Rosebud free porn video

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Rosebud By XoYo The man looked around the room, his hands linked behind his back, his expression blank. He looked like a banker, Rachael decided, balding and shapeless. There was a slight trace of a Scots accent when he spoke, but it sounded like he had been in England for some time. He was probably in his early fifties and he was dressed expensively, if not too fashionably. Money can't always buy taste, Rachael thought. The bland looking ones were always worst. Rachael's theory was that the more normal someone tried to appear, the more frightening they were on the inside. This one certainly looked like he'd make her earn her fee. The man bent his knees and squatted in front of a shelf that held a number of interconnected grey, plastic boxes. Rachael found herself admiring the strength of the stitching in the seat of the man's trousers. Why did so many of her customers have to be fat? She worked hard to keep herself in shape. The feeling of wearing a flabby body repulsed her. "So this is the machine that exchanges our minds?" the man asked. "Not exactly. I take it this is your first time with a proxy." The man nodded without looking around. Rachael had given this talk enough times for it to become a chore. She didn't like some of the kinky stuff that usually happened afterwards, but it was still better than boredom. "It simply redirects our sensory and motor impulses. They get read from each of us and routed through the controller here straight into the other person's brain. It seems like we're each other, in control of the other's body and feeling everything they feel, but we're still really ourselves." "Oh." The man sounded disappointed. "You wouldn't know it, though. For the time it's running you might as well be me. You won't be disappointed, trust me. No one ever is." "So what do I have to do?" "Not a lot." She opened up the little mahogany box she used to store the pickups. "I'll help you put these on. Don't worry - you'll hardly notice them. Your mind will probably be on other things." She gave an approximation of a saucy grin. "Once that's sorted we'll run a few tests and then if everything checks out we'll do whatever you have in mind." "Fine. What are the restrictions on what we can do?" Unconsciously, Rachael bit her lip. Her bad feeling about the man worsened. "Well, my basic ground rules are no other people, no animals, no drugs, no watersports and the like, and no serious S & M." The corner of the man's mouth twitched slightly. "And what do you call 'serious'?" Shit, she thought. Definitely bad things coming. "Nothing that draws blood. I don't mind spanking, either giving or receiving, but I won't have you leaving any bruises. My body is my livelihood." "Hmmm..." The man looked uncomfortable. "If I were to ask you to do some things to me, while I was you that is, that might involve bruising, could we come to some arrangement? I could pay for your time while you recuperated." Rachael tried to smile, but her lips didn't seem to want to respond. "I'm not sure that you could afford to do that. My time is rather expensive." "That's no problem," the man said, reaching into his inside jacket pocket and pulling out a smart card. "I think you'll find I can pay for quite a lot of your time." And, to Rachael's dismay, he could. * * * Rachael turned the card over and over between her fingers, like a prelude to some magic trick. If she took all the money the man was offering then she would be able to finish paying off both the flat and the proxy controller. It was more money that she had ever been offered for a single job before. She told herself it would be stupid to turn it down. The sooner all the debts were covered, the sooner she could get back to saving for her retirement. Her looks weren't going to last forever, and short of writing an autobiography, she wasn't sure what else she knew what else she could do. That was it then. She tried to put her misgivings aside. After all, it was only one job. How bad could it be? * * * "Is there anything in particular you'd like me to wear? I have a good collection of lingerie, as well as a few exotic costumes. You can look through them if you want." A distant expression crept into the man's eyes, like he was lost in thought, or trying hard to remember something. His lips smacked silently. "Could you manage a pair of jeans and a loose-fitting jumper? They don't have to be too smart." Rachael found herself blinking in surprise. "Really? I'm sure I can find something. Hang on." Frowning, she went through to her private bedroom and had a look through her mufti wardrobe. Jeans and a sweater? There had to be a first time for everything. Before she'd invested the money in the proxy hardware, she had been an ordinary, if somewhat expensive prostitute. During that time she had done a lot of work that involved fantasies and costumes. Since she had adopted her new line of business she had found that it was mostly just the lingerie that got used. Most of the men who wanted to have a taste of life on the other side had pretty fixed ideas of what a woman was. Most of them tended towards a glamour-girl look that bordered on tarty. Her new client seemed a bit different, though. Maybe this was a good sign. Rachael tended to overdo the makeup and perfume before a session and was a bit surprised when the man had asked her to clean it off. He liked the fresh-faced look, he said. It made Rachael feel vulnerable; the makeup was like a professional mask, hiding her real face from her working life. There was a tightness in her stomach as she anticipated the hours ahead. Over the years she had developed enough detachment from her work not to be affected by the ordinary stuff, but the prospect of weirdos still made her deeply uncomfortable. Sex itself meant little to her, and once she had got the hang of the male anatomy, of tricks like masturbating herself to maintain an erection, the work became relatively easy. Most of the sessions simply involved the client prancing around in her body for a while, trying on clothes and playing with himself, before launching into a clumsy seduction that offended Rachael's professional sensibilities. A fair few didn't want to bother with her at all and were happy enough with a vibrator or their hands. Rachael just provided an audience and lost herself in her own thoughts. It could be easy money sometimes, if a bit dull. She found an old pair of designer jeans, now a bit faded, and a jumper that her mother said made her look like Dennis the Menace. It felt strange putting them on for work, almost like the careful wall she had created in her mind between work and her real life was crumbling. She finished off the outfit with a pair of trainers that had been stupidly expensive once, but now looked ready for Oxfam. After giving herself a quick once-over in the mirror, she decided that she was ready. There was no delaying it any longer. * * * "Will this do?" The man looked Rachael over carefully, and nodded. "Close," he said. "The hair still needs sorting." Rachael put a hand up to feel her hair. It was elaborately sculpted and lacquered, in accordance with the current fashion. "What's wrong with it?" "Can you make it a bit more natural? Messy, even." "Whatever," she shrugged. "You're paying." She went in search of a hairbrush. After a few minutes' work, Rachael's hair looked shaggy and unkempt. She looked in the bathroom mirror and made a face at herself. It was lucky that the range of the controller wouldn't let them leave the flat. She couldn't bear the idea of anyone she knew seeing her body like this. As she walked back into the room, the man's face came alive. His eyes opened wide. For a moment Rachael thought it was with fear. "Perfect," he said softly. "Absolutely perfect." Rachael nodded silently and picked up the box that held the pickups. * * * "Do you suffer from motion sickness at all?" Rachael asked as she attached the last pickup to the man's head. "Not really. Why?" "Oh, it's just that some people can feel a bit poorly when they switch. It's disorientating having your perspective shifted suddenly. Nothing to worry about in general." Surreptitiously, Rachael wiped her hand on her jeans, trying to clean her fingers of the oils from the man's face. Just touching him had revolted her for reasons she couldn't really describe. He wasn't the ugliest client she'd had by a long way, but the prospect of finding herself inside his body made her feel slightly ill. She clenched her teeth and reminded herself she was a professional. "I think we're ready for the tests. Stay seated for the moment. You may feel a bit dizzy and confused while it goes on, but that's perfectly normal. We just need to know that your nervous system is up to the strain before we put it under any real pressure." The man nodded impatiently. "Will it take long?" "Don't worry," Rachael said as she knelt in front of the proxy controller. "It'll be over before you know it." The button gave a small click as she pressed it. Almost immediately the man's eyes glazed over and his whole body twitched gently, if uncontrollably. The first time Rachael had seen this done she had panicked, thinking something had gone very wrong. Now she simply waited for it to finish. After a few minutes it did. The man sat back in the chair, panting, his eyes closed. He looked pale and even sweatier than he had done earlier. He gripped the arm of the chair so tightly that Rachael thought he might tear holes in the soft leather. Rachael knelt beside him. "Are you OK? Should I call an ambulance?" At the mention of the ambulance the man's eyes snapped open. "No. I'm fine," he said, his voice strained. "It was just a bit more intense than I expected. I'll be all right in a moment." "If you say so." Rachael watched the colour return to the man's face in slow increments. "Do you need some water?" "No, nothing, thank you." After a few minutes the man looked recovered. "Are you up to telling me what happened yet?" Rachael asked. "It was just the shock of that thing playing with my mind." The man indicated the proxy controller with his thumb. "It's passed now and I'm ready to do it for real." Rachael snorted without meaning to. "You're joking. There is no way I'm letting you risk it. You're obviously not fit enough to take the strain." With a movement faster than Rachael would have thought possible, the man grabbed hold of her wrist. The strength of his grip brought tears to her eyes almost immediately. "That doesn't matter," he said, his breath hissing through his teeth. "I'm willing to take the risk." "Let go!" Rachael tried hard not to scream. "Now!" Almost reluctantly, the man loosened his grip. "Ow! Shit! What the hell are you playing at?" "Sorry." The man looked away from her, hiding his expression. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. It was an accident. I was just anxious." "Anxious enough to leave marks." Rachael twisted her wrist, testing the pain. "I don't think there's any permanent damage, but I've still a mind to call the police." "Look, I said I was sorry. I'll make it up to you. What do you say? Another ten percent on top?" A small shiver built between Rachael's shoulder blades. "You're insane. I'm not going to take your money now. It's for your own sake. I don't know what's wrong with you, but I don't want to take responsibility if anything bad happens." "What we agreed before? I'll double it. I'll sign any disclaimer you want. Whatever it takes, we're going ahead." "Look, this is stupid." Rachael looked up from massaging her wrist. "I mean, why should I..." She caught the man's eyes and her words died in her mouth. For the first time since he arrived, his eyes held something human, almost childlike. They echoed a need which moved and frightened her. "What is it? What's so important to you that you're willing to take that kind of risk?" He just sat there silently. "Being a woman for a day just isn't worth it. Trust me. I've been one for years." "I don't think I could explain," the man said eventually. "I mean, I could try, but it wouldn't make any sense to you. It's just something that I need to do. To tell the truth, I'm not even sure that I know why myself." The late afternoon sunlight caught the dust in the air, making Rachael think of pollen. The room seemed very quiet, the noise of the traffic muted and distant. Time passed. "All right. I'll do it. I just hope it's worth it." The man's eyes moistened. The corners of his mouth lifted in a bittersweet smile. "Thank you, Samantha," he said. "It's Rachael." "Oh yes, of course. Rachael." * * * There was a time delay between activating the transfer and it actually starting, which gave Rachael a chance to sit down. After a year of working as a proxy she still dreaded the moment of exchange. Back when she was a teenager, an old boyfriend had taken her on the rollercoaster at Blackpool pleasure beach. She had protested all the way through the queue, but it had been playful. The real fear hadn't started until the car started moving. On the cusp of the first big drop, an overwhelming sense of vertigo grabbed hold of her. Without even realising it was going to happen, she had vomited in freefall, an embarrassment she had never been able to forget. The experience had left her with a cold fear of losing control. Every time, now, that she programmed the controller to reroute her consciousness she had to face that fear. She told herself that doing so made her stronger, but she was still waiting for the strength to present itself. She looked over at the man, sitting in the padded leather armchair, and made eye contact with him just as the world was pulled out from under her. There was no feeling of falling, just a sudden movement in a direction the brain was never designed to perceive. The feeling of disorientation was as bad every time as it had been on the first. It was like being woken violently from a very deep sleep. Rachael closed her eyes hard and pushed herself back in the chair, willing it to pass. Slowly, she became aware of the feeling of soft leather under her hands. Her breath felt laboured, weighed down by an unfamiliar layer of fat. She consciously released the tension from her muscles and opened her eyes. The man had recovered more quickly than her and was already on his feet. One wall of the room was dominated by a large, full- length mirror and the man stood in front of it, examining Rachael's body. She watched him silently. Every client she had ever had started examining her breasts or groin first, playing with the new toys. This one didn't even move his hands. He just stood there, examining his borrowed reflection. His lips moved, as if he were talking to himself, but Rachael could hear no sound. Finally, he brought a hand up to his face and traced the shape of it. He nodded in approval and turned around to face Rachael. "It really works. I knew it was going to, but I suppose I didn't really believe it until now." Rachael stood up slowly, surprised by the pain involved. The sick ache of arthritis gripped her knees and lower back. She walked over to where the man was standing with small, awkward steps. "How do you like it?" she asked, reaching out to stroke his face. The man flinched. "Not yet," he said. "Give me a few minutes." Rachael nodded and left the room. By the light of the fluorescent tube in the bathroom, the man's skin looked even more pale and sickly. She splashed some cold water on it in the hope of making herself feel a bit more alert, but it made no difference. Everything ached. She felt sluggish and tired. Just to top everything off, she could feel a nasty dose of indigestion building. After drying herself off, Rachael made her way back and stood in the doorway of the room. The man was still looking in the mirror. Something about the intensity of his expression disquieted her. It wasn't an expression that looked like it belonged on her face. Trying not to make any noise, she padded over to the leather armchair and sat down. The man noticed her after a couple of minutes. "My God. This is remarkable," he said. "It feels absolutely real." "Good. I like to think I offer good value." "While I'm like this," the man indicated his torso with a sweep of his hands, "I have a favour to ask. Can you call me Samantha? It's important that you do." "Yes. Of course, Samantha." At the sound of the name, an expression of fear flashed across the man's face. Slowly, it was replaced with a tentative smile. Rachael crossed her arms and waited. The man just looked at her, almost timidly. She had seen this a couple of times before, where formerly forceful men became frightened bunnies when placed in a female role. She wondered if it was just a matter of suddenly becoming so much smaller. "So what do you want to do next?" After a moment's consideration, the man nodded towards the bedroom. Ah, there it is, Rachael thought with some amusement. Maybe he's not so different after all. She followed him through in silence. The man looked around the room quickly and then sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm not sure how to explain this," he said. "I want you to hit me." "What, like a spanking?" Rachael thought of the schoolgirl costume she had tucked in her working wardrobe. It had been a while since it last saw any use. "No." The man shook his head. He spoke very deliberately. "I want you to attack me. You need to pin me down on the bed and punch me in the face and body." . Rachael tried hard not to shown any reaction. "Why?" "It doesn't matter. It's just something I need you to do." "If I'm going to do this, I'm not going to hit hard. The last thing I want is to do some real damage." The man looked distracted. "It wasn't that hard. It could have been, but it wasn't." "I'm sorry?" "Again, it doesn't matter. Do you understand what you have to do?" "I think so. Am I supposed to say anything?" "I don't remember," the man said quietly. "I should remember." "OK, I won't speak. After I'm finished hitting you, then what?" "Then you leave the room." There was something about the man's tone of voice that made Rachael think she was already supposed to know this. She swallowed hard, hoping the saliva would take some of the bite from the acid in her stomach. "All right, Samantha." She pulled back a fist. "Whatever you want." The first blow caught the man on the cheekbone and sent him tumbling backwards. He almost fell off the bed, but Rachael pounced on him and held him down. He looked up at her with such an expression of wide-eyed terror that she hesitated, "No," he said, his voice trembling. "You can't stop now." Willing herself not to feel anything, Rachael hit the man in the stomach, winding him. The blows came faster and easier. She could feel herself becoming distanced from her actions, her arms pumping like pistons in an unthinking machine. The face and form trapped underneath her seemed alien and unimportant. Her pulse started building in her ears. It wasn't until the pressure hit her in the chest that Rachael realised that something was very wrong. Suddenly she couldn't breath properly and her arms failed underneath her, and she fell onto her own body. "What's happening?" With difficulty, she looked up to see herself leaning over, an expression of panic on her face. Disoriented, she could no longer tell who she was supposed to be. An incredible feeling of distance compounded the pain. Was this it, then? Was this death? She tried to fight it, something irrational in her mind telling her that if she could at least hold onto conscious thought then death could never be able to take her. There was a flicker as her perspective changed violently and she was looking down at the man on her bed, pale and sweating, a look of terror distorting his pasty face. Sickeningly, the view snapped back. She felt herself falling, even though she knew she was already lying down. Somewhere, half out of sight, a young woman collapsed. Everything flashed around her, like the room was lit by a stroboscope. She almost wished for death to come at last, to end the chaos. And then it was over. * * * Rachael felt soft carpet under her cheek. She forced herself to open her eyes, straining at the effort. A quick inventory of sensations told her she was back in her own body, shaken and ill. Her client. Of course. She sat up as quickly as her body would let her and looked at the prostrate form on the bed. The man looked too still to be alive. A single trickle of sweat ran from his forehead, down his cheek and onto the bedspread. Rachael put an ear to his mouth to listen for breath. The man groaned slightly and Rachael jumped so hard she almost fell off the bed. "Stay alive," she said quietly. "I'll get an ambulance. Just don't go and die." She ran back in the next room and called the emergency services. Everything was on autopilot. By the time she hung up she couldn't remember a single word she had just said. Should she do some kind of first aid? She went back through to the bedroom and looked at the man, trying to remember if this was the right time to do mouth-to-mouth or CPR. Shaking, she realised even if it were she didn't really know what to do anyway. The image popped into her head of the paramedics turning up just as she finished killing the man with botched kindness. Hot tears started pouring down her cheeks and her breath broke into sobs. "I'm sorry, Samantha." The man's voice was little more than a whisper. "Don't worry about it. Don't talk." Rachael sat on the edge of the bed and took hold of the man's hand. It was horribly cold and clammy. He squeezed back limply. "I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you." "It's all right. Really." Rachael ran her hand over the man's face. "And you forgive me?" "Forgive you?" "Yes." The man started trying to force himself up on one elbow. "Do you forgive me?" Every word sounded like it took an impossible amount of effort. "I need to know." "Of course I do." A look of absolute peace crept over the man's face. "Thank you, Samantha." Rachael thought for a moment about correcting him, but somehow knew if she did it would be the worst thing she had ever done in her life. * * * By the time the ambulance arrived the man had been dead for several minutes. The paramedics made what looked to Rachael like a valiant attempt to revive him, but it came to nothing. Without knowing exactly why, she was glad that they failed. After they left, everything suddenly became very quiet and still. Time slowed down a few notches and her mind felt capable of rational thought again. Rachael caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and for a moment she looked like a stranger, with her untidy clothes and wild hair. She thought about going through to the bathroom to clean herself up. With a bittersweet half-smile, she ran a hand through her hair. Maybe not, she decided. She still didn't know who she was supposed to be, but somehow it seemed fitting that she should be that person for just a little while longer.

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Enough Chapters 3 4 and 5

I had just come home from putting in several more applications when my mother told me Ms. Gardener had passed away. The ambulance had just been there and removed her body. I would miss Mrs. Gardener and her wisdom which she shared with me many times. I had gotten a call back from one of the auto dealerships and they wanted to interview me for a parts clerk. It wasn’t a great job, but it was a start. I went to the interview and think I did well, but they told me they would call me back later....

3 years ago
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A Birthday Ill Never Forget Ch 3

I awoke the next morning to the sound of running water, so I went into the bathroom to join Vin in the shower. The time on the clock showed 8:00. He was startled when I opened the shower door and stepped in. ‘What are you doing up?’ he asks. ‘The shower woke me up, so I thought I’d join you.’ ‘I was going to finish my shower, then head down to your room to get your things and bring them back up here so you’d have them when you got up. But, since you’re here in the shower with me, care to...

1 year ago
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GirlsTryAnal Nia Nacci Vienna Rose On The Receiving End

Nia Nacci is on the phone with her loving girlfriend, Gia Derza, who’s out of town awhile because of work. They normally do weekly phone calls to touch base with each other, but Nia wasn’t expecting one TODAY… Gia asks how Nia’s holding up. She knows Nia must be lonely while she’s away, which is why Gia suggested for Nia to meet up with her best friend, Vienna Rose! Gia’s confident the two of them will get along well. Little does Gia know, they get along a...

2 years ago
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The Century ClubChapter 3

"So what you're telling us, Julie, is that Rita is going to embarrass herself by confessing to her dirtiest, sexiest fantasies?" Fay seemed puzzled. "And how is that better than your original plan. Seems kind of lame to me." Julie shook her head and sighed, " You weren't listening, Fay. I plan to take her beyond talk. At least I hope we can make her walk the walk of her dirty talk. And, by the way, I'm suggesting we carry out my original idea as a warm up as well." Julie's first...

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Ensign Bellersquos Personal Log Stardate 402004

Black hole my backside! Actually that makes sense. A rather sore yet fun sense. I’m getting ahead of myself here.I headed down to Astrometrics, which oddly enough was in pitch darkness, no console light, no screens no nothing ,I drew my phaser not sure what had happened.“You will not need that Ensign.”I’ll admit I nearly dropped it out of fright, Seven’s voice could be scary at the best of time s but that monotone in pitch black took it up a notch. That and the memory of the last time she was...

2 years ago
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Job Fair Blow Job

Regina’s first job after she graduated from college was for a health and fitness blog. When she took the job, she was told she would write about two things that interested her, the benefits of exercise and proper diet.She soon learned the job wasn’t exactly what she thought it would be. Although she was writing about health and fitness topics, the real purpose of her position was to direct readers to products sold by the blog’s sponsors. Her blog segment heading said she was offering advice and...

Oral Sex
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Katies Change In Lifestyle

I worked at the local Hospital in the supply department, it was a high-pressure job that had at times long hours. Most weeks it ran into six days and some days well over ten hours. When I first took the position I was happy for the extra money, but after having my leave canceled a few times it got much harder.Over the last year, I began to struggle to stay on top of my job, a couple of other staff left and only one was replaced. My social like went west as did my boyfriend. Towards the end of...

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Why I Met Your Mother Chapter 81

Chapter Eight Once she heard the key turn in the lock and knew for certain that he was gone, Kiara wandered like a zombie back into the lounge and sat herself down on the sofa. She swallowed hard, trying to take stock of it all. She rested her hands weakly in her lap, but they wouldn’t stop their violent trembling. She was jumpy, twitching at every little sound the empty house made around her. Her fingers knotted with each other for some sort of comfort as she thought. The horrors went round...

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Sylvias Mother Ch 30

‘I still can’t believe we made love in the middle of that storm,’ Karen commented as the she and Jason, both drenched and covered with pine needles and leaves, walked down the driveway toward the cabin. ‘I’ve never done anything like that before in my life.’ ‘Me, either,’ Jason agreed. ‘It was really wild, wasn’t it?’ ‘I guess!’ Karen exclaimed. ‘God, you’ve gotten me to do such crazy and wonderful things!’ Jason opened the door and the two of them walked into the house. ‘Holy shit, look at...

3 years ago
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Varsha Mami Ko Meri Rakhail Banaya

Hi friends, I am very happy because of your love and response, thanks to all. Main ek gaon me rahata hoon. Mere mama ka ghar bhi mere gaon me hi hai. Mama ki wife ka nam varsha hai aur unhe ek chhoti ladki bhi hai. Varsha mami bahut hi sexy dikhti hai. Mami ke boobs toh bahut bade hai. Main hamesha choop choop ke varsha mami ko tadta tha. Mami ki gand ke bare me toh jo bolu woh kam tha. Mami jabh bhi ghar me chalti thi, tab me unki matkati gand dekhke behosh ho jata tha. Mami ki figure nera...

3 years ago
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Danas Revnege Part 4

Dana's Revenge ? Part 4 ? by: Tweak (This is the continuing story of a man who is paying the price for having jilted his previous girlfriend. She has imprisoned him in a chastity device and is slowly turning him into a sissy.) I woke up Sunday morning and prepared for my day not knowing what Dana had 'planned' for me today. I took a shower and shaved all my required parts. I put on my make-up and dressed in my maid's outfit and began my chores. Around 9:45 the phone rang and...

1 year ago
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MotherinLaw from hell

Mother-in-Law from Hell By Morpheus I climbed out of my car, removing my tie and popping open the top button of my shirt with a sigh of relief. It was Friday afternoon and I was done with work for the week. "The weekend is here," I said, already feeling lighter, as though the weight and burdens of my job had been lifted from my shoulders, at least for the next couple days. I was looking forward to sitting back and relaxing, catching one of the new movies that had just come out,...

2 years ago
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The first time I cucked a white male

I’m looking for a guy who likes to fuck from the backside. my asshole is perfect for a pounding. Come onand give me a good hard beating. Please help if you can!if you Real Then Contact Me Now :www.miamalkova.websiteSome months ago I started working in a medical facility (I will not give further details on my job), and there was this particular secretary that caught my eye. She was white, in her mid 30s, slim-ish waist, average sized tits, but with wide hips and a thick ass (just how I like...

1 year ago
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Bad LandlordChapter 8 Epilogue

Tim answered the knock at his door and smiled at his visitor. "Hi Elaine," he said smiling. "Come on in." "Hi Tim," Elaine said quietly and smiling back. "You asked me to stop by after work?" It was obvious Elaine had just got home from work because she was still dressed in her conservative business suit. It had been six months since the first incident in her apartment and many, many more incidents had followed. She had been double fucked with both Bobby's and his cocks in her...

1 year ago
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His Proud Pig

......i feel that long desired warmth...that sweet yet salty and soooo yummy.....He has decided to reward His whore with a treat....i want so bad to suck every last drop and quickly swallow as if to secure my prize....but i know better....i keep every drop in my mouth, i look up, longing for Him to allow me to finish the treat in my mouth. "Hmm open up slut"...i open and show my prize. "Okay...go ahead greedy bitch.....i quickly swallow and lick my lips, wishing there was more. "Don't you worry...

2 years ago
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Tits and Tats

Tits and Tats It was an unassuming shop on a quiet street in a seedy part of town. I was a middle manager, who had downed a couple of glasses of fine wine over lunch, on my way home a bit early, wandering, as I liked to do through the streets looking at the shops. What caught my eye was the French Maid's Uniform in the window. It seemed so unusual to see such a thing in this day and age that I had to take a closer look. There was a variety of old-fashioned clothes in the window...

2 years ago
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Married couple forced by 2 black men

We love being a cuckold couple, me the sissy hubby and my wife the naughty slut. We like being controlled by our Bull/DOM and have played out some hot scenarios. This one is a favorite of hers, especially after we made it happen.There was a knock at the door, which was strange it was 9:00 pm, my wife went to answer the door, there were two black men at the door, one acted embarrassed and told her they obviously had the wrong house, because she wasn’t who they expected to answer, she told them...

1 year ago
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Diary of a Slave

Thank you to Styxx for the help formatting this XO Smiling she sat at the desk opening the gilded book of plain blank paper , her long slim fingers dancing as they picked up a pen. She sighed once more and set it to the paper, her lush lips turning up at the corners she began to write... M'LORD's Teachings I came home with a smile on my face. Our day out was the best one ever, You took me to see so many things and the club was by far the best. I enjoyed seeing the jealous looks from all the...

4 years ago
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Devina in trouble

Devina's in trouble.I woke up with a start and leaped out of bed."Oh god I thought, my Wife is due back tomorrow, and I better clear upthis mess before I go to work today."The mess was actually quite a lot of womens clothes spread across thebedroom floor. You see I am a cross dresser, in private I loved to dressin Womens clothes, slutty tarty clothes, I loved to be dressed as aslutty whore. But my biggest fetish was to wear Macs and raincoats, allsorts, any kind, but especially PVC Macs.Before...

3 years ago
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Tears Of A Vamp Chapter Three

Two hours later I had Alex pinned face down on the remnants of what had once been a queen-sized mattress. I'd held it atop of her at one time during our fight, hoping to pin her down. Fingers clawing like badger claws had ripped through the fabric like a buzz saw.Our fight had been much closer than I would have believed considering my new muscles and Alex's slight frame. I was much stronger than her. Especially since she'd let me drink so much of her blood earlier. I was at full strength while...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Asian girlfriend caught White impregnation fever

My Asian girlfriend who caught White impregnation feverThis is not going to be a very long story, but at least a true one. I just changed some details like the actual names of the city, people etc a little bit.What I am about to tell happened to me when I was in my early 20s studying in Dortmund, Germany. To be honest, I wasn't really experienced when it came to sex at this time, or at least not as much experienced as I thought I was. Between the university campus and my apartment were several...

1 year ago
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Wife Trained Abused and Bought Back ch 02

Introduction: A year later, she gets an assignment: entrap a critic and let her electroshock you The last year or so has been very productive. Ive learned a lot about people and Id like to tell you about it. I am a little nervous that I will not express myself clearly, Ive written little erotica since I posted my first entry here last May. In fact, Ive written nothing that deserves to be posted online for your pleasure. I have, however, written and had published two articles on deviant sexual...

3 years ago
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Makaleas Make Up Assignment

Summer classes would help Makaela graduate college sooner but having gone to her friend's birthday party, Makaela had not slept all night. She was also feeling a little sick from drinking too much. She sat in class feeling terrible as her professor handed out the exams. She heard Miss Lena ask sternly, “Makaela are you ok?” Irritated Makaela answered rudely, “Yes, Professor, I’m fine.” Makaela’s head hurt and she could barely see what was on the test. She did the best she could, as quickly as...

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Meri Jindgi

Hi dosto mera naam Parveen Kumar h mai aapko mere sath hua ek sunhera itefak sunana chahta hu,ummid karta hu ki aapko pasand aayega pahle apna introduction aapko deta hu mera naam parveen kumar h aur age 19 saal h mai Karnal Haryana se hu Ye Baat pichle saal ki h jab mere 12th ke exams khatam huye the aur mai apne mama ke ghar gya tha mere mama sharanpur ke pas ek gaon me rahte time mai sex ka shoukin tha par mai us time tak virgin tha mera ek hi mama h uske ldke ka naam sonu h sonu ki...

2 years ago
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MILFS hold an adult party part 3

Chloe - "Well girls, how do we start?" "Angie doesn't have a drink, so we should start with a large vodka for her." "I don't drink Vodka but a glass of Orange would be good." "Oh I will have to mix some up in the kitchen, please chat among yourselves.""So Angie you must feel too hot in those winter weight top & skirt, why don't you take them off. After all we are girls together here - nothing we haven't seen before - right?" "I suppose so." "Ok so you don't feel embarissed we will shed with...

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My Fleet Experiences Chapter 31

By Jax_Teller Previously in Chapter 2 The next morning we went sight-seeing around town and were heading back into town when my pager went off and I saw that we were being recalled to the ship, leave was canceled. I headed back to the pier and turned my rental car back in. The night was glorious and a hell of a lot of fun, both girls agreed, and said that we needed to do that again. I was glad that everyone had a good time. I found out later that week that the motel had re-rented...

1 year ago
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The Cuckold Test Part III

Danny took the phone from Claire, it was Joe. He had already been speaking to her for a quarter of an hour and Claire came to him from the privacy of her bedroom to hand Joe over to him. “Joe wants a word.” Claire told him. “How are you, Danny?” Joe asked him. “Fine,” he replied hesitantly. “You?” “I am well Danny, looking forward to seeing Claire again,” he told him. Danny could feel his cock stiffening from the sound of another man’s voice talking about his wife. “Looking forward to...

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I had agreed to watch my brothers' twin 17-year-old daughters for a week while he and his wife went on a cruise to celebrate their anniversary. I had not seen my nieces in a couple years so I was a little startled when the showed up wearing matching miniskirts and halter tops. They had grown up since I'd last seen them. They had been cute with the potential for sexy. Now they'd grown into that potential. They were both redheads and it was difficult to tell them apart unless you knew them. Emily...

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Teaching Millie Shes Hot Part IV New York

We were standing at the airline counter, redeeming our tickets to New York. The clerk was going through his list of canned questions, looking up only to snatch glimpses of the Grand Canyon--the 16 inches of Millie's creamy-white cleavage (I measured it while she giggled). She was wearing a shockingly short microskirt and an incredibly low-cut T-shirt top, with a stretchy sling bra that offered very little support for her swaying, wobbling football tits. Actually, they're bigger than footballs....

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Yoga teacher

Hai, I am vignesh from vignesh. I am 19 years of age. This is a real one. This happened three months back. I am studying in a computer company. This is my first affair, that too with my yoga teacher. Her name is swathi, married lady of 30 years of age. Whitish in color with nice & well shaped boobs. I was very regular to my yoga classes. Always I used to ask one or the other thing in yoga & so I was bit popular over there. Often I used to visit her house at least weekly… Once I don’t have any...

1 year ago
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Summer Escapades Series Chapter 2

The first week of camp was really grueling. They had us doing everything from cutting trees to planting new ones. All the CIT's were asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows each night. Well, almost all of the CIT's that is. Chad and I took the opportunity almost every night to replay the shower room activity that we enjoyed that first day. We would wait until the other guys would fall asleep. Since our bunks were only separated by the metal frames and in the corner hidden from any light,...

1 year ago
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Sarah Learns Teamwork Part 1

This story is fictional. It contains adult themes, interracial and unsafe sex. This is my first attempt. I would very much appreciate all constructive criticism! *** My wife Sarah and I have been married 22 years; we met in college; married after graduating. I'm successful and financially comfortable, 6'1”, 210 lbs, brown hair and eyes, still fit with an 8” cock that Sarah loves to use. She is a pretty lady, shoulder length auburn hair, hazel eyes, 5'8", 34B-28-36, with the most sensitive long...

3 years ago
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Doug and Loras First Time Bi Stories

I've been friends with Doug and Lora for about eight years and during that time, we've had quite a few very gratifying threesomes. I like them a lot. They are both easy going and mellow, uninhibited and imaginative, gentle and considerate; all of which suit my personality well. They like to hot tub. They like to get high on weed which is one of my most enjoyable weaknesses. Besides our excellent sex, we also have interesting conversations and intelligent discussions - art, music, politics, you...

Group Sex
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Varsha Virgin Ass

Hi all, it had been a week only I have read so many stories on Indian Sex Stories dot net. It was great to learn so much and I decided why not I send my sex story. So here is my life’s best & real one that I can never forget. It’s a long story, but you will surely enjoy every bit. It’s me Varsha, Pune based Maharashtra woman, I am 28, very fair, well shaped 36/26/34, athlete body, 5’2’ht and just weight 49kg. I have firm boobs, pink lips. I got married to a banker in Pune. It was an arranged...

1 year ago
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My hot virgin sister in law

100% fiction! This story that happened in my life a week ago. The story is about how I fucked my virgin sister in law (sil). Her name is arthi (name changed) and she is 23 yrs old and has a sexy body 32D-28-34. I have been attracted to her since my marriage. Last week my mother in law was admitted in the hospital for a surgery so my wife was accompanying her at the hospital. Since my mother in law needed to be admitted in the hospital for a couple of days, my wife suggested that I go along with...

3 years ago
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New life1

chapter no. 1:Thats how it started......... {Note from the author:this story is not fully about sex there is love ,bestiality,torture ,etc if u are not accustomed with it or don't like it so pls don't read} i and jake is a big fan of this site and after reading the story "richboyslove" though i dont know its true or fictional we thought of writing our story which is true and has occurred in our life. Here is the detailed account what happened to me and changed my whole life and i hope u...

2 years ago
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Mom Wants Golden ShowersChapter 4

Barry and Shari touched and felt each other anytime they were in the mood, which seemed all the time, and whether Janet was present or not. They had learned that all they had to do was tell her to shut up if she attempted to stop them. And Janet would shut up. Yet there were times when they talked to her freely, chattering about friends and thoughts, talking to her like a son and daughter would with their mother. There were times when they acted like the youths they were, and times when they...

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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch 04

Chapter 4 22. Operation Day It was a little after 5:00 o’clock in the morning and the lights went on in Payne Temple’s room. She neither saw nor heard anything because she was sound asleep, at least for the moment. The nurses went about their business, setting up the intravenous bags, injectable medications, razors, and sterilization items and then, they woke Payne up. Payne looked around the room, with a mixture of anxiety, apprehension, and outright fear. She had waited her entire life...

2 years ago
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Threesome With Slutty Teacher And Sexy Classmate

Hi guys I am Rishi this is my first Indian sex story so please forgive me if there is any mistake in the story.This happened to me when I was in tenth std. Mai us time par bhi football team me tha to meri body shape me hi rehti thi aur mera lollipop us time par bhi 6 inches ka ho jata tha.Now starting with the story.,.. Baat nov- dec ke time ki thi. Mujhe niharika( name changed) par 2 years se crush tha par gaand me itni dum nhi thi ki jaa ke use propose kar pata…..Bilkul sex goddess jaisi...

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