This is a transgender story. It's also part mult-part (But loaded as one file
and not finished). Maybe it will go to a conclusion if there is any interest.
You should be at least 18 to read this. It involves obviously transgender
items, body growth. If any of these offend you please do not read any
further. Oh gee, the obvious part, nobody depicted in this story is real, that
would be a little hard as its a Sci-Fi Story to begin with!
Organ Transplant
[email protected]
I had been having one of those days. Nothing, but nothing was going right.
One step ahead and two steps back. I had even dropped my wallet while
waiting in a lunch line. Money, credit cards and pictures spilled all over the
I thought my day had really taken a turn for the better when the new good
looking, and very busty secretary came up to me, and with a huge smile on
her face said "Can I have your organ?" I smiled back at her, and before I
could say anything she burst out laughing. She handed me the organ donor
card that had dropped out of my wallet. At this point the whole lunch line
broke out laughing; no my day wasn't getting better. I said "thanks" and put
the card back in my wallet.
Eventually, I made it through the day; conducting one mind numbing
interview after another, getting in a heated debate over some nonsensical
points with the higher personnel office, and having to counsel other staff
members on their performance. It was with a relief that I made it to the
parking garage and got into my jeep for the hour drive home.
Obviously, I had hoped in vain that the drive home would get better. It was
bumper to bumper traffic, the second I got on the freeway. Well, maybe, I
would make it home in two hours. As I waited in traffic my mind ran back
over the day. Oh, no, not that again; it would be better to concentrate on
something nice in the day. I didn't want to be so upset that the second I got
home I would get in an argument with the wife. That would make this day
just perfect! No, I had to find something nice and relaxing to think about.
My mind floated back to the secretary. I could think about her; well before
her joke on me. What was her name? Ah... Laura I believe. Cute face with
shoulder length hair; but, she had the most incredible body. What a figure,
nice long legs leading to wide hips, with a wonderful rounded ass; narrow
waist, and two of the largest breasts I had ever seen. Most woman probably
would call them too big (ha, as if there were such a thing). They were
perfect. Oh, how I loved large breasts. I could just play with them for
hours. I wished my wife had some decent sized breasts, other than her A
Time to get my mind back on the road the traffic is letting up. Finally, there
was a break, and we got up to an astounding 70 mph. Maybe it wouldn't
take two hours to get home after all. After cruising a few minutes Laura
reentered my mind. I wondered what size bra she wore. I would bet at least
a DD cup. Then I wondered how big her nipples were.... Good Grief that
car's stopped! I slammed on the jeep's brakes, careful not to over ride them.
Years of training and cross country experience paid off, as I expertly brought
the jeep to a controlled stop missing the car in front of me by a good two feet.
I was still congratulating myself on a great "save" when I glanced in the rear
view mirror. Apparently, that semi coming on me fast didn't have a driver
with my experience. Damn, maybe if I throw the jeep
Its all white. I can hear but I can't move, and I can't see! From the sounds, I
am around people in a... a... a... what? Oh, now its starting to hurt. Man,
my head feels like its going to explode. What's going on? Wait, the truck!
It had to of hit me, I must be in a hospital. I wonder how bad I am banged
up? Shit, I must be all screwed up, if I don't even remember the accident.
Ok, one thing at a time. Let's try to talk, if I can do that maybe somebody is
here that could tell me about me. Come on voice talk. Wow, I can feel my
mouth and jaw trying to move, but its difficult. No, it won't work. How
could that be? I never heard of anyone with a neck injury that paralyzed their
jaw. Let's try something else then. Come on body, move. Nothing. Then I
passed out.
Gee, more whiteness, there's a surprise. Hold on, I am hearing better. I can
make out individual voices now. Ok, we tried the voice last time (I wonder
how long ago "last time" was?), lets try this body thing again. Just lying
here I can feel my body. That's an improvement, before it was total nothing.
Feet, legs, arms, hands, fingers and my torso, I can feel them all. Yea! If I
can feel, maybe I am not paralyzed! But, even if I am not what about being
blinded? One thing at a time lad. Lets try this body thing first. Fingers and
toes, lets give it a go. It feels weird like the instructions to my body aren't
understood? Wait, there it goes! I got the trigger finger on my right hand
curled, and my left big toe is wiggling! YES! But, boy, it was like a wave
came over me with that little effort, and I passed out again.
Here we are again, yet more whiteness, and an undetermined amount of time
since my last black out. I can feel my face now. My head is wrapped. Must
be gauze. No wonder all I see is white; its over my eyes! It sounds like
people are around me now. Lets try the voice one more time. A moan, I got
out a moan! Yes, I made a sound!
The person/persons in the room have gone wild. They are all yelling at once.
What is the big deal? It sounds like they are yelling about me, but its heard to
make them out. Till one of them come over, and asks "Can you hear me?".
Oh, great, all I can do is moan, and they want to ask questions! Well, let's
give it a go again, and another moan is heard. The crowd really loved that
one. I didn't. What am I suppose to do, be the incredible moaning man the
rest of my life? I am going to say a word, even if I have to scream one.
Wait, the moaning bit has them unimpressed. Some are saying its a
coincidence and pure biological. What kind of hospital would have people
talking like that? But, the voice came back to me "Can you hear me? Moan
twice if you can." Oh, bugger this! Wait, I think that's it I can feel my lips,
tongue and throat. Its time to talk! Well, I am whispering, but it still
qualifies, and I give out a very quite "yes I can hear you, should I moan
They went plumb bugged crazy at that one. What I can't recover? What a
bunch of nice guys. The voice came back to me, and what it asked I did not
hear as I passed out again.
This time when I woke up all seemed different. I was having feeling
throughout my body, and for the first time since the accident I felt like I was
in control of my various body parts, but I still didn't feel "right". Also, while
I still had bandages on my head, I can hear that somebody is in the room with
me. I asked "Is someone there?" Finally, a strong voice, but it sounded so
weird. Maybe my hearing has been affected. The voice sounded so high it
was like somebody else speaking.
The person in the room made an audible gasp. "We didn't think you would
wake up again. Glad, to hear you."
From the sound of the voice it must have been a young fellow speaking to
me. I responded "What kind of hospital is this? You did think I would
wake-up? I am glad you guys didn't pull the plug on me!"
My unknown companion responded "This is a research facility, not a real
hospital we didn't think you would ever regain consciousness. Can you
I said, "Wait, I was moving last time I was awake. There look I am moving
my right hand. Say, this might be easier if I could see. Can these bandages
come off my head?"
He started jumping up and down and screaming eureka. He yelled "Take off
your bandages! Baby, I'll strip you naked if you want, this is the greatest
medical breakthrough in 100, no 200 years." and with that he ran out of the
room. Guess, what? Yea, he left the damn bandages on my head; plus, I
could now feel my arms and legs were restrained. No wonder they were
hard to move!
It had been a lot of exertion, but I hadn't passed out. Now, that I was alone I
had time to reflect on what he had said. Research facility? They hadn't
expected me to wake up? Big breakthrough? What the devil was going on
with, and to me!
Now, a whole team of folks came in the room. They all jabbered at me at
once. Finally, I had to say "Look, my hearing and feeling are not what they
used to be, but they are getting better. However, if you want me to answer
anything you will have to ask one at a time. Then I added, please get these
damn bandages out of my eyes! I want to see, please! And can these
restraints come off of me?"
An older sounding fellow started barking orders. I could feel the straps being
undone and I could keep on hearing guys saying, "Sorry baby, Oh, honey,
we didn't mean to, or Darling we had no idea" What the hell was that
Then the old voice said. "Hold on, don't release all those restraints, yet, and
get that bed to an up right position. I want to talk to our... er... ah... patient
face to face".
They were raising my bed, so I went to a sitting position. It was then, that I
noticed for the first time that my body certainly was not alright. I didn't feel
the right size? Something was wrong with my chest, and I had weight put on
my butt it felt huge.
Ignoring my new body sensations, I was more concerned about my restraints
and vision. I said "Can't I get to see? And get these horrible straps off me!".
"All in do time. You have been through some very delicate surgery, and it
might still be possible for you to damage yourself. We have to prevent that.
But, first, Who are you?"
"Who am I? Don't you know?"
"Its a standard question for head trauma's"
"Fine, Mr. Voice in the darkness. Mind you if I could see you, it might be
even easier to talk. I am Eugene Martin."
I heard at least two, maybe more, people gasp in the room. "What did I
"Nothing you said Eugene, its just that some people weren't prepared for that
answer. (He turned facing a group of doctors) I remind my colleagues, that
this is as I predicted could possibly occur. Dr. Van Owen's theories are just
that. There was no memory loss due to the process and further the entire
personality will be intact. MISTER Martin I apologize. You have
undergone major brain surgery. I will explain more in a few moments. In the
room with us are six of my colleagues that doubted that my procedure had
any chance for success. Let me assure you, that if I had not been granted
permission to conduct my experiment at this time, you would be very dead.
But, for right now would you please explain to them who you are and what
happened to you before you got here?"
"Let me get this right you want me to sit here blinded and play 20 questions
with you and your colleagues? I choose not to play after I answer this
question, until I get to see. I am Eugene Martin, I am 42 years old, I have a
wife, 2 kids both boys, I work for the County as a Personnel Director, and I
am a disabled vet. My jeep was plowed into by some yahoo semi-driver that
couldn't pay attention to the road, and here I am. Now get these bandages
Once again there were gasps in the room. This was getting silly. I wanted to
say boo and scare them. There was a lot of murmuring that it just wasn't
possible and that "she" couldn't possibly remember those things.
"Mr. Martin, you came to us four weeks ago. Surgery was performed on you
at that time. That surgery involved opening up your entire cranial cavity.
You must understand that you came to us dead. Your body had "died" due to
massive injuries shortly after reaching the hospital. Actually, it was crushed
and how you had managed to live that long was a wonder. Because of your
organ donor card, they kept your body alive, via artificial means, for as long
as possible. My research group "Bio Life Inc" had been on the organ
recipient list for a long time. When you became... a... ah... "available" the
tissue profile proved to be a cross match for our other... er... a... patient that
had recently arrived. This was a very rare occurrence and we had to act
rapidly. Therefore you were flown here and the operation took place."
"Now wait a second. How could I be flown if I was so badly injured?"
"This is why I wanted the restraints left in place. The next information can be
very distressing, and if you were to flail around you could injure yourself.
Do you want me to proceed or have you had enough for today?"
"Come on. Tell me. And take these bandages off my eyes!"
"We will take the bandages off your eyes when you ask. The arm and leg
restraints will need to remain another couple of days. Then we will try to get
you up and around. But to get on with the story. Get ready. Your brain
was removed from your body and flown here iced down in a very special
oxygen rich liquid and jell packed organ transplant bag. Upon arrival it was
placed in another body that had only suffered from brain damage from carbon
monoxide poisoning. With that action, we subjected the cranial cavity with a
massive influx of fetal cells to allow the nerve connections to attach. This
portion of the procedure was critical as it not only made the wiring of the
brain to the body possible, but created a condition where the body accepted
the brain as a native organ, so, no rejection of your brain could occur. This
is the result of 30 years research on my part, and holds untold possibility for
injured, and paralyzed people across the world. My colleagues here not only
thought it could not be done, but predicted you to die a few hours or days
after the operation. They further stated that a complete recovery, or even
consciousness was impossible. Congratulations, Mr. Martin you have made
"Wait, don't take these bandages off my eyes yet. Doc what is your name?"
"Dr. Richards..........................."
I couldn't think I was just dumb struck by what he said. Slowly things were
starting to make more sense to me. Babe, honey, darling are what they had
called me; they said she when talking about lifting me. My body didn't feel
"Dr. Richards, I am a woman now?"
"Yes, Mr. Martin you are a woman. The body that was used to support the
operation was that of a 19 year old woman that had... well... expired from
carbon monoxide poisoning. She was very healthy, without any history of
personal or family medical problems, same race as you, within the norms for
physical characteristics, and was not pregnant at time of death. We could not
have used the body if it had been pregnant at time of death."
"Shit" was all I could say. So, I am dead but not dead? I am now a woman.
Good news, I am now 20 plus years younger, and I am not PREGNANT!!
That possibility is going to take some getting used to.
"Would you take the bandages off my face now? And, well, all considering,
don't call me Mr. Martin. I don't think I am ready for Ms. Martin though,
could you just call me Gene?"
"Smith, take those bandages off Mr. Mar... I mean Gene, and make sure the
head restraints remain in place. Sorry another two days. We just have to be
safe. Also, go get her a mirror please".
The bandages came off, and all I saw was a blaze of many colors. Then
slowly I began seeing shapes. The shapes turned into images, and I was
seeing. "Why hello there!" I was so pleased that I could see that I forgot the
immediate conversation. That is I forgot it for about 2 seconds.
"Crap got so excited that I could see, I forgot that there was bigger news to
consider. Please hold that mirror, so I can look at myself."
I looked into a stranger's face, which was now mine. The first thing I saw
was a clean shaven head. They must have used something to keep it...
"Hey, am I bald!?"
"No, Jean, we just used a depilatory on it to keep it assessable incase we had
to reopen the area. We were going to let it start to grow back, and now most
certainly we will."
That's a relief to find out your a woman, and then to find out your a bald
woman! Oh my. But, now I could look at the rest of my face. It was
somebody else's face. A girl's face. It was soft looking to me. Had nice
skin, but I did see a blemish or too. Zits at 19? I had clear green eyes to die
for! What eyes! Good I had found something about my new body that I
liked. Since I was trapped here for what I assumed to be life, I better find
other things as well. I had seen the face what about the rest of me? It was
then that my concentration on my lower half revealed feeling of tubes into my
body. Obviously I had been wired to have my body waste removed.
"Thanks, ah please lower the mirror so I can see the rest of my body. Can
these catheters come out, they hurt?"
The mirror was lowered and my bed back raised further and I was told that
the plumbing and straps were there for another 2 days. As the bed went
higher my chest went out further. I thought to myself that if it went out too
far I wouldn't see the bottom half of me! Just as I was thinking about a real
big pair of breasts, and starting to get excited they stopped sticking out.
Well, seeing my feet wouldn't be a problem, no problem at all, I thought with
At least I didn't have a bad body. From what I could see I had slim legs nice
arms and hands and I guess the torso was ok. Not being able to move and
being clothed there was only so much I could survey.
The next two days were excruciating. I had a greater and greater desire to get
out of bed. The most annoying part of all this was the plumbing put onto my
body. Not a fun situation! At least this delay gave me time to start to come to
grips with my situation. I was not dead, and from what they told me I was
stuck in this body as well. It would be quite a fluke to get another tissue
match (mind you if they were trying to get a match, which they weren't) and
my brain evidently could not handle this kind of treatment again for several
years according to Dr. Richards. But, the plus side was all the pains I had
associated with my other body (what a concept talking about my other body
and my new body!) had disappeared. For the first time in 15 years my knees
didn't hurt. In fact other than the external influences on me, my new body
didn't hurt at all, even felt kind of good.
At the end of two days I was ready to get out of bed. Maybe not get on with
my life, but ready to get out of bed. When they took the straps off, the first
thing I wanted to do was feel myself out. I had no idea how my body felt, no
idea where it started and ended. The kind of thing we all know from years of
experience, but I did not have such a basis to work from. However, I
certainly wasn't going to start feeling myself up in front of Dr. Richards!
Good grief, what would he think?
They put a plastic board on my head and said it should come off in about a
week. But then the big moment came. It was time to try to get out of bed. It
actually was harder than what I thought it would be. Dr. Richards reminded
me that this body (wrong words I have to think of this as me) I had been in
bed motionless for going on five weeks. It would be natural for there to be
some muscle atrophy, and I had probably had some weight loss as well. The
good news was that I was to go on to solid food today. The bad news was, I
bet it was hospital food.
I did get raised up on the side of the bed. I did it on my own. As I sat up, it
became all the more obvious to me that: a) I had some big ass, b) There were
no male sex organs down there, and c) boobs jiggle and move on their own.
The next step was to try to stand up. They said if I could do that, I could be
"un-plugged". It was difficult at first, but stand I did. Further, since this
body, I meant since I was 19 my recovery to physical problems was much
faster than if I had been 42! After standing, and the creaks went out of the
unused joints, it became obvious I would have no problems getting around. I
happily got back into bed, and got un-plugged. Dr. Richards was very
pleased with my status. He told me that he had hoped this would occur, and
had stocked the near by bathroom with a complete line of toiletries for my
use. But, he said that for the next month he wanted me to bathe and not
After that, and a minimum of personal hygiene instructions I was off to the
bathroom, to brush my teeth! God, a five week old dirty mouth, YUCK.
Once safely into the bathroom and behind closed doors, and with a clean
mouth. It was time to explore, me. First, I saw the same girl's face from
two days ago. As I looked at myself closer I saw more zits, thank goodness
the doc had thought to put a pimple cleanser in here with the rest of the
products. Behind the zits, I saw a very pretty girl. Hell, I am 19! I saw a
beautiful woman, and that was without makeup! What was I hot for myself?
Well, I can ponder or explore. Time to explore, ponder later, and with that
my hospital gown hit the floor.
Now it was my turn to gasp. Breasts, I mean breasts, no hooters, no
knockers, no juggs, no MY TWO BABIES! Oh they were lovely, and all
mine. I had always loved breasts, and now I had two. Not overly small.
They almost filled my hands, and filled my mind with a gasp and a moan as I
held them. MMMMM, yes I was going wild. Oops. I said explore not
masturbate. I think I am a little sensitive to the touch of my breasts and
nipples. Let's try this again without holding and rubbing them! Now,
looking at my breasts, both in the mirror and straight down, I found them to
be, by my guess, a A or perhaps a B cup. Probably smaller than my wife's.
My nipples were probably about her same size and around two inches across
(Wife? Yet another item I must address, but, later). I also carefully noted that
my breasts can be added to my body's "fun center" listing and I would have
to be careful how I went about touching them in future.
From my chest I went down to my waist where I was pleased to see that it
narrowed nicely. I hadn't any idea how to measure my waist and there was
no tape available. My wild guess was 24"?
Then it was down to my hips that also flared out nicely. Gee, they looked
nice and wide, but not what I would say too much. Then between them was
a small triangular patch of reddish hair. This was down where the primary
"Fun zone" was, but because of the board on my neck I would have to wait
until I got in the tub to see that area. I wanted to turn and see my butt,
however, I said no let's get all the front done first. I went down my legs.
Whew, no thunder thighs! In fact I liked my legs they looked nice, and lead
down to a pair of very attractive feet.
Well, the verdict for the front side was A-OK. Of course I would prefer to
have bigger breasts, but what I had would do, and if I was really upset, hell,
I am in a hospital. I bet I could get a free boob job if I really wanted one!
But, time for that later. I had to keep coming up with excuses because I was
afraid to look at what was behind me. Now, that I admitted it; its time to turn
and look at that huge ass I am sure I have.
It was hard with the board on my neck to turn and see, but then again I didn't
have to turn all the way around. I got to profile and gasped again. This time
there was no joy. My ass was huge! Good grief, I'll bet my hip
measurement was 44-46 inches. That gives me a guesstimate measurements
of 36-24-46. Maybe they could do liposuction, instead of a boob job?
Actually, I felt crushed.
Time for the tub. Once in the tub and being in a more bent position, I had full
access to the primary "Fun center". As I looked down it was very strange to
see a vagina there. As I felt around I came in contact with my clit and lips to
my vagina. After the experience with my breasts I thought I would be struck
by lightning when I touched them. To my disappointment I wasn't. The clit
felt sensitive, and I think I was rough on myself! And the lips while having
feeling were hard to get my fingers through, it was not overly moist inside
when I got there. As the tub had filled with water it was about time to pay
attention to bathing, and not my body so I got on with that.
While the idea was tempting I decided my first bath would not be the time and
place for me to fully explore myself sexually. I just concentrated on bathing,
especially using that facial cleanser on those horrendous zits and then got out
of the tub. While drying off, I realized that the ever thoughtful doc had even
provided me with makeup. The problem was that I hadn't a clue how to wear
it. Wear it? The reality was I didn't have a clue how to be a woman. It was
then that I broke down and had my first cry. That went on for about 5 - 10
minutes, and afterwards I felt better. Wow, that had never happened to me
before. Crying had always been very difficult and the result of crying, had
never made me feel better.
I put on a clean gown and decided to forget any make up as I didn't want to
look like a guy trying to put on woman's makeup, and went back to my
room. When I got to my room Dr. Richards was there waiting. When I saw
him, the first thing that went through my mind was, boy, I am glad I didn't
do myself in the tub he would see it on me. What a silly thought to have.
"You must feel better having had a bath"
"Yes, and got to see myself for the first time too, and let me say the obvious
Doc, I have got a huge ass! I, also, think these zits are worse than two days
"I am sorry you are dissatisfied with your appearance, but I am not a plastic
surgeon and that certainly is not why you are here. Actually, we do need to
chat about your zits."
"Oh, no, don't get me wrong. Thank you for saving my life! Yes, thank
you very much. This body isn't bad. In fact I think I am very attractive.
Maybe a little too small on top, but that's certainly ok. I am just commenting
that it really is a huge ass. I am 19 though, what's with these zits!"
"Its good that you are viewing yourself as one person now. That will speed
your recovery. However, there has been a development in your hormonal
level. The zits started about two weeks ago, and have gotten progressively
more intense. At first I thought that it was a cleanliness issue, but that turned
out not to be true. So, we ran additional blood tests. I have just gotten and
interpreted the results. There is a conflict between your brain and your body
on just what is the proper hormonal level. This was an unforseen
development, as you were the first actual sex change we have had happen in
this procedure. Put it more simply, your male brain is in a fight with your
female body over hormones."
"You mean, I might start growing a beard or develop other male
"No, I and my team don't think so. Its more like a second female puberty.
Most likely your secondary female characteristics are going to be affected.
You see cells are programed to react different ways when the hormone level
is changed in the body, but when the brain gets involved there is an additional
disagreement on how its regulation of the system impacts the cells reactions.
More succinct to the situation at hand, since you stated the obvious; buttocks
size in the female is a secondary sexual characteristic. It could be your butt
has gotten bigger than it started four weeks ago as a result of this puberty.
As big as it is now, I assume that is most likely the case, how much bigger it
will get, if at all I don't know. All characteristics are subject to impact, you
will need to tell us of any changes in your body. Otherwise we won't know
what is going on. I do know the zits are a result of this puberty, and we
should get a feel for when its over when they go away. Until that time as
silly as it sounds, we shall be taking your measurements twice a week in
order to chart your progress."
"How big is my butt going to get?????????????"
"I don't know"
I then had my second cry. Before I had finished it, they had come in with a
tape measure. Mind you I was told they had no woman working in this
section of the facility. So, I demanded that it be Dr. Richards who measured
me. I wasn't going to let some other fellow look at me naked. Hey, I am a
lady now, and I'd like some respect. Besides, it ought to be between me and
the doc that my butt's growing. Well, till it gets too obvious. Then I cried
again. The doc put me at 35- 26-45.
"How big was I when I came in?"
"That's a very good question. You see we are not running a brothel here, we
don't measure women's bodies when they come in. We have no idea how
you started. This is where you start."
I couldn't stand it any longer. I reached for him and hugged him and cried
and cried. He put his arms around me and said it would all be ok. Coming
from him I believed him.
"Isn't there anything you can do for me? I am out of control emotionally, I
have been crying a bit too much don't you think?"
"Jean, you are doing fine. You have adjusted better than any subject...I
mean patient we could have expected. Your hormone levels are vastly
elevated. In your situation I would have cried for days now! Unfortunately,
we do not dare administer any drugs in these circumstances and even in the
worst physical development situation, we won't be able to do any plastic
surgery until your system has stabilized. I don't for see that for maybe five
years. I know this sounds rough, but I want to be up front and honest with
"Thanks for being honest. I like that. I mean appreciate that; if my butt gets
too big will you get a second bed to put it in?"
Laughing "Yes, Jean, that we can do."
The days started to pass. At least I had a tv brought to me. They even talked
about letting me go to physical therapy. They said there were other patients
there I could talk too, but all in do time. It was five days latter when Dr.
Richards took my measurements again. Which meant of course I am now
standing naked before him.
"35-26-45, no real change, Jean" said Dr. Richards
"Are you sure?", I said
"Mmm yes, I am sure", said Dr. Richards
"Hooray, my butt didn't get bigger!", I said
"Calm down Jean, its only been five days, that means nothing. It would
have been strange to see a development in so short a time. Good news, the
head brace can come off today and you can go to physical therapy next week.
We got some more tests to do here first, actually we need some special
training of the therapy staff to prepare them for your situation. They haven't
treated that kind of head trauma before, and then we are requesting a special
female staff member for you. I noticed you haven't been wearing any make-
up." said Dr. Richards
"Special? Make-up? What do you mean?" I said
"We are trying to make your reentry into society possible. We want to bring
in a special staff person that can teach you how to be a woman. I am great on
brain transplants, but not to good on make-up instruction." said Dr. Richards
"You did this for me!" I couldn't retrain myself. I ran too him and gave him
a big kiss. He pushed me away. "Oh, my God! What am I doing. I am so
sorry, I just got excited." I exclaimed
"No Jean, its quite alright, but what did you do that for? Have you noticed a
change in your sexual perspective or what"
"I don't know. I really don't know. I had an overwhelming urge to do that
out of gratitude to you. What do you mean change in sexual perspective?" I
suddenly realized his point, and grabbed my gown, covering myself. "Oh
Christ. I was naked when I did that, you must have thought, Oh, I am sorry,
very sorry."
"Its ok Jean, don't worry about it"
"Right, why would I? With a butt this big who would want me anyway."
"Jean, a few days ago you were pleased to be alive and now you have fixated
on your ass. Stop it. Its not good for your developing psyche. You are a
very pretty young woman."
"You really think so?" Then I blushed.
"Yes, now I have got to go" with that he left and I stuck my tongue out at him
as he went out the door.
Tuesday was shaping up to be a big day for me. First, I now had some real
color fuzz on top of my head! I was no longer bald. I had red hair! Second,
I was going to get my weekly measurement from Dr. Richards, but more
importantly he was going to bring me some real clothes to wear. Even better
than clothes, I was going to get to go meet my therapist.
The measurements were a shock.
"36-25-43 and that's the third time I took them. Jean your ass is smaller not
larger! Quit jumping up and down your system can't handle that yet and your
naked! Its distracting!"
"Then I'll just have to hug and kiss you instead, WHOOPEE!!!"
"Better idea, here's the clothes I brought you. Why not try them on instead"
"Oh yes, oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes" They were levis and a T
shirt. The levis were a bitch to pull up over my ass. Thank goodness it was
two inches smaller! And though I didn't have a large chest it was still nicely
noticeable in the T shirt. I wonder why I was concerned about it being
noticeable? Anyway, the good Doctor directed me to where physical therapy
was and I was off.
I literally burst into the physical therapy room, and went walking from side to
side in the room looking at the equipment. There were a few patients there,
and at first, I didn't realize they were watching me, then it became obvious to
me they were. One man even dropped a weight on his foot. Before I could
even react to that situation, an attractive woman, probably about 35ish, called
me to come over to her.
When I got there in an undertone of voice she said, "Young lady this is a
physical therapy center not some girly show house. When you come in here
you don't go bouncing your assets across the room. Its inappropriate, and
can be distracting to patients in therapy. You could actually injure a patient
undergoing therapy when you distract them from their exercises. I already
have one man with an injured foot! You should wear a bra, and unless you
have business here get out." she said
"I didn't know, oh I am sorry. I can go over and help him? Let me see." I
"Stop your jiggling! He's going to be fine now get out!" she said
"But I really didn't know, and I really am sorry. I didn't mean to
awwwwww" and I started to cry.
"Wait, are you Jean?" she asked
"Yes" sob, sob, I said
"Oh, you poor thing, I am one that's sorry. I didn't know who you were. I
am Sally, your therapist. I have a room reserved for us, please come in the
back with me. Its ok really. Its my mistake, I know you really didn't know."
said Sally
I went in the back with Sally. Now Sally had the right size ass. In fact the
way she shook it when she walked gave me other thoughts than size
comparison. She had a nice chest as well. Much bigger than mine. She had
shoulder length blond hair and deep blue eyes. She was slender but had too
many curves to be skinny. It was obvious she was working out to keep the
shape she did have.
"Jean, I am fully aware of your situation. Not only will I help with your
physical therapy. Which you should know is actually very minor. But, I am
here primarily at Dr. Richards request to act as a mentor to you to teach you
how to be a lady. Let's get started. Why didn't you wear a bra?" Asked
"I have a T shirt, these levis, and an unlimited number of the same hospital
gown. That's why." I said
"With a chest that large and they didn't give you any foundation garments let
alone panties?" said Sally
That comment hit me like a brick. I had so fixated on my ass I hadn't
noticed. I mean their there, but I wasn't looking at them that close. My two
babies were bigger. The doc had said I was a full inch bigger up there.
That's why I jiggled. That's why I was noticeable in the shirt!
Sally now took my measurements. She took them different than the doc.
She measured me a couple times on the chest and announced to me I should
take a 34B bra, but I was big enough that a C cup might fit certain times of
the month as well. Oops, another item I would have to contend with. This
put it off list is getting larger. One day at a time though. Can't win the war
without fighting the battle at hand first. Besides that was one item that when
I got my "visit" I couldn't control anyway.
Our meeting was short. Sally said we would get me some underwear sent up
right away. She even said at the next session we would do some therapy,
and then a long talk on many things. I told her, she was sweet and I
appreciated that. Then she blushed! I was off again. Now looking forward
to our meeting late Friday afternoon.
The best thing happened on the next day. A package of underwear came for
me! You have no idea what it feels like to go around with no underwear on
in near naked conditions. It felt so dignifying to get some shorts, well...
er... panties on. They were cute white ones with a French cut, which
showed a bit more of my still too large ass than I cared to show. Then of
course came the bra. There it was a shiny white 34B just like Sally had said.
I had seen my wife do this many a time. I hooked the band around my chest
and then spun it so the cups came in front. I wasn't ready for the feeling of
sliding the straps and cups up for the first time though! Oh, wow, my tits are
lifted and held in place. No more bouncing and I can feel them more. Oh, I
like this. I went kind of over board on liking it and noticed something else. I
had better get into that bathroom. Oh shit, my pussy is wet. Great just get a
pair of panties and then start my period and wreck them. I got to the toilet
and pulled the panties down to see the "damage". I was surprised to find it
wasn't my period. Girl, I was just turned on. As I looked down further I
couldn't see any blood. I was wondering if there was something wrong with
me. So, I figured I'd feel inside and if I had started I would have messy
fingers. There I was looking and feeling with one hand. The other was
absentmindedly stroking my new bra. Well, that turned into rubbing my
nipple and the other hand now easily slipped into my pussy and explored its
lubricated walls. I started moaning and leaned back on the toilet. My hand
moved my bra straps down and now full play with my breast started. My
other hand went from my pussy to my clit and I gasp/moaned so loud I
thought people would come. I was wrong, it was me that was cuming. I
started writhing my hips and pulling my nipple. I was seeing stars. Then it
just over came me and I was stroking and moaning and could not stop.
MMMMMM, oh mmmm, oh my God,. Then it was gone. As I sat
exhausted I thought; I wonder if there's another bra I could try on! And I
winked to myself.
Thursday was measurement day. I decided that I would wear my new
underwear beneath my gown until the doc asked me to remove it. I was a bit
perplexed as I put on my shiny new white friend on. I didn't seem to fit. I
mean my cup runneth over, actually cups. But I knew it wasn't the bra, it
was me. Anyway it was time for the doctor.
"37-24-41, and don't jump!"
So, he got a kiss and a hug.
"Any change in your acne?"
"No its just as strong as ever and if these are the results I hope it keeps on
"Well your body well halt at some kind of normal level we think. It might be
that your brain in reaction to the female hormone level is reprogramming your
body to what it would have been if you had been always been a girl. We just
don't know that was a shot in the dark. But maybe if I could get some
background on the females on your pre-operation side of the families build
we could make a little more sense of this."
"Ok, mom had a large chest as well as grandmom and all the gals on her side
of the family. For the most part. Lets just save some time here. They were
all classic bomb shells. Big tits narrow waist and nice hips. They could have
all been strippers. Might explain my fascination with that kind of body."
"What about your dad's side?"
"Don't know he left mom before I was born. I do know he was of German
heritage. So, what's the verdict?"
"Well, last week you had requested a smaller buttocks and larger chest. Your
family history, unlike the other family history that got your body to this
point, suggests that your brain is reprogramming the body to be closer to
your original family tree on the female side. Or more directly what you want
to hear and in the way I think you would like it; you are gona get a sweet ass
and a dynamite rack. But our question here is at what point will development
stop? How big was your family?"
"I don't know. They were all about moms size and she was a D cup cause I
looked at one of her bra's once. They had butts though not tiny there. I
guess this is ok to say to you. But, I hope I have a large chest. Dreamed
about them as a man and would love to have them as a lady!"
"Be careful what you wish for. I am guessing about this brain genetics link.
But, I think its the right track. You don't know your father's side of the
family?....MMM I don't know we will assume you will follow the maternal
pattern for now. On the other hand it doesn't matter. We are just here for the
ride. We can't change what is happening to you. I am very happy though
that the changes are along the lines that you desire."
"I went to therapy this week, thanks for Sally. She will be great and a lot of
"I have known her for a while. I am sure she will help to develop you as a
well rounded young lady." He said, "developed and well rounded" again to
himself and stared laughing.
I laughed too. He started to say something, but put up his hand and waved
good-bye as he left.
I was there promptly on time Thursday. Sally asked if she had sent me the
right size bra. I giggled and said yes I was just the wrong sized person! So,
it was measurement time again. Sally remarked with a raised I brow that I
was a very full C cup now. I just smiled.
She went on to say. "Look we need to keep you under wraps. That's what is
expected for a gal your size. But, I am not wasting my time buying a C cup.
I'll be buying you a D cup, so you will have something to grow into." I must
have been smiling like a Cheser Cat when she added "Honey, don't get too
excited to get big. I am a D cup and let me tell you that, that size can be a
problem at times. Its too bad you can't stay where you are now. But as a
developing young lady you must come to accept your body and its changes."
And with that we both busted out laughing.
That afternoon proved very instructional. I learned all kinds of special
hygiene issues I didn't know about. Gee, I even took notes at one point.
Sally, laughed at me, when I did that. She got serious when I reminded her I
didn't have 19 years of being a girl and did need to keep notes.
She finally, said "look its late. Do you want to go out and have a bite to eat
with me?"
"YES!!!!!!!!!" I said with glee
"Good, I have discussed this with Dr. Richards and he is in full agreement. I
have brought you a dress and I will do your make up for this evening. Next
week we will start your classes on that. I had thought about a head covering
but it would be better for you to get used to long hair so I have brought along
a wig for you to use. Its about the color of what your hair is growing out to
be. Don't worry about your bra, its a simple day dress and your over flowing
assets will not be overly visible in this cut and print. Also, I have brought
you some sandals to wear. There will be time enough to work on heels
Heels! Yup, still another item for the put it off list. Then I got terrified. I
realized I wasn't going out; but Jean, the new me, was going out. People
would look and stare at me I would be a freak. No, I couldn't do that, I can
never be scene in public. I would spend the rest of my days here in the
hospital. I told Sally, on second thought, I was afraid to go out and wanted
to stay.
Sally said. "Those are normal fears. Believe it or not many people after any
major "disfiguring" surgery have the same fears. But, honey, nobody can
tell. The reality is there is nothing too tell. You are Jean a 19 year old girl
who's going out after some major surgery. I will be with you. There is
nothing to fear. Besides, unless you want to become a curiosity of the
medical community, you will have to leave the hospital. If you stay here they
will turn you into a display for doctors all over the world to come look at.
Now is that what you would really prefer?"
"No" and I got dressed.
Dinner was nice. It was at a little pizza joint not too far from the hospital. It
was more instruction and training as I found out. How to get in and out of a
car while in a dress (a lovely hospital car at that!). Make-up touch up class,
how to eat like a lady. How to keep your boobs off the plate! Yea, I sat
down and put my chest on top of a plate. Sally pointed and laughed. I
turned beet red and sat further back from the table. Then the worst thing
happened! I couldn't have any wine! I was underage! Sally, had to laugh
and laugh at that one, she went on to say that the doctor wouldn't allow me to
have any alcohol anyway. At the end of the evening I had, had a wonderful
time. Sally had really been neat company. She had so expertly guided the
conversation that she kept the night fun fresh, even though it was training.
When we got back to the hospital she took me up to my room. They had
broken down and had given me a genuine private room by now, and not a
room in the lab anymore. Anyway, at the door Sally said she really had a
wonderful time and would see me next week. Then gave me a kiss on the
cheek and put her hand on my right breast. She turned and left so fast that she
left me leaning against door and gasping for air. What was that about and
excuse me, but can I have another please?
I spent the weekend being all hot and bothered. I masturbated at least three
times which was more than I had in the previous week. Sally, had got my
motor running and I wanted more. My thoughts ran to and around her. She
had sent over the 34D bra. While I wore it I thought of her hands on me and
not the bra cups. And by the by, the bra was too large.
Tuesday came for measuring day. And by then, just as I had hoped, the bra
was no longer too large.
Doc said, "38-24-40, you have increased, but not so dramatic as last week."
"Oh its wonderful! Let the changes keep on coming, But you know this is
such an improvement I'd be happy to stop here. And maybe I will! Doctor
Richards my Acne is nearly gone!"
"You have a great attitude toward this, keep it up, but there is always the
possibility of a last minute surge. We won't know that its over, till its over."
After my little chat with the doc on Tuesday, I was waiting on pins and
needles for my therapy on Wednesday. The appointed hour came and I was
there with bells on. Sally was late. I waited and waited. Then she called.
She was terribly sorry, but couldn't make it in today. My heart was broken!
She said she would make it up to me. We could go to the beach for Friday's
session and that she would send over suit for me. At which point we had to
discuss my again revised sizes and she assured me it would be no problem.
Thursday came and my time with the doc revealed no changes in my body
except my acne was completely gone. It looked like this second puberty was
over. The doc said there could still be a sudden late spurt, but as time past
that would be less likely. And since this whole thing had been so rapid it
wouldn't take too long for the whole thing to be behind me. I laughed at
"behind me" because the puberty had solved that problem!
I was even giddier on Friday than I had been on Wednesday. Sally had sent
me of all things a bikini to wear. I was so glad it wasn't a thong! The
bottoms were a french cut and fit a tad loose, but fit well enough. The top
was very very tight. It was one of those that covered the boobs, but wasn't
really a bra type. It left slightly exposed the bottom of my boobs as I wore it.
I thought it was real sexy. I guess that was the intent as it certainly
emphasized my chest. Sally had sent a note saying that the top was picked
out special, so I could enjoy the attention a large chest would bring! So, even
the beach was to be a training session. She, had sent over a nice coverup for
me to wear. She gave me a sun hat to wear and some dark glasses.
I looked at myself in the mirror and I smiled. There before me was the most
beautiful woman I had ever been with. Her large breasts magnificently
displayed above her narrow waist and her almost perfect rear end. Still a little
large, but the over all package was great. I hoped the effect of the outfit
would be the same on Sally as on me. And I thought of her touching me
again. Oh crap, this is a swim suit. I can't afford to have a wet spot. I then
started thinking about my old army days as I headed out to met Sally. That
worked, no wet spot.
I met Sally at the door of the hospital. She was driving a van of all things.
She struck me as a sports car type. I hopped in. She wasn't wearing a
coverup and I had to notice that her chest was larger then mine. She started
toward the beach. I removed my cover up and stated the obvious to her.
"If we are both D cups, how come you are a bigger and I mean a bigger D
cup, than me?"
She almost crashed the van she was laughing so hard. "Honey, who said all
D cups are created equal? When we get on the beach today you will see what
being this size really means. I don't think you will be pointing to mine and
saying I am bigger. You will probably have more than you can handle
yourself." Then she laughed and laughed and laughed.
"What are you laughing about?"
"Boys, men, dudes, fellows. They are going to be all over you Jean. You
won't have time to be looking at other girls chests! Or are girls more
important to you than boys?"
Damn a moment of truth and I didn't have the answer. "I don't know.
Maybe the beach will help me find out?"
"That was one of the reason's to come down here. The other was to help
build up your self- confidence. Dr. Richards had known that would be an
issue, but since your body "developed" and did so along lines you desired,
he felt going to the beach would help reinforce your positive improvement."
"You know, Dr. Richards is so sweet, I really like him. Like him, Hell, I
love him he saved my life!"
"So, you want to boff the good doctor?"
"Not that kind of love silly, but he could be a hunk!" and I started
uncontrollable giggles.
Sally started laughing and we all laughed to the beach. This was shaping up
to be one of my best days since the operation.
At the beach Sally said, "Ok no coverup's. All you get is suntan oil. Its off
we go."
We went walking through the sand. It was heavy stepping and soon I
discovered not only my legs and feet were going up and down! My breasts
were bouncing with every step! Soon the wolf calls started and then the
whistling. Sally said to ignore them. When I glanced over to her I noticed
my bouncing was the same as her's only there was more of her to bounce. I
now got an idea of what she meant about the problems of being a "large" girl.
The callers started to calling us by our swim suit colors. Oh my God they
were yelling about me.
It was getting to be quite the turn-on as they yelled out "Hey blue baby, oh
yea shake them big blue, Oh blue I am in a blue mood, that is one fine
woman in the blue suit!"
We got down to the water and Sally laid out our towels. She said "We'll
sunbathe for a while. You sure could use a tan." Then a thought hit me. I'll
have bikini strap tan lines. I never had that before!
I asked if I could put oil on her and she said yes. I then asked if I could oil
her front and she smiled. "Maybe you like girls? Doesn't matter its a public
beach, I will oil my own front thank you". After oiling her up she did the
same to me.
We laid face up for about 15 mins. I noticed that the suit I was wearing was
really getting dried out and tight by the sun. Boy, she really did want me to
show them off didn't she?
"Time to roll over Jean" said Sally
I did and then felt her put more oil on my back. As she did so she undid my
bikini top.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Lay still, silly, nobody can see your boobs, your laying on them. This way
you don't get a tan line on your back. You don't want a tan line there
because of various backless clothing you may wear."
"Oh, sorry"
"Look you stay here while I go in the water for a few minutes ok?"
"Sure, I'll survive go have a fun, Sally; but, don't go swimming alone
"Who said anything about swimming? I am going to look at the boys, silly,
not to swim" We both laughed as she walked off.
The sun felt really good on my back. It was the first time I had laid out in the
sun in years. Oh it felt great. Then I slowly fell to sleep.
I was dreaming about Doctor Richards and Sally and then clothing started
disappearing from each of them. Just as it was getting to the good part I
heard Sally "Time to get up. Not to fast remember to do your bikini top first"
Oh, great more training. How was I suppose to reach around and do this? I
felt like a beached dolphin with my back bowed. That position put a lot of
weight on my boobs and they hurt. Finally, I gave up. The back of the top
felt like there was a gap of two inches that couldn't be closed. "Sally, I can't
do it."
"Try, there won't always be some one here to do that."
"I did try, the suit shrunk. I felt it shrinking when we walked in and were
tanning earlier."
"There's no way. Its a new suit. Let me try."
"Ouch! Your, hurting my boobs!"
"Damn, it must have shrunk no way its going to close."
"What am I going to do now, walk out topless?"
"No, look you are on a towel. Its far bigger than you are. Raise up slightly,
hold your breasts and I will then come and pull the towel around you. After
that you can gab the towel and we will walk out. Then I'll go complain to
where I bought your suit!"
"Ok, I'll try it" Then I stared to raise up. I looked at my chest and said oh,
oh. When I got to my elbows, my chest was still on the towel. "Sally, I've
grown! I've grown a lot! Look!"
"Oh, my garsh, well, my plan will still work, just keep getting up!"
I cleared my elbows off the towel and right about then my boobs came up
too. Grabbing them I saw that they over powered my hands and a wave of
excitement rushed through my body. "Oh Sally!" I must have moaned a little
too loud as several men's heads turned excitedly in our direction.
"Don't oh Sally me, lets get this towel around you"
As I stood up I felt my bikini bottoms fall off. So there I stood naked. I was
still holding my breasts. I noticed now, even more than when I was laying
down, that they had gotten big and I mean BIG! I was still holding them up
to my chest which made them look even larger. As I looked around I saw
guys staring at me! Sally quickly got the towel on me. About this time I
could see that the guys, a lot of guys, were starting to walk over toward us.
Not only that, they were yelling stuff like, "Wow, man, look at those, Boy
she wants it, Pussy for the taking right hear on the beach, man!".
I said, "Sally, I think we should go"
"I think you're right, run!"
Well, they ran after us and I couldn't go too fast. I literally had my hands
full. Then my towel fell open in the back. Actually that worked to our
advantage as it kept the guys behind us. As we got to the van Sally hopped
in and got it started. Just before I got in I threw my towel open and yelled
"Good-bye Boys" to a crowd of hoots, hollers and cheers. I got in and we
sped away.
"Sally, I am big."
"No fooling your..." she had to swerve. "Now cover those up before I have
an accident!"
We got to the hospital and she pulled up in a secluded portion of the parking
lot. " Let's crawl in the back and figure out what to do next", Sally said. We
got in the back and I sat au natural on the towel from the beach. I couldn't
wear my cover-up. It wouldn't fit in the chest.
"Let's look at you Jean? Wow, we're talking change."
"Well, like duh look at these tits!"
"No, your butt, no wonder your bottoms feel off and your waist! And of
course your tits. I need to get you inside, take your measurements and call
Doctor Richards at once."
"I guess we use the towel"
"Yes we do, and no more shows, ok?"
"Ok, I don't know what came over me, it just seemed right."
We made it into the room Sally had been using for my therapy. Lets take
your measurements. I'll do it the doc's way and then we'll figure out your
bra size"
"Impressive 42-22-36, Oh my God honey you'll wear a bra in the 34G - H
range. It'll have to be custom made so exact size is... oh who cares your
huge honey."
At that point Dr. Richards came running into the room. He hadn't stopped
running when he saw me and promptly ran into a file cabinet. "Oh my, I said
a growth spurt was possible but, Oh my. I want a blood sample stat. Up to
the lab ladies."
"But I am naked" Sally threw me the towel and off we went.
Two hours latter. "That is it Jean your through."
"Oh shit, I am going to die I knew it, killed by a confused body fighting
itself." and I started to cry.
"No, no, your hormone levels are at the female norm. No where near where
they were a few days ago. You are going to be fine. This is the permanent
you, from what I can tell. Your through changing"
I stopped crying and slapped him. "You bastard, the way you said that I
thought I was going to ............ I am done! No more changes!
Whoopee!!!! I love you!" I then proceeded to give him a kiss with my
tongue half way down his throat.
"Jean please not in front of the therapist" with that he pushed me back and the
three of us laughed.
Organ Transplant Part II
It was late and I was sitting alone in my room. What the Doc had told me
was starting to sink in. "No more changes". This is now me. Me a 19 year
old, (dare I say beautiful?) buxom shapely woman. On the one hand I am my
own dream girl. But that is from when I was a 42 year old man, I am his
dream girl. On the other hand I have to live life as my own dream girl!
Perhaps it is not so dreamy after all? I am 19 and confused. Oh shit, I really
am a teenager! What a bloody dilemma, my head hurt. I'll go to sleep and
tackle this again in the morning.
As I laid down, I noticed how my newly greatly enlarged babies (Hell, their
so big, I think I'll call them the "girls" from now on) shifted somewhat to the
sides of my chest but were firm enough where they didn't loose all their
shape. They retained enough shape and stood up far enough to where it was
obvious it was a woman underneath the covers. Later that night I realized I
would have to relearn my sleeping patterns when I tried to roll on to my
stomach and pinned a boob in the process. I woke up with a very loud
I slept-in late the next day. No there wasn't any problems, well physical. I
was just feeling depressed. I had had a terrible time sleeping the night
before. I just couldn't get real comfortable. I got out of bed and headed for
the bathroom. After taking care of business and starting my morning bath, I
looked at myself in the mirror. For the first time in my life I thought I was
looking at a woman who's breasts were too big! Sally, said I would take a
34G or H cup bra. I was big, overwhelming big. They jutted out not like
beach balls, or any kind of ball; but, like two torpedoes, or more like I was
feeling, two zeppelins. They hadn't gotten any bigger since the infamous
"beach episode", but it was now that I realized the "girls" were with me for
Before my "change of life" (haw, I'll get to do that too, yuck, but that's years
and years away, those thoughts can wait!) I had loved breasts this large. I
had loved "Playboy" for its beautiful classy ladies, but they were never "big"
enough for me, so I was a frequent and very happy viewer of magazines like
"Score" with its also beautiful but mega-breasted women. Now I could be
one of the "Score" photo spreads. I had once boasted that breast reductions
should be illegal and now I was starting to think about having one.
Oops's tub's overfull. Got to stop the water and open the drain. I bent over,
but didn't notice the girls starting their swing, I went head over heels into the
tub as I lost my balance. I hit the tub with a horrible thud. Things went
I awoke in what seemed like a tube with lights going around me.
Dr. Richards said, "Stay still Jean we are doing a CAT scan".
"What's going on? How did I get here?"
"Jean, you don't want to talk about it now."
"No, tell me!"
"Trust me, you don't want to talk now!"
"Damn it Doc, TELL ME!"
"Ok, you were getting in the tub, and err... my... ah... a..., slipped, yea
slipped" I heard multiple people giggle at that comment. " and knocked
yourself out. You have been out for about 30 mins. I brought you here as
soon as possible to check for any damage. The initial observations are that
your just fine. You are very susceptible to head strikes and will be that way
for a number of months. You really did not hit too hard. Its just that your
brain can't take much shock. That's why I wanted you to take baths and not
showers, to avoid any problems like this incase you fell. You were probably
made more susceptible to blacking out due to that running you did yesterday.
You are going to need to be more careful getting in and out of the tub." with
that the giggles turned to laughs.
"What's all this laughing?"
"Don't worry about it"
With that the laughs turned into guffaws and someone yelled "You tell 'em
"We will have a little decorum here! This is a research facility not a burlesque
theater, Oh no I am sorry, that came out wrong. Shut up you people."
"Settle down Jean. You'll remain in the tube until I clear the room. Your still
naked for Pete's sake."
"Oops, oh, Thanks, Thanks a lot, I got upset and over looked that. I can
It sounded like an army left the room. As they were leaving somebody else
said. "See you later Knockout" and that person got yelled at by Dr. Richards.
After they were gone, Dr. Richards removed me from the tube and handed
me a sheet to wear.
"What's really going on? Who is Knockout? Are they calling me that?!"
"Its the result of some young man's sense of humor don't worry, the
important thing is that you are alright."
"Oh, great, I got a nickname. Look I didn't just fell off the turnip truck, you
get a nickname for a reason. Now, what or how are they calling me
"Ok, ok, Jean. Look, you'll have to admit this is funny. You fell in the tub
because of your breasts. When you leaned forward your body weight shifted
and threw you off balance, that's why you fell and hit your head. As soon as
some of my young researchers saw that you would be ok, one of them sai