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WHO'S WHO? Written by Eric from a plot outline by Caleb Jones. Editing, and additional words by Caleb Jones. Buffy and Company belong to J. Whedon and W.B. We're just playing with them. (This story takes place during the second season episodes when Angel's curse was broken and he became an evil vampire again.) Chapter 1 - "The Prey's The Thing" "Here's my plan" Angel told the assembled vampires. " We swap the souls of Buffy and Dru. Then Dru will lure all the noble Slayerettes into a trap. Between Dru's stolen slayer strength and the rest of us --- well, capturing them should be simple. Then we make Buffy, still in Dru's body, watch us torture them to death before her eyes - except for Willow. Then the 'piece de resistance'. . . we don't give Buffy in Dru's body any blood and she loses control and goes into the "Blood Lust" phase. Then I throw Willow to her and she attacks and kills her best friend as a Vampire." "I love it, love " said Dru with amicable simplicity and Angel beamed from the praise which other vampires chimed in. Angel was feeling pleased with himself, Spike thought sourly. The fucker was always feeling pleased with himself these nights. And Dru liked the bastard! It was bad enough being stuck in the fuckin' chair, helpless without having to watch Angel taking over - taking over Dru and taking over his leadership. But the experiment he was talking about had real possibilities - possibilities for him that is. Once again Spike damned Buffy ? why hadn't she killed Angel - she had at least a half a dozen chances. But the silly shit still remember that she loved him. Teenagers, Spike thought bitterly - all hormones and no sense. Dru spoke again " Now don't forget after that we switch us back and then I get to drain her and help poor Spike." "Of course, of course, we all pity poor Spike and want to help the poor unfortunate - Tell me, Spike, my friend, have you been able to get it up since your run in with Buffy?" Spike glared murderously at Angel, who only laughed. "I didn't think so. Don't worry old chappy - I will take of Dru for you!" "It's very frustrating for the poor dear" said Dru without thinking - the way she did everything. "If we are through discussing my private life, may I see the spell that's allegedly able to do all these wonderful things?" asked Spike with concentrated malice. "Anything to oblige," laughed Angel. Spike looked it over. It should do nicely, very nicely indeed. He smiled at Angel. Two nights later, Dru was tied up and prepared for the body switch with Buffy. She was dressed to the nines - she didn't want Buffy to think her body unattractive. Angel was making his preparations, the usual smug, superior smile on his face. Spike was making his preparations also. He would bend the mystic energies just enough so it would be that bastard Angel's mind which would leave his body, and for all eternity. His precious Princess would stay where she was in her own beloved body and Buffy would be taken care of later. He actually rather liked Buffy - it was Angel that he hated. He smiled at Angel. The man thought he was the devil's gift to woman. The Vampires chanted - Spike with the rest. But he had placed a secret invisible pentagram where Angel would be standing and broken the one that encircled Dru. God, she was so beautiful with her night dark hair and slim body - unchanged throughout the centuries. The lights flashed and Dru was knocked unconscious with the backlash of energies. Angel felt a momentary surprise before his mind was sucked away from his body and he collapsed unnoticed by any but Spike, who almost giggled with delight. He rolled the wheel chair to his beloved's side. The Vampires were waiting to see if their spell worked. Unnoticed by all, Angel opened his eyes and stared around with incomprehension and then dawning horror. Buffy looked at the sight of a bunch of vampires dancing and cheering though strange eyes and saw herself surrounded by her mortal enemies. She looked down at her body to see why it was giving off so many strange and uncomfortable sensations and almost screamed in horror. Her wonderful breasts were gone. She recognized the chest she now possessed. She had admired and caressed it often enough to know it by sight, even from this new viewpoint. "I'm in Angel's body!" She thought to herself, "Oh, Shit!" In the Sunnydale School Library everyone was staring at Giles giving a lecture, bust mostly at the clock so nobody noticed Buffy's momentary lapse of consciousness. Buffy's blue eyes opened and the petite blond boy magnet stared around in shock. Angel stared at the scene through Buffy's eyes and found himself surrounded by mortal enemies. "Something has gone very wrong with this plan. . ." he thought to himself. Angel looked down and saw a bosom he had admired until recently filling out the pink T-shirt he was now wearing. "I'm in Buffy's body," he thought. "Oh, Shit!" Chapter 2. All Buffed up. Angel sat very quiet in Buffy's body, trying to figure out what went wrong! It was very difficult to think though, as the alien sensations from this new body threatened a sensory overload to his - her reeling brain. Things he had forgotten - about just being alive were terribly distracting. Breathing - just breathing - he hadn't taken a breath in over two hundred years. Yet here he was tasting the air for the first time in century - and that caused another problem - it made Angel all too aware of the new breasts in a miracle bra. The straps seemed tight and wrapped around his - Buffy's chest, and the breasts inside were quite distracting. He knew from personal experience that they were pretty average, but as he looked down at them they seemed so big. He squirmed around and they moved a bit despite the bra. That wasn't too shabby, he thought. As he squirmed in his seat, he frowned. For the first time he did not feel a penis, all seemed smooth down there where it counted. He resisted the urge to stick his hand down his skirt and search for his missing pieces. He looked at these young people around him - he couldn't sense the blood flowing through them. My god, I don't hunger for blood any more! I'm not Vampire, I'm a Slayer!, he thought. Angel couldn't stifle a laugh and it came out of his unfamiliar throat as a girlish giggle. Giles frowned. " Buffy, I wish you would be serious for a change! The vampire community is calling up all of us on the phone and claiming they are one of us switched with a Vampire! My books have no reference for this." "Can't find everything in books, Giles" said Xander. "As I often say 'Life isn't an Nintendo game with a hint book.'" " Thank you very much, Xander, as usual you are a font of wisdom." Said Giles with his customary heavy irony. "Anytime." Willow cleared her throat nervously. "It seems obvious to me that they are trying to not only confuse us, but make us doubt each other - each other's identity." "Absolutely!" said the false Buffy with the unfamiliar sound of a girl's higher tones coming from his throat. Angel cursed his genius for somehow doing this to himself. He knew better than to trust Spike. At least he had wanted to make sure that if somehow Buffy got away wearing Dru's body - nobody would believe the transformed girl. Now it had turned out to be a potentially life saving thing for me now, Angel thought. He had to remind himself he had a life again. He thought quickly how to turn the ploy against Spike and into something which would keep him alive. "I suggest we have passwords - like in TV shows. So if some spaced out vampire calls one of us and says 'Hey, I'm not Spike, I just look like him, I'm really Cordelia' we'll know how to prove it. If we have any doubts we can ask our Prom Queen for her password. If she knows it - then we know she's OK." 'Buffy' took a deep breath and his breasts heaved again. "No, she's not OK - we'll know its Cordelia, though." Xander said, keeping a straight face. "You Jerk!" Cordelia said as a reflex to her wounded pride. " You're the biggest clown around. Your password should be - 'I NEED HELP!" When he tried to kiss her she put up a token resistance only. All ignored their now typical by-play. Giles opened his mouth automatically to criticize Buffy's idea, but slowly closed it. "Excellent suggestion, Buffy. What shall they be?" "Something atypical, I guess." said Willow thoughtfully. "Mine could be 'I love baseball', and Giles, yours could be 'I hate to read'." Giles nodded. Angel thought for a moment - this working out very well for him - when Buffy called no one would believe her - him - whatever. "Mine could be - 'I hate new clothes'." " That's the ticket, jolly good!" said Giles. "I still think Xander's should be 'send help ' or maybe 'I am not a clown' " said Cordy. " Hey! - Well then how about for yours then - 'I am not an air head.'" " Glad to see everyone getting into the spirit of things " said Giles dryly. " Then it's all settled - but let's go one step further - ask the Vampire - 'do you have anything to say to me.' If they properly respond, we'll know we might have a situation fraught with difficulty." Angel was smiling Buffy's charming smile. " Giles, if the earth split in half and started whistling I think all you would say is that it was a difficult situation." Giles blushed, made everyone memorize the passwords and adjourned the meeting. As they were leaving it was brought home to Angel how very short and female he was now . . . the boots he was wearing had thicker heels than he had ever worn, yet even Cordelia seemed like a giant. Angel was thinking as Buffy's bouncy steps led him - now her of course - to Buffy's home. "That bastard Spike must have done this to me! It was the only thing that made any sense. Angel recalled how the cripple had looked very closely at the spell. The jealous idiot deliberately put me in this situation. He probably expects me to make contact with the Vampire community and believes this will give him a good excuse to kill both my body and me in this cute one. Angel felt fury and a grudging admiration for his fiendish cunning. "But I won't play by your rules Spike - I never have and I never will . . . " Buffy's lips muttered. "I hope Buffy hasn't blown it and gotten my body destroyed. Somehow I need to find out what has happened since the switch!" But how? he thought to himself. I can't just stroll in this cute little bod of Buffy's and ask politely - excuse me - has anybody seen my body - I know I look like Buffy the Vampire Slayer - your hated enemy, but I'm really that cool dude Angel? Trust me! . . . Humm. . . Buffy might be using this opportunity to betray all the Vampires from within. Angel shrugged his new shapely, expressive shoulders. So what if she did? Plenty more where they come from." Angel's smirky smile appeared on Buffy's lips. The heels of her boots rang out on the sidewalk. Wait - there was another sound. Instinctively, Angel whirled and kicked a vampire in the chest and knocked the creature back. It came again and Buffy's boots kicked the male creature in the balls. It double up in agony and Angel found a stake in Buffy's sleeve and rammed it into the creature's heart. It vanished in a puff of dust. "Hey that was fun!" said Angel in a lilting soprano. Then a grim look came across the face Angel was using. " I will save one for you, Spike, my old friend. After all what's the good of me being a Vampire Slayer if I don't destroy Vampires?" Angel was surprised to hear a merry laugh coming unbidden from her mouth. Angel arrived at the Summer house and a sense of irony caused Buffy's body to pause. "I have come here first a guilt ridden aid to the Slayer, then as a lover, and now as the daughter of the house. I wonder if God or the devil has a perverted sense of humor?" In Buffy's purse, Angel finally found her key and entered. Angel was greeted by 'her' mother. "I'm glad to see you safe, Buffy" she said - to Angel. The lips Angel was using smiled sweetly back and kissed her on the cheek. Her mother was as good looking a woman as her daughter. "Don't worry mom, once again I have made it through a day without burning down any gyms. " I think I know enough of Buffy to play her very well, Angel thought to himself. Let's see if I can fool her mother! Mrs. Summer flushed. "I don't think that, Buffy!" "Sure you do " said Angel aping Buffy's best flippant manner. "Let's not argue - I have a snack in the kitchen for you, Buffy." That startled Angel. 'I haven't eaten anything but blood in so long that I forgot how anything, but warm human blood tasted.' he thought to himself. It was exciting to consider. 'I will be eating real food again!' So Angel followed her mother into the Kitchen and wolfed down some cookies and milk in typical Buffy fashion. They tasted great. It was also nice to have a mother again. I can't remember exactly how long its been since I had a mother - was it 260 or 270 years? It had seemed so amusing at the time to see her face as she watched her son slowly draining the life blood out of her. Now, looking across the table at a chattering, affectionate Mrs. Summer, it didn't seem quite so hilarious. "Good night, Mom, " Angel said, knowing their drill having watched it often enough from the shadows and pecked her again on the check and got one in return. Surprisingly, it felt kind of nice. Angel found himself shooting up the stairs in Buffy's usual fashion. Now, that was interesting, but not as interesting as stripping before a mirror and gazing at the beautiful naked girl standing in the mirror. I am certainly one hot babe, thought Angel with a rising excitement and satisfaction. The memory of fucking this body made it still more excited. Angel gasped as she brought her new body to orgasm. This was really wild - it seemed to last forever. It was even better than drinking warm blood! Finally, Angel dressed in a silky, sexy nightgown and went to bed. I feel drowsy. I wonder if I will dream tonight - and what I will dream? As a Vampire, all my dreams were of blood. . . Chap.3 an angel without wings A horrified Buffy stared down at herself, or rather himself. I'm Angel - I'm an angry, back stabbing, blood thirsty Vampire - bummer! The scene around her did not reassure her much either. The entire Vampire population of Sunnydale seemed to be having a convention. Dru was tied to a alter-like thing and jabbering in her typically vague way. "Really, I am Dru - at least I think I'm Dru. I'm Dru aren't I, Spike?" she asked turning to her wheel chair bound lover. "Sure you are, Princess. Angel's spell just wasn't any Funkin' good - just like him." "We've got to be sure" said a vicious looking female Vampire." I've been looking forward to this for weeks. Let's torture the slayer bitch and find out! " A chorus of agreements came from the naturally blood thirsty crowd. "Easy, Easy" said Spike. "Don't you think I can tell the difference between my Princess and the slayer. This isn't Buffy." "So that's what they were trying to do... they were trying to switch me with Dru and their spell got all scrambled up - like Xander's plans do" Buffy thought, and shuddered. "Wow, that would have been creepy, being Dru - give me Angel anytime! That is - if I have to switch places with a Vampire at all." She had a moment of self pity. "Why does everything have to happen to me? The job description read vampire SLAYER, there was nothing said about becoming one. Well some one is going to pay for this!" The thought of what Angel might do disguised in her beautiful body made Buffy's spirit go cold. "I've got to get out of here and tell someone before Angel kills my friends!" Spike quieted the group down. "OK, OK, you morons, I'll ask Dru some questions." "Better make them easy ones" thought Buffy - "like two plus two." Spike asked her when she born and after thinking about it, she answered. "Satisfied!" asked Spike savagely. "No," said Emeratrude, the vicious looking Vampire. "Angel, before he came to his senses and rejoined us, could have told Buffy that!" "Roast me in bloody hell!" yelled Spike. "Do you idiots think Angel goes around telling all our birthdays! Being dead has really softened your brains! All right Dru, will you tell these Newton's your mother's name?" "That's a hard one! Her brow furled in concentration." "Never mind " said one of the Vampires. "Buffy isn't that stupid, nobody's that vague except for Drucilla." Ignoring the comment, Dru answered triumphantly... "It was Maud!" "Satisfied!" said Spike savagely. Reluctantly they allowed Dru to be freed and a smug Spike turned around and was disappointed to see Angel still among the undead. " I thought -" "You thought what, Spike?" asked Buffy. She had to play Angel for all she was worth if she was to leave this place alive. An insight hit her. Spike must have messed with the spell. He wasn't at all surprised that Buffy wasn't inside Dru. He hadn't planned to switch her and Angel, or her and Dru. He must have fixed things to kill Angel. There was no love lost between these two, she knew. "I thought I saw you faint, mate?" "No, I'll leave the fainting to you, Spike. It must be tough rolling around in a wheel chair. A little girl, little Miss Buffy kicked your ass big time, didn't she" said Buffy with satisfaction. Spike turned red. "Well, mate, at least I didn't Fuck the Fuckin Slayer. Sleeping with the enemy - that's what you did! " Buffy was livid. Angel had kissed and told. The slime bucket! She might be male now but she still thought with a woman's soul! What would wound Spike the most? With her Angel eyes unknowingly ablaze and red with blood, she said... "Well, at least I can satisfy a Slayer. How are you doing these days, Spike?" The others drew away from Spike as from one with the Plague. None of them wanted to be caught up in the middle of a fight between these two ancient Vampires. "You bastard!" said Spike, rolling forward in the wheelchair as fast as he could. Dru drifted in between them. "Now boys, be good. Our real enemy is that dreadful and ugly Buffy Summers." She laid a soothing hand on Spike's shoulder. "Why you bitch!" thought an outraged Buffy. "You look like you should be buried in the ground for fertilizer and you criticize me?" "Your spell didn't work too well, did it mate?" asked Spike with restrained malice. "I guess not." said Buffy. "Win some, lose some. Well, I'm out of here." Spike frowned a little at that phrase, but let it pass. The disappointed Vampires took this as a hint and grumbled about a wasted evening as they started dispersing into the night. Might as well get to work until I come up with a plan, thought Buffy and followed the bitchy Ermatrude out, picking up something she could use as stake on the way. Soon, with Angel's eyes she looked out with satisfaction down at the dust. The stupid vampire had actually thought Angel was coming on to her - as if Angel would be interested in anyone with those hips! She reached a pay phone. I'll try Giles first - he'll be able to help me. "Hello, Rupert Giles here" said a sleepy voice. "Giles, its me - " "What do you want Angel, isn't killing Jenny enough pleasure for you?" Buffy had never heard Giles' voice sound so cold. The receiver banged down! When she rang again it just rang and rang and rang - she knew Giles had unplugged the phone. She dug into Angel's pockets - no change. She smashed the pay box and scooped up some quarters. Willow, Willow will listen. "Willow, don't hang up!" "What do you want, Angel? Haven't you done enough. I'm not going to listen to anything you say so stop calling... and leave poor Buffy alone, too. Why don't you skip town - maybe go to Hollywood and star in Horror movies or something. You could save them a lot of money on Interview with a Vampire II." "Willow, please, it's me, Buffy. I've been swapped into Angel's body somehow and I need your help..." "Sure you do, Buffy. Really, Angel aren't you tired of this silly game?" With sinking feeling Buffy remembered all the phone calls they had received from Angel, Dru and others pretending to be one of the group. Desperately she asked, even while hearing Angel's voice in her own ears" Ask me anything, Willow. I'll prove it." "OK, what do you say to me?" "Huh?" "Goodbye Angel, and next time please don't bother to call. I'm getting caller ID and I just wont answer." Willow was satisfied - their password system that she had thought up was working well. It should help keep Buffy safe! Tears of blood flowed out of Angel's eyes as Buffy hung up the phone. Someone - likely Angel pretending to be Buffy - had set up some sort of system, probably a password, that would make it impossible for her to convince anyone. That meant the false Buffy had the password, oh, my god everybody thinks Angel is me! Angel's heart chilled as Buffy realized there was little he could not do as her! As fast as Angel's long legs would carry her, Buffy raced towards her house. She stared though the window and sighed with relief. Her mother was alive. Wait, someone else was in the kitchen - it was a petite, pretty blond with a dynamite figure. It was her... her body anyway, and she - he - Angel was having milk and cookies with her mother! How dare she!... he?... Angel? The simple sight of them kissing each other good night was heart breaking. She watched herself fly up the stairs to her room. Buffy, using Angel' strength, found it easy to climb the side of the house to the upstairs window. Horrified, she watched as Angel violated her body by masturbating it! Again, to her horror, she found herself becoming excited and her new penis coming hard. She tried to come inside and stop her - him. But an invisible force caught her by surprise and forced her violently back. She fell and was knocked semi-conscious on the ground. When Buffy came back to her senses she realized what had happened. In horror, she thought - I am now a Vampire! I can't enter a place unless I am invited. She also recalled hanging crosses at every entry to her house with Willow since she had been dumb enough to invite him into her home. "Son- of-a-bitch! I can't even get into my own house - unless 'Buffy' invites me in. A fat chance of that happening, and I know Mom won't. She's furious at me - I mean at Angel for seducing her innocent daughter." Buffy climbed back up and looked in. She saw a beautiful young woman sleeping peacefully in bed - she looked so innocent and vulnerable asleep there with her lovely blond hair tousled on her pillow. She looked like an angel. More bloody tears came to Angel's eyes as Buffy headed back to Angel's place. She had to find the spell and switch them back somehow, but it would be difficult - this wasn't her thing. Giles had always handled this part of the job. She hated research. To her horror she felt hungry and the people she saw on the sidewalk looked... appetizing! Chap. 4 In the Buff For the first time in hundreds of years, Angel saw the dawn. Like a moth to a flame, the light pulled him towards the window. Inside Buffy's small body, he slowly padded across the room and stared at the glorious sunlight. How he had missed it. He had forgotten how much until now. Angel took a deep breath and felt Buffy's lungs fill and her beautiful breasts move. The air spelled fresh and clear. Angel touched the breasts once again in wonder, with his new small hands. Once I had loved these from afar, loved to kiss and touch them, and now they're mine. In wonder, Angel shook Buffy's head, her long, fine blond hair whipped into his eyes and long slim fingers with pink nail polish pushed the hair back. Last night he had dreamed (dreamed!) of running through a field of flowers and dancing in the sunlight. Now he had the sunlight for real. The flowers could wait. "Buffy, breakfast is ready, dear!" " Coming, Mom " Angel called and flew down the stairs. How light I am now! Scrambled eggs and bacon tasted very good to someone who had dined only on blood for almost three hundred years. Especially good when using Buffy's fresh young taste buds. "Are you sure you're going to be OK by yourself today, Buffy dear - I have to go into the gallery. I hate to leave you alone again on a Saturday." "Its OK, Mom " I've got some stuff around town I need to do... " said Angel as he smiled with Buffy's pert face. "Just don't spend more than your allowance will bear at the mall - and watch the height of any heels you buy, dear. I know you think I'm just a old crab, but believe me, I wish my mother had warned me - my feet always hurt now!" Angel smiled and thought: "High heels, I can't believe I am being warned against wearing high heels!" Life was even more absurd than death. They kissed good-bye. "I could get use to this!" Angel thought. "It sure beat the company of Spike and company - and sewers were so distasteful." Angel went up the stairs, went to the bathroom, brushed Buffy's pearly teeth, and picked out silky underwear, a sexy spandex outfit and high heeled boots to wear. So much for 'Mom's' advice! Make up was harder to master than expected, but he had seen women apply it for two hundred years and he had a fair idea of how to do it properly. Finally he had the beautiful young face in the mirror looking fit to be seen. Angel picked a good supply of stakes from Buffy's stash, skipped down the stairs and headed carelessly out doors. The sunlight hit Angel like a welcoming kiss from a mother and this new body welcomed the caress. God it was so good to be young and to be ALIVE! Angel had forgotten how good life felt. Effortlessly, Buffy's legs ate up the miles for Angel. He came to a secret door in the Bronze. There was a nasty smile on the face that used to belong to Buffy. He opened the door and with cat-like stealth, went down the spiral stair case. He had to blink. "Damn! I forgot I can't see in the dark any more. I should have brought a flashlight. Oh, well." Boldly, Angel switched on the light. Spike rolled over and groggily came awake. He saw a smiling Buffy Summers above him, stake in hand. "Buffy!" he cried. Angel smiled. "Guess again, Spike! Try...Angel!" He drove the stake home. While he was at it, Angel dusted five other Vampires. Why not! After all, was he not the Slayer now? And Slayers do Slay. If he ever got his body back he could always make more vampires, but right now they were a danger. Besides, somehow it just felt so right to kill them. Searching around the lair, he found Spike's slash of loot. It came to about $250,000 tax free dollars. It was Buffy's happy laughter that filled up the empty room. "Plenty of money for mall shopping now thanks to you, Spike!" Angel said to the dusty bed. He looked for the book he needed, but it wasn't there. Maybe that idiot Dru had it. Speaking of Dru, where was she? She probably forgot where she slept and is crashing God only knows where. Filled with the satisfaction of a job well done, Angel brushed Buffy's small hands free of vampire dust and swiftly climbed the stairs back to the welcome light of day. Outside, a car honked. It was Cordelia in her BMW. Angel ran over to see what the self-centered girl wanted. He could never understand why they kept her around when he was helping Buffy. "Where are you going, Buffy? Can I give you a lift?" "Sure! I was going to the Mall." "Buffy, now you're talking my language!" I wonder what she wants, Angel thought with amusement. Cordy did not hand out free rides to other females, unless she wanted something. "Buffy, what do you think about me and Xander?" she finally said after chattering around the subject for ten minutes. "What's to think, you guys seem to have a really exciting thing for each other, and that's cool" Angel was proud - the real Buffy couldn't have said it any better. But then what was real. He... She... didn't know any more. "You think we're right for each other?" Angel shrugged his slim but powerful shoulders. "Hey - look at my relationships. I dated one guy who wanted to be BE a vampire, and another who is a guy who happens to already be a vampire and I'm a Vampire Slayer. I'm the last person you should ask. However, Cordelia, if you're fishing trying to find out if I have any feelings for Xander - well I don't! I am not going to try and take him away from you." Cordelia bit her perfect lip. She hated to be understood so well. Angel felt it was time for a little oil. "Besides, Cordelia how could I... or any other girl for that matter, be attractive enough to take any man away from you. Especially one who is so desperately in love with you as Xander is." Cordelia nodded her agreement. Later as they were shopping Cordelia wondered where Buffy got all that money she was flashing. "Oh, I found it." "Oh, Vampire's lair!" "Yep!" "Who was..." "The late owner was Spike" "Oh, my God you killed HIM!" "Destroyed actually. You can not kill a vampire - they're not really alive, remember. You know the old Dracula movie with Bela something?' "Oh, yeah its so creepy when he says ' I . . . . . . never . . . . . . drink . .. . . wine -" "That's good, but my favorite - is when he says - 'to die, to really be dead - that would be glorious!'" Cordy let forth a shriek of laughter. "Buffy, you're just too funny today!" Angel surprisingly found great enjoyment in shopping. Coming to the mall had been a lark. When you have been around for 300 years, life holds few surprises, but surprises surrounded Angel today. There was great enjoyment in trying new clothes on Buffy's body. "God! I'm so gorgeous! So sexy!" Angel thought, while making kissy faces at the mirror. He bought the dress - it set off her blue eyes! He bought three more outfits with Cordelia's help and even bought one for her. Cordelia immediately tried to get Buffy to buy her more. Cordy and Angel had lunch together at the mall food court. The other girl suggested they stick to salads, as they needed to watch their figures - if they didn't, men sure wouldn't! Angel had been very aware of the men who were watching his figure at the mall. He was surprised by the lack of disgust he felt when a man's eyes check out his body. In fact he was enjoying the attention quite a bit. It was so different from the looks of horror he was used to getting during the night. Angel had deliberately stayed away from Willow. If anyone could figure out that someone else was wearing Buffy like a dress, it would be her. Cordy drove him home. Angel had hardly kicked off the boots and was massaging Buffy's small feet when the phone rang. It was Giles. Fear brought sweat to the surface of her forehead. Has Buffy somehow convinced Giles that we switched bodies? "Buffy, could you come over to my house? There's something I want to talk to you about." "Sure, Giles - anything wrong?" "I'm afraid so. I'll tell you when you get here." Angel bit a pouty lower lip. I have to go, otherwise he would be suspicious. Giles opened the door and blinked rapidly in the sunlight. "Do come in Buffy, thank you for coming so quickly." Angel touched the Watcher's hand to see if he would recoil. He did not. Angel felt relieved and smug - he still thinks I'm Buffy! "Buffy, in a week I will be returning to England. " Angel stood up straight in true surprise. "I've shocked you, I see. I was too abrupt. Forgive me. A new Watcher will arrive, a young man - one I hope that will be more help than I have been. Let me finish, please. Buffy, I hate deserting you this way, but I can't live here any longer. Everywhere I go I see her, I hear the phone ringing and without thinking, I think its her. Even in my library I expect her to drop by and tease me about my books, or about my 'English Reserve'. I can't live here any more, Buffy! Its too bloody hard! Everyday my heart breaks anew!" Rupert Giles buried his face in his hands and started sobbing. "Oh, my God, what if I should fail you like I did my Jenny! Even to say her name tears the heart from my body! I'm sorry, Buffy - I didn't mean to break down like this! It's inexcusable!" Instincts in the body Angel wore drew her to Rupert's side. Angel found tears coming from her eyes. She drew Giles to her breasts and held him. "It's OK, Giles, its OK. Hush - go ahead and cry." Angel cradled the sobbing man. After a time the new Buffy tenderly kissed the man. Giles looked up and was startle to see his charge slowly undressing. "Buffy, what do you think you doing...?" He felt her lips brush his. "What does it look like," he heard Buffy say. " I'm taking off my clothes - you need to do the same." "But Buffy...!" he started blushing furiously. " But nothing, Giles. It's my fault she's dead. You need comfort - believe me Giles, love and sex relieves the pain of loss. " She started undressing him. Giles found himself on fire - his needs drove caution to the winds. He cradled the beautiful young woman in his arms. Her firm young flesh seared into him. He lost control of himself. " I shouldn't do this, Buffy it's not right!" his voice trembled from desire. She stopped his mouth with kisses. " Be quite, of course you can do this. I see the evidence rising before me. " Her touch caused him to shudder and he entered her hot young pussy and she shuddered in her turn. Giles touched those wonderful breasts growing larger and she moaned. Giles kissed every part of her magnificent young body he could reach. When he came it was the best ever for him. Then he lay utterly spent in his slayer's arms. Tenderly she touched him. " Feel better, Giles?" " Yes, yes, I do. Thank you, Buffy, but it was very wrong of me to take advantage of you like that!" " Don't be silly, Giles!" The man drifted off into the only restful sleep he had in weeks. With a twisted smiled Angel kissed the man on the brow and carefully disengaged. Afterwards, still smiling, Angel kissed the man and looked smugly down at the sleeping man. Well I sure got you by the balls! I am glad I followed my instincts. I never expected this benefit when I killed your precious Jenny. Now let 'Angel' try and convince Giles that he's Buffy! She grinned. Angel touched herself all over. "That was really wild!" She did the necessary hygienic things and dressed and quietly left. A new watcher would be easier to fool - he wouldn't have any memory of the real Buffy. For him I would always be the real Buffy. That thought startled Angel. What's wrong with me! She stood blinking in the sunlight. She felt better than she ever had. I'm planning like I never will...or want to go back! I do want to go back - don't I? Angel stood there waiting for an answer that never came. Chapter 5: For Blood is the Life Buffy was dreaming and the dreams were of blood. She awoke suddenly, all too aware of her hunger. She fought the overwhelming desire for hot, thick, blood. Angel's deep voice rang in her ears as she cried out in his dark room. "God, how I hate this body, how I hate being a vampire. I want my own body back! I want my life back!" She wanted to walk with her friends, she wanted to see her mother, she wanted to sleep in her own bed, wear her own clothes, see the sun! Damn Angel and Spike anyway! If - no, when - she got her beautiful body back it would be stake city. Her love for Angel had weakened her purpose. Buffy was all too aware of the loss Giles had suffered when Angel slayed Ms. Calendar. She might still care for him but it wouldn't stay her hand in the future. Look what her weakness had led her to. She had become one of the vampires she hated. She had become the vampire she loved. Speaking of weaknesses, Buffy couldn't stop herself from temptations any more. This was the body that she had loved recently, that she had touched with such passion and hunger when she had been herself. Slowly she explored Angel's body - her new shape. Remembering her love making caused her new form to become very excited. Before she could do anything about it, the door opened. Buffy made a face. It was that goofy Drusilla. She looked like death warmed over. She was in shock. She gripped Buffy's / Angel's large, strong hands. Her large eyes stared fixedly at Buffy. "Spike is dead! That bitch Buffy killed him. Why would she do that? Spike is so nice to me." Buffy dropped Angel's jaw. Angel had killed Spike! Why? Oh, of course! Spike was responsible for their body switch. "Angel I need you! I need you now!" A naked Buffy was pushed backwards on the bed by a surprisingly strong Dru. Her hungry mouth was all over Angel's body. My God, thought Buffy, she's really turning me on - I guess 200 years as a slut teaches a woman a lot of tricks! I thought this body was supposed to be dead! It was her last conscious thought. Angel's body just took over and rolled Dru on her back. Dru screamed as she was entered. Buffy found her feelings of strength and wild power overwhelming. She hated Dru; but she wanted her, wanted her badly. The excitement built until she exploded. So this is what it's like to be a man, Buffy thought in wonder. I hate Dru, I feel no love, no understanding, no tenderness towards her at all, but I couldn't stop myself from having sex with her. Another thought of horror shook her. I am becoming more and more a man. 'Will I even start liking Monday night football?' " That's was nice, Angel : said Dru dreamily. " Now I must go out and kill Buffy." For a moment Buffy thought - That will serve Angel right, but then she thought deeper. Hey, it was her own body that Dru would be killing! Besides, killing 'Buffy' was her job. "Dru... " she said. Dru turned back "Yes, Angel, do you want to help? But don't forget I'm the one that gets to eat her still beating heart." Buffy went to the drawer Angel used to keep his stakes in. Still there. "Come here, Dru darling. I have something for you." "What is it?" "It's a surprise." Dru walked over and Buffy stabbed her dead in the heart and Dru was dust. Buffy glanced down at the floor. There was so much dust on it now. I suppose I will have to clean up the mess, she thought. After getting the dust pan and broom from the closet, she swept up and headed out into the night. She checked the refrigerator, but the blood Angel used to keep there was gone. The hunger was growing uncontrollably. Her strong , long masculine stride took her into the center of Sunnydale. I will raid the hospital blood supply, she told herself. If only she could believe what she said. Of all the people to bump into, why did it have to be that creep Principle Snyder. "Watch what you're doing you idiot!" he said in his usual smooth way. He shoved at Buffy, pushing her away. She - he couldn't control this body any longer. With a feeling of horror, Buffy felt the blood lust fill up the body he was in. Angel's face transformed and his huge hands gripped a terrified, squealing Snyder by the shoulders and whirled him around. "Who are you? " asked a terrified Synder. "Good question" answered Buffy. " I wish I knew, but you should really ask - 'Who am I'?" "Who am I?" asked Snyder, blankly "Diner!" said Buffy and buried Angel's fangs into the thin neck. Snyder's screams were music to the vampire ears Buffy was using. Hot blood gushed into Buffy's mouth. It tasted horrible, but he couldn't stop his body. God help him, but he needed it. Snyder's cries grew weaker until they died away. "I should feel ashamed of myself, but I was really hungry - and after all it was only Principal Snyder!' Buffy thought, sated. At Snyder's screams, Xander and Cordelia, who had been making out in her car nearby looked out at the first cries. Fascinated and frightened, they watched Angel feed until he dropped Snyder's bloodless, dead body to the ground, more a pile of clothes than a human being now.. The two lovers looked each other. "Angel has just killed Snyder." "I can see that, dummy," whispered Cordy back. "I guess even Angel isn't totally bad" said Xander reflectively. Despite herself Cordelia laughed. They saw Angel stare at them with the sound. He had heard them and started towards them, blood dripping from his mouth. The light of recognition was in his red eyes and his Vampire face was still active. Cordy screamed and started the car, roared away before Angel could reach them. Damn it!" Buffy thought. They had to see me. They will tell the others. Now there's no chance I will be able to convince anyone I am Buffy! " Buffy cursed Snyder roundly and kicked the man's corpse. The man had caused him to lose control and attack him. Now his friends would 'know' he was Angel and an evil Vampire! Buffy had a macabre thought and hauled Snyder's body back to the school, carrying it over Angel's broad shoulders like a knapsack of books. He broke into the school and sat the body comfortably at a table and chair in the main hallway. Buffy placed it directly under a poster that Snyder himself had installed - it said "Give Blood Now!" Buffy broke easily into the school office smashing doors carelessly and picked up the phone. The strong, thick fingers dialed a number. His mother answered. "Buffy, please." "Is this Angel? I don't appreciate what you did to my daughter! Seducing a sweet innocent child." She went on in this vain for about ten minutes before running down. Buffy seethed at the other end of line. It wasn't fair! I'm getting lectured twice about our having sex - first as Buffy and now as Angel, Buffy thought resentfully. She heard her old voice in another part of the room. "Who is it, Mom?" Buffy grew angrier - how dare this impostor call her mother 'Mom'? "Is it Angel? - Please let me talk to him." Buffy had to endure listening to a mother and daughter argument until finally the mother reluctantly gave in and handed the phone over to the girl she thought of as a loving daughter. " You women sure can gab!" Buffy said feelingly. "What do you want, ANGEL?' asked the present Buffy. "I want my body back!" "Aren't you enjoying being a man?" " Being a man is bad enough, but being a vampire as well, is hardly peanut butter and jelly on toast." Buffy heard her old laugh. "I just heard from Xander and Cordelia - you know - MY FRIENDS. They tell me you killed our beloved Principle. Naughty, Naughty ANGEL." "Cut the comedy you air head, how do we get our bodies back?" "OK, this is what we need to do and I can't do it, because the vampires would dice me, so you're going to have to find a book they have called the 'Nekorama'. When you get it, give me a call." "Count on it, Angel. By the way, I killed your slutty paramour Dru." A merry laughed filled Buffy's sensitive ears from the phone. "Good for you! She was a god-awful pain. "I also killed five other vampires last night!" "My, ANGEL, you have been a busy little Vampire haven't you? Dead bodies everywhere. Blood, blood everywhere." "Get fucked! "A red fury filled Buffy up, " I wouldn't mind terribly - this body is made for loving as well as slaying. By the way I had sex with somebody. It's not too shabby making out as a woman." Buffy grew angrier still. "Who was it you, tramp?" "Is that any way to talk to sweet innocent little vampire slayer like me?" "Who was it?" "I certainly am not going to kiss and tell. I'm not that kind of girl. At least I don't think I am." "It better have not been Eric - the asshole captain of the football team! I can't stand him." "I hate to remind you, dear ANGEL; but your former body is now under new management and I can do whatever I want with it. You haven't heard me complaining about you taking Dru to bed or your killing Snyder. I realize you can not control your vile nature." "I will take great pleasure in staking you when we are back to normal !!" "Lover, lover, don't be jealous. You know I only love you. Look this is getting us nowhere. Meet me at the Bronze in fifteen minutes and we can talk face to face. Mom has sneaked off to listen at the extension, so I better hang up. Truce, OK?" "OK" Buffy said heavily. He was dying of curiosity. Of course, Angel kept him waiting. While waiting, Buffy saw Eric and went over to the boys table and grabbed him by the shirt color. Despite his 200 pounds Buffy lifted him effortlessly off the floor. "Have you seduced Buffy?' "Me?" the young man squeaked in fear - "No, believe me Angel, I've never even dated her." "If I find out that your lying I'll..." Buffy noticed heads turning. Buffy dropped the terrified Eric and turned and looked at what everyone found so entrancing. Angel in Buffy's old body had walked in and did she ever look hot! Angel had put on her sexiest, hottest outfit - the short leather mini skirt. The tight silk blouse with a bare midriff and her highest heeled boots finished the look. She had made up the pretty, pert face heavily with night on the town make up and her hair fell in gold ringlets to her creamy, exposed shoulders. From the way her breasts stuck out, she was wearing her miracle bra. Buffy felt his current body getting all hot and bothered - 'though I can't blame it', he thought. 'God she's - I'm so damn sexy!' Angel pranced on over, every eye in the place on her. The men admiring and lustful, while the girls had 'I would like to roast her over a slow fire' in their eyes. It was so weird. Angel used her former, tiny hand to pat the large hand Buffy now possessed. Soft pink lips that used to be hers smiled her old smile. "Good to see you, Angel." "Thank you, 'Buffy'!" answered Buffy with heavy irony. They had coffee while eyeing each other with fascination. "Oh, Angel you're so handsome, all the other girls envy me." her former voice joked. Buffy flushed. "Cut the crap, Angel. Lets get to it! What's the story about this book." " The Nekorama?- well it's the book I found that has the spell which caused this switch in the first place. I think it might let us swap back ? that is, if we want to." Buffy sat bolt upright in the chair. Chapter 6- The Slayer Triumphant "Are you seriously proposing that we keep these bodies! I want me back!" hissed Buffy. "Lighten up, Angel" said Angel, grinning. "I'm just kidding. Let's dance. " "Dance" asked Buffy rather stupidly. "You know, like go out on the dance floor and make with the moves with the music." Buffy found Angel's imitation of her offensive. "The book - where is it?" "No dancie, no bookie" The bright blue eyes stared mischievously into dark ones. Buffy gave in. It was really weird dancing with herself. God, but her true body could really move! Angel was so hot! Buffy found herself growing really sexually turned on. Angel sensed this and grinning smugly, pressed soft breasts closer to Buffy's chest. "Come on! Let's go back to your place!" "But my mother won't let us in!" "Not my place, YOUR place, ANGEL!" said the false Buffy. " It will be fun! Trust me." Buffy couldn't take his eyes off the enchanting body before him, sparkling with sex, life, and vitality. He nodded. Soon they were in Angel's apartment. It was crazy, yet Buffy's former body came melting into his arms. "Bet you never thought you'd be doing this" Angel giggled. "Of course, to be accurate, we're doing it again... sort of..." "Shut up!" Buffy said with a mix of passion and disgust. He seized the small body in his strong, newly masculine, arms and carried her over to his bed. It was wild, tempestuous, Buffy's new body seemed tireless as did Angel in what had been Buffy's bod. The sexy blond girl and the large dark vampire were tangled up together on Angel's bed. Again and again, Buffy made his former form orgasm and he heard, through the fog of passion a woman's voice screaming with pleasure. He exploded and found release as well. Afterwards, Angel lay next to Buffy, her blue eyes mocking him with half closed sensuality. "The book?" asked Buffy. Angel giggled. "You men! All you can think about is business. Now we women are much more concerned with love. Do you love me, dear." Angel's stolen blue eyes stared deep into Buffy. Buffy groaned with Angel's deep voice. "God help me, but I do!" "I love you too, Buffy. Why do you think you and all your close friends are still alive?" She kissed the startled Buffy. Then she paused to take out her lipstick and compact from her purse and fix her face. "I want you to think about this before you answer. Do you want us to get back together." "Yes. More than anything!" "More than anything? I will hold you to that, my love. Well Buffy, the only way we can be together is if we stay like this - forever." "What!" Buffy said with disbelief in her voice. "I asked you to think about it, remember. When I am in your body I am not a vampire. So that's all right. In my body you have control and you will get more as you get used to it. If we go back the way we were, I will not be able to control the vampiric nature again and will become a danger to you, your family and friends, maybe even all the world. " Buffy fell back in thought. "You see the implications. We can stay like this and have the same relationship we had before my unfortunate change from the side of good, but only if we would remain each other. I would be Buffy and you would be Angel. I would be the school girl Slayer and you the dark, romantic dangerous man fighting his evil Vampiric side." " Angel - I don't know... I would have to give up so much... " The beautiful blond, naked girl nodded in agreement." I know, Buffy. How well I know now. I have life again, I have YOUR life, your body, your mother and your friends. I can walk in the sunlight. People don't fear me. I can enjoy being a cute young girl. I would hate to go back to being the evil Angel." "What would I gain as you?" The apparent teenage girl grinned. "Mostly me! Remember what you said, Buffy. You swore you'd give up everything if we could be back together again?" "Yes. I remember. There's no other way?" "No other way." Buffy got up and paced around the room. Angel, a vision of blond pulchritude, lay naked on the bed and grinned. "You know there is no other way we can both be together." Buffy ignored her. What to do, what to do? But Buffy knew that he was just pretending. He flopped back down on the bed next to Angel and kissed her hard and long. She responded eagerly. Buffy reluctantly pulled away from her. "Sorry, Angel. I just can't up my life. I can't give up my family and my friends. I want to have children someday. I love you, but... " Buffy's former face smiled back at him. "Believe me, Buffy, I understand completely. No hard feelings." She gave Buffy another big kiss. "I'll get the book." Gracefully, the teenage body moved to the chest of drawers and came up with a musty, large volume. She leaned over Buffy's powerful male body she had just made passionate love to. "Here you are, but it will cost you a last kiss, Buffy. One last kiss." The two faces moved towards each other and they kissed. Then, swiftly, Angel stabbed Buffy though the heart with the stake she had hidden behind the book. She looked down sadly at the pile of dust on the bed. "Sorry, lover but I couldn't go back to being the Angel we all know and hate. I love your life too much! I wish you could have taken the first option, I really do! I do love you, but like you, I love life - your life more. Besides, I am the Slayer now, you know... and Slayers slay Vampires." Angel put the vampire dust into a vase and gathered up the $500,000 stash. Angel cried for Buffy all the way home to her mother. ...Epilogue Six figures stood in the cemetery 6 days later. One was a tall beautiful, dark haired young woman. Standing next to her with his arm around her was a handsome young man, trying to look solemn, but failing. Two men stood off to the side, the one with glasses and tweeds standing next to a younger man of about twenty-five dressed expensively. A redheaded girl stood next to a beautiful petite blond. The blond girl placed an urn full of ashes into holy soil. "Goodbye, Angel, may your spirit find peace." Tears streamed out of her eyes. "Amen" said everyone except Xander who muttered "Good riddance!" "Xander!" said Cordelia. "I can not believe it, Buffy. In a space of a few days, you killed, not only Angel, Spike, and Dru, but twenty other Vampires. It's a new high for Slayers." said Giles sputtering with excitement. He was ending his watcher career on a high note. He hoped his dear Jenny could finally rest in peace as well with her murdered destroyed. Damn Angel to hell anyway. "Thank you, Buffy!" Buffy just smiled modestly. "Hey Buffy, you're in the Guinness Book of Slayer Records!" cried Xander Everyone ignored him. Willow hugged Buffy." I'm so sorry, about everything, Buffy!" Buffy nodded " Thanks Will" Giles looked at his watch. "Well I have to leave if I am to catch my plane back to England. But I'm sure I leave you in good hands with Lord Roxton. He's only twenty five and you will be able to relate to him far more than to me as your watcher." Buffy glance at the tall, handsome English Lord. He obviously was quite taken with me, she thought. Good! that will make things easier and more convenient. And if he's any good in bed... well that was an idea for another time. "We'll all miss you, Giles!" Buffy said. "Don't forget to send me your E-mail address." ordered Willow tearfully. "I can't help wondering what kind of end Vampires face?" said Xander. Buffy shrugged her shapely shoulders. "Probably not a pleasant or peaceful visit with their maker. Cordelia, do you remember us talking about a week ago about Bela what's his name... " "Lugosi?" said Giles. Cordelia brightened. She was the center of attention now. "Sure! he said 'I. . . . never . . . . . drink ... . .wine' Buffy recalled another quote. "He also said 'to die, to really be dead - that would be glorious!' " Giles shook hands with Xander, hugged Cordy and Willow, and blushed as he hugged Buffy goodbye. "I'll see you later in the Library, Buffy." said Lord Roxton awkwardly. "Sure!" said the Slayer. Buffy looked around the cemetery and at the beautiful sky and the glorious sun. She filled her lungs with air. "You know its really a great day to be alive, guys!" R.I.P.

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Sandras Boy Toy and Masons Cockwhore

Arriving exactly 10 minutes after the discussed time, Sandra walked into the high traffic restaurant. The hostess was searched her list to find the corresponding table. “So you’re the lucky girl.” She said as she found the table. “What do you mean?” She wondered. The hostess smiled, nearly laughing. “All the waitresses have been eyeing your date. Hoping that you would stand him up.” The envy pumped Sandra’s heart. “Maybe we’ll bring one of yous to join us.” She said, clearly hitting...

2 years ago
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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Five Feeding the Fangwhore

Chapter 5: Feeding the Fangwhore by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 The angel Aurora trembled. Her wings fluttered. She had crossed over from the Ether into the material world and intervened on the vampire Damien D'Angelo, preventing him from killing the youthful Mary. Instead, the Angel twisted him to turn Mary into a vampire. “It...it was the only way to keep him on track,” Aurora spluttered. Gideon's eyes were wide behind his glasses. The more scholarly angel swallowed....

2 years ago
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Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole

She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dog’s tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, it’s such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor, only a black dog collar with dog tags on it around her neck to show all, but mostly myself she’s mine...

2 years ago
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I watched Sarah. Amazed at the size cock that she was sucking. Naturally the other guy was larger but he was a grown man. The kid, I could see him better now, had a very large cock for his age, It was at least as large as mine of about eight inches. The man she had been sucking was the one from earlier in the week that I had sucked off with her. His thick eleven inch cock was large as he stroked it and watched Sarah suck the young boy, The man, John, got in between the legs of the young lad...

3 years ago
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Sarah should not have had a gleefuf look on her face as she licked the cock head. Sarah was doing this because the rent was due and I had just been laid off at the wrong time. As if there is a right time to be laid off, especially after we had returned from an expensive vacation. Two weeks of carefree days in the sun at the resort. It was a way to cope with the grind at work. It was Sarah's way to unwind after being coped up in the apartment while i worked. Sarah didn't work. She had been...

2 years ago
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Mother Daughter Whoreteam

Now I loved fucking Fiona and Alice but I also loved to see them being fucked as well so after a month of mother and daughter heaven, I decided it was about time that everybody else should be able to enjoy the mother and daughter slut combo. My obvious thoughts were to take both these sluts up the lane and let the farmer enjoy them together, or I could drop by Alice's work and let Paul in on the mother and daughter action. The only problem was I was worried that because we live in a small...

1 year ago
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Mother Daughter Whoreteam

Introduction: Ive been bought up to share, so thats what i intend to do with my two whores For a whole month I wore my cock out in Fiona and Alices filthy holes, whilst Alice was at work and getting treated like a slut by Paul I was at home treating Fiona like a slut. When Fiona went work Id fuck Alices pussy, arse and mouth until they all leaked spunk. The times I looked forward to most though were when Alice returned from work and weekends. I loved making either one sit on the end of the bed...

4 years ago
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Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole

Introduction: Ambers First Time With Her Dog written by MorethAntwOlesstHanwHole Amber is 18 now as of this writing. She has been my slave and she loves it. I torture and train her to my liking. The night is right, Amber gets her tight little bald slit licked by dog tongue, her dogs tongue, she goes wild for it, feeling it tonguing her so deep with her ass high in the air wiggling non-stop, her sweat glistens, its such a sight for me to witness, to be a part of. Her chest flat on the floor,...

1 year ago
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The Camwhore

Holly ran the wand of lip gloss over her lips. Twice. Looking into the mirror, she rubbed her lips together and screwed the cap back on. Freckles dotted her nose and dashed onto her youthful cheeks. Her make up was perfect. Shiny lips. Thick back eyeliner and mascara. Just the right amount of blush to make her skin look vibrant. Combing her fingers through her blonde streaked red hair, she smiled at her reflection. It was almost showtime. She walked out of the bathroom, adjusting her...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Sarah and Jim fuck again It was only a couple of days later that I came to the house and there was a strange SUV in the driveway. I thought that my wife was busy with a customer so I looked in a window, at the side of the house, before I went bumbling in.Isaw Sarah in between a guys naked legs. She was naked also. Then I saw her move over and start sucking another cock, The other man was not a man at all but a young boy of about ten or twelve. His body was hidden by the man Sarah...

4 years ago
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Introduction: Husband and wifeservice her Johns I sat in the guest bedroom, looking through a eye hole. The hole was between the connecting door leading into the main bedroom. I had a good view of the room. I had a good view of my naked wife, Sarah, I had a good view of my neighbor from down the hall as he sat on the edge of my bed. I had a good view of Sarah holding his oversized cock and licking the tip. I looked at Sam as he sat, also naked, with his great belly. What made me shudder was...

2 years ago
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18 year old manwhore

"Happy birthday tooooo youuuuuuuu!!!" Your brother and two sisters finish embarrassing you with the ridiculous birthday song in front of your friends as you all sit down to celebrate together. Kelly, Veronica, and Justin are your siblings that have been living with you after your parents died last year. They left you money, but it hasn't been enough to provide for everyone in the next year. You've looked for jobs, but nothing pays enough for you to take care of the whole family - not to mention...

2 years ago
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My Private Camwhore

I never intended to become a blackmailer. I was only trying to protect my sister...at first. I always thought of myself as a good person but, when it came down to it, I couldn't resist temptation. It all started at a kind of a lonely time in my life. I'd never been that social in school, and college was proving no different. I didn't have many friends, and lately the one guy I could usually count on Kirk had been blowing me off with stupid excuses about stuff he had to do, so I was feeling...

2 years ago
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Friday the 13th Jason Whorehees

Your name is Jason Whorehees. As a child you attended Camp Crystal Lake, but drowned while the camp counselors were too busy fucking each other. The camp closed shortly after. Little does anyone know but you were reborn as a hulking monster. You've haunted the abandoned camp ever since. Now it's Friday the 13th and a group of female celebrities have arrived. They're here to rebuild Camp Crystal Lake for some charity. You watch from the shadows as they arrive in their fancy cars. Some complain...

2 years ago
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Whorestone Heroes of Whorecraft

"Oh!" chuckles the Innkeeper as you push open the door. "I can tell you have some new stories tonight!" What started as a joke by Blizzard's Team 5 turned out to be a punchline nobody saw coming. The world of Hearthstone spawned an entire universe unto itself, uniting players who enjoyed the lore and history behind its MMO predecessor, and those who became hopelessly addicted to a free-to-play card game that didn't take itself too seriously. It was really only a matter of time before Rule 34...

3 years ago
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Eldritch Whorers

"Son? Can you go clean out the attic while we work on the kitchen?" your mom's voice rings out through the massive mansion, reaching you all the way on the third floor. "Yeah mom, I'll get to it." you respond but grumble a bit as you trudge your way towards the ladder. The rungs creak and strain under your weight as you open the attic opening and go in. It's day outside but the inside of the attic is pitch black and stuffy, your heart beats a little faster, you've never been very good friends...

1 year ago
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“So, you’re a patron of Cyberwhore then, Kev?” asked Jeff with a sneer. Kevin nodded sheepishly. How had he let something like that slip out? “What’s wrong with the alternatives, Kev?” Jeff persisted, sipping from his beer glass in the window seat of the Red Encounter. “What about virtual sex? What’s wrong with penis pumps? And what about, heaven forbid, the real thing?” “Not much chance of that up here on Mars, Jeff,” Kevin pointed out. “How many women have you known who’d want to live here?...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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I Remember Erewhon

I remember Erewhon. I remember the crenelated turrets, towers and spires overshadowing a city of unheralded bends and unexpected corners and alleyways. I remember the cobbled streets, the gaslit esplanades, the flint-studded churches, the winding river, and the expansive city square. I also remember the soaring modern edifices that truly scraped the sky and which reflected one on another; the multi-lane highways—sometimes slow and congested, occasionally empty and open, and most often dense...

1 year ago
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Yes Im a CockWhore

Yes I'm a CockwhoreI could not believe my luck as I over heard two women talking in the restroom, thanks for meeting me here I've got to get out of here, Why Karen? well it's Charlie's it's it's too big for me Jane What too big Karen his cock. I mean really too big for me or or any women. He's waiting for me at the bar so it's a good time to ditch him. As I heard the door close I decided tonight's Charlie's lucky night.It was easy to spot Charlies as I eyes scanned his body looked down a the...

2 years ago
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Horny Housewives Being a whore of a Manwhore

Wearing dark sunglasses, a knee high blue colored dress and a handbag in my hand, I stepped out of my car. A couple of young guys, who were standing a few feet away from my car, looked at my deep cleavage. I was thirty-seven years old. I had blonde hair, blue eyes, and I managed to have a quite fit body. My breasts were 34D size, and I loved playing with my boobs every time I masturbated. I was married, but still I had to fuck myself with my toys and fingers. My husband was good at sex, but he...

3 years ago
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Im a Gay cocksucking Cum loving WhorePT2

The next morning I woke up and got out of bed. Chris had already gone to the shower so I went to my mirror to see what I looked like. I really shouldn’t have been surprised when I saw that my face was covered with dried cum. I grabbed my shower towel off a hook on the back of our door, used it to dry rub the cum off my cheeks and lips and then wrapped it around my waist. I was about to head to the shower when the door opened and Chris walked back into our room. He shut the door and immediately...

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edm cockwhore

"Relax, baby, I'll be fine," Jenna groaned, rolling her eyes and turning to her friend, Stacey, shaking her head in annoyance as she spoke to her boyfriend, James, over the phone."I'm just worried about you, I know you like to get wasted at those types of shows, promise you'll be home at a reasonable hour?" James reasoned, and Jenna sighed."Yeah, yeah, I promise. Ok? Now go get some rest, we're pulling up now.""Ok, I love you.""Love you too, muah!" Then she hung up the phone and groaned a...

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Lake_Whore by edintx99The lake—water crystal clear and sparkling in the sun—was on one side of the narrow sandy trail. Small boulders and rocks, bleeding out to a desert landscape were on the other. A jagged mountain range rose starkly in the distance. I’d been hiking since sunrise, the cool morning air now turned furnace-hot by the mid-day sun. I had chosen this isolated trail to clear my mind of the week’s burdens. I hadn’t seen a soul the entire time.I shed my T-shirt, rung it out, and...

1 year ago
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Squeak Squeak Sounds of a Good Whor

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories...."Squeak! Squeak!" Sounds of a good Whore!!!"It was a dark Friday evening, just a little passed 10pm. I had been sitting in my patrol car all night. I looked around outside. I could see a light out above the old gas station. It was your typical slow boring, small town night. I had moved from the big city a few weeks ago. I graduated from the Police Academy. Worked two years on the mean streets of NYC. I needed a big change in my life. I decided to move down to...

2 years ago
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The manwhore

The manwhore“Look at you.” Sasha says looking into the mirror hanging on her closet door. A wolf with brown fur with white hands and feet looks back at her with a smile only wearing nothing, but a robe “You're one sexy bitch.” She turns around and wags her tail a little. She walks over to the phone on the nightstand, picks it up, and dials the number for a male escort service. “This is Sasha, do you have anyone free for the night and maybe all day tomorrow. Okay. He had better be up to an...

1 year ago
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Angelina Jolie Dominates Nicki Minaj the Anal Whor

Nicki Minaj entered her hotel room and quickly undressed, ready for a warm relaxing shower after her long flight. She knew she had to clean herself well because of how dirty she planned to get later...With her tight, fit, yet exceptionally curvy caramel body now completely naked, she entered the steamy shower and began to shave her pretty pussy and sexy legs. She had to completely smooth for tonight. The water slid down her curves and dripped on the floor after she was done cleansing her...

2 years ago
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The Camwhore

Holly ran the wand of lip gloss over her lips. Twice. Looking into the mirror, she rubbed her lips together and screwed the cap back on. Freckles dotted her nose and dashed onto her youthful cheeks. Her make up was perfect. Shiny lips. Thick back eyeliner and mascara. Just the right amount of blush to make her skin look vibrant. Combing her fingers through her blonde streaked red hair, she smiled at her reflection. It was almost showtime. She walked out of the bathroom, adjusting her red...

3 years ago
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Little MIss Sissywhore

Little Miss Sissy Whore Chapter 1 -- The Pick-up Every year I waited eagerly for the three days when PC-Expo was back in town. In the past, I was always able to find some willing and naive out-of-town female to pick up, "do the nasty," and say my hasty good-byes. Most of them were from some small hick town and were entranced with the Big Apple. In fact, that was both the nickname for the city, and for me. Most women just couldn't wait to sink their teeth into me. So there I was, looking for...

4 years ago
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Wife made Whore ch1The start of an Amateur Whor

So I have been hanging out with this guy for several weeks now, because we are doing a business project together. However, the kicker is, is that he is from out of state. He is from another branch and he was flown in to do this with me. He’s a real cocky guy, but easy to get along with. He’s a real womanizer and seems to always have a stiff cock. My husband knows him and has hung out with his as well. In the beginning he made passes at me. He didn’t know my husband at the time, but I...

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The adventures of Cheatingwhorewife

I’m naked except for a collar around my neck and a large ball gag shoved in my mouth when Mistress Lexi leads me into the room. The room is large and it’s completely empty except for Hung Master, Mistress Becky and two other men that I have never seen before. I’m led to the center of the room and Hung Master presses a button on a remote in his hand and I hear a buzzing noise. Looking up I see a spreader bar being lowered down from a cable. Once it gets low enough, my wrists are cuffed to either...

2 years ago
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The Legendary SlutWhore777

This is a story of how I encountered the Legendary SlutWhore777. It was a normal sunny day, the sky was blue and clear, the sun was sunshining. I was in the park, taking a nice walk by the pond, when I overheard two men talking about their encounter with SlutWhore777.SlutWhore777 was the filthiest sluttiest pig slut whore cunt around, rumours where that every single man in the area had been with her but no one knew what she looked like has she always wore her famous slutty mask. I decided one...

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The Legendary SlutWhore777

This is a story of how I encountered the Legendary SlutWhore777. It was a normal sunny day, the sky was blue and clear, the sun was sunshining. I was in the park, taking a nice walk by the pond, when I overheard two men talking about their encounter with SlutWhore777.SlutWhore777 was the filthiest sluttiest pig slut whore cunt around, rumours where that every single man in the area had been with her but no one knew what she looked like has she always wore her famous slutty mask. I decided one...

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Just for subtakenwhore

My fantasy. I go out to a club dressed like a little slut short skirt no knickers the tightest top i can find with no bra on stockings and suspenders and high heels. I'm stood at the bar getting drunk all on my own when you walk up to me and say who the fuck do you think you are dressed like that, i don't answer you and go to walk away knocking your drink out your hand has i do you grab me by the hair and say i'm going to teach you some fucking manners you little slut, thats when your daughter...

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Whoopsies ? By: Beverly Taff. This story is subject to the usual criterion and restrictions applying to age and copyright as laid down in FM?s preamble. The shock of learning about my parent?s death in a car crash was enough to destroy any child?s self confidence but for me the distress was doubled because I had nobody to share the trouble. People say a pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled whilst a pain shared is a pain halved. Nobody learned that better than I. I...

1 year ago
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Megan is Daddys Little Cumwhore

That night I slept in chastity for the first time and my butt plug. Daddy put me to bed early and kissed me on the forehead telling me to be a good girl while rubbing my thighs in my powder blue Barbie nightie. When I woke up in the morning Daddy and Miss Danielle were standing over me. He told me: "Miss Danielle is going to pick out your clothes for your second day of school princess but first Daddy needs to put something on you. Take off your cute nightie Megan and pull your...

3 years ago
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Legend of the Werewhooooore

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. On the best of days. All right. I'm not dumb. I just sometimes miss the obvious. I get distracted and sidetracked and my mind goes on its merry little way. Today is one of those days. Hi, hello. I'm Donald. I hate my name. I go by Don and that doesn't help much. Neither does Don Juan because I can't say it with a straight face. So, when I'm trying to be funny or sexy to girls, they just laugh. And not...

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Chatwhore I was being blackmailed. It didn't start that way of course. It all started about six weeks ago. I was in a chatroom and I started talking to a girl named Rachel. We chatted for a while and then I asked her about makeup. She was amused and asked me if I wanted to put on makeup. If I was a sissy. I meekly told her I was and asked her to help me learn how to do my makeup. Over the next few days she trained me step by step how to apply my makeup. Sometimes when she...

3 years ago
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Degradation or liberation My facinating journey towards the whoredom

Chapter one: UpbringingI am Nisha...my name means Night! I was born in a city in India. The only chlild to my parents. My mom was housewife and dad worked with the government. We didnt have much relatives. It was just the three of us all the time.Just before I was born we came to this city much away from my grandparents.Mom was very strict, she used to get angry on me and scold me every now and then. Her punishments were very severe, she used to spank me with cooking spatula or anything thats...

4 years ago
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Becoming Michaels Rapewhore

I was so nervous, so frightened as I sat in my hotel room that I could barely hear the knocks over the pounding of my heart in my ears.  One last glance in the mirror to make sure I looked good enough to fuck, another quick gulp of wine, and I walked to the door to meet my new Master.Before turning the knob I stole a look through the peephole to make sure it was him. It was. Michael looked exactly like his picture and my heart raced at the realization this was about to happen. Two deep breaths...

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