A Dilbert Deal free porn video

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This one sort of grew out of the 'deal with the devil' plot, and I couldn't help but use my favorite devil, Phil from Dilbert. Please take a moment and let me know what you think - your feedback helps me improve my stories and choose themes for future works. elrodw *********************************************************** A Dilbert Deal The clock ticked slowly, oh so slowly, toward quitting time. It was the same agonizing process as it was every weekday. Some days it was sheer torture lasting out the day - especially days like today. Nice warm spring day - not too hot - with everything green and growing, a bright blue sky and a few puffy clouds. And the students. The bitter cold of winter had faded, and the ski parkas and heavy sweaters had given way to shorts, T- shirts, and - better yet - halter tops and the occasional bikini. Outside, they frolicked in the grass, playing Frisbee, sunning, and sometimes studying. Larry Hanson sighed, for perhaps the fiftieth time in the past hour. Working in the academic computation center was boring enough, but someone had, knowingly or not, added a cruel sadistic twist to this otherwise hum-drum job. Perhaps a dyed-in-the-wool techie could ignore the view out the expansive windows, but to an average worker uninspired by the delight of saving five machine instructions in a large intricate program, the panes were a curse, a reminder that life existed happily outside these miserable little offices. Had Larry considered the fate of his contemporaries who didn't work in academia, he might not have been so quick to condemn his life. After all, he had never known the curse of cubicles, the pressure of impossible deadlines, the ravages of decreasing budgets. And the windows? In most jobs, such a view was reserved only for the top managers. Corporate America just didn't let mid-level IT professionals have a scenic view of the student quadrangle and fountain. All in all, Larry was lucky, even though he didn't know it. But he was about to find out. Finally, the clock ticked to 5. Larry was free, at least for the night. But what freedom? Larry sat at home, watching a rerun of Baywatch, drinking beer, and eating microwaved leftover pizza. Such was the fate of a man like Larry who'd only recently broken up with his girlfriend. Larry didn't understand it. He was reasonably attractive, wasn't he? (Ignoring, of course, the receding hairline, a prelude to the premature baldness that ran in his family, and the expanding waistline, aided in its growth by the beer and pizza.) And he made good money, didn't he? Of course he was a good catch. But the girls ignored him. What Larry didn't notice was that while he had his eye on the coeds, they had their eyes on the jocks, the athletic stars. To them, he was just another balding, fat campus computer techie. Larry watched the bouncing breasts in the swimsuits, and daydreamed about the girls in the campus quad. And the guys. How carefree they seemed. Unlike him. "I wish I could trade places with them, sometimes." A puff of smoke appeared between Larry and the TV. As Larry fanned the smoke from his face, he saw a figure within the cloud doing the same. A large, rotund figure, wearing what appeared to be a red jumpsuit with a hood. With horns on the hood? Carrying a . spoon? And coughing as he fanned the smoke from his own face. "I've simply got to quit doing that," the figure muttered to himself. Larry was both annoyed and confused. "Who are you?" he demanded. "And why are you interrupting Baywatch?" "Why, I'm." the man started, then realized he was facing the wrong way. He turned slowly, then spied Larry on the couch. "Why I'm Phil." He saw Larry's blank expression. "Come on, you know! Phil. Prince of Insufficient Light!" Larry's expression didn't change. Phil sighed. "Just my luck to get the one guy who doesn't read Dilbert." Larry shook his head. "I do read Dilbert. I must have missed you." Then he realized what he was saying. "What kind of trick is this, anyway? And who are you, really?" Phil rolled his eyes, then shifted his spoon to his other hand. "I'm the Prince of Insufficient Light." "Like the devil?" Phil's face flashed. "No, I am NOT the Prince of Darkness! That's my older brother. He always was Mom's favorite." Phil cleared his features. "I'm just a minor devil. Hence the `Insufficient Light' part of my title." Larry listened with increasing disbelief. "So you're hear to convince me to sell my soul?" Phil smiled. "You're catching on, but I just rent. Better deal all around. The futures market in souls just isn't what it used to be, what with the lying, cheating, adultery, stealing. Even the politicians are outdoing themselves. I lost my shirt on a couple of prominent Democrats last month. So I gave up the buying and selling. Strictly rentals now." "But." Phil was getting impatient. "Look, you did make a wish, didn't you?" Larry was impatiently leaning to see the TV around Phil's bulk. "Look, I'm not interested. Okay? So bug off." Phil snorted, then waved his spoon and vanished in an even larger puff of smoke, leaving Larry coughing. "Whoever you are, that's a good trick. But leave me alone!" he called into the spot Phil had been. ********** Larry was working at his terminal, trying to undo the runaway script some neophyte Unix user had loosed, when his boss came in. Larry glanced up to confirm that it was indeed his boss, then did a double take. His boss had - pointy hair? Larry rubbed his eyes. Yes, his boss now had pointy hair. "Larry, I need a full budget projection for next year's analysis tasks, broken out by hours and departments. By noon tomorrow." "But I don't know what I'm going to be doing next year? We solve whatever problems come our way!" Larry stammered. "Whatever. By noon tomorrow," the boss said as he strutted out of the office. Larry sat back, staring after his boss in disbelief. At that moment, one of Larry's co-workers came in. Larry did another double take. Gene had never worn glasses. And while his hair was thinning, it wasn't gone yet. Gene sat on the corner of Larry's desk and started complaining. About his tasks, about his cubicle, about his pay. About everything. Larry tried to ignore him, concentrating instead on his work. Finally, Gene left. Larry pulled the pages of the report from the printer and reached for his stapler. But it was gone! It'd been there a moment ago! Before Gene came in. But Gene didn't steal office supplies. Did he? Larry realized that Gene had looked and acted like Wally. Including stealing the office supplies. "Phil!" Larry called loudly to no one in particular. "Get your ass here now!" He glanced around, looking for Phil to appear. But Phil was nowhere. So Larry turned back to the window to daydream. Instead, he nearly jumped out of his skin. Plastered against his window, wearing a window-washer's uniform, was Phil. Smiling. Phil waved his fingers, and he was in Larry's office. "Thanks for calling me. Can you believe they expected me to wash all these windows with no break? So, have you changed your mind?" Larry stared at Phil. "Are you responsible for this? For my boss acting like Dilbert's boss? For Gene acting like Wally?" Phil smiled. "It's an improvement in both cases." Larry screamed in frustration, and lunged at Phil's throat. Or at least, he lunged where Phil had been, for Phil vanished and reappeared outside, washing the windows and whistling to himself. ********** It was Star Trek night, even though it was partly reruns. Voyager, Deep Space 9, and a rerun of Next Generation. No matter what else was going on, Larry never missed Star Trek night. He sighed; he was going to miss Deep Space 9. He guzzled the remainder of his beer and quickly got another as the credits rolled. He took a quick pee and was back in his chair even as the opening scene started in the Next Generation episode. Larry smiled to himself. The episode had Q. Larry enjoyed Q; he imagined what he'd do if he had Q as a friend. But when John DeLancie was supposed to appear, Larry saw instead Phil, dressed in Q's outfit. Larry's mouth dropped open in surprise. Phil turned to the screen, and instead of Q's normal line, seemed to be speaking directly to Larry. "Have you changed your mind, yet?" Larry finally screamed. "No, dammit!" There was a puff of smoke, and Phil was once again standing in Larry's living room. "Oh, come on!" Phil pleaded. "You can have your wish - to live as a student again! All you have to do is sign this standard rental agreement." He waved his hand and produced a contract from thin air. Larry sighed, knowing that he was eventually going to lose. "Will you stop bugging me if I agree to this?" Phil smiled, sensing victory. "Of course." Larry tried to read the contract. "Boy, talk about fine print," he observed. "I can't read any of this!" Phil produced a magnifying glass out of thin air and handed it to Larry. "I suppose I have to sign this in blood?" Phil shook his head quickly. "Of course not! AIDS risk, you know!" He produced a pen. "Blue ink. That way we can tell it's not a photocopy." Larry was becoming more tempted, but not enough. He shoved the contract back at Phil. "No. Go away. And leave me alone!" *********** Larry was trying to sleep when he heard the noise outside his door. He awakened groggily, rubbing his eyes, and glanced at the clock. Midnight. What the hell was going on outside his bedroom? It sounded like a party! He staggered to his feet and shuffled to his door. Yawning, he opened the door. And was greeted by a party! It looked like the inside of a fraternity house or something instead of his living room. Larry, now quite confused, closed the door, confirming that he was, indeed, in his own bedroom. He opened the door again. Sure enough, it was a party. Dozens of college men and girls were drinking, listening to loud music, and generally doing what college kids did. Larry stepped gingerly out of his bedroom. "Hey, have a beer!" A glass of beer was thrust into Larry's hand. "This is one of your best parties yet!" The unknown guy turned happily, staggering off toward a cluster of women. Larry took a sip of the beer and turned. A girl came up to him. "Where've you been?" she asked in a scolding tone. "The party started at nine!" Another girl shouted at him, struggling to be heard over the music. "You shouldn't have missed class today," she admonished. "We're having a quiz tomorrow. Want to borrow my notes?" Larry nodded dumbly, trying to comprehend all this. "Oh, and there's a makeup practice tomorrow." The girl turned and left. Larry wandered around for a few more minutes, trying to understand all this. Finally, he saw Phil in a doorway. The doorway to his bedroom. Phil was beckoning him. Slowly, Larry shuffled over to the door. Phil was smiling as he closed the door behind him. "So, do we have a deal?" Larry shook his head to clear the cobwebs. "They all act like they know me," he said, still confused. Phil smiled. "Of course. If I grant your wish, they will recognize you. You'll be one of them." Larry sat heavily on the edge of his bed. "So what's the deal? Do I have to kill someone? Make someone do something evil? What?" Phil shook his head. "Remember, I'm only the Prince of Insufficient Light." He smiled. "It's all spelled out in the contract." He produced the contract again. This time, the print was legible. Larry scanned the document, looking for loopholes. Finally, he looked up at Phil. "All of this - for a class 3 lie? And one hour a week for a year?" He frowned. "What's a class 3 lie?" Phil smiled. "Remember that `I did not have sex with that woman' lie? Well, that was a class 5. About as big and blatant as they go. Class 3 is something between that and `Sorry, auntie, I have a terrible cold and can't make it'." He shrugged. "Not enough to ruin a politician's reputation, but enough to get a married man in trouble, if you get my drift." Larry thought for a moment. "And the one hour?" Phil smiled. "We trade that among ourselves. Things like short- term possession by a minor demon, seducing a politician's spouse, things like that. Just enough to cause chaos, but not enough to cause any real harm." Larry looked thoughtful. Phil was getting rather insistent - maybe he needed to make a deal to make a quota or something. "One hour twice a month." Phil nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the contract changed. Larry smiled to himself. He remembered his job, the boredom of trying to debug stupid computer programs, helping the helpless and clueless students, and worse, faculty. Of doing meaningless reports simply so his boss would know he was still alive and breathing. Larry took the pen. "I'll fit in with the group out there?" Phil smiled. "You'll be a member of the group that's throwing this party." Larry smiled. The fraternity that had done this party had done a great job. It had looked like great life. He signed the contract. Phil smiled. "You won't regret this," he said. And with a wave of his spoon, Larry felt himself changing. He felt his body shrinking as his waist contracted, while at the same time, his chest seemed to be growing. More muscular? Larry smiled. He'd love looking like a hunk. But then Larry's eyes widened. He was still shrinking, both in height and in weight. Except for his chest. That was still growing, but instead of developing athletic muscles, the swelling was concentrated in two places. Larry looked down, and in his peripheral vision, he saw long blond locks swirling around his face. But he ignored these; he concentrated instead on the orbs growing on his chest, pressing outward, getting larger and larger. Larry's hands shot up to cup the impossibly large growths, easily surpassing an F-cup and still growing, and he saw his hands, now fine and delicate and sporting inch-long painted fingernails. Larry looked back up to Phil, and had to look upward at him. "But you said I'd fit in with the group throwing the party!" he protested. Even as he talked, he heard his voice changing, moving quickly up the scale to a higher pitch as would befit a girl. Phil looked smitten by the accusation. "But you know that this party was thrown by the Delta sorority." Larry looked stunned. "But the Deltas are a bunch of sluts!" he protested, even as he felt the final changes taking place. He felt his dick pull inward, and Larry knew that it was reforming into a vagina, and that his testicles were moving upward, destined to be ovaries. Phil patted Larry on the shoulder. "Now, now, Laura, we have a contract." Phil smiled to himself. "Now you need to get back to the party. You owe me an hour, remember? Well, I traded it to a friend of mine. A succubus. You know what a succubus is, don't you?" Laura had a sinking feeling. A succubus was a demon who preyed on the sexual energy of men. A seductress. She felt her own consciousness pushed rudely aside as the succubus entered her. Laura was still conscious of everything, but the succubus was controlling her body. She walked toward the door, and as she passed a mirror, Laura saw herself fully, and realized that she'd been on the bad end of the deal. Long wavy blond hair, full pouty lips, deep seductive eyes, enormous boobs, a tiny waist, a tight round ass, and long sexy legs. Her entire body was a bold advertisement for sex. And an hour in service to whatever demon felt like possessing her, twice a month. In the confines of her mind, Laura screamed over and over, "Darn you to heck, Phil!", a curse appropriate for the Prince of Insufficient Light. And she regretted ever having read `Dilbert'. FIN

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You could tell for days that something was different, that something was wrong. I mean if you had bothered to look that is, to slow down, to stop and just look at Donna, something our parents never did as they rushed about their own lives ignoring their children completely. But I did. It was the way she carried herself, usually upbeat, always quick with a smile whenever anyone spoke to her. She had always been popular, and beautiful, something I had no problem telling her. Being her brother...

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Christine Makes a Deal

Christine walked through the door home from a long day at work just in time to hear the phone ring. "I wonder who that could be," she thought as she hurried to the phone. "Hello," the beautiful young wife said. "Hi Christine," returned a male voice. Christine said pleasantly, "Oh hi Bob. I'm afraid Jim isn't here. Tonight he has class." Bob was a friend of Christine's husband and was a real estate broker. Bob replied, "That's OK Christine. Actually, it was you that I wanted to...

3 years ago
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Big Fuckin Deal

“I mean, what’s the Big Fucking Deal? Fucking, that is. One half of the population has got parts of them which are designed to fit the other half and we’re supposed to put them together. That’s the way we are made and those parts are very adaptable. It’s also supposed to feel so good that we’ll do it all the time. So why do so many people avoid fucking or make a big ass deal out of it? “I’m 40 and I’ve been enjoying my womanly parts since I was fifteen. Fortunately birth control had been...

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Closing the Deal

The crate arrived about 4 PM from CF Freight Lines. Vicki had received noticenearly two weeks ago to expect it and to make arrangements with work for severaldays off. The crate was to be picked up and shipped tomorrow. It stood 42 inchestall and was thirty inches square. Vicki opened the envelope Jack had mailedher a few days before. I will be requiring your services to entertain and close a businessdeal over the next week. You will need to make the necessary arrangementsfor the time off. You...

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Suzanne Closes The Deal

CHAPTER 2 REVIEWING THE DIRTY SEX REPORT: When Stone’s balls were completely empty, he pulled out of Suzanne’s gasping, glistening wet mouth, released her head and dismounted from the back of the couch She lifted her head and watched him come around the sofa, while she choked and licked her well stretched, puffy from hard use, lips. He picked up her purse and handed it to her, saying, “Put on a fresh coat of lipstick and straighten your clothes out.” Doing as she was...

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Wife Caught Me Wifes New Deal

After being married for 19 years, our sex life dwindled quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, I didn't need it 3 times a day or anything, but we were down to just a few times a month. I understand she was tired from the k**s and everything, but now that they were no longer babies, sleeping through the night, going off to school, etc. the excuses should no longer be there.Some of the excuses got old. She didn't like lingerie because it "degraded her" or because she "looked fat in it." Blowjobs became...

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The Deal

I was being very reserved about the whole idea. Normally, I would have been in his bed long ago, but I felt the need to prolong this one, savor the flavor of the chase. It had been a few weeks already, and I wasn’t sick of him in the least bit, which was a whole new world for me. I’m a hit ‘em and quit ‘em kind of girl. Assuming it ever even gets to that point. I’m very self-conscious, which makes me very picky. If I’m not completely comfortable with a guy, I’ll just cut off contact. So anyway,...

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The Deal

The Deal By Margaret Jeanette Jane and Henry Thomas were having supper at one of their favorite supper clubs. Henry had just lost another one of the many jobs he'd had in the three years they were married. "You know Henry this is the twenty-seventh job you've had and lost since we were married. I know some of them were more physical than you could handle but some of them were ones you could have used as stepping stones to better jobs. You have to realize sometimes you have to...

1 year ago
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Closing The Deal

Closing the DealLexi had been David's secretary for almost 2 years and in that time they had become lovers but that is another Story. Lexi was a tall, slim brunette with pert titties and long legs, her ass was what you would describe as a peach. She entered the office wearing her normal work clothes a blouse, pencil skirt and black high heels, David said to her that today was the day they needed to close the deal which would make his company millions, he told her that there would be 3...

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Caleb and Cheval JauneChapter 5 The Art Of The Deal

It was a matter of faith that AIs couldn’t or wouldn’t lie – at least Darjee AIs had told humans this fact. On the other hand, the Darjee are traders, and the Darjee AIs are their principal negotiators. The fine art of negotiating trade deals includes selective presentation of wants, needs, and resources. For the Darjee AIs, altruism was non-existent, and even the preservation of other Confederacy members was not even close to the top of the list of their negotiating objectives. Older members...

2 years ago
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Twice the Deal

The bell signalling that the first class of the day was going to begin in ten minutes rang and students began to head for the front door of the school. Michael and Todd waited in the parking lot to catch their friend Lisa before she joined the sea of students flowing into the school. As Michael calmly scanned the paths leading to the school, Todd fidgeted nervously.“You okay, man? You look like you’re going to pass out,” Michael asked.”No, Mike, no. It’s just that, what we’re about to ask-”...

4 years ago
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Its No Big Deal

{Not much sex here, just a heads up.} Gary was nearly 38 years old by the time he finally decided that he hated women. Not hate in the idea of refusing to enjoy sex with one of them from time to time, but he was sick and tired of being told one thing and finding out that the truth was quite different. Way back in high school, he really liked Shelly Martin. There wasn’t any sex of course, it was holding hands and two straws in the milkshake, always Chocolate because Shelly liked that best of...

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The Deal

The porn channel plays on the flat screen TV in your hotel suite, as you prepare to relax after successfully signing your company’s biggest ever sale contract. Your head is warm and muzzy from a combination of 20 hours’ continuous negotiations, and the glass or two of Pol Roger Cuvée Sir Winston Churchill (1996, in fact) you and your colleagues downed to celebrate the close. At the brief celebration, your cellphone rang. You signalled to your colleagues to be quiet. It was your company’s...

1 year ago
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The Deal

The porn channel plays on the flat screen TV in your hotel suite, as you prepare to relax after successfully signing your company's biggest ever sale contract. Your head is warm and muzzy from a combination of 20 hours' continuous negotiations, and the glass or two of Pol Roger Cuvée Sir Winston Churchill (1996, in fact) you and your colleagues downed to celebrate the close. At the brief celebration, your cellphone rang. You signalled to your colleagues to be quiet. It was your company's...

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The Deal

THE DEAL by Superbuilt My wife (Joan) and I made a fortune during the dot-com bubble and had the good luck to get out near the peak. Then, we managed multiply our fortune several times by getting out before the real estate bubble popped. Still in our early thirties, we have settled back and are enjoying the fruits of our labor (and good fortune!). Joan is a devoted shopper, and has very good taste, and occasionally, if she is in the right mood, she will use some of our seemingly...

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Tiffanys deal

Tiffany's Deal By Michele Nylons Chapter One - The Deal Tiffany was not the name on her birth certificate but she loved the name regardless. Her fingers were long and elegant, her nails blood-red to match her lipstick. Dealers were not allowed to wear rings to prevent them from marking the deck. She flipped over the river card and there was a gasp from the small crowd watching the game of Texas holdem from behind the velvet rope. Tiffany flashed her green eyes at them and they...

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The Deal

Blake looked up from the sofa he was sitting on Blake looked up from the sofa he was sitting on. He was a good-looking young man. He was slender but muscular was visible on his lean frame. He was 6?3?? and 170 pounds. Not a big man at all.? He had dark brown hair with a reddish tint to it and was fairly dark complected for a Caucasian. He thought about the meeting he had with one of his ?partners in crime? coming up in about an hour. He smiled as he thought about where his life had taken...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 412 Inking A Bike Deal

“We don’t have a business anymore,” the woman sitting next to me said on the verge of tears. I put my hand on her arm and said, “You just might, if you will hear me out.” Now they are all ears. I found that their shipment had enough parts to build two thousand bikes sat in the warehouse they were renting. Another was due today or tomorrow. Some digging got me the details for the people they paid to rent the warehouse. I connected to my implant to feed that data to the AI to give me the...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 44 After The Flames Deals

Saturday Morning and Afternoon. Sara started a number of deals early Saturday. Essentially, everybody but the Driver pleaded for a deal. They made promises. She promised only that if they were forthcoming, they would not get necklaced Saturday night. The Driver was given a chance, which he refused. Even when he was told that he was to be tonight’s necklace he was still defiant. He was insane, burning him alive would make the world a much better place. Second on Sara’s list was the small...

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The Billionaires Deal

Nic was finishing up a scotch at the hotel bar as he mentally went over his early morning business meeting. After a week of negotiations and contracts, it was a success to acquire the tech startup. It'd cost him a few million but millions were pocket change compared to the billions he was worth. Now, he only had to check out of the hotel and head back to his home in LA. After spending the past few days in Chicago’s “springtime” weather, it was just what he needed.His plans changed quickly when...

Straight Sex
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SRU Ideals

IDEALS By Scott K. Jamison (Spells R Us created by Bill Hart) This story may be posted on any free site. Victor Redford had a problem. It wasn't his looks. At just over 6' tall, and muscular in proportion to his size, the Renton College junior was able to turn his blond hair, baby blue eyes and ruggedly handsome face to best advantage. It wasn't his grades. Like most of the football team, the young halfback was enrolled in a less than challenging curriculum, and since...

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Lets Make A Deal

Introduction: Wifes party gets better as the night goes on My wife, Jen, and I were celebrating her birthday with a few friends and co-workers she knows. She was getting drunk as the afternoon progressed, as were her guests. I had to stay sober in order to keep them supplied with alcohol, food, and music. I didnt mind because it helped me concentrate on the way the clothes were becoming looser as the alcohol heated them up. I got everyone together in the living room and decided to have a party...

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Landlord Deals a deal

Jessica and I were juniors in college when we got our place together. She was 19, I was 20, and we'd been together since high school. We were both country bumpkins from rural Iowa in the big city, and our naïve and trusting c***dhoods led us down the road from which there seems to be no return. But I get ahead of myself.Jess was a knockout by a country mile. She was five feet five and weighed 120 pounds of perfectly toned, muscular female hotness. She didn't have big boobs -- she was maybe 33a...

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A Deal is a Deal

When I was 19 I had a boyfriend who had never performed oral sex on a girl before he had met me. He was eager to try at first, but I have to admit that he wasn't very good at it and therefore he shied away from it so that his performance wouldn't disappoint me. It was a new experience for him. He would usually go down on me long enough to get me wet so he could slide into me, but that was about it. He never took his time. He was great in all other aspects of our sex life, but I wanted to...

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The Deal

The Deal By Lori Summers It finally happened. I had been dressing for years, but had managed to hide it, or so I thought. My wife was on her way to work and after hearing the garage door close I rushed to the bedroom. There I put on her one piece bathing suit. It always felt soo good against my nipples. When I was done I went into the study to log on the computer. No sooner had I logged on to my favorite site than she came bursting through the door, claiming she had forgotten...

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Son keeps his end of the deal

It was almost three years now since dad went to gulf. I still remember the day he left. I had mentioned how i got close to my dad and the deal we made in my last post “unaware of dads intentions”. I was now 27 and dad had phoned one day asking mom about things at home and she mentioned that all was fine and that she could do with a extra hand of help at home. Dad asked her to find a girl for me so that when he comes home on vacation he could marry me off. So search for the right girl for me was...

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The Deal

The Deal   I am so in love with her, she is so beautiful to me. she can cook and she keeps the house clean. and the flavor of her cunt is to die for. I Had never tasted anything so wonderful in my life. And when I sucked on her clit she would pull my hair and fuck my face in earnest, God I love her. She sucked my cock better then any of the young girls or older women I had been with and when my balls would tighten up and my cock began to twitch she would take it all the way to my balls and...


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