THE GIRLFRIEND by Deane Christopher Copyrighted 1999
Part 2
Some more inconsequential conversation followed, and then, on
Vicki's suggestion, the two of them began to run through the list of girls
names that she had jotted down during Jake's all afternoon recuperation nap.
Jake(f) liked some; dislike others and surprised the shit out of Vicki by
actually adding a few of his(f) own to the new list of likely possibles she was
so diligently compiling.
Vicki, knowing how important it was for Jake(f) to feel comfortable
with his(f) new, feminine name, didn't push it. However, she also knew that
if Jake(f) remained in any way, shape or form resistive to selecting a new
name for his herified self, come the end of the week, she would have to force
the issue by dogmatically demanding that either he(f) pick one for himself(f),
or she would do so for him(f).
* * *
Sometime later, while the two of them were somewhat distractedly
watching The X-Files, they began comparing notes about their childhoods
and found, to their mutual amazement, that they not only knew I lot of the
same people, but had that they had grown up in neighborhoods that damn
near bordered one another and because they had, their paths had cross one
other from time to time.
For instance, they had been members of the same little league
association and had even been teammates for one of those years. Likewise,
though they had been in different dens, and therefore didn't remember one
another, they had been in the very same church based Cub Scout Troop for
two years. As full fledged Boy Scouts, while they had been in different
troops, they had attended the same area sponsored Jamborees; meaning that
the patrols they had been members of, had more than likely competed against
one another from time to time. Ironically, they came realized that they had
more than Laura Bedlow in common. All told, they had, at one time or
another, dated not one, but two girls that the other had both liked and dated.
They had, during their grade school years, gone to the very same
YMCA sponsored Saturday morning swim classes given every fall and
spring at the local public high school's indoor pool and, though they couldn't
be sure, they may have even been in the same swim class from time to time.
Undoubtable, they had played pick-up baseball and basketball games against
one another, since the public park served as part of the border between the
neighborhoods that they had both grown up in.
Eventually, they got around to discussing their wrestling experiences.
"Hey, Jake... Do remember that weird guy from Eastern Votec?"
"The one who was always talking to himself and had that really bad
BO problem?", Jake(f) replied.
"That's the one!", Vicki was quick to agree, before continuing on to
inquire, "Didn't you just hate it when you had to go up against him...
y'know, the way he smelled and all..."
"Sure did!", Jake(f) was quick to agree. "I mean to tell you... the
guy was rank! I mean... he smelled to high heavens! Y'know, as if he'd
been rolling in dog shit or something..."
"I know...", Vicki counted, "...every time I had to wrestle that smelly
so-and-so... I pitched a bitch to both my coach and the ref... y'know,
suggesting that the high school scholastic sport association force everybody
to take a shower before a match..."
"They did!", Jake(f) returned. "In my senior year... y'know, the
year you started attending college... they made it a rule that everybody had to
shower before a match! But... wouldn't you just know... that bastard found
a way to get around the rule!"
"You mean... he didn't take shower... y'know, like he was supposed
to?", Vicki asked.
"Oh, no! He showered... y'know, just like everyone else did! Soap!
Water! The whole nine yards!
Trouble was, that low-life son of a bitch made doubly damn sure that
on the day of a wrestling match, he had the worst case of halitosis breath that
I ever - in my entire life - come across. I mean... that bastard could breath on
you and you were ready to heave your guts out!
"And then for toppers... that low-life son of a bitch had the ability to
fart on demand!"
"Tell me about it!", Vicki concurred.
"I mean...", Jake(f) continued unabated, "...you have that sucker...
y'know, in a hold... ready to pin that sorry ass of his to the mat... and what
would he do? He'd let one of those bad boys of his rip... and the next thing
you'd know... he up and pull a reversal on you... y'know, because of the
momentary, stinky distraction of his..."
"Did he ever beat you... y'know, using that tricky little ploy of his?",
Vicki, intrigued, asked.
"No...", Jake(f) replied thoughtfully. "But he did come close a time
or two..."
"I'll bet he did...", Vicki, trying to imagine what it must have been
like, mused. "I'll bet he did..."
So anyhow, as they talked about their various high school wrestling
experiences, exploring this, that and the other thing as they did so, the two
former adversaries began to kiddingly tease one another, as each one them in
turn, claimed that they had been the far better wrestler, and that the only
reason that the other had ever beaten them, had been due to some strange
quirk of fate. Jake(f) fraudulently claimed that the reason Vicki - as Victor
Spalding - had beaten him was due to the fact that at a crucial moment in the
match, the waistband of his jockstrap had snapped and he had been
distracted, which in turn, had allowed Vic to get the upper hand and there by
score the tie breaking point.
Vicki, on the other hand, claimed that the only reason Jake(f) had ever
managed to pin her - as a him - to the mat and there by take the match, was
due to the fact that she hadn't been feeling up to snuff at the time; suggesting
as she did so that she - here again as a he - may have eaten something for
lunch that hadn't sat well with her - as a him.
So anyhow, one thing lead to another, and soon, by mutual accord,
the two them, sans their satin sleep shirts, had disassembled Vicki's make-
shift coffee table and assumed what WWF fans would call the crazy-assed,
mat-based kneeling position employed in collegiate styled Graeco-Roman
Wrestling that seemed to favor one wrestler over the other. Jake(f) who,
having lost the coin toss to Vicki's call of tails, had taken the lower position,
initiated the tussle with a evenly pace, "Ready... Set... Go!"
Having lost nothing of her agility in the process of her own spell
induced feminization, Vicki quickly spun Jake(f) about, deftly dropping
him(f) to the living room's threadbare oval rug as she did so. Jake(f), not to
be taken so easily, looped one of those newly emasculated long and ever so
lovely legs of his(f) around in a calculated sweep, which, upon connecting,
dropped Vicki's succulent tush to the mat, so that she fell right up alongside
of Jake(f). Scrambling, Jake(f), in an all out effort on his herified part to take
advantage of the situation he(f) had just then and there created when he(f) had
so successfully turned the tables on Vicki, rose to those non-knobby knees of
his(f) shapely feminine form and, securing purchase on both an arm and a leg
of Vicki's, endeavored to establish a masterful hold on his(f) opponent's
most bodacious bod of body. However, as quick as Jake(f) was, Vicki, who
was a whole hell of a lot more in sync with that feminine body of hers than
Jake(f) was with his(f), easily twisted her way free of Jake(f)'s restraints and
just as easily, managed, after a few tussles and feints, to gain the advantage.
Before Jake(f) could rationalize what had happen, he(f) found his(f) herified
self effectively hamstrung, shoulder blades to the floor.
"Alright, already!", he(f) squealed. "I give, Vicki! You win! You
beat me fair and square!
"However... once I get use to this new body of mine... I want...
No! Make that demand a re-match!"
Vicki, releasing the hold she had her loverboy turned hopefully
lovergirl trussed up in, spun succinctly about and in doing so, proceed on to
take up a commanding face to face straddling position, in which that man-
troubling tush of hers rested ever so tantalizing, right above the hip-splays
and lower abdomen portion, where in was nestle the primary erogenous zone
and orgasmic trigger of Jake(f)'s new found femininity. Then, with her cunt
posed mere inches above Jake(f)'s own little honey pot, Vicki, after
longingly gazing down into the compelling baby blue orbs of his(f), bent
forward and planted a long, endearing lip-lock on those kissable new lips of
Oddly enough, Jake(f), who wasn't sure as to what in world was
going on, save that he(f) was keenly aware of the fact that he(f) was enjoying
the hell out of the intimacy of the moment, did nothing to deter Vicki from
doing what she was doing. Invigorated, that healthy male ego of Jake(f)'s,
impassioned as it was, kicked in, urging Jake(f) to become a sexual usurper
and wrest the initiative for the ensuing encounter from Vicki and there by,
achieve the role of manly, slow-handed lover that he(f) was so accustomed to
Vicki, upon becoming aware that her breast were being expertly
fondled, tenderly reached up and, grabbing the wrist of those emasculated
arms of Jake(f)'s and with some heart felt remorse, drew them away from her
body and rolling forward, pinned them upon the carpet, right up alongside of
that pretty new, golden tressed head of his(f)
"Jake... Jake... Jake...", Vicki light heartedly chided. "How am I
every going to be able to give you a proper baptism into this new
womanhood of your's if you insist on lending a hand and there by, interfere
with what I'm trying to achieve here?
"Later... once I finish demonstrating how all these new gadgets and
erogenous zones of your's work... tell you what... my dearest darling! It'll
be my distinct pleasure to let you return the favor! Alright?
"But for right now... all I want you to do is: lay back! Relax!
Y'know, as much as possible... And enjoy the tongue-lashing you are about
to receive!"
Then, before Jake(f) could utter a disparaging word to gainsay her,
Vicki once again leaned her torso forward and coquettishly planted another
impassioned lip-lock on Jake(f)'s quivering and uncertain lips. In short
order, the passions triggered by the meeting of their lips, compounded in,
one upon the other, expanding that kiss into the open mouth, spit-swapping
variety that the French have audaciously and egotistically laid claim to having
both pioneered and, via the trial and error method, honed and refined in my
lady's boudoir, to an enchanting and engaging art form.
Though there was more than a little confusions revolving around just
who's tongue was to be inserted into who's oral orifice, Vicki, with a quick,
curtly delivered order for Jake(f) to cease and desist in his(f) endeavors, won
the day. Alternating between that delectable new mouth of Jake(f)'s and that
succulent, aristocratic long and lovely neck stalk he(f) had been magically
fitted out with, Vicki deftly worked her stylized brand of erotic magic.
Jake(f), on his herified part, was soon riving under Vicki's deviously
concocted ministrations.
Feeling as if she had obtained Jake(f)'s unacknowledged leave to up
the ante, Vicki, taking extreme care not to destroy the fragility of the moment,
in the midst of a most impassioned French Kiss, slide her body off to the
right of Jake(f)'s, in such a way as to allow her the leeway to take that right
hand of her's and use it to begin to teasingly prod, knead, fondle and titty-
tweak Jake(f)'s nylon/lycra encased ample mammary glands. Shortly
thereafter, Vicki further upped the ante, as she quickly, albeit sublimely, took
an abbreviated moment to draw the navy blue sports bra up and off Jake's
upper torso. Then, having gain unimpeded access to those twin, conically
shaped ample endowments that festoon her lover's femininely re-sculptured
upper torso, Vicki returned to her foreplay endeavors; kicking them off with a
tongue-swirling French Kiss that was even more lust impassioned than the
proceedings one had been. A cascading string of provocatively teasing little
neck-nibbling, skin-sucking mini-kisses followed; each one overlapping the
other, and each one placed ever so tortuously, ever so erotically, just a teeny
tiny bit below its' predecessor.
Employing Jake(f)'s own tactic of excruciating slowness, a tactic that
never fail to both polarize and torque the living shit out of her own sense of
sexual anticipation, Vicki, teasingly backtracking every now and again in
order to heighten the anticipatory impact of her endeavors, moved down
across Jake(f)'s upper chest and down onto the erect and thoroughly aroused
nipple of his(f) newly accentuated right breast.
Alternating between tongue-swirls and impassioned titty-sucks,
Vicki, employing some of the very same techniques that Jake(f) had used on
her, deftly administered to first one and then the other of Jake(f)'s mammary
protrusions. As she did so, her right hand traced ever so tenderly, ever so
teasingly, down across that undulating abdomen of his(f). Coming into
direct contact with the sinfully sensual nylon/lycra material encasing her
loverboy's primary sexual apparatus, Vicki, opting to delay the inevitable,
lightly traced down across the material concealing that new little veed mat of
vaginal ringlets of his(f), causing Jake(f) to wildly squirm and shimmy as
he(f) was wracked by a daisy chain of spasmodic, sexual-shiver inducing
jolts, one following in the immediate wake of its' erotically titillating and gut
wrenching predecessor.
Jake(f), riving under Vicki's ministrations as he - as a she - was, was
rendered flabbergasted. He(f) knew, from everything he(f) had ever heard -
ever read - that when it came to erogenous zones, women had it head and
shoulders over their male counterparts.
However, Jake(f) soon became poignantly aware of the fact that
forewarned doesn't always equate to forearmed.
There was nothing - Nothing what so ever! - that Jake(f) could have
done which could have prepared him(f) for the riveting experience that Vicki
was so ardently lavishing upon that new herified form of his(f). Jake(f)
knew, without the shadow of a doubt, that while that male ego of his(f) was
being savagely assaulted by the debasing ignominy of the deplorable situation
he - as a femmed out she - found himself(f) embroiled within, there was
another portion of that staunchly male psyche of his(f) that fervently relished
every little nuance of what Vicki was doing to that new femme fatale stylized
body of his(f).
He(f) loved every tongue-swirl. Every finger-flick. He(f) loved it
when Vicki planted a lip-lock on one or another of those femininely re-sized
areolas of his(f) and, employing a sucking inhalation, drew that baby
suckling certified up-graded nipple of his(f) into the sanctuary of her mouth.
He(f) loved the way Vicki torqued and re-torqued that billowing and
brooding sense of erotic anticipation of his(f). As Vicki began to
caress those super-sensitized inner thighs of his(f), drawing ever near to that
new little crotch crease of his(f) as she did so, driving home the point that
his(f) all to recent feminization had saddled him(f) with a whole kit and
caboodle of new and highly provocative erogenous zones, Jake(f) heard a
woman moan, the deep throaty moan that had always signified to him(f) the
reckless abandonment of a sexually captivated female. He(f) heard a woman
squeal. He(f) heard a woman begin to fervently and repeatedly beseech the
Almighty on High, only to realized, that the woman he(f) was hearing was
none other than his(f) own newly herified self.
Suddenly, though he(f) never knew how or when it had occurred,
Jake(f) became cognizant of the fact that he(f) lay there, on Vicki's poor
excuse for a carpet, naked as that proverbial Jay Bird that you are always
hearing about, somehow, someway, without him(f) becoming even remotely
aware of it, Vicki had surreptitiously managed to draw those nylon/lycra
exercise pants off of him(f).
Slowly, teasingly, Vicki, after a few more lightly applied, lacy-like
finger administration, deftly drawn along those immensely super-sensitized
inner thighs of her former male lover, Vicki, opting to employ the middle
finger of her right hand to administer the opening feint, sublimely inserted its'
nailed nub within the rearmost apex of Jake(f)'s vaginal orifice and began to
tantalizing draw it forward, sliding it ever so provocatively through the
multiple lip-folds of his(f) love-juice slicken satin swath.
Jake(f), with a deep moan to signify his(f) willing compliance,
instinctively responded by splaying those long and lovely legs of his(f) so as
to grant Vicki better access to that new little honey pot that he(f) was sporting
down in between those seductively attractive, long and ever so lovely legs of
Exhilaration - wild, rampant and all consuming - coursed throughout
his(f) entire being as Vicki's love-juice slickened middle finger came into
direct contact with that new and ever elusive nub of that clitoral protrusion of
his(f). Jake(f), though it would be only a temporary and short-lived reprieve,
transcended the debilitating specter of his former maleness. Accepting
femininity in all its' orgasmic promise, Jake(f) threw caution to the wind as
he(f) lay there riving - thriving - under Vicki's deft-handed ministration.
He(f) squirmed. He(f) bucked. His(f) hips swished. His(f) hips
swayed. His(f) body, as if it had a mind all of its' own, madly gyrated.
He(f) squealed. He(f) moaned(f). He(f) whimpered, ardently enveloped
within the billowing and unfettered fascination of heretofore unimaginable
sexual pleasures, sexual pleasures that were themselves rooted within the
paradox of the ever present and tantalizingly tempting forbidden fruit category
of sexual perversions.
Then, just when Jake(f) was beginning to believe that he(f) had
achieved the zenith of per-orgasmic sexual pleasure, Vicki, unaware of the
fact that she would be proving that asinine assertions of his(f) to be based on
erroneous and incomplete information as she did so, opted to up the ante yet
again. Moving with all the grace and agility of a world class female gymnast,
Vicki, who didn't drop a proverbial stitch with her clit tweak endeavors,
vaulted her body up and over the upper arch of Jake(f)'s right leg and down
into the veed formed by her former loverboy's eagerly splayed legs. Sliding
her torso smoothly downwards over Jake(f)'s taut little tummy, so that her
head ended up poised just above that man - turned bodacious woman - of
her's femininely revamped crotch, Vicki, without skipping a beat, substituted
a self lubricating, clit tweak tongue for that artistically wielded clit finagling
finger of her's.
Intrinsically aware that he - as a she - had just become the honored
recipient of Vicki's selfless act of cunnilingus, Jake(f) was rendered
surrealistically spellbound, as the excruciating amounts of debilitating
pleasure he(f) was deriving form Vicki's selfless oral ministrations began to
re-bounded in upon themselves, doubling and re-doubling, compounding and
then compounding again, in a maniacal, mind blowing pursuit of pure,
unadulterated primal pleasure. Each and every time Vicki's adroitly wielded
tongue came in contact with that new clitoral nub of Jake(f)'s, he(f) felt his(f)
passions ratcheted up to another new level of unimaginable intensity.
Captivated by every single infinitesimal nuance of the thorough
tongue lashing he(f) was the blessed, bemused and hopelessly bewildered
recipient of, Jake(f), exhilarated beyond belief, rose, with rapt anticipation, to
rush gleefully into the multi-orgasmic crescendo of his erotically torqued
Relief - blessed multi-orgasmic relief - raw, powerful and compelling
- gushed - tsunamic like - outward from the epicenter of his(f) loins, in wave
after doppelganger-like wave of carnal bliss and excruciating delight.
Though it would be - at best - a transitory side effect, for a quick, snapshot
like moment in time, that thoroughly male mind set of Jake(f)'s went on a
short-lived hiatus as he(f), without reservation, not only embraced, but
reveled in that newfound womanhood of his(f).
As Jake(f) lay there, soaring angelically within the multi-faceted
rapture of post-orgasmic bliss, savouring all the little orgasmic after-shocks
that so intrinsically conjured up the sweet remembrances of the primordial
carnal sensations that he(f), in that feminized new form of his(f), had just
then undergone, Vicki, so as to not intrude on her lover's fragile moment of
introspective contemplation, exercised extreme care in re-positioning herself,
so as to be able to snuggle up alongside of Jake(f)'s quivering feminine form.
"Jake...", Vicki, having allowed what she deemed to be an
appreciable amount of contemplative time to pass, tentatively intruded, "So
tell me... What'ya think?"
Knowing fully well what Vicki was referring to, Jack(f) couldn't
belive that he(f) actually heard his herified self counter by asking such an
asinine and inane question, "About what you just went and did to me?"
"Yes, silly! I'm really interested in hearing your initial impressions.
Y'know, like whether you liked it or not..."
"Well...", Jake(f) began somewhat thoughtfully and more than a little
dreamily, as he(f) reflexively reached down with his right hand and used its'
slenderized middle finger to once again stroke and probe the outer lips of
his(f) vagina so as to once again re-confirm the fact that his(f) body was still
that of the woman he(f) had so magically been cold cocked into becoming,
"...to begin with... I have to confess that - Yes! - I really - Truly! - liked it!
"No!", Jake(f) was emphatic. "That's not true!
"I didn't just like it, Vicki! I loved it! In every way imaginable... I
absolutely - No holds bar! - loved it!
"I mean... while I knew that women's orgasms were good... I had no
friggin' idea they were that good!
"I mean... they were fantastic! Simply fan-friggin'-tastic!
"And there were so many of them! Y'know, like one right after
another... Or... more correctly! One right on top of the other!
"I mean to tell you, Vicki... they were wonderful! Absolutely
"You mean...", Vicki began, in a shameless effort to secure a
compliment from that new lovergirl of hers, "...as a lesbian lover... I'm not
to shabby?"
"Shabby!", Jake(f)'s retort conveyed a hard edge of amusement.
"You were anything but!
"Fact is, Vicki... you were great!
"No! You weren't just great! You were fantastic!"
"I was... was I...", Vicki's reply was dreamily thoughtful.
"Well, Jake... if I was... y'know... as you say... fantastic... guess
what! You've got only yourself to thank for it...
"That's to say that before I met you and those simply fantastic love
making techniques that you brought to the table... I was at best an adequate
lover... y'know, who tended... more times than not... to scrimp... y'know,
in so far as the foreplay department was concerned... y'know, due to the fact
that I was only out to get my own rocks off... y'know, and because of that...
I didn't normally give a rat's ass as to anyone else's pleasure...
"And, Jake(f)... I promise! With your help and coaching... I'll get
better and better at it!
"I mean... while I might never be as good as you are... y'know, in
the loving making department... y'know, because you are really, really
something special... I will do everything I can to improve my technique...
Then, before Jake(f) could gainsay her, Vicki changed tact, as she
impishly asked what, to her way of thinking, was the quintessential question,
"So... tell me... oh, horny assed lovergirl of mine! Do you think there's an
outside chance that... one of these days... y'know, in the not to distant
future... you might be able to see your way clear to taking a real shine to this
new found multi-orgasmic girlshit business... y'know, that's only... shall
we say... a lick and a promise away..."
* * *
A few minutes later, once Jake(f) appeared to have recovered
somewhat from that multi-orgasmic interlude of his(f), Vicki coquettishly
suggested that the two of them re-locate to the bedroom, where she said she
wouldn't be averse were Jake(f) to return the favor and administer to her own
carnal needs.
Picking up Jake(f)'s discarded sports bra and exercise pants, plus
both of their earlier removed satin sleep shirts, Vicki and Jake(f) beat feet to
the bedroom, where upon, Jake(f) dutifully obliged Vicki by servicing her
needs, much as she had service his(f).
"Jake(f)...", Vicki, having recuperated from her own cunnilingus
induced multi-orgasmic interlude enough to do so, meekly managed to
intoned, "...where in hell did you come up with that rather nifty new
variation of your's?"
"You like it?"
"I most certainly did, sweetums..."
"Good! I'm glad!", Jake(f) somewhat smugly replied.
"That's nice... But you still have yet to tell me where you came up
with it... y'know, because... to the best of my knowledge... that's the first
time you tried that particular technique of your's on me..."
"True...", Jake(f) admitted. "And do you why that is, Vicki?"
"No... But I assume that you're about to tell me..."
"Yes... Yes, I am...
"You see, Vicki... I was down there... y'know, in between those
legs of your's... y'know, doing what I was doing... when... all of a
sudden... I realized that if I varied what I was doing... y'know, just a silly
little smidgen or so... you might like it all the more..."
"Well... guess what, Jake! I didn't just like that new variation of
your's! I love it!
"In fact... I loved it so much, my dearest darling... that I fully
intended to apply the Golden Rule the next time I go down on you! Y'know,
as in I plan to do unto you as you just did unto me!"
"So...", Jake(f) teased, "...I guess that pretty much begs the
Bemused, Vicki felt compelled to ask, "And just what question is
that, dear?"
"Just what in the hell are you waiting for, Vicki? A personal
invitation or something..."
* * *
Vicki, elated with the knowledge that Jake(f) desired to one again
experience the sexual aspects of this new womanhood of his(f), eagerly
complied. Afterwards, once Jake(f) had substantially recovered from the
warm-fuzzies of his(f) second multi-orgasmic interlude, he(f), without any
enticement or encouragement from Vicki, deftly employing that feminized
tongue of his(f), once again returned the favor.
"Jake...", Vicki gently queried, as she lay there, cozily enfolded in
her lesbian lover's comforting embrace.
"Yes...", Jake(f)'s reply was just as gently spoken.
"Tell me... If you had to choose... y'know, between male orgasms
and female orgasm... knowing what you know now... irregardless of the fact
that it's pretty much a given that... at this juncture... you'd still rather be a
man... y'know, rather than a woman... which one would you pick? Male
orgasms? Or... female orgasms?"
"That's a no-brainer...", Jake(f) replied without even coming close to
answering the question Vicki had put to him(f).
"It is... is it?", Vicki, without breaking the embrace, turned to
appraise her loverboy turned lovergirl.
"Please, dear... cut the evasive bullcrap! I asked you a simple
question! I want a simple... straight forward answer!
"Given your choice... what kind of orgasms do you like better? Male
orgasms? Or female orgasms?"
"Well...", Jake(f) began thoughtfully, "...though it's damn near
impossible for me to discount the sheer and utter novelty of all that I
experienced tonight... y'know, what with all these new erogenous zones that
I've up and been saddle with... y'know, that are pretty spectacular in their
own right... I'd have to say that if I had to choose... I'd be hard pressed to
pick male orgasms over female orgasms..."
"Then,", Vicki sought clarification, "I'm to take it that you've kind of
taken a shine to the way this sexually retrofitted new body of your's responds
to erotic stimulation?"
"Yes, Vicki... you are...
"However...", Jake(f) continued on to say, "...just to make sure I'm
not going off half cocked here and making my decision on incomplete data...
if you think you're up to it, Vicki... I wouldn't mind some further
experimentation... y'know, just to see how much of brazen hussy of a first
class pillow eater I've become... y'know, as a direct result of what you and
that Gypsy witch woman went and did to me..."
Vicki, on her part, though her love making endeavors were beginning
to take a real toll on that self-lubricating tongue of hers, was most happy to
oblige Jake(f).
Though he(f) had fully intended on repaying in kind, Jake(f), who
was thoroughly tucked out, gentle slipped out of the warm-fuzzies of his(f)
third post-orgasmic after-glow and into the untroubled embrace of deep,
recuperative slumber. Vicki, aware that Jake(f) needed all the sleep he(f)
could get and then some, didn't quibble over the fact that he(f) had
experienced three orgasmic interludes to her two. As long as Jake(f) had
enjoyed them as much as he(f) had eluded to, Vicki was content.
Drawing from her own post-transsexualiztion experiences, Vicki was
gambling on the heart felt hope that if anything could help Jake(f) become
reconciled to his(f) new life as a physically functioning member of the fairer
sex, his(f) new found ability to experience female orgasms might be just the
thing to turn the tide in her favor. Failing that, Vicki was well aware of the
fact that though she did indeed have a Plan B to fall back on, it would be no
where near as persuasive as the multi-orgasmic aspect of Jake(f)'s
* * *
Jake(f) woke late the next morning, with that next morning being
Monday morning, to find Vicki gone.
She had, however, left him(f) another note. Which, like its'
predecessor of Saturday, had several copies posted conspicuously, all over
the apartment.
Jake(f), though he(f) initially balked at some of Vicki's explicit
instructions, knowing that they were for his(f) own good, after one hell of a
lot of soul searching, decided to followed them to the letter.
After a refreshing shower, a shower that was resplendent garnished
with its' own little and thoroughly enjoyable, narcissistic, self-induced,
multi-orgasmic interlude, Jake(f) brushed those perfectly new, whiter than
white teeth of his(f), dried his(f) pixie emulating, shag styled hair and then,
reluctantly returned to the bedroom to get dressed in the male libido
assaulting, poignantly pink, straight legged nylon/lycra running outfit and
glistening matching pretty in pink sleep shirt Vicki had so prudently set out
for him(f) to put on.
Then, adding insult to injury, following the note's explicit
instructions, though it rankled the living shit out of him(f) for doing so,
Jake(f) parked that succulent tush of his(f) down on the foot of the un-made
bed and, though he(f) serious considered just saying: 'The hell with it!',
proceeded to pull on the male ego-affronting suntan hued nylon anklets that
Vicki had prudently left out for him(f) to don. Feeling like a complete fool
and a crossdresser to boot, Jake(f), knowing that Vicki would force the issue
if he(f) didn't comply with her directives on his own accord, picked up one
of the black leather, one inch heeled pumps that Vicki had set out for him(f)
and slipped them, somewhat queasily, onto those daintily down-sized
feminine feetzie-wheatzies of his(f).
Gingerly, Jake(f) stood, only to realize that the slightly tapered, broad
heeled pumps presented no more of a problem maneuvering around in than
his(f) cowboy boots did. Fact is, Vicki's U-throated, pointy toed slip-ons,
though they did scrunch Jake(f) toes together just a tad bit more than those
boots of his(f) had, weren't the least little bit uncomfortable.
Fact is: Jake(f) found Vicki's pumps to be so comfortable that he(f)
spent the rest of the day and most of the evening wearing them around the
* * *
Shortly after five, Vicki returned home and presented Jake(f) with a
small gift wrapped package, saying as she did so, "Here's a little something
to help you while away the hours... y'know, when I'm out and about...
attending to all those things that need attending to..."
"What is it?", Jake(f) dutifully asked.
"The sooner you open it... the sooner you'll know!", Vicki light
heartedly chided.
"Truth be told, Jake...", Vicki continued, as Jake(f), in a very
unlady-like manner, began to vigorously tear the wrapping paper asunder,
"...it's something that every Newbie needs... y'know, as in it's something I
picked up to help you address some of those narcissistic new needs of
Dropping the gleaming, silver hued metallic wrapping paper to the
floor, Jake(f), perplexed as to just what was in the ambiguous oblong box
he(f) held in those delicately feminized hands of his(f), plucked the top off
and, reaching in, gingerly lifted out an cylindrical object that, to the
uniformed, looked a lot like a white plastic, conical ended, powered down
Jedi Light Saber.
"A vibrator!", Jake(f)'s sense of amused astonishment resounded
clearly in those girlish intonations of his(f).
"Vicki! You actually went out and got me a vibrator!"
"Sure did!", Vicki replied smartly.
"During my lunch break... I had Gale... one of my Newbie friends...
drive me over to Sexcapades... y'know, that Novelty Sex Shop... y'know,
that's located over on Route 32... situated right next to the Harley Shop...
y'know, to pick you up your very own handy dandy vibrator...
"Granted... you could have used mine... y'know, to experiment
around with during the day when you're here all by your lonesome...
y'know, with time on your hands. However... while I was puttering around
the lab this morning in between classes... I got to thinking... and I just
figured that I'd surprise you... y'know by picking you up one... y'know, for
your own...
"Think of it as... shall we say... a Newbie right of passage! Okay!
"However, Jake... be it known... that new vibrator of your's is only
to be used in my absence... y'know, to get those new, girlish rocks of your's
"When I'm home... should those new carnal needs of your's require
attending to... be advised... that... sweetums... falls under my jurisdiction!
"In other words... my dearest darling... should you ever be foolish
enough to reach for that new vibrator of your's when I'm around... there'll
be hell to pay! Understand?"
Jake(f) said that he(f) did. Then, before Vicki could reclaim the floor,
Jake(f) continued on to add somewhat sardonically, that if Vicki really, truly
meant what she had just said, as far as he - as a Newbie she - was concerned,
the two of them could retire to the bedroom, like right then and there, so
Vicki could, as Jake(f), paraphrasing the oft quoted remake about how
someone should put their money where their mouth is, cheerfully quipped
that Vicki could put her mouth where his clit was; adding as he(f) did so, that
he'd(f) be more than happy to return the favor, in a tit for tat fashion.
* * *
Once the two of them had serviced one another's carnal needs, they
got dressed and headed into the kitchen, where Jake(f), a self-proclaimed
culinary neophyte, under Vicki's close supervision and gentle guidance, fixed
the two of them dinner.
Vicki, who had given this particular aspect of their future lives
together one hell of a lot of forethought, informed Jake(f) - in no uncertain
terms - that when it came to domestic matters, though it would eventually
become a fifty fifty proposition, for the time being, most of the household
chores would fall to him(f). Since he(f) was, for intent and purposes, home
bound and therefore, wouldn't be able to pull his(f) own weight in the
bringing home the bacon department of this new, symbiotic, lesbian living
together arrangement of theirs, domestic matters such as cooking, cleaning
and doing their laundry logically fell into his(f) bailiwick. However, as Vicki
was quick to point out, Jake(f)'s role as the not so happy homemaker would
come to an end once his(f) new feminine identity could be legally established
through credible and verifiable documentation.
Aware that Jake(f) wasn't in any way, shape or form looking forward
to his(f) tenure as a house frau, Vicki, in an all out attempt to sooth those
ruffled feathers of that staunchly male ego of his(f), informed that new
lesbian lover of her's that when and where ever possible, she would be
happy to pitch in and ease Jake(f)'s domestic burden by lending a helping
* * *
Tuesday, upon returning home only to find Jake(f) in a dither over
what he(f) was going to prepare for dinner, Vicki, after a warm embrace and
a sarcastically delivered, "Hi, honey! How's it hanging!", stepped into the
breech and began coaching Jake(f); leading him(f), via the ever tortuous, step
by step method of explicit tended instruction, though the rigmarole involved
in food preparation. As she did so, Vicki, in a calculate effort on her part to
down play the import of the information she was conveying, off-handedly
informed Jake(f) that Sandra, a Newbie friend of hers, would dropping by
that evening; suggesting as she did so, that they was no need for Jake(f) to
get those new tittys of his(f) in an uproar, due to the fact that Sandra
wouldn't be staying overly long.
Shortly before seven, as Vicki had predicted, Sandra, with medical
satchel in hand, showed up on their doorstep. After brief introductions,
Vicki proceeded on to inform Jake(f) that Sandra was in her last year of
residency at the university's campus based teaching hospital and that she also
functioned as the primary care physician for damn near all of her Newbie
cohorts free of charge.
Then, having established Sandra as a bonafide and accredited medical
practitioner, Vicki continued on to inform Jake(f) that the reason Sandra had
stopped by was to given him(f) a cursory physical, just to make doubly sure
that everything was up to snuff and that all those new sexual gadgets of his(f)
were in working order. With that said, Sandra, adopting a very professional,
albeit friendly upbeat manner, proceed on with her examination. Then, once
she had run through the preliminaries of taking Jake(f)'s temperature and
blood pressure, Sandra very efficiently acquired a throat culture and a blood
sample from Jake(f); saying as she do so, that she would have them run
threw all the proper and appropriate tests at the hospital's lab facilities. Next,
having directed Jake(f) to remove both his(f) satin sleep shirt and the
shameless pink nylon/lycra sports bra that those new mammary protrusions
of his(f) had been so succulently trussed up in, Sandra, via the use of her
stethoscope, checked out Jake(f) newly herified heart and lungs.
Handing him(f) a small plastic beaker and ingeniously concocted snap
on lid, Sandra informed Jake(f), that after he(f) was finished filling it up for
her in the bathroom, he(f) was to clean up any unsightly urine residue and
then, join her and Vicki in the bedroom.
Jake(f) did as he(f) was told and, unsure as to what was to occur
next, proceed innocently out of the bathroom, down the truncated hallway
and unwittingly entered the bedroom, where upon Sandra, accepting and
labelling Jake(f)'s urine sample, in a tone that clearly conveyed the notion that
she would brook no nonsense from him(f), directed him(f) to completely
disrobe and sit on the edge of the bed.
Once again, Jake(f) did as he(s) was told.
Sandra, using that little rubber tipped hammer, proceed on to test
his(f) reflexes and then, as she busied herself returning that rubber tipped
mallet of hers to her medical satchel, she directed Jake(f) to scoot his herified
self back onto the bed and, upon laying down, bring those emasculated legs
of his(f) up, splaying them out as far as he(f) could manage.
When Jake(f) hesitated, demanding to know why he(f) was to assume
such an outlandish and debasing position, Vicki, unable to stifle her giggles,
simply said, "Because... my dearest darling... Sandra here is about to
perform a gynecological examination of that new little you-know-what of
* * *
About twenty minutes later, Jake(f), once again dressed in Vicki's
pretty in pink lycra/satin exercise ensemble and low heeled pumps, received
Sandra's pronouncement that he(f) seemed as fit as a fiddle in the aftermath
of his(f) sexual makeover and that gynecologically speaking, everything
seemed to be in perfect working order. Then, having said that, Sandra
continued on to give him(f) a quick run-down on the proper care and feeding
a woman's vagina; providing him(f) with a broad brush overview of what
he(f) was going to have to contend with in so far as that newly imposed,
messy menstrual cycle of his(f) was concerned.
Making sure that Vicki and Jake(f) had all the necessary means where
by they could contact her - day or night - night or day - Sandra, with an
encouraging aside directed towards Jake(f), informing him(f), in so many
words, that life as a woman wasn't as bad as he(f) was making it out to be,
and that if he(f) gave it half a chance, he'd(f) find that being a woman was
every bit as rewarding as being a man had been, bid the two of them a
gracious goodnight and left.
"Okay... So what's her story...", Jake(f), on his(f) way to the sofa,
asked Vicki.
"The short version is: Sandra wanted to be a doctor more than she
wanted to retain her manhood.
"You see, Jake... the way I hear it... both Sandra's father and
grandfather attended medical school here at the university and she... back
when she was a male... desired to do likewise.
"Trouble was... round about the time Sandra was applying to gain
entrance... there was some sort of big brouhaha going on about the medical
school's Affirmative Action Polices... y'know, that resulted in Sandra's
being denied a seat... y'know, due not to her outstanding 4.0 grade point
average... but specifically to her previous sexual affiliation as a nefarious
male applicant.
"So anyhow... the way the scuttlebutt has it... a Newbie classmate of
the male Sandra chanced to hear him bemoaning the fact that his application to
medical school had been denied and realizing that a gross injustice was being
perpetuated... and that two wrongs don't even come close to making a
right... that Newbie classmate of Sandra's put his case to the steering
committee, who in turn, affixed their seal of approval to it and presented it to
the general membership for am up or down vote.
"As you might expect, Jake... while more than a few of us Newbies
have benefited from the dictates of various Affirmative Action Plans...
y'know, post our respective transsexualizations... as you - yourself - no
doubt will... y'know, when it comes to you and your not only getting in...
but also, securing a full scholarship to defray the otherwise daunting cost of
your attending graduate school... y'know, so you can get that masters degree
that you've been working so hard to secure for yourself... most of us hold
with the opinion that Affirmative Action is nothing more than a bunch of
bureaucratic, vote garnishing bullcrap... y'know, resplendent with a lot of
blatant reverse discrimination... y'know, that punishes an innocent person
for past discriminatory polices that they had nothing what so ever to do with
in the first friggin' place!
"Basically... were you to ask... you'd find that nine out ten of us
Newbies feel that a person... regardless of that person's race, religion, sexual
preference or sexual affiliation... should be judged on their own merits! On
their own character! And not... as to often happens... on some accident of
birth! Y'know, that they had nothing what so ever to do with in the first
"So anyhow... getting back to Sandra's story... after the general
membership voted... which... as you can well imagine... was damn near
unanimous in Sandra's favor... a small delegation of Newbies approached
her... y'know, back when she was still a he... and offered him a solution to
his problem.... however drastic and mind-boggling that solution may have
seemed to him at the time... assuring him that if he took them up on their
offer... they would move heaven and earth on his behalf to ensure that...
while he might be a year behind his present classmates in achieving his
goal... he - as a she - would be enrolled in the university's medical school
come the start of the following fall semester.
"Now... while it stands to reason that it took a while to thoroughly
convince the guy that Sandra use to be that they could do what they claimed
they could... y'know, in so far as changing his sexual affiliation via some
crazy assed spell... y'know, that would turn him into an extremely attractive
and vivacious young woman... once they did... once he was convinced that
they weren't pulling his leg and could do exactly what they were claiming
they could... Sandra... as I have been lead to believe... went for the deal.
Hook, line and sinker..."
"And he has no regrets...", Jake(f) thoughtfully inquired.
"No...", Vicki's response was just as thoughtful as Jake's inquiry
had been. "I don't believe so...
"I mean... to the best of my knowledge... once Sandra became
Sandra... she made the necessary adjustments to living out the rest of her life
as a bonafide woman... y'know, and proceeded to get on with her life!"
"You're shittin' me! Right?", Jake(f) incredulously interjected.
"Now would I do something like that, Jake?", Vicki teasingly
"I mean... while I may have had the audacity to orchestrate your
being changed into one of the most attractive young ladies that this boy turned
girl has ever seen... you ought to know by now that I wouldn't knowingly
pull a Bill Clinton and out right lie to you...
"You see, Jake dear... from everything I've ever heard about
Sandra... y'know, as regards her feminization... having made the decision to
become a woman... y'know, in order to cash in on the benefits that being a
female could accrue for her... y'know, with respect to the dictates of the
University's Affirmative Action Policies... Sandra approached the challenge
presented by the acclimation process with a single-mindedness that down
right shames the rest of us Newbies."
"That's interesting...", Jake(f) mused. "But what about her sex life?
"I mean... was she a heterosexual or a homosexual or a bisexual...
y'know, prior to her becoming a woman?"
Vicki, having taken a second or so to search her memory, "I'm not
exactly sure... but I believe Sandra was heterosexual... y'know, in that I
think I remember someone saying that Sandra - as a man - did date women...
y'know, on a casual bases... y'know, because she didn't want to get
seriously involved with anyone... y'know, until she had achieved her goal of
becoming a doctor... y'know, due to all the emotional hassles one has to
contend with to sustain a one on one relationship..."
"So what is Sandra's sexual orientation now? Y'know, in lieu of her
becoming a woman...", Jake(f), curious, asked.
"You know something...", Vicki replied with a degree of
bemusement, "...I not really sure...
"I mean... I know she does date men... y'know, like every now and
again. Y'know, because I've seen her out with a guy a time or two myself.
Y'know, attending some university related function or another...
"However...", Vicki continued, "...though she does date guys...
y'know, upon occasion... knowing her as I do... I think that there's a good
chance that Sandra is still a virgin. Y'know, as in I seriously doubt that she
has every let one of those guys she has dated get even as far as first base with
"What about other woman, Vicki? Does she get it on with other
"Here again, my dearest darling... to the best of my knowledge... I'd
have to say: no. No... she doesn't..."
"That's interesting... Odd... but never the less interesting...", Jake(f)
muttered, before continuing on to speculate, "So... in lieu of her
feminization... would it be fair to say that Sandra's become... shall we say...
"Yeah...", Vicki replied thoughtfully. "You're right, Jake dear! The
term asexual does seem to apply in Sandra's case..."
"Trouble is...", Jake(f) was quick to point out the obvious flaw in
his(f) assessment, "...she sure as hell doesn't dress like one would tend to
think an asexual would... y'know, given that flattering, eye-catching outfit
she was out strutting her stuff in this evening!"
"That's true...", Vicki was quick to agree.
"However, Jake(f)... as you will soon discover for yourself... given
this pervasive narcissistic nature that damn near each and every one of us
Newbies seem to possess... y'know, in spades... I'd have to say that Sandra
is doing nothing out of the ordinary! Y'know, dressing in the stylish and
extremely flattering way she does!
"Y'know... as in we all deck ourselves out in customized, self-
contained tease to please, male libido torquing shit! Y'know, that tickles our
individual fancies... y'know, like when and wherever possible! Y'know,
owing to the simple, self-centered and admittedly selfish reason that we can!"
"So...", Jake(f) speculated, "...if I catch your drift here, Vicki...
what you're saying... in a very round about way is that Sandra is... in more
ways than one... the exception... y'know, rather than the rule... y'know, as
far as Newbies go..."
Seeking clarification, Vicki said, "If you mean the way she quickly
adapted to functioning as woman, dear... you are quite correct..."
"Actually, Vicki... I was referring more to her apparent asexuality...
y'know, rather than her adaptability."
"Well... that too...", Vicki concurred. "I mean... save for only one
or two I can think of... most... if not damn near all of us Newbies have a
marked tendency towards lesbianism."
"That... to me... seems a fairly reasonable assertion.", Jake(f) off-
handedly offered, before continuing on to say, "So... now that you got my
interest... shall we say... piqued... tell me about some more of these Newbie
friends of your's, Vicki... and the whys and wherefores of how they came to
be Newbies in the first place."
"Alright, Jake! I mean... since you're going to be meeting most of
members of our exclusive little cabal over... shall we say... the next couple
of weeks or so... you might as well get to know a little bit about the history
of a few of them... y'know, given the fact that they... due to the background
information that was gathered... y'know, as a means by which the steering
committee assessed whether or not it was advisable to bring you into the
fold... so to speak... most of the Newbies you'll be meeting already know a
whole hell of a lot more about you than you will ever know about them!
"Let's see... who should I pick on first..."
"Tell you what, honey! Why don't I start with Brenda and
Shannon... the two Newbies that helped me box up your personal stuff and
there by, clean out that dorm room of your's and then, were kind enough to
sacrifice their Saturday... y'know, to followed me all the way up to New
Jersey... y'know, so they could bring me back here after I ditched that poor
excuse of a car of your's.
"Basically... though you wouldn't know it to look at them today...
before they underwent femmification... they were a couple of geeky, pimple-
faced computer nerds.
"Y'know, as in they were a pair of first class geeks... who, had been
the bestest of friends since they had first met... y'know, like way back when
in kindergarten!"
"Vicki!", Jake(f) sought clarification, "Are you saying that they were
a couple of gaybirds... y'know, who had the hots for one another?"
"No!", Vicki emphatically snapped. "They weren't gay!
"Fact is, Jake... as guys... Brenda and Shannon were anything but
gay! Y'know, as in they were as heterosexual as heterosexual can be!
Y'know, as in they liked girls!
"Trouble was, Jake... the girls that they liked didn't like them...
y'know, due to just how nerdy they were... y'know, when they were
"Truth be told, my dearest darling... back before they underwent their
own male to female gender re-assignments... y'know, and ended up
becoming the very embodiment of the kind of well built honeys that they no
doubt always dreamed about going out with, it could be said that Brenda and
Shannon both had a very discriminating taste in women.
"Y'know, as they only wanted to go out with the kind of girls that
wouldn't so much as give them the time of day.
"So anyhow... one day Brenda - the male Brenda - was up in his and
the male Shannon's dorm room... fooling around with a parabolic
microphone... y'know, that he's got hooked up to a set of earphones and a
professional grade, reel to reel tape recorder... playing like some super sleuth
spy or something... surreptitiously eavesdropping in on conversations that
were taking place in the quadrangle below... when... all of a sudden... he
chances upon a few careless Newbies... who... owing to the dictates of
Murphy's Law... just happen to be discussing how a couple of their Newbie
friends had just returned from slam dunking some campus lothario's ass...
y'know, having lured the slimy sleezeball down to Mexico and dealing with
him in much the same way they dealt with that arrogant, son of a bitch of a
self-centered bastard... y'know, that went and shagged my sorry ass doggy
"Question!", Jake(f) quizzically interjected.
"Alright...", Vicki tentatively replied, turning the floor over to her
new loverboy turned lovergirl as she did so.
"How come they didn't go the Mexican route with you? Y'know,
what with the callous way you were treating women..."
"Because... I never once crossed the line!
"That's to say that I never - Ever! - slept with a woman that didn't
want me to sleep with her! And... while I freely admit to being a cad and
therefore, somewhat callous as far as my dealings with the women I had
bedded were concerned... I never once mistreated any of the women I either
dated or... for that matter... bedded!
"In other words, Jake... while the Newbies didn't for one minute like
or condone the way I treated the women I went out with... y'know, once I
got into their panties... so to speak... they never once thought my
transgressions warranted the drastic measures that they use to deal with the
real bastards... y'know, who are out there doing what they shouldn't ought
to be doing!
"Or... to put that another way... the five women who comprised the
Newbie steering committee back when they were considering my case
thought that I was... I guess you could say... redeemable... y'know, via a
little care and guidance... once my perspective on life underwent a drastic re-
adjustment and I had a chance to walk a mile in someone else's stiletto heeled
"So... tell me, Jake! Did that answer of mine sufficiently address that
question of your's?"
"Sure did!"
"Okay! Shall we get back to what I was telling you about Brenda and
"Alrighty then...
"Oh! Before I get back to telling you what happened next... y'know,
in so far as the Brenda and Shannon saga is concerned... there's something I
need to make you aware of. They're smart! Y'know, as in they're damn
near geniuses!
"I mean... the two of them are so smart that I think it's a safe bet to
say that they know more about the technical subjects they're taking than most
of their professors do! I mean... they're so smart that they hardly need to
crack open a book in order to ace the tests they have to take!
"Meaning, my dearest darling... Brenda and Shannon had a one hell
of a lot of idle time on their hands... y'know, that they could put to other
"So anyhow... sometime later that day... y'know, the very one in
which the nerdy male Brenda recorded that conversation that those careless
Newbies were foolishly engaging in down in the adjacent quadrangle...
Brenda played the tape for the male Shannon... who... upon hearing it...
impishly suggested that the two of them engaging in a little surreptitious
snooping... y'know, just to see if they could learn more about this intriguing
Newbie business that they had just become cognizant of.
"And snoop they did!
"I mean to tell you, Jake! Brenda and Shannon attacked this new
project of their's with an almost maniacal gusto! Using some of their own
equipment... y'know, such as that parabolic microphone and reel to reel tape
deck I made mention of before... plus both video and still cameras...
y'know, that were fitted out with telephoto lenses... their personal computer
systems and a lot of the university's equipment that they managed to
scrounge together, they went about the task of collecting and collating any
and all information they could about the Newbies.
"And boy oh boy did they gather data!
"I mean... they flagrantly and repeated violated a whole shit load of
state and federal laws in doing so... y'know, with all the electronic bugging
devices and wiretaps that they used to gather the data. But, then again... they
didn't give a rat's ass about that... y'know, figuring that the chances of a
Newbie going to the authorities were somewhere between slim and none...
y'know, owing to the fact that the last thing any of us Newbies wants is for
the word to get about us... y'know, given all the ignominy that would be
involved were something that catastrophic to occur.
"Hell, Jake! Would you believe that they even managed to get a
whole transsexualization makeover on video tape!"
"They did!", Jake retort was incredulous.
"They sure as hell did!
"Having first obtained both the date, approximate time and exact
location where the sexual makeover was to take place... y'know, a couple of
days prior to the occurrence of the actual event... the male Brenda and
Shannon... employing one of those flexible, tube-like, fiber-optic devices
and one of the university's remotely controlled mini-cams... y'know, that
you see all the SWAT Teams use on the TV and in the movies... y'know, to
get a bird's eye-view... or... in this particular instance... a rodent's eye-view
of what the bad guys are doing... used a false pretext to gain access to the
apartment complex where the change was to occur's utility room and from
there, the air duct system. Working quickly and quietly, they clandestinely
installed their jury-rigged surveillance system... y'know, that... via a remote
transmitting and receiving station... allow the two of them the ability to
control the whole shebang from the comfort and security of their own dorm
"And just who do you think the poor smuck was... y'know, who got
caught on video tape... y'know, changing from a guy into a girl?"
"Are you serious!", Jake(f) gleefully exclaimed, realizing that Vicki
was implying, without actually saying, that she was indeed the poor smuck
who's sexual makeover Brenda and Shannon had managed to capture on
video tape.
"Regrettable... yes... I was the poor, unfortunate smuck that got
caught on that damnable tape of their's.
"Would you like to see it?", Vicki reluctantly asked.
"Yeah... you bet your ass I would!", Jake(f), intrigued, responded.
"Alright... I'll show it to you in a little while... y'know, if you
really, truly want to see it..."
"Oh!", Jake(f) interjected. "I want to see it, alright!"
"Alright, then... if you insist... I'll show it to you!", Vicki returned
gruffly. "But... be forewarned, Jake... it's a copy of a copy of a copy... and
the perspective isn't the greatest... y'know, given that fiber-optic lense is
locate across the room... behind the wall mounted register grate... and it's
kind of distorted... y'know, because of the fish-eye effect..."
"But anyhow... getting back to what I was telling you... y'know,
before we got off on the video tape business... Brenda and Shannon began to
amass a whole shit load of data about the Newbies.
"For example, Jake... before the month was out... they had not only
identified and photographed about two thirds of the currently active
Newbies... they had compiled extremely accurate dossiers on about three
quarters of those of whom they had cataloged... which stated who they were
and who they had been... y'know, when they had been males!
"I mean... using missing person reports and the local papers, the two
of them also compiled a list of guys who might have been prime candidates
for one of those sadistic Mexican makeovers that the Newbies engage in...
y'know, like every now and again... y'know, as... I guess you could say...
a rather novel type of public service... y'know, in which the punishment is
sadistically fitted to fit the crime... so to speak..."
"So... what happened, Vicki?", Jake eagerly interjected. "Did some
of your Newbies cohorts finally catch on to what these two nerdy eggheads
were doing and elected to fix their wagons... y'know, by turn them into
"No! Not hardly..."
"Then... what happened, Vicki? I mean... how did they end up
getting turned into women?"
"Basically... what it all comes down to, Jake is: they asked to be
turned into women..."
"Yeah! Right! Two geeks... who you claim were ardently
heterosexual... actually asked these Newbies of your's to change their sex?"
"Yes, Jake... as strange as it sounds... that's exactly what happened.
"I'll grant you... neither one of them started this data gathering project
of their's with the intention of ever becoming a Newbie themselves... but
that's exactly what happened.
"You see, Jake... one evening.. about two months into their self-
assumed project... while the two of them were busy in their dorm room
documenting their most recent research... y'know, and downing a couple of
brewskies as they diligently pecked away at their respective PCs...
Shannon... or... I should say the guy who would become Shannon... joking
quipped that his bosom buddy Brenda ought to seriously think about taking
the Newbie plunge... suggesting as he did so that... once a woman... he and
his femmed out to the max buddy could have a lot of fun together...
exploring all those nifty things that neither one had yet had the pleasure or...
for that matter... the opportunity to explore.
"Brenda... or... I should have said... the lanky Pollock who would -
in time - opted to become the ever so lovely, raven haired Eurasian looking
Brenda... teasingly replied that he thought the idea had some merit... if... that
is... it was his buddy Shannon - not he - who became the girl.
"Eventually... the two of them tired of their lighthearted, seesawing,
back and forth jest and dropped the subject altogether. However... even
though they did... neither one of them could quit rid themselves of the
admittedly perverted sexual fantasies that Shannon's teasings had
engendered. A week later, though Brenda had no idea that Shannon had
come up with the very same solution to the quandary that each, in his own
way, was dealing with, broached the subject of proposed womanhood once
again; suggesting, in a very earnest and up-front manner, that while he
wouldn't take the Newbie plunge alone, he would if his buddy the male
Shannon would.