Carnival II free porn video

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Carnival II by C.J. Wenhurst It was five years since the big pier hosted the flickering lights of the huge carnival rides and the smell of cotton candy. The official start of summer was just a mere two weeks away. New colorful advertising signs were posted all through town on phone poles, in grocery store checkouts and even appeared on broadcasts of local radio stations, inviting the general public to the upcoming big event. "The Carnival," the signs read, "returns to the pier. Fun for all and is now featuring new and improved rides." "Let's go daddy! Can we? Please?" A young boy shouted with his hands clinching a half-way-wound-down car window. He had just seen the flyer on the side of the gas pump which looked like it was recently taped there. His father was busy putting gas in a late model BMW. Just then a pager went off. "Hold on Billy." Billy's father, John Carnigan looked down at the pager message. "Uh oh! It's the office again. I'll be right back Billy." Billy's father ran to the nearest phone. "Damn I'll be glad when my cellphone is fixed." His father cursed. "But daddy you didn't finish pumping the gas." Billy yelled. "I'll be right back. You know how important my work is. This can't wait." Billy's father shouted from the pay phone. Billy's father was a family doctor who specialized in various forms of practice from removing tonsils to delivering babies. It was only five minutes when Billy's father returned. "Ok. Billy. I just had to take care of a patient request for a prescription approval. " Billy was only six and didn't fully understand, but listened and smiled back to his dad. His father continued. " Now where were we? Oh yeah this carnival thing. With school letting out for the summer your mother and I will treat you to the carnival and your sister Kelly too. I think you both deserve it after you both having behaved yourselves all year, well except for your sister coming home late a few times but heck I'm in the mood to celebrate anyway. " The father finished screwing on the gas cap. Before leaving he grabbed a copy of the flyer and brought it into the car. "Hmmm. It says here new and improved rides. You know, a patient I had not too long ago who lived near that pier told me something weird about that carnival. I can't remember now but..." The father said as he tried to remember the stories. "That person was never clear on why the rides were so scary. "If that carnival ever makes its way back into town, stay away from a ride called the - the.. uh..," John tried to recall. "Darn! I forget. " He proceeded to read the flyer. "I'm sure any problems with any rides would have been solved by now or else they wouldn't be in business." He said aloud. "What did you say daddy?" The son replied. "Oh nothing. We'll go and we'll have some fun eh Billy? Just us as a family." The father replied with a look of cautious doubt. Two weeks went by and as advertised the carnival had begun it's lengthy process of setting up. Booths were being erected, bulls-eyes were being hung, and the sound of ratchet wrenches tightening bolts on rides could be heard along the pier. One assembly at the end of the pier featured a large glossy dark purple mound-like building with two sets of tracks going through it. A sign consisting of hundreds of tiny lights, not lit just yet, spelled out the words "Switch Coaster " on it. The workers casually continued what must have been routine assembly and wiring of the rides, sweating in the hot sun and smoking their stubby cigars. The carnival was back alright and as big as ever. The Carnival was operating for a few days and the word around town was that it was fantastic. One Saturday at the Carnigan household the entire family was preparing for a day at the carnival. "Honey is this outfit okay?" Lori Carnigan asked her husband while standing in the downstairs bedroom. Lori was thirty six year old mother with long blonde hair. She stood there in tight jean shorts and white backless, slightly high-heeled shoes. Her shorts revealed every curve of her mature womanhood to the extent where one would never guess she was the mother of two or thirty six for that matter. She wore a frilly off-the-shoulder blouse which came down just to her cleavage but was still conservative enough to tuck it down into the shorts. "You look fantastic as usual Lori. Are the kids ready?" John replied while looking his wife up and down. Lori yelled up the stairway to the two kids. "Kelly and Billy we're ready to go." "Coming Mommy." Billy the six year old boy yelled down. "I'll be off the phone in a minute." Kelly the sixteen year old heart breaking daughter yelled down. "Come on young lady your holding us up. I hope you're wearing something decent to the carnival and nothing too skimpy. Remember what your father said about being too flashy." Lori yelled up. "You're a respectable young lady remember." "She'll be turning heads no matter what she wears but she takes all of the guess-work away with some of the outfits she comes up with." John replied as he fixed his Bermuda shorts for the last time. He wore docksiders with no socks and kept his pager on him at all times. His well toned arms were well exposed through a light golf-type shirt. "I worry about her sometimes John. She flirts with the boys too much and I don't want her coming home pregnant some day. There's going to be tons of teenage boys there staring at her. " Lori responded. Finally everyone was leaving the house for the carnival. As previously thought, Kelly was wearing undersized tight jean shorts, no bra and a light pink see-through top. "Young lady, what did we tell you about looking like that." Lori blurted. "Oh Mom please. All the girls look like this down there." Responded Kelly whose nipples were noticeably erect through the shirt. John spoke up impatiently. "Well come one everyone. Lets just go. It's going to be hot outside Lori so just let her be. Once the sun reflects off of that shirt you won't see much. Your lucky I'm in a hurry to get down there young lady, before the parking gets bad." "Thanks daddy." Kelly said reaching up on her toes kissing her father on the cheek. "She could at least wear a bra under the blouse John. I don't mind her butt cheeks sticking out of those jeans so much as she needs to cover up the tips of her breasts." Lori pleaded. John gave in. "Do you mind fixing that Kelly. Please?" "Oh ok. I'll be right back." Kelly said disappointedly as she ran quickly up to her room to add a bra under the top. Once upstairs Kelly quickly opened a drawer full of what seemed to be a drawer of shredded rags or partial pieces of clothing when they were in fact really complete outfits by Kelly's definition. She pulled out a thong bikini bottom and moderate bikini top from the mix, quickly disrobed and pulled up the scantily designed clothes onto her young body. She then quickly covered the combination of her sexy female curves and nearly nonexistent bikini, with the shorts and top her parents had already partially approved. Kelly returned with what now appeared to be a bikini under her clothes. Since she still had the see-through top on it was apparent her bikini top was at least there. "There." Kelly said. "Is that better? Now if it gets too hot I can leave my pants and shirt in the car and go swimming." "Are you happy now Lori?" Asked John. "Yes. That's much better young lady." Replied Lori now looking to speak to her son Billy. "You, your ok the way you are Billy. We don't have to go through this with you thank goodness." Billy smiled standing there with his clean bucket and shovel. "Mom will there be other kids my age to play with there?" Billy eagerly asked. "Of course honey. The beach will be packed with kids your age especially with school being out now. You'll need to stay up from the big waves though honey, where we can see you." The mother replied. John said, "Well let's go then. I can't wait to get an ice cold boardwalk beer or two while you are all sunbathing." The gang piled into the car and off they went to the carnival. The drive was congested and hot though it was still early in the afternoon when the anxious family finally arrived at the pier. Billy gasped at the size of the Ferris wheel as the full carnival loomed in front of the parking lot upon their arrival. "WOW. Look at all the rides!" Billy exclaimed. Kelly's eyes immediately panned the area for teenage boys. "It's beautiful John." Lori said looking straight through the windshield. She began slipping on her shoes which she had taken off during the hot car ride. "Kids," she continued, " I want us to stay together. I don't want any of us to get lost." "Oh MOM!" The kids replied. "Well, we will stay together until we come up with a meeting plan, right John?" Lori said. "Uh, right." John said as he looked about with an unexplained curiosity. Off in the distance was a bright purple mound with twinkling lights on it. A booth obscured the view of the ride name. "What are you looking for honey?" Lori asked seeing her husband sweating slightly. "Huh? (he paused) Oh nothing." John replied. He wondered to himself if that vague memory of a rumor of a really strange ride could be remotely true. "What uh... what do we want to do first. Do we want to ride rides or go straight to the beach?" The entire family shouted almost in unison. "Rides first!" Lori continued. "Let's get something to eat then do rides. It's lunch time and the food smells so good and I'm starving. How about you?" "Well ok. We'll grab some hot dogs or something then maybe walk to check things out and get on some rides. I definitely want to hit the beach later though so lets not stay on the pier too long." John suggested. The family got out of the car and walked toward the pier. Lori made sure she kept a bag over her shoulder which contained a camera, some of Billy's toys and some extra clothes. Billy and Kelly looked the booths and rides over thoroughly. "Look daddy," Kelly spoke, "we can ride all day for thirty dollars per person." "Huh? Oh yeah I see that. Thirty dollars a person? Gosh that seems high. I guess it's better than standing in long ticket lines at each ride though." John said. "Well dear, we came all this way. Let's not disappoint the kids." Lori replied. "Oh ok. I think I'll just pay for all of us then. I'm not just riding rides though. Let not forget to enjoy the food and..." John was interrupted. "and watching women and beer." Lori added. "Well...." An embarrassed John replied. "You better promise me you'll ride at least one romantic ride with me honey." Lori stated. "Ok dear." Replied John. "Do you feel alright honey? You look a little worried." Asked Lori looking at Johns crooked smile. "Oh. I'm ok. Romantic ride. Romantic ride. Got it." John replied. John went to the window to buy the all day passes. He used a credit card from his wallet since he hadn't expected it to be so expensive. The attendant then revealed a strange new kind of self-numbering, glittery, inked hand stamp which was used for the carnival customers. Everyone lined up to the booth window to get their hands stamped. Kelly spoke up after getting her hand stamped. "Wow. Look at this. It's all glittery. I have number 171." The attendant then replied. "Let that dry for a good 20 seconds. It stays on for three or four days after that. You'll need it, especially if you get on certain rides". The attendant then wrote down Kelly's number on a pad and checked off various boxes on the pad next to the number. The check marks indicated sex, height, hair color and approximate age. John and the others got their hands stamped then John spoke up to the attendant. "What on earth is all of this about and what's this about the ink not coming off? " He said looking at his number 174. " Why in the heck do you do that? We don't want to have this number on us for days and days. Do I see you checking off personal descriptions of us?" "Sir, we used to use an elaborate ticketing system with numbered bracelets and we had too much trouble with them. Folks were losing them, intentionally trading bracelets with other people, stealing them off of other people, counterfeiting and all sorts of things. Believe me sir, your much safer with the inking system. We're keeping better track of things and our guests especially after all of the law suits a few years ago. The weirdest court trials you've ever seen." The attendant replied. "It's just a carnival with rides and games right? I don't understand all of the fuss." John replied. "Sir. I can tell you haven't been to our carnival before. This is not just any carnival. You'll see. Now go in for some fun with your family and rest assured that we've taken care of everything." The attendant replied. "I have no idea what your talking about but numbering us and checking off boxes seems a bit much. (he paused) Oh well." John shrugged as he finished. Kelly came up with a suggestion as she looked down to the big dome at the end of the pier. Near the dome was a group of older teenage boys hanging out and jabbing fun at each other. "Everyone? Lets break into two groups. Billy and I, will go down the pier that way. We'll meet back with you guys in a little while. OK? I'm not so hungry right now." She said ,anxious to get to the pack of boys. "Well that sounds good to me. Let's meet down at the water in an hour and a half." Lori said. "Your father and I will end up down there sunbathing most likely. Now young lady, you keep an eye on your brother. Do you hear? (she looked to Billy) Billy stay with your sister. If you ride any rough rides make sure you ride with him. He scares easily." "Yeah. Ok!" The kids yelled excitedly in unison. The kids went off on their own straight to the rides while Lori and John walked along the boardwalk. John bought two beers for Lori and himself and two hot-dogs to consume as the two walked. "Ahh! That's a relief, having a daughter old enough to baby- sit while we get to stroll as a couple." John said as he took a huge first gulp of beer, then placed his arm around his wife's curved waist. John tucked his thumb around into Lori's pocket to rest his caressing arm as they continued to walk. " Isn't this great honey? It's like when we were dating, remember? We used to hold hands and walk down the beach. Let's wander down to the water, shall we?" Lori said looking luringly into Johns eyes. The wind blew her blonde hair enhancing her sexy look. "Ok. Can I wait to finish this beer and get a fresh one before we go down there? I hate it when the beer gets warm." John asked. Lori joked. "Alright. I don't want to get into a drinking match with you so I'm going to take my time with mine. Her hand glistened the number 173 as she took a drink from her cold cup of beer." The two walked hip to hip. Meanwhile, half way across the carnival, Kelly and Billy were walking at an accelerated rate down the pier looking at all of the rides. With the parents gone, the two weren't so courteous to one another. Kelly was anxious to flirt with the boys who were just ahead of them while Billy tried to keep an eye on the interesting rides. "Kelly stop. I want to get on that thing with the motorcycles on it over there." Billy shouted. A carousel ride with animated motorcycles attached was spinning nearby. "Where? Come on you little brat. Can't you see I want to go further down the pier?" Replied Kelly. "I'm telling mom and dad if you don't let me get on anything." Billy threatened. "Oh ok. Your such a pain. I should have left you with mom and dad." Kelly said as she stopped and put Billy in a short line for the motorcycle ride. He was instantly in the next group to get on. Billy looked around excitedly waiting for his turn. As he did he greeted some of the other children particularly some little five and six year old girls. Only a few minutes went by when it was Billy's turn to get on the motorcycle ride. The operator strapped him and the other children into their seats and promptly started the ride. While Kelly waited, she decided to take off her blouse and show as much of her female teenage skin as she could. The group of boys she wanted to flirt with were not very far away. She couldn't help notice though, the purple dome ride with the coaster tracks right near where the boys were. Quite a few people were starting to gather down at that area of the pier and it looked like the carnival was beginning to pick up on activity. An occasional moderately cute girl of Kelly's age would wander by into the direction of where the boys were hanging out. She could see the boys smile and talk to the few girls who were currently there. "Hmm," she thought, "when Billy gets off of this dumb ride, I'll take him over that way before too much girlie competition shows up. Those boys are sure to notice me if I get there soon." Several minutes went by and Billy's ride was coming to it's end. "I want to get on again." He said after getting off and exiting a small gate. "No Billy. I want to move on." Kelly said grabbing Billy's arm. "No. I want to get on this again." Billy demanded. "I said no Billy." Kelly shouted. She quickly thought up a way to quiet him down and still be able to get near the teenage boys. "Look. I'll take you on that funny looking roller coaster thing over there if you come with me now." She said. Billy paused and grabbed his crotch. "Ooo! Now I need to go to the bathroom." Billy said. "Later Billy. Later ok? What about that ride over there?" Asked Kelly. Billy looked over at the purple mound and saw that the tracks to that ride were all flat. He wasn't afraid to go ahead there. The purple glimmer appealed to his childish interest. "Ok." He said. "That looks like a little train ride. I like that. Will you get on it with me?" "Yes. Yes I will. I promise. Come on. Take my hand." Kelly said as she took Billy's hand and began strutting herself toward the boys. As expected the boys took quick notice of her and started whistling and asking her name. "What's your name gorgeous?" One of the boys asked as she got to the booth near the big purple ride. "Kelly. My name is Kelly. Say, you guys are cute." Kelly replied wavering side to side to show her body off to the boys. "Who's the little boy? I hope he isn't your kid." Another older boy shouted. Just then a group of other teenage girls walked by in their fully revealing bikinis and looked at Kelly and Billy then started whispering and giggling. "Look at that Jack. Can you imagine?" She thought she heard one girl call the other Jack. More giggling ensued. Kelly replied. " Ha ha! This is my brother you dummies. Bad joke you guys." "Guys! Har! " One boy said before they all laughed again. Kelly mumbled to Billy. "Come on. Let's get on the ride. Something's weird about those boys." "OK." Replied Billy. The two took a quick look at the ride they were about to get on. The ride was now a familiar purple mound but now two distinct roller coaster tracks were obvious, one which rode inside the other into a set of tunnels then back out again on the other side of the purple mound structure. A well-lit sign said "Switch Coaster" . Much of the crowd of people stood and stared at the two as they walked closer to get in line at the ride. "Billy. Let's just ride this and then we'll go somewhere else.' Kelly said. "What does the sign say?" Billy asked. "It says Switch Coaster. It probably just changes lanes or something while we ride around. Those two tracks must cross in the dark in there somewhere." Kelly guessed aloud. The two walked up to the operator of the ride. "Uh- Two to ride this please." She said. Surprisingly, since it was midday, there wasn't a very long wait. The grungy unshaven operator asked in a deep voice. "Let me see your numbers please. Before you can ride this one of you has to be 18." The operator said. "What's that mean Kelly? Does that mean we can't get on? You promised me Kelly!" Billy said. "Well? Are you 18 or not?" The operator asked. Kelly spoke up and lied just to get on the ride and shut Billy up. "Yes. I'm 18 mister." "If you say so." He said. The operator then thought to himself. "This girl can't be 18 and be wanting to get on this thing with that kid. She says she's 18 so I guess she's 18." He thought. He then instructed the two. "Alright. Hold up your numbers so I can log them on my sheet. Then stand over there. You'll be next." Kelly and Billy held up their hands. The two numbers 171 and 172 glistened for the operator to see. He wrote them down on a log sheet on a clipboard much like the ticket booth person had except there were no blocks to check off. The wind blew the papers slightly as the operator sat the clipboard down on a nearby chair. A small blue coaster car pulled up and around on the inside track and stopped while a second coaster car, only red, came around on the outside track for the two to get on the ride. The cars stopped side by side on the two tracks. Looking at the cars and then at the operator Billy asked, "Is it scary?" The operator replied. "Huh? No. It's nice and slow- a little dark at times. It really depends on what you mean by scary. You and your sister there are gonna have the time of your lives. (he chuckled to himself as he looked on at Kelly's bare stomach and cleavage)" "Wait." Kelly said. "There are two cars. How can I watch my little brother if he's in a different car?" She asked. "I'm not afraid." Said Billy. "I like these little cars so long as it's not too fast. "You ride side by side for a little while until you go into the tunnel then you ride side by side again after you come out. There's a cross over in there so blue will be on this side on the way out. " The operator explained not mentioning any other features the ride might have. Kelly hurriedly turned to Billy. "Oh ok cool. Come on Billy. Pick a car. I know I promised you this but we're getting away from this ride just as soon as its over. Then we'll take you to the bathroom if you want." Billy looked at the two cars and after a few seconds made a decision. " I'll take the blue one." Kelly lifted him into the blue car then she jumped into the red car. The group of teen boys looked on as did other spectators who started to gather. The operator reached over Billy and strapped him in tightly with a metallic seatbelt device. Kelly secured her own seatbelt around her tiny waist letting the buckle dangle between her legs. The buckle was cold against her soft inner thigh. "OK here we go." Said the operator as he pulled the lever to start the cars going. A familiar hum, not at all new to the pier began as the ride started. Kelly and Billy held on and the cars went swerving down the tracks and gradually toward the tunnel. "Hold on tight Billy. I'm right here ok?." Yelled Kelly against the increasing hum. "Weee!" Yelled Billy. "This is neat." Into the tunnel they went. After some clanking, grinding, and intense humming , the two cars emerged from the other side. All appeared as normal as when they went in but Kelly could feel that something very strange had happened. She immediately felt her seatbelt was much tighter than she remembered making it and she looked around and noticed she was on a different track and was now in the blue car. She pulled her hand to her face and saw she had hands smaller than she remembered and her nails were no longer polished. "Did I shrink or something?" She thought. Then she became concerned about her brother. "Billy!" She thought. "Where's Billy?". She looked to the track next to her and was suddenly amazed beyond belief. In the red car she saw herself, like looking in a mirro but different, very differant. She saw her gorgeous teenage female frame and body, with her long blonde hair blowing in the wind. Then this person in the red car turned to her and yelled. "Wee! This is fun isn't it Kelly. Wee!" "What?" She yelled. "What the hell happened?" She looked down and saw small boys tennis shoes on her feet and noticed she was wearing her brothers bathing suit. She looked further and saw she no longer had cleavage or short shorts or a bikini top. She looked at her hand and saw the number 172. "172? Where's my 171? Where's my 171? I have 172. 172 that's Billy's number. Oh my god. My body!" She panicked and reached down before the ride could fully stop and unclipped the seatbelt. She jumped out of the car and noticed a complete difference in her height. "Oh my god. I'm think I'm in Billy's body! Oh my god." She was indeed in her little brother Billy's body. Kelly ran over to the operator while Billy was still strapped into her old car. "Mister. Mister. Undo this. Undo this right now. I'm not a little boy. I can't be a little boy." Kelly begged. "I'm her over there, I'm Kelly! I'm a girl." "Son you've had your turn. You'll have to move along now. Others want to ride. Now go over there and help your big sister out of her car. Maybe she'll let you ride more of the little kiddy rides. Ha ha ." The operator said. She looked over to what looked like a few bikini clad girls who were her age and apparently had witnessed the entire event. They began laughing at her. "Ahh ha ha ha . Look at her now. She's the little boy." They exclaimed. "Someone do something!" She said running over to the laughing girls. I didn't know I was going to end up like this. "I'm one of you. I'm a knockout teenage girl. I'm not this little boy." "oh come here cutie." The girls of Kelly's age came over to her, stooped down, and almost falling out of their bikinis, pinched Kelly's little cheek. "Your a teenage girl huh? I bet you wish you had a body like ours right now huh little boy? You won't get any sympathy from us because we aren't who you think WE are. These are our dates bodies. I'm Jack and these are my buddies Larry and Nick over here. (he pointed a female finger to two other gorgeous teenage girls) How does it feel to have a little thingie there miss? Ahh ha ha ha!" Kelly was more shocked. "What? Your not girls? You seem to be very beautiful girls. You look like the same kind of girl I was." She muttered. "No. We all rode the ride before you. Our girlfriends are those boys over there. They were the boys watching you get on the ride. " The one bikini clad, female and shapely, boyfriend said. "Gosh I love my girlfriends body alright. I'd wish she would let me keep it. I hope we're coming down here every day this week." "Wait. Wait. Then those boys who were staring at me earlier (she pointed), they- they were your female dates in your male bodies? How can this be and how am I like this? (she looked down) I want my beautiful body back!" Kelly shouted. Kelly then ran over to the car with Billy in it. Billy just sat there, toes pointed inward, rocking his new figure around and waiting for an older person to give him instructions. Kelly, in Billy's small boy body caught his attention. Billy said in his sisters voice. "You look like me Kelly! Hee hee. Look Kelly. I look like you. See?" He said to her as he displayed her beautiful body before her. "I have your shoes on Kelly and I have on your bathing suit and I have these. Hee hee." He grabbed at her breasts with what were her hands just minutes ago. Kelly reached into the car to unstrap her former sexy teenage body from the ride. She reached between her former thighs and grabbed at the buckle and unclipped it. "OOO. That tickles, hee hee." Billy said to her. Having just felt her own thighs from a major new perspective, she yelled as best she could in a little boys voice. "Oh my god would you shut up? Come on Billy we have to find mom and dad NOW! God I can't believe this. Get out of the ride and come on." She grabbed her former body by the hand and quickly pulled Billy along the pier. Everyone stood and stared as they saw a panicked six year old boy pulling a larger skimpily dressed teen girl down the pier. Billy staggered some from being pulled around in the much more awkward body. His balance was not well adapted yet. Kelly suddenly stopped. " What? What's happening? No! I feel something Billy. (she crossed her little boyish legs) The bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom." Kelly exclaimed as she felt an uncontrollable urge to urinate. "I should have let you go earlier. What am I going to do? I have to pee out of my little brother's- (she paused)". Kelly looked over and saw a men's room. "Come here Billy. Stand here and don't move. I need to pee and right now. (she said to herself) Oh god." Kelly walked into the men's room. Men and other boys watched as this small boy struggled to open his zipper. She went up to the urinals which were all sized for much taller males. She stood up on her tip toes to reach the cold porcelain urinal and began going to the bathroom. She felt a new sensation of relief as she finished. After zipping up she ran out. Then, scanning the area it was obvious that Billy was no longer standing anywhere nearby. Not only was Billy gone but this meant her body was gone as well. She walked frantically to find her old body, a body occupied by a six year old boy. "Where could he be." She mumbled. People were bumping into her and shoving her aside as she continued to look. She looked over by the women's room. "Hey you can't go in there little boy. " Grown-ups yelled as they pulled her back. Further down the pier Billy was just going down the steps and out of site to the sand. Unaware of the criticality of the situation, Billy proceeded carelessly down the beach. "I think I want to go swimming. Kelly has her bathing suit on underneath so I'm going in the water. I'm big now." Billy walked down toward the water. He got to where the waves were just starting to hit his sisters shapely feet and he undid the shoes she had on. Once the shoes were off, he undid the short shorts and revealed the thong bikini. "OOO. Kelly has a small bathing suit. Oh well-" Billy said as he carried the shoes and shorts along the beach. Looking down he seemed puzzled as he noticed things were so different in the front of the thong. There were no expected bulges but instead a V shape. He walked her sexy body down along the beach letting the waves smash into her body up to the waist. Teenage males stood and stared at this blonde bombshell playfully frolicking in the water. With thong exposed and nipples hard from the cold, Billy then saw some kids his age. "That water sure is cold. Oh look kids my age and toys. I think I'll go play in the sand with them for while." Billy strayed from the water and moved over to where some other children were playing. "Hi. I'm Billy. Can I play with you?" He asked them. "Yeah. You can. Billy sure is a weird name for a girl." The children replied. Billy sat his sisters clothes down and picked up a shovel and bucket belonging to one of the boys there. He was getting sand all over Kelly's wet thonged bottom. It looked extremely odd with an older teenage girl making sand castles and digging with young children and playing like one of them. He carelessly had his legs spread revealing everything between the thong before a growing audience. Back on the pier Kelly was frantic and continued to search both for her parents and Billy. Adults obstructed her view tremendously as she kept searching. After bumping into and being shoved by groups of people, a gap developed in the crowd. She could see through the railing briefly enough to see her gorgeous body on the beach, wet and sandy and down to the thong playing with children while a group of curious young men looked on. "Oh no. He undressed me. Guys are staring at my body over there without me in it. Mom and dad are gonna freak out even more if they see that." She thought. "I need to get down there. Billy has no idea what he's doing." Just then Kelly's parents popped out of the crowd and grabbed her. "Billy. Where's your sister young man? " Her mother asked. Kelly had to think twice before revealing the mishap and decided to play it safe until she could get Billy switched back. "Umm," Kelly said trying to sound like her brother would, "he's .. I mean she's.. in the bathroom over there. I'm waiting for her to come out." Kelly was looking at crotch level to her mother, a view angle she hadn't remembered seeing in a long while. "Oh ok Billy." Her mother replied then asked. "Hey are you having fun? Has Kelly taken you on any rides?" "Yeah mommy. (Kelly rolled her eyes back) Umm..Kelly is taking me down to play in the sand when she comes out." Kelly replied. "Here. Here's some sun screen. My baby is getting a little red. Now you come find Mommy if you start to get tired." Lori said as she gobbed sunscreen into her hand and rubbed it on little Kelly. Kelly didn't like being treated like a 6 year old, but she was one for sure. Kelly thanked her mother. "You behave yourself young man. Your mother and I are going to walk around and check some things out. " John said slightly slurred. John had a few more beers since he had last seen his children. The parents wandered off. When they were mixed well into the crowd, Kelly ran down the steps and toward where Billy was luckily still playing in the sand. She walked up to the other children. The small 5 and 6 year old girls noticed Kelly as a neat boy playmate. "Kelly! Your here!" Billy yelled. The other children didn't fully figure out something was strange. Most went back to building sand castles and digging holes with there shovels. One small girl was taking a slight liking to the six year old Kelly. This little girl was dressed in her little flat-chested toddler bikini as were the other small girls. Kelly would be happy if she even could wear that. "Hi little boy. What's you name?" The girl asked Kelly. "Ummm. I'm..uh," she couldn't decide how to answer at first, "Billy I guess." Kelly replied. Billy spoke up. "No Kelly. I'm Billy." Billy said standing up completely and looking like the hottest thing on the beach in a thong bikini. The small girl looked confused and ran to her mother. "Come on Billy. You need to put my shorts back on before Mom and Dad see me looking like that. You even got sand in my- nevermind. Just put on the shorts please-NOW!". Kelly ordered. "Ok. Kelly." Billy said while putting Kelly's former shapely, feet in sandals and her legs in the shorts. He continued. "I'm getting hungry and when will we be done playing this dress up game Kelly?" "We'll stop playing very soon but we need to get back on that little ride again." Kelly explained. "Ooo. I felt funny in the dark on that ride. It scared me a little." Billy said. "Well, we need to ride it again because I don't like being a little boy at all. I'm missing a lot of dates like this." Replied Kelly. The two made their way for the pier and went up the steps. Once up to the pier, the made their way up to the Switch Coaster which was still running sessions. The line was now very long with all kinds of combinations of people getting on and off. Apparently one boy was pulling a practical joke on his girlfriend by taking her on the ride without telling her what the ride entailed. Due to the long line of people waiting, Kelly could only hear the scream of an older boys voice paired and a girl laughing when the ride came out of the other side of the purple mound. "Oh no. Someone else was fooled. Some boyfriend she must have had- tricking her out of her body like that." Kelly thought. Others riding the ride were very willing to trade off bodies with another person and were in line eagerly looking for legitimate fun out of the ride. Some guys and girls came out teasing one another after the switch, making jokes, tugging on each other and even kissing afterwards. It wasn't necessarily a terrible ride to everyone who rode it. There was even a pot luck section to pick just anyone who was willing to trade. Kelly and Billy stood patiently waiting to get another turn, the turn which would put them back to normal before their mom and dad would find out, when suddenly an unexpected encounter took place. Walking down the pier were Lori and John. They had spotted their two children in this line for the morbid ride, then quickly approached the two. "Billy, here comes Mom and Dad. Just pretend your me or we're in big trouble?" Kelly quickly muttered. "Hey kids. Your back from the beach so soon?" Their Dad said. Kelly nudged Billy to say something simple. "Uhmm yes. We had fun playing castles." Billy said in the teenage girl voice he possessed. "Come on kids. We're going this way, away from this end of the pier." Their mother said. "But mom.. I mean.. mommy. We want to ride this ride." Kelly said carefully. "No KIDS! We can't let you ride this ride. It's really geared for adults. You wouldn't appreciate it." Their mother replied. "Trust me and your father here. It's too uhmm- (the mother thought) scary of a ride for you. Just then their mother grabbed Kelly by the hand and pulled her out of line. "Get out of this line young man." Kelly wasn't sure to speak up and reveal her situation or not. "You come with me young lady." The father said, grabbing Billy from the line. Billy followed Kelly's order to not say anything at all. Both parents shook their heads after looking at what they thought the kids almost did. "We stopped them just in time right honey?" The father said to the mother. "Uhmm- yeah right. " The mother replied. The entire family worked their way back to the beginning of the pier where some small shops and food stands were.. "You kids have got to be hungry by now." They all went to a small air conditioned shop to eat pizza. The place seemed fairly busy with folks in bathing suits, going in and coming out. The food and services weren't bad so the place got lots of business. The family all sat at a booth. "Hee hee. This is pretty weird. I'll order it honey." Their father said. "Oh. Ok-(pause) DEAR! Make sure you order a glass of wine for me. You know, I'm glad to sit down. These feet are killing me. These shoes are murder." Their mother said sitting down at a booth and crossing her sexy legs. Kelly continued to not let her dilemma be known, hoping after they all ate, they would be able to break away and change back. After a short while, the pizza came. Kelly drank a minimal amount of soda so she wouldn't need go through the dreaded bathroom experience right away and instead ate two pieces of pizza while Billy guzzled soda and ate several pieces of pizza. Their father sipped one glass of soda, ate several pieces of pizza while their mother mainly drank a lot of beer and ate half of a slice of pizza. "Go easy on that wine -DEAR!" Their father said to their mother. "We don't need a drunk MOMMY OK?" "Oh yeah. I almost forgot. I think if I didn't have so much to drink I wouldn't have let you talk me into this crazy thing we did. That is some technology they have there. It could work wonders in the medical field if you really think about it. Hey, I'm getting pretty woozy kind of fast." The mother said. There was a pause. In a more slurred voice the mother then said. "I bet you kids rode all of those rides huh? WE rode a REAL good one. Right (in an overly sexy voice) h-o-n-e-y?" Oddly, their mother's eyes would follow women in their bikinis as they went by. Kelly thought that was a bit strange of her mother. Kelly, getting anxious, still couldn't help noticing her mother was drinking quite a bit, much like her father would do during a ball game or something. She spoke up in her little boy voice hoping to get a chance soon to switch back with Billy. Seeing her body across the table was too much for her to bear. "I want to go ride with Kelly again Mommy. Will I get to?" "What do you think H-O-N-E-Y." there mother said, Their father began wiping his mouth and said, "We need to ride one particular ride one more time. I know that much. We have a little something to take care of before we leave." Kelly noticed her father glancing at her quite frequently. Kelly, while in Billy's body had still managed to get sunburned quite a bit despite the lotion treatment she received earlier. "Billy, I think I need to put more lotion on you. Your getting red again." Their father said. Kelly heard this and then things became a little more clear. Her mother and father must be switched too. It was her mother who put the lotion on her earlier, not her father. She was stunned when she realized that her parents had a little secret too. "Why yes Billy." He fatherly figure in Bermuda shorts said. Kelly then started to let on that she now knew. Her parents, especially Lori her mother, slipped on the words but wasn't expecting Billy to be observant enough to catch it. "But it was Mommy who rubbed that on me daddy." Kelly now knew her mother and father were in each other's bodies as well. She began to break her silence and spoke in a very clear voice. "Mom and dad, I have something I need to tell you." Kelly said. Just then the pager on John's belt went off. John, in their mothers body jumped up. "That's my pager. Lori, hand me my pager." John took the pager as Lori handed it to him. After looking at the message he said in Lori's female voice, "I'll be right back. I need to make a call. This one has an urgent mark after it." Lori spoke up in Johns masculine voice. "John hold it. Are you forgetting something?" "What? The number? I have it right here on the pager." John said holding the pager. "No John. Look down at yourself. Are you forgetting?" Lori said. John looked down beyond his wife's two firm female breasts and down her long legs to his feet. "Gosh that's right we're switched! I'm my wife. (he paused) This is urgent Lori. I'm gonna have to make the call anyway." John grabbed some change and without intending to be sexy, walked a sexy walk to the pay phone. After a few rings his nurse answered. "Doctor's office. Hello. Hello ? Who is this?" The voice on the end asked. John tried to pull his wife's voice down in an attempt to sound like his male self. "It's me Dr. Carnigan. What do you have for me.?" He said. "Who? (there was a pause) Look Miss I don't have time for jokes. I'm expecting the doctor to call in." The nurse said. "Honey!" John yelled over to his wife. "Come here and take this call and act like me would you.?" John said. "What?" Lori got up to the phone with John. They both shared the earpiece.. "Oh. No. What is it?" Lori asked. The nurse spoke." We have Mrs. Jenkins in a pretty good labor right now and she's going to meet you at the hospital for the delivery." We'll be ready in 15 minutes and will be waiting. OK?" Lori replied for John. "Ok." John's thoughts raced. "Ahh. Mrs. Jenkins. I need to get out there. Sorry gang but it looks like the Carnival trip is being cut short." John went over to the counter to pay the bill while in the distance, Lori, in John's body was just finding out Billy and Kelly's problem from Kelly. What appeared to be a father talking to his son was actually a mother and daughter conversation. "Mom? Is that really you?" Kelly asked. "Kelly? It's me alright. Your father and I got to kidding around after a few drinks and look at us now. I can't believe you and Billy did this to yourselves." Lori said. "It was an accident Mom. Mom I want to be a girl again. I hate this." Kelly said. John finished paying and rushed quickly to the table and went to Lori. "Lori. Lori quick. We need to go back to that.. that thing and change back. There's no way I can go to deliver a baby in your clothes and especially your body." "Ok John. Oh I knew we shouldn't have did this." Lori followed her former body out and also needed to tell John about the kids. "John Wait up." She shouted in the deep voice her husbands body had. "I have to tell you something." "What? I don't have time. Just tell me while we all walk." He said quickly walking in the open heeled shoes through the growing crowd. Lori spoke. "The kids John. They've been on the switching coaster ride. They know we were too. Kelly is Billy and Billy is our teenage daughter." John stopped in his tracks and turned to the family. He stooped Lori's lovely body down to talk to little Kelly. "No?! Kelly are you in there? Why did you two do this?" "Daddy it's me. It was an accident. I'm trapped in here. I'm sorry daddy. I don't want to be a little boy. I'm your daughter. Let's just go." Kelly said as she started crying. John looked in disbelief. "Who would have thought. I'm standing here as my wife and my little boy here is my daughter. What the hell kind of carnival is this? Come on everyone let's get out of this mess and get out of here. Billy, you just stay calm. I know you must feel funny like that because I feel funny like this. I have got to get changed back and perform that delivery. Thank good ness this isn't a father-son picnic." The entire family clopped down the pier to work their way to the ride but they were stopped by a wall of people before they could even get half way there. John looked up and tapped a big guy on the shoulder to ask him what the crowd was about. "Excuse me," John said softly, "what is the hold up here? I need to get down the pier." The big guy turned around and looked down at John. " Hi beautiful. What's your name?" He said. "Nevermind buddy," John said, "I need to get by here. Looking John up and down the big guy spoke more. "Look here sweet thing, no one is going anywhere. A big fight broke out and the cops are arresting people up by that big purple ride. They have it all blocked off." Lori then got into the conversation. "What was all the fighting about?" She asked being just as masculine as the big guy was. "Oh hi buddy." The guy said looking like he didn't want any trouble. "Hey, If this is your wife here I'm sorry for hitting on her. I thought she was available. " He smiled and held his open palms up. "Oh a big crazy kind of fight broke out with a bunch of people up there on this switchy ride thing. Some folks jumped into the line and there were some mixed up guys claiming they were really women . The cops are just going to haul the bunch of them away and sort it out at the jail. They'll probably end up staying the night in a cell. I wouldn't plan on going down the pier for a while. All of the rides from here and down are temporarily closed for now." "Dammit! I need to get us down there. (John paused) Think of something Lori. " John said. "I don't know what to tell you John." Lori said. Kelly looked up at the rest of the family and yelled. "Mom. Dad. What are we going to do? We need to sit and wait somewhere. I'm not liking being stuck like this." Billy just stood quietly. "Oh no we aren't sitting anywhere." John said. "I have got to get to that hospital." "What do we do John? Look at the kids and us. We're in each others bodies for heaven sake. I can't go and do that delivery for you." Lori said. "I don't care. Kids, Lori come on. We're going to have to just go." John said loudly. "John we can't. I can't leave like this or let the kids leave like this. Maybe you should drop us off at the house and then go." Lori cried. "Well ok but keep the phone open at home. The nurses are going to be calling you when they see me like this. Well at least I don't miss a delivery and I don't risk malpractice. Geesh! I have your face and everything else." Said John as he turned and began walking to the car. "Come on then kids. Cheer up. Staying here isn't going to do any good right now and it's not too late to run home and come back before this closes, right honey? " Asked Lori. "Right. We're wasting time. Come on. Hand me the keys out of my pocket Lori. I'll drive." Spoke John in his wife's voice. The scrambled family ran and got into the car to get home. As they drove, while the opportunity was present, Lori started explaining the birds and bees to Billy. Kelly sat there sadly with arms folded and pouting. She would occasionally look over at her body and it's boyish mannerisms and what were her girlish curves just this morning. It wasn't long before the Carnigans got to the house. The kids immediately went up to their respective bedrooms. Kelly went to her room in Billy's body while Billy went to his own room in Kelly's body. When John got in, he saw a message on the answering machine. John went over and pressed the buttons with his slender fingers. "Dr. Carnigan, if you get this before you leave you can probably take your time. Mrs. Jenkins contractions are not getting any faster at the moment." It said. "Hmm. (he thought) I wonder if she is having a false labor. I won't know for sure until I get there and find out. Lori, I'm gonna need to get out of your shorts and top here and put something a little more business-like on. It looks like I'm doing this in your body, like it or not. I'm sure one of your business outfits would do. (he thought a moment) I'm more than likely going to have to borrow one of the nurses uniforms when I get there. Surely one of those nurses has heard of that carnival stuff and will understand what we did. Hey, maybe if you call them while I'm on the way, with MY voice their sure to understand if you tell them the truth." Lori went up to the bedroom and went through some drawers. She brought down some nice dress clothes of hers for John. "Here honey here is a skirt, bra, blouse and hose. You may as well take a pair of my pumps too. I'll make that call and try and explain while your on your way." Lori said handing over the set of clothes. She yelled up to the kids while John disrobed her body in front of her. "Billy, Kelly, what are you doing up there?" "We're in our rooms mom." The kids yelled down. Lori helped dress John to make sure her body looked respectable even though she wasn't in it. John hurried and pulled stockings on and slid into the skirt and pumps while Lori buttoned his blouse over her former breasts. "John. If you weren't in such a hurry I'd say we fool around like this a little. Your body is getting turned on a little to this if you know what I mean. "Oh great. I need to go deliver a baby as a women while my wife is turned on by her own body. I need to get going." John said kissing Lori on the lips. He took note of the how this female body he had responded to Lori's male touch, then he went out the door. Upstairs, Billy went up and pulled off his sisters shorts once again and lay there in the thong and top then started to kae a nap on his bed, sexy buns up and stomach down, while Kelly sat up on her bed in her room. With feet dangling for a moment, she looked at the various make up kits, perfume bottles, and a reflection of her brother in her mirror. She got up and went to her dresser and started taking out some of her panties and a bra. She undressed what beach clothing her brother had on and she started to put on her own panties and bra. They were way over sized. The bra hung down and the panties just slid down around her ankles. She felt the sexy feel of silky underwear on her skin but it just wasn't the same. "My body. I want my body back." She cried. She reached into her makeup and put on lipstick and eyelash enhancer. She then stood holding tightly onto the panties, then walked over to her closet and got out one of her short black teaser skirts and a blouse. Despite the size differences, she pulled the clothes on. The blouse was way to long and big and the skirt was nowhere near being tight. She just stood there trying to see how good she looked but as she turned to the mirror, all she saw was a little boy trying to play dressup. She slid down to the floor and cried herself to sleep. Lori was downstairs busy on the phone explaining how she and her husband had been out all day and encountered this strange ride. Fortunately, one of the nurses was familiar with the ride and quickly spread the news to the other nurses. John arrived at the hospital and the nurses were already for him with a nurse uniform complete with white stockings. "Here you are Nurse John." Some of them yelled laughing. "Ha Ha. I'm only like this for today. So make fun of me while you can. How's Mrs. Jenkins?" John asked. "Well get in your uniform and go see for yourself. The contractions are still far apart." One nurse said then went on. " Say your wife is very cute. You-I mean she has a nice figure and face and I love that hair." "Yeah yeah. Thanks. This being a woman business was a bad idea. She talked me into that ride at that carnival. I'll be right back after I change." Several minutes went by and Dr John Carnigan, went up to see his patient looking much like a floor nurse. "Who-who are you? Your not my doctor. I want my doctor. "Mrs. Jenkins said. "Are you ready for this Mrs. Jenkins? I AM YOUR doctor." John said. "How. How can that be?" Mrs. Jenkins asked. "It's a long story but there is a device which can switch people down at that carnival. My wife and I were obviously patrons of the carnival today. (he looked at some reading) Well Mrs. Jenkins, it's just as I thought. I think I'm going to send you home because I can see these contractions are false. Your not in labor just yet. Maybe your too anxious huh?" John replied. "No labor? Oh my god. I'm so tired of being pregnant. I have put up with this for nine months. Can't you just induce labor? (she started to cheer back up) I like the idea of a lady doctor Dr. Carnigan. Have you thought of staying that way." Mrs. Jenkins asked. "Oh heavens no. It's not fair to my wife for one thing. She's stuck as me at home right now. I look too much like a nurse like this." John replied. "Oh you make a beautiful nurse. You have a darling figure." Mrs. Jenkins said. "Well thanks but I'm not keeping it. I going to have the nurses get your husband form the waiting room and get you signed out. Your fine for now and if you have any more contractions that increase in repetition, you come back and I'll come back then we'll deliver your baby. I don't want to induce when your this close to having it on your own. (he paused) I'll be myself again the next time you see me too. I hope. I tell you what, if you promise to be careful, go relax by having some fun down at that carnival. That'll take your mind off things so your not so anxious. " John said. "Oh. Yes. I think I'll get my husband to take me tomorrow. Should I stay away from the rides there?" Mrs. Jenkins replied. "Well, there is one very gentle ride in particular but it's the ride which did this to me. Now you wouldn't want to get on that ride at this stage of your pregnancy would you Mrs.Jenkins?" John said. Mrs. Jenkins eyes got wide as she seemed to think heavily, then she replied. "Uhmm. Oh of course not. I might see if I can talk my husband into going down there but I'd never be able to get him on a ride like that anyway. Besides, I'm about to have my baby." "Well. You be careful down there (he paused). Have your husband take you home. I'm leaving to go and get changed- Really changed." John responded. John went down to the ladies locker room and proceeded into the showers to wash up. He was fortunate to see other nurses getting off shift and showering in the stalls near him. He couldn't resist looking over and seeing the shadows of familiar nurses nude. He had no worries of getting an embarrassing erection as he toweled his wife's body off and continued gazing down at some nude nurses. He hurriedly got dressed back in his wife's clothing and left the locker room. "Oh Nurse Carnigan. Yoo Hoo!" One of the nurses shouted. "I saw you peeking in there. Tisk Tisk." "Hey, I'm curious how the other half lives and, what harm could I possibly do like this huh?. What can I say. I might look like a bombshell but I'm still male under all of this skin. (he handed the pile of clothes over) Here's your uniform back. Thanks for the loan. I never thought I'd be wearing that in my lifetime. Hee hee. If Mrs. Jenkins needs me, call me back in on my pager." John said as he turned to leave for home. John stopped by a phone on the way out and called his wife. After many rings his male voice answered on the other end. "Hello?" John said softly. "Honey I'm on my way home. Mrs. Jenkins isn't having the baby today. Have the kids ready and we'll go back and check the pier out. I've had enough of being you for the day." "Hey. It's no fun being you either mister. Ha ha . I'm sitting here watching Bay Watch and having all sorts of sensations." Lori joked. As John made his way home, Lori went up to check on the kids. Billy was still laying almost nude on his bed in Kelly's body. She woke Billy up and went over to Kelly's room to wake her. "Kelly what have you been doing?" Lori said as she saw her six year old sons body lying in a teenage girls clothes. "I'm sorry mom. I just had to try and look like my cute girlie self again." I can't wait anymore. The young boyish Kelly said. "Young lady. Let's get you back in Billy's clothes and wipe that makeup off of his face before he sees you. I'll need you to go in and dress him back up. You'll need to take him some of your fresh clothes and dress your body up nice. Put nice clothes on him so he doesn't look too flashy. " Lori said. Kelly was appalled at dressing her younger brother up to look like the blonde bombshell SHE was. Billy just sat there with his eyes shut as Kelly removed the thong and worked a bra and panties onto her female frame he possessed. She used the cothes she had just tried on in her room. She had to see herself sexy again. There she was, this six year old boy dressing this sixteen year old naked blonde teenager's body. "Billy. Don't peek too much. Gosh I miss my body. It's so beautiful." Kelly said. It wasn't long when John returned. "Come on everyone let's go!" John said. "YAY!!!" Yelled the kids as they ran downstairs. Lori came walking from the kitchen. "Hi honey. Are we ready?" "Yes. Yes. I've been you long enough. I'm starting to feel like one of the girls. My nurses teased me the entire time. Listen we need to hurry." Said John. Once again they all got into the car and proceeded to the carnival. They had to hurry. The carnival was due to close within the hour. After a seemingly endless ride in each others bodies, they arrived at the carnival. From looking around, the crowd had dissipated and it looked like getting changed back was closer than ever. They all jumped out of the car and raced down the pier pushing through the thinning crowds of people. When they got to the switch coaster the operator was yelling. "Last call! Last Call. You'll be going home AS your girlfriend or boyfriend in 5 minutes if you don't get here now." "Wait for us!" Kelly yelled as the family ran up to the ride. "What have we here? A whole family. Who's who now. Mom are you dad and sis are you mom? What's the mix here folks? I can check my log sheet but I have an entire clipboard full of papers to go through." The operator asked. "Well, do the kids first. They are brother and sister switched." John said ever so womanly. "Ahh the kiddies. Ooooo. She's a hot one. I bet little brother has been having some fun with that." The operator said obnoxiously. "Ha Ha. " Kelly said. The two got on the ride, strapped themselves in quickly and the ride started down the track. Lori and John watched as the cars vanished into the dark tunnel. The noise level rose and subsided and out jumped Kelly and Billy from the two cars. Billy ran to his mothers body's arms. "I'm back to normal. YAY!!" Kelly yelled. She couldn't help but grab her breasts and butt and check them out. She pulled up her blouse and rubbed her hand across her flat, silky smooth stomach. "I'm me again. Ok mom and dad. It's your turn. Dad I can't believe your in there. It's weird seeing my mom and it's really my dad." "I'm in here alright. It's nice to visit I guess, but honey let's go." John said putting Billy down. The two cars pulled up and John and Lori got in. " Are you sure John? You sure look nice with that figure and hair. Hee hee," Lori Joked. "Pull the switch mister." John yelled. The cars went in motion . Billy and Kelly watched as there mom and dad turned and faced one another, as each other, for the last time. Half a minute later the cars came from the other side and two adults unbuckled themselves. Kelly and Billy ran up to their parents. "Well?" Kelly said. "Someone say something. Mom are you mom and Dad are you dad?" Lori spoke up. "Yes Honey. I'm your mother again." Kelly ran up and gave her father a big hug. "Ok everyone. I'm exhausted. Let's go home." John said. The restored family went home promptly discussing the days events all the way home. The next day came and a typical weekend morning was under way. Cartoons were on. Billy was sitting and eating cereal. Kelly was on the phone lining up a carnival date with a boy while Lori and John worked in the yard. Lori and John began to discuss the ordeal. "Well John? How did you like it? You know being a woman?" Lori asked. "I think I could get used to it. You have a nice body honey. It felt great. I'd have a problem making love to women like that though." John replied. "How did you like it. I mean having male parts and all that?" "I uhh. I thought it was very interesting. I would have liked to have tried out a few more things especially with you being ME. You would have looked great in one of my nighties?" Lori said. "Maybe another time honey. I'm sticking with this body for a while." John said. The day progressed. The yard work got finished. The later, dinner was under way. Kelly was out with a date and Billy was at the table eating with his Mom and Dad. Suddenly Johns' pager went off once again. He jumped up and grabbed the phone and called the hospital right away. Lori could here part of his call. "Uh oh. Six minutes apart. Ok I'll be right in." John said quickly. "What is it honey?" Lori said seeing a strong look of concern on his face. "It's the Jenkins case. I have to deliver their baby within the hour it looks like. This time the contractions are coming faster. There's one problem with it though." John said grabbing his keys. Lori asked. "What honey what? What wrong with Mrs. Jenkins?" "Mrs. Jenkins is fine. It's her driving her husband from the carnival straight to the hospital. She managed to switch bodies with Mr. Jenkins today and the labor started right after that. He's in her body having the labor and he'll be squeezing out the baby." END

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She Needs to be Disciplined

I glance yet again at my wrist and it’s just past nine. I’ve been anxiously pacing the floor for twenty minutes. “Damn!” I say to myself, “I told her 8:30.” I’m not angry, just extremely disappointed. I may not see her again for weeks and we have but four hours to spend…now it’s hardly even three. The time we have to spend together is few and far between as it is, I hate wasting even one minute of it. Another text arrives. On my way which room please? I tell her to hurry up, asking what her...

3 years ago
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A Gangbang with the Surgical Team

I always enjoyed being seen too, being a little dangerous. When i went swimming I'd always happily wander around naked, noticing those who noticed me. It was exciting to have someone stare at my bare little ass in the changing rooms, sometimes I'd walk right past them to make sure they looked and watched me dry myself off. I wanted to be hunted. So, when i turned 16 i had already been playing with myself, especially with the sex toy I'd swiped from an adult store i had sneaked into. It was...

2 years ago
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Train main behan ki chudai ki

This is true story which I face when I am returning with my younger sister (Reena) from my massi (mother’sister) Distt. Gaya (Bihar).I live with my family in Delhi at Shalimar Bagh.We are four members in our family. Father-40years a business man. Mother-38 years a house wife. Sister Shila-18 years a student of class 12th. I 21 years participating in father’s business. I am going to narrate how I had sex with my younger sister (Reena) in Hindi languese. Ek din humare massi (mother’s sister)...

2 years ago
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Country living is dark at night, dark and quiet. The only light comes from the moon, the stars and the two mercury vapor field lights. The only noise from crickets, cicadas and an occasional dog bark. I half sensed, half heard Mary coming home; her arrival disturbed my deep sleep. The clock on the bedside table told me it was one-twelve, late, but not as late as she has been other Thursdays. Mary made as little noise as possible, but still I sensed her car pulling in the driveway. I sensed her...

3 years ago
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The Birthday Surprise

My wife Lisa and I have been married for 15 years. During that time she's gone from being fun but a bit prudish to being a bit of an exhibitionist and a flirt. Guys have always liked her and she likes attention from them. I tried for years to get her to have a MFM Threesome but she wouldn't do it until a wild night at a couples club with my best friend and me. Since then she's had a few other experiences with Rick but wouldn't go beyond flashing and teasing anyone else.We were out one night...

1 year ago
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RetributionChapter 8

Gladstone Avenue was dead quiet at two in the morning. There weren’t many houses with their lights on. The only movement on the street was coming from the property Tatiana entered earlier. I still wasn’t one-hundred per cent she lived there. I walked past the house, taking a quick glimpse into the front garden. The two bold goons I saw earlier were still standing by the front door. They were guarding the entrance like a couple of bouncers outside a nightclub. I carried on walking down the...

1 year ago
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Kates descent part 1

This story is written in the third person but I'm "Alan". Although fictional, I have an old girlfriend in mind! This is my first story so be gentle but advice welcome as I want write more! Helen stands outside her daughter's bedroom shaking with nerves. She can feel her heart pounding and her stomach in her mouth. "Oh god, I can't do this but, god, I need to" she says to herself. She can hear Kate moaning and the movement of the bed. Closing her eyes and counting to three she pushes the...

1 year ago
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Lonavala Calling The Malvika Diaries 8211 Part 2

Hi readers! I hope you all are doing well. This is Malvika Kapoor with the second and the final part of the story “Lonavala Calling”. So close your room, open your pants, take your dick out, read the story, feel me and do what you are best at. Read the first part for better understanding! We reached the suite he booked. I was a little exhausted of all the sexual tension that existed in the car journey. Imagine we only had oral sex and we were tired. The tiredness was because of the anticipation...

4 years ago
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A boys sex training part 1

Charlie is a 67 year old, impotent, white male from my home state. He called me out of the clear blue one night sounding as if he might have a heart attack any minute. Babbling on about how powerful I am, and this and that about my thighs. He was utterly obsessed with my legs and thighs, stuttering so badly I had a very hard time understanding what he was saying. Most men are quite scared when they call me (I post my phone number on my personal Bitch Goddess Home Page on the internet), as...

3 years ago
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My Sister My Lover Part 4 Transexual Fun

We sat on the sofa as we talked about the day. Liz told us about the troublesome customers she had at the store. Linds told us about events around the house. Then I told them about the training and the events after. I described Crystal and our sexual activities in the motel. By the time I finished both Liz and Linds were obviously excited. They had their hands on me as I kissed each of them in turn. Liz rubbed my nipples through my shirt as Linds opened my pants and fished out my...

4 years ago
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Trick or Treat 3

Trick or Treat 3 By: Enigma Author's note: For new readers, you really need to read the first two parts of Trick or Treat. This segment does not stand on its own at all well. For those of you who read and commented on the original two parts, I really need to apologize for this taking so long to publish. What you see below was actually finished just a few months after part 2 was posted. It did not come out the way I had originally intended. That, and some pointed comments by my...

2 years ago
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Two Best Friends chapter one

Josh had just gotten home from school, which was a 8 minute walk for him. His Josh and his mom lived in a three bedroom apartment. He set his book bag next to the door, heading to his room. He hopped onto his computer chair, wheeling over to his bedroom door, locking it. After he locked the door and stripped himself of his tight shirt, and wheeled over to the computer. The reflection from the black screen showed a 16-year-old-guy, with no abs but no fat either, he had on glasses and shaggy long...

First Time
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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 43 Family Stories and Pride Part 2

We were in the basement playing with the girls when the first of my brother’s kids arrived. The moms had finished nursing their babies so no one was going to have to deal with Erin’s massive breasts on display. I don’t care how good a Christian you are, big tits are big tits! We’d brought in all of the Scrabble boards that we brought with us in the bus and we were divided up with three on each of the three boards. The sound of footsteps on the stairs to the basement alerted us that someone...

2 years ago
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Satin Heaven

I had a fantasy for years about owning or working in a wedding shop, seemed like real fun but way out of my remit, seeing as men are cut out of that loop pretty much. On Thursday I saw an advert for help in the window of a prolific shop in my area I went in and enquired, the girls were very suprised to see me indeed & we got chatting about why I wanted to work there , what I could do etc, One of the woman remained very quiet, Then at the end piped up" why would you really want to work here...

3 years ago
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My sweet wife salma

My life was very miserable when I married to Salma, Salma was a cute, having slim body, her colour was white and her height was tall. She was too loving with me, but the one thing which was terrible for me was her sex reluctance. She was too much conservative in her attitude towards sex. She switch off the light during our intercourse. Oral sex was a sine in her mind and Anal sex was forbidden for her. I tried my best to make it normal about these, but all my effort were in vain. One day I was...

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JapanHDV Mary Hayakawa JAV model Mary Hayakawa sucks off two models to get a cum facial

Mary Hayakawa is addicted to cum. She has it on her mind all the time. She wants it, in all of her holes and on her tummy and its as well. Shoot all your cum on her ass, she would love that. She is addicted to it and she will make you shoot your load all over her! So, when you have a model like Mary Hayakawa here, and she is an admitted cum addicted what we try to do is get her exactly what she wants and we try to get her as much of it as we can. We want her to enjoy the shoot, and we want her...

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UKRAINE TAKED THE FIRST PLACE! DNA Absorption ...Spelling and punctuation of the author saved. Writes Alain, who lives in Budapest.So far, however, in terms of the amount and volume of drunk sperm ... But, apart from the Crimean conflict, they began to discuss the positive aspects of this state abroad. This is a porn site, which porn users often mention in abbreviated form - RV. A dozen Ukrainian marvels traveled to Madrid last year to taste nutritionally-protein yogurt from...

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My sisters friend Jade part 2

Being the summer holidays, it wasn't strange for me to be sleeping late and having the place to myself. It was maybe 11am when I'd got out of bed and showered, planning to meet a friend and go shopping - but this was to change.I'd literally just finished drying, dressing and putting my make up on when there was a knock at the door. I quickly got downstairs expecting there to be a parcel or something. Opening the door, my heart skipped a beat: those beautiful lips, that sleeve of tattoos, even...

3 years ago
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Dressed and fucked Jyoti Bhabhi like Madhavi Bhabhi

Hello Everyone. Welcome back to the 2nd sex encounter with Jyoti Bhabhi. This is how I fucked Jyoti bhabhi again, but I made her like Madhavi Bhabhi from TMKOC. I hope everyone has read my previous story regarding Jyoti Bhabhi. If not, I would recommend you to read that first as it will give you a brief idea and introduction to Jyoti Bhabhi Bhabhi. It would help you understand how our first sexual encounter was. I am coming back to this story. You all know how passionate I am about Jyoti...

1 year ago
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Have to be a woman to Part 2

Please enjoy this second instalment of Dianne's adventures. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feedback is very much appreciated. D Previously on 'To be a woman....' "Come back to the bar on Friday and bring something suitable to wear." Master Kurt ordered. My heart leapt, I would be his woman again. Master Kurt was continuing. "If you don't come, we won't do anything. You're a free woman now." Woman? Yes, he had made me into a woman. His woman. I knew...

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A mature sexually unsatisfied

A sexually unsatisfied mature I used to kiss her ass,  but later on I realized she loved to be fucked from behind  so getting a most pleasure and gratification out of it.  No doubt I was falling in love with this woman. Whenever we fucked she would take my dick out of her pussy to bury it well into her longing asshole, to enjoy it gratefully. Hi buddies: you’re welcome to read this wonderful story,   absolutely real. You please, forgive me for the long story I’m about to write, but it’s my...

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Den of IniquityChapter 7

It was like I'd been punched in the stomach. Of all the things Josephine could have said, I wasn't expecting that. My jaw dropped and for a moment I was practically speechless as I lay on my back on her bed. All I could do was mumble an apology as I scrambled to my feet, telling her I really had to get going. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked. It hadn't seemed to register with her that I might think she and Sylvia being sisters was strange. Frankly, that suited me fine. Zipping up...

2 years ago
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Watching Sex Parents Sex With Aunty

Hi this is Raj, am going to submit a real story which happened couple of years ago. At that time my age was 18 years. My family consists of three. My dad, Raghu is 48 years, mom Rani (38-30-40) is 40 years, and me of Raj 18 years. We live in 2bhk flat a reputed city of Andhra Pradesh. My dad is a sex manic, I saw him ogle at many of aunties in my locality. He also had a crush on our neighbour aunty Radha And I saw him flirting with her (I saw inbox of his mobile, messaging sexy things with her...

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A Bleu Christmas

Don't get me wrong, I love parties; especially holiday parties. This particular party, on the other hand, I was not looking forward to at all, but I needed to be present, or at least seen to be there. Desmond Mallard runs the largest commercial real estate company in our large city and every year he invites his major leaseholders, suppliers, construction cronies and other assorted friends of dubious acquaintance to his home. The food is usually quite good, it's true, but his personality and...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 61 A Secret Revealed

“Come, Child, sit with me,” Olaf said. The time had come for a discussion he had long dreaded. “You sound so serious,” Nadia told him with a smile. “This is a serious matter,” the king admitted. “I have spoken to you about this in my head thousands of times and I still do not know what to say. I will just tell you the truth.” He sighed heavily. “I know you have heard rumors of your parentage around the palace,” he began. “You are too smart a girl not to have noticed them. Some say that I...

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Making Yasmin Talk

Making Yasmin TalkIt began in the basement of Security Headquarters. A single tip-off and, under the hot blaze of powerful lamps, a woman was being made to talk?‘Who was the girl??’ the uniformed figure of Colonel Mehmet Behadri, Chief of Internal Security, asked quietly, ‘the name please??’ The naked, middle-aged woman strapped to the seatless metal chair didn’t respond. Her head lolled, mouth open so that saliva dribbled onto her heaving chest. To her torturers gathered eagerly round the...

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Clever Family With Love

Just reach hotel room after long train journey. Karim a contractual staff of our company suppose to receive me in the station do not turn up and number remain switch off. It was around 7 am in morning. I went to bathroom for fresh up. Got the call from Karim, apologizing for not able to receiving call and be in room with in 1/2 hour. He is well aware that a single call can terminate his job. Karim and I went to factory site which is 60 km from hotel. I wonder that, this Karim try to please me...

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Cherry Hill Ch 06

Manuel looked at the time, cursed, then called up Lupi on her cell phone. ‘Sorry Honey, I’m running late.’ ‘Do you want me to cancel?’ she asked her voice scratchy over the line. ‘No… I’ll be home shortly, and then we’ll all go out for lunch. Love you,’ Manuel told her, then hung up the phone. He pushed through his thick black hair and picked up the picture of his wife. Her pretty Mexican heritage showed off her beautiful eyes and dark skin. The white tux he had worn just showed everyone...

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I love this story I think its the eyes rolli

Him:  I remember our first couples swapping experience.  It was on vacation, and we were pretty much newbies.  Over a several year period, my wife had brought in a couple of girlfriends one night and we had had a threesome with a guy friend.  The friend’s equipment was slightly smaller than mine and therefore fell within the range of full comfort for me to see my wife choking down.   Both experiences were unplanned, and a one shot deal.Anyway, back to the couple.  We were at the opening of...

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Turned into neighbours wife pt1

"I'm home!" Arthur shouted as the door closed behind him. The house was mostly dark, but he could hear music coming from the kitchen. "Honey?" He flipped through the mail by the door as he deposited his keys and wallet in a small bowl by the coat rack. He made his way down the hall and into the kitchen. His wife stood behind the island with her arms folded. "There you are? What...what's up?" Her lips were pursed and her back was stiff."Did you forget something, Arthur?" she asked, enunciating...

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Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma Pt 2 Daya Aur Tapu

Namaste aap sabko yeh 2nd part hai puri story samaj ne ke liye hamara 1st part padhiye. All the characters in the story are 18+. Toh jaise ki aap logo ne pehle part mein padha ki kaise Tapu ne apni mummy Daya ko ek hot nighty mein photoshoot ke liye manaya. Aur Tapu TV pe photos dikhane baithta hai. Aab aage Tapu aur Daya dono sath mein sofe pe baithe hote hai. Tapu ki nazar sirf uski maa pe hoti hai aur dono photos dekhte hai. Daya: He maa mataji Tapu yeh tunee kaise photos kiche hai? Mujhe...

2 years ago
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Maa chudh gayi punjabi lund se

It was a surprise holiday. My college was closed due to the death of one of our teachers. I was one of the few who didn’t know of this till I reached college. None of my friends were there so I decided to go to my mom’s work place, close from the college and then head home to the other side of the town. My mom worked for a music shop which was in this desolate place a shop by itself without any other establishment near it. I wondered what business it would be doing since I seldom saw people in...

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The Adventures of OverPowered Girl

Author's note: This started as my entry in the tropes contest, but since I couldn't finish it in time, I decided to set it free as a solo ... The adventures of Overpowered girl (and her sidekick The Scribe) Cast of Characters: Dottie (Me!), aka the Scribe, sidekick of Overpowered girl Jaci, my best friend, and not-so secretly known as OP girl Now on with the show! ***** Hey there, everybody! I have been given the green light from the powers that be to share with you a bit...

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Gina and her horsies0

It was a lovely warm August day, and little Gina had just woken up, thoroughly refreshed, from a lovely dream about big cocks and lots of fucking, and her little pussy was dripping wet, and gagging for some deep penetration, and a good, hard, pounding shag… She sat up in bed, and stretched, and let out a huge yawn. She then swung her legs over the side of the bed, stood up, and toddled off to the bathroom, where she had a pee, and attended to a few other things. After this, she...

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My Adventures Mom and Me Part 8

I am enjoying writing these so here goes another-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I heard the shower water stop running i was standing in the kitchen and the phone started to ring so i answered and it was D*d we spoke for about 20 minutes and he was saying how he would be home tomorrow evening at some point, i wanted to see him but i was having fun with mom too, mom came...

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Kingdom Hearts

“Falling. Into darkness. Then a bright flash burning through the darkness, but only for a second. After that, still the black emptiness again, as you spiral through it. A girl. Calling. From a tropical island. Huh? I’m standing in the sea? And who is this Sora? Hey, she looks up, frightened. Hey, there is someone falling from the sky above. Hooooo, the falling feeling returns lose and I’m somehow fell backwards into the sea. What is this for spacy dream? Feels too damn real…” “Suddenly a floor...

3 years ago
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Not A White BoyChapter 3

Lara came inside. Gertrude had heard the car start up, and looked at her mother, disappointment obvious. "He's some kind of con man. Whatever he's selling, I don't want it and you're not getting near him." "Mother! You didn't even give him a chance." "I gave him two chances. He got out of a wreck worse than ours, wearing a suit and jewelry worth more than my salary. He gives me a song and dance about why. When I wasn't buying, he tried to smooth talk his way past me. That's why...

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A Story for Women

My fantasies and desires are endless, we all have cravings and fetishes. Pleasure is the most natural thing we humans can desire, and to desire is human. Let my writing implant itself into your mind, take your time to envision it and for years to come remember it. I am writing with the desire to take you on a journey of the mind by attempting to take the lust within me and putting it in the form of this writing. I'm hoping to ignite sensations within you and excite you. If I've made you...

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Sudden development with neighbor

Dear Readers, it was by chance that I came upon this site and I felt it was great. A few are fantasies and a few are real events which people want to share with the others. To be frank, I never had extra marital affair till just the other day. I think it was just because I became an avid reader of the stories I took the initiative and was a party to the best fuck session of my life. I work in a Govt Agency in Hyderabad and I am married. I am 38 years and having an active sex life. I am 5’11,...

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A Tale of 2 Nerds Julies realization

Chapter 3 was supposed to be a follow up to 2, but I changed my mind completely and made this. This one is about how it all started - If you'll remember, Julie's the one who started this all, not Jeremy. This one tells you how Julie came to see that she wanted this. This chapter takes place BEFORE CHAPTER ONE. Just to repeat myself - This story isn't really sexual at all. Julie TRIES a few things, but I don't think anyone's gonna cum from this one. Chapter 4's in the...

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I wanted sex so bad that I put on a blue movie and let my dog Enzo join in

Hi, I am Nicolette Fuck Wheelbarrow, a 25 years old slut and I have been told by numerous boys that I have a good figure my tits are 36c and firm with big nipples that I like to pull and pinch until they are hard and stand out, I keep my pussy shaved as it feels more sensual when being touched when there is no hair to get in the way. I live alone now as I threw out my live in boyfriend because I caught him in bed with my “I thought” best friend. The only company I now have is Enzo...

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Pussy Whipped Wimp

                               Pussy Whipped Wimp                                      Chapter 6        The director decided that I'd look better in a pair of panties, so he had his crew scout around the place until they came up with a pair of crotchless bikinis similar to the ones the skinny teen wore when we first met Margo. Before putting them on he decided to make it appear that I had no sex organs of any type. So while Mabel applied my makeup, smearing it on thick and even applying rogue...

1 year ago
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The Journey

With a smile, you remember the small parcel that I gave you last time we met. Hidden away, you had almost forgotten it. Lifting it down from its hiding place, your mind recalls my words to you when I gave it to you. “Wear this next time we meet. But, under no circumstances open this box until just before you set off. Text me when you leave.” At the time, you thought my words a little strange, but now you are intrigued. Putting it back in its hiding place, you resist the temptation to open it....

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Dirty Little Secrets 9 Performing For Three

“Do you want to fuck me?”The situation is reminiscent of how my little confession started. I’m lying on my back on the bed with my legs spread and the laptop pointing at me. Back then my secret admirer stood outside, peeping in through the window. Now Mark is of course my secret lover, but for the moment he’s back outside, looking in.But this week is also different. It’s the first time in many months my husband’s work abroad takes him elsewhere in Europe – Copenhagen, if you’re wondering – and...

Wife Lovers
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I had decided it was time, finally, to try the experiences I had dreamed of my whole life. I had been a secret crossdresser since I was a child, and had hidden this side of me from my wife and children. The last few years of my marriage had been empty, staying together mainly for the kids and a kind of inertia. But now, they had grown up, married and left the area. I knew I would only see them infrequently. With their departure, my wife and I quickly came to the realization that we...

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Best Girl Part 6

TO BE READ BY ADULTS AT LEAST 21 YEARS OF AGE Best Girl Part 6 By A.F. [afstories (at) yahoo (dot) com] Laying in bed, Todd heard someone rustling from the other side of the room. Not moving himself, he whispered out the side of his mouth. "Candy, do you hear something?" Chris woke up and said, "What?" "Shh. I think there's someone in our room." Both Chris and Todd slowly rose up and saw a figure standing at their dresser at the other side of their room with his back to...

3 years ago
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Back To Sexting My Mother

Hello, My Dear Readers. Thank you so much for all the love and support. I know this is a surprise, and most of you may not have been expecting this. Especially after the long emotional note, I had pinned to the 7th and final part of the series ‘Sexting My Mother.’ But, to all those who have been asking, I hope I bring a smile on each of your faces. The unexpected appreciation I received, very early into the series, did place me in a zone where there was pressure to do well throughout the 7...

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Fucked Mom8217s Ass

Hi, guys and ladies, I’m back with another story and I do hope that you liked my previous stories. In this story, I’ll tell you how I fucked my mother the first time. She’s really hot and looks very young for her age. She’s busty and curvy. Her figure is 36-25-36. She has rose pink soft lips which feel like flower petals when I kiss them. Round, soft, plump and supple boobs which are a delight to taste and fondle and milky white beautiful body. Because of her job she stays in other countries...

2 years ago
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Winds of ChangeChapter 9

Grant got the downtimers situated in his office, with Isaac joining them just as everyone else was settled. “I knew this meeting was coming, but I saw some expressions on some of your faces a few minutes ago that I believe need to be addressed. To expand your understanding of our uptime culture I feel that a quick overview of the past two hundred plus years is very important to our future. As an introduction, I want to begin with the words of one of the greatest leaders England has ever...

1 year ago
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The Island Of Pleasures

My wife and I live in Miami Florida. We both have very demanding and high pressure jobs, that keep us very busy and away from each other alot, so that we really enjoy our time together. My wife and I have arranged our vacations so the we both get two off in the 2nd week of August. This gives us a chance to be together, and to relax and unwind from our busy work schedule. During this time, we love to get in our boat and head out into the waters of the Atlantic. We have travelled as far South as...

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Sex Toy part two

Part two   The next few days revealed some startling things about Cindy and maybe even Patty. Cindy seemed to have an almost pathological oral fixation, Patty’s body was soon covered with tiny red suction marks left by Cindy. Patty’s nipples began to get so raw she had to restrict the time Cindy was allowed to suckle. But Patty’s clitoris was Cindy’s main object of sucking desire. Patty had to limit her to three times a day just to be able to stand the orgasms generated by Cindy’s attentions....

1 year ago
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Lounging for FunChapter 4

Invitations sent I took each of the boy’s hands and placed them each on one of my breasts. Damn this was hot! I grasp each one by the cock preparing to take them both. Andy’s mom mounted her stallion and his sister in law as well. It was Mom’s turn. She lay down and readied herself a moment and did the curl with the tender guiding the horse’s cock into her. She needed a little help pushing to slide onto her mount. She had an orgasm as she was at full penetration and was almost unable to...

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