, “You know Kandy, I can just see you under my Christmas tree, with only a purple bow tied around your naked body. WOW, what a Christmas treat!” She giggled into the phone and replied, “Well darling, it’s not Christmas yet. I swear all you men think about is sex! I was in the process of reaching for the phone to call you Marcus when the phone rang. I wanted to tell you how much I miss your tender loving care. When can you come...

5 years ago
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Jos Birthday Treat

Jo’s Birthday TreatJo gets an unexpected suprise on her birthday.John was working away on Jo's birthday, he'd tried to get back in time but the job he was working on needed a couple of days more than he'd anticipated.It had been too long since they last had sex and John was disappointed he couldn't fuck his wife on her birthday, look into her eyes as she thrust her pussy on to his cock, and hear her throaty moan as she juddered and orgasmed beneath him.Over the last few days they had been...

5 years ago
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My Christmas Treat

It was the middle of December and I was on the phone with my new girlfriend, Kandy. She is a nurse and we met while I was in the hospital and we have since become friends and lovers. She has been at home recuperating from a cold. I continued the conversation on the phone and said, “You know Kandy, I can just see you under my Christmas tree, with only a purple bow tied around your naked body. WOW, what a Christmas treat!” She giggled into the phone and replied, “Well darling, it’s not Christmas...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Yummy Valentine Treat

YUMMY VALENTINE TREAT by Throne Tommy came home from work full of optimism. It had been several weeks since his wife Antonia had gone on one of her dates. He understood that with him being so small and slim, having a tiny penis, and climaxing way too soon during sex, she had been dissatisfied in bed. Even so, it seemed terribly unfair that she found it necessary to go out with other men. And to reduce his bedroom rights. But today was Valentines Day, so he hoped that they could...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat? By Enigma Thursday, August 27 "Come on, Sandy. Not all men are alike, and certainly not all of them are like that slime ball ex-husband of yours!" Amy said. Amy and Sandy were lingering over their weekly lunch, for once neither of them needing to rush back to their medical practices. "Well, I haven't met one yet I would trust as far as I could throw him." Her friend replied. "Oh, yes your have! Remember my James? He is a truly considerate man, and...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat By P No bird sang and no crickets chirped. The birds had long fled south and thecrickets were deep in their winter hibernation. The still night at the endof October was cold and dark, a preview of the winter to come. Here and there,the quiet cold was interrupted by the bright flashlights and raucous voicesof the small knots of trick-or-treaters who braved the cold and dark and madetheir noisy way from house to house in celebration of the age-old holiday,Halloween. Margo had...

2 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Ever since I was little girl I’ve always loved dressing up and with Halloween approaching it was time to decide whether I needed something new for this year. A large wickerwork basket in the corner of my bedroom contains all my fancy dress outfits and I was having a nice quiet evening on my own so I decided to drag everything out to see what I had before making any decisions. As soon as I discovered the ‘she-devil’ outfit that I wore last year it brought the memories flooding back. We sell a...

2 years ago
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Incestuous Tales of the Quarantine 4 Little Sisters Naughty Treat

Story Four: Little Sister's Naughty Treat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “That's it, Clancy,” groaned my twin sister, her naked ass wiggling at me as she lay bent over the hood of the 1969 Camaro I was repairing in the garage. “Just slide that cock into me. I need it. I'm fucking going crazy!” “Shit,” I muttered, my dick out in my hand. I was about to fuck my twin sister. Nancy's trimmed, brown bush dripped with juices as it peeked out...

4 years ago
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Carries Birthday Treat

Two days ago it had been my girlfriend's birthday and I had been worrying over what to get her, as usual. In the past, I had bought her lovely presents, but now it was harder to find the right gift. I decided that this year it would have to be something different. A few days before, while we had been lying in bed watching a porno movie, Carrie, that’s her name, had been talking about what it would be like to take on two men at once. The movie we had been watching had featured a...

2 years ago
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The Sweetest Treat

The Sweetest TreatPounding music in my car after pounding keys at work. Tonight I drove home under the weather. I had my stereo turned up and window wound down. Tired, I didn't like the trash I listened to anyway, but I would hear myself think if it were silent. So long as I did not think, I could pretend I was not lonely.The red lights dimmed lazily against the dark sky and this morning's spent coffee fell from the dashboard as I revved away."I'm going home. I'm going to bed," I promised to...

3 years ago
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trick or treat

It was 7.30pm and i had just put my car in the drive ,opend door and a voice said "trick or treat mister " i looked round and a little lad was stood at my gate with his mother and i guess his big sister ,who looked in her late teens early 20's ,i looked in my pocket and found a pound ,i offerd the young lad it and him and his sister walked down for it ,looking at the young lass i saw a fit young lady nice chest too, so i said to her with a little cheek and in a slight wisper "i will give you a...

4 years ago
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Halloween Costume Treat

Halloween Costome Treat Here comes another Halloween Party at the Scene, a local nightspot that is a very popular dance club for the under 30s crowd. I am 45 but my wife is 25 and loves to go to the club with her ol' college friends. Every New Years Eve and Halloween time, the club turns up the heat and my wife Casey and I have never missed those hot nights since being married 4 years ago. It's difficult getting a reservation but Casey seems to know the owners well enough to secure our party...

4 years ago
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Halloween Trick Or Treat

Halloween Trick Or Treat Part One Halloween Trick Or Treat Part One Linda Taylor felt her skinned ass intently it hurt her to walk, her raw red, paddled ass scraped against the bottom cheeks of her Halloween Costume and with a whimper of sheer misery it dawned on her the wetness in her panties was the bright red blood the Vampire craved on Hallows Eve, however in this case it was her butt that had given up the blood.? As the coed recalled the nightmare and the trick she had taken part...

3 years ago
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Catwomans Treat

Copyright© -- All rights reserved. "What are you doing?" Kelly asked her twin sister Kathy. Kathy tossed her long brown hair back, adjusted her extremely short red dress and smiled. "What does it look like I'm doing?" "I know you're not going out with that jerk Mark." "What if I am?" "Kathy! You have a wonderful boyfriend, how could you do that to him?" "Look, Chris and I are good together, but let's face it, we've been together too long. Besides, Mark and I are just...

3 years ago
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Betting People Trick or Treat

Chapter 1: The Party I had just arrived at the apartment of Veranda Cain. Veranda is the best friend of my girlfriend Bernadette Silva. That night, Veranda was hosting a Halloween Party and everyone was supposed to show up in costume. Bernadette had forgotten to tell me about it and by the time she did, all the party supply stores were sold out. I was forced to improvise so I'd worn a white short sleeve shirt and slacks. The moment I walked in the door Veranda said to me, "Trick or Treat...

3 years ago
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Alien Treats

It was time. The few who made the long journey for the sweet prize were gathered in the control bridge so the ship's captain could give his final instructions. "Listen up, you have all been taught to speak the local language and have practiced the words during the entire trip to this small planet. We may be superior beings, but we don't have what they do; we don't have the raw material, nor do we have the knowledge. We are not here to steal either the raw material, or one their species...

4 years ago
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theatre treat

I had left the house quickly that evening and had not worn panties or a bra and realized that soon this mans hand would soon find my clean shaven pussy. I was rapidly getting turned on. The mans hand gently stroked my leg going a little higher each stroke. Soon his hand rested on my now moistening pussy. i quietly gasped as he stroked once more and then inserted a finger dep inside me. My boyfriemd leaned over kissed me and said he was going for some popcorn and something to...

2 years ago
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Lizs Birthday Treat

Liz’s Birthday TreatMandy was sat at home just thinking about how her life had changed over the last year.She’d ditched her longtime boyfriend after she had been introduced to the joys of her own sex. Her oldest friends, Lisa and Sarah had taken her in the back of a car after a girly night out, she’d had too much to drink and they just took advantage of her.Her eyes had certainly been opened that night, along with her legs, she still remembered her orgasm, the two of them had taken her and...

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33 Dawns Birthday neartreat

33 Dawns Birthday near-treatSo as a scribe here I am again reporting one of Dawns escapades, Dawn as you know is a lady that I am pleased to say I write for, she has a cuckold hubby named Andy, and a master named Ray. Each year at birthday time (they are both near one another date wise), they have perhaps just the one ritual birthday “treat” together.Me, well I pick up the notes after and write them into stories for you all dear readers! See my story of last year`s...

4 years ago
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Sally Annes Birthday Treat

Number 13 of a series of individual stories. Sally Anne's Birthday Treat (email [email protected] Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - Shopping My wife Sally Anne and I had had many adventures with me wearing panties or fully dressed as a woman. Most of the times I dressed up there was an underlying aim of sex and being in daring and sexy situations. Sally Anne's birthday was approaching and she had decided she wanted a romantic evening...

3 years ago
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Pussy Trick Or Anal Treat

Nick looked down as Joan Jett took the entire length of his cock down her throat. She was on her knees in front of him, with her arms wrapped lovingly around his thighs. It was difficult for Nick to resist the pull of his climax, given her warm mouth and tight channel. He thought to himself, "Oh, what the hell," grabbed the side of Joan's head and began to thrust in and out with abandon.Well, it wasn't really Joan Jett deep throating him, but rather his wife, Anne. Three minutes ago, they were...

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Kelly Ripa Halloween trick r treat

The group gathered in front of her on her porch and she saw it was four young men and three young women. One of the guys stepped forward and she asked trick or treat. Looking around he grinned and said both you’re the trick slut and our treat. Shocked she froze as the guys moved towards her pushing her back into her living room. The girls quickly gagged her and stripped her naked. Then the guys moved her to the bedroom binding her spread eagled on her king sized bed. The group of teenagers...

2 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 3 Futas First Harem Treat

Chapter Three: Futa's First Harem Treat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So meeting with King Njam bin Mohammad ibn Saud was not what I expected,” I said to Adelia, the cameras rolling. My interview was almost over. We were in the final stretch. It was wonderful to tell, but I was feeling the mental strain now. Still, it was a wonderful way to spend my forty-eight birthday by looking back on my life. We were talking about my first year in office as president. “In what...

4 years ago
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My Daughter Alison and her best friend Sarahs Treat

I walked past the room and had to do a double take. The door was slightly ajar and as the bed was opposite the door I noticed the duvet had been kicked off and Sarah was lying on her stomach with her legs spread. Her red nightdress had risen above her waist and her bare pussy was on clear show. I know I should have closed the door quietly and gone downstairs, but I stood mesmerised by the beautiful sight before me. Sarah was one of my daughter’s best friends and had been coming over to our...

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Alumni Summer Scenes Winter Treat

A week or so after Dee’s second visit, she came to his house late one night after he’d already retired and had fallen asleep. She’d been over at a friend’s party, and it was well past midnight when she decided she wanted to pay him a visit. Knowing that he kept a side door to his house open she managed to sneak in quietly, removing her clothes in the living room, before heading down the hall to his bedroom. He was a fairly sound sleeper, so she easily made it all the way to his bed before...

2 years ago
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Hotel Room Treat

Helen and James had decided to go away to Bath for Valentines day and stop in a hotel for a few nights, while James had got his wife some sexy lingerie to celebrate the special day, Helen was unsure what to get for her husband. Helen enjoyed dressing up for James and he certainly liked to see his wife showing off her sexy body in a number of different outfits and costumes, with this in mind Helen plotted a surprise that would be perfect for their valentines holiday. The lovers awoke on...

3 years ago
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my gyno treat

i had been awaiting my visit to the gyno’s for a while – eversince i got the new 20-something hot doctor. when i had gone in to schedule the appointment i could hardly contain myself as he indroduced himself as Dr Warren Jackson. finally my day had come. yay! i got dressed in my shortest skirt (for ‘comfort’ more like quick access), my sexiest baby blue thong, my (extremely) see through blouse and my mathching baby blue bra. when i arrived i was ten minutes early and the minutes felt like hours...

3 years ago
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An early Christmas treat

Jenny kicked off her shoes as she walked through the door. She glanced at the clock. She was running late, she would have to hurry up if she was going to get ready for her date with Tom.She flew up the stairs and into the bedroom throwing her shopping bag onto the bed. She stripped off hurriedly and headed for the shower. The hot waters felt so good, but she didn't have the time to languish in the steaming stream as she normally would, and a little play was out of the question. Her hair washed...

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A Trick to Get a Treat

My life began to change for the better in July, 2013. At that time, I had a boyfriend named Tom. Now Tom was a nice enough guy, and he let me play with his 6-inch cock any time I wanted to, so that was nice. Very nice. But he didn’t know how to use his tongue or his cock to bring me pleasure, and worse, he didn’t care. As long as my sucking and my riding got him to orgasm, he was happy, and he didn’t particularly care if I was. So I walked into a local lingerie shop, looking for what I could...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Trick or Treat

 Good! thought Peter, as the clock in the hall struck ten and he filled his glass with one last dram of whiskey. He would retire to bed soon. Peter never had been a fan of Halloween, but since Tina had left the house he had become somewhat reclusive, and the threat of teenagers or kids banging on the door calling trick or treat filled him with dread. He had a bowl of sweets ready, and would quickly send them on their way. In the event it had been very quiet. It was a sleepy village, and...

3 years ago
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Moms birthday treat

It all started when I was 16, i was home alone all day and decided to venture around moms bedroom, it was then I found her sexy outfits and dildo under the bed, this was the stuff if hope to find, I've always thought mom was a very attractive lady being blonde , a size 8/10 and natural FF boobs, after I found this I couldn't helpBut fantasise about fucking my mom.Years went by and I got into watching mom and son porn, it was then I realised I needed to try and set up a plan, so I read through...

2 years ago
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Tricked with a Treat

Lily pulled another costume off of the rack and held it up to herself. "What do you think about this one?""Geezus!" exclaimed Veronica, her best friend. "I thought you were going for sexy, not out and out skank!"Looking over the frilly french maid outfit that was more white lace than black silk and wouldn't cover more than the bare necessities (if that) Lily shrugged. "At this point I'm looking for whatever will get me noticed by Paul. This would be perfect for being Yvette from the movie...

4 years ago
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Trick or Treat

It was Halloween, our school was sponsoring a trick or treat event. Some of the teachers would be in class rooms and as you entered and answered the quiz they would reward you with candy for the right answers. If you answered wrong you would be asked to pick an envelop and inside would be a treat or trick. I was doing pretty good when I heard that there were better prizes on an upper floor. I darted up the stairs and started for the very first class room, as I knocked at the covered door it...

2 years ago
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Neighbors Treat

(Female exhibitionist is spied on by neighbors)It was mid morning when I heard the sound of the letter box clatter.On the door mat I found a manila envelope addressed to the lady of the house.There was no stamp so it had obviously been hand delivered, curiousI opened it and reached inside pulling out a single plain sheet of artist paper.Turning it over I was shocked to see a pencil sketch of myself relaxing in the lounge and nude the waist up.It was signed, for the lady exhibitionist.There was...

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