White Whore Wife In Bahrain free porn video

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My name is Jasmine, and my husband, Ed, and I were twenty-eight years old at the time of this story. We had been married for four years after graduating from business school. We met at a job in New York, City with an international consulting firm specializing in Middle East marketing and business development. I have a master’s degree in international marketing, and Ed has a master’s degree in international tax.

We had been with the consulting firm for four years and although Ed spent most of his time in the back office evaluating various deals, I was on the front line with our clients. We had a particularly large amount of business with a wealthy merchant from Bahrain. His name is Faizi, and I had gotten to know him very well after taking the lead on his account for the previous two years. He was forty-five years old and a very handsome man at six feet tall and weighing about one hundred and eighty pounds. He has a neatly-trimmed full beard and a dark-olive complexion.

He always treated me with respect and he gave me very expensive gifts to show his appreciation for my service to his companies. After getting to know me, Faizi would also flirt with me in subtle ways even touching me seemingly innocently, and I knew that he was dazzled by my looks, as many men are.

I don’t mean to brag, but I'm five feet seven inches tall, weigh one hundred and twenty pounds, and have shoulder-length blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. I’ve got amazing, full D-cup breasts and a very shapely ass. Many men of color seem to be attracted to me, and especially the Middle East men that I encounter in our company. I also have to admit that my boss encouraged me to dress as revealing as good taste would allow, and Ed didn’t seem to mind that I displayed my cleavage and legs to keep our clients happy.

Faizi made it to New York about every other month, and he and I were out for dinner alone one evening to discuss the marketing for a new venture he had just started. After discussing our business, he surprised me by saying, “I really appreciate the service you have given me for the past two years, and I know your talents well enough now that I’d like to offer you a position with my company in Bahrain. I can also use your husband’s talents on our accounting staff, but I am especially interested in you. This will help me save a lot on consulting costs and the frequent trips to New York.”

I was very flattered and said, “I appreciate the offer, but it would be somewhat difficult for Ed and me to live in a foreign land with no family or friends close by. And even though we both make good salaries now, it's still difficult to live in the city on what we make. My understanding is that it is even more expensive to live in Bahrain as an expatriate.

Faizi smiled and said, “I think you will find my offer quite generous. I am offering you a two-year contract with a combined salary for both of you of eight hundred thousand dollars per year, and airfare to and from Bahrain. In addition, I will furnish you, at no cost, a luxury apartment suite in my compound with a private chef to prepare your meals, also at no cost."

"But because of some problems I had with a previous contract employee, there will be a stipulation. I will also insist that you complete a background questionnaire, so I can assess how you will acclimate to the culture in Bahrain. I’ll warn you that some of the questions are very personal, but you’ll need to answer them all honestly to seal the offer.”

I was dumbfounded by his offer and said, “Oh my goodness, Faizi, that's a most generous offer and I can hardly wait to get home to tell Ed about it. But what is the stipulation?”

He then said, “I previously offered a European couple a similar deal, but after the move to Bahrain and several months on the job, they decided to go back to France. Let’s just say they had a problem with some of the cultural aspects of living in Bahrain. That was a very expensive waste of time for me. So, if you and Ed accept the offer, it will be a mandatory two-year contract."

"Since I will be paying all your living expenses, you'll only receive a small spending allowance from your salary, and the rest will be kept in a secure escrow account for you. If you want to leave early you can do so, but you will forfeit the escrow account.”

I thought that I was already very knowledgeable about the Arab culture, so I didn’t need to ask Faizi about that. I just assumed that it had something to do with the strict prohibitions regarding sexual matters. But I found out later that I should have asked more questions about the issues that spooked that other couple.

I was anxious to get home to discuss his offer with Ed so I said, “Okay, Faizi, I am excited by your offer and will talk to Ed about it. Please give me the questionnaire and we’ll fill it out tonight.”

Ed was also excited by the offer and the chance it gave us to get ahead financially. We’d be able to come back to New York after the assignment with over one million dollars in savings. We started through the questionnaire and found the questions to be fairly routine, at least until we got to the last section. It was labeled ‘Sexual History and Preferences’, and I thought it was designed to see how we would be able to adjust to the strict religious rules in the country.

We weren’t happy with the questions, but I knew Faizi well enough to know that he was serious about us answering them honestly. I won’t bore you with all the questions, but we basically had to disclose that we have only had sex with each other and averaged fucking about five times per week. The thing that was most embarrassing was we had to admit that I periodically sucked Ed’s cock, but that he sucked my pussy every time, both before and after he ejaculated into me.

I know that doesn’t sound too risqué by Western standards, but I was a little concerned what Faizi would think of that given his culture. We also had to acknowledge that Ed’s dick is a smaller-than-average four and a half inches long and thin and that I was previously on birth control pills but had stopped so we could try to start a family.

I was embarrassed when I gave Faizi the questionnaire back the next day at work. He read it over in my presence, and I noticed that he smiled when he read that last section. He must have been satisfied, since he confirmed the offer, and after giving notice to the company, Ed and I were on our way to Bahrain in two weeks.

Faizi’s compound is on the outskirts of the capitol city of Manama, and our apartment suite is very luxurious. Ed was given an office in the accounting section on the far side of the compound, but my office was right next to Faizi’s in his headquarters area. His office is very spacious and luxurious, and he even has a bedroom suite connected to his office. It was interesting how differently Faizi acted in his element as compared to his style in New York. He is sometimes rather curt with the many domestic workers and other subordinates, but he is always pleasant with me.

He always wore business suits when he was in the US, but in Bahrain he wore the traditional men’s thobe, a long, loose shirt-like garment. It was then summer and his thobes are made of a fine, sheer fabric that you can almost see through if the light is just right. He encouraged me to wear short skirts and tight blouses, saying that the normal customs of modesty did not apply to expatriates, especially when we are in his compound.

Faizi has two wives named Maali and Abia, and they live with their sons Mohd and Sinan in the main housing area on the far side of the compound. I saw that his wives are overweight, even though they wear the traditional jellabiya, a long, loose dress, in the compound. Mohd was sixteen years old and Sinan was seventeen, and they looked very much like Faizi. Faizi usually sleeps in the bedroom next to his office instead of in the main house with his family, which seemed a little strange to me.

Faizi and I normally work long days. Ed at first complained about me coming home so late, but I let him know that Faizi insisted that I stay with him and I had no choice. It was our practice to relax in the evening with some liquor made by Faizi’s staff from date palms, and I got high from drinking it. After our first two weeks in Bahrain, and he could sense that I was getting more comfortable with him, Faizi started to more-aggressively flirt with me. He’d usually wait until I was drunk with the liquor to kiss my neck, rub my back or stroke my thigh. I must admit being sexually attracted to him, and I sensed his virility and strength. Those feelings scared me a little since Ed was the only man I had ever been with sexually. One other thing impressed me as well.

During our normal daily activities Faizi would sometimes go out onto the veranda outside his office. With the bright sun behind him, the sheer thobe allowed me to see the shadow of what had to be a very large cock and heavily hanging balls. That was the first time I had anything to compare with Ed’s dick, and I sometimes had a hard time not staring. I saw it swinging freely under his shirt and knew that he couldn’t be wearing any underwear. His cock would also swing out and rub against the thobe as he walked, and I was getting curious about how big it is.

I wanted to be totally honest with Ed, and I told him that Faizi was openly flirting with me and touching me and that I was feeling sexually attracted to him. I also told him about seeing his large cock under the thobe. After mentioning that to Ed on several occasions, we were talking late one evening when I was still a little tipsy from the liquor and wanted to know his feeling about it.

I asked, “Tell me, Ed, do you want me to do anything to discourage Faizi from pursuing me? We know that in this culture wealthy men are used to having their way with the expatriate help, and I think he's trying to fuck me. Some of the sexual prohibitions don’t seem to apply with foreign women. Should I tell him to back off?”

Ed really surprised me with his response. I expected him to get angry and try to confront Faizi about his actions, but he seemed a little timid about it. He said, “You must just be imagining all of that, and his cock can’t possibly be as big as you think. I can’t believe that he would really try to fuck you; especially since he knows that you're no longer on birth control. And besides, I’d hate to upset him and ruin our chance to make such good money. Let’s just see if he stops on his own.”

Then I replied, “Okay, Ed, we can see how it goes, but don’t be surprised if I get too drunk one evening and he violates me. Then we’ll see if the money was worth it. And regarding his cock, you’d just have to see the shadow of it and his balls swinging between his legs to know what I mean.”

Ed then asked me to describe Faizi’s cock in more detail, and I thought it strange for a man to ask about another man’s cock. I told him, “His cock is very thick, and looks to be about eight inches long even though it’s soft. And his balls are enormous, look to be the size of eggs, and are hanging heavily and swinging freely in his scrotum. His genitals look so big compared to yours that I also think it's hard to believe.”

I was surprised that Ed was so interested in my description of that cock and balls, and he didn’t seem to mind when I unflatteringly compared his cock with Faizi’s. He almost seemed timid and submissive after hearing more details about that big cock.

The next evening after work Faizi and I were drinking the liquor as usual, and he had given me much more than usual. At one point I was leaning across my desk looking at some marketing proposals, when I felt him come up behind me and lean into me while also looking at the proposals. I felt his cock pressing against my ass as he reached around to rub the side of my tits, and the lust of the moment took over. I reached my hand back and held his cock through the thobe, and the heat, thickness and weight of it was amazing. I started rubbing his cock in that position as he moved his hand under my short skirt and started rubbing my ass.

I then turned around with my hand still on his cock, and he leaned in to kiss me. He also moved his hand to my thong-covered pussy and started rubbing me. We stopped kissing for a moment and I asked, “Faizi, I love you touching me, but isn’t it a terrible sin for a man in your culture to have sex with a woman who isn’t his wife? Also, aren’t you concerned about how Ed will react to this? ”

Faizi smiled at me and continued rubbing my pussy as I stroked his cock and said, “It may be against our teachings, but it’s not nearly so bad if we have sex with someone not of our faith. We can save the chastity and honor of our women, and still enjoy our lust between the thighs of submissive, married, Western women. You're so beautiful and your skin is so fair, and I must breed you with my potent seed."

"I know from your questionnaire that Ed sucks his own semen from your pussy. In my experience, a man who would do such a disgusting thing will also suck the seed of a stronger man from his wife and will joyfully and submissively watch another man with a larger cock fuck her. We call a man who would allow his wife such indecency a dayyuth, or cuckold in English, and he will also likely suck the cock of his wife’s lover.”

His matter of fact talk of the indecency, infidelity and submissiveness of some Western women and men was making me lust even more for him. I feltl his strength and masculinity and wanted to please him in any way I could. In my drunken and lustful state, I liked the idea of him breeding me, even though I was unprotected.

I sat down in the chair by my desk, bent down to grab the hem of his thobe, and slowly raised it up to his waist. Faizi then helped by pulling it off over his head. Then I was just inches from his thick, dark brown, circumcised cock which has a huge head and thick veins. I saw that it was just beginning to harden, and it was still about eight inches long. I looked at his moderately hairy body and that massive cock and could hardly believe that I was sitting in front of such a man, who also has a virile and musky scent. I instinctively reached out to hold his cock and balls and was overwhelmed with a desire to suck him.

But just as I started to take his meat into my mouth, he pulled away and said, “My sweet, Jasmine, I can get my cock sucked by anyone in my employ, and I want to save you for fucking. Oral sex is allowed in the privacy of a home between a man and a woman. But I want to save your sweet mouth for my mouth without becoming soiled by my cock. And I don’t like to suck a pussy where a woman pisses, menstruates, and takes the semen from my loins.”

We then went to his bedroom and I quickly removed all my clothes. Faizi smiled when he saw me totally naked, and he took my hand and pulled me to his bed. He lay beside me and we kissed while he rubbed my big tits and I stroked his cock until I felt it harden to its full ten inches, and it was as thick as my wrist. He then placed a pillow under my ass and rolled on top of me and said, “I will go slowly so you can get adjusted to a large cock for the first time. I will touch places in you that Ed will never reach.”

My pussy was wet with anticipation as he began sucking my tits and slowly pushed his cock into me. The head popped through my vulva and he held it there for a few moments, before slowly pushing several more inches into me. I finally felt him press gently against my cervix, and with his continued pressure I felt my passage give way and my vagina adapted to his size.

He was then buried to the hilt in me and I felt the big head and thick veins in my vagina. I also felt his big balls pressed against my ass. I was so full of his cock and it felt wonderful when he began to stroke into and out of me. I wrapped my legs around his ass to pull him fully into me and was having one orgasm after the other.

Then he said, “Your sweet, white pussy is so tight on my cock, and I won’t last very long this first time. So, get ready as I pump my sperm into the mouth of your womb.”

I felt his cock throbbing and pulsing in me as he flooded my cervix with spray after spray of his cum. He continued sucking my tits and moving his big cock in me as it softened and then started to harden again. I could hardly believe that he could keep going with no rest after his first big ejaculation. Ed normally pulls out immediately after fucking me to suck my pussy clean, and he can only rarely fuck me again that same night.

Faizi continued fucking me for another twenty minutes until he had another orgasm, and I was exhausted from the continual orgasms that he was giving me. He kept me in that position for another fifteen minutes and held his cock in place. I knew that his sperm had been in me for at least forty minutes, and it seemed that he was trying to make sure that he impregnated me. It was wonderful enough feeling his huge cock in me, but just the idea that an olive-skinned Arab had shoved his dark cock into me and was trying to impregnate me was exciting.

He finally pulled his softening cock from me and I said, “That was wonderful, Faizi, and I never knew that sex could be so good. But I’d better clean up and get home to Ed since it's getting so late.”

Faizi then said, “I don’t want you to clean up. Just go home to Ed with your pussy full of my cum and with it running down your thighs. Trust me when I tell you that when he sees your condition and smells my semen, he will not hesitate to dive between your legs and suck my Arab cock cream from your pussy. Then you'll know that he is truly your submissive dayyuth. Then after he has eaten my seed, tell him come here tomorrow evening. I’ll get him to suck my cock while you watch from the closet. For tonight, just tell him that Faizi has sent a gift for him.”

I didn’t believe that Ed would really be that submissive to me or another man, and I certainly didn’t think he would ever suck a cock. I went home and found Ed already in bed reading, and I changed into my night shirt and climbed into bed without cleaning up.

Then I said, “Sorry I’m so late, honey, but Faizi has been busy preparing a gift for you. Scoot down a little and close your eyes while I get ready to present you his gift.”

He then laid back and I straddled his face with my knees and said, “Okay, honey, open your eyes and mouth and enjoy Faizi’s gift.”

The strong aroma of my pussy juice and Faizi’s semen must have been overpowering. Ed looked up and was shocked at first, but then covered my sloppy wet pussy with his mouth. I felt him sucking hard as all of that cum flowed from the depths of my womb into his mouth. He swallowed repeatedly and was even making little mewing sounds as he swallowed all our fuck juices. He even pushed me up a little and licked and sucked the drying streams of cum from my thighs. I reached back to feel his cock while he was sucking me, and it was as hard as I’ve ever felt it. When I knew that I had been drained I moved off his face and lay down beside him.

Then I said, “So, what do you think of his gift of semen and sperm for you?”

Ed looked at me with tearing eyes and said, “When I knew that we were going to Bahrain, and after Faizi had us fill out that questionnaire, I got a little suspicious of him. So, I secretly did a little research and read some stories about sexual activities in the Arab world. I learned that it wasn’t unusual for wealthy Middle East men to entice Western couples to come to their country, so they could fuck the wives."

"I even saw some pictures of some large, brown Arab cocks that were strangely attractive to me. For some reason, the idea of you fucking a dominant Arab man with a big, dark cock was turning me on, and I was hoping that Faizi would try to seduce you. I hope you understand that it's embarrassing for me to tell you this now, and I would be even more ashamed if it didn’t turn me on so much knowing that he fucked you unprotected. Please don’t think any less of me.”

I was shocked by his admission, and frankly a little angry that my husband would be so submissive and willingly surrender me to another man’s cock. Faizi was certainly right about the type of man Ed is. The more I thought about it the more I was determined to give Ed what he wanted and more, becoming Faizi’s whore, and probably the mother to his child, given how much cum he pumped into my womb that night.

I said, “Faizi was right about you. He said that any man who would suck his own cum from his wife’s pussy would probably also suck another man’s cum from her. And even more, that he would enjoy watching that man fuck her and even suck his cock. Faizi wants you to come to his office tomorrow evening so he can talk with you about all of this.”

At work the next day Faizi was pleased with the conversation I had with Ed the previous night, and we spent the whole day in bed with him fingering my pussy and sucking my tits while I stroked his big cock and played with his balls. He wanted to wait until Ed arrived to fuck me. He was originally going to have me hide during the first part of the meeting, but since Ed and I had such a revealing conversation, he decided to have me present for the discussion.

When Ed arrived Faizi and I had been drinking heavily and were sitting on the bed naked. He waved Ed into the room and said, “So, Ed, Jasmine tells me that you liked me fucking her and you even like eating my semen. Is that correct?”

Ed hung his head and looked ashamed, but he answered, “Yes sir, for some reason I can’t explain I did like that.”

Then Faizi said, “Don’t feel too bad about it. It is not that uncommon for some white men to feel subservient to wealthy and virile Arab men. From now on you are a dayyuth, or cuckold, husband to Jasmine. If you like dominant men fucking her then you will not fuck her again for as long as you two live here. She will many times sleep with me, but even when she is in your bed you will only touch her by sucking my cum from her pussy or when she is menstruating. I want you to keep her pussy clean for me at all times. And to show Jasmine and me that you understand your place, you will come over here now and suck my cock and balls. I want her to see just the kind of man she has married.”

I was amazed when Ed didn’t argue but just got up and knelt in front of Faizi, who lifted his huge balls to Ed’s lips. Ed immediately began sucking his sack and took one ball into his mouth and sucked it. Then Faizi leaned back farther and Ed pressed his mouth to his hairy perineum, which had to be pretty ripe after us spending all day in bed playing with our genitals. Then Faizi pressed his cock into Ed’s mouth, and he began sucking like a baby on a tit. It was hard to believe that Ed had never sucked a cock before then. He continued sucking until that cock was its full ten inches and as thick as my wrist.

Then Faizi said, “I’m not going to waste my seed in your mouth tonight. But instead, I want you to watch while I fuck your wife and fill her womb with virile seed. This will probably make her pregnant with my Arab baby if she isn’t already with child from last night.”

He had Ed sit at the end of the bed, so he could see me being fucked close up. I then lay back on the bed with a pillow under my ass again, and Faizi got on top of me. He moved the head of his cock along my wet vulva lips for a few moments, so Ed could see the contrast in our skin colors and the massive size of that cock. Then Faizi pushed into me and I started moaning at the fullness of his thick meat in my pussy. We fucked for about ten minutes, and I looked down and saw Ed staring at our coupling with a look of hunger on his face. Ed heard me moaning and crying out with almost continuous orgasms, and then Faizi held himself fully in me and shot another huge load of sperm right into the mouth of my cervix.

Faizi held himself in me for another ten minutes, and started withdrawing his cock while saying, “You have just witnessed your wife being fucked by a real man’s cock, and you will now clean us both with your mouth. First suck my cock clean of our juices, and then clean Jasmine’s pussy as you did last night.”

I watched as Ed hungrily sucked that softening cock, and then he lay between my thighs to suck me clean. The idea that he was sucking another man’s cum from me and his forceful sucking gave me another huge orgasm. Ed just couldn’t seem to get enough, and he continued sucking me until Faizi told him to quit and move back.

Then Faizi said, “I can now see for myself that you are a willing dayyuth to Jasmine, and I know that she enjoys being fucked by the cocks of dominant Arab men. You and she will experience many loads of sweet Arab seed. After we know for sure that Jasmine is pregnant with my child, then you two will instruct my teenage sons in the joys of dominating a white dayyuth couple."

"They will learn the pleasure of pumping their young seed into such a beautiful white pussy, and will at the same time be saving their honor for the women they will marry. It will also give me higher status to have you entertain two of my business partners, and they will use Jasmine’s pussy and Ed’s mouth for their pleasure.”

I had previously thought Faizi had at least some affection for me, but then it was clear that he just wanted to use my pussy as a vessel for his Arab cum and pleasure. And he was also willing to share my pussy and Ed’s mouth with his sons and business partners. I was actually getting turned on thinking about being a whore to those Arab men, but it still wasn’t clear how we would make arrangements for the others to fuck me.

So, I asked, “How and where will Ed and I satisfy your sons and partners, and what constraints do you require?”

Faizi replied, “You will continue to fuck me during the day here in my office bed, and my sons will come to you in your apartment in the evening. My partners will also fuck you here in the office. You will do anything they tell you to do, even suck their cocks if they desire. But Ed must always clean your pussy of their cum when he is present, and you must douche yourself completely clean before I fuck you again, with a special solution I will give you. And if you suck their cocks, then you must take extra care to brush your teeth and use a mouthwash of my choice to make you clean again for kissing me.”

I continued fucking Faizi every day, and it only took another two weeks for me to confirm that I was pregnant with his child. His sons were so anxious for their first fucking that they came to our apartment on the evening of the day I made the announcement.

Mohd and Sinan came into our room and took charge immediately, which seemed very mature for sixteen and seventeen-year-old boys. They took off their thobes and were naked underneath, and I removed my skirt and blouse. Then they had me lay back on the bed with one of them on each side of me. They both started sucking my breasts as Mohd reached down to finger my pussy, and I felt their huge, hard cocks humping my thighs and wetting me with their precum.

It was apparent that I was their first piece of pussy, and Sinan moved on top of me as Mohd got on his knees next to my head. Their cocks are almost as big as Faizi’s, and I soon felt Sinan pushing his swollen cock into my wet pussy, as Mohd pushed the head of his cock to my lips. I loved the feeling of that big, brown cock in me while at the same time sucking the equally big cock in my mouth. Since this was their first time with a woman, both boys ejaculated within only about three minutes, and I soon felt my pussy and mouth flooded with their huge loads of semen.

Then Sinan looked over at Ed and said, “Come over here and clean my cock, dayyuth, and then you can clean my seed from your wife’s cunt to get it clean for Mohd.”

Ed obeyed without saying a word, and I was amazed at how easily he sucked that big, wet cock into his mouth. Next Ed sucked my pussy clean, and Mohd entered me while Sinan straddled my face and fed me his cock. Both boys ejaculated three times that night, and Ed was kept busy cleaning my pussy and their cocks with his mouth. I was always careful to douche and wash out my mouth after all our sessions, so I would be fresh for Faizi the next day.

The boys came to our apartment every night for the first month, and then they tapered off to about four nights a week. They were becoming experienced lovers, and they weren't bashful about telling Ed and me what they wanted from us. In addition to fucking me, they also enjoyed having Ed suck them off from time to time, and they seemed to enjoy the power they had over us.

Faizi’s partners soon started visiting me in the office bedroom during the day, and I fucked them and sucked their cocks about twice a week each. One of the partners named Hasan is a large, hairy man with a big belly, but I didn’t even notice those short comings after seeing his huge twelve inch cock. He stretched me like none of those other men did, and for a man in his fifties, he shoots a huge load of cum.

Faizi, his sons, and his partners all produce big loads of cum, and I was starting to wonder if that was an Arab trait, or whether it was just a happy coincidence. I just loved feeling those big cocks fucking me and the big loads of cum shooting into me, and Ed was becoming addicted to the taste and texture of all their cum.

During my last month of pregnancy all those big-cocked men had to fuck me much more gently, but I still got to feel their seed sprayed into me and Ed still had plenty of their cum to eat. But right at the end none of them were fucking me anymore and Ed was sucking all of them off on the same schedule that I had previously been fucking them.

Then the big moment arrived, and I had Faizi’s baby boy. He has a lighter complexion than Faizi and light brown hair, and the prettiest hazel eyes. Within two weeks after his birth I was fucking Faizi again, but he made the others wait until I was pregnant again with another of his children. He also had something else to enjoy.

My breasts had grown to a full, DD-cups when I started lactating, and Faizi really enjoyed sucking the milk from my tits. But within two months I was pregnant again, and all the other men were free to fuck me and suck milk from my tits. Sometimes I was so drained by them that I had to give my son formula.

That whole situation had evolved to the point that I wasn't doing much marketing work for Faizi anymore, and was pretty much just a whore for him, his sons and partners. Ed was also kept busy cleaning my pussy and their cocks. We were treated well and had a good life so long as we served those men sexually. By the end of our two-year contract, Ed and I were so addicted to that lifestyle of serving as receptacles for all that Arab cum, that we stayed in Bahrain with Faizi and raised his sons.



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Whore wife bihusband turned cuckold

My wife and I had tried for years to no avail… it looked like c***dren weren’t in the cards for us. We still got away for ‘fuck fest’ weekends, where we would pull the blinds, order room service and fuck 15-20 times in a long weekend. We were always disappointed a few weeks later when we realized, that didn’t work either. Over time, these fuck fests, turned more daring, anal, then gaging and double penetration with dildos. It had turned my wife into a bit of freak actually. I think it released...

1 year ago
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How I turned my conservative wife into a whore Part 2

As I wrote in Part 1 of this story, Julia had some long legs that were ready to for a lot of fucking action. Julia was a beauty and she knew it, her body was very proportionate and had a great ass. She had beautiful medium length blond hair and green eyes that belong in a bedroom. Like I said in part 1, Julia was a conservative woman that never wanted to do anything sexual other than traditional sex with her husband. I was bound and determined to change that and make her a whore for any guy to...

2 years ago
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Medieval RolePlay Wife Wench and Whore

Stuart's PerspectiveThe Mid-Atlantic region of the United States has played an important role in the development of American commerce, culture, trade and industry. The Jamestown settlement in the old Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in that area of the Americas and is about fifty miles southeast of Richmond.The northern Virginia area is steeped in the history of those early settlers, so being born and raised in Richmond has given me an appreciation for our heritage....

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My Wife is a PUBLIC WHORE for USE

My wife and I have been married for 15 years and since the day we met, I knew she was a whore and a slut! All my friends had been fucking her in high school and now, at a local bar, she's known for taking cock in the ass in the damn parking lot! I met her while she was being gang banged out behind the bar one night and even before I had even spoken to her, or been introduced, I was fucking her in the asshole and I was the third guy in line!I NEVER thought I would marry a slut like her, I mean,...

4 years ago
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Clarissa Masters wife Workers whore pt1

Yorkshire UIK after the general strike of 1926. I stood idly on the weed strewn platform with the blustery wind ruffling my thin summer suit, as it rattled the locked waiting room door and rustled the lush cow parsley on the now neglected station garden and I watched the little train which brought me chuff busily away up the steep sided valley as I fretted and wondered why Brabbinger my chauffeur was not there to pick me up in the Rolls Royce. Old Ted the toothless ex stationmaster...

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Clarissa masters wife workers whore

I stood idly on the weed strewn platform with the blustery wind ruffling my thin summer suit, as it rattled the locked waiting room door  and rustled the lush cow parsley on the now neglected  station garden and I watched the little train which brought me chuff busily away up the steep sided valley as I fretted and wondered why Brabbinger my chauffeur was not there to pick me up in the Rolls Royce. Old Ted the toothless ex stationmaster looked out from the old station house across the road...

3 years ago
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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 4

Introduction: Suzi stars in a movie about the Commons Chapter 4 Things have been quiet around her for about a week but theyre about to get a whole lot more interesting. The Pure Michigan 400 is coming up this weekend and Ive got tickets. Im going to drive down and pick up John then were going to head over to MIS and make a weekend of it. Theres a shooting range nearby and weve reserved one of the private sections for half a day on Friday. Then, its beer and racing. Pure heaven. Suzi will be...

2 years ago
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Wife Seduced By A Whore

This story relates to my wife rittu with whom I got married in 2004 and before my marriage I used to fuck lots of prostitutes of all age .I had a special prostitute named muskan and she use to give me a wild sex giving me all positions to fuck and eshe even used to allow me to fuck her ass and used to take all my cum in her mouth.After my marriage with rittu I stopped seeing muskan or any other prostitutes and was enjoying the sexy body of my younf wife.Rittu was however not accomplished in...

3 years ago
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Cum Whore Wife is killed

Introduction: He was off working on an oil rig…when he returned he found…. My wife has taken the term eating cum to a new level. I wasnt happy about it. matter of fact I was in a rage about it. Sandy had never swallowed my cum when she, reluctantly, gave me head. She always spit it out and made an issue of washing her mouth out. About six months ago she was at her friends, Anns house.Her slut friend had several guys. When it came time for her to do all them Sandy watched. She, at first when...

3 years ago
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Cum Whore Wife is killed

She, at first when Ann blew one guy and then made a deal out of eating his cum. She even let some coat her fingers and sucked them clean. " I can't see how you can do that Ann." my wife said. Ann had taken another cock, there were seven men there. Ann had tried unsuccessfully, even acted disgusted to get Sandy to join in. She finally succeeded, along with the help of the man she was sucking who grabbed Sandy's hand and used it to jack his cock for him. Sandy's hand was trapped under...

4 years ago
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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 4

Things have been quiet around her for about a week but they're about to get a whole lot more interesting. The Pure Michigan 400 is coming up this weekend and I've got tickets. I'm going to drive down and pick up John then we're going to head over to MIS and make a weekend of it. There's a shooting range nearby and we've reserved one of the private sections for half a day on Friday. Then, it's beer and racing. Pure heaven. Suzi will be back from Phoenix next Monday, then we get...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Friend is 2 Whore

Annie had been my wife’s best friend all through high school and college, as well as the through the five years that followed. She had not only been her maid of honor at our wedding, but she had also been present for the birth of both of our c***dren. In addition to the fact that she was one of the sweetest women I knew, she was also very easy on the eyes. In fact, she was one of the best advantages to me putting in the large in-ground pool in my back yard a couple summers ago; I figured it...

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I have been married for over 30yrs to a 62yr wife I love but after our 2nd c***d was born she went off sex which I thought was due to pregnancy and baby but over the years nothing changed and there was always an excuse no matter what I tried ,Flowers , Kissing cuddling, Romantic weekends breaks, Underwear, Sex toys and more .So it was down to the wrist work and porn and few times got caught and get an earful from the wife usual thing dirty old man pervert etc this didn't help our sexual...

4 years ago
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From frigid wife to Black Whore wife

have been married for over 30yrs to a 62yr wife I love but after our 2nd c***d was born she went off sex which I thought was due to pregnancy and baby but over the years nothing changed and there was always an excuse no matter what I tried ,Flowers , Kissing cuddling, Romantic weekends breaks, Underwear, Sex toys and more .So it was down to the wrist work and porn and few times got caught and get an earful from the wife usual thing dirty old man pervert etc this didn't help our sexual...

3 years ago
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My Wife His Whore

My Wife. His Whore. by Victor Mann Leena and he had been married for 25 years and their life had been good,he thought. No doubt they had gotten married young and had kids rather tooquickly, but theirs had been a close-knit family, it had seemed, and both thechildren, now attending college on the other coast, were happy and well adjusted.Money had not been a problem. His accounting firm had been modestly successfuland Leena had developed a good career in academia as a professor of...

2 years ago
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Suzi my wife and my whore

Introduction: Suzi is the perfect wife, cooks, cleans and is an ass slut Suzi — My wife and My whore It didnt take Suzi long to get with the program. I was pretty sure she would when I married her but still, its nice to see the actual proof. Im watching her as I write this. I thought it would be fun to give you a play-by-play, something you can read and maybe imagine yourself as a participant. Well probably be getting to a town near you sometime, drop me a line and lets see if we can make...

3 years ago
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Submisse the whore and wife

Pat –The whore and The wifeAnother partly true story about my wifeIt didn't take Pat long to get with the program. I was pretty sure she would when I married her but still, it's nice to see the actual proof.I'm watching her as I write this. I thought it would be fun to give you a play-by-play, something you can read and maybe imagine yourself as a participant. We'll probably be getting to a town near you sometime, drop me a line and let's see if we can make that fantasy real.The other reason I...

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Being Daddys new whore and wife

Standing in the balcony of his room Dad was looking at me. It would be very hard for any man not to stare at a nineteen-year-old girl when she was lying in a chair wearing her sexy blue bikini. He was my dad so it was a little weird to have him looking at me like that. After a minute, he went inside in his room and I kept lying there enjoying the warm sun for another few more minutes. I am tall, have blonde hair, 34 C size boobs and long sexy legs. People always show more interest in my ass. My...

3 years ago
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Introduction: New wife puts her husband through medical school byh taking a high paying job that requires that she have sex with her boss and his clients WHORE WIFE THE BURNING QUESTION AM I, OR AM I NOT: She rang the doorbell of the Beverly Hills Hotel suite and waited, looking gorgeous, voluptuous and ultra-hot in a small, tight, molten gold party dress that was meant to drive men crazy. Soon the door opened and a man peered out at her, looked her up and down, and then whistled...

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Church Whore 2 churchgoing mom and wife seduced

Alberto Cazares speaking:That Isabel, heh, let me tell you, I could see her for what she was from the first Sunday she come in to church with her little girls. You want to know how easy it is to make a whore? Eh? Let me tell you, if you know what to look for it is too fuckin’ easy. But you have to know what to look for.And you have to be willing to do anything to get to the bitch, sabes? You have to have a killer’s instinct.Let me tell you, a whore is just a cheating bitch – that is all! If she...

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My first whore wife

I was still in college when I met my first whore that I married. she was in one of my classes and I started talking to her to see what she was like. I knew what I wanted in a wife/whore and I thought I saw that in her. She had what I was looking for as far as looks go. Big old tits a tight ass and long legs that went all the way to that ass and long blonde hair and it was real. Beside that she would be an asset for anything I wanted in the business world. She would be a trophy wife to take to...

1 year ago
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My Whore Wife

How my wife became a whoreOne night my wife and myself were indoors with a good friend of ours, we were drinking and generally having a good time. After several drinks my Wife made up her mind she was going to take off her clothes, she sat next to our friend naked. She started stroking his cock, it grew and stood obediently to attention. She then started slowly licking, sucking and taking his cock in her mouth.He started slowly caressing her breasts and encouraging her head to ride his shaft,...

4 years ago
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Suzi my wife and my whore

It didn't take Suzi long to get with the program. I was pretty sure she would when I married her but still, it's nice to see the actual proof. I'm watching her as I write this. I thought it would be fun to give you a play-by-play, something you can read and maybe imagine yourself as a participant. We'll probably be getting to a town near you sometime, drop me a line and let's see if we can make that fantasy real. The other reason I like the idea of writing this is that I can...

1 year ago
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My wife turns into a Cock Loving Whore

My wife Laura and I were previously married to other people and had children from those marriages and we were not planning to have children of our own. My wife is 37 years old and a beautiful blond with very long shapely legs and a very fine tight fuckable body. Most of my friends have made comments how they would like to give Laura a good fucking. Most of my buddies say she belongs in bed, getting fucked all the time. Though my wife was not really a shy person she did not adventure out to any...

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A Housewife or a Whore

This is a story about a married lady who explored the kinky virtual world to get out of the day to day boredom. Rekha, 23, was what one could call a perfect marriage partner. She could pass for a model any given day. She used to be slightly slim then what she was now but the extra kilos had added more to her charm and looks. The extra kilos were gained at the right places. Anupam, 26, her husband was a land shark. He could make money out of sand. His obsession was to increase his land bank and...

3 years ago
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Strangers Fuck My Wife Like A Filthy Whore

On our first night in the new place as we unpacked, we decided to christen the new apartment. We started to fool around in front of the window. The next thing we knew, I had her pants down at her ankles and my cock deep inside her. We fucked for ten minutes, her hands on the glass, bent forward as I drove myself into her again and again. Suddenly, a man appeared on the path, walking his dog. We both noticed but didn’t stop. He hadn’t looked up! As he passed, we both came. It was pretty...

1 year ago
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Mommy My Whore Wife Part 2

This story is continuation to “Mommy – My Whore Wife” The next day mom came to my room & said “Utho beta, bhut late ho gaya hai. Aaj tumhari shaadi ka din hai. Tayaari ni karni kya?” Maine unki taraf dekha aur kaha Maa aaj to tum bhut maal lag rahi ho. Maa ne sharmaate hue kaha “hey Raam!! apni maa ko maal bolta hai, sharam kar. ” Maa bas hamari shaadi ho jaane de fir dekh tujhe kaise mai apna banata hun… “Ji Shaadi k baad to mai to bas aapki hi hun. Ab aap bhi tayaar ho jaiyea. Shaadi k...

1 year ago
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Wife turned into a BBC Whore Part 7

My wife and I got in the car and started our two hour drive to Jamal’s party. My wife was dressed in a red sexy and provocative dress with a plunging neckline exposing her entire cleavage. Obviously she was not wearing a bra. Her hair and nails were done beautifully and the high heels she wore exposed her sexy calves. We did not talk much and I noticed she was deep in her own thoughts. She kept squirming in her seat the whole drive down and kept pressing her thighs together. She tried to...

2 years ago
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How I got my wife to become A PROSTITUTE A WHORE

How I got my wife to become A PROSTITUTE & A WHORE                         BY    Ben Dover 2006   This is absolutely a TRUE story.    It happened in the mid 1990’s and lasted about 5 years.    To start off with I’ll give you some information about my wife at that time.     Her name is Mary she is about 5 ft. tall with brown eyes and brown hair and she’s about 100 lbs.   Her measurements are 32A 24 36.    She was in her late 30’s then.     When I met her she was divorced and had (3) three...

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How I got my wife to become A PROSTITUTE A WHORE

How I got my wife to become A PROSTITUTE & A WHORE                         BY    Ben Dover 2006   This is absolutely a TRUE story.    It happened in the mid 1990’s and lasted about 5 years.    To start off with I’ll give you some information about my wife at that time.     Her name is Mary she is about 5 ft. tall with brown eyes and brown hair and she’s about 100 lbs.   Her measurements are 32A 24 36.    She was in her late 30’s then.     When I met...

2 years ago
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Jamal makes my wife a black cock whore

Jamal makes my wife a black cock whoreTwo months passed since that night we met Jamal and my sweet wife received the best fuck of her life from his huge black dick.Since that time Jamal took control of Ana’s sweet pussy and she was doing anything he wanted as long as he fucked her. Every time that black stud fucked her, Ana lost herself in the pleasure and it was all she could focus on. She continued to take multiple trips a week to meet Jamal and let him fuck her brains out with his nigger...

1 year ago
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Wife wants to whore

Wife the whoreAfter her first dips into the wild side Kathy came up with all sorts of scenes and some of them were just off the wall. We had been playing for about a year and out drinking at a bar at the hotel we were staying at for the weekend and Kathy watched as three different women came into the bar and were picked up by what seemed to be total strangersKathy followed a woman into the ladies room and started a conversation with her and found out that this place was a great place to meet...

3 years ago
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My wifethe cum whore

Introduction: This is part of a fictional story I wrote. Comments are welcomed good or bad. This is the first part of the story. Hope you enjoy it. No matter how much you think you know someone, theres always something that can make you see you dont know them very well at all. For instance, I met my wife when I was 29 years old. She had just got hired on at my fathers company, where I also worked. When your dad owns one of the largest companies in the area, you are pretty much guaranteed a...

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My wife Kathy loves being a whore with lots of men

Fucking my wife Kathy – My wife Kathy had a great time fucking my friends. We were in bed with only a sheet covering us when she began to run her hand down my stomach and then, lightly, to stroke my cock. She whispered to me not to be upset about my friend’s comments, that they were only making fun of me for eating my wife’s pussy full of their cum and that any one of them would love to be where I was now, in bed with her. As she told me this she was stroking my cock more forcefully and my...

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My Wife is a Whore

My wife Wanda is a whore. She has been a whore most of our marriage.For the first few years she was a faithful wife, never once giving any indication of what was to come. She is a short, fat, redhead, 5' 2" 240 lbs. She is one of those little short fat gals that just exude sexuality, a nice big rounded ass and awesome 42DD tits. She has never had any problem finding men that wanted to fuck her, and those that have fucked her sweet pussy have always come back for more. It really was my fault she...

4 years ago
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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 3

Introduction: Tony explains why Suzi never speaks Chapter 3 A couple of you guys who came up to Chicago to use my wife mentioned that she doesnt talk much. Youre right. Completely correct. She doesnt talk much because I dont want her to. There are a couple of reasons and I want to tell you about them. First off, she got nothing to talk about. What are us guys into? Beer, cars and guns, right? But, if I mention that I need my rotors turned or that some friend threw a rod, she immediately...

2 years ago
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Bangkok Whore Wife

I was counting the days to my one month long vacation in Thailand. I really loved Thai pussy: For those fortunate to have died and gone to paradise i.e. Bangkok, they will know that Thai girls are the most beautiful girls in the world with their only wish in life is to sexually please men, especially when they pay in dollars. Their sexual art is totally unsurpassed. They can milk a rock dry of every drop of sperm.My own marriage was becoming sexually stale and boring and I was looking forward...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 3

 A couple of you guys who came up to Chicago to use my wife mentioned that she doesn't talk much. You're right. Completely correct. She doesn't talk much because I don't want her to. There are a couple of reasons and I want to tell you about them. First off, she got nothing to talk about. What are us guys into? Beer, cars and guns, right? But, if I mention that I need my rotors turned or that some friend threw a rod, she immediately thinks it has something to do with sex. She...

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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 2

Introduction: Suzi meets Dominick, a fan, then loses yet another job Chapter 2 Posting the first chapter of this adventure was a real eye-opener for me. When I started posting pictures of Suzi on the slut-wife site last year, I expected that Id get email and maybe a few offers from men who wanted to meet up with us. I was right and weve made six trips since last November. Four across the country (New York, California, and Las Vegas twice) and two to Europe (Germany both times). And thats not...

4 years ago
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Suzi my ass whore wife ch 2

Posting the first chapter of this adventure was a real eye-opener for me. When I started posting pictures of Suzi on the slut-wife site last year, I expected that I'd get email and maybe a few offers from men who wanted to meet up with us. I was right and we've made six trips since last November. Four across the country (New York, California, and Las Vegas twice) and two to Europe (Germany both times). And that's not counting all the locals who've driven up to Chicago to have get a...

4 years ago
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My wifes a whore so am I

My wife's a whore / Me too!****************************Part 4Saturday morning after our long and honest talk. I took Karen breakfast in bed. I sat watching her eat."So. Not changed your mind? Sure about all this?" She asked.I nodded. "Yes. I'm sure. It's what I need. It means you get what you need. And we stay together." I smiled. Karen smiled. "And you still want to submit to me, 100%? Have full control?"I nodded. "Yes. Mistress." I grinned."Well you can start by wiping that grin off your...

3 years ago
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Whore Wife Fucked Infront Of Hubby ndash Part II

My heart beat started to run very fast. I can imagine what condition these men dicks must be. I did not have to wait for long, dharampal touched her plump pussy and found her dripping wet, he said ” haramzadi ki chut kitni geeli hai dekho bhaio ‘ he showed his glistening finger to everyone he said ” aab teri chut phateygi bol kutia gand aur chut sath mein phatwayegi ya bari bari” . Jyoti to everyone’s suprise said” sath mein behan key lodey , aur bari bari sab sey continued.Listen to this...

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Whore Wife Fucked Infront Of Hubby Part III

By : Starr My heart beat started to run very fast. I can imagine what condition these men dicks must be. I did not have to wait for long, dharampal touched her plump pussy and found her dripping wet, he said ” haramzadi ki chut kitni geeli hai dekho bhaio ‘ he showed his glistening finger to everyone  he said ” aab teri chut phateygi bol kutia gand aur chut sath mein phatwayegi ya bari bari” . Jyoti to everyone’s suprise said” sath mein behan key lodey , aur bari bari sab sey continued. Listen...

3 years ago
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Your wife and daughter are whoresnow watch

Introduction: It was about time the useless piece of shit got to know his place in the house, it wasnt it his wifes bed anymore thats for sure. Your wife & daughter are whores&hellip,&hellip,&hellip,..now watch! A little re-cap If you bothered to read the last installment of Family of sluts , slags & whores then youll be well aware that Alice is now well on the way to being as much of a whore as her mother Fiona. But more importantly you may have picked up on where the series is heading. ...

3 years ago
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My wifethe cum whore Part 3

Introduction: Part 3 of these stories. Check out the first 2 for a full background. All comments welcomed! Part 3: As you recall, I caught my slut of wife sleeping with my then best friend and while waiting for the PI to come back with his report she surprised me with a threesome with a woman who she knew I thought was hot. Then come to find out my wife truly is a whore who has been sleeping around every time she gets a chance. My wife and I have always had a healthy sex life. We had sex at...

3 years ago
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Innocent Wife To Hard Whore

My name is Kiran I am 34 years having two kids the story I am narrating is about my lovely wife who is a heroine of this story her name is Ramya. So coming to the main story my wife who have a beautiful body with 34 26 34 will little chubby having fair complexion just looking like an south Indian heroine anybody who see her just imagine to share a bed with her. I always has a suspect of my wife character one fine day I found her mobile with her ex boy friend number in her call log I was very...

3 years ago
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My second whore wife

After being with my first whore for a couple of years I decided that it was time for a change of scenery and I asked whore to file for a divorce and she did. I told her that i still wanted her around so I bought her a condo about a mile from the house and started looking for whore wife number two.Didn't take long to find what I was looking for. I was in the local big box store and i saw what I was looking for. I saw this red head and I started talking to her and we kind of hit it off so I took...

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Whore Wife

I've read several stories posted to the Internet about interracial affairs and pregnancy, and many of the writers have said they would like to hear from similarpeople. At my husband's suggestion, I have decided towrite to you about our experiences.***I'm a lil white girl; I grew up around blacks all my life, and even though there's always been a barrier between the races I've had a secret desire to fuck some of the black studs I knew in school and around our neck of the woods.So at the age of...

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Your wife and daughter are whoresnow watch

A little re-cap If you bothered to read the last installment of “Family of sluts , slags & whores” then you’ll be well aware that Alice is now well on the way to being as much of a whore as her mother Fiona. But more importantly you may have picked up on where the series is heading. During the two years that’d I’d been fucking my mother in law and sister in law, Fiona's pissed up useless hubby had rarely been playing on my mind. Fiona didn’t have much guilt hanging over her either as...

2 years ago
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How my wife became a whore

How my wife became a whoreShelly and I got married when we were both 22 years old. We both liked to party a lot and seeing how it was the 80’s, the cocaine and alcohol were in abundance at every party. Both Shelly and I liked to snort a little coke and have a drink or two. We were both young with no responsibilities so neither of us saw it as a problem. After snorting coke for about a year, Shelly started complaining about the coke tearing up her nasal passages. I told her that she might have...

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Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwifes Weekend

HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...

Wife Lovers
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Hotwife Mother and Whore for the Family Business

The bad economy over the past five years or so has been devastating for many companies. That is especially true for small businesses that don’t have the resources to ride out the hard times. Larger companies can survive by laying off employees, or otherwise having adequate funding. Our family was especially hard hit since I lost my job as an administrative assistant in a large company, and my husband’s small business suffered the loss of customers and sales volume.My name is Cassie, and I was...


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