Fall Into Club Trance free porn video

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If you want it take it. If someone else wants it give it to them. It took me forever to write this its a shame I will have to delete it just in case somebody would find it accidentely. I hope someone out there will enjoy it! Fall into Club TRANCE by Danielle [email protected] It was the worst day of my life. My girlfriend Allie and I had fought all day. This fighting has been going on for weeks. Non stop arguments and disagreement's, all I wanted was to make her happy. My soul purpose in life was to please her. I was the definition of a "nice guy". After today it looked as though I would never get the chance to make her smile again. We broke up. She told me that things had changed between us, she just didn't feel the same way about me. She didn't love me anymore. I didn't understand. For five years I worshipped this girl, we had been together since I was 18. Our relationship was perfect. She was the first girl I ever fell in love with. I lost my virginity to Allie, and I wanted nothing more than for our relationship to last forever. I was just given my first dose of a crucial life lesson, Nothing lasts forever. I was down, I was depressed. I never thought this would happen to me. I was a good-looking guy. I was 5'9, 155lbs short light brown hair, and hazel eyes. I was French Canadian, pale white skin. I might have been really thin, but I was a vegetarian, it's not like I was sickly looking. Working out and making my body all super muscular and defined was something that just didn't interest me. It's not that I was weak. I had muscles they just weren't that big, my body was just kind of soft. I was never much of drinker either, I never drank to get drunk. I just drank beer or wine once in a while, socially. Tonight however, was an exception. I wanted to get as far away from reality as humanly possible. My best friend Steve knew about the situation with Allie, and when he called me and asked if I wanted to go to the bar, I jumped at the opportunity. He picked me up around 10:30. I've never had a favorite bar or anything like that so I told Steve to just go to the first bar he saw downtown. Once off the highway we started roaming through streets, driving up and down the unfamiliar territory. It was like a maze. "Five minutes downtown and your already fuckin lost." I said to Steve. "Don't worry about it he said with a smile, I must have got off at the wrong exit. It doesn't really matter anyway, well just go to any bar." I couldn't believe it. The first time ever, I want to go out and get sloshed and we can't even find a bar. "There's one." Steve said. He pointed at this place called TRANCE and looked at me waiting for a reaction. It was more of like a dance club. "I don't know" I said. "Dance clubs have bars too. What the hell's the difference? Ya wanna get drunk dontcha? Besides, it's Thursday night. The place is probably filled with horny college girls. Maybe we can get a couple of them real drunk and bring them home. There are probably a lot of hot girls in there we could hook up with." The thought of that reminded me of Allie. My heart sank remembering that my relationship with her was now destroyed. After a few drinks, who knows I thought. It wouldn't be so bad to fuck some college chick. It would be revenge on Allie after all she's put me through. We parked the car on a side street, got out and started walking toward Club TRANCE. You could feel the vibration from blocks away. The fast techno beats had a way of making you walk to a certain rhythm. The bass shooting through you're body making your heart race. I opened the door to the club and walked in, Steve following close behind. Wow, what a crazy place it was. People in motion fueled by a beat, lights dancing, heart racing. There sure were a lot of women at this club. There were a lot of single women too. You could tell because they were just dancing with other girls instead of the guys. "To the bar!" I said to Steve as I put my arm around him in a best friend type of way. Time to forget about life for a while, and that bitch Allie." He reciprocated with a slap on the back then a quick slap on my ass. A little out of the ordinary, but clearly just a joke. The place was pretty packed but we managed to find two seats at the bar that were right next to eachother. "Wow, we lucked out. I said as we sat down. I thought we might be stuck standing all night." "Look at all the gorgeous woman here. Good thing your single again, were definitely not going home alone tonight." I immediately began to think about Allie and how beautiful she was. She always wore the sexiest clothes and lingerie whenever we were going to make love. Well on those nights it seemed more like animal sex or voluntary rape. Thigh high stockings and garter belts, short mini skirts and high heels. She knew how much they turned me on. If I wasn't in the mood for sex all she had to do was slip into a pair of thigh highs or nylons and a short skirt and I was her sex slave. Steve nudged me out of my daydream. I looked at Steve and then at the bar tender. "What's it gonna be honey?" Said the bartender. She was such a gorgeous woman, statuesque with the greenest of eyes that seemed to pierce right through you. She was so tall, she looked like she was well over six feet tall and she was wearing a very sexy one piece miniskirt. The material of the skirt was dark black and shiny. It looked sort of like leather, but almost like a plastic too. I figured her height was just because of her stiletto heels. "I don't know, give me the strongest thing you've got I said and make it a double. Same for my friend here too". "Oh honey I know exactly what you want. Your just gonna love it. It's my own special recipe." She fixed us up these strange looking drinks, they looked almost like tropical drinks. They were a light red color almost pink. "What the hell are these?" Steve said. "Who gives a fuck, lets just get wasted man." With that we both guzzled down the elixir. It sort of burned at first then it got very sweet and you could feel it go down your throat all the way into your stomach. "What a drink!" I said, suddenly my head felt very heavy. It was like a warm blanket or a mist had enveloped me, everything was blurry. I rubbed my eyes to try and gain some clarity. It was a wonderful feeling. I looked over at Steve. He had the biggest smile on his face, his eyes looked super glossy too. "I think I found a new favorite drink" He said. "I think you must be right" I said. Wondering if I looked as lost as him. We turned our heads toward the bartender. She looked very pleased. "So you like my drink don't you?" She said. We both nodded our heads in unison. "Then you wouldn't mind haveing another one, would you?" "No we wouldn't" We said. "Right about now you boys look like you would do just about anything I wanted you to do." With that she put the two new drinks in front of us. She had already made them up, it was almost as if she new we were going to want more. Once we finished our drinks the bartender asked us to follow her. As we got off the barstools, we looked at each other and smiled. Knowing that we had just become the two luckiest guys on earth. We knew we were gonna get some. Of exactly what we weren't sure. The erratic beats of the music were making my head spin as we followed the bartender into the back room of the club. It was more than just a room though. It was room with couches and mirrors like a lounge and then there was a hallway leading to more rooms. There was another woman in the lounge when we got there. The bartender greeted her with a hug and a kiss and then whispered something in her ear. She then introduced the woman to my friend. She took an immediate liking to Steve. Before you knew they were walking down the hallway together into one of the rooms. Everything seemed to be moving so quickly. I felt captivated by the bartender's presence. "Let's go somewhere a little more quiet so we can talk." She said as she winked at me playfully and grabbed my hand. I hadn't noticed it before but she was right, the music was very loud and the beats and bass, I felt as though they were part of me. I caught myself swaying back and forth to the music with a large smile on my face. What was happening to me? I was feeling really out side of myself as I followed the beautiful bartender down the hallway and into a room. She was so much taller than I was, I couldn't believe it. My eyes were wide open but they felt very heavy, I didn't want to blink. I wanted to see as much of this woman as I could. "You're a Goddess" I said as I admired her. She smiled and said, "Yes I am, and you belong to me." She kissed me on the cheek, I went to kiss her sweet lips but she had turned away. She told me to wait here while she went to put some music on. She opened the door and left the room, as it closed I heard a curious click, it almost sounded as if she had locked the door. I didn't think anything of it. The room was sort of plain. It had bare white walls and a purple rug on the ground. There was a bed, nothing fancy it had a comforter on it. It also had some clothes on it. There was also a simple wooden chair in the middle of the room. On the ceiling in each of the four corners was a speaker. I thought to myself, first night of freedom and I'm all ready gonna getting laid. I am the man! I wanted to get a little more comfortable so I took my shirt off, I figured I would let the bartender take care of the rest. It had just occurred to me that I didn't even know her name. How could I have forgotten to ask a thing like that. I guess it won't make much of difference what her name is when I'm fucking her brains out, I thought. I was beginning to feel very empty and uncomfortable, I started to rub at my face. Just then, the music came on. It started out soft and then grew and grew. The beat was different than the others, this beat didn't change up at all. It was constant. The music contained a lot of keyboards it sounded almost angelic. Immediately I felt washes of comfort come over me and I took a deep breath. There was something strange about this music. It had such a strong hold on me, it really affected me. There was a strange whispering sound underneath everything. It sounded like the bartender's voice, but you couldn't make out what was being said. It was just whispers whispers I was very confused but I was swaying back and forth again with a smile. I found myself dancing to the music. My thoughts that were once racing were now completely focused on the music and the whisper. I unbuckled my belt and tore it off my pants. I threw the belt recklessly on the ground, it was as if I were putting on a show for someone. I slowly pulled down my jeans shaking my ass back and forth with the beats. I threw the pants. I dropped my boxers to the ground and stepped out of them one leg at a time. I was now completely naked. Thoughts that I have never had before starting flowing through my mind. I looked at the bed. I hadn't thought much of it before but lying on the bed were a whole set of girls clothes. "Who is the most beautiful girl in the world?" The whisper was speaking to me. "Allie is." I said in a monotone voice. "You are Allie now." "I am Allie." "Your naked Allie where are your clothes?" It no longer felt like a voice speaking to me. It was me the voice became an extension of myself. I was asking myself these questions. The music was part of me. "My clothes are on the bed." I blushed I grabbed the black satin panties with the lace trim off the bed. I stepped into them and pulled them up. The feeling of satin on my penis was intense. Next I grabbed at the garter belt and put it on. The straps tickled my thighs as I moved. It was time for the thigh highs. I sat on the edge of the bed and took one into my hand. It was opaque black, the material was a lycra nylon. The tops were black lace. I gathered the nylon up in my hands until I reached where the toes would go. My true self was fighting the music and the whispers inside my head. I put the thigh high by my toes. I paused. I was struggling to be free. I was losing control over my body but I could still speak. I screamed at myself in desperation. Anything to save my masculinity. No don't put the thigh highs on! You're a man not a girl! Don't do it! The volume of the music increased and grew louder. Only girls and sissy's where nylons and thigh highs! The whispers increased, the nylon touched my toes. "I'm a man." The nylon covered my foot and ankle. "I'm a Maaa I'm a boy." The nylon moved toward the middle of my calf. "I'm a boyyyy" The whispers, the nylon enveloped my calf, my penis began to harden. My eyes begin to fill with tears as the man in me drowns, "I'm a sissyyyygirllllyyyy" I pulled the nylon further up my leg, my heart is fluttering the nylon tightening around my leg, the nylon passed over my knee, my penis fully erect, "I'm a girrlllyyy", I pulled the nylon to my thigh, tears running down my cheeks, "I'm Allie." "You like feminine things don't you Allie?" "I like feminine things." I said. "You no longer like mens clothes. What do you think of mens clothes Allie?" "I hate boys clothes, I want to wear to wear only girls clothes." "You are such a pretty girl." Said the voice. I found myself smiling as I fastened the straps to the tops of the thigh high. I was aware of what I was doing but I couldn't stop myself. She must have put something in my drink. The real me had just been silenced. I was now the whisper. The real me could no longer express itself verbally it was only in my mind now. I quickly put the other thigh high on and breathed a sigh of relief when it reached the middle of my thigh. I fastened it to the garter belt. Next I put on the matching black satin bra with lace trim. It was padded and gave me feminine form. "I want to be a pretty girl for my Goddess" I said as I picked up the one piece black crush velvet miniskirt. I place the miniskirt on the ground and held it by the straps. I stepped in through the top. I'll never forget the feeling of my first skirt as I pulled it up my femenised body. The material forming to my body as I pulled it up and up. I put my arms through the straps. I was in a miniskirt. I remembered how I used to treasure watching Allie getting dressed in the morning after a night of lovemaking. I looked down and noticed a large lump between my legs. This made me very sad and upset. I can't have that there. I pulled up my skirt and went into my panties. I pushed my sissy cock in between my legs out of sight where it belongs I thought. Did I actually think that? I pulled the skirt back down, My God it was sooo short, it barely covered the tops of my thigh highs. The feeling of a skirt was like nothing I ever felt before, I felt free. Next I looked under the bed, there was a box. I opened it and found a wig, lubricant, blush, eye shadow, and a small mirror. I started with the eye shadow. I wasn't sure what I was doing but the music instructed me as I knelt by the side of the bed in front of the box I began shaking my sissy ass back and forth along with the music. I looked into the small mirror. I'm sure I put too much eye shadow on but it didn't really matter. Next was the blush. I sucked in my cheeks and applied the blush along line of my cheek bone. I took the lipstick and applied it thickly, it was a bright whorish red. I had no idea what the lube was for. I took the wig out of the box. It was a black page boy style. I put it on like a hat and straightened it in the mirror. "I must obey my Goddess" I sat in the chair in the middle of the room. The voice instructed me to cross my legs. I didn't want to. My true self cried out in my brain. Don't cross your legs like that! Don't do it, only girls do that! "I'm a girl, I'm Allie." I spoke in response to myself as I crossed my legs. The whisper agreed with me and that made everything ok. Right over left, Ioved the way the nylon felt as my legs rubbed against eachother. I was sitting on my hard cock, it hurt a little but I liked it. "Why are you so thirsty?" the voice asked. "I don't know, but I am" I began to lick my lips my mouth was so dry. Suddenly the music stopped! The door opened and a woman was pushed in. The door was quickly shut and locked. She was dressed like an innocent school girl. She had short blonde hair, her hair looked just like mine except hers was blonde. She was wearing a tight white top, you could see the outline of her bra through the shirt. Her short plaid mini looked so pretty with her white thigh highs. She was frantic! "I need a drink! I'm so thirsty! Help me find a drink!" Tears were rolling down her cheeks. My thirst was also growing. To comfort her I gave her a hug, we held eachother tightly. With the music gone my thoughts were clear, or so I thought. I knew that I needed to find water to drink but this distressed girl really needed my help and she was so pretty. I took her face in my hands and asked her what her name was. She said her name was Steve. STEVE! "WHAT?! I said as I threw her away from me. "Steve what the hell are you doing dressed like that?! What the fuck is going on here? Who the hell are you, she said? I don't know you. What do you mean you don't know me? You're the person who brought me here." "Wait a minute if you're the person you say you are why the hell are you dressed like a fucking SISSY WHORE!? I looked down at my nyloned legs. As I looked at my nylon encased legs the music returned. When I looked up I saw the girl crying again. What the matter I said? Don't cry. Whats your name? I asked. "I'm Sasha. The girl replied. I'm so thirsty Can you help me? I huged her and said "I'm thirsty too, my names Allie." We began swaying to the music. Our hands wandered up eachothers skirts. I was rubbing her ass cheeks covered in satin panties, I was so dizzy the world was spinning, we kissed. I kissed her sweet lips, our toungues probed eachothers mouths. I sucked on her tounge, at that moment it was made clear to me what I had to do to rid myself of this thirst. At the same time Sasha and I fell to our knees. I fell to my right side she fell to my left. My face was in her thighs. I rubbed my face up and down her nyloned thighs. My hands pulled her skirt up and revealed her white satin panties and a large bulge. I grabbed at her panties crotch and freed her penis. The music was pounding my thirst was overwhelming. I felt Shashas lips on the tip of my cock. I kissed the tip. I tasted the precum on my lips it was so satisfying I needed more. I guided her cock into my mouth with my tounge, it tasted wonderful. Sasha was giving me a full on blow job. I began bobbing my head back and forth I moaned. Back and forth deeper and deeper into my throat, "I love sucking cock" I thought. I stroked her cock with my mouth to the rhythm of the music. A spurt of cum flung down my throat, I loved it. I came too, I felt Shasha licking all around my cock trying to swallow as much cum as possible, just like I was. We had been transformed. Abrubtly, the music stopped! The door opened and Sasha was pulled away from me and taken outside. In walked my Goddess, the bartender. She slammed the door behind her. "It's not locked! If you want to leave, leave." I couldn't leave. "I want to please you my Goddess" I was at her feet, I began crying I was hysterical. I hugged her calfs. I was at her mercy. She pushed me away and slapped my face. WHAP! You little fag you. You want to act like a girl, you'll get treated like one. She picked me up by the arm pits and threw onto the bed face first. She grabbed my legs and positoned them on the floor. My ass was high in the air. She pushed my skirt up and grabbed my panites, "You wanna suck cock well now your gonna get fucked." She tore my panties off and slapped my ass WHAP! "Yes, fuck me My Goddess." The bartender hitched up her shiny leather skirt, there was a humongous bulge showing underneath her panties. She released the bulge. It was the biggest cock I had ever seen. I had no idea My Goddess was actually a man! It looked like it was 9 inches long and almost 3 inches thick. My mind no longer resisted my feminine urges. I wanted that cock up my ass and I begged for it. "Please Please let me have you in me, I need you in me, Please My Goddess please!!!!" She grabbed for the lube in the box where the wig and make up had been. She spread the lubricant all over her lucious cock. I felt the tip of it touch my ass cheek. I breathed in quickly. "Before I fuck you slave, I want you to know something. The effect of the drugs that were in your drink wore off a long time ago. You have been acting in your own free will since you were introduced to Sasha. The same goes for Sasha. You both wanted each other that's why you DID THE THINGS YOU DID! AHHHH! I screamed in pain. She was inside of me. My mind was racing I didn't know what to believe, and I didn't care. She pushed in another inch. It was so painfull, my eyes filled with tears. My hole wasn't big enough to handle her huge cock. The tears rolled down my cheeks and I whimpered and whined like a spoiled little girl. EEEeeOooo! She penetrated me more. The pain began to subside. Another inch deep into my virgin ass, for a second it sort of felt like I was taking a shit, it felt good like a release of pressure. Then it moved back in this time further, back and forth back and forth in and out and in. Driving me wild, I licked my bright red lipstick covered lips and smiled as I looked back. My Goddess was humping me. I thought to myself this must be what Allie felt like when I fucked her. "I AM ALLIE!" I yelled. The bartender just smiled as she rammed me. The look on my face must have been priceless. I was breathing very heavily now, I wanted this moment to last forever. My Goddess convulsed with a spasm, I felt all warm inside, soon cum was running down my leg onto the lace tops of my jet black thigh highs. I felt a pinch in my butt, like I had been pierced by a needle. "I love you my Godess.' I whispered, I then was overcome by a deep sleep. When I woke up. It was morning and it was very bright. I was leaning against Steve and the wall of club TRANCE. We were wearing the clothes that we had on before we even got into the club. I woke up Steve and we started walking back to the car. We got in the car and shut the doors. We looked into each others eyes. "Steve we don't have to tell anybody about what happened last night. Maybe we should just keep it to ourselves." He looked me straight in the eye and said, Who's Steve? Our lives were never the same. (the end)

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 74 Family Planning Opening Night at Club Infinity

Mark Yes, I went to India, but only for three days not four. I got back a half-day before I appeared at the condo. I spent that time at The Meadows and Club. Everyone else was in the city, except I did see Elsa and Stacy at the soon-to-be-open Club. The reason why was that I wanted to attend to the last details on the Grand Opening of the Club Infinity. With the time difference, and my weird sleeping habits, I was in almost constant communication with Elsa and Stacy about the place. I...

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Club 17 Sams version

Have you ever heard of those common rumors about secret places where the megarich have their super secluded sex parties? Where the people running the nations would whatever they desire? The backroom within backrooms? What kind of things go on in such places? Marian Dureo knew quite a bit about such things. In fact, she had even laid eyes on it. Officially, she worked in the kitchen of Gran Morte's, a high-end restaurant in the Eastern District. Unofficially she was also in charge of...

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The Girls of Club Cache Lena for Hire

The Girls of Club Cache: Lena for Hire By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1: Lena The music filtered through the brick walls of the club and pulsed nondescript and muffled in the back alley way. It burst forth with sudden clarity and volume as a cook swung open the back door of the kitchen, slinging a bag of garbage into the adjacent dumpster. Nervous, I was hyper aware of every sound around me and would stiffen momentarily every time this happened. "Shake it off Lena" I told myself....

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Club 17 Lheriss version

Have you ever heard of those common rumors about secret places where the megarich have their super secluded sex parties? Where the people running the nations would whatever they desire? The backroom within backrooms? What kind of things go on in such places? Marian Dureo knew quite a bit about such things. In fact, she had even laid eyes on it. Officially, she worked in the kitchen of Gran Morte's, a high-end restaurant in the Eastern District. Unofficially she was also in charge of...

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Allys Club

Oh a missed call from my Doc's office. I wonder what that is about, my next appointment is not for 3 months. So I called them back."Yes Sir, we would like you to come in and get a lab sheet, then we will arrange an appointment to discuss the results.""Is this a follow up to my physical?""Yes you could say that.""OK I will pick up the sheet today. Is tomorrow earlier enough for the lab test?""Yes that would be good. Can we make the consult on the results for 4 pm next Thursday?""Yes that will...

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Axis of Evil 4 The Pink Pussycat Club

The Pink Pussycat Club Adam Keynes had been in his gilded prison for some three weeks now with his two fellow inmates. He had been given a choice of prison or working for the Government. It had not been a difficult decision to choose the latter option, but now that he was here he was expected to work as part of a team and to achieve results. The problem was that he really did not get on with the other members of his team. The nerd Liam Quayles spent most of his time on the computer...

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The 14 Boys Club Lake Como Boys

The night was so dark that I didn’t see the launch until it reached the dock. I had heard it, though, and as I climbed on board, the boat all in black and the men sailing it all in black and masked as well—and totally silent—and it moved back onto Lake Como, I realized that it was the boat I heard starting up when I’d come down to the dock. The imposing lakeside mansion it had come from, lit up and with music on that I could hear from this side of the lake, wasn’t far off at all. But it was on...

2 years ago
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The Kitten Club Part One

It was my girlfriend's birthday and she wanted to go to this place called the "Kitten Club". My name is Frank and my girlfriend is Joanne. I'd never even heard of the place, but it was her birthday, so her choice. When I found out what went on there, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near it for a very good reason I'll tell you about in a minute. You wouldn't have even known the club was there. It was down this dark alley, lit by a weak streetlight, and just a green door with...

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The club first visit with my girlfriend

Sophie is, let's say, someone to handle with care, she is definitely the dominant one in our relationship. I have to say that when having sex, that's great, as you can imagine, no complaining there. But outside of the bedroom, I sometimes have trouble to prevent her from walking straight over me, if you know what I mean. She knows and admits she is this way, but just tells me I have to become more manly. And I guess she is right, I am to sensitive at times, but you can't change that...

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Tonya Starts Work At The Club

Desperate timesTonya was a junior in college when she lost her scholarship foolishly. They didn’t kick her out altogether, but the steps they did take took away her ability to pay for school. The student disciplinary committee pulled her scholarships, withdrew all grant money, made getting a student loan impossible and to finish the final hit on her financially, made it impossible to be employed by any business associated with the school. She walked from the administration building in tears....

Oral Sex
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The Club Pt2

## Foreword The reviews online were clear enough. Chez Catherine was a five star, white tablecloth restaurant. The black-tied waiter had sat her down at a small, candlelit table in the corner. A moment later, he brought her a bottle of sauvingnon blanc. "A bottle from Loire Valley, France. Compliments of Ms. Jillian, madam. She wishes me to inform you that she will arrive shortly." With a courteous nod of the head, the waiter turned and left. Kristen stared blankly into the...

1 year ago
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Young Athletes Club of Northern Florida

I just love the way the girls play. We’d been in the sports club for about a year and I could hardly wait for each Saturday to roll around. It was hard to remember a time before I began coaching my granddaughter in softball and then basketball. I’ve been an athlete my entire adolescent and then adult life and knew just how to get the most out of someone’s abilities. Looking back now I’m astounded by how the club began and how it had taken a hold in our community. Bible belters would never have...

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Futanari ClubChapter 4

Maria had not yet moved in with Lisa and Jenn. Lisa had not fully moved in either but she had been sleeping in bed with Jenn every night since the first one they spent together. Maria had started to talk to her husband about things. He had known about her keenness for women - especially the kind that had a cock and pussy. Maybe that is why they had never had any children as they both knew their relationship would end eventually. Still it was a transition to end their life together. Maria had...

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Kitten Club

My name is Frank and my girlfriend is Joanne. I'd never even heard ofthe place, but it was her birthday, so her choice. When I found outwhat went on there, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near it for a verygood reason I'll tell you about in a minute.You wouldn't have even known the club was there. It was down this darkalley, lit by a weak streetlight, and just a green door with "TheKitten Club" above in a faulty old neon light. A couple of bouncerslooked twice at us but let us in.Once we were...

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The Kitten Club Part Three

Note from Karen: Thanks again for the kind comments. New readers probably need to start with Part One but here's a brief recap of the story so far: Frank visited the Kitten Club, where all the waitresses started off as boys. He was both appalled and intrigued, but he went back again and again. He was eventually offered a job behind the bar. Strange and unwanted feelings started to surge inside him. At the end of Part Two, Rod, the club's resident stud, made Frank an offer he...

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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 33

Now that Amelia and Kristi had their altered states and were performing well for W&DS Club members, it was time to bring Kristi’s younger sister into the club. Kaylee, at fifteen, was cute as hell. She had long straight blonde hair that hung down to the middle of her back, parted on the side and brushed over, sweeping past her right eye. Kaylee had a cute little smile, and pretty blue eyes. Her 5’4” and 112lb 32-24-33 body with barely B-cup breasts was still growing. She however, had an...

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Club Seventeen

ClubSeventeen has a long and fascinating history. In fact, it is one of the oldest institutions of the adult entertainment world that still exists. ClubSeventeen.com has been up and running for 40 years now actually. Having found its start as a magazine in 1975, this European porn studio has gone through many changes to keep up with the times (as well as the law). But they have done so, they have survived, and they are still flourishing as a porn site today (bordering on an online porn...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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The Black Cock Club

The Black Cock ClubbyTomWard©Chapter One: The Grand TourLucy assured me she'd look after me as we headed down the long driveway of the country house that now served as the black cock club resort. She had started coming here once a week the previous month but this was to be my first visit. As we parked the car and headed up the steps towards the front door there was nothing about the building to give away its unusual purpose. There was, however a completely naked brunette waiting by the...

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A Night at the Club

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

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A Night At The Club

When six college girls room together, certain personality types become apparent. There is always the alpha female– or at least one girl who thinks she needs to be in charge of the rest. Dianne is the one whose name is primary on the lease. Everyone else is a flatmate. In addition, she has everyone’s classes and activities on her calendar. And she keeps adding group activities for all six of us... or at least for the five of them.She is assisted in planning everyone’s life by Shelly, the...

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STARS The Ultimate Strip Club

NOTE TO ALL! This is a re-submission of an older story. The original story CANNOT be edited, therefore, I ask 2 things. READERS AND WRITERS: Please IGNORE the original story and add any new threads to this version. CHYOO ADMINISTRATORS: Please DELETE the original story of the same title! THANK YOU... Retroguy You're an up and coming executive. Under 30 and already being considered for a partnership in a major financial firm. You're already making a 7 figure salary and have everything going for...

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Chameleon private Club 2 The Naughty Weekend

Another memory from The same Swingers club, Located in Midlands Uk.We decided we was going to plan another Naughty weekend. at the same Private Club. first we checked into our Luxury Hotel, around 4:00pm. Once we was checked in to our Room, we wanted to relax, both of us went down to use Spa. we booked a table for Dinner, later that evening, before we made our way to the Club. Nasima wanted to wear the sexy Lace Lingerie set, with Black sheer stockings. Nasima was going to dress in Erotic...

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Club Rules

When my Troy asked me if I wanted to go to the Christian Youth Club on Saturday night, I wasn't exactly enthusiastic. "Trust me, it's not what you think, " he assured me. The house was old, large, and it looked like something from a picture postcard. We found street parking nearby. Whoever owned the house, they had a lot of money for landscaping. Even this late at night, the flowers on the creeping vines which covered the face of the house seemed to find light to reflect. A wooden sign...

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Black Cock Club

Lucy assured me she'd look after me as we headed down the long driveway of the country house that now served as the black cock club resort. She had started coming here once a week the previous month but this was to be my first visit. As we parked the car and headed up the steps towards the front door there was nothing about the building to give away its unusual purpose. There was, however a completely naked brunette waiting by the door!Lucy had briefed me about the many strict rules of the...

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Black Cock Club

Lucy assured me she'd look after me as we headed down the long driveway of the country house that now served as the black cock club resort. She had started coming here once a week the previous month but this was to be my first visit. As we parked the car and headed up the steps towards the front door there was nothing about the building to give away its unusual purpose. There was, however a completely naked brunette waiting by the door!Lucy had briefed me about the many strict rules of the...

4 years ago
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Neighborhood Sex and Torture Club 2

CHAPTER 1 It was Friday evening. Bill and Connie sat at their kitchen tablediscussing the final preparations for the party. Their son Jimmy, and Kim, his girlfriendwho lived next door, had just left to pick up Angela. She was one of Kim's friendsand was due to be initiated into the club tonight. It really hadn't been necessary to pick her up since she only lived onthe next block, but it made it easier to tell Angela's parents a convincing story ifthey thought a group of the k**s were...

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Club Mana

Club Mana Her mother had always told her about the school she had attended when she was in high school. While there were many things that Kate hadn't learned from her mother, like who her father was, she had given tons of detail about the school itself. The variety of different creatures that inhabited the grounds, to the buildings themselves. There were a variety of different things that she remembered her mother mentioning. Though to be honest she wasn't sure whether it had been...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 68 Stacy and the Club Infinity

Mark I sat in the conference room at Darwin Architectural Group with Greg, Sean, and Elsa. They were all grinning. Sean explained, “You’re the first client to see this new system. It’s like the fly-through we showed you several times of the house on the large laptop, but this is like a hundred times more realistic. For one, it’s big screen TV, and then we added music given the kind of venue, and some of the avatars actually move around the screen giving the feel of a movie. We can create...

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Breas First Time At The Club

BreaBrea was roaming around the house by herself. Her husband was gone on a business trip or, if truth be known, he was probably out screwing some young thing somewhere exotic around the globe. Brea had only been married to him for a few years before she found out he wasn’t interested in being faithful. She was fifty-eight-years-old, but you would never know it. She worked out regularly to maintain a shapely figure. Most men assumed she was in her thirties.Her skin was a that of a soft tanned...

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The Devils Pact SideStory The Naked Jogging Club

Introduction: Mark founds the Naked Jogging Club to make jogging fun. And he has a lot of fun. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devils Pact Side Story: Jogging Club Day One, Monday, June 10, 2013: Anastasia Notes: Takes place during Chapter 10. It was six AM when I slipped out of the house for my morning jog, alone. My husband was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack sawing wood. I wish Stan would join me, I would bug him to go jogging, to stay in shape, and he would,...

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Apartment Complex Video Club

Mike and Cindy had been living in the Broadway Apartments for about a year. In the 1940's the buildings in the complex had been a hotel. With three buildings, each with three floors, and a beautiful courtyard in the middle of the U-shaped layout of the buildings, the complex was unique when compared to the cookie-cutter complexes of today. Mike and Cindy are an attractive couple in their early thirties, both with light brown hair. Cindy had a tight little body that accentuated her 34C breasts....

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The Club

------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feedback, critiques and comments are always welcome! Just drop me an email at [email protected]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I had finally found one I liked. After six stores and countless hours, I had finally found one I liked. It was snug and gave me just the right amount of support. The color was amazing too. A bright orangish yellow that really popped. I...

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The Devils Pact SideStory The Naked Jogging Club

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact Side Story: Jogging Club Day One, Monday, June 10, 2013: Anastasia Notes: Takes place during Chapter 10. It was six AM when I slipped out of the house for my morning jog, alone. My husband was still asleep, snoring like a lumberjack sawing wood. I wish Stan would join me, I would bug him to go jogging, to stay in shape, and he would, for a few days. And then his excuse would crop up. “I didn't get a good night sleep,” Stan would...

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The Crossdressers Club

The Crossdresser's Club By Tammy Richards CHAPTER 1: THE DISCOVERY It was the Saturday before Christmas. Natalie was in the attic looking for boxes to wrap the last few presents, while John was running last-minute errands. As she dug through a pile of boxes in the corner, she happened to open a large box that had been pushed behind the rest. Imagine her surprise when she discovered that the box was full of women's clothes. There were dresses, lingerie, high heels, even a...

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Shanika at the Plantation Club

Shanika at the Plantation Club by NealChapter 1 - The InterviewShanika was puzzled as she got off the bus.  She knew that her interview at the Plantation Club wouldn't actually be on the premises, but she wasn't expecting it to take place in a second floor office over a row of shops in a suburban commercial district.  She also felt out of place here, only a few miles from the city where she lived, she saw no black faces other than her own.She was self conscious as she scanned the addresses,...

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The Social Club

I walked over to my friend Bob’s house on Sunday evening, then knocked on the door.  Bob opened it and invited me in.“Hey, Gary, how’s it going?  Did you find a job yet?” Bob said.“No, not yet.  There’s not much around here,” I said.Bob and I had graduated from high school about a month ago.  It was July and hot as hell outside.  Since we turned eighteen, we’d been looking for work.  I don’t know why we were unable to find anything steady.  Bob and I worked at a carwash for a week but quit....

Gay Male
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 13 The Pajama Club

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Allison asked Greg as they sat in their hotel room on Saturday morning. Despite easily being able to afford it, Greg had never been to Las Vegas before, but Allison had come up with the idea of spending a weekend there. So far he had blown a couple of grand at the casinoes, just pocket change to a wealthy man like him. But that wasn't the real reason they were here. Tonight, Allison had something planned for him, something she had kept secret except for...

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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 31

“Well, what grade would you give her?” Tim asked, while looking over Amelia’s incredible nude body as she stood in front of the men without a sign of modesty. Something that the beautiful wife would been horrified and totally humiliated to do in her normal state. “An A++. Now that Amelia understands that she is the property of the W&DS Club, she is a tremendously willing and slutty wife that will perform any sex act required of her. I am glad Bob decided to give her up for us to use. She...

2 years ago
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Bride to Be Married LifeChapter 2 The Club

We live in a larger city so it didn’t take long to find a spanking club. In fact, we found several, all having slightly different guidelines as to what was or not allowed. We made a choice to apply to two different clubs and wait to see if we were accepted. We sent pictures of me being spanked, although our faces were masked so the pics could never be used for wrong purposes. Art was identified as dominant, meaning that one would spank her. I was a submissive, with the condition of men only...

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Club Exstasis

I must tell you about a very exciting sexual experience that my wife, Susie, and I enjoyed last week. I get hard just thinking about it now but at the time it was just about the most amazing and naughty thing we had ever done.We had been wanting to expand our sexual horizons for some time but were not interested in the swinging scene since we were quite content with each other as sexual partners as well as life time companions. Quite by chance we discovered a mutual interest in...

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