The Neighbor's Amulet free porn video

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Author's note: This one needs no explanation - it's just strangely erotic. As always, I welcome your feedback. I encourage your feedback! Take a moment and tell me what you thought! Please comment on what you liked and what you didn't like - it helps me with new story plots. Elrodw email: [email protected] ********************************************************************** The Neighbor's Amulet by Elrod W Teresa and I were too glad to find a house to rent; the market was very tight, what with all the new businesses being attracted to the city. I'd had a couple of job offers from firms in Phoenix, but we both hated the desert. So when Teresa got an offer, we packed up to move to Atlanta, content in the knowledge that I could easily get a job with a major firm in the area. Teresa considered herself very lucky - she'd thought she'd be the one looking for a job; instead, I was staying at home, taking a couple of months off before I started serious job-hunting. I'd just finished a very grueling master's degree, and frankly, I needed a break. I'm really more of a bookworm, a nerd if you will, than most guys; maybe I didn't get into athletics because at 5' 8", I'm smaller than most guys, and much more slightly built. So rather than try out for sports, I'd always studied hard; that led to an engineering degree, and then to a Masters. I set up my shop in the garage and started some woodworking, happy to have some time to do things I loved. Like woodworking, and baking. And sewing - I considered myself an accomplished tailor, even though some men might consider that sissy. I was still rummaging through the kitchen boxes, trying to unpack some of the baking dishes, when the doorbell rang. "Coming," I yelled as he pulled myself to my feet. The door opened to reveal a very attractive woman smiling at me. "Hi," she said. "I'm Debbie, your neighbor. I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood." Her southern drawl was interesting for a Midwestern boy to listen to. I couldn't help smiling. "Jim. My wife is Teresa." Debbie smiled pleasantly. Apart from a totally enchanting smile and warm eyes, she seemed otherwise average. Medium height, nice figure, wavy black hair hanging just past her shoulders. "I met her the other night." I obviously looked confused. "When you were out getting dinner?" I smiled. "Oh, that's right. She mentioned it." I glanced over my shoulder. "I'd invite you in for coffee, but ." Debbie had noticed the mess of boxes. "Well, that's why I'm here. I told Teresa we'd be glad to help if we could. So if we can help you unpack?" Of course, I was grateful for the offer. "Sure, I'll let you help." Then my eyebrow raised. "We?" Debbie grinned. "My girls Kelly and Jennifer don't start school for another week. I can keep my eye on them if they're helping." And so the friendship with the neighbors began. Debbie was in her mid-thirties, a single mother of two teen-age girls. Debbie and I shared an interest in baking. And there were the daughters. Jennifer, sixteen, was just learning how to drive, and was going to be taking advanced math. Debbie was thrilled to learn that my background included tutoring math in college. I knew that someday Jennifer was going to break a few hearts; she was attractive, with her mother's figure and long curly light brown hair. Kelly, at fourteen, seemed less interested in school than in boys. That was fitting; already she was curvier than her older sister was, and her short black hair was styled to make her look more sophisticated and a couple of years older. With such interesting neighbors, I was really relaxing from the grad school stress. I'd let Teresa go to work, then putter around in the shop or in the kitchen. After a couple of weeks, Debbie invited us for dinner. Naturally, I felt obligated to make something for dessert. Of course, when the pan was empty, Debbie felt obliged to return it, full, of course. And so began the bakery exchange as Debbie and I called it. Debbie's girls and Teresa loved the informal competition. But still, there was something I couldn't put my finger on. I finally brought the subject up with Teresa one evening. "I don't know what, but something funny is going on next door." Teresa cocked her head. "What makes you say that?" I scowled. "I don't know. Like the fact that the girls are gone every Wednesday night." Teresa shook her head. "They've got lots of friends. If you'd have ever been a teenage girl, you'd know about sleepovers." I wasn't deterred. "But every Wednesday?" I frowned again. "And there's the noise. Every Wednesday." Teresa glanced up. "I hadn't noticed anything." I decided to drop it. It wouldn't have sounded right for me to be discussing the clearly sexual sounds coming from the neighbor's bedroom. Maybe she didn't hear it; after all, the garage and shop were right next to the neighbor's bedroom. But I knew that Debbie occasionally had a guest - on Wednesday evenings. ********** "Jenn's class is doing a project, and she needs to do some sewing," Debbie said carefully. She didn't want to impose. I immediately picked up her request. "She can borrow ours," I offered. Debbie shook her head. "Jenn doesn't know how to sew. Could we maybe come over and get you to help us?" I smiled. "Pick a time." Debbie grinned. "How about tomorrow night? Say about seven?" I made a mental note. "Sure." ********** At seven p.m., sharp, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see Debbie, Kelly, Jennifer, and one of Jennifer's friends standing there. I scanned the friend, Annie, in quick appreciation. Though she was average height and average build, she was a freckled- faced redhead, with soft green eyes. An Irish delight if ever I'd seen one. I was enchanted; I suspect she had that effect on most guys. A part of me wished I were in her school so I could date her. "Come on in," I invited, leading them into the living room, where Debbie and the girls sat. I slid into my chair. "So, what's the project?" Jennifer opened the bag. "In history, we're studying the Revolutionary War. Every group, that's me and Annie, have to do a report. We're doing one on the flags used in the revolution." I picked up their direction quickly. "So you're going to make some replica flags?" Jennifer seemed puzzled at how I'd figured that out, but she smiled, as did Annie. "We get extra credit for things like that." "Okay," I smiled. "Let's see what you want to do." Jennifer and Annie began discussing their ideas with me, so Debbie went into the kitchen to visit with Teresa. After a long discussion, I led the girls back to the sewing room. There, I quickly helped the girls begin tracing their designs. Kelly, too, came back with us, more out of curiosity, since she didn't really look like the type who'd be hanging around her mother while mom visited. I was working on setting up the sewing machine for the girls. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kelly sitting in a corner, playing with some type of amulet. Annie and Jennifer were pinning their homemade patterns onto the cloth so they could cut out the designs. Annie leaned to Jenn and whispered something. From Jennifer's response, I gathered that Annie got a call from nature, and had been too embarrassed to ask me. From all the dinner exchanges and visits, Jennifer knew where the guest bath was, so Annie got her directions without having to ask me. I guess I didn't notice Kelly playing with the medallion or amulet or whatever it was. But I did hear her trying to pronounce some strange words, so I glanced her way. Her face was screwed up in concentration, trying to say words she didn't recognize. They sounded Slavic or Greek; nothing that I recognized, anyway. I turned back to the sewing machine to finish threading it. As soon as Kelly finished reading, things got crazy. First, I noticed numbness in my groin. I'd felt something like this before, when I'd first injured my back; since then, it happened once in a while, so I didn't think anything of it. I did, however, take notice of the scream from down the hall. Annie. In the bathroom. I turned in my chair, but then thought that there was nothing I could do - I certainly wasn't going to rush to help a teen-age girl in a bathroom. Jennifer immediately jumped up to help, and I heard Debbie and Teresa running. "What the hell?" Jennifer, the first to arrive at the bathroom cried out. She sounded very confused and shocked. Debbie was close on her heels. "Oh, shit!" she swore loudly. I heard the door close, and then more loud discussion among Annie, Jennifer, and Debbie. I couldn't make out the words, but Debbie was clearly upset. Teresa came into the sewing room, confused and wondering what had happened, like I was. After a few moments, Debbie led Jennifer and Annie into the room. I noticed immediately that Jennifer and Annie were white, stunned by something. And Debbie looked angry. "Kelly, did you take anything from my dresser drawers?" she asked firmly. Kelly, sitting in the corner, looked at her mom, her eyes wide with uncertainty. From Debbie's tone of voice, we all knew that Kelly was in trouble. "Just this," she said meekly, holding up the amulet she'd been playing with. Debbie shut her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, she looked directly at me. I felt nervous, sensing that she knew something I didn't. "Jim, go to the bathroom," she said. It should have sounded ridiculous. It didn't. I rose from my chair and trudged slowly down the hall, then went to our master bathroom. Behind me, I heard Debbie shut the door. As I closed the door to our bathroom, I heard another scream, this one from Kelly. I felt a shiver run down my spine. While my bladder wasn't bursting, I figured this would be a good opportunity to empty it. Who knew how long the flags would take to sew? Automatically, I stepped up to the toilet and unzipped my pants. My fingers tugged open the fly of my shorts to get out my dong. I felt a surge of panic. The simple normal act of opening the fabric just didn't feel right. It felt - different. Strange. I reached my fingers in - and found nothing! I looked down, and with my heart pounding, I noticed that where there should have been a bulge in my crotch, there was nothing! Frantically, I unbuckled my belt and undid my trousers. I dropped them to the floor, then slid my shorts down. I had a sickening feeling, and I closed my eyes momentarily. When I opened them, I saw . nothing! My dong was gone! It was missing! Where there should have been a dick and my scrotum, there was only a patch of pubic hair! "What the.?" I cried softly, knowing that this was impossible. I looked down again, and my fingers probed the area. Instantly, I knew what was there. The sensations were completely alien to me, but my fingers knew what they were feeling. They were exploring the outer reaches of a pussy! A vagina! Somehow, I'd lost my manhood, and had it replaced with the female equivalent! With my pants down around my ankles, I shuffled out to the mirror. I dreaded seeing what I knew was there, but I had to know. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to steady myself, then opened them. I saw a pussy - in my crotch. Where there should have been a dick, there was a fully formed vagina. For several seconds, I stood transfixed, staring at the impossible organ between my legs. Finally, I pulled up my shorts and pants. Ashen faced, I walked slowly, like an automaton, out of the bathroom and toward the sewing room. They knew. As soon as I walked in the room, I knew that the girls all knew. They stared at my crotch, at the smoothness in my groin. I felt my cheeks burn as I realized that they knew my secret. Debbie looked at me. "I'm sorry," she blurted. "Kelly took my amulet and was playing with it." "What the hell happened to me?" I finally demanded, trying to get back some control in this impossible and humiliating situation. "To us," Jennifer said softly. I looked at her, puzzled, then for some reason, I glanced down, at her crotch. "What the.?" I started to ask, my eyes wide at the obvious bulge in her shorts. I glanced around, looking next at Annie's crotch, then Kelly's, then Debbie's, and finally at Teresa's. All had the bulge. I looked back at Debbie, confused. "What the hell is going on here?" I demanded again, aghast at what I thought I'd seen. Debbie bit her lip - it was obvious she was trying to figure out what to say. "Kelly accidentally used my amulet. It's magic - it rearranges body parts. I, well, sometimes I use it for some variety." She flushed as she said this last part; obviously, she'd kept this secret from her girls. "Magic?" I sputtered. I was trained in science; this was a bunch of nonsense. But I couldn't dispute the change in my groin. "Okay, let's say it is magic. Turn me back." Debbie bit her lip again. "That's the tricky part." She paused for what seemed an eternity. "It doesn't work like that." I glanced at Teresa, and saw that she was as confused as I was. I looked back at Debbie, fearful of the answer. "So how do we change back?" Debbie winced. "It can't be activated until after, um, relations." Teresa's eyes widened. "You mean we have to have sex like this?" she said incredulously. Debbie winced again. "Uh huh." She looked down at the floor. "Now you understand why I hid it." "You mean I have to have. with all of you?" I was beyond shock and near panic. I wanted my willy back. I glanced around the room, seeing the five girls, and noted that Kelly was absently stroking the growing bulge in her pants, a wistful look in her eyes. I felt the fear rising again. Debbie was apologetic. "I'm sorry about this, but it's the only way." She looked at me sympathetically. "I know this is hard for you. If you want, I can start - I've at least been through this." I glanced at Teresa, who nodded. She looked as scared and nervous as I felt. I turned back to Debbie and nodded dumbly, still in shock. Debbie took my hand and led me toward the master bedroom. She closed the door, then turned back to me. She lifted her hands around my neck and pulled me down to her eager lips, to a very sensuous kiss. I felt myself starting to get aroused, but strangely so. Instead of feeling my willy getting large and firm, I felt a tingling excitement spreading within me, while at the same time, I felt Debbie's prick pressing into my waist. At this point, I knew I was getting excited and curious, but I was still nervous. After all, I was having sex with a woman who wasn't my wife. And I had the pussy! Still, I let my eyes shut and devoted my attention to her extraordinarily passionate kissing. Finally, Debbie broke the kiss and looked at me. Her eyes were full of lust; I knew that she was as horny as I was. Her hands expertly unfastened my pants and let them drop to the floor. "Oh," I cried involuntarily as her hand slid into my underwear, her finger going directly to my clit. The warm tingling sensation seemed to explode, intensifying with each passing second as she rubbed my new sensitive spot. With my free hands, I slid my underwear down, exposing my pussy completely. Debbie smiled, then pressed me back onto the bed and unfastened her own shorts, sliding her shorts and panties down and then stepping out of them. I gasped at the size of her dick - it looked huge, especially hanging between the legs of a rather petite woman! "I'll be gentle," she said softly as she pushed me to my back then pressed one knee between mine. She kneeled between my legs, one hand stroking my pussy while the other unfastened her blouse. Quickly, she exposed her tits, and I reached up to cup them. "I want you," I moaned, knowing that my curiosity had overcome my horror. "I want you inside me." But still Debbie knelt, touching me, intensifying the feelings within me. And then I had the orgasm. I felt it coming on, and prepared for the sensations, expecting the normal male pattern. But this was overwhelming. Wave after wave of pure pleasure radiated outward from within me, pulsing through my entire body. I could feel muscles within me pounding in time with the ripples of pleasure. "Oh! Ah!! I'm coming!" I cried between pants for air. "Oh! Oh!" I couldn't control myself; I felt my hips bucking, grinding into Debbie's hand as she continued her touching and the pleasure kept going on and on, far longer than anything I'd ever experienced. Debbie smiled at my reactions, then leaned forward on me. I glanced down and saw her dick dangling between her legs, large and firm and aimed at my pussy. "Oh, yes! In me!" I cried. Slowly, carefully, Debbie lowered her body on me. I felt her dick pressing into my warm wet crotch, its firm head searching for my opening. With a slow rhythm, Debbie pressed again and again, until suddenly I felt something large pushing deep within me. The orgasm that I'd thought was over returned as the new sensations tripped me back over the edge. I lay on my back, pressing myself firmly onto Debbie's dick, wanting more and more of it inside me. I felt the contractions of my muscles, milking her dick, massaging it as orgasm after orgasm washed over me, making me feel faint. And then Debbie started pumping, slowly at first, but with an increasing depth and rhythm. I felt her pounding into me, stroking me from within as her own breathing deepened, sliding easily in and out of my wet excited pussy. On and on it went, stimulating me more and more, causing even more waves of pleasure. "Oh!" I screamed, not caring who heard, as the wonderful sensations masked any sensibilities. And then I felt her dick stiffen, and her breathing got rapid. Suddenly, I felt the pulsing of her dick within me as she moaned with pleasure. Her entire body trembled as her dick shot its hot load into my waiting pussy. I clamped my legs around her, pulling her tightly into me, my pussy throbbing excitedly with every pulse and stroke of her dick. Eagerly, my head lifted, my lips seeking out hers, kissing her with a passion I'd never known as we lay locked together. For several moments after she'd spent her load, I pulled her tightly onto me, thrusting my hips upward, ever upward, pulling her deeper into me, wanting every possible second of the wonder I'd just experienced. We continued to kiss passionately. Finally, she pried herself upward, staring down at me, her dark locks dangling playfully around her face. She pulled out of me slowly; I felt her softening dick sliding easily out of my wet love-hole. "Just lie here and relax," Debbie commanded as she stood up. She walked into our bathroom; I heard the sink running, and I knew she was wiping the love fluids from her dick. After a few moments, she came back and pulled on her panties and shorts. "One down, four to go," she said playfully. Debbie ducked out of the room before I could say anything, so I sat up on the edge of the bed, my hole dripping my fluids and her semen. Within moments, Debbie was back, with Jennifer in tow. Jennifer looked nervous, especially when she saw me naked on the bed, my pussy exposed and glistening. I made a guess, which I later confirmed, that Jennifer was a virgin. She turned to her mother, worried. But Debbie just smiled. "Go on now, Jenn. It'll be all right." Debbie ducked out the door, closing it softly behind her, leaving me alone with Jennifer. I was still horny, that much was obvious. And from the bulge in her pants, the strange sensations had Jennifer horny, too. She just didn't know what to do. "Come here and sit beside me," I offered, remembering my first time with a more experienced woman. Cautiously, Jennifer sat down, staring wide-eyed at my pussy. I tried to laugh, and it sounded nervous. "We've got to do this," I said. Jennifer looked at the floor. "I know," she answered. "It just that, well, I've never." I put my hand under her chin and turned her toward me. "I know." I lifted her lips toward mine. Tentatively, she began to kiss me. As she became more and more engrossed in the kiss, I let my hand slip over her breast, cupping it gently. She started, but I leaned a bit further and continued kissing her. She was really starting to get into this, and I found it very exciting as well. I'd fantasized a few times about teenage girls; here I was about to have sex with one - no, make that three. But not quite the way I'd always fantasized! Feeling a bit of revulsion, I moved my hand down toward her crotch. I knew I had to get her pants off and get her inside me if I ever wanted my joy rod back, but touching her like this seemed, well, gay! I had to force myself to rub her crotch, knowing that there was a dick under her shorts. Once again, she nearly jumped from the bed, but I held her firmly, kissing and caressing her to make her forget. And then I let go of her boob and grasped her hand. Slowly, I moved it down into my crotch. I watched her eyes widen with shock as she touched my femininity, but I rubbed her crotch more insistently to make her think only of her sexual needs. I felt the pleasure building within me, the excitement growing again as she touched me. Though she was a virgin, I suspected strongly that Jennifer knew well how to pleasure herself. Now, that skill was making me hot. She suddenly removed her hand and fumbled with her shorts. With a quick wiggle of her cute little butt, she slid her shorts and panties down her legs, kicking them off her feet. And then she turned and scrambled onto my lap, her engorged member pressed firmly into my belly. She ground herself against me, feeling her own pleasant sensations as her kissing got more passionate, more insistent. "Oh, yes!" I said softly. I let myself flop backward on the bed. "Take me now!" I know it sounds trite, but that was all my sex- crazed mind could think of saying. She obliged, pressing herself clumsily into my crotch, her dick seeking my wet hole. She thrust over and over, pressing, until suddenly her dick was buried within me. A gasp escaped her lips at the sudden pleasure. She began pumping inside me, harder and harder, deeper and deeper. I could tell from her breathing that her orgasm was near; without warning, she stiffened and began to pump frantically. "Ahhh!" she cried as I felt her dick pulsing its load into me. Within seconds, she was done, spent. She flopped heavily onto me, trying to catch her breath. I held her tightly, my legs wrapped around her, my hips trying to get more from her. I wanted another orgasm - I needed another one. I felt cheated - she'd just had one! Why not me? I ground my hips against her, trying desperately to stimulate myself. Jennifer lifted herself off my chest, her eyes wide. She pulled herself from me and rolled to my side. "That was great!" she panted, a smile on her face. I rolled to her and pulled her into a deep kiss. My one hand groped for her breast, while the other hand caught one of hers. I pulled it into my crotch, pressing her fingers into my pussy, wanting to have her rub me. For a second, she hesitated, but then she began to touch me intimately. More and more the pleasure built until it seemed to explode in yet another orgasm. I moaned loudly as my body rocked. After several long minutes of kissing, Jennifer rolled onto her back, then sat up. She smiled at me, then pulled on her clothes. I knew that there were three more to go before I had any hope of changing back. Frankly, at this point, I wanted three more. Or thirty. Jennifer slipped out, leaving me in the dimly lit bedroom, naked, sprawled on the bed. Within moments, Debbie came back in with Annie. How they were deciding the order, I didn't know. Debbie shut the door behind her, then almost immediately opened it again. With a twinkle in her eye, she pulled the amulet out of her pocket. She glanced at it, then recited a few words. In the dim light, I imagined that I saw her breasts deflate, shrinking in size. At the same time, I felt my own chest getting heavier, feeling very peculiar. I glanced down. My hands shot up to my expanding chest. "What.?" I screamed as I cupped my growing boobs. Debbie smiled. "You might as well enjoy the full package," she answered. "That chant transfers breasts." I sputtered. "I see that!" I cupped the still-growing boobs. They'd easily surpassed a double-D cup, and showed no signs of slowing. "But why are they so.big?" Debbie smiled. "That's the total from all of us." She closed the door behind her, leaving me alone with Annie, my hands still cupping my incredibly large boobs, while she stared open- mouthed at her now flat chest. Annie was no more skilled than Jennifer had been; I had to slow her down so I could try to enjoy the sex. And I fought to get her to kiss and caress my enormous boobs; she thought that was too weird. As if anything so far was normal! But oh, the sensations as she touched my nipples! I couldn't help myself! I wanted more and more of this! As Annie was disengaging from my love slot, I heard Debbie yell, "Kelly!" She sounded angry. I leaped off the bed, and felt my boobs jiggling and swaying as I lurched out into the hall. The sensations were so strange and yet so exhilarating that I forgot that I was naked; I purposefully bounced to feel my jugs jiggle some more! I got to the bathroom from whence the noise had come, and saw Debbie standing there, glaring at Kelly. Kelly stood sheepishly, holding her soft dick. I groaned inwardly - Kelly had just whacked off; I could see the glistening semen on her hand and her rod. "Oh, shit!" I cried. If Kelly couldn't perform. Debbie knew what I was thinking. "Look, you just go have fun with Teresa. Kelly'll be up to the job in a little while." That left me alone with Teresa. To say that I'd been curious about how she experienced sex would have been an understatement. Now, I got to find out. But she was unfamiliar with the equipment she had; she got too excited too quickly and came long before I'd had my orgasm. She was very sorry, and she dedicated herself to making me have an orgasm. Her lips were kissing one nipple, the tongue dancing tantalizingly around it, while one hand caressed the other large boobs. Her free hand quickly found its way down to my crotch, and she lovingly touched and caressed me. I exploded in passion, gasping for breath as moans of pleasure slipped out of my throat. But still she went on, pushing me to the edge, then holding me there. Just when I thought she was done, when she let up her caressing and my orgasm was dying down, her finger danced around my clit yet again, slamming me back into the throes of orgasmic pleasure. I completely lost track of time, and of the number of times I'd come. I felt light-headed as I sat up, dazed by the explosion of pleasure. I didn't think a person could take that much sensory stimulation. Finally, it was time for me to do Kelly. Still naked, I walked with Teresa to the living room, where Debbie was sitting with the girls. I felt wet between my legs as the four loads of cum and my own moisture slowly oozed out, and the cool air on my boobs made my nipples harden. I walked brazenly up to Kelly, knowing that she was the last, that when I finished her, I could be returned to normal. I reached out my hand toward her. Kelly gulped, and glanced at her mother, then took my hand and pulled herself up from the couch. Holding her hand, I walked with her back to the bedroom. Though the youngest, Kelly was easily the most experienced of the three teenagers. She pulled herself to my lips eagerly, like a little vixen. I felt my body pressing against hers, and I knew that, however much I resented having this pussy, I wanted her and I wanted her badly. I pushed Kelly onto the bed and straddled her, my cunt mere inches above her crotch and my boobs dangling down over her flat chest. She looked at me in shock. I smiled, knowing what was in store for her . and for me. I lifted her hand, cupping it on my boob, while my other hand reached down and fumbled with her pants. Entranced, Kelly lifted her head and began to suck my nipple. The warm sensuous feeling made me gasp in pleasure, and I lost track of what I'd been doing for a moment. Then, with renewed determination, I tore frantically at Kelly's pants, wanting to get her dick freed and into me. Kelly sank back to the bed for a moment and reached her hands down between my thighs. With a wiggle or two, she pulled her clothes down past her knees. I gasped. Her dick - it was huge! While the others had been good sized, Kelly's dick was enormous! Even limp, it was easily twice as large as Debbie's was! I began to rub my pussy on it, wanting more than ever to take that large love shaft into my hole. Kelly, too, was eager - she began to kiss and nibble on my tits, driving me more and more to a state of sexual frenzy. But no matter how much I rubbed, no matter how much I kissed her, Kelly couldn't get up. I saw a tear form in her eye, knowing that by masturbating, she'd screwed up. And I wanted to scream. I was so horny and I wanted her in me so badly. At the same time, I wanted to get this over with, to end the humiliation, so I could get back to normal. It was all so close, and yet Kelly couldn't perform. After twenty-five or thirty minutes, I sank onto the bed beside her, frustrated. Kelly looked at me with an `I'm sorry' look, then pulled up her pants and slipped out of the room, leaving me curled up on the bed, frustrated and angry. "Kelly told me she couldn't get up." I hadn't heard Debbie slip into the room. I felt a tear running down my cheek. "If Kelly can't fuck me, then I'm stuck like this!" Debbie sat down beside me. "Give her a little time. She'll be ready in a little bit." She brushed her hand across my cheek. I glanced up at her smiling face, and for some reason, I felt a little better. "Besides, I thought you might like some company." I glanced down, and saw that the bulge in Debbie's crotch was large and firm. I glanced back at her, and then nodded slowly. I rolled onto my back, my legs opening for her. "Uh, uh," she said softly. "Stand up." Perplexed, I did as she said, standing by the edge of the bed. "Now turn around and bend over." My eyes widened. Debbie was going to do me from behind! For some strange reason, this gave me a thrill! I spread my legs apart, opening up my pussy, and bent forward, resting my hands on the bed, my pussy pointing invitingly toward Debbie, my boobs dangling like pendulums from my chest. I heard Debbie's shorts rustle softly to the floor, and then her hands grasped my hips. I held my breath in anticipation of her penetration, and I felt her pressing closer, more firmly, until she started to slip inside me. "Ahh!" I cried as she pressed deeper. "It hurts!" Indeed, it did hurt. I was dry, sapped of my vaginal fluids, and Debbie's dick was rubbing painfully on the walls. Debbie pulled out almost immediately. "Do you have any KY?" she asked. I shook my head. "How about Vaseline?" I straightened and retrieved the jar of Vaseline from the bathroom. Debbie pulled a big glob from the jar, then began to slather it on her dick. Smiling, she grasped my shoulders and turned me back toward the bed. Nervously, I spread again and bent forward. This time, there was no pain - just the exhilarating sensation of her large member sliding easily into my pussy. She began to rock, thrusting in and out, and I found my hips moving in time to her thrusts. I shifted my balance slightly, moving all my weight to one hand. The other hand slid easily down into my crotch, to the ultra-sensitive clit, which I began to rub almost frantically. Higher and higher up the peak of excitement I climbed, aroused from both Debbie's rod sliding rhythmically in and out and from my touch on my clit. Finally, I felt Debbie stiffen, and felt her pull my hips back, thrusting herself deep within me as her shaft began to pulse frantically, discharging yet another load. The pounding of her excitement pushed me over the edge - I came in the biggest explosion of pleasure I'd felt yet. I collapsed forward onto the bed, with Debbie still atop me, her dick still buried within my box, dripping the remains of her seed into me. For a long time, I lay there with Debbie; whenever either of us moved, new ripples of pleasure, minor aftershocks of my orgasm, spread from my pussy. Finally, I felt her dick softening and sliding inexorably out of me. As she started to roll off me, I spun quickly, reaching my arms up and pulling her down on top of me, my lips eagerly kissing her, her soft member rubbing against my still-excited vagina. Finally, I let her lift her head up. "Oh," I moaned happily. "Thank you." "For what?" she asked as she caught her breath. I smiled. "This. This experience. It's the best I've ever had." I sighed heavily. "Part of me doesn't want it to end." If I'd have been a complete woman, I was sure I'd have fallen in love with Debbie. So completely female had she made me feel. Debbie got a mischievous smile. "Maybe we can repeat it from time to time. If Teresa doesn't mind." I lay on the bed, still basking in the afterglow, as Debbie slipped out of the room. Shortly, Kelly came back in, looking embarrassed. I just laid there, staring at her. Finally, she unbuttoned her shorts and dropped them. I sprang into action. I pulled her onto the bed, then rolled her onto her back. As she started to say something, I leaned forward and pressed a tit into her mouth, surprising her all the more. As she began to suck, I lowered my still moist pussy onto her crotch and began to rub, slowly, methodically. I felt her stirring, the excitement bringing life to her large dick, and I knew I'd have it in me soon. Kelly's hips began to rock, her firm dick pressing against my pussy, as she got aroused. I rolled aside for a brief moment, my hand scrambling to find the jar, and then I had it. I grabbed a handful of Vaseline and began to smear it on her dick. I knew it was unnatural, but in the corner of my mind, I relished the feeling of her huge dick as my hand smeared the Vaseline up and down its shaft. I could tell from her breathing that Kelly was getting excited. Finally, neither of us could take any more; I practically leaped astride her and guided her large member into my waiting hole. I knew then that she was no virgin, that Kelly was experienced in the art of love. Though the sensations were different, she moved slowly, carefully, maximizing the stimulation for herself and for me. The intensity built and built, until finally we both exploded in orgasmic delight. ********** My pants were on, curiously empty still, and I'd pulled on an old T-shirt to cover my bouncing boobs. We were all in the living room - Annie looking nervous. Debbie gave Kelly an angry glance, then she pulled out the amulet. She intoned some strange words, similar sounding to what Kelly had said to start this whole evening. I felt the strange tingling in my crotch again. I glanced down between my large boobs, and was rewarded with the sight of a bulge forming in my pants. I looked up at Debbie, smiling. The girls, too, had watched as their bulges - the male organs they'd been temporarily endowed with - shrunk to nothing and reformed into their normal sex. "Well, that's over with," Debbie said, her voice sounding both relieved and stern. "Um," I finally muttered, realizing that it wasn't over. Not yet. Debbie looked at me, curious. I just lifted my hands, cupping my boobs. "I don't think these belong here." Debbie laughed. "No, I guess they don't." She incanted another few words, and the boobs slowly shrunk from my chest. I sighed with relief as they vanished completely, and I glanced at the girls to see that their chests had returned to normal. Debbie turned to the girls. "It's way past your bedtimes. Let's get you home." Teresa smiled. "You can come over to finish up another night," she offered graciously. Her grin told the entire tale. Debbie smiled in thanks. "I'll make sure that's all we do." She had a curious little twinkle in her eyes. ********** It was a couple of weeks later that I was sitting in the back yard, enjoying the sun and reading a book. We'd kept up the dessert exchange, but none of us talked about the parts swap. I was just too embarrassed, and I think Debbie was too. Teresa and I figured that they were too nice of neighbors to let something like a magical accident ruin things. "Hi," I heard called over the fence. I looked up from my book, startled, and saw Kelly looking over the fence. "Oh, hi." "Nice day for some sun," she said innocently. I smiled. "Yup." I wondered briefly why she wasn't in school, then I remembered it was a teacher's day or something like that. She ducked behind the fence, then appeared through our gate. From the bikini she wore, she'd obviously been sunning herself. "I'm sorry about the other night," she said. Something in her tone of voice made me wary. "I really got in trouble." I laughed. "Yeah, I bet you did." I was trying not to look at her; she was a very sexy girl. She sat on the edge of my lounger. "But I had fun," she said, a twinkle in her eye. "Didn't you?" I looked up at her, shocked. How could she ask something like that? But the more I thought, the more I realized that I had enjoyed it. No matter how much I wanted to keep it secret, I'd enjoyed it a lot. I felt my cheeks redden. Kelly laughed. "That's what I thought." Then, before I could do anything, she pulled that damned amulet out and said the magic incantation. I watched in horror as a bulge formed in her bikini bottom, while at the same time, her top began to hang limply as her breasts deflated. "What's that for?" I asked, even as I felt the weight on my chest and the tingling in my crotch. Kelly grinned. "I want to do it again." I sighed. "I don't have a choice now, do I." "No," Kelly laughed. She wasn't going to wait to get inside; she dropped her bikini bottom and began to tug at my pants, quickly loosening them so her fingers could dive into my crotch. As I felt my pulse quicken, I wiggled my hips, sliding my pants and underwear down past my knees, exposing my pussy. I expected Kelly to jump on top of me immediately, but she had yet another surprise. She ducked down, slowly kissing her way down my chest, pausing on my boobs, then past my belly button. I tingled with anticipation as her tongue darted into my crotch, carefully ministering to my clit. In no time, I was in the throes of an orgasm, a firestorm of pleasure that seemed to go on and on under the care of her tongue. Finally, when I was nearly ready to collapse, she climbed back up, sliding herself up my chest. I was only to eager to have her enter me, which she did, firmly and filling me completely. We humped like bunnies until finally she shot her load and collapsed on top of me. "Kelly!" Debbie's voice was unmistakable. Kelly leaped as if stung, looking toward the fence. I, too, craned my neck to see what Debbie was up to. Debbie came quickly through the gate, her face red with anger. "I told you to leave that alone." She marched up to Kelly, her hand outstretched. Kelly pulled her bottoms up, which did precious little to cover her engorged member and scrotum. Looking at the ground, she lifted the amulet to her mother. Debbie scowled. "Not so fast. You have to change back. Then you're really in trouble." She gave the amulet back to Kelly, then quickly retreated. I guessed that she wanted to be out of range of the magic. Kelly gave me a quick wink, then recited the incantation. Within seconds, our bodies were restored. Kelly adjusted the cups on her top, then gave me a quick kiss, knowing full well that her mother was watching. As Debbie returned to the back yard, Kelly marched defiantly by, holding out the amulet for her mother. "I'll deal with you in a couple of minutes." She turned to me. "I'm really sorry. I didn't think she'd find it again." I looked at Debbie, then smiled. "Don't be. Kids like to experiment." Debbie looked warily at me. "And you?" she asked. "Are you saying that you enjoyed it too?" I blushed and glanced down. Finally, I looked up, and saw Debbie looking straight into my eyes. I swallowed, and I knew what I wanted to say. "You know, if you wanted to use that right now, I don't think I'd mind." Debbie's jaw dropped open. She started to say something, but couldn't. Finally, she looked at the amulet, then back at me. "Are you sure?" My smile was all the answer she needed. "Okay, but on one condition." I raised my eyebrows. "What's that?" Debbie grinned. "You make love to me before we change." We went inside, and made passionate love. I got to enjoy my fantasy of fucking her. And then she said the incantation, and we found our bodies altered. Once more, I got laid. I found myself comparing lovers; Debbie was careful, slow, and eager to please me before she had her orgasm. Kelly had shown a great willingness to experiment, even though she was hasty and clumsy. Practice, I surmised, would make her a superb lover. Jennifer had been inexperienced; I found myself wanting to help her along, to teach her a thing or two. Debbie and I changed back in time for us to make dinner for our respective families. After dinner, she came over, looking a bit lost. "What's up," Teresa asked. Debbie sounded tired. "I'm just worn out. Between work and watching the girls, some days I don't have enough energy for myself." Teresa surprised me. "Then why don't you bring your amulet over for a visit?" I didn't think she'd gotten into the changes. For the next few nights, we did all sorts of things. I was always in the middle of a change, but Teresa and Debbie varied things. Teresa changed and Debbie didn't. Debbie and I made love as lesbians, and Teresa screwed us both. Debbie changed, and we did it the other way. Teresa and Debbie both changed, and tag- teamed me most of one night. Debbie even brought Jennifer and Kelly over - Debbie didn't change, but the rest of us did. That was one wild orgy, let me tell you! I found myself enjoying the change more and more, especially when I got to have breasts. It's not that I was gay or anything, but I just found myself enjoying being the woman. And my nipples were so sensitive, I loved having them touched or sucked. ********** Despite their mother's warnings about the amulet, Kelly and Jennifer kept sneaking it over. Sometimes, I'd have no warning except for the feeling of breasts growing. Sometimes they made a game of it, with me trying to keep out of range, and them trying to trap me so we could change. One day, I'd just finished getting laid by Kelly, and we were lying in bed, snuggling. "You know what," I said wistfully. Kelly kept playing with my breast. "What?" I smiled. "You're getting pretty good, you know." Kelly sat up, smiling. "Will you do me a favor?" I kissed her. "Anything." Kelly grinned. "Make love to me. The normal way." I grinned as she recited the incantation. And then I made love to her. ********** Thursday evening, Debbie and Teresa went out shopping while I fixed dinner. Friday was a holiday for something or other, so we were already planning a long night. Teresa and Debbie both had curious grins when they came back. "What's up?" I asked, eager to learn their secret. Debbie just smiled. "You'll see." No matter what I tried, they wouldn't say any more. I was kept in the dark through dinner; even Kelly and Jennifer knew what was going on. After dinner, Teresa and Debbie cleaned up and loaded the dishwasher while the girls and I watched a Star Trek rerun. Finally, Debbie and Teresa came out to the family room, giggling like schoolgirls. Debbie pulled out the amulet, as I expected. And as usual, she changed the magical invocation. But there was something different in the wording. I felt the familiar tingling in my crotch, a sensation that started me getting aroused, knowing as I did what was going on. And I felt my chest swelling, pushing outward into well-formed breasts. I smiled, and glanced at Debbie. And I froze. Unlike before, Debbie's boobs were not deflating, even though mine were growing. I could see the bulge in her shorts, and I knew that part was going as I expected. But my breasts growing, while theirs stayed normal? "What.?" I was confused. That's when I knew this was going to be a very unique weekend. Debbie just walked over and cupped by breasts appreciatively, then winked. Teresa, too, grinned. They made a show of stripping me naked, then they pulled out their shopping bag. The girls all laughed when they pulled out a bra and quickly fitted in on me, over my protests. I was both fascinated and repulsed; the bra was sexy and lacy, and so very feminine! "Oh, just play along," Debbie scolded me. There were four of them, so I gave in. Next came a pair of panties that matched the bra, black and silky and lacy. I felt a shiver of pleasure as the delicate fabric caressed my skin; no wonder women loved silky underwear! "Okay, so I'm wearing a bra and panties," I said, trying to sound like it was no big deal. Teresa grinned. "We're not done yet," she said. They guided me to a chair and sat me down. "Now close your eyes," she directed. I started to protest again, but gave up and shut my eyes. I felt something brushing my cheeks, and I started to turn. "Ah, ah!" Teresa chided. "Keep them shut." And so I sat, feeling the brushing on my cheeks, then on my eyelids. Finally, I felt lipstick rubbing against my lips. "Okay," Debbie said finally, "we're done." The girls applauded as Teresa and Debbie lifted me from the chair. I knew that I probably looked like some kind of freak drag queen. "Hmm," Debbie said thoughtfully. "Something's missing." Then she grinned and reached back into the bag. She retrieved something, and I recognized it instantly. A wig. "No," I protested weakly. "That's too much." But they talked me into it. And then they paraded me into the bathroom, so I could see myself in the mirror. I gasped. I didn't look like a drag queen - I looked like an attractive young woman! It was - exciting! In a strange way, of course. The night was long for me; the girls got a break to take a nap from time to time, but I was up most of the night, having sex with one of them after another. Finally, I curled up with Kelly, her dick pressed into my back and her arm wrapped around me with her hand cupping my breast. ********** I awoke suddenly, feeling a hand cupping my breast and a large firm love rod rubbing gently on my back. My eyes snapped awake, and I realized it was mid-morning. And I was still a woman! I turned, and saw Kelly's smiling face. She kissed me before I could say anything, then rolled me over as she continued caressing my boob. It didn't take long before I was as horny as she was. I wrapped one leg up over her, and she entered me easily. After we both came, we lay together, kissing tenderly, her softening rod still inside me. "Hey, sleepyhead!" Teresa called from the door. I turned, surprised, and saw her standing there, a smug grin on her face. She was holding something behind her back. "I thought you were going to mow the lawn this morning." I sat up, sending my boobs swaying. "But." I didn't know quite what to say. "I'm still." I was confused. "Why didn't we change back?" Teresa smiled, then tossed some clothes my way, a grin on her face. I caught them, and to my shock, saw that it was a very short pair of woman's shorts . and a bikini top! "I can't wear these!" I cried. But they left me no choice. After going to the bathroom, I put on my panties, shorts, and the bikini top. And I remembered to put on my wig - I knew that they wouldn't let me go without it. I understood - I was going to spend this weekend as a woman. A sex toy for Teresa, Debbie, and the girls. And they were going to make sure that included every detail, including the clothing. It was strange to mow the lawn with my boobs jiggling and the girls sitting in lawn chairs, hooting at my sexy figure. But strangely, I was enjoying it, at least a little bit. When I was partway through, I saw Debbie waving at me. Puzzled, I shut off the mower and strode over to her. She was sitting in her lawn chair with her fly open and her stiff rod sticking up. "How about taking care of me?" she said playfully, then she grabbed me and pulled me into her lap. With her teeth, she liberated my boobs from the bikini, while her hand slid down into my shorts, touching me and making me moan with pleasure. When I couldn't take any more, I stood and slid off my shorts, then straddled her lap and slid myself down onto her rigid shaft, moaning with delight as she penetrated me. We pumped each other frantically, ignoring the others in our wonton lust, until we both came in an explosion of passion. No sooner had I finished with Debbie than Kelly beckoned me. Obediently, I sauntered over to her, jiggling my boobs and trying to wiggle my hips at her. Teresa whistled, while Debbie frowned at Kelly. "Getting a bit greedy, aren't you?" she said to Kelly. Kelly stuck her tongue out at Debbie. "I can't help it if Jim likes me best." I had to do all of them before I got a chance to finish the lawn. Between the practically non-stop sex and mowing the lawn, I was tired, and grateful for a chance to sit down for a while. But it was not to last long. Debbie and Teresa insisted that I get cleaned up, so I crawled in the shower. The warm water felt so invigorating, and I was so enjoying it. The door opened behind me, and I started. I spun, and saw Jennifer stepping naked into the shower with me. She had that hungry look in her eye. I looked down, and saw that she was firm and aroused. She lifted her lips to mine, and we began to kiss even as her hand wandered down to my crotch. I felt the touch of her fingers on my sex, and I felt myself getting warm and damp. I wrapped my arms around her neck, drawing her into a deep French kiss as I ground my crotch against her, inviting her manhood to enter me. Awkwardly, clumsily, I spread my legs, and she grasped my hips as she pulled herself up and into me. I felt her pumping deeper and deeper into me even as my hips began to move on their own, trying to get all of her inside me, to have her fill me with her shaft. I screamed as Jenn's pounding member brought me to the brink of an orgasm and then shoved me past, my pussy milking her dick even as she continued to pump in and out of me. And then she stiffened, and her head tilted back. I felt her rod squirting into me as Jennifer had her own orgasm. ********** I was horrified when I learned the plans for the afternoon - we were all going to the mall. I tried to protest, but the girls would have none of it. They carefully adjusted their members under their skirts, and they looked perfectly normal. Now I understood why they'd used a different incantation. Debbie and Teresa had planned this entire weekend. All I could do was to cooperate until I got changed back. With the makeup, the wig, and the outfit they chose, even I had to admit I looked hot! And that's precisely the reaction I got - the girls had a ball when a guy tried to pick me up. I turned him down - rather rudely, I'm afraid - but I really was feeling self-conscious about their little game. They made me try on lots of outfits - all slinky and sexy and revealing, especially of my generous bustline. And we tried on lingerie in Victoria's Secret. I sampled perfume in a department store. I had my makeup touched up and bought some `essential' makeup supplies. It was a long day. Fun, but long. And I was getting anxious to get home and end the game. Alas, the girls weren't ready to end it. They had more surprises. I had to model a teddy and other nightwear. Then we had more sex. Again, I was used as a sex toy, spending most of the night moving from Kelly to Jennifer to Teresa to Debbie. Saturday was more of the same. We went out, like a bunch of girls shopping. We lounged around the house, me in a skimpy bikini, and I serviced them whenever they happened to feel horny. The orgasms were great, but this was starting to get a little old. I knew I'd be glad to get my body restored. Saturday night, Debbie had a very hardcore movie for us to watch; the girls took turns having me right on the living room floor, using the movie for inspiration. Finally, we all went to bed. I awoke in the darkness, feeling someone touching my breast, but I couldn't tell who it was. Slowly, a pair of lips began kissing my boobs, sending thrills up and down my body; I stretched, pressing my breasts into the mouth of my lover. The lips moved down, slowly, kissing my breasts, my stomach, and then I felt a tongue touching my femininity. I gasped, still amazed at the wondrous feeling, and my legs spread. My lover continued, bringing me tantalizingly close to an orgasm, then pausing just long enough to keep it from happening. Over and over, she did this to me, sending my excitement level soaring to new heights. Finally, I couldn't take any more, and my body released its sexual tension with one earth-moving orgasm. I tilted my head back, moaning loudly, as my hands clenched the head of my lover, pressing her mouth into my love canal. When my body calmed down, my lover slid upward, until she was next to me. It was then that I realized it was Teresa. She nibbled on my ear, then whispered something. I drew back, shocked. So far, this had been weird, but not really gay! But Teresa had just asked me to give her a blowjob! I couldn't! That was going way too far! I turned over, away from her, angry and confused. How could she? Didn't she have any idea what that was to me? I just couldn't! Could I? I thought for a long time. Since we'd first used the amulet, I'd done lots of things that most guys would consider gay. But they didn't seem too bad when I had the pussy and tits, did they? No, I realized they didn't. And Teresa had done wonderful things for me, things a woman would consider lesbian. But she did them. Could I do that for her? After a long soul-search, I turned back over. Slowly, carefully, I reached down until I felt her member. Gently I stroked it, bringing it back to life, getting Teresa fully aroused. I'm sure she expected me to straddle her after I rolled her onto her back. But then I surprised her when my mouth began to kiss its way down her chest, dawdling on her breasts, then into the valley between them. Further and further down I went, putting everything out of my mind except for her love and the fact that I had a pussy. I felt my lips brushing her rod, and I felt her stiffen. Before I could lose my resolve, I began to kiss and lick her shaft, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through her body. And then I slipped the head into my mouth. I danced my tongue around the head, then began to bob my head up and down, sliding my lips along the shaft, teasing the head with my tongue. I heard her moaning with pleasure, and felt her body quivering. Without warning, her rod stiffened, and then began to pulse madly as Teresa shot her load into my mouth. I was caught unprepared; I hadn't figured out how to handle this part! I swallowed some of her cum accidentally, then swallowed the rest of her load. I fought my gag reflex as I choked down the salty cum, and finally, she was empty, still pulsing a little in orgasmic aftershocks. ********** Sunday afternoon. My liberation. I'd spent the entire weekend as a slut for the girls, and they'd used me well. I doubted that any of us could count how many times we'd had sex. Nor how many different ways. I'd been done doggy style, on my side, on a lap, from the front, from behind, and countless other ways. I'd been eaten and had my boobs touched and caressed and licked and kissed. I'd even given blowjobs, first to Teresa, and then to the others when they got too insistent! About the only thing I hadn't done was getting it in the rear! I sat down, tired, a bit sore, and thoroughly satisfied. The other girls were sitting as well, all of us ready to get back to a normal life. Debbie asked if any of us wanted one last go, but my look convinced her otherwise. I was tired of being a sex toy. She said the incantation. I waited expectantly for my breasts to shrink and for that tingly feeling in my crotch. But there was nothing. My boobs stayed their same size! "What's wrong?" I cried after several seconds. Debbie and Teresa looked at me, their mouths opening with shock. "I don't know," Debbie finally admitted. "I changed back." "So did I," Teresa chimed in. As did Kelly and Jennifer. "But I didn't," I cried. I unzipped my fly, pulling my pants down to check. But all that revealed was a woman's sex between my legs where my dick should have been. "What's wrong?" I cried again. "I want my body back!" Debbie's eyes narrowed. "But you should have changed back. It always changes you back!" she insisted. Suddenly, though, her eyes widened, and her hand shot up over her mouth. "Oh, shit!" she exclaimed sharply. Teresa saw her eyes. "What?" Then her eyes widened too. "It's been over three days. That's long enough." I was confused, fighting back tears. "Long enough for what?" Debbie bit her lip. "Long enough for you to be pregnant," she finally said. I lost it, bursting into tears. "But I can't be pregnant!" I cried. "I can't be!" I wanted this to be a bad dream, to awaken in my normal body. Teresa put her hand on my shoulder to reassure me. "I'm afraid you can be," she said softly. "But it's not likely. Let's try the change again." Debbie glanced at me, then she pulled out the amulet. She showed me which words to read, then she and the girls left the room. I closed my eyes and glanced skyward, saying a silent prayer. Then I recited the words. But again, nothing happened. Debbie sent Jennifer and Kelly home, then came back with Teresa. Debbie was crying, apologizing profusely for what had happened. It was all her fault, she kept saying. If only she'd just left the damned amulet alone. Teresa was trying to blame herself, too. She'd encouraged Debbie to do this three-day weekend. If only they'd changed after the first night. This wouldn't have happened. This blame game didn't help me. I was still crying, still wondering what I was going to do. I wasn't even a girl! Not really! How could I have a baby? ********** The test was positive, of course. I was well and truly pregnant. We all had no idea who the father was - it could have been any of them. Teresa and I spent long hours trying to decide what to do; in the end, I decided to have the baby. If I had the baby, maybe I could change back. If I had an abortion, though, who knew? I've grown my hair out - it's now in a cute and very feminine style, something like the wig I wore. And I've gotten quite comfortable in women's underwear, although I could do with smaller breasts - they do make my shoulders sore at the end of long days. With practice, I've learned to make myself look rather attractive, if I do say so myself. So Teresa has a woman for a roommate rather than a husband. I've been going by Janice, since Jim just doesn't fit my body any more. Out of a sense of guilt, Debbie gave us the amulet. Teresa and I use it often, so we can make love. And we still have Debbie come over from time to time. Sometimes Debbie and Teresa change, but more often than not, Debbie and Teresa and I make love as women. Jennifer quit changing, though - I think my pregnancy scared her. Debbie said she's checking into religious orders. She'll make a good nun if she decides to. Kelly still likes to change, but a lot less frequently than before. I think she secretly loves me, and changes just to spend special time with me. I'm going for an ultrasound today; I'll find out if it's a little boy or a little girl. Assuming, of course, that my baby wasn't affected somehow by the magic! That's all I'd need - a child who can change sex without the help of an amulet! The End

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Good Neighbors Chapter 5

Todd walked out to get his mail and happened to meet Zach, who was walking up and down his sidewalk without the aid of a cane or crutches. Todd walked over to him, greeted him and walked along with him as they caught up with each other. Todd knew that Zach was making steady progress, but didn't realize that he was now getting around without assistance."Life is getting better every day, every week," Zach said, sounding encouraged. "I gave up the crutches and cane about two weeks ago and today is...

3 years ago
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the neighbors

Donna had wanted to downsize now that the kids were gone and informed Brooke and I that they were moving. We had grown extremely close to both of them and they practically treated us like family. I am 31 and my wife is 28. We have both talked about starting a family of our own but my job keeps me traveling and I wanted to settle down a little more before we started raising children. The house next door sold really quickly and we were excited to see who might be moving in. We were both...

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Neighbors Daughter

Another boring day at my home office working with clients and spreadsheets. It was nice outside and as I looked out my window, there she was again, my neighbors 18 year old daughter. In their backyard, wearing those black short shorts again cavorting with a couple of her friends. As they continued to talk, chat and fool around I kept watching. Sometimes they would wrestle a little and my neighbors daughter continued to show flashes of her hot thighs. I started to get hard in my pants as I...

2 years ago
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Good neighbors Indeed

Good Neighbors IndeedBy: Londebaaz ChohanWe have come to strange times. It is said that in case of any emergency, the ambulance will come, even the fire and the police department will respond as soon as possible but the first response always is, will be and should be from our neighbors and mostly from the next door neighbors but these days we are at a far distance from our next door neighbors. We hardly say hi to our neighbors and almost never meet them or know them well. A case and point....

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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My sister and Our Neighbors

My sister and Our neighbors.I had finally done It and now the with the last debug finished, it was working perfectly, I had got 1 + 1 to equal PLUS 1, not two, my old Maths tutor would have a fit. I looked at the sign above my work station, 'A MACHINE DOES NOT THINK'Let me explain, I write computer programs, C++ and I had been working on this one for a month and a half after a friend complained that just enlarging something was not good enough, you loose contrast, definition, everything goes...

3 years ago
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A normal suburban family of three gets new neighbors

Bonnie entered the house from the garage carrying two bags of groceries. “There’s a sold sign on the Mitchell’s house,” she told me, excited. “Really! That was fast.” The Mitchells had lived next door for about three years. They were great neighbors. I really liked Stan. It seemed like he had two of everything. Anything I ever needed around the house he always had it. I’d miss good old Stan. Carrie was okay, too. Kind of plain though....

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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My Parents Neighbors Part One

It's been a year since this little story began. It was my final year at a large university on the East Coast. My home is in a small community outside a major city in central California. I majored in sports medicine and received my M.D. I assisted the medical staff with the various teams that made up the school's sports programs; football, volleyball, swimming, track, baseball, softball, and basketball. I am a licensed masseuse as well as a physical therapist.I joined a sorority my second year...

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Sisterinlaw Meets the Neighbors

(This was published a couple years ago with an alternate ending. For those who read it before, only about a third of it is new.) The first few months in our new house had been a bit of a nightmare. My wife nearly qualified as having multiple personalities. To the general public she was a fairly normal woman. Then our neighbors got involved. Whenever Jeremy or Shelley were around, Debbie transformed into their bitch. In that state she did things for them that she would never do for anyone else,...

4 years ago
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New Neighbors

unknown authorMy wife Vicky is a little shy and naive, but if a fantasy takes seed in her mind she will probably lose herself in it. That is exactly what happened when our new neighbors wife got in her head. Our sex life was anything but boring. But this time it wasn't just a fantasy that stayed in our bedroom for in the weekend, this one changed everything. We had our share of fantasy but she had never show interest in other men, even though there were plenty of men interested in her. She...

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Brookes New Neighbors

White BBW dominates sexy Black couple. The air was palpable with a thick, heavy heat. It dripped off of Brooke’s sweet mocha colored skin like warm honey. She stretched her long limbs in the lounge chair and rolled onto her stomach, day dreaming about what the summer might hold for her. Nothing of notable interest had presented itself as of yet, but Brooke knew. Something was coming. Her thick black hair fell across her face and stuck to the thin sheen of sweat there. She brushed it away with...

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Old Friends and Neighbors Discover Swapping

My wife, Teresa, who everyone calls Teri, and I met in college, and were raising our two children in the Atlanta area, until my job transfer to Raleigh, North Carolina. Our son, Michael, was going into the fourth grade, and our daughter, Jenny, would be in the second grade.I’m Matt, and we were lucky to move into such a welcoming neighborhood in the Raleigh suburbs, where we met the family who would become our best friends. John and Linda lived two houses down from us, and they have a daughter,...

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Neighbors Adventure 1

Neighbors Adventure 1 Your wife discovers your neighbor’s window curtains were open at night and she saw your neighbor Tom cross-dressed and primping in the mirror with his wife helping.My wife Sophie was excited when she came to me and said, “Harry, come and see what I am seeing,” and off we went to the bedroom window looking across our 30ft house separation into an un-curtained window. We both looked and our neighbors were having a fun time with Tina and Tom playing dress up, Tina was doing...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Spying the neighbors

If you are new to my stories; everything I write is a true event in which I participated. Some of the details have been changed to protect the guilty. I write these stories to document my change from a shy virgin to a dom. BBC bull. If you remember from my last story, I had started dating someone. It was now a few months later and things were going really well. So well, in fact, that I had asked my girlfriend to move into my house. She had graciously accepted. We lived in a quiet suburban...

2 years ago
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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My neighbors cunt wife finally left him

My neighbors 16 year marriage is coming to an end. She doesn’t know about his extraplaytime with cocks but they have been having issues for awhile and they aren’tgoing to make it. Recently she informed him she was moving back to Pennsylvania tobe near family. It as obvious. It was over. She had no interest in fixing it. The divorceisn’t final yet but she is gone.My neighbor is saddened but taking it better than I thought he would. I think he wasexpecting it to be honest. In my mind all I could...

2 years ago
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Good Neighbors Chapter 8

It was Tuesday afternoon around 3 pm when Todd's phone rang. He was expecting a call from one of his clients but it turned out to be from a young woman who lived with her mother next door to the sisters he had worked for a few weeks earlier. She identified herself as Brittany."I wondered if you could come over and figure out how to fix the handrail on our banister. It has pulled away from the wall and it is loose in a couple of other places. My mom nearly fell down the stairs a few minutes ago...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Spied On By The New Neighbors

Cody: The Allerton’s home sold two months ago. We missed their step-siblings, Frank and Kate, with whom we had discovered the joys of of swinging. We kept looking for chances to engage in sexual relations when we knew somebody could be watching.The house was purchased by a youthful African-American married couple. He was tall and muscular while his wife was a petite light-skinned woman. One look at them and we entertained hopes of luring them to join us in carnal activities.After they had...

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Spied On By The New Neighbors

Cody: The Allerton’s home sold two months ago. We missed their step-siblings, Frank and Kate, with whom we had discovered the joys of of swinging. We kept looking for chances to engage in sexual relations when we knew somebody could be watching.The house was purchased by a youthful African-American married couple. He was tall and muscular while his wife was a petite light-skinned woman. One look at them and we entertained hopes of luring them to join us in carnal activities.After they had...

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A night at the neighbors

My next door neighbors have been friends with my family since my grandparents moved here in the 70s, my father even went to school with their eldest son and they became best friends. As the years went on our two families stayed close; within a few months after I was born the neighbors had a daughter and we were almost inseparable, playing together almost everyday for years. About the time we both turned five both of our families had another c***d, the neighbors had a boy and my family had a...

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Friends and Neighbors

We were in another world when we were transferred from West Coast to Texas. Before, we only knew a couple of our neighbors and seldom saw them socially. At the time, we were in our early twenties. Our Texas neighbors were party a****ls and we were quickly assimilated into the group. We met the nearest neighbors during the first few days, found that they all drank a lot more heavily, and enjoyed partying very late.Soon, we were invited to join the neighborhood gourmet club. The first club dinner...

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Friends And Neighbors

We were in another world when we were transferred from West Coast to Texas. Before, we only knew a couple of our neighbors and seldom saw them socially. At the time, we were in our early twenties. Our Texas neighbors were party a****ls and we were quickly assimilated into the group. We met the nearest neighbors during the first few days, found that they all drank a lot more heavily, and enjoyed partying very late. Soon, we were invited to join the neighborhood gourmet club. The first club...

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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Male Sex Slave for My Senior Neighbors Part 2

Male Sex Slave for My Senior Neighbors Part 2I started sucking the thick, creamy man juice off those thumb size nipples. Barb said to the guy (that I assumed to be her husband), "Look at him use his mouth. I'm sure he's sucked some cock before. Probably a lot. Too bad you've already cum twice today." Suddenly, she pushed my head away from her massive breasts. She stood up and commanded me to to the same. Then, she reached out and grabbed my hard cock. At this point, I was SO ready to...

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Introduction: A man trapped in a loveless marriage has some help from nature. I am Jason, a mid thirties married man living in suburbia. My wife Tiffany and I have been married for almost ten years. We have no kids, she never wanted any. That sounded great when I was younger and I didnt mind when we bought the house in a great neighborhood. Its easy for us to manage our money and do all the things our friends cant. They have kids and all the trappings involved. Still as time goes on and Tiffany...

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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 01

Sunlight streamed through a gap in the blinds, sending a beam of warm summer light over Penny’s face. Blinking and screwing up her eyes against the rays, she slowly woke up, looking around the room, admiring the way motes of dust glittered in the morning sun. To one side, Mark, her husband, was still asleep, his head buried in a pillow. Penny’s movements disturbed him slightly, and he tried to snuggle closer to her. It had been a warm night and Penny and Mark were both naked. They had thrown...

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Good Neighbors Chapter 11

Wednesday afternoon, Todd and Meg had finished up their day's work. Meg was meeting her sister for dinner that evening and Todd was planning a couple of projects for the neighbors over the next couple of weeks. His phone rang and, while he was tempted to ignore it, he decided to answer."Hi, is this Todd?" the voice asked. Todd did not recognize the voice and was wary that is was a sales pitch. Those had picked up in recent weeks as his handyman activity had picked up and word was getting...

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First Time Meeting the Neighbors

Tad and Sherry arrived at their new house early in the morning, excited about their very first home. They were tired of apartment living and desperately wanted a place of their own. The moving company had dropped off their container of belongings and they began the task of carrying everything inside and setting it in the appropriate rooms. It was a typical hot August day it didn’t take long for the sun and temperature to climb. Tad was down to only a pair of gym shorts and Sherry was wearing a...

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UpgradeChapter 19 NextDoor Neighbors Mutual Seduction

We put a bouquet of pink balloons on the mailbox to announce to the neighborhood that we’d just had a baby girl. Each of the potential fathers proudly claimed paternity. Of course, we didn’t know any of the other neighbors, and those that paid attention probably wondered who and how many of us were living in the large home. When David and I had come from the recovery room, the waiting room was full of our intentional family. The first to spring to their feet were Mike, Jon, and Andrew who...

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Older neighbors

Older Neighborsbydoctoryes48©This experience goes all the way back to the 70s when Cathie and I were just married. I had a great job offer, but it required that we move some distance from our families. We moved to a nice neighborhood, and many of the new neighbors were friendly enough; but we both worked so it took a while to get to know people. Two doors down was a couple with grown k**s. I guess he was in his late 40's, and so was the wife.They were friendly, and the first to sort of take us...

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Bringing Over Food For The Neighbors

My mother is one of the nicest people I know. She's always volunteering her time around town. Lately, she's been making food and bringing it over to some of the neighbors. She likes to help out with the older, widowed people. They absolutely love her food and are quite grateful that she does that for them. I wanted to do nice things too. However, what I wanted to give them wasn't food related. What I wanted to give them was sex. I’ve always been a very sexual person. I just wanted to make our...

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Our New Neighbors

Our old neighbors had finally sold their house and moved south to enjoy their retirement.One day when I arrived home from work, my wife told me that the new neighbors had moved in. "What do they looked like?" I asked."They are about our age, and it doesn't look like they have any kids," she replied. "They are average looking, and I'd say that the wife is pretty. She does have a nice body; you'll probably like that. Her husband is about a medium build.""That's nice. Have you met them yet?" "I...

Wife Lovers
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My Gay Neighbors

This is something that happened about five years ago. It was the first time I had sex in front of people watching and also the first time I had black cock....I lived in an apartment complex, mine being right next to the swimming pool. There were two younger guys that lived across the breezeway from me. Two guys living in a one bedroom apartment. If that didnt tell me they were gay the way they acted at the pool certainly did. They werent flaming or anything like that but you could tell...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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I Love My Neighbors Chapter 1 The move in

Tom lived alone in a rather nice suburb of Austin, TX. His house was too big for him, but he liked it and had no plans on moving out. It was the perfect size when he bought it a year after he was married.He original bought the three bedroom house after he first got married to his wife who had a daughter and they planned on having one child of their own. They ended up having two boys within the next two years. Unfortunately, they divorced a few short years later and his ex and her daughter moved...

3 years ago
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NeighborsChapter 1

Ben saw her that one Saturday afternoon. She had to be the hottest girl he'd ever laid his eyes on. Her long dark black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She wore a short blue jean skirt and a white crop top that showed her gorgeous tanned skin and flat little tummy. Ben could see the shiny belly button ring she wore which reflected in the sun. He felt himself almost drooling. She was his new neighbor and quite a looker. She had to be at least 16 like his younger sister Julie. She carried...

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